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kamusinwas a very nice experience (first time) ..  not too much people but well..00:00
pedro_kamusin: what's the status of HUUF , is that working at all?00:00
kamusinyep, huuf is under an active development .. recently I added a ppa repo00:01
kamusinso all these ubunteros  in this room are invited to test it :00:01
kamusinhuuf is an application to provide usefull information to new ubuntu users00:02
kamusinwhen need support at forums00:02
kamusinOthers tasks that I have done are related to help organizing Bugdays and BugJams, making lot of bug triage and giving talks in some events around Chile, these topics were about how to triage bugs, how to participate in the ubuntu community00:04
cristianvirtualI support kamusin! he's very helpfull in our team he is always helping in our irc channel and working in bugs. he has a lot of initiative to help all00:04
arvarokamusin is an active participant in the comunity, he's always teaching us and participating actively in the events...go kamusin go :)00:04
kamusinhehe thank you :)00:04
mruizkamusin is an important part of Ubuntu-cl . His contributions to the BugSquad positioned him as a very good actor of the Ubuntu scene. Talking about our LoCo team, I have to say that Victor always is ready to participate in events, helping users, etc. He is a good fellow too. A big +1 from me.00:04
fefai also support kamusin he is very kind and is alway helping everybody00:05
pleia2great work kamusin! :)00:05
greg_g+1 from me00:07
* kamusin yai!00:07
pleia2congrats and welcome, kamusin!00:07
pedro_welcome aboard kamusin!00:07
kamusin:D thank you so much , gracias por su apoyo!00:08
pleia2cristianvirtual: you're up, please introduce yourself and provide a link to your wiki page :)00:08
greg_gcongrats and welcome!00:08
cristianvirtualHi!, I'm Cristian Barahona of Ubuntu-cl's team00:08
cristianvirtualyou can see my wiki page: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CristianBarahona00:08
cristianvirtualand my launchpad: https://launchpad.net/~cristianvirtual00:09
cristianvirtualWrite english is not one of my strengths, so excuseme if I write slowly or not very well.00:09
cristianvirtualI'm Software Engineer, I have my own company (we are 5 peoples). We develop software for callcenters with Asterisk and Python, and of course, Ubuntu server.00:09
cristianvirtualI'm a Ubuntu user since 2005 and I have been participating with the Chilean LoCo Team since 200800:09
cristianvirtualNow I'm part of the Chilean LoCo Council and its LocoContact00:10
cristianvirtualYou can find me every day on #ubuntu-cl and taking part of the discussions and plans in our mailing list.00:10
cristianvirtualI'm working in Ubuntu-cl like administrator of the Ubuntu-cl Planet, administrating the web site wich is hosted by myself, I also participate giving talks in some events in diferents cities of Chile.00:11
cristianvirtualand ofcourse, always help in the marketing team00:12
mruizCristian represents in a good way the Ubuntu philosophy. He has been an important part of our community, always facing new challenges and responsibilities within our LoCo Team.00:12
cristianvirtualand participating in stands in diferents events00:12
arvarocristianvirtual is always working in the community with a big smile, helping the new ones and giving talks in many places, as i said before, always with a big smile00:12
mruizAs Ubuntu Member, I think that Cristian would be a good example to follow in our country. He can help us to spread the word about Ubuntu, Linux, Free Software and Open Source. Also as a former LoCo contact, I have to say that Cristian is doing a very good job.00:12
* IngForigua suport cristianvirtual00:13
fefai support 100% cristianvirtual he is very helpfull in the comunity always giving great ideas and working to making true:)00:13
cristianvirtualwow thanks all00:13
kamusinI know and fully support cristianvirtual , he is very pro active and so entusiast. I stole his idea to made an application to help new users (huuf), but I improved his initial idea and internationalized a litle bit00:14
cody-somervillefefa, Are you a Ubuntu member yourself?00:14
fefaactually im not, i participate in ubuntu-cl in marketing00:15
=== KatieOffline is now known as KatieKitty
pleia2great work (and great intro and wiki page!)00:18
pleia2+1 from me00:18
greg_g+1 here, too.00:18
pedro_+1 from here too00:18
pedro_congrats cristianvirtual!00:19
greg_gCongrats and welcome, cristianvirtual!00:19
itnet7Very good work cristianvirtual ! Congratulations00:19
kamusincongrats cristianvirtual ! arggggggggg00:19
cristianvirtualhey, now I really have a big smile! :D00:19
IngForiguaBienvenido cristianvirtual que vivan los hispanohablantes :D00:19
mruiz\0/ \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/00:19
cristianvirtualgracias IngForigua00:19
mruiz2 chilean ubuntu members !00:19
alucardiWow, esta reunión debió ser en español00:20
zehriquealucardi: lol00:20
SergioMenesescristianvirtual, wellcome00:20
zehriqueWellcome, cristianvirtual!00:20
pleia2jamalta_: you're up, please introduce yourself and provide a link to your wiki page00:20
IngForiguaSi toca que sea en español :D00:20
cristianvirtualthanks :D00:20
jamalta_My name is Jamal Fanaian. I'm from Florida. I am a web developer working for an entertainment company. I started using Linux to manage my servers a few years ago, and started using Ubuntu full-time around the 7.10 release. I am a member of the Ubuntu Florida LoCo where I try to attend and help out with events in the Florida area. On top of that, I try to contribute by offering my skills to open source projects. I have be00:21
jamalta_...geist project and will be working with them to help integrate their engine with the web. I am also starting an open source project called Pandamon to do live video streaming. I am also an instructor for Ubuntu User Days coming up in just a few days. I am also hoping to become more active with the Ubuntu Learning project to help the Ubuntu user base grow.00:21
itnet7Want to pitch my 2 ¢ for jamalta00:23
pleia2woohoo learning project :)00:23
itnet7Jamal is a great member of the Florida Team. He has done some really good development work, and has always been willing to give a hand whenever asked. He is a quick study, and has been very dedicated to Ubuntu and our LoCo. He is the epitome of what helps to make the Florida Team a success.00:23
jamalta_itnet7: thank you :)00:24
itnet7jamalta_: you deserve it00:24
itnet7We have had meetups where he has mentored beginners to triaging and Launchpad use00:26
greg_ggood deal, I'm always partial to bug work :)00:26
pleia2jamalta_: after user days think you'll be able to contribute writing some courses for the learning team?00:27
jamalta_That's a great idea, actually, that's something I'd love to do00:28
pleia2glad to hear it :)00:29
pleia2+1 from me00:29
technoviking+1 here00:29
pedro_+1 great work jamalta!00:29
greg_g+1 from me, great work and great testimonials00:29
pleia2nice timing nixternal :P00:29
jamalta_thank you so much00:29
itnet7Congratulations jamalta_ !!00:30
jamalta_thank you so much everyone00:30
cody-somerville+1 :)00:30
greg_gcongrats and welcome, jamalta_!00:30
itnet7Well... sorry should have waited for cody-somerville00:30
jamalta_greg_g thanks! :)00:30
nixternalcongrats and welcome jamalta_ \o/00:30
pleia2congrats and welcome jamalta_!00:30
jamalta_thanks to everyone who voted, and thank you to everyone who cared to write about me00:31
pleia2ok, that wraps things up for the evening00:31
pleia2thanks everyone, congrats to the new members :)00:31
jamalta_pleia2: thanks00:31
greg_gthanks for coming out, everyone. Another great selection of contributors, welcome aboard new members!00:31
pedro_thanks all for attending :-)00:31
zehriqueCongrats for all the new members! :)00:32
itnet7Thanks for hanging in there everyone! Good job to all the new members!!! Congrats00:32
alucardithanks and congrats to all!!00:32
cristianvirtualthanks :)00:32
IowanThanks for the opportunity!00:32
greg_g8 new members! crazy!00:33
pleia27 ;)00:34
IngForiguaLa mayoria hispanohablantes00:34
IngForigua5 hispanohablantes :D00:35
greg_gyeah yeah, 7 :)00:35
jamalta_hey, yo ablo español tambien ;)00:36
jamalta_pero vivo en EU00:36
alucardithe Ubuntu planet will be very latinamerican the next days jejeje00:37
greg_galucardi: indeed, deservedly.00:38
IowanKinda hate to leave, but guess it's time to get back to work...00:47
SergioMenesesokay people00:55
SergioMenesesi seeyou later00:55
kamusinsee you!00:55
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ulyssesgood night19:16
daskreechhi ulysses19:25
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* Quintasan waves to jussi0119:57
jussi01heya Quintasan19:57
jussi01meeting in 3 mins, no?19:57
tomplastExiting guys, my first Kubunt meeting ;). Losing the Kubuntu-Meeting-Virginity istheshit ;)20:00
Riddellgood evening friends20:00
jjessetomplast: its not that cool :)20:00
ScottKSomeone have the agenda?20:01
Nightroseheya folks :)20:01
Riddellseele, apachelogger, JontheEchidna  council ping20:01
neversfeldegood evening20:01
* Nightrose gets some tea20:01
Riddellooh, council quota20:02
JontheEchidnahi there20:02
dhillon-v10hi all :)20:02
jussi01o/ again20:02
Riddellanyone here for membership?20:02
jussi01me, oh wait, that was last time :P20:02
Riddellthen apachelogger has an agenda item20:03
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apacheloggerrecently it was suggested that the council gets a mailing list people can write to when they need to communicate with the whole council (privately)20:04
apacheloggerany thoughts on that?20:04
jussi01are you going to use mootbot?20:04
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Riddelldo we have such cases?20:04
* ScottK thinks all the council members have public email addresses.20:05
seeleapachelogger: +120:05
ScottKIn the unlikely need, they can be reached.20:05
seeleScottK: no, the issue is we need a mailing list so it is easier to contact everyone rather than put 5 people in an email20:05
jussi01Well, if I may comment, I had ones such case recently, and it doesnt have any real overhead, but creates an official point of contact for the council20:05
apacheloggerScottK: then you need to aggregate addies of all members20:06
jussi01as per other councils within k/ubuntu20:06
jjesseis there a kubuntu-council team in LP and does the contact this team go to all members?20:06
jjesseor just one person20:06
jjessebecaue if it went to all members problem would be solved20:06
apacheloggerjjesse: should go to all members20:06
apacheloggerbut replies will need manual adding of addresses again20:06
ScottKapachelogger: If something is so critical it really needs private attention of the whole KC, then I think googling for some email addresses is not a significant barrier.20:07
Quintasan+1 from me, it will make easier to contact the whole council20:07
* Nightrose has to agree with ScottK20:07
* neversfelde too20:07
ScottK-1 from me.  Stinks of bureacracy.20:07
Nightrosebut then again I don't really care of we have one20:07
jussi01I would say why not? there no real overhead, and it makes things easier?20:07
Nightroseit's just hopefully not needed enough to actually be useful20:07
apacheloggerjussi01: I would not say that20:07
apacheloggereither it is a moderated list, which creates moderation overhead20:08
apacheloggeror it is not moderated and creates spam overhead20:08
apacheloggerI personally do not feel that it is necessary at this point, so both overheads would not be worth it20:09
dhillon-v10apachelogger: If I may say, won't moderation create more work, now that people can easily access the entire council there would be more email that are unnecessary and maybe spam too20:09
* jussi01 would like a unified way to contact the council if needed. 20:09
Riddellthere is a Contact this Team link on the team page which I think should be enough20:09
jjesse+1 to Riddell20:10
apacheloggerjussi01: what Riddell wrote ;)20:10
macoRiddell: how does "reply to all" work for that?20:10
JontheEchidna+1 for "contact this team"20:10
apacheloggermaco: does not20:10
macoapachelogger: thats what i thought20:10
apacheloggerso the council members will have to take care of that20:10
JontheEchidnaah, then it's not much of a listr20:10
JontheEchidnashouldn't be too hard to CC all council members in your responses20:11
Nightroseall the council members are able to edit a CC list no?20:11
apacheloggercouncil members could setup lists in kaddressbook for simplifcation :P20:11
Riddellseele: happy with that?20:11
Nightrosecan we go on with more useful stuff?20:11
RiddellJontheEchidna has an item20:11
apacheloggeralso, if a topic is not really private it might just as well be replied to with CC to kubuntu-devel20:11
JontheEchidnayeah, speedcrunch vs kcalc20:12
JontheEchidnaCurrently we're in a bit of a crunch for livecd space20:12
Riddellkcalc has no use history, this is a major problem for me20:12
JontheEchidnause history?20:12
apacheloggermost physical calculators don't20:12
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: stuff you entered shown20:12
Riddellso you can see what your previous use was20:13
Riddellkcalc has better translations though, that's important20:13
apacheloggerkcalc goes through rosetta :P20:13
NightroseJontheEchidna: would it save a lot of space to switch?20:13
Nightroseyo nixternal20:13
Quintasannixternal: \o20:13
JontheEchidnaIt would save ~300 kb on livecd space20:14
apacheloggeralso, kcalc's translations are part of the langpacks anyway20:14
apacheloggerso we have the kcalc translations on board + speedcrunch's own translations20:14
JontheEchidnanot too much on its own, but if we take several 100 kb's here and there we're on our way to having everythign fit20:14
Nightroseanything else that is meh in kcalc besides history?20:14
JontheEchidnaI looked in to packaging the math books that speedcrunch includes separately, but that only saved somewhere between 60-80 kb20:14
apacheloggerno, and I again want to mention that most calcs do not have a history :P20:15
ScottKI agree speedcrunch is fancier, but for a basic calculator, kcalc seems fine.20:15
* txwikinger says sorry for being late20:15
Nightroseapachelogger: heh yea agreed20:15
* ulysses uses a Casio fx-220 calculator:\20:15
Nightrosei just don't use either of them enough to make a good decision so asking20:15
* ScottK throws out the idea of neither20:15
Nightrosei mostly use krunner20:15
nixternalkrunner works for a basic calculator20:15
ScottKWe have a calculator widget + krunner already20:15
macohow discoverable is krunner?20:15
Nightrosegood point20:16
ScottKAren't they enough?20:16
nixternalmaco: alt+f220:16
JontheEchidnaif krunner is undiscoverable, then the calculator plasmoid is more discoverable20:16
maconixternal: yes yes, but who knows to hit alt+f2 to find the calculator?20:16
apacheloggerkrunner is no good for an argument20:16
agateaunixternal: and don't forget the '=' :/20:16
nixternalpull the calculators, for the next 2 or 3 releases, and see how many complaints you get20:16
jussi01krunner does sums? o.O20:16
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: still would you be looking for it there20:16
Quintasanjussi01: :D20:16
* ScottK thinks kcalc is definitely enough for the default, but would be fine with just the widget.20:16
macojussi01: yes, that too. i had no idea it could20:16
apacheloggeresp since the most visible search (the one in kickoff) does not include plasmoids20:16
* maco uses google for math20:16
QuintasanScottK: +120:16
JontheEchidnaadd a menu entry for "plasmoidviewer calculator"? :P20:16
jussi01ScottK: +120:17
* agateau finds krunner more reliable for math than for starting apps :/20:17
Lex79I like calculator plasmoid20:17
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: :P20:17
JontheEchidna+1 for ScottK's proposal20:17
macoagateau: O_o20:17
* jjesse uses the calculator on my phone20:17
apacheloggeragateau: I think the krunner implementation still got some weird float bug :P20:17
apacheloggerfloat + division that is20:17
agateauapachelogger: good enough for me, I'm an engineer, not a scientist :)20:17
JontheEchidnapoor qtscript, being abused by the calculator runner ;_;20:17
JontheEchidnaagateau: dividing integers can trigger this bug :/20:18
* apachelogger only calculates via irb :P20:18
Quintasankrunner got sin(), awesome20:18
* ScottK just polled the two teenage Kubuntu users in the house.20:18
ScottKOne doesnt' use a calculator and the other finds the history annoying.20:18
agateauJontheEchidna: oh20:18
apacheloggerI suppose we don't need a vote then :P20:18
Nightroseapachelogger: well we still need one on none or kcalc20:19
JontheEchidnaHaving a non-plasma calculator app should be considered, since this is an LTS20:19
JontheEchidna(less of a radical change from the status quo)20:20
nixternalhttp://www.gimmees.com/detail~pnum~7291~pcategory~12~psubcategory~2.asp <- there is my calculator :)20:20
macoless of a need for new users to go find out what the heck plasma is and how to add widgets...and with the possibility of closing the calculator app when you're done with it20:20
Nightroseso vote on switching to kcalc please20:20
apacheloggerwho's in favor of shipping kcalc for 10.04? (with possible option of dropping it later in favor of the plasmoid)20:21
seele+1 kcalc, 1 feature doesn't seem to be a showstopper on this20:21
JontheEchidna+1 shipping kcalc20:21
seelefor people who know of and really want speedcrunch, they can just install it20:21
nixternalgo with kcalc, we don't need to ship anymore plasmoids by default...let the users pick the plasmoids they want20:21
Riddella decision!20:21
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: please do the switching :)20:21
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: I can't push to the seed branch :(20:21
* apachelogger is going to do the switching then20:22
Riddell"Ubuntu IRC Council for channel domination?"20:22
Riddellthe Ubuntu IRC Council want some permissions on #kubuntu-devel20:22
jussi01Right then...20:22
macolike, to be on the access list?20:22
* apachelogger thinks that apachelogger also needs permissions :P20:22
Nightrosereasons for that?20:22
JontheEchidnajust as a heads up, in 10 minutes I may have to leave.20:22
jjesseis there no one from ubuntu irc channel who is already a kbuntu-devel member?20:23
nixternaljust give it to them and be done with it20:23
JontheEchidnayeah, no reason why they shouldn't have access that I can see20:23
ScottKAre we solving an actual problem here?20:23
nixternalScottK: no20:23
* Nightrose isn't so sure she likes it20:23
Riddellthe history is that I registered as channel contact for the #kubuntu namespace20:23
jussi01Yeah, as the main devel chans are part of our LP import, and we are the group contacts for k/xUbuntu we need a +f for that.20:23
nixternalthat's why I said, just give it to them and be done with it...I would keep Riddell though as the #1 power on the channel20:23
Riddelland apparantly ubuntu irc channel usurped me whenever they got setup without me knowing20:24
apacheloggeryeah, dont hand it over completely ;)20:24
jussi01it isnt that we are going to come in and make changes to the channel.20:24
* jjesse never understood the need for ubuntu-irc-council but whatever20:24
Riddellthe ubuntu irc channel is however quite kubuntu happy20:24
nixternalI think there are better agenda items to cover :)20:24
seelei dont understand why the ubuntu irc council needs to own our channel, but whatever20:25
Nightrosei still don't get the actual reason20:25
seeleit sounds like something we dont have a choice on20:25
ScottKseele: Then don't vote.  Let them just do it.20:25
JontheEchidnaI believe I'll abstain, I don't feel that my opinion is strong enough to be useful in any way20:26
nixternalit will happen anyways, as if it doesn't, it will more than likely escalate to the CC...they need to have +f like jussi01 said for their new way of doing things20:26
seeleaye +0 from me20:26
nixternalthe IRCC is solid, no worries20:26
Riddellbecause the ubuntu irc council likes to own all IRC channels so when there's an IRC problem anywhere everyone knows who can solve it20:26
seelethat sounds like a community issue, not irc issue20:26
seeleif we have technical problems or problems with lurkers/spammers, dont we usually contact a freenode op?20:26
* Nightrose is -1 on this one without a good explanation sorry20:27
Nightrosei won't be a pita about it but...20:27
apacheloggerwell, there is a point to that20:27
JontheEchidnamaybe we should just defer this item?20:27
nixternalNightrose: it will just go to the CC eventually and it will happen anyways, I say keep Riddell in power, give them what they need for their LP and bot stuff20:27
apacheloggerand indeed that is more social than technical20:27
Riddelljussi01: got a good explanation for Nightrose?20:28
apacheloggerother councils going around establishing policies and specs and whatnot that affect us, without talking to us beforehand is no good20:28
jussi011 moment20:28
apacheloggerand then coming to us saying "uhm, but we need that" is not what I call good inter-council communication20:28
JontheEchidnaI think we could benefit from having this discussed on the mailing list, so that we have time to absorb/think about it. This is the first I've heard of this, and I don't think I can make a good decision on the quick 2-minute explanation given while the meeting is going on.20:29
nixternalapachelogger: I agree, but it is something that is going on with every #*ubuntu-* namespace... tsimpson and jussi01 could explain it better though20:29
jussi01The ircc are the group contacts for the KXUbuntu-* channels. We are currently re-organising how the main channels are administered, - you can see more from tsimpsons blog about how it works: http://tsimpson.ubottu.com/blog/archives/320:30
QuintasanI don't really get the idea of another irc channel but I agree with JontheEchidna20:30
apacheloggerEverone in favor of postponing and discussing this on the mailing list +1 now20:30
nixternalit's an IRC channel, it isn't like we are giving them access to ~kubuntu-devel so they can upload packages20:30
seele+1 postpone20:30
jussi01We do have the power to just go and add ourselves to the access list if we feel necessary, but we dont do that except in case of emergencies. we prefer to go to the channel contact and ask.20:31
Riddellpostponed then20:31
Riddellagateau wants to talk about "DBusMenu and applications getting creative with tray menus"20:31
Nightrosejussi01: don't get me wrong i am not mistrusting you personally ;-)20:31
apacheloggerjussi01: please start a thread on the ml with some information20:31
=== cjohnston is now known as notcjohnston
agateauis everyone familiar with dbusmenu, or should I do a quick summary?20:32
seelesummary pls20:32
* Nightrose would like a quick summary20:32
agateauso you heard about the new systemtray20:32
agateauwhich landed in KDE 4.320:32
agateauit let applications expose their tray icons over dbus20:32
agateauand then the systemtray applet is in charge of drawing them20:33
agateauthis is a change from the old method, where the app would draw directly inside the applet20:33
agateaudbusmenu is the next step20:33
agateauright now when a user right click on a systemtray icon,20:33
agateauplasma tells the app: please show a menu over this icon20:33
agateauthis means a kde app will show a kde menu20:34
agateaua gnome app would show a gnome menu20:34
agateauthe idea behind dbusmenu is to change this part20:34
agateaulet the app expose over dbus its menu20:34
agateauso that the systemtray can show it20:34
agateauthis way gnome and kde apps are shown in a consistent way20:34
JontheEchidnaclicking on gnomey tray icons will have a kde-ish context menu20:35
Quintasanit doesn't look like crap?20:35
agateaua gnome app running on a kde desktop would get a kde menu20:35
agateauand vice versa20:35
=== notcjohnston is now known as cjohnston
agateauthis work has been started by Canonical but as also been discussed and agreed with Aaron Seigo and Marco Martin20:36
agateauproblem arise when apps start to embed widgets in their menu20:36
agateaubecause we can't pass widgets in dbus20:36
agateaumost outstanding example:20:36
JontheEchidnaknetworkmanager does this too20:37
agateauJontheEchidna: true20:37
agateaubut for knetworkmanager we may go back to the applet at some point?20:37
Nightroseagateau: what happens if you use the new method then?20:37
agateaufor now: you get a blank menu item :/20:37
JontheEchidnayeah, once the applet shapes up we plan on turning back20:37
RiddellI haven't seen any signs of the networkmanager plasmoid re-appearing20:38
* Nightrose neither20:38
Riddelland currently right click on knetworkmanager is not in good shape20:38
agateauI thought Sebas was on this20:38
agateaummm I guess so20:38
Riddellasking on #k-d20:38
agateauso we can either: distro-patch apps to use standard items20:38
tomplastDo we need to change all softwares which embeds widgets in their context menu? Sorry if asking stupid question?20:39
Lex79it seems there are problems with kmix too20:39
agateauor add a mechanism for weird menu apps to not use dbusmenu20:39
agateautomplast: I only found Kopete to be a problem20:39
apacheloggerthis should be implemented upstream?20:39
apacheloggershould be fixed upstream20:39
Nightrosethis sounds like a non-good idea to me for an LTS tbh20:39
apacheloggerwork worked around usptream for that matter20:40
jjesse+1 Nightrose20:40
agateauapachelogger: work is going on upstream right now: I work on a branch of kdesvn20:40
apacheloggerno no, I mean that maintaining this as any kind of patch is a bad idea IMHO20:40
agateaubut we agreed at UDS to include dbusmenu in Kubuntu Lucid20:40
agateauapachelogger: what do you mean with "this": dbusmenu or apps patches?20:41
* Lure is a bit late20:41
apacheloggerboth really20:41
Riddellagateau: how hard is it just to turn off dbus menu for knetworkmanager and kopete?20:41
apacheloggerwell, I do not know what the dbusmenu patch looks like ;)20:41
Riddellagateau: I notice klipper doesn't use it, why is that?20:41
JontheEchidnaRiddell: currently in lucid it has no adverse effects for knetworkmanager20:41
agateauRiddell: it has not yet been ported to KStatusNotifierItem20:42
RiddellJontheEchidna: right click -> top menu item doesn't work20:42
Riddellagateau: ah right20:42
daskreechIs there a timeline for the port?20:42
agateauRiddell: we could add a minimal api to avoid dbusmenu in specific cases20:42
JontheEchidnaknetworkmanager still has the normal tray menu for me20:42
JontheEchidnaoh, that's left click20:42
JontheEchidnabut the top level item not working is a problem with all dbusmenu items20:43
agateauAll dbusmenu rendered menu right now uses some kind of Plasma theming20:43
agateauwhich I believe I will revert because it causes more inconsistency20:43
apacheloggeragateau: if that API would have to be in kdelibs then we would have to continue patching until KDE 520:43
agateauJontheEchidna: yes, support for titles didn't make it in alpha220:43
apacheloggerotherwise we violate all sorts of packaging policies20:43
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: the API is going upstream for 4.520:44
agateauapachelogger: indeed, unless we get it to be accepted upstream20:44
agateauright now upstream is quite supportive of this20:44
apacheloggerone thing I learned about that: get it accepted and applied upstream before adding new API20:44
apacheloggerbetter save than sorry :)20:44
agateauapachelogger: I would never suggest extending kdelibs API without upstream authorisation20:44
Riddellyeah we had a meeting with plasma guys, it's long since been agreed on20:45
daskreechIf it's In KDE 4.5 we get it for free in 10.10 ?20:45
agateaudaskreech: yup20:45
* JontheEchidna notes that now trunk is open there is still a lot of time to get the new API in before lucid's release20:45
daskreechWhat's the benefit of having Kubuntu Ship it now then ?20:45
apacheloggerwhich is why I think that patching is a bad idea alltogehter since we need to support the patches for LTS time frame20:45
agateaudaskreech: GNOME apps are being ported to this for LTS20:46
daskreechShip It I made a pun :)20:46
JontheEchidnaas long as agateau is getting paid to do so and I don't have to do anything, I don't see a problem :P20:46
daskreechagateau: Ah ok is there a list of those apps?20:46
agateaudaskreech: I can try to dig it, but I don't have it at end right now20:46
* apachelogger thinks that should be discussed on the list20:46
JontheEchidna(irt maintaining the patches)20:46
agateaudaskreech: but if you follow jono blog you can find he is all excited about something called application indicators20:47
daskreechRight. I saw20:47
agateauwhich are GNOME version of our new system tray20:47
agateauso all apps using libappindicator will need dbusmenu support20:47
apacheloggerah, there is no fallback?20:47
Riddell[off topic] libappindicator is a terrible name20:48
ScottKI think we need to make it clear what was done at UDS and already approved and what new changes agateau is asking for.20:48
JontheEchidnaLemme think of a proper gnomey name for it...20:48
agateauapachelogger: it falls back to the old method (x-embed) if there is no StatusNotifier tray20:48
Nightroseit is...20:48
ScottKWe should not go back and revist what was already agreed.20:48
* apachelogger is wondering how that dep on dbusmenu support works out on tray implementations other than KDE 4.4/Ubuntu GNOME20:48
JontheEchidnalib.... gorantino..... :D20:49
apacheloggeragateau: ah, ok20:49
agateauapachelogger: it just do not handle the case where you have StatusNotifier but no dbusmenu20:49
agateauso do we agree on discussing with upstream to add a way for apps to turn off dbusmenu?20:49
ScottKWhich, modulo bugs, should not happen.20:49
apachelogger+1 on API enhancement discussion20:50
* agateau would have to convince his colleagues to add support for this to GNOME as well :)20:50
apacheloggerif that turns out to be a dead end we can always discuss again20:50
seele+1 discussing20:50
apacheloggeragateau: promise them cookies, that always does the trick ;)20:50
seelereally, there's no reason not to talk to them20:50
* agateau adds the cookies idea to his trick list20:51
jjessei like cookies20:51
Riddellagateau: why is knetworkmanager different on left click and right click anyway?20:51
jjessechocalate chip please20:51
agateauRiddell: need to investigate this20:51
agateauas in: starting a machine running knetworkmanager20:51
* daskreech looks up from his plate of Choccy Kookies20:52
macoRiddell: for the sillies20:52
Riddellnext item?20:52
* tomplast wonder why he hasn't bought any cookies20:52
Riddelltomplast has an item20:52
daskreechtomplast wants to discuss mobile broadband20:52
Riddelltomplast: go ahead20:53
tomplastYeah, I am myself a mobile broadband user and right now it's a pain in cookie jar to get it working.20:53
Riddellwe're at the mercy of upstream with that20:53
JontheEchidnaRealistically, I think the best/only thing we can do is throw ourselves at the mercy of the KDE NetworkMangement team to fix the bugs20:53
tomplastIn Ubuntu I only need to use usb_modeswitch and then use the guide which helps me configuring my connection. In Kubuntu there's no such guide.20:53
jjesseby guide are you talking about document?20:54
tomplastI meant20:54
Riddellyeah gnome network manager is quite nice for this20:54
Riddellknetworkmanager is lacking it20:54
Riddellit needs someone to code it20:54
Riddellvolunteers welcome I'm sure20:55
tomplastHehe, I have though on start coding again for a while now ;).20:55
Riddellotherwise we can document ways to get it working but I think the top one would be "install gnome network manager"20:55
macothats a sucky top suggestion20:55
JontheEchidnaI don't think there's any way we can "meeting" this problem to a satisfiable resolution, personally20:55
Nightroseit is but the best one we have atm20:55
macoi mean, from the perspective of "kde should work"20:55
daskreechwhat would be required to get it working by LTS ship date?20:56
tomplastusb_modeswitch isn't included on the cd right?20:56
Nightrosetomplast: if you want to code talk to sebas and see what you can do20:56
Riddellmaco: right, but it's an upstream issue20:56
tomplastOkay, I'll.20:56
Riddellusb-modeswitch is in universe, it's not on any CD20:56
seelewhat does it do?20:57
Riddellflip flops apparantly20:57
seeleflip flops what?20:57
Riddelltomplast: do you know what it does?20:57
tomplastYeah sorta. I think it someone switches on and off the modem functionality.20:57
tomplastBecause it's not activate from the beginning. So each time you connect the modem to the computer you need to flipflop it to activate the modem functionality.20:58
tomplastSorry for the bad explaination :p20:58
Riddellapt-cache show usb-modeswitch   that's quite interesting actually20:58
Riddelldevices by default are storage, they include the windows drivers which windows installs then tells it to switch to a serial device20:59
Quintasanhmm dirty hack but under windoze it does it's job20:59
Riddellhowever the main issue is upstream knetworkmanager, I'll ask Bille what the status is20:59
Riddellnext item?20:59
ScottKSIze 29732.  I'd say we should have it in any case21:00
RiddellScottK: without a UI?21:00
ScottKRiddell: Yes on the theory that I'd like to ship all the bits needed to get online, even if it's a bit tricky to do so.21:01
RiddellScottK: fancy doing the MIR?21:01
* ScottK was thinking he'd supervies tomplast doing a MIR21:01
Riddelltomplast: ok with you?21:02
tomplastYeah if i knew what a MIR was *embarrased*. I'm very new to all this stuff.21:02
RiddellScottK will tech you all21:02
daskreechtomplast: It requires lotion21:02
Riddelldo join us in #kubuntu-devel21:02
daskreechJust saying21:02
macotomplast: Main Inclusion Request. its what gets the package from universe to main21:02
macotomplast: only stuff in Main gets on CDs21:02
ScottKtomplast: Ping me later.  It's not too bad.21:03
Riddellnext item is "IRC client deathmatch?"21:03
nixternalship irssi and be done with it :p21:03
Riddellat UDS we said we'd decide IRC client at around this time21:03
* maco puts quassel's gloves on21:03
RiddellI'm not sure things have changed much since last release21:03
JontheEchidnaKonversation has notifieritem support and is planning a release to coincide with KDE 4.421:04
nixternalwhich is the best right now?21:04
jjesseare we really going to make our users learn a new client every release?21:04
JontheEchidnathat's pretty much the biggest parts about what has changed in konversationland21:04
nixternalnever heard of h Lure :)21:04
RiddellI still prefer Konversation because of its a kent name21:04
nixternaljjesse: sounds like it :p21:04
tomplastQuassel has this annoying bug where it doesnt get's a systray icon and you accidently close it all the time *grrr*. I prefer  Konversation.21:04
neversfeldedo we really consider to change an important default application when preparing for a LTS release? :(21:04
JontheEchidnajjesse: compared to the last LTS and every release until 9.04, konversation was default21:04
nixternalas long as they do it early enough this time to get documented21:04
agateaujjesse: quassel was the default for two releases iirc21:04
RiddellKonversation also uses normal translations21:04
jjesse+1 nixternal21:04
jjesseit just seems we have this debate every release21:05
ScottKtomplast: I have never, ever seen that.21:05
jjesseand i do mean every21:05
QuintasanHaving used both: +1 for Konv.21:05
JontheEchidnaKonversation also has more translations (26 at the time of 1.2.0)21:05
JontheEchidna26 languages, that is21:05
ScottKQuassel is moving to gettext in this cycle.21:05
jjesseyay for 26 translations :)21:05
ScottKIt already has more than it did for Karmic.21:05
Nightrose+1 quassel21:05
ScottKdpm has been helping them out with the transition.21:05
tomplast+1 konversation.21:06
jjesse+1 to stick w/ what we are using21:06
JontheEchidna+1 konversation21:06
neversfelde+1 quassel21:06
Lex79+1 quassel21:06
seelei havent used the new konversation so i abstain21:06
nixternaloh lord, this seems a bit split, though I think quassel just took the lead21:06
daskreech+1 xchat21:06
* daskreech flees21:06
agateau+1 konversation21:06
seeletechnically i think only the council votes matter, although we take in to consideration other members' opinions21:06
ScottKI think it's too early in the cycle to decide21:06
nixternalkonversation making a comeback21:06
* Quintasan gets his rifle and shoots daskreech in the back21:07
jjesseScottK: it can't be too late in the cycle to make sure we document the switch if any21:07
ScottKI think today we should decide when we are going to decide.21:07
* JontheEchidna notes that last cycle, beta was too late to document any switch21:07
nixternalyou have until Feb 16, and definitely have it in by Mar. 421:07
nixternalif it isn't in by Mar 4. Quassel will be the documented client21:08
nixternalI would go as far as Mar 11 though21:08
apachelogger+1 quassel ... sho did not bribe me into voting for konvi even though I told him so!21:08
daskreechRiddell: deathmatch shootout is a mexican standoff21:08
* Daviey wonders if Quassel will get a console based client.21:08
nixternalthat's what irssi is for21:08
ScottKSomeone is working on it.21:08
Riddellif I'm +1 for konversation that makes the council evenly matched and seele has the deciding vote21:09
seelewell like i said, i havent seen konversation in about a year21:09
daskreechGo for the kent name :)21:09
seeleso i abstain for the time being21:09
nixternalhow about an "IRC Installer" like the firefox one...have it provide marketing type info on each client and let the user choose?21:09
Quintasanoh noes21:10
ScottKRevisit at the next meeting aftter people have had a chance to look.21:10
macokent name? is this something scottish?21:10
seelethere is no need for the user to choose an irc client21:10
daskreechCan we get a communal list of pros and cons while seele test konvi out in it's new clothes ?21:10
apacheloggerdaskreech: nope21:10
apacheloggerpros and cons are always biased :P21:10
=== tomplast is now known as looking
seeledaskreech: i'm not looking at it this second if that's wha tyou mean21:10
=== looking is now known as tomplast
ScottKLast time we tried that it was pretty slanted.21:10
JontheEchidnaQuassel only has 8 substantial translations. Konversation has over 20. If we're at all committed to having translated apps by default we should choose Konversation21:10
daskreechapachelogger: I do't see how that's any different from +1 from a person21:10
daskreechsame biases just laid out on paper21:10
nixternalhere, I don't use either client, I can do a review and give pros/cons21:10
ScottKJontheEchidna: Did you check upstream or what's in Lucid right now?21:10
* ScottK didn't upload a git snapshot yet.21:11
Tm_TI use neither, but I say Konversation just because of translations21:11
JontheEchidnaScottK: that's based off of what's in karmic21:11
JontheEchidnafor konversation21:11
JontheEchidnaI based quassel's off of what's in lucid21:11
JontheEchidnabut konversation still wins :P21:11
apacheloggerdaskreech: comparing software with pros and cons does almost never match what matters for the target audience and ends in a who-can-pull-out-more-stuff-out-their-nose21:11
ScottKFor Quassel it's gone up with what's upstream.21:11
ScottKI think that both meet the need of a basic IRC client for user support.21:11
Quintasanapachelogger: I lol'd  +121:12
ScottKThat's why we ship an IRC client.21:12
ScottKAfter that it's a matter of taste.21:12
daskreechapachelogger: Ok fine :) I would have hoped it would be with a view as to what's best for users/maintainers but if it's that heated then fine :)21:12
tomplastBtw, how many of the new users uses irc?21:12
Riddellwhich is why I come down to the superficial issue of using a name that more people know21:12
apacheloggerdaskreech: that implies that we first spend a couple of hours outlining what the user needs and wants :P21:12
tomplastThat many to justify including an irc client on the cd?21:12
seeledaskreech: voting and pros cons are not the same21:13
daskreechtomplast: Surprisingly how easy it's possible to get into the #kubuntu room for help matters.21:13
Quintasanand in the end we are mistaken, aren't we apachelogger? :D21:13
* Lure think we should decide on the space - as we need some more ;-)21:13
apacheloggerQuintasan: of course we are21:13
* ScottK thought at UDS we said not to change without good reason.21:13
daskreechtomplast: The number of people who login and say what is this for is pretty high considering and it is very useful21:13
LureScottK: +121:13
Riddellwell let's postpone and see if there's pressing reasons next meeting21:13
daskreechseele: I see that21:13
nixternalquassel > konversation on popcon by a decent majority...though those stats aren't all that precise21:13
JontheEchidnawell of course quassel is higher. It's the default client :P21:13
nixternalJontheEchidna: not looking at installs, looking at votes21:14
Lurewe should have good reason - for me better kde intergation and transaltions are good reasons for considerations21:14
RiddellQuintasan: has an item21:14
ScottKQuassel's translations are moving to gettext, so that makes a smaller binary (translation in language packs) and more translations21:14
Quintasantwo actually but, well21:14
QuintasanSo it was mentioned few hours ago that kimpanel widget will have ibus backend21:15
QuintasanNow if (I'm running Konv) you click right on the text field and go to Select input method you will see probably XIM being selected.21:16
JontheEchidnaI can see that21:16
QuintasanI couldn't get XIM to work with japanese or korean input. But if you install ibus and anthy then it works21:16
Quintasanbut you need to select Ibus manually then21:16
jussi01is there a compelling reason to change - we have now had quassel for a few releases and I personally havent seen any major complaints.21:16
nixternalbug 475530 is interesting concerning kimpanel21:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 475530 in kdeplasma-addons "KIMPanel is unusable in Kubuntu 9.10" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/47553021:17
nixternaland according to comments, it is still unusable in Lucid21:17
JontheEchidnanixternal: upstream is not installing the ibus backend, it turns out21:17
QuintasanI tried asking Qt guys where the default IM settings are stored but I got no response ( I swear I will go there and poke their eyes out)21:17
JontheEchidnathe author figures that since it's a python script it can go anywhere, and that he doesn't need to worry about installing it21:17
RiddellQuintasan: I tried asking too, also no answer from my usual Qt contacts21:18
QuintasanIMO there are two solutions to this21:18
Quintasanfreeflying proposed patching language selector to install ibus and anthy-ibus (for japanese)21:19
JontheEchidna^the issue of kimpanel not installing its ibus backend would still have to be solved?21:20
QuintasanOR we could find a way to set IBus as a default IM for Qt21:20
QuintasanBut I do not know where to begin21:20
JontheEchidnawould either issue hinge on a working kimpanel widget?21:20
JontheEchidnas/either issue/both solutions21:21
Riddellibus should get installed by language-support-xx I thought21:21
Quintasanhmm, sounds better21:21
QuintasanI think if we get a working KIMPanel it doesn't matter what input method is used by default21:22
Quintasanif you run IBus, it doesnt change your layout, you need to press alt+space to change to second input method21:22
Riddellmy impression is that ibus is used by ubuntu so we should use that too to ensure gnome and kde compatibility21:23
macoibus works well in kde21:23
Riddellwe just need to find out where the magic switch is in qt21:23
* ScottK has to go.21:23
macoor um...well, for me it *did* until last week when it mysteriously stopped working on karmic for me, but...21:23
QuintasanRiddell: I thought that too, but how do we solve the input thingy, now I use ibus + anthy-ibus and I need to select IBus manually because the default one is XIM21:24
Quintasanwhich is not working :/21:24
macoQuintasan: which is the same as how scim/skim worked21:24
macoQuintasan: er, referring to earlier with that alt+space thing21:24
RiddellQuintasan: it's just Qt which is the problem right?21:24
Quintasanmaco: exacly :)21:24
RiddellQuintasan: I was told to ask in #qt-labs so lets you and me play good cop and bad cop with everyone in there until we get an answer21:25
QuintasanRiddell: I belive it is, because each time I restart Konversation or Kopete and I need to type in japanese I have to select IBus from the list once again21:25
Riddellwe're losing people and I also need to go soon21:26
Tm_TRiddell: don't shake them too roughly, we might need them later21:26
RiddellQuintasan: you have another item?21:26
Quintasanyeah just quick one21:26
JontheEchidnagotta bail, be back later21:26
macoi have this in my .bashrc and everything works lovely21:26
JontheEchidnanothing against you komputes :D21:26
macoexport GTK_IM_MODULE=ibus21:26
macoexport XMODIFIERS=@im=ibus21:26
macoexport QT_IM_MODULE=ibus21:26
Quintasanmaco: I've tired this21:26
QuintasanDid not work :/21:26
macohrmph. boo!21:27
RiddellQuintasan: tell us about mplayerthumbs vs kffmpegthumbnailer21:27
Quintasanokay fastly second item, dunno if you read ML about ffmpegthumbnailer but it is said it is faster than mplayerthumbs and takes 262kb of space so I quickly created a package for testing21:27
Riddelldoes mplayerthumbs need mplayer?21:29
Riddellhmm, that's not much use21:29
QuintasanSo far it overtakes mplayerthumbs by ~10 seconds in terms of speed and takes only 262kb of space so I think if cd allows us we could put it on CD to enable thumbnails by default21:29
Quintasanffmpegthumbnailer needs to be updated to 2.0.0 but Ubuntu maintainer said he submitted it to Debian and it will sync shortly21:30
Quintasanand I have uploaded kffmpeg to REVU21:30
Riddell..trying to confirm the size21:32
Riddell262kB or 262kb?21:33
QuintasankB rather :P21:33
Riddellyeah, that's still a quarter meg we don't have21:33
Lex79kffmpeg depends on ffmpegthumbnailer ? do we need 2 MIR for put on cd?21:33
Quintasansorry, kffmpeg itself is 7KB21:33
Riddellyes, but MIRs are fairly easy to write these days21:33
Lex79strange :)21:33
Quintasanand ffmpegthumbnailer is ...21:34
Quintasan42 KB21:34
RiddellQuintasan: well want to do the MIRs and we can put it on the DVD and consider CD if space becomes available?21:34
Riddellany other business?21:34
QuintasanI guess.21:35
RiddellI think everyone else has left already :)21:35
seelereconvene in #kubuntu-devel then21:35
Quintasanoh well, I need to write thing earlier and do copy paste21:35
RiddellNeed to get 42.1kB of archives.21:35
Riddellfor Need to get 42.1kB of archives.21:35
Riddellfor ffmpegthumbnailer21:35
Riddellwhich isn't bad indeed21:36
Quintasanand 7 for kffmpeg21:36
* Lure thinks we should drop OOo and get lot's of space ;-)21:36
Riddellthanks for coming all21:36
Lex79Quintasan: can kffmpeg create thumbnails for .mkv files?21:36
Lureat least for lucid+1 this should be doable21:36
RiddellI'll post notes to the mailing list21:36
QuintasanLex79: yes21:36
QuintasanLex79: tested on my anime colletion :P21:36
Lex79oh great !21:36
neversfeldeI guess we need kde-thumbnailer-openoffice in main then, too :)21:37
QuintasanLex79: http://pastebin.com/f21473b11 test results if you are interested21:37
neversfeldealthough I have no idea what it's for21:37
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