
cwillu[drm:i915_gem_execbuffer] *ERROR* Execbuf while wedged00:04
cwilludebugging patch on which bug report?00:05
Sarvattcwillu: 945 or older?00:38
Sarvattdebugging patch doesnt seem to work right but here ya go http://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=2547500:39
ubottuFreedesktop bug 25475 in Driver/intel "[i915] Xorg crash / Execbuf while wedged" [Critical,New]00:39
Sarvatti haven't gotten kernel-package working right yet (broken on newer .33 kernels) so I haven't tested with the patch yet00:42
cwilluk, I'll take a look tonight00:43
cwilluI assume it's also broken with a mainline kernel?00:43
Sarvattdidnt build with the first patch because he kept posting refreshed versions of it to intel-gfx mailing list and there wasnt a final one00:44
Sarvattyeah kernel doesnt matter here00:44
cwilluokay, that's easy enough then00:44
bryce_cwillu, can you provide some feedback on the upstream bug report?00:45
Sarvattbryyce: didnt you get a mini 10v?00:45
bryce_Sarvatt, nope00:45
bryce_Sarvatt, well, I did but it was for my mother-in-law00:46
Sarvattahh darn00:46
cwillubryce_, yep, reading through it now00:46
bryce_Sarvatt, good news is my boss will be giving me one next month when he's in portland00:46
Sarvattcwillu: if you do use the patch are you going to be building x86 or amd64? can ya pass along the deb if x86?00:47
cwilluyep, won't be for a couple hours though00:47
Sarvattno worries, not in any rush and apparently with the patch it'll just hard lock instead when it crashes with it :D00:49
* cwillu looks00:49
* cwillu considers splicing in some extra printf's00:51
bryce_can we sync the new wacom into ubuntu at this point? http://packages.qa.debian.org/x/xf86-input-wacom/news/20100110T001218Z.html02:33
SarvattI was asking about that the other day, figured you guys wanted to wait for it to hit testing or something first02:59
Sarvattworks fine here outside of not supporting serial tablets at the moment but its better than nothing03:00
Sarvatthaven't heard anything about the xserver patch to allow TTY stuff to get it working on serial ones in a few weeks -- http://www.mail-archive.com/xorg-devel@lists.x.org/msg04311.html03:05
bryce_I'll add it to my todo list to see about getting it sync'd03:10
Duke`Sarvatt, thank your for the bunch of new karmic packages ;)06:26
tjaaltonbryce_: no, we need the epoch06:52
tjaaltonbryce_: wacom merged & uploaded15:58
tjaaltonand intuos4L bought from an auction.. should get it early next week16:00
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
coz_ooo intuos 416:19
coz_I still have 316:19
SarvattDuke`: i lied, mesa 7.8 coming to karmic as soon as dri2proto 2.2 and glproto 1.4.11 build :)17:45
Duke`I've seen two libdrm updates for 20th of january, why the second update? an important patch missing in the first?18:07
Sarvattnouveau commit right after i uploaded one that i added as a patch18:10
Sarvattjcristau: did you mean to make the xutils-dev build-dep for vesa 2.3.0 xutils-dev (>= 7.5~1) instead of (>= 7.5) since it needs xorg-macros 1.3?18:32
Sarvattits marked as 7.5-1 in xutils-dev git but the release was called 7.5~1 which is < 7.5?18:34
ManDayDoes anyone have a clue when Bug #419328 will be patched in the main archives?18:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 419328 in xserver-xorg-video-intel "[i945gme] attaching external monitor: laptop display is black, external monitor too, with frozen mouse coursor" [Unknown,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41932818:37
bryce_<MacSlow> bryce_, pitti, seb128: today's updates removed xserver-xorg-video-intel on an intel-GPU based system... any idea why?18:38
bryce_^ anyone else experiencing this?18:38
jcristauSarvatt: pretty sure it needs macros 1.418:38
ManDaybryce_, still have it18:39
Sarvattconfigure.ac says 1.318:39
jcristauSarvatt: which is in xutils-dev 1:7.5+118:39
jcristauconfigure.ac is wrong18:39
Sarvattah gotcha, thats what i was going by18:40
jcristauthe INSTALL_CMD in Makefile.am needs XORG_INSTALL, which was added in macros 1.418:40
Sarvattit built fine with 1.3 strangely enough18:42
Sarvatthttp://paste.ubuntu.com/360200/ -- build log with 1.3, not sure if its supposed to have any errors18:51
SarvattManDay: looks like the fix requires mesa 7.7, thats not going to hit the official repos for karmic.. You can work around it by not using compiz18:51
Sarvattits fixed in lucid though which has mesa 7.718:52
SarvattDuke`: let me know if you have any problems with that mesa 7.8 on karmic, I might have missed something with all the changes19:01
* Duke` is downloading packages19:02
Duke`everything installed fine19:03
ManDaynot using compiz, Sarvatt , not an option19:04
Sarvattah no wonder all lpia packages are failing on karmic, libdrm-dev depends on  libdrm-intel1 (= ${binary:Version}) [amd64 i386 kfreebsd-amd64 kfreebsd-i386],19:04
Duke`OpenGL renderer string: Mesa DRI Intel(R) 945GM GEM 20091221 DEVELOPMENT 19:04
Duke`OpenGL version string: 1.4 Mesa 7.8-devel19:04
ManDaywhen is lucid due?19:04
ManDay2011 :-D ?19:04
Sarvattyour hardware is limited to 2048x204819:04
Sarvattits "fixed" in the newer mesa by being faster with software fallbacks to let it work, it still wont get around the hardware limitation19:05
Duke`glxgers running at 1200 fps on mesa 7.8, was running at 700 fps on mesa 7.719:05
Sarvattits due in april19:05
Sarvattyeah i'm up to 480 fps with compiz enabled from 230 not that it means anything :D19:07
Duke`glxgears doesn't bench a lot of things, but at least it show that some code has changed :D19:07
Duke`I remember having ~2000 fps with glxgears on the same computer on Windows XP19:08
ManDay_guess what just happend again19:08
* ManDay_ curses19:08
ManDay_freaking heck19:08
ManDay_Sarvatt, can you repeat what you said to me?19:08
Sarvatt<Sarvatt> your hardware is limited to 2048x204819:09
ManDay_2000 frames per second o_O19:09
Sarvatt<Sarvatt> its "fixed" in the newer mesa by being faster with software fallbacks to let it work, it still wont get around the hardware limitation19:09
Sarvattand its due in april19:09
ManDay_1st of april supposedly19:09
ManDay_how can i get a newer mesa on karmic? isnt there that bleeding edge ppa?19:10
Sarvattwith the newer mesa it will be doing the 3D in software, dont expect it to be fast once you go above 2048x2048 combined resolution19:11
ManDay_im never above 2048x202819:13
ManDay_and i hardly ever use 3d19:13
ManDay_but out of curiousity: why does it?19:13
Sarvattits a hardware limitation of older intel graphics, they cant do hardware 3D with texture sizes bigger than that :(19:15
Sarvattif you're at 1280x1024 and plug in another 1280x1024 monitor you're at 2560 for one side of the big 3D texture19:19
SarvattDuke`: OpenGL renderer string: Mesa DRI Intel(R) 945GME GEM 20091221 DEVELOPMENT x86/MMX/SSE219:25
SarvattOpenGL version string: 2.0 Mesa 7.8-devel19:25
SarvattOpenGL shading language version string: 1.2019:25
Sarvattcheck out the new driconf options19:26
bryce_tjaalton, thanks19:27
Duke`yeah we can enable GLSL for fragment shaders but last time I tried, rendering were wrong for my shaders (with no conditions or loops)19:27
ManDay_Sarvatt, it the eee pc really THAT old that it cant do proper hardware 3d?20:09
ManDay_anyway: Sarvatt , that means there wouldnt be any difference to what it is now, right?20:10
bryce_heh, here I sat down on a test box to figure out why it's keyboard hasn't been working... and today it just works.20:11
bryce_must be the kvm or somesuch20:11
Sarvattyes the GPU is a good 4-5 years old now and was severely underpowered even when it was first released20:12
Sarvattthere will be a difference because the software fallbacks dont run at like 1 frame per minute in mesa 7.7 like they were in 7.6 going by that upstream bug report :D20:14
ManDay_but why do they run properly with the current mesa if its the hardware thats the problem?20:19
ManDay_why did they put bollocks in my computer :-/20:20
Sarvattyou know metacity can do compositing for you too, and that'll work fine >2048x2048 right?20:23
Sarvattwobbly windows that important?20:23
Sarvatti'd try the newer mesa though, or just grab a lucid livecd to see how fast it with the second monitor hotplugged is if you dont want to mess with your system20:25
ManDay_wobbly windows?20:33
ManDay_nah but expo, desktop wall and all that stuff20:33
ManDay_very very useful on a small screen to have more than one of them20:34
Sarvattspeaking of netbooks, have you ever tried window-picker-applet, maximus or the human-netbook gtk theme out? saves me so much screen space over the stock panels  http://sarvatt.com/downloads/netbook.png20:40
ManDay_i use the scale plugin of compiz20:43
ManDay_that and alt+tab do a pretty neat job20:44
ManDay_Super+W arranges all windows on the screen and lets me click the one I need20:44
ManDay_I know the netbook theme. It's included with the netbook variant of ubuntu20:44
ManDay_i didnt like it very much tho. it helps less than it is different20:45
ManDay_if you know what im saying20:45
Sarvatti dont like the netbook spin but I like some of the parts of it, the clutter menu thing gets really laggy over time here :(20:45

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