
=== jamalta is now known as jamalta-afk
=== jamalta-afk is now known as jamalta
=== jamalta is now known as jamalta-afk
rtgzgrrr... need lp to support search bugs in project a && project b && project c :-/09:15
rtgzgrrr... need to look better, ubuntuone project fits well10:25
* rtgz needs to bake some bread. bread depends on scales; scales depend on batteries; batteries are dead; bread is unreachable; left for batteries...12:49
=== rtgz is now known as rtg|away|z
=== Xalior is now known as Guest31746
=== Guest31746 is now known as Xalior
urbanapeMorning, folks14:10
urbanapeis it that time?15:05
jblounturbanape: I think so.15:05
urbanapeI'm getting terrible lag at this coffee shop.15:05
dobeytime for lunch?15:06
urbanapesure, why not15:06
urbanapegive up a 'me' to stake your claim.15:07
urbanapego for it rodrigo_15:10
rodrigo_• DONE: Contacts picker work based on design team's designs. Submitted rhythmbox package to watch music library by default. On-call review. Looked at python-lxml version update for hardy15:11
rodrigo_• TODO: Conflict resolver tool in pair tool. Look at becoming a MOTU (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopers). Make sandy's snowy test suite work with our server (http://git.gnome.org/cgit/snowy/tree/api/tests.py). Discuss with jdo and aquarius about oauth token per app, not per machine? Move JS code to its own file and add jslint tests to check. Remove autosave code in notes web editor. New python-lxml for hardy15:11
rodrigo_• BLOCKED: no15:11
rodrigo_next dobey15:11
dobey☺ DONE: Proj steering meeting thingy, Poked people, Filed lots of bugs to track lucid dev.15:11
dobey☹ TODO: File a few more bugs, Fix some bugs I filed (#510351, #510353, #510348, #510355)15:11
dobey☹ BLCK: None.15:11
dobeyteknico: ciao15:11
teknicoDONE: attended the contacts picker workshop; landed a branch to allow binding the dev openid server to all net interfaces; helped mt with mockups for phone sync; wrestled with an error from the dev openid server at first login (#510116)15:11
teknicoTODO: more testing funambol cared and funambol exchange deployment; fix a user's problems accessing the contacts web IU (#506584)15:11
teknicoBLOCK: still cannot access the web interface due to an error from the dev openid server at first login (#510116)15:11
tekniconext: urbanape15:11
urbanapeDONE: Started working on subsequent client sync code.15:11
urbanapeTODO: Finish that and start on migration code.15:11
urbanapeBLOCK: None15:11
urbanapejblount: HAMMERTIME15:11
jblountDONE: Worked on /files/ icon switch, talk with statik about start page for 10.0415:11
jblountTODO: Keep rocking https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntuone/+bugs?field.searchtext=&orderby=-importance&search=Search&assignee_option=any&field.assignee=&field.bug_reporter=&field.bug_supervisor=&field.bug_commenter=&field.subscriber=&field.omit_dupes.used=&field.omit_dupes=on&field.has_patch.used=&field.has_cve.used=&field.tag=gd&field.tags_combinator=ANY finish /files/ icon switch15:11
jblountBLOCKED: Nope15:11
urbanapethanks, folks. EOM. Lollygaggers can paste when they get around to it.15:12
=== rtg|away|z is now known as rtgz
* popey shakes his fist at U115:45
popeyjust synced tomboy and it brought down older versions of notes and wiped out changes I had made locally15:45
popeythis is double plus not good15:45
rtgzpopey, were there any questions about note conflicts?15:47
dobeyrodrigo_: ^^15:48
popeywell, there were popup windows but they never stuck around, so i guess it automatically decided what to do15:48
popeywhich is 'overwrite local'15:48
rodrigo_popey, rtgz: fix is now in trunk, so should be deployed real soon15:48
popeywhat fix?15:49
rodrigo_for notes conflicts15:49
popeythis is a known bug?15:49
popeyright now, for me, there's way too many bugs to make u1 anything like usable :(15:49
popeythis is the third data-loss incident I've had with U1 recently :(15:50
popeyincredibly frustrating15:50
rodrigo_popey, 3rd data loss? what have you lost? notes? files? contacts?15:54
popeyfiles once, notes twice15:55
rtgzpopey, could you how the files went missing?16:00
popeyI've explained this to statik before and filed a bug16:02
popeybasically my pc crashed with a file open, the file was zeroed when i rebooted and u1 then synced that zero up to the cloud and back down to all other computers16:03
popeythere was/is no revision control so I have no way of undoing that16:03
rtgzguys, we need file versions!16:03
rtgzi mean ubuntuone16:03
popeynow I dont expect u1 to fix the hardware issue which caused my pc to reboot, or the filesystem issue that caused the file to zero16:03
popeybut not being able to get back a zeroed file is a bit of an.. "issue"16:04
rtgzpopey, I was thinking of such possibility but could not create such conditions in VM...16:04
popeyI discussed this with statik at UDS, he's well aware of the issue16:04
popeywell, my pc created the condition for me16:04
popeythe fan on the CPU got clogged up with dust which cased it to overheat and power down16:04
popeyyou can simulate this by having an openoffice spreadsheet open in the u1 folder, and flick the power :)16:05
statikyeah we need versions16:05
popeyanyway the upshot is I frankly can't trust u1 right now, so I am going to stop using it. :(16:06
popeythat shouldn't be seen as toys out of pram or pointing fingers btw, I think you guys are doing great work, it's just not ready for me16:07
dobeysad monkey16:07
TeTeTjoshuahoover: any plans to have Ubuntu One work through an https proxy?16:25
joshuahooverTeTeT: not currently, but it is something we're looking at16:26
TeTeTjoshuahoover: so somewhere on the roadmap, or not even that?16:26
joshuahooverTeTeT: it's not currently on our roadmap for lucid16:27
TeTeTjoshuahoover: ok, so any development on this is post lucid, thanks for the quick reply!16:27
joshuahooverTeTeT: np :)16:28
=== herb__ is now known as herb
rtgzjoshuahoover, I think I made a big mistake regarding Bug 46161416:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 461614 in ubuntuone-client "ubuntu one wouldnt connect and then gets d-bus error: did not recieve reply" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/46161416:31
joshuahooverrtgz: oh yeah?16:31
joshuahooverrtgz: why do you say that?16:32
rtgzThe original description says "launched it it pulled up a website that said it couldnt connect to local host", however that is most likely the HTTP server being unreachable16:32
rtgzbut I managed to reproduce the issue locally and then I found no better bug report to give to rmcbride than that one that has a perfect match in the header. Afterwards that bug is considered to be the master one for startup connection problems due to metadata loading16:33
rtgzI have marked all such bugs with 'metadata-loading' tag so that it can be somehow grouped together later16:33
joshuahooverrtgz: so we need to move those existing bugs on that one to a new/different bug?16:38
rtgzjoshuahoover, i believe that is so16:39
dobeytime to get some lunch16:40
joshuahooverrtgz: ok, if you let me know what bug you think we should use as the master, i can do that and i'll update our bugs wiki page with common issues16:40
joshuahooverrtgz: or you can...doesn't matter to me :)16:40
rtgzthe problem is that I would like to move bring the comments as well but that is not possible :)16:40
rtgzjoshuahoover, I can do that, I can get fresh readings on metadata loading and create a new master ticket with all possible description16:41
jamaltajblount: you're fixing the ubuntu start page?!16:42
jamaltathat's great news!16:42
urbanapeOkay, ditching the Panera and heading home. I'll be back shortly.16:45
jblountjamalta: s/fixing/working on the new one16:49
jblountjamalta: And by start page, the default web page in firefox. But yeah, it is great news :)16:49
jamaltajblount: right that's what i was talking about16:49
jamaltai haven't been a fan of the current one at all16:49
joshuahooverrtgz: great, thanks!16:53
mandelCardinalXiminez_, ping16:57
* rtgz is not going to be present here tomorrow (most likely) so if there is something interesting to debug, I am all ears :)17:20
=== teknico is now known as teknico_away
dobeyrtgz: debug why it's cold here today :)17:45
rtgzdobey, I reproduced it, it is now cold here today...17:46
rtgzdobey, I will file a bug against weather applet. And it is not crashing on logout. It should allow one to override the temperature.17:46
=== gnomefreak76 is now known as gnomefreak
mturquettehello all20:33
mturquettei'm one of the many afflicted by the lack of proxy support.  is there a workaround for us corporate firewall types?20:34
mturquettei've tried googling but i've come up empty so far.20:34
mturquetteand i'm already subscribed to the ubuntuone-client PPA20:34
statikhi mturquette, no workaround for the proxy thing yet that I'm aware of20:36
mturquettestatik: thanks for the update.20:40
=== teknico_away is now known as teknico
dobeyi concur22:15
rtgzubuntuone login is broken and I have not seen that22:15
dobeybroken how?22:16
rtgzOpenID authentication failed: Nonce already used or out of range22:16
rtgzSTR: go to http://one.ubuntu.com, be redirected to lp, log in there, receive this message22:16
dobeyrtgz: ah it looks like it is known, and the servery people are poking it with big sticks22:17
rtgzah, 'cause I just followed that from the bug report22:17
rtgzMorning excercises should also include logging into web ui and check whether it is still there22:18
dobeyah well, my brain hurts, code isn't doing what it's supposed to do, and i'm getting frustrated. time to do something else22:24
nettrotQuick desktop-couchdb question: in the Python Bindings, can you provide a custom JSON encoder/decoder?23:15
rtgznettrot,     from couchdb import json; json.use('cjson'), i believe23:19
rtgznettrot,  or json.use(decode=my_decode, encode=my_encode)23:20
rtgzsee couchdb.json docs23:20
nettrotrtgz, I see it now. Thanks.23:21
rtgznettrot, you are welcome, haven't tried to use it, actually23:21
CShadowRunWhen i update a file does ubuntu one upload the entire file again, or does it only upload the changes, like rsync?23:22
nettrotWell, the docs are pretty straightforward at least.23:22
nettrotUgh, I really wish Tomboy could be set to periodically sync notes without my intervention.23:24
rtgznettrot, true, that's why I am creating my own version of note sync... Since I have no idea when GNote gains snowy or couchdb support, I got it sync from note files to couchdb.23:26
rtgzunfortunately, notes are converted to HTML prior to couchdb storage in Ubuntu One Tomboy sync, so some formatting info may be lost; I am storing the note content completely. This will be done in Ubuntu One as well, i believe...23:28
rtgzCShadowRun, it will upload the file completely again; The support for deltas is planned, though23:29
CShadowRunok ty :)23:29
rtgzCShadowRun, you are welcome :)23:30
rtgzjoshuahoover, hm... indeed, why can't ubuntuone use rsync method for file deltas?23:33
joshuahooverrtgz: not sure, we'd have to ask verterok, lucio, Chipaca that one :)23:34
rtgzsince S3 allows only complete object read this will need to fetch the file to ubuntuone server, and create corresponding rsync data23:37

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