
stochasticSubmit your artwork to the Ubuntu Free Culture Showcase: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuFreeCultureShowcase02:58
crlsgmsanyone here?15:37
crlsgmswell, ill just ask. I have a 64studio and a windows xp on my machine, both om separated disks15:37
crlsgmsim trying to install ubuntustudio over the 64studio disk, but whem i run the installer it only recognizes my other hd15:38
crlsgmsboth are ok on bios, i can boot on both via grub15:38
crlsgmstryed on boot to set al_generic_ide but nothing changed15:38
crlsgmsim using ubuntustudio 9.10, just downloaded the iso15:39
=== ShadeS_ is now known as ShadeS
louiethecubanhey everyone22:00
=== crlsgms is now known as guerrilha_carlos
louiethecubanwhos here?22:05

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