
ronnyto the logs: ignore the lie above :P00:00
KilrooI hope Eclipse fixes whatever bug bzr 2.1.0b4 causes bzr-eclipse to expose in Helios.00:00
KilrooAssuming that the guy who responded to my question about it by saying it's an eclipse bug is right.00:00
KilrooI need to capture some logs and figure out how to report it. And where.00:00
EdWyse_Officeif I didn't know what I was doing and "mv /foo1/branch /foo2/branch" and now it says, 'bzr: ERROR: No repository present: "file:///foo2/branch"', how do I fix that?01:02
KilrooHow much else have you done since?01:03
EdWyse_OfficeThat's it.01:03
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EdWyse_OfficeI just needed to get the branch off that nfs mount.01:04
KilrooWould "mv /foo2/branch /foo1/branch & bzr mv /foo1/branch /foo2/branch" work then?01:05
KilrooOh wait.01:05
KilrooDon't you need a repo on top of it?01:05
EdWyse_OfficeOh! Right! I forgot I made /foo1 a repo!01:05
KilrooI mostly mess around with shared repositories so far so sometimes the other way of doing it muddles me01:06
KilrooGiven the use case you're talking about, would bzr branch /foo1/branch /foo2/branch be preferable, though?01:06
KilrooI'm a noob, so if it wouldn't, I just don't understand why yet.01:07
* igc food01:16
lifelessEdWyse_Office: move it back, then do 'bzr branch /foo1/branch /foo2/branch01:50
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jfroyGlenjamin: hey03:42
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chromakodeis it possible to change committer names/emails on old commits?04:09
Pengchromakode: No.04:10
chromakodeI'm aware of some voodoo to do it in git04:11
chromakodewas wondering if there's an equivalent in bzr-land04:11
Pengchromakode: bzr-fastimport can do it -- quite easily, too -- but you'd wind up with new revision IDs, so unless you put the nuclear launch codes in your email address, it's usually not worth it.04:11
chromakoderight, yep04:11
chromakodeI understand that issue04:11
chromakodenot worth it :)04:11
chromakodeis doing this technically impossible with bzr (does it mess up hashes?)04:12
PengLike I said, you can do it with bzr-fastimport.04:13
PengI dunno if it changes the hashes.04:13
chromakodeunderstood. please excuse my ignorance of bzr internals, but is the committer info hashed?04:14
PengStill, bzr is not designed to go changin' stuff. :P04:14
chromakodethanks, just a matter of curiosity!04:14
chromakodealtering history never works out04:14
chromakodeI learned that watching 90s cartoons04:14
PengYou can find a few "@mylaptop" commits in the history of Bazaar itself. :D04:14
chromakodeit's hard for me to let go of the ideal commit log04:15
mwhudsonbzr also has a commit with revid 'A' in it's history :-)04:17
mwhudson-' grrr04:17
chromakodehuh! what happened there?04:17
PengThe hypothesis I've heard is that a unit test accidentally committed to the real history, and the developer apparently didn't catch it in time.04:19
PengThe commit message is "silly commit" and it adds a file called "b". :D04:21
chromakodethat's a wonderful piece of trivia04:22
lifelessit is a unit test04:23
lifelessits still in the tree04:23
SamB_XP_but it somehow went awry?04:23
lifelessearly unit tests weren't as isolated04:24
chromakodesomeone clearly ran a unit test on their dev tree04:25
lifelesshow else would you test?04:25
PengThat revision also suffers from the "@mylaptop" committer ID problem. :D04:27
chromakodemaybe that could be avoided if there was an "Are you sure?" prompt if you try to commit with an unset email/username04:28
lifelesschromakode: no, because the test suite runs with a null UI04:29
lifelesschromakode: the /commit/ is what the test suite wanted04:29
chromakodeI realize that won't help for the test suite04:29
chromakodebut it might help me from being stupid when I'm branching on a laptop04:29
lifelessif you're interested, its revno: 0.2.104:29
chromakodethe tree is still downloading :/04:30
PengYou can also do "bzr log -r revid:A".04:30
chromakodeis there any reason bzr requires the -r argument?04:30
lifelessPeng: the machine name is valid btw, not really a problem :P04:30
lifelesschromakode: because bzr log FOO logs the branch FOO04:30
PengOr the file FOO.04:31
chromakodeis it ambiguous if there's a colon in there and no file?04:31
Penghttp://bazaar.launchpad.net/~bzr-pqm/bzr/bzr.dev/revision/0.2.1 :D04:31
lifelessits easier to tell people 'to control the revision use -r'04:31
chromakodesorry if this is annoying, I've just always been curious about these things04:31
lifelessthan to say 'if you pass a revision that is not a branch or a file it will work, and when you want a branch or file *and* a revision use -r'04:32
chromakodeah, good point04:32
chromakodeit's just kind of odd to me when I only want a rev, not a file04:32
PengIt's more consistent with other commands, too.04:33
chromakodeyeah, it's definitely more consistent04:34
PengFor example, "bzr branch -r 123 some_location"04:34
Pengchromakode: It's not annoying. :) Besides, I've asked lifeless far more weird questions than you have. :P04:35
chromakodeyes, I should just develop the semantic association that -r is always revision04:35
chromakodeokay, I have one more question, regarding workflow04:35
chromakodedo you create lots of new branches when you need to work in multiple directions at one? do you branch when you're fixing a bug? how do you manage the directory structure of your branches?04:36
chromakodeor do bzr users tend to shelve and unshelve more?04:36
PengI just create lots of branches.04:37
chromakodeI realize they're separate commands with different purposes, but I wonder what the dominant context-switch approach is04:37
PengSome people create multiple branches but just use one working tree, "bzr switch"ing to the branch they want.04:38
chromakodePeng: how do you structure your directories? a bunch of branches inside a repo?04:38
PengI think there are some plugins for making this easier.04:38
Pengchromakode: Yeah.04:38
chromakodeah, is bzr switch relatively new?04:38
chromakodeokay. I thought I'd read about it somewhere04:38
Pengchromakode: I know one of Bazaar's developers creates a subdirectory for each version. I don't, but I don't create a lot of branches either. :P04:39
chromakodecool. thanks for answering my questions :)04:41
wolterdoes bash use bash programmable completion?06:50
Kamping_Kaiserdoes for me, i'm guessing most packages of it would06:53
Kamping_Kaiserat leats, if i understand correctly ;)06:53
wolteryeah, but i mean does it do it through bash? I don't see nothing about bzr in /etc/bash_completion06:54
Kamping_Kaiseri have /etc/bash_completion.d/bzr{,.simple}06:54
wolteri didn't know about that dir, but its awesome that exists06:56
vilahi all07:21
EdWyse_MobileWhen I decided to add our pdfs and graphics for our web site to the local branch, then push to the remote repo (a little over a gig) using the windows gui, it gets to "fetching revisions:inserting stream", the status bar at 50%, and stops. 20 minutes and counting so far. Is that expected behavior?08:13
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* igc dinner08:23
gerard_hey all08:27
Glenjaminjfroy: still around? i've installed keychain but i just get the command line prompt when i try and access a protected branch08:34
RaimGlenjamin: did you add the relevant key to ssh-agent? (either with ssh-add or keychain)09:06
Glenjaminit's a username/password auth which i'm trying to get handled by bzr-keychain on mac os x09:06
Raimah, sorry. just made a guess :)09:07
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starenka_can sbdy tell me how to run bzr serve via ssh? i tried  bzr serve --allow-writes --inet --protocol=ssh, but no avail. there'sno help about the protocols :(11:01
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* GaryvdM waves at bialix11:22
bialixheya Gary!11:22
* bialix waves back :-D11:22
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bialixGaryvdM: what you think about pyqt 4.7?11:52
GaryvdMbialix: I have not installed it, so I don't really know. It's good though that they have installers for more versions of python.11:55
bialixI fear that will continue to ignore 2.5, but apparently it's not11:56
GaryvdMI think for the windows installers, we should upgrade only early in the next cycle.11:57
GaryvdMnot now, which is what i think jam is going to do.11:58
GaryvdMI'm installing bzr onto a clients mac atm.11:59
GaryvdMAnd it is working :-)12:02
GaryvdMbialix: It's not that hard. Did you know that we have an installer that includes pyqt (but not qt.) I did not.12:07
bialixfor Mac?12:07
bialixthere is some advice on bazaar.canonical.com/QBzr12:08
* bialix has no mac to play with, alas12:08
bialixthat's really cool12:09
bialixGaryvdM: should we update our page then? http://wiki.bazaar.canonical.com/QBzr ?12:09
bialixit said: NOTE: OSX users will also need to install PyQt. Instructions are available from Installation of PyQt on Mac OS X.12:09
GaryvdMYes, we can just point them to http://wiki.bazaar.canonical.com/MacOSXDownloads12:11
bialixI trust your experience :-)12:12
GaryvdMI'm trying to use the bzr packaging scripts to update the qbzr ppa for the first time.12:43
GaryvdMI'm getting an error with update-changelogs.sh12:43
GaryvdMsee http://paste.ubuntu.com/360630/12:43
* bialix waiting for jam and 2.1.0rc1 bzr.exe installer12:43
bialixGaryvdM: maybe it searching case-insensitive?12:46
bialixerr, sensitive I mean12:46
GaryvdMdch can't find changelog when run from the script, but if I run dch manually, it works?12:51
GaryvdMHmm - I removed the "-c changelog" from line 30 of update-changelogs.sh. Not sure how it works normally13:01
GaryvdMI don't think so, maybe the bzr packaging branches have a different layout.13:06
GaryvdMah, that is the case.13:07
jambialix: I'm waiting for information about how to get tbzr 0.5.0 built14:39
jamnaoki added i18n, but I don't have the .mo files he wanted bundled14:39
bialixhi jam14:39
GaryvdMHi jam14:39
jamI haven't gotten a response from him, so I don't really know14:39
jamhi GaryvdM14:40
jammorning all14:40
vilamorning jam14:40
GaryvdMjam: For qbzr, we have to do >python setup.py build_mo -f14:42
GaryvdMmaybe it is the sameqQ14:42
jamGaryvdM: could be. I do see a build_mo in setup.py14:44
jamHe didn't add any such step to the release process when he updated the installers14:44
jambut I bet he wasn't sure how the process went, and probably had already done certain steps manually14:44
* bialix looks14:46
GaryvdMbialix: I'm thinking we should do our releases as follows: 0.19b1  0.19b2 ... 0.19bn  0.19rc1*  0.19rc2 0.19.0 0.19.114:49
GaryvdMLike bzr core.14:49
bialixto be in sync with bzr?14:49
bialixthis is for 2.2?14:50
bialixinteresting idea14:50
bialixwhy not14:50
bialixjam should be happy14:50
GaryvdMThe betas don't have to be in sync, but the rest should.14:51
jamGaryvdM: you can certainly do that, but are you sure you're going to release in sync? Especially for stable releases...14:52
bialixjam: tbzr uses the same code as qbzr for i18n14:52
bialixjam: python setup.py build_mo actually builds mo14:53
bialixthey are in locale14:53
bialixcan I help you with installer?14:53
GaryvdMjam: True, we would probably have less stable releases than bzr.14:53
bialixrats, naoki pushed loom branch to lp14:55
bialixbzr produce not very nice error for this14:56
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://ubuntu.pastebin.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic14:56
jambialix: If you want. For now I have to update the build process to add "build_mo" into the tbzr build steps14:57
jamand currently that is blocked on getting "msgfmt" installed14:57
jamwhich is blocked on cygwin upgrading from 1.5 to 1.7...14:57
bialixjam: how you're handle qbzr then?14:57
bialixit uses the same stuff14:58
jambialix: you version qbzr14:58
jamqbzr's .mo14:58
bialixand explorer too14:58
jamI believe14:58
bialixwe don't version mo14:58
jam*shrug* the build works14:58
jamrunning build_mo manually says 'no msgfmt' fonud14:58
bialixthey are present in tar.gz14:58
jamand I don't see it on my system14:58
bialixno, sorry14:58
bialixmo is purely build time files14:59
bialixcan you install them for windows not cygwin?14:59
bialixrunning build_mo manually -- maybe something wrong with your path?15:00
jambialix: it is possible, running 'c:\Python25\python setup.py build_mo' doesn't work in tbzr or qbzr15:03
jamare you sure the .mo files are in the installers?15:03
bialixI can test you 2.0.4 if you want15:03
bialixbut naoki patch for installers is wrong re iss.cog15:04
bialixhe's added line: ;     cog.outl('Source: "%s\\locale\\*.mo"; DestDir: "{app}\\doc\\tbzr"; Flags: createallsubdirs ignoreversion recursesubdirs; Components: tortoise' % os.environ['TBZR'])15:04
jamI see the .mo files for one of the older builds15:04
bialixshould be:15:04
jam(2.0.3 here)15:04
bialixjam: for c:\Python25\python setup.py build_mo' you need not cygwin msgfmt. you can install gettext from gnuwin32.sf.net15:05
jambialix: I *can* but I don't want to do my own dependency tracking if I can avoid it15:06
jamsetting up a build host is already a huge pain15:07
bialixI have some free time today15:08
bialixI can help15:08
jamI needed to install gettext-devel15:10
jamand msgfmt is found15:10
jamoddly, I don't know how the .mo files would be in 2.0.3...15:10
jamrunning python setup.py build will happily skip creating .mo files15:10
jamit issues a warning to the terminal, but doesn't stop the build process15:10
jammight want to look closer at that15:10
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bialixjam: it seems absent msgfmt was the main reason15:15
bialixbecause you only need setup.py build to build both mo and other tbzr stuff15:16
bialixthere is used such trick as: build.sub_commands.insert(0, ('build_mo', None))15:16
jambialix: missing msgfmt, but I didn't notice because when build_mo failed it didn't stop the build15:17
bialixit may be my fault15:18
bialixI did not return anything from build mo15:18
jamhowever, what is your thoughts on the changes to the iss script?15:18
bialixthey seems a bit wrong15:18
bialixbased on the code in tbzrlib/i18n.py it should be locale dir right along bzr.exe15:19
bialixjam: I think that line should be ;     cog.outl('Source: "%s\\locale\\*.mo"; DestDir: "{app}\\locale"; Flags: createallsubdirs ignoreversion recursesubdirs; Components: tortoise' % os.environ['TBZR'])15:22
bialix; cog.outl('Source: "%s\\locale\\*.mo"; DestDir: "{app}\\locale"; Flags: createallsubdirs ignoreversion recursesubdirs; Components: tortoise' % os.environ['TBZR'])15:22
bialixjam: do you see where to add that line?15:24
jamI understand where that would go15:24
jamI'd just like confirmation that it does the right thing15:24
jambialix: so I can confirm that 2.0.4-1 does *not* have the .mo files15:25
bialixjam: based on the code in tbzr:15:26
bialixdef _get_locale_dir():15:26
bialix    if hasattr(sys, 'frozen'):15:26
bialix        base = os.path.dirname(unicode(sys.executable, sys.getfilesystemencoding()))15:26
bialix        return os.path.join(base, u'locale')15:26
bialixsys.executable is the bzr.exe path? I guess15:27
bialixor other tbzr exe binary15:27
bialixjam: do you remember how to get exit code of other program in windows shell?15:28
bialixjam: about build_mo exit code: that's seems intended behavior: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/d137823cd15:30
bialixI can change this if you think it's desirable15:30
bialixdo you think?15:31
jambialix: so doing that means that when I don't have msgfmt installed it fails to build but doesn't stop the build process15:31
bialixor I can produce error if --force flag is used...15:31
jamI would think that you would want to fail if you can't build the i18n files15:32
jamat least for building the official installers15:32
bialixyes, for official installer it makes many sense15:32
bialixI can change this for qbzr15:32
jamI'm not a big fan of building the installer and having users tell me it is broken15:32
jamthough it seems to happen often enough15:32
bialixwhy for users then? ;-)15:33
jamwell, I wouldn't care except they expect me to do something about it15:33
jamand spending an hour building yet-another installer isn't my ideal time sink15:34
bialixexcept - expect. nice15:34
bialixlike a palindromne15:35
bialixjam: my guess about iss.cog was correct15:40
jamyeah, looks like15:40
bialixbased on naoki answer15:41
jamok, the build at least succeeds this time15:44
jamnow to sort out the installed location issues15:44
bialixat least we found problem with build_mo15:44
bialixI will update the builders for qbzr, explorer and MP for tbzr15:44
smartgpxGreetings. I have a query about 'bzr revert' not acting as I expected.15:52
smartgpxI thought in general terms it aligned the files in a WT to correspond to the state of the tip revision.15:53
smartgpxbut that's not happening.15:53
smartgpxTried with 2.1.0b4 on WinXP and 2.1.0b1 on linux with same result15:54
bialixsmartgpx: it does16:05
smartgpxbialix: not for me. but maybe I am misunderstanding. can I email you a noddy script to look at?16:07
bialixyou can pastebin it16:07
bialixor email16:07
GaryvdMsmartgpx: it brings it to the state of the branches tip16:07
GaryvdMsmartgpx: not the bound branch16:08
GaryvdM*not the bound branch's tip16:09
smartgpxdoes 'inventory' report on the branches tip? [this is simple personal stuff, no bound branches involved.]16:09
BusMasterI wish to get a branch from several commits ago. How should i do that?16:11
GaryvdMsmartgpx: no - bzr inventory --help -> Purpose: Show inventory of the *current working copy* or a revision.16:12
GaryvdMfor branch tip:   bzr inventory -r -116:12
vilaBusMaster: bzr branch -r -4 ../new-branch16:13
vilaBusMaster: bzr branch -r -4 old-branch new-branch16:13
BusMastervila, old-branch can be something like lp:~sagar/+junk/sarathi ?16:14
BusMastervila, or is that the repository ?16:15
vilaBusMaster: sure, can be any valid branch URL16:15
bialixheya vila!16:15
BusMastervila, ok thanks16:15
vilahey bialix !16:15
smartgpxregarding revert - see http://pastebin.com/d5b917d0c16:23
smartgpxI expected to get back to a working directory with only the one committed file in it.16:23
* GaryvdM looks16:26
vilasmartgpx: there is no changes so revert is a no-op16:27
GaryvdMsmartgpx: bzr does not touch unversioned files16:28
vilayeah, no changes on versioned files16:28
GaryvdMIf you did bzr add, and then bzr revert, "two" would be deleted.16:29
GaryvdMYou may find clean-tree helpfull here16:29
smartgpxadd and revert not sucessful - http://pastebin.com/d79a6bb1816:32
GaryvdMsorry - I guess I was wrong about that then.16:33
smartgpxbzr help revert says "Any files that have been newly added since that revision will be deleted" so it doesn't seem to be working right?16:36
smartgpxThis makes providing a 'clean' reply to ANSWER:98183 a bit complicated?16:38
smartgpxNo, actually it doesn't if you are prepared to Branch from an old revision rather than 'winding back' the tree you currently have.16:40
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jamvila: are you still around?16:53
jamI was wondering if you've seen http://code.google.com/p/python-ntlm/16:53
jamfor handling NTLM auth proxies for bzr16:54
vilajam: hmm, interesting16:57
jamin the short term, there also seems to be: http://sourceforge.net/projects/ntlmaps/16:57
vilajam: if it's done as AuthHandler as it seems, it may be easy to integrate16:57
jamwhich seems to run a local app16:57
jamthat you proxy through, which then proxies via NTLM for you16:57
jamhard for *me* to test, as I don't have an NTLM proxy :)16:58
vilajam: but keep in mind that most NTLM proxies also accept Basic so we have yet to find people really blocked by the lack of NTLM support16:58
jamand I'm guessing neither do you16:58
vilajam: you guess right :-/16:58
jamwell, bug 363019 is blocking someone...16:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 363019 in bzr "bzr fails to do proxy authentication" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/36301916:58
jamas is bug 24487916:59
ubottuLaunchpad bug 244879 in bzr "http urllib implementation doesn't support NTLM auth scheme" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/24487916:59
jamat least gareth white claims so16:59
jamhe says he used a different intermediate proxy for it16:59
vilajam: I *am* looking at it, but it seems the problem in 363019 is that we can't even ping code.lp.net16:59
vilaGareth found a workaround so he isn't blocked :D17:00
jamvila: so for 363019 the don't even know if there is a route to c.lp.net?17:01
jamcouldn't they use a browseR?17:01
vilajam: I asked if he can ping17:02
jamvila: looking at the last traceback:ConnectionError: Connection error: Couldn't resolve host 'code.launchpad.net' (11001, 'getaddrinfo failed')17:02
jamdoesn't look like it has anything to do with proxies17:02
jamunless they are proxying DNS requests...17:02
vilaI seem to remember David Cornoupeau talking about a config where the DNS was proxied, but I didn't make sense (to me) at the time17:02
jamI've heard of using DNS as a secret proxy17:03
jamyou make request for certain 'well-formed' IP addresses, and it proxies the actual http responses, etc.17:03
jamwow. even has "IP-over-ICMP"17:05
jamso you use ping packets to get your data...17:05
vilajam: I don't want to hear more about that :D17:08
vilajam: hmm, looking at http://code.google.com/p/python-ntlm/, it's doing far too much to be re-used directly (at least the handler part),17:10
vilahttp://code.google.com/p/python-ntlm/source/browse/trunk/python26/ntlm/ntlm.py seems to be the needed part, but it makes my eyes bleed :-/17:11
jamvila: it doesn't seem that bad, just foolish17:14
jamrather than using code comments17:14
jamthey use variables17:14
jamlike calling struct.pack 20 times17:14
vilaand assert17:14
jamrather than 1 pack with 20 args17:14
vilajam: I didn't say bad :)17:15
vilaOr I would have said: it makes my *heart* bleed :)17:15
jamI think it is ~ reasonable when you are debugging, but for an actual implementation, it seems it could be made a lot better17:15
vilajam: and no tests :-{17:19
jamin this case, running against a real server is probably the best test17:19
vilajam: anyway, thanks for the pointer, that can at least be a starting poijnt17:20
jamvila: no, *best* test (most authoritative)17:21
vilajam: no, *first* test, *one* server, we're talking MSoft here, do you really think a single server will be enough ?17:22
jamvila: it is enough if you're the guy stuck behind that particular proxy :)17:23
vilayeah, but I'm the guy maintaining the code ;D17:23
bialixjam: can I download new installer, or you're not finished it?17:27
jambialix: I'm rebuilding 2.0 right now, and I'll be doing 2.1 next17:28
bialixah, ok17:28
bialixso, I'll check tomorrow17:28
* bialix waves bye17:29
Ddordahey. Im trying to make a new branch, done init and add, but when I push it says I don't have permissions for some reasons :S17:37
Ddordawhat might be the problem?17:37
jam\o/ my passport just arrived17:46
jamigc: what are you doing awake... :)17:48
=== beuno-lunch is now known as beuno
vilajam: we use KnownGraph to caluclate revnos for pack-0.92 too right ?18:10
jamvila: yeah, I don't think reading from the index is fast-pathed18:23
jambut we should still use KG18:23
vilajam: so loading the graph for say, mysql, took how long ? I have 1sec in mind but it may be for bzr itself18:24
jamvila: mysql is now in 1.9 format18:25
jamso gets btree indices18:25
jamwhich have the faster path18:25
vilajam: the log code says: "generating the merge graph can take 30-60 seconds" that's not true anymore I think18:25
vilajam: even better then18:26
jamvila: so for their 6.0 branch, doing:18:26
jamtime py -c "from bzrlib import branch; b = branch.Branch.open('.'); b.get_revision_id_to_revno_map()"18:26
jamtakes 2.2s18:26
jamwith 68.8k revisions18:27
jamfor emacs with 106,080 k revisions, I see it taking 4.2s18:27
jamwell 106,080 or 106k :)18:28
vilagood, thanks, I'm not there yet but I'm pretty sure I understand what happen for that bug: 1) we fail to find the rev in the ancestry and display garbage instead, but 2) we just shouldn't *force* that a rev be in the direct ancestry when dealing with arbitrary revids or should we....18:29
jamvila: which bug?18:32
jamthe log not-in-ancestry stuff?18:32
newz2000can I use bzr to manage code that's in a CVS repository? i.e. bzr co cvs:something18:34
jamnewz2000: unfortunately no18:34
jamit is too hard to get stable revisions out of cvs, so you have to go through a converter18:35
newz2000ok, thanks jam18:35
jamnewz2000: I believe there is a 'bzr cvsserve' which lets people checkout a bzr branch as though it were cvs, though :)18:35
newz2000I'll suffer through some how. :-)18:36
jamvila: this seems like a slow week for 3rd-party submissions, did it seem like that for you?18:44
vilajam: yes, on the other hand, we have an rc coming out so people should know there is little chance to land something, we'll see next week18:45
jamspeaking of which, aren't we missing a PP for next week?18:47
vilaso far yes18:49
GaryvdMHi jam19:45
GaryvdMHow is it going with the win installers?19:46
jamjust finished uploading19:47
jamGaryvdM: mail sent19:47
jamMTecknology: so you're volunteering to be patch pilot ?19:48
MTecknologyjam: hm?19:50
jamMTecknology: you smiled after I mentioned missing a patch-pilot. I thought that meant you were volunteering :)19:50
MTecknologyjam: oh, that was the wrong channel - I would consider it if I had time19:51
=== davidstrauss_ is now known as davidstrauss
=== NfNitLoo` is now known as NfNitLoop
hichamhow can i skip downloading revision logs ?22:00
hichamanybody in here ?22:00
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