[00:01] Welcome back [00:02] ty [00:03] ohh...btw i have encrypted fs, looking at the chart now [00:07] total time with 2 passwords to enter was 40 sed and 56MB/s.....not sure how to read it yet, trying to find where i entered the pass' [00:08] 143MBPS on mine and 310MBPS [00:08] 143 on normal and 310 on SSD [00:09] But SSD still boots slower for some reason [00:09] My boot chart is at [00:09] http://elcnet.servehttp.com/resources/cloud/images/1cc7254e353198408c09735923e1a87fbrian-desktop-lucid-20100121-2.png [00:12] http://img402.imageshack.us/img402/6641/simbalucid201001221.png [00:12] is that viewable? [00:12] Yes [00:13] Looks like it might be the crypt slowing it down. [00:14] On mine, it's the modem-manager [00:14] Looks like modem-manager always takes a while to start [00:14] yeah, but that is to be expected... [00:14] Why does modem-manager take so long to start? [00:15] That's what slows mine down too. [00:15] Slows yours down quite a bit too. [00:15] made for legacy hardware maybe? [00:16] I guess. I tried uninstalling the package and it just re-installed itself again. [00:16] I marked it for manual deletion. It speeds up startup though. [00:16] I'm not sure if it's a good idea to try removing it though. [00:16] lol..call it malware :P [00:16] If it re-installs itself it must be needed by other packages. [00:17] needed by 3g maybe? [00:17] I noticed that IDW sometimes doesn't work without modem-manager either. [00:17] I don't have 3G, but I use an IDW connection. [00:17] Shouldn't really be needed by IDW though. [00:17] IDWs just a virtual socket. [00:18] I make software for IDW connections. [00:18] I can't figure out how to make a package from a Mono project [00:18] What sort of package? [00:18] A DEB package [00:19] i use modem,3g,wifi and wired...all depending on where i am...so i wont remove it [00:19] My project source (I just started working on it, so it's not complete yet) is at https://launchpad.net/universal [00:19] I've built a few other complete projects though, and tried making DEB files for them [00:19] Not sure how to do it. [00:20] you have launchpad account? [00:20] Yes [00:20] That depends on how serious you want to be, really. [00:20] !packagingguide [00:20] The packaging guide is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/NewPackages for information on getting a package integrated into Ubuntu - Other developer resources are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment - See also !backports [00:20] maybe look into making a ppa instead of manualy packing deb's [00:20] Mono doesn't produce a makefile though. [00:20] That is the guide for full-on policy-compliant packaging, but there's quite a lot of stuff you won't really need to deal with there. [00:21] OK. Thanks [00:21] IDWMaster: Yeah. You can get Monodevelop to produce makefiles for you, though (they're not wonderful, but they work). [00:24] meh, he's gone already... [00:24] the MOTU folks are usually a good point to go if you have packaging questions... [00:27] the MOTU people stay here? http://i.bnet.com/blogs/02hemanr26ip.png (castle of greyskull) [00:28] i kinda think of he-man when i hear MOTU [00:30] haha [00:30] simba_: you can find the MOTU folks in #ubuntu-motu [02:29] !firefox [02:29] firefox is the default web-browser on Ubuntu. To install the latest version, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxNewVersion Installing plugins: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxPlugins - See also !firefox-3.5 [02:37] !firefox-3.6 [03:18] Hi. I have a jaunty server which is running fine, but i'm trying to install some lucid packages on there, and i'm having some difficulties. [03:19] I'm trying to install tranmission 1.80 beta, but it has some dependencies which i have to install which I can't get through apt-get [03:20] you can get packages at http://packages.ubuntu.com/ [03:20] however!.... [03:21] you could end up finding yourself ending up on so many dependencies that you eventually end up with.. lucid [03:21] hehe [03:22] the problem with downloading packages, is each package has 10 or 15 dependencies, and each dependency has 10 or 15 itself [03:22] so it takes ages [03:22] you'll try to install what this needs, only to find it requires something else. and so on, and son [03:22] is there no way to automate the process [03:22] that was what i meant. you try to installed something for lucid... you end up with lucid [03:23] can i not add the lucid repo to sources.list, and just apt-get that package [03:23] it comes down to 'libc6' [03:23] i only need 2 packages [03:23] libssl0.9.8 [03:23] and libevent-1.4-2 [03:24] programs that are compiled with the version of libc6 in lucid, are going to end up needing that version of libc6 installed on the system [03:24] which means.. installing lucid [03:24] do those two packages require libc6? [03:24] you can find out with a an apt-cache command [03:25] errr, hang on [03:26] i was trying to see if there's a dpkg command that shows the depends [03:27] and? [03:27] *Everything* requires libc6. [03:27] Well, almost everything. It's the C runtime library. [03:28] but i'm not so sure those two packages are lucid only [03:28] dabukalam: Installing Lucid packages on Jaunty will only lead to pain. [03:28] However, there is a solution: rebuild the Lucid packages against Jaunty. [03:29] you mean by getting the sources and building them? [03:29] dabukalam: in this case, the way to get what you want installed on your system is to, download the source, then compile and install it. that way, it gets compiled with the version of libc6 that you have [03:31] !ops [03:31] Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia! [03:31] it can't be that complicated [03:31] dabukalam: Exactly. You can moderately automate this process with pbuilder. [03:31] *sigh* [03:32] The transmission site (http://www.transmissionbt.com/download.php) shows 1.80 to be the latest release. Shouldn't there be a package for ubuntu? [03:32] i found command to show the depends of a package --> dpkg-deb -I [03:33] because i downloaded and installed transmission-common 1.80 and basically broke transmission. [03:37] dabukalam: check out the 'checkinstall' program if you want. it's what i use to install download source tarballs. it builds a debian package(.deb) --> apt-cache show checkinstall [03:37] RAOF, So how do I go about installing http://www.transmissionbt.com/download.ph [03:37] dabukalam: check out the 'checkinstall' program if you want. it's what i use to install downloaded* source tarballs. it builds a debian package(.deb) --> apt-cache show checkinstall [03:37] onetinsoldier, it can't be this complicated [03:38] use the source luke! [03:38] i'm sure there's an easier way for such a mainstream app [03:39] would you like me to take you through compiling it? [03:39] onetinsoldier: that would be nice. Can you give me 5 mins though? [03:39] sure [03:39] i'll be afk for 5 also, cheers [03:45] ok, back now [03:46] question [03:47] yes? [03:47] if i installed something from a package, how can i remove it? [03:47] dkpg -r? [03:47] let me say, this will be considered ot, so we should take it to #ubuntu-ot or via PM [04:24] hmm, I still think it might be nice to have an !ops command that just lists ops... and an !ops! command that pings them. [04:24] DanaG: You can view the OPs by doing: /msg chanserv access #ubuntu+1 list (OPs have +o) [04:25] or just /msg ubottu ops-#ubuntu+1 [04:25] That's non-obvious, though. =þ [04:25] though the access list is more up-to-date [04:26] * DanaG also wonders: if you did /msg ubottu ops .... would that have the same effect as in the channel? Better to ask than to try. =þ [04:26] DanaG: The access list method works for any channel on freenode. It does not rely on ubottu (or any ubottu clone) [04:26] DanaG: /msg'ing ubottu is safe [04:27] also, how can you list the ops without pinging them? ;) [04:28] nhandler answered that. [04:28] =þ [04:28] I mean a bot command, like you said [04:29] tsimpson: It would have to send its response as a /notice or PM to the user instead of sending it to the channel [04:29] maybe, but that wouldn't help those of us who have that specific command on highlight :) [04:30] would !ops > user work? [04:30] !schedule > vish [04:30] vish, please see my private message [04:30] depends what you mean by "work" [04:31] tsimpson: for DanaG's scenario ;) [04:31] probably, but it'll still highlight most operators [04:32] Or have the default ops list to PM, and make the "help!!!!" variant do the ping. [04:32] we tend to have that trigger on highlight in case ubottu disappears for some reason (eg: netsplit or server issues) [04:32] hmm, why not leave ops status on? [04:32] ah.. [04:32] That's one thing I've wondered. [04:33] DanaG: that would add complexity, complexity adds confusing, during a channel emergency complexity and confusion are bad :) [04:33] s/ing/ion/ [04:34] it has been ! ops for so long, that changing to it anything else would cause more problems than it would solve [04:36] DanaG: we don't stay +o because freenode recommend against it and we agree with them on that [04:38] another idea: have !ops be delayed by, say, 3/4 second... and have it only ping if the person doesn't say some "cancel ping" trigger. [04:38] =þ [04:39] eh. perhaps more hassle than it's worth. [04:40] a lot of hassle, and most of the time it's uses it's an emergency, so a delay is not a good thing [04:54] anyone out there running boxee on lucid? [05:05] alex_mayorga: i'm running lucid [05:06] ontinsoldier, and boxee.tv ? [05:09] oh [05:09] no.. sorry [05:21] argh, xorg segfault. [05:22] bummer [05:23] i'm going... arrghh, no opengl 3d acceleration over here! hehe [05:30] http://pastebin.com/f76d9ba24 [05:35] http://pastebin.com/f267414ef [05:41] yay for NoTrapSignals. [05:41] Now I can report my Xorg crash. === zniavre_ is now known as zniavre === deegee_1 is now known as deegee [08:57] yawn o/ === virtuald_ is now known as virtuald === arand_ is now known as arand [11:57] bjsnider: you keep your flash 64 PPA ? [11:57] will you keep it updated? === BUGabundo_remote is now known as BUGabundo_lunch === BUGabundo_lunch is now known as BUGabundo_work [13:55] FYI [13:55] (01:53:50 PM) asac: or in lucid tonight ;) [13:55] (01:54:03 PM) ***asac will throw the bomb in today -- almost official [13:55] (01:54:18 PM) asac: together with chromium ;) [13:55] (01:54:19 PM) asac: bang! [13:56] hi there [13:56] could someone tell me if there will be a pre-installed backup solution in Lucid ? [14:00] virkang: I don't think by default, since there seems to be no relevant blueprint https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/lucid , but I don't know if http://www.unixmen.com/news-today/561-ubuntu-1004-lts-lucid-may-include-a-backup-tool-by-default knows something launchpad doesn't... I've not heard anything about it before now though... [14:02] arand, thx ! did you heard of a long term roadmap about backups in ubuntu desktop ? [14:04] virkang: Not really no, it'd be a logical step, I'm not sure how much backup integration is going into U1 for example.. [14:06] arand, I ask you that, because i'd like to be part of the community, and launch such a project [14:07] I have the will and motivation to do it, but not yet the technical skills [14:07] for the moment I learn Python [14:08] and afterwards, i'd like to learn how to develop in Ubuntu [14:10] virkang: Ah, I'm probably not the right person for dev involvement, I'm but a user who tests +1. There are https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment which I think has a bunch of pointer on where to start on getting into development.. [14:11] arand, thx for the tip ! [14:11] If you have specific questions there's always #ubuntu-motu and #ubuntu-dev [14:24] can anyone confirm please: http://code.google.com/p/microblog-purple/issues/detail?id=174 === dto1 is now known as dto [14:43] So about 1 hour 15min until -meeting ? === arand_ is now known as arand [15:47] HELP!!!!! [15:47] :( [15:47] * acicula throws BUGabundo_remote a lifeline [15:49] acicula: you know an alternative to MSFT Visio? [15:49] if I need to use it one more hour, I'm blasting my brain outs [15:49] and don't say DIA [15:49] no :( [15:49] <--visio [15:50] well appearantly you can do stuff in tex but idunno, i can barely draw schemas using just squares [15:52] thanks anyway [15:53] * BUGabundo_remote returns to head desking === yofel_ is now known as yofel [17:25] hi there [17:36] hi everyone! [17:37] is it me or is there a dependency problem with libmono-zeroconf1.0-cil, libnotify0.4-cil and libtaglib2.0-cil ? [17:38] alex_: checking, didn't check for updates today yet [17:41] alex_: hi. what do you have installed that depends on these? i can try installing it [17:41] i'm trying to install banshee [17:42] alex_: roger. i don't know what that is, but i hear you [17:42] bashee installs fine here, no conflict [german mirror] [17:42] just looked at what banshee is.. cool [17:43] alex_: might help if we could see an error from a command such as... apt-get -f install [17:49] onetinsoldier, sry, it's in French http://pastebin.com/d5e555915 [17:55] and i've got today updates, of course [18:09] there is no reboot/shutdown/logout confirmation message is this a bug or its the expected behavior? [18:11] alex_: sorry. was afk there for a while. if you're still here, i'll have a look [18:11] onetinsoldier, no prob :) [18:11] * om26er still looks for the anwer [18:14] alex_: hmmm, a little hard for me to read the french. try... [18:15] alex_: sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude safe-upgrade [18:16] onetinsoldier, hum, still the same error message :( [18:17] :-| [18:18] alex_: i'm not really sure it's a 'dependency' problem [18:20] i need the french translated [18:20] onetinsoldier, ok i'll try [18:21] let me see if i can find a website that will translate it [18:22] alex_: ok, i got it translated. hang on [18:22] onetinsoldier, thank you :) [18:23] alex_: you're welcome. it's not a dependency problem [18:24] alex_: if you're ready, i'll have you try some things again [18:24] onetinsoldier, sure, of course :) [18:24] thank you very much for your help [18:25] alex_: sudo dpkg --purge --force-depends libmono-zeroconf1.0-cil libnotify0.4-cil libtaglib2.0-cil [18:25] hmm, anyone know how to encrypt home on an already-installed system? [18:26] hi all [18:26] hi jorgen [18:26] is it just me or is amarok currently unusable? ;) [18:27] alex_: you may just get the same problem, but lets try installing one package at a time... [18:27] onetinsoldier, http://pastebin.com/d2db06986 [18:27] alex_: did you do the dpkg command i gave you yet? [18:27] alex_: ok, hang on [18:27] om26er: are you asking about the options from the top menu ? [18:28] let me ask another q then, does it help to file bug reports for alpha2 ? [18:28] om26er: i'v seen them disappear , at random , it has something to do with session or gdm .. [18:29] alex_: ok, i think this is going to take what i would call some 'surgery'. it may take a while, and i can't be sure i can get it fixed. but i can try. do you have time? [18:29] jorgen: definitely! [18:29] vish, no when i click shutdown it shutsdown without any confirmation [18:29] ok then vish.. launchpad i guess? [18:29] jorgen: without bugs , we would never know if anything went wrong with an update ;) [18:29] jorgen: yes , just do $ubuntu-bug PACKAGE_NAME [18:30] om26er: hmm , weird , not sure [18:30] hope i remember my password, it has been a while ;) [18:30] onetinsoldier, i do, but don't worry ... I just wanted to know if it was a real dependency prob affecting everyone, if it's just a prob with my machine, i don't want you to waste your time. If you do have time, then great :) it's very kind of you [18:31] alex_: i'm pretty sure i have the time. i'm a little rusty at this, but i can try. i have time [18:31] onetinsoldier, great thanks [18:31] alex_: you' [18:31] alex_: you're welcome [18:32] alex_: ok, here we go... --> cd /var/lib/dpkg [18:32] lol, ubuntu-bug even crashes :) [18:32] alex_: sudo cp -v status status.backup [18:33] onetinsoldier, yup [18:34] alex_: ok, now you need to open up that file with a text editor(the 'status' file) [18:35] yup [18:35] I don't need resistance to brute-force; just resistance to casual snooping by other users. [18:35] for my encryption. [18:36] alex_: ok, hang on a minute please [18:38] alex_: sorry, keep waiting. it's been quite a while since i've done this [18:39] onetinsoldier, don't worry no prob :) [18:39] alex_: cool, thanks [18:42] alex_: i need probably need you to do a little experimenting.... anyway, search inside that file on for the following string --> Package: libmono-zeroconf1.0-cil [18:44] onetinsoldier, http://pastebin.com/m2f63a39f [18:44] alex_: when it finds it, what does the 'Status' line look like? the 'Status' line shoiuld be right below the 'Package' line. it will look something like this --> Status: install ok installed [18:45] alex_: ok, roger [18:45] alex_: i need you to edit the 'Status' line... edit it to make it like the following --> Status: purge ok not-installed [18:46] ok [18:46] yup [18:46] alex_: ok, now. save the file [18:46] you can leave it open in the editor, but save it. [18:47] yup [18:47] alex_: ok, now try --> sudo apt-get install libmono-zeroconf1.0-cil [18:47] alex_: and tell me what happens! [18:48] onetinsoldier, hum seems to work :) [18:49] alex_: awesome! now we need to fix the other 2 packages.. you ready to do that? [18:49] alex_: if you stil have the status file open, close it and repoen it(refresh it) [18:49] onetinsoldier, yeah i can do that no prob [18:49] reopen* [18:49] yeah gedit does that automatically [18:50] i'll do the same with the two other packages [18:50] alex_: cool.. ready now? [18:51] alex_: search inside the file for --> Package: libnotify0.4-cil [18:51] onetinsoldier, yup i've done them [18:51] alex_: cool [18:52] alex_: have you tried --> sudo apt-get -f install ...? [18:52] or... sudo apt-get install libnotify0.4-cil libtaglib2.0-cil [18:53] onetinsoldier, there both install great! [18:53] now it won't install banshee [18:53] i'll try the same thing [18:53] alex_: let me see the error [18:55] adding files to cd/dvd creator and hitting `write to disc` quits the program [18:58] onetinsoldier, should i set banshee status to not-installed as well ? [18:58] alex_: i'd need to see the error message [18:59] alex_: but you can set it to not-installed... it shouldn't hurt anything if you do [19:03] onetinsoldier, i've set it to non-installed http://pastebin.com/m38cd3406 [19:04] alex_: you must have made a 'typo' in the /var/lib/dpkg/status file... [19:05] strange because i didn't change to configured-version line [19:06] alex_: you must be very careful when editing this file. it's a dangerous file to 'just play around' with. however, you can be a lot safer with playing around with it as a long as you make a backup of the file before you start editing it. [19:06] onetinsoldier, http://pastebin.com/m44be2c7f [19:08] alex_: try making the Status line to --> Status: purge ok not-installed [19:08] alex_: then try --> sudo aptitude install banshee [19:10] onetinsoldier, same "configured version" problem [19:10] hmmm [19:11] are you sure you save the file after editing it? [19:12] are you sure you saved* the file after editing it? [19:13] onetinsoldier, yup, sure [19:14] just installed fglrx from hardware drivers and I get an error saying cant find driver upon boot.. have to use low res to boot [19:15] alex_: what happens if you run --> sudo aptitude [19:15] alex_: then press 'g' key while your in aptitude [19:17] onetinsoldier, wants to uninstalled the three packages we just installed and libboo2 [19:17] uninstall* [19:17] roger... press 'q' once [19:17] then press '/' key and search on banshee [19:18] roger that [19:18] did it take you to the banshee package? [19:18] no, to banshee-extension-alarm [19:19] ok, press the / key again and press enter. keep doing that untill you are to the banshee package [19:20] ok done [19:21] ok.. now, with the banshee package highlighted in there.. press the '+' key on your keyboard to tell aptitude to add banshee as a package that you want to install [19:22] ok [19:22] press Shit + = (for the '+' key) [19:22] ok... now press 'g' key [19:22] what happens? [19:22] oops [19:22] press Shift + = (for the '+' key) [19:23] after g ? [19:23] no [19:23] i just wanted to clear up my, ahem, typo there [19:24] ok, so you added the banshee package to aptitude, then press 'g' [19:24] yup [19:24] then... press 'g' again if it looks all good [19:24] that will install! pressing 'g' the second time [19:24] still the configured version prob :( [19:25] dang [19:26] exit out of aptitude. show me in one line on here... [19:26] what the Status line is for banshee in the /var/lib/dpkg/status file [19:27] alex_: open the file fresh and new before you show me... if you can please [19:28] Status: purge ok not-installed [19:28] hum [19:29] alex_: it's possible i may see the problem [19:29] alex_: i'm not sure, but i think i see the problem [19:30] what is it? [19:30] alex_: do you have 2 spaces between 'Status:' and --> purge ok not-installed [19:30] ? [19:31] onetinsoldier, haha yeah, you're really :) [19:31] alex_: is it working ok now? [19:32] onetinsoldier, uh no still the same error [19:32] arrrghh [19:34] alex_: ok, try changing the status to --> install ok installed [19:34] alex_: then run --> sudo apt-get -f install [19:35] alex_: and tell me if you get any errors [19:35] onetinsoldier, no, no errors [19:36] alex_: ok, now --> sudo dpkg -r banshee [19:36] alex_: tell me if that command goes ok [19:36] still same configured version problem [19:37] alex_: strange. try --> sudo apt-get install --reinstall --force-yes banshee [19:39] onetinsoldier, same error msg [19:39] alex_: make a backup file of the current /var/lib/dpkg/status file [19:40] yup [19:40] alex_: then open up a fresh and new instance of your text editor [19:40] yup [19:41] alex_: then let's edit that file /var/lib.dpkg/status [19:41] alex_: i want you to remove the banshee package entry from the file [19:41] which one? the new backup ? [19:41] alex_: the entire section for that package [19:41] oh sorry i get it [19:41] no... the 'status' file itself [19:42] then... save the changes [19:42] weird.... my touchpad supports multitouch in windows, but not in Linux. [19:42] ok [19:42] then.. sudo aptitude update [19:43] alex_: then --> sudo aptitude install banshee [19:44] onetinsoldier, it works !!!! [19:44] onetinsoldier, thank you so much mate :) [19:44] onetinsoldier, i wish i could buy you a beer :) [19:44] alex_: cheers :-) [19:45] thanks :) [19:45] have a good evening :) [19:45] bye! [19:45] you're welcome :-) [19:45] take care, bye [19:46] got a new laptop and the writer (which works 100% in windows) detects fine in all programs, can read fine, wont write past the lead-in without error.. doesnt work in 9.10 either, so i`m hoping to get it dealt with for the final of lucid. I hate having to boot windows to burn. === DanaG1 is now known as DanaG [19:49] duffydack, what kind of discs are you trying to write? i have a problem that i think is a flaw in karmic where dvd-rw discs cannot be written to [19:51] bjsnider, Ive tried dvd-r, dvd+r and dvd-rw. [19:52] bjsnider, I`m not the only one with the same/similar model drive.. It can blank discs fine tho. [19:52] http://pastebin.com/m5cb8bde6 [19:53] output from cd/dvd creator (brasero?) [19:54] 'HL-DT-ST' 'DVD+-RW GA11N ' 'A102' Removable CD-ROM [19:55] laptop upto date bios, writer latest fw [19:55] I have tried gnomebaker, k3b, cdrecord, geniso, imgburn in wine. Hope it can be fixed for next release. === Floops[w]1 is now known as Fringe [20:00] mine is fine unless i try to blank an rw and then write it [20:23] I am having an issue running ubiquity from my 10.04 desktop installation [20:38] is there anyone in here who is dealing with cd/dvd drives? [20:39] like someone officia [20:39] like crimson for audio etc. [20:42] does the gnome-shell work yet? in 10.04 [20:46] it worked in karmic already [20:46] *works [20:48] any k9copy users around? I intent to upload a new upstream version soonish, but wouldn't know too much how to test it, so any guinea pigs welcome [20:49] im running lucid, i did an apt-get update last night, shut machine down, i come in today and try to boot machine and its stuck at "Starting init crypto disks" . what am i doing wrong ? === luis__lopez is now known as luis_lopez === ikt is now known as ikt|sleep [21:39] wm_: I had that issue trying to install a fresh copy of the OS from a daily build. I then did the update-d and everything worked fine. I'll look around and see what i can find. [21:49] wm_: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/499399 <-- is this what your suffering from? [21:49] Ubuntu bug 499399 in linux "unable to install or start as live-cd daily build 22.12.09 Lucid" [High,Triaged] [21:50] humm [21:50] aptitude is launching it self in background .... [21:50] and restarts after I kill it :\\ [21:51] * xguru foresees a headache [21:51] aptitude demands you update to 3.6.1 [21:51] tout suite [21:51] and will rise from the dead to do it [21:52] its a macabre festival in your pc [21:52] BUGabundo: sure its not trying to update itself, automated security updates that are enabled ? [21:53] maybe [21:53] let me check the auto upgrade stuff [21:54] Unattended-Upgrade::Allowed-Origins { [21:54] "Ubuntu lucid-security"; [21:55] and since there isn't suck pocket, its very strange it would even try to do anyting on it own [21:57] YAY [21:57] now I know why my external e-sata disk is corrupting data [21:57] its not syncing when I eject it :( [21:58] at least nautilus no longer crashes when I'm moving files to external disk :DDD [21:58] * BUGabundo bets it was dropbox plugin [21:59] right [21:59] apropos dropbox? [21:59] * yofel wants a shotgun for thos CTCP spammers *-.- [22:01] * BUGabundo pickes up Visio rifle, and hands it to yofel [22:01] * BUGabundo ducks behind the table [22:01] nawh they post links to nice malware [22:01] SHOOT WAY [22:01] visio rifle? what caliber is that? [22:02] known stuff but always interesting [22:02] xguru: looks like it. how do i fix ? [22:02] * yofel thanks BUGabundo [22:02] bjsnider: the biggest I could find in your house.... I was going mad today with it.... [22:03] visio shoots clippy shells [22:03] wm_: Its been filed as a bug and no one is assigned to fix it.....all i know to do is wait [22:04] * yofel hands the shotgun back to BUGabundo [22:04] * yofel feels better now :) [22:05] i'm not seeing this spam for some reason [22:05] anyone know if OOo has fully released its new 3.2? I heard that it was do out sometime this month [22:12] hi! yesterday I upgraded my dekstop (kubuntu 9.10 with kde 4.4rc1 and fglrx driver from ATI site)... today after restart I get black screen... anybody know which packet is broken? [22:32] Your machine has been infected by the recent spam attacks - visit http://www2.freenode.pl/ for a quick and easy solution! [22:32] Your machine has been infected by the recent spam attacks - visit http://www2.freenode.pl/ for a quick and easy solution! [22:32] Your machine has been infected by the recent spam attacks - visit http://www2.freenode.pl/ for a quick and easy solution! [22:32] Your machine has been infected by the recent spam attacks - visit http://www2.freenode.pl/ for a quick and easy solution! [22:32] Your machine has been infected by the recent spam attacks - visit http://www2.freenode.pl/ for a quick and easy solution! [22:32] Your machine has been infected by the recent spam attacks - visit http://www2.freenode.pl/ for a quick and easy solution! [22:32] Good riddance [22:32] DO NOT CLICK! [22:33] * genii twitches but resists clicking [22:33] *i wonder what this exe does* [22:34] lol [22:34] clicked it [22:34] it was opening browser windows all over the place... [22:34] hope you're using a guest-session for that. [22:35] nope [22:36] well, i guess you're now part of a spambot [22:36] if you get an angry letter from your isp you'll know [22:37] how would it do that to me.. [22:38] it would have to target ubuntu first [22:39] i closed the windows as they opened and didnt download any file or run it.. im quite confident i`m ok.. but ya never know I guess [22:39] well for some attacks just opening the page/clicking the link is sufficient [22:39] it's a javascript exploit [22:40] targetting what platform [22:40] all platforms run javascript [22:40] actually there was a recent post on how to get around NX/ALSR without PIE on unix [22:41] it could get in through wine if it's an exe [22:41] yeah but the javascript is ussually used to use a vulnerability and get some code injected [22:41] that requires very platform specific information and the absense and/or availability of certain libraries/protections [22:48] see the broadcast, thats quite nifty, sending irc spam [22:53] * iqlrmvfe (n=gygobzaw@adsl-83-100-239-132.karoo.KCOM.COM) has joined #ubuntu-desktop [22:53] looks like you spammed #ubuntu-desktop at least duffydack [22:54] oh noes [22:55] i`ll reset the router, reboot.. [22:55] a noscript non believer spotted [22:56] [22:56] [22:56] used wget and renamed to txt. [22:57] somebody report that dude. [23:00] i'll do it. [23:01] How to stop the applet "General Settings for accessibility" from automatically starting up in lucid? [23:08] via startup manager under preferences?