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NafaiLooking forward to Ubuntu Developer Week next week.  Help me get a leg up before I start my contract period on February 1.07:52
Nafaibtw, I'm going to be working on app-indicator porting as a contractor07:53
didrockssweet Nafai :)07:58
Nafaiyeah, excited08:01
Nafaibeen starting to work on transmission to get a head start08:01
didrocksNafai: transmission integration on app-indicator?08:02
didrockssounds great (even if I only use transmission-daemon on a server) ;)08:02
NafaiI hope y'all won't mind me asking workflow questions and stuff (bzr/launchpad, working with the packaging branches, etc)08:03
NafaiJust so I do things the way the team does things08:04
didrocksNafai: I'll ask you GTK/Glib related question as a counter-part :)08:10
didrocksbut no, don't be shy asking :)08:10
NafaiSo what do you work on didrocks?08:13
didrocksNafai: mosly UNE packaging, but those last two days, I was more focused on patching gdm :)08:14
didrocksadding some option to select default session on gdmsetup, don't save in .dmrc if we are using a failsafe session, etc.08:14
Nafainice, the loss of features in the latest GDM is kind of annoying08:15
didrocksI agree, I've added default session support and submitted it upstream. Let's wait for a review08:16
pittihey didrocks08:21
didrocksGuten Morgen pitti :)08:22
* pitti waves to Nafai, good luck with the porting!08:22
NafaiHey pitti.  Thanks!08:22
NafaiShould be fun and I'll be excited to be able to point to the panel in a Lucid install and say "Hey, I did that." :)08:23
pittiNafai: which projects will you work on? (after transmission)08:24
pittiright, just ask here08:24
pittiNafai: new contributors are always a good opportunity for us to update our documentation08:24
pittiNafai: so please don't feel mistreated if we point you to docs first; let's discuss the open questions afterwards, and then we can clarify the pages08:25
Nafaigood question, I've seen the bug list on launchpad of the projects that need porting, but I am unsure of the priorities08:25
Nafaipitti: Of course, if the answer is "hey, the docs are here", I'll take it :)08:25
pittiwell, I guess they will be in a few priority buckets, not a total order08:25
NafaiWhich, is this up-to-date and accurate: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam/Bzr08:25
pittiNafai: /Bzr is accurate wrt. the way the desktop team does _most_ of pacakges nowadays08:26
pittiNafai: however, these days we are developing a new workflow with having the full source in bzr, and "package branches" (which look like lp:ubuntu/transmission)08:27
pittiNafai: we don't use this approach yet for packages which we aren't upstream for, though08:27
NafaiAh, okay08:27
pittiNafai: but in general, if you have a package with a Vcs-Bzr: header, use that (debcheckout pkgname)08:27
baptistemmhello, good morning08:27
pittiNafai: if you happen to stumble across a pacakge without a Vcs-Bzr: header, just ask here08:28
pitti(since we need to collectively decide what to do about it)08:28
* Nafai nods08:28
Nafaiafter you do the debcheckout and your changes are to the source (that we aren't upstream for, like transmission), what's the best strategy for producing the .patches files that are needed?08:30
NafaiI've been doing a bzr bd-do and then copying over the directory in build-area and making the changes there, then producing a patch file from that and re-doing it08:30
Nafai(re-doing bzr bd-do to test after the patch file is in place)08:31
didrocksNafai: it all depends on what patch system the package is using, you can have a look there to  have a presentation about them: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/PatchSystems08:35
NafaiAwesome, thanks08:36
didrocksy/w  :)08:36
didrockspitti: I'm looking at your update-gnome-menus-cache, the DesktopEntry module handle l10n itself and return the right Comment/Name in the desired language?08:37
pittiNafai: re; yes, PatchSystems page is good; usually it's cdbs-edit-patch or quilt, depending on which patch system is in use08:40
pittididrocks: correct, the cache files are per-locale08:41
pittiavoids expensive gettext08:41
Nafailooks like quilt for transmission08:41
didrockspitti: I mean, you just load the file using the DesktopEntry python module. This one handle taking the right locale for you, right?08:41
pittididrocks: well, you shouldn't load it manually at all08:42
pittididrocks: it's only meant as a cache for libgnome-menu08:42
didrockspitti: I was just curious and looking at your code, and as I didn't see any localisation handling, I was just curious :)08:42
pittiso if you do gmenu_tree_lookup("applications.menu"), it will use that08:42
didrocksNafai: right, it's quilt for transmission08:43
pittididrocks: /usr/share/applications/desktop.de_DE.utf8.cache08:43
pittididrocks: i. e. it's encoded in the file name08:43
didrockspitti: and what the difference between utf8, UTF8 and UTF-8 ?08:44
pittididrocks: /usr/share/applications/desktop.de_DE.UTF-8.cache , sorry08:44
pitti.UTF-8 is the actual locale name08:44
pittiI'm not sure why there's an .utf8 file08:44
pittiseems that changed recently08:44
pitti$ locale -a08:45
pittinew glibc/08:45
didrocksright, same here08:45
pittididrocks: anyway, it has to match exactly the locale08:45
didrockspitti: ok, thanks :)08:45
pittithe .UTF-8 is not "magic" in any way, it's just a convention08:45
pittididrocks: FYI, /usr/share/i18n/SUPPORTED maps the names to encodings08:46
pittididrocks: i. e. many UTF-8 locales don't have any suffix at all, since they are relatively new and _only_ available in UTF-808:46
pittiug_CN UTF-808:46
pittifor example08:46
didrockspitti: oh, ok, understood08:48
didrockspitti: in that case, I'm just wondering why I have desktop.fr_FR.UTF8.cache too, which isn't in /usr/share/i18n/SUPPORTED08:49
pittididrocks: look at the timestamp; I suspect it's from an older glibc08:50
pitti2010-01-19 08:54 /usr/share/applications/desktop.de_DE.UTF-8.cache08:50
pitti2010-01-22 00:33 /usr/share/applications/desktop.de_DE.utf8.cache08:50
pittii. e. the "old" names aren't built any more08:50
didrockspitti: right, something should have happened around the 2010-01-16 :)08:51
didrockstriggers seem easy to implement (still looking at your patch)08:52
didrocksin fact, we are still fetching /usr/share/applications/ desktop file and locale one08:53
chrisccoulsongood morning everyone08:55
didrockshey chrisccoulson08:57
pittihey chrisccoulson08:57
chrisccoulsonhey pitti didrocks, how are you both?08:57
pittichrisccoulson: so, my xrdb patch worked; we are booting 4 mm faster now :)08:57
chrisccoulsonpitti - excellent :)08:58
* pitti uses a ruler to measure bootchart distance between g-d-m and last red line08:58
seb128miniwhat is excellent?08:58
pittilook! a miniature seb128!08:58
pittiseb128mini:    │08:58
seb128minilaptop is fscking for 15 minutes08:58
pittiseb128mini: pitti | chrisccoulson: my xrdb patch worked; we are booting 4 mm faster now :)08:59
chrisccoulsonminiature seb = seb3208:59
pittiand it only took me until 1 am08:59
seb128miniso I figured I would test empathy IRC now08:59
* pitti pats seb128mini08:59
* seb128mini hugs pitti08:59
pittiif you work really really hard and learn GNOME, then, maybe, one day, you can become almost as good as our famous seb128!09:00
seb128minilet's see09:00
seb128miniI feel I still have a way to go before that09:00
didrockssalut seb128mini :)09:00
seb128miniI'm trying to figure for now why I can't enable bluetooth on this box09:00
seb128minilut didrocks09:00
pittiseb128mini: as in the bios or in the applet?09:01
seb128minithe gnome-bluetooth "enable bluetooth" button does nothing09:01
* pitti usually disables BT in the bios09:01
pittiit's just a power sink09:01
didrocksseb128mini: rick told me that the BIOS power off it09:01
seb128minilet me try that09:01
didrocksok, not typing fast enough :)09:01
seb128minimy laptop managed to boot09:01
chrisccoulsoni can't get lucid to boot at all anymore09:03
chrisccoulsonnot even the live CD :(09:04
chrisccoulsonit hangs at "SMP alternatives: switching to UP code"09:04
seb128did you try picking old linux version in grub?09:04
seb128bluetooth is on in the bios09:04
asachi seb12809:05
chrisccoulsonseb128 - not yet. i'll try that later when i get in from work though09:05
asacgot asked on whether gnome-shell moves to libseed ;)?09:05
seb128asac, there is no such plan09:05
seb128that has been discussed in the past though09:05
seb128but gnome-shell people feel they have enough to do on gnome-shell itself to get it working09:05
seb128out of rewritting it to use a different js09:06
asacright. maybe can you point them to our plan to demote xulrunner and its js lib to universe (or even remove it completely)09:06
seb128I could09:07
seb128asac, http://mail.gnome.org/archives/desktop-devel-list/2009-November/msg00028.html09:13
pittiseb128, chrisccoulson: I'm curious, what's the status of Chris' "weaker gconf dependency" patches? is it still worth uploading them?09:14
seb128pitti, they are pretty useless as long as we don't solve the seahorse case09:14
seb128but either not running it09:14
seb128(I'm still not sure why we need the daemon)09:15
pittiseb128: ah, is that the gap between ssh-agent and seahorse-daemon? just waiting on gconf?09:15
seb128apparently when not running it people got warning when first trying the nautilus context menu option to encrypt a file etc09:15
seb128chrisccoulson delayed gconf use to after the g-s-d session registration09:16
pittiwell, we primarily need this for injecting the env vars into the session, no?09:16
seb128out of the fact that it does start seahorse09:16
seb128which does query gconf09:16
pittihm, is anyone working on this already?09:16
pittiif not, it sounds like it could become my Monday project09:16
seb128pitti, it's not the agent it's the daemon09:16
seb128I don't see any environment variable due to it09:17
seb128chrisccoulson said he would I think09:17
seb128not sure it's that still the case09:17
pittitoday I'm too busy with release/bureaucracy/email/meeting stuff, but I should be able to continue boot speed work on Monday09:17
seb128I want to have a look at xdg-user-dirs-gtk-update today09:18
seb128it's not doing a lot but still it seems stupid to run that at every login just to see if you default dirs changed09:18
seb128defaults being download, music, video,..09:19
NafaiI'm going to try to sleep.  UTC-7 here.  :)09:22
vishseb128: evolution-indicator 0.2.6-0ubuntu2 , seems to fix Bug #436755 ,  is it still open for a reason? [ seems the lp janitor didnt close the lp bug , missed mentioning bug# ?]09:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 436755 in evolution-indicator "indicator-applet doesn't change icon when I recieve new e-mails via Evolution" [Low,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/43675509:22
vishwant me to close it?09:23
seb128vish, yes please,09:24
vishok , thanks09:24
didrockspitti: seb128: clutk needs some bin NEW approval: https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/clutk/0.3.8-0ubuntu2/+build/145956609:25
chrisccoulsonpitti / seb128 - yeah, i was going to look at seahorse-daemon in the next few days to understand what it's doing when it starts up09:26
pittichrisccoulson: ok, great09:26
chrisccoulsonmy existing gnome-session / g-s-d / gconf patches delay gconf use until the xsettings plugin loads09:26
seb128didrocks, doing that09:26
didrocksthanks seb128 :)09:26
chrisccoulsonit's only the xrandr plugin so far that can run without gconf09:26
pittinjpatel, seb128, chrisccoulson: so perhaps I'll profile mutter then (the non-UNE bits)09:27
seb128pitti, if you want to09:28
seb128pitti, I'm not convinced it's the best use of our ressources right now09:28
pittiseb128: please suggest something better09:28
pittiit seems the seahorse one is now the bottleneck09:28
seb128pitti, seems upstream people will get that one faster over time09:28
seb128well you can probably work on mutter09:28
pittibut if chrisccoulson is on that already09:28
seb128but it will take a while to learn it09:29
seb128where upstream seems to know what to change and will do it over time09:29
baptistemmhello seb128, pitti and chrisccoulson09:29
chrisccoulsonhey baptistemm09:30
chrisccoulsonhow much time does the "start everything at once" change gain?09:30
seb128chrisccoulson, none09:31
chrisccoulsonhmmmm :-/09:31
seb128seems start earlier09:31
seb128but it's traded for extra conflicts and too much activity09:32
seb128like extra context switches etc09:32
pittiit's just a potential win so far09:32
chrisccoulsonseb128 - i had a thought about maybe restructuring the startup in to 3 phases instead of 5 (so, you have the initialization phase as we do currently, then a middle phase for starting stuff we would consider to make a usable session, and then start everything else at the end)09:33
chrisccoulsonand perhaps we could even delay some things starting - eg, gnome-screensaver used to be spawned by g-s-d after a delay, but since it's being started by gnome-session now, it starts straight away - but it doesn't need to really09:34
seb128that's sort what we did there09:34
seb128I kept things in the init pahse09:34
seb128and moved things away from the wm and panel one09:34
seb128so you would have application and extra-application?09:35
chrisccoulsonseb128 - so, we just use 2 phases now?09:35
seb128init and applis09:35
pittichrisccoulson: seahorse> I still don't get why seahorse should block everything else (conceptually) -- the only necessary thing is to inject the session env variables, and those don't need gconf; everything else can just start much later on; am I missing something?09:35
chrisccoulsonseb128 - i was thinking about adding another key to the autostart files to allow you to specify a delay (eg, start after 10 seconds or so)09:36
seb128pitti, as said before I don't think there is any variable09:36
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seb128pitti, that gnome-keyring for ssh09:36
seb128and gpg is seahorse-agent09:36
seb128which is not in the default install09:36
seb128the issue there is seahorse-daemon09:36
pittihm, is that not SSH_AGENT_PID?09:37
pitti^ that shoudl be from the ss-agent wrapper, but that should be really quick09:37
seb128ssh is keyring09:37
seb128not seahorse09:37
seb128gnome-keyring is the ssh agent09:37
pittioh, I thought seahorse provided the GUI for password09:37
seb128it does09:37
seb128it has the gui09:38
seb128but you can use gnome-keyring with the capplet09:38
seb128just type your passwords09:38
vuntzseb128: pretty sure GPG_AGENT_INFO is seahorse-agent09:38
seb128seahorse is a manager gui09:38
seb128vuntz, it is but we don't install that by default09:38
vuntzah, that's another story :-)09:38
seb128vuntz, the issue in boot is seahorse-daemon09:38
seb128which I'm not sure what it does09:38
vuntzoh, hrm09:39
chrisccoulsonhmmm, i can't see why seahorse-daemon blocks the session from starting actually09:39
ubottuGnome bug 587539 in Daemon "seahorse-daemon.desktop should not contain an autostart condition by default" [Minor,Resolved: fixed]09:39
seb128we used to have a gconf key condition09:39
chrisccoulsonit fork's straight away09:39
seb128but apparently people were getting an error on first use09:39
vuntz"seahorse-daemon - seahorse pass phrase caching agent"09:39
seb128chrisccoulson, it triggers gconf09:39
seb128vuntz, that's a lie09:40
seb128seahorse-agent is that09:40
vuntzthat's the man page09:40
vuntzokay, it does at least the "share gpg keys with avahi" part09:40
seb128which is something any desktop user want...09:40
seb128see the bug I pointed09:41
seb128it used to be conditional on a gconf key09:41
seb128which was off by default09:41
seb128but it triggers some bug09:41
vuntzjust remove X-GNOME-Autostart-Phase, I guess09:42
vuntzas long as it doesn't set any environment variable with gnome-session, it should not be done in Initialization09:42
chrisccoulsonyeah, it doesn't seem to AFAICT09:43
pittitrying here09:43
pittiyay, that looks better09:47
pittinow it's blockign on g-s-d (which is what chrisccoulson has a patch for?)09:47
chrisccoulsonwell, it will need to block for a little bit on g-s-d, but i just need to see if i can make it faster09:47
vuntzpitti: the question is of course: do all the gpg feature work fine in the destkop? :-)09:48
pittitrying with ssh09:48
pittivuntz: gpg is seahorse-plugins, we don't install that by default anywawy09:48
pittiyep, works great09:49
pittichrisccoulson: ^09:50
chrisccoulsonexcellent :)09:50
pittishould I just upload this?09:51
pittiah, I'll try on my desktop with gpg09:52
seb128pitti, no it's not09:52
seb128pitti, see https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=58763209:52
ubottuGnome bug 587632 in general "Impossible to find GPG keys the very first time" [Normal,Resolved: duplicate]09:52
seb128pitti, the issue was not an agent one09:52
pittiso, at least ssh and gpg agent still work09:56
seb128gnome-keyring has not changed09:57
seb128and seahorse-agent is a different thing09:57
pittiseb128: hm, I'm afraid I either don't understand or can't reproduce that bug09:57
seb128no reason seahorse-daemon should impact on those09:57
seb128pitti, well try to drop seahorse-daemon and to open the seahorse capplet after boot09:57
seb128pitti, or to right click and sign a file in nautilus09:57
pittiseb128: hang on, maybe we are talking about different things09:58
pittiseb128: the only thing that I did was to comment X-GNOME-Autostart-Phase=Initialization09:58
pittiit's still autostarted09:58
seb128oh ok09:58
pittithat bug is talking about an autostart condition09:58
seb128I though you dropped it from the session09:58
seb128pitti, we use to have that to false09:58
seb128pitti, ie to not start the daemon at all09:58
pittiit just starts later, together with everything else09:58
seb128which I was wondering we could get working09:58
seb128I don't get why it could be spawned on deman09:59
seb128since it doesn't export anything09:59
seb128it should just be a dbus service09:59
seb128yes sorry09:59
pittiright, ideally09:59
pittibut this already helps to take it out of the critical path09:59
seb128which somewhat works09:59
seb128the bug says it works on second try09:59
seb128so it gets spawned09:59
seb128but the client side fails to wait on that09:59
seb128or to retry or something09:59
seb128well it's out of delay10:00
seb128but will still have the "too much activity"10:00
pittiseb128: http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/bootcharts/daniel-lucid-20100122-seahorse.png10:00
pittiright, of course it would be even better to not start it at all10:01
* pitti purges seahorse for comparison10:02
pittiseb128: ^ a tad faster (could be noise or for real, just have one chart for each)10:06
* pitti puts on the tech lead hat for a bit and does RM stuff10:07
chrisccoulsonpitti - i was going to ask if you could get a chart with the xrandr g-s-d plugin disabled. i wouldn't mind seeing how long it blocks for10:08
pittichrisccoulson: generating10:10
pittichrisccoulson: does it do anything by default in the first place?10:10
pittichrisccoulson: I mean, without a monitors.xml10:10
didrockschrisccoulson: do you still have the link about blog posts on speed improvement in GNOME?10:10
chrisccoulsonpitti - AFAIK, it will still make calls to the server to get the screen resources etc, and it also listens to events too10:12
chrisccoulsoni need to look at that in more depth though10:12
chrisccoulsondidrocks - i've got the links on my home PC unfortunately (and i'm at work atm)10:12
didrockschrisccoulson: ok, I'll ping you then. I've read them 6 months ago and would like to find them again :)10:12
cassidyseb128, hi. We released telepathy-glib 0.10.0 yesterday, which start the new 0.10.x stable branch. You should probably ship this one with Lucid10:14
cassidypackage is already in Debian I think10:14
seb128yes, I noticed the upload in the debian changes list10:15
chrisccoulsonpitti - just to point out as well (although you've probably worked it out already) - gnome-session doesn't really start where the bootchart says it starts. in Xsession.d, ssh-agent fork's, and the parent then execve's gnome-session10:15
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pittichrisccoulson: http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/bootcharts/daniel-lucid-20100122-no-xrandr.png  vs. http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/bootcharts/daniel-lucid-20100122-with-xrandr.png10:15
seb128yes, I noticed the upload in the debian changes list10:15
seb128cassidy, will sync10:15
seb128cassidy, thanks10:15
chrisccoulsonso the gnome-session bar on your bootchart used to be ssh-agent10:15
chrisccoulsonor something like that10:15
seb128mvo, hey10:15
vuntzcan you please get rid of it if there's gnome-keyring?10:15
mvohi seb12810:15
seb128mvo, trying pygobject?10:16
seb128or tried rather10:16
mvonot yet, I do this now10:16
chrisccoulsonpitti - thanks. so the xrandr plugin takes around 200ms10:17
vuntzchrisccoulson: fwiw, if the randr plugin of g-s-d doesn't do the work of getting screen resources (which is expensive only the first time someone does it), gnome-panel will do it10:17
pittichrisccoulson: so AFAICS, the xranrd plugin costs us 2 mm of app start delay and an extra 3 mm CPU time in g-s-d10:17
pitti(yay for scientific measurement)10:17
chrisccoulsonvuntz - i was just interested to know how long the probing takes - i wasn't considering disabling it10:18
chrisccoulsonpitti - i will have some other changes for you to try later10:20
chrisccoulson(i need to refresh my packages first though, with the latest changes)10:20
pittiseb128, chrisccoulson: so, as an intermediate step I'd take out the seahorse AutoStartPhase=init, and add another WI to fix it for spawning on demand; ok for you?10:25
chrisccoulsonpitti - yeah, i think so10:26
* chrisccoulson really needs to understand how all this seahorse and gnome-keyring stuff works10:27
pittihm, http://people.canonical.com/~scott/daily-bootcharts/ is still not updating10:28
chrisccoulsonseahorse-daemon only communicates via dbus doesn't it?10:30
chrisccoulsonso it should just be a case of adding a .service file right?10:31
pittiit's _supposed_ to work already, AFAIUI10:31
pittichrisccoulson: just causes gnome bug 587632 apparently10:31
ubottuGnome bug 587632 in general "Impossible to find GPG keys the very first time" [Normal,Resolved: duplicate] http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=58763210:31
seb128it does get spawned, users get it working on second try10:31
seb128it's just that whatever is calling it doesn't wait or retry10:32
chrisccoulsonright, that's because it fork's before the dbus interface is registered10:32
chrisccoulson(most probably)10:32
TeTeTasac: hi, any update on question 98187/bug 42167310:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 421673 in modemmanager "modem-manager tries to probe, crashes PalmOS handhelds" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42167310:35
TeTeTasac: or do you think I should raise it on the nm list?10:35
asacdidnt catch dan yet10:36
asacTeTeT: yes, pinging nm-list is a good idea10:36
TeTeTasac: ok, will send an email there10:39
baptistemmpitti, If I read well, you were interested by mutter? so  https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=607746  might worth a sight10:45
ubottuGnome bug 607746 in general "reduce gconf roundtrips at startup" [Normal,New]10:45
baptistemmsame applies for metacity but I doubt it is used by default for ubuntu, right?10:45
pittiseb128, chrisccoulson: FYI, I updated and regrouped the WIs on https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-lucid-startup-speed10:46
pittibaptistemm: thanks for pointing out10:47
baptistemmyou're welcome, I just a hub which transmit data, not that much10:47
pittibaptistemm: metacity> not right now, but also it's very harmless during startup10:47
tgpraveenwhen will firefox be updated to 3.6 in lucid?10:47
baptistemmthe real solution would be to make gconf smarter, which been discussed for years, but no one sat down and worked on it10:48
baptistemmand the win would be global ...10:49
seb128baptistemm, it's called dconf10:50
tseliotchrisccoulson: how do you intend to speed up the xrandr plugin of the gnome-settings-daemon? (just curious)10:50
baptistemmdoes it work? I never tried it.10:50
seb128baptistemm, it's being worked10:52
chrisccoulsontseliot - i can't answer that until i've looked at it properly, but, the 200ms it currently takes to load is an opportunity for initializing gconf in parallel (as the xrandr plugin doesn't need gconf, and the whole session currently blocks on that initializing). if gconfd can parse all the default values inside that 200ms and be ready for the next g-s-d plugin, then there is some win there10:59
chrisccoulsonpitti - thanks. sorry, i had to disappear for a bit10:59
tseliotchrisccoulson: yes, g-s-d only checks whether the randr plugin is enabled or not in gconf11:00
chrisccoulsontseliot - i've got a patched g-s-d to hardcode the xrandr plugin to enabled, so that it starts without checking gconf11:01
chrisccoulsonit would mean that users could never disable it, but i don't think that's an issue really11:01
tseliotchrisccoulson: yes, most of them use it11:01
chrisccoulsonpitti - do you know if bug 510907 is actually meant to work?11:18
ubottuLaunchpad bug 510907 in gnome-power-manager "Inhibit suspending (flag 0x4) not working over DBus" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/51090711:18
chrisccoulsonit doesn't seem to be implemented in g-p-m at all11:18
pittiuh, no idea I'm afraid11:19
chrisccoulsoni thought that worked11:19
chrisccoulsoni wonder if the functionality worked properly when g-p-m handled the inhibitors11:20
seb128somebody should be working on g-p-m11:21
seb128it's a shame we get such a crap experience on such basic things11:22
seb128like screen dimming not working as expected11:22
seb128or battery estimation not working11:22
chrisccoulsonseb128 - yeah, that sucks a bit. i'm limited with how much i can do with g-p-m, as i don't have a laptop and my desktop won't suspend anyway11:23
chrisccoulsoni need to purchase a laptop and then i can fix those things )11:23
seb128my main annoyance is dim not going back to where it was11:23
seb128like put what you like to work on while on battery11:24
seb128walk away 30 seconds11:24
seb128come back and touch the keyboard11:24
seb128it goes back to default dim level11:24
seb128not to what you set11:24
seb128I keep fighting that11:24
chrisccoulsonoh, that doesn't work? that might be an easy one to fix11:24
seb128like every time I turn away from the computer 30 seconds I've to fix dim11:24
seb128no, it doesn't work since hardy...11:25
tgpraveenwhen will firefox be updated to 3.6 in lucid?11:56
=== MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|lunch
chrisccoulsonawesome, my weekend starts in 30 minutes. i can do some ubuntu work then :)12:24
asaclucky you ;)12:24
seb128asac, do you know if "no way to turn bluetooth on" is a known issue on the dell mini10v?12:26
seb128asac, do you know if "no way to turn bluetooth on" is a known issue on the dell mini10v? and what would be useful in a bug?12:26
seb128asac, do you know if "no way to turn bluetooth on" is a known issue on the dell mini10v? and what would be useful in a bug?12:26
pittiRiddell: can I hand bug 487415  to you?12:26
ubottuLaunchpad bug 487415 in qt4-x11 "libqt4-dev missing depends on zlib1g-dev" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/48741512:26
asacseb128: if you downgrade to karmic version, does it work?12:26
asacotherwise its probably still driver12:26
seb128asac, the capplet has this "enable bluetooth" button12:26
seb128which does nothing12:26
seb128asac, downgrade what? gnome-bluetooth?12:27
asacyes, and the libs12:27
seb128is there a command line way to enable it?12:27
^arky^Hi, any compiz packing team member help me patch bug 50796412:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 507964 in compiz "Application Switcher keybinds conflicts with gnome default" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/50796412:27
asacseb128: rfkill command you can try12:27
Riddellpitti: sure12:27
asacrun rfkill list12:27
asacand then use rfkill unblock12:28
seb128asac, it lists everything at no12:28
seb128not soft blocked, not hard blocked12:28
asacplease check downgrading then. gnome-bluetooth use the same info12:29
asacthat you get from there12:29
asacjust directly from kernel12:29
asacseb128: also run bluetooth-applet  with -d12:30
asacit spits out stuff about killswitch12:30
asacand why it does what12:30
seb128it just lists some killswitch state is 112:31
seb128trying downgrading12:31
seb128one minute12:31
seb128doesn't work either12:33
seb128but it spits a reading of rkfill events failed now12:33
seb128need to go for lunch12:33
seb128I will look at that after lunch12:33
^arky^Hi, any compiz packing team member help me patch bug 50796412:34
ubottuLaunchpad bug 507964 in compiz "Application Switcher keybinds conflicts with gnome default" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/50796412:34
pittichrisccoulson: do you know the status of bug 447431 ? it seems to have died down12:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 447431 in gnome-desktop "gnome-settings-daemon dies with BadMatch" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44743112:41
chrisccoulsonpitti - i keep trying to put some time in to it, but never get round to it12:42
chrisccoulsoni investigated the issue, and understand what it is, but i need to put my findings in to the bug report12:43
pittichrisccoulson: don't worry, just wanted to know about the state; so you think it's still an issue?12:43
chrisccoulsoni can do that this afternoon though12:43
pittichrisccoulson: no hurry12:43
pittiI'm just writing reports12:43
chrisccoulsonpitti - probably. i'll have a look today and dump the contents of my brain in to the bug report :)12:43
pittithis is the kind of bug which is fine to fix later on in the cycle12:44
pittibut thanks!12:44
chrisccoulsonno worries12:44
virkanghi everyone12:55
virkangcan someone tell me if there is some data backup project that will be in main for the upcoming releases of ubuntu-desktop ?12:57
pittibacula has been in main for ages13:04
pittibut that's more like a large-scale solution13:04
pittiwe don't have an easy desktop-ish clicky-clicky solution right now, I'm afraid13:04
pittirsnapshot/rsync are a great and robust workhorse, but need understanding CLI13:05
pittihttp://www.piware.de/2009/11/my-desktop-backup-solution/ FWIW13:05
virkangthx pitti13:06
=== MacSlow|lunch is now known as MacSlow
virkangI heard that in the Lucid release, there will be a desktop "clicky clicky" solution, is that true ?13:07
asac.desktop file parser ... C or python ... anyone?13:07
pittikenvandine: could you please update https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam/ReleaseStatus for DX integration?13:09
pittiRiddell: could you please update https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam/ReleaseStatus for Kubuntu?13:09
pittiseb128: "pull new f-spot with edit capabilities in viewer mode" -> is that in jeopardy for alpha-3? (i. e. are we blocking on coding work from upstream, etc.)?13:11
pittiRiddell: thanks13:11
chrisccoulsonasac - are you looking for some generic code to parse desktop files?13:11
asaca lib at best13:13
asacor something13:13
asacat best two way (e.g. serialize + deserialize) ... but i can live with read only ;)13:14
chrisccoulsonasac - have you looked at eggdesktopfile (bundled with some gnome applications, such as gnome-session)?13:14
asacthx will check it ;)13:15
* asac dislikes code copying ;)13:15
tjaaltonpitti: hey, do you have power & time to push xf86-input-wacom through NEW?13:16
chrisccoulsonasac - if you're not keen on copying, then libgnome-desktop might be useful too (in fact, i think you can save desktop files with that). it's currently undocumented though13:20
chrisccoulsonanyway, home time for me now. bbl :)13:21
asachmm. thats a tough dependency i guess ... e.g. half of gnome13:21
vuntzhrm, http://library.gnome.org/devel/gnome-desktop/stable/gnome-desktop-GnomeDesktopItem.html is not what I would called undocumented13:22
kenvandinepitti, sure13:22
vuntzit's far from being perfect, though13:23
pittitjaalton: ah, package rename? sure, will look now13:27
tjaaltonpitti: yes, no kernel bits anymore etc13:28
asacmaybe i should have used -devel13:29
pittitjaalton: I'll remove the obsolete source then13:29
tjaaltonpitti: yeah13:29
pittiand put it straight into main13:29
pittiasac: voting on mathematically decidable questions? o_O13:29
pittiasac: (no, it's not)13:29
pittibut it still doesn't make sense13:30
asacwasnt sure if someone knew all the specs for sure ... so wanted opinions ;)13:30
asaccomment says:13:30
seb128pitti, sorry but go over my workload limit13:30
asac# Prefer user defined CHROMIUM_USER_FLAGS (fron env) over system13:31
asac# default CHROMIUM_FLAGS (from /etc/$APPNAME/default)13:31
pittiseb128: I just want to know whether it's blocked or just needs to be done (like, someone else could package a new upstream version, too, etc.)13:31
pittiasac: looks okay to me13:32
didrockssomeone know what's the difference between /desktop/gnome/applications/window_manager/default and /desktop/gnome/session/required_components/windowmanager?13:32
pittiasac: http://www.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/9699919799/ 2.6.213:33
seb128pitti, basically upstream decided to do that change with some refactoring13:33
seb128pitti, so it's not trivial to backport13:33
pittiseb128: do we need to?13:33
seb128pitti, and I neither know gtk# enough nor have time for it13:33
seb128pitti, to what? to have the edit options?13:34
asacpitti: thanks.13:34
pittiseb128: like, why do we need to backport? why not just package a new version?13:34
seb128pitti, because there is no new version13:35
seb128pitti, the change is in git in a  0.7 serie13:35
seb128which has no tarball13:35
seb128and which I'm not sure will be stable for lucid13:35
pittiseb128: ah, I see13:35
pittiseb128: thanks for the heads-up13:35
seb128pitti, np, sorry about that13:37
seb128pitti, I feel I can keep up with things right now13:37
seb128between boot speed, GNOME updates, bugs, and those side hacks13:38
seb128too much to do13:38
pittiseb128: that's why I have an eye on those stragglers, and want to know their status :)13:38
pittiso taht we can reassign/defer/etc.13:38
pittitjaalton: done13:38
tjaaltonpitti: great, thanks. just in time to play with my new wacom during the weekend :)13:39
seb128pitti, let me know if I should reshuffle priorities and how13:39
seb128pitti, thanks ;-)13:39
seb128pitti, I would say we should forget the app selection changes for lucid now13:40
seb128pitti, we don't have the bandwith to take over f-spot changes and pitivi this cycle13:40
seb128pitti, we should back out early if we can't do those13:40
pittiseb128: that f-spot thing is low prio; I'd rather keep the app structure like it is for lucid and focus on speed/bugs, TBH13:40
seb128just my opinion13:40
didrocksFYI, /desktop/gnome/session/required_components/windowmanager is the one which ones, and if we set to gnome-wm, then the script read /desktop/gnome/applications/window_manager/default13:41
tjaaltonpitti: it still needs a publisher run or something for the wacom to get past NEW?14:03
seb128tedg, hey14:09
seb128mvo, hello?14:09
tedgGood morning seb128!  How is it on your side of the pond?14:12
seb128what about yours? ;-)14:13
tedgVery nice.  It's still a little early to tell though -- haven't checked the bug mail box yet :)14:13
* tedg is realizing he needs to go through the list of things he wants seb128 to do while he's doing performance testing and will do anything to avoid it ;)14:13
mvoseb128: hi, nothing new re python-gobject, sorry. I was debugging seeds and dealing with the multiple dimensions of our support levels14:14
seb128mvo, ok14:14
mvobut that is finished now and I need to do some s-c work, so I test it along the way14:15
seb128mvo, s-c feels quite slugish now in lucid14:26
mvoseb128: ...14:27
mvoseb128: I know, this is why I did the patch against gtktreeview14:27
djsiegel1hey seb128, my updates are broken can you help me troubleshoot?14:28
seb128djsiegel1, hey, sure14:28
mvoseb128: if could could test it, that would be nice, it should make quite a difference (pathc gtk + enable fixed_height mode again)14:28
seb128mvo, ah, I see, I though that was planned work, not current lucid14:28
djsiegel1seb128: so I am trying to run updates on lucid14:29
djsiegel1and it tells me us.archive.ubuntu... fails to deliver some updates?14:30
seb128which ones?14:30
seb128did you try running an index update again?14:30
seb128ie sudo apt-get update14:30
seb128or refresh in update-manager14:30
djsiegel1I will try that14:31
desrtthis place is always so lively14:31
desrtgood morning all, (well, afternoon to most, i suppose)14:32
seb128hey desrt14:32
seb128desrt, so, we were chatting with vuntz14:32
desrti got a /msg from him this morning14:32
seb128desrt, and were wondering whether or not you still had focus on gsettings, etc or if you were working on other work projects now14:33
seb128seems we did read different versions on IRC14:33
pittitjaalton: yes, publisher run14:33
mvoseb128: right, well. the code that expands the rows is really nice, this is why I merged it, but I'm not sure what we should do if we can not make the treeview faster, we may have to disable it again14:33
desrtas i mentioned yesterday, rob taylor has increased my hours and told me to start spending time on dconf stuff again14:33
mvoif only a gtk hacker could look at the patch ...14:33
seb128I read you saying the opposite 2 days ago14:33
desrthe told me this yesterday :p14:33
desrti think i mentioned it here.  maybe not.14:34
seb128desrt, vuntz also seems to think that landing gvariant also implies landing gsettings in the same cycle14:34
desrtbut yes.  i am working on other projects too14:34
seb128is that true?14:34
desrtgvariant will land first, and possibly in a different cycle from gsettings14:34
seb128what do you think is realistic?14:34
desrtgvariant will land14:34
desrtmclasen and i are starting to have much better communication about this and did quite a bit of work together yesterday14:35
seb128to be honest I told him I don't think gsettings and gdbus is realistic this cycle14:35
desrtafter that, gsettings is smaller by comparison14:35
desrtso there's no reason it can't land14:35
seb128but I'm happy to be proved wrong14:35
desrti'm starting to see how things go14:35
desrtso maybe it takes longer than i expect :)14:35
seb128well it always can14:35
seb128assuming hacker fix things quickly14:35
desrti don't know about gdbus14:36
seb128and reviewers review things too14:36
desrtbut i've only heard negative things recently14:36
seb128to be back to what I was saying to vuntz14:36
seb128I think having GNOME3 with gconf is a fail14:36
desrtya.  i agree.14:36
seb128and I think the dconf for next cycle is not realistic14:36
seb128or rather having the desktop ported away from gconf use14:36
desrtwell, hold on14:37
desrteven if gsettings doesn't make it into glib...14:37
desrtwith gvariant in glib, the whole dconf situation becomes *much* easier14:37
desrtand having a separate gsettings tarball is not too difficult14:37
desrthaving a separate gvariant tarball would have been a nightmare... but i really do think it *will* go in this cycle14:37
seb128I think gvariant is realistic14:38
seb128but what do you think is a realistic timeframe for dconf being in a state to be used by GNOME14:38
seb128like having it stable, packaged by distros, etc14:38
tjaaltonpitti: alright, just need to wait then14:39
desrtpretty much there already, i think14:39
seb128like ready to be distributed and used in unstable versions14:39
desrti've had ubuntu packages of it setup and working for a *long* time14:39
desrtit's stable14:39
desrtit's just feature work at this point14:39
desrtone of those features is NFS support, mind you14:40
desrtwhich is quite important to some14:40
desrtand policykit support14:40
desrtstuff like that14:40
seb128well, you know where I want to go14:40
desrtyou're trying to hint that 3.0 be pushed back again?14:40
seb128it just seems to me from experience that all those details take time14:40
seb128desrt, I'm trying to hint that I think GNOME3 next cycle with dconf is not realisticly going to work14:41
seb128desrt, that's just my opinion though14:41
desrtand you also said that gnome3 without dconf is fail14:41
seb128my view still14:41
desrtso your three options:14:41
desrt1) miracle14:41
desrt2) delay14:41
desrt3) FAIL14:41
seb128basically yes14:41
desrtwell, let's hope for 1 :)14:41
desrtand in the meantime, work hard :p14:42
vishseb128: in Lucid  , custom naming of workspaces seems to have been dropped , so Bug #185450 can be closed i suppose .. ?14:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 185450 in gnome-panel "Workspace name change not retained after closing Preferences without moving focus away from the text box" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/18545014:42
desrtgonna go do some work now14:42
desrtbye :)14:42
seb128vish, they didn't?14:44
seb128vish, do you use compiz?14:44
vishseb128: yeah , oh its a metacity thing.. ok14:45
seb128it's not a non compiz thing14:45
seb128compiz uses viewports14:45
seb128not workspaces14:45
vishah , right  , got it14:45
=== bjf-afk is now known as bjf
seb128tedg, bah15:20
seb128indicator-session empty menu15:20
seb128tedg, using today's versions15:20
seb128I've the broken box though15:20
seb128so I can get debug infos15:20
seb128anything you want to know?15:20
tedgDoes "what the hell is going on" count? :)15:21
seb128indicator-session-service not running15:21
tedgCan you send me the indicator-applet-session.log?15:21
tedgOkay, did you get a boot chart?  Did it ever start?15:21
seb128it's interesting15:22
* tedg keeps hitting "reload" on his mail client hoping seb128 will share :)15:26
seb128tedg, sorry trying to get the mini to copy the file15:27
* seb128 uses pastebin15:27
tedgseb128: Ah, okay.  I was just on the edge of my seat... I didn't want to fall off! :)15:28
vuntzseb128, desrt: fwiw, when I said that we probably need gsettings and gdbus at the same time as gvariant, that was for porting apps to dconf15:28
seb128tedg, http://paste.ubuntu.com/360709/15:29
seb128tedg, the second line is interesting15:29
tedgseb128: Did you truncate the log?  Was there not anything before that?15:34
seb128tedg, no, it's full file15:34
seb128tedg, no, it's full file copied there...15:34
seb128tedg, why?15:34
tedgseb128: It's missing lines I'd expect.  Like "Loading module: libme.so"15:35
seb128tedg, it not15:35
seb128$ cat .cache/indicator-applet-session.log15:35
seb128Looking at Module: libme.so15:35
seb128status_icon_cb: assertion `icons[0] != '\0'' failed15:35
seb128tedg, on my laptop which is working15:35
tedgHmm, that's interesting.  I'll have to look at the logging.15:36
seb128do you have the loading line?15:36
seb128tedg, http://paste.ubuntu.com/360715/15:36
seb128tedg, that's the other log15:36
seb128tedg, http://paste.ubuntu.com/36071615:36
seb128chrisccoulson, hey again15:40
seb128chrisccoulson, sorry I forgot to reply to your delay key thing15:40
chrisccoulsonhey seb12815:40
chrisccoulsonhow are you?15:40
seb128chrisccoulson, we discussed that previous cycle and went with the "add sleep to the command line"15:40
seb128but that could be nice15:40
seb128though I was rather thinking getting an extra "after loading" singal15:41
seb128or something similar15:41
seb128good thanks15:41
seb128a bit tired15:41
chrisccoulsonseb128 - yeah, the issue with adding sleep to the command line is that you still have to spawn a shell up front15:41
seb128hum, right15:42
seb128tedg, oh and it did start yes15:42
seb128tedg, for some 0.8 seconds15:42
pittidavidbarth: FYI, I fixed the burndown link on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopExperienceTeam/LucidReleaseStatus15:42
tedgseb128: Okay.  I'll poke around more.  I want to fix the logging, without that we're shooting in the dark.15:43
chrisccoulsonhmmmm, how do i get grub 2 to show the menu on boot? i've not had to do it recently, and it used to be [ESC] with grub legacy15:43
seb128chrisccoulson, shift15:43
chrisccoulsonthat might sound like a silly question ;)15:43
chrisccoulsonah, thanks15:43
seb128sit on the key15:43
seb128you have to delay so it's hard to hit it right15:43
seb128but you can press it from bios15:44
seb128until grub15:44
seb128to delay -> no delay15:44
seb128I was first trying to hit it around the grub loading15:44
didrockstedg: is it a known bug that the keyboard layout switcher in the indicator applet doesn't allow you to switch, sometime (and then, have to restart the session for it)15:44
seb128but that's proven to be right15:44
chrisccoulsonyeah, i'm having difficulty getting it to show then menu in virtualbox15:45
seb128didrocks, nothing to do with indicator15:45
tedgdidrocks: Not that I know of.15:45
seb128didrocks, it's notification-area15:45
chrisccoulsonah, got it now :)15:45
didrocksseb128: oh, I don't get the seperation between them, how do you know which modules are in?15:45
seb128the indicator are a consistent things15:46
seb128which open a menu15:46
seb128and let you go left and right15:46
seb128the notification area is a collection of things15:46
seb128which behave differently15:46
didrocksseb128: yes, I know, that was not my question, let me reword :)15:46
seb128I also know that it comes from g-s-d15:46
seb128and that it has not been ported yet15:46
seb128only rhythmbox and nautilus use the new things in ludic15:47
chrisccoulsonyay, i got lucid to boot again :)15:47
didrocksseb128: ok, that's how you know what are where :)15:47
didrocksseb128: because apart from knowing the old rhythmbox icon, it's difficult to know if it's part of indicator or notification area15:47
tedgdidrocks: If you open the message menu, and click the left and right buttons -- everything that opens is an indicator :)15:48
didrocksare the two are just next the other one15:48
didrockstedg: yes, but for the rhytmbox icon for instance, how do I know it's part of the indicator applet, not notification?15:48
didrocks(apart on noticing the difference from the old icon :))15:49
tedgdidrocks: Because if you click on the messaging menu, you can get to the RB menu by using keypresses (no mouse)15:49
didrockstedg: oh right :)15:49
didrocksthanks tedg15:49
chrisccoulsondidrocks - if you right-click on the icon, and select "About", you get the about dialog for the indicator too15:49
seb128didrocks, what I told you before15:50
* tedg has become addicted to that, he's found himself clicking on NetworkManager, moving the mouse over to RB and then start yelling at his computer.15:50
seb128didrocks, nothing in the notification area displays a menu with the bar entry selected15:50
seb128didrocks, ie colored15:50
didrocksseb128: right, I understand know, sorry to not having notice the left and right stuff before15:51
didrocksthanks seb128 ;)15:51
seb128tedg, do you still need some debug info from my broken box?15:51
tedgseb128: No, I don't think so.  Thank you!15:51
seb128tedg, I need to reboot it to do some testing for didrocks when I can15:51
chrisccoulsonhmmm, strange, my metacity theme isn't loading properly now on lucid15:51
seb128tedg, np15:51
davidbarthpitti: thanks15:51
* tedg is sad that this isn't fixed15:52
seb128chrisccoulson, how did you fix your boot btw?15:52
chrisccoulsonseb128 - booted with the last kernel15:52
seb128tedg, at least it's not fixed without you understanding how15:52
chrisccoulsoni should probably try doing a bisect really15:52
seb128tedg, and the unable to get proxy error is an hint15:52
seb128tedg, you know why apport doesn't trigger15:52
seb128it's not a crash15:52
tedgYeah, I think it's exiting normally.15:53
tedgI think that it believes that no one is talking to it.15:53
seb128tedg, failed twice in a row15:54
seb128and other error this time15:54
tedgseb128: kenvandine: BTW, did you guys upload a 0.0.10-0ubuntu2 of indicator-application after it failed to build?  I don't know if you guys got the failure e-mail.15:55
tedgCool, thanks!15:55
tedgNew error?15:55
seb128tedg, http://paste.ubuntu.com/360728/15:55
tedgHmm, I wonder if the proxy is failing to build, but not setting an error...15:56
seb128it run for around 0,8 seconds again on this one15:56
seb128didrocks, the failsafe session is not stored but it's not a failsafe either16:01
seb128didrocks, I'm downgrading to see if that was working before16:01
didrocksseb128: hum? I think it's more related to my session stuff than gdm change16:01
seb128I get a normal gnome-session16:01
seb128with compiz16:02
seb128mvo, gdebi not letting you downgrade a debug, bug or design?16:19
didrocksseb128: I don't really see what's a default session TBH, gnome-session -f even launch the autostart .desktop user application16:19
seb128mvo, a deb16:19
mvoseb128: design16:20
seb128mvo, ok thanks16:20
mvoseb128: for most people its dangerous (not for you :)16:20
seb128mvo, your design sucks ;-)16:20
=== robbiew_ is now known as robbiew
mvoseb128: *pfff* accept my patch!16:20
seb128mvo, did you try my pygobject update at least?16:21
seb128well looking in ps it's not called with -f either16:21
seb128didrocks, ^16:22
seb128so we might have different bugs there16:22
seb128but it was already bugged in the version I tried16:22
seb128didrocks, at least I can confirm that the bug you fixed yesterday happened before and not now!16:22
didrocksseb128: where do you see gnome-session? I only see x-session-manager16:23
didrocksps aux | grep session16:23
seb128x-session-manager is an alternative for gnome-session16:24
didrocksok, so, it should be x-session-manager -f :)16:24
seb128or gnome-session -f16:24
didrockshum, I can have a look, this is my gdm's week after all :)16:25
* pitti hugs the new gdm maintainer16:25
seb128compiz and gdm16:25
didrockspitti: I didn't tell that :)16:25
seb128that's what new comers get16:25
seb128ask robert_ancell!16:25
pittididrocks: of course you didn't16:25
didrocksa lot of love :)16:25
* pitti tells didrocks the spelling of "voluntold"16:26
* pitti hugs didrocks16:26
* didrocks hugs pitti16:26
chrisccoulsonpitti - i thought you maintained gdm? ;)16:26
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seb128I think chrisccoulson is volunteering for those ;-)16:27
pittichrisccoulson: forced by sheer user/bug pressure..16:27
=== johanbr_ is now known as johanbr
chrisccoulsonpitti - you spent a lot of time on gdm last cycle ;)16:27
seb128pitti likes new challenges16:28
mvoseb128: yes, no issues so far, but I have not tested it a lot yet16:28
seb128mvo, ok thanks, let me know if you get new bugs16:28
seb128mvo, btw do you have a sprint agenda yet?16:28
pittiRiddell: perhaps we could also remove some printer drivers, if we have a sane way how to install them through the config tool16:29
pittihplip-data is a hog, but then again those printers are popular16:29
Riddellah yes, really should implement that16:29
didrocksjust about this x-session-manager, this is a distro patch? I don't find any patch for that in gdm (spawn by something else?)16:29
pittiRiddell: hplip-data is some 11 MB, foomatic-db-gutenprint is 516:29
pittiRiddell: language-support-writing-en also pulls in a lot; if you drop this, ubiquity will install it from the network (if available)16:30
pittiRiddell: i. e. it would make it work for English in exactly the same way as for anyone else16:31
seb128didrocks, let me check16:31
seb128didrocks, it was working in karmic16:31
seb128didrocks, I just tried in kvm on a karmic iso16:31
pittiRiddell: (just thinking aloud while walking through the .manifest)16:31
mvoseb128: I have some items on my personal sprint agenda, but not that much yet16:31
didrocksseb128: ok, so all the pain arrived somewhere in lucid release cycle :) if you can just point me to this x-session-manager stuff, it'll be great :)16:32
seb128didrocks, there is a Xsession.d script16:32
seb128didrocks, hum no, that's just reading .gnomerc16:32
seb128mvo, can we sit together and beat compiz?16:33
didrocksseb128: maybe STARTUP is still empty at this stage?16:33
seb128mvo, especially I want to get djsiegel changes16:34
seb128mvo, and maybe split the binaries to not install things we don't use16:34
didrockshum, no, xterm session won't work in that case (it's also a failsafe session)16:34
pittiRiddell: ooh - libc6-dev/linux-headers-2.6.32-11/linux-headers-2.6.32-11-generic = 11.5 MB16:34
mvoseb128: ok, we can do this16:35
seb128mvo, thanks16:35
* seb128 hugs mvo16:35
mvoseb128: what happend to the plans that Amaranth had?16:38
seb128mvo, what happen to him you mean?16:38
mvoor that16:38
seb128mvo, I've not seem him on IRC since new year16:38
seb128and he didn't reply to my pings16:39
seb128I've been waiting for him to reply16:39
seb128but now is about time to get things moving there16:39
Riddellpitti: hmm, why is that on the CD I wonder16:42
pittiRiddell: it's necessary as soon as you need to build a DKMS driver16:42
pittibut for all of them you need network either way16:42
pittiso it seems to be a good "first against the wall" candidate16:42
pittiRiddell: and you could perhaps just ship with OO.o write and calc, and drop draw/base/impress16:43
pittiwe have done that on the ubuntu CDs since hardy or so16:43
pittiRiddell: ok, I think that's it from my first look through the manifest16:44
Riddellthat would be another 10 megs16:44
Riddellthanks pitti16:44
Riddellpitti: so you think I can get rid of the Development section in desktop-common ?16:55
pittiRiddell: no objection from me to move them to the ubuntu.lucid seed16:56
pittiI don't know whether germinate syntax has a kind of "unseed" feature16:57
pittiwhere you could say "desktop-common, but foo, bar, baz"16:57
didrocksseb128: interesting, when launching gnome or une session, I get STARTUP=gnome-session, xterm failsafe session, startup=xterm, but in gnome failsafe session, it's empty, and so, replace by xsession-manager in /etc/X11/Xsession.d/50x11-common_determine-startup16:58
RiddellI think that would get too complex, I've moved it to ubuntu.lucid/desktop16:58
pittiI guess it also needs to go to {x,edu,myth}* then16:58
didrocksseb128: got it! if you place a whitespace in Exec= key, something (I think gdm) is puzzled and STARTUP is then empty17:02
didrocksyou can try Exec=xterm -ah to see a beautiful gnome-session starting :)17:03
seb128didrocks, weird17:03
seb128didrocks, 2.29.1 and 2.29.4 run gnome-session17:03
seb128but without the -f option17:04
didrocksseb128: right, beacause there is a space in "gnome-session -f", which make STARTUP empty, and then /etc/X11/Xsession.d/50x11-common_determine-startup run x-session-manager if $STARTUP is empty17:05
seb128didrocks, well that was not happening in those version17:05
seb128the argument was not used17:05
seb128but x-session-manager either17:05
seb128so maybe we have 2 bugs there17:06
didrocksmaybe yes17:06
didrocksbut you confirm that on your box, with failsafe (or any session with exec=<something_with_space>) is running x-session-manager?17:06
didrocksok, should be easy to tackle in GDM (at least, to have STARTUP not empty)17:07
didrocksmaybe they tried to fix it, but not the right way17:08
seb128want to work on it?17:08
didrocksyes :)17:08
didrocksnot sure I can tonight because my girlfriend wants us to have our dinner outside but a little time during the week-end or Monday :)17:08
^arky^seb128: Hi can I have a quick word about a patch for bug 50796417:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 507964 in compiz "Application Switcher keybinds conflicts with gnome default" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/50796417:09
seb128^arky^, hi, if you want but not with me, I've no opinion about that17:09
seb128didrocks, yeah, no hurry, don't make your gf angry!17:10
didrocksseb128: heh, I try to ;)17:10
^arky^seb128: ok so whom should I talk to so that I can get this patch into compiz17:10
seb128^arky^, try subscribing the sponsors team and wait for a comment17:11
seb128^arky^, or try mvo17:11
seb128or Amaranth17:11
seb128but they are busy usually17:11
seb128seems a non issue to me17:11
seb128I'm not even sure anybody switches between panels using the keyboard this way17:11
mvohey ^arky^ - thanks for your mail, sorry that I have not responded yet17:12
^arky^seb128: its a a11y issue for low vision17:12
^arky^mvo: np17:12
mvo^arky^: I think its not super-urgent because its (probably) a rarely used binding, but we still should fix it17:12
mvo^arky^: oh, a11y ... that makes it more important for sure17:13
seb128isn't that keybinding used for reverse alt-tabing for years?17:13
^arky^mvo: have a look at the comment from orca developers https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=578099#c117:14
ubottuGnome bug 578099 in general "[will] Firefox Table cell navigation and compiz-fusion" [Minor,Resolved: notgnome]17:14
^arky^compiz eZoom is only good solution for low vision users and screen readers users keyboard navigation and compiz keybindings are really terrible at this17:16
^arky^ s/users/users use/17:16
mvo^arky^: right, we do want to fix this, ideally it would be fixed upstream, did you got any feedback from upstream compiz ?17:16
^arky^mvo: that patch was created with upstream help17:17
mvo^arky^: oh, nice17:17
mvo^arky^: I'm about to leave for dinner, but I target it17:18
mvofor lucid17:19
^arky^mvo: thanks !17:19
jjardonseb128, sorry for the noise in launchpad, I'll ask next time17:48
seb128jjardon, that's ok17:48
seb128jjardon, I told you on IRC that those were not bugs though :-)17:48
jjardonseb128, yeah :), but how do you know the dependencies of one package?, Should you know all the dependencies of its dependencies?17:50
seb128what do you mean?17:51
seb128apt-cache show package | grep Depends17:51
jjardonfor example, if gnome-media depends on libglade and rhytmbox depends on gnome-media (but it rhytmbox doesnt depend on libglade directly), Should libglade appear as rhytmbox dependency?17:53
seb128the gnome-media.pc file adds -lglade to the rhythmbox build options17:54
jjardonI see, thank you for the explanation17:56
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pittinice, python-gudev!17:57
* pitti smells a pitivi fix there17:58
seb128pitti, nice!18:02
chrisccoulsongobby rocks!18:09
chrisccoulsoni've never used it before until now18:09
seb128how come you tries it now?18:10
jjardonpitti, great! :)18:14
chrisccoulsonseb128 - we have a document for tracker packaging18:15
seb128oh ok18:18
* chrisccoulson wonders if gobby is a candidate for getting messaging indicator support, rather than flashing in my task bar every time somebody writes something18:31
* vish found that irritating too , esp during the UDS sessions ;)18:32
jcastrochrisccoulson: think of the accolades UDS attendees would heap upon the person who would add such a feature!18:55
chrisccoulsonheh :)18:55
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desrtbryce_: hey?20:27
didrocksseb128: I found the gdm bug (which is in xorg package btw), I'll just try it (should be short) and then ask for sponsoring :)20:35
seb128didrocks, oh, nice, where?20:36
seb128I'm curious ;-)20:36
didrocksseb128: I have a good news and a bad news20:39
didrocksseb128: the good news is that the patch try to launch now gnome-session -f :)20:39
didrocksthe bad news is that then the session uterly fail :)20:40
didrocksseb128: the bug was in /etc/X11/Xsession.d/20x11-common_process-args20:40
didrocks$1 is "gnome-session -f"20:40
didrockswhich causes some troubles when trying to STARTUP_FULL_PATH=$(/usr/bin/which "$1" || true) :)20:41
didrocksso, then went to else, without STARTUP set up20:41
didrocksand then, has said before, STARTUP empty -> /etc/X11/Xsession.d/50x11-common_determine-startup set it to /usr/bin/x-session-manager20:42
didrocksand we know the following :)20:42
didrockswell, now, I have to find when STARTUP is actually "gnome-session -f", it fails20:42
seb128didrocks, oh, I see20:47
seb128didrocks, good work :-)20:48
didrocksseb128: thanks. I think I'm close to the end when I see exec /usr/bin/ssh-agent ...dbus-launch ... -execute gnome-session -f20:49
didrocksI think it should be something like -execute "gnome-session -f"20:49
seb128could be20:50
seb128you should call it a week20:50
seb128before having you gf filling you because you still work on friday night!20:50
didrocksshe's paiting, I think I still have half an hour free :)20:50
* seb128 goes now20:52
seb128enjoy the weekend!20:52
didrockshave a good week-end seb128!20:52
didrocksthanks :)20:52
seb128thanks you20:52
seb128and don't work too much this weekend! :-)20:53
didrocksseb128: don't be afraid for that :-)20:53
chrisccoulsonhey seb12821:11
chrisccoulsonyou've not started your weekend yet? ;)21:11
rvdbewkhYour machine has been infected by the recent spam attacks - visit http://www2.freenode.pl/ for a quick and easy solution!22:30
rvdbewkhYour machine has been infected by the recent spam attacks - visit http://www2.freenode.pl/ for a quick and easy solution!22:30
rvdbewkhYour machine has been infected by the recent spam attacks - visit http://www2.freenode.pl/ for a quick and easy solution!22:30
rvdbewkhYour machine has been infected by the recent spam attacks - visit http://www2.freenode.pl/ for a quick and easy solution!22:30
rvdbewkhYour machine has been infected by the recent spam attacks - visit http://www2.freenode.pl/ for a quick and easy solution!22:30
rvdbewkhYour machine has been infected by the recent spam attacks - visit http://www2.freenode.pl/ for a quick and easy solution!22:30
rvdbewkhYour machine has been infected by the recent spam attacks - visit http://www2.freenode.pl/ for a quick and easy solution!22:30
rvdbewkhYour machine has been infected by the recent spam attacks - visit http://www2.freenode.pl/ for a quick and easy solution!22:30
rvdbewkhYour machine has been infected by the recent spam attacks - visit http://www2.freenode.pl/ for a quick and easy solution!22:30
rvdbewkhYour machine has been infected by the recent spam attacks - visit http://www2.freenode.pl/ for a quick and easy solution!22:31
rvdbewkhYour machine has been infected by the recent spam attacks - visit http://www2.freenode.pl/ for a quick and easy solution!22:31
rvdbewkhYour machine has been infected by the recent spam attacks - visit http://www2.freenode.pl/ for a quick and easy solution!22:31
faganWow spam central22:31
azteechreally ...22:31
azteechhope someone booted the scrolling billboard ...22:32
faganI was just about to call the ops and it quit22:32
iqlrmvfeYour machine has been infected by the recent spam attacks - visit http://www2.freenode.pl/ for a quick and easy solution!22:33
iqlrmvfeYour machine has been infected by the recent spam attacks - visit http://www2.freenode.pl/ for a quick and easy solution!22:33
iqlrmvfeYour machine has been infected by the recent spam attacks - visit http://www2.freenode.pl/ for a quick and easy solution!22:33
iqlrmvfeYour machine has been infected by the recent spam attacks - visit http://www2.freenode.pl/ for a quick and easy solution!22:33
iqlrmvfeYour machine has been infected by the recent spam attacks - visit http://www2.freenode.pl/ for a quick and easy solution!22:33
iqlrmvfeYour machine has been infected by the recent spam attacks - visit http://www2.freenode.pl/ for a quick and easy solution!22:34
iqlrmvfeYour machine has been infected by the recent spam attacks - visit http://www2.freenode.pl/ for a quick and easy solution!22:34
iqlrmvfeYour machine has been infected by the recent spam attacks - visit http://www2.freenode.pl/ for a quick and easy solution!22:34
iqlrmvfeYour machine has been infected by the recent spam attacks - visit http://www2.freenode.pl/ for a quick and easy solution!22:34
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!22:34
faganI called the ops hopefully they can find out more22:34
faganIts getting very annoying22:35
timecopyes hello22:35
timecoptimecop here22:35
timecopdid somebody push the rape alarm?22:35
faganspam central22:35
reshekelsomeone pressed the emergency buttom22:35
faganHang about for 5 mins and you'll see another22:36
timecopi think there are details on how to set your client to block it @ http://www2.freenode.pl/22:36
gzkvqhkomyoxYour machine has been infected by the recent spam attacks - visit http://www2.freenode.pl/ for a quick and easy solution!22:36
gzkvqhkomyoxYour machine has been infected by the recent spam attacks - visit http://www2.freenode.pl/ for a quick and easy solution!22:36
tsimpsonDO NOT CLICK THAT22:36
fagangood thing no work is going on at the moment22:37
=== robbiew is now known as roobiew_
czajkowskitsimpson: would an idea be to +R all ubuntu-namespaces for the time being ?23:13
tsimpsonthat's generally a good idea23:14

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