
cody-somervilleockham, no00:25
emgentcjwatson: ping00:34
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slangasekkenvandine: is empathy bzr in an uploadable state?  (Just committed a change there, would like to get it to the archive)02:50
kenvandineslangasek, it is03:02
slangasekkenvandine: thanks, will upload :)03:03
xnoxOutstanding merges pages got a small overhaul =)03:19
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fabrice_spbarry: would it make sense to merge system-config-lvm and if yes, are  you taking care of it, or may I work on it?05:18
siretartion: \o/05:20
superm1slangasek, re bug 496765, is the eventual intention that plymouthd won't even be in the initrd but instead just an upstart job that gets started after the initrd is done?06:18
ubottuLaunchpad bug 496765 in plymouth "plymouth ask-for-password doesn't display --prompt argument" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/49676506:18
slangaseksuperm1: yes; there are some practical hang-ups preventing us from doing that right now (plymouth and gdm will race)06:18
superm1slangasek, what about the time it takes for casper though in the initrd right now?06:19
superm1that's a long time to be spinning some text on the screen06:19
slangasekif you mean 'plymouth should be in the initramfs for liveCDs', casper can drop in an initramfs-tools config snippet to ask for plymouth to be included06:19
slangasek(in theory - I haven't looked at whether this is the right thing for casper to do)06:20
superm1well then the question I guess is; should it be though?  maybe it's worth investigating moving the tasks casper do out of the initramfs and into the livefs itself06:21
slangasekthat's what I was immediately wondering, yes :)06:21
slangasekbut I'm not really familiar enough w/ casper to answer this myself06:21
dholbachgood morning07:03
dholbachwhen are we going to have the next auto-sync run? I'm waiting on a new tex-common :)08:00
dholbachfor bug 50998108:00
ubottuLaunchpad bug 509981 in texlive-base "Please sync texlive-base 2009-7 (main) from Debian testing (main)." [Wishlist,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/50998108:00
tseliotslangasek: just FYI in the man page of update-alternatives there's an example with alternatives with a different number of slave links09:02
slangasektseliot: well, ok :)09:05
tseliotslangasek: I didn't remember where I saw it when I mentioned it to you and of course it was the man page. My memory...09:06
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loolsuperm1: FYI performance of casper is abysmal on armel, and JamieBennett is looking into improving that for armel and as a result for everybody; often, the scripts are simply way too heavy and were never optimized09:19
loolsuperm1: See e.g. bug #35769009:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 357690 in casper "casper very slow on armel+imx51" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35769009:19
ogralool, pfft, everybody blames casper ... its debconf ;)09:24
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cjwatsonemgent: yes?09:48
cjwatsonogra: no it's not09:50
ograi thought its template.dat being loaded by debconf09:50
cjwatsonogra: casper doesn't need to start up debconf a zillion times.  I've already been working with Jamie on this09:50
cjwatsonif it started it up just once, it would be loads faster09:50
ograyeah, indeed09:50
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hdonhi all. a recent karmic update seems to have blown away my swap? i chose an encrypted home filesystem when i installed, and when this update arrived i think karmic did the sensible thing and tried to offer me encrypted swap as well, but that blew away the UUID for my swap partition, making the /etc/fstab settings useless. this caused *seriously weird stability problems* even though i never actually came close to even 25% RAM usage.10:43
hdondisabling swap altogether has fixed the stability issues10:44
seb128james_w, slangasek, pitti, cjwatson, Riddell: is somebody doing syncs?10:48
pittinot me10:48
seb128the queue has some items10:48
seb128cjwatson, can you sync-source.py -b cassidy -S unstable telepathy-glib while you are there?10:49
cjwatsonI was attempting an autosync, it seems to have fallen over10:49
cjwatsonseb128: one moment - is there an associated bug?10:49
seb128cjwatson, no, IRC ping only10:49
seb128cjwatson, I can do that later though10:49
cjwatsonI'll do it in a moment10:50
hdonhow is a partition's UUID determined?10:51
cjwatsonpartitions don't have UUIDs, filesystems have UUIDs10:51
cjwatsonthey're randomly generated when the filesystem is created10:52
hdongood to know. what about swap, then?10:52
cjwatsonhdon: karmic *update*, or an installation over the top of a previous installation?10:52
hdonjust a routine software update, like several before it10:52
cjwatsonthat is seriously weir10:52
seb128cjwatson, thanks10:52
cjwatsonhdon: do you have any idea specifically which packages were updated?10:53
hdonbut this is a relatively new system (just got it from system76 about 10 days ago) so i didn't get much time to familiarize myself with things prior to the updates10:53
hdoncjwatson, any way to find out? i know the kernel and video drivers were updated, but that's all fine as long as i disable swap10:53
cjwatsonhdon: should be possible to dredge it out of /var/log/dpkg.log10:54
* hdon looks10:54
cjwatsonseb128: done10:54
seb128cjwatson, thank you10:54
hdoni'm guessing cryptsetup is the package. it looks like it was installed alongside the other updates. i never deliberately picked this package out with any apt tools myself.10:55
hdon2010-01-15 10:37:20 status installed cryptsetup 2:1.0.6+20090405.svn49-1ubuntu7.210:55
cjwatsonslangasek: ^-10:56
cjwatsonhdon: looks quite plausible, please file a bug10:56
* hdon launchpads10:56
cjwatsonI don't see a trivial fix, I expect it requires some thought10:57
cjwatsonwe certainly can't just casually mkswap over the top of things without care though10:57
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hdoni keep getting kicked to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs :\11:07
hdoni guess i'm supposed to read it11:07
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xteejxHey guys, when will the fix for bug 511014 be available in the repos?12:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 511014 in wine1.2 "package wine1.2 1.1.36-0ubuntu2 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 10" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/51101412:12
chrisccoulsonxteejx: when it's built and published12:16
chrisccoulsonit was only uploaded 35 minutes ago12:16
xteejxchriscoulson: Oh ok, I didn't know how long it takes, no worries :) Thank you12:17
pittislangasek, crimsun: is bug 490634 still an issue in current lucid? I thought Intel HDA power management was disabled by default again?12:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 490634 in alsa-driver "popping sound with HDA power_save=10 in Lucid" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/49063412:30
davidc_mvo: can I ask you a quick question please? :)12:31
mvodavidc_: yes12:32
davidc_you know those debconf screens on some packages when doing apt-get install packagename12:32
davidc_is there a way to skip them by passing some arguments to the apt-get install command?12:32
davidc_say if you install apt-get install dbpackage and it pops you a debconf screen asking for a host12:33
davidc_what I'd like to do is have an bash script to automate the install and do something like apt-get install dbpackage --host=xxx12:33
davidc_or whatever the actual param from the package is which I can easily find12:33
mvodavidc_: you can use "DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive" in the environment12:34
davidc_But can I automate them? let me google up noninteractive first :P12:34
mvoyes, pre-seeding should too, but I don't have a example ATM12:35
cjwatsondebconf-set-selections is the program you want12:37
davidc_ah nice one, tahnks12:37
cjwatsonyou can find the relevant keys (at least) by running through a test installation with DEBCONF_DEBUG=developer set12:37
davidc_well it's our own package but our sysadmin is on holidays :D12:37
davidc_so was wondering if I could try to get this running on my personal test servers12:38
davidc_finding the names of the arguments isn't a prob12:38
loolcjwatson: Not sure you're Cc:ed on the vmbuilder grub2 bug (509609); FYi I'm hitting a segfault, so I intend to try again with a noopt nostrip build of grub212:46
cjwatsonI'm probably CCed but bugmail is a bit argh12:46
loolcjwatson: Actually I didn't see you in the Cc:s12:47
cjwatsonam now12:49
cjwatsonlool: would be good to try with --verbose12:49
loolOk; thanks12:50
cjwatsonlool: actually --verbose --verbose12:50
cjwatson  if (verbosity > 1)12:50
cjwatson    grub_env_set ("debug", "all");12:50
loolAck; I remember this from the debug session I did on my RAID10 issue12:51
loolcjwatson: BTW a RAID10 install with 3 disks out of 4 (partially degraded) works fine as expected12:51
loolBut you can not boot with 2 disks out of 4 either12:51
* lool broke 4 hard disks out of 6 in the last 2 weeks12:52
cjwatsonright, I haven't got round to getting that grub bug fixed yet12:52
hdonlool, how are you breaking HDDs so fast?12:54
ograhdon, he wants them to grow bigger, so he waters them ;)12:58
* hdon giggles12:59
chrisccoulsondoes watering them not work then? ;)12:59
ogra/dev/sda6: clean, 146107/2321984 files, 951738/9277521 blocks (check deferred; on battery)13:04
ogradoes anyone know where the check for being on battery is performed here ? is that e2fsck itself ?13:04
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sorenogra: Yes.13:07
ogratrying to find out why it always thinks its on battery on armel systems13:07
ograthese boards dont even have a battery :P13:08
sorenIt looks at /proc/apm and /proc/acpi/ac_adapter/*/state13:08
ograno ACPI on arm machines :)13:08
ograbut /proc/apm ...13:09
zulpitti: can you approve the MIR for python-openid, nagios-nrpe, and pastescript please? thanks13:20
loolhdon: Sad stories   :-(13:22
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pittizul: they are already approved14:42
pittiah, they are on component-mismatches now14:43
* pitti promotes14:43
pittizul: pastescript is not on http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/component-mismatches.txt yet14:45
zulpitti: k ill have a look14:46
zulpitti: how often does the script run?14:47
pittizul: every hour, after the publisher run14:47
zulpitti: ok thanks14:48
zulcan you promote nagios-nrpe-server as well?14:48
pittizul: I promoted all binaries from those sources14:49
zulpitti: thanks!14:49
sgallaghtjaalton: Just released SSSD 1.0.3, which includes the fix for the linker bug you found.15:05
tjaaltonsgallagh: great, thanks15:07
sgallaghtjaalton: No, thank you for catching that.15:07
tjaaltonsgallagh: no problem. now if just SASL worked with AD ;)15:08
sgallaghtjaalton: Right now, I think we only support GSSAPI for SASL15:09
tjaaltonsgallagh: yeah but AD expects an UPN and barfs at SPN's. it's the same with rpc.gssd from nfs-utils, but I'm about to fix that15:11
sgallaghAh, gotcha15:12
sgallaghPatches welcome :)15:12
tjaaltonsure, I need to look at it..15:12
tjaaltoncould be that given the time constraints I don't have time to fix sssd anytime soon, but use winbind or something in the meantime15:13
tjaaltonor, certs with sssd instead of gssapi15:13
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jdstrandcjwatson: how often is lp:debian/... updated? I wanted to do a libvirt merge and debian/squeeze and debian/sid are very out of date16:15
jdstrandcjwatson: hi btw! :)16:15
StevenKjdstrand: james_w would be the person to ask ?16:16
jdstrandStevenK: right, I noticed he wasn't around atm, and thought cjwatson might know...16:17
jdstrandcjwatson: if you don't know off-hand, no worries16:18
geserjdstrand: the import probably failed, check if it listed on http://package-import.ubuntu.com/16:19
* jdstrand checks16:19
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cjwatsonjdstrand: -> james_w16:20
cjwatsonI don't know the answer16:20
cjwatsonjdstrand: if in doubt, you can file a bug on the 'udd' project16:20
jdstrandcjwatson: k, thanks16:21
jdstrandgeser: yeah, it traced back16:22
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ockhamhi, i'm a newbie with a rather trivial question: what do i have to specify in debian/rules if the actual sources (including autotools files and everything) are in a subdirectory of a package?16:39
ScottKockham: Basic packaging questions are better asked in #ubuntu-motu16:39
ockhamok, i'll ask there16:39
cyberixgood day16:41
cyberixI've been thinking about trying to get miredo into Lucid+116:41
cyberixInstalling the package by default would make IPv6 work for Ubuntu users16:42
cyberixthe package is currently pointing to a server run by its developer16:42
cyberixand I doubt it would be pollite to have _all_ Ubuntu users use his server16:43
cyberixCan I somehow discus this with someone running stuff at ubuntu.com or canonical.com?16:44
cyberixI understood the traffic should not be too heavy16:45
cjwatsonyou can ask #canonical-sysadmin16:45
BenCbdmurray: Hey, would you know how to setup apparmor rules to give a program that's not running as root the ability to seteuid(0)?16:49
bdmurrayBenC: No kees or smb would know better.16:49
bdmurrayer sbeattie16:49
BenCkees: any ideas?16:50
smbbdmurray, BenC Or at that time of day jjohansen16:50
pittiBenC: hey16:50
BenCI forgot jj is on16:50
pittiBenC: I don't think that's possible16:50
BenCpitti: hey :)16:50
pittiapparmor can only restrict privs, not increase them16:50
keesBenC: \o/ hey man, good to see you.  :)16:50
pitti(which is a feature IMHO)16:50
BenCpitti: ah, that sucks...I need an apache2 module to be able to seteuid(0) temporarily :(16:50
pittioh, that's a .so, isn't it?16:50
keespitti: technically, that's not true; it can grant capabilities.16:50
pittikees: oh?16:51
BenCthere's a hackish blinkcap kernel module that allows you to do it via LSM, so I suspect apparmor could do it16:51
pittiseems my knowledge is outdated by a few years then, sorry16:51
keespitti: "capability foo," allows, and "set capability foo," elevates.16:51
BenCkees: hey back :)16:52
keesBenC: yeah, unfortunately I don't think AA has a way to elevate uid.  jjohansen any thoughts?16:52
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jjohansenyou can do it with pam_apparmor16:52
keesBenC: can you write a setuid helper or something?16:52
BenCdoesn't seteuid have a capability associated with it?16:52
pittikees: so you could just grant CAP_SETUID?16:52
BenCsetuid I guess would be fine too16:52
jjohansenbut not at the setuid barrier currently16:52
jjohansenkees, BenC: just double checking what do you mean by elevate uid?16:53
maxbDoes anyone know why the bzr branches at https://code.launchpad.net/debian/+source/subversion have been deleted?16:53
keesBenC: oh right, I always forget about CAP_SETUID16:54
BenCjjohansen: I have an apache2 module that I want to allow to seteuid(0) temporarily without running apache2 as root16:54
jjohansenkees: if you mean elevate uid to have a capability, yes and no16:54
BenCor setuid(), either way works I guess16:54
jjohansenBenC: apparmor setting of capabilities will raise none root users cap16:54
keesBenC: just a module will be tricky without a full mod-apparmor changehat configuration.16:54
jjohansenBenC: but it won't overcome any DAC checks for uid hard coded in the kernel16:55
BenCI thought the whole purpose of caps was to allow non-root programs to use root related syscalls and such :)16:55
keesjjohansen: can't it grant CAP_SETUID and then the module calls setuid(0); *stuff* setuid(getuid()); ?16:55
jjohansenkees: yes16:55
BenCbasically the module currently exec's sudo and runs a script, and I want to move that into the module for stability and cleanliness16:56
BenCjjohansen, kees: that's exactly what I want16:56
keesBenC: the trouble is that AA confines processes, not libraries.16:56
BenCkees: not a problem to me...I realize that while elevated as uid 0, the whole process and whatever libs are loaded also get privs, but it's a risk I'm willing to take16:57
keesso to get this to work with apache, you'd need a full mod-apparmor configuration (which isn't hard, it's just bigger than a "simple" change)16:57
keesBenC: is this under Karmic, I hope?16:57
BenCkees: hardy16:57
keesunder Karmic the changehat stuff for mod-apparmor is well tested.  hardy, less so.  and I suspect you don't want to just run all of apparmor with CAP_SETUID.16:58
BenCit's basically running mount (on arbitrary mount points, so fstab is not involved) and calling dm_* functions16:58
jdstrandkees: I have only barely been following this, but I use change_hat on hardy16:58
jdstrandkees: though not for raising privs16:59
keesBenC: if you want to go the changehat route, read through the instructions here: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~apparmor-dev/apparmor/master/annotate/head%3A/profiles/apparmor.d/usr.lib.apache2.mpm-prefork.apache217:00
BenCkees: thanks17:00
keesBenC: based on what you're saying, it sounds like using sudo or a wrapper would be much saner, though.17:00
BenCkees: I want to avoid exec though, since it's killing performance to do that for every request at the rate I'm getting them17:01
keesBenC: I'm terrified that you have such a high volume of calls to mount/dm_* and the exec is the bottleneck.  :)17:02
keesBenC: you could write the wrapper to do the mount() calls directly instead of re-execing to "mount" the utility17:02
BenCkees: it's not mounting everytime, but I need root to check the dm state (dm-crypt, lvm, mount)17:03
dantticjwatson: hi! Did you have time to work on that DBus thing for debconf?17:13
* sebner is wondering who the fsck/filesystem guy is in here :)17:13
cjwatsondantti: unfortunately not, a hugely time-consuming project intervened17:14
* cjwatson puts it on our sprint agenda for the first week of Feb, in order that it might actually happen :)17:15
JFoapologies pitti, I am having a bad day17:17
pittiJFo: no worries, no harm done; it just didn't quite look fitting into the current conversation :)17:17
JFoheh, it wasn't :)17:17
dantticjwatson: hmm, I'd like to help if let me to, do you remember my proposals?17:18
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dantticjwatson: do you prefer to talk about that in Feb?17:25
cjwatsonI'll have a lot more state in my head about it if we talk about it in Feb17:26
cjwatsonso that might be more sensible; sorry again for the annoying delay17:26
dantticjwatson: np, thanks, good luck with your stuff :)17:28
keesknown issue?17:37
kees  docbook-utils: Depends: jadetex but it is not going to be installed17:37
persiakees: I can't reproduce with lucid amd64 : where do you see that?17:46
keespersia: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/38274976/buildlog_ubuntu-lucid-i386.wine1.2_1.1.36-0ubuntu3_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz17:46
keesand my lucid chroots17:46
jjardonjoin #ubuntu-desktop17:47
persiaHrm.  My chroots must be out of date.  I can install for all of i386, amd64, and powerpc.17:47
keesaptitude says tex-common is broken17:47
keesbut... it hasn't changed in lucid17:47
persiakees: New upload of tex-common just under 6 hours ago.17:48
keespersia: ah, that must be it.17:52
keesConflicts: tetex-base (<< 2007), texlive-common (<< 2009)17:55
keestexlive-base | 2007.dfsg.2-4ubuntu1 | lucid/main17:55
persiaThat would be it, and my apt-caches may well be > 6 hours old.17:55
cjwatsonit was a sync pass, maybe check for build failures17:56
keescjwatson: the problem is that tex-common requires a newer texlive-base that hasn't been merged.17:56
persiaThere's some tex stuff listed in NEW as well, which may have an impact.17:56
cjwatsonright, lack of merge is entirely plausible17:56
cjwatsonI'll process NEW17:57
keesand... *drumroll* I touched it last!17:57
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cjwatsonI've flushed all the TeX stuff from NEW18:03
superm1lool, something else to consider is moving scripts that are specific to any remix/derivative into a package that only gets seeded when you are building an image for that derivative18:07
superm1i already moved a lot of the mythbuntu stuff out18:07
keescjwatson: can you sync texlive-base from testing?  that's the root problem afaict.  I'll have a LP bug # shortly.18:09
cjwatsonno need for a bug if that's all it is18:10
keeswell, requestsync already ran...18:10
cjwatsonactually, yeah, a bug would be good18:10
keescjwatson: oh, it's there already, heh: 50998118:11
cjwatsonkees: you should poke bhavi for failing to contact you before doing that work18:13
cjwatsonI've spoken to him before about this18:13
keescjwatson: okay, I'll drop him a line.18:13
cjwatsonand what's that nonsense set of dups?18:13
cjwatsonmeh, upgrade bugs18:14
keescjwatson: thanks for the sync18:23
slangasekpitti: 490634> it's still an "issue" in that we shouldn't have pops when setting it; but we can probably drop the release target (done)18:57
JFoslangasek, sorry bout my blurb of useless info during the release meeting today18:58
slangasekJFo: no worries :)18:59
slangasekit was one of the more coherent interruptions we've seen ;)18:59
zulslangasek: i was wondering if you are any closer to upstarting samba yet?19:09
slangasekzul: I'm not closer yet to understanding why nmbd was failing to start, and I need to resolve that before we know which way the upstart job should be written.  I'll work on it today - though first up is "why does plymouth fail for everyone not using intel"19:11
zulah i see priorities ;)19:12
ScottKslangasek: Because they don't love Software Freedom enough.19:16
slangasekScottK: I mean the plymouth bug, not the industry bug :)19:17
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slangasekcjwatson: the only issue I can see with bug #511137 (hdon's cryptsetup issue from last night) is that something left a bogus unencrypted swap line in /etc/fstab when configuring crypted swap.  What installer component is responsible for configuring crypted swap when enabling crypted homedirs?20:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 511137 in cryptsetup "[karmic] unstable system after updates to cryptsetup" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/51113720:47
keescan an archive admin process the NEW queue for texlive-2009-7?  it's holding up some builds.20:51
gesertexlive-base? yes please20:55
jdstrandslangasek, cjwatson: I've got texlive20:56
slangasekjdstrand: ok, cheers20:56
sistpotyslangasek: from ubuntu+1: <wm_> im running lucid, i did an apt-get update last night, shut machine down, i come in today and try to boot machine and its stuck at "Starting init crypto disks" .  what am i doing wrong ?20:57
sistpotyslangasek: might be related?20:57
slangaseksistpoty: not at all related to the above conversation20:58
sistpotysorry, just figured that I didn't read karmic until now :(20:58
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mathiazkees: hi!21:10
hdonslangasek, that's my assessment, too.21:11
mathiazkees: is there a reference to the Ubuntu policy that states: no open ports on default installations?21:11
jcastromathiaz: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityTeam/Policies21:12
jcastroI just happened to be on that page!21:12
mathiazjcastro: thanks!21:12
hdonlol, funny someone named "castro" telling us the governing policy about what ports we can have open ;)21:16
jcastroubuntu libre!21:16
keesmathiaz: sorry, was in code.  jcastro got you sorted out though.  :)21:20
geserkees: is a merge of texlive-extra needed now too to unbrake texlive in lucid?21:20
niktarishi, where can I find syslinux theme of the ubuntu .iso ?21:23
keesgeser: hrm, yeah, looks like it.  whee21:23
geserkees: how big is your internet connection?21:24
geserfrom the Ubuntu changelog the merge looks easy but the package is big: around 500 MB source21:24
keesgeser: oowchy21:25
keesgeser: I will attempt a merge from the canonical datacenter, one sec21:25
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cjwatsonslangasek: err, not entirely sure.  might be user-setup?21:57
cjwatsonslangasek: this is an "I get code dumps from kirkland" kind of thing21:58
cjwatsonniktaris: I suspect you're looking for gfxboot-theme-ubuntu21:58
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niktariscjwatson, yes found it and trying to apply it to debian :-)22:12
mathiazslangasek: hi22:36
mathiazslangasek: with upstart jobs, is /etc/default/service still recommended for a service configuration?22:36
mathiazslangasek: or is it now better to modify the upstart job directly?22:37
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geserkees: thanks for the texlive-extra merge23:14
geserwow, LP produced a 108.3 MiB diff23:16
elmoit can produce hundreds of GB diffs in the right cirumstances (hi udev!) :-p23:16
faganelmo: why are the diffs so large?23:19
faganOh and dont the launchpad guys hate when the they take up lots of space?23:20
jpds'disk is cheap'23:20
faganthen why do we only get 1gb per ppa?23:21
StevenKBecause disk *isn't* cheap23:21
faganWell I suppose 1tb is 50 pounds so its not so bad23:22
StevenKSay, you want to scale to 10,000 PPAs. At 1GB per, that's 10,000GB with all PPAs using all their space, or 10TB23:22
StevenKNow price 10TB with server class drives using SCSI23:22
elmofagan: because of a bug in debdiff, I was kidding23:23
elmobut I'm very glad we've gotten into a 'disk is cheap'23:23
elmoexcuse me while I go and throw myself off the roof23:23
geserkees: texlive should be (hopefully) unbroken now. Ideally an archive admin could remove texlive-base-bin from the NBS side to be on the safe side23:29
gesertexlive-binaries provide texlive-base-bin and the most dependencies are unversioned (jadetex uses a versioned one -> bug #511399)23:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 511399 in jadetex "Update versioned build-dependency from texlive-base-bin to texlive-binaries" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/51139923:30
geserI don't know if the buildds will pickup the right package: texlive-base-bin is real but uninstallable, while texlive-binaries is installable but only provides texlive-base-bin23:31
keesgeser: whee23:31
mathiazkees: would you say that apparmor profiles are safer than chroots for daemons?23:38
mathiazkees: ex: is it safer to run bind9 under an apparmor profile or chrooting them?23:39
mathiazkees: or to put it another way: should daemons that usually run chrooted be migrated to apparmor profiles?23:40
keesmathiaz: hrm23:41
keesmathiaz: I don't think I can make a blanket statement23:41
keesmathiaz: daemons running as non-root in a chroot are pretty well isolated.23:41
keesmathiaz: I would prefer apparmor profiles for daemons that run as root23:41
keesmathiaz: using a profile is great, but I'm not sure if it makes sense to carry a delta.23:42
keesmathiaz: note that it can do both.  :)23:42
keesi.e. write a profile for the chroot'd service.23:42
mathiazkees: right - I'm writting my UDW session about server packages (ie daemons)23:42
mathiazkees: and one of the topic is apparmor profiles23:42
* kees nods23:43
mathiazkees: I just wanted to compare them to chroot23:43
mathiazkees: as chroot is often seens a way to secure daemons23:43
keeschroot is more system agnostic, but I think apparmor is stronger23:43
keesbut they're not mutually exclusive.23:43
mathiazkees: would it be fair to say that AppArmor profiles provide an alternative to chroots?23:45
mathiazkees: *for* daemons23:45
jdstrandmathiaz: apparmor and chroots are different23:46
jdstrandlike kees said, you can chroot *and* apparmor23:46
keesit's an alternative, yeah, but since they're not mutually exclusive, there's no reason to stop chroot'ing or stop using a profile23:46
mathiazjdstrand: agreed23:46
jdstrandapparmor allows for confining capabilites and networking23:46
jdstrandyou don't get that in a chroot23:46
keesif you have a daemon without either, I would do a profile.23:46
jdstrandthe biggest benefit is that you don't have to maintain a chroot with apparmor23:46
jdstrandwe did bind9 and mysql because though they could be configured to use them, they were not in packaging23:47
jdstrandpostfix on the other hand, there is no compelling reason to write a profile for it23:47
jdstrandif a package already has a working chroot setup, I'd say look elsewhere rather than migrate23:48
jdstrandpackaging an apparmor profile can also be considerably easier than a chroot23:49
lamontjdstrand: if I didn't have an ugly history of installed base, I expect bind would wind up chrooted, or at least !root23:49
lamontbut since it drops all privs early on, I'm not too terribly ashamed that it starts as root23:49
StevenKBind is also fairly easy to chroot23:50
lamontStevenK: in a fresh install yes.  automatically doing it in an upgrade? not so much23:50
StevenKlamont: Well, yes :-)23:50
lamontesp since the admins out there like to roll their own world in total violation of FHS23:50
* lamont looks askance of milli23:50
jdstrandof course, that is a problem for profiling, but easier to fix23:50
lamonthrm. was that my outloud voice?23:50
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