
evheads up - releasing a new ubiquity to take care of the slideshow variable issue09:08
CIA-41ubiquity: evand * r3705 ubiquity/ (d-i/manifest debian/changelog):09:10
CIA-41ubiquity: Automatic update of included source packages: console-setup09:10
CIA-41ubiquity: 1.34ubuntu7, grub-installer 1.49ubuntu2, partman-uboot 3.09:10
CIA-41ubiquity: evand * r3706 ubiquity/bin/ubiquity-dm: Found another missing exception parameter.09:17
CIA-41ubiquity: evand * r3707 ubiquity/debian/changelog: releasing version 2.1.1309:36
davmor2cjwatson: is today a good day to look at that grub issue in hardy, although I need to take the MIL off to hospital in a bit so it won't be till after that09:46
davmor2cjwatson: Bug 18587809:52
ubottuLaunchpad bug 185878 in grub "GRUB installation fails if installing to certain non-ext3 filesystems" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/18587809:52
cjwatsondavmor2: hope so but I'm not sure yet09:54
CIA-41ubiquity: evand * r3708 ubiquity/debian/ (changelog control): Add missing build dependency on keymapper.09:56
davmor2cjwatson: as I say it won't be till later any how I'll give you a shout when I get back :)09:56
CIA-41ubiquity: evand * r3709 ubiquity/d-i/update-control: Put keymapper build dependency in the right place.10:00
evsuperm1: I'm not sure I understand the motivation for splitting out install_misc, given that the only place it's used is in the Install subclass.10:09
CIA-41ubiquity: evand * r3710 ubiquity/debian/changelog: releasing version 2.1.1410:21
dmarkeysorry for repeating myself, but is there a way to get the LVM partitioner to place /boot on the first partition11:56
cjwatsonprobably not automatically11:58
cjwatsonI'm sure you can do it using the manual partitioner11:58
cjwatsonor using a custom recipe11:59
dmarkeyok, well in that case can i disable the lvm partitioner11:59
cjwatsonsure, please see the installation guide11:59
cjwatsonwhy does it matter which partition /boot is on?11:59
dmarkeyah, xen specific issue, pygrub can only read menu.lst off the 1st partition12:00
cjwatsonyou could take the default recipe and edit it to add $primary{ } to the /boot stanza12:01
cjwatsonI think that would do it12:01
cjwatsonlooks like the reason it isn't the first partition is that the LVM envelope is always set as primary (which is probably a bug in itself) and thus /boot doesn't need to be as far as partman-auto is concerned12:01
dmarkeycool, i'll do some research, is https://help.ubuntu.com/9.10/installation-guide/i386/preseed-contents.html my best reference?12:04
neribertohi people12:05
cjwatsondmarkey: I've changed partman-auto-lvm upstream to not enforce that the LVM envelope is primary12:06
neribertosomeone can help me?12:07
cjwatsonneriberto: see the topic - "don't ask to ask, just ask"12:07
neribertoi've been download a ISO of source...how can I rebuild this?12:08
dmarkeycjwatson: cool, so the plhsical volume will be sda5?12:08
cjwatsonneriberto: could you please ask on #ubuntu?  none of our usual installation methods work this way so it doesn't really make sense on this channel12:08
cjwatsondmarkey: should be.  dunno if this will be in lucid though12:09
dmarkeycjwatson: sorry for being a pain, but where would i get the default recipe12:09
neribertocjwatson but i am talking about ubuntu-server install12:10
neribertofrom source12:10
cjwatsonneriberto: the supported way to install ubuntu-server is from binaries12:13
cjwatsonwe aren't Gentoo :)12:13
cjwatsondmarkey: it's in the partman-auto source package, recipes/atomic12:14
dmarkeyso i add $primary{ } and put the whole lot into: d-i partman-auto/expert_recipe?12:21
davmor2cjwatson: right I'm back12:23
dmarkeyor is there partman-auto/atomic_recipe12:23
cjwatsondmarkey: it's in the installation guide12:24
cjwatsondavmor2: I think I'm going to have to reproduce this before I'm able to comment12:25
davmor2cjwatson: Ah okay in that case I'll get on with some desktop testing just give me a ping if you find a cure :)12:26
cjwatsonwhich gets back to the "my laptop's hard disk is too small" problem.  aargh.12:28
cjwatsonroll on May ...12:28
dmarkeycjwatson: doesnt seem to be having an affect12:38
cjwatsonok, I'm not sure then, sorry12:38
dmarkeycool, thanks12:39
davmor2cjwatson: can you not just buy a bigger harddrive?12:41
cjwatsondmarkey: feel free to file a bug / send a mail or something with full logs; best if the installation in question was booted with DEBCONF_DEBUG=developer12:41
cjwatsondavmor2: I suck at hardware maintenance, don't make me do more of it ;-)12:41
cjwatsonI'll get a new laptop in May on our hardware refresh programme, so I'll just make sure it has an enormous disk12:42
evNAS + NFS for the win12:43
davmor2ev: samba share here12:44
cjwatsonev: yeah, I sort of use that for some things12:46
cjwatsonI may start using it a bit more, but it does mean that I'm restricted when working remotely12:46
evI just copy a few images and CDs over for that case12:46
evbut it means that I don't have to worry about deleting daily-live CDs, or where I'm going to put yet another image.12:47
evcopy over to my laptop, that is12:47
cjwatsonyeah.  I do have more disk than I can conveniently contemplate using on my fileserver.12:47
cjwatsonas in I haven't even allocated half of it to LVs yet12:48
cjwatsonneed to renumber UIDs on my fileserver to make NFS really convenient, though :-(12:48
dmarkeycjwatson: you could use nfsv412:54
cjwatsonyeah, I probably could13:00
cjwatsonshould look into that in fact, thanks13:01
* ev bangs his head against the proverbial wall; this debconf_ui stuff is proving to be difficult to understand.13:15
evcjwatson: is there a simple answer to why debconf_ui needs to run under a debconf frontend?  Also, am I barking up the wrong tree here, given that it doesn't seem to make use of the passthrough frontend.13:15
evif you're busy, no worries.13:16
cjwatsonev: debconf-communicate isn't up to the task of providing a UI - you need a proper debconf frontend for that13:22
cjwatsonand debconf_ui's purpose is to just let debconf do all the UI stuff13:22
evah, duh, right13:22
cjwatsonev: you may be barking up the wrong tree, I guess - remind me what you're trying to do?13:22
evwork around the fact that the debconf database is locked when I'm trying to install packages in do_install13:23
ev(in oem-config)13:23
cjwatsonah, yeah, you don't want debconf_ui for this13:23
cjwatsonI think you should involve debconf-apt-progress somehow13:25
evyeah, I was looking at that as well13:25
cjwatsonthere's an example in the man page that you should be able to adapt13:25
cjwatsonthe reason oem-config gets away with it is that it uses tasksel to install packages, which in turn uses debconf-apt-progress13:25
cjwatsonbut I don't think you should need to use tasksel necessarilty13:26
evcool, thanks for the pointers, and sorry for this taking so long for me to wrap my ahead around.13:27
evjust to clarify, this isn't to get debconf PROGRESS commands, but to be able to install packages to ask questions (postfix, in my test case).  I suspect this will require more than involving debconf-apt-progress as is, correct?13:34
everr that call INPUT13:34
cjwatsonno, that should be OK, debconf-apt-progress also shunts other debconf commands through passthrough13:47
cjwatsonthat's how packages get to ask questions during pkgsel in d-i13:47
evcool, thanks13:51
evawesome, I think I'm definitely on the right track now14:16
evthanks a million, cjwatson14:16
dmarkeycjwatson: it does work, pebkac14:26
dmarkeyi was missing "$"14:26
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CIA-41partman-iscsi: cjwatson * r46 ubuntu/ (debian/changelog finish.d/iscsi_settings):16:31
CIA-41partman-iscsi: Remember the default network interface and record it in ISCSI_NETDEVICE16:31
CIA-41partman-iscsi: in iscsi.initramfs (LP: #473036).16:31
CIA-41partman-iscsi: cjwatson * r47 ubuntu/debian/changelog: releasing version 1217:01
CIA-41grub-installer: cjwatson * r833 ubuntu/ (debian/changelog grub-installer):17:05
CIA-41grub-installer: Add $partition_offset to $bootpart when deciding which partition to make17:05
CIA-41grub-installer: active based on GRUB-style device names (found while testing fix for LP17:05
CIA-41grub-installer: #185878).17:05
superm1ev, it's because it can then be usable in other plugins.  each of those functions are currently used in some fashion in mythbuntu_install.py18:02
superm1ev, i figured this is the easiest way to get them access to them without code duplication18:02
evBut where are they or would be used that's not already a subclass of Install and can thus access them already?  Mind you, I'm not criticizing the approach, just trying to understand the rationale.23:10
evsuperm1: ^23:10
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