
Pendulumcjohnston: survey in current form looks good to me, I'll think about what might need to be added00:22
=== jamalta is now known as jamalta-afk
Vantraxwhat was launchpad's openID string?00:39
Vantraxi now have ident.ca set up:P00:55
Vantraxwhat formats did we finally decide to push to:?01:06
VantraxXML/HTML PDF TXT?01:06
paultagcjohnston, poke01:25
paultagcjohnston, nvmd :)01:25
cjohnstonpleia2: anything else for me to do tonight?01:35
Vantraxi think the train has left the station01:41
Pendulumcjohnston: relax :P01:45
_marx_cjohnston: think about a five story fire with people trapped inside; Saturday will be cake :-)01:49
cjohnstonim just bored... lol01:50
Pendulumyou have the internet at your disposal. I suspect you can find something to do01:51
cjohnstonthats what i was trying to do.. but be productive at the same time01:51
* _marx_ killing time trying to learn irssi inside screen01:57
_marx_i've forgotten all i knew about screen01:58
cjohnstonits a beautiful thing01:59
_marx_it is indeed, used it w/pine for several years02:00
_marx_memtest /dev/brain finds the bad sectors but doesn't rebuild them ;)02:00
=== jamalta-afk is now known as jamalta
=== jamalta is now known as jamalta-eee
nigel_nbevening everyone :)03:14
_marx_hey nigel_nb03:15
nigel_nbhey _marx_03:15
_marx_anything in that u1 share03:15
nigel_nb_marx_, I hate ubuntu one :P03:15
* _marx_ system is loaded up upgrading vbox lucid03:16
nigel_nbthat odp file is still now showing up!03:17
cjohnstonim running lucid on two systems03:18
nigel_nbcjohnston, wow, risky03:18
_marx_well there should be 2 odt files and 2 ogv files03:18
_marx_not unlike running debian unstable to me03:19
_marx_years ago that is03:19
_marx_nigel_nb: wanna try a reshare?03:20
nigel_nb_marx_, definitely03:20
_marx_ah it expired03:22
* _marx_ shared03:23
_marx_hum looks like a bug to me03:26
_marx_nigel_nb: did you get the share email?03:26
nigel_nbstill only 3 files in that share03:27
_marx_the files in nautilus aren't showing up in my FF login03:27
_marx_k same here, hum03:27
_marx_makes me think nautilus isn't doing something right03:28
_marx_or i'm not syncing03:29
_marx_who's doing the u1 session?03:30
nigel_nbI'm playing around with launchpad python library and getting stuck!03:34
_marx_definately not shared03:35
_marx_just checked from f11 box03:36
nigel_nboh no!03:38
_marx_as soon as my vbox lucid gets done upgrading I'll restart03:39
_marx_nigel_nb: i can ssh in from the f11 box an list the files so it's a sync or U1 prob03:43
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=== jamalta-afk is now known as jamalta
cjohnstonpleia2: you had said you could give ops to whoever you needed to in -classroom... I was able to op myself the other day... Is that a restricted op that I did or something?14:50
pleia2cjohnston: anyone with an ubuntu member cloak can op themselves14:50
mhall119|workoh cool14:50
* mhall119|work feels powerful14:50
cjohnstonmhall119|work: no ideas14:50
pleia2but we'll need to op pen and marx14:50
mhall119|workcjohnston: too late14:50
* _marx_ in there now but may not be all day today14:51
pleia2this is for tomorrow anyway :)14:51
_marx_cool, there now waiting on an attendee to figure out konversation ;)14:52
mhall119|workcjohnston: you're not waiting on me for anything now are you?15:09
cjohnstonim sure i am, but i cant think of anything off the top of my head15:14
pleia2anyone have any more edits for https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UserDaysTeam/Introduction ?15:22
pleia2we haven't decided how to split this up, if we are15:22
pleia2I don't mind doing the whole intro15:22
pleia2or cjohnston can :)15:23
_marx_intros for instructors as the day goes on15:25
cjohnston_marx_: ya15:25
cjohnstonpleia2: i was planning on looking at it today15:25
pleia2no, this is the introduction for the day itself15:25
pleia2cjohnston: thanks :)15:26
_marx_ah, gotcha15:26
cjohnstoni made a change the other day, but it was just to fix something after we changed the +m plan15:27
* pleia2 nods15:27
* _marx_ was going to make his bio bit shorter15:27
_marx_oh sorry wrong wiki page15:28
cjohnstonmornin Pendulum16:12
Pendulumhi cjohnston16:13
Pendulumhow're you doing?16:13
cjohnstonnot bad... you?16:13
cjohnstonPendulum: you still planning on sending an email reminding instructors about tomorrow and asking them to join #ubuntu-learning atleast 15 minutes prior to their course?16:15
PendulumI can send it :)16:17
mhall119|workI'm planning on being there most of the day16:17
mhall119|workexcept for when I'm cooking or greeting16:17
mhall119|workyou really should come over cjohnston16:17
cjohnstonill be there at 0600?16:17
mhall119|workuh, no16:17
mhall119|workyou can be there, but I aint letting you in16:18
cjohnstonThat's the cool thing about being a firefighter...16:18
cjohnstonI know plenty of ways to get in16:18
mhall119|workuh oh16:18
Pendulumcjohnston: btw, do we have a time that we're going to all be in here by tomorrow morning?16:27
cjohnstonim going to be up by 616:27
Pendulumyeah, that was my plan as well16:28
Pendulumjust wasn't sure if we had something formal set for the 4 of us16:28
cjohnstonnot that im aware of16:28
cjohnstonbtw.. i have added nigel as a host16:29
nigel_nbmorning/evening everyone :)17:21
cjohnstonhey nigel_nb17:33
* nigel_nb yawns17:34
nigel_nbwas working on a python script for like 4 hours17:34
nigel_nbugh! launchpadlib has very little documentation btw17:34
cjohnstonthere is a class on it next week17:35
nigel_nbI saw, while looking for some kind of documentation17:35
nigel_nbfinally go help from one of the launchpad-devs17:35
nigel_nband to think only one line was needed17:36
nigel_nbpleia2, that job is posted is full-time on site?17:42
pleia2nigel_nb: volunteer work17:42
duanedesignnigel_nb: what kinda script you working on?17:43
nigel_nbduanedesign, half work is done, wanted a list of all the bugs that I have subscribed and are in incomplete status17:43
nigel_nbduanedesign, just need it sorted by date and the links working17:44
duanedesignnigel_nb: nice17:54
mhall119|workcjohnston: how strict are you gonna be on time?19:24
Pendulummhall119|work: are you worried about running over or too short?19:32
pleia2we'll have to be strict20:07
pleia2a lot of sessions, can't get off-schedule20:07
mhall119|worknigel_nb: are you gonna talk about the code of conduct at all?20:25
nigel_nbmhall119|work, no20:25
nigel_nbCoC is not for users20:25
nigel_nbI'm only going to talk about openID, answers, and LP answers20:25
mhall119|workthen I won't worry about telling them how to sign it20:27
nigel_nbpleia2, Ironic...I created the lernid config file and I havent gotten to see the schedule on lernid20:47
akgranerpleia2,  the Ubuntu User day Logo - - do I need to attribute it to anyone20:47
pleia2nigel_nb: attributions on your logo?20:48
nigel_nbwell, i made it :)20:48
nigel_nband its GPL20:48
akgranerI was just about to post a reminder on UU blog20:49
pleia2so you need to link to the gpl to post it? :)20:49
akgranerdo you have that link?20:49
nigel_nbwhat should I do?20:50
pleia2I just posted it without attribution, heh20:50
nigel_nbum, isn't Attribution-ShareAlike Creative Commons the GPL compliant CC?20:52
mhall119|workcjohnston: I just added my screenshots to my session outline21:19
mhall119|workhopefully I can convert it into something for ubuntu-learning to reuse21:20
pleia2yeah, that's my grand scheme21:22
pleia2either convincing presenters to convert them, or having us do it21:23
nigel_nbgreat :)21:23
cjohnstonPendulum: do you ahve time to send the email, or should i22:44
Pendulumcjohnston: nope i'll write it and send it now22:44
cjohnstonokie.. thanks!22:45
Pendulum(sorry, work got really busy)22:45
PendulumI hope other people laugh at my e-mail (for the right reasons ;) )22:48
PendulumI'm having fun writing it, at least22:49
cjohnstonuh oh22:50
Pendulumdon't worry, i'm going to edit out some of the "!"s :)22:50
cjohnstonuh oh22:51
Pendulumi'm being a cheerleader and working on getting people motivated22:52
Pendulumhow could that be bad?22:52
nigel_nbwhat mail is this about?22:52
cjohnstonhow bad you have been22:52
Pendulumnigel_nb: last UUD e-mail to people doing classes22:53
Pendulumthere are only 5 "!"s and 1 one of those is in the greeting and another is in the closing22:55
Pendulumthat's not that bad :P22:55
Pendulumpopey: are you around?22:56
nigel_nb_marx_, whose's helen?22:56
_marx_afriend, i just put ubuntu on her laptop22:57
popeyhi Pendulum22:57
nigel_nb_marx_, I had the nasty suspicion that you were chatting to yourself :P22:58
Pendulumpopey: is alan@popey okay for e-mail or is popey@ubuntu better?22:58
popeyends up at the same place22:58
Pendulumokay, just checking since you misplaced the last one :P22:58
=== jamalta is now known as jamalta-afk
Pendulume-mail sent22:59
Pendulumi am now off to get food and drink and go home. if I don't catch y'all later tonight, I'll see you in the morning! :)23:00
nigel_nbPendulum, he didnt misplace the last one.  He stared it and forgot abuot it23:00
popeymight be prudent for me to actually write my session before 20:00 UTC tomorrow23:01
Pendulumpopey: yes, please23:01
nigel_nboh yes, thats a good idea23:01
Pendulumthere is even something about doing stuff like that in the e-mail! (sorta)23:02
_marx_nigel_nb: lol, not this time :)23:02
nigel_nbPendulum, fantastic email23:03
nigel_nbWe'd like to be able to introduce you properly (although, I can make things up, I do work in publishing mostly on fantasy  ;-)  )23:03
nigel_nb_marx_, ubuntu one finally worked!23:03
* nhandler is here to check in ;)23:06
nigel_nbnhandler, 15 mins... not a day before23:08
nigel_nbnot 12 hours before23:08
nhandlernigel_nb: "15 or more minutes before your session is due to start" ;)23:08
cjohnstonlooks good.. thanks Pendulum23:08
nigel_nbI love that line "I can make things up"23:08
nigel_nbnhandler, we were planning on introducing popey as elvis if he didn't put anything up23:09
Pendulumokay, I'm really going this time. If anyone needs anything e-mail me or something and I'll be checking e-mail from phone, etc. :)23:09
* fagan didnt know about this channel23:12
faganLearning already23:12
doctormohey fagan23:57

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