
jmburgesshey everyone02:40
jmburgesshow you doin wolter?03:06
wolterhi jm03:06
wolterfine and you?03:06
jmburgessgood doing homework03:07
wolterhomework as in job homework, or school homework?03:09
wolteror university homework maybe haha03:09
jmburgesshaha both03:09
woltercheck this out http://imagebin.ca/img/MGaPgll.png03:11
wolterbrb, going to take bath03:11
jmburgessthats cool what is it?03:12
wolterjust a logo for my computer's new name haha03:15
wolteri just decided to name it today, i've delayed it for a year03:15
wolternot that its very important or anything but anyway03:15
=== IlyaHaykinson is now known as IlyaHaykinson_
IlyaHaykinsondo we need a chapter, or a section, on accessibility?06:54
wolteri think its a good idea06:58
IlyaHaykinsonprobably chapter 2, then.07:00
IlyaHaykinsonubuntu is not great at accessibility, by default, and so this will probably have to do.07:00
IlyaHaykinsonactually, i guess it's ok.07:01
IlyaHaykinsonposting to the list about this change to chap4, and soliciting people to help07:49
godbykAnyone here who can test a shell script for me?  It's to download and install some new required packages to compile the manual.09:02
godbykI've emailed in instructions for the script to the list.  If anyone has any problems with it, feel free to email me at <godbyk@gmail.com> or leave a message here and I'll fix it tomorrow.09:53
godbykHeading to bed.09:54
humphreybcUbuntu Manual now has a facebook page thanks to Walter Mendez11:36
humphreybcalso, Twitter: https://twitter.com/TheUbuntuManual11:36
humphreybcbecome a fan/follow - you know you want to. Join the social revolution! muahahaha11:36
thorwilhi wolter19:24
wolterhey thorwil19:24
wolterso have you talking with vish about the cover?19:24
wolterthis kolorguild guy keeps posting new art19:24
thorwilwolter: not really19:25
thorwilwolter: no, he only added something before he got my mail19:25
wolteroh yeah i wasn't relating it to your mail19:25
wolterjust that he posted some new stuff19:26
thorwilwolter, vish: would you prefer i send a mail to Benjamin, or straight to the mailing list?19:58
vishthorwil: benjamin19:59
vishthorwil: first lets hear what benjamin has to say and then we can discuss on the ml..20:00
thorwilok, so we play safe20:01

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