
=== asac_ is now known as asac
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ubottuHelp! Seveas, Hobbsee, LjL, ompaulafk, Keybuk, mdz, sabdfl, janimo, ogra, mdke, dholbach, or jono03:35
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* slangasek waves15:58
jiboumans /o\15:59
* asac waves15:59
Riddellhi release dudes16:00
* ogra moos16:01
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* apw arrives16:01
slangasekmarjo / fader_ / sbeattie, ScottK, davidbarth, jdstrand: ping16:02
* fader_ waves.16:02
* marjo waves16:02
slangasekhi, folks16:02
* davidbarth waves as well16:02
slangasek[LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ReleaseTeam/Meeting/2010-01-22 - agenda16:02
slangasekhmm, botless again?16:02
slangasek[TOPIC] actions from previous meetings16:03
slangasek  * davidbarth to review cross-team assignments for dx specs and contact right people16:03
slangasek  * ev to retarget foundations-lucid-gfxboot-update greeter to alpha-316:03
slangasek  * seb128 to follow up with pitti wrt lucid-ubuntu-one-symlinks-and-udfs not tracked on the desktop team report16:03
slangasekdavidbarth: any progress?16:03
slangasekpitti: I think seb128's is done since you talked to me about this, so this is resolved now, yes?16:03
pittiI think so16:04
pittiit was an outdated teams table16:04
slangasekand the spec retarget is done16:04
pittifixed permanently now16:04
slangasek[TOPIC] Outstanding work items still targeted to alpha-216:05
davidbarthslangasek: sure, i've checked all bp and contacted (you, the mail is still here opened) for the right foundation contact; all other bp covered and no holes16:05
slangasekdavidbarth: great, thanks :)16:05
pitti0 for desktop16:05
slangasekalpha-2 stuff - there were only 4 of these left, so wanted to bring attention to them as a whole rather than by team16:06
asaci thought i postponed everything16:06
slangasek  * Bug:504723: [MIR] uboot-imx16:06
slangasek  * UbuntuSpec:dx-lucid-gtk-improvements: [bratsche] Identify and fix broken apps - totem16:06
slangasek  * UbuntuSpec:security-lucid-bios-notifier: integrate tool into landscape motd16:06
slangasek  * Bug:506761: lucid uboot hangs on fatload uImage on fsl TO2 TO2.5 and TO316:06
jdstrandI just updated security-lucid-bios-notifier16:06
slangasekasac: you have some linked bugs that weren't targeted16:06
ograuboot-imx was approved today, i didnt add it to supported yet16:06
asacslangasek: yes, i missed the bug.16:07
slangasekdavidbarth: and one last item there for you guys - I guess that should be retargeted to alpha-3 also?16:07
davidbarthslangasek: you should have the email now16:08
asacmoved milestone of uboot spec to alpha-3 now (though all items where moved already)16:08
asacso both bugs should be postponed too now16:08
slangasekok - that'll be the last mention of alpha-2 WIs from me :)16:08
davidbarththis one needs to reintegrated16:08
slangasek[TOPIC] QA Team16:09
slangasekmarjo, fader_: hi16:09
marjoHW Testing16:09
marjo        Passed: 9 (69%) Failed: 3 (23%) Untested: 1 (8%)16:09
marjo        Passed: 26 (100%) Failed: 0 (0%) Untested: 0 (0%)16:09
marjo        Passed: 51 (96%) Failed: 0 (0%) Untested: 2 (4%)16:09
marjo        Passed: 12 (100%) Failed: 0 (0%) Untested: 0 (0%)16:09
marjoNew bugs:16:09
marjo510795  No sound when headphones plugged in on HP Mini 500 (Undecided,16:09
marjo510710  ubiquity crashed with NameError in progress_loop() (Undecided,16:09
marjoFix Released)16:09
marjoOpen bugs:16:09
marjo510795  No sound when headphones plugged in on HP Mini 500 (Undecided,16:09
marjo504315  Toshiba NB100 failed to resume from hibernate (Undecided,16:09
marjo497546  Microphones not working on Dell Vostro 320 (Undecided, New)16:10
marjofader will follow up w/ all outstanding bugs16:10
marjoSpecs status and burn-down chart:16:10
marjo* UbuntuSpec:lucid-qa-checkbox-integrate-regression-testing16:11
marjo[cr3] Integrate into hardware certification to run on a per milestone basis: DONE16:11
marjo* UbuntuSpec:qa-lucid-automated-server-testing16:11
marjoOn track for Alpha-316:11
marjo* UbuntuSpec:lucid-qa-kernel-test-automation16:11
marjo[leannogasawara] gcov kernel testing to evaluate kernel coverage (ogasawara to build kernel, talk to fader for testing): TODO16:11
marjoShooting for completion today.16:11
marjo[cr3] Merge kernel team test scripts into checkbox: TODO16:11
marjoChanged to INPROGRESS16:11
pittiare the netbook failures mainly due to the sound problems, or something worse?16:11
fader_pitti: sound on the HP Mini but hibernate on everything else16:12
fader_Hibernate seems to be really broken at the moment16:12
pittiah, but hiberation is broken in general, not just on netbooks16:12
marjopitti: ack16:12
marjo* UbuntuSpec:lucid-qa-checkbox-desktop-experience-tests16:13
marjo[cr3] Extract CPU- and I/O-data provided by bootchart: TODO16:13
marjo[cr3] Add DX PPA when testing and reboot if new packages are discovered: INPROGRESS16:13
marjoWill start after lucid-qa-kernel-test-automation tasks are completed.16:13
pitti(the desktop/laptop ones said 100%)16:13
fader_pitti: Those have had only automated testing at the moment which did not hit hibernate; we're planning a round of manual tests as well16:13
fader_So expect to see more failures when we do if hibernate is still broken :/16:13
slangasekpitti: is there a bug # for "hibernate is generally broken"?16:14
slangasekor does 504315 cover that?16:14
pittibug 49994016:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 499940 in linux "[lucid regression] does not resume from hibernation, restarts fresh" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/49994016:14
marjoslangasek: that's all folks16:15
* pitti dupes16:15
slangasekmarjo, fader_: is there a follow-on to the alpha-2 ISO testing report, showing how well we're doing at fixing the bugs that were reported?16:16
marjoslangasek: i checked on the critical bugs and they are all assigned and/or confirmed16:17
slangasekbut not fixed yet, ok :)16:17
slangasekmarjo, fader_: thanks16:17
slangasek[TOPIC] Desktop Team16:17
slangasekpitti, Riddell: you're on16:17
pittiWeekly summary: (details on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam/ReleaseStatus)16:17
pitti- Boot speed goal is now officially for UNE; desktop-lucid-startup-speed updated accordingly16:17
pitti- Rearranged startup to have fewer interdependencies, speed up wncksync, gnome-settings-daemon, seahorse16:17
pitti- New GNOME point release16:18
pitti- X.org wacom driver should work again16:18
pitti- bug front: I went through the lucid bugs to review the desktop-ish ones, which added a few things to our list; under control by and large, though16:18
pittirelated to boot speed, I noticed a 5 second regression when 2.6.32-11 landed, filed as bug 51093716:18
ubottuLaunchpad bug 510937 in linux "[2.6.32-11 regression] 5 second delay on early boot during usb_id" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/51093716:18
pittinot confirmed by someone else yet16:18
pittijust as an early warning16:18
pittiWe have quite a high number of WIs for alpha-3, and I fully expect that we'll drop some.16:18
pittiThe rationale is that some of the specs are "alpha-3 or not at all for lucid" (like nouveau), and some others are targets of opportunity (like social-from-the-start) which we don't want to pursue later any more (when we want to concentrate on bug fixing).16:18
slangasekpitti: "now officially for UNE" - meaning we are no longer planning to hit 20 secs with the desktop image?16:19
pittislangasek: we have 20 already16:19
pitti10 is the goal16:19
slangaseker, 1016:19
pittibut there's no way that we can do that with a standard GNOME install16:19
pittiwith compiz, evo, themes, and all those bells and whistles16:19
robbiew_would require us to make non-LTS like changes ;)16:20
pittimany optimizations apply to both gnome and une of course, but the 10 second mark is une only16:20
=== robbiew_ is now known as robbiew
pittiI'm done, so go ahead please16:21
RiddellKDE SC 4.4 RC 2 due to be uploaded tonight16:21
RiddellMIRs outstanding16:21
Riddellvirtuoso-opensource 503774 some packaging work to be done16:21
RiddellNew SIP and KOffice 2 both still in progress16:21
RiddellQt4 changing to ibus by default from XIM16:21
Riddelli386 ISO is no longer oversized16:21
pittiqt4 ibus> nice16:21
Riddellstill working on pesky amd6416:21
pittiare there any langpacks to chop still?16:21
Riddellthe qt 4 change will be a simple config patch from us but upstream are looking to do the same thing16:22
Riddellno we don't have any langpacks16:22
slangasekyou've gotten rid of the extra libicu?16:23
Riddellyes that went a while ago16:23
pittivirtuoso is not even on the CD yet, right?16:24
Riddellno that'll be something else right enough16:24
pittitime to chop OO.o perhaps and just ship koffice? (and perhaps make it very easy to install)16:24
Riddellalways tempting but nobody quite has the guts to do it16:25
pittior would that make folks go wild?16:25
RiddellI've not looked closely at the problem anyway, I need to go over germinate output and see what shouldn't be there16:25
Riddellkoffice isn't suitable currently, it's still going through its KDE 4 transition16:25
ScottKAnd has never been sufficiently interoperable.16:26
mhall119|workis Kubuntu going to be LTS this time around?16:26
slangasekyou'll keep us posted on the progress, then?16:26
Riddellmhall119|work: yes16:26
Riddellslangasek: yes indeed16:26
slangasekok. any other business for desktop?16:27
slangasek[TOPIC] DX Team16:27
slangasekpitti, Riddell: thanks16:27
slangasekdavidbarth: hi16:27
davidbarthslangasek: hi16:27
davidbarthThe weekly report is up at the usual place: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopExperienceTeam/LucidReleaseStatus16:27
davidbarthThis week we've played the planning game for the next 4 weeks, with an intermediate milestone set for the time we hit the platform sprint16:28
davidbarthof note for this week:16:28
davidbarthA3 plan updated, with a more limited focus16:28
davidbarthdbusmenu performance analysis ongoing16:29
davidbarthnew indicator-application 0.0.10-0ubuntu1 released this week: icon ordering, bug fixes, startup fixes16:29
davidbarthnew indicator-me-0.2.1-0ubuntu1: integrated distro comments16:29
davidbarthindicator-applet-0.3.2-0ubuntu1: ordering, logging16:29
davidbarthlibindicator-0.3.1-0ubuntu1: ordering update, service restarting support16:29
davidbarthso a lot of work on polishing the new indicators16:29
davidbarthwe have an outstanding bug, discovered by seb16:29
davidbarthseb128 that is, ted is still chasing it as we speak16:30
slangasekdavidbarth: report lists dx-lucid-netbook-launcher-startup-speed as "finished for A2", but there are outstanding WIs that were retargeted to A3; this is still on the team's radar, right?16:30
davidbarthslangasek: indeed16:30
davidbarthin particular, we've been working with the desktop team on that; more results at the end of this week16:31
davidbarthwith some nice clutter async calls that improve things16:31
davidbarthplus pitti's awesome patch!16:31
davidbarthin summary, this is an a3 target16:31
davidbartheven more now that the desktop team's focus for perf. improvements is moved to the UNE image16:32
davidbarthback on the desktop for a minute:16:32
davidbarthdev. plan with work items for a3 and b216:32
davidbarthted is now starting development on it16:32
pittiI think by and large we are concentrating on the gnome-ish underpinnings, and DX on the new UNE launcher itself16:32
davidbarthsupport for indicator object display for dbusmenu16:32
davidbarthcs-deco focus being worked on with the design team16:32
davidbarthpitti: right, that's a good summary16:32
davidbarthand finally the sound menu which has been progressing quite well, but is currently not packaged16:33
davidbarthwe're a bit disapointed not to have this week as initially planned, but we prefer to audit and package it properly16:34
* slangasek nods16:34
davidbarthand not upload on friday...16:34
davidbarththat's it for the general report16:34
slangasekno other questions from me; others?16:34
slangasek[TOPIC] Mobile Team16:35
slangasekdavidbarth: thanks16:35
slangasekasac: go :)16:35
asacweekly summary:16:35
asac- uboot: unblocked by using old uboot (2009.01)16:35
asac- investigating marvel dove (thumb2) hangs: managed to workaround this by not using python!16:35
asac- ongoing progress on thumb2 package review and ftbfs16:35
asac- review blueprints and WI for alpha-316:35
asac[LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MobileTeam/ReleaseStatus/Lucid16:35
asac[LINK] http://macaroni.ubuntu.com/~pitti/workitems/canonical-mobile-lucid-alpha-3.html16:36
asac[LINK] http://macaroni.ubuntu.com/~pitti/workitems/canonical-mobile.html16:36
asacwill refrain to post the info on the status page ;)16:36
asacok. didnt know about that alias16:37
pittiit's not an alias16:37
pittithe stuff moved to people16:37
pittisee platform mail16:37
asacthe charts look similar ;)16:37
pittiyes, it's running in parallel still16:37
pittifor people who don't read the announcement fast enough :-P16:37
* pitti hugs asac, no worries16:37
ograwhat announcement ?16:37
slangasekasac: anything from the status report that needs highlighted, that you need input on from other teams?16:38
asacin the blueprint section i gave an overview of the essential and high prio blueprints16:38
asaci dont think so ... the dominating issue is still that dove images are hanging ... but16:39
asacthe fact that we can workaround and get a working desktop by not using python, gives me hope16:39
slangasekasac: mobile-lucid-arm-lightweightbrowser didn't show any change in WI status as of this morning; did the benchmark results come in this week as expected?16:39
asaci discussed this with doko already16:39
ograand the fact that python wasnt rebuilt yet16:39
asacslangasek: the benchmarking became more tricky ... we are waiting on mozilla input before we can publish those16:40
asacalso the tool ARM uses doesnt even allow the publishing of the results :( ... so we are falling back to javascript testing and startup time... but mozilla asked for a chance to help tuning16:40
asacwe have a meeting early next week16:41
slangasekspeaking of python not being rebuilt, how far out are we from scheduling rebuilds?16:41
slangasekasac: ah, ok16:41
ogradidnt we say we'll wait until after DIF ?16:42
asacwe dont get much rebuilds automatically anymore16:42
ogra(with rebuilds)16:42
asacthe manual rebuild is scheduled for DIF16:42
asachowver, we want to have the dove issue sorted16:42
asacbecause if thats really thumb2 and we cannot workaround we have to reconsider everything16:42
slangasekyou have the list of packages that will need rebuilt, and waiting until DIF looks reasonble in terms of timing?16:42
asacbut we are not that far yet. marvell is working with our kernel peer ... we are trying etc.16:43
asacslangasek: i would say we could start if there wasnt the uncertainty about thumb2 on dove :/16:43
asacstart doing the manual rebuilds that is16:43
asacalso i think doko wanted to do a lib rebuild and i think he also targetted the DIF for that16:44
asacso we dont do it twice.16:44
slangasekoh, you're suspecting that *using* thumb2 is causing problems?  Even though the hangs are in python, which isn't using thumb2 yet?16:44
slangasekwhat is doko rebuilding libs for?16:44
asacslangasek: there was a bug in the symbol generation i think and we suffer from performance issues due to that16:45
asacdont have the details16:45
pittiwrt rebuilds, we also still need to coordinate some transitions for obsolete libraries; perhaps that will also catch a few of those16:45
asaccan get that to you16:45
asac(but doko is on holiday till mid next week afail)16:45
asacslangasek: so we know that there is a silicon bug in dove for thumb2 ... however, personally, i dont think that necessarily the main problem we are seeing16:46
slangasekno more questions here; anything else on mobile?16:46
asacespecially since not using pytyhon gives us a working desktop ... we are trying to get new boards that have that fixed16:46
asacto check that etc.16:46
slangasek[TOPIC] Server Team16:47
slangasekasac, ogra: thanks16:47
slangasekttx: 'lo16:47
ttxStatus was updated at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerTeam/ReleaseStatus16:48
ttxAlpha3-targeted bugs:16:48
ttxI indecated progress on all the MIR bugs, I think they are in good shape now, just takes some time to finalize the process16:49
ttxbug 503180 should see progress next week when Dustin comes back from upside-down-land16:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 503180 in eucalyptus "eucalyptus-cloud doesn't reply to requests" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/50318016:49
ttxBugs affecting us in other teams:16:49
ttxthere is some discussion around the fix for bug 49456516:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 494565 in linux "support ramdiskless boot for relevant kvm drive interfaces in -virtual" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/49456516:50
slangasekI'm surprised at how long some of those MIRs are taking; even irqbalance could be seeded on server while the discussion of whether to include it on server continues, couldn't it?16:50
ttxslangasek: yes, I think Chuck has been waiting the answer to see where he should seed it16:50
loolThe MIR is granted though16:51
ttxyes, it's almost finished [tm]16:51
lool(Since December along libcap-ng)16:51
ttxSo there is a -devel thread around bug 49456516:51
slangasekttx: I don't see any reason not to seed it on server, and change it later if appropriate16:51
ubottuLaunchpad bug 494565 in linux "support ramdiskless boot for relevant kvm drive interfaces in -virtual" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/49456516:51
ttxslangasek: ok, will communicate that downstream16:52
ttxThe discussion is about potential drawbacks in generally building some features inkernel rather than inmodule16:53
* slangasek nods16:53
ttxWe need them for -virtual only... but subflavour game means it ends up in -server and -generic-pae as well16:53
ttxAt that point, I'm not sure the feature is worth the risk... so it should either be a full flavor or the feature should be dropped16:54
ttxBut I can be convinced otherwise, if everyone thinks it's safe :)16:54
ttxMoving on to specs...16:54
slangasekbest to let that discussion run its course on the list, I think, rather than rehashing it here16:54
ttxThe prio High < 25% ones16:55
ttxserver-lucid-apport-hooks is at 22%, but work items also include targets of opportunity16:55
ttxso it's actually pretty advanced16:55
ttxserver-lucid-canonical-application-support: that's the MIR things we already discussed16:56
ttx20%, should see some advances today16:56
ttxserver-lucid-seeds: 13%, the remaining few work items are more to investigate what pulls some packages in main while we planned to demote them16:56
ttxserver-lucid-uec-testing: 0%, mathiaz just got access to the test infrastructure, we should see good progress on this one next week16:57
ttxserver-lucid-ec2-config: 0%, should be at 50% at the end of the day (only 2 work items in alpha3)16:57
ttxserver-lucid-ec2-boothooks: 0%, blocked by the work on ec2-config, should see some significant progress by next week16:58
ttxFor other specs, please see http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/workitems/canonical-server-lucid-alpha-3.html16:58
slangasekall sounds good16:58
ttxwhich also shows or trands line16:58
ttxtrends, even16:58
ttxquestions ?16:59
slangaseknone here16:59
slangasekanyone else?16:59
slangasek[TOPIC] Kernel Team16:59
slangasekttx: thanks16:59
slangasekapw: around?16:59
slangasekok, I have his report to dump in the event that he isn't17:00
slangasek[LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/ReleaseStatus/Lucid17:00
slangasek[LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/ReleaseStatus/Lucid#Milestone%20lucid-alpha-317:00
slangasekMuch of the work pushed out from Alpha-3 is close to done and should be committed by Platform Sprint.  Due to the rejig of the burn down we have gained some hidden tasks and are now above the line.  We will be reviewing this next week to determine if we need to push out any items.17:01
slangasekWe have just uploaded a kernel with i915.powersave disabled.  This has alievated numerous twitching issues as well as suspend/resume hangs on several netbook platforms.17:01
slangasekapw: 458537 was discussed last week as "the upstream hardware doesn't support this", but the bug state hasn't changed; can you take an action (asynchronously) to follow through on that, and invalidate the bug if that's what's appropriate?17:02
slangasekany other questions for kernel?17:03
apwslangasek, ... hi ... yes that one is on my radar17:03
apwthe current states are confused as there seems to be a bug in devicekit-power yet those are won't fix17:04
apwwill get it fixed up17:04
slangasek[ACTION] apw to fix up state of bug #458537 to reflect reality17:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 458537 in linux-fsl-imx51 "[armel imx51] hibernate does not work" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/45853717:04
slangasek[TOPIC] Security Team17:04
slangasekjdstrand: your agenda section is empty; entertain us with some a capella improv?17:05
jdstrandyeah, well, alls quiet on the development front17:05
jdstrandwe are slowly chipping away at stuff. I think kees was the only one to get to any bp items this week17:05
jdstrandthat said, the burndown still shows us as on track17:06
slangasekgreat :)17:06
jdstrandI think that is pretty much it for us, unless people have questions17:06
slangasekno questions here; others?17:07
slangasek[TOPIC] Foundations Team17:07
slangasekjdstrand: thanks17:07
loolA2 leftovers:17:07
loolfoundations-lucid-gfxboot-update moved to A3; I understand this is still pendin gsome input from DX17:07
loolfoundations-lucid-boot-recovery > done (lp #505887 unblocked)17:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 505887 in sysvinit "Provide static-sh alias name and ship busybox-static by default" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/50588717:07
loolfoundations-lucid-reliable-device-id-in-grub: good progress from cjwatson17:07
loolfoundations-lucid-index-based-downloads-client, foundations-lucid-software-center-repository-based-index: lots of work from mvo and tremolux on software-center this week17:07
loolfoundations-lucid-better-archive-crawler: good progress last week; IS dependency discovered for changelogs.u.c and unblocked17:07
loolfoundations-lucid-local-repo-support: some progress by mvo this week17:07
loolfoundations-lucid-support-timeframe-information: good progress by mvo last week; extended for armel/regular arches; probably relates to cjwatson's documentation of support of ports vs. archive arches17:07
loolfoundations-lucid-jockey-support-in-ubiquity: ev started looking into this last week17:07
loolfoundations-lucid-lts-upgrades: good progress by mvo last week; discovered some minor things to fixup (e.g. /boot disk size calculation)17:07
loolfoundations-lucid-oem-config: ev implemented hostname support in oem-config17:07
loolfoundations-lucid-laptop-mode-tools-integration: ubuntu-laptop-mode-tools package is in17:08
lool(done with dump)17:08
loolActually forgot:17:08
loolfoundations-lucid-release-collaboration-with-debian: python done17:08
loolNB: no update on foundations-lucid-pre-desktop-lucid-startup-speed cause Scott was on leave + conference17:08
=== imlad|away is now known as imlad
robbiewany idea why http://people.canonical.com/~scott/daily-installer/ has stopped updating?17:09
loolPerhaps he is traveling with the machine generating these?17:10
slangaseklool: er, what's this status on foundations-lucid-laptop-mode-tools-integration?  there's no ubuntu-laptop-mode-tools package described in the spec/blueprint17:10
slangasek(nor do I see this package in the archive)17:10
robbiewlool: no...they sit at home17:10
cjwatsonthe new people.canonical.com server requires explicit confirmation from IS for every authorized_keys entry17:10
loolslangasek: I've seen a new ubuntu-laptop-mode package appear and thought it was related17:10
cjwatsonor at least to permit a user to have working authorized_keys17:10
slangaseklool: I don't see a package by that name either :)17:11
pittirobbiew: perhaps Scott pulled out the power when he left for LCA?17:11
cjwatsonsince Scott's been travelling, he hasn't been in the office at the same time as the bulk of IS in order to get that reauthorised17:11
loolMy mirror has it for some reason17:11
robbiewcjwatson: ah, ack17:11
cjwatson(plus there was some installer breakage)17:11
pittihttp://people.canonical.com/~pitti/bootcharts/ FTR17:11
pittithere are some current ones17:11
loolslangasek: http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports/pool/universe/u/ubuntu-laptop-mode/17:12
loolSorry if that's an obsolete thing which only I am seeing17:12
cjwatsonthat hasn't changed since hardy17:12
slangasekrobbiew, lool: daily-installer stopped updating because he had a failed install that apparently blocks him from further testing until a manual reset17:12
loolI don't understand why I saw it appear then; sorry, my bad17:12
loolMust be some local bug I have17:12
robbiewslangasek: ok, thanks17:12
cjwatsonactually, it seems to have been removed in lucid17:13
cjwatsonmaybe that's what you saw17:13
slangasekcjwatson: oh, the authorized_keys thing is the current problem for that page? n/m then17:13
cjwatsonI suspect there are multiple problems, best resolved once Scott returns17:13
* slangasek nods17:13
loolcjwatson: Ah I know what happened, it's due to adding/removing my mirror and hte package being removed between mirror updates17:13
loolOk; I'll shut up now  :)17:14
slangasekanyway, until we get plymouth back out of initramfs it's hard to draw any real conclusions about the boot speed in the areas where it currently counts most17:14
pittiin the meantime, if anyone needs something tested on the mini, please ping me or seb12817:14
pittiwe both have one as a test rig17:14
slangaseklool: I guess you've reported on those specs where there was progress; what about the ones where there hasn't been progress (which is more likely to be what needs attention)?17:15
JFo"bcmwl (Ubuntu)":[]17:15
JFoor does it need to be in the linux list?17:16
pittiJFo: -ECHANNEL?17:16
loolslangasek: I'm afraid I don't have any data on the ones which were not mentionned in activity reports; I guess I should ping the relevant people17:16
slangaseklool: see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ReleaseTeam/Meeting/2010-01-22 for the list of the high-priority specs that have low completion rates for A317:16
slangaseklool: (are you going to be representing Foundations here going forward, is the plan that whoever chairs the Wednesday meeting represents?)17:17
loolI don't know17:18
cjwatsonI asked lool today on the basis that he'd done Wednesday, although I wasn't intending for that to be a permanent arrangement17:18
slangasekok :)17:18
cjwatsonI'm just having some trouble carving out time right now, but this is temporary :-(17:18
cjwatsonso sorry about the short-notice switch17:18
slangasekany other questions for Foundations?17:18
cjwatsonoem-dvd-iso is my biggest worry right now since it's basically not started, but I think we have time17:19
* slangasek nods17:19
slangasek[TOPIC] MOTU17:20
slangaseklool, cjwatson: thanks17:20
slangasekScottK: are we throwing out binaries yet? :)17:20
ScottKslangasek: No.  I wrote the person that was working on that and didn't hear back (he had some health issues before).  I think it's time to find a new victim.17:20
slangasekyou'll send out an RFV as appropriate, then?17:21
ScottKUnfortunately a side effect of fixing Debian release coordination - Python is I'm now co-maintainer, so still no time.17:21
ScottKI do want to bring up a new concern17:21
ScottKAs I wrote to ubuntu-devel last night, I'm worried about the impact of dropping xulrunner17:22
ScottKasac may have a solid plan for getting rid of anything we can support, but I think we need some coordination around this.17:22
ScottKI originally got fired up over this last night when there was a casual mention on IRC that "We're dropping xulrunner to Universe."17:23
slangasekWhat coordination do you have in mind?  Is there more to it than dropping those packages that won't be supportable?17:23
ScottKSomeone needs to figure out what those are, announce the plan, and track status.17:24
slangasekasac: is someone handling this from the mozilla team?17:25
ScottKThe spec as currently drafted seems ambiguous about the fate of xulrenner17:25
ograScottK, german/english ... same word ;)17:25
slangasekrennt xul rennt17:26
ScottKIf I get the action it'll be to pipe the output of reverse-build-depends into a stack of removal bugs.17:26
ScottKIf someone wants a more nuanced result, they need to step up.17:26
asacslangasek: its part of the new support-model spec17:26
asacScottK: you were even in the UDS session, right?17:26
ScottKasac: I was.  This is why I was suprised last night when there was discussion of leaving xulrunner in Universe.17:27
asacso i dont think its realisitic to get rid of all xulrunner rdepends in universe17:27
ScottKI don't think we have a choice.17:27
ScottKXulrunner in Universe is completely unsupportable for an LTS.17:27
asacso plan is to check what apps are exposed to insecure content and get rid of those17:27
ScottKAnd then consider it OK to leave Xulrunner unmaintained?17:28
asacwhat doesn unmaintained mean?17:28
ScottKI thought the plan was to pitch out apps that couldn't be ported to the newer releases.17:28
ScottKasac: Look at the history of the current xulrunner (not 1.9.1) package.17:28
asacright. thats the idea17:29
ScottKOK. Maybe it's just me, but I think you just told me two opposite things are the plan.17:29
asacfirst step: get into universe17:29
asacsecond step, get rid of everything that cannot be forward ported17:30
slangasek"what apps are exposed to insecure content" seems orthogonal to "what apps won't be forward-portable to new xulrunner versions"17:30
asacbut in any case xulrunner cannot be removed completely17:30
slangasekthe latter doesn't seem to be mentioned in the workitems for https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-lucid-new-firefox-support-model17:30
asacthats my main point17:30
ScottKslangasek: For me the opposite part was are we removing xulrunner.17:30
ScottKasac: Why not?17:30
asacthat would mean we also dump applications that are forward portable17:31
asacwhich would be extreme imo17:31
ScottKThat's the part I don't understand17:31
asaclets move that offline and17:31
asacmaybe present results next week17:31
ScottKslangasek: I think we need an action here.17:32
slangasekwhat is the action?17:32
slangasekfurther discussion?17:32
ScottKFor asac and I to review the plan and present the resolution to the release team.17:33
slangasek[ACTION] asac and ScottK to review the plan for xulrunner demotion and present the resolution at the next meeting17:33
slangasekanything else on the MOTU front?17:33
ScottKLess urgent, but still a concern is merging.17:33
ScottKWe're a bit stuck between MoM being dead and the new UDD way of doing things not being mature.17:34
ScottKI don't have data in front of me, but I have a concern stuff is getting left behind.17:34
slangasekthere were some problems with bzr branches being out of date; are those resolved now?17:34
ScottKSome are.17:34
ScottKThe tools are also signifcantly more complex and so there's learning curve.17:35
ScottKThis hits us in Universe where it's a lot of more casual contributors.17:35
ScottKThere is work planned to simplfiy things in the long run, but I don't know what isn't getting done in the meantime.17:35
ScottKThis isn't anything other than vague uneasyness at this point.17:36
slangasekI guess http://people.ubuntuwire.com/~lucas/merges.html doesn't give us a good overview of that, on account of not including age info?17:36
ScottKIt doesn't.17:36
slangasekmaybe there's a way lucas could add that in17:36
slangasekover time though, so perhaps we should take this offline for further discussion17:37
cjwatsonI've added a foundations sprint agenda item for that17:37
ScottKLucas has made it pretty clear he's gone as far as he has time.17:37
ScottKHe's at the patches welcome stage.17:37
cjwatsonfor first week in Feb17:37
ScottKcjwatson: Cool.17:37
ScottKI think that's all I have.17:37
slangasekScottK: if you have further suggestions, do you want to get them to either cjwatson or myself so we make sure we look at them that week?17:37
ScottKslangasek: OK.17:38
ScottKWill do.17:38
cjwatsonI honestly think we should just revive and fix MoM for now17:38
ScottKI'm all for that.17:38
ScottKIt just needs someone to do it.17:38
slangasekI agree, but haven't had a chance to step up on that17:38
slangasek[TOPIC] AOB17:39
slangasekanything else that needs mentioning?17:39
ScottKslangasek: So add that one (revive MoM) to the list of further suggestions ...17:39
slangasek8.04.4 next week; ISO testing is ongoing, final SRUs are being validated17:39
slangasekScottK: ack17:39
slangasekfader_: 8.04.4 hw cert coming along?  No results yet at http://people.canonical.com/~fader/sru-testing/8.04.4.html17:39
fader_slangasek: I'm running the tests as we speak17:40
loolslangasek: Thanks!17:40
slangasekthanks, all17:40
fader_I should have preliminary results this afternoon, but there will likely be a few that get missed and still need tests17:40
slangasekfader_: sounds reasonble, schedule-wise17:40
fader_slangasek: cool, I'll drop you a line when I post what I have this afternoon17:41
pittithanks all17:41
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