
bazhanghelllifter is back (chimpout PM spam)01:07
DominianHe's back as Heavenraiser it appears01:09
bazhangban dodging will remove01:09
bazhangyep just nick newnicked01:09
DominianDid you see him doing it in more than #ubuntu-*?01:10
bazhangDominian, a day or two ago, he was doing it in multiple channels01:11
bazhangHeavenRaiser, thank you for joining01:11
bazhangHeavenRaiser, you are banned from #ubuntu ; you are previously using the nickname Helllifter01:12
bazhangHeavenRaiser, you were banned after numerous complaints of you sending PM spam01:13
bazhangwell at least he parted #ubuntu and briefly came here as I asked him in PM01:14
ubottuIn #ubuntu, UbuntuFish said: !ayb is all your base are belong to us01:32
ubottuIn ubottu, UbuntuFish said: !ayb is all your base are belong to us01:38
Pici!scope > ubuntufish01:39
ubottutvrotsurbrain called the ops in #ubuntu+1 ()03:31
AmaranthHFSPLUS again...03:32
bazhanghe is trolling in multiple channels (tvrotsyourbrain)03:32
ubottuTVrotsurbrain called the ops in #ubuntu-meeting ()03:35
ubottuTVrotsurbrain called the ops in #ubuntu-server ()03:35
bazhanghe was k-lined03:37
dholbachgood morning07:04
dholbachhi Myrtti07:09
jussi01mrgh... morning07:28
Myrttiopinions about alteregoa?08:50
MyrttiI'm about to kick his arse to kingdom come08:50
bazhanghe has a long history using different nicks09:00
=== dholbach_ is now known as dholbach
Myrttihere for #kubuntu ops11:51
Tm_TMyrtti: danke11:51
ikoniaoh good indus is back14:00
geniiInteresting that someone whose mask is like CareLess@somewhere misses a leading / on the identify command16:15
ikoniahome time16:35
Myrttiwhat on earth?16:50
PiciWhats up?16:51
Myrttisomeone just msgd me with a random "when you come online, X might msg you about a problem with remastering ubuntu"16:51
Myrttirandomly assigning people to help others16:52
Picireading lastlog now16:54
PiciMyrtti: Are you talking to him, or do you want me to?16:54
MyrttiI am16:55
PiciOkay :)16:55
Myrttiapparently he thinks I'm so good I know everything16:56
Tm_TMyrtti: say it's because of your beard16:56
tritiumWho is the point of contact for ubot3?17:55
Picitritium: nalioth17:56
Picitritium: /msg nickserv info ubot317:56
tritiumPici: ah, that's right.  Thanks.17:56
tritiumOh, thanks again.17:57
naliothrestarted and should be back up where it should be Pici tritium18:19
tritiumThanks, nalioth.18:26
ubottuhypa7ia called the ops in #ubuntu-offtopic ()19:41
geniiThat racist chimpout site sends out quite a few adbots, this is 3 or 4 I've seen now19:47
Picigenii: it was klined19:48
Myrttiit's the monkey house again19:49
Myrttinite nite19:50
geniiPici: The cowards who own the url are also hiding behind WhoisGuard19:53
DominianThat wasn't a bot19:54
Dominianif you mean HeavenRaiser or what not19:54
Dominianappears he was scripting though..19:55
geniiDominian: Ah, Ok. Seen the same thing now a few times concerning that site19:56
geniiHm. Their contact info for the main url might be behind WhoisGuard but their nameservers are in Virginia Beach19:57
Dominiangenii: yeah they have been spamming a lot lately but that was actually a real person this tim eit appears20:16
ubottumaco called the ops in #ubuntu (flowr)20:32
Tm_Tmneptok: ):20:33
Tm_Tyou beat me to it, was writing the command when saw you having a hat on20:35
mneptokTm_T: blame cold and dark Finnish winter slowing your reflexes ;)20:36
* Tm_T is getting too old and slow it seems20:36
Tm_Tmneptok: nah, it's not that cold, I picked mail today just wearing t-shirt and jeans20:36
Tm_Tactually, I did that twice, hmph20:36
mneptok3C here. and rainy, which is unusual.20:37
Tm_Toh well, atleast we have proper winter this year, -25 °C been couple days and seems to stay that way20:38
mneptokcoldest here has been about -7C20:38
Tm_Tthis winter?20:39
mneptokyes. and that was one night only.20:39
mneptokand people were losing their minds wondering of Armageddon had come20:39
Tm_TIt's been below -30 couple times already here (:20:47
gordi reserve -30 for my freezer, it don't belong outside20:47
Tm_Twhen I was a kid, we played hockey outside at these temperatures (:20:48
Tm_TI would still do if my knees wouldn't be what they are ):20:49
Piciniko: Do you have a moment?20:54
ubottuguntbert called the ops in #ubuntu-server ()21:33
ubottuguntbert called the ops in #ubuntu-server (ctcp flood - please set +R)21:38
ubottuhighvoltage called the ops in #ubuntu-motu ()21:46
ubottutsimpson called the ops in #launchpad ()22:30
popey22:28:45 < aun> Your machine has been infected by the recent spam attacks - visit http://www2.freenode.pl/ for a quick and easy solution!22:30
geniiBah, those url attacks again?22:31
popeylooks like it22:31
genii<khhgft> Your machine has been infected by the recent spam attacks - visit http://www2.freenode.pl/ for a quick and easy solution!   etc22:32
jpdsCan we just +R every channel?22:33
tsimpsonplease don't repaste those links22:34
ubottufagan called the ops in #ubuntu-desktop ()22:34
gnomefreakwhy +R instead of putting flood bot in the channels?22:38
gnomefreakit will take care of the flooding i think22:38
jpdsgnomefreak: +r > floodbot.22:38
gnomefreakthan we should add it to every channel (or at least alot of them)22:39
jpdsThat has been done.22:40
ubottunigel_nb called the ops in #ubuntu-meeting ()22:40
jpdsAnd I'm all for keep it that way.22:41
jpdstsimpson: → #ubuntu-locoteams22:41
tsimpsonI don't have any access there22:42
jpdsOh, I thought you were council.22:42
tsimpsonjpds: I am, but the council have no access there22:44
jpdsCan someone please +R launchpad?22:44
tsimpson!staff | ^22:45
ubottu^: Hey nalioth, jenda, rob, SportChick, seanw, Dave2, Christel, tomaw, Gary, PriceChild, niko or stew, I could use a bit of your time :)22:45
* jpds pokes mneptok.22:45
tomawjpds: launchpad?22:45
nikotsimpson: done22:45
jpds#launchpad, but niko's done it.22:45
tsimpsonniko: thanks22:45
ubottujpds called the ops in #bzr ()23:02
jpdsniko: PLease ^--23:02

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