
bryce_tjaalton, wacom still in the build queue?  I'm not spotting it on packages.ubuntu.com yet00:04
jcristauNEW maybe?00:08
Sarvattyep stuck in new right next to libxcb00:24
RAOFNo-one loves nouveau :(00:25
RAOFAt least, no one in the kernel team seems to have enough spare time to love nouveau.  I wonder why? :)00:26
bryce_RAOF, I'm poking around about it privately to see if I can stoke up some activity00:28
bryce_RAOF, I've got a bunch of nouveau tasks I need to get cracking on if we're going to do it, or cross off my list if we're going to leave it to MM00:29
bryce_RAOF, and I gather you're in the same situation as me00:32
bryce_sconklin, apw, ^^00:33
RAOFWell, I'd just like to know what the end result should look like before investing work in it :)00:33
LLStarkshey bryce, what's the status of i915 gallium?03:39
LLStarkserr bryce_03:40
tjaaltonbryce_: yep, in the queue06:34
tjaaltonLLStarks: err, ask upstream?06:35
RAOFOr try it out; it's easy enough to build.06:36
tjaaltonjcristau: should mesa-common-dev depend on libdrm-dev? bug 49081106:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 490811 in mesa "mesa-common-dev should depend on libdrm-dev" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/49081106:39
tjaaltonat least the reasoning looks sane06:39
Ngerk, switch user just did horrible things :o10:00
Ngvt7 looked to all the world like a console, but was still X and I jolly nearly typed my password into IRC ;)10:00
bryce_Ng, heh leftover graphics bits10:01
Ngeurgh, I had to reboot. I managed to get X back with some xrandr -s trickery, but when I dropped back to vt1 to log that out I could see everything I just typed in IRC here in the console bash's history :/10:04
Ng(and I never did get to switch user ;)10:04
Ngbut this is lucid, so I expect breakage, I just have to figure out if I should be filing a bug :)10:05
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tseliotbryce_, Ng: I guess this happened (if user switching triggered the problem): http://people.canonical.com/~seb128/Xorg.1.log10:31
Nghrm, lemmie check the logs10:33
tseliotNg: you shouldn't be able to reproduce the problem if you boot without the "splash" parameter10:34
Ngyep I have an Xorg.1.log very similar to seb's10:34
tjaaltonmy boot just hangs in plymouth10:38
tseliottjaalton: with what driver?10:38
tjaaltontseliot: intel10:38
tseliotcan you see the splash?10:39
tseliotit works with both ati and intel here10:39
tseliotdid you file a bug report about it?10:39
tseliotplease do when you have the time10:41
tjaaltonwithout splash and quiet it goes fine10:41
tseliotnothing interesting in the logs?10:42
tjaaltonthe boot process doesn't generate any logs10:43
tjaaltonX didn't get up10:43
tjaaltonnever got that far10:43
tseliotmaybe upstart didn't launch gdm 10:44
tjaaltonbug 51112110:51
ubottuLaunchpad bug 511121 in plymouth "boot hangs showing the splash" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/51112110:51
tjaaltonso it stops after mountall10:51
tjaaltonc-a-del reboots it nicely10:52
tseliotthat's all the output you get on a normal boot10:52
tseliotnormal = when it works well10:52
tjaaltonyeah looks like I didn't disable quiet after all10:53
seb128tseliot, btw do you want a bug with my log?10:54
seb128tseliot, or do you have one?10:55
tseliotseb128: I wanted to ask you to file one10:55
seb128tseliot, ok, on xserver-xorg?10:55
tseliotseb128: it might be that plymouth is the cause10:56
tjaaltonnothing more without quiet10:56
tseliotseb128: so, please assign it to plymouth10:57
seb128tseliot, bug #51113411:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 511134 in plymouth "get a text vt over xorg when trying to switch users" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/51113411:19
tseliotseb128: thanks11:20
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tjaaltonhuh, so I got the wacom already, and attaching it hung the server :)16:13
tjaaltonyep, the driver crashed16:18
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tjaaltonoh wait, that was an older snapshot, the one I uploaded works \o/16:29

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