
cirodiazvelezi cant change my display settings and everithing looks giant help please00:00
aliendude3500cirodiazvelez, update your graphics driver. what graphics card do you have?00:00
danny__is anyone familiar with bash shell scripting?00:01
aliendude3500danny__, I am, somewhat...00:01
cirodiazvelezim on an 11.6 acer one model AO751H00:01
aliendude3500cirodiazvelez, that doesn't tell me anything about your graphics card. Can you post the output of "sudo lshw" in the terminal?00:02
danny__do you mind if you help me figure out how to write this one script..its really not to hard but its been awhile since I've dealt with shell scripting..00:02
cirodiazvelezOK THANKS LET ME SEE00:02
aliendude3500danny__, what do you need the script to do?00:02
flootenkerpHi, I'm using google chrome, and I am getting this odd error about a revoked certificate00:03
flootenkerpDoes anybody here know why?00:03
aliendude3500flootenkerp, check on a chrome specific IRC channel, you probably won't get help here.00:04
mathewi can't find 256MB NVIDIA GeForce Go 7900 GS drivers for ubuntu00:04
flootenkerpok, thanks aliendude00:04
cirodiazvelezaliendude3500 *-display UNCLAIMED00:04
cirodiazvelez             description: VGA compatible controller00:04
cirodiazvelez             product: System Controller Hub (SCH Poulsbo) Graphics Controller00:04
cirodiazvelez             vendor: Intel Corporation00:04
cirodiazvelez             physical id: 200:04
FloodBot1cirodiazvelez: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.00:04
cirodiazvelez             bus info: pci@0000:00:02.000:04
aliendude3500mathew, the open source noveau drivers should be plenty...00:05
danny__I have to write a script that requires one input argument. The script should print out a USAGE statement with a non-zero exit code. When the argument (number 1-6) is entered..the script should output...THE PROCESS ID FOR THE MINGETTY ON TTY# IS #### (where tty# represents the terminal # entered, and #### is the process id number.00:05
kosharimathew you shouldnt need specific drivers for that gpu00:05
mathewhow do i do that aliendude?00:05
mathewi really have no clue what im doing, im used to windows00:06
computer47562welcome to linux00:06
=== floops is now known as Floops
mathewhahaha thanks, i like it alot more already00:06
aliendude3500mathew, if you have the latest updates, you probably already have open source nvidia drivers installed.00:06
kosharimathew what are you actually trying to do?00:06
ribotis there a way to unlock the default keyring automatically on bootup?00:07
mathewyeah, but everything is effed up, like my facebook page is soo retared00:07
unopribot, make sure your keyring's password and your login password are the same00:07
cdw32hello everyone00:07
UbuntuFishhey everyone00:07
aliendude3500mathew, try this "sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-video-nouveau" in the terminal. I don't even have an nvidia card, but that might work for you.00:07
cirodiazvelezalliendude3500 i just send u the info00:07
militantevening folks.  ran into a little UI issue.  i was fooling with compiz and enabled its fancy window switcher, and when i turned effects back off... no more of the regular window switcher..00:07
mathewwell i just threw linux on here yesterday out of the blue, but my display is messed up00:07
rwwribot: blank the keyring password or set the keyring password to your login password and turn off auto login00:08
ribotunop they are the same, yet it doesnt happen.. i even installed this libpam keyring00:08
CkhiKuzadugh, screw it. i am not going to get an answer, so its time to /quit00:08
cdw32would anyone know a program i could use to play avi file extensions?00:08
ribotrww i need to be able to boot it remotely00:08
kosharimathew how is your display messed up exactly?00:08
aliendude3500cirodiazvelez, hmm... Intel cards are generally very well supported on Linux. Do you have the latest system updates?00:08
UbuntuFishi was wondring about rythmbox, i can't get it to copy files i import to my music folder.  is there any way to set it to copy files into its library folder whien importing?00:08
unopribot, ahh so you have a passwordless login?00:08
rwwribot: there is no way of automatically unlocking the keyring password without providing that password at some point.00:08
mathewlike my cursor is tiny, all the text on my browser is small, and if i enlargen the text it gets jumbled up00:08
ribotok well, is there a way to enter that password from ssh?00:09
rwwribot: if you need to autologin and automatically unlock the keyring, the keyring password has to be blank.00:09
frostbite7good evening everone00:09
cirodiazvelezyes man.. i jusst run the update =( what can i do00:09
rwwnot that I know of00:09
mathewplus the chat at the bottom of my face book is SOOO small00:09
koshariwhats your screens resolution?00:09
UbuntuFishmathew:  maybe you just have a reallly high resolution display lol... what kind of graphics card do u have?00:09
ribotor i just need the wlan to activate automatically00:09
ulbdoesnaybody here have an Asus eee box, and, if so, what version of ubuntu are you running on it? I was thinking of getting one as a small webserver.00:09
aliendude3500cirodiazvelez, did you try changing the resolution using System > Preferences > Display?00:09
UbuntuFishi was wondring about rythmbox, i can't get it to copy files i import to my music folder.  is there any way to set it to copy files into its library folder whien importing?00:09
mathew1920x1200 but if i make it smaller the graphics look terrible and dull00:10
frostbite7can anyone help me install a plug in? how do i install plugins like autumn leaves and screensaver?00:10
UbuntuFishmatew: what kind of graphics card do u hav?  like, intel, ati, nvidia, or what?00:10
aliendude3500danny__, that is a pretty complicated script, sorry, I don't have the time to write something that large... I thought you just needed a bit of syntax help...00:11
kyle6513Hey, does anyone know how to force a resolution on a display so that it either scrolls or stretches it? it works in windows, I've tried xorg and xrandr to no avail00:11
kyle6513I have intel intergrated graphics.00:11
aliendude3500frostbite7, If I'm right, you want to install screensavers?00:11
mathew256MB NVIDIA GeForce Go 790000:11
danny__do you mind if I send you what I have so far and you can help me tweak it a bit?00:12
cirodiazvelezallien dude yes it only give me one option of screen resolution...}00:12
aliendude3500frostbite7, typing "sudo apt-get install screensaver\*" in the terminal should give you a pretty large collection of screensavers.00:12
frostbite7no. i want to install plugins like the snow plugins, cube atlantis, autumn leaves, and bubbles00:12
frostbite7lol but thanks for that info to :-)00:12
mathew256MB NVIDIA GeForce Go 7900 GS ubuntu fish00:12
aliendude3500frostbite7, you mean desktop effects? Do you have Compiz enabled?00:13
UbuntuFishmatew: do u have the proprietary driver installed?00:13
frostbite7yes i do00:13
kyle6513Hey, does anyone know how to force a resolution on a display so that it either scrolls or stretches it? it works in windows, I've tried xorg and xrandr to no avail00:13
mathewidk, i went to hardware drivers and it said it was up to date00:13
=== Charlie is now known as Guest23519
Guest23519just uninstalled everything in synaptic because i wanted it all clean00:13
Guest23519I am now on command based ubuntu like server00:14
unopribot, you can use things like the interfaces file or wpasupplicant to start wireless00:14
Guest23519Can someone tell me how i install just the gnome interface?00:14
UbuntuFishmatew: there should be an option for like nvidia drivers, proprietary drivers, something like that.  you can check that off, and it will install a driver made by nvidia and then ask you to restart.  it might help, if anything you will get better performance.00:14
unopribot, that way you don't have to depend on having a user logging on to have wireless enabled00:14
mathewi'll check now...00:14
kyle6513Guest23519, I believe, sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop00:14
aliendude3500frostbite7, you can change most compiz settings with compizconfig settings manager... I think the package is something like ccsm.00:15
tweaksourceI like to install from a minimal cd and just add what I need.00:15
kyle6513Guest23519, I'll have to have a look, unless you want to try it00:15
frostbite7thank you aliendude350000:15
Guest23519will it install all the other default application come with the apt-get install ubuntu-desktop?00:15
tweaksourceGuest23519, it would be ubuntu-desktop, yes00:15
tweaksourceGuest23519, yes, it will00:16
TroN-0074can somebody please tell me how to fix my partitions under ubuntu?00:16
TroN-0074I will appreciate it00:16
ribotunop can i start it even without x then? got a link to this thing?00:16
tweaksourceTroN-0074, What is wrong with them?00:16
mathewits says that there are no proprietary drivers in use on this system00:16
UbuntuFishmatew:  ok.  that probably isn't the problem but it might be00:16
TroN-0074I have a doul boot with two copies of ubuntu I just want to removee one00:16
Guest23519but isn't there a way to just install the interface without having to get all the programs like firefox, openoffice, pidgin and so on?00:16
mathewwell i have no clue what to do00:17
unopribot, what do you use as the encryption scheme for wireless?  WPA or WEP?00:17
UbuntuFishmatew:  u said b4 that u just like recently "threw it on" your computer, is it like fully installed?  or was that someone else?00:17
tweaksourceTroN-0074, Do you know which one is doing the booting?00:17
danny__hey aliendude3500 did you get what I sent you?00:17
ribotunop: wpa00:17
TroN-0074one I mess up the Xorg.conf so I installed it again and I didnt click to use the entired disck00:17
mathewi fully installed it, like reformated and everything00:17
tweaksourceTroN-0074,  Is there WIndoze?00:18
unopribot,  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WPAHowTo00:18
TroN-0074I have 8.10 doing the boot, 9.04 has the xorg.conf messed up00:18
ribotthanks unop00:18
kyle6513Guest23519, try, sudo apt-get install x-window-system-core00:18
UbuntuFishmatew:  ok good that is the cool thing to do.  and makes things simpler.  welcome to ubuntu btw00:18
=== j is now known as Guest37928
TroN-0074I do not have windows installed00:19
tweaksourceTroN-0074, So, 8.10 was installed 2nd and it is the one you want to keep?00:19
mathewthanks lmfao, like i said this is my first OS aside from windows00:19
kyle6513mathew, Good luck!00:19
TroN-0074yes I want 8.1000:19
aliendude3500danny__, yeah, I replied.00:19
=== infid_ is now known as infid
UbuntuFishmatew:  nice.  well too bad you have to start off right away with problems00:19
TroN-00749.04 does not work well with my grapich card00:19
frostbite7do you know where i can find these packages aliendude350000:20
mathewyeah... its alot simpler i think so far... other than the issues lol00:20
tweaksourceTroN-0074,  When you installed 9.04 you used entire disk? Can you pastebin the output of 'fdisk -l', please?00:20
mathewbtw thanks kyle00:20
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kyle6513mathew, no problems =]00:21
TroN-0074yes one sec00:21
Lungan_When will next LTS support be available for download?00:21
mathewso do you have any ideas ubuntu fish?00:21
cdw32can a windows codec be used with 8.0400:21
tweaksourcecdw32, Check Medibuntu00:22
aliendude3500frostbite7, hold on, I'm trying to help 4 people at once lol00:22
UbuntuFishalright, i probly shouldnt do this on an irc channel, but heres a link to a screenshot i just took of my hardware drivers page http://bit.ly/8XIBBP00:22
kyle6513Hey, does anyone know how to force a resolution on a display so that it either scrolls or stretches it? it works in windows, I've tried xorg and xrandr to no avail00:22
TroN-0074@chavez-laptop:~$ fdisk -l00:22
TroN-0074Cannot open /dev/sda00:22
* kyle6513 steals UbuntuFish's hardware ;D00:22
Lungan_Is "Xubuntu" EXACTLY the same thing as Ubuntu? Without the xfce instead of gnome of course00:22
frostbite7:-0 no problem thanks again for going out of your way to help me in the first place. i appreciate it00:23
UbuntuFishkyle6513:  rawr, must defend computer00:23
kyle6513UbuntuFish, xD00:23
kyle6513Lungan_, more or less, looks different though.00:23
arghh2d2Lungan_: with xfce instead of gnome00:23
UbuntuFishlungan: pretty much.  its good if regular ubuntu is too slow00:23
TroN-0074tweaksource this is what I  got @chavez-laptop:~$ fdisk -l00:23
TroN-0074Cannot open /dev/sda00:23
tweaksourceTroN-0074, That's it?00:23
mathewyeah... i have nothing like that it says no proprietary drivers in use on this system00:23
Lungan_Yeah but xfce seems like a really nice windowmanager00:24
UbuntuFishmatew: so theres no option to install nvidia?  ok i should probably stop obsessing with drivers00:24
powertool08How can I find what's stopping my drive from unmounting? lsof | grep /media/<drivelabel> isn't returning anything.00:24
arghh2d2Lungan_: meaning that certain configuration utilities and settings managment is different but the under the hood its the same00:24
kyle6513Can anyone help me setting up my laptop to display 1024x768 instead of 1024x600? intel graphics on eeepc00:24
mathewyeah.. nothing its all blank...00:24
tweaksourceTroN-0074, Do you have gparted installed?00:24
tweaksourceTroN-0074, or a live cd?00:25
unopkyle6513, can your eepc even support that resolution?00:25
TroN-0074I have the installation CD00:25
arghh2d2Lungan_: xfce is a whole desktop environment, if you want the best window manager ever, get openbox00:25
kyle6513unop, does under windows. it just stretches the display00:25
tweaksourceTroN-0074, Is it Live CD or alternate install?00:25
UbuntuFishmatew:  too bad.  btw, u r using karmic, right?00:25
blakkheim!best | arghh2d200:25
ubottuarghh2d2: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.00:25
Lungan_arghh2d2, openbox, is it hard to learn? is it fast?00:25
mathewpfftt idk im using ubuntu 9.10 thats all i know00:26
TroN-0074Live CD I believe. the first time I booted ubuntu from the CD00:26
riboti seem to have wpa_supplicant installed, but there is no such file /etc/wpa_supplicant -- however there is a folder /etc/wpa_supplicant without any conf file00:26
kyle6513mathew, karmic is the code name for 9.10 so yes :P00:26
arghh2d2Lungan_: its fast and configuring is pretty easy once your used to it00:26
mathewthen yes lmfao00:26
kyle6513mathew, :P00:26
mathewthanks kyle.. again lol00:27
UbuntuFishopenbox looks kind of meh00:27
tweaksourceTroN-0074, Your best bet would be to 1. Backup 2. Boot live cd 3. Delete 9.04 partition 4. move everything else if you wish.00:27
rwwribot: If you're trying to configure wireless from the command-line, just use /etc/network/interfaces00:27
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kyle6513mathew, hey no problems, I'm still learning like you :)00:27
Lungan_arghh2d2, I've used fluxbox, but find it pretty hard to learn to have the full benefit of the windowmanager, is openbox easier?00:27
UbuntuFishok... is everything like small but clear?  or small and "crunchy" if you know what i mean00:27
kyle6513UbuntuFish, hey, if you're looking for speed, who cares about looks?00:27
tweaksourceTroN-0074, If you don't NEED to remove 9.04, but just don't want it in the boot menu, you can remove the entry from menu.lst00:27
mathewsmall and clear... but tiny00:28
TroN-0074yeah deleting 9.04 would be my chooise but I dont know how to identify that partition00:28
UbuntuFishkyle6513:  yeah, but im a huge sucker for visual fx00:28
arghh2d2Lungan_: it's fast as balls...it starts out just a blank screen and a menu but you can customize it with light accessories like tint2 panel and rox file manager keeping it fast fast fast... if your not into building yourself tho your better off with xfce or lxde00:28
kyle6513UbuntuFish, you're not alone, im lucky my little eeepc  has atleast 256 built in video memory ;D00:28
TroN-0074yeah but I would like to free some memory too. that is why I would like to just get rid of it00:28
tweaksourceTroN-0074, If you have 1 disk, and it was clean when you installed 9.04 first, then it should be sda100:28
ribotrww: what to write there?00:28
rwwribot: I assume you're using WPA?00:29
Lungan_arghh2d2, Yeah, but how does openbox differ from fluxbox?00:29
UbuntuFishmatew:  thats really weird.  some sort of bug i guess, sorry im not that good.  the only thing i can think of is reducing your resolution.  hopefully someone smarter than me can think of something00:29
tweaksourceTroN-0074, It should have only made 1 system partition and a swap00:29
aliendude3500kyle6513, if you don't carte about looks, and just want speed, use Xmonad. :P00:29
ribotrww yes00:29
arghh2d2Lungan_: a little bit faster, different config file formats...openbox uses .xml00:29
mathewwell if i shrink my resolution everything gets dull00:29
kyle6513mathew, could you try running  xrandr in a terminal and put the output in a pastebin and give me the link?00:30
TroN-0074can you please tell me how to do it?00:30
UbuntuFishkyle6513: how did u get an eeepc with video memory?  im guessing you also go crazy with compiz00:30
kyle6513UbuntuFish, I have the eeepc 1000H, and yes, i <3 compiz xD00:30
UbuntuFishmatew:  sorry, im actually a bit of a noob myself, if i think of anything myself i;ll let you know00:30
Lungan_arghh2d2, okok,maybe I will try that tomoroww00:30
UbuntuFishkyle6513:  nice.  whats your favorite window animation?00:30
rwwribot: http://georgia.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=202834 is a good tutorial on wireless + /etc/network/interfaces. If you scroll down to "******Sample configuration WPA2 & DHCP, ESSID broadcast enabled****", it has what to put in /etc/network/interfaces00:31
tweaksourceTroN-0074, Gparted is needed for the easiest route.00:31
UbuntuFishkyle6513: or rather favorite compiz plugin in general00:31
mathewbtw.. whats a good site for downloading music?00:31
kyle6513UbuntuFish, didnt really look into that, it tends to slow down when im doing stuff at that point as im mostly running on the powersave, which makes the cpu run at 800mhz00:31
TroN-0074let me look for  it one sec00:31
ribotthans rww00:31
kyle6513UbuntuFish, I just use fade, and i love the cube 8D00:31
Ari_LazarusHello peeps. I have a questions: when I connect my ext hdd to my computer and it gets mounted, I get two icons representing the drive. Why is this?00:32
TroN-0074gparted is installing now00:32
powertool08How can I find what's stopping my drive from unmounting? lsof | grep /media/<drivelabel> isn't returning anything.00:32
UbuntuFishkyle6513:  oh yes.  one thing that bugs me is:  i setup my bottom right corner to clear all the windows off to the side of the desktop, but i can't restore the windows while drag n dropping a file, forcing me to use the cube to get to my desktop00:32
UbuntuFishif that made sense00:33
TroN-0074o.k I got Gparted00:33
Awesome3000Ari_Lazarus  Are there two partitions or are they both the same00:33
kyle6513UbuntuFish, i think i get what you mean xD00:33
tweaksourceTroN-0074, How many partitions does it show?00:33
TroN-0074can you please advise on where to go from there00:33
UbuntuFishkyle6513: yeah00:33
Ari_LazarusAwesome3000: They are the same drive00:33
TroN-0074Oh I just installed I havent run it one sec00:34
UbuntuFishanyone know how to configure rythmbox to copy files into its library folder when importing?00:34
Awesome3000Ari_Lazarus: If you un-mount one do they both go00:34
kyle6513mathew, did you do what i asked? :S00:34
Awesome3000Ari_Lazarus: maybe the drive is being mounted twice00:35
Ari_LazarusSo I should check fstab?00:35
mathewwhats a good... application i guess for downloading music?00:35
blakkheimmathew: wget00:35
rww!gnutella | mathew00:36
ubottumathew: Gnutella clients: GTK-Gnutella (GTK, stand-alone), gifTui, giFToxic (GTK, based on giFT), Apollon (KDE, based on giFT), mldonkey-gui (GTK, based on MLDonkey), KMLDonkey (KDE, based on MLDonkey), !Limewire, !Frostwire (Java, not in the !repositories) - See also !P2P00:36
powertool08mathew: Don't forget torrents.00:36
Ari_Lazarusmathew: Ubuntu already comes with Transmission - just use any tracker you like00:36
mathewi used frostwire wheni had windows00:36
xeerI'm trying to find a good place to download the ubuntu torrent, can anyone recommend some sites?00:36
UbuntuFishanyone know how to configure rythmbox to copy files into its library folder when importing?00:36
xeertrackers I mean00:36
UbuntuFishbrb everyone00:36
Kevin147matthew: There is FrostWire for Linux also.00:36
mathewi never thought of that lmfao00:37
Kevin147matthew: lol00:37
Kevin`I have problem with ubuntu and wireshark, anyone want to fix it?: http://kwzs.be/~kevin/shark1.txt http://kwzs.be/~kevin/shark2.txt00:37
powertool08xeer: http://www.thepirategoogle.com/00:37
Awesome3000Ari_Lazarus: if it's listed there Yes00:37
kyle6513UbuntuFish, should be in settings, if not, there would be a plugin somewhere00:37
mathewwhat is the best? what would you recommend the most if i had to pick one?00:38
powertool08Nobody knows how to find what's blocking my drive from unmounting?00:38
ulbI am pretty sure ther eis an option to monitor a specific folde rin rhythmbox options00:38
atomfoxhow do you manually run sessions manager? what's the command thanks...00:38
meganerdpowertool08: use lsof00:38
powertool08meganerd: I did, no results.00:39
ulbpowertool08: lsof or top/htop00:39
meganerdpowertool08: how did you use it?00:39
Ari_LazarusAwesome3000: I think I know why. It exists in fstab, and when I connect it the drive automounts itself so I get two icons.00:39
VCoolioatomfox: gnome-session-properties00:39
powertool08ulb: I tried htop too, the only thing I found was ntfs-3g using it.00:39
xeerpowertool08: thanks for the tip!00:40
powertool08meganerd: lsof | grep <disk label> and lsof | grep media00:40
powertool08xeer: np00:40
xeerpowertool08: but it doesn't work.00:40
atomfoxVCoolio, thanks ^_^00:40
NCDSserver irc.rizon.net00:40
clone1018Hello. Why won't this xorg.conf file work? http://paste.rohitab.com/166200:40
Awesome3000Ari_Lazarus: That would be it00:40
ymn_ayk80hello everybody00:40
ulbpowertool08: are you running wine?00:40
powertool08xeer: Oh, haven't used it in awhile.00:40
powertool08ulb: No.00:40
ulbso why ntfs-3g then?00:40
UbuntuFishkyle6513:  i scoured everywhere, couldnt find anything00:40
ulbrunning samba?00:41
meganerdulb: ntfs-3g is the default way of accessing ntfs partitions these days00:41
kyle6513UbuntuFish, dont think its possible, although theres an option to make it scan a folder for changes, maybe use that?00:41
ulbmeganerd: yeah I wondered why he has ntfs with Linux00:41
meganerdpowertool08: did you try "sudo lsof |grep <unique part of path"00:42
UbuntuFishkyle6513: i guess.  but then it doesnt keep it nice and organized.00:42
meganerdulb: a lot of USB drives now ship with it00:42
kyle6513UbuntuFish, true that,00:42
kyle6513anyone here have any experience with 915resolution?00:42
powertool08ulb: Yes, I have samba running. Does it have to be stopped? Or disconnect any old sessions?00:42
clone1018Does anyone have any ideas?00:42
meganerdulb: ntfsusb hard drives is how I share data with my friends00:42
UbuntuFishkyle6513: i guess it doesnt matter cuz rythmbox organizes it in its ui lol00:43
kyle6513UbuntuFish, hah, yeah, i like rythmbox's ui, although, i still wish winamp would get ported00:43
powertool08meganerd: Yes I tried that.00:43
mazda01bought some new dvd-r disc from best buy. $6 for qty 25. that was probably my mistake. i can't seem to make one successful burn of a dvd iso movie. I keep getting PERFORM OPC failed with SK=3h/POWER CALIBRATION AREA ERROR  from k3b, brasero, and growisofs from the command line. do I just throw away all the disc?00:43
ymn_ayk80Hello everyone! I'm trying to mount an e-reader of Sony(usb connection), this is the result of mount: "mount: block device /dev/sde is write-protected, mounting read-only"...also I read this from /var/log/messages:  "kernel: [ 2634.221935] sd 8:0:0:3: [sde] Write Protect is on". What do I have to do to resolve this? Any idea?00:44
meganerdymn_ayk80: probably a setting on the e-reader itself00:44
UbuntuFishkyle6513: i am na ex-fanboi so itunes is really my preferred interface... speaking of which any idea when 5g ipod nano support is gonna be released for linux?00:44
clone1018Why won't this xorg.conf file work? If anyone has any ideas please query me. http://paste.rohitab.com/166200:45
powertool08meganerd: ulb I stopped samba and the only process I can find is /sbin/mount.ntfs-3g, still not unmounting.00:45
kyle6513UbuntuFish, no idea, I HATE itunes with a passion, it is the most absolute biggest piece of ^%$& software ever made, but I have no idea, it should be the same as most ipods, like the 4th G, this is for music of course, the video, no idea00:46
rwwclone1018: your /var/log/Xorg.0.log would help.00:46
clone1018One sec then00:46
UbuntuFishkyle6513: it was my first music organizer so it set the standard for me lol00:46
meganerdclone1018: why are you bothering with xorg.conf?  xrandr is capable of making these changes on the fly00:46
kyle6513UbuntuFish, If you think thats good, you should try winamp if you ever get windoze back00:46
defaultuseri need help with 2 things. starting with my kodak esp-3 all in one printer. doesnt do any thing00:47
ymn_ayk80meagnerd is right00:47
ymn_ayk80xrandr is cool00:47
meganerdpowertool08: how are you unmounting it?00:47
powertool08meganerd: right click and unmount on the desktop icon.00:47
=== Mowee is now known as Mowee`Bnc
UbuntuFishkyle6513: lol i just recently killed my 'doze partition cuz it was so screwed up00:47
clone1018Where can I find xrandr?00:47
kyle6513UbuntuFish, sad thing is, it was probably windows who did that00:48
meganerdpowertool08: try unmounting it from the CLI, "sudo umount /media/<mountpoint>"00:48
ymn_ayk80maybe you have already00:48
ulbpowertool08: have you tried lazy umount (-l)?00:48
hosokaHello everyone. Anyone that can tell me what the commando line is for to start automatically into ubuntu without typing startx everytime ?00:48
meganerdpowertool08: also, what version of Ubuntu is this?  Sorry if you posted earlier I just joined the onversation00:48
UbuntuFishkyle6513:  well, one time i reinstalled windoze cuz i resized its partition with gparted, which apperantly windows  can't handle00:48
mazda01bought some new dvd-r disc from best buy. $6 for qty 25. that was probably my mistake. i can't seem to make one successful burn of a dvd iso movie. I keep getting PERFORM OPC failed with SK=3h/POWER CALIBRATION AREA ERROR  from k3b, brasero, and growisofs from the command line. do I just throw away all the disc?00:48
rwwclone1018: `(==) Using config file: "/etc/X11/xorg.conf.failsafe"` --> from the look of it, that log is from an attempt to launch Xorg failsafe, so it didn't use your xorg.conf00:48
jribhosoka: it does that by default.  What did you do to disable it?00:49
UbuntuFishmazda01:  thats a hardware problem.00:49
rwwubottu: pm | clone101800:49
ubottuclone1018: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.00:49
powertool08ulb: Lazy umount did it.00:49
hosokajrib: it was by default active, it disabled after an upgrade of the system.00:49
mazda01i could see if it was happening on 1 dvd burner, but all 3?? i doubt it00:49
meganerdhosoka: assuming you did not make too many significant changes: "sudo update-rc.d gdm defaults"00:49
kyle6513UbuntuFish, of course not, why would windows think anyone would turn to linux again? pfff :P00:49
UbuntuFishmazda01:  3?  wow...00:49
jribhosoka: what update?  updates don't do that00:50
powertool08meganerd: The lazy umount did the trick, thanks for the help though.00:50
hosokajrib: upgrade of the syst.00:50
powertool08ulb: What exactly is lazy umount?00:50
jribhosoka: is gdm installed?  Did you remove it?00:50
UbuntuFishkyle6513:  i hate the condecending "please wait while windows sets up your computer", like wtf i want to set up my computer get out of my box grr00:50
hosokajrib: let me check that.00:50
kyle6513UbuntuFish, hahaha00:50
ulbman umount (it detatches it from file hierarchy if it is not in use)00:50
meganerdpowertool08: I would install the ntfsprogs package, it can be handy to fix ntfs volumes that are marked as dirty00:51
powertool08ulb: Ok, thanks for the help00:51
powertool08meganerd: I'll check that out, thanks again.00:51
kyle6513UbuntuFish, I like the fact that windows, while being more primitive and having less ability to customize it, still takes longer than a fully customized linux installation to start up00:51
ulbsometimes things hang (I have had that issue with USB drives that get polled)00:51
clone1018So anyways how do I use xrandr?00:51
mazda01i have read that before burningh wodim tries to write data to a certain part of the media, if it cant then it will fail. the burner worked fine with my last dvd+r's I tried but this time I bought dvd-r's, super generic ones. yeah, i can't burn an dvd iso on a sony optirac dvd-ram burner, a generic 16x dvd burner or or my NEC burner00:51
bazhang!xrandr | clone1018 read this00:52
ubottuclone1018 read this: XRandR 1.2 is the new method of running dual screens in !X.  Information/HowTo here: http://wiki.debian.org/XStrikeForce/HowToRandR1200:52
meganerdclone1018: http://www.x.org/wiki/Projects/XRandR00:52
hosokajrb: have seen that gdm needed to be upgrade aswell. Perhaps that was the case ?00:52
mazda01the old dvd+r's were by phillips.00:52
mazda01worked fine00:52
UbuntuFishkyle653: it is a useful feature00:52
UbuntuFishkyle6513: lol00:52
kyle6513UbuntuFish, xD00:53
franz99Hi, I installed pptpd daemon on my Ubuntu 8.04 and configured the env. Actually all clients can correctly connect to the VPN server but I'd like that they can ping togheter too, is it possibile?00:53
paul7285hello    how can i install canon software under linuxmint 800:54
hosokajrb: after upgrading gdm does the syst needs reboot ?00:54
UbuntuFishrandom curious question, is it possible to setup a cluster computer with ubuntu?00:54
clone1018paul7285: #linuxmint00:54
ubottuLinux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu, please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org00:55
meganerdhosoka: no00:55
hosokaI was looking only for the commandline for autostart Ubuntu for me not to type startx everytime.00:56
paul7285# as in root00:56
UbuntuFishpaul7285: no offense, but canon software sucks, if you really have to, run it under wine.  i would suggest using the photo app installed in mint, its gonna be like 1000 times better.  and you should really be asking this on the mint channel00:56
clone1018That ubuntu bot is really annoyinh00:56
hosokaWhen going to login screen there is no way for me to unlock it as it turns out grey.00:56
mazda01so no one else is having problems with wodim?00:56
hosokaKnowing that in there is this option to autologin,but there is also a commando line.00:57
UbuntuFishclone1018, well it is kinda important, otherwise this would be flooded with like fedora, mac, windoze, etc users wanting help lol00:57
skullcandyhello guys, does anyone have itunes latest version installed on there ubuntu? i need some help installing it00:57
clone1018But I can't even PM someone without him bitching at me00:57
UbuntuFishskullcandy: latest version of ubuntu?00:57
bazhangskullcandy, cannot be installed on ub untu00:57
meganerdfranz99: it has been a long time since I have run pptp, but IIRC, the problem for you is routing based00:58
UbuntuFishclone1018: lol speaking of which how do u pm people?00:58
skullcandyno, i' am talking about itunes , either version is fine as long as its isntalled00:58
paul7285How do I(you) get to the mint channel ?  I get a program install .exe under wine00:58
AdemosIs this the place to ask for help with firefox-daily-builds? If not, is there an IRC channel I can go to?00:58
bazhangskullcandy, there is no Linux version00:58
clone1018./query NAME message00:58
franz99meganerd, can you suggest me a guide? I have to play with iptables only?00:58
skullcandywhat about installing it with wine?00:58
unoppaul7285,   type   /join #linuxmint00:58
bazhangskullcandy, check the appdb; it is barely usable at last look00:59
hosokaI was looking only for the commandline for autostart Ubuntu for me not to type startx everytime.00:59
franz99meganerd, actually I cannot ping an host to another host, only the VPN server.. and I have to share some resurces on it.. it's very important :(00:59
bazhang!appdb | skullcandy00:59
ubottuskullcandy: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help00:59
UbuntuFishskullcandy: if you want ipod support, rythmbox has ipod support.  you can enable it in plugins00:59
meganerdfranz99: I used to use poptop (almost 10 years ago by now) and I think there were options to push routing entries into the route table of the connecting clients00:59
skullcandythankyou for the quick response00:59
paul7285okay thanks00:59
UbuntuFishskullcandy: itunes is rly sketchy under wine00:59
UbuntuFishskullcandy: lol thats what i love about the irc01:00
bazhangskullcandy, #winehq for specialized wine questions as well01:00
skullcandy@ubntufish, Ubuntu community = pwn winblows01:00
franz99meganerd, ok01:00
skullcandythanks bazhang01:00
tweaksourceGTKPod for Ipod support, too!01:00
danny__does anyone have experience writing bash shell scripts that could help me?01:00
UbuntuFishskullcandy: lol yes.  btw, what do u want itunes for?01:00
cirodiazvelezhello, i cant  change my display settings pleas help01:00
unopdanny__, /join #bash01:00
meganerdfranz99: franz99 a better solution might be to use OpenVPN.  This is what I now use for my clients01:00
roger_i put a new drive in my system and i can't get it to mount other than clicking on it in nautilus, any ideas how to fix01:00
AdemosWhen attempting to run the latest firefox-3.6 from the firefox-daily-builds PPA, I get the follow errors: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/360367/01:00
Awesome3000danny__: what do you need done01:00
skullcandy@ubuntufish, my bro needs it for switching music onto his ipod01:01
gbear14275I'm trying to use diff to compare 2 directories but am being flooded by sessions data being only in one... i tried piping the results to less but can't seem to understand it, Also can't seem to find a flag which will ignore the "only in" messages... can someone suggest something which will help me understand this more easily?01:01
hosokaHello does anyone knows the commandline for autostart Ubuntu for me not to type startx everytime.01:01
Awesome3000roger_: add it to fstab01:01
UbuntuFishskullcandy: what kind of ipod?01:01
skullcandyipod nano its orange01:01
gbear14275I don't have admin on the box I'm working on so need something at the user level :-/01:01
babasongbird with plugins is nearly itunes... i would prefer this way01:01
roger_Awesome3000 i put it in fstab, still no mount01:01
UbuntuFishskullcandy: the one with the camera?01:01
skullcandyno no camera01:02
skullcandylemme find a pic of it k?01:02
hosokaAnyone ?01:02
meganerdhosoka: sudo update-rc.d gdm defaults01:02
mathewhey, is UbuntuFish still around?01:02
tweaksourceskullcandy, gtkpod works great for my nano.01:02
UbuntuFishskullcandy:  rythmbox should support it then, you could check it against this page here http://gtkpod.wikispaces.com/Supported+iPods01:02
UbuntuFishmatew: yea01:02
mathewlmfao... this sit is driving me crazy01:02
skullcandy@ubuntufish, exactly like this but orange> http://www.yugatech.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2006/09/ipod-nano.jpg01:02
tweaksourcehosoka, You need a session manager like gdm, kdm, or xdm01:02
* quarkup the story behind the Tux !! >> http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/1/17/TheStoryBehindTux.jpg01:03
AdemosWhen attempting to run the latest firefox-3.6 from the firefox-daily-builds PPA, I get the follow errors: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/360367/01:03
UbuntuFishskullcandy: that should work fine.  btw, you don't need the @01:03
roger_you think ubuntu is confused cuz i took out an old drive and put this one in with the same name01:03
skullcandyubuntufish, i know i' am used to typing that on utube lawl01:03
poyntzcan anyone help me install the quickcam driver on karmic?01:04
poyntzwhen i try to make i get errors01:04
hosokameganerd: thanks, will try it out. I had been upgrading the gdm now.01:04
meganerdhosoka: make sure that gdm is properly upgraded, it should be set to run automatically01:05
UbuntuFishskullcandy: here check this out http://bit.ly/6CpFIQ that is a screenshot of the plugins window in rythmbox, the default music player in ubuntu.  banshee also has ipod support01:05
UbuntuFishskullcandy: nice01:05
skullcandythankyou ubuntufish01:05
didiDoes someone use choqok on Ubuntu? I want to take the icon off the notification area.01:06
UbuntuFishwow my updates are downloading sooo slow01:06
skullcandylooks sleek and sexy XD01:06
drekidoes anyone know a way to control the cpu clock on an intell atom n270 processor with ubuntu 9.1001:06
ulbdoesnaybody here have an Asus eee box, and, if so, what version of ubuntu are you running on it? I was thinking of getting one as a small webserver.01:06
* quarkup the story behind the Tux !! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:TheStoryBehindTux.jpg01:06
eriscowhat is the development package for udev-extras?01:06
UbuntuFishskullcandy: awesoem. enjoy01:06
=== Helllifter is now known as HeavenRaiser
meganerddreki: the CPU frequency monitor app should allow you to set the CPU freq01:06
meganerddreki: right click on an empty part of the panel, and select "Add to Panel"01:07
UbuntuFishskullcandy: btw music library, don't use the import feature, it doesn't copy the files.  set it to check for new files, and manually drop your music into the folder.  it will save you a lot of pain in the long run01:07
UbuntuFishif that made sense01:07
drekimeganerd, thanks01:08
mathewubuntufish: i took a screen shot so you can see my problem, if your still interested, i did tweak all my text settings but things like limewire, and face book are still messed01:08
eriscochecking for GUDEV... configure: error: Package requirements (gudev-1.0) were not met: No package 'gudev-1.0' found01:09
eriscohow do I correct this?01:09
* poyntz doesn't want penguinitis01:09
skullcandy@ubuntufish i need some help with the program since i' am new to this01:09
skullcandyhow do i load it so my music and stuff pops up?01:09
ubuntuUserTomHey people =)01:10
babawhere can i find the gdm setup gui01:10
Chris___How can I improve my battery life?01:11
UbuntuFishmatew: ok , can i see a link to the screenshot?  bit.ly gives a really easy way to quickly upload photos without an account01:11
meganerdChris___: turn down the brightness of your LCD01:11
ubuntuUserTomChris__, try powerttop01:11
UbuntuFishskullcandy: sure.01:11
Chris___meganerd: my brightness is already set to low when on battery power01:11
UbuntuFishskullcandy: just checking, are you new to ubuntu or just to rythmbox?01:11
Chris___ubuntuUserTom: I've run it, it had a few suggestions, but they don't seem to have made a difference01:12
skullcandynew to gtkpod01:12
skullcandypart time user of ubuntu ( my home desktop)01:12
craigbass1976Is there a way besides lm_sensors to monitor different temps?  Lm_sensors isn't finding any sensors01:12
DasEiChris___: scale down processor, choose bios option, use hdparm to  control hd, put swap in ram if ram is big enough,.. kill uneeded services..errm01:12
mathewubuntufish: http://bit.ly/5DYWm201:13
truenheronecesito ayuda en español01:13
ubuntuUserTomHey, could any one help me with a Slight problem I have. I ammed out on partitioning my HDD while installing Ubuntu 9.10 on myLaptop...I kinda forgot to partition the 110gigs of Space I have for files and Now im low on space... Im wondering, is there any way to like resize my Home Directory to use this space?01:13
craigbass1976I did suck out the stuf from the laptop fan area, so everything might be all set now anyway, but I wanted to watch it01:13
bastid_raZortruenhero: /join #ubuntu-es01:13
truenherogracias bastid01:14
craigbass1976ubuntuUserTom, you could just move the whole /home directory contents to this partition, and mount it up in /home (in /etc/fstab)01:14
DasEiubuntuUserTom: yes, does this unallocated 100~ lie next to your current /home ?01:14
craigbass1976ubuntuUserTom, but you'll probably want to do this with a livecd, not while the machine is running your regular OS01:14
UbuntuFishmatew: hrm.  that is weird.  that is a rly small font on frostwire setup.01:14
hiexpoubuntuUserTom, - did you just install it01:15
UbuntuFishmatew: btw nice theme and background01:15
drekiis there anything built in to ubuntu 9.10 that can display processor temp from the pannel?i cant seem to find anything01:15
ubuntuUserTomno I didnt just install it =( I got a pop up saying I have 400 megs left while installing winxp on virtualBox01:15
skullcandyhey, is there a reason why gtkpod doesn't recognize the itouch ?01:15
craigbass1976dreki, That's funny...  I just asked the same thing.  lm_sensors might work for you01:15
DasEidreki, install lm-sensors, run sensors detect, install gnome applets, there you are01:16
gumpishAre there any scriptable (ie non-interactive) utilities that can truncate binary files? Or would i need to code something up with python or similar?01:16
hiexpodreki, - yes 1 sec i will get you the name of it01:17
ubuntuguestis there a way to get vino to connect to a listening viewer?01:17
DasEidreki, craigbass1976, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SensorInstallHowto01:17
mathewthanks ubuntufish lmfao... but i need it fixed or im gonna put windows back on cause i can handle it01:17
UbuntuFishmatew: dont give up too fast... o_o01:18
ubuntuUserTomI am not sure if the un allocated space is 'next' to my home dir, Iwill google mounting stuff and see if I can work with craigs idea.01:18
mathewim not gonna but its driving me crazy01:18
ubuntuguestis there a way to get the default VNC server (VINO) to connect to a listening viewer?01:19
UbuntuFishmatew: found this, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=312359 im just reading it over now01:19
hiexpodreki, - there is an applet that i use i just right clicked on one of my panels and clicked add to panel than a box will open type temp there will be a hd monitor01:19
DasEik, but you can see graphically in gparted about partis location , or use sudo fdisk -l, ubuntuUserTom01:19
ubuntuUserTomDasEi - ill open gparted01:20
UbuntuFishmatew: ok i think i found a solution01:20
mathewoh thanks ubuntufish!! i'll read over it now01:20
DasEiubuntuUserTom: open a trml ..01:20
DasEiubuntuUserTom: sudo apt-get install pastebinit01:20
UbuntuFishmatew: push alt-f201:20
UbuntuFishmatew: and type gconf-editor01:20
craigbass1976DasEi, I've got a Dell that apparently won't play with lm_sensors...01:20
truenheroI HAVE A PROBLEM WITH nm-applet01:21
DasEiubuntuUserTom: sudo fdisk -l |pastebinit01:21
DasEiubuntuUserTom: give url from trml here01:21
ubuntuUserTomDasEi - sure, just a sec installing packages now01:21
drekihiexpo, DasEi, craigbass1976,  (lol) thanks01:21
DasEicraigbass1976: no sensors found ?01:22
hiexpodreki, - no prob01:22
UbuntuFishmatew: you should get this window thingy with this file navigator type thing on the side.  choose desktop/gnome/font_rendering, and something should pop up in the main area of the window.  it should say dpi = something.  what does it say?01:22
brandon-anyone use ifuse with their ipod touch 2g?01:22
craigbass1976DasEi, correct01:22
SkullCandy23hey guys01:23
mathewdpi 96..01:23
DasEicraigbass1976: so you got to find the correct modules youself then, Im sure for cpu temp least there are somes01:23
SkullCandy23irssi irc chat is sexy :)01:23
ubuntuUserTomDasEi: http://pastebin.com/f7bb97c3501:24
craigbass1976DasEi, if this thing runs for an hour without shutting down, I'm going to call it good and blame it on dust in the fan/radiator assembly01:24
UbuntuFishmatew: hit alt-f2, type gconf-editor, and you should get this window thingy with this file navigator type thing on the side.  choose desktop/gnome/font_rendering, and something should pop up in the main area of the window.  it should say dpi = something.  what does it say?01:24
DasEiubuntuUserTom: got it above, did you set up a seperate /boot ?01:24
mathewdpi 9601:24
hiexpohey i got a ? now that i am thinking of it why when i install a deb package it ends up in local or obsolete in synaptic for some reason it works but wondering why01:25
DasEicraigbass1976: you could stress the cpu some time, then reboot in bios and look for temp, quick n dirty01:25
bastid_raZordretwtq41ftdrdr rtd tdeaqwtdetrf0gf whedgudgcsdegug01:25
mathewubuntufish: it says dpi-9601:25
bazhangbastid_raZor, hi01:26
UbuntuFishmatew:  the forum thing is rly unclear01:26
craigbass1976DasEi, what's the best way to do that?01:26
=== levi_ is now known as Skullcandy23
UbuntuFishmatew: here i wrote up a little step by step01:26
bastid_raZorbazhang: my 3 year old likes to type.. i'll change terminal screens01:26
mathewalright... what are you thinking01:26
UbuntuFishmatew: matew: hit alt-f2, type gconf-editor, and you should get this window thingy with this file navigator type thing on the side.  choose desktop/gnome/font_rendering, and something should pop up in the main area of the window.  it should say dpi = something.  what does it say?01:26
Skullcandy23is there a # room just for socializing?01:26
DasEi!info cpuburn | craigbass1976:01:26
ubottucraigbass1976:: cpuburn (source: cpuburn): a collection of programs to put heavy load on CPU. In component universe, is extra. Version 1.4-39 (karmic), package size 14 kB, installed size 112 kB (Only available for amd64 i386 hurd-i386 kfreebsd-i386 kfreebsd-amd64)01:26
UbuntuFishmatew: i would suggest setting it to 9601:27
DasEi craigbass1976: you can alter it#s behavior up to freezing your box01:27
mathewubuntufish: it already says 9601:27
bazhangSkullcandy23, #ubuntu-offtopic01:27
UbuntuFishdasei: wow how did u get the bot to do that lol01:28
DasEiubuntuUserTom: you got two linux partis, is one of them a seperate /boot ?01:28
UbuntuFishmatew: try increasing the value, see if that works01:28
DasEi!brain | UbuntuFish01:28
ubottuUbuntuFish: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots01:28
UbuntuFishmatew: it could just be that frostwire has a really small font, not ubuntu's problem01:28
mathewalright... i'll try that01:28
UbuntuFishdasei: nifty01:29
mathewyeah, but facebook is wierd too01:29
ubuntuUserTomDasEi: I think so, I halve a 12gb Linux File System then a 2gb 'Extended' partition...then my swap space01:29
eriscoboth my gliblib2.0 and gliblib2.0-dev are out of date but they depend on each other... how can I upgrade them?01:29
ubottuUbuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com01:30
mathewi tired it, it made everything bigger accept frostwire01:30
UbuntuFishubottu: you are cool and smart.  i wish you were human.01:30
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)01:30
UbuntuFishmatew: that sucks01:30
DasEiubuntuUserTom:call http://pastebin.com/f7bb97c35 in browser, sda1 and sda 3 are the two "real partitons you got01:30
UbuntuFishmatew: its frostwires fault then, see if you can change it in frostwire settings.  jsut to be clear, its not a problem with ubuntu01:31
ubuntuUserTomDasEi: yes, I see. I dont think it is then installed on a separate partition.01:32
UbuntuFish!ayb is all your base are belong to us01:32
DasEiubuntuUserTom:so sda is the 12, coming short , and sda3 is the one you want to use now ?01:32
bazhangUbuntuFish, please dont do that01:32
mathewyeah... but facebook is still strange... and other sites... i'll show you01:32
ubuntuUserTomDasEi: yeah.01:32
DasEiUbuntuFish: query the bot to play with it01:32
arguedwhere can I find a decent, clean and small cursor theme for ubuntu? All I find out there are either hi-tech bs or ugly ports from customize org01:32
UbuntuFishbazhang: ... sorry that was a stupid idea srry01:32
e66Hello, my appearence settings doesn't get saved. Everytime I reboot/login I see old theme.  But when I open the appearace settings applet, the desktop theme changes promptly. how do I make the change saved persistantly???01:32
UbuntuFishe66: sorry for the dumb question, but you aren't runnign off a cd are you?  once again, sorry for the dumb tech support question01:33
DasEiubuntuUserTom:as they have no direct boaarging 12 wont work, bu you can put /home on sda301:33
=== unknown is now known as YuXy
e66UbuntuFish: My ubuntu is installed in harddisk. No Live CD is here.01:34
DasEiubuntuUserTom:* direct borders01:34
UbuntuFishe66: ok. sorry, no idea.  sounds like something is screwed up.01:35
JpMaxManHi - I feel there might be a bot running on one of my Ubuntu servers.  I can see outgoing network connections.  Is there a way to identify what process might be initiating the outgoing connection?01:35
eriscoif I have package X at version 2.0 why will it not let me install X at version 2.1 with the excuse that it breaks the previous dependency?01:35
ubuntuUserTomDasEi: ok, so If I did move Home to the sda3 partition I would just need to learn how to mount that partition on startup right?01:36
DasEiubuntuUserTom:to do so, ensure in gparted sda3 is ext 3 or 4, afterward just hae to alter fstab01:36
matelotcan "ls" ignore case ?01:36
UbuntuFisherisco: we would need the name of the package, and other info to help01:36
ubuntuUserTomDasEi: ok, fstab. Ill google it. sda3 is ext4 I have it partitioned atm01:36
DasEiubuntuUserTom:and copy over the content of old /home o course01:37
ubuntuUserTomDasEi: *formatted01:37
=== pauljw_vm is now known as pauljw
matelotcan "ls" ignore case ?01:37
DasEimatelot: no01:37
JpMaxManI have tried netstat / lsof - I am running darkstat and can see the outgoing connection just can't identify what process is initiating it01:37
eriscoUbuntuFish, libglib2.0-0 I have the latest version from jaunty but I need the latest version from karmic. I grabbed the .deb from karmic but cannot install because it evidently breaks the dependency01:37
DasEiubuntuUserTom: k, so is sda3 mounted now ? (mount in trml tells you) ?01:38
ubuntuUserTomDasEi: quick question, in say a terminal, if I wanted to accsess my Home directory would I still just type cd /home01:38
=== c is now known as charitwo
SampWhen I was almost out of HDD space, an option showed up that let visualized the hard drive's usage. I've googled a bit and can't find what it is...01:38
Sampthis was in ubuntu 9.1001:38
ubuntuUserTomDasEi: yes sda3 has been mounted, it require d a password to mount.01:38
neothecathello.  has anyone have any major issues with using 64 bit?  such as virtualbox, Urban terror, etc?01:38
DasEiubuntuUserTom: if you open a trml as regualar user you are in your home01:38
afromananybody uses oss?01:38
DasEilike /home/tom01:38
ubuntuUserTomDasEi: ah ok01:39
atomfoxwhat file do I need to edit so I could run applications on during starup?01:39
ZykoticK9neothecat, Virtualbox works fine for me on 64bit, can't speak about Urban Terror (other games certainly run fine on 64bit for me)01:39
DasEiubuntuUserTom: we can put this through in 20 min, if youre up to01:39
erisconeohashi, I run urt on 64 bit01:39
ubuntuUserTomDasEi: Sure, that sounds great.01:40
UbuntuFish!graphical disc map | samp01:40
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)01:40
neothecatfor me, on certain boxes, virtualbox runs great, on others, it brings down the whole box to a crawl, but i did not have this probelm in 32 bit01:40
eriscoUbuntuFish, and uninstalling libglib2.0-0 first is no option because it wants to remove the 1.5GB of dependencies01:40
mathewubuntufish: i took another screenshot with facebook, but censored names, so you can see the problem, and frostwires up too01:40
DasEi!brain > UbuntuFish01:40
ubottuUbuntuFish, please see my private message01:40
atomfoxubottu, what file do I need to edit to include programs running during my startup?01:40
ubottuI am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)01:40
atomfoxubottu, thanks01:40
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)01:40
DasEiUbuntuFish: to try , /query ubottu01:40
UbuntuFishok i am going to stop querying ubottu, im sure its annoying everyone01:40
trevorwhat is the command to install kde on top of gnome. i thought it was sudo apt-get install kubuntu-dekstop???01:41
UbuntuFishsorry everyone :(01:41
Samplol alt+f1 > apps > disk usage analyzer01:41
bazhangUbuntuFish, fine to query, just no need to add nonsense factoids01:41
atechzcan anyone gave me a good website for  Pidgin, newbie thanks01:41
UbuntuFishsamp: there is a useful app called graphical disk map in the ubuntu software centre01:41
blakkheimatechz: pidgin.im01:41
mathewubuntufish: its fine, look how many questions i've asked you i took another screenshot with facebook, but censored names, so you can see the problem, and frostwires up too01:41
DasEiUbuntuFish: its alright to learn, but do it in a pm then and READ the info beforehand01:41
UbuntuFishmatew: ok, can  i see a link01:42
bazhangtrevor, yes that is right01:42
trevorit says package not found01:42
mathewubuntufish: http://bit.ly/702k3m01:42
UbuntuFishdasei: lol i didn't know how to do pms01:42
bazhangtrevor, any typo?01:42
trevoralso, how can i install firefox 3.6 on ubuntu 9.10?01:42
UbuntuFishbut i figured it out no worries01:42
Awesome3000./msg ubottu !ubottu01:42
DasEiubuntuUserTom: open trml..01:43
bazhangtrevor, not in the repos, you would need to install yourself from mozilla and it wont be supported here01:43
ubuntuUserTomDasEi: open01:43
DasEiUbuntuFish: /query ubottu01:43
DasEiubuntuUserTom: cd01:43
arguedtrevor: you can just unpack it to your /home and run the firefox file01:43
ubuntuUserTomDasEi: where to?01:43
UbuntuFishmatew: not gonna lie, i think thats a fine font size.  btw do you have like a really huge display?01:43
ZykoticK9trevor, see https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-mozilla-daily/+archive/ppa01:43
afromanhow do I get to sound preferences with oss4?01:44
DasEiubuntuUserTom: just cd, no args01:44
DasEiubuntuUserTom: mount01:44
trevoreh, i will just use chrome01:44
UbuntuFishmatew: in firefox you can change the font size of a webpage by holding down control and scrolling01:44
DasEiubuntuUserTom: where is sda3 mounted ?01:44
arghh2d2chrome +101:44
planet8I have downloaded the Ubuntu-Moblin-Remix image and have tried to put unto my usb drive using "dd if=foo.iso of=/dev/bar", but the usb wont boot. What am I doing wrong?01:44
ubuntuUserTomDasEi: file:///media/72af32b2-f0c5-4599-a477-aa881358114101:44
afromananybody uses oss4??01:45
DasEiubuntuUserTom: sudo chown -R TomOrwahteverusernamehere /media/72af32b2-f0c5-4599-a477-aa881358114101:45
UbuntuFisharghh2d2: chrome ftw its the best!01:45
arghh2d2UbuntuFish: indeed01:46
neothecatyeah, i am loving chrome so much more then firefox and opera.01:46
DasEiubuntuUserTom: replace above with actual used username on that sys01:46
mathewi know that... but the chaat box at the bottom stays th same... and EVERYTHING jumbles01:46
derrtychrome is the shit01:46
ubuntuUserTomDasEi: ok01:46
derrtyeven though it does have a tracker in it01:46
ubottuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.01:46
arghh2d2*nods and grins*01:46
ubuntuUserTomDasEi: Ok, its done. No notifications or anything in the terminal.01:47
=== pauljw_vm is now known as pauljw
UbuntuFishsorry to talk about other users, especially when they are offline, but did anyone else get spammed by this guy called heavenRaiser?01:47
ubuntuUserTomDasEi: used this command - sudo chown -R tom /media/72af32b2-f0c5-4599-a477-aa881358114101:47
mathewi did lol, apperentally he hate blacks01:47
planet8come on people.. dd if of this image http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-moblin-remix/releases/9.10/release/, why doesn't it work?01:47
eriscoUbuntuFish, don't be sorry, and yes01:48
DasEiubuntuUserTom:k,  rsync -P ~  /media/72af32b2-f0c5-4599-a477-aa881358114101:48
iluminator101how do i turn notebook power off in ubuntu -255 something?01:48
arghh2d2UbuntuFish: no, i wish!01:48
mac9416Is there some sort of file selection dialog app that comes with Ubuntu that will return the selected file's path?01:48
JpMaxMancan anyone help me w/ identifying suspicious network traffic on an Ubuntu server?  I need to be able to tell what process is initiating the outgoign connections I am seeing.01:48
iluminator101how do i turn notebook power off in ubuntu -255 something?01:49
UbuntuFishis there any sorta banning type thing?  cuz he was saying all sorts of racist stuff, btw how does this channel stay so "clean"?01:49
Skullcandy23@jpMaxMan try Wireshark01:49
ubuntuUserTomDasEi: rsync -P ~  /media/72af32b2-f0c5-4599-a477-aa8813581141 - Respones: sent 8 bytes  received 12 bytes  40.00 bytes/sec01:49
ubuntuUserTomtotal size is 0  speedup is 0.0001:49
DasEiJpMaxMan: netsta, htop,ethercap btw sniff01:49
=== jra is now known as Apollos
ZykoticK9mac9416, you'd usually use "whereis PROGRAMYOURLOOKINGFOR" in a terminal will tell full path or "which PROG"01:49
web1109I would like to video chat between karmic and windows. What protocol and clients should I choose? Must be free. Must be open source on the linux side.01:49
UbuntuFishlike how do they keep popular channels like this from getting spammed out?01:49
cba123Is it just me, or does there seem not to be a 64bit version of firefox 3.6?01:49
=== Apollos is now known as ChristianHacker
mathewubuntufish: he told me he made a forum that i should join if i hate african americas01:49
mac9416ZykoticK9, thanks for the tip, but this is what I was looking for: http://library.gnome.org/users/zenity/stable/zenity-file-selection-options.html.en  I had no idea Zenity was that flexible.01:50
UbuntuFishweb1109: you could use emesene to do msn chat, thats all i can think of right now01:50
dekkongHello! i'm thinking of getting a usb 100mb wlan card.Is there anywhere I can see what brands ubuntu supports ?01:50
UbuntuFishmatew: let's have a FLAME WAR WITH HIM!!!!  just kidding everyone, lets not have a flame war.01:50
UbuntuFishflame wars suck01:50
DasEiubuntuUserTom:sry, my bad ,  rsync -P -r  /home/tom  /media/72af32b2-f0c5-4599-a477-aa881358114101:50
ultraparadigmI can't seem to run anything with Wine01:50
Picimathew, UbuntuFish: That person has been banned from the network, so lets get back to Ubuntu support.  #ubuntu-offtopic exists for general non-support chatter01:51
ultraparadigmIs Wine supposed to work on 64bit Ubuntu, or does it only work on 32bit Ubuntu with 32bit windows applications?01:51
JpMaxMan@Skullcandy23 can wireshark from a command line tell me what process / program is intitiating the connection?01:51
foormeahi hi01:51
mathewubuntufish: back to the web browser thing i kow you can change font sizes but the chat box at the bottom stays the same... and EVERYTHING jumbles01:51
UbuntuFishpici: they were banned?  that was fast01:51
meganerdJpMaxMan: lsof -i is your friend01:51
DasEiultraparadigm: 64 is fine, too01:51
ubuntuUserTomDasEi: ok, something is happening01:52
web1109UbuntuFish: which among the protocols supported by karmic is the most open AND has a client on windows?01:52
Awesome3000!hi | foormea01:52
ubottufoormea: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!01:52
JpMaxManmeganerd: yes I tried netstat / lsof01:52
ultraparadigmDasEi, Do you know if I can run 32 bit applications with wine in 64bit Ubuntu?01:52
UbuntuFishweb1109: i have no idea, i'll search around a bit01:52
neothecatif i purge pulse from my system, will can i just install also and everything will work automagically.  i do not like pulse, but i do not feeling spending a day fighting to ge sound working01:52
ZykoticK9ultraparadigm, yes01:52
PiciJpMaxMan: did you invoke them with sudo? netstat cannot show all process names unless it is run with sudo.01:52
JpMaxManmeganerd: but I don't think the process is "listening" it just initiates an outgoing connection01:52
ubuntuUserTomDasEi: 61%01:52
UbuntuFishmatew: weird.  how big is your display (like in diagonalinches)01:52
DasEiubuntuUserTom:should copy a bunch of stuff, let it finish, look for any skippings (permission no standard user)01:52
ultraparadigmThanks.  I'm not sure why nothing with run then. :-(01:52
meganerdJpMaxMan: lsof should still pickit up01:52
justin_whats the best dock for xfce?01:53
DasEi!wine | ultraparadigm01:53
ubottuultraparadigm: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu01:53
meganerdJpMaxMan: unless of course your system has a rootkit01:53
ubuntuUserTomDasEi: skipping non-regular file "tom/.Private"01:53
UbuntuFishweb1109: im guessing skype is not what your looking for01:53
web1109UbuntuFish: yeah has to be open source on linux side01:53
JpMaxManmeganerd: hmmm but wouldn't I have to hit it w/ lsof right when the connection is being initiated before it's closed?01:53
iluminator101how do i turn notebook power off in ubuntu -255 something?01:53
DasEiubuntuUserTom:let it finish for now ..01:53
JpMaxManPici: yes, have sudo / root01:54
ubuntuUserTomDasEi: ok, its nearly done I think.01:54
meganerdJpMaxMan: tcpdump is the CLI program you are after, it won't give you process info since none of that data exists in the packet01:54
web1109iluminator101: what is this -22501:54
MindVirusHi. Does anyone know if Banshee has musicbrainz support.01:54
UbuntuFishweb1109:  more ideas, here is a web based solution:  http://tinychat.com/01:54
iluminator101255 i meant01:54
iluminator101web1109 255 i meant01:55
DasEiubuntuUserTom:sudo   rsync -P -r -u   /home/tom  /media/72af32b2-f0c5-4599-a477-aa881358114101:55
iluminator101thats for full power01:55
JpMaxManmeganerd: I'm using darkstat and I can see the network traffic  - I guess what I want is somthing that monitors all processes and reports on any network activity from that process01:55
mathew17'' im pretty sure01:55
DasEiubuntuUserTom:shall take the rest01:55
web1109UbuntuFish: thanks that's flashbased tho, opensource flash on linux kinda sucks01:55
meganerdJpMaxMan: that is what lsof does01:55
ubuntuUserTomDasEi: Its still copying a tone of stuff, ill give you a shout when its done.01:55
UbuntuFishweb1109: yeah i tried it out, it failed01:55
meganerdJpMaxMan: it won't help if you have been rootkitted01:56
ouyeshi everybody , how to adjust the subtitle of smplay so the subtitle is seen in the very bottom of the movie( i mean in the black bar,now it is in the images)01:56
DasEiubuntuUserTom:fine, can see from -P (progress)01:56
DasEi!info rsync01:56
ubottursync (source: rsync): fast remote file copy program (like rcp). In component main, is standard. Version 3.0.6-1ubuntu1 (karmic), package size 341 kB, installed size 704 kB01:56
mathewubuntu fish: 17" im pretty sure01:56
JpMaxManmeganerd: ok, maybe I need to readup on lsof, I was using lsof -i tcp:843301:56
web1109iluminator101: you talking about overclocking/underclocking or something?01:57
UbuntuFishweb1109: how about google chat?01:57
iluminator101harddrive cycle thats what i am talking about01:57
meganerdJpMaxMan: that syntax looks good as long as you are using sudo01:57
* matelot Anyone uses RCS ?01:57
Awesome3000!empathy | web110901:57
ubottuweb1109: Empathy is the default instant messaging and video client for GNOME. Since Karmic, it has been the default client in Ubuntu (replacing Pidgin).01:57
web1109UbuntuFish: i don't know never tried any of them, I don't care for me, it's for parents01:58
UbuntuFishweb1109: just curious why it has to be open source01:58
dudegood monning everyone01:58
web1109UbuntuFish: so it crashes less =]01:59
ubuntuUserTomweb1109: good call01:59
UbuntuFishweb1109: open source doesn't always mean less crashy01:59
JpMaxManmeganerd: yup I am, but the connection will happen in a quick burst - like I'll see an outgoing connection of 120bytes to host-89-107-226-178.dgn.net.tr port 843301:59
web1109Awesome3000: yeah I'm kinda leaning toward e01:59
JpMaxManmeganerd: then it is gone01:59
beenbassinHaving some wine problems. I was trying to install wine 1.2 to install WOW, but now it appears as though I don't have wine, yet under applications there is still a spot for it. When I try sudo apt-get install wine in terminal I get: Some packages could not be installed. This may mean that you have01:59
beenbassinrequested an impossible situation or if you are using the unstable01:59
beenbassindistribution that some required packages have not yet been created01:59
beenbassinor been moved out of Incoming.01:59
beenbassinThe following information may help to resolve the situation:01:59
FloodBot1beenbassin: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:59
web1109Awesome3000: yeah I'm kinda leaning toward empathy, but which protocol should I choose? that has a windows client01:59
beenbassinThe following packages have unmet dependencies:01:59
JpMaxMantmeganerd: this happens about periodically to various international IP / hosts01:59
ubuntuUserTomDasEi: ok its done02:00
zetheroomy firefox in Ubuntu is really using a lot of CPU resources .... why is that?02:00
iluminator101i tried this hdparm -B 255 /dev/sda but its not working02:00
iluminator101can someone please help me02:00
DasEiubuntuUserTom:sudo   rsync -P -r -u   /home/tom  /media/72af32b2-f0c5-4599-a477-aa881358114102:00
ubuntuUserTomDasEi: now performing rsync -P -r -u   /home/tom  /media/72af32b2-f0c5-4599-a477-aa881358114102:00
DasEiubuntuUserTom:shall take the rest02:00
web1109UbuntuFish: also besided crashes, wanna keep the system binary blob free02:00
meganerdJpMaxMan: watch -n1 lsof -i TCP:843302:00
ubuntuUserTomDasEi: ok thats done02:00
ouyeshi does anybody know this  hi everybody , how to adjust the subtitle of smplay so the subtitle is seen in the very bottom of the movie( i mean in the black bar,now it is in the images)02:01
sdwrageHey all02:01
DasEiubuntuUserTom:just to verify ...02:01
sdwrageany good Ubuntu software for streaming videos to my xbox?02:01
bazhangsdwrage, xbmc ?02:01
JpMaxManmeganerd: Aha! I think that's what I was looking for - thank you - I'll keep an eye on it to see if I can find the huckleberry02:01
Awesome3000web1109: see http://telepathy.freedesktop.org/wiki/Protocols%20Support  for protocols supported02:01
DasEiubuntuUserTom:cd /media/72af32b2-f0c5-4599-a477-aa8813581141/Desktop02:01
sdwragebazhang, ill look into that02:01
yester64@sdwrage try pms linux02:01
sdwrageyester64, whats pms linux?02:02
bazhangsdwrage, xboxmediacentre should be a ppa for that02:02
Awesome3000!mediatomb | sdwrage02:02
ubottusdwrage: To stream media to other UPNP aware devices (such as the Xbox, PS3, or iRadio) you need a UPNP server. See !info mediatomb for information regarding the MediaTomb package02:02
web1109Awesome3000: thanks for the nice link02:02
yester64ps3 media manager.. works also for 36002:02
DasEiubuntuUserTom:can you see your old desktop-files in ls ?02:02
yester64very easy to setup02:02
sdwrage!info mediatomb02:02
MindVirusHi. Does anyone know if Banshee has MusicBrainz support?02:02
ubottumediatomb (source: mediatomb): UPnP MediaServer (main package). In component universe, is optional. Version 0.12.0~svn2018-4ubuntu1 (karmic), package size 20 kB, installed size 100 kB02:02
beenbassinTrying to install wine, after having thought I removed it, get the following from terminal after sudo apt-get install : Some packages could not be installed. This may mean that you have requested an impossible situation or if you are using the unstable distribution that some required packages have not yet been created or been moved out of Incoming. The following information may help to resolve the situation: The following packages have unmet dependen02:02
beenbassincies:  wine: Depends: wine1.2 but it is not going to be installed E: Broken packages02:02
sdwrageso ... much... software...02:03
ubuntuUserTomDasEi: umm it dosent exist, but im looking @ nautilius right now (currently viewing the mounted drive) and it has 'tom' and within 'tom it has 'Desktop'02:03
web1109Awesome3000: so it looks like goole talk vs SIP, which has more traction/openness? (<-- is googling)02:03
ubuntuUserTomDasEi: I can CD to Desktop no problems02:03
DasEiubuntuUserTom: and in Desk.. your files, fine then02:04
yester64mediatomb does not transcode i think02:04
UbuntuFishweb1109: empathy has video chat support, you just have to choose the protocol.  tahts all i can think of, srry02:04
ubuntuUserTomDasEi: yes =) thank you for the help!02:04
DasEiubuntuUserTom: still few steps ..02:04
ubuntuUserTomDasEi: oh, fstab and stuff?02:04
DasEiubuntuUserTom: gksudo gedit /etc/fstab02:04
dthmnkHi, I'm having a really strange problem... so far I've only been able to replicate it with Firefox (Ubuntu 9.1/Firefox 3.5)02:04
bazhangMindVirus, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MusicBrainz this says yes02:04
MindVirusbazhang: Do you know how I can enable it?02:05
Awesome3000web1109 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Google_Talk02:05
dthmnkeverytime i open a website with some sort of flash on it, my next keystroke for some reason registers multileple times02:05
DasEiubuntuUserTom: scroll down to a new line, add the line02:05
bazhangMindVirus, not sure, possibly a plugin, dont use banshee myself02:05
dthmnkIE: I open youtube, and I hit ctrl+t for a new tab... like 15 tabs will open02:05
YuXyhttp://www.pastebin.org/80025 - does anyone know what im missing to compile this02:06
DasEi/dev/sda3  /home   ext4  user,auto,rw,exec           0      002:06
dthmnkor I go to type something, and I hit "i", it'll type "i' 15 times02:06
zetheroois it normal for Firefox to be using so much CPU resource?02:06
=== edson is now known as edsoncanto
DasEiubuntuUserTom: saw above ?02:06
MindVirusbazhang: I am trying to find it.02:06
sdwrageyester64, it doesnt?02:06
ubuntuUserTomDasEi: Yes, I have added it.02:06
ubuntuUserTomDasEI: Save?02:06
Awesome3000zetheroo: Firefox can be quite a hog02:06
DasEiubuntuUserTom: save02:06
DasEiubuntuUserTom: close02:07
yester64i tried once and it did not work02:07
ubuntuUserTomDasEi: Ok02:07
SirTopHatI tried to apt-get install libgtk2.0-dev but I saw I had unmet dependencies, so I apt-get build-dep'd it, but that returned this02:07
SirTopHatE: Could not open file /var/lib/apt/lists/packages.freecontrib.org_ubuntu_plf_dists_dapper_free_source_Sources - open (2 No such file or directory)02:07
yester64here is the page for the ps3 app http://code.google.com/p/ps3mediaserver/downloads/list02:07
sdwrageyester64, so wait... you want me to get the PS3 streaming app to use with xbox 360?02:07
DasEiubuntuUserTom: sudo mount -a02:07
zetherooAwesome3000: well yeah ... but this is a bit too much  ... I mean its like I am transcoding video or soemthing02:07
DasEiubuntuUserTom: second02:07
yester64yes, it does work. i use it all the time... it only has basics for the 360 but works02:07
DasEiubuntuUserTom: back to trml02:07
yester64its a java app02:07
ubuntuUserTomDasEi: yes02:07
hiexpofirefox is a hog but once it gets going it works good02:07
UbuntuFishbye everyone i got to go!!02:08
Awesome3000zetheroo how much is it using02:08
DasEiubuntuUserTom: cd    , and close nautilus (/media..) if still open02:08
yester64i tried ushare (did work to 60%) but this works best.02:08
* Awesome3000 is sad to see UbuntuFish go02:08
DasEiubuntuUserTom: sudo umount /dev/sda302:08
zetherooAwesome3000: spikes to over 110%02:08
Awesome3000zetheroo: WHAT02:09
ubuntuUserTomDasEi: umount: /home: device is busy.02:09
ubuntuUserTom        (In some cases useful info about processes that use02:09
ubuntuUserTom         the device is found by lsof(8) or fuser(1))02:09
zetherooAwesome3000: and my CPU then is running at about 65 - 68 degrees Cel02:09
DasEiubuntuUserTom: for work, we should be done now, yes I did the mistake missing sda3 unmount first, well..02:10
dragondongreetings all, looking for some assistance on setting up MythTV....02:10
zetherooAwesome3000: I mean I do have about 15 tabs open ... but still ... nothing with heavy duty multimedia going02:10
Dr_Willisdragondon:  thers the #mythbuntu channel02:10
bisongIs any body here?02:10
dragondoncool, thanks Dr_Willis02:10
zetherooAwesome3000: I think I'll start looking for a lightweight browser ... :)02:10
ubuntuUserTomDasEi: Would a restart fix it?02:10
DasEiubuntuUserTom: situation is you got to reboot, if that gives errors, you can still comment the last line in fstab out (by #), yes, as /home is mounted now02:11
Awesome3000zetheroo: I'd suggest Google Chrome02:11
hiexpoopera is pretty good for light weight02:11
SirTopHatI tried to apt-get install libgtk2.0-dev but I saw I had unmet dependencies, so I apt-get build-dep'd it, but that returned this02:11
SirTopHatE: Could not open file /var/lib/apt/lists/packages.freecontrib.org_ubuntu_plf_dists_dapper_free_source_Sources - open (2 No such file or directory)02:11
ubuntuUserTomDasEi: Ok I will restart now, ill come back and give you a report on how it went. BBS02:11
zetherooAwesome3000: yeah .. thought of that too ... and Opera is nice too02:11
DasEiubuntuUserTom: let me look at your fstab before reboot02:11
zetheroohiexpo: yes02:11
MindVirusDoes anyone know how to use MusicBrainz with Banshee?02:12
SirTopHatis libgtk2 just impossible to have here02:12
bazhangSirTopHat, that repos is long gone I suspect02:12
Awesome3000zetheroo: I'm running opera at the moment02:12
web1109zetheroo: +1 on chrome, i'm on chromium dev ppa, 10x faster then firefox =]02:12
DasEiweb1109: very fast, but on some content still buggy02:13
* kaolbrec can attest to that02:13
web1109DasEi: i saw few bad sites, nothing showstopping, you?02:13
DasEiweb1109: yes, some "freaky flash /w external players f.e. , or stimes black screen02:14
DasEiubuntuUserTom: ah, still alive02:14
myeyespyhow do I install firefox 3.6 release and not a daily build?02:14
web1109DasEi: out of firefox, epiphany(webkit), midory, links2 (lol) i like chrome best, what do you use?02:15
Out_Coldmyeyespy, is there a 3.6.deb?02:15
DasEimyeyespy: look at heir hp for a deb or source02:15
charliebrownanybody know how to get xbox 360 controller working in ubuntu 9+02:15
ubuntuUserTomDasEi: Yeah =P Only error I got was a Space Shortage error lol...in root02:15
DasEiweb1109: depends on purpose02:16
ubuntuUserTomDasEi: But....Home has been enlarged02:16
DasEiweb1109: chrome,ff,opera, epiphany..02:16
ubuntuUserTomDasEi: 85gig now =D I think its just roots a little small?02:16
DasEiubuntuUserTom: open trml02:16
ubuntuUserTomDasEi: ok, opened02:16
DasEiubuntuUserTom: df -h02:17
ubuntuUserTomDasEi: http://pastebin.com/f5537123102:17
web1109DasEi: so um opera is not in standard repos?02:18
DasEiubuntuUserTom: k, short on root is k for now... , I suggest the following ..02:18
f1lt3ri have a REALLY weird apache2 permission error that should not even exist!!!!!02:18
f1lt3rOut_Cold, i have a 3 directories in root...02:19
f1lt3rall with the same permissions02:19
n16h7f0xwhere can i read the changelog for last xorg-core last update?02:19
Out_Coldwhich are>02:19
f1lt3rand the "javascript" directory says @no permission@ in the browser02:20
f1lt3rdrwxr-xr-x 2 f1lt3r f1lt3r02:20
f1lt3rso i have /var/ww/js/, /var/www/javascript/, /var/www/test/02:20
Awesome3000web1109  http://www.opera.com/browser/download/?os=linux-i386&ver=10.10&local=y02:20
f1lt3rand the javascript dir is permission denied02:20
bubba_can anyone help me with an ALSA on karmic question? (card is SB X-FI USB)?02:21
f1lt3rnow... here's where it gets really weird Out_Cold02:21
_schism_evening all02:21
charliebrownubuntu doesn't support xbox 360 wired controller...lame02:21
Awesome3000f1lt3r  do you own all 3 folders02:21
DasEiubuntuUserTom: you still have to delete the old /home, you can do it by (for one reboot) alter fstab back to old status (just put an # in front of last line,reboot) to give the space free to / , but first try not to use any more space in /  to see a day if all went well, before killing old one,  can delete uneeded packages and o course emty trash02:21
f1lt3ryeah i do!02:21
ubottuThe location of Trash has changed since 8.04, it is now located in ~/.local/share/Trash | Looking for the trash in previous versions: ~/.Trash02:21
Awesome3000charliebrown: why do you say that02:21
arghh2d2charliebrown: yeah, totally, ubuntu FAIL02:21
_schism_I have an odd problem.  My server is booting with an odd error about a users dir not being owned by that user. how do I fix that?02:21
charliebrowncuz it doesn't...older kernels do02:22
charliebrownbut not ubuntu 9+02:22
f1lt3r sudo chown f1lt3r www/ -R02:22
arghh2d2charliebrown: yeah man screw progress!02:22
f1lt3rfrom within var02:22
sdwragewhats the command to restart GNOME?02:22
f1lt3rand still 'Forbidden' in localhost/javascript02:22
ubuntuUserTomDasEi: alright, ill see how it goes. Thanks for your help mate, I really appreciate it!02:22
web1109ok so opera is a binary blob, is it on its way out from linux or do people really desire it?02:22
DasEiubuntuUserTom:you now just have about 6 gig for /, but if we delete it know.. its gone forever02:23
Dr_Willisweb1109:  opera is still very popular02:23
YuXyhttp://www.pastebin.org/80025 - does anyone know what im missing to compile this02:23
Out_Coldf1lt3r, let me get this right. It denies you when you try to open in nautilus or web browser?02:23
DasEiweb1109: no, can add an foreign repo for that02:23
f1lt3rweb browser02:23
web1109Dr_Willis: but it can't be forked, extended and so forth.. so it's gonna get surpassed soon no?02:23
DasEisdwrage: sudo gdm restart02:23
Out_Coldf1lt3r, perhaps because the web browser uses a different user to access your folder?02:24
Dr_Willisweb1109:  it hasent in the last few years... so i dont think so.02:24
ubuntuUserTomDasEi: are applications installed by default in the root directory, or one of its supfolders?02:24
f1lt3rwhich user?02:24
Out_Coldf1lt3r, i highly doubt it's root02:24
Dr_Willisweb1109:  opera still does a lot of innovation and other browsers often  take features from it.02:24
f1lt3rwell i have 3 identical builds02:24
Dr_Willisweb1109:  bottom line - use it if you want.. or not. :)02:24
f1lt3rand it is a problem on 202:24
DasEiubuntuUserTom: yes, not in /home  , /usr and its subdirs mainly, also under /02:24
f1lt3rand the only diff with the working one, is that i never uploaded some website i was working on02:25
Out_Coldf1lt3r, i would adjust the permissions to 777 just and keep lowering the permissions till you find out what's up02:25
hardworkrhow can i reset my passwork02:25
charliebrownopera FTW, unfortunately i have codependency issues with firefox extensions...opera is awesome02:25
f1lt3rso i'm guessing that the php fed up something02:25
web1109Dr_Willis: yea i hear about opera innovating here and there, i'll try it out on test machine02:25
f1lt3ri tried 777 already :-/02:25
DasEihardworkr: still on that ??02:25
DasEihardworkr: man passwd02:25
Out_Coldf1lt3r, no access on 777???? that's no good02:25
Newbuntu2I'd like to create a backup shared drive on my network - got two identical 1TB drives, and was planning to do a software raid1. However, I'd like to be able to recover the data if the computer/system drive itself crashes, and easily move the drives. Would it be better to just rsync the drives every few minutes? I don't care for performance...02:25
f1lt3ri know!02:25
Dr_Willisweb1109:  ive rarely had any issues with oprea. i jsut tend to uise firefox.. but google chrome is slowly gaining poplarity with me02:25
ubuntuUserTomDasEi: ok, well its not a problem now because my system is set up with all the Development tools I need...but it might become a problem later down the track, when it does i will probably just reinstall Ubuntu, partitioning it correctly this time.02:26
Out_Coldf1lt3r, maybe try sudo chmod -r 777 /var/www/*02:26
Awesome3000charliebrown: see http://xbmc.org/forum/showthread.php?t=5730402:26
f1lt3rkk trying02:26
usserNewbuntu2, raid is not a backup solution :)02:26
sdwrageDasEi, didnt work02:26
sdwragewasnt there a way with killall?02:27
f1lt3rno that didnt work Out_Cold02:27
Out_Coldf1lt3r, refresh your browser?02:27
f1lt3roh *02:27
f1lt3rone sec02:27
web1109lol i'm getting browser sidetracked... for SIP there are servers which I have to setup and account with?02:27
DasEiubuntuUserTom: nah, have a look now a day or two, then reboot once with "old fstab, delete everything you can from /home, re-alter fstab, reboot, be done02:27
f1lt3rnot sorking with * either02:27
f1lt3rbreaks on every browser02:27
Newbuntu2usser: so would you suggest mounting one drive on the network, and have the other regularly rsyncing? or is there a better way?02:28
f1lt3rfirefox, opera etc02:28
Out_Coldcan you pm me your ls -l /var/www ?02:28
ubuntuUserTomDasEi: ok =D I will do that then.02:28
usserNewbuntu2, rsync works for me. not gonna be hot swappable though. you really need raid+rsync02:28
DasEiubuntuUserTom: gksudo gedit /etc/fstab  , the # in front of line makes it a non-executed comment02:29
hardworkr1yes i need the link again to reset my password i gave up last night02:29
ubuntuUserTomDasEi: alright, ill do that soon then =D02:29
DasEiubuntuUserTom: so you can edit (delete) all the old stuff from home then02:29
DasEihave fun .. and soace02:29
hardworkr1need to know how to reset my password on ubuntu02:29
Newbuntu2usser: that's ok - don't care about hot swappable  - more about being able to unplug the drive and take it with me on trips02:29
hardworkr1does anyone have the link again02:30
Newbuntu2usser: and have a safe backup at home...02:30
DasEisdwrage: what are you trying ?02:30
CVirusHow can I prevent a user from mounting USB disks ?02:30
sdwrageDasEi, to refresh my menu items02:30
sdwrageI used to know how to do it02:30
usserNewbuntu2, yea sure it will work02:30
Dr_Willishardworkr1:  boot to single/rescue mode or live cd.. chroot in, (if needed use  passwd command as needed) Ive never seen a link for a guide02:30
Billiardhardworkr1: use the recovery option from the boot menu, use the "passwd <username>" command02:30
ubuntuUserTomDasEi: where was fstab located again?02:33
helperhey guys! can someone ping for me: , is there any reply? thx02:33
DasEiubuntuUserTom: gksudo gedit /etc/fstab  , the # in front of line makes it a non-executed comment02:33
ubuntuUserTomDasEi: cheers02:33
blakkheims/gksudo gedit/sudo vi02:33
aspiditesubuntuUserTom: /etc/fstabe02:34
Myke1Hey Fellow Ubuntuites :)02:34
usserhelper, scanning...02:34
aspiditesubuntuUserTom: future reference, you can use locate to find a file. "sudo udpatedb && locate file_name02:34
helperusser ?02:34
aspiditeser.. and that should have been /etc/fstab02:34
zetherooMyke1: is that a word? :P02:34
afromanhelper: whose ip is that?02:35
afromanhelper: I got nothing. 100% loss02:35
helperafroman my ip! thx =)02:35
DasEihelper  no response02:35
helperafroman just testing my firewall02:35
Myke1lol just made it up02:35
zetheroohelper: dead02:36
afromanhelper: np. now U know U r safe I guess :). what is ur firewall?02:36
usserhelper, up02:36
blakkheim!u | afroman02:36
ubottuafroman: U is the 21st letter of the modern latin alphabet. Neither 'U' or 'Ur' are words in the English language. Nor are 'R', 'Y', 'l8', 'Ne1' or 'Bcuz'. Mangled English is hard for non-native English speakers. Please see http://geekosophical.net/random/abbreviations/ for more information.02:37
usserhelper, Interesting ports on 135/tcp filtered msrpc02:37
helperusser thx for nmap =)02:37
usserhelper, no problem02:38
=== anaconda_ is now known as Guest85863
hardworkrwho has a link to ubuntu for password help yes i know i keep asking but my lap top kps shutting down02:38
Out_Coldhardworkr, just type passwd in a terminal02:38
aromhelper do you whant to get a openvas scan ?02:39
hardworkrive tried that02:39
afromananybody using oss4?02:39
Out_Coldhardworkr, and what happens?02:39
hardworkrnothing i have a mini dell lap top and its driving me crazy. i need to reset my password someone changed it and wont give it to me02:40
hardworkrhow do i even reboot this crap02:40
foormeahey, does ubuntu generates menus automatically for fluxbox or enlightenment, or does the user have to edit menus manually for these 2 DMs?02:40
Out_Coldoh.... hardworkr then you need to boot off live usb and then as root, adjust the password02:40
Out_Coldfoormea, flux has generated menus02:41
Dr_Willis'someone changed it' makes me wonder what else they may have done.02:41
foormeaOut_Cold: ok, thanks02:41
hardworkrexactly my point02:41
Out_Coldhardworkr, let this be a lesson... don't ever share your password with anyone.....02:41
Dr_Willishardworkr:  sounds like time to do a reinstall then02:41
Out_Coldhardworkr, i agree with Dr_Willis02:42
IdleOnehardworkr: reinstall02:42
hardworkrit was my husband that changed it lol02:42
Out_Coldsafest and fastest way to fix it02:42
Dr_Willistell him to change it back then02:42
Dr_WillisOr hes sleeping on the couch for the next year.02:42
IdleOnehardworkr: lol well then just hit him after he falls asleep02:42
tweaksource foormea - All three of those have menus02:42
DaemonicThe touchpad on my laptop is messed up. About every five to ten minutes I lose the ability to interact with X. I can mouse the cursor but I cannot click. I use and external usb mouse. Is there an easy way to totaly disable the touchpad?02:42
tweaksourceDaemonic, Try tpconfig02:43
Out_ColdDaemonic, you used to be able to disable it in xorg.conf but not sure if that's the way to do now02:43
DaemonicOut_Cold, its not configured in xorg.conf02:43
afromandoes anybody know how to use hdmi for sound with oss4?02:43
DaemonicI checked02:43
blakkheimafroman: why not use alsa?02:44
militantdoes doing an install from usb add files to the stick?  in very large amounts?02:44
Out_Coldmilitant, it shouldn't add any files if you are installing to a hdd02:44
Daemonictweaksource, I only see options to configure the touchpad with tpconfig. I don't see anything about how to disable it entirely.02:44
hardworkrhe doesnt remember what he changed it to02:44
tweaksourcemilitant, Installing FROM usb should add NO files.02:44
hardworkrso now im stuck02:45
militantOut_Cold, hmmm ok.  kuz i did one today on my brother's netbook and now the stick has no free space despite usually having 2gb leftover02:45
fredoslackHow can I get02:45
FunicularGoatAny Gwibber users here?02:45
fredoslackthe small yellow heads on Xchat ?02:45
afromanblakkheim: it didn't work with alsa & ati open driver02:45
fredoslackLike Xchat ' Windows ?02:45
f1lt3rOut_Cold, i restarted.... still wont let me create /var/www/javascript02:45
Dr_Willishardworkr:  youve been told to use a lvie cd to change it.. or reinstall. so good luck I guess..   or slap the guy around till he rembers.02:45
Out_Coldhardworkr, reinstall from scratch or boot off of usb or live cd, then adjust the password from there02:45
blakkheimafroman: ati is the enemy of your freedom02:45
hardworkrok i will try thannks02:45
* Dr_Willis avoides ATI from now on02:45
afromanblakkheim: too bad I can't do much about it... I have a laptop02:46
IdleOnefredoslack: http://xchat.org/faq/#q22402:46
f1lt3rok, so i chowned www/02:46
Out_Coldf1lt3r, is the /var a separate partition??02:46
f1lt3rit then let me create /var/www/javascript/02:46
f1lt3rbut permissino denied in browser02:46
f1lt3rOut_Cold, no same partition02:46
IdleOnefredoslack: not available on xchat for linux02:46
fredoslackIdleOne, << This feature is only available in the official Windows XChat release >>02:47
Out_Coldf1lt3r, chown it to root:f1lt3r???02:47
IdleOnefredoslack: thank goodness I say :)02:47
afromanblakkheim: can U help?02:47
blakkheimafroman: no i can't, ati is very poor in linux02:47
tweaksourcefredoslack, Me too. Silly little yellow heads...02:47
CAPcapwhere can i see what usb devices i have connected?02:47
f1lt3rforbidden in browswer02:47
blakkheimCAPcap: lsusb02:47
Out_ColdCAPcap, in the browser they are usually mounted in /media or /mnt02:48
charliebrownawesome3000: thx for the link, regarding xbox 360 controller, but i'm not sure all of this will make the controller work, or just in xbmc?02:48
DaemonicAll I need is to disable my laptops touchpad entirely. I have googled for hours and cannot find an answer.02:48
Out_Coldf1lt3r, did you restart apache?02:48
CAPcapthanks out_cold02:48
f1lt3ri restarted my whole system02:48
Daemonicxorg.conf doesn't help. tpconfig doesn't help. wtf?02:48
Out_Coldi meant after the latest chown?02:48
IdleOne!touchpad | Daemonic02:49
ubottuDaemonic: For a comprehensive Synaptics Touchpad guide, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticsTouchpad02:49
militanthmmm the usb stick is showing far more used than the files on it (with hiddens shown) account for02:49
f1lt3rstil forbidden02:49
IdleOneDaemonic: that  link should help02:49
loopsDaemonic, on my laptop Fn -> function-key-7  shuts it off02:49
tweaksourceDaemonic, the offending package should be xserver-xorg-input-synaptics02:49
Out_Coldf1lt3r, maybe someone else has an idea... or try /join #apache02:49
CAPcapok my camera (which works sometimes) isnt showing up there02:50
Sorhanevening all02:50
loopsDaemonic, most laptops have a similar keystroke to shut it off02:50
f1lt3rok thanks02:50
Out_Coldoh.. CAPcap you will find that in lsusb if it's mounted02:50
Newbie001:P howdy02:50
DimoutlookGood evening02:50
Daemonicwhen I go to mouse under settings I have "Macintosh mouse button emulation" should that be there? I don't have a mac let alone a mac mouse.02:50
loopsDaemonic, what model laptop do you have?02:51
Sorhanneed some help, not able to browse windows machine on LAN, I can see one of the machines but not the other, can ping both02:51
marcosRzmy opion on ubuntu horrible upgrade system --> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=138743702:51
jiohdiDaemonic: that means one button instead of two or more02:51
Daemonicloops, Vaio VGN-SZ660n02:51
aromI am used too gentoo guess there is no USE flags in ubuntu ?02:51
CAPcapok my camera isnt really connecting... i cant seem to figure it out. cheese isnt recognizing it. it usually does02:52
loopsSorhan, probably misconfigured Samba on the machine you cant see02:52
Dimoutlookdoes anyone have trouble copying files off a usb flash drive02:52
blakkheimarom: nope, just generic, unoptimized, bloated binaries :(02:52
Sorhanloops, neither of them has Samba installed on them02:52
fredoslacktweaksource,  GN02:52
jiohdiDimoutlook: not unless its corrupted02:52
arghh2d2arom: how'd you go from gentoo to ubuntu?02:52
loopsSorhan, ooops, misread02:52
Out_ColdmarcosRz, imo upgrading by a fresh install and remounting old partitions is your best bet...02:52
DJCharlieOk folks, last chance. I have X working on my TV-Out (i810 video), but it's "shaky-looking". My xorg.conf is here: http://pastebin.com/m263b0866 and the results of xrandr --verbose -q is here: http://pastebin.com/m7122b15a - So how do I fix it?02:53
SorhanSamba on this machine, but not on either of the windows machines02:53
mpavelanybody got some experience with Nuxeo?02:53
DimoutlookOk thanks but its a new drive maby bad copy to the flash?02:53
aromblakkheim,  thanks02:53
jiohdiDimoutlook: what can you see on it? anything?02:54
Sorhanany Samba experts?02:54
Johnny_425Whenever I press the Caps Lock key, the light won't come on.02:54
aromarghh2d2, I am now using backtrack4 it is buildt on ubuntu 8.10 but are thinking of try ubuntu02:54
DimoutlookI can see and open files but cant copy to hard drive02:54
kansterHow do I run .exe files?02:54
jiohdiDimoutlook: what kind of error msg?02:54
DJCharlieSorhan: No guarantees, but what's the problem?02:54
mpavelcan anybody help me with some port forwarding stuff please?02:54
Johnny_425kanster: wine02:54
dogmatixMy sound just stopped working, what can I do to troubleshoot?02:55
jiohdikanster: wine02:55
Johnny_425kanster: try the beta version02:55
marcosRzOut_Cold: Like I said02:55
Dimoutlooknone it just stops transfer and light gos out02:55
marcosRzOut_Cold:  clean install shoudn't be a option http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=138743702:55
Johnny_425Whenever I press the Caps Lock key, the light won't come on, please help02:55
marcosRzwe can't talk about stability if we can't safe upgrade :P02:55
SorhanDJ, unable to browse windows machines on LAN, can see 1 machine, but not the other02:55
gdizhello everyone, I have an older dell that I am running ubuntu on.  I plugged it into my TV, and I am trying to watch hulu on it.  Occasionally it will run okay, but often times it will only run a frame or two per second as far as the video.  I don't believe it is a buffer issue because the buffer usually appears full.  I am trying to figure out how to optimize my system for this.  Any suggestions?02:55
arommpavel, There i a great info on portforwarding on intenet02:55
DJCharlieSorhan: Make sure all machines have the same workgroup name.02:56
Johnny_425Whenever I press the Caps Lock key, the light won't come on.02:56
Daemonic~# tpconfig -i02:56
mpavelarom: I need some more specific stuff, I've installed ubuntu server in VirtualBox02:56
DaemonicFound Synaptics Touchpad.02:56
Daemonic~# synclient -l02:56
DaemonicCouldn't find synaptics properties. No synaptics driver loaded?02:56
Out_ColdmarcosRz, agreed but it's the safest and easiest.... not sure if windows allows upgrading from xp>vista>7 without issues02:56
mpavelarom: and I installed Nuxeo on ubuntu02:56
Daemonicwhat the hell is going on here? why is it so god damn difficult to just disable the broken fucking thing. ARGH!!!02:56
marcosRzOut_Cold: oh yeah it does02:56
dogmatixis there a command I can run to see what my sound settings are?02:56
SorhanDJ, the windows machine can browse each other, both see this machine and can browse it, but it's not able to see one, or browse either02:56
marcosRzOut_Cold: By the way my friend upgraded OSX with a click :)02:56
mpavelarom: but I'm required to run Nuxeo at localhost:8080/nuxeo/02:56
marcosRzAll went well and fine02:56
FloodBot1marcosRz: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.02:56
phong_is kubuntu similar to ubuntu?02:56
dogmatixphong_ it's a different interface02:57
jiohdiphong its ubuntu with kde02:57
phong_yeah, but i think i love kubuntu more02:57
loopsphong_, specifically KDE02:57
mpavelarom: however, I access ubuntu on port 8888 through http02:57
phong_kubuntu is nice02:57
dogmatixI can't stand kde personally02:57
mpavelarom: so i don't really know how to get Nuxeo to work02:57
Out_ColdmarcosRz, well go pay for a solid mac friendly OSX :p02:57
DJCharlieSorhan: pastebin.com your /etc/samba/smb.conf please.02:57
mpavelJohnny_425: open terminal, enter "xev"02:57
gdizdogmatix, I am not sure what you are looking for, but I use aumix to control volume settings02:57
SorhanDJ, ok gimme a few on that02:57
marcosRzOut_Cold: the thing is that02:58
dogmatixgdiz, I'm trying to figure out why I suddenly have no sound02:58
marcosRza User Shoudn't even know about clean install02:58
gdizoh...nevermind then02:58
Dimoutlookjust had a suguestion to try the ports in the back of the computer will try that have to sign off to try that02:58
valroscan anyone help set networking up in virtualbox?02:58
Johnny_425mpavel: now what?02:58
marcosRzthats not an option, when we talk about a "Human beings Distro"02:58
jiohdidogmatix: some programs will turn the sound down... aumix is good to see this02:58
arommpavel, do you want to portforward on your wifi router ?02:58
mpavelJohnny_425: press the caps key02:58
Johnny_425mpavel: I did02:58
mpavelarom: i've done that, so it works to connect to the ubuntu server02:58
valrosor give a useful link02:58
phong_i like the kubuntu 'terminal ' console screen, it's looking nice black background02:58
Johnny_425mpavel: the light still won't come on02:59
Out_ColdmarcosRz, well that's what you get when you switch to a free, open source OS.. several issues that need to be fixed, for free....02:59
dogmatixjiohdi, I'll run it and see what happens, but it was so abrupt I can't help but think it's something else02:59
mpavelJohnny_425: you need to take the code of the caps lock key02:59
DaemonicI cant even disable a broken touchpad without having to google for two days. no fucking wonder linux isn't a bigger contender in the market. what a piece of shit.02:59
blakkheimDaemonic: cry more02:59
phong_actually i'm running this linux under my vmware ;)02:59
mpavelJohnny_425: but I don't remember exactly in what file you should make changes, let me look for 2 minutes02:59
bazhangDaemonic, watch the language02:59
phong_i'm a  windows person, but love it   to run under vmware is nice ;)02:59
DJCharlieDaemonic: Linux is good for lots of things, but the support is decidedly lacking.02:59
Johnny_425mpavel: okay02:59
DaemonicI am02:59
Daemonictrust me02:59
fredoslackvery lacking yes :(03:00
SorhanDJ, http://pastebin.com/d1313db2703:00
marcosRzOut_Cold: so thats why I'm proposing a trying to help ppl with this horrible situation03:00
mpavelarom: but within ubuntu server I have tomcat running Nuxeo Document Management, which I have to run at http://localhost:8080/nuxeo/03:00
dogmatixyeah aumix isn't the answer03:00
fredoslacki think that ther will be a "sendback" system03:00
buttons840is flash 10 in the repos?03:00
fredoslackwith 10.04 or 10.1003:00
phong_is it a good idea to run linux under vmware ?03:01
DJCharlieSorhan: First thing i see is that you haven't set a workgroup. You need to MAKE SURE all systems you're sharing with have that set.03:01
mpavelJohnny_425: what's the keycode for your caps lock key when you press it?03:01
dogmatixI wonder if an update broke something...03:01
phong_that way i can run 5 OSes at once.03:01
Johnny_425mpavel: 429496721603:01
aspiditeswho needs 5 os's at once?03:01
SorhanDJ, best way to set it in Samba's cfg03:01
valrosseriously has anyone got internet working in virtualbox?03:01
fredoslackwhere on pourra faire des bugs ' rapports03:01
tweaksourcephong_, Better to have a linux host and run the others in vmware.03:01
kansterIs Xubuntu supposed to not run .EXE files because it's designed for Linux?03:01
dogmatixvalros, yeah I have03:01
fredoslacksorry for my english03:01
valroswith NAT?03:01
phong_hahah tweaksource, unfortuately , i have it windows as a host... ;)03:01
dogmatixvalros, oh, sorry thought you were talking about in general03:02
aspiditeskanster: erm.. exe is windows only. can run a lot of them if you have wine installed though03:02
jiohdikanster: xubuntu is just ubuntu with Xfce you can run it under wine03:02
Johnny_425kanster: yes03:02
mpavelJohnny_425: that doesn't look right, when you run xev, you should see "keycode: xx" which will change for every key03:02
tweaksourcekanster, .exe's are Windows binary executables. No, the don't natively execute in Xubuntu03:02
rwwubottu: bugs | fredoslack03:02
ubottufredoslack: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs - Bugs in/wishes for the IRC bots (not Ubuntu) can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots03:02
DJCharlieSorhan: Edit the smb.conf and change the line that says workgroup = workgroup to whatever your Win machines are set to.03:02
fredoslackrww,  thanks you :)03:02
fredoslackit's not really a bug, just a suggestion03:02
phong_oh my god, there is xubuntu?03:02
rwwubottu: brainstorm | fredoslack03:03
ubottufredoslack: Post your ideas for Ubuntu at http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com and vote for the ones you like!03:03
phong_darm it03:03
fredoslackune amélioration *03:03
dogmatixhaha yeah03:03
aspiditesare people finding vmware more stable than virtualbox or what?03:03
phong_how man ubuntu out there?03:03
Sorhanok ... let's see if i can find that  ;)03:03
phong_dubuntu ?03:03
dogmatixtechnically linux mint is ubuntu03:03
rwwfredoslack: There's also a French-language channel at #ubuntu-fr that might be helpful :)03:03
phong_mubuntu too ?03:03
dogmatixbuilt on it03:03
fredoslackokkk tks for the link03:03
Johnny_425mpavel: 3603:03
nomnexhow do I remove all the *~ in /home and its sub dirs? user@pc:~$ rm -r *~?03:03
jiohdiphong_: Xfce is similar to gnome but does not have as many features... tends to be lighter on the cpu03:03
phong_edubuntu i see that also03:03
* fredoslack is posting03:04
aspiditesnomnex: rm -r ./*~03:04
jiohdiphong there is also UNR for netbooks03:04
phong_why are there so many version of it03:04
nomnexaspidites, thanks03:04
Out_ColdmarcosRz, not to diss your thread, but maybe you should put that in the brainstorm area instead of the forums... or both03:04
phong_i myself have use ubuntu, and kubuntu03:04
aspiditesnomnex: assuming you are in home that is. if not, rm -r ~/*~03:04
aspiditesnomnex: scratch that03:04
phong_which one is the main one? ubuntu ???03:04
fredoslackphong_,  KDE 4.4 will be nice, i think03:05
nomnexaspidites, I am, what's the "/"?03:05
fredoslackmuch more than 3.5 / 3.403:05
aspiditesnomnex: actually, no that was right ==> rm -r ~/*~03:05
fredoslackand than 4.3 :p03:05
mpavelcan anyone give me a hand with some port forwarding stuff?03:05
phong_how do  i know my version?03:05
aspiditesnomnex: the ~ is the same as $HOME03:05
phong_uname -r  ?03:05
nomnexaspidites, I see , thanks03:05
fredoslackphong_,  kde > help,03:05
fredoslackor similar03:05
phong_mine said: 2.6.31-17-generic03:06
Out_Coldmpavel, what is the device you are trying to forward on??03:06
fredoslackhelp, about, etc03:06
fredoslackphong_,  you have Ubuntu 9.10 ?03:06
Flannelphong_: lsb_release -a03:06
fredoslackKubuntu *03:06
phong_i use kubuntu03:06
phong_but i also have ubuntu03:06
DJCharlieSorhan: You also have no drives / directories shared.03:07
fredoslackphong_,  9.10 ?03:07
phong_Distributor ID: Ubuntu03:07
phong_Description:    Ubuntu 9.1003:07
phong_Release:        9.1003:07
phong_Codename:       karmic03:07
aspiditesall these different spins make my head hurt03:07
FloodBot1phong_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.03:07
fredoslackphong_,  you have KDE 4.3.?03:07
Out_Coldmpavel, what is the device you are trying to forward on??03:07
jiohdiphong, there is ldxe xfce openbox gnome and kde flavors and more :)03:07
fredoslacki thinks03:07
mobhey all ;] i got sound now .. but volumes really low in totem .. sliders @ max03:07
phong_how would i know?03:07
mpavelOut_Cold: the situation is more complex: i have ubuntu server running in virtual box, with port forwardin set up in my router for port 8888, and virtual box forwarding port 8888 as port 80 to ubuntu03:07
fredoslackphong_,  kde > help03:07
SorhanDJ, there should be, it's shared off the desktop, able to browse from other machine03:07
mpavelOut_Cold: but I installed Nuxeo Document Management and in order to access it I have to run http://localhost:8080/nuxeo/03:07
fredoslackhelp, and About if existe03:08
aspiditesmob: what shows in terminal? with alsamixer?03:08
Roastedhey guys03:08
mpavelOut_Cold: now I don't really know how to get that done ...03:08
DJCharlieSorhan: If you had anything shared, it'd be in the smb.conf03:08
phong_Version 4.3.2 (KDE 4.3.2)03:08
Roastedis there a way I can change the UUID of a hard drive besides reformatting it?03:08
fredoslackphong_,  ok03:08
Sorhanweird ... I do have a folder shared and browse-able ...03:08
phong_fredoslack should i stick with ubuntu ?03:08
phong_plain ubuntu03:08
fredoslackphong_,  4.4 should be better :}03:08
DJCharlieSorhan: Locally, maybe. But not cross-systems03:08
westmii've gotten updates for the last 3 days running03:08
fredoslackphong_,  a love Gnome,03:08
fredoslackit's very fonctionnel03:09
fredoslackbut KDE is beautiful ...03:09
westmiis anyone else getting updates frequently lately?03:09
rwwRoasted: try the second post of http://nixcraft.com/shell-scripting/948-change-uuid-ext3-partition.html , perhaps03:09
fredoslackit is a choice :)03:09
SorhanDJ, regardless, i'm more worried about being able to access files on my windows system, not it being able to access this machine03:09
phong_how do i update to 4.4 ?03:10
aspiditesSorhan: ntfs fat or what?03:10
DJCharlieSorhan: Sharing from Windows to Ubuntu is always a pain. Just a sec, I'll find you a link.03:10
mobterminal ??03:10
Sorhanaspi, the drives i want to browse should all be NTFS03:10
Roastedrww - thanks bro. Right when you responded I found on the ubuntu forums a command that was said to work. I already ran it and it works.... sudo tune2fs -U random /dev/sdX03:10
* mob ubernoob03:10
f1lt3rOut_Cold, i uninstalled apache2 and reinstalled. Still no dice!03:10
fredoslackphong_,  with aptitude i don't know. But i think that Ubuntu 10.04 alpha 203:10
fredoslackhas got KDE 4.4 alpha03:10
westmi"Importaint Security Updates"03:11
phong_Version 4.3.2 (KDE 4.3.2)03:11
DJCharlieSorhan: http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/how-to-mount-remote-windows-partition-windows-share-under-linux.html - There you go, step by step.03:11
phong_that is what i have03:11
f1lt3ranyone here running karmic?03:11
phong_but they have 4.4 RC103:11
phong_how would i upgrade?03:11
elitecoderI'm looking for someone who's gotten L2TP/IPSec working on ubuntu. Any help? I've spent probably 6 or more hours on this and can't get a VPN working.03:11
f1lt3rCan someone try something for me in karmic with apache2 installed?03:11
f1lt3rI'm getting a weird error, i want to see if apache2 on karmic is broken.03:11
phong_4.4 rc1 is not available for download yet ?03:12
aspiditesfilip: what's the error?03:12
Sorhan'preciate it DJ, now if i can just save the modified smb.conf file03:12
fredoslackphong_,  i don't know how upgrade since 4.3 to 4.4RC sorry03:12
cyberjorgeHi , I need to change filenames automatically. Just need to put random numbers in the beginning of each filename to shuffle my music list in my mp3 player. How I do this automatically?03:12
phong_oh okay03:12
DJCharlieSorhan, it's easy. sudo nano /etc/samba/smb.conf03:12
f1lt3rCan anyone here help me with a karmic apache2 problem?03:12
dabukalami'm having a problem with installing lucid beta software on a jaunty server. Anyone experienced with repositories and sources?03:12
SorhanDJ, no it's telling me i don't have rights to save the file03:13
westmiis anyone else getting updates frequently lately?03:13
fredoslackphong_,  you can too download Kubuntu Alpha 2  10.04  :)03:13
westmii've gotten updates for the last 3 days running03:13
DJCharlieSorhan: Open a terminal, and type sudo nano /etc/samba/smb.conf03:13
westmi"Importaint Security Updates"03:13
soreaumob: Open a terminal in Applications>Accessories>Terminal and type 'alsamixer' without quotes then press enter. There you can move the sliders with your arrow keys and toggle tracks on/off with 'm'03:13
fredoslackit's ce que je vais do tomorrow03:14
DJCharlieSorhan: That will let you edit the smb.conf03:14
fredoslacki will download and install 10.04 tomorrow *03:14
f1lt3rWhy can Karmic apache2 not server from a directory called /javascript/ ?03:14
=== Hackwar1 is now known as Hackwar
fredoslacksorry for my poor english03:14
killmehi i need to know if there is any way to get a flv converter to an avi format to play the same quality in unbuntu 9.04 need help iv been trying most Linux post and still no luck iv got win-ff but the quality is blurred03:14
Sorhanahhh ... i see now ... said the blind man03:15
sekyourboxcan anyone here get onto hulu?03:15
sekyourboxwith 80403:15
killmei can03:15
phong_4.4 is not available yet03:15
dabukalami'm having a problem with installing lucid beta software on a jaunty server. Anyone experienced with repositories and sources?03:15
elitecoderI'm looking for someone who's gotten L2TP/IPSec working on ubuntu. Any help? I've spent probably 6 or more hours on this and can't get a VPN working.03:15
aspiditeskillme: try ffmpeg03:16
bazhangdabukalam, #ubuntu+1 for lucid03:16
Billiardkillme, i use ffmpeg03:16
fredoslackphong_,  my further is 70' old03:16
aspiditesBilliard: I beat you :)03:16
IdleOnedabukalam: if you can't handle repositories then perhaps an alpha release is not for you. more support in #ubuntu+103:16
fredoslacki have iinstalled Ubuntu on his portable03:16
sekyourboxkillme, hulu keeps telling me to install the new flash03:16
=== j_ack-1 is now known as j_ack
aspiditeskillme: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=98962003:16
dabukalambazhang: it's not lucid, it's jaunty, it's just a lucid package and dependencies03:16
fredoslackhe love :)03:16
phong_i want to try xubunto is it any diff from ubuntu ?03:16
sekyourboxI just installed the latest flash03:16
dabukalambazhang: does that still belong in ubuntu+1?03:16
aspiditesphong_: uses xfce instead of gnome03:16
fredoslackphong_,  more light03:17
phong_what is it03:17
bazhangdabukalam, that ios not supported and will break things03:17
fredoslackbut very similar03:17
phong_where to get it03:17
killmeok where can i go to get ffmpeg ?03:17
Dimoutlookflash drive works perfectly in the ports off the motherbord but not the case03:17
aspiditesphong_: google much?03:17
Billiardkillme: package manager03:17
dabukalambazhang: it's not the OS, it's just a package03:17
phong_okay i got it03:17
bazhangdabukalam, does not matter03:17
IdleOne!google | aspidites03:17
ubottuaspidites: While Google is useful for helpers, many newer users don't have the google-fu yet. Please don't tell people to "google it" when they ask a question.03:17
fredoslackphong_,  xfce is great, you will see03:17
killmecool thank you03:17
bazhangphong_, install xubuntu-desktop03:17
sekyourboxwhats wrong with mencoder?03:17
fredoslackit is a "small gnome"  hih i03:18
fredoslackhi hi03:18
phong_xfce is like a theme for linux desktop, is that right?03:18
fredoslackmore than a theme03:18
jiohdiphong, much like gnome03:18
phong_bazhang, why install xubuntu ??/what is the advantage ?03:18
bazhangphong_, not quite, it is a desktop environment much like KDE or gnome03:18
fredoslackan environnement03:18
killmeyou install the correct one03:19
aspiditesIdleOne: understood, but "xubuntu" isn't much google foo. he does have ubuntu already afterall03:19
jiohdiphong, only its lighter in some ways when it comes to cpu load... and has less graphic capabilities03:19
bazhangphong_, what version of ubuntu are you using03:19
developeranyone here with a solution for remote desktop connectivity03:19
phong_i'm currently use kubuntu03:19
IdleOneaspidites: Still, please don't tell people to google it.03:19
phong_i'm currently use kubuntu 9.1003:19
jiohdiphong xfce is better on older slower computers03:19
bazhangphong_, no, I mean number03:19
phong_i have intel i7 92003:19
blakkheimxubuntu is still very bloated03:19
bazhangphong_, then you can also try lubuntu-desktop03:19
phong_it's fast man03:19
phong_oh my god03:20
phong_how many ubuntu are out theer?03:20
phong_is it like from a to z03:20
blakkheimprobably over 900003:20
bazhangaspidites, yes03:20
sekyourboxI have a question.. Why doesn't hulu work???03:20
Billiardsekyourbox: what method did you use to install flash?03:20
killmetoo many03:20
aspiditessekyourbox: kinda vague. would need to know what symptoms you are experiencing. do you get a particular error message??03:20
fredoslackthere is Fluxbuntu too ^^03:20
jiohdisekyourbox: it works, but its very cpu intensive and can crash systems with low memory03:20
killmei realy dont know03:21
phong_let me see my god u make me sick now03:21
* wiretapped uses rubuntu03:21
jiohdiwiretapped: that is one I have only vaguely heard about... whats its catch?03:22
phong_ok since u guys has experience, which kind of ubuntu should i install now?03:22
phong_please give me a good answer.03:22
canthus13wiretapped: Blah. ratpoison is TOO stripped down. wmii on my low-spec machine.03:22
jiohdiphong depends on what your machine can handle and what you want it to look like and do03:22
aspidites65 ubuntu based distros03:22
fredoslackphong_,  ça dépend de tes besoins (merci de me traduire)03:22
sekyourboxI used this method to install the new flash.  Went to the vendors website, downloaded the .deb for 804+ installed, aptitude, and apt-get update (just because) and rebooted the machine.  cleared the cache on firefox, and hulu still says i need to upgrade.. Thanks in advance03:22
phong_my machine can handle anythings03:22
canthus13phong_: If you're not sure, go with plain-jane ubuntu.03:22
aspiditesas per distrowatch: http://distrowatch.com/search.php?category=All&origin=All&basedon=Ubuntu&desktop=All&architecture=All&status=Active03:22
fredoslackit's depend of your needs *03:22
canthus13phong_: Just get the ubuntu CD and go for it.03:23
phong_the plain version03:23
fredoslackphong_,  Xfce or Fluxbox or Ion3 (huhu) for a old computer03:23
Billiardsekyourbox: try installing flashplugin-nonfree from the package manager03:23
phong_ok if i install ubuntu 9.10 and can i get the xfce to work on it?03:23
DJCharlieI have X working on my TV-Out (i810 video), but it's "shaky-looking". My xorg.conf is here: http://pastebin.com/m263b0866 and the results of xrandr --verbose -q is here: http://pastebin.com/m7122b15a - So how do I fix it?03:23
canthus13phong_: After working with it for a while you can either tweak it to suit your needs or have a better idea of what you really want to use.03:23
canthus13phong_: Sure.03:23
phong_ok i go with plain one03:24
bazhangphong_, that is ubuntu-desktop , you want xubuntu-desktop for xfce403:24
phong_then keep on building it nice ;)03:24
canthus13phong_: Once it's installed, you can install xfce, then switch to it at the login screen.03:24
jiohdiphong, sure, you can even make extra user accounts and run each of them ... one account for xfce one for kde one for gnome etc03:24
elitecoderI'm looking for someone who's gotten L2TP/IPSec working on ubuntu. Any help? I've spent probably 6 or more hours on this and can't get a VPN working.03:24
phong_is xfce free?03:24
canthus13jiohdi: Or just use the same user account for each.03:24
fredoslackaptitude install xubuntu-desktop03:24
Billiardphong_: yes03:24
phong_i'll install bye03:24
canthus13phong_: There's nothing at all in the repos that you have to pay for.03:24
jiohdicanthus, you can do that too :)03:24
fredoslackor apt-get03:24
canthus13jiohdi: Less confusing that way.03:25
aspiditessudo apt-get/install that is03:25
aspiditesunless you're lready root03:25
sekyourboxBilliard, flashplugin-nonfree is already the newest version.03:25
sekyourbox0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.03:25
jiohdicanthus13: for who :)03:25
canthus13aspidites: Shouldn't already be root.03:25
developeranybody with a solution for remote desktop connectivity03:25
aspiditescanthus13: just saying.03:25
aspiditesdeveloper: from what platform to what platform? linux to windows?03:26
canthus13aspidites: *shrug* we don't support running as root in here.03:26
jiohdisekyourbox: its the newest for your distribution but you dont have 9.10 right?03:26
developeraspidites: yes03:26
youshiiHello is it possible that one could make a other operating system usb bootable than ubuntu by using the usb startup Disk Creator?03:26
Billiardsekyourbox: which version of flash does firefox say you have? type "about:plugins" into addressbar03:26
sekyourboxJiohdi, 9.10 is on my laptop03:26
developeraspidites: or even linux to linux03:26
canthus13developer: VNC is the easiest.03:26
aspiditescon-man: wasn't trying to advocate, just a blanket disclaimer03:26
jiohdisekyourbox: is that the one that will not run hulu?03:26
=== test is now known as testink
developeraspidites: the problem is that the machines are on different network and behind NAT03:27
developercanthus13:  the problem is that the machines are on different network and behind NAT03:27
aspiditesdeveloper: vnc viewer?03:27
elitecodero prease03:27
canthus13developer: You're gonna run into issues with pretty much anything in that situation.03:27
testinkanyone here know how to help with ndiswrapper?03:27
aspiditesdeveloper: do you simply need remote access or do you need remote desktop?03:28
sekyourboxjiohdi, sorry 804 is the one im having issues with, havent tried on 910 yet.03:28
sekyourboxShockwave Flash 9.0 r26003:28
developeraspidites: vnc can work of course work...but how to connect to machines behind NAT03:28
canthus13developer: If you can explicitly forward a higher port to the machine in question, you can do it.03:28
MoeGreeni have used ndiswrapper.03:28
developeraspidites: i want remote desktop03:28
MoeGreenare you trying to get wireless to work?03:28
youshiiHello is it possible that one could make a other operating system usb bootable than ubuntu by using the usb startup Disk Creator?03:28
jiohdisekyourbox: you have the newest for your distribution not the newest in existance and that is the problem03:28
Billiarddeveloper: is port forwarding an option?03:28
LearningUbunutuAny idea on how to get Matrox G400/G450 dual head card to support two monitors?03:28
canthus13developer: Do you have access to the routers?03:28
developercanthus13: any help/resources which i can use??03:29
canthus13developer: Or access to the net admin and a couple of six-packs?03:29
developercanthus13: yes...have routers and has public IP. but not static03:29
sekyourboxjiohdi, other people here are watching hulu on 804 right?03:29
jiohdisekyourbox: not sure... but you likely cannot even watch it on firefox right?03:29
jony123I need to apt-get some linux-headers.  it tells me to sudo aptitude install linux-headers-@(uname -r)03:29
jony123But that failed^03:30
aspiditesdeveloper: http://www.realvnc.com/pipermail/vnc-list/2002-July/031855.html03:30
canthus13developer: Don't need a static.  You just need to be able to forward ports.  You would need a way to get the IP when it changes, tho.03:30
sekyourboxI cannot03:30
canthus13developer: Maybe a cron job to grab the external IP at 6 hour intervals and then email it to you.03:30
jiohdisekyourbox: I think that is the problem then, because it likely needs flash 10 and 804 does not support it03:30
developercanthus13: ya...i think the dynamic dns facility is avaialble forfree03:30
canthus13developer: dyndns would also work, if you prefer the simple route. :)03:30
sekyourboxor 810 rather?03:30
jiohdisekyourbox: you probabaly need at least 90403:31
developercanthus13: but the problem is that i dont know the concept behind port forwarding03:31
sekyourboxwho here is running 8x for ubuntu??03:31
developercanthus13: and after all  where do we specify the port options in VNC Viewer??03:32
DJCharlieAnyone? I have X working on my TV-Out (i810 video), but it's "shaky-looking". My xorg.conf is here: http://pastebin.com/m263b0866 and the results of xrandr --verbose -q is here: http://pastebin.com/m7122b15a - So how do I fix it?03:32
developercanthus13: ya...dyndns03:32
canthus13developer: You just pick a port, say above 10000. (Nothing below 1065 for sure, as those are assigned to services).  Log into the router, tell it to forward the port to the machine in question.03:32
youshiiHello is it possible that one could make a other operating system usb bootable than ubuntu by using the usb startup Disk Creator?03:32
jiohdisekyourbox: I am guessing just you :)03:32
canthus13developer: Have the VNC server on machine listen on the port you are forwarding to.03:32
sekyourboxreally? wowy03:32
canthus13developer: As far as the viewer, there should be a configuration option to specify the port you want to use.03:33
=== zz_Chazz is now known as Chazz
developercanthus13: but i couldnt find much configuration options related to vnc...i think everything will be command line03:33
canthus13developer: This is all theory. I don't use it. I'm happy using the command line for all my needs.03:33
jiohdiyoushii, very likely if you are good at editing grub...03:33
canthus13developer: I believe tightvnc is available and has a server with a gui. lemme look.03:34
developercanthus13: k..thanks in advance03:34
=== Mowee`Bnc is now known as Mowee
verb3kis there a way to install forefox 3.6 on karmic?03:34
blakkheimverb3k: compile it03:34
Ari_Lazarus!ubuntuzilla | verb3k03:35
aspiditesjony123: replace the @ with $03:35
canthus13developer: Here's some relevant info.  http://www.tightvnc.com/faq.php03:35
canthus13developer: and I think tightvnc is in the repos...03:35
aspiditesjony123: sudo aptitude install linux-headers-$(uname -r)03:35
developercanthus13: k..let me see03:35
canthus13Hmm. maybe not.03:35
developercanthus13: but i heard that vnc needs a faster connection..isnt it??03:35
MoeGreenhey guys...i want to be able to view live video or snapshots from my web cam remotely...whats a good app to get me started?03:36
canthus13developer: more info for a server:  http://www.davelachapelle.ca/guides/ubuntu-tightvnc-server/03:36
verb3kMoeGreen, you mean live streaming on the internet?03:36
aspiditescan't you stream video with vlc?03:36
developercanthus13: have you ever tried Team Viewer for windows....i am expecting functionality same as that software03:36
aspiditesor you mean to host the feed online?03:36
Loshaverb3k: http://www.mozilla.com/en-US/ but you'll have to spell it correctly...03:36
canthus13developer: It's not too bad if you have ~384k for upload speeds.03:36
canthus13developer: never used it.  Tightvnc gives you a window with the desktop of the server inside.03:37
verb3kLosha, thanks for your tremendous help03:37
MoeGreenya some kind of program that will connect to my ftp and give me live feed or snapshots every hour.03:37
developercanthus13: k..thats what i need03:37
verb3kMoeGreen, even if it's advanced and difficult to set? you have no problem with that?03:37
* canthus13 prefers go2assist for streaming connections, but there's no linux version, unfortunatly. :( It works great even at 150k.03:37
developercanthus13: so the first thing is that i should learn port forwarding...isnt it03:38
canthus13developer: It's not too hard on most routers.03:38
canthus13developer: Are you behind a regular consumer-grade router?03:38
aspiditesMoeGreen: http://alternativeto.net/desktop/gotoassist/03:38
verb3kMoeGreen, http://blog.devinrkennedy.com/2009/10/live-screencasting-using-ffmpeg.html, it's talking about screencasting, but the principle is similar03:38
developercanthus13: actually...we have ADSL Router03:38
canthus13developer: Then yes.03:38
canthus13developer: If you can get into the configuration, there should be a section for port forwarding.03:39
MoeGreenthx ill check it out.03:39
aspiditesMoeGreen: then again, that might just  be remote access to the computer..hmmm03:39
canthus13developer: On most routers, it's pretty self-explanatory.03:39
developercanthus13: and the thing is that the public ip is on the routers interface03:39
developercanthus13: yas there is a section for portforwarding03:39
canthus13developer: If you're on a machine behind the router, you can go to ipchicken.com and get the public IP.03:39
aspiditesMoeGreen: just a sec. might have found something03:40
elitecoderWhat's the name of the 9.10 release?03:40
blakkheimor just $ curl whatismyip.org && echo03:40
elitecoderor something else..03:40
verb3kKarmic Koala03:40
ubuntuUserTomCan any body tell me how I can delete my home directory, its my 'old' one that I don't need any more (re-synced it onto another partition) atm I am re-downloading ubuntu so i can use the USB to do it but is there any other way?03:40
developercanthus13: another thing is that the router is connected to a server and the local lan is connected to the server via a switch03:40
elitecoderthank you03:40
Anacranomelitecoder: karmic03:41
aspiditesMoeGreen: meh. nevermind. assorted stuff i never heard of. sorry03:41
elitecoderthanks again :]03:41
verb3kelitecoder, you're welcome03:41
developercanthus13: and the server has two network card and there is internal routing done within that server03:42
developercanthus13: i think all these things will make complications ....:(03:42
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airliaAnyone want to help me out? I'm running Ubuntu 9.10 and it keeps freezing every 10 or so minutes.03:42
canthus13developer: Maybe.  so.. all traffic goes through the server?03:42
LLStarkshi. how do i prevent synaptic from stealing focus?03:43
developercanthus13: yes..alll trafic goes through the server03:43
scunizideveloper: so why have a router if you're using the server as one?03:43
Drekiairlia, you just installed ubuntu?03:43
canthus13developer: Give it a shot.. the worst that can happen is it won't work and you'll have to figure out how to get the server to forward the traffic on.03:43
airliaI'm an ubuntu noob, but I've been running 9.10 for a month or so now.03:43
airliaThe freezing has always been there, it's just gotten a lot worse recently.03:44
canthus13developer: Is the server transparent to the network? Or is it the default gateway?03:44
aspiditesairlia: comfortable with a terminal?03:44
airliaA bit.03:44
developercanthus13: server is the default gateway03:44
aspiditesairlia: pastebin top command for me please.03:44
canthus13developer: Then it might not work without a little tweaking to the server.03:44
scunizi!ics | developer - I came in late adn didn't get it all.. maybe this will help03:44
ubottudeveloper - I came in late adn didn't get it all.. maybe this will help: If you want to share the internet connection of your ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetConnectionSharing - You may also use !firestarter: http://www.fs-security.com/docs/connection-sharing.php03:44
developerscunizi: the router is actually ADSL router...which provides iternet03:45
kalakupuaUbuntu Rocks!03:45
julio_How Can i connect to Ubuntu Brazil here?03:45
Trekjulio_, is there an Ubuntu Brazil IRC channel?03:45
bazhangjulio_, /j #ubuntu-br03:45
canthus13julio_: #ubuntu-br03:45
Trekthats a yes :P03:45
bazhangnp :)03:45
scunizideveloper: ah.. just went through that with a business..03:45
daddysmurfcurrently, at home I run ubuntu on my server. At work, we use CentOS (de-branded redhat). I need a test environment to learn to write rpm's. I cannot use work boxes (yet) because, I'm just learning the sys admin part, and we can't spare the boxes at the moment. I have a few options that I see. I can reformat with fedora (or some other rpm-based distro), I can use xen and para-virtualize an rpm-based distro (my preference), or I can 03:45
sekyourboxhoq do I force firefox to use instead of Shockwave Flash 9.0 r260?03:46
kalakupuaAnyone interested in a IDN? www.sɹǝʞɔɐɥ.com03:46
scunizidaddysmurf: use virtualbox.. easier and faster to setup..03:46
bazhangkalakupua, that is offtopic here dont paste in this channel03:46
daddysmurfscunizi: no gui03:46
aspiditesairlia: when you say freezing do you mean all around or only certain programs?03:47
kalakupuaI can answer ubuntu questions too03:47
scunizidaddysmurf: it will run headless.. or gui-less03:47
daddysmurfscunizi: oh?03:47
airliaAll around. Complete kernal failure. Caps lock doesn't even light up.03:47
developercanthus13: i think the things will be easy if i have the public IP for the server isnt it??03:47
developercanthus13: i mean the ppoe mode03:47
daddysmurfscunizi: completely, or after it's setup?03:47
airliaCan't ctrl+alt f1 for a shell either.03:47
scunizidaddysmurf: but not the version in the repos.. just the version from their site.. they have a repo for ubuntu03:47
Zilu54is there any ubuntu game IRCs?03:47
aspiditesairlia: pastebin cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf03:47
scunizidaddysmurf: completely03:47
Zilu54is there any ubuntu game IRCs?03:47
sdwrageHow does one restart their GNOME desktop? I need a few menu items that I installed to show up03:47
daddysmurfscunizi: you may have just solved my entire issue03:48
=== bobwhoops is now known as eplots
snuxollsdwrage: you just need to restare your panel03:48
scunizisdwrage: sudo service gdm restart03:48
scunizidaddysmurf: :)03:48
julio_Hi people. I can't configure Kismet here in Ubuntu, People say that using BackTrack we don't even have to configure Kismet, is it true??03:48
snuxollsdwrage: hit alt-f2 and type in: pkill gnome-panel03:48
blakkheimjulio_: no03:48
sekyourboxhoq do I force firefox to use instead of Shockwave Flash 9.0 r260?03:48
sekyourboxnot sure if it went through03:48
airliaNo such file or directory when i run the command cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf03:49
julio_blakkheim So even in Back Track I gotta edit kismet.conf, is it?03:49
blakkheimjulio_: yes03:49
scuniziairlia: nope.. not on the latest releases.. xrandr controls video setup03:49
daddysmurfsekyourbox: uninstall 9.0, figure out what it's failing to see?03:49
aspiditesairlia: hmm..may be somewhere else. running arch here so i can't remember03:49
aspiditesairlia: run locate xorg.conf03:49
aspiditesthen cat the result of that03:49
julio_blakkheim: =//, Thanks!!03:50
aspiditesunless..by default does ubuntu run without xorg.conf?03:50
deostrollhi i installed tweetdeck. Created a custom app launcher, and added it to the applications bar on the top...i can't assign the same tweetdeck icon to it. Is it possible to do this?03:50
scuniziaspidites: there is no xorg.conf on 9.10 release03:50
developerairlia: i think ubuntu 9.10 doesnt use a xorg configuration03:50
airliaairlia@ubuntu:~$ locate xorg.conf03:50
airliais the result of that command. sorry for not pastebin-ing that, are two lines okay in this channel?03:50
aspiditesscunizi: just thought of that right before you typed it :P03:50
snuxollUbuntu 9.10 does Xorg configuration automatically now, there's no xorg.conf unless you create it03:50
elitecoderIs there a way to remove the config files installed by apt-get installing something?/03:50
scuniziaspidites: :)03:50
snuxollairlia: that's fine03:50
elitecoderwithout going to find them03:50
developerairlia: ubuntu 9.10 auto configures the xserver03:50
snuxollelitecoder: apt-get purge03:51
sekyourboxdaddysmurf, i was gonna try that,but wanted to see what the deal was first03:51
elitecodersnuxoll: hank youuu03:51
developerelitecoder: use apt-get purge <package name>03:51
mauricioquiroshi thre, I upgrade  Ubuntu Server on a VirtualBOx machine and it kill my VM, where could I ask for help? no luck with google or ubuntu forums..03:51
julio_Can Someone help me to configure Kismet?03:51
aspiditesairlia: hmmm..thinking...03:51
aspiditesairlia: which graphics driver are you using?03:52
blakkheimjulio_: man kismet.conf03:52
airliaOh man.. I honestly couldn't tell you.03:52
aspiditesairlia: wm? stock gnome or do you have effects inabled03:52
airliaI'm using this dinosaur of a machine03:52
Loshaairlia: frankly, I think freezes of the kind you describe are more likely to be due to a hardware problem. Bad memory, power supply, or motherboard. Did this box formerly run windows without freezing?03:52
airliaNo effects enabled.03:52
julio_blakkheim, yeah I know, I gotta edit it, I just don know the chipset driver03:52
airliaIt ran Ubuntu before, an older version. I think 7.0403:52
developerairlia: hardware configuration please03:52
airliaThen the HDD failed03:52
airliaAny command I can run to easily get you that info?03:53
julio_blakkheim, and I dont know where it is by typing lscpi or something like that03:53
daddysmurfsekyourbox: that's usually what I do if something's not working right. had zope on gentoo trying to crank up python 2.6, uninstalled 2.6, it found 2.4, then installed 2.6 after and it all worked like a dream03:53
airliaI also get an error at startup for a split second after GRUB loads, if that could help.03:53
aspiditesairlia: yeah. lspci -v would do it03:53
blakkheimjulio_: there is a lot of documentation on their site03:53
airlia8254 timer not connected to io-apic is the error i think.03:53
julio_I'll take a look then, thanks!!03:53
intangiri just installed the newest version of ubuntu (9.10) and it wont let me create new panels in gnome.. i only have the default top and bottom ones...03:53
deostrollany1 knw whats a .svg file?03:53
deusrsomeone help me with the driver webcam Bus 001 Device 003: ID 046d:09c1 Logitech, Inc. QuickCam Deluxe for Notebooks in ubuntu?03:53
XVirusHow can I prevent a user from mounting USB disks ?03:53
aspiditesairlia: :S that makes things fun. had that on my old laptop03:54
developerintangir: just right click on the top panel and click new panel03:54
scunizideostroll: it's a svg graphic file.. inkscape or gimp should open it.03:54
Vantraxintangir, so you cant right click on a panel and click new panel?03:54
TrekXVirus: you would need to configure the device mounting policy.  what version of ubu may I ask?03:54
aspiditesairlia: didn't cause freezes though. could be your luck though.03:54
scunizideostroll: svg=scalable vector graphics03:54
XVirusTrek: latest03:54
developerintangir: have you tried AWN....its better than the default panel for the panel at the bottom03:54
deostrollscunizi: can u add ur own images to it?03:54
airliaThere's the result of that command.03:54
TrekXVirus: hold on a minute, okay?03:54
XVirusTrek: sure03:54
Vantraxdeveloper, or use gnome-do in dock mode, or cairo dock03:55
intangiri right click the bar, gotto new panel, and nothing happens03:55
intangiri tried it in compiz and metacity03:55
intangirneither pop up a new panel03:55
aspiditesairlia: ah. intel integrated. what about the results of lsmod | grep intel?03:55
scunizideostroll: it is an image.. one image.. you can make your own though.. install inkscape03:55
developerVantrax: but new AWN trunk is simply superb than others03:55
intangiri tried moving the existing panels to see if it was under them or something, but no03:55
XVirusTrek: I disabled automounting .. but my problem now is that when I plug the device .. it shows in nautilus's side pane and the user can click on it to mount it03:55
flacohi all.. someone can help me with routing with VPN (pptp) (I can't ping between clients, but can ping from server to client and back), I got this network diagram http://img693.imageshack.us/i/redh.png/ , can't understand this guide (I'm new with networks) http://pptpclient.sourceforge.net/routing.phtml#client-to-lan the route changes I have to do it in the client or in the server??03:55
developerVantrax: Simple , Stylish, and easily configurable03:55
Vantraxdeveloper, I still think Gnome DO is much better, a few key features that make it much much better03:56
TrekXVirus: Are you sure you didn't deactivate the passwords needed to mount internal media/removable media?03:56
soreauintangir: That's strange.. did you try restarting gnome-panel?03:56
julio_How can I make Kismet automatically detect my driver? hehe03:56
aspiditesdeusr: qc-usb driver, which is already integrated in the latest kernel (but i'm not sure which version of the kernel ubuntu runs stock)03:56
XVirusTrek: yes .. I didn't do that03:56
developerVantrax: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2009/12/awn-new-features-download.html03:56
soreau! webcam | deusr03:56
ubottudeusr: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras03:56
blakkheimjulio_: you can't. if you want that kind of thing you shouldn't be using kismet in the first place.03:56
developerVantrax: what features are distinct03:57
deostrollscunizi: k i want to take another app icon for my custom lauched app...hw can i do this?03:57
XVirusTrek: so ?03:57
intangirsoreau: how do i restart just gnome-panel?03:57
julio_blakkheim, I want to test my wireless connection security03:57
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scuniziflaco: not sure if I can help but let's see if we can logic this out.. are you on the client or server side?03:57
aspiditesairlia: everything was fine until hardware failure right?03:58
TrekXVirus: sorry, give me a few seconds longer03:58
blakkheimjulio_: what encryption scheme do you use03:58
XVirusTrek: sure03:58
julio_blakkheim wpa203:58
schnableHi, can someone point me to a resource that explains the differences between the hardy, hardy-updates, and hardy-security repos?03:58
blakkheimjulio_: TKIP or AES03:58
airliaIt was fine before the old HDD died03:58
flacomscunizi: both... I'm testing the network...03:58
julio_I do not understand about that much though, i've just put it in the router configuration03:58
Vantraxdeveloper, gnome-do can search for and launch any application from the dock03:58
deusraspidites, orcilia@ipa:/usr/NX/scripts/setup$ lsmod |grep qc03:58
airliaand with the older version of ubuntu03:58
karpusHello, I'm having trouble with the Compiz plugin "Place Windows"! I want it to center Deluge's "Add Torrent" dialog, so I added "(class=Deluge-gtk) & title=Add Torrents" to the Fixed Placement Mode with the action "Centered", but it doesn't work. Anything wrong with my method? :\03:58
scunizideostroll: right mouse click the current icon for your app, choose properties, in the new box click the icon, find the one you want and save03:58
Anacranomintangir: service gnome-panel restart03:58
soreauintangir: In ubuntu gnome, if gnome panel ever gets killed, it automatically restarts itself. So all you have to do is 'killall gnome-panel'03:58
julio_blakkheim, I guess it is AES03:58
scuniziflacom: ok.. are there routers on both sides?03:59
blakkheimjulio_: and how many characters is your passphrase03:59
Loshaairlia: According to google, "8254 timer not connected to io-apic" isn't known to cause freezes. In your place, I'd run a memtest overnight, and if that's clean, I'd try 8.04 LTS03:59
julio_blakkheim, and I told you, i do not understand about that much03:59
julio_blakkheim, 803:59
airliahow do i run a memtest?03:59
aspiditesairlia: really at this point i would be doing the old process of elination03:59
blakkheimjulio_: you should increase that by a lot, using numbers/letters/ascii03:59
scuniziflacom: hard to tell from the diagram03:59
aspiditesairlia: already do an fsck on your drives (at boot while they aren't mounted, that is)04:00
soreaukarpus: Did you try using the + key in the match dialog in ccsm, then click Grab so you can click on the window you want to match?04:00
blakkheimjulio_: i use a 63-character string of upper/lowercase+numbers+ascii04:00
flacomscunizi: yes, the router in the server I can made changes, in the others not04:00
julio_blakkheim can people crack it easily?04:00
blakkheimjulio_: 8 chars? yes 63? no04:00
julio_blakkheim, wow04:00
TrekXVirus: i'm not sure why your system would be doing that.  I just tested my 9.10 install that I have on my server box (I use the GUI version of Ubu for my server) with removable media, and deactivated auto-mount anyways, and it prompts for the password to mount when using the sidebar04:00
Trekanyone: reference XVirus's question in case you have any other insights04:00
flacomscunizi: what info you think are missing?04:00
karpussoreau: Yes, it was through that dialog I got (class=Deluge-gtk) & title=Add Torrents04:00
julio_blakkheim I though mine was pretty good haha people here generally use wep04:00
Loshaairlia: it should be a boot option. It can't hurt to fsck your disks either, as aspidites says...04:00
airliaalright, i'll do that.04:01
blakkheimjulio_: yeah that can be cracked in less than a minute..04:01
XVirusTrek: how did you disable automount ?04:01
airliawhat should i press to get a terminal before boot?04:01
scuniziflacom: usually with vpn you're going from one network to another.. both are seperated by routers.. if the server is the router for the network then vpn isn't required and may not be configurable04:01
XVirusXVirus: did you try with a usb flash disk ?04:01
julio_blakkheim thatś incredible04:01
soreaukarpus: Do you have compiz running?04:01
aspiditesmemtest is tied to bios i thought?04:01
Obsidian1723-2hey all... I have an issue I need some help with. It seems I have a broken package for Firefox. I was installing the beta04:01
airliamemtest is in bios then? but how would i run fsck?04:02
intangirweird, i killed gnome-panel and 1 new panel appeared after restart, just 1.. in my gnome-conf it shows i have 7 now ;) i tried adding a new one that many times but now only 3 are visible (better than 2 i guess..)04:02
deostrollscunizi: my app doesn't hve an icon i guess; its the shortcut which has it. Can't find the icon loc either way...04:02
julio_blakkheim thanks! I will make a bigger password !04:02
julio_blakkheim thanks! bye!04:02
karpussoreau: "compiz" and "compiz.real" is running according to the system monitor, so it should be running :)04:02
aspiditesairlia: http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/linux-force-fsck-on-the-next-reboot-or-boot-sequence/04:03
aspiditesnot quite what you asked, but it will accomplish the same04:03
flacomscunizi: my only problem now... is.. that the clients A and B can't connect to the PC located in the same network of the vpn server04:03
soreaukarpus: If you use the same match in a different plugin, does it work? For example, using the match in the OBS plugin to make it transparent a bit04:03
airliaI'll try the disk check, thanks guys!04:03
Loshaaspidites: memtest is a standalone bootable binary that you boot into *instead* of linux. It does a very thorough exercise of RAM if you let it run long enough. You can't combine it with fsck, it's meant for testing memory....04:03
ouyesafter updating, there are two kernels in the grub startup option, how to get rid of the old one ?04:03
sortremordwhat is the boot kernel option for loading the basic VESA video driver?04:04
scuniziflacom: if there is a router between them then check the setup in the router.. most have a vpn setup section so it will pass the request to the internal IP of the machine you're trying to reach.04:04
Obsidian1723-2hey all... I have an issue I need some help with. It seems I have a broken package for Firefox. I was installing the beta04:04
aspiditesLosha: rather, i meant the option for memtest is in the bios. at least its in mine. though, i do vaguely remember it being a boot option on ubuntu livecd04:04
sacarlsonflacom I was just able to do this A and B on same network over wifi04:04
sortremordwhat is the boot kernel option for loading the basic VESA video driver?04:05
flacomsacarlson: I'm sure is the little detail, because I can ping from the clients A and B to the server, so  I need to forward the packages to the rest of the computers connected in the same network of the VPN04:06
karpussoreau: Uh... Not good, I tried adding it to the Opacity plugin but when I opened a torrent file, launching the dialog, the screen flickered and now ~35% of my screen is just black. I also saw Docky complaining about compositing being disabled or something like that (after the flickering)04:06
soreaukarpus: Check that compiz is running, it may have crashed. Set to None and back again in sys>prefs>appearance>visual effects04:07
Loshaaspidites: I don't know if there are bios resident versions of memtest, many bioses will do some kind of cursory memory test at bootup, but the memtest I'm talking about is the boot option and it really needs to run overnight. If airlia sees a hang or other errors running memtest, we'll know it's a hardware issue....04:07
aspiditesLosha: ah04:08
NichodWell anyone knowledgeable know why Ubuntu 9.04 would install fine, but 9.10 wouldn't?04:08
NichodEverytime I downloaded a 9.10 image it had an error in one file. And would cut off mid-installation.04:08
Sorhanok ... finally able to mount shares that I need to on the windows machine, how can I make a script that on connection to my "home" network it mounts those directories?04:08
loopsNichod, different kernels, probably a regression.   What hardware are you on, and what do you mean by "doesn't install" ?04:09
scuniziNichod: you burning the cd as slow as you can?04:09
developerVantrax: so did u see the new awn??04:09
sacarlsonflacom do you mean you want A and B and C to see each other over VPN?04:09
bazhangNichod, the md5 sum fails?04:09
Nichodloops: it would simple say that an error occurred during installation (check harddrive, makesure CD fine, etc.)04:09
LoshaNichod: my first guess would be a bad burn with the 9.10 cd. Does the CD pass md5sum?04:09
bazhangNichod, you may wish to try a torrent if os04:09
Nichodburned at 4x.04:10
karpussoreau: Ok, I think it's working again04:10
Nichodmd5 sum was fine on all04:10
ubottucron is a way to schedule execution of software/scripts. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CronHowto  -  There is also a decent Howto at http://www.tech-geeks.org/contrib/mdrone/cron&crontab-howto.htm04:10
Nichodi attempted 4 installations.04:10
bazhangNichod, then I would suggest the alternate installer04:10
flacomscunizi: saddly, I got a crappy router... no VPN options04:10
Nichodi'm thinking of just upgrading a jaunty install.04:10
Vantraxdeveloper, going to play with it on the weekend04:10
flacomsacarlson, yes04:10
loopsNichod, you might want to try installing from a USB thumb drive instead of CD04:11
Nichodjust odd that the disk check said that an error was found.04:11
scuniziflacom: well you can try to portforward from the server to the machine you're trying to reachh04:11
Nichodin one file.04:11
sdwrageHey guys, what file do I need to edit to add paths like JAVA_HOME04:11
sacarlsonflacom I never played with that but I did see there was an option to configure so that other clients could see each other04:11
developerVantrax: thats good...one best feature is that the GNOMENU is integrated with it04:11
scuniziNichod: try burning an iso download using the torrent download option04:11
Obsidian1723-2How can I fix broken dependancies?04:12
Nichodloops: i tried installing with wubi, used unetbootin to create a usb burn, downloaded direct from ubuntu.com and downloaded a torrent.04:12
XVirusHow can I prevent a user from mounting USB flash disks ?04:12
Obsidian1723-2hey all... I have an issue I need some help with. It seems I have a broken package for Firefox. I was installing the beta.04:12
flacomscunizi: I have setup the router to forward the VPN packages to the vpn server04:12
Nichodall of them resulted in a error in one file and a error during install (desktop version)04:12
developerNichod: what about the checksum..?? if its ok then try booting from a usb04:12
tweaksourcesdwrage, http://sanaulla.wordpress.com/2009/04/02/setting-java_home-in-ubuntu/04:12
Nichoddeveloper: as i said i tried booting from a USB and the checksum was fine04:12
developerNichod: then whats the issue,,??04:13
Blue11XVirus: make him a desktop user -- iirc they can't issue a sudo04:13
Nichododdly enough the usb created with 9.10 didn't even work.04:13
scuniziflacom: you might also need to have the vpn server continue the forward to the machine you're trying to reach..04:13
loopsNichod, when you say "error in one file", were you getting an error message?04:13
loopsNichod, something isn't adding up.04:13
developerNichod: y..?? is the machine a new one???04:13
flacomscunizi: that is... but I don't know how to do it04:13
Nichodloops: the error in 1 file was when scanning the disc for errors04:13
tweaksourceANyone know how to configure fluxbox apps file?04:13
XVirusBlue11: I'm not talking about manual mounting ... but automatic one04:13
Nichodloops: using the built in scan tool on the disc04:14
loopsNichod, which disk, the USB thumb drive?04:14
Blue11XVirus: don't know how to disable that ---04:14
XVirusBlue11: I disabled automatic mount already .. but the user can still mount the device when he clicks on it on nautilus's side pane04:14
scuniziflacom: that's where I'll have to pass it to someone that knows more about vpn and the server side setup.. If there's no answer here. try in ##linux04:14
LoshaNichod: you understand that an md5sum check of the iso is not the same as an md5sum check of the burned disk? You need to do the latter....04:14
kronosx1i have a question, does anyone here have a acer aspire one netbook?04:14
Blue11XVirus: hmmm04:14
Nichodloops: i technically tried installing 5 times. two of them using a CD and both times i checked the CD it said it had a file with an error. and it was from two different download locations that had sums checked04:15
sdwragetweaksource, thx but figured it out :) ~/.profile04:15
Blue11kronosx1: yes I have one04:15
tweaksourcesdwrage, Cool.04:15
kronosx1ok, i am a ubuntu noob, how would i go about formatting the entire HD to reinstall XP using the restore disk.04:15
loopsNichod, sometimes the disk-check does mess up.   But lets ignore that for a second, what happened when you installed from USB thumb drive?04:16
tweaksourcekronosx1, gparted, delete all.04:16
developerkronosx1: u can use the live cd of ubuntu to format the harddisk04:16
Blue11kronosx1: as part of the install options - that is one of the options - just choose all of the disc04:16
macokronosx1: the windows install disc should offer to do it for you04:16
Nichodloops: it wouldn't even read from the USB drive.04:16
Nichodloops: 9.04 ran from same usb drive fine.04:16
Blue11developer: well the usb start drive remember netbooks have no optical drives by defination04:16
tweaksourceWindows install disk won't touch ext304:16
LoshaNichod: do you still have the 9.10 cd you burned?04:17
loopsNichod, my guess is you're having more than one problem.04:17
kronosx1the windows install disk actually is just a restore disk that is a copy of a stock hd. i think i have a xp disk somewhere.04:17
kronosx1ill try that and see what happens.04:17
developertweaksource: windows installation can delete ext3 partitions04:17
Blue11windows gets dicey over mbr ownership04:18
loopsNichod, i would ignore the disk-check and proceed with install, if it gives you an error, work from there04:18
tweaksourcedeveloper, Ok. I've never seen it recognize one.04:18
whatBlue11: what u talkin about.04:18
loopsBlue11, Windows gets territorial over mbr ownership04:18
Nichodloops: probably. just happy 9.04 is installed. just wondering if any known issues with 9.10 and hardware exist. any significant ones. i did do a search and came across other people that did the disk check and came up with the same error in a single file that had the same problem, but no one game a response to their problem on the forums.04:18
sacarlsonflacom I think you need to add --client-to-client   to your openvpn command line or client-to-client  to your openvpn config file to enable internal routeing04:18
Blue11loops: what I said...04:18
whati've installed windows several thousand times, and linux at least triple that04:19
developertweaksource: it will show the ext3 partitions as unrecognized...but we can easily delete it04:19
loopsBlue11, you said it too gently :o)04:19
loopswhat, me too04:19
kronosx1yeah, the restore disk i have installs windows as though it is a 1:1 copy of my HD. I hate acer for doing that.04:19
tweaksourcedeveloper, You are right. I stand corrected.04:19
Blue11kronosx1: the first thing I did was reformat the hd --04:19
developertweaksource: even from a running windows we can see the partitions as unknown and healthy :)04:19
BitWraithhow do I search for a package with apt?04:20
kronosx1i used  the restore disk last night and it gave me a grub error. cant remember what one.04:20
scuniziBitWraith: apt-cache search <search term>04:20
tweaksourceTrue, but  I usually only see ntfs from Ubuntu.04:20
Blue11BitWraith: apt-cache search <packagename?04:20
kronosx1will do, i have a xp disk i just found and ill give that a try.04:20
tweaksourcedeveloper,  I forget.04:20
Blue11apt-cache search <packagename>04:20
tweaksourcedeveloper, Only have Win in VBox now.04:20
whatblue, one can use multiple search terms btw04:20
whatand it does not have to be package name04:20
developertweaksource: ok..04:21
whatit can be any term also in the full description iirc04:21
Nichodloops: how about any issues with scsi drives and karmic?04:21
Blue11what: i think it will take any regular expression04:21
deusrThe  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCamerasLogitechsite is showing that my webcam works with the driver gpsca, but how do I find out which module is?04:21
whatBlue11: possibly, not tried that ;)04:21
Nichodlopos: just trying to make sure if i do a jaunty update it will work (and i meant jaunty not karmic)04:21
flacomsacarlson: I'm not using openvpn04:21
deusris longitech deluxe notebook04:21
flacomsacarlson: I'm using poptop04:21
sdwrageHey guys, When I add something to ~/.profile, is it available right away???04:21
Nichoda search hasn't come across anything loops04:21
loopsNichod, yes someone earlier complained of issue installing with SCSI cdrom, and had to go to USB04:21
sacarlsonflacom oh sorry04:22
nickgarveysdwrage, you probably need to source it.  Type "source ~/.profile"04:22
Blue11i had problems with wifi connectivitiy - so I had to backport - then the connectivity problems went away -04:22
Nichodloops: well it's a scsi hd04:22
LoshaBlue11: yes, man apt-cache says that "search" will take a regexp....04:22
loopsNichod, could be a problem of course, it's a new kernel, there might be a regression04:22
c_nickusing control alt and F1..5 takes me to cmd prompt.. and using the same combination with F7 takes me to the GUI mode.. but on a 845 mobo P4 and 1 GB ram pc at home.. crtl alt F7 takes me to a blank screen instead.. how can i reset and enter.. i tried with /etc/init.d start but it says fail ..i even reconfigured xserver-xorg but still same issue04:22
developertweaksource: are u using VBOX OSE??04:22
Blue11Losha: i thought it would, but am too lazy to fire up a term window and do a man ;-)04:22
nickgarveyc_nick: I assume restarting is not an option?04:23
TrekNichod: is your issue that Karmic isn't working with scsi?  if thats the case with the new kernel, you might issue a bug report04:23
dudei want to instlal ubuntu ,what can i  do?04:23
Blue11dude: on what using what?04:23
LoshaNichod: do you have a 9.10 cd or did you do a usb install?04:23
nickgarvey!install > dude04:23
ubottudude, please see my private message04:23
sdwragenickgarvey, uhhhh now I am getting this: The command could not be located because '/usr/bin' is not included in the PATH environment variable.04:23
sdwragesudo: command not found04:23
dudei ave a 9.10 cd04:23
dudebut my computer .04:24
Blue11sdwrage: what are you trying to do?04:24
c_nicknickgarvey: well i have to restart04:24
tweaksourcedeveloper, I don't think so. Not from the repos. Would it say OSE?04:24
dudeno cd device04:24
Obsidian1723-2hey all... I have an issue I need some help with. It seems I have a broken package for Firefox. I was installing the beta. I have some dependancy issues. help, please04:24
whatcat /etc/*release && cat /etc/*version04:24
nickgarveysdwrage: sounds like your .profile is a little bit messed up :) mind pastebinning it?04:24
sdwrageBlue11, set an environment variable for GRAILS04:24
whatwhat do you get? pastebin it04:24
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://ubuntu.pastebin.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic04:24
c_nicknickgarvey: otherwise nothing seems to work.. even the live cd takes a whole lot of time .. i am running Ubuntu 9.04 Netbook Remix Edition04:24
sdwragenickgarvey, I cant open it....04:24
developertweaksource: from the repos the give OSE-OpenSourceEdition04:24
fredoslackre hello :)04:24
sdwragesudo is not working now04:24
developertweaksource: you might have taken from SUN's site04:25
Blue11sdwrage: try logging off then back on - and see if that fixes it04:25
victor__anybody knows an alarm software playing mp3?04:25
nickgarveysdwrage: so your terminal is down? are you able to open gedit?04:25
nickgarveysdwrage: using the gui that is04:25
victor__anybody knows an alarm software playing mp3? (for kde)04:25
sdwragelemme try that04:25
flacomscunizi: yes, I'm in the networking channel, but I think is too late :P04:25
Blue11victor__: mp3 - dunno wav yes.. kontact will to that04:25
Trekjulio_ are you looking for #ubuntu-br?04:26
tweaksourcedeveloper, It is not OSE. I did download from Sun. Why do you ask?04:26
Obsidian1723-2I have an issue I need some help with. It seems I have a broken package for Firefox. I was installing the beta. I have some dependancy issues. help, please04:26
scuniziObsidian1723-2: the latest beta?04:26
sdwragenickgarvey, ok now I saved it back to where it should be04:26
Obsidian1723-2scun yeah04:26
developertweaksource: i heard that the OSE version doesnt support USB sharing yet...wanted to know whether if they corrected it or not04:26
sdwragebasically reverted my changes and still no go04:27
TrekObsidian1723-2, this is why people usually wait for the stable versions to be released as there are bugs in betas04:27
Blue11Obsidian1723-2: have you tried a sudo apt-get purge ?04:27
nickgarveysdwrage: reverting your changes still doesn't let you use sudo?04:27
Obsidian1723-2blue, not yet04:27
TrekObsidian1723-2, and I think Blue11's idea might help04:27
sdwragenickgarvey, nope.....04:27
sdwragegave me a bunch of errors04:27
sdwragehold on ill pastebin04:27
tweaksourcedeveloper, Last I tried (a few months ago) there was no USB support. That's why I use the other.04:27
Loshavictor__: perhaps kalarm (disclaimer: I don't run kde)04:27
eddayhow to modify UNR 9.10 login window? i want   username and password all needed , not show username. Login screen settings has little options and it's useless.04:27
c_nicki tried removing compiz and compiz-core but then when i go in the netbook remix desktop everything lags.. but in normal desktop it seems to work well04:27
Obsidian1723-2I tried purge, even with -f and no go04:27
scuniziObsidian1723-2: hang on I think there is a ppa for that.. or install shiriko (spelling?) which is 3.5.. I have the latest 3.6 but it's auto updated.. hang on04:28
Trekscunizi: you thinking Shiretoko?04:28
=== what is now known as you\all\fail\har
thechrisneed help with dvd playback.04:28
nickgarveysdwrage: you might need to go into single user mode depending on your errors, do you know what that is or should I find some links about it?04:28
Blue11c_nick: i don't run compiz on a netbook - not designed for that...04:28
developertweaksource: ok...by the way do you customize your distro....are you a customize maniac like me??04:28
Obsidian1723-2scun, can I paste you the error?04:28
=== you\all\fail\har is now known as you\fail\hard
c_nickedday: in Systems -> Adminstation ->login screen04:28
sdwragenickgarvey, http://pastium.org/view/82668ca95367d42005dcb9bef8ed2f3104:28
Blue11c_nick: netbook works well with metacity....04:28
c_nickso Blue11 just removing compiz and compiz core worked for you ?04:28
tweaksourcethechris, http://www.medibuntu.org/04:29
=== you\fail\hard is now known as dns\newbs
sdwragenickgarvey, it happened after you told me to do source ~/.profile04:29
Blue11c_nick: I never installed them...04:29
nickgarveysdwrage: run that command again04:29
=== dns\newbs is now known as what
sdwragenickgarvey, I did  that already04:29
sdwragemeaning after I reverted04:29
sdwrageI redid source04:29
sdwrageand still... no go04:29
nickgarveysdwrage: and it did complete without errors?04:29
tweaksourcegood night, all04:29
scuniziTrek: Obsidian1723-2 http://ppa.launchpad.net/ubuntu-mozilla-daily04:29
sdwrageyeah it completed without errors04:30
Blue11c_nick: you should be able to select system/preferences/appearance/visual effects/none04:30
Obsidian1723-2scun replace my current PPA with that one?04:30
nickgarveysdwrage: the errors you pasted, that is whenever you open up a terminal?04:30
c_nickBlue yes i did that also i did sudo aptitude remove compiz compiz-core and also removed an additional package under compiz in Package Manager.. now.. i want to know after updating etc.. will it give me problems.. or am i supposed to upgrade my comp.i want to work and dont want to lose my work so taking extra precautions04:30
TrekObsidian: no, add it in addition to the current ppa04:30
sdwragenickgarvey, oh wait... that was the errors from source04:30
c_nickBlue11: yes i did that also i did sudo aptitude remove compiz compiz-core and also removed an additional package under compiz in Package Manager.. now.. i want to know after updating etc.. will it give me problems.. or am i supposed to upgrade my comp.i want to work and dont want to lose my work so taking extra precautions04:30
TrekObsidian: just incase something goes screwy04:31
thechriswhat else is needed for dvd playback than libdvdcss2?04:31
nickgarveysdwrage: ok, that is good in that we know the errors were in your .profile file04:31
eddayno, it is useless, it has only 2 options, 1st is  Show the screen for choosing who will login in,  2nd is login as *** automatically04:31
c_nickBlue11: but then why does CTRL ALT F7  give me blank screen04:31
sdwragenickgarvey, but I took the two lines I added at the end out04:31
developerthechris: install w32codecs too04:31
sdwrageand saved04:31
nickgarveysdwrage: can you rename .profile to .profile_bak and reopen bash?04:31
Blue11c_nick: I don't know - like I said, I never installed it on a net book but usually choosing none disables compiz but leaves it installed -04:31
scuniziObsidian1723-2: not sure what ppa you have.. there's more to the address for the repo listing.. and you'll have to import the pgp key.. google PPA ubuntu mozilla04:31
c_nickBlue11: ok04:32
Obsidian1723-2Id love to google, but without Firefox.... how?04:32
Obsidian1723-2deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/ubuntu-mozilla-daily/ppa/ubuntu hardy main04:32
Obsidian1723-2deb-src http://ppa.launchpad.net/ubuntu-mozilla-daily/ppa/ubuntu hardy main04:32
Obsidian1723-2thats what I have now04:32
TrekObsidian1723-2: terminal -> w3m04:32
Trekthat lets you surf the interwebz04:32
Blue11c_nick: the great thing about linux - you are your own sys admin - the bad thing about linux - you are your own sys admin04:32
developerObsidian1723-2: hey you can try firefox 3.6 from mozillas website04:32
ardchoilleBlue11: indeed04:33
scuniziObsidian1723-2: that's the ppa I have.. it seems to update daily.. with FF open click Help/About to see what version.. mine now says Namoroka04:33
eddayno other options, does UNR simplify that utility?04:33
sdwragenickgarvey, done04:33
c_nickBlue11: :)04:33
nickgarveysdwrage: and luck? can you sudo and all of that?04:33
nickgarveysdwrage: any luck*04:33
Walrus23i want to return to the original ubuntu, after converting to kubuntu and not liking it i want to go back04:33
sdwragenope :(04:33
developerObsidian1723-2: just download the tar.gz file extract it and run firefox script inside that04:33
Walrus23i cant figure out how04:33
nickgarveysdwrage: what error do you get?04:33
sdwragenickgarvey, no :\04:33
Blue11okay taking a break bbl...how that helps some c_nick04:33
c_nickBlue11: what your hardware description04:33
Obsidian1723-2Can someone give me the direct Deb download for Firefox 3.6? I can wget it04:33
sdwragehold on04:33
ardchoille!puregnome | Walrus2304:33
ubottuWalrus23: If you want to remove all !KDE packages, type « sudo apt-get --purge remove kdelibs4c2a kdelibs5-data && sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop » into a !terminal04:33
sdwragesdwrage@sdwrage-desktop:/usr$ sudo nano04:33
sdwrageCommand 'sudo' is available in '/usr/bin/sudo'04:33
sdwrageThe command could not be located because '/usr/bin' is not included in the PATH environment variable.04:33
developerObsidian1723-2: there is no need of .deb04:33
sdwrageick sorry about that04:34
FloodBot1sdwrage: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:34
scuniziWalrus23: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop then follow the link I'll have ubottu send you a link to remove kde04:34
Obsidian1723-2tar.gz then?04:34
developerObsidian1723-2: just download the tar.gz file04:34
sdwrageyeah I know floodbot sheesh04:34
scunizi!puregnome | Walrus2304:34
Walrus23ugh, i want to be able to run both04:34
developerObsidian1723-2: there is no need to compile it04:34
sdwragenickgarvey, ^^04:34
Walrus23but i want to swap completely back to gnome for a little while04:34
scuniziWalrus23: oh.. then just install ubuntu-desktop and on the login screen change "sessions"04:34
nickgarveysdwrage: did you edit /etc/environment?04:35
Walrus23then i lick on the settings menu and it doesnt like me04:35
nickgarveysdwrage: regardless, can you pastebin the contents of that file?04:35
Walrus23wireless keyboard ftl04:35
eddayIs Login Screen Settings in UNR different from desktop edition?04:35
sdwragenickgarvey, sure04:35
nickgarveysdwrage: if it is only one line paste it in here04:35
thechrisdeveloper, the guide at mediabuntu fails.  from what I recall, this was a lot easier last year04:36
airtonixWalrus23, once you install kde on a system running gnome, you cen never get rid of it without much pain04:36
sdwragenickgarvey, what does source do anyways?04:36
Walrus23i should have fesized the partitions and separated them -.-04:36
sdwragenickgarvey, http://pastium.org/view/24c7de02f37b074332de298e2466b55104:36
airtonixWalrus23, or you should have tried it in a virtual machine first04:37
nickgarveysdwrage: it reads the file for your shell, when you make changes to .bashrc or the like, source is used to update the shell with the information in that file04:37
Out_Coldwhy does ln -s /path/to/file /usr/bin/file produce this??    ls: cannot access /usr/bin/file: Too many levels of symbolic links04:37
nickgarveysdwrage: is that your /etc/environment?04:37
thechrisand now I get "software index is broken"04:37
nickgarveysdwrage: because if it is then that is clearly the problem04:37
Walrus23nnngh ona 1.6GHz mobile centrino lapto, you're pushing it to run xVM to play with windows 3.1, let alona a virtual ubuntu install04:37
airtonixOut_Cold, first assumption : your target is already a symbolic link ?04:38
Out_Coldairtonix, ok that's very possible04:38
sdwragenickgarvey, I echoed my $PATH and it gave me GRAILS/bin....04:38
Walrus23there was one other thing, but i've forgotten04:38
sdwrageso apparently I overwrote my $PATH04:39
DARKGuyHey, I have a 9800GTX+ and ubuntu insists on installing 18X drivers when there are 195.X drivers available. Does anybody know a way to force it? I installed it yesterday through the .bin installer + nvidia-xconfig and today it is like if I hadn't installed it before :/04:39
sdwrageis there an easy way to reset $PATH?04:39
Walrus23oh yea, easy/difficuilt/impossible to run ubuntu on a G4 eMac?04:39
sdwragemaybe I should try to restart...04:39
deusrsomeone help me? I've tested all modules gspca and still getting the message Camera not found04:39
Obsidian1723-2Ok got ff downloaded, now what?04:39
Walrus23as well as mac OS04:39
Out_Coldairtonix, hmm.. file 'file' gives 'file' : POSIX shell script text executable04:39
nickgarveysdwrage: that is what the /etc/environment is for, did you pastebin me the contents of that file or was that ~/.profile04:39
thechriswhat are all the apt-sources files?04:39
kinja-sheepDARKGuy: Uninstall the 18X thing first in Hardware Drivers (if you haven't done that).04:40
sdwragenickgarvey, yes04:40
thechrisThere is a repository not in sources.list04:40
DARKGuykinja-sheep: I never installed it in first place :P04:40
thechrisand i need it to not be anywhere04:40
XVirusHow can I prevent normal users from mounting usb flash disks ?04:40
DARKGuykinja-sheep: but it insists on downloading it when I try to enable compiz :(04:40
nickgarveysdwrage: that was /etc/environment? if it was then could you open that file up for editing?04:40
kinja-sheepDARKGuy: Oh really? That is crazy. :\04:40
DARKGuykinja-sheep: totally o.O04:40
sdwragenickgarvey, no its not... it was ~/.profile04:40
Out_ColdXVirus, remove them from the mounting group.. usually this is auto disabled i think04:41
scuniziXVirus: there's probably a group you can remove them from04:41
nickgarveysdwrage: ah, what is /etc/environment?04:41
sdwragehold on..04:41
XVirusOut_Cold: scunizi: what is the name of the group ?04:41
DARKGuykinja-sheep: and duh! it had 173 enabled :/04:41
DARKGuywtf with nvidia and ubuntu, their drivers are always outdated :(04:41
Out_ColdXVirus, not too sure... will look now04:41
thechriswell it seems instead of dvd playback, i broke apt04:41
XVirusplugdev ?04:41
scuniziXVirus: check out Out_Cold 's post just above mine04:41
sdwragenickgarvey, PATH="/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games"04:41
kinja-sheepDARKGuy: See !latest for a reason.04:41
thechrisAnyone know how to fix apt?04:41
sdwragebut I had a few things on the path like ruby, php, etc04:42
ubottuPackages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are: fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports.04:42
Obsidian1723-2Scun, I have Firefox downloaded, now what?04:42
DARKGuykinja-sheep: Ah I see XD. Well at least it's not debian @.@. Is there a way to have the latest of the latest ?04:42
osirisx11when i try to install mplayer it becomes broken because of libdvdpau: dpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/libvdpau1_0.3-0ubuntu3_i386.deb (--unpack):  trying to overwrite '/usr/lib/libvdpau.so.1', which is also in package nvidia-185-libvdpau 0:185.18.36-0ubuntu904:42
nickgarveysdwrage: try "source /etc/environment"04:42
Out_ColdXVirus, it may be plugdev but i'd confirm this with someone else04:42
XVirusOut_Cold: it's not plugdev anyways04:43
kinja-sheepDARKGuy: For your Nvidia issues, you might want to try #nvidia -- Also, if you want to have latest of the latest (in everything), consider using ArchLinux at the least.04:43
sdwragenickgarvey, perfect, that worked04:43
=== NotTooSmart is now known as Kyus
DARKGuykinja-sheep: I have, but it's a pain to maintain, so that's why I moved to Ubuntu to *use* the PC instead of tweak with it, but this is ridiculous.04:43
sdwragenow where should I be adding to path? I am trying to follow this installation article: http://www.grails.org/installation04:43
nickgarveysdwrage: good, double check the .profile you were trying to use as there was some sort of error in it04:44
sdwragenickgarvey, ^^04:44
nickgarveysdwrage: ah ok one second04:44
DARKGuykinja-sheep: and this isn't an nvidia issue, it's an *ubuntu* issue :/04:44
sdwragenickgarvey, thx for the help btw04:44
nickgarveysdwrage: yup04:44
thechrisi need to un-update apt04:44
thechrisDoes anyone know how to un-update apt?04:44
kinja-sheepDARKGuy: It also does mean they might know how to overcome this *ubuntu* issue -- if that's an *ubuntu* issue or *nvidia* issue.04:45
onetinsoldierosirisx11: sudo apt-get --force-yes install libdvdpau04:45
Out_ColdXVirus, i'm pretty sure it's plugdev: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingANewHardDrive04:45
osirisx11onetinsoldier: thanks for the fix but can you educate me a bit too?04:45
Out_Cold"or in a more flexible way, practical if you have several users, allow for instance the users in the plugdev group (usually those who are meant to be able to mount removable disks, desktop users) to create files and sub-directories on the disk:"04:45
DARKGuykinja-sheep: well in that you're right, I guess I'll give it a shot04:45
kinja-sheepDARKGuy: And the fact that you said you moved to Ubuntu to *use* the PC, forget about 19X, just use the *d* thing. Don't tweak it. :-)04:46
XVirusOut_Cold: the user is not in plugdev and he can mount usb flash disks by clicking their icon in nautilus side pane04:46
thechrisguess i'm not throwing out enough buzzwords04:46
Out_ColdXVirus, read the link04:46
deusrhelp me!04:46
XVirusOut_Cold: fine .. thanks04:46
nickgarveysdwrage: what directory did you checkout grails from?04:46
=== Mowee is now known as Mowee`Bnc
nickgarveysdwrage: well into I mean04:46
DARKGuykinja-sheep: XD I would, but video drivers are very, -very- important for me to have updated :P.... software can stay on "stable" for all I care xD04:46
loopsthechris, do you want to downgrade the application "apt"?04:47
sdwragenickgarvey, currently it sits in ~/grails04:47
nickgarveysdwrage: ~/grails?04:47
nickgarveysdwrage: alright04:47
Out_ColdXVirus, what's the system on the flash? fat?04:47
osirisx11onetinsoldier: E: Couldn't find package libdvdpau04:47
XVirusOut_Cold: yes04:47
nickgarveysdwrage: and can you confirm that ~/grails/grails/bin exists?04:47
onetinsoldierosirisx11: yeah. that command will force the 'overwriting' of the already existing /usr/lib/libvdpau.so.1 file. however, if you ever remove the ' pnvidia-185-libvdpau' package, you system would still be expecting that file to be on it04:47
sdwragenickgarvey, I will dbl check04:47
Out_ColdXVirus, what other groups is that user apart of?04:47
sdwragenickgarvey, its ~/grails/bin04:48
thechrisloops, no, i want to undo whatever added mediabuntu to apt's list of repositories04:48
XVirusOut_Cold: dialout, fax, cdrom, tape, audio, dip, video, netdev, sambashare04:48
Obsidian1723-2I have an issue I need some help with. It seems I have a broken package for Firefox. I was installing the beta. I have some dependancy issues. help, please04:48
onetinsoldierosirisx11: ok, maybe it's libvdpau1, sorry04:48
nickgarveysdwrage: alright, then add PATH="$HOME/grails/bin:$HOME/grails/ant/bin:$PATH"04:48
onetinsoldierosirisx11: sudo apt-get --force-yes install libdvdpau104:48
nickgarveysdwrage: to your profile04:48
nickgarveysdwrage: .profile I mean04:49
nickgarveysdwrage: and then source it04:49
=== Walrus23 is now known as W[a]lrus23
loopsthechris, okay..  try going into   system -> administration -> software sources    and remove that repo04:49
Obsidian1723-2I have an issue I need some help with. It seems I have a broken package for Firefox. I was installing the beta. I have some dependancy issues. help, please04:50
osirisx11onetinsoldier: no entries for anything starting with libdvdp04:50
sdwragenickgarvey, ok lemme try that04:50
Out_ColdXVirus, IIRC last time i made a seperate user, i had to su root to mount it.. as i wasn't in the plugdev group. maybe there are mounting permissions that are overriding the group?04:50
DARKGuykinja-sheep: well just in case, this seems to fix it ^_^ -> http://www.webupd8.org/2009/08/how-to-install-nvidia-190xx-drivers-in.html04:50
onetinsoldierosirisx11: hmmm, sorry. hang on. let me read the error message again!04:50
XVirusOut_Cold: could it be my /etc/sudoers ? .. give me a sec04:50
thechrisloops, wow, that seems to have worked.  i wonder what non sources.list file it got that from?04:51
sdwragenickgarvey, now I need to set JAVA_HOME04:51
sdwrageapparently thats not set... im guessing same spot?04:51
loopsthechris, dunno.. but shouldn't be a problem04:51
Out_ColdXVirus, if they are in the sudoers file then i would assume that would override the plugdev04:51
onetinsoldierosirisx11: please try the following and tell me what you get....04:51
nickgarveysdwrage: make sure java is install, it should be set automatically04:51
scuniziXVirus: http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-newbie-8/how-to-disable-usb-mass-storage-device-usb-drive-in-linux-651262/04:51
XVirusOut_Cold: they user is very restricted in the sudoers file .. but let me check something04:51
onetinsoldierosirisx11: cd /var/cache/apt/archives04:51
kinja-sheepDARKGuy: Thanks for the head up.04:51
thechrisloops, i still get "software index is broken"04:52
sdwragenickgarvey, hrm good point :P04:52
kbrosnanObsidian1723-2: sudo apt-get purge firefox xulrunner04:52
onetinsoldierosirisx11: ls libvdp*04:52
DARKGuykinja-sheep: no prob :p04:52
XVirusscunizi: this isn't what I want04:52
kbrosnanObsidian1723-2: then sudo apt-get install firefox04:52
Obsidian1723-2kb will try04:52
osirisx11onetinsoldier: no matches04:52
loopsthechris, at a command prompt type:    sudo apt-get install -f04:52
XVirusOut_Cold: it's not an /etc/sudoers issue :-(04:53
onetinsoldierosirisx11: i'm not sure what's happening. the error message leads me to really believe that the following file exists on your system --> /var/cache/apt/archives/libvdpau1_0.3-0ubuntu3_i386.deb04:53
Obsidian1723-2wont let me purcge it04:54
Silver_SwordsObsidian1723-2: go to synaptic package manager, edit tab, click 'fix broken packages'04:54
Obsidian1723-2tried that04:54
Out_ColdXVirus, perhaps you can get the rclocal to remove the usb module?04:54
Obsidian1723-2sudo apt-get purge firefox xulrunner04:54
Obsidian1723-2Building dependency tree04:54
thechrisloops, well, i don't really think it matters.  I can't get dvds to play.  I don't know why, i can play mpegs, have vlc, and have dvdcss04:54
Obsidian1723-2Reading state information... Done04:54
Obsidian1723-2You might want to run `apt-get -f install' to correct these:04:54
Obsidian1723-2The following packages have unmet dependencies:04:54
Obsidian1723-2  firefox: Depends: firefox-branding but it is not going to be installed or04:54
Obsidian1723-2                    abrowser-branding but it is not going to be installed04:54
Obsidian1723-2  firefox-3.5-branding: Depends: firefox-branding but it is not going to be installed04:54
FloodBot1Obsidian1723-2: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:54
XVirusOut_Cold: I don't want to disable usb04:55
nickgarveysdwrage: it actually didn't automatically do it for me, add this to your .profile (after install java): export JAVA_HOME=/usr/bin/java/04:55
XVirusOut_Cold: I'm setting a very restricted environment where the user can only mount a usb flash disk by double clicking a shell script on his desktop that mounts the thing in read only mode04:55
onetinsoldierosirisx11: i know another way to try and fix this04:55
sdwragenickgarvey, ok ill add that04:55
julio_Isnt RTL8187 driver supported by kismet?04:56
osirisx11onetinsoldier:   mplayer: Depends: libvdpau1 (>= 0.3) but it is not going to be installed E: Unmet dependencies. Try 'apt-get -f install' with no packages (or specify a solution).04:56
onetinsoldierosirisx11: ok, try the --> apt-get -f install  .... then04:56
XVirusOut_Cold: any more clues ?04:56
nickgarveysdwrage: hey I need to go, it looks like that should do it but if not then I'm sure someone else in here can help you out.  good luck04:57
Out_Coldi'm still stuck on the plugdev group.... not too sure where to go from there.04:57
julio_user of kismet, is the source driver RTL8187 not supported by kismet?04:57
osirisx11onetinsoldier: dpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/libvdpau1_0.3-0ubuntu3_i386.deb (--unpack):  trying to overwrite '/usr/lib/libvdpau.so.1', which is also in package nvidia-185-libvdpau 0:185.18.36-0ubuntu9 Errors were encountered while processing: /var/cache/apt/archives/libvdpau1_0.3-0ubuntu3_i386.deb E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)04:57
Obsidian1723-2am I just hosed?04:57
Out_ColdXVirus, maybe a reboot after the removal of the plugdev group to initialize the change?04:58
onetinsoldierosirisx11: sudo mv /usr/lib/libvdpau.so.1 /usr/lib/libvdpau.so.1.old04:58
XVirusOut_Cold: I'm sure i did that :-(04:58
XVirusOut_Cold: a reboot is not even necessary04:58
Out_Coldi didn't think so :o/04:59
thechrismeh, i've wasted all the time i care to on this.  I'll just use something that actually plays dvds for now and get this computer set up later04:59
Out_ColdXVirus, can i see a pastebin of the group and sudoers?04:59
sdwrageHey guys... getting this path error... grails: JAVA_HOME is not defined correctly; can not execute: /usr/bin/java//bin/java04:59
sdwrageany ideas?04:59
osirisx11onetinsoldier: done, now try to install mplayer again?04:59
XVirusOut_Cold: I remove the user from sudoers so there is no need to check it05:00
onetinsoldierosirisx11: yes.. try --> apt-get -f install05:00
Out_Coldoooh...... XVirus maybe remove the entry from /etc/mtab???05:00
osirisx11onetinsoldier: still same error like apt-get is expecting it to be there regardless of whether it is there or not05:00
onetinsoldierosirisx11: strange. i'm not sure what to make of this05:01
onetinsoldierosirisx11: you're sure the following file is not on your system? --> /var/cache/apt/archives/libvdpau1_0.3-0ubuntu3_i386.deb05:01
sdwrageHey guys... getting this path error... grails: JAVA_HOME is not defined correctly; can not execute: /usr/bin/java//bin/java05:02
XVirusOut_Cold: the entry inside mtab is the one in my script that the user uses to mount05:02
osirisx11onetinsoldier: it is05:02
XVirusOut_Cold: not the entry of the /media/drive05:02
Loshaosirisx11: just edit /var/lib/dpkg/status (make a copy first) and remove the paragraph for  nvidia-185-libvdpau 0:185.18.36-0ubuntu9. This will make your system forget all about the nvidia package and should allow you do install mplayer....05:03
XVirusOut_Cold: I gtg now .. will be back in 30 minutes .. if you're not here by then .. I want to thank you a lot for your time05:03
onetinsoldierosirisx11: it is there??05:03
sdwragenvm got it05:03
osirisx11onetinsoldier: yes05:03
onetinsoldierosirisx11: ok.. do the following --> dpkg -i --force-overwrite /var/cache/apt/archives/libvdpau1_0.3-0ubuntu3_i386.deb05:03
onetinsoldierosirisx11: then try to install mplayer again. bet it works this time05:04
osirisx11onetinsoldier: i don't think it was earlier, pastebinning you05:04
Obsidian1723-2I have an issue I need some help with. It seems I have a broken package for Firefox. I was installing the beta. I have some dependancy issues. I've tried sudo apt-get -f install/purge/autoremove etc, all no go.05:04
julio_Hi guys!! Do you know how to make the rtl8187 drive work in the kismet???05:04
Out_Coldi'm going to eat.... please forward all my mail to ubottu05:04
onetinsoldierosirisx11: ok05:05
osirisx11onetinsoldier: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/mc5fd17f05:05
Out_Coldjulio_, use aircrack-utils.. more specifically the driver util... airdriver-ng maybe??05:05
Out_Coldnow going05:05
osirisx11onetinsoldier: that did work!05:06
osirisx11onetinsoldier: thanks!!05:06
onetinsoldierosirisx11: cool. thought it would05:06
onetinsoldierosirisx11: you're welcome. enjoy05:06
onetinsoldierosirisx11: :-)05:06
julio_Out_Cold, How can I use that "aircrack-utils"? I just know to use kismet and then aircrack, and the kismet is not identifying my drive05:07
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blakkheimjulio_: i really don't think you should be trying to use those tools without any knowledge of how to configure them05:08
Out_Coldi agree05:08
julio_blakkheim, i'm learning05:08
Out_Coldjulio_, you aren't going to make any sense of what kismit spits out anyways05:09
Obsidian1723-2Well forcing the install worked05:09
julio_blakkheim, the problem is that the rtl8187 is not listed in the kismet site05:09
blakkheimjulio_: learning would be reading the documentation, not asking questions that you can find the answers for yourself on their wiki/man pages05:09
Out_Coldjulio_, i was using the rtl8187 for monitoring... not kismet05:09
julio_blakkheim, my drive is not listed in the documentation, so I tried the mac80211 and it didn work05:09
blakkheimjulio_: so then why are you still asking?05:10
paissadhow can i grab the kernel version as named by www.kernel.org  ( for example instead of the conventionnal names that distributions use , for example, ubuntu would name his kernel (2.6.32-generic) & gentoo ( 2.6.32-foo) ... knowing that are the same kernels05:10
Out_Coldoh... no it won't work in the mac driver05:10
julio_blakkheim, Cause nothing has worked and I wanna see if you have the solution05:10
blakkheimjulio_: if nothing has worked it's either over your head or not GOING to work.05:11
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onetinsoldierpaissad: you download the kernel from kernel.org. then you configure the kernel. then you compile it, and finally, install it05:11
julio_blakkheim, haha05:11
paissadonetinsoldier, i know how to do that, but that's not my question mate05:11
julio_blakkheim, well man I'm just trying to find something here05:11
Out_Coldjulio_, start here http://forums.remote-exploit.org/general-discussion/18552-install-rtl8187-driver-ubuntu.html05:11
Peloevening folks, anyone know a command to tell me the video driver i'M using ?05:12
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julio_Out_Cold, thanks I'll take a look!05:12
onetinsoldierpaissad: ok. sorry. guess i didn't quite know what you meant by 'grab'05:12
paissadonetinsoldier, how can we retreive the orginal kernel version without doing regexp on the uname -r | a05:12
Out_Coldand a heads up julio_ don't ask those wonderful people stupid questions or they will shun you05:12
syriusI am going to get a blu ray burner can ubuntu burn blu ray discs?05:13
obscurant1sthey I messed up with the sources list how can i revert ioit back to factory settings?05:13
obscurant1stnow when i try to install firefox all those pre release things comes up05:14
obscurant1sti dont want that... :(05:14
julio_Out_Cold, Thanks for the tips!05:14
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Out_Coldobscurant1st, just remove the links that you added or # them out05:14
RubbberduckyAnyone know where to get drivers for my realtek audio?  Or how to make it work.  haha...05:14
obscurant1st<Out_Cold> i dont know which i hv added or how many i hv added.05:15
obscurant1stcan i get it from internet i meant the default list?05:15
obscurant1stn btw # them out means?05:15
* Rubbberducky hates realtek. :(05:16
* reactor too05:16
Rubbberduckylol good05:16
Rubbberduckydoes yours at least work??05:17
Loshaonetinsoldier: I read it the same as you did. I wondered if there were any ubuntu-specific diffs applied to standard kernel for ubuntu?05:17
reactorRubbberducky, yes05:17
plouffeIn Hardware Drivers it says "Alternate Atheros madwifi driver" "This driver is activated but currently not in use". How can I make it be used?05:17
troopperiobscurant1st: wich version of ubuntu you use?05:17
obscurant1stkarmic 9.10 trooperi05:17
Rubbberduckyreactor: mine does not.  Did you have to DL drivers?05:18
Out_Coldobscurant1st, here is my list from /etc/apt/sources.list: http://pastebin.com/m623169e8 and # means comment them out, or make the lines not read by your computer05:18
reactorRubbberducky, I have realtek adsl router given me by isp, but it drops my connection if it thinks it's "overloaded"05:18
onetinsoldierLosha: i'm pretty sure there are05:18
reactorRubbberducky, do u mean realtek soundcard?05:18
IdleOneplouffe: select it and click enable at the bottom of the window05:18
RubbberduckyReactor: ohhh lame.  I have built in realtek audio. I hate it.05:18
obscurant1stthanks Out_Cold05:18
obscurant1stI will try with that..:D05:18
plouffeIdleOne, there is no enable button . Only close and Deactivate05:19
reactorRubbberducky, no I didn't dl any driverz while I had builtin realtek: it woked05:19
Rubbberduckyreactor: Well youre lucky. :(05:19
plouffeIdleOne, in the Hardware Drivers window05:19
IdleOneplouffe: not sure then sorry05:19
drekiis there a way to control what core a process runs on?05:20
reactorRubbberducky, I zapped it with 220 by accident then it burnt and I bought external souncard :P05:20
onetinsoldierLosha: if you look at this page, over on the right, you'll see an 'orig' and 'diff' downloads --> http://packages.ubuntu.com/lucid/linux-image-2.6.32-11-generic05:20
Peloplouffe, what are you trying to do ?05:20
Out_Coldobscurant1st, i would compare the lists instead of copying from mine05:20
obscurant1sti aleady copied it..05:21
obscurant1stany problem?>?? :o05:21
Loshaonetinsoldier: yeah, I see it mentions 'ubuntu patches'....05:21
onetinsoldierLosha: yep05:21
RubbberduckyReactor: I have a beautiful Presonus Firestudio mobile audio interface that is not supported. :(05:21
Out_Coldobscurant1st, well could be that you are using another distro or perhaps the servers are located half way around the world?05:21
plouffePelo trying to get my wifi to work05:21
reactorRubbberducky, huh? wht is it?05:21
Peloplouffe, ok, carry on, I can't help with that05:22
Silver_Swordsanyone plays urban terror 4.1 here?05:22
RubbberduckyReactor: Its a Firewire interface used for high quality recording with microphones05:22
obscurant1stohh <Out_Cold> .. :(05:22
scuniziRubbberducky: might be with "jack".. medibuntu repos will give you various higher end audio programs and "jack"05:22
obscurant1stanyway atleast it is working fine now i think05:22
reactorRubbberducky, cool05:22
Loshapaissad: I think the answer to your question is that the original string is lost when you set a new kernel name, so you'll have to use a regexp05:23
obscurant1sti did al these things for updating the firefox to 3.605:23
reactorRubbberducky, maybe it does need proprietary driv3z0rz?05:23
obscurant1stbut i ended up in installing 3.6 pre05:23
paissadLosha, ok05:23
Rubbberduckyscunizi: I am running Ubuntu Studio because it came with all those doo hickeys, I just dont have the slightest idea how to use them and I guess my interface isnt supported05:23
obscurant1styuo have any idea on how to install this firefox 3.6?05:23
sargentoIs there any command to view my CD drives, like lsusb or lspci?05:24
Out_Coldobscurant1st, i havent tried yet but why do you need 3.6?05:24
obscurant1stactually 1 cool option is ther with firefox and some more bla bla features..05:24
Out_Coldobscurant1st, if you must install build-essentials then compile the 3.6 source from mozilla05:25
scuniziRubbberducky: firewire sometimes requires different libraries to function.. I have a firewire pci card that functioned in 6.06 but doesn't in 8.10-9.04-9.10.. at least yet.. I use it for my camera05:25
Out_Coldobscurant1st, or search for a 3.6 deb online...05:25
obscurant1stthe cool thing is when i liked is when we hover over the firefox themes in the theme gallery the whole firefox changes to that theme, a nice preview feature.05:25
obscurant1sti liked it.05:25
MikeGuosargento: why you need that command? your cdrom can't work?05:25
Rubbberduckyproprietary: Its things like that that make me want to just use the built in sound.  that doesnt seem to work, lol.05:26
tolpicoWould someone please help me install nvidia drivers on kubuntu? In hardware drivers dialog it doesnt show the drivers. How should I get it?05:26
obscurant1stits not available yet. i  mean the .deb.05:26
MikeGuosargento:  may  be ls /dev/sdx something,  x point to sda or sdb.05:26
Out_Coldobscurant1st, might not work the same way in linux if that was the windows version05:26
ardchoilletolpico: you need to askin #kubuntu05:26
obscurant1stoh.... :|05:26
Out_Coldobscurant1st, build from source then.. it's easier than you think05:26
sargentoMaikeGuo, that's right. It appears on Computer like CD Drive, I inserted an audio CD but It doesn't mount it05:26
obscurant1stany thats why i wanted to update to the new version.05:26
MikeGuotolpico: you can downlosd from nv web site, and directly install it.05:26
scuniziRubbberducky: understandable05:27
MikeGuoor just the software package manage for install nvidia  deb package.05:27
sargentoMikeGuo,  that's right. It appears on Computer like CD Drive, I inserted an audio CD but It doesn't mount it. I double-cliked it but nothing happens05:27
Maximohey guys I have Karmic 9:10 and I need to go back 8:04 LTS ...how do I do this?05:27
obscurant1stoh, i donno why i didnt think about that, btw from where can i download the firefox sources, if its not too much to ask,,05:27
Maximonew to all this...05:28
obscurant1stI'm also searchin, bt if you knw pls giv me the link05:28
LoshaMaximo: you have to install 8.04 from scratch, there is no downgrade capability....05:28
onetinsoldierMaximo: you install 8.04 LTS fresh05:28
MaximoWhat just insert cd and thats it?05:28
onetinsoldierMaximo: are you just wanting the stability of an LTS release?05:29
onetinsoldierMaximo: why do you need 8.04? just curious...05:29
Maximojust screwed my system up05:29
sacarlsonMaximo you might want to run Ubuntu 8.04 in Vertualbox in Ubuntu 9.1 , not sure why you want 8.0405:29
PureKaozHrm... Whats up?05:29
Maximois the only one have available at the moment05:29
Maximono more05:29
Out_Coldobscurant1st, i would start at firefox homepage05:30
Silver_Swordsanyone having sound problems when playing urban terror 4.1 for linux?05:30
ghthor_I'm trying to move a linux system from one partition to another, its all contained in one partition. Everything kinda works but update-grub is still pointing to the old partition number for the kernels05:30
LoshaMaximo: yes, just put in the cd and install. The catch is, you lose any 9.10 configuration. Save your /home somewhere safe if it has anything important in it.05:30
Maximoanother question: suppose just wanna reinstall Karmic 9:10 how do I do that?05:30
obscurant1stYeah I am doing it <Out_Cold>05:30
obscurant1stn now joined #firefox to ask this05:31
Out_Coldobscurant1st, i would assume that their topic would tell you such info05:31
MaximoLosha: nothing important just alittle program I run thats it...05:32
Out_Cold| Firefox 3.6 released http://www.mozilla.com/firefox/all.html |05:32
MaximoLosha: how do I back it up?05:32
LoshaMaximo: same answer, put in the cd and install. Maybe I'm missing something, because the answer seems so simple?05:32
LoshaMaximo: copy it somewhere: to a blank cd or dvd, or to a different disk, or to a spare partition. Depends on your hardware....05:33
MaximoLosha: I upgraded it from previous version into 9:1005:33
munkhey all. I just accidentally sudo make install a program and now it has to be run as root. I am willing to bet if I reran the install as a normal user it would fail trying to over write the existing files. Is there any way to go back?05:33
Vishal__Ubuntu Jaunty 9.04 broadband issue05:34
Vishal__pppoeconf not connecting05:34
MaximoLosha: oh I see05:34
Out_Coldmunk, you have to sudo make install....05:34
Vishal__any help pl?05:34
wolterhi, does anybody know why the ubuntu pastebin is now private?05:34
MikeGuoVishal_: what's that? I mean your problem.05:35
munkOut_Cold, but now the program has to be run as root. It never did before.05:35
Vishal__pppoeconf not connecting05:35
Out_Coldmunk, change the permissions of the /usr/bin/file to 77705:35
Out_Coldmunk, that's assuming that you want anyone to access it05:35
MikeGuoVishal__: did you make sure you did the correct configuration?05:35
munkwhat about the permissions of all its dependencies?05:35
IdleOnewolter: what do you mean by private?05:35
MikeGuoand any logs?05:35
munkor will it grant access?05:35
Out_Coldmunk, just the bin05:35
munkok, thanks!05:36
LoshaMaximo: it's ok to ask beginner questions here...05:36
Maximoyou know it's05:36
munkOh, I know this is the wrong channel but is anyone here having trouble with transcoder? it fails to load the export modules05:36
Out_Coldmunk, do a "locate 'file' | grep bin"05:36
wolterIdleOne, that you need a login to use them05:36
IdleOnewolter: paste.ubuntu.com does not require a login05:37
chipgerii installed eclipse from software center. now hao to add PDT to it?05:37
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Loshamunk: if it's a ubuntu app, it's ok to ask about it here. Which export modules?05:37
munkthe xvid codec fails to load05:38
munkand the ffmpeg codec05:38
munkit was working fine before Koala05:39
Loshamunk: When you say transcoder, do you mean transcode? Or some other app. Got an exact error message?05:39
wolterIdleOne, oh, looks like they fixed it05:39
munkI even recompiled transcoder (ie the make install)05:39
munksorr, transcode05:39
sargentoMy Ubuntu 9.10 doesnt mount automatically my Audio CD, aby clue?05:39
munk[export_xvid4.so] v0.0.6 (2007-08-11) (video) XviD 1.0.x series (aka API 4.0) | (audio) MPEG/AC3/PCM05:40
munk[export_xvid4.so] warning: Encoder initialization failed05:40
munk[encoder.c] warning: video export module error: init failed05:40
munk[transcode] critical: failed to init encoder05:40
FloodBot1munk: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:40
Billiardsargento: audio cd's are not mounted, they dont have a filesystem05:40
Out_ColdBilliard, isn't the iso mounted?05:40
munkI have tried xvid version 1.0.2 and version 1.2.205:40
sargentoBilliard, Sorry, I don't know the right term but I cant listen to my CD I just inserted.05:41
Billiardsargento: which player are you trying to use?05:41
Loshamunk: which os version?05:41
munkKarmic Koala05:41
Pelothose the live cd have a menu option for memcheck ?05:41
Awesome3000I think so05:42
Out_ColdPelo, if you are asking if ubuntu live cd has memcheck then yes05:42
jake_Alt tab has decided to stop working.  Anyone have any ideas?05:42
PeloOut_Cold, yes that's what I was asking,  it'S been awhile so I didn' trememer05:42
Loshamunk: you might need the medibuntu version. The standard version is missing mp3 because of licensing issues. www.medibuntu.org05:42
sargentoBilliard, I tried Sound Juicer, I checked on Computer and there it appear as CD Drive but I cannot access to the content of it05:42
Ari_Lazarus_Hey, is OpenGL included by default in Jaunty?05:42
munkI just built transcode version 1.1.5 with no errors05:43
Awesome3000Pelo: just checked 9.04 has on the main menu05:43
munkand I installed the 'lame' packages that transcode uses for mp305:43
Out_Coldmunk, do you have gstreamer good/bad/ugly pluggins?05:43
Pelothanks Awesome300005:43
timunknown property zoom declaration dropped line 3 in firefox can anyone tell me what this means or how to fix it05:43
munkit was working just fine in Heron05:43
Pelomunk, need to play mp3  ?   install lame05:44
Loshamunk: dunno then. Try googling the error message....05:44
munkyea, googled the hell out of it05:44
Billiardsargento: maybe you need to choose your drive in the sound juicer preferences05:44
munktried posting on the transcode newsgroup but it seems to be blocking my posts :S05:44
Out_Coldmunk, sudo apt-get install gnome-restricted-extras?05:45
Out_Coldooh.. ubuntu-restricted-extras05:45
sargentoBilliard, thanks Billiard, it worked with my DVD Drive, I think the problem is on CD Drive.05:46
Billiardsargento: ok np05:46
munkI have all the gstreamer plugins05:46
ubottumedibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org05:46
munkis there any program that uses the xvid encoder that I can test? to make sure it is transcode and not xvid?05:47
Out_Coldmunk, vlc plays anything05:47
osirisx11almost every day at least once a day, my wifi drops and refuses to come back until i do an ifconfig down/up on it, then it works fine again for the next day or so. any ideas?05:47
timunknown property zoom declaration dropped line 3 how can i fix this or what does it mean05:47
Linux-CLIDoes the Creative Commons License allow for printing? (eg, a WikiBook from Wikipedia)05:48
Loshamunk: ffmpeg, mencoder, dvdrip. But seriously, check out medibuntu first...05:48
PeloLinux-CLI, not sure this is the right place to ask05:48
Fudgeusing 8.10 how can you update to gnome 2.29 from 2.26.105:48
osirisx11Linux-CLI: i am pretty sure it does, ask #wikipedia05:49
Loshaosirisx11: I think you're lucky you have a workaround...05:49
Windopainwhat kind of hoops do i need to jump through in order to force numlock on at startup and after login?  basically, i always want numlock on05:49
Myke1isnt Numlock a Bios thing?05:50
Myke1on my Motherboard it is05:50
osirisx11Losha: not an acceptable answer my friend05:50
LoshaWindopain: apt-cache search numlock talks about something called numlockx05:51
Out_ColdWindopain, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NumLock05:51
Loshaosirisx11: good luck with that...05:51
Linux-CLIosirisx11: Asked there, they aren't helpful :S05:51
syriusI am going to get a blu ray burner can ubuntu burn blu ray discs?05:51
timhi can someone help me  in firefox i get unknown property zoom declaration dropped line 3 what can i do to fix this05:51
Awesome3000!numlock | Windopain05:52
ubottuWindopain: To enable Number Lock by default, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NumLock05:52
osirisx11Losha: my business is depending on internet access, you can't just expect a hack to be a solution05:52
munkwhy are applications in /usr/local/bin not found in the terminal?05:53
Loshamunk: does your path include /usr/local/bin ?05:53
munkprobably not, how do I add it?05:54
Loshaosirisx11: in all seriousness, you're running a free OS. There are no warranties. You could write a shell script that runs ping periodically, and when it fails, does an ifconfig, I suppose....05:54
infidhow come faillog doesn't show enteries, instead they go to auth.log by default in ubuntu?05:54
osirisx11Losha: :(05:55
Loshamunk: running bash? Look for PATH in your .bashrc and add /usr/local/bin to it....05:55
antoniusi got os x on sda2, XP on sda1, and would like to install ubuntu on sdb3....anyone know how this will work with grub and whatnot?  i would like to continue using XP's bootloader (so to not break it lol)05:56
Peloantonius, when you install grub will overwrite the xp bootloader05:57
timhow can i fix the problem in firefox unknown property zoom declaration dropped line 305:57
antoniuspelo: yes i know...i think there is an option to install grub to the same partition as /05:58
Peloantonius,  if you donT insall grub , you won'T be able to boot ubuntu because the xp boot loader won'T see it05:58
onetinsoldiertim: have you tried the #firefox channel?05:58
* osirisx11 waves to mattgyver05:58
khettihow do i disable mouse accel in games? xset m 0 0 doesnt do jack05:58
Peloantonius, grub need to install in the boot sector05:58
Fudgeis it possible just to upgrade to a later gnome version with apt-get?05:59
antoniusPelo: that sux...guess it's linux virtualbox's for me...darn I really miss linux too05:59
bazquestion for ya, I have had to switch back to debian as i find that xubuntu is not stable enough for my use, however I have found that debian xfce install is missing the nice themes included with xubuntu 9.10, any one know where in the directory tree they are installed05:59
PeloFudge,  no , you only get fixes and stuff from the repos, you only get new version with new releases05:59
timno i'm not very good at this05:59
ardchoillebaz: Ask in #xubuntu05:59
onetinsoldierFudge: you mean a version of gnome from a newer version of ubuntu?05:59
Fudgeyes using 8.1006:00
antoniuspelo: well, grub doesn't see OS X, for some reason, the chainloader option works fine with loading XP, but it seems it won't load my os x partition06:00
onetinsoldierFudge: nope. i don't hink you can06:00
onetinsoldierFudge: nope. i don't think* you can06:00
Peloantonius, I don'T know about that part , you might want to ask in #grub but be very patient, it's not a busy channel06:01
LoshaFudge: that depends entirely on whether the ubuntu team bothered to put an upgraded version in the repository. Using synaptic, you should be able to see if there's a newer version available. If not, your only recourse is probably to compile it yourself, which would probably be a lot of work///06:01
antoniusany mac users here?  does grub recognize ur os x partition?06:01
Fudgethink might stear away from that thanks06:01
antoniuspelos: thx again06:01
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LoshaFudge: whats in the newer version that you can't live without?06:02
Fudgejust fixes06:02
justin_has anyone tryed BURG?06:02
syriusI am going to get a blu ray burner can ubuntu burn blu ray discs?06:02
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sparky13can some put a link in so I can get to the xubuntu irc?06:03
ardchoillesparky13: /join #xubuntu06:03
Trek#xubuntu sparky06:03
sparky13nothing happens when I click it lol :(06:03
LoshaFudge: well, gnome is actualyl a collection of apps. Some of them might have newer versions you can upgrade individually....06:04
sparky13nm ty06:04
ardchoillesparky13: typ ei what I poste06:04
sparky13got it :)06:04
Ari_Lazarus_Does anyone know if OpenGL is packaged with Ubuntu Jaunty? If not, is it in the repository?06:05
PeloAri_Lazarus_,  what you need to install is a driver package with glx in the name06:06
Peloassuming the one you have installed doesnT' have it already06:06
Ari_Lazarus_Hmm. I do06:07
LoshaAri_Lazarus_: it's in hardy, so it's probably in jaunty. Try apt-cache search opengl06:07
* Pelo is gonna shut up now insase his advice leads to another disaster06:07
IdleOnesparky13: type /join #xubuntu06:07
Ari_Lazarus_Must driver must be bonkers then.06:07
soreauAri_Lazarus_: For intel and ati cards, the open source drivers provide opengl through mesa. With nvidia, you must install their proprietary driver06:07
soreauAri_Lazarus_: Are you having a problem with 3D?06:07
Ari_Lazarus_If you've heard of it06:08
soreauAri_Lazarus_: Which card do you have?06:08
Ari_Lazarus_Some crappy Intel integrated card, let me check06:08
LoshaPelo: sometimes it all just goes horribly wrong. Even the pros make mistakes. Be glad you aren't a surgeon....06:08
Pelo!hi | a_user06:12
ubottua_user: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!06:12
MikeNorbyI was in here earlier this afternoon, about not being able to log in, got that fixed. Thanks you gus. :)06:12
fynnHey, what's the best way to install Firefox 3.6 on Ubuntu?06:12
a_userHow can I download these .ram audio files? http://www.banadir24.com/portal/islamic/quran/index.html06:12
MikeNorbyguys :)06:12
Pelofynn, wait two months for the next release06:13
fynnPelo: not an option, unfortunately.06:13
MikeNorbyBut now, I can't seem to get my audio to work, and the drivers are correctly installed.06:13
fynnI need to install it some time over the next couple of days.06:13
sim-PAUL-guydont know how to  manage this06:13
Pelofynn, binary from the ff website then06:13
sim-PAUL-guyis anyone can help me06:13
soreau! ask | sim-PAUL-guy06:13
ubottusim-PAUL-guy: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)06:13
sim-PAUL-guycan you help us06:13
fynnPelo: OK, thought maybe there's a PPA for it.06:14
Ari_Lazarus_soreau: I have an ATI Radeon Xpress 200M06:14
IdleOnesim-PAUL-guy: help with what?06:14
Awesome3000sim-PAUL-guy: What's the trouble06:14
soreauAri_Lazarus_: That is certainly not an intel card..06:14
brandon-how do youg et back into the gui once you hit shift alt f1 or whatever to get to the shell06:14
soreauAri_Lazarus_: Which version of ubuntu?06:14
IdleOnebrandon-: ctrl-alt-F706:14
brandon-Awesome3000, you directing f7 at me?06:14
brandon-ok thank you idleone06:14
Peloa_user, not sure, that website seems a bit on the complicated side for someting that should be easy06:15
IdleOnebrandon-: np06:15
soreauAri_Lazarus_: Then you probably will benefit significantly from a mesa upgrade06:15
Awesome3000brandon- : yea f7 is the gui one06:15
PeloAri_Lazarus_, check in the systeem > admin menu for restricted drivers manager,  see if there is a drie rfor you there06:15
soreauAri_Lazarus_: Assuming 'glxinfo|grep renderer' does not report Software Rasterizer06:16
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MikeNorbyRunning ubuntu 9.10 on a MacBook Pro, can't get audio to work. Internal mic, internal speakers, and plugged in headphones, but still no sound.06:16
Ari_Lazarus_I have a Mesa driver apparently?06:16
Pelowasn'T there a special package for glx with ati cards ? someting with an f in the name06:16
soreauAri_Lazarus_: Yes, mesa provides 3D/OpenGL06:17
PeloAri_Lazarus_, you mean vesa ?06:17
soreauAri_Lazarus_: However you do have a lower end ati chip06:17
Ari_Lazarus_Mesa DRI R300 x86 / MMX / SSE2 NO-TCL06:17
soreauAri_Lazarus_: Check the performance in karmic and preferably after the Lucid release. If it has not improved, you can complain in #radeon06:18
Ari_Lazarus_It's not really the performance.. I just can't get the game to start :p06:18
Ari_Lazarus_(game is a Java applet)06:18
soreauAri_Lazarus_: Why do you think java needs opengl?06:19
MikeNorbyRunning ubuntu 9.10 on a MacBook Pro, can't get audio to work. Internal mic, internal speakers, and plugged in headphones, but still no sound. Any suggestions to fix?06:19
syriusI am going to get a blu ray burner can ubuntu burn blu ray discs?06:19
Flare-Laptopsyrius: Yes06:19
Ari_Lazarus_Someone mentioned it in a forum thread that it might have something to do with opengl or that java graphics package lwjgl or however you spell it06:20
soreau! who | Ari_Lazarus_06:20
ubottuAri_Lazarus_: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)06:20
syriusno special things required for it to work? Flare-Laptop06:20
Flare-Laptopsyrius: I'm no tsure let me look it up06:20
syriusI know to play blu ray movies and such you do06:21
syriusbut I don't care for that much06:21
syriusjust want to burn mainly06:21
Flare-Laptopsyrius: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/BluRayAndHDDVD06:21
IdleOnesyrius: take a look at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport and see if what you are thinking of getting is supported.06:21
syriusplextor drive06:21
syriuswell I have a plextor drive and it works06:21
IdleOnesyrius: nice. now see if it is listed06:21
syriusit is the same plextor drive it just supports blu ray06:21
syriusI have the older one and it works06:22
Explore2Hi all, i need to install sun microsystems virtual box from site. can anyone please give me the exact address?06:22
syriusso the newer one probably works06:22
syriusExplore2, use your package manager06:22
MikeNorbyRunning ubuntu 9.10 on a MacBook Pro, can't get audio to work. Internal mic, internal speakers, and plugged in headphones, but still no sound. Anyone, is there a way to fix this?06:22
MikeGuoExplore2: http://www.virtualbox.org/06:22
syriustype alt+f2 then type terminal then type sudo apt-get install virtualbox Explore206:23
MikeGuoMikeNorby: there is a guide about how to install ubuntun on Mac pro06:23
syriussorry type gnome-terminal Explore206:23
MikeGuoMikeNorby: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacPro06:24
MikeNorbyMikeGuo, It's installed perfectly fine on my MacBook Pro, its just the audio that doesnt work. It doesnt work booting from the disk either.06:24
MikeGuoyeah, there is  some detail information about the audio.06:25
MikeGuoin that page.06:25
MikeGuoyou check that.06:25
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP306:25
syriusFlare-Laptop, that doesn't talk about burning06:25
syriusI already saw that page06:25
syriusit talks about watching blu ray and hddvd movies06:25
Flare-Laptopsyrius: Yes, I see that now :(06:25
syriusI don't care for doing that06:25
Pelosyrius, just burning data to a blueray ? doesn'T  brasero handle it ?06:26
wastegatewhat is the make command to compile only currently loaded modules, e.g. make lodmodconfig?? that doesn't work06:26
syriusI want to know before buying one Pelo06:26
syriusperhaps I should ask the tech guys at the store06:26
syriusperhaps they will know06:26
rumpsywhat is moin?06:28
wastegatelod mod config, I can't remeber!06:28
wastegatesomebody has to know06:28
Pelorumpsy, short for morning06:28
elitecoderHow can I check the ./configure line a package was configured with?06:28
rumpsyPelo: okay06:28
winfriedhallo jemand online?06:30
Newbuntu2I'm adding a harddrive purely for backup  - any particular partitioning scheme or filesystem I should pick? Or is one big ext4 space good?06:31
wastegatemake localmodconfig, that's it!06:31
elitecoderIs there a way to see how a package was ./configured?06:31
akscihow do i run a gui application as a different user through terminal?06:31
lameboti am trying to watch a div x movie on ninjavideo.net, i get a message that says there was an error getting the video information06:32
lamebotdoes anyone know how to fix this?06:32
antoniusaksci: su to the username06:32
antoniusaksci: then type the command as that user06:32
antoniusthat should work06:33
Pelolamebot, sounds like the website is sending bad data , not much you can do about that06:33
lamebotoh ok thanks06:33
antoniusworks for root, at least..example, sudo nautilus works06:33
qweasddhello, a ubuntu based VPS of ours ran out of disk space, we cleaned the problem and restarted mysql. A warning is now shown, "* Checking for corrupt, not cleanly closed and upgrade needing tables. " - how can we see what the progress is on this, or if it is even doing anything as a particular database is not coming back up. It's around 450MB and the machine has been up for over 20minutes.06:33
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aksciantonius: it doesn't work! display: unable to open X server `:0.0' @ display.c/DisplayImageCommand/418.06:34
hyperstreamare there any guides on how to bridge my wlan0 to my wlan2 ?06:34
Peloaksci, why not just use the fast user switcher applet ?06:34
Explore2syrius: in alt+f2, if i give terminal,i am getting an error06:35
Explore2no such file or directory06:35
syriusExplore2, type gnome-terminal then enter06:35
aksciPelo: i don't want to switch user to just use a single application!06:36
Darkedge=/ I'm daul-booting Windows and Linux, I alredy have Linux installed, whats the easiest way to make space for Windows? I also plan on making just enough space for Windows and hoping its possible for Windows to see my Linux partion somehow? Any ideas? Thanks.06:36
akscithere should be a way! can't the same xserver be used by other login?06:36
antoniusaksci: damn...sorry bro...maybe an X thing..i know in xnest was handy for this06:36
syriusExplore2, then in the terminal type without the quotes "sudo apt-get install virtualbox"06:36
PeloExplore2, you can also switch to consol mode with crtl+alt+f2 ( throught to f6)  and crtl_alt+f7 to come back06:36
syriuslet's not make it more complicated then it has to be for him/her06:37
syriuswell actually f1 through f6 and f7 to get back06:37
Pelosyrius, well why are you tellhing him to open a terminal using alt+f2 instead of from the menu ?06:38
winfriedspricht jemand deutsch?06:38
Pelo!de | Wind0pain06:38
ubottuWind0pain: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.06:38
lol11sup, where can i get help for bash scripting06:39
ZykoticK9lol11, #bash06:39
Pelolol11, #bash06:39
lol11kk, it actually exists06:40
Pelolol11, it's a big internet , everything exist somwhere06:40
lol11yep, ive realized it06:40
srvi have 2 network cards on different networks06:40
srvhow can i access one of them from the other06:41
aksciantonius: huh? didn't get you!06:41
Explore2i got a deb package of virutal box, while installing it says, should the vboxdr kernel module be complied now?06:41
antoniusaksci: try a program called xnest06:41
Explore2what are consequences of these?06:41
Quan-Time_.FLV video joiner / converter.. what are my options ? whats a good video editing prog06:42
PeloQuan-Time_, give avidemux a try , not sure about flv but probably,  might need to save it as someting else however06:43
=== choonming_ is now known as choonming
ZykoticK9Quan-Time_, avidemux does support flv06:44
Quan-Time_nice.. cheers, il give it a whirl now !06:44
PeloExplore2, compile it, it,s part of the instal process, if you'Re installg from the repository you need not fear06:44
Newbuntu2what is the best filesystem for a backup drive?06:44
pat|nGanyone here?06:45
pat|nGneed help06:45
Pelopat|nG, just state your problem06:45
Quan-Time_pat|nG: whats your prob ?06:45
antoniusnewbuntu2: according to digg.com ext4 is the best filesystem ever lol06:45
PeloNewbuntu2, any special type of media or just a hdd ?06:45
wolter!tab | antonius06:46
ubottuantonius: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.06:46
Newbuntu2Pelo: just a plain hdd - accessible via network, so blinding performance not necessary  - but is there a particularly good one for, eg, power losses, etc06:46
PeloNewbuntu2, ext4 is up to the job06:46
Newbuntu2basically, which is the most robust06:46
Quan-Time_i use a 500gb external caddy,, NTFS,, works great06:46
PeloQuan-Time_, ntfs support is not 100% in linux, much better then it was but not 100%06:47
antoniushonestly, newbuntu2, if you use different OS, FAT32 of NTFS...OS X, windows, and linux can read write all of those06:47
Newbuntu2Pelo: I thought ext4 holds data in the cache for a long time before writing - hence not the best?06:47
Newbuntu2whereas ext3 syncs every 5 sec06:47
pat|nGi got my laptop and i have win7 and i set the boot setup to cd as it boots up...now im in the process of installing kubuntu....it appears i'm in disk setup...how can i install it without a rewritting my win7 os? all i can see is /dev/sda1 ntfs until sda4.....i don't know which of that my win7 is runnin....so which one i will choose to install kubuntu? i got 3 partition each partition is 80gb how can i know that drive ain't used by win7?06:47
Newbuntu2but it writes metadata/journal first, then the data...06:47
reisioext4 is deafult for 9.10, right?06:47
PeloNewbuntu2, you seem to be more knowlegdable about this then I am06:47
Newbuntu2reisio: yes06:48
reisiopat|nG: look at them, see if they're empty06:48
tweaksourcepat|nG, Is only Win7 installed now?06:48
reisiopat|nG: should be auto-mounted if they're NTFS already06:48
reisioNewbuntu2: thanks06:48
Pelopat|nG, in the installation process you will be asked where to isntall, you'll be given the option to repartition if you need to make room06:48
pat|nGtweaksource: yes....it's new actually06:48
Newbuntu2reisergs is supposed to be good too....06:48
reisioit's not, it's bad :p06:49
PeloNewbuntu2, yes but it will murder your wife06:49
* Pelo just couldn'T resist06:49
reisiotry harder :p06:49
pat|nGpelo: i didn't get that info actually it just choices to setup manually06:49
tweaksourcepat|nG, So, there exists sda2 & 3?06:49
pat|nGi did manually06:49
reisioreiser is very good when you want something fast for files you _do not care about_06:49
ZykoticK9Newbuntu2, reiserfs or um murderfs as it has come to be know probably isn't such a good recommendation these days...06:49
pat|nGdo i need to hit back?06:49
tweaksourceI would suggest that you need to examine your partition schem06:50
Newbuntu2I guess ext3 it is, then06:50
tweaksourcepat|nG, scheme06:50
tweaksourceNewbuntu2, I still have issues from ext4, last I tried it.06:51
pat|nGsda1 0.0%(100MB) sda2 35.5%(78.0GB) sda3 33.5% (78.1GB) sda4 32.9% (76.6GB)06:51
tweaksourcepat|nG, You made sda2, sda3 and sda4 correct?06:52
pat|nGit is already made by the techman from the shop i bought my notebook06:52
tweaksourcepat|nG, You are using the Live cd?06:52
tweaksourceWhat is the output of 'fdisk -l', please?06:53
pat|nGand i chose setup manually06:53
tweaksourcepat|nG, Pastebin06:53
ZykoticK9pat|nG, tweaksource - you will need to use "sudo fdisk -l" btw06:53
tweaksourceZykoticK9, Of course, you are correct.06:54
Pelog'night folks06:54
pat|nGtweaksource: i can't coz it's runnin manually i didn't used wubi app06:54
pat|nGcoz i want to install it not under win706:54
pat|nGi wan't a full kubuntu os runnin on my laptop06:54
antoniusNewbuntu2: i concur, you've done ur research, and ext3 is probably ur best choice06:55
tweaksourcepat|nG, Are you using a live cd with a desktop running?06:55
tweaksourcepat|nG, Or are you saying that you are in alternate install?06:55
DravekxIF I have users jailed into their home directories, and I specify myself to not be jailed so I can browse the server, what access do I give to /var/www in order me to access it? right now its root:root.06:55
reisiopat|nG: there're really only three possibilities: unpartitioned space you can install to, empty partitions you can delete and install to, and partitions you have to resize to make empty space to install to06:56
Quan-Time_avidemux works a charm !! cheers for the suggestion ppls.06:56
reisioall pretty easy to determine06:56
reisioQuan-Time_: for what?06:56
Dravekxanyone have a "lamens book" on permissions?06:57
pat|nGreisio: how can i determine that partition ain't used by win7?06:58
reisioDravekx: http://www.freebsd.org/doc/en/books/handbook/permissions.html06:58
tweaksourcepat|nG, In any event, sda1 is likely Win7. If you just manually created sda2, sda3, and sda4, then pick one of those.06:58
tweaksourcepat|nG, Win7 partition will have an NTFS file system.06:58
Dravekxreisio, thx06:59
reisiopat|nG: there's going to be a big partition that Windows 7's core files are on06:59
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reisiopat|nG: any partition that comes _after_ that, that is devoid of data, you can most likely safely obliterate06:59
winfriedanybody speak german?06:59
reisiowinfried: #ubuntu-de06:59
maco!de | winfried07:00
ubottuwinfried: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.07:00
reisiothat's a lot of words to say '#ubuntu-de' :p07:03
alftwowhy say it when you can write a script to do it too?07:03
tweaksourcereisio: indeed07:03
alteregoayeah aubuntu satanic works very well07:04
reisioalftwo: I could put 'ude' into XChat's auto replacements :p07:04
reisioor I could just type '#ubuntu-de'07:04
DravekxIf I give myself ownership of a directory, and I give someone else ownership of a sub directory, can they access it????07:04
reisiotakes approximately the same time07:04
reisioDravekx: the sub-directory?07:04
Dravekxreisio, yes. did I say that wrong? lol07:05
elviosDravekx: didn't you already read that book ? :D07:05
reisioDravekx: just wanted to be clear07:05
Dravekxyeah, Im still lost though.07:05
reisioif someone owns a sub-directory, they own it07:05
reisioDravekx: you probably own /home/youruser/, for example07:05
reisioyou do not own /07:05
reisio/home/youruser/ is a sub directory of /07:05
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Dravekxreisio, ok, let me see if I got this right. lol07:06
reisiowhen you own something, you own it07:06
alteregoaubuntu-satanic helps me trought the day07:06
hexddoes cedega demo with SPORE work with python 2.6.407:06
reisiowhat's that?07:06
Dravekxreisio, I have ownership of /var/www, inside are symlinks that connect to user home directories, that will work correct?07:07
reisioDravekx: define work ;)07:07
Explore2i installed virtualbox, by downloading debian package from site, wat is the command to open it now?07:08
Dravekxthe users can put web pages in their home directories and be seen on the net07:08
Dravekxoh, im retarded.. Im doing that now with root. lol07:08
elviosexplore2: try vbox or virtualbox07:08
tweaksourceExplore2, Virtualbox07:08
inertialif my boot partition is out of space, i can just delete some of the old kernels?07:10
BinaryMananyone have a suggestion on how to rip the audio from an mp4 video taken from a cellphone?07:10
Flannelinertial: Yeah, remove their packages through your favorite package manager (linux-image-[version] is the package)07:10
tweaksourceBinaryMan, ffmpeg07:11
Dravekxit works.07:11
Khisanthmplayer -dumpaudio foo.mp407:11
BinaryManthat simple?07:11
Khisanthwell not exactly, it doesn't work for all formats07:11
Khisanthdon't recall if it does for mp407:12
alteregoaubuntu satanic is a very nice skin for ubuntu07:12
BesogonHello!!!! ha) How can I know which package is include epsf.tex file????07:12
tweaksourceBinaryMan,  ffmpeg -i input.mp4 out.mp307:12
ManDayWhen I return the computer from Hibernation I (almost always) have to enter my root password "for the default keyring to unlock for nm-applet" - this is REALLY annoying - anyway to make it remember the permission??07:12
alteregoathe appearance looks very gothic but nice07:12
reisiocan throw in -vn if it has trouble dropping the video07:12
BinaryMantweaksource: the audio is in aac. will ffmpeg automagically transcode the aac to mp3?07:13
alteregoaget foobar200007:13
alteregoainstall wine and get foobar200007:13
tweaksourceBinaryMan, Works for me07:13
reisioprobably pretty low quality already, though, if it's from a cell phone07:13
alteregoaforget those complex cryptic command like commands07:13
tweaksourcereisio, Agree.07:13
BesogonIn which package is included epsf.tex? Which command should I use for it?07:13
BinaryManalteregoa: i have a virtual machine with fb2k already on it, and i like the command line.07:13
reisio(meaning why convert it)07:14
alteregoafor a single file ok, but for tons nah07:14
BinaryManreisio: i was thinking the same thing. if it sounds like crap, i won't keep it.07:14
reisiowho needs a GUI when you can use mplayer -slave :)07:14
reisioBinaryMan: you could also just do mplayer -novideo foo.mp4 :p07:15
alteregoathats why i work for xerox, developing gui07:15
tweaksourcereisio, I've always used ffmpeg. Why do you prefer mplayer?07:16
reisiotweaksource: for playing07:16
reisio'mplayer -slave' was re: foobar07:17
tweaksourcereisio, I just wondered if mplayer had some advantage over ffmpeg as a command line conversion tool.07:18
hyper_chhello there, when I log into my ubuntu box with ssh I get that motd: http://www.pastie.org/789433 --> how is that achieved or how can I make on my debian boxes that it also shows me how many packages can be updated and how many updates are security updates?07:18
reisiotweaksource: mencoder has, very occasionally07:18
reisioI prefer ffmpeg myself07:19
reisioit's all the same code base, though07:19
reisioI'm sure you know :)07:19
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RugeHi folks, how important is it to have the latest ubuntu?07:20
tweaksourceffmpeg has always worked for me and I'm used to it. mencoder has like a billion lines of docs07:20
RugeI am on a very low bandwidth connection and only have a 9.04 disc07:20
alftwohyper_ch: try /etc/motd iirc that is the right one, but I can't remember for SSH07:20
tweaksourceI'm still using 8.0407:20
Rugeo rly, hahha07:20
tweaksource8.04 is the current LTS07:21
hyper_chalftwo: the question is, how does it end up there?07:21
Rugeoh i c07:21
tweaksourcei.e. "stable"07:21
Rugeso for a new system, i will be fine with an older ubuntu for quite some time?07:21
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alftwohyper_ch: ah, didn't notice the rest of that, sorry ;p07:22
Rugei may have an 8.04 disc around too XD07:22
c_nickis there a simple paintbrush option in Ubuntu not referring to GIMP07:22
hyper_chRuge: yeah, just newer versions usually provide more up-to-date programs07:22
reisioc_nick: xpaint?07:22
hyper_chalftwo: :)07:22
tweaksourceRuge, 9.04 is not "old"07:22
c_nickok thanks07:22
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tweaksourceupgrade is always an option07:22
thehungrylumberjYou should be, I find that Karmic is just flashier. You get some neat other programs but the basics are all covered in 8.0407:22
Rugeahh yes07:22
hyper_chRuge: and 8.04 is supported on the desktop until april 201107:22
Rugewell, i have a ... low level machine07:22
Rugewhile i have large amounts of ram, i have no GFX07:22
Rugeso i would prefer no extra flashiness07:23
hyper_chRuge: the next lts is 10.04 and there should be a direct upgrade path from 8.04 to 10.0407:23
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tweaksourceRuge, FLUXBOX07:23
hatikvahI also don't have gfx07:23
hyper_chbut I usually reinstall the whole system from alternate installer :)07:23
tweaksourceSorry, I can't help myself07:23
RugeMy specs: Intel P4 3.0Ghz, 2GB DDR1 RAM, onboard Intel GFX07:23
tweaksourceRuge, You'll be fine07:23
hyper_chyou call that low level machine?07:23
hatikvahbut there is no problem with using higher graphic option07:23
tweaksourceI'm sayin'07:23
Rugehyper_ch: well, its the lack of GFX thats giving me a worry ;)07:24
alteregoayes it is07:24
thehungrylumberjyou can turn off all the flash in Karmic but then there isn't really a point in updating. If everything works fine don't bother07:24
hyper_chSysinfo for 'eubi': Linux 2.6.31-18-generic running KDE Development Platform 4.3.90 (KDE 4.3.90 (KDE 4.4 RC1)), CPU: Intel(R) Atom CPU N280   @ 1.66GHz at 1667 MHz (3324 bogomips), HD: 69/144GB, RAM: 1953/2005MB, 210 proc's, 18.3min up07:24
c_nickyes Ruge i am in the same category..except for the fact that i got a 1 GB less than you07:24
hyper_chwith intel GMA07:24
hyper_chmy beloved little netbook :907:25
tweaksourceAMD Athlon 2.2 GHz, 2 gb ram,07:25
hatikvahi want to buy netbook07:25
RugeK i have: Ubuntu 8.10, Ubuntu 9.04 and LinuxMint 607:25
hyper_chhatikvah: if you want a bit a more powerful netbook get one with ION07:25
tweaksourcehatikvah, Pick up one for me while you're out!07:25
thehungrylumberjIf you are experienced with linux and have a small system why not try gentoo? You can strip it down nicely.07:25
hatikvahi have cheapest labtop only07:26
tweaksourceUbuntu Minimal CD.07:26
tweaksourceAlready stripped.07:26
thehungrylumberjThat too @tweak07:26
hatikvahIt is too heavy to carry07:26
n00pI have the cheapest laptop with a sufficiently expensive solid state drive, it runs nicely :)07:26
n00pWell, not the cheapest.07:26
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RugeWell, ill take the plunge at 9.0407:26
RugeSee how it goes XD07:26
n00pA dell inspiron 1525 -- good power/price balance in my opinion.07:27
thehungrylumberjI got a monster when I was a gamer now I feel like I wasted money since I run linux07:27
tweaksourceRuge: Best of Luck07:27
BesogonSamsung nc10 would be good netbook07:27
RugeI just need to create \ and \home yes?07:27
reisioon Gentoo, you can tell man pages to not be installed :p07:27
thehungrylumberjgood luck07:27
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hatikvahI bought this laptop about 400 bucks07:27
hyper_chthe only thing I'd wish on my netbook was dual core and 64bit07:27
thehungrylumberjhaha gentoo is cool I wan't to give it a go this year07:27
hyper_chbut then I couldn't run on battery for like 7h07:27
c_nickRuge: i got U NBR 9.0407:27
hyper_chgentoo is for people with no friends and too much spare time :)07:27
c_nickand its working well.. besides the compiz stuff07:27
* Ruge has no friends and spare time07:27
thehungrylumberjHaha thats why I like it!07:28
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!07:28
tweaksourceRuge, and swap07:28
Rugeah swap, yes07:28
alteregoaSysinfo for fnord-top: Linux 2.6.33-rc4-generic running Gnome Desktop Environment, CPU Intel Core I7 @ 4.2GHz (23102 bogomips), HD: 1620/1896GB, RAM: 1022/8192GB, 189 proc's, 2h 23min up07:28
thehungrylumberjdamn alteregoa07:28
thehungrylumberjnice rig07:28
reisiohyper_ch: I hate people with friends! :p07:29
Besogonhatikvah, Do you talk about SamsungNC10? What else do you need?07:29
tweaksourcealteregoa, Where do you live? :)07:29
hatikvahHow can I display system performance here?07:29
reisioalteregoa: agreed07:29
Myrttireminder people, this is the support channel, not "compare your hardware" discussion.07:29
RugeIm sure the chan will switch gears when a question is asked next ;)07:29
tweaksourceMyrtti, My bad.07:29
n00p(Myrtti) stop being a tight-arse. I see no requests for support here.07:29
Myrttin00p: It's my job to be one.07:30
macon00p: be nice to Myrtti!07:30
hatikvahis this channel only for support?07:30
Myrttihatikvah: yes.07:30
n00pWell you're not very good at it. You let me get the better of you.07:30
thehungrylumberjhelp I "mv /usr/ to /home/" wat do!?07:30
Myrttihatikvah: if you want to chitchat, join #ubuntu-offtopic :-)07:30
Myrttithehungrylumberj: why?07:30
IdleOne!guidelines | n00p07:30
ubottun00p: The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines07:30
n00p!idgaf | IdleOne07:30
* aquarat clicks07:30
IdleOne!language | n00p07:31
ubottun00p: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.07:31
thehungrylumberjjk Myrtti haha07:31
alteregoai measure my conditional replication organes with someone else07:31
Besogonhatikvah, gnome-system-monitor07:31
aprilharehello. I installed tor, torbutton. privoxy and vidalia. I can run vidalia and connect to the tor network, however when I enable tor using torbutton, traffic doesn't go via tor for some reason. - any ideas?07:31
n00pHow do you expect me to do that, you want me to pull my eyeballs out and turn them around?07:31
aprilharen00p: yes plz07:31
tweaksourceand take pics07:32
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aquaratHerro... I'm battling to get samba installed on Ubuntu 9.10 AMD64. The command attempted was "sudo apt-get install samba", this results in the process hanging apparently on the post installation script. I have tried removing samba, I have tried purging and cleaning, I've tried updating the entire system, the result is always the same.07:35
inertialthanks Flannel07:36
aquaratI've also tried uncommenting the "off" token in the xinetd.conf file07:36
n00pHow did you guys get that sysinfo btw?07:36
srvi have 2 different network cards each connected to different network, from one how can i acess the other07:36
srvi mean if i am in network1 how can i acess network207:36
IdleOnen00p: xchat.org has a sysinfo script you can install07:36
n00pBlah, xchat.07:36
IdleOnehas a few actually07:37
IdleOnen00p: I'm sure irssi has some also07:37
hyper_chhatikvah: if you have konversation as irc client you can just type:  /sysinfo07:37
homebrewciderwhat's the best way to test my firewall please?07:38
hyper_chhomebrewcider: nmap07:38
reisio/join #hackers and be annoying07:38
hatikvahhyper_ch thank you07:39
tweaksourcereisio, lol07:39
Diverdudeis it possible to make all icons appear as small as possible on the desktop, instead of I have to manually right click each icon and stretch it, so that I can make it smaller with the mouse?07:39
tweaksourceDiverdude, Increase screen resolution?07:39
homebrewciderchecking it out, cheers07:39
Diverdudetweaksource, hehehe no :) That would be a pretty stupid solution07:40
alteregoai increased it to 2048x something07:40
tweaksourceDiverdude, What DE are you using?07:40
tweaksourceor WM07:41
reisioDiverdude: you could symlink all your large icon directories to small icon directories :p07:41
DiverdudeDiverdude, gnome if thats what you mean?07:41
Diverdudereisio, symlink?07:41
tweaksourcenautilus->preferences icon view defaults07:42
papulhi guys :D07:42
papulquite silent 2day07:42
tweaksourceDiverdude, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=19148307:42
reisioDiverdude: you poor soul :) ffr: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Symbolic_link07:43
tweaksourceDiverdude, reisio Even better - http://ubuntulinuxtipstricks.blogspot.com/2009/11/links.html07:44
homebrewciderhyper_ch-I'm behind a Smoothwall firewall, would this still work?07:44
alteregoabecause smoothwall is outdated07:44
aquaratI'm also behind a smoothwall, it works great :)07:44
alteregoayeah im behind a fork of smoothwall07:45
reisioI have a strict no-linking-to-blogs-with-serious-face policy :p07:45
Diverdudetweaksource, hmm i dont seem to have nautilus->preferences icon view defaults07:45
reisionot that that post looks bad, but it's policy :p07:45
tweaksourceDiverdude, Sorry, that is an old post.07:46
reisiomight ask #gnome07:46
alteregoai still wait for openbsd wall or something07:46
Diverdudereisio, so a symbolic link is a sort of shortcut?07:47
reisiono, a shortcut is a sort of symbolic link :p07:47
reisiopoint is if it's looking for those icons at /foo/07:47
reisioyou could just point /foo/ to /bar/07:48
reisioand it'd be none the wiser07:48
reisiocourse the text settings might be all screwey :p07:48
tweaksourceDiverdude, You may be able to edit the gtk-icon-sizes in the gtkrc file in your theme07:48
reisioI'd be surprised if GNOME didn't have a pref for what you want _somewhere_07:48
movied_hi all i need help07:49
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tweaksourcereisio, I agree. I just don't want to login to gnome to hunt it down.  :)07:49
papul!help | movied_07:49
ubottumovied_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)07:49
movied_i am new to linux07:49
Diverdudetweaksource, hmm i see....where would i find that07:49
Myrtti!ask | movied_07:49
roracleso i used gimp and inkscape to create an icon for my desktop (a prism launched application) but the icon will not show up, regardless of what i do.  SVG and PNG format are the type they are, what do i do here?07:49
movied_thanks guys07:49
reisiororacle: how have you told it to show up?07:49
movied_i am trying to install VM ware player to load some virtual machine on ubuntu07:50
roraclein the gconf editor?  yes07:50
reisiororacle: that covers a lot of ground07:50
roracleother icons appear07:50
reisiomovied_: and?07:50
tweaksourcemovied: go on...07:50
roraclelike the default computer, home, and trash works07:50
movied_everytime i go on the terminal and i try to install and get to the point where i have to type in the password it does not allow me to type in anything07:51
carpediemroracle: For a prism app, make sure you set the launcher to executable (Prism doesn't do this by default)07:51
movied_all i can do is press enter07:51
bendt??? My system time is constantly about 30 min. behind. I have chosen several servers in admin -> Time and date. Ubuntu 9.10 - please help!!07:51
reisiomovied_: it doesn't say something about not showing characters while you type?07:51
roraclethat did it!07:51
tweaksourcemovied_, How about tab?07:51
roraclethanks a million!07:51
movied_pressing tab07:51
carpediemroracle: sure thing07:51
Myrttimovied_: it gives you "enter password:" and you type and nothing appears?07:51
movied_u mean as simple as that07:51
alteregoai got a problem with my spastic sparrow07:52
movied_correct Myrtti07:52
Myrttimovied_: in the terminal the password characters aren't echoed, not even with asterisks07:52
Myrttimovied_: just enter your password and press enter.07:52
thehungrylumberjmovied_: Myrtti: doesn't terminal not echo pass?07:52
Myrttithehungrylumberj: no.07:52
movied_nothing seems to be displayed the cursor doesn't even move when i type07:53
thehungrylumberjwhoops double advice sorry Myr07:53
movied_but only the enter key seems to work07:53
Myrttimovied_: give your password and press enter.07:53
reisiomovied_: just type your password despite that, then hit ENTER07:53
tweaksourcemovied_, That is the expexted behaviour07:53
BodsdaI have installed fluxbox from source, but need help getting it into the sessions list. Can anyone tell me where the gdm config sessions file is?07:54
movied_i will try so the command should be sudo -l then when prompted for password i just type it07:54
thehungrylumberjIt's a safety thing I believe movied.07:54
papulmovied_: thats a security feature. it doesn't show the pass when u type07:54
movied_but i cant even c the *07:54
Myrttimovied_: as I said, they're not shown.07:55
Bodsdamovied_: so that people looking over your shoulder cant tell how long the password is07:55
movied_kool i'll try gimi a sec07:55
bendt??? My system time is constantly about 30 min. behind. I have chosen several servers in admin -> Time and date. Ubuntu 9.10 - please help!!07:55
bendt??? My system time is constantly about 30 min. behind. I have chosen several NTP servers in admin -> Time and date. Ubuntu 9.10 - please help!!07:55
movied_i'll be damed07:55
talentedbendt, then tell the system you're in a place 30 minutes ahead07:56
thehungrylumberjhaha cool ed movied?07:56
tweaksourcemovied_, Generally in Linux if nothing seems to have happened then all is well07:56
movied_its working i think07:56
movied_i'll be coming here more often hope u guys are patient lol07:56
talentedbendt, what location are you at?07:56
tweaksourcemovied_, We've all been there07:56
thehungrylumberjMicrosoft solution to movied's problem: Turn monitor off then enter pass :P07:56
Bodsdamovied_: if your willing to listen and do some research, were always happy to help07:56
movied_thanks everyone i am going to register a nick and see u soon07:56
alteregoadamnid did ya hear it on the NEWS, a EARTQUAKE on ANTARCTICA with 9.3 on the Scale!07:57
reisiois that a Haiti joke? :p07:57
reisio6.3, you mean?07:57
Bodsdaalteregoa: pop qiuz: what scale are they using?07:57
bendtDenmark - i think time zones vary by one hour only? GMT-107:57
alteregoarichter scale, the dude from total recall07:57
talented3.6... you have to look at it upside down if you go that far south07:58
Bodsdaalteregoa: !!**NO**!! sorry, no one uses the richter scale anymore, apart from ignorant news reporters :)07:58
movied_guys i have a digital TV USB card to watch digital TV i am having driver issue as i was previously using XP07:58
Myrttialteregoa, reisio: this is the support channel, if you want to discuss the news, please use #ubuntu-offtopic07:58
movied_not i am experimenting linux07:58
bendttalented, my time zone is called "Europe/Copenhagen" in the settings07:59
movied_was wondering if the hardware company does not provide a version does that mean i am stuck07:59
reisioMyrtti: -> alteregoa07:59
alteregoahmm antarctica has no land lol07:59
Bodsdamovied_: could you please run 'lsusb' and paste the output on paste.ubuntu.com07:59
talenteddo you know which ntp server you are using bendt ?07:59
reisioalteregoa: ...07:59
movied_u want me to paste it on the main channel?08:00
Bodsdamovied_: no, paste to the site   paste.ubuntu.com08:00
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movied_i got it i am pasting it on the link bodsda08:00
bendtI have chosen several - how do I check, which I am using? I put in n1.taur.dk manually.08:00
Bodsdamovied_: cool, when you submit it, it will change the URL, we need that new URL to see the paste08:01
movied_its done08:01
Bodsdamovied_: now, paste the new link in the channel08:01
talentedwhat's your time now bendt?08:01
movied_so this is kind of ur ticket for logging fault u guys are quite organised08:02
tweaksourcemovied_, It just keeps the screen readable08:02
bendt08:31 - it should be 09:0208:02
bendt08:31 - it should be 09:0108:02
reisiobendt: man date08:03
movied_beg ur pardon tweaksource08:03
tweaksourcemovied_, pastebin keeps a long list of lines from cluttering the screen, if that is what you were referring to.08:04
movied_you guys have got channel rules08:04
Bodsdamovied_: It just helps us by showing us info from your system, and doesnt flood the channel in the process. Now, there seems to be a bug with your tuner card, so make sure its in the system before ubuntu boots, then you need to look into something like MythTV08:04
Myrtti!guidelines > movied_08:04
ubottumovied_, please see my private message08:04
Bodsdamovied_: yep, rules, regulations - basically its common sense and family friendly08:04
bendttalented, reisio: ntpdate: 22 Jan 08:33:50 ntpdate[13592]: no servers can be used, exiting08:04
talentedif you go System > Administration > Time & Date... click to make changes, Select Servers... what servers are checked?08:05
bendttalented, reisio: sorry - didnt pass a server name08:05
movied_so i got to research my driver issues with mythtv correct?08:06
cmmenkeanyone how to fix this nvidia driver business?08:06
movied_i think i had the same issue cmmenke08:06
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papulroot: please login thru another account08:06
cmmenkeyah, im having some trouble with the drivers for it08:07
andrukhow do i tell pbuilder to add my ppa from launchpad to its sources.list?08:07
movied_i had to use a chmod command or someting to change the file so that it runs or someting08:07
Flannelandruk: #ubuntu-motu will answer you, just be patient08:07
talentedmovied_, so it's executable?08:07
movied_that's right talented08:08
movied_i saw that on some blog i cant remember where08:08
bendttalented: n1.taur.dk, time1.stupi.se, time.service.uit.no, chronos.cru.fr, ntps1.2.uni-erlangen.de, ntps1.0.cs.tui-berlin.de, ntpa2.kph.uni-mainz.de, fartein.ifi.uio.no08:08
movied_but at that time i could not go forward with it as i was having the same problem with the password it kept on asking for password and i thought it was not registering08:08
NightHawk877I just resurrected my mom's old HP Pavilion ze4530us and after poking around on the internet, I discovered that it has an ATi chipset. Should I install the driver or no?08:08
andrukFlannel: roger that.  ...can i hold you to that?  :-)08:08
talentedbendt, and what was the timezone?08:09
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bendtEurope/copenhagen, GMT-108:09
thehungrylumberjsudo chmod 777 should set all user rights to accessible so anyone could use the program I believe08:09
bendtsudo n1.taur.dk -> 22 Jan 09:09:05 ntpdate[13680]: step time server offset 1836.684101 sec08:10
movied_i c08:10
movied_i am going to try it right away08:10
bendtNow system time is correct, but how to keep?08:10
soreauNightHawk877: If its an older ati chip, the driver is already installed08:10
thehungrylumberjsee this forum for explanation movie http://www.websitebabble.com/uploading-files-ftp/1667-what-chmod-777-a.html08:10
papulmovied_: just installed ubuntu?08:10
Flannelbendt: https://help.ubuntu.com/9.10/serverguide/C/NTP.html08:10
NightHawk877thanks soreau08:11
movied_yeah i installed yesterday08:11
movied_i had installed fedora 11 last week it was too difficult for me i had to step bacn a notch08:11
NightHawk877I have been using it since 8.0408:11
princehi can someone pls sugest me how to install winpcap in ubuntu or any software that equalent to winpcap.my prjt requires winpcap to run08:12
=== JimmyJ is now known as JimmyJ|zz
talentedprince, wireshark might be similar?08:13
talenteddon't know if it has libs you could use08:13
defnI need some help configuring my Happy Hacking Keyboard Pro 2 :: http://elitekeyboards.com/products.php?sub=pfu_keyboards,hhkbpro2&pid=pdkb400b -- I would like to specifically create the correct layout for my keyboard.  How do I go about making this keyboard work perfectly in linux?08:13
Flannelprince: winpcap is a windows version of the *nix pcap library.  Install libpcap0.8 for the library itself (search synaptic for pcap for a bunch of bindings, etc)08:14
tweaksourceprince, Winpcap is for Windows platforms only, libpcap is the linux variant that does the same thing.08:14
=== Bwaah is now known as Bwaah|Sleep
princeis wireshark a packet capturing software08:14
cmmenkeanyone know a really good, beginner to intermediate manual for ubuntu?08:14
=== Nightw0lf is now known as Nightwolf
bendtThe serverguide suggest ntpd or ntpdate - is nptd standard? Ubuntu has allways kept track of time for me with no customization. Why this problem now?08:14
talentedprince, yes08:15
tweaksourcecmmenke, Ubuntuguide08:15
cmmenkeis that the URL?08:15
talentedif I recall correctly, it use to be ethereal08:15
princeok thanks all for details have a good day08:15
Flannelbendt: ntpdate is standard, it runs every time you boot (or login, I don't remember)08:15
Flannelcmmenke: help.ubuntu.com08:15
defnconfiguring keyboards sucks so bad08:15
defnall these years and there's no good way to configure the damn things08:15
tweaksourcecmmenke, What Flannel said.08:16
richard_25hi.  I'm having some issues trying to get my display recognized correctly.  Ubuntu keeps resetting it to an 800x600 resolution08:17
bendtFlannel, so I can go ahead and do apt-get remove npt?08:17
bendtFlannel, so I can go ahead and do apt-get remove ntp?08:17
Flannelbendt: There's no real reason to remove it08:17
bendtWhat should my settings be in admin-time&date?08:18
tweaksourcerichard_25, What version of Ubuntu ? What graphics adapter?08:18
Daugha|nAny advice for reformating a WD passport with bad sectors?08:18
talentedyour timezone, update from server, or manually set... and then pick a few servers close to you, or just the one08:19
bendtFlannel: What should my settings be in admin-time&date?08:19
talentedwhen do you start losing half an hour?08:19
talentedcould be a failing battery08:19
bendttalented: does admin->time&date control ntpd or ntpdate?08:20
richard_25tweaksauce: Ubuntu 8.04  Nvidia - not certain of make08:20
bendttalented, Flannel: Should /etc/init.d/ntp be run at startup?08:20
alteregoadoes linux 2.6 regconize MFM controllers?08:20
talentedntpd is ran every boot I believe08:21
ardchoillebendt: that is what syncs the system clock, I have it running08:21
bendttalented: how?08:21
actionparsnipYo yo yo08:22
zubin71hi! im using karmic rite now with KDE. for some reason i cant assign keyboard shortcuts for shifting between workspaces. please help.08:22
ubottuKeyboard shortcuts can be set in System -> Preferences -> Keyboard Shortcuts. If your multimedia keys don't work with that, try the 'keytouch' package, explained at http://keytouch.sourceforge.net - See !Keyboard for changing layouts08:22
tweaksourcerichard_25, When does the resolution get reset? After reboot> Immediately?08:23
actionparsnipZubin71: #kubuntu will help better as they will use kde08:23
ardchoillezubin71: you need to ask in #kubuntu08:23
zubin71well, ive set my shortcuts both in the kde settings and the compiz manager; both dont work08:23
zubin71actionparsnip, ardchoille : will do... thnkx! :)08:24
kubancI would like to strat devilspie before gnome-terminal at startup, how do I delay program to start later08:24
actionparsnipKubanc: could make a bash script to sleep a while, then run the command and add that to the startup08:25
tweaksourceactionparsnip, I agree.08:25
talentedkubanc, in start up service folders, they used numbers in the name, the lower the number, the earlier it would start08:25
richard_25tweaksauce: after reboot08:25
bendtIt seems, that /etc/init.d/ntp starts ntpd, and admin->time&date edits /etc/ntp.conf - am I right?08:26
leoexcuse me08:26
leowhat's the topic of here08:26
actionparsnip!ot | leo08:26
ubottuleo: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!08:26
ardchoilleleo: Ubuntu support08:26
richard_25tweaksauce: I attempt to enable the graphics acceleration, and it states my display device cannot be determined when I reboot08:26
talentedbendt, ntpd is controlled by time & date08:26
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bendttalented: ultimately - ntpd is controlled by /etc/ntp.conf?08:27
talentedntpd is a bit better than ntpdate because it has an algorithm to maintain synchronised time, even when it couldn't connect to the net08:27
cmmenkei read help.ubuntu.com08:28
cmmenkethat stuff was tooooo absic08:29
tweaksourcerichard_25, What driver are you using? Did you set the rez using nvidia-settings?08:29
cmmenkeim pretty savi on windows, perhaps a command line based tut08:29
alteregoawget -q http://ubuntusatanic.org/ubuntu-se-key.gpg -O- | sudo apt-key add -08:29
actionparsnipCmmenke: its supposed to be basic. Its a help page08:29
jez__I'm trying to join the #gstreamer channel, but get this: "Please register with services and use the IDENTIFY command (/msg nickserv help) to speak in this channel" what's going on?08:29
alteregoaGo to System->Administration->Software Sources->Third Party Software->Add and enter the following APT line:08:29
actionparsnip!register | jez_08:29
cmmenkei understand action, thank you08:29
ubottujez_: Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available in #freenode08:30
xxthinkCan an application built on 32 bit ubuntu runs on a 64 bit ubuntu?08:30
alteregoadeb http://ubuntusatanic.org/hell karmic main08:30
actionparsnipXxthink: sure if you install ia32-libs on the 64bit rig and force the install08:30
alteregoaxxthink: yes08:30
actionparsnipXxthink: you will need to satisfy 32bit deps though which can get messy08:31
shushekhi, i need some with splash screen setting in 9.1008:31
Myrttijez__: there's been some attacks on freenode, and making channels accessible to only registered users makes the attacks more manageable08:31
ubottuTo change the Gnome splash screen, use gnome-splashscreen-manager or change the GConf key /apps/gnome-session/options/splash_image using !gconf-editor.08:31
alteregoasudo apt-get install ubuntu-satanic-wide08:32
richard_25tweaksauce: I'm sorry, very new to ubuntu.  Don't know the driver number,   U use the System>Admin>Hardware drivers to enable it, it reboots, tells me the display is in low resolution because It can't detect my display device, and then sets to 800x60008:32
Myrttialteregoa: what is your point?08:32
jez__would turn away a bunch of confused new users too, I imagine08:32
Myrttijez__: most read the message and do as they're guided to do08:33
bonnoHi all, I am quite new to this whole ubuntu thing. Just migrated over from windows. I am having problem installing flash in firefox on a 64bit system. Is there a quick easy fix for this?08:33
MaSSaSLaYeRWhat is recursion good for?08:33
shushekUbottu, i did tried gnome-splashscreen-manager; but it waont change the screen..08:33
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)08:33
actionparsnipBonno: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras08:33
bonnothanks actionparsnip I will try that08:33
talentedMaSSaSLaYeR, girls love it08:34
MaSSaSLaYeRtalented: i mean in Ubuntu =/08:34
actionparsnipBonno: you want only one flash plugin or they will conflict and you will get nothing08:34
stringsis there any command which does opposite functionality of head? that is read from the last line of a file.08:35
bonnook, at the moment I have nothing I am pretty sure of.08:35
tweaksourcerichard_25, Do you have nvidia-settings installed?08:35
bonnothanks for the direction actionparsnip08:35
Myrttistrings: tail08:35
brijithhello everyone,I can not set gmail account in evolution mail client08:35
actionparsnipStrings: tail, you can use -n to specify the number of lines to tail08:35
MaSSaSLaYeRtalented: recursion-no = authority only08:35
stringsthanks myrtti & actionparsnip08:36
brijithhello everyone,I can not set gmail account in evolution mail client please help me08:36
richard_25tweaksauce: Don't know.  Suspect not.  sudo apt-get nividia-settings?08:36
rwwubottu: repeat | brijith08:36
ubottubrijith: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.08:36
gadget3000brijith: what error comes up?08:36
tweaksourcerichard_25, yes08:37
brijithgadget3000:  Error while Scanning folders in "IMAP server imap.gmail.com"08:37
actionparsnipRichard_25: try: gksudo jockey-gtk08:37
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MaSSaSLaYeRlet's see if i can play counterstrike on ubuntu xd08:38
gadget3000brijith: have you set the server ports? thats for incoming as well08:38
That1guyAt 2 FPS, I'm sure you can08:38
brijithgadget3000: I am accessing internet behind a proxy server08:38
gadget3000brijith: have you had a look at this? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingGmailWithEvolution08:38
actionparsnipbrijith: ^08:39
gadget3000brijith: or do you use IMAP?08:39
actionparsnipBrijith: then export http proxy in a terminal, it will be obeyed systemwide08:39
richard_25Tweaksauce: Brings up Hardware Drivers window - one driver, not in use.  If I activate it, I need to reboot, it tells me It can't determine my display, and I get the low resolution08:39
hechuHi, I am using ubuntu 9.10 on my laptop. I want run X application from remote server and show it on my laptop. I don't know how to config my laptop to listen 6000. or, somebody says I can use a ssh tunnel. any body can help me?08:40
brijithactionparsnip:I have set the proxy settings evolutions settings08:40
gadget3000brijith: do you use IMAP instead of POP?08:41
That1guyPOP> IMAP imo08:41
kworkwhy pop ?08:41
brijithgadget3000:I think I am using IMAP08:42
That1guyb/c pop is typically more compatible08:42
gadget3000brijith: make sure the incoming server is imap.gmail.com:993 and set to ssl encryption. For out going smtp.gmail.com:587 and tls encryption08:43
gadget3000brijith: infact, try this: http://wazem.blogspot.com/2007/10/hot-to-configure-imap-on-evolution-and.html08:43
ardchoillegadget3000 brijith you don't ne4ed imap08:44
brijithgadget3000: will there be any problem because of proxy08:44
ardchoilleSetting up evolution with gmail: http://ardchoille42.pastebin.com/m11a7f27208:45
brijithgadget3000: in my network there is a proxy through I am using net08:45
richard_25tweaksauce: I've enabled it, it downloaded something, and is now telling me to restart08:45
ardchoillebrijith: http://ardchoille42.pastebin.com/m11a7f27208:45
gadget3000brijith: it should be fine as long as the proxy settings in evolution are correct08:45
sarthorksmy laptop powers off the first few times at boot when it has not been powered on for the past 12 hours, say. is my laptop too cold to start?08:46
alteregoagimp it like its hot08:46
gadget3000ardchoille: http://mail.google.com/support/bin/answer.py?hl=en-GB&ctx=mail&answer=75725 look at the What's the difference between IMAP and POP? section08:47
ardchoillegadget3000: Ah, that's one choice I suppose08:48
brijithgadget3000: Host lookup failed: smtp.gmail.com: Name or service not known08:48
brijiththis is what I am getting after trying as per https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingGmailWithEvolution08:48
mikkelanyone here familiar with vim?08:49
brijith gadget3000:  this is what I am getting after trying as per https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingGmailWithEvolution08:49
tarzeau_is anyone able to install a gdm theme for 2.28 gdm on karmic?08:49
alteregoabut anyone is not on irc right now08:49
tarzeau_i get the theme.tar.gz put it in /usr/share/themes08:49
tarzeau_use the sudo -u gdm gconftool-2 -t string -s /apps/metacity/general/theme "Gnome Black"08:50
alteregoawait till anyone comes back to irc08:50
Myrttialteregoa: be helpful!08:50
tarzeau_commands, but it just doesn't use it08:50
mikkelalteregoa: who's on first?08:50
gadget3000brijith: did you use smtp.gmail.com:587 intead of smtp.gmail.com?08:50
ardchoillemikkel: There are many folks here familiar with vim. What's your issue?08:50
tarzeau_it drives me nuts. xdm, wdm is so easy to configure. why is gnome so damn hard?08:50
tarzeau_how does gnome/ubuntu plan to succeed in a business/enterprise place where 100 or 1000 desktops exist08:51
alteregoabecause gnome is made of pizza hut eating linux coders08:51
tarzeau_i can't run to each workstation to set it up manually (besides that doesn't work either)08:51
ardchoilletarzeau_: you're comparing a display manager to a desktop environment08:51
tarzeau_alteregoa: like i bother08:51
mikkelardchoille: I know my way around in vim, but I accidentally hit a key and one of my variable names became highlighted http://dl.dropbox.com/u/68829/vim.png08:51
mikkelnow I can't figure out how to undo it08:51
tarzeau_ardchoille: no i just want a display manager to fit in our environment08:51
alteregoasometime i ask myself how they grew up to make the things so complicated08:51
tarzeau_and the only thing i'm able to is set the background image. but i want to customize the login panel too08:51
tarzeau_alteregoa: so do i! not like it was easier before08:52
ardchoilletarzeau_: gdm is still undergoing feature implementation08:52
tarzeau_but we really want to switch to gnome from fvwm2 now08:52
tarzeau_ardchoille: so i should wait for 1009?08:52
Myrttialteregoa: I'm asking nicely, if you don't have ubuntu support issues, then either move to another channel, or be helpful instead of offtopic chatter and unhelpful comments08:52
tarzeau_i wish 2010 was the year of linux on the desktop08:52
ardchoilletarzeau_: 10.04 might have more gdm features enabled08:52
jbeehey folks, question: i want to define multiple hosts in ~/.ssh/config, each with his own port. but only the first "Port" is used, 22 for the others, which doesn't work. what am i not seeing here?08:52
tarzeau_ardchoille: i don't want features. i only want to install a theme08:52
Daugha|nI have an external HD, if I reformat as ext4, will there be any issues auto-mounting the device?08:52
alteregoamy comment was just a comment08:52
ardchoilletarzeau_: That's a feature08:53
tarzeau_ardchoille: it feels like windows08:53
tarzeau_the faster i could get this to work, the faster i can migrate 200 desktops to ubuntu, and it's like 1000 active users08:53
kwork1000 users on 200 desktop o.O08:53
tarzeau_oh well, it's not like they cry for ubuntu, nor gnome08:53
ardchoilletarzeau_: gdm at this time doesn't have many theming features08:54
tarzeau_kwork: yes, we have like 3000 accounts at the www.phys.ethz.ch, and 200 managed linux workstations08:54
tarzeau_kwork: and like 50 macs, and 80 windows08:54
brijithgadget3000:no I didn't I just smtp.gmail.com08:54
kworktarzeau_, how is it to manage linux workstations ?08:54
kworktarzeau_, what distro you use ?08:54
tarzeau_ardchoille: i see, so i'm stuck with the ugly brown of ubuntu and the black and white background of mine: http://gnu.ethz.ch/zebrawhitebw.jpg08:54
movied_tarzeau_,  they probably work on rotating shifts on the same workstation so they done need that much PC08:54
brijithgadget3000:i nthe pop side also I did the same i did't give the port part08:55
tarzeau_kwork: currently mostly debian lenny, but the problem is with new hardware, it's not supported. now i've started to migrate to ubuntu08:55
movied_but still 200 for a 1000 its a big gap08:55
brijithgadget3000:should I give that ?08:55
tarzeau_kwork: great, we've documented most things: http://wiki.debian.org/Enterprise (also works for ubuntu)08:55
gadget3000brijith: yes08:55
kworktarzeau_, nice ill check it out08:55
brijithgadget3000:what are the ports for POP and IMAP08:55
tarzeau_movied_: well at the ETH Zurich, people change, daily, 3 monthly, 3 yearly08:55
tarzeau_movied_: and our users keep their accounts, even if they only use it from remote, world wide08:56
tarzeau_kwork: where do you work, what market?08:56
gadget3000pop doesn't need it, only imap does. smtp is 58708:56
kworktarzeau_, telecommunication08:56
tarzeau_kwork: the great things are like machines like this: http://gnu.ethz.ch/photos/computers/slides/img_0421.html08:56
tarzeau_kwork: can you figure how much cpu power/memroy/disks it has? guess...08:57
ardchoille!ot | tarzeau_08:57
ubottutarzeau_: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!08:57
tarzeau_kwork: and you run linux too? ubuntu on desktops? servers?08:57
kworktarzeau_,  64gb with 4 cpus ?08:57
mikkelI'm not going to spam the question, but I'll ask one more time anyway: I know my way around in vim, but I accidentally hit a key and one of my variable names became highlighted. http://dl.dropbox.com/u/68829/vim.png Does anyone know how to undo it? Restarting vim doesn't help.08:58
kworktarzeau_, technical people are running ubuntu as desktops, servers are linux/bsd/aix08:58
kworktarzeau_,  normal people like support are running windows08:58
tarzeau_kwork: 128gb memory, 4 quad cores and 6 tb diskspace08:58
kworknice :)08:58
kworktarzeau_,  how much you payed for it ?08:59
tarzeau_kwork: about 15000 swiss francs, maybe 5000 more or less, i don't remember08:59
ardchoillekwork , tarzeau_  I feel your conversation has moved into the off-topic arena. Can it be taken to another channel please?08:59
=== DaZ is now known as Guest50000
mikkelAha! I still don't know what I did, but I undid it by deleting .viminfo from the working directory. Thanks anyway, folks.09:01
tarzeau_can i buy ubuntu support in switzerland, from canonical?09:01
tarzeau_kwork: i'm traveling with my ubuntu netbook from switzerland, through germany, to sweden/norway/denmark for 3 months this summer. you're in .ee?09:02
kworktarzeau_,  yes09:02
kworktarzeau_,  im off to lunch for now, back later09:03
brontosaurusrexhow would i copy all the hidden folders starting with dot . to some other folder (user settings that is)09:03
tarzeau_brontosaurusrex: only the .files or everything? or files and directories with a . at the beginning?09:04
tarzeau_brontosaurusrex: i always use rsync -av ./ anotherplace/ (that just takes everything, works also between different computers)09:04
brontosaurusrextarzeau_: i'am with cp so far :)09:05
tarzeau_brontosaurusrex: i'm also using rsync on the localdisk, just to save me the troubles on power outage so i don't have to start from scratch09:05
tarzeau_brontosaurusrex: really convenient if you have terabytes to transfer09:05
alteregoai need some tritium oxyde09:06
brunobuongiorno a tutti :)09:06
=== bruno is now known as Guest94506
alteregoaciao padania!09:07
alteregoapadania libera!09:07
bazhangalteregoa, take chat to #ubuntu-offtopic09:07
ardchoillebazhang: he's been warned more than once already09:07
MaSSaSLaYeRWhat's the difference between Postfix & Courier??09:07
bazhangGuest94506, here is english only #ubuntu-it for Italian09:07
brontosaurusrextarzeau_: just trying to backup some basic files before trying upgrade to karmic09:08
alteregoai need ubuntu-padania09:08
brontosaurusrextarzeau_: only bigger folder is /var/www09:08
Guest94506sorry but i have a problem with xubuntu for play Audio CD09:08
cmmenkeim using wubi for my comp right, with windows 7, on my external can i permanently trade to ubuntu?09:08
Guest94506and i search for help09:09
ardchoilleGuest94506: you need to ask in #xubuntu09:10
cmmenkelol over one thousand people, and no answer, lame09:10
=== Guest46306 is now known as Andyman555
Andyman555what's the question?09:11
diddyWhat is the command to check the integrity of all installed packages? I want to check for rootkits, etc.09:11
brontosaurusrexso will this: cp -r ~/.* /to/some/other/place/ work?09:11
ardchoillediddly: you can install and run rkhunter and chkrootkit to scan for rootkits09:11
tarzeau_diddy: chkrootkit or rkhunter09:11
tarzeau_brontosaurusrex: mc is also nice for these things...09:11
Andyman555by the way, are noob questions allowed in here? or are they frowned upon? =)09:12
Andyman555I may have a few silly ones from time to time, but if I should refrain from asking, by all means I will09:12
tarzeau_Andyman555: noob questions are fine i guess, just no meta questions please09:12
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diddytarzeau_, but isn't there also a command to check the interity of the installed packages against the ones on the server?09:12
=== Guest94506 is now known as bruno
DJonesAndyman555: As long as they're questions about ubuntu support problems, they're fine here09:13
Andyman555thanks djones09:13
tarzeau_diddy: yea, i'd google for dpkg package integrity md509:13
tarzeau_diddy: but why? if you think you got a broken disk, just use dmesg/badblocks09:13
james_how do i get yahoo for it09:13
=== bruno is now known as Guest37326
tarzeau_diddy: or broken memory: memtester09:13
ardchoillediddly: that would take considerably longer than running a rootkit scanner09:13
Guest37326ty guy bye09:13
DJonesjames_: Yahoo messenger?09:13
yipstari'm having trouble using ubuntu-vm-builder09:14
DJonesjames_: You can add yahoo messenger accounts to either pidgin or empathy which are chat clients09:14
yipstarspecifically passing a --part option makes the command blow up09:14
yipstari've created a file with two lines that define the root and swap sizes09:15
james_what  abot this teamspeak09:15
yipstaris this a common problem?09:15
james_game server09:15
billdozorjames: teamspeak client is not supported in Linux09:15
DJonesjames_: If you're using Ubunt 9.10, empathy is the default chat client and Pidgin is in the software repositories, I don't know about teamspeak09:15
billdozoryou would want to get a new app for a client called "mangler"09:15
james_xfce one09:16
james_and   new09:16
MegaHerzHow to load alsa? I've unloaded alsa modules via (sudo /sbin/alsa force-unload) and now want sound back without restarting whole the system09:16
james_at this09:16
tarzeau_MegaHerz: modprobe what you unloaded?09:16
eremiteIf you're a gamer, Linux is not for you.  Most games do not work on Linux, not even in Wine.09:17
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MegaHerztarzeau_: I've just executed that script. I don't know what modules it unloaded. Is there a way to... just start alsa?09:17
Norby_I went here (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro5-5/Karmic#Sound) and followed the steps exactly as shown, but my sound is still now working. Do you know what is wrong?09:17
MegaHerztarzeau_: or how to make system to reindentify needed modules?09:18
=== Guest72863 is now known as The
Q|python3: Installed Modules can't be imported, e.g. "ImportError: No module named html5lib". Why?09:18
MegaHerztarzeau_: and load them too09:18
eremiteDoes anyone know of some goof FPS games for Ubuntu?  When I say good, I mean NOT based on Doom, Quake or Cube. I'd also prefer if it was a game that I didnt play in Win95.09:18
DJones!games | eremite09:18
ubottueremite: Information about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php09:18
tarzeau_MegaHerz: no idea, sorry09:18
DVS01i wonder if crysis runs properly in wine09:18
=== The is now known as Guest39070
MegaHerzalsa is pain, all the way09:19
tarzeau_eremite: i like sauerbraten very much09:19
tarzeau_MegaHerz: no it's nice09:19
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movied_can we register nick over this server09:19
tarzeau_MegaHerz: you just shouldn't force unload modules, really09:19
eremiteDJones, I am asking opinions, not for a list of generic games (all of which are junk)09:19
MegaHerzWhy sound on windows just works? While on Ubuntu I have to restart alsa 10s times a day?09:19
MegaHerztarzeau_: yes, looks like09:19
Norby_I went here (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro5-5/Karmic#Sound) and followed the steps exactly as shown, but my sound is still now working. Do you know what is wrong?09:19
tarzeau_MegaHerz: i never have to restart alsa (besides it's not a service one can restart) it's kernel modules09:20
MegaHerztarzeau_: but alsa force-reload didn't help this time09:20
tarzeau_MegaHerz: and it just works for me09:20
tarzeau_MegaHerz: what computer/soundcard do you have? which applications do you use?09:20
eremitetarzeau_,  Sauerbraten is crap.  Its based on a game engine that's nearly 10 years old.09:20
tarzeau_MegaHerz: if you use gnome/kde the artsdaemon and the other softwaremixer, that's crap09:20
tarzeau_eremite: it's a complete rewrite, go have a look at it. it's much improved09:20
DJoneseremite: In that case, you might be better asking that in #ubuntu-offtopic you normally get people chatting about different software and get opinions, rather than just problems using something specific09:20
eremiteMegaHerz, Sound on ubuntu is crap, I agree.  I have no sound in games and randomly lose sound when watching vids or listening to MP3s09:20
tarzeau_eremite: i don't mean the cube,cube1 implementation, i mean sauerbraten09:20
=== jarek is now known as ojark
MegaHerztarzeau_: but not for me. Without 'force-reload' "cheat" I can't get sound more then 2-4 hours. Apps like MOCP can't start, claiming it can't access something. So I have to force-reload alsa, and then MOCP works09:21
=== pippo is now known as f4d3
tarzeau_MegaHerz: you run karmic?09:21
tarzeau_MegaHerz: try to use OSS instead of ALSA, if that works better, i don't know09:22
pat|nGi everyone09:22
tarzeau_MegaHerz: did you check the mocp bugs/development page, maybe it's known?09:22
MegaHerztarzeau_: MOCP application, 9.04, latest (I think) alsa (built using that fancy script found on Ubuntu forums)09:22
tarzeau_MegaHerz: or try to figure out what software is causing the problems09:22
tarzeau_MegaHerz: i'm pretty sure it's not alsa09:22
=== jeremiahrose_ is now known as jeremiah_rose
eremitetarzeau_, I know.  I mean ALL CUBE BASED GAMES ARE UTTER GARBAGE.  Have a look at some of the games for Windows (and modern consoles) and then look at that junk.  Its a joke.09:23
Norby_After following the instructions here, I nolonger have a sound card. The problem is that I was sent there to get sound in the firstplace, now I dont even have a card showing up. What's wrong? (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro5-5/Karmic#Sound) and followed the steps exactly as shown, but my sound is still now working. Do you know what is wrong?09:23
tarzeau_eremite: i'm sorry, but i have to disagree09:23
MegaHerztarzeau_: yeah, default 9.04's alsa cound't even work on my laptop - Acer 5930G :( So I had to built latest09:23
tarzeau_eremite: it's not like i don't have consoles or windows, but well, there's a price/developer payment difference, please consider that09:23
tarzeau_eremite: how do you like world of goo? completely different game09:24
gagehey guys I've got a bit of a problem, I've been running fedora on my second hardrive and windows XP on my first one then I reinstalled Ubuntu (#! to be exact) over fedora but it left a grub on my First one and now I can't boot windows, any help?09:24
tarzeau_eremite: you know, i love to play nethack09:24
johntramphi i have my email on another machine using getmail. i have been accessing it via ssh and mutt, which mostly works well except i have to check for new mails all the time. is there a way i could use something locally to notify me when new mail arrives?09:24
Myrttitarzeau_, eremite: could you move this discussion elsewhere? it's not ubuntu support stuff...?09:24
Suhail_so i have a screen that was attached, then lost my session, now when i do screen -r it says (attached)--how can I attach to it?09:24
ubuntu_nuevoHello spain??09:24
tarzeau_Suhail_: try -x09:24
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.09:25
* MegaHerz had to restart Linux again, because sound doesn't work09:25
Suhail_oh thanks09:25
eremiteMyrtti,  Im asking where to get GOOD games for Ubuntu.  Where else should I ask about Ubuntu unless in the Ubuntu channel?09:25
ubuntu_nuevotHAKS UBOOTU09:25
gadget3000eremite: nexuiz, unreal tournament 2004 & 309:25
ubuntu_nuevoGood bye09:26
tarzeau_https://launchpad.net/gdm2setup that's what i wanted!09:26
ubuntu_nuevoi.m user linux!!09:26
Norby_After following the instructions here, I nolonger have a sound card. The problem is that I was sent there to get sound in the firstplace, now I dont even have a card showing up. What's wrong? (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro5-5/Karmic#Sound) and followed the steps exactly as shown, but my sound is still now working. Do you know what is wrong?09:26
ubuntu_nuevoubuntu 9.0409:26
Myrttieremite: good is such a vague, opinion based entity. You might try #ubuntu-offtopic too09:26
DJoneseremite: I'd suggest #ubuntu-offtopic thats probably the best bet, its perhaps better for getting opinions, rather than specific support09:26
eremitejohntramp, there is an app in the repositories that puts apps in the tray instead of closing them upon minimization.  I used to use it to keep Thunderbird open.  Alltray, i think its called09:26
eremitegadget3000, do you know of any games that are not old?09:26
gadget3000eremite: no, i don't think there are many. The only game that I know works well in wine is half life 209:27
tarzeau_haha it's based on gtk1, and "this tab is not yet implemented"09:27
pat|nGii type jockey-kde and it says no propretiary drivers is in used does it mean i got a built-in gfxcard?09:28
gadget3000eremite: In fact if you do find any then let me know :D09:28
brijithgadget3000:I gave the port numbers09:28
spemeeremite, you can try quake live09:28
brijithgadget3000:still can't get it09:28
tarzeau_eremite: it's not like linux is the best platform for games09:28
DVS01lets see if i can get mortal kombat running in mame in ubuntu :D09:28
gadget3000brijith: and it still doesnt work? is it giving a different error?09:28
eremitespeme, I hate old boring games with old engines and poor graphics.09:28
brijithgadget3000:yes Host lookup failed: smtp.gmail.com: Name or service not known09:29
eremitebrijith, are you having troubles Sending, or recieving, your emails?09:29
brijithgadget3000:may be because I am behind a proxy server09:29
spemeeremite, It's base firefox.09:29
gadget3000!repeat | norby_09:29
ubottunorby_: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.09:29
eremiteYou should try using your ISP's outgoing servers instead of Google's.09:30
brijitheremite:may be because I am behind a proxy server09:30
jeremiah_rosehey - has anyone here managed to compile gstreamer-0.10-plugins-bad? I did it in ubuntu for 0.10.17 without errors, but the plugins don't show up in gst-inspect09:30
pat|nGii type jockey-kde and it says no propretiary drivers is in used does it mean i got a built-in gfxcard?09:30
Norby_That's what i have been doing for the last 2 and a half hours, looking for the answer on the help page.09:30
gadget3000brijith: ive never used evolution with proxy. You could try just putting the IP address in instead of smtp...09:30
Myrttipat|nG: it means that you have a graphics card that doesn't need a proprietary driver. it doesn't necessarily mean it's built-in09:31
eremiteNorby_, reinstall?  Start over?09:31
brontosaurusrexwhats the wildcard for 'starts with .'? .* is not09:31
gadget3000brijith: it should be
Explore2Hi, does ubuntu9.10 have latest gstreamer or are there any ppas?09:31
brijithgadget3000: can be changes to my proxy's  ip rt ?09:31
gadget3000brijith: Try putting that ip in outgoing server instead of the smtp.gmail.com:58709:32
brijithgadget3000:Error while Sending message. Could not connect to Connection refused09:34
brontosaurusrexnm, thunar knows how09:35
gadget3000brijith: can you surf the net. it sounds like your dns servers arent working proerly09:35
brijithI can see proxy setting under preference. So it is evident that it is possible to use evolution from behind a proxy server09:35
brijithgadget3000:I can09:36
orly_owlI get "Error loading operating system" on jaunty on a thinkpad R51. How do I fix this?09:36
brijithgadget3000:I can see proxy setting under preference. So it is evident that it is possible to use evolution from behind a proxy server09:36
gadget3000brijith: For the sake of testing try removing the proxy settings anyway. Is it your own proxy server?09:37
brijithgadget3000:This is my office network so I can't09:37
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gadget3000brijith: try changing the dns severs then. do: 'sudo nano /etc/resolv.conf' and add nameserver dnsip at the top. eg for googles dns servers: nameserver
pshr_hello... i am trying to install libcv-dev it says it depends on libcvaux-dev and it is not going to be installed when i try to install libcvaux-dev it says it depends on libcv-dev and its not going to be installed09:39
pshr_how do i slove this :(09:39
pshr_interdependencies i can say09:40
bashcahi there   please  help   >>>> mplayer: undefined symbol: codec_wav_tags09:41
hyperstreamCan't open dhcpd.conf: Permission denied <---  -rwxrwxrwx 1 root root 244 2009-06-26 00:11 dhcpd.conf  , what causes this ? ive tried dhcpd3 and the full path to: dhcpd309:41
Myrttiorly_owl: is that the whole error message?09:41
orly_owlMyrtti: yes. i think it's GRUB09:42
Myrttiorly_owl: it doesn't say Error 17 or anything?09:42
zahari_Does someone know how to retrive '/etc/apache2' if deleted with "rm -rf"   ??09:42
DVS01try reinstalling it09:43
brijithgadget3000:after editing the resolv.conf it is waiting for some time and then shows the same errors09:43
zahari_DVS01, I had mod-python and it messed up so now I get:09:43
zahari_DVS01, /var/lib/dpkg/info/libapache2-mod-python.postrm: 7: a2dismod: not found09:43
DVS01you get that when you try doing what?09:44
gadget3000brijith: I don't know what else to suggest. Your office may have blocked it. sorry.09:44
icerootzahari_: reinstall09:44
icerootzahari_: and that is one reason not using rm -rf with root/sudo09:45
brijithgadget3000: in my office we are using squid as proxy server. Is there anything that I can do in its conf to solve this issue09:45
BenBhow do I add a bug watch in launchpad?09:45
brijithgadget3000: I can access it09:45
zahari_iceroot, DVS01, I know but I wanted completly to get rid of apache209:46
gadget3000brijith: I have never used squid so I wouldn't know09:46
BenBI see "remote bug watches" in the bottom left of a launchpad bug, I can even edit it, but I see no way to add a new link to an external bug.09:46
brijithgadget3000: oky any way thanks09:46
BenBs/bottom left/bottom right/09:46
DVS01sudo apt-get purge apache209:46
icerootzahari_: then use apt-get remove --purge instead of rm -rf09:46
zahari_iceroot, DVS01, and now mod-python has stuk into Synaptic09:46
DVS01or whatever the package name is09:46
zahari_Removing libapache2-mod-python ...09:46
zahari_/var/lib/dpkg/info/libapache2-mod-python.postrm: 7: a2dismod: not found09:46
zahari_dpkg: error processing libapache2-mod-python (--remove):09:46
zahari_ subprocess installed post-removal script returned error exit status 12709:46
zahari_Errors were encountered while processing:09:46
FloodBot1zahari_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.09:46
zahari_ libapache2-mod-python09:46
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icerootzahari_: yes, mod_python will be removed with a2dismod, because there is no apache anymore, there is also no a2dismod09:47
Explore2what is lib<package> and package in apt-cache?09:47
icerootzahari_: reinstall apache to have a2dismod, then remove it with remove --purge instead of rm -rf09:47
brontosaurusrexdoes gnome have something similar to osx folder actions built in?09:48
Gnowi wanna setup a freeradius server but the info i got from the web is different from the radiusd.conf that i have. anyone can give me a hint?09:48
bashcahi there   please  help   >>>> mplayer: undefined symbol: codec_wav_tags09:48
icerootbrontosaurusrex: what is a folder-action?09:48
brontosaurusrexiceroot: i'd say a user specific action is executed when there is a directory change09:49
hyperstreamCan't open dhcpd.conf: Permission denied <---  -rwxrwxrwx 1 root root 244 2009-06-26 00:11 dhcpd.conf  , what causes this ? ive tried dhcpd3 and the full path to: dhcpd309:49
brontosaurusrexiceroot: something like that09:49
knandanjust wanted to know whats the diff between different versions of Ubuntu..??09:49
zahari_iceroot, sorry for pasting I didn't know rules are that strict09:49
mulleinhow can i find out what version of ubuntu is installed?09:49
DJonesknandan: Ubuntu uses Gnome as its desktop environment, Kubuntu uses KDE and Xubuntu uses XFCE09:50
alteregoauname -r09:50
om26ermullein, system>administration>system monitor for gui09:50
kworkas default, you can use any of them on any of them09:50
rwwubottu: version | mullein09:50
ubottumullein: To find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell - To know the available version of a package, « apt-cache policy <package> »09:50
zahari_iceroot, I cannot install/reinstall or remove anything because of 'libapache2-mod-python' it exits with error 127 of post install script09:51
knandanDJones: Thanks for response..09:51
knandanby version i mean..the different releases..09:51
knandansorry for not being specific..09:51
mulleinrww, thank you.  that was precisely what i needed09:51
knandanfor e..g jaunty/karmic/koala etc..09:52
zahari_iceroot, I cannot install/reinstall or remove anything because of 'libapache2-mod-python' it exits with error 127 of post install script09:52
ardchoilleknandan: newer version of software, and sometimes replacements likepidgin replaced with empathy in Karmic09:53
DJonesknandan: No probs, Ubuntu is released every 6 months with updated versions of software, normally, if a new version is released, its not added to the current version unless it fixes a bug or security concern, effectively every 6 months you get a new version with the latest software, jaunty & karmic are the code names, jaunty was released in April 2009, Karmic in October 2010 etc09:53
zahari_iceroot, all this is happening because I deleted with "rm -rf /etc/apache2". Is there a way I an get out of this ?09:54
brontosaurusrexso Karmic came from the future? well thats really progress09:54
DJonesbrontosaurusrex: Ah well, I'm not awake yet :)09:54
Gnowi wanna setup a freeradius server but the info i got from the web is different from the radiusd.conf that i have. anyone can give me a hint?09:55
rwwbrontosaurusrex, DJones: October 2009 ;)09:55
DJonesknandan: As brontosaurusrex noticed, Karmic should have said released October 200909:55
knandanDJones..thanks..yes..i have already seen teh Karmic release..:-)09:56
ardchoilleknandan: and some of the releases are LTS (Long Term Support) which is supported for 3 years on the desktop and 5 years on the server. Ubuntu 10.04 will be such a release09:56
knandanardchoille: does that mean installation of pidgin on Karmic will fail?09:56
ardchoilleiirc, 8.04 was the last LTS release409:57
ardchoilleknandan: not at all, I use pidgin in Karmic now09:57
DJonesknandan: I use pidgin on karmic09:57
* om26er use empathy09:57
ardchoilleknandan: it's just one app swapped for another is all09:57
alteregoai use pigthing in spastic sparrow09:57
knandanardchoille DJones : I see..09:58
ardchoillealteregoa: Please stop that, you have been wanred numerous times and kicked once. Haven't you learned yet?09:58
alteregoaardchoille what, i said what i used on my ubuntu fork09:58
ikoniaalteregoa: this channel is for ubuntu support - not an ubuntu fork support09:59
alteregoaok Sir09:59
Shogoothow do i make the join/parts messages to turn off? driving me insane...10:00
ardchoilleShogoot: in xchat?10:00
rwwShogoot: which client are you using?10:00
Shogootmirc plain10:00
ardchoilleShogoot: never heard of it10:00
rwwShogoot: http://clintecker.com/disable-irc-msgs.html10:00
Shogootits the win original irc client10:00
rwwShogoot: `View => Options => pick "IRC". Click the "Events..." button. Change the "joins", "parts", "quits", and "nicks" to your desired settings: "In Status" or "Hide" are good options.`10:00
yipstaranyone familar with kvm around?10:01
ikoniayipstar: what's up ?10:01
jk-chengon the user applet... in karmic it display username...10:01
alteregoathen select defaukt and use no10:02
jk-chenghow can i change it to Full name...10:02
bilalakhtaryipstar: Why are you using KVM? why not VirtualBox10:02
alteregoajust click events on the channel, and hide the event for mirc10:02
ikoniabilalakhtar: why should he not use kvm ?10:02
bilalakhtarikonia: well kvm is difficult to use10:02
Shogootsolved thanks10:03
yipstarikonia: having trouble with ubuntu-vm-builder command whenever i pass the --libvirt qemu:///system option it fails with: libvir: Domain Config error : internal error not supported architecture for os type 'hvm'10:03
alteregoai use mirc with wine, because it works better10:03
ikoniabilalakhtar: depends - I find it quite easy10:03
yipstarbilalakhtar: not sure... i was told kvm was good stuff, haven't really investigated VirtualBox yet10:03
bilalakhtaryipstar: Find info about KVM here:- http://help.ubuntu.com/community/KVM10:03
ikoniayipstar: ahh for vm-builder, join #ubuntu-virt, some good guys who actually built the builder10:04
ikoniayipstar: I don't use the builder to be honest10:04
yipstarbilalakhtar: thats the howto i'm following to the t10:04
ikonia(or at least very often)10:04
yipstarikonia: thanks i'll give them a try10:04
jk-chengon the panel user applet... in karmic it display username... how can i change it to Full name...10:04
bilalakhtaryipstar: KVM is MUCH more powerful than virtualbox10:04
bilalakhtaryipstar: So, if you want to use it, good10:05
bilalakhtarguys will return in a min10:05
yipstarbilalakhtar: i was a previous xen user but since ubuntu dropped support for it i'm trying to keep up with the times10:05
alteregoasomeone has a good star-trek theme for ubuntu?10:06
ikoniaalteregoa: look on the theme sites for lcars10:06
Gnowfreeradius anyone?10:06
ikoniaGnow: that's not a question, try asking a quetion10:06
Gnowi wanna setup a freeradius server but the info i got from the web is different from the radiusd.conf that i have. anyone can give me a hint?10:07
alteregoafascinating thanks ikonia10:07
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ikoniaGnow: what website are you using, and what ubuntu version are you using ?10:07
yipstarikonia: do you know if i can use the virsh command to register a vm after it has been created? effectively just not trying to do that part with the vm-builder command10:07
ikoniayipstar: you should be able to find, as long as the config xml confirms to the same host10:07
yipstarsince vm-builder seems to run fine as long as i leave the --libvirt option out10:07
ikonia"fine" not find10:07
ardchoillealteregoa: I remember seeing lots of LCARS stuff on www.gnome-look.org10:07
Gnowikonia this is the info i follow https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/ChillispotHotspot/8.04, but the same way i install it but the radiusd.conf is different10:08
yipstarikonia: is that just the attach-device command?10:08
ikoniayipstar: I don't know of the top of my head10:09
yipstarikonia: cool i'll do my own homework its just late :) thanks for the help10:09
=== metaltux is now known as apelwrk
csabaI've changed /etc/profile... how can I make the changes effective without restarting the computer?10:09
nachow. profile10:10
ikoniayipstar: you'll be fine with it though10:10
nachowor source profile10:10
bilalakhtarhi ppl does anyone know how to install firefox 3.6 on ubuntu karmic10:11
tiagotiagoi've already trired the metamode thing with disabling one monitor, but i still have fullscreen games showing halfway out of my primary monitor (i have two CRT, side by side using twinview, the primary is the one on the right)10:11
nachowif you can't use . or source, abandon this crappy distro10:11
bilalakhtarsabdfl: I wish you were here!10:11
csabayeah . works10:11
cyberjorgeanyone used "Badram kernel"? is it worth using and is it a major thing to setup?10:13
=== mgolisch_ is now known as mgolisch
brontosaurusrexwhat else should i backup http://bronto.pastebin.com/m7f8f0a8a ?10:14
tiagotiagohow can i have fullscreen games go to a single monitor (preferably my primary), without loosing twinview, without loosing single cube for two monitors, and with the fullscreen game being properly centered and scaled?10:14
DJonesbilalakhtar: You can use the Mozilla Daily Build PPA to install Firefox 3.6 https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-mozilla-daily/+archive/ppa Bt be aware that because its not part of the normal Ubuntu repository, it's generally unsupported10:15
csabaI'm deleting a large directory with rm -rf is there a way to display some percentages and ETA?10:15
Lunar_Lampcsaba: open another terminal, and use "watch du -sh /path/to/folder"10:20
stixHi guys. Can I update my firefox to 3.6 via one of the package managers, or do I need to do it myself?10:20
AlvinwareHow to get bak the removed panel?10:20
Kamciopoklika ktos10:20
ubottuČeské uživatele žádáme, aby mluvili v kanále #ubuntu anglicky. Česky je možno se domluvit v #ubuntu-cz. Děkujeme.10:21
AlvinwareAny one know how to get back the panel?10:21
Kamciosiema djones10:21
csabaLunar_Lamp: and uh what would that do?10:21
tiagotiago_seems my connection hickupped, if anyone had answered me please repeat10:21
Lunar_Lampcsaba: it would give you the size of the directory '/path/to/folder' every 2seconds.10:22
Lunar_LampThus allowing you to see the approx rate of deletion of files within that folder.10:22
csabaLunar_Lamp: ah interesting10:22
hawodiHello all.10:23
Lunar_Lampcsaba: when you've finished with it, use ctrl+c to exit.10:23
Kamciowelcome to my word frends;)10:23
Kamciowhat sup ?10:24
tolpicoTrying to increase my resolution, installed nvidia drivers, but nvidia-settings still doesnt show the updated reolution list containing higher resolutions. How should I go about this?10:24
ikoniaKamcio: type "/topic" to see the topic of this channel, it's a support channel aimed at the support discussion of Ubuntu10:24
Kamciochuj z wami kutasy10:24
tolpicoMy xorg.conf, if it helps: http://pastebin.com/m54aa16be10:25
Kamciopomoze ktos?10:28
tiagotiago_restarting to test somthing, be back in abit10:28
Kamcionie znam zbyt dobrze angielskeigo a mam duzy problem10:28
Kamcioz kompem;/10:28
Kamcioprosze pomocy!10:28
Kamcionie badzcie tacy10:28
FloodBot1Kamcio: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.10:28
XeroXerHi all! Does anyone have a good way to detect what monitor (if any) is connected at boot? I'm on Ubuntu 9.10 64 bit. On 32 bit I used a script with ddcprobe that moved the correct xorg.conf file at bootup. But ddcprobe doesn't work on 64 bit for me.10:28
BooRadley!english | Kamcio10:28
ubottuKamcio: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat10:28
Kamciook sorry frends10:28
BooRadley!pl | Kamcio10:28
ubottuKamcio: Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.10:28
hawodiI just installed wine on my system ( Ubuntu Karmic ) and I get this error when ever I try starting wine from the command line: /usr/lib/../bin/wine-pthread: could not open10:29
Kamciook dzieki chlopaki 3majcie sie ramy to sie nie posram10:29
BooRadleyKamcio: please stop?10:29
tiagotiago_nope, setting the offser of the emtamode to somthing negative didn't recenter the fullscreen stufff :(10:29
=== sandeep is now known as Guest48186
geekyogiI've problem with vsftpd.. I am using chroot option to lock or jail the local user to their home directory... but when i use a browser.. as anonymous.. its able to navigate to root directory.. any solution to prevent this..??10:32
tiagotiago_is there a way i can force all fullscreen programs to actually be windowed?10:33
llutzgeekyogi: don't allow anonymous access10:33
geekyogii need anonymous access10:33
ikoniageekyogi: then set your file system permissions correctly10:35
geekyogiikonia file permissions for /var/ftp ..??10:37
Gary20is there any special meaning when underscore is used as first character in naming a file? like the dot?10:38
rwwGary20: not that I know of10:39
ikoniageekyogi: for either your chroot or the /root file system,10:41
ikoniageekyogi: depending on if you have the user chrooted correctly (which it doesn't sound like you do)10:41
hawodiam getting this error whenever I try to start wine on karmic kaola.10:42
Explore2How can see the man page of a function with in vim10:42
Explore2for eg. if i need to see man fopen,10:43
Explore2how can i see?10:43
FunkyWeaselWhen using saveAll on a HABTM model the created/modified fields of the related tables are not updating.10:43
ikoniaExplore2: why do you need to see it in vim - man is the command10:44
tiagotiago_how can i get rid of this SCiM thing, it popped up without i wanitng it and it keeps changing the language :/10:44
=== tiagotiago_ is now known as TiagoTiago
FunkyWeaselOh dear, sorry.  Wrong chan.  D'oh.10:45
* FunkyWeasel gets his coat.10:45
clamiaxI got today an HP Pavilion 3003el with Windows 7 pre-installed (sigh)10:45
clamiaxI'm going to install Ubuntu 9.10 but I wondering if the remote control will works10:45
clamiaxdoes anyone have an idea about?10:45
ikoniaclamiax: what remote control daemon do you want to use ?10:46
clamiaxikonia: whatever it works10:46
Oli``Is there a way to get Compiz to position windows in the same way that Metacity would? (ie centred in the middle of a screen, rather than touching borders)10:46
ghthorclamiax, that's why I build my own machines10:46
clamiaxAs far as I can tell, LIRC doesn't supports my device10:46
ikoniaclamiax: you don't know if it will work or not until you decide what daemon to use, eg: if you want to use irda go tot he irda website and see if it supports the device/chipset10:47
clamiaxikonia: my device is not listed in any of the existing daemon hardware list10:47
ikoniaclamiax: then it's not supported10:47
clamiaxghthor: what do you mean?10:47
cyberjorgeotherwise recompile all my vm kernels10:48
cyberjorgeanyone used "Badram kernel"? is it worth using and is it a major thing to setup?10:48
geekyogi@ikonia edited vsftpd.conf file.. der is no option to jail the anonymous user preventing it to view the root folders.. though its not able to access any of these folders.. The root folder's permission seems fine...10:48
clamiaxikonia: mmh... i'll have to try. Many time I get devices working even if they was not listed into the supported hardware list10:48
ikoniaclamiax: then why ask ?10:48
clamiaxikonia: because I'd hope to hair some success story about it (and maybe some informations on how to setting it up)10:49
clamiaxikonia: it's obvious.10:49
ghthorclamiax: Putting together your own build rather then buying a "dell" means no pre-installed windows10:49
ikoniaclamiax: you didn't give any info on the device, you jus said a hp laptop10:49
ikoniaclamiax: if you reference the chipset some people may be more aware10:49
clamiaxghthor: that's doable with your own hardware; though this is my girlfriend's laptop and I would like to install Ubuntu on it10:49
ghthoroh its a laptop >_>10:50
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »10:50
clamiaxikonia: you must have some problem with your IRC client. I wrote HP Pavilion 3003el10:50
clamiaxthat's all you need to get informations about my hardware.10:51
TiagoTiagoanother thing, the Enhanced Zoom thing in Compiz isn't working anymore, it doesn't zoom, and makes the mouse cursor disapear or move weirdly, how do i fix this?10:51
clamiaxTiagoTiago: compiz acts weirdly sometime. You need a bit of lucky when enabling new stuff. Try again.10:51
clamiaxThough I'm not sure it's related to compiz rather then the video driver.10:52
clamiaxe ciao10:53
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TiagoTiagowhat can i do to try to fix this?10:53
rambo3where is sh located ? /usr/ ?10:53
clamiaxTiagoTiago: it depends on your skills.10:53
clamiaxTo be honest, I can't help you much. Compiz is offlimit for me.10:54
TiagoTiagoi can follow instructions and extrapolate from things that make sense10:54
clamiaxTiagoTiago: it may be useful tu strace(1) compiz in order to understand what's wrong10:54
clamiaxbut I'm pretty sure a web surfing can be fast and yet helpful.10:55
TiagoTiago"tu strace(1)" what does that mean? is that a command i should run on a terminal?10:55
clamiaxTiagoTiago: yes. It is, but if you never used it, then it can appear weird to you10:56
clamiaxTiagoTiago: does the mouse will appeare again if you switch to a VT, then back to X11?10:56
pretender_is there a command in linux to list all users logged onto a windows terminal server10:57
Bluespukehello, i've a problem... i've a laptop (no floppy, cd broken, no usb boot) with 9.10 installed on it. i need win XP besides or as replacement... any ideas how i could do this?10:57
TiagoTiagothe mouse flickers, jitters, and somtimes disapear, right clicking seems to bring it back to normal, and  scrollling out, the motion to zoom out back to normal, also seems to fix it10:58
clamiaxBluespuke: wrong channel10:58
whilewin xp10:59
whileand he`s on ubuntu channel10:59
clamiaxdon't byte newbie. They're just newbie ;-)10:59
clamiaxAnd don't byte me for my terrible english :-(10:59
whileif he managed to install 9.10 on his laptop lol he must me able to install win xp11:00
Bluespukesorry, but the current os is ubuntu and i don't know how to get an alternate partition without using a live cd11:00
whiledon`t worry about your english lol :D11:00
TiagoTiagoclamiax, i tried runnign the command you told me, and the terminal said "bash: syntax error near unexpected token `('"11:00
whileexternal cd-rom11:00
clamiaxTiagoTiago: what did you run, exactly?11:00
TiagoTiagoi just copy/pasted wha tyou wrote11:01
msilvahello, good morning to all, I would like to help me install the metasploit umbuntu grateful ...11:01
QPrimeBluespuke: apt-get install gparted11:01
clamiaxTiagoTiago: you should read strace(1) before drive you crazy with useless attempts.11:01
whiletry using #!/bin/bash -x11:01
TiagoTiagowhat do you mean bu "read strace(1)"" ?11:02
QPrimeBluespuke: assuming that you have net access.11:02
clamiaxTiagoTiago: read the man page for strace (which is at section 1)11:02
BluespukeQPrime: yes i do11:02
QPrimeBluespuke: apt-get install gparted11:02
clamiaxTiagoTiago: but again, you should use strace as last resource. Try to surf the web first, it's likely you'll find a solution.11:03
Jaime1985Hello-Permission to request to paste a link that involves voting for me to join the creative national team of my country. I could use the votes. May I Paste my creative entry for you all to vote?11:05
Jaime1985its quick to vote.11:05
clamiaxJaime1985: why someone should vote you?11:05
DJonesJaime1985: This is a support channel, so it wouldn't be appropriate here11:05
Bluespukeok, i got gparted but i can't resize the current partition...11:05
TiagoTiagoi was focusing my websearches on the misaligned fullscreen issue, i hadn't thought about looking up stuff about this glitch, here ont he channel, since i didn't got answer for my first inquiry i started asking for help with less important issues i'm having11:05
Jaime1985because I believe my entry is comendable11:05
Jaime1985its very quick.11:05
Jaime1985and you will enjoy my design11:05
Jaime1985and this oppertunity comes once in a long time11:06
QPrimeBluespuke: makes sense.. its active at the moment.11:06
clamiaxyou didn't convinced me. Wrong channel, bye.11:06
BluespukeQPrime: that i knew before... so if i have just 1 partition and no boot options, i'm f*cked up?11:06
QPrimeBluespuke: perhaps not.11:08
QPrimeBluespuke: but it gets more difficult11:08
KinkyKamikazeI am trying to install a bunch of stuff, most compiled from source. How can I install them, where do you normally place them, and what do I type in my path to get access to them as they were normally installed with apt-get11:08
Bluespukethat's why i'm here to get a little help ;-)11:08
whileclamiax, hahahaha "you didn't convinced me. Wrong channel, bye."11:09
QPrimeBluespuke: its possible to create a ram drive copy some needed files and swap roots to the new drive.11:09
TiagoTiagoanother symptom to add ot the list, the background of the spinnning cube is gettign whited out11:09
QPrimeBluespuke: thats more involved than most ppl are willing to help with :(11:09
QPrimeBluespuke: you said usb boot is a no go?11:10
BluespukeQPrime: no usb boot and cd drive is broken...11:10
nachowlivexxx is crap11:10
nachowthey are not flexable11:10
whileBlueEagle, you have comport ?11:11
TiagoTiagoreloaidng the windows manager fixed that last one11:11
TiagoTiagodamn, only untill i tried zomming again :/11:11
arandBluespuke: pxe boot?11:11
Bluespukearand: i heared about this, what do i need for it?11:12
Bluespukei just have another xp computer around11:12
QPrimearand: good idea... but hes gonna need a server11:12
nachowsomebody can try to break in your network and pxe your systems11:12
nachowthet'a why11:13
clamiaxTiagoTiago: it seems there's a bug about the XFIXES extension of X which nobodywants to fix11:13
wild_oscardoes anyone know if NetworkManager supports dynamic APN for mobile connections?11:13
QPrimeBluespuke: does you box even support pxe booting?11:13
kakuzuhi is there anyone of you who ever tried "wubi" ? am planning to use linux11:13
clamiaxTiagoTiago: but it also seems to be a workaround ;)11:14
Bluespukenetwork boot yes, if that's what you mean11:14
TiagoTiagowhere can i read about it?11:14
nachowi won't cause its name11:14
nachowcause of11:14
QPrimeBluespuke: yup thats it.11:14
nachowwubi = cheating in mandarin11:14
SpajderixI'm running hardy on asus laptop with sata 250gb hdd. hdparm -t /dev/sda shows approximately 8MB/s but when I start ubuntu 9.10 live same command shows 60MB/s. Anyone knows how to fix this?11:14
kakuzuwubi = ubuntu installer for windows :|11:15
arandBluespuke: There are a few options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation11:15
clamiaxTiagoTiago: i'm actually reading this one: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xorg-server/+bug/22790711:15
QPrimeBluespuke: well you have an option.  pxe is not specific to linux you should be able to find info on it with a search.11:15
alteregoai need a klinzhai font11:15
BluespukeQPrime: ok, i'll give it a try11:15
=== carlo is now known as Guest56415
Guest56415hi all11:16
alteregoadid ya hear a quake shattered antarctica with 9.3 on the richter scale11:16
ardchoille!ot | alteregoa11:16
ubottualteregoa: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!11:16
alteregoaah wrong channel sorry11:17
clamiaxTiagoTiago: just to try, disable Twinview in xorg.conf11:18
clamiaxand try to use EZoom again.11:18
tiagotiago_i rememebr i once saw this setting, it was somthing baout fullscreen, id on't remember what it was, nor where it was located, much less it's name, i think it was somewhere in the compix settings, but i could be wrong, any idea?11:18
tiagotiago_i gotta loose twinview? :/11:19
clamiaxuhm... it's just a try to understand where's the problem11:19
clamiaxno idea about fullscreen thing in compiz11:19
defnWhat's the fastest way to get a vnc server running on 9.10?  I find it hard to believe there's no package that will just automatically add it to init.d etc.11:19
mzimbreshi, how can I find out which services are running on which ports? of the local host?11:19
pat|nGhow can i put a picture on my desktop? like want it to set as a wallpaper?11:19
tiagotiago_i think it was near this other checkbox about rendering to off screen textures or somthing11:20
simplexiomzimbres: netstat -l11:20
tiagotiago_ok, now i lost one monitor, for the moment, brb11:21
wild_oscaralso, is there a timer in network manager that can display the total connected time?11:22
wild_oscar(I have a prepaid GSM connection, want to have my costs controlled)11:22
tparcinaHi channel!11:22
tparcinaHow to get more informations about perticular PCIE card? (I would like to get information about chipset of my wireless card)11:23
clamiaxwild_oscar: try with accounting rules of iptables or just install an ad-hoc tool.11:23
victor__hi i wanna install kubuntu9.10 into a usb memory of 8Gb of capacity but i'm not sure if it's gonna works...11:23
tparcinawild_oscar: Smart (having prepaid card).11:23
wild_oscartparcina: smart is the name of a tool?11:24
clamiaxwild_oscar: unlucky, ifconfig doesn't supports statistics anymore.11:24
tiagotiago_hm, i think i messed up somthing, sec11:24
clamiaxvictor__: why it shouldn't works?11:24
clamiaxtiagotiago_ :)11:24
nachowis ubuntu designed for a usbkey or a memory card?11:24
tparcinawild_oscar: No, smart is to have GSM on prepaid :)11:24
wild_oscartparcina: haha! oh11:24
nachowiirc, ubuntu is designed for livecd11:24
clamiaxnachow: no, but it will works anyway.11:25
victor__clamiax: i mean is the capacity enough? is the OS working very slower?11:25
nachowyes, but something will go wrong11:25
tparcinaHow to find out whic chipset does my wireless card have (PCIE)?11:25
clamiaxnachow: though, there's some version which is designed to be run on portable devices.11:25
wild_oscartparcina: yeah, I don't need mobile broadband all the time; just when I go to meetings. rather expensive, but good if they do charge on 5 minute increments11:25
clamiaxnachow: whath will go wrong, to you?11:25
nachowyou will know11:25
clamiaxvictor__: the capacity is enough, about speed: it seems obvious that it will be slower than a SATA disk.11:26
clamiaxnachow: i'll wait then.11:26
victor__clamiax: but is the different too big?11:27
nachowi hate dd guys11:27
clamiaxvictor__: I think the only difference is the storage device. All the hardware is exactly the same, isn't?11:27
Bluespukehmm, i've another idea: is it possible to reinstall (and reformat the disks) from an existing ubuntu installation?11:28
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victor__clamiax: yeah11:28
=== Ovidiu is now known as _Ovidiu
* _Ovidiu is away: Gone away for now11:28
clamiaxBluespuke: it sounds a bit tricky but I guess it's possible.11:28
nachowhow can you format a on-fly disk?11:29
clamiaxBluespuke: why should you do a thing like that?11:29
clamiaxnachow: mfs?11:29
nachowon root partition?11:29
Bluespukeclamiax: so i could get another partition to copy a live cd and install xp11:29
clamiaxnachow: on any partition11:30
clamiaxBluespuke: mmh.. your problem is that you haven't enough space to get the live CD?11:30
* nachow is tired of these dd guys11:31
Bluespukeclamiax: i have a lot of space (70gb) but it's only one partition11:31
clamiaxnachow: what's wrong with dd?11:31
clamiaxBluespuke: ah, what mountpoint/filesystem?11:31
nachowit sounds like to upgrade the toolchian on a running system11:31
clamiaxnachow: NetBSD people do it once a week11:32
nachowdd guys ruin many systems until they get a glith way to work11:32
papuli am trying to compile a program and i want it to install to /home/papul/dir and not any where else11:32
nachowthen they think that they are smarter than other people11:32
Jimi_NeutralHi all, anyone know a fair amount about SSL11:32
nwillemsHi. I have a problem with external monitors for my laptop. I have 2 external monitors, a normal 19" monitor and a Full-HD flat-screen.11:32
papul!ask | Jimi_Neutral11:32
ubottuJimi_Neutral: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)11:32
Bluespukeclamiax: it's the ubuntu drive11:33
clamiaxpapul: if it uses autof*ck stuff use the --prefix option, else edit the config.mk file.11:33
papulclamiax: --prefix???11:33
dsearlepapul: If it is using standard makefiles you can use make DESTDIR=dir install11:33
papulplease tell me the exact command11:33
clamiaxBluespuke: it sounds hard then11:33
mzimbrespapul, ./configure --prefix=/home/papul/dir11:33
papulmzimbres: ok thanks11:33
papulno need to do anything during make install?11:34
clamiaxpapul: ./configure --help will tell you all options. You have to use ./configure --prefix=<destination> anyway11:34
Jimi_NeutralI didnt ask to ask a question lol11:34
Jimi_NeutralI said does anyone know a fair bit about SSL11:34
Jimi_Neutralthat is a question :D11:34
papulJimi_Neutral: go to #ssl11:34
dsearlepapul: if you use the prefix method in config then no11:34
clamiaxJimi_Neutral: someone know about SSL for sure.11:34
papulok thanks for the help all of you :)11:34
papulnow lemme try compiling it11:35
mzimbrespapul, no, just make and make install since you have writte permissions to that directory.11:35
Jimi_Neutralthos channels dont exist11:35
nwillemsJimi_Neutral, I'm no expert in SSL, but maybee I can guide you in the right direction, or maybee just point you to the channel #ssl11:35
clamiaxJimiNeutral: try #openssl11:35
clamiaxoh, sorry. *Jimi_Neutral.11:35
Jimi_Neutraltht one does tho clamiax ty :)11:36
clamiaxThanks anyway for your help and time. BBL11:37
skydromeis there a way to dim all but the foreground window?11:37
ardchoilleskydrome: compiz can do that but I know of no other way11:38
nwillemsI have a problem when connecting my flat-screen tv to my laptop, and the afterwards connecting my PC-monitor, and back again to the flat-screen, my laptop dosen't recognise the flat-scrren second time. Neither GUI or xrandr :(11:38
skydromeya preferably without compiz11:38
ardchoilleskydrome: That would be the responsibility of the window manager and Metacity can't do it11:39
pat|nGhow can i put a picture on my desktop? like want it to set as a wallpaper?11:39
indusdoes anyone know if pasting how tos from ubuntu site to another blog is legal?11:39
skydromeahh makes sense, ty ardchoille11:39
Youneshi. What's the deal with ubuntu-netbook-remix? It's terrible11:39
nwillemsindus, it probably is, as long as you credit the poster or release as same license, just a sec11:40
ardchoillepat|nG: right click the desktop, choose Change background, click the Add button and find a picture to use11:40
Explore2ikonia: man fopen can't i do?11:40
nwillemsindus, what site exactly are you talking about?11:40
Explore2it doesn't work in shell also11:40
ardchoilleWhich package provides the script-worker tool?11:41
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papul_i want to install a package called c-ares11:43
papul_but i cant find it in the repos11:43
=== papul_ is now known as papul
indusnwillems, hi11:44
indusnwillems, from help.ubuntu.com11:44
nwillemsCopyed from https://help.ubuntu.com/legal.html: Creative Commons ShareAlike 3.0 License (CC-BY-SA)11:45
Youneshi. Can I skip netbook-remix and go with a desktop instead on my netbook?11:45
pat|nGhow can i activate my 3D desktop? do i need to install some program to do with it?11:45
Younespat|nG settings->visual effects .. done11:46
Younessomething like that*11:46
pat|nGi used kubuntu tho11:46
pat|nGis it the same?11:47
Myrttipat|nG: no.11:47
nwillemsindus, here is the short description of it: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/11:47
pat|nGso where can i change that?11:47
Myrttipat|nG: why don't you ask in #kubuntu?11:47
nwillemsindus, I promise you will understand this license page, I've used it for my own blog11:48
pat|nGno one is there11:48
pat|nGit's a ghost channel11:48
Myrttipat|nG: 240nicks though11:49
echowelcome to freedom)11:49
=== martini is now known as Guest65047
pat|nGbut one do reply11:49
pat|nGnow atlast someone is here11:49
marcuyhi pat|nG11:50
indusnwillems, i have copy pasted to my blog, but its a company blog11:50
indusdont want any legal problems11:50
rodfersouhi everyone11:51
Gary20when coding in windows, i interact and store data in .ini files. is there an something like that in linux?11:52
marcuyhi rodfersou11:52
rodfersouwhat steps I follow to statically link a program into ubuntu? (I wanna statically link irssi to put the binary into my pendrive)11:53
MyrttiGary20: very much so, in linux everything is saved in files11:53
rodfersoumarcuy, =]11:53
MyrttiGary20: linux doesn't have a windows registry kind of mechanism11:53
Gary20Myrtti, oh yeah. everything is file in linux. forgot11:53
indushappy new year folks :)11:53
Gary20Myrtti, so there's no specific format such as .ini?11:53
MyrttiGary20: some apps use gconf format, some don't. Some store their configs in .config-directory, some don't.11:54
nwillemsindus, try reading the simple license page: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/11:54
nwillemsindus, its 20 lines of short text11:55
indusnwillems, yes i did, but trust me,its not that simple sometimes11:55
rodfersouGary20, gconf is almost like windows registry11:55
indusanyways thanks for the help.11:55
fastaWhen I do 'tsocks telnet yahoo.com' I get telnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Transport endpoint is already connected. Why?11:56
Gary20"... XML file storage is the most common configuration." ?11:56
MyrttiGary20: some files use that format, some don't. It's totally up to the developer what configuration format they use.11:57
nwillemsindus, sry for leaving, just fucked up my display settings bad :P11:59
indusnwillems, ok easy on the language11:59
Gary20ok. i'll look into this more. thanks11:59
industhough, in some 100 years that word will mean something totally different12:00
nwillemsindus, oh my appologize12:00
nwillemsindus, did the simple license page help you?12:01
echowhen ubuntu will support Fn keys ?12:01
echo* on samsung r60 laptops12:01
fastaecho: probably when someone pays to do so.12:02
nwillemsecho, When you find out, please tell me :) I have an Lenovo S10e12:02
indusnwillems, yes thanks12:02
indusnwillems, cc sa license12:02
fastaecho: basically, someone has to figure out how the Windows drivers work and then port it to Linux.12:02
nwillemsfasta, couldn't you just look at the raw-keyboard output?12:03
ycy___hi there12:04
tiagotiagoswitching off twinview gives me the zoom back, but i can't get it to work well with each monitor as it's own x session :/12:04
ycy___I have x11vnc auto-runned upon system boot. How do I know where is it launched? [i mean: in which file]12:04
suigenerisycy___ grep12:05
ycy___suigeneris: in which dir12:05
nwillemsCan anyone tell me how to setup my HD flatscreen for 720p? The GUI and xrandr dosen't detect it until restart12:05
tiagotiagofullscreen also work correctly without twinview :/12:05
echoi am satisfied all.. but only brightness adjustment not normally working..12:05
ycy___root@servertwo:/etc# grep -R x11vnc *12:05
tiagotiagohm, gonna see how bad Xinerama is12:05
suigenerisgrep -r x11vnc /etc/init.d12:06
suigenerisycy___ ^^12:06
ycy___root@servertwo:/etc# grep -r x11vnc /etc/init.d/12:06
nwillemsecho, I'm neither having any real problems, its just wireless on/off and "screen changer"12:06
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echonwillems, my wi-fi adapter can be powered on/off by network manager or "ifconfig up/down wlan0" but works only in 9.1012:08
London90does anyone know when firefox 3.6 will be put in the ubuntu repos?12:08
nwillemsecho, well, but wouldn't it be nice to have support for the little fancy button :)12:09
echonwillems, yeah :)12:09
DJonesLondon90: It will possibly be in the repo's for Lucid, but normally the new versions aren't backdated into an older version of Ubuntu12:09
London90DJones: thanks for the info!12:10
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echoi remembered another trouble.. ati radeon X2300 drivers ..12:10
bullgardWhy does my Karmic-Synaptic not show the  DEB program package  »mlton«? Synaptic package manager > Settings > Repositories > Software Sources > Ubuntu Software > Community-maintained Open-Source software (universe) is asserted. '~$ apt-cache search mlton; mlton - Optimizing compiler for Standard ML'12:10
scuniziLondon90: there is a PPA on launchpad for that.. I'm running 8.04 and have it.  there are daily updates12:10
consolecowboyif anyone else uses google reader with firefox 3.6, do you notice that 'v' (to open a the story) doesn't work half the time?12:10
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nwillemsecho, btw how can I find the right keyboard vendor, model for my laptop?12:11
heoahow can you use Grep like Ack-Grep?12:12
London90scunizi: Great, I don't suppose you have the link or remember which site you got it from?12:12
heoaie you see the file after each match12:12
scuniziLondon90: launchpad is the site.. I'll google.12:13
echonwillems, not what you need..12:13
scuniziLondon90: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-mozilla-daily/+archive/ppa12:14
nwillemsecho, ??12:14
echonwillems, google for kernel-patch for you notebook model12:14
London90scunizi: great, thanks!12:14
pat|nGhow can i install flash player on my browser?12:15
pat|nGi can't play videos on youtube12:15
nwillemsecho, on the keyboard issue or on the display problem?12:15
scunizipat|nG: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras12:16
setkeh`did my last message make it ??12:16
Cynix01xbmc from apt-get crashes on start ? any bugfixes ?12:16
echoawk, official ati drivers not suppors old radeons.. and there are alternative drvers - radeonhd.. how to configure radeonhd drivers, because linux games are works normaly, but windows games works with very small fps12:17
MK1974my gnome-terminal won't start anymore.12:18
hyperstreamCan't create PID file /var/run/dhcpd.pid: Permission denied.  <--- -rwxrwxrwx 1 root dhcpd 1 2010-01-22 19:54 /var/run/dhcpd.pid <-- dmesg shows: [23945.100846] type=1503 audit(1264162555.029:37):  operation="open" pid=13719 parent=2687 profile="/usr/sbin/dhcpd3" requested_mask="::r" denied_mask="::r" fsuid=116 ouid=0 name="/var/run/dhcpd.pid"12:18
hyperstreamany idea;s on this issue ?12:18
echonwillems, kernel problem12:18
MK1974uninstalled and installed again already. nothing helps12:18
echonwillems, problem of unsupported..12:18
MK1974when starting terminal for half a second terminal pop up and closes automatically12:19
setkeh`i keep getting spat into a busy box shell on my ubuntu server install saying "ALERT! /dev/disk/by-uuid/hddhexadress does not exist" any ideas??12:19
nwillemsecho, I haven't noticed any kernel problem on my laptop :P what you mean unsupported?12:19
echonwillems, there are some patches for any Fn supporting12:19
MK1974anyone got an idea12:20
echonwillems, any newest kernel just do not support Fn keys12:20
llutzsetkeh`: compare uuid from alert with your actual ones, fix grub/fstab then12:20
scunizisetkeh`: sudo blkid .. make notes on the uuid's of the drives.. then sudo nano /etc/fstab and compare the previous uuid's with what is listed in fstab.. sounds like you have a drive/partition with an unrecognizable uuid12:20
nwillemsecho, ahh that way. well, I had an idea that supporting Fn is similar to supporting "windows"-key12:20
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echoupper i means only not very popular laptops and some unsupported keys, as wi-fi, brightness and some others12:22
setkeh`scunizi: is there any way of doing this from inside busybox because i cannot boot12:22
echoin most of laptops there are amazing ubuntu supporting for hardware12:22
llutzsetkeh`: ls -l /dev/disk/by-uuid12:22
scunizisetkeh`: probably but I don't know busybox..12:23
setkeh`llutz: ty will give it a shot12:23
nwillemswould like to have windows for the applications menu, and then windows-r for "run application dialog", actually my brightness and sound and the PgUp/Dn, Del, Home, End is working, only one i miss is SysRq. Cant do Ctrl+SysRq+BckSp12:23
=== Alice_ is now known as Caillou
nwillemseven NumLock and scrolllock is working12:23
indusnwillems, ctl sysrq-backspace? for what is that used12:24
setkeh`llutz: they are the same uuids fstab vs the error12:24
llutzsetkeh`: grub?12:24
nwillemsindus, restart X, ctrl+alt+bcksp is not supported anymore, read it on the forums12:24
indusnwillems, its alt sysrq K12:25
scunizinwillems: try ctrl+sysrq+k12:25
indusno no12:25
indusALT SYSRQ K12:25
nwillemsindus, maybee thats why it didn't work :P12:25
echoand yet, how to configure radeonhd?12:25
hyperstreamcan selinux be causing this error how can i fix this?: Can't create PID file /var/run/dhcpd.pid: Permission denied.  <--- -rwxrwxrwx 1 root dhcpd 1 2010-01-22 19:54 /var/run/dhcpd.pid <-- dmesg shows: [23945.100846] type=1503 audit(1264162555.029:37):  operation="open" pid=13719 parent=2687 profile="/usr/sbin/dhcpd3" requested_mask="::r" denied_mask="::r" fsuid=116 ouid=0 name="/var/run/dhcpd.pid"12:25
Dr_WillisI thiough it was alt-ctrl-sysreq-k12:25
nwillemshe he12:25
setkeh`llutz: it has the same uuid12:25
Dr_WillisI thiough it was alt-ctrl-sysreq-k-stand-on-your-head-sing-the-abc's12:26
scuniziDr_Willis: :)12:26
llutzDr_Willis: missed -backwards12:26
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osirisx11is there any protection or warning in ubuntu when attempting to do an rm -rf /?12:26
Dr_Willisllutz:  and --in-mandrin-chinese12:26
Dr_Willisosirisx11:   no12:26
jribosirisx11: yes12:27
nwillemsMy bad, sry guys :P12:27
osirisx11thanks for clearing that up!12:27
ardchoilleDr_Willis: http://ardchoille42.pastebin.com/m2b0add3c12:27
setkeh`all my uuids match but still no boot12:27
jribosirisx11: see "--preserve-root" in « man rm »12:27
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setkeh`now its starting wtf12:29
Younesshit channel, even ubuntu's people are crap =)12:31
Dr_WillisDemand a refund then Younes..12:32
semehey whats up with launchpad today... says there is a gpg error for ppa.launchpad.net12:33
semecan't verify the pgp signature12:33
XeroXerDoes anyone know why ddcprobe gives edidfail in 64 bit (ubuntu 9.10), worked great on 32 bit.12:33
bullgardWhy does my Karmic-Synaptic not show the  DEB program package  »mlton«? Synaptic package manager > Settings > Repositories > Software Sources > Ubuntu Software > Community-maintained Open-Source software (universe) is asserted. '~$ apt-cache search mlton; mlton - Optimizing compiler for Standard ML'12:34
=== mohamed is now known as Guest85661
Dr_Willis!find mlton12:34
ubottuFound: mlton12:34
Dr_Willis!info  mlton12:35
ubottuError: I tried to send you an empty message.12:35
Dr_Willis!info mlton12:36
ubottumlton (source: mlton): Optimizing compiler for Standard ML. In component universe, is optional. Version 20070826-1 (karmic), package size 10647 kB, installed size 47156 kB (Only available for amd64 hppa i386 powerpc sparc)12:36
michaeldobrovitsHello, does anyone knows why ut3 through wine has sound issues, can those enviromental distortion can be fixed?12:36
Dr_WillisI thought UT3 had a native linux client..  of course wine has some sound issues with pulse audio in many games.12:36
michaeldobrovitsDr_Willis: ut3 doesn't have a native linux client. i don't use pulse on my jaunty do you have any idea which lib is probably damaged or if there's any chance of overriding enviroment fx in wines registry?12:38
bullgard!info eclipse12:38
ubottueclipse (source: eclipse): Extensible Tool Platform and Java IDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.5.1+repack~1-0ubuntu3 (karmic), package size 7 kB, installed size 72 kB12:38
Dr_Willismichaeldobrovits:  no idea.  check teh wine app database12:38
Dr_Willismichaeldobrovits:  they may have some info on the sound issues.12:39
nwillemstimes leet12:39
michaeldobrovitsk, thx/12:39
mazda01sick of making coasters, gonna try to get a new dvd burner. want dvd-ram and dvd-dl burning capabilities. ne1 suggest brand? LG, Lite-On, Sony, What?12:40
llutzmazda01: all the same crap today12:41
mazda01huh? i know that certain burner's firmware can't burn certain generic media. which is why i am asking what burner (or company) have people had the most success with12:42
Dr_Willisllutz:  i was thinking that also.. they dont make them like they used to.12:42
Dr_Willismazda01:  check the box/specs for one that does what you want. Ive seen many are just rebranded from the same company12:43
Dr_WillisSometimes you can find an identcial optical drive rebranded under a differnt company for better prices if ya find them on sale12:43
llutzmazda01: just buy one, use recommended media and hope it will work. times are gone whit significant differences in quality etc between burners12:43
mazda01Dr_Willis, i am merely asking if ne1 has had more success with LG over Lite-On or vice-versa etc etc etc12:43
llutzmazda01: maybe look that firmware-updates don't need windows (samsung-like)12:44
Dr_Willismazda01:  it all would be subjective Ive had optical drives from all those companies.. and had them all die befor.12:44
Dr_Willismazda01:  ages ago i tried to stay with lite-on - but as i said many other brands are actually lite-on rebranded12:45
llutzeven plextor is crap since years :(12:45
bullgardWhy does my Karmic-Synaptic not show the  DEB program package  »mlton«? Synaptic package manager > Settings > Repositories > Software Sources > Ubuntu Software > Community-maintained Open-Source software (universe) is asserted. '~$ apt-cache search mlton; mlton - Optimizing compiler for Standard ML'12:45
mazda01Dr_Willis, next question, is sata or pata way to go. \12:46
llutzmazda01: sata, pata is dead12:46
Dr_Willismazda01:  i see no reason to ever use pata if you dont need to12:46
Yarcanox"pycentral: pycentral rtinstall: package python-twisted-core: not overwriting local files"12:46
Myrttibullgard: check that you don't have any filters or searches that prevent it from showing12:46
Yarcanoxnow what? apt-get fails to upgrade python2.5 during apt-get upgrade and will fail everytime I try to install anything else12:46
Yarcanoxeven -f doesn't help12:46
Dr_Willisapt-get dist-upgrade ?12:47
YarcanoxDr_Willis: same error12:48
Dr_Willishit it with a hammer..12:48
Yarcanoxit always attempts to upgrade that python thing first and then comes up with that error12:48
mazda01Dr_Willis, now fot the medium. verbatim, hp, phillips, sony, tdk? there are so many?12:48
surfhi guys. Ubuntu Karmic installed on a ASUS UL50 machine. I have a process: udevd --daemon which has 100% of cpu. Why? It freezes my pc 9 times out of 10!12:48
YarcanoxDr_Willis: the upgrade has security relevant bind (some exploit) and openssl (that negotation vulnerability) fixes12:49
Yarcanoxand it's on a production server12:49
virkangHi everyone12:49
Dr_Willismazda01:  flip a coin. :) i just buy whats on sale.. and i keep backups..12:49
Yarcanoxthat means I need those upgrades to be proceeded. and I don't care about python at all.12:49
mazda01do you guys use dvd+r or dvd-r for making dvd movies>12:49
Dr_WillisYarcanox:  you could remove the python pacaktge I guess.. but that may be a bad idea12:49
Yarcanoxbecause a lot of things depend on it12:50
Dr_Willismazda01:  most all the players i have now - can use either one.12:50
Yarcanoxif anyone has an idea how to fix this, please tell me.12:50
Yarcanoxmaybe I just need to remove the "local files" it doesn't want to overwrite12:50
mazda01Dr_Willis, any doesn't say k3b, automatically mark a dvd+r with the dvd-r bit anyway so that it can be played in most dvd players?12:50
Yarcanoxbut as the output is so insanely verbose, I have no idea what to do from here12:50
llutzmazda01: most companies have lists of media you should use with a specific drive. use them12:51
mazda01Dr_Willis, that is the difference right? dvd+r is for data (computers) and dvd-r is for dvd players in the family room? i mean ages ago.12:51
surfhi guys. Ubuntu Karmic installed on a ASUS UL50 machine. I have a process: udevd --daemon which has 100% of cpu. Why? It freezes my pc 9 times out of 10!12:51
Dr_Willismazda01:  i think it was more of a marketing thing. I seem to find +r on sale more then -r. i got an OLD laptop that can only read -r.12:52
EsatYuceI downloaded Stardict dictionary from official website. How can i install the application?12:52
mazda01llutz, i am going with a lite-on DH-24AAS and I don't see anywhere on the tigerdirect website that says what media to use. maybe i need to check manufactureers website?12:52
Dr_WillisEsatYuce:  what was it exactly you downloaded? doestt the site give any install directions>12:53
llutzmazda01: old stand-alone dvd-player had some compatibility-problems with +r, so -R was preferred. shouldn't make any difference today12:53
EsatYuceit gave me the link and mirror12:53
llutzmazda01: manufacturers site should offer those lists12:53
paulus68what do I need to adapt in this script to make sure that the file last is empty after running this script? http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/m2134c93f12:53
Dr_WillisEsatYuce:  and what EXACTLY was the pacakge/file type you downloaded?12:53
EsatYuceDr_Willis,  there are many folders and files in the directory12:53
iflemaYarcanox its reversible... sudo mv /var/cache/apt/pkgcache.bin /var/cache/apt/pkgcache-old.bin && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade12:54
Yarcanoxhttp://pastebin.com/d5fc40e7d please help >.>12:54
EsatYucethe name is /stardict-3.0.0/12:54
Dr_Willisfoobarwhatever.tar.gz ? or somthing?12:54
Yarcanoxiflema: what exactly will that do?12:54
Dr_Willisif its source code. you need to compile it EsatYuce12:54
EsatYuceDr_Willis,  it is .deb package12:54
bullgardMyrtti: I did not switch on any filters (at least not intentionally). I quit Synaptic and restarted it. Now Synaptic finds »mlton«. I have never experienced a similar bug before. --  Thank you for your help.12:54
iflemaYarcanox force a refresh of the package database and hopefully an upgade12:55
Dr_WillisEsatYuce:  why did you extract it then to a directroy?  'sudo dpkg -i whatever.deb'12:55
Dr_WillisEsatYuce:  is the command to insstall them normalluy12:55
EsatYuceok, i will try this command12:55
surfhi guys. Ubuntu Karmic installed on a ASUS UL50 machine. I have a process: udevd --daemon which has 100% of cpu. Why? It freezes my pc 9 times out of 10!12:55
llutzpaulus68: why not using "last skeleton" instead of grepping?12:55
Dr_Willisactually if you double click on a .deb  - its supposed to install it.12:56
Yarcanoxiflema: not helping at all12:56
surfhow can I remove evm?12:56
Yarcanoxsame error.12:56
Dr_Willis!info evm12:56
ubottuPackage evm does not exist in karmic12:56
PiciYarcanox: Can you pastebin the entire error you are getting?12:56
Dr_Willissurf:  how did you install it?12:56
Yarcanoxalready did: http://pastebin.com/d5fc40e7d12:56
PiciYarcanox: ty12:56
=== dx_ is now known as Like
storm1hello guys12:57
storm1my login doesn't work any longer12:57
surfDr_Willis, I dunno. Seems that removing evms solves my problem lookin at launchpad...12:57
llutzpaulus68: "last -t" may help too12:57
storm1can someone assist pls?12:57
Dr_Willisstorm1:  tell the channel what the ssytem is doing exactly. and where its not working at.12:57
storm1gdm starts, login works, but right after that i stand at the login mask again12:57
paulus68llutz: well didn't think of that but the question is how to empty the last file at the end of the script12:57
Dr_Willisstorm1:  so either X or the Desktop is crashing. it seems.12:58
EsatYuceDr_Willis,  what is the different between to download direct link and to use command line?12:58
surfDr_Willis, could you please help me with this strange udevd --daemon occuping 100% of cpu?12:58
Dr_Willisstorm1:  can you login to the console?12:58
storm1if i log into a console, kill gdm and run "startx" it works12:58
Urdaquestion: what does Firefox 3.6 mean for the Persona add on?12:58
llutzpaulus68: echo "" >lastfile12:58
Dr_WillisEsatYuce:  Huh?12:58
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Dr_Willisstorm1:  that is weird.12:59
EsatYuceDr_Willis, why cant i install it while downloading direct link?12:59
storm1really :)12:59
=== cdebes is now known as aimar
Dr_WillisEsatYuce:  you download the .deb and install the .deb  tahts how it works. normall.12:59
storm1Dr_Willis: any idea, where to find some error msgs? it's a plain default installation with nothing special, only a few weeks old12:59
paulus68llutz: and this will result in a empty file afterwards?13:00
Dr_Willisactually using a repo/pacakg3 manager is the normal way. :) downlaoding .deb from just diffrent sites.. is rather uncommon.13:00
surfhi guys. Ubuntu Karmic installed on a ASUS UL50 machine. I have a process: udevd --daemon which has 100% of cpu. Why? It freezes my pc 9 times out of 10!13:00
Urdaarg wrong tab. My bad ubuntu guys13:00
llutzpaulus68: sure13:00
Dr_Willisstorm1:  as a test. try making a new user. see if it works for them.. if it does work for the new user. that would show its the old users settings somehow causing an issue13:00
paulus68llutz: thanks13:00
llutzpaulus68: echo  -n >lastfile         better13:00
lopanHey everyone.  I was in here yesterday getting help with a boot issue, where my box boots into BusyBox instead of X / Desktop.  I have detailed my problem at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=8702824  if anyone could help that would be super good. :)13:01
paulus68llutz: ok13:01
storm1Dr_Willis: that would mean loosing all my settings :(13:01
storm1Dr_Willis: bad luck, eh?13:01
=== aimar is now known as cdebes
mazda01llutz, many people still have the old stand alone dvd player so i'll get dvd-r just in case13:01
llutzpaulus68: every redirection with single > will overwrite existing files13:01
Dr_Willisstorm1:  no it would not.. it would mean you ADDED a new user to test...  :) you could then perhaps figure out what setting is causing an issue..13:01
Dr_Willisstorm1:  and remove/fix the setting13:02
Dr_Willisstorm1:  IF its a user setting..13:02
surfhi guys. Ubuntu Karmic installed on a ASUS UL50 machine. I have a process: udevd --daemon which has 100% of cpu. Why? It freezes my pc 9 times out of 10!13:02
storm1Dr_Willis: ok. i'll give it a try. brb13:02
paulus68llutz: thanks for the info13:02
llutzmazda01: i never had that issue, but i'm watching video not very often13:02
Wunderkinddoes anyone know of a cli app that's good for streaming radio, ala quodlibet?13:03
YarcanoxPici: do you have an idea what to do?13:04
PiciYarcanox: I'm looking into it still.13:04
jiribhello guys13:05
storm1Dr_Willis: new user works fine13:05
storm1Dr_Willis: more ideas?13:06
PiciYarcanox: Can you try   sudo apt-get install -f python-twisted-core13:06
jiribi've tried to follow Seamless virtualization document on help.ubuntu.com but i still get two titlebars for Internet Explorer :(13:06
jiribhow to solve that?13:06
YarcanoxPici: "python-twisted-core is already the newest version."13:07
chilli0I have 3 computers with ubuntu but they cant see eachother in network13:07
Yarcanoxfollowed by the same error when it tries to process the half-installed python2.5 thing13:08
chilli0I can ping them all13:08
chilli0Sometimes i can see them13:08
boumahello. ive waited it out. im wondering is now a safe time to upgrade (reinstall to another partition) to 9.10 ??13:08
chilli0I can see a windows computer13:08
storm1Dr_Willis: which settings may cause that issue? how to filter that out?13:08
PiciYarcanox: Right.  How about   sudo dpkg-reconfigure python-twisted-core13:09
boumais ext4 ok for the install?? (i wonder if google is using extents)13:09
Dr_Willisstorm1:  no idea. I would start with disabling compiz -  it is often a problem13:10
BooRadleyPici: Yarcanox, maybe some hints here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/python-central/+bug/291262. This page also suggest the one can set "overwrite-local=1 in /etc/python/debian_config"13:10
Dr_Willisstorm1:   I normally dont worry about too many settings. and i often just clean out all the gnome settings to get back to defaults.13:10
storm1Dr_Willis: maybe ...13:10
storm1Dr_Willis: mompl13:10
surfhi guys. Ubuntu Karmic installed on a ASUS UL50 machine. I have a process: udevd --daemon which has 100% of cpu. Why? It freezes my pc 9 times out of 10!13:10
Dr_WillisI forget how to reset gnome defaults properly13:10
Dr_Willisstorm1:  its very weird that the startx thing dosent crash also.  I wonder what its doing differntly13:11
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PiciYarcanox, BooRadley: I was looking at http://www.nesono.com/node/246 which lists a similar problem for a different package, but removing python-twisted-core probably won't work because a lot of packages depend on it.  I need to run to a quick meeting, but I'll be back soon to continue looking into it.13:12
storm1Dr_Willis: ok. thx. my fault. wrong setting in .profile caused that issue. found out looking in xsession-errors. sorry for the time i've stolen ;)13:12
storm1bye @ all13:12
michaeldobrovitssurf: do you have external usb burner?13:13
tomleewhen we check the menu item preference.there is a "%u" after the command,what does it mean?13:13
surfmichaeldobrovits, no13:13
oCean_Yarcanox: have you tried editing /etc/python/debian.config ?13:14
michaeldobrovitssurf: upgraded lately?13:14
surfmichaeldobrovits, no. Fresh Karmic13:15
kacperklo lubi ubuntu13:15
kacperokpjv9g6yTpko>lVCG6 PYW P<Fvous<bdxc13:15
ElainaI have just installed Ubuntu, it boots correctly, but it does not recognize my wireless network. I have a WRT54G. I've searched but can't find any useful info. Any help?13:15
YarcanoxoCean_: what am I supposed to edit there?13:15
kacperUBuntu 9.1013:16
surfmichaeldobrovits, I read some bug report but I do not have evms installed. That's strange. It seems that uninstalling evms solves ...13:16
tomleewhen we check the menu item preference.there is a "%u" after the command,what does it mean?13:16
tomleewho knows about it?13:17
oCean_Yarcanox: the update process cannot "force" python-central to overwrite local files, Adding "overwrite-local=1" in /etc/python/debian.conf should force that. (at least, according to feedback in https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/python-central/+bug/291262)13:17
Oasahw to copy 2 strings in C , i want the strings to copy space also13:17
Oasaplease help me13:17
ElainaCan anyone help with my wireless issue?13:17
michaeldobrovitssorry surf: cannot help13:17
kacperWho likes windows13:17
surfhi guys. Ubuntu Karmic installed on a ASUS UL50 machine. I have a process: udevd --daemon which has 100% of cpu. Why? It freezes my pc 9 times out of 10!13:18
l3nshi everyone13:18
oCean_kacper: this is ubuntu technical support. You're welcome to discuss other issues in #ubuntu-offtopic13:18
ThinkPadHello , everyone!13:18
l3nsi wanted to change the reso of my monitor. i checked xrandr and it says the max is 1600x900, can I still use value 1600x1050?13:19
danny_anyone good at writing bash shell scripts? if so do you mind helping me with this script I wrote...13:19
michaeldobrovitsl3ns: you can try13:19
michaeldobrovitsl3ns: if it doesn't work return to default13:20
ElainaAgain, I have just installed Ubuntu 9.10, and it does not recognize my wireless network. My router is a WRT54G Linksys router. Can anyone help?13:20
kacperWindows Top13:20
l3nsmichaeldobrovits, nothing happened after doing this: xrandr --output LVDS --mode 1600x105013:21
michaeldobrovitsdoes anyone knows why wine hogs my q9400 to 100% while running UT3?13:22
EsatYuceCan i instal Ubuntu OS into one External Hard Disk?13:23
michaeldobrovitsl3ns: why you need this 1680x1050?13:24
lobo_esteparioHi guys13:24
pat|nGi accidentally close my panel plasma same as in windows the start button? how can i bring it back?13:24
michaeldobrovitsl3ns: is this u'r native13:24
surfhi guys. Ubuntu Karmic installed on a ASUS UL50 machine. I have a process: udevd --daemon which has 100% of cpu. Why? It freezes my pc 9 times out of 10!13:24
michaeldobrovitsdoes anyone knows why wine hogs my q9400 to 100% while running UT3?13:24
l3nsmichaeldobrovits, just wanted to have more height for my lcd monitor.13:24
michaeldobrovitsl3ns: xorg.conf modeline for 1680x1050 can work13:25
EsatYuceCan i instal Ubuntu OS into one External Hard Disk?13:26
michaeldobrovitsdoes anyone knows why wine hogs my q9400 to 100% while running UT3?13:26
DJonesEsatYuce: You can install onto an external drive, have a look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation#Installing on external or RAID hard disks specifically the Boot from USB drive13:26
DjCreedÂñåì ïðèâåò13:26
pat|nGi accidentally close my panel plasma same as in windows the start button? how can i bring it back?13:26
EsatYuceDJones, thanks13:27
michaeldobrovitsdoes anyone knows why wine hogs my q9400 to 100% while running UT3?13:27
DjCreedÅñòü êòî ïî ðóññêè ðàçãîâàðèâàåò òóò? =)13:27
DJones!ru | DjCreed13:27
ubottuDjCreed: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke13:27
lobo_esteparioI need some help, I'm not able to use numbers or special symbols from numeric keypad. This can be easily fixed using Keyboard preference tool or simply press Shift+Numlock. But i need to disable this feature with command.13:27
lobo_esteparioBut i need to disable this feature from console.13:28
l3nsmichaeldobrovits, there is no modeline in my xorg.conf file13:28
danny_anyone with experience writing bash shell scripts?13:29
DjCreedËþäè ïîìîùü íóæíà...13:29
YarcanoxoCean_: helped, thanks13:29
surfhi guys. Ubuntu Karmic installed on a ASUS UL50 machine. I have a process: udevd --daemon which has 100% of cpu. Why? It freezes my pc 9 times out of 10!13:29
Picidanny_: Have you tried in #bash  ?13:29
chilli0But its askin for a password. How can make ubuntu not need a password to view shared files ?13:30
iflemamichaeldobrovits no idea.... windows games best played on windows... ubuntu has in the repos nexuiz and other fps games... try nexuiz13:30
DjCreedËþäè ïîìîùü íóæíà...13:31
Daugha|nHow do I optimize ubuntu for streaming media sites like zshare or novamov??13:31
iflemadanny_ http://www.gnu.org/software/bash/manual/bashref.html13:31
oCean_Yarcanox: good to hear!13:31
michaeldobrovitsl3ns: did you tried display options or nvidia xserver propeties in settings?13:31
michaeldobrovitsl3ns: ^perferences?13:32
llutzdanny_: http://tldp.org/LDP/abs/html/13:32
=== dx_ is now known as Like_
surfmy udevd --daemon is always at 100%!!! Can someone help me out?13:32
okayhi. is there a download manager for ubuntu that lets you resume downloads?13:32
DjCreedÐóññêîÿçû÷íûå ëþäè òóò åñòü? =))13:32
danny_thanks guys!13:33
=== dmart is now known as Guest46463
michaeldobrovitsl3ns: what version of ubuntu u have and what kind of gpu?13:34
l3nsmichaeldobrovits, i don't see nvidia properties in preferences13:34
l3nsmichaeldobrovits, 8.0413:34
enzotibokay: wget -c13:34
l3nsu mean cpu?13:34
AceKingDoes anyone know what would cause my desktop to black? I can't see any icons or the image that I had as a background. I can go into the destop folder and see what is on there. I am running Karmic 32 bit13:34
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okayenzotib: thanks i try it13:34
allguruhow can i record a video in ubunntu ?13:34
michaeldobrovitsl3ns: system perfernces screen resolution?13:35
surfif I run udevadm monitor -e I get tons of messages saying the same thing13:35
l3nsmichaeldobrovits, ah gpu, i use nvidia if that's why u meant..13:35
DjCreedËþäè êîòîðûå ðàçãîâàðèâàþò íà ðóññêîì ÿçûêå, ñòóêíèòå â ïðèâàò, ïîìîùü íóæíà...13:35
l3nsmichaeldobrovits, yep i could see that but the max reso is only up to 1600x90013:35
surfhi guys. Ubuntu Karmic installed on a ASUS UL50 machine. I have a process: udevd --daemon which has 100% of cpu. Why? It freezes my pc 9 times out of 10!13:35
Random832!ru | DjCreed13:36
ubottuDjCreed: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke13:36
PiciDjCreed: This channel is english only. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat for other language channels.13:36
DjCreed=|[::Pici::]|=> thanks13:36
raggiskulaCan anyone recommend a web based media player?13:36
michaeldobrovitsl3ns: what kind of gpu do you have?13:37
chilli0Anyone know how to map a network share ? ( Like on windows )13:37
ElainaI have just installed Ubuntu. It's a dual-boot, with Windows Vista. Anyway, it's installed and working perfectly... the only problem is that it detects no wireless networks. I got no prompts or anything. When I click the Network Manager I get nothing. My router is a WRT54G Linksys. It works fine with Vista, I've tried resetting it, but to no avail. Can anyone help? I've tried searching Google but I get nothing of much use.13:37
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Random832DjCreed; you should also set your irc program to use UTF-8, not Windows-125113:37
l3nsmichaeldobrovits, nvidia..13:37
ibuclawchilli0, what type of network shares?13:38
michaeldobrovitsl3ns: did you installed drivers for it?13:38
ibuclawElaina, what type of network card / device do you use?13:38
=== BlouBlou is now known as BlouBlou_
=== BlouBlou_ is now known as BlouBlou
tom_Elaina, try to choose to connect to a hidden wireless network. Just enter the name of the network as SSID (e.g 'dlink'), and turn off any password protection on the router13:39
l3nsyep, currently using nvidia drivers,13:39
michaeldobrovitsl3ns: come to private13:39
lobo_esteparioI need some help, I'm not able to use numbers or special symbols from numeric keypad. This can be easily fixed using Keyboard preference tool or simply press Shift+Numlock. But i need to disable this feature with command.13:39
ElainaDo wireless routers even work with Ubuntu?13:39
=== Guest50000 is now known as DaZ
l3nsElaina, yep sure13:40
jpdsElaina: Yes, of course.13:40
ibuclawElaina, routers aren't the issue. =)13:40
jpdsElaina: It sounds like Ubuntu doesn't have the drivers for your wireless chipset.13:40
skunkworks_elaina: is your wireless card detected?13:40
jpdsElaina: Try running: sudo lshw -C network13:40
Daugha|nI have an external HD, if I reformat as ext4, will there be any issues auto-mounting the device?13:41
ibuclawDaugha|n, there should be none.13:41
tom_Daugha|n, not in ubuntu, no13:41
Daugha|nibuclaw: Thanks.13:41
Daugha|ntom_: Thanks as well. =)13:41
iflemadanny_ http://www.tldp.org/LDP/abs/abs-guide.html.tar.gz13:42
=== Like_ is now known as Like
IpSe_DiXiTHi, i run intrepid ibex and the update manager gives me an error output when trying to update plus i get a "out-of-date-warning" so i guess i need to upgrade my repos, where can i find the right ones for 8.10?? maybe the ones i have are old links and now they've changed. thanks13:42
ibuclawIpSe_DiXiT, what happens when you "Check" for updates?13:44
IpSe_DiXiTibuclaw: i told u it fails giving me some repos output13:44
chilli0ibuclaw, Well I want to do what happens in windows when you map a network drive ( network share acts like a hard drive)13:45
ibuclawIpSe_DiXiT, usually, System->Administration->Software Sources13:45
ibuclawIpSe_DiXiT, you can choose which server to download updates from.13:45
pshrhello every one13:45
pshri just re installed ubuntu13:45
IpSe_DiXiTibuclaw: i no, im asking which one or if there's a weblink on which there are the most recent ones13:46
pshrbut while installation i thought i would convert the ntfs drive to ext413:46
pshrand i see that all the data is gone13:46
Barridusanyone know if firefox 3.6 will be an upgrade to the 3.5 package, or be an entirely new package?13:46
pshris there any way to get it back, I desperately need it. Any data recovery tools for linux13:46
ouyeshi how to uninstall the wireless driver came with the distribution13:46
ouyesremember only the wireless13:46
virkangcould someone telle me if there will be a pre-installed desktop backup solution in Lucid ?13:47
ouyesvirkang,  what you mean exactly?13:47
ouyesvirkang,  backup what?13:47
virkangouyes - I mean that i heard there will be some backup solution like back in time, or other things, installed by default in Lucid, is that true ?13:48
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ibuclawIpSe_DiXiT, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+archivemirrors13:49
ouyesvirkang,  sorry i do not know what are you talking about ,though i am now on Lucid A213:49
llutzvirkang: ask in #ubuntu+113:49
indusvirkang, yes13:49
indusvirkang, possible13:50
IpSe_DiXiTibuclaw: thanks13:50
* indus googles for a blueprint13:50
ouyesvirkang, by the way ,do you know how to remove the wireless driver came with the distribution?13:50
ibuclawchilli0, in Nautilus, I believe you can go to: File->Connect to Server, and enter in any info/credentials there.13:51
ibuclawit should appear on your desktop, and via Computer and Network Places screen.13:51
Barridusanyone know if firefox 3.6 will be an upgrade to the 3.5 package, or be an entirely new package?13:51
ibuclawchilli0, I am not too certain of a "reconnect everytime" option, it's been a while since I last used it.13:52
virkangouyes, sorry i don't understand your question, what wireless driver ? for what card ? and why do you want to uninstall it ?13:52
coz_Barridus,  my guess an upgrade  but you can install it now13:52
virkangindus, Thx13:52
ibuclawthough you can set permanent share drives in /etc/fstab13:52
virkangllutz, thx13:52
Barriduscoz_, you mean via the .deb on the firefox page?  i usually like to wait until things hit the official repos13:53
coz_Barridus,  either the deb or a repository.... either way  ...I have used it and 3.5.6pre is fine here13:53
Martitapowahay alguien español?13:54
indusvirkang, hi look http://ubuntu10-04.blogspot.com/2009/11/ubuntu-1004-lucid-lynx-will-get-bakup.html13:54
Daugha|n!es | Martitapowa13:54
ubottuMartitapowa: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.13:54
Martitapowai have you got nothing no this13:55
pat|nGi check all box in window management...including the desktop cube animation desktop cube and all under window management but no effect? why?13:56
kerwin_hello can i ask for help?13:56
gcorvalahello, I have switched my resolution to a bad one and my display is now switched off, how can I change the resolution ?13:57
virkangindus, thx ! Do you know which of the 2 solutions will be in ?13:57
joegardnergcorvala: you have to edit the xorg file13:57
DJones!ask | kerwin_13:58
ubottukerwin_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)13:58
ibuclawpat|nG, is compiz running?13:58
indusvirkang, i think the restore should be but have to wait and see13:58
ibuclawpat|nG, Press Alt+F2, and type in: compiz --replace13:58
indusvirkang, i too read that link just now :)13:58
ouyesvirkang,  wifi card ,also the wireless card driver, it came along with your installation, it was pack in the installation cd, when you install ubuntu, you also install the wireless card dirver, get any idea?13:58
ouyesvirkang, i use the aptoncd to backup the package that i downloaded13:59
kerwin_thanks.. here goes. I have XP. and i want it dual boot with 9.10. now on installation, partition cannot detect any OS. it didnt happen on my previous XP-9.04 setup.  how to deal with this?13:59
JF1976hi all, im in the middle of a Ubuntu 9.10 remaster using remastersys and after removal of orca and rebooting the automatic login fails and wont allow logons using the account? i have used recovery to check the account and all is fine, but whats the best way to fix this issue.. thanks13:59
gcorvalajoegardner, yes but with karmic, the xorg.conf is not mandatory13:59
gcorvalaso where is the "default" resolution stored ?13:59
ouyeskerwin_,  open a terminal then sudo update-grub14:00
joegardnerCybertinus: isnt't it in xorg?14:00
ouyeskerwin_,  see if it can find the xp14:00
joegardnergcorvala: isnt't it in xorg?14:00
gcorvalais there another xorg.conf file somewhere ?14:00
JF1976kerwin_, try using the livecd to check all is fine, and if so you can use qtparted to make changes to your partition14:00
ikoniagcorvala: there should only be /etc/X11/xorg.conf14:00
gcorvalajoegardner, not in /etc/X11/14:00
gcorvalaikonia, not on karmic & lucid14:01
ikoniagcorvala: yes onkamric and lucid14:01
ikoniagcorvala: there doesn't have to be a file as xorg is dynamic now, it should only be created for forcing options14:01
ouyeskerwin_, if it can not you can edit the grub.conf(i forget the name ,but in 8.04 it is menu.lst) mannully add the xp option14:01
gcorvalaikonia, ok, should I mention every section in this xorg.conf ?14:02
jozihey ppl14:02
ikoniagcorvala: only what you need14:02
gcorvalaor just what I need to configure14:02
ouyeskerwin_,  any advance?14:02
ikoniagcorvala: it's all dynamic, just hard code in the sections you need14:02
joziany hot gals in here14:02
ouyesouyes, ah mate are you in xp now?14:02
pat|nGibuclaw: i do pressed alt f2 nothing happns14:02
kerwin_ouyes: it can't find the XP. JF1976: yes, but even qparted cannot detect any OS. its telling me that 9.10 will overwrite all the HDD once i push through with the installation14:02
ikoniajozi: this channel is for ubuntu support only, please keep tot hat topic14:03
gcorvalaikonia, so if I just add the xorg.conf in /etc/X11, xserver-xorg will load it automatically14:03
ikoniagcorvala: correct, if it exists, it parses it14:03
jozifuck u ikonia14:03
ouyeskerwin_,  hei, are you using the guided partionning?14:03
kerwin_ouyes: theres no option or guided partitioning.. ONLY "use all 80 gig HDD" or manual partitioning14:04
ouyeskerwin_, try to make the partition youself14:04
ouyeskerwin_,  use the manual, if you want keep your xp14:05
JF1976kerwin_, reboot into the xp system and run a disk check making sure that you do a clean shutdown, then have another go with the livecd14:05
virkangouyes, for your wireless driver, in the command line, do a lsmod, then search for something that sounds like a wireless driver, and do a modprobe -r <modulename> to remove it from you running desktop14:05
JF1976hi all, im in the middle of a Ubuntu 9.10 remaster using remastersys and after removal of orca and rebooting the automatic login fails and wont allow logons using the account? i have used recovery to check the account and all is fine, but whats the best way to fix this issue.. thanks14:05
ouyesvirkang,  i want to remove the driver pernamently14:06
ouyesvirkang,  not to unload the mode14:06
Cynix01i have problems with xbmc 9.1114:06
Cynix01anyone can help me ?14:06
ouyesvirkang, your way is a solution, also to  make a blacklist is even better, but the driver is still there14:07
ouyeskerwin_,  how things are going?14:07
kerwin_i still have my 9.04. but grub does not appear after my reinstallation of XP.14:08
virkangok, so remove simply the module name in the /lib/modules directory14:08
JF1976kerwin_, if you install XP after Ubuntu the XP is going to remove grub, use recover from a livecd14:08
kerwin_ouyes: im xp now ;D14:09
virkangouyes, ok, so remove simply the module name in the /lib/modules directory14:09
virkangindus, thx for the information14:09
kerwin_JF1976.. how can i do that?14:09
JF1976kerwin_, how did you install Ubuntu 9.10 wubi of cd14:09
virkangouyes, it should be safer to rename it14:09
kerwin_i used a USB pen drive14:10
virkangouyes, it should be safer to move it somewhere else14:10
troopperiCynix01: ask you question?14:10
JF1976kerwin_, do you still have the pen drive ?14:10
kerwin_but only 9.1014:10
ouyeskerwin_, you can use a command ( i forget) to list all the partitions and mount point, then find out which is the xp located, then go to the menu.lst(the file name in your Lucid is different, try to search under /boot/grub) add the xp option14:10
JF1976kerwin_, and when you boot it what options does it give? or does it boot into a live session14:11
kerwin_ouyes: im kinda an idiot regarding commands14:11
kerwin_JF: try ubuntu, install ubuntu, etc etc..14:12
ouyesvirkang,  ok mate thanks for your advice , i want to remove the whole wireless care driver, not to disable it14:12
pat|nGi can't do 3D desktop14:12
ouyeskerwin_,  ok reboot to ubuntu , il direct you14:12
pat|nGi'm using kubuntu i joined #kubuntu no one is there hope someone from here can help me out14:12
okayhi. is there a way to open a download with gwget from a website that requires that i enter the code displayed on the screen to download? when i download without gwget and enter code, it just pops up a download dialogue and the url is the same on the browser.14:13
kerwin_ok ill get another laptop14:13
ouyesouyes,  ah you have two14:13
JF1976kerwin_, thats fine, we all start somewhere...  all you need to do it fix grub, but thats were im different than you as i would use the command line, so wait one moment and i'll see if a can find you a nice web page with some answers14:13
kerwin_thanks JF!14:13
virkangouyes, if you remove the driver from the /lib/modules directory, it will be gone !14:14
ouyesvirkang, but some files will be still there14:14
JF1976kerwin_, what you need to do is boot into ubuntu from your pen drive the chroot into the hdd installation followed by a grub-install("hd0") but you will need more info than that!14:14
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virkangouyes, what files for example ?14:15
ouyesvirkang, frankly speaking,  i do not know i have not tried but i guess so ,14:16
JF1976kerwin_, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows14:16
ouyesJF1976,  is that the situation, he installed xp later?14:16
JF1976kerwin_, thats about as best as i can do.. However if the installation is new, then it may be better for you to install Ubuntu again as that might be easier for you14:17
JF1976kerwin_, but the time you take now will assist you later ;) its called learning14:17
kerwin_the prob is the installer of 9.10 cannot detect any OS14:17
kerwin_yup hehehe14:17
JF1976ouyes, yes from the comments made the XP installation has removed the grub loader14:18
cba123My Firefox isn't working well with Java all of the sudden.  I tried removing and reinstalling java, then java worked and flash didn't, reinstalled flash, and flash worked, but now no java again.  Any ideas?14:18
JF1976ouyes, im not new but im on guru either ;)14:18
ouyesJF1976, kerwin_ , always try to manually partition the hdd, and also install xp first14:18
morrowyni have a ubuntu server box (9.04) and i want to create a virtual machine server from it, so i can install ms windows server 2008 on it, what vm tool should i use, since all has to be done from the command line14:18
RugeHi folks, having a problem with my fresh Ubuntu install14:18
RugeI have no control over the audio14:19
scunizimorrowyn: virtualbox will install using cli and run headless14:19
JF1976yes XP MUST be first for first timers... XP dont like to share with anything and assumes it should do as it please to your MBR14:19
RugeThe volume control does nothing (its a constant volume) and inserting headphones speakers does nothing14:19
virkangouyes, as far as I know (I'm probably not the man who knows more here), but if you remove the file I told you to remove, adn all his dependencies (listes in lsmod), I think this is it14:19
morrowyncool, didn;t know that, thanks14:19
JF1976im in the middle of a Ubuntu 9.10 remaster using remastersys and after removal of orca and rebooting the automatic login fails and wont allow logons using the account? i have used recovery to check the account and all is fine, but whats the best way to fix this issue.. thanks14:19
troopperiRuge: what is your soundcard? And type terminal aplay -L and aplay -l and pastebin it and send link here14:20
kerwin_yup ive installed XP first, only thing is XP got screwed up.. so i have to reisntall it... into one partition14:20
virkangouyes, there is no "clean" way to uninstall a driver like in windows (where you have a remove program for drivers you installed yourself)14:21
scunizikerwin_: do you need xp for games or less demanding stuff?14:21
kerwin_so the partition for 9.04 is still there but inacessible14:21
kerwin_scinizi: hehehe i just use xp for photoshop14:21
virkangouyes, in my opinion, this is something that is missing in Ubuntu, and Linux in general : a driver management framework14:21
arandkerwin_: so you just want to get the grub menu again for 9.04/XP?14:22
KaffeeJunky123why dosn't keyboard layout switching work on ubuntu 9.04?14:22
scunizikerwin_: why not run it in a vm inside of Ubuntu .. that way you won't have to boot to one.. then boot to the other?14:22
ouyeskerwin_, if that is the case, you installed xp later, the grub will lost,  you can just insert the live cd(any installation cd will do) and run a shell, or open the livecd's terminal and simply run14:22
kerwin_arand: yes! if its possible14:22
ouyeskerwin_, sudo update-grub14:22
chilli0How con  I mount a network share ?... I tryed a tut on here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpSamba. But i get this error http://pastebin.com/m3a25f8d14:22
arandkerwin_: which liveCD version?14:22
Rugetrooperi: here you go - http://pastebin.org/8031714:22
ouyesvirkang,  you see a lot ,14:22
arandouyes: that won't write to mbr..14:23
morrowynscunizi : http://www.howtoforge.com/vboxheadless-running-virtual-machines-with-virtualbox-3.0-on-a-headless-ubuntu-9.04-server found this linky :-)14:23
protojayhelp! my xfce menu bars at the top and bottom of my desktop have disappeared! how do i get them back?14:23
kerwin_arand: the one that is present in my hdd is 9.04, but my installer (pen drive) is 9.1014:23
Rugefixed it :D14:23
ouyesarand,  open the shell mount the / of the hdd14:23
scunizimorrowyn: hooraah! another google user! should be pretty easy to do.. just make sure that you use vbox from their site not our repos14:24
troopperiRuge: have you checked sound at system->preferences->sound, does test volumes work?14:24
ouyesarand, and edit the menu.lst, manually add the xp option after go into the liveCD14:24
Rugetrooperi: yeah im playing aroudn with the settings, found it14:24
Rugetroopperi: basically my IBM has internal speakers... some audio is playing thru it... cant stop it for some reason (but headphones okay now)14:25
nastashi all14:25
arandouyes: kerwin_: But you are able too bot XP now but not 9.04?14:25
ouyesarand,  i am quite familiar with this thing, i even make a note for that14:25
kerwin_ouyes: yep!14:25
ouyesvirkang, a driver management framework, this point is good idea for expert  level user14:26
troopperiRuge: do you have googled that IBM model and ubuntu sound14:26
protojay help! my xfce menu bars at the top and bottom of my desktop have disappeared! how do i get them back?????????14:26
JF1976kerwin_, boot the system using your pen drive and do what ouyes is saying "drop to a shell" but i think that you would be better off having a read of the link i provided https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows14:26
Rugetroopperi: i'll do that in a bit (for now this fix will be fine)14:26
arandkerwin_: ouyes: So What I wold do: Downgrade the liveCD-version of grub to grub-legacy " sudo aptitude install grub ", then run the grub-legacy shell...14:27
troopperiRuge: okay :)14:27
kerwin_anyway... I think ive got two options. first, reinstate the GRUB so i can choose between XP and my old 9.04. -OR- fresh install of 9.10 (but 9.10 cannot see any os upon installation)14:27
kerwin_ok thanks guys, im still downloading MIRC in another laptop ;D14:27
soreauprotojay: Is xfce4-panel running?14:27
JF1976kerwin_, have a good read im sure you can do it!14:27
arandkerwin_: is 9.10 unable to see any partitions in the installer?14:28
kerwin_arand: yes,,,unable14:28
ouyesarand,  just one cd and  one command line then reboot, everything will be done, JF1976  kerwin_  we should stop here leave kerwin_  to try it out14:28
JF1976kerwin_, and if your worried about data loss use the pen drive and an extra HDD to make a backup of your home directory14:28
protojaysoreau, thx, why woud it stop running ?14:28
arandkerwin_: are you using any raid setup on this computer?14:29
soreauprotojay: No idea14:29
JF1976good question!14:29
arandouyes: but you intend to instruct installing grub2? Which command?14:29
JF1976kerwin_, while you still in XP use device manager to view your disks14:30
gcorvalaI have writed a /etc/X11/xorg.conf14:30
gcorvalabut when I do a "startx", it seems that the config is not loaded14:30
kerwin_arand: Raid?14:30
gcorvalait keep the "default" configuration set by xorg14:30
=== levu is now known as uvel
okayhi. is there a way to open a download with gwget from a website that requires that i enter the code displayed on the screen to download? when i download without gwget and enter code, it just pops up a download dialogue and the url is the same on the browser.14:30
Cynix01anyone knows how i bugfix the crash on xbmc ubuntu 9.10 (karmic)14:30
j2daoshso, i have ubuntu installed on a flash drive. I have been using it for diagnostics and such so i have added programs to it, removed programs from it, yada yada. It gives me the option to install at the boot screen, but i just tried and it didn't and i dont have the option anywhere. Is there an installer package somewhere so i can get it going on my laptop?14:31
gcorvalais there a way to directly interact with the "dynamic" xorg configuration ?14:31
arandkerwin_: two harddisks set up in combination (striping/mirroring or so)?14:31
MaT-dg1is it possible to cap the speed of copying files?14:31
kerwin_JF: what will I find?14:31
scuniziokay: there's gotta be a different site offering the same file without all the hoops to jump through.14:31
ouyesarand, kerwin_  oh god help me , one is sudo update-grub,one is sudo gedit /boot/grub/grub.cfg14:31
ouyesarand, kerwin_  got it?14:32
aciculaMaT-dg1: i dont think so?14:32
kerwin_arand: my set up is 80HDD... 40 in drive C: 40 in drive d: , the rest in 9.0414:32
JF1976kerwin_, its been along time since i went near windows, so you will need to have a look about but within the device manager there is going to be a disk viewer14:32
arandouyes: Yea, but that would install grub2, which I intended to avoid..14:32
j2daoshkerwin_: right click "my computer" on the desktop, go to ' manage', click disk manager14:32
JF1976thats it14:33
arandouyes: also, editing grub.cfg is not recommended...14:33
ouyesarand,  ah , i see grub2,14:33
gcorvalaxrandr return me always the resolution used by my display ( bad resolution ) but no way to change it :(14:33
chilli0How con  I mount a network share ?... I tryed a tut on here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpSamba. But i get this error http://pastebin.com/m3a25f8d14:33
okaydoesnt look like it..its a bunch of drivers for this laptop i just formatted. this site has all drivers in one file, others have 40 seperate links for each driver14:34
arandouyes: 9.04>> grub-legacy, Hence I intended to just reinstate that to mbr..14:34
ouyesarand,  but that is my practical method14:34
scuniziokay: sounds like they are windows drivers right?  have you booted the live cd? if so does the system work?14:34
bonnowhats the best way to run an old windows game on ubuntu? VMWare?14:35
bonnoI just wanna play c&c generals lol14:35
scunizibonno: vmware and vbox etc assume you have a licensed copy of windows to install14:35
cba123MaT-dg1, What are you trying to do?  As in why do you need to cap the file copy speed?14:35
arandkerwin_: if you only have one HDisk, then I guess you don't have raid.. I've seen a bug where removing the "dmraid" package will make the installer able to se the partitons again..14:35
bonnoyeah I do14:35
remoteCTRL2how can i reachn irc admin here? i am trying to join #debian...14:35
kerwin_JF: C: NTFS, then unknown partition then unknown partition then D: NTFS14:35
scunizibonno: then virtuabox14:35
kerwin_arand: only one HDisk14:36
okayscunizi: the sytem works, i reinstalled xp on it but i need drivers to use various hardware or improve performance14:36
cba123bonno, Cadega (or wine with a little tweaking) would be your best bet.14:36
bonnonever heard of vbox. VMWare is refferenced quite extensivly14:36
bonnooh ok, heard of wine too... not Cadega tho14:36
ouyesarand, maybe your way is some kind better, but my way is also ok and most importantly i have tried already and it worked perfectly, so we should stop here and leave kerwin_  to try , you see this is a piece of cake and he is not in a hurry and really a newbie14:36
bonnoI shall research these things :D14:36
adacHow to add an user to the group admin?14:37
adaccommand line14:37
okayhave a shit wifi connect that keeps disconnecting so i wanna use gwget so i can resume but it only uses urls14:37
kerwin_okay... thanks hold on14:37
cba123bonno, Cadega isn't free, but it's pretty much a tweaked version of wine, that auto-configs and everything14:37
cba123bonno, cedega*14:37
bonnooh ok14:37
JF1976then it sound like you may have been using raid possibly and your going to need to know the answer to most questions asked from now on.. did you have a recent backup ?14:37
soreau! pm | troopperi14:37
ubottutroopperi: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.14:37
MaT-dg1cba123: my laptop has a slow 4200/min HDD. Whenever I copy files from one place to another the whole system slows down. Compiz stutters, apps not responding and slow,...14:37
bonnothanks cba123, I might look into this vbox thing14:37
kerwin_JF: yup!14:37
scuniziokay: and you're using ubuntu to download the drivers?  that's ironic :) .. why use gwget? do you not have a gui?14:38
chilli0How con  I mount a network share ?... I tryed a tut on here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpSamba. But i get this error http://pastebin.com/m3a25f8d14:38
cba123bonno, vbox is really unlikely to play C&C Generals at any speed you'd want14:38
cba123bonno, Unless they have come really far with the virtual-3d card14:38
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bonnooh ok... so you think maybe wine or vmware are the best free options I should explore?14:39
bonnoor am I trying to do something that is not possible14:39
cba123bonno, No VMWare either14:39
scunizicba123: bonno you'd be supprised.. lots of improvements lately.. does c&c need the 3d card option for that game?  I'm doubtful14:39
diddyAnybody know any player that can play Intel Indeo 5 file on Ubuntu 9.10 64bit?14:39
diddyIs there still no solution for this?14:39
ouyesvirkang,  hei, you are still here?14:40
bonnoso... maybe wine is the best?14:40
okayscunizi: i need resume function14:40
arandouyes: yea, most likely the matter of method won't matter, but the problem from there is that he'll be unable to update grub from the 9.04 install since he has the grub-legacy packages installed there still... Might be albe to install "grub-pc" (i.e. grub2) in 9.04 to take care of that, but then it's equally compicated in my opin...?14:40
bonnojust trying to save myself some time :P14:40
okaykeep disconnecting14:40
cba123scunizi, It does need a 3D card, generals started 3D http://tinyurl.com/yewdwfj, if it was red alert 2 no 3d needed.14:41
scuniziokay: wow.. that's a tough one.. maybe someone else can download and make a torrent for it for you to download.14:41
ouyesarand,  just leave it a while14:42
cba123bonno, You should try installing playonlinux too.  Wine can be a little tricky to configure to play games, I'd seriously suggest cedega.14:42
scunizicba123: ah.. guess it really depends on the 3d progress vbox has made.. only one way to find out :)14:43
bonnothankyou people, you've given me a lot to go on14:43
ouyesvirkang,  hei can you give more detail on how to remove the driver ? there directory you give /lib/mo..  is not the final path14:43
andy-laptophow can i change encoding options in unzip?14:44
andy-laptopi want to change it to cp94914:45
gcorvalanobody can help me to reset my xorg resolution ?14:45
virkangouyes, what is the name of you module ?14:45
=== Jacolyte is now known as Guest60494
DevilHow Can I install latex in ubuntu ?14:46
Devilit is not in rep14:46
ouyesvirkang,  i am not quite sure ,but i get the name mac80211              209163  20 ath9k,ath9k_common,ath5k,at76c50x_usb,mac80211_14:46
soreauouyes: Removing the module from the system isnt going to do anything more than unloading/blacklisting it. Why do you have to remove it from the system so badly?14:46
TarovenAnyone here use the Razer Naga at all? Mine doesn't seem to agree with Ubuntu.14:46
pat|nGi can't watch video in youtube14:47
ikoniapat|nG: installed flash ?14:47
ikonia!flash > pat|nG14:47
ubottupat|nG, please see my private message14:47
soreau! flash | pat|nG14:47
ubottupat|nG: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash14:47
ouyesvirkang,  i want to use another driver, when i installed, i found that the system was using the old one14:48
scuniziDevil: install lyx14:48
ouyessoreau,  i want to use another driver, when i installed, i found that the system was using the old one14:48
kerwin_hey guys.. im chattin in another laptop14:48
Reboot90C-[ qualche italiano_14:48
DJones!it > Reboot9014:48
ubottuReboot90, please see my private message14:48
soreauouyes: Why do you want to use this other driver? Is there something wrong with the one provided with ubuntu?14:48
Devilscunizi : TNX14:48
ouyessoreau,  no it is just ok, but i have some testing so i want to use another one14:49
kerwin_ouyes: my other laptop is on the installation of 9.10... step 4 of 6 says This computer has no operating systems on it14:49
arandkerwin_: ok, are you booted into the liveCD?14:49
kerwin_arand: im inside the 9.10 live session14:50
ouyeskerwin_,  how can? are you sure you installed xp first?14:50
kerwin_maybe i should reinstall XP again... using all the HDD14:50
arandkerwin_: you could try doing "sudo aptitude remove dmraid" in a terminal, then recheck if the installer detects correctly14:50
andy-laptopi got music14:51
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swiftarrowDevil, you still there?14:51
okayscunizi: thanks anyway14:51
ouyeskerwin_,  what do you plan to do ?14:52
kerwin_ouyes: well i love very much to install 9.10...14:52
ouyeskerwin_,  perhaps, you should backup all your data first14:52
swiftarrowDevil, best way to install latex is to download the latest TeXLive DVD image, and follow the instructions on WikiBooks.  That way you get an up-to-date version.  the one in the repos is a little behind.14:52
kerwin_ouyes: yup all backed up14:52
kerwin_arand: still cant detect OS14:53
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ouyeskerwin_,  oh, then you can install it by manually partition14:53
soreauouyes: Well you really do not want to remove driver modules from the system. Instead, simply unload a module with rmmod or add it to the module blacklist in /etc to have it never load automatically14:53
ascheelWhen you save an ftp bookmark and choose to keep the login information, where is that login information kept?14:53
kerwin_ouyes: yes... but it will use the whole 80gig HDD14:54
sdwrageMorning all14:54
ouyessoreau,  but in fact i do not know which is the wireless module14:54
soreauouyes: What is the output of lspci|grep -i ethernet ?14:54
arandkerwin_: if you check the partiton editor from the system>>admin menu does that show the partitons?14:54
ouyeskerwin_,  no i said chose to manually partition14:55
ouyessoreau,  the wireless card14:55
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kerwin_arand: NO, unallocated14:56
soreauouyes: The whole point is to show the output14:56
kerwin_ouyes: yes, but it only shows one SDA14:56
ouyessoreau,  ok mate  lspci|grep -i ethernet14:56
ouyessoreau, 00:19.0 Ethernet controller: Intel Corporation 82567LM Gigabit Network Connection (rev 03)14:56
arandkerwin_: ok, then there's something else at work here, apart from the issue I know of...14:57
kerwin_arand: you're referring to what i see in Gparted right?14:58
soreauouyes: That looks like your ethernet (wired) device. Is that the only output?14:58
ouyeskerwin_,  since you have all the data backup, you can delete all the partitions and create new for ubuntu / swap and home basically14:58
arandkerwin_: yes, it is empty as well right?14:58
kerwin_ouyes: but i need XP for photoshop14:58
virkangouyes, try modinfo at76c50x_usb14:59
virkangit will show you the path of that module14:59
ouyessoreau,  yes mate14:59
ouyeskerwin_,  which step are you in now ?14:59
scunizikerwin_: ouyes back to that.. do a full install of ubuntu and install xp in vbox.. it'll run photoshop there just fine AND you can do it in "seemless" mode so it looks native14:59
virkangouyes, I think this is this one, is your wireless card plugged by usb ?14:59
soreauouyes: Alright, pastebin the complete output of lspci to pastebin.com14:59
ouyesvirkang,  nope15:00
kerwin_scunizi: but im just using a laptop, i cant use up much memory and resources15:00
ouyessoreau,  ok15:00
scunizikerwin_: how much memory do you have in that15:00
kerwin_2 gig15:01
scunizikerwin_: that's a bunch.. shouldn't be a problem15:01
kerwin_scunizi: im also needing it for flash too and premiere15:01
arandkerwin_: ok, if the installer or partition editor didn't work after removing the dmraid package the I don't know how to get the 9.10 install working. We could go through getting 9.04 up and booting though, alongside XP..15:01
scunizikerwin_: nevermind..15:01
kerwin_arand: yep thats plan no 215:02
virkangouyes, what is your wireless card ?15:02
ouyesvirkang, soreau  thanks anyway http://pastebin.com/d20bced4115:02
electroanda ya15:03
ouyessoreau,  maybe you can give kerwin_  more details or a link about how to install vbox and xp in vbox and run ps, also i am interested15:03
ouyesvirkang,  intel 5100 agn15:04
GlaucousI have a problem with Wine and .NET 3.0 (and above). - I have winetricks, I install it with "sh winetricks dotnet30", it extracts and then I get the error "Extraction Failed - Unable to find a volume for extraction. Please verify that you have proper permissions.". This shouldn't happen when using winetricks, according to like every forum.15:04
ouyesvirkang,  you see the pastebin15:04
=== purplegecko is now known as purplegecko_
virkangouyes, could you do the same with the lsmod output ?15:05
ouyes03:00.0 Network controller: Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 5100 AGN [Shiloh] Network Connection15:05
geniiGlaucous: You might find the #winehq channel more helpful in this matter15:05
virkangouyes, yes, that is your wireless card15:05
GlaucousThank you genii. :)15:05
arandkerwin_: ok, first, "sudo aptitude install grub" This will remove grub-pc (which is grub2) and install the older grub version (which is what 9.04 uses) just in the liveCD environment.15:06
ouyesvirkang,  it is there15:06
soreauouyes: So you have an Intel 5100 AGN and the module is likely iwlagn15:06
soreauouyes: Does lsmod|grep iwlagn show this module?15:06
kerwin_arand: take note im in live session of 9.1015:07
ouyesvirkang,  it is a lot of lines and i chose one day so it wont waste much space for a long time15:07
=== purplegecko_ is now known as purplegecko
arandkerwin_: Yes, that is why we need to "downgrade" to the older grub to match it with the version of 9.04 before starting to recover.15:07
troopperiprotojay: did you get panels work=15:07
ascheelIs there a way to add a login/password to the gnome-keyring from the CLI?15:08
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ouyessoreau,  go to see http://pastebin.com/d35b87145 again15:08
kerwin_arandokay hold on15:08
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ouyessoreau,  i add the lsmod output15:08
virkangouyes, type modinfo iwlagn15:09
soreauouyes: So iwlagn is loaded, which is the right module. Which other driver are you wanting to try?15:09
ouyesvirkang,  it is a lot of mass15:09
jelly-beanHOW do i skip formatting during install?15:10
virkangyes, but the beginning of the output tells you the path to the module15:10
jelly-beanits a virtual hdd that doesn't need to be formatted15:10
viajantewhere can I get medibuntu public key, the one on the script to install it doesn't seem to work15:10
virkangouyes, yes, but the beginning of the output tells you the path to the module15:10
ouyeskerwin_,  are you still there and any advance?15:10
mikebeechamhi guys..>I'm trying to run spotify under wine.  I can search for tracks, etc...but when I double-click on the track nothing happens...any ideas?15:11
virkangouyes, if you still want to remove it, move the file to your home, but lik I said, you can blacklist that module15:11
kerwin_arand: done15:11
kerwin_arand: what to do next?15:11
ZykoticK9Glaucous, if you're still around -- it get the exact same error with winetricks & dotnet315:11
arandkerwin_: ok, then run "sudo grub" which will get you to the grub console15:12
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ZykoticK9Glaucous, s/it/i15:12
kerwin_arand: ok15:12
arandkerwin_: here first use "find /boot/grub/stage1" In you case it should give somthing like "(hd0,1)" I think.15:12
bonnolol I ran C&C generals with wine and it changed my resolution etc. I alt+tab out of it and now I cant find c&c generals... any ideas? lol15:12
ouyesvirkang, soreau  i am worn out at this matter forget it ,15:12
viajantebtw anyone can tell me if hp mini has bluetooth?15:13
virkangouyes, by moving it to your home directory, you can still restore it15:13
galletaque hablas15:13
arandkerwin_: then use whatever you got there in the command "root (hd0,5)"15:13
soreauouyes: The bottom line is, if its already working, dont mess with it. You will only make it worse and probably not able to work at all15:13
EnigmatorI'd like to defrag some file on my partition, is it possible to defrag files using a ramfs as the secondary partition since I dont have any other ext3 partition?15:14
ouyesvirkang, soreau   thanks for your try15:14
tonyyarussoEnigmator: What do you mean by defrag a file?15:14
kerwin_arand: i typed "root (hd0,5)"15:14
soreauvirkang: Telling people to move modules is bad advice. There is never a reason to do that as blacklisting it is plenty enough15:14
arandkerwin_: Good and then "setup (hd0)"15:14
ouyessoreau,  but something really worth a try though facing a risk of damage15:14
mt_how do I prevent the ~file to be created? or how do I delete them all with one command from /home?15:14
soreauouyes: IMHO, it is not worth a try15:15
virkangsoreau, i know that, I told him, but he absolutely wanted to remove it15:15
EnigmatorI mean just doing some defragmentation15:15
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soreauvirkang: He doesnt understand why he shouldnt do that15:15
tonyyarussomt_: the command to delete them would be 'rm ~*'15:15
arandkerwin_: this will recover the mbr for grub, making it point to the grub you have installed on the ubuntu partition (hd0.5) in grub-terminology15:15
tonyyarussoEnigmator: You defragment filesystems, not files.15:15
ZykoticK9Enigmator, defrag is more a windows thing - it's not really an issue with EXT file systems15:15
virkangsoreau, ok, next time I won't15:15
mt_tonyyarusso, this will only remove the ~* in the current dir15:15
tonyyarussomt_: correct15:16
mt_I want to remove all everywhere in /home15:16
tonyyarussomt_: then you would use 'find' with -exec15:16
kerwin_it says "install /boot/grub/stage1 (hd0) (hdo)1+17 p (hd0,5)/boot/grub/stage2/boot/grub/menu.lst"...failed Error 12L invalid device requested15:16
mt_tonyyarusso, give me the full command please, I don't know -exec15:16
ouyessoreau, IMHO, you seem to know what i am trying, but as a matter of fact, i want it that way.  so leave my idea alone, do not persuade people to do something you think is right and wise15:16
kerwin_is it ok?15:16
Enigmatorwell Im at 4.3 fragmentation and I can see some slow down15:16
tonyyarussomt_: I'd have to check the man page for the exact syntax also.15:17
mt_tonyyarusso, man exec or man find?15:17
tonyyarussomt_: man find15:17
soreauouyes: Actually, that is what this channel is all about. We would rather not help people break their systems even if they think they can make it better somehow :)15:17
mt_tonyyarusso, thanks15:17
arandkerwin_: Hmm, I'm not sure there, is that all it says?15:17
kerwin_i better restart15:18
arandkerwin_: no, hang on15:18
mikebeechamhi guys..>I'm trying to run spotify under wine.  I can search for tracks, etc...but when I double-click on the track nothing happens...any ideas?15:18
rrittenhouseis there a way to tell what type of drive is in a machine from the command prompt? (SCSI, IDE, SATA, etc)15:19
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arandkerwin_: I'll have a look just to make sure here...15:19
ouyessoreau,  but how do you know it , no damage, no rebuildings. i think this channel is to try to help people with ubuntu issues in their way they like it, we are free to do anything we like15:19
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Oli``My QT4 fonts are messed up Serif and Sans Serif both look really blocky. This is limited to QT4 (QT3 is fine).... I assume there's some corruption in a font-cache somewhere... How do I clear it?15:20
LjLouyes: we're also free not to give advice we don't really like giving.15:20
geniirrittenhouse: sudo lshw -C storage15:20
ouyessoreau,  even at the risk of great damage15:20
soreauouyes: You are free to take a hammer to you computer too, though I strongly suggest you do not15:20
colin_what does the -C flag do15:20
kerwin_9.10 is sure eyecandy15:21
ikoniacolin_: in respect to what ?15:21
Enigmatortonyyaru I can assure you that it is possible to defragment files individually, test it using the command filefrag to see the fragment of any file then move it to another linux partition then back and see with filefrag15:21
geniicolin_: On the lshw command it selects a Class of devices to list15:21
luk1106mówi ktoś tu po polsku15:21
colin_oh nice15:21
corecodeso what's the problem with karmic/flash/pulseaudio?  I'm not getting sound reliably15:21
ikonia!pl > luk110615:21
ubottuluk1106, please see my private message15:21
ubottuNa tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.15:21
soreauouyes: We try to help people better understand how to use their system with ubuntu correctly rather than help them break it because that is just bad advice15:21
colin_genii_: thanks15:21
FabioTheApecan someone help me, when i boot my computer instead of getting a splash screen I get "input not supported" how can i get my splash screen back?15:21
ouyessoreau, LjL ,ok can we just stop here, otherwise it will arise a ...15:21
ikoniaFeiRuoWa: what did you do to break it15:22
arandkerwin_: hrm, it might be the whole partitiions-not found playing in here again... making it unable to find it...15:22
eremitehow do I install the aurora theme engine in Karmic??  I geet getting errors in my terminal and on my appearance preferences.  Where do I get it?  Its not in the repos, but many other engines are.15:22
Enigmatorbut I only have other ntfs partition that why I'm asking if anyone know if we could do it with a temporary ramfs15:22
kerwin_arand: i better reinstall my XP first... u think?15:22
tobiaszwhere can I get help regarding PIDGIN constantly crashing after trying to send/recieve message? GFIRE protocol plugin15:23
kerwin_arand: i mean start from scartch?15:23
FeiRuoWaikonia, what did i do to break which?15:23
FabioTheApeI didn't break it, I installed Ubuntu and the first time i booted it it did such problem15:23
onetinsoldiereremite: did you download an aurora.deb and install it? if so, what was the version number of it?15:23
ouyessoreau,  someone wants that way even at the risk of breaking down, i make my point for three times, that is also a kind of correctly use---the way the owner wanted15:23
ikoniaFeiRuoWa: sorry - that was for FabioTheApe15:23
ikoniaFeiRuoWa: then why did you say get your splash screen back, suggesting you had it15:23
scalahello all15:24
FabioTheApeikonia, i have to guess that the splash screen is set to the wron resolution15:24
FabioTheApewell it worked on the live disc15:24
ikoniaFabioTheApe: a reasonable guess, try the "vga=ask" option to set different resolutions15:24
FeiRuoWaohhhh, ok. i killed a partition two days ago, and was wondering how you knew :P15:24
eremiteonetinsoldier,  I have not downloaded the aurora engine yet.  That's exactly why I asked where I can download the engine from.  I installed a theme from gnome-look.org and it didnt have the engine with it.15:24
ikoniaFeiRuoWa: I am everywhere ;)15:24
FabioTheApeikonia, I need more detail then that, I am not very good with the config files15:25
arand_kerwin_: sorry, disconnect. But no, I don't think reinstalling Xp would help at this stage..15:25
ikoniaFabioTheApe: you need to inerupt the grub boot process with "e" then add "vga=ask" as a boot option15:25
=== arand_ is now known as arand
onetinsoldiereremite: ok, use a search engine to search for the following file(if you're running 64-bit) --> aurora_1.5-1_amd64.deb15:25
eremiteonetinsoldier, dont tell people to use a search engine here.  Also, I am not running a 64bit machine.15:26
FabioTheApeikonia, there is no easier way like checking the config file to see if it has the proper resolution?15:26
ubottuWhile Google is useful for helpers, many newer users don't have the google-fu yet. Please don't tell people to "google it" when they ask a question.15:26
onetinsoldiereremite: what's wrong with asking people to use a search engine?15:26
ikoniaFabioTheApe: how can you change the config if you can't boot ?15:26
eremite!google ubottu15:26
FabioTheApeikonia, I can boot15:26
kerwin_arand: yup but thats okay, it wouldnt take 2 hours15:27
ikoniaFabioTheApe: add vga=ask to the grub config then15:27
FabioTheApeit just goes from grub, to input not supported, then login screen15:27
ouyessoreau,  by the way , what i am trying is nice and good for me and also doing absolutely no damage to others, so what is the matter so importantly to figure out a way that instruct me in the correct way to use ubuntu .15:27
Wipsterhi all, I'm trying to customise the ubuntu live cd to incorperate the loop-aes module, which means I need to recompile the kernel and put it in, I am trying to follow the customise guide on help but I am getting stuck and confused. Anyone able to lend a bit of a hand?15:27
FabioTheApeikonia, so how do i do that?15:27
ikoniaFabioTheApe: edit the grub config file and add "vga=ask" to the end of the boot line15:28
soreauouyes: What is troubling to me is why you want to use a different driver then what is the correct one for your card. AFAIK, the only native linux driver you can use is iwlagn which is already in use.15:28
onetinsoldiereremite: try this one, it might be 32-bit --> http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Aurora+Gtk+Engine?content=5643815:29
ouyessoreau,  ubuntu is free not just the fee but the way people try to use it and try to do something to it all on his own15:29
arandkerwin_: Are you able to get hold of any 9.04 version boot disk ubuntu? Using that hopefully the grub restore would work better..15:29
ikoniaouyes: soreau maybe take the end of this conversation to pm ?15:29
viajantebtw anyone can tell me if hp mini has bluetooth?15:29
ikoniaviajante: look on the hp website15:29
viajantewhere can I get medibuntu public key, the one on the script to install it doesn't seem to work15:29
MauritianGuyWipster,  someone will have the answer soon lol15:29
viajanteikoni i did, and cant tell15:30
ikoniaviajante: contact the people who support mediabuntu on their website15:30
ikoniaviajante: then contact hp15:30
viajantei did on #medibuntu15:30
ouyessoreau,  sorry mate , i am not on purpose , il go with mine. get some rest15:30
ikoniaviajante: ok so wait for them to respond15:30
WipsterMauritianGuy, I am just compiling the kernel for the second time.... hope they get back to me before I mess this one up too ahhhh :)15:30
kerwin_arand: im downloading it...15:30
viajanteikonia, they did, but response was unclarified15:31
ikoniaviajante: then clarify with them - they support it15:31
gotsanityis it normal for npviewer.bin (adobe flash) to remain loaded (and waking my cpu 26% of the time) even when im not viewing a flash webpage?15:31
MauritianGuyi would have help if i knew how Wipster15:31
aciculagotsanity: unfortunatly yeah15:31
viajantewhat does iirc stands for?15:31
rrittenhousegenii, thx for the cmd earlier. Worked perfectly :)15:31
MauritianGuyviajante,  Internet relay chat15:31
ikoniaviajante: no idea15:32
llutzviajante: if i recall correct15:32
gotsanityacicula, is there anyway to reduce the amount of polling it does? its doing a number on my battery15:32
viajanteso, unswear was strange, on ·medibuntu15:32
ouyessoreau,  i remember you , you helped me a lot and also others15:32
corecodeanybody else having problems of firefox not responding at times?15:32
aciculagotsanity: you can just kill the process, the browser will reload it when you need too15:32
viajantethey said:  apt-get install medibuntu-keyring iirc15:32
ikoniaviajante: contact THEM15:32
aciculagotsanity: at least thats what i do15:32
ikoniaviajante: they are the ones who support it15:32
viajanteikonia, they seem to be sleeping15:33
ikoniaviajante: wait for them to respond15:33
eremiteonetinsoldier, I found it elsewhere, but thanks for your time anyway.  I also get another error in my terminal when opening some apps.  I just opened "comix" and this is what I get" ** (comix:32656): CRITICAL **: atk_object_set_name: assertion `name != NULL' failed15:33
gotsanityacicula, will it cause a problem if im currently viewing a flash page? (im assuming it would)15:33
viajanteikonia, are u a girl?15:33
eremiteDoes anyone know what this means?:: ** (comix:32656): CRITICAL **: atk_object_set_name: assertion `name != NULL' failed15:33
ikoniaviajante: does that matter ?15:33
ikoniaeremite: in respect to what ?15:33
viajanteu sound like one, and, no it doesnt15:33
aciculagotsanity: it will kill flash yeah15:33
eremiteOpening apps in my terminal.15:33
eremiteI get an error that says:: CRITICAL **: atk_object_set_name: assertion `name != NULL' failed15:34
ikoniaeremite: that's unusual15:34
eremiteI know.15:34
ikoniaeremite: normally a font related issue15:34
quesoWill there be a firefox-3.6 package for Jaunty?15:34
MauritianGuyflv or swf acicula15:34
ikoniaqueso: not as of yet15:34
onetinsoldiereremite: do the apps run ok? for instance, i get some warning messages/errors when i start up gvim in a terminal, but gvim works fine. i ignore the errors, because, they're just warnings, not critical errors15:34
FabioTheApegrub is making me want to kill myself15:34
viajantewhats the best choice of dev apps for an inventory sytem based on clowd computing15:34
kerwin_arand: if i get finish the 9.04 installer, what would be my next step?15:34
eremiteonetinsoldier, if I didnt use a terminal I wouldnt know the  errors existed.15:35
ikoniaviajante: dev apps aren't for could computeing15:35
quesoikonia: Sorry, I meant to ask: Is it planned?15:35
ikoniaqueso: not as of yet15:35
quesoikonia: okay, thx15:35
onetinsoldiereremite: roger15:35
viajantewhy not, cant we dev an app for it?15:35
arandkerwin_: boot the liveCD and do the steps we just did with the grub prompt, this time you won't have to do the initial "aptitude install grub" though, since the version is already the correct one...15:36
ikoniaviajante: you can develop an application for it, but that has no relevence on cloud computing as that's handled by the OS15:36
presumida_ayall please a quickie, i got the common dirs of a distro /dev, /usr, /etc, and so on. How can i mount them like a real system ? like proc, tempfs, and stuff?15:36
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arandkerwin_: you might have bettter luck should you choose to upgrade the 9.04 to 9.10 without doing a fresh install using a CD..15:36
viajanteikonia, if the os is installed on a clowd server, it may15:36
ikoniaviajante: no it doesn't15:37
ikoniaviajante: you'd develop the app the same as you would if it was not on cloud coputing15:37
aciculapresumida_: using mount? what are you trying to achieve?15:37
nullp0interwhen my desktop idles for a while or the screensaver pops up, and i move anything to get ou tof it, firefox completely locks up..anyone see that before?15:37
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viajanteikonia, you are right15:37
presumida_acicula: i got a gentoo stage1 , and i'm trying to mount it os-like15:37
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eremitenullp0inter,  I had a similar problem>  When my screensaver and/or power saver started it would lock the screen black, and I would have to hard restart.15:38
aciculapresumida_: i dont understand, can you rephrase15:38
viajanteikonia, so lets say you would use linux and you needed a database, would you use mysql or gApps?15:38
presumida_i mean, i got a untarred dir with /dev,/etc, and stuff, and i want it to get mounted chrooted as /, /proc with a proc filesystem, /tmp and /var as temp filsystems, and so acicula15:38
kerwin_arand: yup.. but some say its always better to have a fresh install (its faster)15:39
JHPrykeHey, i was woundering if anyone can help me. Ive just bought a 32" tv and i am running my computer from it, im using ubuntu 9.10. When i run World Of Warcraft through wine an error message comes up about my graphics, i have a 9 series nvidia card with a 1gb memory so i dont think its a card issue, any ideas?15:39
ikoniaviajante: what I would use doesn't matter, it's what you use that fits your needs and applications15:39
eremiteJHPryke, what is the error message?15:39
aciculapresumida_: you are trying to install gentoo?15:39
jamie74Hello folks, I was wondering if someone could advise me on getting my SLI configuration right, I can't seem to do it?15:40
WipsterI have a sneaking suspicion that I have fumbled while trying to make this livecd modification again :/15:40
viajanteikonia, so how do you know what to choose?15:40
ikoniaviajante: research15:40
viajanteikonia, thats a big word15:40
presumida_acicula: you type mount and you get : sysfs on /sys type sysfs (rw,noexec,nosuid,nodev) , and the same with different types of mount with usr, tmp, var, etc, opt, and so15:40
reactorikonia, phys?15:40
aciculaviajante: 1) define goals, 2)define a measurement, 3) find solution that falls within goals and metrics15:40
BluesKajJHPryke, need more specific info about the error message15:40
ikoniareactor: ?15:41
MauritianGuyJHPryke,  i came accross the same problem u will have to download a beta version of the driver and convert the file to executable and run it from its directory from terminal as sudo15:41
tobiaszwhere are pidgin's settings stored in ubuntu15:41
arandkerwin_: yea, a fresh install makes it possible to use the ext4 filesystem instead, true, but the difference shouldn't be huge though...15:41
reactorikonia, phys research?15:41
presumida_i want to mount that dirs like filesystems and with their correct filesystem. but i dont know how to mount a dir15:41
wild_oscarjust curious: will Firefox 3.6 be in karmic's repositories?15:41
ikoniareactor: no, I was talking to viajante and telling him to research applications15:41
aciculapresumida_: man mount, look for bind15:41
ikoniawild_oscar: not planned as of yet15:41
nullp0interanyone know of any new bug reports with firefox locking up? i found a bunch of old ones..but my system is up to date15:41
presumida_i did acicula15:41
tweaksource73presumida_, man mount15:41
presumida_yeah tweaksource7315:41
presumida_i read about bind15:41
aciculapresumida_: also if you are installing gentoo maybe you should try #gentoo, they have a bit more experience there15:41
acicula(with gentoo)15:41
reactorikonia, oh soz just mixed up :P15:42
viajanteacicula, thx :-)15:42
ikoniareactor: not a problem15:42
wild_oscarikonia: bummer15:42
presumida_they won't help me on that chan, stage1 isn't officially supported by gentoo15:42
ikoniapresumida_: then we can't help you here15:42
viajanteikonia, that clue is also a good start15:42
ikoniapresumida_: this channel is for ubuntu only15:42
jamie74Hello folks, I was wondering if someone could advise me on getting my SLI configuration right?15:42
presumida_i didn't ask about gentoo15:42
presumida_i may ask the same about ubuntu15:42
ikoniapresumida_: apologies I thought this was for a gentoo install15:42
llutzpresumida_: you want to read about bind-mount and chroot15:42
presumida_lets say that dirs are ubuntu ones, any *nix o-s shares the same fhs15:42
MauritianGuySLI for linus15:42
ikoniajamie74: sli on linux is bad15:43
ikoniajamie74: but very usable15:43
MauritianGuyi mean its too powerful why u need that kind of graphic card15:43
ibuclawikonia, not really - you just need to specify the BusID of the primary card.15:43
ikoniapresumida_: are they ubuntu ones ?15:43
viajantequestion: is it worty to change from wubi to regular ubuntu? why?15:43
ikoniaibuclaw: really, my experience and reading is that the support is poor ?15:43
tobiaszsynaptic is worthless15:44
ikoniaviajante: personal belief yes, but it's up to you15:44
eremiteviajante, things work better, smoother and you have full controll over the entire PC,15:44
tweaksource73viajante, wubi is jacked15:44
viajanteikonia, çi didnt had a flash drive...15:44
tobiaszit handless dependancies in a shitty way15:44
ikoniatobiasz: please control your language15:44
tobiaszbut you know I am right15:44
jamie74Well, I'm having all kinds of trouble just getting the latest nvidia driver to install15:44
ikoniatobiasz: I just asked you to control your lanuage15:44
viajantetweaksource73, what do you mean?15:44
tobiaszsynaptic is soooooo bugged in 9.1015:44
presumida_yyeah ikonia and llutz i did read about them, but im not sure that is what i want, i dont want em mounted as ubuntu mountpoints, but as completely appart of it, let's say i got one ubuntu and i got an empty partition, and i want to install another ubuntu on it with the standar dirs of my other ubuntu install15:44
ikoniatobiasz: don't use it then15:45
ikoniatobiasz: or log a bug15:45
MauritianGuyjamie74,  what driver model do u have15:45
tobiaszikonia synaptic is bug15:45
ikoniapresumida_: then you just copy the directoryies over and install grub15:45
viajanteeremite, what control dont I have with wubi?15:45
ikoniatobiasz: don't use it then, ranting in here is not welcome15:45
presumida_and it will work?15:45
user0303 the latest nvidia driver  was what took down all my X-windows :)15:45
wild_oscartobiasz: you should have been around with Opensuse about 3-4 years ago. THAT was bad dependency handling15:45
MauritianGuyits better to get it from Nvidia itself or if its XFX get it from their website they will provide Beta version15:45
ikoniapresumida_: work fine, a common way to change disks15:45
jamie74mauritianguy i'm trying to install 190.5315:45
Trekuser0303: you tried rolling back your nvidia drivers one version>15:45
ikonianevans: use the modules in the repositories15:45
user0303 the latest nvidia driver  was what took down all my X-windows :)  on (SuSe)15:45
MauritianGuy190.53 is the model?!!15:46
user0303XF86config editing to no avail15:46
ikoniaMauritianGuy: they are kernel modules (drivers)15:46
tobiaszpurging pidgin doesn't remove configuration files15:46
jamie74i can't even get it to install because i can't seem to stop x-server, i get a scrambled screen everytime i try to stop it prior to driver install15:46
presumida_ok ikonia , let's say in that partition i make a / with gparted of type ext4.15:46
nevansikonia, methinks you tab completed the wrong nick? :)15:46
ikoniatobiasz: empathy is default in 9.1015:46
MauritianGuyi c15:47
ikonianevans: apologies15:47
nullp0interhow do i find out the version of ubuntu i am running15:47
nullp0interits not in about15:47
ikonianevans: lsb-release -a15:47
presumida_ikonia: then i mount it on my ubuntu15:47
ibuclawjamie74, you are trying to install the latest drivers from the website?15:47
tweaksource73nullp0inter, cat /etc/issue15:47
ikoniapresumida_: you don't need to mount them, - you just boot off the second disk15:47
tobiaszikonia but empathy is so poor it shouldn't replace pidgin15:47
user0303what is the strategy for giving out device names on ubuntu? my usb ports keep changing and now I cannot mount /dev/sdf1-6 at all15:47
wild_oscartobiasz: the ones in your home folder? nor it should...15:47
ikoniatobiasz: ok, use pidgin then15:48
jamie74ibuclaw: yes, i believe the version is 190.5315:48
user0303they are not called sdf anymore and mount or fdisk -l does not render any solutions15:48
presumida_ikonia: and then simply paste /dev, /etc and so , grub-install it and will work?15:48
eremitenullp0inter, in terminal type :      cat /etc/issue15:48
tobiaszwild_oscar I thought purge should remove configuration files and it is what differs it from regular removing15:48
tobiaszwild_oscar it should15:48
aciculatobiasz: what files were left behind?15:48
llutzuser0303: use labels or uuids to mount, not device-names15:48
presumida_ikonia: what do you mean by bootoff the second disk?15:48
ibuclawjamie74, you'll need to uninstall everything NviDIA before you do that.15:48
user0303thanks llutz15:48
presumida_ikonia: i need to mount and paste first the filesystem in there right?15:49
ikoniapresumida_: dev is created on boot time so you don't need to copy that, /etc will be copied across from your earlier copy, you'll need to then change /etc on your target system to reference the new disk dievices15:49
tobiaszacicula ~/.purple15:49
aciculatobiasz: well those are user files, those never get purged afaik15:49
ikoniapresumida_: no - just copy the directorys to the new disk15:49
mataloheya all. I run a ubuntu-server 9.10 slice which needs to remain up and reliable, i don't have time to fix it. I need a package from multiverse. If i change my sources am i likely to hit any issue?15:49
llutztobiasz: personal files never will be deleted15:49
tobiaszllutz that's bullcrap15:49
jamie74ibuclaw: nvidia's site instructs to terminate GDM before installing, is this necessary?15:49
Wipsterbah humbug, I think my livecd modification is messed again :/ I'm using module assistant in chroot to install loop-aes to my custom kernel, is that ok? Its failing with no headers specified...15:49
presumida_ikonia: yeah that's it ok15:49
ibuclawjamie74, NViDIA doesn't like having multiple versions of itself installed.15:49
presumida_ikonia: many thanks :)15:50
tobiaszllutz pidgin kept crashing for me with gfire, and I couldn't fix it by simply reinstalling15:50
nullp0intereremite: ty15:50
ibuclawjamie74, that is correct.15:50
wild_oscartobiasz: files from your home folder are user specific15:50
presumida_oh, but ikonia one more quetion15:50
wild_oscartobiasz: purge removes system configuration files, not user config files15:50
pshrdoes any one know how to get disk partition information like that of cylinder head and sector15:50
presumida_if i do it that way, the special dirs won't get mounted as they are supposed to15:50
jamie74ibuclaw: that is my problem, i can't seem to properly stop GDM, everytime i try my screen just scrambles and I have to either reboot or go back to graphical15:50
llutztobiasz: you're using a multi-user OS, so stop whining15:50
ikoniapresumida_: what special dirs ?15:51
ikoniapresumida_: what exactly are you trying to do15:51
icerootpshr: sudo fdisk -l15:51
wild_oscartobiasz: otherwise how would it handle when you have more than one user?15:51
jamie74ibuclaw so i shouldn't actually have any nvidia driver installed yet15:51
presumida_the ones that need a special type of mount ikonia15:51
ibuclawjamie74, do you get the same scrambled screen when you boot into recovery mode ?15:51
viajanteeremite, what control dont I have with wubi?15:51
ikoniapresumida_: such as ?15:51
wild_oscartobiasz: I deleted pidgin i my machine and I'd delete your configuration files too, because we happen to share the same OS?15:51
jamie74ibuclaw no, recovery is clean15:51
presumida_ikonia: for example, proc, sys, var, tmp,...15:52
ikoniapresumida_: they don't need special options15:52
pshrthanks iceroot15:52
wild_oscartobiasz: btw, whining about something and saying it's crap or it doesn't work just because you don't understand it is not a good policy15:52
presumida_ikonia: sys needs to be mounted as sysfs, proc as proc, var and tmp as tempfs15:52
ikoniapresumida_: and why do you want to mount them, when you boot of the new disk they will get automounted15:52
icerootpshr: np15:52
presumida_ikonia: without anything more than pasting them in the new partition and installing grub on it?15:53
ikoniapresumida_: I've told you what to do15:53
wild_oscarthat would be fun, though, deleting all the other user's files just by removing a piece of software15:53
presumida_ikonia: yeah, to put the necessary dirs and install grub15:53
ikoniapresumida_: copy the fiel systems to the new disk, update /etc/fstab on the new disk, install grub on the new disk, and boot the new disk15:53
ibuclawjamie74, for installing nvidia drivers manually - this is something I wrote a while ago. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=112540015:53
presumida_ikonia: ok, so i will15:54
eremiteviajante: https://bugs.launchpad.net/wubi/+bugs15:54
llutzwild_oscar: my users would be very happy  ... :(15:54
ibuclawjamie74, I can walk you through it loosely for your particular instance.15:54
neothecatthis subject has been beaten to death, but has anybody got netbeans to run decently?  the UI is incredibly unresponsive.  i am using Sun Java 1.6 with 64 bit karmac15:54
presumida_ikonia: thanx for your time, if i see you l8r i'll let you know how it's going :P many thanks again15:54
ikoniapresumida_: welcome15:55
rambo3is there a fast way to add a new sudo user ?15:55
ikoniarambo3: add a user to the admin group15:55
ibuclawrambo3, sudo usermod -a -G admin <username>15:55
jamie74ibuclaw ok, let me read over your post and i'll give it another try, i can always come back if that doesn't work15:55
erUSULrambo3: add it to the admin group15:56
erUSULrambo3: sudo adduser $USER admin15:56
ibuclawjamie74, rather than "sudo service gdm stop", try rebooting into recovery mode and install the driver via the root terminal.15:56
ibuclawjamie74, you will get a warning, but it should be harmless.15:56
jamie74ibuclaw: what kind of warning?15:57
ibuclawjamie74, that you are in init 1 mode15:57
Wipstercan anyone lend a hand with doing modifications to the ubuntu 9.10 livecd, just an overview would help I can try and hunt out the commands. I think I'm approaching it tottaly wrong15:57
ibuclawjamie74, runlevel 1, even.15:57
ibuclawjamie74, nvidia recommend that you install the driver in runlevel 3, as some services required for detection/whatnot may not be running.15:58
Duderhi guys, im trying to run install bitlbee, when i run ./configure i get the error "Could not find a suitable SLL library"15:58
ibuclawjamie74, I've done it quite a few times, and generally find it a non-issue.15:58
jamie74ibuclaw yes, i've seen that warning before, i've ignored it, but the install fails right after that because the installer complains about X-server running15:59
oberdadaHello. Can someone recommend a nice dvd burning software for making video dvd's with menus? (for ubuntu of course)15:59
jamie74ibuclaw or x-term15:59
ibuclawjamie74, oh, no that is a different warning.15:59
ZykoticK9!remaster | Wipster15:59
ubottuWipster: Interested in remastering the Ubuntu !live CD? See: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization or use tools such as http://uck.sourceforge.net/ or http://linux.dell.com/wiki/index.php/DRU_Disc_Remastering_Utility15:59
ibuclaw*that* warning you get is because an Xserver is running =)15:59
tweaksource73oberdada, deveve?15:59
jamie74ibuclaw yes, that's my problem i can't stop x-server to install the driver16:00
tweaksource73oberdada, or dvdauthor16:00
ibuclawjamie74, actually, can you open a terminal and run the command:  runlevel16:00
user0303id like to see the list of services being shut down on shutdown and equally getting started on boot up. is there a way to get around the black screen in ubuntu?16:00
ibuclawjamie74, does it output: N 516:00
oberdadatweaksource73: you mean devedee?16:00
WipsterZykoticK9, thanks but I have been reading and following the help documentation but I am stuck and cant find a solution16:00
soreauDuder: You are probably missing dependencies. Is vitlvee not included in ubuntu repos?16:00
llutzDuder: try libgnutls-dev16:00
ZykoticK9Wipster, sorry man I've never tried it so can't give any advice - good luck16:01
pshriceroot, do you know of how to recover a partition16:01
WipsterZykoticK9, ok thanks anyway16:01
ibuclawsoreau, bitlbee is in the repos last time I checked.16:01
jamie74ibuclaw: N 2 at present16:01
aciculauser0303: escape or alt tab or alts esc16:01
James_-_Need a distro (I know this is the ubuntu channel)... My project is this - I have an old Dell Latitude D610 with 512 ram and no hard drive... only the left side of the keyboard work, etc... you get the idea... I want a live disk ISO that will run well enough to connect a wireless keyboard and mouse and connect it to my TV so we can watch netflixs and surf the web from there.... fast and simple?  Any ideas?16:01
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aciculauser0303: or alt-f1 ?16:01
ikoniaJames_-_: if you know this is an ubuntu channel - don't ask16:01
user0303tjanks acicula!16:01
ibuclawjamie74, that is interesting ...16:01
aciculauser0303: one of those anyway :)16:01
soreauDuder: If bitlbee is in ubuntu repos, theres no reason to compile it..16:01
soreau!info bitlbee16:01
ubottubitlbee (source: bitlbee): An IRC to other chat networks gateway. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.2.4-1 (karmic), package size 331 kB, installed size 816 kB16:01
ibuclawjamie74, is this on this desktop you are sitting at?16:02
llutzDuder: sudo apt-get build-dep bitlbee16:02
jamie74ibuclaw: i'm sure it has something to do with my SLI configuration, i just can't seem to make it work, I've read several things on it and no luck for me16:02
aciculaJames_-_: get something light, like xubuntu?16:02
James_-_I have ubuntu on more things and can shake a stick at... everyone here has been so helpful in the past thought at a minimum you could point me in the right direction16:02
jamie74ibuclaw: yes, looking at it right now16:02
Duderguys i tried to install it from the repos but i got another error, something about being unable to read .conf files16:02
tweaksource73james, xubuntu16:02
user0303acicula; I'll try to find it. thanks again16:02
James_-_there we go... ok acicule thanks16:02
ibuclawjamie74, nah, it shouldn't affect what runlevel you are in.16:02
aciculaJames_-_: there is no way around 512mb ram with programs like firefox though, it'll get sluggish sometimes16:03
soreauDuder: What command gives you the error about conf files?16:03
jamie74ibuclaw: i take it i should n't be in level 2?16:03
llutzDuder: then "do something" to fix that error16:03
Dudersoreau: when i run the software16:03
tweaksource73Does anyone know how to configure windows to open as a tabbed group?16:03
James_-_acicula are there different flavorers xubuntu or just whats on the main download page16:03
ibuclawjamie74, well, runlevel 2,3,4 and 5 are all the same in Ubuntu. but it's usually 5. =)16:04
aciculaJames_-_: just the one, it follows the normal ubuntu versioning 9.04,9.10 etc16:04
oberdadawhere can i get dvdauthor? its not in my "add applications" menu16:04
tweaksource73james, xubuntu is a "flavor" of ubuntu16:04
presumida_hey , i gotta go, bye ikonia :) cu, bye all , adios erUSUL nos vemos por ubuntu-es jeje soy obiwan_ vneg chao16:04
soreauDuder: I somehow doubt installing from source is going to make that error disappear.. maybe you should show the command you are running followed by the errors that it gives in a pastebin16:04
ibuclawjamie74, runlevel 1 is single-user mode (recovery console). runlevel 6 is reboot. runlevel 0 is shutdown.16:04
llutzoberdada: dvdauthor is a cli app16:04
James_-_acicula also if i dug up a gig of ram would that solve any problems it will have16:04
jamie74ibuclaw: i see, as I'm sure you've figured out, i'm an ubuntu noob, but i'm willing to learn. right now i'm ready to shoot someone  :P16:05
SatanClaushey guys, I want to start a backup script on shutdown with upstart... which event shall i bind it to?16:05
ZykoticK9oberdada, "sudo apt-get install dvdauthor" from cli, or use Synatic -- not everything is listed in Add/Remove16:05
aciculaJames_-_: most definitly16:05
James_-_acicula well i will start with my 512 today and see what i can dig up over the next week, I thank you for your time16:05
aciculaJames_-_: unless a processor is truelly archaic ie PIII and lower adding more mem is the best way to improve performance16:05
Duderbitlbee error: http://pastebin.com/m287195de16:06
llutzDuder: does "/etc/bitlbee/bitlbee.conf" exist?16:06
ibuclawjamie74, hehe - just be lucky you have interwebz... 4 years ago, I didn't (motherboard was buggy and caused system freeze on all systems except Debian Woody).16:06
llutzDuder: "ls -ld /var/lib/bitlbee/" says what?16:07
ibuclawjamie74, anyways, let me know how you get on with that push-legacy guide =)16:07
Duderllutz: drwx------ 2 bitlbee bitlbee 4096 2010-01-22 16:24 /var/lib/bitlbee/16:07
jamie74ibuclaw: i sure will, thanks for taking the time to help me out16:07
MauritianGuyif u increase the IV-Swap drive size to like twice the RAM how much difference does it make16:08
vbajichey guys, i installed karmic on an hp envy 15, but i can't get the camera tow rok16:08
vbajichey guys, i installed karmic on an hp envy 15, but i can't get the camera to work. any clues?16:08
ibuclawMauritianGuy, no difference - unless you plan on hibernating your workstation.16:08
MauritianGuydoes it matter16:08
soreauDuder: Perhaps you need to add your user to the bitlbee group? </guess>16:09
MauritianGuywhat do u mean ibuclaw16:09
llutzDuder: does "/etc/bitlbee/bitlbee.conf" exist?16:09
ibuclawMauritianGuy, swap is a "fallback" cache used to stop your system from crashing in Linux.16:09
MauritianGuyhibernating will consume more ram16:09
tuxsunhi all16:09
ibuclawMauritianGuy, no - to hibernate your system, you require a swap that in equal-to, or greater-than your RAM size.16:09
Duderthe file exists, but i need root to open it16:10
ibuclawMauritianGuy, because when you hibernate, everything in RAM gets pushed into the swap drive before you shutdown.16:10
Duderi forgot, how do i make it free to use for all accounts16:10
allooshhi, I have 9.10 installed and I have xp also, now all I need is a way to choose which os on startup. currently it boots to ubuntu and have no way to go to xp, any guide, help16:10
colin_what does the autoclean actually do16:10
MauritianGuyi saw it in some linux PDF manual i just wanted to know why it was recomended16:10
arandMauritianGuy: When hibernating all you ram get's copied and "frozen" in th swap space16:10
ibuclawMauritianGuy, and when you boot, the reverse happens (Swap -> RAM).16:10
colin_how does it determine what to clean up16:10
llutzDuder: what user  at "User = "?16:10
geniicolin_: It removes packages which are still installed but not being used any more16:11
ibuclawMauritianGuy, as I said initially, swap is good as a "fallback" for when you are running low of RAM.16:11
llutzDuder: you don't want to make it writeable to other16:11
MauritianGuyI c that's interesting16:11
arandalloosh: if you hold shift while booting does it show a boot menu?16:11
ibuclawit's there to stop your system from crashing16:11
tuxsunwhy hibernate when you can just lock the screen?16:11
llutzDuder: bitlbee.conf is root:root 64016:11
colin_it doesnt make your comp run faster?16:11
DuderUser = bitlbe16:11
aciculatuxsun: power saving16:11
tuxsunapm settings under the screensaver don't accomplish the same power saving??16:12
MauritianGuyu guys know so much i got to be here mo often16:12
llutzDuder: User = bitlbee             it has to be16:12
Duderllutz: root 640? Im not following you now16:12
ibuclawMauritianGuy, if you have 2GB+ of RAM, you only require 2GB swap - unless you plan on hibernating, then you instead have RAM+512MB size.16:12
MauritianGuyjust looking at the channel main i learn a lot16:12
Duderllutz:  yea it is bitlbee16:12
arandtuxsun: hibernation uses zero power, that's never doable othetwise16:12
aciculatuxsun: screensaver is not powersaving16:12
ibuclawMauritianGuy, if you have less than 2GB RAM, RAM*1.5 size swap is recommended.16:12
MauritianGuyi got like 4GB but i kinds over did the IV-swap to 8GB16:12
llutzDuder: sorry, bitlbee.conf has to be:  -rw-r----- 1 root bitlbee16:13
aciculaa screensaver doesnt save power in any waye ven16:13
ibuclawMauritianGuy, =)16:13
MauritianGuyi thought it would make it work faster lol16:13
Duderllutz: so exactly what do i need to type? chmod somethign ?16:13
llutzDuder: so sudo chown root:bitlbee /etc/bitlbee/bitlbee.conf16:13
tuxsunI know screensaver itself is not, but the advanced power management (APM) settings that shut off the monitor and drives, etc.... isn't that all hibernation can do??16:13
ibuclawMauritianGuy, unless you run 3 Virtual Machines at once, chances am that you will never use the swap.16:13
ikoniaacicula: it's a screensaver, not a powersaver16:14
aciculatuxsun: hibernation shuts down the machine and stores the current system state on the hard drive16:14
aciculaikonia: thats what i said16:14
MauritianGuyi am planning of using VM workstation16:14
ikoniaacicula: sorry, I've just re-read I thought you where asking that16:14
MauritianGuyso i guess its good then16:14
=== jeremy_ is now known as JeoMAN
Duderllutz: I still get the same error, what is chown anyways16:14
soreauDuder: It seems bitlbee is already started when its installed, so all there is left to do is use it http://bugs.bitlbee.org/bitlbee/ticket/44616:14
llutzDuder: enter "whatis chown"16:15
ibuclawMauritianGuy, unlike Windows/Mac, which use 500MB+ when you boot the workstation, Linux is (for the time being) rather tiny in comparison16:15
MauritianGuyi am planning on sticking to Lunux learn as much as i can and do my work on virtual machine16:15
tuxsunahhh. I forgot that hibernation actually powered down and did that system snapshot16:15
ibuclawMauritianGuy, using from 200MB+16:15
tuxsundo man chown in a console to learn more about chown16:15
aciculaikonia: just here to help ;)16:15
Duderllutz: k thx16:15
soreauDuder: Isnt there a client that you use bitlbee with?16:15
Dudersoreau: checking the link16:15
tuxsunchown let's you change the owner and/or group of a file or set of files16:15
MauritianGuyoh i increased that to 400MB as well16:16
ibuclawMauritianGuy, Linux does love caching things in RAM though - so I guess the only thing that can speed up your system is more of it =)16:16
soreauDuder: In the link, it says BitlBee is automaticallly started when you install the package.16:16
soreauDuder: So my guess is it isnt meant to be ran directly but you probably just use it with whatever program that uses the service16:16
Duderlol yea xD ok well how do i run it from irssi16:17
tuxsundo i need to open a port in the router for remote desktop viewer to work on a home LAN?  both machines configured to allow remote desktop but can't see each other.  ssh works fine, however16:17
Duderyea i feel stupid now16:17
ibuclawMauritianGuy, 2GB RAM is optimal though for most modern workstations.16:17
llutzDuder: http://admiralchicago.wordpress.com/2007/03/22/bitlbee-and-irssi/16:17
JF1976i cant log into karmic via GDM ? all is fine using recovery the account works but after starting the GDM my account fails any clues?16:17
MyrttiDuder: you connect to it like to a normal IRC server.16:17
aciculatuxsun: not for connections between local lan machines16:17
MyrttiDuder: given you've configured the bitlbee first16:17
aciculatuxsun: opening up router ports exposes the service to the entire internet even16:17
Duderk checkin the link16:17
vbajicMauritianGuy: just don't try to run any genome sequensing applications on those 2GB16:17
bigcx2hey guysk i have a question about using NAPI for my ethernet driver16:17
MauritianGuyso with my 4GB i should not get much crash16:17
bigcx2has anyone ever used this before?16:18
aciculaMauritianGuy: why would you get a crash based on mem size to begin with16:18
tuxsunthanks, acicula... that's what I thought... will need to explore more when I have more time... thanks for the info16:18
hwildehey my peeps I got a custom them saved in my Appearances Preferences.  I want to save this to a usb key and move it to another computer.  help!16:18
soreauDuder: A quick google search shows this http://admiralchicago.wordpress.com/2007/03/22/bitlbee-and-irssi/16:18
vbajicwhat's the kernel module name for the webcams, please? | more16:18
aciculavbajic: video4linux and co16:19
MauritianGuyi dont know realy16:19
acicula!webcam > vbajic16:19
ubottuvbajic, please see my private message16:19
aciculaMauritianGuy: then why worry about it?16:19
vbajicacicula: danke16:19
MauritianGuyi am just installing everything through that PDF16:19
aciculavbajic: np16:19
MauritianGuyand i thnk whoever wrote it has a thing for a lot of memory16:20
soreauDuder: Of course I will say the messages given when attempting to run bitlbee directly are misleading. It should probably tell you that its a daemon that is already running ;)16:20
MauritianGuyi'll have to start thinking in a different perspective when it comes to linux16:20
aciculaMauritianGuy: everyone has ideas about mem and swap, but just let the installer decided how much it thinks you need and it will be fine16:21
vbajicacicula: so basically, if i'm not seeing the video4linux driver in the lsmod list, it's not loaded, right?16:22
Duderok thanks guys, i gotta do some other stuff right now but i'll check into this later. thanks for the help and link, kthxbye16:22
Wipsteranyone here got some experiance with remastering livecd's? My attempts have failed and I am not too sure what to do16:22
aciculavbajic: the system is called video4linux, the driver is something shorter16:22
pozicI cannot connect to the Internet anymore using Ubuntu through a socks4 proxy anymore. Did something recently change?16:22
MauritianGuyWipster,  man i think whatever ur trying to do must be complicated it sounds complicated16:23
tuxsunback for a few... suggestions on troubleshooting the Remote Desktop Viewer?  1 pc is running 9.10 and the other is 8.04 LTS ... both sytems up-to-date16:23
vaixI can I configure ubuntu to force add some static "search" domains to /etc/resolv.conf when regenerated by /sbin/resolvconf?   I get my IP/DNs info via dhcp.  According to man - I can add a "dns-search" line to the interface file - but where does that exist when using networkmanager ?16:23
aciculavaix: right click the network applet and edit the connection settings?16:24
ubottuПожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke16:24
__8472Hi, is here somebody who already tried new Firefox 3.6 on the Karmic Koala? Because I've found some problem when trying installing extensions to Firefox 3.6 from my local computer/desktop. I simply try it like before, drag&drop the extension from desktop/folder to the Add-ons window of Firefox, but it's not accepted. Nothing happens, no installation. But extensions from web site will make the extension install window to appear. Did somebody else have this p16:24
__8472roblem or?16:24
soreautuxsun: What are you trying and what is not working?16:24
MauritianGuyfire_princes,  i think i dont have the font ur using it looks weird16:24
frostburnvaix, right click network manager, edit connections, edit16:24
vaixacicula: It does not let me - our options there only work if I disable DHCP for DNS and use it only for IP - else the DNS options are greyed out16:24
WipsterMauritianGuy, I am trying to take the current livecd take the kernel compile with some different options install a module change some default settings. Thats it really.16:25
fire_princesАма тук някой говори ли български?16:25
aciculavaix, switch dhcp to dhcp adress only16:25
acicula!ru | fire_princes16:25
tuxsunsoreau: the Find button in remote viewer finds nothing when I click on Domain and select local16:25
ubottufire_princes: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke16:25
Wipsterand turn back into a livecd for me to use on the fly16:25
JZAhi I got a deb question16:25
fire_princesАз не съм русначка!16:25
vaixacicula: but then if i swithc networks - I will not get the correct settings for that one16:25
JZAhow do I know where does deb put the files16:25
JZAI am looking for an argument that just list the paths where the files are allocated.16:25
aciculafire_princes: well i cant tell what language it is based on just cyrilics,16:25
tuxsunsoreau: if I enter the IP address of the other pc in the Host field  i.e. 192.169.102 ... it fails to connect16:26
MauritianGuyWipster,  i wouldn't know how to go about doing it16:26
soreautuxsun: Cant you specify the IP?16:26
Guest68544can some one help me on a problen16:26
fire_princesI am speaking bulgarian!16:26
acicula!ask | Guest6854416:26
ubottuGuest68544: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)16:26
soreautuxsun: Can you ping that IP?16:26
MauritianGuythe fire_princes  is talking russian or i am missing some fonts16:26
vaixacicula: There has to be a place in some file which has the interface information ...16:26
__8472Hi, is here somebody who already tried new Firefox 3.6 on the Karmic Koala? Because I've found some problem when trying installing extensions to Firefox 3.6 from my local computer/desktop. I simply try it like before, drag&drop the extension from desktop/folder to the Add-ons window of Firefox, but it's not accepted. Nothing happens, no installation. But extensions from web site will make the extension install window to appear. Did somebody else have this p16:26
__8472roblem or?16:26
WipsterMauritianGuy, doesn't seem like many do.... they are keeping quiet about it heh16:26
oCean_!bg | fire_princes16:26
ubottufire_princes: опитайте #ubuntu-bg за български потребители . try #ubuntu-bg for bulgarian users, and please idle there patiently16:26
fire_princesI am not speaking risan16:26
tuxsunsoreau: yes, it pings and I can ssh into it and do remote admin16:26
aciculafire_princes: for english speakers the difference is hard to make out ;)16:26
Guest68544how to i get my internal wireless card to work16:26
MauritianGuylol Wipster well tell me a bit more about how u do that16:26
aciculafire_princes: yes i guessed16:27
MauritianGuymaybe i could learn from u Wipster16:27
acicula!hi | Like16:27
ubottuLike: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!16:27
soreautuxsun: Did you configure the machine in sys>prefs>remote desktop?16:27
aciculavaix: /etc/network/interfaces ?16:27
Guest68544how do u make a internal wireless card work16:27
tuxsunyes, both machines are configured to ask for a password16:27
MauritianGuyGuest68544,  u got a laptop16:27
Likeacicula u solve the problem with an pci -e x-fi xtreme audio ?16:28
Guest68544hes and it works on windows nd not ubuntu16:28
aciculacolin_: cyrilics, afaik the alphabet used by the russian language, and i assume some of the other baltic states as well?16:28
tuxsunsoreau: I can't find any documentation on the settings anywhere16:28
ibuclawGuest68544, what type of internal card?16:28
soreautuxsun: The settings for what?16:28
aciculaLike: nope but have you looked at the audio help wiki?16:28
acicula!sound > Like16:28
ubottuLike, please see my private message16:28
tuxsunsoreau: is there a HOW-TO or FAQ anywhere for Remoter Desktop Viewer?16:28
Likeyes anyway tnx16:29
Guest68544um i have no clue right now but it wont work nd i need it to16:29
colin_ahhhh cool16:29
acicula!wireless > Guest6854416:29
soreautuxsun: I dont know, someone would have to google..16:29
__8472Hi, is here somebody who already tried new Firefox 3.6 on the Karmic Koala? Because I've found some problem when trying installing extensions to Firefox 3.6 from my local computer/desktop. I simply try it like before, drag&drop the extension from desktop/folder to the Add-ons window of Firefox, but it's not accepted. Nothing happens, no installation. But extensions from web site will make the extension install window to appear. Did somebody else have this p16:29
__8472roblem or?16:29
ubottuGuest68544, please see my private message16:29
tuxsunI have a lot of experience with PUTTY and ssh on UNIX and Windows... so I'm not exactly a newbie to this16:29
ZykoticK9Guest68544, "lspci | grep Ethernet" in a terminal will tell you your wireless card's name16:29
oCean___8472: please have some patience before repeating your problem16:29
Guest68544so is anyone going to help me16:29
mmm4m5mHi. I am using firefox (ubuntu)... Just notice that safe browsing (phishing) is enabled by default. Then found this chrome://browser/content/preferences/phishEULA.xhtml - "Google will receive the URLs of pages you visit for evaluation". I do not like it and I disable it. Now I am just wondering why firefox/ubuntu never ask me - agree or not.16:30
soreautuxsun: How I usually set it up is in sys>prefs>remote desktop, configure it to accept connections so I can connect to it from another machine16:30
eremiteoh crap, wrong channel, sorry!16:30
WipsterMauritianGuy, well sofar I am downloading the livecd and mounting and extracting it, then chrooting it and mounting the bits and bobs in there, I am downloading the kernel source from the repos and applying the default config with one modification then recompiling, problem being inserting it into the image and applying the loop-aes module. Its the final part I am falling over16:30
colin_what does autoclean actually do???16:30
cstk421anyone familiar with any distros for PPPOE?16:30
soreautuxsun: Then vino should be running and should allow you to connect. Try restarting the vino service16:30
onetinsoldiercolin_: uninstalls packages that were installed by a program that required them16:31
oCean_colin_: cleans out useless packagefiles in local repository16:31
MauritianGuyman i cant believe u can do all that u must be realy good16:31
aciculacstk421: any distro will be able to do pppoe?16:31
oCean_onetinsoldier: colin_ it's not an uninstall16:31
tuxsunsoreau: good idea, I have not checked the service...16:31
cstk421i know that i am looking for support regarding PPPEO16:31
__8472oCean_: I'm patient. I'm only reacting as I was told in the past by other members here, to repeat my question often16:31
eremiteAnyone know if there's a NATIVE linux app for Veoh?  Its probably one of the best site sout there, but I cant watch videos on it with Linux....I dont think.16:31
aciculacstk421: on ubuntu?16:31
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WipsterMauritianGuy, not good enough, alwasy more to learn16:32
onetinsoldieroCean_: oh.. my bad16:32
colin_yeah based on what tho?16:32
Likeok im upgrading hehe16:32
ge2xhello. I'm trying to install Ubuntu 9.10, but the installaion tells, the cd is faulty. However, it's not - I checked. Also I got a crash report for modprobe. Maybe it is the problem?16:32
colin_time stamps16:32
__8472Hi, is here somebody who already tried new Firefox 3.6 on the Karmic Koala? Because I've found some problem when trying installing extensions to Firefox 3.6 from my local computer/desktop. I simply try it like before, drag&drop the extension from desktop/folder to the Add-ons window of Firefox, but it's not accepted. Nothing happens, no installation. But extensions from web site will make the extension install window to appear. Did somebody else have this p16:32
__8472roblem or?16:32
cstk421the roaring penguin build of PPPOE . havent tried it not sure if it runs on UBUNTU16:32
vaixacicula: hmm none of the ethX or wlanX interfaces exist in /etc/network/interfaces .... any other ideas?16:32
MauritianGuyWipster, u will find the answer i am sure16:32
aciculage2x: how did you check the cd is ok16:32
oCean_onetinsoldier: colin_ "autoremove" at the other hand will remove (e.g. uninstall) packages that were once installed to satisfy dependencies16:32
sipiorcolin_: autoclean is defined precisely in the apt-get man page.16:33
aciculavaix: well these are normally configured through the network applet, via edit connections16:33
onetinsoldieroCean_: roger16:33
ge2xacicula: with the built in checker, when I booted16:33
colin_but not needed anymore right? oCean_16:33
oCean_colin_: indeed16:33
vaixacicula: yeah.....    that is the beauty of OpenSource right.... if you can figure out where it is - you can change/fix it!16:34
aciculage2x: where in the proecss does it fail16:34
colin_yeah i read it i just wanted to know how it determined it sipior16:34
phong_good morning guys16:34
aciculavaix: nm-connection-editor from a console will also let you edit the connection details16:34
cstk421acicula ?16:34
aciculayou can specify any dns fancy stuff there16:34
sipiorcolin_: it tells you how in that paragraph :-)16:34
cstk421acicula: are you familiar with any pppoe setups that you could answer a couple of questions on?16:35
aciculacstk421: yes ubuntu does support pppoe just fine, but so should what ever you are on now , if you have trouble getting it to work its probably just due to a configuration error16:35
halvarso whats the best atm, 32bit vs 64bit ubuntu ??16:35
cstk421i havent tried to use it yet16:35
aciculacstk421: this is an ubuntu support channel16:36
ZykoticK9halvar, basic rule of thumb - if you have more then 4G of memory, go 64bit16:36
aciculait sorta helps if you run ubuntu16:36
twisted_Hi all could any one help me i need to make my icons smaller on jolicloud desktop16:36
__8472Hi, is here somebody who already tried new Firefox 3.6 on the Karmic Koala? Because I've found some problem when trying installing extensions to Firefox 3.6 from my local computer/desktop. I simply try it like before, drag&drop the extension from desktop/folder to the Add-ons window of Firefox, but it's not accepted. Nothing happens, no installation. But extensions from web site will make the extension install window to appear. Did somebody else have this p16:36
__8472roblem or?16:36
diddyVLC get out of sync when I pause and restart a movie.16:36
diddyIs there any way to resync it again?16:36
ZykoticK9!repeat | __847216:36
ubottu__8472: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.16:36
acicula__8472: you installed form the ppa?16:36
JHPrykeHi, i was in here earlier and asked a question about World of Warcraft. Some people asked for more details on the error message. Basicly ive been playing WoW via wine for months. I have just purchased a new 32" tv and now WoW wont load anymore, its not a linux error but a WoW error - The error is as follows16:37
cstk421acicula: if i did decide to go with UBUNTU ... what would be the best build of PPPOE to use with it/16:37
JHPrykeERROR #132 (0x85100084) Fatal Exception16:37
JHPrykeProgram:C:\Program Files\World of Warcraft\Wow.exe16:37
JHPrykeException:0xC0000005 (ACCESS_VIOLATION) at 0073:006194ED16:37
JHPrykeThe instruction at "0x006194ED" referenced memory at "0xFA6CA698".16:37
JHPrykeThe memory could not be "written".16:37
FloodBot1JHPryke: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.16:37
aciculacstk421: there is no best build of pppoe16:37
__8472acicula: no, downloaded the tar.bz2 package directly from mozilla page. as always when some new mozilla product is released.16:37
aciculacstk421: its a protocol16:37
twisted_Hi all could any one help me i need to make my icons smaller on jolicloud desktop16:37
aciculacstk421: from the previous century16:37
cstk421acicula: and what is used in this century?16:37
onetinsoldier!pastebin | JHPryke16:38
ubottuJHPryke: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://ubuntu.pastebin.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic16:38
__8472acicula: no, downloaded the tar.bz2 package directly from mozilla page. as always when some new mozilla product is released.16:38
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ChousukeJHPryke: It might be a bug in WoW or in Wine. I think you should ask the wine devs.16:38
eremiteJHPryke, If you're running World of Warcraft, run your Repair.exe and let it filter through the first portion (I usually do Check Files only). After that, it seems to work fine most of the time.16:38
_raven_can audacity split an audio-file into smaller own files by setting markers?16:39
acicula__8472: stop repeating, also #ubuntu is probably not the best place to ask about software not yet available for the current stable release16:39
acicula_raven_: dunno about markets but i click and audacity splits the files16:39
twisted_Hi all could any one help me i need to make my icons smaller on jolicloud desktop16:39
JHPrykeOk thanks ill try both awnsers16:40
aciculatwisted_: try asking in jolicloud support?16:40
oCean_twisted_: jolicloud is not ubuntu, now is it?16:40
cstk421acicula:what is used in this century?16:40
twisted_sorry.. will do16:40
_raven_acicula, ok but i mean one 60 minute file saving into 10 minute files16:41
acicula_raven_: i dont see why that would be an issue, but best to have a look at the audacity support docs16:41
_raven_acicula, how are you doing it16:42
frostburnother than compiling, what's the best way to get firefox 3.6 for amd64?16:42
Wipster!wireless > MauritianGuy16:42
ubottuMauritianGuy, please see my private message16:42
aciculafrostburn: ppa (google)16:42
ZykoticK9frostburn, https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-mozilla-daily/+archive/ppa16:42
frostburnacicula, ZykoticK9 already checked, it's not in there, only a dummy package16:43
acicula_raven_: i just selected portions of the file and exported those16:43
frostburnits there fore 32bit, but not 6416:43
_raven_acicula, ah i see16:43
aciculafrostburn: then it doesnt exist i guess16:43
_raven_acicula, but i mean something automatic like wavelab does it16:43
acicula_raven_: that i dont know, try the docs or a specific audacity support channel if it exists?16:44
_raven_ok tnx16:45
alex_hi, I need help with changing resolution16:46
colin_use the gui16:46
colin_its in system16:47
boubbin_alex_ what kind of problem?16:47
alex_system -> preferences -> display just tells me to use nvidia-config16:47
alex_I can't set the resolution I want16:47
boubbin_have you tried nvidia-config ?16:48
alex_in nvidia-settings I get the wrong list of available res.16:48
ZykoticK9alex_, use "sudo nvidia-settings" and try saving to Xorg - you'll probably get a Failed to Parse error if your using 9.1016:48
ZykoticK9alex_, s/sudo/gksu16:48
harissounahello all i'm a new linuxian16:48
harissounathank you to help me16:48
alex_ZykoticK9, what do I have to save to xorg?16:49
colin_check to see if you have the right xorg driver16:49
colin_for your nvidia16:49
ZykoticK9!ask | harissouna16:49
ubottuharissouna: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)16:49
tuxsunsoreau: I mispoke... the machines saw each other yesterday before I replaced CentOS with Ubuntu 8.04 LTS on the machine and now they can't see each other. hmmm....16:49
ZykoticK9alex_, there is a button in nvidia-settings for saving to xorg file -- if you don't when you reboot your changes will be lost16:49
alex_ZykoticK9, I get Failed to parse existing X config file '/etc/X11/xorg.conf'!16:50
alex_yes ZykoticK9, see what I wrote above :p16:50
ZykoticK9alex_, http://paste.ubuntu.com/360761/16:50
grappleanyone here good with permissions?16:50
MauritianGuylooks like everyone gets graphic card issue hmmm16:50
aciculajust ask grapple16:50
grapplegot an ubuntu 9.10 server with 20 users. i need for the instructor, who has sudo access to be able to create a file and copy it into everyone home dir and for all those users to have rwx access. i also created a group called prog and all these users as well as the instructor are in that group16:52
MauritianGuymaybe ibuclaw  can help u grapple16:52
alex_ok ZykoticK9, now I restart xorg? or do I try to add modelines to my new xorg.conf?16:52
ZykoticK9alex_, i wouldn't try adding modelines if i where you -- let the driver to the heavy lifting for you!16:53
alex_I have the modelines, so I might as well add them now16:53
grappleif i create a file as they instructor, even one with 777 perms on it, the others still cannot write to it16:53
alex_ZykoticK9, so do Y just restart and see if it works?16:53
alex_do I^16:53
ZykoticK9alex_, sure16:53
aciculagrapple: is it in a directory that is accessible?16:53
alex_k see you :D16:53
Fragipanihello, could anyone help me with the alsamixer in gnome?16:54
MauritianGuyi am going to bet people16:54
grappleacicula... yes... the instructor creates a file in his home dir and then copies it top all the students home dir, but they dont have write perms even though the instructor makes the file 77716:54
Fragipanialsamixer is working fine, but I can't adjust it with the panel16:55
onetinsoldieroops. how do you get info?16:56
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onetinsoldier!info gnome-alsamixer16:56
ubottugnome-alsamixer (source: gnome-alsamixer): ALSA sound mixer for GNOME. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.7~cvs.20060916.ds.1-2 (karmic), package size 52 kB, installed size 588 kB16:56
alex_ZykoticK9, now my only resolutions are 640x480 and 300x20016:56
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aciculagrapple: whats the permission after he copies the file16:56
ZykoticK9alex_, are you using the nvidia driver provided by Ubuntu? or direct from Nvidia?16:56
alex_I installed it with synaptic16:57
alex_I found the problem, I think16:57
ZykoticK9alex_, perhaps you'll need to manually add the modelines (is this an old monitor or something?)16:57
alex_    VertRefresh     43.0 - 72.016:57
Elmer_Studhey guys16:57
alex_ZykoticK9, seems like horizsync and vertrefresh areincorrect16:58
alex_in the new xorg.conf16:58
Pici!es | epii16:58
ubottuepii: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.16:58
ZykoticK9alex_, just be careful you're adding the correct values - you can fry you monitor by adding incorrect values to xorg like this...16:58
epiiq ya lo seee16:58
tuxsungrapple: chgrp the file to users  and chmod the file to 775 ...  at 777 it should work no matter the user or group16:59
epiimb pesaaoo16:59
alex_ZykoticK9, I'll just add the modelines I was using before with gentoo16:59
MauritianGuycheerz people16:59
MauritianGuyhave a great day16:59
brandonban6Does anyone have a command to look up kernel version?17:00
Picibrandonban6: uname -a17:00
mcphargus_uname -a17:00
cshadowrun_Has anyone got ubuntu working with Vodafone TopUp and Go (UK) ?17:01
cshadowrun_Mine won't connect, i've tried everything :(17:02
Daughaingrowls softly as he hears the step of the Free when Daughain enters the Inn.17:02
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DaughainCan someo9ne telk me how to get network toolss to turn ON my wlan0?17:03
Daughainlooks over to the door, whiskers twitching at the abject form of the slave.17:03
Daughaineyes khannedy as they enter the doorway then lays his head back down as he recognizes the step of slave.17:03
Daughainwatches YeTr2 warily as they enter the Inn, ears flattening back slightly.17:03
Daughaineyes steffan as they enter the doorway then lays his head back down as he recognizes the step of slave.17:03
FloodBot1Daughain: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.17:03
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frostburnwhen you ssh into an ubuntu system, you get all sorts of system stats... where does one configure that?  I didn't see it in /etc/bash.bashrc nor in /etc/ssh/sshd_config17:03
ZykoticK9frostburn, /etc/motd17:04
frostburnZykoticK9, ahh gotcha17:05
DaughainLemme try this again....Can some9one help me get my otyher system back online?17:05
PyroPheliadoes anybody know of any sites that give advanced tutorials on mdadm?17:06
ZiberIf I set the uid bit on a file, to run it as root, and set the group as a non-root user, and set g+x, why do i get permission denied when running it from the non-root account?17:08
ZykoticK9Ziber, does group also have read as well as execute?17:08
ZiberZykoticK9: it needs read?17:09
* Ziber tries this17:09
ZykoticK9Ziber, you can't execute what you can't read17:09
sognigrandiosisalve a tutti17:11
brandonban6thanks Pici17:12
nubuntuhey can any1 tell me how to make vlc work in nubutnu17:12
sognigrandiosiqualcuno mi dà una mano....17:13
sognigrandiosimi servono informazioni17:13
phahey people - I would really appreciate it if someone could help me with this issue...    I was using my laptop as a spare server, but decided to install desktop on it... so Installed FreeNX on it so I can access it from outside.17:14
sriramomanhello guys17:14
phaI changed the ssh port, and it has always worked and let me connect to the server, (and when I change ssh port back to 22, it allows me to connect).17:14
phaI changed the config (node.conf) to sshd_port=newport - and rebooted NX, but still having the problem connecting.17:15
phaAny ideas?17:15
NarbeHi can't Lock my Screen, (using 9.10) even i can't run ScreenSaver.17:15
NarbeHwhat's the problem?17:15
rwengsomeone ever seen something like this when doing ls -lah authorized_keys17:16
rweng?????????? ? ? ? ?                ? authorized_keys17:16
rwengcant even run chown as root17:16
ZiberWhat do I put at the end of a command to remove output?17:16
NarbeHi can't Lock my Screen, (using 9.10) even i can't run ScreenSaver.17:16
ZykoticK9Ziber, "... 2>/dev/null"17:16
ZiberZykoticK9: thanks17:16
brandonban6pha, forgive me if I am asking the obvious, but have your forwarded the new port or made an exception in your router/firewall?17:16
ZykoticK9Ziber, it might actually be "... 2 > /dev/null"17:17
NarbeHi can't Lock my Screen, (using 9.10) even i can't run ScreenSaver.17:17
ZykoticK9!repeat | NarbeH17:17
ubottuNarbeH: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.17:17
phabrandonban6, lol - no I would have asked the same thing - yeah, I completely disabled the firewall, and I forwarded the port on the router.17:17
dsearleZykoticK9: I don't think spacing matters17:18
phawas one of the first trouble shooting methods I did...17:18
phaI have been trying to google an answer, but can't find anything that helps.17:18
JZAhi I got issues installing and post-configuring postgresql in ubuntu17:18
phapeople who have ran into the same problem as me, but there's no "real" solution for it from what I can see...17:18
JZAthe #postgresql people told me to get the documentation from the ubuntu repo in the hope of bieng tweaked for the distro17:18
JZAhowever the documentation is the same as in the website and all the paths seems to be messed up17:19
sipiorZiber: if you're looking to get everything (stdout and stderr), try "...&> /dev/null" (assuming bash, if course)17:19
JZAcan anyone here help me out17:19
brandonban6pha, yeah it does seem strange... I like ssh cause it just works if the gates are open! You can ping the machine right?17:19
ubuntuG13what key would control autologin in gconf-editor?17:19
CAPcaphow do i check what my IP is?17:19
rwenganybody here who can explain this? http://pastie.org/79002117:19
ZykoticK9CAPcap, ifconfig17:20
brandonban6CAPcap, ifconfig17:20
brandonban6ahhh ZykoticK9 beat me :P17:20
NarbeHwhy i can't lock my screen?17:20
CAPcapis there a way to check the IP addresses of all the computers on my home network?17:20
phabrandon-, yeah, everything seems to be fine - I can connect to it when I change the ssh port ... I just can't connect to the desktop using the new port.17:20
phasorry, brandonban6*17:20
ubuntuG13what key do I have to modify to turn off autologin in gconf2-tool from ssh?17:21
brandonban6pha, that is strange, sorry wish I had some more ideas for you.17:21
phabrandonban6, no problem mate, thank-you for your input... I really appreciate it.17:21
dsearleCAPcap: you could use nmap to do a ping scan nmap -sP
brandonban6CAPcap, I like to use Nmap17:21
CAPcapwhat do i type in to do that?17:22
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brandonban6CAPcap, you need to install it (google it) and then use dsearle's command.17:22
ubuntuG13CAPcap GOOGLE17:22
ZykoticK9ubuntuG13, i have no idea on the gconf key but couldn't you ssh with X forwarding and use "gksu gdmsetup"?17:22
CAPcapmreh i'll just do it by checking the other computers by hand =P17:23
CAPcapthanks tho :)17:23
PiciCAPcap: sudo apt-get install nmap17:23
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ubuntuG13I turned on autologin but the filesystem if encrypted (done at install remember: require password to login and decrypt home dir) well if you set it to autologin after that you can't login cause you can't decrypt the home dir :-)17:24
aciculaCAPcap: open a browser and type www.whatismyip.com, or if you want to see your local ip type ifconfig in a console, note that these are not necessarily the same17:24
pwnedulongtimehow would I go about debugging a slow boot time on karmic?17:24
pwnedulongtimeare there tools for that?17:24
aciculapwnedulongtime: there is a boot time profilere yes17:24
ubuntuG13I am ssh in to the box but I need to know the key to change to turn off autologin17:24
pwnedulongtimeacicula, what's it called?17:25
ubuntuG13gconf2-tool key17:25
aciculapwnedulongtime: dunno, should be easy to find via google, phoronix.org uses it to analyze distros17:25
CAPcapreally guys im fine now, i was just trying to set up my printer. im good thanks for all ur help17:25
ubuntuG13thats a huge bug17:25
ubuntuG13ANYONE THERE?17:25
alteregoaubuntu is full of it17:26
ubuntuG13yeah but it works well17:26
ubuntuG13what is the login application ubuntu uses ? GDM?17:26
alteregoaubuntuG13: because this configuration files crap of linux17:26
rferreirahey fellas, is there any way to set pulseaudio to use a null device?17:27
dsearleubuntuG13: by default GDM yes17:27
alteregoaubuntuG13: it should be like windows, a single file, with a registry17:27
rferreiraI'm having problems with pulseaudio and flash on a server without a sound card17:27
ubuntuG13alteregoa yeah so it promotes corruption?17:27
ZykoticK9alteregoa, NO IT SHOUDN'T17:27
ubuntuG13GREAT IDEA17:27
acicula!offtopic | ubuntuG13 ,ZykoticK9 ,alteregoa17:27
ubottuubuntuG13 ,ZykoticK9 ,alteregoa: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!17:27
alteregoaZykoticK9: yes it should, because you can set the rights to every key17:27
NichodOk. I for the life of me can't get flash player to work with everything.17:28
NichodIt will work with embedded videos.17:28
NichodBut not hulu.17:28
alteregoaZykoticK9: just because microsoft invented that very good system it has not to be bad.17:28
NichodOr it will load and not play.17:29
ZykoticK9!offtopic | alteregoa17:29
ubottualteregoa: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!17:29
ubuntuG13I need to know how to turn off autologin from ssh with gconf2-tool cause there is a bug in 9.10 where if you set encryption during install then put autologin on afterwards you can not login because it can not decrypt home directory17:29
alteregoa10'000 config files across the harddisk, whatever think what you want17:29
ubuntuG13I am no offtopic these other idiots are I am just trying to help out a buddy17:29
sipioralteregoa: this isn't really a channel for discussing systems architecture.17:29
alteregoasipior: yeah, its to archaic to talk about new stuff here17:30
ubuntuG13shut up and let people who need help get it17:30
aciculaalteregoa: please stop trolling the channel17:30
sipioralteregoa: i don't see you talking about anything new. let's move along.17:30
PiciubuntuG13: Please be civil. This is a support channel, not a discussion channel.17:30
ubuntuG13I need to know how to turn off autologin from ssh with gconf2-tool cause there is a bug in 9.10 where if you set encryption during install then put autologin on afterwards you can not login because it can not decrypt home directory17:30
ubuntuG13thus you can not login to your machine17:31
heavensHi, I want to instll a sato label printer on ubuntu, the sato people says the drivers can only be installed on windows? Any help? I am a really beginner!17:31
alteregoai just want to help making things better, but its hard to argue with stoistics17:31
conb123Hiya, i'm attempting to install some gnome-do plugins but it says that it requires a package called libevolution5.0-cli, does anyone know what happened to this package?17:31
TopKatzhello - were does ubuntu instll the mysql server binarys?  trying to install jasper reports and it wants to know were they are17:31
ubuntuG13heavens you can probably use the printer through vmware/virtualbox or possibly with some Mac OS X drivers or there may even be generic open source drivers somewhere17:31
aciculaalteregoa: please stop trolling the channel, take it to offtopic17:32
ZykoticK9ubuntuG13, see http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1309143 it's in /etc/gdm/custom.conf17:32
ubuntuG13thank you17:32
Piciacicula: Trolling isn't allowed in offtopic either.17:32
llutzTopKatz: dpkg -L mysql-server|grep bin17:32
aciculaPici: touche ;)17:32
NichodAny help or suggestions for my flash issue?17:33
skritehey all, i have been tasked with building an embedded computer with ubuntu minimal, it has to have no moving parts, and use a compact flash as the hard drive, anyone recommend a good one?17:33
JonFromCanadaQuick Ubuntu question: I am missing the shutdown/logout/username icon [on the top right corner]. How do I get it restored?17:34
TopKatzlooks like usr/bin17:34
aciculaJonFromCanada: right click the panel and readd the widget?17:34
conb123Hiya is there any way to use apt-get install with an option that ignores unmet dependencies?17:34
aciculaJonFromCanada: Add to panel17:34
JonFromCanadaacicula: It is not listed in that menu.17:34
heavensubuntuG13, Thanks, I don't really understand right now but Ill have a look on that17:34
NichodI have uninstalled flash-installer. manually downloaded flash for 64bit ubuntu 9.10, extracted and placed into the appropriate folders (plugins, addons, etc.)17:34
ubuntuG13heavens what kind of printer is it model wise?17:34
aciculaJonFromCanada: its called the indicator applet17:35
aciculaJonFromCanada: indicator applet session even17:35
ubuntuG13hey check this out heavens actually you can install it on an XP machine or some machine you can get it to work with and then maybe share the printer to the linux machine17:35
aciculaNichod: whats the appropriate folder you put it in?17:35
rferreiradoes anyone know of a null driver for pulseaudio?17:35
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acicularferreira: you mean one that redirects pulseuadio to null?17:36
heavensubuntu G13 it is a label barcoding printer17:36
deanhey, whats the best thing to use if you want to encode an avi into a dvd?17:36
rferreiraacicula: yep17:36
JonFromCanadaacicula: The indicator applet only gives me my Empathy mail, no username in the corner, and I already have it in the top right.17:36
heavensubuntuG13 it is a label barcoding printer17:36
joinetI need some help to bild my Ati readon x200 series on my laptop toshiba17:36
acicularferreira:  pulse-daemon.conf ? id venture it has a null sink17:37
ubuntuG13whats the manufacturer and model17:37
rferreiraacicula: hmmm17:37
aciculaJonFromCanada: the indicator-applet widget or the indicator-applet-session widget ?17:37
heavensubuntu G13 is a sato x40017:37
tobiasz_is there any hope for non sucky flashplayer soon?17:37
joinetwiki.org may be get some help?17:38
JonFromCanadaacicula: I only have "indicator applet", no session.17:38
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conb123Ok why won't my rhythmbox play mp3's, i checked synaptic and all the gstreamer packages are already installed, i clicked search when rhythmbox told me there is no decoder for mp3's but it didn't find anything17:38
Guest85307problem on wireless, help me !17:38
Nichodacicula: i placed it in the firefox plugins folders17:38
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enochhi all17:38
dsearleJonFromCanada: The widget you may be looking for is called "User Switcher"17:38
enochia have a problem with Network Manager, it says that my wifi is not enabled17:39
ganymedehello, i'm using ubuntu 9.10. given complete sudo privileges, can i log into the session of another user who has selected "switch user" or "lock session" and shows up as logged in on gdm? i need to shut this machine down for maintenance but i'd like to check first whether they have anything important left open, and they are not around right now17:39
enochand i cannot enable it17:39
yoproblem on realtek17:39
JonFromCanadadsearle: User switcher prints the full name and allows you to switch users. What I am looking for is the icon that comes at the VERY top right, it displays your user name, and when clicking it, you can choose different shutdown options, etc.17:39
aciculaJonFromCanada: try apt-get install indicator-applet-session , log out and back in and then try adding it via the same way17:39
enochin the logs the last lines says; wlan0 supplicant manager state; down > idle17:40
enochwhat can i do?17:40
jellowganymede: Run who to see who is logged in and top or htop to see whats going on17:40
heavensubuntuG13 is a sato x400 printer17:40
Travis-42I'm having problems using postfix. Some emails seem to not get sent by postfix, but they also don't show up in the postfix log (even with -v for verbose turned on). Could it still be a postfix problem, or is it more likely whatever is trying to send to postfix?17:40
JonFromCanadaacicula: Ahh hell. That'd do it. I had a very random problem where my GNOME got destroyed [don't ask me how], so my friend had to completely nuke gdm and anything that depended upon gdm. I suppose some packages were left behind when we re-installed them.17:40
JonFromCanadaacicula: I'll be back, logging.17:41
Nichodsigh. flash worked perfectly fine in 9.04 :(17:41
ganymedejellow, but that doesn't tell me everything. suppose i see "gedit" in ps aux, i still can't tell whether the user has unsaved files open17:41
hwildeganymede, lsof will show you all the open file pointers on the system17:42
tobiaszany hope for flashplayer which isn't eating up to 90% cpu17:42
arandNichod: which folder? should be ~/.mozilla/plugins/libflashplayer.so ..17:43
JonFromCanadaBack. Still one small issue but I do not recall the user of the person helping me.17:43
dsearleJonFromCanada: acicula was helping you17:44
JonFromCanadaI need to put something in the very top right of the GNOME UI panel, beside the clock, but I don't know how to move anything past the separator17:44
fommil_I have a Tomcat server running on Ubuntu Hardy that has a WebDAV folder set up over SSL/HTTPS. I can access the directory from an OS X client no problem. However, when I try to connect to the directory from an Ubuntu Jaunty client, Nautilus gives up and says "not authenticated". Anyone else able to get WebDAV/Nautilus working?17:45
JonFromCanadaAnyone know how to move a widget to that area?17:45
arandNichod: Ah, just saw earlier msgs, so flash is working but poorly... Don17:45
JoeSomebodyhi i am doing an update and i am asked about samba, it says keep the local version currently installed , etc etc17:45
arandNichod: ..'t know what to do about that..17:45
Flare-Laptopfommil_: Yeah, but like its harder to do17:45
JoeSomebodyinstall the package maintainers version means?17:45
ubuntuG13Is there a reason why Samba Shares stopped working in 9.10?17:45
JoeSomebodyubuntus latest?17:45
Flare-LaptopJoeSomebody: Yes17:45
fommil_Flare-Laptop: ?17:45
Flare-Laptopfommil_: like WebDAV is evil to Nautilus you have to add something special for it work17:46
arandJoeSomebody: If you have any own specific configurations they might be overwritten in that case17:46
JoeSomebodyi assume its  best to do  "install the package maintainers version"?17:46
Flare-Laptopidk remember exactly what tho17:46
JonFromCanadaacicula: I need to put that new widget into the top right now, the issue is it is stopped at the separator before wifi battery sound clock, etc. How do I move a widget to this area?17:46
fommil_Flare-Laptop: right17:46
Flare-Laptopfommil_: Let me look it up :)17:46
dsearleJoeSomebody: Unless you have edited the samba config manually17:46
fommil_Flare-Laptop: that would be helpful, I've tried but failed17:47
arandJonFromCanada: if you don't have any specific settings there you know of, yes install the "maintainer's"17:47
ubuntuG13is there any certain reason why samba doesn't work right in 9.10?17:47
jellowJonFromCanada: you need to unlock it -> Right click On seperator > Uncheck "Lock to panel"17:47
JoeSomebodydsearle, i have17:47
JonFromCanadaacicula: I'm an idiot. Got it. Thanks.17:47
JoeSomebodyi'll have to copy it off17:47
JonFromCanadalol jellow I know I just realised. haha.17:48
JoeSomebodywhere is that file again? :)17:48
Flare-Laptopfommil_: Like I've got a "Secure WebDAV" option on my server's GUI, and I know it works. So let me find out how I got that to work again :)17:48
ZykoticK9JonFromCanada, right click on the separator and uncheck "lock to panel", move your new applet where you want it - then you could relock it if you wanted17:48
dsearleJoeSomebody: Well i would select the "keep current version"17:48
dsearleJoeSomebody: I believe /etc/samba/smb.conf17:48
PiciubuntuG13: Perhaps if you explain to everyone what isn't working exactly, then there will be a suggestion.  Its working fine for me on my installs.17:48
JoeSomebodyi am usually a latest version kind of guy17:48
ubuntuG13after I install Ubuntu 9.10 on Desktop and Laptop and install samba and smbfs they say Cant open Windows Share and also nautilus pops up a dbus message saying the folders/shares are already mounted, I can view the shares but not connect17:50
heavensubuntuG13 I am on a laptop, I ve got power failure and battery is finish, Im not quite sure if you are still with me. I ust found virtual bon, I will try that. Thanks again17:50
conb123Why won't mp3's play in ubuntu karmic, i install restricted extras and it wont find any plugins when it tries to search for them.17:50
JoeSomebodyso i have saved the bottom section, iirc that is the only part i need to write back?17:50
ganymedehwilde, man...that is quite a bit of output to weed through. i think i'll just...wait until they get back17:51
ZykoticK9conb123, have you tried playing MP3s with something other then Rhythmbox?17:51
JoeSomebodyshould i close all other programs like this one  while updating? (i usually do)17:51
hwildeganymede, you should be able to grep for somethin17:51
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conb123ZykoticK9: Well yeah i tried it in the movie player as well, totem i think it's called17:51
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CAPcapconb123 ive have you restarted rhythmbox since u installed the extras?17:52
ubuntuG13heavens the best way is to probably use VirtualBox install XP get it working in there then share to Ubuntu17:52
dsearleJoeSomebody: Would be a wise idea17:52
hwildeganymede, lsof | grep theirusername17:52
tobiaszany hope for flashplayer which isn't eating up to 90% cpu?17:52
JoeSomebodyok thanks17:52
ubuntuG13after I install Ubuntu 9.10 on Desktop and Laptop and install samba and smbfs they say Cant open Windows Share and also nautilus pops up a dbus message saying the folders/shares are already mounted, I can view the shares but not connect17:52
conb123CAPcap: Yup17:52
dsearleJoeSomebody: Usaully not much of a problem17:52
CAPcapconb123 how about ur computer?17:52
heavensI will try, Hope to get there17:52
JoeSomebodyok, later :017:52
dsearleJoeSomebody: but its "recomended" ;)17:52
aspirohi ^^'17:52
ganymedehwilde, but there's still a question of whether that is revealing everything...maybe they're in the middle of typing up an email in a webmail interface and it hasn't saved a draft...etc, it's still most preferable to actually log into their session17:53
conb123CAPcap: Well no would i really have to do that?17:53
hwildeganymede, run "top" and see if there are any active processes with their username17:53
arandtobiasz: gnash, maybe... You'd have to whine at adobe for that, which don't seem to care much for gnu/linux-flash17:53
CAPcapconb123 not usually, but ive had problems with rhythmbox too that are now gone... couldnt play m4a files but they play now and all i can remember doing was rebooting. it never hurts realy17:54
ganymedehwilde, but there is still a difference between a running process and an application with unsaved data17:54
Flare-Laptopfommil_: Like I can't find it :(17:55
fommil_Flare-Laptop: like, thanks17:55
conb123CAPcap: Right ok then, I just tried vlc as well, it started playing but there was no sound17:55
Flare-Laptopfommil_: lol Nice :P17:55
NoobUserA stubborn DVD won't eject. How do I force it to eject?17:55
Flare-LaptopNoobUser: sudo umount /dev/dvd117:56
fommil_Flare-Laptop: that's pretty crazy that SSL WebDAV isn't supported out of the box17:56
jellowNoobUser: eject -t17:56
CAPcapconb123 thats beyond me sorry. :\ just post ur questions again17:56
Flare-Laptopfommil_: Well I know its possible so yeah17:56
NoobUserjellow: Not working.17:56
madcat1990I am needing help with ubuntu server and network bridging, all tutorials online either don't work with me or make both connections not work17:56
CAPcapNoobUser, right click it on ur desktop and unmount it if that option is available17:56
NoobUserFlare-Laptop: It's not mounted.17:56
NoobUserCAPcap: It's not mounted.17:57
Flare-LaptopNoobUser: oh ok17:57
=== sean is now known as Guest87509
noeccI have the following in /etc/ufw/user.rules17:57
noecc### tuple ### deny any any any
noecc-A ufw-user-input -s -j DROP17:57
chipgerihow to install vlc player?17:57
icerootchipgeri: sudo apt-get install vlc17:58
madcat1990@chipgeri : open a terminal and type "sudo apt-get install vlc"17:58
jellowNoobUser: No idea , eject -t should work - Reboot?17:58
noeccyet was able to get to a login screen on the web site.17:58
NoobUserjellow: I'd rather not reboot.17:58
madcat1990can someone help me with my network bridge? =/17:58
noeccany ideas how?17:58
NoobUserjellow: That's a Windoze solution.17:58
octaveoushi all, i am looking for a good tutorial for setting up an online installation server. I have been googling around for quite a bit now but no success :(. any help would be appreciated17:58
balatell me how to install vlc???17:59
CAPcapNoobUser, how about a pry bar and a hammer? that should get it out in a jiffy17:59
octaveoussudo aptitude install vlc17:59
NoobUserCAPcap: This channel is full of unhelpful people.18:00
icerootbala: sudo apt-get install vlc18:00
hwildeNoobUser, what is your major malfunction18:00
octaveoushi all, i am looking for a good tutorial for setting up an online installation server. I have been googling around for quite a bit now but no success :(. any help would be appreciated18:00
jellowNoobUser: Have a look at "man eject" Might be something =/18:00
NoobUserhwilde: eject reports no output and doesn't work18:00
switchgirlhow to sync my alcatel ot-708 with ubuntu?18:01
=== Mowee`Bnc is now known as Mowee
hwildeNoobUser, sudo eject -v -d -i 018:02
ZiberA box that I have has 22mb free of physical RAM, but has ~2G of swap. if physical RAM runs out, will I notice?18:04
hwildeZiber, writing to swap is using your harddrive, which is theoretically slower read/write than ram18:04
actionparsnipYo yo yo18:04
* Ziber nods... 18:05
Zibernoticably slower?18:05
icerootZiber: yes18:05
hwildeZiber, the slow down will be the amount of data in swap divided by the difference in readwrite speed between ram and your harddrive18:05
muep__Ziber: often Linux uses all the available RAM for caching the hard disks, to make file reads faster. It can instantly free this cache memory for applications, though, when the require it18:05
nitrate_octaveous, do you mean something along this article ? http://bit.ly/2kZfXA18:06
aciculaZiber: free -m reports the total mem in use and the mem acutally used after subtracting buffered stuff18:06
Ziberacicula: yeah, thats how i saw that is has very little physical ram left.18:06
Ziber*it has18:06
hwildeZiber, it is worth noting linux will use as much ram as possible to try to make things fast, it doesn't necessarily mean you are out of memory18:06
actionparsnipZiber: unused ram is wasted ram18:07
hwildeZiber, for example, try opening a bunch of applications, and run that command again18:07
aciculaZiber: thats normal, look in the free column ,the 2e value is the real fre memory for applications18:07
=== matt64- is now known as erle-
hwildeit will have shifted memory from cache and buffers into use18:07
Ziberie, on a VM i'm running, i have 2mb of physical ram (only gave it 128mb), but 2G of swap.18:07
actionparsnipZiber: you can instruct the system to drop the cache but it will rebuild soon. It will let you see the ral used ram for actual apps though18:08
Ziberwell, as long as it wont run out of mem and like crash or something, im fine.18:08
ubuntuG13I followed this tut to get samba going and it wont let me connect: http://www.jonathanmoeller.com/screed/?p=116818:09
ubuntuG13I tried to share the Public folder in the home Dir18:09
actionparsnipZiber: totally, the kernel is smart and will sort it out for you based on what it has to play with18:09
aciculaZiber: your actual mem is backed by swap, so its almost always dettrimental to assign very little memory and much hd swap to a vm18:09
ubuntuG13I edited my smb.conf so the home dir would be available18:09
PyroPheliais it possible to see every ip that a user has ever had?18:09
Ziberacicula: its a bad idea to give 2G of hd swap and 128mb RAM? why?18:10
actionparsnipUbuntug13: nautilus can share folders for you (if you use it)18:10
* alteregoa eats a karmic banana18:10
aciculaZiber: say you have 4GB of actual mem, and start 10 VMS wit 128MB mem and the rest HD swap18:10
ubuntuG13yes I know it wasnt working I can share between ubuntu now but not Windows VM18:10
aciculaZiber: it will lead to extensive hd swapping while you still have plenty of mem left18:10
hwildeZiber, ram is faster than swap.  that is the only point here18:10
actionparsnipPyrophelia: users don't get ip addresses, hostnames do18:10
aciculayour OS will back real mem with swap when necessary18:10
Ziberwell, the physical box only has 256mb of RAM to begin with.18:10
aciculaZiber: ah, then why virtualize on that?18:11
alteregoaget 2gb18:11
alteregoawith 2gb ubuntu runs smoothly18:11
Ziberits an old laptop that my dad was going to trash. and its all i have to play with18:11
actionparsnipZiber: you can set swappiness lower to reduce swapping by the kernel. But 2gb for 128mb ram is a lot18:11
colin_does anyone know the java irc18:11
colin_like the freenode server18:12
aciculafair enough, its  gonna be slow though, lots of swapping on laptop hd's , well :/18:12
actionparsnipColin_: try #java18:12
alteregoayou can set swap in your video memory18:12
chewbrancaI just installed ubuntu on my macbook and I wanted to say I am amazingly impressed with how well it installed18:12
chewbrancaeverything is working perfectly, audio video sleep hibernate wireless even the touchpad18:12
hwildechewbranca, make a backup image before you jinx it18:13
chewbrancahwilde, hahaha18:13
PyroPheliaactionparsnip, I've setup a private login for a client and I want to know if they have tried to login yet18:13
actionparsnipchewbranca: +1 to hwilde. Get partimage on the case ;)18:13
chewbrancahwilde, already backed up osx on there, but it was just a base install, only thing I had to configure was the touchpad18:14
CAPcapI havent had any real problems either chewbranca but im running a dell laptop. only thing that doesnt work is hibernate but this is an old model that couldnt hibernate back when it was windows so thats not surprising18:14
militantkinda having an issue.  always before, my bit torrent clients (transmission, deluged) ran fine.  now they're eating a ton of cpu and lagging up the whole machine including GUI really bad.  would there be any way to find out what they're doing?18:14
PyroPheliaactionparsnip, I would like to be able to see the IPs of seccessful and attempts of logins if there is a way18:14
chewbrancaunfortunately my backup drive is much smaller than my laptop drive so I don't have room to do extra backups right now18:14
actionparsnipPyrophelia: if its a basic user logon there are logs foe that so you can see when a user logged on etc18:14
hwildePyroPhelia, /var/log/auth.log18:14
aciculamilitant: heavy disk activity, many torrents or large amount of connections?18:15
Ziberi really should install ubuntu 9.04 on my other box (which i used to use as a windows xp pro desktop) which has 2gb of ram18:15
chewbrancaCAPcap, nice, yeah its working surprisingly well for me18:15
llutzPyroPhelia: last "user"18:15
actionparsnipPyrophelia: not sure what granularity they use though. Maybe it needs adding18:15
crom09i want to access a folder in my ubuntu desktop from my xp laptop, can anybody help me?18:15
hwilde!samba > crom0918:16
actionparsnipZiber: if it suits the requirement of the system, go for it18:16
ubottucrom09, please see my private message18:16
chewbrancathis is a 1st gen macbook, so not the strongest of components, so I'm going to throw on awesome wm or xmonad to make it even faster18:16
militantacicula, i'm thinking disk activity, preallocating space and so on.  deluged hung so bad i couldn't kill it except by rebooting, stayed that way for an hour... transmission came out of it mostly now18:16
aciculamilitant: got many torrents open/seeding?18:16
actionparsnipZiber: if the xp is running fine, why fix what isn't broken ;)18:16
crom09ok, I installed the samba thing, and shared the folder, but i don't know how to see it from my xp laptop18:16
militantjust one18:16
aciculamilitant: if you pause the torrent does the problem go away?18:17
hwildecrom09, http://www.techotopia.com/index.php/Sharing_Ubuntu_Linux_Folders_with_Remote_Windows_Systems18:17
chewbrancacrom09, probably not in the same workgroup, check the whole 'windows network'18:17
actionparsnipCrom09: read the factoid fully18:17
JJRhi all18:17
chewbrancacrom09, or just connect directly, that usually works a lot easier18:17
crom09ok, going to read that18:17
aciculamilitant: in that case it may just be making to much connections, reducint the total allowed connection count may help18:17
hwildecrom09, there is actually a youtube video as well if you search  "How-to: File sharing with Ubuntu using Samba"18:17
chewbrancacrom09, hit connect to server and type the ip address :D18:17
crom09ok thx, i'll see these things and ask agian if i still have problems18:18
militanthmmm.  it's mostly come out of it.  weird that they both ran into issues though, and only lately.18:18
JJRanyone willing to help me setting up my graphic card properly..??18:18
brandonban6JJR, I think lots of ppl are willing... what the issue?18:18
actionparsnipJjr: sudo lshw -C display :will tell you what it is18:19
actionparsnipJjr: you can use the product line to find guides.18:19
JJRit a intell 4500m18:19
JJRwell i tried a couple of guids w/o any luck18:19
actionparsnipJjr: you may have to form an xorg.conf file to get it nice. Usually intel vga things just pickup ok18:20
hwildeJJR, what is not configured correctly about your graphics card ?18:21
JJRyep that is the problem how to set it up correctly18:21
hwildeJJR, you have no graphics ?18:22
JJRiv got nothing under device in x11.conf18:22
aciculaJJR: what have you done to set it up? whats is the problem and what are you trying to achieve?18:22
JJRin x11.org under "section device" it says Configured Video Device"18:22
aciculaJJR: and can you type in a console glxinfo | grep dri18:22
hwildeJJR, do you have a graphical display, yes or no18:23
JJRunder monitor ---->Configured Monitor18:23
actionparsnipJjr: try installing the xorg edgers ppa and upgrading. May help18:23
JJRglxinfo currently not installed18:23
actionparsnipJjr: what release are you using? I just read a laptop eiki for a lenovo lappy with the same chip and reportes it worked for with karmic18:24
actionparsnip!hi | mplabs18:24
ubottumplabs: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!18:24
bubuub /server libres.irc-hispano.org18:24
JJRaser aspire 5738z18:24
jamiehid3, I have an Ipod touch , and I need a way to sync and add music in ubuntu.18:25
mplabsI have a problem with my webcam, the image is inverted (180 degrees rotated). Any idea ?18:25
aciculaactionparsnip: it does, im on a gma4500 laptop here, supports been rocking for karmic18:25
actionparsnipJjr: what is the output of: lsb_release -c18:25
brandonban6mplabs, what application does this occur in?18:25
JJRcode name interupid18:25
drewbyhow can I record the audio output18:26
actionparsnipAcicula: nice. I avoid intel's vga personally18:26
JJRCodename:       intrepid18:26
drewbyI could do it in 8.10 by playing with volume controls,  can't figure it out anymore though I still agree volume controls are much better18:26
aciculaactionparsnip: well from the bunch the 4500 isnt to bad18:26
mplabsdoesn't matter the application, in all applications the same :S18:26
m33cfwmy firefox starts automatically on startup.which i don't want but its not listed in startup applications18:26
=== Mowee is now known as Mowee`Bnc
actionparsnipJjr: try adding the xorg edgers ppa. It may. Help. Or install karmic18:27
DanaGhmm, anyone know how to encrypt home on an already-installed system?18:27
jamieHow do I sync my Ipod touch in linux, and add music?18:27
Topy44does anyone know where exactly the look of the window list applet buttons gets defined?18:27
actionparsnip!ipod | jamie18:27
ubottujamie: For information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - For the iPhone and the iPod Touch, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod18:27
jamieThanks action.18:27
Topy44also used as titlebar by the window picker applet18:27
JJRhow to do that how to add edger ppa...?18:27
soreaum33cfw: Which DE?18:27
mplabsis there an appication to control webcam's effects ?18:28
actionparsnipJjr: I can't websearch for you too well on my g1 phone. It will appear if you look18:28
JJRok thanks i will try uncle google18:28
CAPcapI'm having problems installing Google Chrome have a popup that says "The package might be corrupted or you are not allowed to open the file. Check the permissions of the file."18:28
soreauDanaG: My guess would be to create a partition with encrypted file system, cp everything from home to it, then make a symlink18:29
skriteCAPcap, how are you trying to install?18:29
DanaGoh heck, if I were going to do that, I'd just reinstall.18:29
CAPcapI downloaded it from Google's website and am letting the package installer do the work...18:29
DanaGIs there any easier way?18:30
DanaGI don't actually have very much data on the thing right now.'18:30
JJRso how do i install glx package18:30
actionparsnipCapcap: add the chromium ppa. Much easier18:31
Audiblemy mysql server suddenly decided not to work anymore18:31
drewbyI downloaded some python script to do it for me, nvrmnd guys, thanks.18:31
CAPcapactionparsnip i thought chromium and chrome werent the same18:31
soreauJJR: Which card do you have?18:31
skriteCAPcap,   try using this, it is what has worked the best when i install chrome on ubuntu boxes http://dev.chromium.org/getting-involved/dev-channel18:31
JJRintel 4500m18:31
maverick_how do i get thunar to automount my ipod touch (after jailbreaking and following instructions), which happens automatically in nautilus and works just fine?18:31
soreauJJR: Then glx is already installed18:32
soreauJJR: Are you having a problem?18:32
brandonban6DanaG, you could install truecrypt and use an encrypted container within your home partition.18:32
brandonban6partition=directory :)18:32
skriteCAPcap, since chrome is open source, some linux devs built their own version because it was kinda taking google a while to get around to making the linux version18:32
actionparsnipCapcap: chromium is the bleeding edge version18:33
skriteCAPcap, i just use the google-chrome, myself18:33
JJRwell i want to run"glxinfo | grep dri18:33
JJR" and the output is "The program 'glxinfo' is currently not installed"18:33
CAPcapskrite so chromium is a debian/ubuntu custom stable version essentially?18:33
DanaGI want the thing with the least performance impact.18:33
actionparsnipCapcap: you cannot add some addons to chrome and you must use chromium. It also means you can install using apt-get etc which is much nicer18:33
hwildeJJR, what exactly is the problem with your display18:33
DanaGI don't need resistance to brute-force; just resistance to casual snooping by other users.18:34
JJRcant set it up18:34
hwildeJJR, so you have NO graphics ?18:34
soreauJJR: Its provided by mesa-utils18:34
JJRwhen i open "configure display" there are notning18:34
actionparsnipJjr: did the edgers ppa not help?18:34
jamieHow can I change the applications icon (manually)18:34
JJRsi empty18:34
nascentmindHi. I have installed openldap in ubuntu 9.10 but I am not prompted for an admin password. why is that?18:34
amusselm-vogonHello folks, I'm having some problems with my Xorg. I can't seem to set it to resoluations higher than 800x600. Plus, my virtual TTYs are not working either.18:34
hwildeJJR, do you have a graphical login when you turn on your computer?18:34
JJRsteel reading18:34
JJRand also i cant change resolution18:35
TarovenAnyone here use the Razer Naga at all? Mine doesn't seem to agree with Ubuntu.18:35
hwildeJJR, when you login are you presented with a graphical desktop ?18:35
skriteCAPcap, actually, i have not used chromium in some time, not since the dev channel for google chrome was made available.18:35
hwildeJJR, so all you need is to change the resolution?18:35
soreauJJR: Make sure x11-server-utils and mesa-utils are installed18:35
brandonban6DanaG, there would be minimal performance impact with truecrypt (using the container method), you essential have an encrypted file inside your home directory that you could store sensitive information on.18:35
JJR well yes and fix my x11.conf18:35
JJRsome how18:35
actionparsnipCapcap: I use it here with 64bit flash and 64bit java. Works a treat18:35
CAPcapok i have another question, I changed my password, but when i went to install this, and it asked for my password but it wouldnt take my new one, it wanted my old one...18:35
skriteCAPcap, google-chrome on ubuntu from dev channel does get updated pretty regularly18:35
soreauJJR: You dont need an xorg.conf with newer versions of X and open drivers like intel18:36
hwildeJJR, if you have graphics then your xorg.conf is fine.  when you go to system preferences display can you change resolution?18:36
skriteCAPcap, how did you change your passowrd?18:36
actionparsnipCapcap: run: passwd18:36
actionparsnipCapcap: then type the password you want18:36
JJRi think so my karnell is
soreauJJR: glxinfo is provided by the mesa-utils package18:37
CAPcapi changed my password under System>Administration>Users and Groups18:37
MaRLBoRoanybody know how to manage my iphone in ubuntu18:37
user_i'm trying to set up dhcp on virtual interface, any help?18:37
actionparsnip!ipod | marlboro18:37
ubottumarlboro: For information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - For the iPhone and the iPod Touch, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod18:37
hwildehe said iphone18:37
hwildewhich requires itunes or jailbreak18:37
roberto__cerco una guida su ubuntu 9.1018:37
DanaGah, my sensitive things would include pidgin logs, not user preferences... okay, that works for me.18:37
JJRand also when i press ctrl+alt+bcksp" and then startx again18:38
vexui think i need help with something18:38
JJRi can change resolution18:38
actionparsnipUser_: dhcp server or client?18:38
JJRbut when i try  kde is crashing the screen goes black18:38
vexui was trying to install ifuse from this web site http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-connect-iphoneipod-touch-using-usbin-karmicjauntyintrepidhardy.html#more-204218:38
vexuand some how erased my source.list18:39
soreauJJR: What is the output of glxinfo|grep renderer ?18:39
vexuwondering if anyone can help18:39
MaRLBoRoi don't want to jailbreak my iphone18:39
vexujailbreak your phone18:39
MaRLBoRowhat i want is to add and remove music to my iphone18:39
vexucan anyone help?18:39
soreauvexu: Go to sys>admin>software sources and enable default sources there18:39
user_actionparsnip: client18:39
MaRLBoRoi got 3.0.2 version on my iphone18:39
JJRglxinfo|grep dri18:40
JJR" nothing18:40
user_actionparsnip: eth0 dhcp is fine, eth0:0 dhcp not fine18:40
arvind_khadri!sources | vexu18:40
ubottuvexu: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories18:40
user_even with different hwadr18:40
actionparsnipVexu: if you websearch for sources.list yourreleasenamehere you will strike gold if noone pastebin's theirs18:40
d4n1hey, i need help, im completeley lost, it has to do with C, but is strickly based on linux -->  http://pastebin.com/m38f41f518:40
JJROpenGL renderer string: Mesa DRI Mobile Intel® GM45 Express Chipset 20061102 x86/MMX/SSE218:40
soreauJJR: grep renderer, not dri18:40
ik1Does anyone know when will Thunderbird 3 be released in the regular Karmic package list?18:40
TarovenAnyone here use the Razer Naga at all? Mine doesn't seem to agree with Ubuntu (no response onscreen from mouse movement/clicks).18:40
JJRthat is18:40
soreauJJR: So it looks like your graphics are fine18:40
icerootd4n1: #c18:40
d4n1thank you18:41
soreauJJR: Does compiz work?18:41
actionparsnipMarlboro: you have a device from one of the most closed minded companies around so you will have issues using it on an OS they refuse to support. Apple suck18:41
TarovenNot sure if I'd call Apple close-minded, but spot on with the rest.18:42
vexuthis is the error is shot back  E: Malformed line 54 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list (dist)18:42
vexuE: The list of sources could not be read.18:42
vexuGo to the repository dialog to correct the problem.18:42
vexuE: _cache->open() failed, please report.18:42
JJRyes it works but i just did a fresh install because of the stuped graphig card and i have to install it again18:42
FloodBot1vexu: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.18:42
vexu i will check out those sites18:42
actionparsnipMarlboro: some users even shell out for a license and run a whole virtualise system just because apple are so ignorant and they want to use their devices18:42
soreauJJR: Maybe try karmic.18:42
actionparsnipMarlboro: you may find so,e solace in wine. I have seen the newer versions run itunes a little. Check the appdb18:43
MaRLBoRoi already installed wine and itunes...but when i connect my iphone it didn't recognized my iphone from itunes18:44
blakkheimMaRLBoRo: lol itunes in wine18:44
jemarktry rhythmbox ;)18:44
ik1When will the default Ubuntu Karmic repository include Thunderbird 3 by default?18:44
talIs it impossible to install a very minimal command line interface ubuntu install?18:44
actionparsnipVexu: read the line to make sure it is ok. It will look like the rest somewhat. I personally bet you have the word sudo in there18:44
blakkheim!mini > tal18:45
ubottutal, please see my private message18:45
jemarktal, yes it is18:45
actionparsnipBlakkheim: seems it works a little now. Check it out. I could be wrong18:45
MaRLBoRoi saw some instruction from web..to install i tunes i need to install wine18:45
icerootik1: never18:45
CAPcapok im trying to change my password in user settings but its been checking my password for 3 minutes18:45
tyrosineis there a functional java-enabled web browser lighter than firefox? firefox feels bulkier than it was a few years ago (phoenix days)18:46
icerootik1: a ubuntu-version is only getting security updates, no major-updates18:46
LuciusMare_i once used ubuntu and checked encrypt my home partition, now i migrated, but i have no idea how should i unencrypt my files18:46
actionparsnipTyrosine: kazenchase or arora are light18:46
actionparsnipTyrosine: firefox is bloated beyond comprehension18:46
talblakkheim, jemark,  I know about the mini iso, just wanted to know just how small it is - I'm thinking, debian lci small, but debian has failed me. I'm on a netbook and the debian installer insists you look for the cdrom during the install =/18:46
blakkheimtal: i've used the debian usb netinstall on a netbook and it worked18:47
talblakkheim, Just tried that - apparently, ALL the mirrors are bad.18:47
talor need a proxy code18:47
ahayzen@tyrosine: I use Seamonkey which uses the firefox engine but is much faster18:47
blakkheimtal: i used the usa http server18:47
JJRok so how to add my graphic card and monitor in x11.conf18:48
CAPcapok im trying to change my password in user settings but its been checking my password for 6 minutes18:48
talblakkheim,  I tried all the UK, then moved to USA, then, randomly attempted Portugal.18:48
JJRand how to change "vesa" to intel"18:48
icerootik1: please no pms18:48
icerootik1: as i said, an ubuntu-version will only get security-updates, no major updates18:49
iceroot!backport | ik118:49
ubottuik1: If new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they may go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging18:49
talblakkheim, I'll try the mini and will return if all else fails! Thanks for the help.18:49
MaRLBoRoas of now nothing to do with my iphone...i cn't even manage my music :( suck!!18:49
ahayzen@tyrosine: Find seamonkey at http://www.seamonkey-project.org/18:49
ik1Thanks a lot iceroot18:50
tyrosinethx ahayzen18:50
vbajichey guys, is there something in the wiki about installing skype on karmik? i get video out to other people, but i cannot see myself on the video18:50
ik1iceroot: thanks a lot18:50
maverick_can anyone help me with this error in google chrome: The server's security certificate is revoked!...this happens even when i visit help.ubuntu.com18:51
CAPcapHELP! I changed my password earlier and it worked for a little while but has reverted to my old password again! WTF18:51
blakkheimCAPcap: that shouldn't happen. perhaps you've been rooted?18:51
CAPcapbeen rooted?18:51
blakkheimCAPcap: hacked, in other words. someone else may be doing it.18:51
blakkheimCAPcap: is this a server or just regular desktop?18:52
soreauCAPcap: Can you explain what makes you think your password has changed?18:52
blakkheimCAPcap: if you run "sudo passwd yourusername" and change it, see if it reverts back again later.18:52
Zosimosalright, i installed gta san andreas in wine using these instructions: http://sudosys.be/?q=GTA_san_andreas_on_ubuntu_8_04_wine -- it's noteworthy that when i start the game it's highly buggy, i cant read the words etc. and if i run the game outside of wine's virtual desktop, the resolution on my entire desktop goes haywire18:53
soreauZosimos: #wine-hq18:53
Zosimosi have an hp, and i know i dont have ati graphics card, checked. so theoretically my game should have worked18:53
actionparsnip_Zosimos: i'd ask in #winehq its more specific to you issue18:53
eremiteI just installed Freebirth, an app from the repos, and nothing happens when i click on the icon.  Nothing at all.18:53
Zosimosah thanks18:53
CAPcapI changed my password in the user settings manager, and later it asked me for my password to install something and it wanted my old password, wouldnt take my new one. when i went to the manager again, and tried to change my password id didnt want my new one it wanted my old one.18:53
actionparsnip_Zosimos: make sure you are using the latest wine from the wine repo18:54
actionparsnip_Zosimos: and have the game itself fully updated18:54
Zosimosi am18:54
soreauCAPcap: Since changing your password, have you logged in again?18:54
JZAhow can I add multiple groups to a file?18:54
CAPcapsoreau no18:54
JZAchgrp ?? newgroup <file>18:54
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Zosimosi have wine1.2 installed with aptitude. i'm all set18:54
hwildeJZA, file can only hve one group permission18:55
soreauCAPcap: See if restarting X by logging out helps18:55
duffermaverick: Is your system date correct?18:55
actionparsnip_blakkheim: http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=version&iId=1830818:55
Zosimosunfortunately i need a registered name to talk on winehq, how inconveniant18:55
actionparsnip_!register | zosimos18:55
ubottuzosimos: Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available in #freenode18:55
CAPcapwell im back to my old password, the change wasnt important i just wanted to know what was happening...18:55
blakkheimactionparsnip_: crazy, the idea of itunes in wine used to be laughable18:55
soreauZosimos: Since freenode has been under attack lately, many channels have resorted to setting +R18:55
CAPcapand what do you mean by restarting X?18:56
actionparsnip_Zosimos: not unfortunate at all18:56
hwildeZosimos, registering is free and really easy18:56
soreauCAPcap: Logging out18:56
actionparsnip_Blakkheim: I just avoid apple's garbage. My G1 is android to the max baby18:56
guntbertblakkheim: be warned that sudo passwd user is the *one* method I know to bork an encrypted homedir18:56
crom09I asked a question 10 minutes ago about sharing folders18:56
hwildecrom09, welcome back18:57
blakkheimguntbert: he didn't mention encryption18:57
crom09just wanted to say that i was doing everything ok, my problem was that firestarter was blocking things18:57
actionparsnip_Crom09: d'oh ;)18:57
crom09if i stop the firewall everything goes well18:57
hwildecrom09, you come from windows land?  you doin't really need a firewall in linux :)18:57
guntbertblakkheim: I didn't imply that :) - just a general warning from a support case last week18:57
blakkheimguntbert: k18:57
actionparsnip_Crom09: then allow the traffic from the client system or permit the service18:58
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crom09well, yes, anyway what is firestrarter useful for?18:58
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actionparsnip_Crom09: if you use a router then a firewall is a bit ott18:58
crom09yes, i use a router18:58
guntbertblakkheim: and people tend to forget about that encryption - I will ask actively in the future18:58
actionparsnip_Crom09: your router will protect you due to the nature of nat18:59
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crom09so i'll be better off uninstalling firestrter?18:59
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soreauIsnt firestarter just a frontend to iptables and friends?18:59
actionparsnip_Crom09: its not really needed imho. The router will do a fine job19:00
user_I'd like to have two ips to one interface, and then load balance between these interfaces to increase throughput, possible?19:00
ranjanhello every body19:01
wm_how do i get to single user prompt in grub , during boot ?19:02
guntbertuser_: no advantage if there is only one physical interface19:02
oCean_user_: 2 ips on 1 interface? What type of loadbalancing would that be?19:02
user_wm_: shift + escape19:02
user_guntbert: my halls of residence throttles to 100KiB/s19:02
user_so I'd get 200KiB/s with two lines19:02
hwildeuser_, you can do like this:   sudo ifconfig eth0:1 netmask
ranjani am having an issue with samba share ..... at my place it is giving an error message wile trying to open network place with the windows system... it is giving unable to mount list from the server i am on ubuntu 9.10 setup please help19:03
hwildeuser_, that will define a virtual interface eth0:1 with that ip19:03
user_hwilde: yes, then i need to set up a bridge, which doesn't work because eth0:1 is a bridge19:03
CAPcapok i changed my password logged back in and now my yahoo connection with empathy are gone19:04
crom09ranjan: have you installed firestarter?19:04
ranjancrom09: no19:04
CAPcapwhen i try to redo them i get a message about my keyring and account manager and usr/lib/telepathy/mission-control-519:05
oCean_user_: have 1 physical interface, you'd still gain no advantage19:05
MaRLBoRoi install ipod-convenience19:05
user_oCean_: how come?19:06
user_100KiB/s to internet is slow19:06
MaRLBoRobut got problem19:06
MaRLBoRoE: Could not get lock /var/cache/apt/archives/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable)19:06
MaRLBoRoE: Unable to lock the download directory19:06
MaRLBoRowhat's that means19:06
oCean_oCean_: there is one line in (the physical thing) right? There is your limit19:06
Audibleare there any command in linux to get a unique identifier of the computer?19:06
oCean_user_: ^19:07
SatanClausheyho, since ubuntu 9.10 my console output of a backup initscript doesn't appear anymore. Some hint?19:07
guntbertMaRLBoRo: is a second packag manager running?19:07
SatanClaus(the script seems to run, but I can't see the progress or anything)19:07
user_oCean_: yes but with a different mac and ip address running down a bridge, it would double, right?19:07
MaRLBoRoi closed my window while ipod-convience is running19:07
MaRLBoRonow i got that error message19:08
ZykoticK9!es | noe19:08
ubuntu_904my ubuntu lags a lot.. its kind of slow I am running a P4 845GV mobo 1 GB ram... i removed compiz and compiz core.. but its still kind of lagging a little slow.. can i make it fast by any chance19:08
ubottunoe: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.19:08
jtaby_Hey, I'm trying to setup my ubuntu server so that I can ssh into it from my mac w/o having to type in a password everytime. I appended my id_rsa.pub to authorized_keys, but it didn't work19:08
Trekcan someone send me the informational ! message to PM about firewalls?19:08
jtaby_any ideas?19:08
hemai want to know how i can stop asking pw19:09
ZykoticK9ubuntu_904, add RAM...19:09
oCean_user_: interface bonding is normally done using 2 (or more) physical interfaces. Modes being loadbalanced, failover, teaming etc.19:09
Trekhema, specifically what are you looking to do other than stop asking for password?19:09
Roastedhey guys - do you guys know if theres a way I can integrate skype with pidgin? I'd rather use my skype account within pidgin if possible.19:09
ubuntu_904ZykoticK9: is it only a ram issue19:09
Trek!firewall > Trek19:09
ubottuTrek, please see my private message19:09
oCean_user_: since i'm not sure where the limit is set, i don't know whether 2 macs on 1 physical interface would render double speed19:09
ZykoticK9ubuntu_904, perhaps not - but i thought "get a better computer" would be rude ;)19:10
hemawhen opnning parttion19:10
ubuntu_904or something else cause on system monitor its showing only 16% used by programs and memory19:10
Trekubuntu_904, mind filling me in via PM about your issue?  maybe I can help19:10
ZykoticK9ubuntu_904, you might want to try Xubuntu vs Ubuntu19:10
Trekhema: what exactly do you mean "when opening partition"?  and what version of ubuntu19:11
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ubuntu_904my CPU is 100% in use19:12
hcookso, before going to ubuntu 9.10 (and probaby more importantly firefox 3.5) firefox had tools->clear private data, which would let me remove, say, all my authenticated sessions without messing with cookies or history. that seems to be gone now...i've looked through preferences and everything and can't find it. is there a way to do that now?19:12
CAPcapI need some help with Empathy. Or my Keyring. i dont know which. I changed my password, then logged out and back in. Now my Yahoo acct is deleted from Empathy and when I try to create a new one a box talkinf about my keyring pops up my password doesnt work in it and neither does my old one. HELP!19:12
JoeSomebodypretty cool new samba didnt wipe out my conf !!!19:12
caponhi all, I am trying to enable networking on my laptop (using ubuntu) nut it doesn't work, even if I click on the network button it doesnt find anything, the buttons are grey!!19:13
JoeSomebodyhow do i change my default boot OS, this ubuntu karmic has xp as well19:13
tiagotiagook, i dunno what else to do, i've tried using the makefile from a previous version, following all the instructions, i installed the qmake thing, but i still got nothing, still clueless,  how do i get qjoypad 4.0 ( http://qjoypad.sourceforge.net/#download ) installed and working in my system?19:13
caponps. I reinstalled ubuntu but same problem19:13
WipsterAnyong know about livecd 'remastering' the help docs are not helping atm, I know what I wana do but cant work out the steps atm19:14
Trekcapon, what wifi carrd do you have?19:14
hcookJoeSomebody: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/ChangeDefaultOS19:14
caponTrek, well I'm on a vaio, but even the one in the laptop doesnt work19:14
JoeSomebodyhcook, thx19:15
ZykoticK9JoeSomebody, those Grub instructions DO NOT apply to 9.10 BTW19:15
caponcan anybody  tell me commands to use to manually start wireless connection?19:15
JoeSomebodyhow do i check which grub i got ? (i think its the new one)19:15
ZykoticK9JoeSomebody, did you clean install 9.10?19:16
CAPcapthen u have grub 219:16
ZykoticK9JoeSomebody, they you have grub 219:16
JoeSomebodythen i need a new link for help19:16
ZykoticK9!grub2 | JoeSomebody19:16
ubottuJoeSomebody: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub219:16
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* _Ovidiu is away: Gone away for now19:18
Trekcapon, i understand that, i was asking to figure out what wifi card you were using19:18
Trekcapon, okay for me to PM you?19:18
caponyes olz19:18
vexuso some how i erased /etc/apt/source.list !?!19:19
vexuim running 9.04 and anyone tell me an easy way to get this back to like it was a fresh install?19:19
JoeSomebodyhmm, i have to learn all about grub 2 just to change my default boot ?19:19
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Windopainhow can i share desktop for remote connections/presentation w/ ubuntu?  i used teamviewer w/ windows in the past19:20
defryskvexu, http://repogen.simplylinux.ch/19:20
racquadhi guys, I have just installed 9.10 server, but it keeps changings the screen resolution. I want a plai text resolution. How can I do it?19:21
vexudefrysk, is this so i can create my own and put it there?19:22
defryskvexu, it generates a sources.list for you19:22
ardchoilleI just did a typo in bash (Karmic) and this was returned: "No command 'mam' found, but there are 17 similar ones"  How do I see the "similar ones"?19:22
enochhi all, im haveing  a problem with iwlagn and network manager19:22
vexunice thank you19:22
enochcan someone help me?19:22
defryskjust follow the instructions19:22
nvmeis it possible for two users to be on the same VNC desktop (with one user as view only)?19:23
ulbdoes anybody here know about/run tomato? I am wondering what 'the best' tomato compatible wifi router for under $75 might be?19:24
llutzulb: there's no "best", but tomato runs fine on wrt54gl19:24
wm_nvme: sure19:24
ulbI knwo...just thinking best "value"19:25
nvmewm_, nvm got it figured19:25
defryskcheapest is usually best value19:25
kensteranyone know how to fix the login bug in empathy19:25
wm_i found some router that would run it, online , for $20 or so... i was going to order 5 ! i dont remember url anymore19:25
ulbwrt54gl is $59 locally19:25
wm_i read about it in the Tomato forums19:25
ulbbuffalo rounters even more19:25
RunegI'm thinking of hooking up a DAS via eSATA to a Ubuntu workstation. How is eSata connectivity/driver/usibility in Ubuntu?19:26
mkjacksonhey folks, so I migrated over to ubuntu 9.10 (ati in tow) and now for some reason I can't switch workspaces... (?)  anyone seen this before?19:26
EdganRuneg: I have never had a problem with it in Linux. It is just like another sata port19:27
hiexpohello all19:27
vbajichey guys. i got a little issue with ubuntu and skype: i cannot bring up my self-video on screen. any clues, or do i run dtrace on this bitch?19:27
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wm_i didnt know dtrace worked in non solaris land19:28
vbajicya, there's ports for mac and linux19:28
wm_do you get any video at all?  are you in a dark room?  what kind of camera?19:28
VCooliomkjackson: you mean keybinding doesn't work or also clicking the pager doesn't do it? Did you enable advanced video settings or what is it in the last tab in appearance settings?19:28
vbajicwm_: others see video from me. if i use luvcview, my camera displays my fat-ass correctly19:29
vbajicwm_: build-in laptop webcam19:29
JoeSomebodyi hope someone is going to help me , i am going to run update-grub without a clue ...19:29
mkjacksonVCoolio: everything else works but when I turn off desktop cube it seems to refuse to shift over19:29
hiexpoi use cheese19:30
Roastedhey guys - do you guys know if theres a way I can integrate skype with pidgin? I'd rather use my skype account within pidgin if possible.19:30
sdbinwiiexeHow can I set grub to boot into ubuntu automatically, without waiting for 10 seconds?19:30
vbajicno darkroom, just saudi arabia, but there's no women behind me right now, so the image should not be all black19:30
mkjacksonVCoolio: but with cube on it runs slow as hell thanks to ATI not caring much for us Linux boys19:30
VCooliomkjackson: did you enable some other workspace shifter plugin in compiz besides the cube?19:30
eremitemkjackson, are you saying that when compiz is off you cant "slide" windows to the next virtual desktop?  That's normal.  Right click the title bar of the app and choose a workspace.19:30
Edgansdbinwiiexe: change the timeout in /boot/grub/grub.cfg19:30
wm_do you see a dark box when you try to test out the video camera, in skype test call ?19:31
JoeSomebodyGenerating grub.cfg ...19:31
caponhi all, where do I get a specific driver:  iwl3945 for wireless?19:31
JoeSomebodyand then what?19:31
mkjacksonVCoolio: no no, I can put windows in the other workspaces fine but if I try to switch to them it doesn't shift over19:31
Windopainhow do i use the desktop cube in kde?  i enabled it but i can't find anywhere to setup the corners for compositioning19:31
mkjacksonVCoolio: I'm gonna tinker a bit19:31
vbajicWindopain: control+alt+shift+f119:32
guntbertcapon: thats included by default - should be at least19:32
vbajicthat's all you will ever need.19:32
VCooliomkjackson: there are more shift plugins, ring and simple and another one; try those19:32
eremitemkjackson, that's absolutly normal.  Its been like that since day one.  You need to have compiz on for the effects.  Any animation si an effect, and is based on compiz's engine.19:32
cptmorganim running ubuntu 8.04 server and i setup a bind server. Thing is the name server im putting in /etc/resolv.conf which is is being ignored. its like my dns settings are still being retrieved through dhcp and storing them somewhere else19:32
ardchoilleWindopain: wyou really need to ask in #kubuntu19:32
racquadhi guys, I have just installed 9.10 server, but it keeps changings the screen resolution. I want a plai text resolution. How can I do it?19:32
JoeSomebodyknock knock19:32
caponguntbert, my wireless donesnt work!!19:32
=== Helllifter is now known as HeavenRaiser
Windopainvbajic: tty1, for what reason?19:32
caponguntbert, it doesnt enable19:33
vbajicpeople don't read the manual, do they?19:33
caponguntbert, it's grey!19:33
eremiteracquad, what do you mean it keeps changing screen resolutions?  WHEN does it change?  What do you do that make sit change, if anything??19:33
vbajicWindopain: cuz you don't need compbiz19:33
Windopainardchoille: thanks for the suggestion.19:33
ZykoticK9racquad, server is ONLY terminal, no GUI - how is it changing resolution?19:33
vbajicin the beginning was the command line....19:33
Windopainvbajic: ahh, so you're suggesting i don't use what i want to use, eh?19:33
Windopainsometimes i think the goal of linux help channels becomes warding off newcomers to the os...19:33
Windopainthe goal of many users in the channel, at least19:34
racquaderemite, it changes after boot. it still textmode, but with a different resolution rather than the 80x2519:34
guntbertcapon: I guessed as much, try sudo modprobe iwl3945 please19:34
racquadZykoticK9, I don't know. As I said, it keeps under textmode, but not 80x2519:34
eremiteWindopain, just looking at the ammount of people in here should tell the new linux user just how easy it is to use linux.19:34
sdbinwiiexeEdgan: it says I'm trying to save on a read-only disk19:35
ZykoticK9racquad, you might want to ask the same question in the server channel.  good luck.19:35
vbajicWindopain: the learning curve for unix has always been steep. you're better off in the command line19:35
JoeSomebodyGenerating grub.cfg ... and then what?19:35
vbajicwithout compbiz and bling bling19:35
JoeSomebodydo i edit that file?19:35
racquadZykoticK9, I tried, but no answer came from there.19:35
vbajicwhy are you using linux anyway?19:35
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Windopaineremite: from one day of use i have 20+ unresolved issues - easy?19:35
wladekUBUNTU is the best linux19:35
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!19:35
eremiteWindopain, I have more.  That's my exact point.19:35
vexuhow would i got about restoreing /etc/apt/sources.list for ubuntu 9.04?19:35
vexuwith out a fresh install19:36
Windopaineremite: excuse me for being a bit slow ;)19:36
DawgmatixI am trying to setup a baseline ubuntu virtual machine whcih I can clone as desired. Any pointers on how to setup things so that when the first time it boots up it creates ssh keys / adds some users ...19:36
hwildevexu, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=114260319:36
caponguntbert, nothing hapend19:36
eremiteWindopain, no problem.  It's expected with Windows in your name ;)19:36
Windopainok, so it's not *easy* :) fair enough.   it is fun, however.19:36
cptmorganim running ubuntu 8.04 server and i setup a bind server. Thing is the name server im putting in /etc/resolv.conf which is is being ignored. its like my dns settings are still being retrieved through dhcp and storing them somewhere else. im using /etc/network/interfaces and specifying static ips. where are the dns numbers getting set from?19:36
JoeSomebodyDO NOT EDIT THIS FILE This is the main Grub 2 file. It "replaces" Grub Legacy's /boot/grub/menu.lst. This file contains the Grub menu instructions. Unlike Grub Legacy's menu.lst file, grub.cfg is NOT MEANT TO BE EDITED!!!19:36
mkjacksonVCoolio: so I decided to go into System->Appearance and set it to normal and all restored back to normal...  there must have been something in the mix messing everything else up...19:36
Windopaineremite: well, the windo in my name refers to a drug, actually, but the expectation should be the same.19:36
JoeSomebodyhow can i edit a file if i cant edit a file?19:37
caponguntbert, I can not enable Wirelss19:37
eremiteJoeSomebody, magic?19:37
caponguntbert, It's grey19:37
vbajiccptmorgan: yar, mataey, avast ye self and go plunder  ye local library and barns and noble: you're looking for that rotten meat called "O'Reilly"19:37
guntbertcapon: good - that means no error, now please look at the output of lsmod | grep iwl (don't paste it here, use !pastebin if you want)19:37
Windopainis there a remote desktop feature/app for linux?19:37
VCooliomkjackson: cool; remember to export your current and working compiz settings; can be useful if it gets screwed again19:38
vbajicWindopain: yes.19:38
vbajicit's called ssh19:38
hwildecptmorgan, /etc/dhcp3/dhclient.conf   request domain-name-servers19:38
eremiteWindopain, system > preferences > remote19:38
vexuthat wasnt it thanks for the input19:38
Windopainvbabiy: for the gui?19:38
caponguntbert, http://pastebin.com/m64cc0b6519:38
JeruvyWindopain: gnome uses vnc out of the box. you can also use vinagre for other protocols19:38
hwildeWindopain, I like freenx I think it's the fastest.19:38
vexuim thinking it would be easer to do a fresh install19:38
vbajichwilde: 1000 usd says he hasn't edited /etc/network/interfaces to edit out dhcp19:38
vexumaybe i will try 9.1019:39
vexuanyone hear anything good about this?19:39
vbabiyWindopain, what?19:39
hwildevbajic, fair enough but editing dhclient to not request dns would also work19:39
JoeSomebodycan someone help me please to do this one simple thing?19:39
sdbinwiiexeHow can I edit my grub configuration file?, it says i'm saving to a read-only disk.19:39
hwildevexu, I just linked you to a 9.04 sources.list didn't you look?19:39
Windopainvbabiy: sorry, wrong nick19:39
vbajichwilde: that's the stupid way19:39
vbajicespecially on a dns server19:39
salat_hey...got some problems to connect two computers (ubuntu on the one, sysrescuecd on the other -both livecds) now i type "ifconfig eth0 netmask" and "ifconfig eth0 netmask" on the other machine...but if i try to ping the corresponding ip i get no answer=C what is my problem?19:39
hwildevbajic, not if he is hardcoding resolv.conf and doesn't want it edited.19:39
vbajicthere's a right way and there's a wrong way.19:39
JoeSomebodyat least tell me why you wont help me then19:40
hiexpoJoeSomebody, - what ya need help with19:40
Urdavbajic: like using vi vs emacs :D19:40
guntbertcapon: thats the same I have - and it works out of the box - is there a hardware switch?19:40
JoeSomebodychange default boot OS19:40
vbajicUrda: no, there's no issue there. vi ftw19:40
JoeSomebodyshoudl be easy19:40
tal_I'm trying to install the minimal edition, but apparently all the mirrors are bad, I can't connect to any of them, help!19:40
vbajicdown with the cult of emacs19:40
Urdavbajic: a friend indeed :D19:40
HeavenRaiserMy friend!  I think this might interest you!  Now that the Obama Nigger Tide is rapidly in retreat, the time for us to act is NOW!  Tired of Niggers and their monkeyshines?  Can't join the KKK because you are not White?  This is Billy Mayes here with an amazing new website!  Chimpout Forum!  http://www.chimpout.com/forum  Chimpout Forum welcomes anybody who hates niggers and isn't a nigger.      Asian?  No Problem!  Jewish?  We ha19:40
cptmorganhwilde: your the man... thx19:40
JoeSomebodySHOULD BE EASY19:40
Dawgmatixhey no one say anything against emacs :)19:40
theDexaloah the LaptopTestingTeam wiki page i want to edit says #DO NOT EDIT THIS PAGE , copy its contents and save it there19:40
vbajicHeavenRaiser: #gnaa19:40
bjaEDITOR WAR!!!!!19:40
UrdaVI FTW19:41
theDexcould somebody that has done such once query me for some help?19:41
hwildeJoeSomebody, /etc/default/grub     GRUB_DEFAULT=019:41
JoeSomebodyit  says do not edit19:41
vbajicfo shizzle19:41
JoeSomebodywhat the frack do i edit /change then?19:41
caponguntbert, http://pastebin.com/m6ecee05b19:41
vbajicJoeSomebody: xp, vista or 7 ?19:41
hwildeJoeSomebody, I just told you.19:41
caponguntbert, yes there is an hardware swich, and it's on19:42
vexuhwilde- i checked it out! but i must be misunderstanding something because i tryed adding someting to this list and it somehow all got erased19:42
hwildevexu, just copy and paste the sources.list from that website dude19:42
vbajicdo you guys get a lot of this? people who refuse to rtfm?19:42
caponguntbert, I am using an alfa network too and it has the same problem... :(19:42
salat_would someone with network knowledge query me plz?19:42
vexui tryed that still nothing19:42
vbajictal_: rob malda owns my soul19:42
sdbinwiiexehow can i edit my grub.cfg?19:43
vexumy update and synaptic gives error19:43
guntbertcapon: you see you do have the driver :) - please open a terminal and type iwlist scan19:43
hwildevexu, sudo pastebinit -i /etc/apt/sources.list19:43
Dawgmatixvbajic - with the attention span getting shorter people dont even read the net lingo manual to find out what rtfm means19:43
JoeSomebodyhwilde, thanks, but dotn know the number19:43
guntbert!pm | salat_19:43
ubottusalat_: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.19:43
kyanardag_i accidenttally deleted /boot folder.. how can i generate vmlinuz and initrd files..19:43
vexuthis is there error   E: Malformed line 54 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list (dist)19:43
vexuE: The list of sources could not be read.19:43
vexuGo to the repository dialog to correct the problem.19:43
vexuE: _cache->open() failed, please report.19:43
hwildeJoeSomebody, look in your grub cfg it starts at 0 then 1 2 3 4 etc, or when you boot count down the list19:43
FloodBot1vexu: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:43
Picital_, vbajic This is a support channel, please stay on topic19:43
JoeSomebodywho many things are in the 9.04 default menu?19:43
sdbinwiiexemy grub.cfg says it's read-only when i try to edit it19:43
JoeSomebodyHOW many things are in the 9.04 default menu?19:43
vbajicDawgmatix: so, why is ubuntu catering to them?19:43
hwildevexu, pastebinit please.19:44
JoeSomebodyHOW many things are in the 9.10  default menu?19:44
JoeSomebodyi might as well give up19:44
JoeSomebodyit aint my day19:44
FloodBot1JoeSomebody: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:44
hwildeJoeSomebody,  pastebin your grub.cfg19:44
JoeSomebodyhwilde, i dont want to BOOT!19:44
caponguntbert, what could it be?19:44
vbajiche wants to LIVE19:45
JoeSomebodyHOW many things are in the 9.10  default menu?19:45
vbajicJoeSomebody: seriously, go back to windows19:45
hwilde!ot > vbajic19:45
ubottuvbajic, please see my private message19:45
Picivbajic: That is not needed here. Please stop.19:45
hwildeJoeSomebody, pastebin your grub.cfg file now.19:45
guntbertcapon: any results from iwlist scan?19:45
caponguntbert, http://pastebin.com/m6ecee05b19:45
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!19:45
vexusorry not sure what pastebinit is?19:45
vbajicwhat's not needed here?19:45
caponguntbert, no19:45
hwildevexu, sudo pastebinit -i /etc/apt/sources.list19:45
Pici!guidelines > vbajic19:45
ubottuvbajic, please see my private message19:45
JoeSomebodyyeah thats right tell everybody to go back to windows19:45
sdbinwiiexewhen i try to save my grub.cfg after editing, i get "You are trying to save the file on a read-only disk." Error19:45
vbajictelling people that if they can't hack it they should go back to windows?19:45
JoeSomebodyway to grow the community asshole19:46
PiciJoeSomebody: Drop it.19:46
hwildeJoeSomebody, last time I will ask you,   pastebin your grub.cfg19:46
JoeSomebodyok sorry19:46
caponguntbert, when i press on the right button on network ( on the left top side of the screen) the networking is enabled, nut it's not possiblet to enable the wireless19:46
theDexis there somebody here that did edits to the ubuntu wiki?19:46
guntbertcapon: strange - can you exclude a hardware problem on the card?19:46
vexusaid that command not found19:47
caponguntbert, yes, but nothing19:47
tal_So no-one here has installed ubuntu before?19:47
PicitheDex: Do you have a question about the wiki?19:47
theDex## DO NOT EDIT this page directly, copy its content to a new page and save it there!19:47
theDexhow will that ever be found again then?19:47
JoeSomebodyi simply wanted to know how many things are in the menu, without rebooting so i can fix it19:47
wm_this channel is amazing19:47
PicitheDex: What page?19:47
JoeSomebodythat file does not tell me19:47
cptmorganhwilde: actually wouldnt dhclient only be used if i was retrieving a ip adress from dhcp? im setting the interfaces statically. Ive never used dhcp and the server i put in /etc/resolv.conf gets ignored.19:47
hwildeJoeSomebody, pastebin your grub.cfg19:47
wm_JoeSomebody: so pastebin in your grub.cfg and menu.lst19:48
JoeSomebodyanother fiel with the menu i can read?19:48
guntbertcapon: at the moment I can only suggest you try with different live CDs19:48
caponguntbert, ok19:48
theDexi got one of those and found some minor bugs and fixed em19:48
theDexi thought i could share19:48
CAPcapI need help now. If i cant get my problem fixed in 10 minutes im switching to fedora. I changed my password, now when i open empathy my old accts are gona and when i try yto put in a new acct it wants to access my keyring. neither my old password or new access my keyring. if i deny it access it wont let add accts19:48
hwildevexu, sudo apt-get install pastebinit19:48
caponguntbert, thanks by the way :D19:48
guntbertcapon: np - and Good luck :-)19:48
caponguntbert, ;)19:48
vexuthat error still comes up!19:49
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DawgmatixI am trying to setup a baseline virtual machine whcih I can clone as desired. Any pointers on how to setup things so that when the first time it boots up it creates ssh keys / adds some users / does some other initialization ...19:49
JoeSomebodyhttp://pastebin.com/m5f132efc and where is menu?19:49
Windopainaccidentally opened a .vdi w/ kwrite by clicking on- 5.8 GB memory used w/ 7 GB of swap.  closed kWrite but memory is not freeing up.  raid0 is active; is there a way i can check HD performance?  read/write speeds, general speed, etc?  similar to hdtach for win?19:50
vexui somehow erased that whole page /etc/apt/source.list19:50
bjaDawgmatix, you could put an initi script that deletes itself afterwards19:50
hwildeJoeSomebody, locate menu.lst19:50
grub_booterhi - don't really get this, but i've lost the ability to copy/paste with my middle mouse button on ubuntu 9.04 - issue occurred after a reboot about a week or two back - been driving me nuts :-) - do you guys have any clues as to what's going on there?19:50
phong_hi everyone19:50
outer_spacehow does super-user not have permission to put a file someplace? sudo echo "" > ms_error.txt  "bash: ms_error.txt: Permission denied"19:50
Dawgmatixi see bja, i was wondering if there are any inbuilt mechanisms in ubuntu19:50
Dawgmatixbecause first time init would be a common usecase i would think19:50
tal_CAPcap: go to your home folder, press ctrl-h so hidden files show, and look either for a folder called keyrings (am I right...not sure) or a file called gnome2keyring (or something like that)19:50
phong_how to list port usage?19:50
theDexPici: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LaptopTestingTeam/SamsungN510, i found some bugs on my n510 that aren't mentioned19:51
MrUnixSpellcheck doesn't work in Abiword. Does anyone know how to enable it?19:51
hwildephong_, netstat19:51
JoeSomebodyi probably should go back to windows19:51
JoeSomebodyi dont have one19:51
ZykoticK9Windopain, re-hd test check out the "hdparm" program19:51
bjaDawgmatix, the way first time init usually works if that it checks a file in /etc to see if it's supposed to run19:51
bjaand just runs everytime with at least that check19:51
theDexPici: and spent lots of time fixing em, so i thought i could share19:51
JoeSomebodywhere is supposed to be?19:51
aciculamenu.lst is old grub19:51
guntbertouter_space: the elevated permission don't extend to the redirection - I try to remember the correct command19:51
JoeSomebodyits grub2, am i  even supposed to have one?19:51
Windopainhow do you read load averages?  3.21, 3.97, 2.7519:51
aciculaJoeSomebody: no you dont have a menu.lst with grub219:51
phong_how to list specific port number range open?19:51
wm_what does grub2 use instead ?19:52
tal_Trying to install minimal, all the mirrors appear to be bad, what's wrong?19:52
CAPcaptal_ no folder called that19:52
JoeSomebodythen how can i read my menu? ONLY by rebooting?19:52
Dawgmatixokay bja, looking into this19:52
aciculatal_: your download?19:52
ardchoilleouter_space: echo blah  sudo tee -a file19:52
ardchoilleouter_space: echo blah | sudo tee -a file19:52
WindopainZykoticK9: thx19:52
phong_netstat  port-port ?19:52
tal_acicula: just in the install19:52
wm_tal_: are you connected to the internet19:52
tal_wm_: Yeah, tried both wlan0 and eth019:52
tal_wm_ Neither work19:53
CAPcaptal_ i see mission control which is whats asking for my keyring19:53
wm_tal_: is your machine doing dns lookups?19:53
hwildeJoeSomebody, you could have changed GRUB_DEFAULT to 1 2 3 4 etc and tested it by now instead you are here wasting time19:53
JoeSomebodyboot stuff shoudl be easier, every new user potentially needs to go there19:53
ardchoilleouter_space: so it would be: echo "" | sudo tee -a ms_error.txt19:53
tal_wm_: No idea, how would I check that?19:53
PicitheDex: I think that was there for the person who intially created that page from a template, I think you can ignore it.19:53
JoeSomebodyi didnt want to reboot19:53
bjaDawgmatix, I'm not familiar with exactly how you'd accomplish this in ubuntu, but redhat/fedora had a firstboot config file in /etc/sysconfig19:53
theDexPici: should i remove that line?19:53
tal_CAPcap go to the private chat window19:53
wm_wm_: go to a different terminal, ( control-alt-5 for example ) , type:  ping   then ping www.ubuntu.com then ping google.com19:54
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bjaDawgmatix,  there was a variable in the firstboot file that was set to True once it had completed19:54
PicitheDex: I think that would be fine.19:54
theDexPici: great, thanks for your help19:54
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hwildeJoeSomebody,  run   "ls -l /etc/grub.d/"   and pastebin the output please19:54
bjaDawgmatix, then the init script firstboot ran every time you came into runlevel 3 or 5 and checked to see if the variable was False, and if it did, it did some configuration19:54
bjaDawgmatix, even if ubuntu doesn't have that inbuilt facility, it's not particularly difficult to simulate19:55
ZykoticK9Windopain, re-load average the numbers correspond to load averages for the past 1, 5, and 15 minutes19:55
Guest11451alguien habla castellano?19:55
aciculaGuest41714: language?19:55
tal_wm_ Was that last message to me?19:56
vikasapI am not able to find an pages for the file-io system calls. Do I need to install something ?19:56
bombelDoes anyone know how to enable window rendering while resize the window?19:56
vikasap*man pages19:56
aciculavikasap: dev man pages19:56
Windopaindoes a load avg of 2 indicate 2 processors loaded at 100?19:56
Windopain100% even19:56
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aciculaWindopain: no, load indexes go way higher then that19:56
hwildeJoeSomebody, pastebin that file that says 40_custom19:56
hwildeJoeSomebody, I think your windows entries will be in there19:57
Windopainacicula: just wondering what the actual number means now that i understand the time intervals19:57
hwildeit's a made up number.  should be below 119:57
Windopainif a box 1/ only 1 proc is loaded 100%, and a box w/ 2 proc is loaded 100%, would the load avgs be the same?19:57
aciculaWindopain: im sure its properly documented somewhere19:57
Windopainhwilde: ahh19:57
Windopainok, it's not common knowledge tho19:57
hwildeWindopain, if you get up around 3 it will become unresponsive19:58
linxehWindopain: load avgs are the number of jobs, not cpu usage19:58
JoeSomebodybty - i read many pages from google, and got nowhere, so i asked in here, i didnt mean to start anybody up19:58
=== Floops[w]1 is now known as Fringe
ZykoticK9Windopain, "In short it is the average sum of the number of processes waiting in the run-queue plus the number currently executing over 1, 5, and 15 minute time periods"19:58
dtcrshrhi fellas, any simple trick to get sound on youtube on 9.10 ?19:58
WindopainZykoticK9 thanks, i'll copy that into my notes19:58
linxehWindopain: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Load_(computing) - this explains it19:58
Dawgmatixdtcrshr - youtube just launched a html5 beta, so you can switch to the html5 canvas19:59
vikasapacicula: Thanks , got that19:59
duffydackdtcrshr, are you using 64bit?19:59
dtcrshrhow do i do that?19:59
dtcrshrno, 32bit19:59
dtcrshri got video just fine, and audio on other software19:59
dtcrshrvideo, mp3 and so on19:59
dtcrshrjust flash content got no sound19:59
JoeSomebodyhwilde, not in there19:59
JoeSomebodycummom you guys must know on a default karmic , how many entries?19:59
JoeSomebodyin the boot menu?19:59
BlessJahi need /usr/share/xsessions/kde.desktop from kubuntu 9.0420:00
Windopainhow can i get a list of all hds in the system?  and all mounted hds in the system20:00
JoeSomebodyeasy question for you guys , is it not? :)20:00
ikoniaWindopain: sudo fdisk -l shows it, and mount shows all mounted20:00
BlessJahfile can be named similar (kde4.desktop or whatever), could someone pastebin it?20:00
jgcampbell300can anyone tell me how to make zenmap check all my ip addresses on my network to basicly scan my whole network with out haveing to change the addresses in zenmap20:00
hwildeJoeSomebody, this explains how to add windows to your grub menu:  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=120051320:00
JoeSomebodyi know i want the last entry20:00
JoeSomebodythe windows one20:00
ikoniaJoeSomebody: you want it to what ?20:01
JoeSomebodyi just don't know its freakin number!20:01
BlessJahi need /usr/share/xsessions/kde.desktop from kubuntu 9.0420:01
ikoniaJoeSomebody: count it - starting from 020:01
aciculajgcampbell300: it has a specific module for that iirc20:01
hwildeJoeSomebody, reboot and count.  it starts at zero.  goodbye20:01
ikoniaJoeSomebody: so 0 is the first,20:01
JoeSomebodyyou guys must know on a default karmic , how many entries?20:01
ikoniaJoeSomebody: look in your grub config20:01
ikoniaJoeSomebody: default depends on each users system20:01
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jgcampbell300acicula: hmm tell me more please20:02
vikasapacicula: Need to get the glibc-doc as well . I think20:02
BlessJahi need /usr/share/xsessions/kde.desktop from kubuntu 9.04, could someone pastebin it?20:02
JoeSomebodyi installed 1 thing, and got about 6 things in my menu20:02
ikoniaJoeSomebody: what did you install to get additional entries ?20:03
JoeSomebodyso my confusion should be understandable20:03
aciculavikasap: maybe, but iirc there are no man pages in there, cant hurt to check :)20:03
ikoniaJoeSomebody: there is nothing confusing, count them starting at 020:03
hwildeikonia, I have been telling him that for half an hour now20:03
JoeSomebodyi had xp, then i put karmic, and the menu has liek 6 or 7 things ion there20:03
IdleOneI have lost my right click menu and Icons on my desktop, metacity --replace had no effect. Any suggestions?20:03
ikoniahwilde: it will end soon20:03
alesanhi how do I install firefox 3.6?20:03
ikoniaJoeSomebody: yes, a memtest, a failsafe, and on occasion kernel updates may apply an additional entry20:03
alesanI have ubuntu 9.120:03
Windopainhmmm so hdparm -i /dev/sda1 doesn't seem to tell me much about read/write speeds20:04
ikoniaJoeSomebody: if there are some you don't want/need you can delete them20:04
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JoeSomebodyso i figured you know my menu, i'l ask here20:04
llutzWindopain: hdparm -tT /dev/sda120:04
aciculajgcampbell300: i wouldnt know without digging back into the zenoss docs, best to have a looksie yourself20:04
Windopainhow about this... is there a way to display the speed files are being copied at while they are being copied?  i've seen this in other versions of linux and also in win720:04
ikoniaJoeSomebody: you've been told the answer20:04
JoeSomebodyikonia, thak you for all that i understand much better20:04
JoeSomebodyhwilde, thank you too20:05
Welshy-Robhi i would like to create a slide show of pictures for my desktop background (ubuntu 9.10) ive looked at a script on the fourm i am just a bit stuck at this step "make the script executable: chmod u+x name_of_script" could someone explain what it is please?20:05
hwildeWelshy-Rob, that says to change the permissions of the script so it is +x which is executable20:05
Curuy 20:05
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=== PipHog is now known as MFriedman
IdleOneWelshy-Rob: run that command replacing name_of_script with the actual name20:05
Welshy-RobIdleOne, in terminal?20:06
IdleOneWelshy-Rob: you will need to cd to the dir where you saved the script, yes in terminal20:06
alesanso my understanding is that ubuntu does not support firefox 3.6?20:06
ikoniaalesan: it doesn't not supoprt it, it's just not packaged yet20:07
wm_im sure it will Really Really Soon.  there's nothing stopping you from downloading it20:07
aciculaalesan: correct, ussually software revisions are not updated but just maintained for security updates20:07
snarkstercan anyone tell me why teamspeak doesnt work at all.20:07
snarksteri cant hear or say anything20:07
IdleOneI have lost my right click menu and icons on my desktop, metacity --replace had no effect. Any suggestions?20:07
Welshy-RobIdleOne, okay ill give it a go so i cd to my scrip and then type chmod u+x background ??20:07
Jeruvyalesan: I heard that 3.6 was going to be skipped by the mozilla team and they were going straight to 3.720:07
aciculasnarkster: teamspeak doesnt play well with other programs using sound20:07
alesanacicula, that's so bad, I could understand minor packages but come on, this is firefox...20:07
snarksteri can log into the server20:07
iantoWelshy-Rob:  Can you please check PM :)?20:07
JoeSomebodybefore i go, on behalf of us newbies, i humbly ask SOME of you to have more patience with us, you know who you are, we are already frustrated by windows, if you are too frustrated to be a helper, don't speak to us :)20:07
klappisnarkster: what version of teamspeak?20:07
alesanJeruvy, firefcox 3.6 has been released yesterday go on the home page on mozilla.com20:07
IdleOneWelshy-Rob: chmod +x filename.20:08
ikoniaJoeSomebody: people have patience with you#20:08
aciculaalesan: its a new version, so probably will be made available via backports, and is via ppa20:08
Jeruvyalesan: it was?  Ok I'll have a peek.20:08
wm_if you think #ubuntu is mean, try #centos someday.  those guys are jerks!20:08
klappisnarkster: how did you install and invoke teamspeak?20:08
snarksterive installed aoss, but what is my sound device?20:08
alesanJeruvy, it is 3.7 that will be scrapped ot go directly to 4.020:08
sdbinwiiexeHow do I make ubuntu prompt for my username on startup, instead f just the password?20:08
aciculasnarkster: dsp20:08
snarksterfrom the menu20:08
snarksterits set to dsp20:08
alesanacicula, those words do not make much sense to the average Ubunut user.20:08
snarksterwell im looking at it so i understood what he meant..20:09
snarksterIm thinking its some other config problem with me sound maybe20:09
snarksterive never been able to get a mic working ever in my 7 years using linux.20:09
aciculasnarkster: maybe some other programs are still using the alsa portion, that blocks the oss emu, you could try it with pulseaudio dsp emulation i think?20:09
klappisnarkster: hm i think i cant help you we are using ts3 and i uninstalled pulse audio sorry20:10
user0303does anyone know if the XEN virtual machine server is stable enough for regular use with say 9.10 ?20:11
icerootuser0303: the citrix-one`20:11
snarksterpulse audio already installed20:11
=== pipegeek1 is now known as pipegeek
ZesturianHello, how can I install all the dependencies of a package but not the package itself? I tried 'apt-get build-dep fwknop-server' but it doesn't include exim4 etc.20:12
Lostinspace_46Does anyone know how to set line spacing in gedit?20:12
snarksterhmm from konsole running aoss teamspeak give seg fault20:12
aulihi, can anybody suggest where I can buy a laptop with Ubuntu in (Ontario) Canada? Don't want the M$ mess :P20:13
aulipreferably from a store instead of ordering online20:13
snarksterred 7 online20:13
ikoniaauli: it's called MS and try using google or more appropaite channels, this channel is for ubuntu support20:13
aciculasnarkster: use teamspeak.bin20:13
aciculateamspeak is a wrapper and doesnt work with a dsp emu iirc20:13
auliikonia: apologies20:13
Piciauli: Try #ubuntu-ca the Canada team channel20:14
snarksterthank you20:14
blitz__hallo, someone knows a german ubuntu channel on freenode?20:14
Piciblitz__: #ubuntu-de20:14
ubottuIn den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.20:14
blumehello, i got a question20:15
blumeI want to play my old  Playstation 1 Games on Ubuntu over "Psxe"20:15
hemai  neeed help20:15
acicula!ask | hema20:15
ubottuhema: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)20:15
blumeBut whenever i insert one of my old game-disc's the disc itself gets recognized as Audio-CD20:16
hemai wann t to stop authentication20:16
aciculaauthentication of what, you want to auto login a user?20:17
blumeAnd this ends up in an error in "PSXE" with the message "It seems like it isnt a real Ps1 Disc" or similiar20:17
hiexpohema, - authinication of what ?20:17
Lostinspace_46Does anyone know how to set line spacing in gedit?20:18
zperteeI want to have a program automatically start when a particular user logs in, but not for other users? In other words user specific startup programs20:18
blumeI would appreciate any suggestion that may lead me to the solution :)20:18
aciculablume Startup applications ?20:18
hemawhen opening20:18
hemamy parttion20:18
erUSULzpertee: add it to users System>Prferences>init apps20:19
blumeNot sure if you mean the Autorun-Window20:19
aciculablume: system->preferences->startup applications preferences20:19
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blumeand then ?20:19
=== Curuy is now known as Like
aciculaadd whatever you want to run ?20:20
bombelDoes anyone know how to enable window rendering while resize the window?20:20
aciculanot sure if this affects just one user or all of them, but i guess just the one user you do it ass20:20
blumeumm, i think you missunderstood me :)20:20
hwildebombel, disable fancy effect in appearance20:20
hwildebombel, the transparent window resize rendering is a "feature"20:21
adacHow can I change the computer name on command line?20:21
hwildeadac, man hostname20:21
zleapyeah man hostname20:21
jgcampbell300how do i search for a directory that has FreeNX installed in it ... i forgot where it is20:21
guntbert!hostname | adac20:21
adack, thx gusy20:21
ubottuadac: Use hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hostname  and /etc/hosts . WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly.20:21
hwildejgcampbell300, locate freenx20:21
hemafuck  all20:21
blumeLets say i insert an Playstation1 Game CD into my CD-Drive, then there is some kind of a pop-up and they cd gets recognized as Audio-CD20:21
hwildejgcampbell300, or locate -i   to ignore case20:21
jgcampbell300thank you hwilde20:21
hemai will back to windows20:22
aciculablume: sorry condused you wioth zpertee20:22
hwildehema, did you even ask a question?20:22
guntbert!language | hema20:22
ubottuhema: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.20:22
blumeyea thought so acicula :)20:22
blumeNevermind :)20:22
jgcampbell300hmm i am trying to find the client ... that found the server ... maybe i need to install the client again20:22
aciculazpertee: see my previous answer to blume for auto starting a service20:22
hemaask me passord20:23
hemawhen opening folders20:23
hemaor network20:23
blumeand ?20:23
hemaor terminal20:23
blumewhats the matter hema :)20:23
ardchoillehema: you need touse your user password20:23
BitWraithhow do I add a link to the windows desktop (/host/Documents and Settings/USER/Desktop) to the ubuntu desktop? will ln -s work for something that is on another partition?20:23
hwildejgcampbell300, it's called  nxclient20:23
jgcampbell300ahh let me try that20:23
hwildejgcampbell300, /usr/NX/bin/nxclient20:23
ardchoillehema: That same password you use to log in20:23
blakkheimBitWraith: why did you use wubi instead of a real installation?20:24
hemai wann t to stop it20:24
jgcampbell300ok i guess i dont have the client ... is there a command like sudo apt-get install nx client ?20:24
rafytafycan someone tell me how to add this URL to my repo list?  http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/20:24
ardchoillehema: you want the system to stop asking you for a password?20:24
BitWraithblakkheim, because the machine I wanted to install on is very picky about which devices it will boot from, I didn't feel like struggling with it20:24
mike8i8Is there a way to remap keys without using xmodmap??20:24
hwildejgcampbell300, yep20:24
hwilde!keytouch > mike8i820:24
ubottumike8i8, please see my private message20:24
theDexPici: do you have the muse to check my changes if they are compliant to the wiki standards?20:24
ardchoillehema: It's a security thing, it's helping keep your system secure20:24
BitWraithSo far I have tried wubi on several boxes and it hasn't given me any trouble aside from a general ubuntu issue with one of the graphics cards20:25
hemai didn t need this security20:25
PicitheDex: You may want to ask in #ubuntu-doc , I'm a bit busy here at the moment.20:25
theDexah okay20:25
ardchoillehema: if your computer is connected to the internet, you do need security20:25
blakkheimBitWraith: it is also running on top of a bad filesystem that gets fragmented and has slower disk i/o20:25
hemait s too boor20:26
jgcampbell300hmm guess i need to google and find the instructions to install Free NX on ubuntu 9.1020:26
blumeboor ?20:26
hemaevery time ask me for password20:26
ardchoillehema: What is your native language?20:26
mike8i8Is there a way to remap keys without using xmodmap??20:26
blakkheim^ lol20:26
hwildemike8i8, read the message from ubottu about keytouch20:27
aciculajgcampbell300: likely there is a deb or repo on the freenx site20:27
mike8i8I had20:27
hwildejgcampbell300, sudo apt-get install nxclient20:27
blumewhen does it exactly ask you for the password ?20:27
hemar u go  ?20:27
blakkheimhema: he asked because it sounds like english is not your first language, but you're saying it is?20:27
ardchoilleblume: he means sudo/gksudo stuff20:27
konmanrafytafy• how did you come up with this idea?20:27
jgcampbell300could not find package nxclient20:27
mike8i8I want to remap the <Esc> key to the <Ctl-{> COmbination20:27
adacguntbert, hwilde I changed both, /etc/hostname and /etc/hosts an I did log out, but still the terminal shows me the old hostname. Any ideas?20:27
hwildehema, you can just login as root, but that is not recommended, because then your system will be insecure, and you will have similar problems to windows which is probably why you hate it in the first place20:27
jgcampbell300so my list dosnt have where its at ?20:28
hwildeadac, did you run the hostname command too ?20:28
adachwilde, nope20:28
hwilde!find nxclient karmic20:28
ardchoillehema: I aksed because there are other channels in other languages and I thought you might be more comfortable in one of your native language20:28
ubottuFile nxclient found in apparmor-profiles, kde-icons-mono, libnxcl-dev, php-doc20:28
hwildejgcampbell300, hmm that is odd standby20:28
hemayes english dosn t my first language20:28
ardchoillehwilde: Please don't recommend logging in as root, that is not recommended or supported here20:28
hemai m now under stand20:28
cptmorganim using static network settings and /etc/resolv.conf has no effect on my name servers. I can delete the file and everything still resolves. where is the nameserver file hiding?20:28
rafytafykonman: I have been browsing forum and a few other people have this problem of 64bit lockups20:29
hemathank you all20:29
rafytafysomething to do with the 2.6.31-14 and up kernel20:29
guntbertLike:  Do you have an ubuntu support question?20:29
hwildeardchoille, I said it wasn't recommended.  get off my case20:29
MFriedmanhow do you pronounce ubuntu?20:29
hemasorry for all20:29
hemai was  ugly20:29
blakkheimoo boon too20:29
IdleOneMFriedman: ooboontoo20:29
Likeyeah the last pass gunni20:29
Likeim already have an card detecter20:30
Likehewri go20:30
Windopaini have an nvidia card; installed jaunty; saw message about unauth drivers being avail; upgraded to 9.10; no more message; would they be included w/ the 9.10 install? if not, how can i check/install them?20:30
guntbert!enter | Like20:30
ubottuLike: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!20:30
flowrHi. I cant get the 'Broadcom 5343' wireless chipset work with ubuntu. And I've installed all those packets http://blog.muehlburger.at/2009/09/25/howto-install-broadcom-wireless-device-on-hp-mini-5101-running-ubuntu-jaunty/20:30
Likehow i edit asoundrc ? fo asoundconf-gtk?20:30
blumehema are you talking about the "sudo"-passworts, or the passworts you have to type in when you for example mount an Harddrive ?20:30
Likeand itsself20:30
MFriedmanwhat are the system requirements for ubuntu?20:30
konmanrafytafy• dont you get kernel updates?20:31
IdleOnehey DexterF20:31
DexterFjust tried to disable the splash on grub2. cant even find the config. the f?!* ?20:31
IdleOneMFriedman: www.ubuntu.com has all that info for you :)20:31
rafytafykonman: i have current karmic 64bit kernel, i want to try the 2.6.33 kernel to see if the lockup issue still persists20:31
purpleGeckoHi all, I thought I understood Ubuntu runlevels, but rc2.d doesn't seem to load gdm anywhere, and yet I'm in Gnome! Could someone let me know how this loads?20:31
user0303my router suddenly passed out a new IP to my Linux box in the LAN, an IP within the set range, I lost connection and could not get back on. I set the IP again with ifconfig eth0, again within the range, but it did not reappear.20:31
hema r there arabic or chinees20:31
maco!sa | hema20:31
ubottuhema: For the Saudi Arabia team : /join #ubuntu-sa : للانظمام الى قناة الفريق السعودي - For Arabic language support, please : /join #ubuntu-arabic : للحصول على الدعم باللغة العربية20:31
maco!cn | hema20:31
ubottuhema: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk20:31
hwildejgcampbell300, here is the client download page http://www.nomachine.com/download-package.php?Prod_Id=134820:31
ZykoticK9!runlevels | purpleGecko20:32
ubottupurpleGecko: In Ubuntu all runlevels except 0,1 and 6 are by default equal. Also keep in mind that Ubuntu now uses !Upstart instead of System V init so there is normally no /etc/inittab.20:32
IdleOneDexterF: I dont think you can with grub220:32
IdleOneDexterF: not yet that is20:32
DexterFIdleOne: WHAT?!?!!???!20:32
* DexterF has a hissy fit20:32
maco!ops | flowr20:32
ubottuflowr: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!20:32
IdleOneflowr: thank you. there is the door20:32
ardchoilleDexterF , IdleOne yes, you can disable splash20:33
purpleGeckoZykotickK9: thank you, I'll go and find out what Upstart is now!20:33
jgcampbell300thanks man ... i been fighting the client for a bit20:33
IdleOneardchoille: ahh good could you tell DexterF how20:33
konmanrafytafy• 2.6.33 is not stable20:33
geniiDexterF: GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash"         in /etc/default/grub         then (sudo) update-grub20:33
ZykoticK9purpleGecko, do you want to disable GDM?20:33
patrlckI have a logitech mouse mx 550 wireless. I have recharged it and now the middle button isn't responsive. any idea how to fix that?20:33
=== morpheuz is now known as Sirius_Black
hwildeDexterF, IdleOne   GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash"20:34
DexterFgenii: eh... and... not for all, only one? got 6 kernels to boot on 3 dists20:34
rafytafykonman: my current 2.6.31-17 is giving me problems as well20:34
IdleOneAfternoon mneptok :)20:34
Sirius_BlackHola :D20:34
B3ns4ws0m3nice mneptok ;)20:34
mneptokIdleOne: ahoyhoy20:34
geniiDexterF: Offhand, no idea20:34
purpleGeckoZykotick9: no, just trying to understand more!20:35
ardchoilleDexterF: I know you can disable splash, but I don't remember how I did it. You have to remove "splash" from a file and I need to find that file.20:35
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub220:35
hwildeDexterF, do you see what I said?    grub.cfg   GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash"20:35
DrLukecan I run java5 and java6 at the same time in ubuntu 9.10?20:35
user0303can anyone recommend a firewall ?20:35
hwilde!firewall > user030320:35
ubottuuser0303, please see my private message20:35
konmanrafytafy: the current kernel is
eaehey, how can I remove pulseaudio without uninstalling the whole gnome?20:35
IdleOnehwilde: I thought editing grub.cfg was a bad idea?20:35
jgcampbell300ok i was trying to install the wrong package ... thank you very much for you help20:35
ardchoilleDexterF: This page explains it https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub220:35
rafytafyI have 2.6.31-17-generic_64 on my karmic20:36
hwildeIdleOne, meh, what is this windows?  we are not allowed to edit files now ?20:36
user0303I've been looking at firewalls that let you observe in realtime. "firestarter", vuurmuur, etc20:36
IdleOnehwilde: I remember reading that editing that file by hand would break things. I'm probably wrong though20:36
hwildeuser0303, I like the Cisco ASA 5520 personally20:36
ZykoticK9eae, i don't recommend it but if you want to remove Pulse see http://paste.ubuntu.com/360862/20:37
hwildeIdleOne, technically, editing any system file has the potential to break things tbh20:37
ardchoilleIdleOne: you can edit /etc/defaults/grub and then do "sudo update-grub"and that was the recommended way20:37
user0303I have VNC working between windows (ultraVNC) and a Linux VNC but havent figured out a way to optain graphics yet with that combination. ideas? input?20:37
IdleOneardchoille: hwilde thank you for the info :)20:37
DexterFoh jebus now I get it...  this is just.. awkward.20:38
MarkiveGood evening all, is it possible in ubuntu to run itunes or is there a really nice way of putting tunes on my iphone?20:38
ardchoilleDexterF: I agree, but it's the way now20:38
konmanrafytafy: there is a guide for upgrading the kernel: http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/linux-kernel-upgrade-howto/20:38
rafytafythank you20:38
axisysi have 10 .ps files... i want to make one .pdf file out of them .. i tried to run the following.. but it has been running for 1 hr.20:39
axisysgs -q -sPAPERSIZE=letter -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -sOutputFile=ipmp.pdf ipmp1.ps ipmp2.ps ipmp3.ps ipmp4.ps ipmp5.ps ipmp6.ps ipmp7.ps ipmp8.ps ipmp9.ps ipmp10.ps ipmp11.ps20:39
axisysany suggestion how to achieve that would be appreciated20:39
axisysi am running ubuntu karmic (latest) on intel core duo 2.4ghz and 3G mem .. it should have been completed real fast.. eash file is about 300K20:39
FloodBot1axisys: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:39
ardchoilleDexterF: Look at the  grub (/etc/default/grub) section on that page20:39
bullgard!sound | bullgard20:39
ubottubullgard, please see my private message20:39
ardchoilleDexterF: I removed splash and quite, gives a nice text boot20:40
DexterF"hey, let's make the config file not to be edited but let it be generated by a script so you cant just edit it from any live cd but have to mount all the distro devs and chroot, and hey, even better, lets mek it not build the conf from a file but from a *set* of files in a dir and *totally* riddle everyone how to arrange the order in case one needs that! did we release proper docs yet? not even one piece? GOOD."20:40
rafytafykonman: once i install the image do I have to do anything with grub2? I am used to using grub1 and i would normally edit the grub.conf20:40
purpleGeckoZykotick9: Thank you, I've found the info on upstart :)20:40
blakkheimDexterF: grub2 sucks i agree, i use regular grub :)20:41
ryanCHcan someone login to my FTP server at "" and tell me if they see any files in the directory?20:41
* DexterF now officially hates grub220:41
ZykoticK9ryanCH, no files listed20:41
acicularyanCH: dont ask people here to do that20:41
IdleOneryanCH: looks empty20:41
ardchoilleDexterF: I sent yo a PM20:41
ZykoticK9ryanCH, BTW anonymous FTP if probably NOT a good idea20:42
ryanCHIdleOne, but put a file in that directory .. it only shows up when i do "ftp" which is my computer the ftp server is hosted20:42
jgcampbell300whats the command line for finding out the version of ubuntu your runing please20:42
aciculaLogging in to random servers without knowing who they belong to is also not very smart20:42
aciculajgcampbell300: lsb_release -a20:43
ZykoticK9jgcampbell300, "lsb_realease -a"20:43
ZykoticK9jgcampbell300, use acicula and not my typo version :)20:43
user0303thanks ubottu and hwilde. Ihave been looking at Firestarter yes :)20:43
=== i is now known as Guest38774
pershian007hi how can resize root partition ?20:43
axisyshow do I make stick stuff in /etc/resolv.conf that will survive a reboot? i am using dhcp .. i want add more entries in search row20:44
guntbertpershian007: you need to boot from a live CD20:44
ubottuFor help with partitioning a new install see: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/switching/installing-partitioning.html - For partitioning programs see !GParted, !QtParted (!Kubuntu 8.10 and lower) or !PartitionManager (!Kubuntu 9.04 and up) - Other partitioning topics include !fstab !home and !swap20:44
jgcampbell300lol ty20:44
llutzaxisys: edit dhclient.conf20:44
pershian007guntbert how ?20:44
guntbertpershian007: how what? how to boot from a live CD?20:45
axisysllutz: looking.. still trying to find a clue what entry need to be added for `search'20:45
pershian007no , how resize in live cd ?20:46
c_kornhello, I want to debug a fullscreen application with gdb. when the game segfaults it does not return to my gnome terminal because gdb blocks it. how can I force the application to open in a window ?20:46
pershian007guntbert no , how resize in live cd ?20:46
belacquaIs there a way to find if you are running a 386 or amd64 version of the kernel from the command line?  thanks.20:46
llutzaxisys: supersede domain-name “yoursearch.domain.tld";20:46
aciculabelacqua: uname -a20:46
axisysllutz: oh ok.. thanks a lot20:47
ylynfattGood day all. I'd like to know how to go about renaming a set of folders e.g. folder1, folder2... to new_folder1, new_folder2?20:47
konmanrafytafy: you have to run "update-grub2"20:47
ylynfattvia a bash or python script20:47
belacquaacicula: thanks.  d'oh - didn't see it at first.20:48
EuphorianX3When I lower my resolution below 1600x1200 LCD, the color and blending become dull, is there anyway to fix that20:48
guntbertpershian007: using gparted - but at the moment I don't have the spirit  -  because it depends on what else there is on the disk20:48
=== Retro is now known as Retro68
konmanrafytafy: sorry for slow response20:48
patrlckI see there is no xorg.conf in ubuntu 9.10 .. where do I have to look to change the settings for my mouse???20:48
mike8i8Is there a way to remap keys without using xmodmap??20:48
aciculaEuphorianX3: yeah , run your lcd at its native resolution?20:49
pershian007guntbert 10 Q20:49
Retro68mymmain nick is taken lol20:49
EuphorianX3acicula I don't like doing that cause it slows down20:49
aciculaEuphorianX3: in games you mean?20:49
ardchoilleRetro68: PM?20:49
aciculaEuphorianX3: well its unavoidable with lcd screens20:50
guntbertRetro68: ask in #freenode20:50
patrlckdoes anyone know how to change some of my mouse settings? xorg.conf doesn't exist in latest ubuntu20:50
belacquaylynfatt:   look for and install one from these   $ apt-cache search file | grep rename20:50
EuphorianX3theres no way for my OS to emulate the lower resolutions with better quality?20:50
aciculapatrlck: via preferences -> mouse?20:51
patrlckacicula, not all settings are available there20:51
patrlckie: middle mouse button and such20:51
llutzylynfatt: mmv20:51
Retro68CPU:       Single core Intel Atom N270 (UP) cache 512 KB flags (sse3)20:51
Retro68           Clock Speeds: (1) 1600.00 MHz (2) 800.00 MHz20:51
saxartistwhy are the default login screens so ugly now? The Ubuntustudio one is awful20:51
patrlckbasically I just put my mouse on recharge, then the middle button won't work as it used to20:51
Retro68UNR = excellent20:51
aciculaEuphorianX3: the lcd emulates lower resolutions at the expense of screen quality20:51
nomercyhi is there anybody using bittorrent-5.3-GPL here?20:52
belacquaylynfatt:   for i in * ; do mv $i foo_$i ; done20:52
EuphorianX3ok then, well the biggest problem i have with being in 1600x1200 is when i drag the windows and it displays the contents dragging, it is slow and choppy how do i disable that feature?20:52
guntbert!anyone | nomercy20:52
ubottunomercy: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?20:52
ylynfattbelacqua: thanks I'll try that.20:53
fredensborgI just used Synaptic to install unrar-free, but it doesn't run when I click on an archive that I want to unpack. Any suggestions?20:53
aciculaEuphorianX3: Preferences->Appearance20:53
Retro68unrar nonfree20:53
purpleGeckopatrlck: xorg.conf is here: /etc/X11/xorg.conf20:53
Retro68unrar free doesnt support the latest rar archives20:53
patrlckfredensborg, I'd suggest to use winrar thru wine :P20:53
EuphorianX3visual effects are turned off.20:53
patrlckpurpleGecko, not in ubuntu 9.1020:54
aciculano need for that, unrar (nonfree) works just fine20:54
fredensborgOk both of you!20:54
fredensborgacicula: I'll try that20:54
Retro68like I suggested heh, unrar nonfree20:54
purpleGeckopatrlck: that's what I'm on - only re-installed this week :)20:54
fredensborgRetro68: Right20:55
patrlckpurpleGecko, well there is no file /etc/X11/xorg.conf20:55
Retro68its what I use20:55
Retro68for a long time it was certain progs that kept me stuck on windows20:55
ZykoticK9patrlck, by default there is not an xorg.conf in 9.10 - what gfx card you using?20:55
ZykoticK9patrlck, sorry i'm no help there - hoping you where going to say nvidia20:56
Retro68but theres such a plethora of open source programs out there now, I just plain dont need windows20:56
patrlckI'm currently downloading ATI's proprietary drivers for my video card20:56
* Retro68 was superhappy to find gweled20:57
patrlckI hate the fact that most of linux knowledge fades with time20:57
aciculapatrlck: using the hardware driver installation or are you manually downloading the driver yoursel20:57
patrlckacicula, hw driver installation20:58
aciculapatrlck: k20:58
patrlckshould I expect my system to crash or something? :P20:59
purpleGeckopatrlck: sorry for doubting you, it seems the installation of my nvidia driver created my xorg.conf :/20:59
aciculapatrlck: nah20:59
patrlckpurpleGecko, np :)20:59
aciculapatrlck: it will send wafts of magic smokes before it does that20:59
=== lampe is now known as lampe2
patrlcksounds good20:59
aciculai know right20:59
patrlckwhattttttttt, I need to restart :(20:59
snake_I need drivers for: "Dell 1397 WLAN 802.11g" and google is not my friend today...20:59
truk77Anybody: I'm having serious issues installing Ubuntu on a Dell Precision 1500.   Suspect the video driver.  Is there a way to use the Karmic LiveCD in command line only mode?21:00
=== luis__lopez is now known as luis_lopez
patrlckwell, hopefully my mouse will be fixed when I reboot21:00
patrlckgood old windows trick21:00
aciculasnake_: what does lspci report as the name of your wlan?21:00
snake_truk77, ctrl alt f221:00
aciculapatrlck: its lying21:00
aciculapatrlck: just kill the gui, thats enough ;)21:00
patrlckacicula, yeah that makes sense21:00
snake_acicula, my wireless card is named eth1 if that is what you need21:01
truk77snake_: something's screwing up the system when it tries to start an X server, I think...I want to get into text mode before it tries21:01
mvn071hi, i am prepairing  ubuntu-desktop deployment based pxeboot for ~100 desktops. pxeboots offer a livesystem based one image using casper and squashfs. This image is readonly for performance reasons. It mount homedirs over NFS and authenticates against kerberos. My question is, is this approach different enough to write a howto on the wiki?21:01
snake_truk77, yes when you boot up press "ctrl alt f2"21:01
truk77snake_: ok, thanks, will try21:01
_vbuHi. I am running ubuntu 8.04, due to some issue kernel panics, i searched for crash dumps in /var/crash but there isn't one. Is there some way to get a crash dump21:01
aciculasnake_: nope, type, chip and all that is important to solve the problem, if its not autodetected after a fresh install first connecgt a cable and update your system completely, maybe it will already propose the proper drivers via preferences->hardware drivers21:01
acicula_vbu: kernel panics do not generate crash dumps21:02
_vbuacicula: can i enable kernel dump in ubuntu21:02
acicula_vbu: well i assume you can force the kernel to dump somewhere21:03
_vbuacicula: yes i want the same21:03
acicula_vbu: otherwise noone could debug it, but dunno, what do you get a kernel panic at21:03
aciculais it just failing to mount the root fs or?21:03
aciculamvn071: it wont hurt ? afaik the pxe wiki focusses on just the simple installation case21:04
_vbuacicula: i am running a custom module of mine and i want to debug it21:04
_vbuacicula: which tool or kernel option is used to enable the crash dump21:04
acicula_vbu: yeah you will have to look into kernel debugging, but if its a mod consider loading/unloading it into a running kernel rather then debugging at boot?21:05
acicula_vbu: wouldnt know21:05
_vbuacicula: its a dynamic loadable module. but after running a few hours the system crashes. I am unable to get to the problem because i have nothing more then a backtrace21:06
DexterFneed a mail client that can talk to an MS Exchange - is there any..?21:07
DexterFor a plugin for tbird?21:07
aciculaDexterF: thunderbird can talk to exchange afaik or at least via imap?21:08
DexterFnah, need to be the exchange protocol, imap not running on that Ex and I cant do a thing about it21:08
zig_Anyone know of a way to, via a command-line of some sort, convert a mass amount of PDF files to, say, TXT, or ODT or what-have-you21:09
grandmhi,  im using ubuntu 9.10, how can i look up what my audio record device is called, i have tried lsmod but i dont know what im looking for21:09
zig_Perhaps even HTML21:09
_vbuDexterF: you could try crossover + microsoft outlook. it works well for me21:09
=== Funbird_ is now known as Funbird
DexterFVMware then, rather21:09
Lavinhoalguem sabe que comandos se usa no empathy ?21:10
bullgardman ls: "option -F, --classify: append indicator (one of */=>@|) to entries.' What does the indicator '@' stand for?21:10
_vbuDexterF: it doesn't take that much resources as a vmware image takes21:10
aciculaLavinho: language?21:10
Billiardzig_: there is a pdftohtml command21:10
Lavinhoe que eu n me consigo ligar no irc com o empathy , diz-me comando não suportado21:10
aciculaLavinho: empathy doesnt do irc very well afaik21:10
BlouBlou!enlglish | Lavinho21:11
BlouBlou!english | Lavinho21:11
ubottuLavinho: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat21:11
acicula!pl | rafael21:11
ubotturafael: Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.21:11
mneptok!pt > Lavinho21:11
ubottuLavinho, please see my private message21:11
DexterF_vbu: resources are not much of an issue, and 2003 works ok on 256MB21:11
tweaksourceI'm looking at building a pc and run ubuntu. Should any Intel chipset + nvidia  combination work well?21:12
tweaksourceAnything to beware of?21:12
iceroottweaksource: sure21:12
iceroottweaksource: i am using it too21:12
tweaksourceiceroot, What are you using?21:12
mneptoktweaksource: you'll avoid frustration by using Intel throughout. especially for graphics and wireless.21:12
=== linucks[afk] is now known as linucks
iceroottweaksource: asus p5b-e + gf7900 gs21:12
hummessei have a question regarding ebay. Where to post?21:12
iceroothummesse: not here21:13
tweaksourcemneptok, That's what i thought. I have 2 pc's with ATI now. Some releases work well. Others don't21:13
mneptokhummesse: eBay has customer service for users. contact them.21:13
hero1900how to show the boot menu if i got single ubuntu on one hard disk i want to look at the menu??21:13
aciculamneptok: not really, all the atom intel gfx stuff doesnt work so well21:13
hummessei mean an irc channel21:13
tweaksourceI'm talking desktop21:13
hummesse#ebay is empty21:13
aciculamneptok: no hw accelerated video decode on intel 4500 either :/21:13
iceroot!ot | hummesse21:13
ubottuhummesse: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!21:14
guntberthero1900: on booting press either <shift> or <esc>21:14
cyad1972Hola buenas a todos21:14
cyad1972¿alguien puede echarme un cbale?21:14
tweaksourceiceroot, thanks.21:14
aciculaiceroot: it maybe that the 7900gs is only supported still by the open source nvidia driver and not the binary driver from nvidia itself(less 3d stuff support)21:15
icerootacicula: its using the closed source driver21:15
cyad1972¿alguien sabe si se puede instalar ubunmtu en un pendrive?21:15
aciculaiceroot: cool :), didnt think it would still work with that21:15
tweaksourceiceroot, No issues with 7900gs then?21:15
rafaeli'm looking for CAF for ubuntu?? any idea?21:16
ArsinI ran SuperPi on Ubuntu and Win7, Win7 won by 10min, any idea why?21:16
aciculacyad1972: language?21:16
iceroottweaksource: no21:16
acicula!usb | cyad197221:16
ubottucyad1972: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent21:16
sheldonhello all, i get a problem to change permission on ntfs-3g mounted partition21:16
aciculaArsin: Superpi is a windows program?21:17
sheldoni mount ntfs-3g and after impossible to changer owner of dir21:17
aciculasheldon: premissions on ntfs are different from unix permissions21:17
jjk gcc:no input files error21:17
cyad1972Pero lo que quiero es instalarlo en un usb no desde un usb21:17
sheldonit's not possible to change permission ?21:17
Arsinacicula: Both, in linux its just a command21:17
acicula!pt | cyad197221:17
ubottucyad1972: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.21:17
mneptok!es | cyad197221:17
ubottucyad1972: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.21:17
aciculaArsin: dunno then21:18
sheldonmaybe problem is that my device is a logical partition ?21:18
aciculasheldon: thats not related21:18
tasslehoffI need to do chgrp on /home, but it fails on .gfvs and gives up. How can I do chgrp on everything except that one?21:18
sheldonit's strange no ?21:18
bullgardman ls: "option -F, --classify: append indicator (one of */=>@|) to entries." What does the indicator '@' stand for?21:18
sheldonnormally i would be able to change owner of mounted dir ?21:19
Billiardsheldon: ntfs doesnt support unix permissions, you can change the owner of the entire filesystem when you mount it though21:19
jjkgcc:no input files error in the terminal  but in synaptic manager gcc is installed21:19
zacktui have installed eclipse as /opt/eclipsexx (download, not via synaptic).  That's fine for me to use as a developer.  Pydev updates from the pydev site when I'm using eclipse.  On the other hand, eclipse doesn't update and doesn't show the eclipse update site as "available" unless I execute eclipse from the command line as root.   Is this the way it should be?21:19
tasslehoffor, how can I chgrp on .gfvs?21:19
sheldonhow can i do this ?21:20
consolecowboyomg i was just messing about with Cheese, taking multiple photos and suddenly these voices came on saying stuff like 'hahaha you look' and 'cheeeeese!' i nearly got a heartattack, i live alone and i was in complete silence. whats that all about?21:20
sheldoni must to add sudo permission to my user for mount ?21:20
tlyubullgard, "@" in ls -F = symbolic link21:20
Billiardsheldon: how are you mounting it currently, do you have a line in your fstab?21:21
hiexpoconsolecowboy, - lol21:21
aciculajjk: the error means gcc works but it doesnt have anything to do21:21
sheldonin root, mount -t ntfs-3g ......21:21
Billiardsheldon: add the option gid=value21:22
fredensborgHow do I extract a file inside an ISO file?21:22
Billiardsheldon: to your mount command so "mount.ntfs-3g /dev/xxxx /mountpoint gid=groupname"21:22
guntbert!iso | fredensborg21:23
ubottufredensborg: To mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.21:23
jophishHowdy all. At the moment, I have a file server at home, and I mount a directory on there from any computer in the house using nfs, with full rw permissions, all is hunky-dory. I have a static ip, so I thought it might be useful to be able to mount a directory on the server from the web. There seems to be two ways of doing this, either by sshfs, or mounting a nfs share over ssh. Which one of these would #ubuntu recommend? in terms of security and ea21:23
jophishse of use. Mounting the share from the web should probably be limited to one directory on the server, with no write permissions. Thanks21:23
jjk@acicula:but my programs are not working here when i use gcc command in terminal21:23
aciculajjk: if you type gcc in the terminal what does it say21:24
mneptokjophish: install openssh-server and use ssh. far, FAR more secure.21:24
aciculamneptok: both things he mentioned use that21:25
FishLightDesignhey all!21:25
aciculasshfs is probably based on sftp and scp, the other uses the ssh tunnel to route nfs traffic over?21:25
FishLightDesignso I am having problems installing on a Flash Drive21:25
mneptokacicula: yes. but nfs+ssh introduced another potential attack surface in nfs21:25
aeon-ltdjophish: yeah +1 on security, but remember to change port 22 to something more obscure21:25
jophishthanks mneptok, is this: http://www.howtoforge.com/nfs_ssh_tunneling what you have in mind?21:25
aciculamneptok: not really21:25
aciculamneptok: you tunnel from one machine to another21:26
FishLightDesignI want to make it as the primary boot disc. I'm running desktop on a server21:26
mneptokjophish: no, leave nfs out of it.21:26
aciculaso nfs is never exposed to the internet21:26
jjk@acicula:it says "gcc:no input files"21:26
aciculajjk: then gcc is working21:26
aciculausing sshfs is probably easier though21:26
aeon-ltdacicula: its safe to run nfs just make sure your iptables or fw is configured well enough21:26
BilliardFishLightDesign: did you choose to boot from usb in the bios settings?21:27
FishLightDesignyeah, I have a live version of desktop running right now21:27
jophishwhat is insecure about sshing into the server, and them mounting a nfs share from there? as in the link I posted21:27
BilliardFishLightDesign: so what is the problem?21:27
FishLightDesignand the flash is plugged in. but I want the flash to actually serve as the boot drive for the computer21:27
FishLightDesignI have't installed linux on it yet21:27
jjk@acicula:when i do my programs output is not coming here21:27
jophishor how would I mount the directory using just ssh?21:27
BilliardFishLightDesign: which part are you stuck on?21:28
bullgardman ls: "option -F, --classify: append indicator (one of */=>@|) to entries.' What does the indicator '@' stand for?21:28
LaibschHi, is Ubuntu netbook remix defined by the configurations and set of available packages or are the packages recompiled in a way to save space, for example?21:28
ubuntu__słabo znam angielski21:28
aeon-ltdjophish: same network? by any chance21:28
FishLightDesignlet me try again... hold on. I'm going to wipe the drive and try the install again21:28
georgiosarkouzisHeya people-I got a question  regarding setting a specific resolution for gdm in 9.10. I can not see the user list etc,because the resolution is too high.I would like to set it to 1024x768-xrandr and saving into /etc/gdm/Init/Default didn't help( I followed several suggestions but nada)..21:29
jophishwhat do you mean aeon-ltd ?21:29
aciculaLaibsch: its meant to fit on a small netbook disk21:29
bullgardLaibsch: Ubuntu Remix is an alternative set of available packages.21:29
aeon-ltdjophish: is the nfs share on the same network ie. local file server21:29
tlyubullgard, "@" in ls -F = symbolic link. the info page explains, but the man page does not.21:30
bullgardtlyu: Thank you very much for your help.21:30
Laibschbullgard: are they recompiled any differently than the "normal" packages?  for example, is the firefox package any different in UNR than in normal Ubuntu?21:31
aeon-ltdLaibsch: nope but branding may differ21:31
Lostinspace_46My gedit is double spacing lines.  How can I stop this?21:31
jophishaeon-ltd, at the moment I am fine mounting the nfs share from inside the lan, but I want to extend this to allowing me to access the files from the internet21:32
aeon-ltdjophish: as long as ufw or iptables are set to accept incoming connections from your ip then i don't see why this isn't secure21:32
aeon-ltdjophish: *only accept incoming21:33
LaibschI'm thinking about buying a hybrid netbook with ssd and hd.  Space on the SSD would be at a premium and I'm thinking about installing a separate, slimmed-down linux on the SSD.  And I want to have as much space remaining as possible on the SSD for real data.21:33
jophishthis is for mounting the nfs share through a ssh tunnel right?21:33
dsearleAnyone using a sata cd drive with ubuntu? I'm thinking about buying one, but i'm not sure about the support for them.21:33
jophishwouldn't the server see the nfs mount request come from its own ip then?21:33
jophishso I should put in /etc/exports a line dealing with localhost21:34
aeon-ltdjophish: damn you right soz my bad, but you can still limit ssh access21:34
jophishyeah, I was going to set up a user without the ability to run commands21:34
ulbis it possible to run webserver from NAS device?21:35
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mecoI opened an ISO file and found several files inside, among them a 1.4GB .CAB file. Is this the file which contains the media I am looking for?21:39
aciculaulb: heu, the short answer would be yeah, but it sortof depends how you want to do it. its pretty specific for a generic support channel though21:39
aciculadsearle: my sata dvd burner works just fine21:40
ulbacicula: ty, yeah just sort of thinking out loud21:40
dsearleacicula: What drive have you got?21:40
Schuihello, having a bit of trouble getting my camera to work.. its a hitachi dz-mv230a. i looked it up and it appears support is only for windows/mac. i was wondering if there were more traditional ways of using your cam?21:41
aciculadsearle: dunno21:41
aciculadsearle: samsung something i think21:41
guntbertmeco: .cab are windows archives21:41
aciculadsearle: i cant fanthom why a sata drive would not work though21:41
dsearleacicula: ty, Will have a shop arround :)21:41
aciculadsearle: at least not from any of the generic brands21:41
ScuniziSchui: camera or camcorder?21:41
dsearleacicula: I've just read reports of people not being able to burn, etc..21:41
mecoguntbert: Yeah, but they can be opened like any arhcive can't they?21:41
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Schuiscunizi, its a camcorder - dvd cam21:42
aciculadsearle: well i havent tried that, i think21:42
ScuniziSchui: and dv output?21:42
guntbertmeco: just try - I have no idea21:42
mecoDoes anyone know how I can open a .cab archive?21:42
Schuiscunizi, it has a usb connection to the pc21:43
aciculameco: with cabextract21:43
mecoacicula: nice21:43
aciculameco: ?21:43
mecoacicula: appreciated21:44
ScuniziSchui: then you need to focus on mounting it as a usb device.. there may also be a setting in the camera for a couple different pc connection modes21:44
jophishOK, it seems that sshfs is the best way to do this, (leave nfs out of this). Is there any way in which I can get sshfs to only access one directory with read only permissions?21:45
Schuiscunizi, how would i mount it as a usb device?21:45
ScuniziSchui: sorry i have to leave that for others21:47
Schuiscunizi, np lol21:47
aciculajophish: well sshfs uses sftp/scp or an ssh session under the hood, so you have the same permissions as the user you login as21:47
mecoacicula: After I installed cabextract using Synaptic I clicked on the .cab archive and got an error message saying that no application is installed for this file type. Any suggestion?21:47
aciculameco: probably fileroller doesnt understand cabextract21:48
Lostinspace_46My gedit is double spacing lines.  How can I stop this?21:48
aciculameco: wield the console ;)21:48
jophishso I need to set sshfs to only allow an unprivileged user login from (my router)21:48
jophishis it possible to limit a user to only being able to see /data/music, and have no write permissions there21:49
aciculajophish: apparmor maybe21:49
erUSULjophish: make it read only for him21:49
aciculajophish: or create a user which only has permissions for those directories?21:49
jophishThat's possible?21:50
Trekjophish: not easily, but it can be done21:50
erUSUL!permisions | jophish21:50
erUSUL!permision | jophish21:50
tasslehoffIf I change a keyboard layout (in an editor), do I have to restart X for it to take effect?21:50
Schuiso is there a piece of software or something i could use to get my cam to work? i plug it in and it's not detected... it's a hitachi dz-mv230a camcorder.. should i just make a new post to the forums?21:50
Trek!permissions | jophish21:50
ubottujophish: An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions21:50
aciculawell the user must have a a username/passwd, doesnt need to be able to actually start a shell (maybe?)21:50
jophishthe thing is, that the directory is read, write for everyone. at the moment it's mounted just form the lan, with trusted users21:50
acicula!webcam > Schui21:50
ubottuSchui, please see my private message21:51
erUSULTrek: ty21:51
aciculaSchui: also gstreamer-properties, do you get any output there?21:51
TrekerUSUL: no problem.21:51
XeroXerDoes anyone know why ddcprobe gives edidfail in 64 bit (ubuntu 9.10), worked great on 32 bit.21:51
Schuiacicula, yes. it gets like 5 lines of "Skipping unavailable plugin" and then it opens up a window21:52
aciculaSchui: check the linked webpage for any solutions21:53
mecoIs it possible to copy a file so I can access it from Windows XP?21:53
aciculameco: copy it to the windows partition?21:53
ikoniameco: sure, mount your windows partition21:53
jophishso the file permissions are "-rwxrw-rw- 1 root root" for every file, any way to limit this dumb user another way?21:53
DVA5912What is two finger scrolling ?21:54
aciculajophish: yeah not make it writeable for world would be a good start ;)21:54
aciculaDVA5912: one finger on the touchpad and one one the screen :)?21:54
Trekmeco:  yes, copy it to a separate FAT16 partition21:54
Schuiacicula, its not a webcam, would that matter?21:54
aciculaSchui: yeah21:54
aciculaDVA5912: its for touchscreens i think21:54
DVA5912acicula, there is an option for two finger scrolling in thouchpad settings21:54
mecoWhat app is comparable to Windows Explorer in Ubuntu?21:55
aciculaDVA5912: oh then i dont know21:55
aciculameco: nautilus21:55
jophishacicula, at the moment its accessed by several people over a lan, who all need rw permissions. that seemed to be the only way of doing that, letting "others" have rw access21:55
aciculaSchui: erm is it a camera on a stick with a usb connector or is it a camera with interated storage21:55
mecoI think I have nautilus installed, but I cannot see it in the menus. Suggestions?21:56
aciculaSchui: if the latter then you may not be able to directly access the video input21:56
Schuiacicula, its a hand held video recorder, it uses dvd rw's for storage21:56
aciculaSchui: does it show up as a storage device?21:56
jophishmeco, go to places, in the top left21:56
jophishbetween applicationa and system21:56
Schuiacicula, nothing shows up. it's possible i'm doing something wrong when connecting tho21:56
aciculaSchui: for the direct video access part, ie watch what the camera is seeing right now it will be treated as a webcam21:56
aciculaSchui: well its usb or firewire, not much to do wrong there21:57
aciculaSchui: remove any hubs to make sure just in case21:57
Schuiacicula, to elaborate, if i plug in the usb cord when camera is off, nothing happens at all. but if i plug it in when the camera is on, it goes into some kind of "thinking" mode, and then goes blank21:57
aciculaSchui: well probably because the kernel is trying to figure out what the new usb device is\21:58
aciculaand then decides : idunno21:58
aciculayou can type dmesg on a console and see some status messages about that21:58
Schuiacicula, probably lol21:58
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Schuiacicula, dmesg comes up with tons of stuff :S21:59
aciculaSchui: thats normal21:59
aciculaprolly just want the last 10-15 linesa22:00
Schuiacicula, none of it means anything to me tho.. would you like to see it?22:00
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aciculaSchui: yeah slap it on pastebin22:00
aciculaSchui: you want to be able to use it as a webcam or?22:01
Schuiacicula, i just want to get stuff off the cam onto th epc22:01
phong_Linux phong 2.6.31-17-generic #54-Ubuntu SMP Thu Dec 10 16:20:31 UTC 2009 i686 GNU/Linux22:02
mecoCan I run Windows under Ubuntu if I install Wine, and do I use Synaptic to do that?22:02
aciculaso view it as a storage22:02
erUSUL!virtualizers | meco22:02
ubottumeco: There are several solutions for running other operating systems (or their programs) inside Ubuntu, while using the native CPU as much as possible: !QEmu (with !KQemu), !VirtualBox, !VMWare, as well as !WINE and !Cedega for Windows applications22:02
aciculaSchui: is there a mode you can set on the camera so that it maybe shows up as a disk, ie pc sync mode or something to that extend?22:02
elyosmeco - what app do u need windows for?22:02
mecoelyos:  It's a game I just downloaded22:03
Schuiacicula, possibly. there's no buttons i can see for that but there is options available in the camera settings, i can look22:03
elyosmeco you wont want to run a game in a virtualmachine22:03
elyosmeco your only viable option IS wine in that case22:03
elyosmeco and most of the time it's an EPIC phail22:04
aciculameco: Wine emulates a windows environment to run windows programs in, A vitualizer emulates a pc to run windows in to run windos apps in22:04
mecoelyos: OK. Is that a simple thing to get going (for a newbie)?22:04
switchgirlanyone know where to look for how to sync Alcatel OT-708 with ubuntu?22:04
aciculameco: sucess variers, look on winehq site to see if particula apps work22:04
kermitnoscript is maddening, having to approve everything constantly.. is there a way to just get firefox to only run scripts on pages IM ACTUALLY LOOKING AT ?22:04
Schuiacicula, wow, i figured it out.... you can just put the mini-dvd in the comp >_<22:05
Schuiacicula, im an idiot lol. thanks for your help man22:05
daftykinskermit: that's why i can never put up with it myself. i think it's the only option, unless you get someones "safe list"22:05
elyosmeco: you'll have to google it, there's tutorials, but you can just use the one in the package manager to be easy.  but sometimes the newer beta has better support for newer windows apps22:05
Lostinspace_46My gedit is double spacing lines.  How can I stop this?22:05
kermitdaftykins: its amazing someone would invent such a convoluted method, and the flash blocker thing too.. rather than just 'run things im looking at and not things im not'22:06
blakkheimLostinspace_46: use vi22:06
kermitdaftykins: the pdf on wear leveling answered my question, thanks22:06
mecoI think I shall boot Windows to see if I want to invest much time playing that game, otherwise I should wait getting my feet totally wet until I really need to...22:06
elyosmeco good idea,  linux gets the user away from gaming and on to real work in general :)22:07
jschallwhy does networkmanager in (k)ubuntu ALWAYS revert to "auto eth0" (DHCP)? i want to use a static ip, and i want it to stick, and this is BS. why should end users have to edit /etc/network/interfaces?22:07
daftykinskermit: cool :) yeah sometimes i think the best solution is to have two FF installs, one with noscript and adblock blocking everything, then another that you paste links you just want to see into :>22:07
mecoelyos: Hehe... I've been on the right path for years then :-)22:07
daftykinsjschall: in gnome the network settings utility lets you keep network manager but specify a static config.22:08
daftykinsi'm sure KDE has the same.22:08
Lostinspace_46blakkheim> Might try that, never used it.22:08
lumoxhi. I just upgraded to Ubuntu 9.10. In the new sound settings manager my card is not displayed and I don't have sound (Realtek ALC660), but speaker-test is working and my card is displayed in alsamixer!22:10
mecoHow can I delete a file that was created with a sudo command?22:11
meco(using nautilus)22:11
lumox@meco: go to terminal and run sudo nautilus22:11
mecolumox: OK22:12
guntbertmeco: no22:12
ZykoticK9meco, techincally you should be using "gksu nautilus"22:12
guntbert!gksudo | meco lumox22:12
ubottumeco lumox: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)22:12
oCean_meco: lumox actually, use gksudo for gui apps22:12
blakkheimmeco: sudo rm file22:12
daftykinslumox: sorry to second guess but it'd be best advised to hit alt+f2 and run "gksudo nautilus" for safety's sake22:12
mecook all22:13
lumoxI just upgraded to Ubuntu 9.10. In the new sound settings manager my card is not displayed and I don't have sound (Realtek ALC660), but speaker-test is working and my card is displayed in alsamixer!22:15
mecoI got an error:22:15
daftykinslumox: are you fully updated and upgraded?22:15
mecocan I post it (two lines)?22:16
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://ubuntu.pastebin.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic22:16
KrisKohi there, where can i set default window manager in ubuntu 9.10 (gnome)?22:16
xgurulumox: have you ran alsamixer in terminal and made sure the volume is up?22:17
lumoxxguru: yes, and actually i can hear sound with speaker-test22:17
aciculaSchui: eh yeah that would work too :)22:18
xgurulumox: have you check the bottom of the alsa bars to see if they are MM instead of 0022:18
Schuiacicula, >_< lol ty though you are a smart person22:18
mecoOK, here is the error message:22:18
mecoSNautilus-Share-Message: Called "net usershare info" but it failed: 'net usershare' returned error 255: net usershare: cannot open usershare directory /var/lib/samba/usershares. Error No such file or directory22:18
aciculaSchui: thanx22:19
daftykinsxguru: re-read lumox 's question, it's not the audio not working, it's the GUI apps not seeing the device.22:19
mecoPlease ask your system administrator to enable user sharing.22:19
rado1How would I go about debugging this keyboard repeat rate issue? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xkeyboard-config/+bug/42716822:19
DJCharlieFolks, I need some big help fast. My routing tables on my server are screwed up (http://pastebin.com/m4872da42) and I can't fix them. Data that should be going through eth0 is going through eth1 for some reason.22:20
lumox@xguru: the problem is that the card is not displayed in ubuntus sound settings (only a "dummy-card")22:20
DJCharlieANY help would be appreciated.22:20
mecoWhen I opened nautilus using gksudo my dekstop was empty, so I guess that the error message which I pasted explains what is the probem.22:20
pieroHow can I get help about glade/gtk ?22:21
aciculaDJCharlie: default         UG    100    0        0 eth022:21
aciculaDJCharlie: default         UG    0      0        0 eth022:21
aciculayour default gw/route is set to eth022:21
aciculanot sure why its in there twice either?22:22
daftykinslumox: i have a feeling it may be some config in your /home folder left on from the previous version22:22
aciculaDJCharlie: delete those and readd a default route to the right gw on eth1?22:22
DJCharlieacicula: How?22:22
lumox@daftykins: possible, which files may i delete?22:22
daftykinslumox: that's the part i'm stuck on :D just fiddling now22:23
pieroIn Glade3, how can I create an Image widget with a png/jpg file? I don't know how to create a GdkImage it needs...22:23
lumox@daftykins: what about ~/.pulse22:23
aciculaDJCharlie: route del and then the rules you want to remove22:23
acicularoute add to readd them22:23
daftykinslumox: pulseaudio is config'd in ~/.pulse and ~/.pulse-cookie ,try moving those to .pulseold and .pulse-cookieold22:23
daftykinsye ;)22:23
daftykinsjust booted my VM to check :P22:23
daftykinslumox: i have a feeling those might have nothing to do with the GUI apps mind, but worth a shot22:24
DJCharlieacicula: SIOCDELRT: No such process22:24
xgurulumox: what is selected under the output tab?22:24
aciculaDJCharlie: use sudo22:24
DJCharlieacicula: That's what I get when I try route del ANYTHING.22:24
DJCharlieacicula: That's with sudo route del <anything>22:25
aciculawell anything has to match a specific rule i think22:25
daftykinsdeleting routes can be a little finicky22:25
DJCharlieacicula: Example: sudo route del default zuul22:25
aciculaDJCharlie: cant fix it by restarting the network configurations, since it appearantly worked before and was configured?22:26
DJCharlieacicula: That was the first thing I tried.22:26
aciculaDJCharlie: i think you have to add the device as well to the del ?22:26
DJCharlieeth0 is a direct connection to the net. eth1 is to my home lan (for samba)22:26
aciculaDJCharlie: oh22:27
aciculathen you probably want eth0 as the default gw route22:27
DJCharlieacicula: Exactly.22:27
daftykinsDJCharlie: you tried checking the interfaces file then just rebooting?22:27
aciculaDJCharlie: you want to delete zuul though?22:27
daftykinsto clear those odd routes.22:27
DJCharliedaftykins: Several times.22:27
daftykinsheh so that weird 'zuul' comes from nowhere?22:28
DJCharlieacicula: I want to set it back up so all outside data goes through eth0 (web server, shoutcast, etc)22:28
aciculawell you have a default route on eth0 to two different gateways, and one that goes back22:28
DJCharliedaftykins: zuul is my firewall on eth1.22:28
Slarthmm.. anyone else having problems joining #ubuntu? I ended up in #ubuntu-unregged22:28
daftykinsa different comp?22:28
DJCharliedaftykins: Yes.22:29
daftykinsSlart: due to teh spam only reg'd users can join now22:29
macoSlart: probably because of the spam attacks22:29
DJCharlieIs there any way to clear ALL route?22:29
Slartdaftykins, maco: ahh... well.. I can live with that.. thanks22:29
pen16hi, I am trying to install Ubuntu but I don't want all the massive junk it comes with. What's the best way to create an ubuntu install that has basically nothing?22:29
Slart!minimal | pen1622:30
ubottupen16: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD22:30
aciculabringing down the interfaces might remove the rules asociated with it?22:30
Slartpen16: I don't think it gets any smaller than that22:30
aciculadont do this if you'r logged in remotely though :)22:30
daftykinsDJCharlie: not that i know of. looks weird that you're getting 254.254 when that'd be of no use at all.22:30
icerootDJCharlie: have a look at man route22:30
DJCharlieacicula: And when they come back up, the rules are there again.22:31
pieroI'm creating a toolbar with my own icons using glade3. But I need to give a file with a GdkPixBuf and I just have png files. What can I do?22:32
DJCharlieiceroot: Did that, and I can't get it to delete the routes.22:32
icerootDJCharlie: hm, i thought "del" is working for it but never tried22:33
DJCharlieiceroot: All that gives me is SIOCDELRT: No such process22:33
mementomoriI've a laptop and a desktop pc. I also have an external 500gb hd. How can I backup them without having duplicated files on the hd and without having desktop files on the laptop (and viceversa)?22:33
icerootDJCharlie: with sudo?22:34
DJCharlieiceroot: Yes, with sudo.22:34
mementomori  22:34
daftykinsDJCharlie: can you pastebin your interfaces file?22:35
DJCharliedaftykins: http://pastebin.com/m4983299422:36
DJCharlieAnd here's my ifconfig: http://pastebin.com/m1bbeab2122:36
Slartmementomori: you want to backup your stuff on both the desktop and the laptop? and keep the backups on the external drive? but for files that exist on both computers you don't want to store two copies?22:38
daftykinsDJCharlie: so your network goes how? cable -> eth0 of PC, eth1 of PC <-> firewall ?22:38
infidmy netbook running ubuntu always has a hardtime seeing my internal network when i turn on my netbook. my ubuntu laptop doesn't though. any idea why this might be?22:38
DJCharliedaftykins: Close, but not quite.22:38
daftykinsok :)22:38
DJCharliedaftykins: DSL -> eth0 of PC.22:38
mementomoriSlart, more or less22:39
DJCharliedaftykins: Then we have Firewall -> LAN -> eth1 of PC22:39
DJCharlieeth0 is a dedicated connection for the server.22:39
DJCharlieeth1 is for access from my lan.22:39
mementomoriSlart, I dont want to backup on the "clients". I want to backup directly on the hd22:39
Slartmementomori: you could probably do it using rsync...but it will take some work.. it would be much easier if you didn't mind having some files twice22:40
daftykinsDJCharlie: ooh-err, bit more complex than i can follow, what's the route of a packet out to the Internet from a client PC then?22:40
daftykinsi don't quite get how the firewall PC + this router one connect22:40
DJCharliedaftykins: That would be: client pc -> Firewall -> outside22:41
DJCharliedaftykins: The ONLY thing eth1 should connect to is the local lan. it shouldn't be using the firewall.22:41
Slartmementomori: you could also just run the two separate backups and try to find identical files on the external drive and symlink those.. there has to be a utility that does that in the repos22:42
jellowWhen ever i startuo i have no sound and have to enable it in alsa mixer , Whats the fix?22:42
mementomoriSlart, your second idea looks promising22:43
daftykinsDJCharlie: hmm that's not how i'd do it, i'd just have the one machine with two interfaces firewall'ing and routing. don't see the need for two separate subnets22:43
sevenseekerso ubuntu 9.10's and 10.4's (current) gparted does not grok my osx 10.6 hfs+ partition on an external drive, should I try a gparted livecd? (dev)22:43
DJCharliedaftykins: This system is a server for kjsr.net's streaming feed. We have a dedicated DSL connection for it on eth0.22:44
DJCharliedaftykins: eth1 is just for local access to the shared drives.22:44
Dr_Willissevenseeker:  for many filesystms that are not linux 'standard' you need to have installed some extra support tools for gparted to properly do things with them. No idea if this is the case for HFS+22:45
Dr_Willissevenseeker:  but it is the case for ntfs22:45
neil_dcan you download a multi-boot dvd with both ubuntu and kubuntu on it?22:46
daftykinsDJCharlie: ok sorry i don't really follow well enough to help. if i wanted to get rid of those routes though i'd either reinstall the OS or backup and delete interfaces to try from scratch22:46
DJCharliedaftykins: Way too drastic.22:46
sevenseekerDr_Willis: yeah I was afraid of that, because I installed everything even remotely related to hfs available, no dice22:46
KinkyKamikazeExcuse me, I am running ubuntu and when trying to create a new window in my screen session I get fork: Cannot allocate memory22:49
aciculaKinkyKamikaze: means you are out of memory22:49
KinkyKamikazeHow do I release some or "purge" as it is called in OS X.22:49
KinkyKamikazeacicula: YEah.. I got 3 gb...22:49
aciculaKinkyKamikaze: ur still out22:49
KinkyKamikazeacicula: How the hell can a x-less system take that much22:50
aciculaKinkyKamikaze: can you post free -a22:50
aciculaKinkyKamikaze: running some server of some kind?22:50
patcitoacicula, there is no free -a22:50
aciculamy bad22:50
Slartmementomori: finddup looks promising to do the hardlinking thing22:50
KinkyKamikazeacicula: -/+ buffers/cache:       1600       139222:51
KinkyKamikazeacicula: Not really. rTorrent (thats empty), irssi, bitlbee, apache (nothing on Apache)22:51
Slart!info perforate | mementomori22:51
ubottumementomori: perforate (source: perforate): Utilities to save disk space. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.2-5 (karmic), package size 16 kB, installed size 84 kB22:51
aciculaKinkyKamikaze: hmm, nothing spectacularly wrong with that22:51
JoeSomebodyhi, someone was telling me of a package that will save all my config, packages, and whatever i have installed / set up (in karmic) can be packed up and moved to another (clean) machine, anyone know what/where that is?22:52
aciculaKinkyKamikaze: lots of processes running perhaps?22:52
JoeSomebodyi got a faster box to try :)22:52
KinkyKamikazeacicula: Still I hate to reboot the server to be able to run more screens22:52
grendal_primedoes anyone know of a vidconferenceing client that works with office live meeting.22:52
shizzlecreated another user and added them to the admin group. Should this give them all the access the need to modify any files on the FS?22:52
KinkyKamikazeacicula: Hwo do  I check that22:52
Slart!clone | JoeSomebody22:52
ubottuJoeSomebody: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate22:52
aciculaKinkyKamikaze: ps ufax, or top22:52
aciculaKinkyKamikaze: more screens?22:52
SlartJoeSomebody: not sure if any of those sound familiar22:53
Dr_WillisJoeSomebody:  thers proberly some more specific tools to backup/move the users config files also.22:53
KinkyKamikazeacicula: More windows in a screen that is22:53
KinkyKamikazeacicula: Ok, I can't tell if it is too much or too little processes22:53
aciculacp, tar22:53
JoeSomebodythat was it thanks :)22:53
aciculaKinkyKamikaze: ps ufax | wc and post the output of that22:53
aciculaits a pipe |22:54
acicula(counts ;))22:54
KinkyKamikazeacicula:  PID USER      PR  NI  VIRT  RES  SHR S %CPU %MEM    TIME+  COMMAND22:54
KinkyKamikaze24886 seivan    18  -2  126m  36m  30m S    1  1.2  11:26.11 rtorrent22:54
grendal_primemy office just switched over to windows live office (yippe) and im tying to figure out if im going to need to run a windows vm for the live meetings.22:54
daftykinseww windows live :S22:55
KinkyKamikazeacicula: http://gist.github.com/28426022:55
aliendude3500Hey guys, I know this channel is primarily for Ubuntu support, but I would like to ask you all to take a minute of your time to vote in favor of a petition to get official Linux support for the Unity3D web player. This player is being used for more and more interactive web content, and I think it would be great if this content would also be available to Unity users. The main reason that Unity isn't officially supported22:55
aliendude3500 on Linux is because they don't realize that there ARE Linux users who want to see Unity on their platform. The URL to the voting page is http://feedback.unity3d.com/forums/15792-unity/suggestions/16496122:55
aciculaaliendude3500: not the right place to ask22:55
daftykins!ot | aliendude350022:55
ubottualiendude3500: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!22:55
neil_dwhat would this file be http://ftp.iinet.net.au/pub/ubuntu-releases/9.10/ubuntu-9.10-desktop-i386.iso.zsync ?22:56
JoeSomebodyi would like to save my xchat, modified theme, samba stuff, packages, pretty much everything if i can22:56
shizzlecreated another user and added them to the admin group. Should this give them all the access the need to modify any files on the FS?22:56
aciculaKinkyKamikaze: nothing wrong with that either22:56
aciculaKinkyKamikaze: what program gives the fork error22:57
KinkyKamikazeacicula: screen22:57
aciculaKinkyKamikaze: you type screen and it fails?22:57
aciculaKinkyKamikaze: how many screens are you running already?22:57
aciculaso you type screen and you get the fork error or?22:57
plustaxProblem. Everything just went black and white. I hit control something then all of a sudden everything is black and white22:58
KinkyKamikaze Aciid 3566.pts-0.debby(10/15/2009 04:56:52 PM)(Detache22:58
KinkyKamikazeacicula: No22:58
Slartplustax: it's probably a compiz setting22:58
Dr_Willisplustax:  if you mean on the Desktop - there is some compiz features to do that. Check the CCSM tool and its keybindings.22:58
KinkyKamikazeacicula: I press ctrl-a c22:58
KinkyKamikazeacicula: To make a new window inside the screen22:58
ubottuTo enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz22:58
aciculaplustax: are you just seeing some text?22:58
KinkyKamikazeand I get  a memory out..22:58
Slartplustax: try ALT+M22:59
aciculaKinkyKamikaze: odd22:59
Dr_WillisCompiz has somne really neat featires.. but its hard to figure out what keycombos are all in use. They need a tool that just prints out a 'cheat sheet' of what keybindings are in use22:59
aciculaKinkyKamikaze: if you exit the current screen and restart it, same behavior?22:59
infidhow can i tell if ubuntu is using PAM or some other authentication?22:59
Slartplustax: the plugin is called "Negative".. it's in the compiz config settings managers Accessability section22:59
Dr_WillisWin(super)-M here inverts the display22:59
ner0xHow can I make sure my computer gets the same IP address from my router everytime WITHOUT using a MAC filter.23:00
aciculaner0x: tell your router to assign the same ip, or use a fixed ip on the computer23:01
erUSULner0x: you can not; you can disable dhcp and use static ip's though23:01
ner0xerUSUL: I think that's the route I'd like to take.23:01
Slartner0x: most sane DHCP server implementations hand out the same ip to the same computer (if it's available and so on).. I think most use the MAC address to remember the computer.. not sure what you mean by MAC filter though23:02
jess^hey, is there any way to tell the text mode installer i don't have a cdrom so it shouldn't look for one?  i'm trying to do a ubuntu 9.10 server install off a usb stick.23:02
ner0xSlart: Checking the MAC address and assigning the IP address accordingly.23:02
ner0xHow can I stop using DHCP,first off?23:03
erUSULner0x: the thing is if you do not want to use a MAC<-->IP assignemet you rule out the only way a dhcp server can assing you a deterministic ip address23:03
DJCharliedaftykins: Got the routing fixed, I think... But web is still down.23:03
Slartner0x: hmm.. it all depends on the dhcp server.. some implements a parameter you can send ... apart from that I don't know..23:03
erUSULner0x: disable it in your router? (keep in mind dhcp may be giving you more than the ip; dns servers for instance)23:04
Slartner0x: what is wrong with using the MAC-address to match against previous ip leases?23:04
HinataHi I have a bit of a problem... my mouse just stopped to work (I tried on 3 different computer...) I was wondering if there was a way to use a joypad as a mouse for the time I get a new mouse (all stores are closed right now...)23:05
daftykinsner0x: there is no option other than static DHCP leases on the router web interface.23:05
daftykinswell, unless you have an OS the supports asking for the same one every time via DHCP which OS X seems to have.23:05
erUSULinfid: ubuntu uses pam yes23:06
SlartHinata: have you tried using the Mouse Keys feature? it's in System, preferences, keyboard23:06
chazcoHi... anyone able to recommend a good guide on setting up lirc in Ubuntu 9.10?23:06
HinataSlart: how do I do that w/o a mouse?23:07
ner0xSlart: I need it to be a specific IP address.23:07
SlartHinata: I think that lets you use the numeric keypad to control the mouse pointer.. it's not very practical.. but it might get you through the weekend23:07
SlartHinata: ah.. tricky.. didn't think of that =) let me see if I can find an alternative way of enabling that23:07
sa000anyone did windows 7 image with clonezilla ?23:07
duffydacksa000, yup23:08
daftykinsHinata: Alt+F1 to get the menu then cursor keys to navigate23:08
Hinataoh that's brilliant23:08
sa000duffydack: any doc23:08
daftykinsHinata: you're not a Naruto fan are you? ;)23:09
sa000duffydack: i neverd used clonezilla before23:09
duffydacksa000, clonezilla.org23:09
sa000i know this website23:09
Hinatah it worked23:09
Hinatadaftykins: no I'm not23:09
sa000i m looking for doc that specially related to windows 7 cloning23:09
SlartHinata: ahh.. CTRL+SHIFT+NUMLOCK enables the mouse keys23:09
Hinatathat worked it's wonderfull ^ ^23:10
Hinatathough I'de be curious to know what emulated the right click23:10
duffydacksa000, it does win7 and linux the same.23:11
duffydacksa000, just images it..with mbr and other stuff23:11
mick__yay got it working at last :-)23:12
KentrelHi. Can someone give me a technical reason or any reason really, why NTFS drives tend to not be mounted by default in many linux distros, including the Dual boot user friendly Ubuntu?23:14
daftykinsKentrel: NTFS functionality isn't 100% so it's best to not have people accidentally corrupt their NTFS volumes.23:14
SlartHinata:  / *  -   selects which mouse button to "operate".. left, middle, right  .. pressing 5 presses the selected button23:14
KinkyKamikazehow do I do that23:15
Kentreldafty, I see. that makes sense. Thanks23:17
HinataSlart: oh thanks23:17
KentrelSo how do I get ubuntu to mount them without asking for a password anytime. I have a password at login - thats the only security I need for my drives23:19
VCoolioKentrel: edit /etc/fstab23:19
erUSUL!ntfs | Kentrel23:20
ubottuKentrel: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE23:20
electronicsjardoes anyone here know of a good channel to ask about gnu mailman?23:20
HinataSlart, daftykins well many thanks you just saved my day ^ ^23:21
SlartHinata: you're welcome23:21
VCoolioKentrel: in fstab it should be a line like "[/dev/sda1] [/media/something] ntfs[-3g] user,defaults 0 0" the parts between [ ] unsure23:23
electronicsjardoes anyone here know of a good channel to ask about gnu mailman?23:24
Kentrel#gnu ?23:25
sebsebsebKentrel: I thought about maybe suggesting that :D23:26
wolterHi, how can I open a terminal with a script and leave it open after the script exists?23:26
erUSULwolter: run "exec bash" as the last command ?23:26
woltererUSUL, i do but gnome-terminal closes either way23:27
woltererUSUL, or doesn't give the $ and stays blank23:28
infiderUSUL: if ubuntu uses pam why does /etc/ssh_config not say anything about PAM, but does say things about GSSAPI?23:29
ardchoillewolter: Does this help? http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-1174884.html23:29
blakkheiminfid: check sshd_config23:29
linxehwhy would the client config know anything about PAM ?23:29
HelsinkiiiI am having trouble connecting via SSH to a remote server. I get a ssh_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote host error23:30
erUSULinfid: ubuntu != openssh server23:30
chuckf /who #ubuntu-men23:30
infiderUSUL: thanks23:30
linxehHelsinkiii: ssh -v ?23:30
infidblakkheim: thanks23:30
erUSULinfid: i was refering to the login process to the system23:30
wolterardchoille, thanks :)23:30
erUSULinfid: /etc/pam.conf /etc/pam.d/* etc ...23:30
infidi understand now23:30
ardchoillewolter: yw :)23:30
Helsinkiiilinxeh: i got some debug1: lines and same error at the end23:30
Helsinkiiilinxeh: stuff like  identity file /home/amoskovitz/.ssh/id_rsa type -123:31
LuserI see that munin was finally accepted to be updated to 1.4.3 on the 20th. Is there an "incoming" directory at ubuntu like debian. I need munin 1.4.x23:35
stopmvhi is there any Great AUDIO CONVERTER ?23:36
blakkheimstopmv: ffmpeg23:36
Ademananyone know a way to list all *available* filesystems from the command line? SystemRescueCD has something, it outputs something like  [ /dev/sda1 ] [ ntfs ] [ Disk Label ] [ 120.0 GB ]23:36
marcuyfs<tabulator> Ademan23:37
SlartLuser: I don't think ubuntu updates packages unless there is a security issue23:37
stopmvBlakkeim does it have GUI23:37
blakkheimstopmv: no, you don't need one23:37
stopmvim sure i need one =)23:38
SlartLuser: there are some extra repos you can enable in the software sources dialog.. "proposed" is one.. I don't remember what the others are called.. I wouldn't recommend enabling these just for one package though23:38
blakkheimstopmv: sudo aptitude install ffmpeg; man ffmpeg23:38
SlartAdeman: df?23:38
LuserSlart, no, 1.2.x is not used anymore. and it's not compatible with 1.4.x and that's what I use on my debian. so my ubuntu and debian can not exchange munin data23:38
aciculastopmv: im sure audacity can but its more of a sound editor then converter , though im sure it does it well23:38
AdemanSlart: doesn't that only show mounted ones?23:38
LuserSlart, is lucid the equivalent of sid?23:39
stopmvacicula: better than commands ty23:39
SlartAdeman: ah... yes..not really sure what to use then23:39
SlartLuser: nope.. ubuntu doesn't use rolling updates like that23:39
Ademanmarcuy: i don't see anything that looks like what i want, two i don't know what they do though so i'll check their man pages23:39
SlartLuser: lucid is the next version though.. it will be released in april23:39
Slart!lucid | Luser23:39
ubottuLuser: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+123:39
aciculalucid is the equivalent of might kill your dog23:39
marcuyAdeman: this would be the better solution23:40
grndslmkarmic and lucid are great adjectives23:40
Slart!info munin23:40
ubottumunin (source: munin): network-wide graphing framework (grapher/gatherer). In component main, is optional. Version 1.2.6-13ubuntu3 (karmic), package size 598 kB, installed size 996 kB23:40
Slart!info munin lucid23:40
aciculawell not really, but its beta, prone to breackage, and most likely at some point will hose your system23:40
marcuy!info Ademan23:40
ubottumunin (source: munin): network-wide graphing framework (grapher/gatherer). In component main, is optional. Version 1.2.6-17ubuntu1 (lucid), package size 599 kB, installed size 996 kB23:40
ubottuPackage Ademan does not exist in karmic23:40
stopmvblackkeim ty also23:40
Luser1.2.6, was asked in november to be upgraded to the new stable munin code.23:40
Fudgeim logged into a mates ubuntu over ssh, is there a way I can msg him so he sees it on his desktop, gnome23:40
AdemanFudge: yes23:41
Luserso I'll install the debian package then..23:41
AdemanFudge: do you have admin though?23:41
Fudgeyes adb_monster23:41
Ademanand what version23:41
FudgeAdeman sry23:41
SlartLuser: perhaps it's easier to compile it from source then23:41
AdemanFudge: ok yeah there's a command to use those toaster popups23:42
LuserSlart, or "backport to ubuntu" using debian package source23:42
AdemanFudge: need to remember what it was though23:42
LuserSlart, I don't like having non-packaged stuff23:42
Ademanalthough dbus would do23:42
Fudgek mate thatd be great if u look up and not down you may remember faster23:42
Fudgehwo does dbus deliver it23:42
Slart!checkinstall |  Luser23:42
ubottuLuser: checkinstall is a wrapper to "make install", useful for installing programs you compiled. It will create a .deb package, which will be listed in the APT database and can be uninstalled like other packages. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CheckInstall - Read the warnings at the top and bottom of that web page, and DO NOT interrupt CheckInstall while it's running!23:42
SlartLuser: with that you'll get the best of both worlds =)23:43
marcuywhere is the documentation of the #ubuntu bots?23:43
Ademanmarcuy: /msg ubottu help   ?23:43
Pici!usage | marcuy23:44
ubottumarcuy: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots23:44
marcuynice Pici , Ademan23:44
RugeHi folks, anyone know why my fresh install of Ubuntu keeps changing resolution each time I reboot?23:44
RugeJust a minute ago i had 1600x1200, I reset and now my max is 1152x86423:45
SlartRuge: have a look at your /var/log/Xorg.0.log . It has information about why a certain mode was chosen23:45
RugeSlart: Oh cool thanks. Its just strange that at certain times I can get certain resolutions.23:45
SlartRuge: indeed.. and they say computers are consistent =)23:46
RugeMy computer is not meant to be temperamental!23:46
mick__I gave up trying to use IIRC and am relying on a graphical client, at least I can see what is going on now :-)23:47
marcuymick__: try irssi23:47
RugeI like xChat23:47
mick__I tried Xchat, cant see all the names as it scrolls off screen23:48
mick__i will try irssi as per suggestion for now using the mozlilla one23:48
mick__i think its xchat, you have to click the button to see the list of names23:48
Rugemy xchat23:48
Rugehas a nicklist on the right23:48
mick__xchat-gnome sorry23:49
Rugeall i typed was "sudo apt-get install xchat"23:49
mick__is what i installed :-(23:49
Rugeand i got this xchat with the nicklist on the right23:49
mick__i tried to be clever..note the use of the word tried23:49
xim_i <3 xchat-gnome23:49
mick__and did a "sudo apt-get install xchat-gnome"23:49
Rugethe xchat I previously used had the button nicklist which i despised.23:49
Rugei prefer the nicklist to the right, so give that a whirl23:49
LuserSlart, in fact in was only uploaded on the 14th of January in debian.23:49
mick__thats the one i installed ruge lol23:50
xim_is there any compression software like winzip, 7zip, winrar, etc in ubuntu?23:50
marcuythe most hackable client is irssi23:50
mick__yup sure is xim!23:50
mick__and its dead easy!23:50
Rugemick__ o rly? but our clients look different!23:50
mick__i will try irssi, is it a graphical client marcuy?23:50
Slartxim_: lots.. there is a gui app called "file-roller" for gnome.. then there's lots of command line stuff23:50
xim_mick__, i hope its not TOO easy, the one that comes with ubuntu is so easy it doesnt work ;p23:50
xim_Slart, ok ill try that one!23:50
Slartmarcuy: got some documentation on that? just curious23:50
kradhow to execute 2 commands with nohup?23:51
marcuyconsole based mick__23:51
kradsleep 1; sleep 2;23:51
Slartmarcuy: or .. you meant.. hackable = customizable?23:51
mick__I hope so23:51
marcuySlart: gui based are not so customizable like irssi23:52
mick__using chatzilla with firefox for now23:52
marcuysure Slart, i guess it wasn't the most accurate term to say that ;)23:52
xim_Slart, does i have fileroller already, do i have to manually create an icon for it or is it in some place in the applications menu i cant find?23:52
mick__hey my first few sentences on irc so give me a break for now lol23:52
Slartmarcuy: hehe.. for a second I thought you meant that irssi had security problems =)23:52
linxehit does23:53
marcuySlart: hah sorry didn't want to mean that, at least I hadn't found anyone yet! ;)23:53
linxehits insecure about the future of mIRC23:53
Slartxim_: it's in the accessories menu.. but it's hidden for some reason.. if you go to system, preferences, Main Menu   you can unhide it.. it's called Archive Manager23:53
marcuylol linxeh23:53
erUSULxim_: it is better to call it and/or use it from the file manager context menus23:54
xim_erUSUL, it doesnt show from there like it should23:54
mick__i never thought about the fact it was hidden till just now and being using gnu-linux since redhat 423:54
xim_Slart, thanks i didnt know things were hidden like that23:55
mick__its amazing what you learn you dont know by someone asking simple questions isnt it?23:55
=== Mowee`Bnc is now known as Mowee
mick__oh by redhat 4, i dont mean RHEL 4, i mean Redhat 4.2 way back when23:55
Slartxim_: I was a bit surprised as well.. well.. there it is.. if you want rar-support you'll have to install the rar libraries23:55
Slart!rar | xim_23:55
ubottuxim_: rar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free23:55
mick__I am looking forward to the classrooms tomorrow23:56
marcuy!amsn | marcuy23:56
mick__thats why i said i would come on here tonight to make sure I knew what i was doing for tomorrow :-)23:56
Rugea +1 for unrar for me23:56
marcuyi prefer rar -x it's preinstalled23:57
linxehmick__: redhat 4, or rhel4 ? :)23:57
mick__non windows user here by choice, at w**k/paid employment have to use it though23:57
mick__redhat 4 linuxeh23:57
linxehmick__: :)23:57
mick__as in back in 95 or so23:57
linxehlater than that I fear23:57
edbianmick__, Why such an old version?23:57
linxehedbian: duh, new versions hadnt been written 10 years ago ?23:58
mick__no no, thats where i started to use linux!!!23:58
linxehmick__: SLS here, then Slackware23:58
mick__not what i am using now :)23:58
mick__yup remember slackware fondly too :)23:58
xim_why can it only split files in 7zip or rar format?23:58
mick__why can what only split them xim?23:58
blakkheimxim_: what format do you want?23:58
erUSULxim_: becouse only those formats support splitting natively23:59
xim_i could have swarn ive been splitting zip files in windows for years...?23:59
linxehxim_: you have23:59
mick__I have a 5 year old niece in Ireland using edubuntu on a cheap netbook, and 65 year old parents using kubuntu but with kde 3.5 as their main desktop23:59

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