
sbalneavstgraber: M'aidaiz!01:38
sbalneavhmmm, not good01:45
sbalneavWell, *THAT* sucked.02:23
dgroos*THAT* being...?02:38
sbalneavMachine locked up02:39
sbalneavWhen I rebooted, machine wouldn't boot.02:39
sbalneavturns out, my bios had gotten a checksum error, and had reset itself02:39
sbalneavso my bios clock was back to 200702:39
sbalneavfsck wouldn't allow the system to boot, since the time that the last mount happened was in the future.02:40
sbalneavTook me an hour to realize what was going on.02:40
dgroosDidn't know that could happen...03:09
dgroosHow did you finally crack it? Was the Bios still able to do its thing and you then just changed it?03:11
sbalneavTook me a while to turn off the *&%($(&^$( graphical boot03:33
sbalneavonce I did that, I saw what the error message was.03:33
sbalneavThen I fixed it.03:33
joergdoes edubuntu have or plan to include a web gui to make collaboration easier?16:29
dgroosjoerg: can you elaborate?16:54
dgroosI'll be in and out of here randomly but will be checking...16:55
=== dgroos_ is now known as dgroos
joergdgroos, well, we have about 200 schools here using linux servers for tasks like: samba, ftp, imap, homepage, proxy (filtered), etc. - and students and teacher have a nice web gui where they can read mail, upload files and share them in groups, etc.17:04
joergdgroos, and I wonder if something like that is planned for edubuntu as well17:04
joergbecause we are looking for an open source solution to do the same stuff....:)17:05
sbalneavjoerg_: Both egroupware and phpgroupware are in the repositories and can be installed and configured18:06
joerg_sbalneav, yeah and many other stuff :)18:07
joerg_phpgroupware is not a web gui that focuses on a school's needs :P18:08
sbalneavWell, what are the schools you're talking about using?18:10
sbalneavWe also have moodle.18:10
sbalneavjoerg_: Any idea what the schools you're talking about are using?18:13
sbalneavNot seeing it in any of the repos.  Got a homepage reference for it?  Maybe it just needs packaging?18:16
sbalneavjoerg_: I'm not sure exactly what your requirements are, or what you're wanting this software to do.  If this is something that doesn't currently exist, that you'd like a Fee Software equivalent, then what I'd suggest is posting to the edubuntu-devel list with a set of requirement.18:24
sbalneavAt that point, we could work on a blueprint for what you'd like the project to do exactly, then it could be looked at as something that could be written.18:25
joerg_sbalneav, www.iserv.eu - but it is german only.18:25
joerg_sbalneav, well, I don't need somebody to develop it ;)18:27
joerg_I just wanted to know if somebody has it as free software and I simply haven't found it or if somebody likes the idea and wanna join the developer team ;)18:27
sbalneavSo this iServ isn't Free software?18:28
joerg_sbalneav, the concept of that iserv is basically: a debian based linux distribution that is easy to install and preconfigured. that's what we do not need.....because we have edubuntu.18:28
joerg_no it isnot.18:28
joerg_anyway: after you have this iserv running: you have one and only one web gui to do everything.18:29
joerg_as an "admin" you can add new students and teachers and put them in groups, but you don't have to be root18:30
joerg_even though they get a normal user account18:30
joerg_there are group folders stored in /group/myclass - accessible by all group members (rw) via the web gui and samba, ftp.18:31
joerg_as well as your own homedir of course.18:31
joerg_then you can read and write mail from username@myschool.edu18:32
joerg_your mailbox is accessible by imap and pop3 as well18:32
joerg_you can manage your contacts, appointments, etc. - the normal groupware stuff.18:33
joerg_teachers can block internet access to all computers in the classroom18:33
sbalneavWell, as for the user admin tool, we have a spec for that:18:33
joerg_students can print out documents and pay for it.18:34
sbalneavThe web mail bit can be handled by any one of a number of webmail clients available18:34
sbalneavblocking internet access is fairly easy with LTSP18:35
sbalneavDon't know off the top of my head about the printing.  I know cups has accounting, you'd just need some kind of web interface to it.18:36
joerg_sbalneav, but we don't want a tool here and a tool there.18:36
joerg_we have got that iserv stuff on 200 servers for only one reason: you can do everything you need in one place.18:36
sbalneavjoerg_: Then you'll have to help get involved with us in writing one :)18:36
joerg_that's what I am trying to do :)18:36
sbalneavBecause currently, there isn't a Free software tool that does all that.18:36
joerg_sbalneav, my idea is: an all in one web based gui18:37
joerg_that can load modules18:37
joerg_e.g.: the school is running that tool, it is themed with a common look and feel, provides a "welcome page", does the auth and builds a navigation tree.18:38
sbalneavSounds great.  Write up a spec on launchpad's Blueprints section.18:38
joerg_sbalneav, ok ;)18:38
joerg_so basically, the admin can say: ok, the school has a library, I want the library module18:38
joerg_and voila....the navigation tree shows a link "library" and students can search the library for books18:39
joerg_get notifications by mail if they have to return a book immediately18:39
joerg_or build a list with their favorite books18:39
joerg_or mark that they would like to borrow a certain book after somebody who is reading it atm has returned it.18:40
joerg_that would be one example for a module18:40
joerg_sbalneav, the mail module could provide a simple imap client - depending on the configuration, it could simply access gmail servers.18:41
joerg_or the school has it's own mail server and adresses like me@myschool.edu18:41
sbalneavBig project you've got there. :)18:42
joerg_not that big....18:42
joerg_sbalneav, and well, I have somebody who would even pay me for it :)18:43
joerg_sbalneav, I am just trying to find the right starting point. because I don't like to signup another great sourceforge project that nobody knows :P18:44
sbalneavGot some errands to run.  I'll be back in a bit.  Write up a spec on blueprints, and make a posting to edubuntu-devel.  I'm sure you'll have people interested in helping.18:44
alkisgjoerg_: _some_ of the things you say can be done by the ebox platform. It also has a plugin infrastructure, so if you chose that platform for development, you might be able to add library modules etc.18:51
alkisgThey have plugins for mail, for AD/samba integration, for XMPP server with automatic account installation for users etc18:52
joerg_alkisg, mhhm, let me have a look at it....18:52
alkisgAnd you can manage everything from the web UI18:52
joerg_but is it for the users?18:55
joerg_looks more like a big web based admin tool :)18:56
joerg_that is probably a bit overkill for a school18:57
joerg_a teacher doesn't know what all that stuff is18:57
joerg_e.g. an ip adress ^18:57
joerg_the only administrative stuff they need to do is adding users and groups18:57
joerg_if you provide them with more functionality they will be confused and not use the tool at all:)18:58
=== joerg_ is now known as joerg
dgroosjoerg: just got back...19:36
dgroosLooking at what you said about 1.5 hours ago, it looks like you are looking for an intranet--web based mail and file exchange.  I have been using plone cms for that for years and am very pleased with it.19:38
dgroosIt's open source, highly active support community, and like other popular cms's it is quite customizable with addons.19:39
joergdgroos, mhhm....are u sure?19:40
joergdoes it deal with "real" users?19:40
dgroosalso there is an education branch that does tons of edu-stuff, I forgot the name of it--it didn't meet what I needed, haven't checked it recently.19:40
dgroosI'm sure my name is David, beyond that things are up for discussion... ;)19:41
joergbut I don't think I can access my plone stuff on a windows network share when I'm at school? :)19:41
joergand send my printjobs to plone, get charged and get the job send to a printer near me19:41
dgroosMy students are pretty real.  They are learning to make web pages, access files in folders I've put on line.19:42
joergwell, but can they access them via samba, ftp, webdav, sftp? :P19:42
dgroosWell, I'm talking about an intranet/extranet server, simply.19:43
joergdgroos, can they access "mails" you send them in plone with their favorite mail client?19:43
joergmhhm....but plone is a cms19:43
dgroosIf I needed students to access mail and so set up the mail server, for sure.19:44
dgroosPlone isn't a front-end for a file system if that's what you mean, at least not really.  You work via a browser eg firefox to browse, upload, edit.  Hmmmm... If you aren't familiar with cms's lets see if I can find a video...19:46
joergprobably I have a wrong idea about cmses :P19:46
joergI know what a cms is :D19:46
joergat least I think so19:46
joergand that is exactly my point.19:47
joergI want the filesystem frontend19:47
joergand the mail server frontend19:47
joergand real unix users19:47
joergnot a separate user db in some sql db19:48
joergusers want to mount their homedir at school on windows and linux machines19:48
joergto quickly store heaps of data19:48
joergand use the web based stuff at home or if they are not logged in to a machine at school19:49
dgroosSounds cool idea.  Isn't this what webdav is?19:49
dgroosgot to go... will be back.19:49
alkisgjoerg: ebox does have support for automatic mounting of the users homes, both for linux and windows clients19:56
joergalkisg, but ebox looks like an overkill admin utility that is not suitable for a normal teacher ;)19:59
alkisgjoerg: a teacher won't use *all* of ebox. The admin will.20:00
joergthe admin doesn't need to20:00
alkisgThe teacher might use the user management tool, and the non-GUI parts of ebox, e.g. automatic home mounting20:00
joergcan I remove functionality they don't need?20:00
alkisgAnyway, if you looked at it, and it doesn't suit your needs, I don't think I have anything more to add :)20:00
alkisgIt's plugin-based, you only enable the plugins you want20:01
joergthe admin is not a teacher in our case, he knows how to edit config files :P20:01
alkisgDoes he know how to set up empathy for every single student?20:01
alkisgBecause that is not done by some config file...20:01
joergalkisg, I am quite sure that nobody wants empathy20:03
alkisgAre you really sure?20:03
alkisgBecause I think it offers very good collaboration for local networks20:03
joergwe have had heaps of discussions about chats and IM20:03
alkisgE.g. remote control, file sharing etc20:03
joergwith the result that most schools block these services20:04
alkisgAnyway, that was just an example. Another example is that it automatically sets up evolution accounts for the local mail20:04
alkisgSo the students/teachers don't need to configure their mail clients20:05
alkisg...and again that's just an example20:05
joergdoesn't fit into our concept :P20:06
alkisgAnyway, I just proposed to see ebox. You saw it, you don't like it, I don't think there's anything more here :)20:06
joergwe think that students should learn and understand how a computer and the internet works.20:06
joergif they want to use empathy and/or evolution they should read the docs and set it up.20:06
joergor ask someobody to help them.20:07
joergalkisg, well, I like it. I just think it is not what they are looking for :)20:07
joergneed to get access to a demo server20:07
joergmaybe I am wrong.20:07
joergbut the problem is not automating stuff like evolution configuration etc.20:08
alkisgI think the client part is more interesting than the server part20:08
joergwell, that's it20:08
joergwe are only doing the server part20:09
joergwhat they do with their clients....well, that's up to them20:10
joergbut mostly they install a windows xp on it20:10
joergwith open office and firefox20:10
joergand other free software20:10
joergand they don't want user profiles20:11
joergand specific configs20:11
joergthat's overkill20:13
joergit confuses people20:13
joergif they login to a machine and they don't have the same background image, symbols on the desktop e.g. than the person next to them :P20:14
joergalkisg, mhhm.....apart from that: pppoe support comes in 1.4 of ebox :) how should they go online? ^^20:15
joergalkisg, I unfortunately can't find the test server - thought there is one somewhere....but ebox really like "admin's little helper" doing a lot of system stuff and not like a collaboration tool for schools :)20:16
alkisgAh, you were looking for a collaboration tool? I heard about pop3 and ftp and imap and homepage and proxy and samba etc configuration so I probably misunderstood. :)20:18
alkisgAnyway, I just thought I'd mention the idea, I don't think it's worth discussing about ebox anymore...20:21
joergalkisg, well.....I am not sure :)20:30
joergalkisg, but yes, you maybe got it a bit wrong. the setup of samba / ftp / proxy is done by the admins. my idea is more a frontend to bundle all the services in a web gui....in the case you don't have your ftp client, mail reader, samba whatever :) e.g. from a netcafe or whatever20:32
alkisgI still don't get it. What could a web front end offer about samba to a netcafe user?20:33
joergalkisg, collaboration tool with a corporate identity and single sign on to all services ;)20:33
joergalkisg, nothing. that's why it doesn't need samba stuff :P20:33
alkisgThen why did you mention it?20:33
joergalkisg, as a user, you have a homedir20:33
joergyou can access it web based when you are in the netcafe20:33
joergand via samba in the local network20:34
alkisgSo that's a web based file manager. What does that have to do with collaboration?20:34
joergalkisg, because it seemed to be important to me that the webbased thing should be a filesystem frontend....20:34
joergalkisg, you can post files in group folders :P20:35
joergeven though that is only a file manager and you could simply use sftp to do the same stuff, it is nice :)20:35
joergteachers will post assignments and materials in the group folder, students for example stuff they found online or their homework....20:36
alkisgOK, it's a web file manager and an example of the unix group system :)20:37
joergyes, absolutely true20:37
joergalkisg, but it perfectly works in 200 schools here already :P20:37
joergbecause it is easy20:37
alkisgYou can also do that with nautilus...20:38
joergif you know how to :)20:38
joerg99% are using the web based gui20:39
alkisgI'd prefer my students to learn about how to do it with nautilus than with some proprietary tool20:39
joergeven though a sftp client or simply mounting webdav would be a lot faster20:39
joergit is like this because people are lazy.....:P20:39
joergalkisg, lol20:39
joergwe are teaching history, maths and stuff20:39
joergand not: how to install linux and nautilus to avoid our webbased backend20:40
joergapart from that, maybe one out of a hundred teachers how to do that :P20:40
joergand even though I know all that stuff, I sometimes use the web frontend....20:41
alkisgWell, all my hundends of studends know how to use nautilus to access our shared folders, and none uses a web backend. Each teacher applies what methods suits him... np there.20:41
joerghanging around somewhere, only having a webbrowser and wanting to show somebody a document you got in your homedir20:41
joergalkisg, YOUR students20:42
joergnot ALL students20:42
joergI have no resources to teach students at 200 schools how to use sftp and nautilus20:42
alkisgYes, because I chose to teach them that, because they could apply that knowledge elsewhere20:42
alkisgI don't like teaching them things that would be of no use to them when they leave our school...20:43
joergalkisg, but the problem here is: teachers can't teach stuff like that.20:43
joergbecause they know less about computers and internet than their students.20:43
alkisgThat's where automation comes in20:44
joergalkisg, well, anyway20:44
joergalkisg, I'd teach them concepts and not products20:45
alkisgAnyway, we have a different view about those things. No harm done, let's go on to our jobs... :)20:45
joergif they know what files and folders are and how network protocols work, they will be able to work with a filemanager20:45
joergno matter if it is proprietary or not20:45
joergalkisg, no, we don't have different views :P and it is perfect that you teach nautilus.....but I can't force teachers at 200 schools to learn nautilus and teach it to their students :P20:47
alkisgI have a shortcut on their desktops for that20:47
joergalkisg, most teachers have no IT skills at all, they use what they know from home and that's their windoze box :P20:47
alkisgjoerg: I know, I've been teaching in a lot of schools here. I also know that if it's easy, they'll do it even if it isn't windows. And I know how to make it easy for them.20:48
joergalkisg, I have no control over students' or teachers' computers and I will never be able to make any shortcut on any desktop :)20:48
joergthat's the point20:49
joergI can't control the clients20:49
joergunless I steal their keys *LOL*20:49
joergand sneak in at night to make a shortcut to nautilus on their box :)20:49
joergis nautilus available for windoze btw.? :)20:49
joergalkisg, well, I can't go to teachers and students homes, knock at the door saying hello I am Jesus and will install linux on your computer now :D20:51
alkisgNeither can I20:51
joergso you convinced them all? :P20:52
alkisgAre you asking how they'd access their files remotely?20:53
joergI am talking about it all the time :)20:53
joergalkisg, that's probably the big misunderstanding we have :P20:54
alkisgWell, there are dozens of existing technologies for that, I don't see why I need to use another, proprietary one...20:54
alkisgAnd if I wanted to use a proprietary one, I'd probably use dropbox20:54
alkisgIt autosynchronizes the files between different OSes20:55
joergalkisg, I think somehow you don't get the point ^^20:55
joergthe school is acting as a service provider to the outside world :P20:55
alkisgOK. joerg excuse me, I need to get some work done. Talk to you some other time...20:56
joergalkisg, he he.....yeah, see you then :P20:56
joergsbalneav, hey, are u there? ;)21:39
joergsbalneav, don't u think it would make more sense if I start a new project for that idea?21:40
joergsbalneav, I could at least imagine that this tool might be used with other distros as well or even be hosted on some shared webspace when the school doesn't have a server...21:41
dgroosalkisg: I spent much of yesterday's 'recordkeeping day' working to get iTALC going.  Finally, after removing every trace of 'italc' from my system except for the launchpad stuff.22:12
alkisgSo now it's working? nice :)22:13
dgrooswell, finally got it working at the end of the day. :D I entered the clients and made the list permanent, quit it and restarted and... it didn't work and had to go! :(22:13
dgroosIt had the same, permission kind of errors.  I was trying to run it on the server via NX.22:14
dgroosI went in this morning to try to get the scanner working and to feed the snake (I'm teaching biology) and for some reason, I tried to start iTALC on the client.  I knew it wouldn't work because I had only installed it on the server.22:15
dgroosOf course it then worked, running on a thin client!  How?!  I don't get that program I think.22:16
dgroosSo, anyway, I'm happy user of the tool though remain in a confused state which I'm trying to ignore :)22:16
dgroosShouldn't it not work on a client?22:17
alkisgIt should work wherever you sit, be it on the server or on a client22:19
dgroos?  I thought you had to do a client install to be able to use it on a client.  I know that the client install was also so that you could work with clients even when no one was logged in to them.22:22
alkisgThe first one is not true22:23
alkisgThe second one is true22:23
dgroosAnyway, I'm really *really* REALLY glad it is working :D22:23
alkisgBut not exactly... e.g. you *can* power on the clients even if you don't have italc installed on them22:24
dgroos? how?22:24
alkisg(but that's all you can do when the user is not logged on :D)22:24
alkisgYou just need to save the list of clients22:25
dgroosDo I need to add MAC addresses?22:25
alkisgI think it does that automatically22:26
alkisgSo if you run it once while the clients are logged on,22:26
alkisgand then close italc,22:26
alkisgand then open its xml file and rename the "autodetected computers" classroom to "dgross classroom",22:26
alkisgthen you have your list ready22:26
stgraberyou can rename the classroom from the UI too22:26
alkisgOooh even better22:27
dgroosOnly last fall did I ever get the autodetected computers to auto-detect.  I've had iTALC working twice since then (including now) and the auto-detect feature didn't work.  So, I entered in the computers 'by hand'.22:28
alkisgAre you logged on now? Can you try stuff?22:29
dgroosI've saved the list and put in the suggested location and made the [path] addition so they all are there now.22:29
dgroosWell, I'm at home at the moment, but I could NX to the server from here via vpn.  would that work?22:30
alkisgSure, if there are clients logged on currently...22:30
dgroos:( I think I've logged off both computers.22:31
dgroosthanks though!22:31

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