
Amaranthhrm, I'm around I'm just never here when seb128 is05:01
Amaranth(and busy)05:01
=== vish is now known as mac_v
=== mac_v is now known as vish
* hyperair bangs head on table. stupid gnome-power-manager and its code repetition09:08
=== Nafallo_ is now known as Nafallo
dyess0021I am having trouble with my Title Bar when it is minimized the Title Bar is there but when I Maximize the Title Bar shows just for a sec and then just goes away.21:53
dyess0021I have removed Compiz and Emerald and still no change21:54
dyess0021Is everyone away or did I ask a lowsey Question?21:57
Tm_Tdyess0021: in systemsettings -> default applications -> window manager22:14
Tm_Tdyess0021: what you have there selected?22:14
dyess0021Just a sec22:17
dyess0021where is system settings at?22:18
Tm_Tdyess0021: bah, forget it (:22:19
* Tm_T was in wrong channel in his mind22:19
dyess0021I have a window manager in Applications/Other but it is nonfunctional22:21
Tm_Tdyess0021: yup, I was in KDE-world for a second, no idea where that is in gnome, you really should try #ubuntu22:22
dyess0021k thanks22:22
hyperairvery tricky.22:29
hyperair"please do not click the links ..." and "More information at ... "22:30
libvsomeone please +R this channel22:34
Tm_T+r more like it22:34
libvwell, the other channels i'm in have chosen +R instead22:39
libvsame difference anyway22:39
Tm_Tnot really, +r means unregistered cannot join, +R means they cannot speak, even if they have joined long time ago and proven to be real persons22:42

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