
gozqbHi all.  It seems we are again seeing javascript based flood spam.  If you are experiencing this, please do not click the links in the messages as they will cause you to repeat the spam. More information is available at http://peoplesprimary.com.  Thanks!01:41
gozqbHi all.  It seems we are again seeing javascript based flood spam.  If you are experiencing this, please do not click the links in the messages as they will cause you to repeat the spam. More information is available at http://peoplesprimary.com.  Thanks!01:41
gozqbHi all.  It seems we are again seeing javascript based flood spam.  If you are experiencing this, please do not click the links in the messages as they will cause you to repeat the spam. More information is available at http://peoplesprimary.com.  Thanks!01:41
gozqbHi all.  It seems we are again seeing javascript based flood spam.  If you are experiencing this, please do not click the links in the messages as they will cause you to repeat the spam. More information is available at http://peoplesprimary.com.  Thanks!01:41
gozqbHi all.  It seems we are again seeing javascript based flood spam.  If you are experiencing this, please do not click the links in the messages as they will cause you to repeat the spam. More information is available at http://peoplesprimary.com.  Thanks!01:41
gozqbHi all.  It seems we are again seeing javascript based flood spam.  If you are experiencing this, please do not click the links in the messages as they will cause you to repeat the spam. More information is available at http://peoplesprimary.com.  Thanks!01:41
gozqbHi all.  It seems we are again seeing javascript based flood spam.  If you are experiencing this, please do not click the links in the messages as they will cause you to repeat the spam. More information is available at http://peoplesprimary.com.  Thanks!01:41
gozqbHi all.  It seems we are again seeing javascript based flood spam.  If you are experiencing this, please do not click the links in the messages as they will cause you to repeat the spam. More information is available at http://peoplesprimary.com.  Thanks!01:41
gozqbHi all.  It seems we are again seeing javascript based flood spam.  If you are experiencing this, please do not click the links in the messages as they will cause you to repeat the spam. More information is available at http://peoplesprimary.com.  Thanks!01:41
gozqbHi all.  It seems we are again seeing javascript based flood spam.  If you are experiencing this, please do not click the links in the messages as they will cause you to repeat the spam. More information is available at http://peoplesprimary.com.  Thanks!01:41
gozqbHi all.  It seems we are again seeing javascript based flood spam.  If you are experiencing this, please do not click the links in the messages as they will cause you to repeat the spam. More information is available at http://peoplesprimary.com.  Thanks!01:42
gozqbHi all.  It seems we are again seeing javascript based flood spam.  If you are experiencing this, please do not click the links in the messages as they will cause you to repeat the spam. More information is available at http://peoplesprimary.com.  Thanks!01:42
zddzcqtmHi all.  It seems we are again seeing javascript based flood spam.  If you are experiencing this, please do not click the links in the messages as they will cause you to repeat the spam. More information is available at http://peoplesprimary.com.  Thanks!02:00
zddzcqtmHi all.  It seems we are again seeing javascript based flood spam.  If you are experiencing this, please do not click the links in the messages as they will cause you to repeat the spam. More information is available at http://peoplesprimary.com.  Thanks!02:00
DiegoTcnhandler, here02:52
DiegoTcHi guys02:53
DiegoTcI will like to request the ubuntu/member cloak02:53
DiegoTcmy lp account is this one https://edge.launchpad.net/~diegoturcios02:53
m4vjussi01, Pici, topyli, or tsimpson: ^^^02:54
nhandlerjussi01, Pici, topyli, tsimpson: ^^^02:54
m4vDiegoTc: capaz que están durmiendo, así que quedate conectado por un rato o preguntá en otra hora.03:00
DiegoTcgracias m4v03:00
=== TLUL is now known as TLUL_teh_lurker
=== TLUL_teh_lurker is now known as TLUL
=== m4v_ is now known as m4v
nigel_nbops help needed in #ubuntu-women05:37
ubunterdi am here to discuss my ban from #ubuntu-women05:45
macoright so, um... why do you think you should not be banned for making sexist comments?05:46
ubunterdcooking is sexist?05:46
macolike this?05:46
maco<ubunterd> you ladies need to stop learning about ubuntu, get in the kitchen and learn how to cook05:47
maco<ubunterd> quit wasting your time05:47
ubunterdthats from my POV, i was raised in a traditional family so stop being bigoted about how i was raised05:47
ubunterdi'm an african-american, i believe your channel is being racist against me05:49
macobecause we can see your race through text?05:49
ubunterdyou can see my "sexism" through my text, i guess you can see my race05:49
macoHave you read the Code of Conduct, the IRC Guidelines, and the #ubuntu-women channel-specific IRC guidelines?05:52
ubunterdi was removed from the channel before i got to the reading material because you detected i was an ircer of color05:53
macoAll text on my client is displayed the same. Now, could you please look at the following:05:54
ubottuThe guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines05:54
ubottuThe Ubuntu Code of Conduct is a community etiquette document to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere, and can be found at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/ .  For information on how to electronically sign the CoC, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SigningCodeofConduct .05:54
ubunterdin your text client, what color is my text displayed as05:54
macoand http://wiki.ubuntu-women.org/IrcGuidelines05:54
ubunterdim having trouble reading this05:56
ubunterddo you have your websites in audio format so i can listen to them05:59
ubunterdi believe your websites are not handicapped accessable05:59
macothere are screenreaders you can install to read the screen to you06:00
JanCubunterd: they are only accessible to human beings, but otherwise nobody is excluded...06:00
macoi assume you are doing something similar if you are able to handle text-based communication like irc06:00
ubunterdi have a very low, embarassing reading level06:01
m4vyou seem to be doing fine06:01
macowe'll wait :)06:01
ubunterdi've got al sharpton on speed dial, we can get 1000 folks of color to protest the next ubuntu conference06:02
macocan we convert them into 1000 new contributors?06:02
ubunterd1000 colored folks with spears06:02
ubunterdthe term "ubuntu" is racist06:03
ubunterdstealing from african culture06:03
macothe distro was started by an African man06:04
maconow could you focus on reading those guidelines?06:04
macoinstead of chatting?06:04
ubunterdi axd a question06:04
ubunterdyo cuz06:09
bazhanggnome-orca can do that06:11
bazhangsudo apt-get install gnome-orca06:11
JanCorca is installed by default06:11
ubunterdorca what06:11
bazhangits optional in karmic06:12
ubunterdwhut yall talking bout06:12
bazhang!info gnome-orca06:12
ubottugnome-orca (source: gnome-orca): Scriptable screen reader. In component main, is optional. Version 2.28.1-0ubuntu1 (karmic), package size 603 kB, installed size 8504 kB06:12
ubot4bazhang: gnome-orca (source: gnome-orca): Scriptable screen reader. In component main, is optional. Version 2.28.1-0ubuntu1 (karmic), package size 603 kB, installed size 8504 kB06:12
ubot2bazhang: gnome-orca (source: gnome-orca): Scriptable screen reader. In component main, is optional. Version 2.28.1-0ubuntu1 (karmic), package size 603 kB, installed size 8504 kB06:12
JanCbazhang: it's still installed by default  ☺06:13
macowhy are 3 bots responding?06:13
ubunterd'sudo' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.06:13
bazhangubunterd, if you have reading issues, then install gnome-orca06:13
macobatch file? sounds like windows...06:14
bazhangno wonder06:14
JanCvista has a screenreader installed by default too, so no excuse06:15
bazhangno real reason to be in #ubuntu channels as far as I can see06:15
ubunterdubuntu is my cousin's name06:16
ubunterdso i see ubuntu-women i think its females hating on my cousin ubuntu06:17
bazhangubunterd, the #ubuntu channels are for Ubuntu support06:17
bazhangubunterd, nothing to do with your cousin or otherwise06:17
ubunterdnot for my cousin ubuntu?06:17
ubunterdso whats maco's deal06:18
JanCubunterd: when are highschool holidays over where you live?06:18
ubunterdquit being racist against me since i am a person of color06:19
ubunterdJanC i do not appreciate your off topic comment06:19
JanCeverybody here has some colour06:19
ubunterdi have declared i am an african american and you bring up being in high school06:19
ubunterdare you trying to say i'm a drop out06:19
bazhangubunterd, this has nothing to do with your ban in #ubuntu-women06:20
ubunterdlike im telling dominian my cousin's name is ubuntu06:20
ubunterdi thought it was a chatroom about women who hate my cousin06:20
bazhangwell you were mistaken, and nothing to do with your comments there.06:20
bazhang!appeals | ubunterd06:21
ubunterdwhat comments06:21
ubottuubunterd: If you disagree with a decision by an operator, please first pay #ubuntu-ops a visit. If you are still unhappy, please see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcTeam/AppealProcess for the steps you should take. If you feel the need to discuss the channel rules, please contact the ops on IRC or via the email address on the aforementioned page.06:21
bazhangactually that should be here06:21
ubunterdim not reading any more links that have my cousin's name in it06:21
bazhangyour choice06:21
ubunterdjust quit using my cousin's name06:23
ubunterdwhite bread maco you there06:36
Flannelubunterd: Time to move along06:38
ubunterdyou asking me to leave after being racist against me06:39
ubunterdya'll folks never cease to amaze me06:39
ubunterdthis is slavery all over again06:39
ubunterdthis is an irc sit in, in honor of the civil rights movement06:40
JanCubunterd: you want to be my slave?06:40
garyniger1488racist crackers06:40
ubunterdi do not appreciate that comment JanC06:43
ubunterdwhat is your number, jesse jackson and al sharpton will be calling you monday morning06:44
ubunterdyeah trying to shut me up06:45
ubunterdthats how yall racists work06:45
garyniger1488fuckin prejuduce assholes06:46
Flannelgaryniger1488: That language isn't called for.06:47
DiegoTc<m4v> jussi01, Pici, topyli, or tsimpson: ^^^14:45
DiegoTc<nhandler> jussi01, Pici, topyli, tsimpson: ^^^14:45
DiegoTc<m4v> DiegoTc: capaz que están durmiendo, así que quedate conectado por un rato o preguntá en otra hora.14:45
DiegoTc<DiegoTc> okay14:45
DiegoTc gracias m4v14:45
=== Nafallo_ is now known as Nafallo
nikonobody against +R here for a moment ?16:23
bazhangnot me :)16:25
m4vneither me16:27
DJonesWould I be right in assuming that the majority if not all of the random character nick's are the spammers?16:41
bazhangguessing yes16:42
DJonesI thought so, seems to follow the pattern of the last few days16:42
bazhangthe clue is in the (K-lined) exit mode16:43
DJonesgood thinking, hadn't noticed that16:43
nikoDJones: most of them clicked on the link above with a browser with javascript enable16:43
nikoso they spam random channel and finish K-lined16:44
DJonesAh well, reboot time for me16:47
nikoubottu: member > niko17:22
ubottuniko, please see my private message17:22
=== piti is now known as birdee
=== birdee is now known as piti
DiegoTcping tsimpson19:47
tsimpsonpong DiegoTc19:47
DiegoTctsimpson, I will like to request the ubuntu/member cloak19:47
DiegoTc my lp account is this one https://edge.launchpad.net/~diegoturcios19:47
tsimpsonone second please19:48
tsimpsonnalioth, tomaw, niko or nhandler: please give DiegoTc a cloak19:51
DiegoTci think they are not here :p19:52
* DiegoTc has a big luck19:52
tsimpsonone will see and activate the cloak, just wait here for a while19:53
DiegoTcoki doki19:55
tsimpsonthanks niko, and congratulations DiegoTc19:56
DiegoTcthank you19:57
ubot4In ubot4, napsy said: !a is <reply> b20:26
ubot2qense called the ops in #ubuntu-classroom-chat ()22:32
qense#ubuntu-classroom-chat is hit by a very annoying spam flood22:33
qenseFFEMTcJ has +m the channel for a while now22:33
qenseor not +m, still spam22:34
qensenow it is +m22:34
qenseIt's just being +m'ed every now and then for a few seconds to scare the bots away.22:37
m4vspanish day is also hit with the spam :(22:38

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