
fta$ dpkg-architecture | grep DEB_BUILD_GNU_CPU00:00
asacgood that i didnt erro out then00:00
asacanyway, we need to use BUILD_CPU00:00
asacone sec ;)00:01
asacthe x86 i added is definitly wrong :)00:01
asacbut maybe you are right about BUILD_GNU_CPU for target00:02
asaci think DEB_BUILD_ARCH_CPU is used00:03
ftadoesn't matter much, i don't use the values directly, i map them00:03
asacis that ok with you?00:06
asacwhy do we need to set target_arch?00:06
asacafaik thats set through uname -m in gyp00:06
asacnot saying its wrong00:06
ftawhat good does it make? imho, it's useless, keep it as it is00:06
asacits currently broken :)00:07
asacalso BUILD_ARCH is what is used by therse00:07
asacGNU_CPU is i486 for 32bit00:07
asacand maybe i58600:07
asacfor others00:07
ftatarget_arch is not auto set afaik00:07
asacits definitly in common.gyp00:08
asacanyway. i am 100% certain that BUILD_ARCH is right00:08
ftanot in v800:08
asacthey said that will happen soon00:08
asacthough i though that was about the new host_arch we added00:08
ftaas you want, but update your warning too00:09
asacok thats it00:11
asachope that all is fine now00:11
asacok i will wade over to firefox now again ;)00:12
asachave to fix the abrowser match00:12
ftai still get the warning, but well, doesn't matter00:17
asacyou get that warning during build?00:17
asacthought you said its not said for gos00:17
ftadonno yet00:17
asaclet me know00:17
asacit should be right ;)00:17
ftaX crashed, again00:19
asaci didnt even have time to upgrade to lucid on laptop yet :(00:19
* asac checks how bad ppa builders are00:23
asacmaybe we should really kill the intrepid dailies :)00:24
ftanot enough builders, just 400:29
LLStarks|Lazyasac, you there?00:32
LLStarks|Lazyfontconfig is still quite broken in lucid.00:32
LLStarks|Lazyexample: http://img46.imageshack.us/img46/5732/fontsd.png00:33
ftaasac, ftbfs00:43
LLStarks|Lazywhat do i do?00:45
LLStarks|Lazyfont packs don't help00:45
asacfta: details?00:46
ftaasac, nothing to worry about, ftbfs in webkit with r36926.00:47
ftaasac, but r36927 reads "Revert "WebKit roll 53704 -> 53712. This reverts commit r36920"00:47
=== LLStarks|Lazy is now known as LLStarks
asacwill this block todays uplload?00:49
ftai'm rolling out another tarball00:49
ftawhile watching The Day the Earth Stood Still00:50
BUGabundofta: nice movie00:55
ftaBUGabundo, too many ads in there01:00
ftaBUGabundo, windows, toyota, mcdonalds01:01
BUGabundosomehitng has to pay that guy cache01:02
ftait's too obvious01:02
BUGabundono no,.... you are just stressing on it01:03
BUGabundowatch the movie it self01:03
BUGabundoif you are so sensible01:04
BUGabundoyou are going to be the 1st person I tell not to watch AVATAR01:04
BUGabundoeveryone else *should* go out and see it01:04
BUGabundoAWESOME movie01:04
LLStarksfor once, i really gotta say this: **** google01:12
LLStarksh264 over theora?01:12
LLStarkswhat the hell.01:12
asacis that news?01:12
LLStarksi guess.01:13
LLStarks3.6 and 3.7 won't be able to use youtube html501:14
asacah youtube01:14
asacthought you are talking about chromium01:14
asacyes, thats sucks much *shrug*01:14
LLStarksmozilla can't package h264, right?01:15
ftanot can't, but don't want to01:15
asacnot sure. afaiui we can have that in multiverse01:15
LLStarkslicensing problems?01:15
gavincan't legally distribute it without a license01:15
asacthey want to keep the web based on open formats01:15
asacand distribution might also be a problem01:16
LLStarksh264. open. pick one.01:16
gavinand even if we were to get a license, would only be valid for moco-distributed builds01:16
gavinwhich isn't really acceptable01:16
asacbut from what i understood the idea was to keep up the spirit of making the web a better place :)01:16
asacso each distributor would have to find its own way around it etc.01:16
LLStarkscould html5 work with ffh264?01:16
asacsure, but its a proprietary format01:16
asacthe idea is that we dont want that anymore ;)01:17
gavinthe decoding code isn't the problem01:17
gavin*finding* the code isn't the problem, Imean01:17
asacsure. we even ship it in multiverse01:17
asacthats all doable. but still not great ;)01:17
LLStarkshow? firefox-nonfree?01:17
BUGabundobut so far  OGV is license free01:17
asacrather a plugin to ffmpeg or gstreamer01:18
asacand then the current mechanism we have to install stuff on demand01:18
BUGabundoand google is benchmarking and of course close codec is faster01:18
asace.g. when you first hit a video wiht a non-free codec that is in multiverse you get asked to install it01:18
asac(thtas what we do in totem, gnash etc.)01:18
gavinthe differences between theora and h264 at youtube-level bitrates aren't that great01:18
ftaasac,   LINK(target) out/Release/chrome01:20
asaci think we are in good shape then ;)01:20
asacif it starts at least01:20
ftayou broke it01:21
ftainstall 755 debian/chromium-browser.sh debian/tmp/usr/bin/chromium-browser01:21
ftainstall: target `debian/tmp/usr/bin/chromium-browser' is not a directory01:21
ftamake: *** [common-install-prehook-impl] Error 101:21
ftaasac, ^^01:23
ftai used cp for a reason01:23
asactoomuch stuff in a row i guess :(01:25
ftayeah, especially without testing it :(01:27
ftadpkg-deb: building package `chromium-browser' in `../chromium-browser_4.0.305.0~svn20100123r36929-0ubuntu1_amd64.deb'.01:28
ftaoh, damn, amd64. i can't test it here01:28
asaci can run the .deb if you make it available somewhere (through ssh)01:30
asacyou should have a people.ubuntu.com sftp space btw01:30
asacnot sure if you know ;)01:30
asacoh we only have 4 ppa builders atm01:32
asacthat explains it ;)01:32
ftaasac, "i should have" as in "would be nice if i had one" or in "i already have one without knowing it"?01:35
asacfta: you ... as a ubuntu member (through ubuntu-dev) have a people.ubuntu.com account where you can put stuff ;)01:36
asacnot me01:36
ftawhere is that?01:36
asaci got a permanent redirect to people.canonical.com01:36
asacbecause i had some python services running ;)01:36
asacfta: i think you can just try sftp people.ubuntu.com01:37
asacwith your ssh key from launchpad01:37
asac ;)01:37
asacat least i think that is done now01:37
asaccould be wrong, but the redirect to canonical has happened a acouple of month back01:37
asacso i suspect the transition is done01:37
ftai see public_html01:38
asacyou can put files in there01:38
asacand then you can browser people.ubuntu.com/~fta01:38
asacnot sure what the quoat is ;)01:38
asachope its enough for one .deb01:39
BUGabundo1GB I think01:39
BUGabundoI never used it either01:39
BUGabundoI love Dropbox tooo much01:39
BUGabundohaven't picked up U1 for a LONGGGG time01:39
fta94096786 bytes transferred in 9 seconds (10.04M/s)01:41
asacjust found out that my amd64 box got stuck in the middle of a dist-upgrade01:42
asacasking debconf stuff01:42
asaclets see how long it takes to finish now ;)01:42
ftaBUGabundo, if you're willing to test those debs quickly..01:43
BUGabundotoo sleepy to do any guud testing01:45
asacok installing01:48
asac[17608:17608:474887276687:FATAL:chrome/browser/zygote_host_linux.cc(117)] The SUID sandbox helper binary was found, but is not configured correctly. Rather than run without sandboxing I'm aborting now. You need to make sure that /usr/lib/chromium-browser/chromium-browser-sandbox is mode 4755 and owned by root.01:50
asacTrace/breakpoint trap (core dumped)01:50
asacmaybe i didnt install enough?01:50
* asac checks01:50
asaci install -browser and -l10n01:50
asac-rwsr-xr-x 1 1234 1234 14672 2010-01-23 02:27 /usr/lib/chromium-browser/chromium-browser-sandbox01:51
ftashould be root01:51
asacthe user is messed up01:51
asacfs error?01:51
ftaoh, n-m, i re-run dpkg-buildpackage without asking for fakeroot01:51
asacno its 123401:52
asacguess -nc should be ok01:52
ftapbuilder uses 123401:52
asacgood to know01:52
ftajust chown root:root it01:52
ftaand re-add the +s01:52
asacthere it is01:53
asaci can zoom on google maps ;)01:54
asacfeels good enough ;)01:54
BUGabundogreat QA :p01:55
BUGabundo[reed]: wishbug: make FF do inline URL autocomplete like Chromium. its indeed nicer. but PLEASE keep awesome bar as PERFECT as it is... chromium needs to improve theirs01:58
ftaasac, http://paste.ubuntu.com/360980/02:02
asaci see at least one UNKNOWN going02:04
asacan no new coming ;)02:04
asacoh problems is included02:05
asaccool 5 less ;)02:05
asacerr 402:05
asacfta: do all those changes make sense?02:05
asacthere is quite a few copyright changes02:06
asacnot really in a single subtree, but spreaded02:06
asacvery good02:06
asacwe should include that in licensecheck02:06
ftaseems like a lot of changes, when did you last run it?02:06
asaclike on a traball produced a few hours ago ;)02:07
asacthe problems diff makes sense though02:07
asacmaybe they did a new bump round?02:08
asacfor third party?02:08
asacit doesnt really look suspiciously wrong02:08
asacthe out/ ones were garbage so great that they are gone now02:09
ftawhy is the icu-license removed?02:09
asacbecause it was there twice02:09
asaci had it in harzbuff-license snippet file by accident02:09
asacthere is ICU-License still02:09
asaci assumed all the combinations are combinable by the reader ;)02:11
asacmaybe having a "update copyright" rule that gets run on source production would be great02:12
ftai wanted to do that but you don't want g-o-s to commit on the branch02:13
ftaok, i'm ready to close & push02:14
asaci am more thinking about updating when preparing a real upload02:14
asacto archive02:14
asacfta: go ahead.02:14
asaclets cross fingers02:14
asacon monday we will see ;)02:14
asacwhat we should do to be prepared for battle is file the .problems we still have + a GPL (unversioned) special report upstream02:15
asacwould be great if you could check at some point why my check for == 1 doesnt work02:18
asac== 0 doesnt work either02:18
asaci can look sometimes next days otherwise02:18
asaci was sure it was working at some point :-P02:18
asacbut i guess i didnt copy the final rev over02:19
asacthere it is ;)02:22
asacfresh and NEW :-P02:22
asacfta: thx. 'night02:22
* asac wonders if he should still wait for the final ffox to finish ;)02:23
BUGabundoasac: go play instead akinator.com02:25
BUGabundoI bet you gonna get as hook as I am02:25
asachope not ;)02:25
BUGabundoasac: give it a try02:29
BUGabundoand let me know if he got it right02:29
asacthe url isnt responsive to my netzone02:32
BUGabundoits trotling here now too02:32
BUGabundowas fine a min ago02:32
asacin other words ... its *dead* for me ;)02:32
BUGabundostrangely subdmains are fine02:32
BUGabundopt.akinator.com works02:32
BUGabundofr.akinator.com too02:33
BUGabundohttp://de.akinator.com/ too02:33
BUGabundoI tried to "guess" asac and it got "Linus Torvalds"02:35
asacalso slow02:35
asacdont get anything02:35
BUGabundoasac: you older then 30 ?02:35
BUGabundo2nd try : Jostein Gaarder02:37
asacnot for me02:37
asacdoing something else and then crashing02:38
BUGabundo3rd Dan Brown02:38
BUGabundotry tomorrow02:38
BUGabundoprob temporaly down02:38
BUGabundoor learn portuguese-brasilion02:38
BUGabundohttp://pt.akinator.com/ is up and running02:38
BUGabundo31621     32      0      34080K 978.7M 197.8M   100K   108K   5% chromium-brows02:52
BUGabundo 5057     31      0         73K 652.9M 191.7M    64K   124K   5% firefox-3.702:52
BUGabundo31548   8165      0        920K   1.2G 141.2M 90128K   580K   4% pidgin02:52
BUGabundo32367      0      0       2130K 739.3M 103.4M     0K     0K   3% gwibber02:52
BUGabundo32316     25      0       4941K 246.7M 94460K   100K   100K   2% nxagent02:52
BUGabundonever seen Chromium sucking so much02:52
BUGabundoand that two winds and a total of 3 tabs02:53
ftai'd like to see "20y after the day the earth stood still" now02:53
DanaGhmm, odd use case: firefox-3.6 profile directory symlinked to "firefox".03:46
DanaGResult of migrator: it moves firefox to firefox-3.5-abandoned... and moves firefox-3.6 to firefox.03:46
BUGabundoasac_: fta: ^^^^^^^03:57
DanaGactually, it ended up as "replaced", not "abandoned".04:02
mahfouz1now I have this thing in my apparmor profile but still doesn't work04:44
juanbhow do i install the latest official version of firefox (3.6) in a ubuntu netbook remix environment?  or where can i find that information?06:51
=== vish is now known as mac_v
=== mac_v is now known as vish
blaamannThanks for the update. 3.6.1 works again (after apparmor reload)12:15
LLStarksasac_, since 3.6.1 will have new features, would the new drop-in update work allow 11th freeze exemptions for firefox updates? or is the idea to stick with 3.6 and then update after release?12:48
asac_LLStarks: its only 3.6.1 in the daily ppa ... the problem was on packaging side, so the issue is also fixed in the 3.6 i am uploading14:19
asac_not sure what you mean by "freeze exemption" ... if you ask whether we will update to 3.6.1 in lucid when its out then the answer is yes14:20
White_Slounit seems that on ubuntu 9.04 you dont need to call apparmor_parser with -W -T14:23
asac_White_Sloun: dont need ... or can't ?14:24
asac_e.g. is it broken?14:24
White_Slouncant :)14:24
asac_or just doesnt hurt14:24
asac_jdstrand: ^^14:24
White_Slounthere is no such options in manpages of jaunty14:24
asac_White_Sloun: so postinstall fails?14:25
White_Slounyesterday i wrote the output of apt-get install to this channel14:29
asac_10:38 < White_Sloun> hi, I get a little bug in firefox-3.6 installing from PPA http://pastebin.com/f45d7c4b014:37
asac_jdstrand: ^^ ... thats apparmor going wild in <= 9.0414:37
asac_font cairo issue: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=54131914:40
ubottuMozilla bug 541319 in Graphics "Poor subpixel font rendering compared to rest of system in FF3.6 on Ubuntu" [Normal,New]14:40
asac_fta: ^^14:40
ftaasac_, please answer to that guy, i don't know the details of your changes14:41
asac_bumped mm debhelper compat level to 715:27
asac_not sure what that gains us, but lots of folks are pretty hard about dh 715:27
asac_pretty strong feelings i mean15:27
=== Nafallo_ is now known as Nafallo
maxbThe "dh" sequence-running command is the flagship feature of dh715:44
asac_dont know ... i was even asked to bump compa level to 7 for a cdbs package ;)15:47
asac_no clue how that helps there15:47
asac_ok uploading 3.6 to lucid ... lets hope it doesnt get stuck in NEW15:47
ftait doesn't15:48
ftadoes hardy support v7?15:49
maxbvia hardy-backports15:49
ftaasac_, ^^, so it's bad for the ppa15:49
* sebner makes a dance ~o~ asac_ finally uploading :P15:53
asac_fta: modemmanager doesnt build for < karmic anyway16:03
asac_libudev and crack like that16:03
ftaoh, thought it was for ff16:04
asac_ok the upload got stalled16:04
asac_trying again16:04
asac_fta: no :-Ü16:04
asac_firefox package is too ugly to get to such a level when discussing it ;)16:05
asac_maybe it should be rewritten ... lol16:05
fta  - chromium-browser ( -> 4.0.302.2~r36665) [85.79MB (+1023kB, +1.19%)]16:31
ftadev channel16:31
sebnerasac_: ~~~ NEW ~~~16:35
asac_thats sad16:35
asac_i was sure that it wouldnt go to new as the same source is still in pool16:35
asac_but then i dont know soyuz that well16:36
ftaasac_, :( http://launchpadlibrarian.net/38306001/buildlog_ubuntu-karmic-lpia.chromium-browser_4.0.302.2~r36665-0ubuntu1~ucd1~karmic_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz16:40
asac_guess they fixed the bug?16:42
asac_or just diverged?16:42
asac_hope the former16:42
* asac_ checks16:43
asac_gclient sync16:43
asac_fta: yes, we can drop it16:48
asac_shall i?16:48
* asac_ checks if fta already did that16:48
asac_fta: err16:49
asac_that thing isnt in there anymore16:49
asac_rev 43016:50
asac_  * drop m32 armel patch after upstream made this 'target_arch=arm AND host_arch=x64' only16:50
asac_    - update debian/patches/series16:50
asac_    - delete debian/patches/drop_armel_m32.patch16:50
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
ftaasac_, dev channel, not head16:57
asac_so they cherry picked there?16:57
asac_thought otherwise the version woul dmove aead of the versoin we had that dropped it in .head16:57
asac_or do you have more branches?16:58
ftai have 3 branches16:58
asac_how are they moving forward?16:58
ftathe bot does the upgrades, and one in a while, i merge from head manually16:59
ftalast merge was a few days ago17:00
asac_ok so i guess today was merge day ;)17:03
asac_do you follow release planning on when next beta might happen?17:04
ftanope, today was the bot upgrade17:04
asac_but the armel patch failed ;) ... you could have merged everything17:05
asac_so next time we could upload from dev channel to archive17:05
ftait was still needed before the upgrade17:06
ftayep, the bunch of commits from yesterday needs be merged down to the 2 channels17:10
ftafeel free17:10
asacfta: noticed a minor issue on the bot version bumping logic:18:03
asacmodemmanager 0.3-2~nmt1~jaunty18:03
asacthat should be 0.3-1ubuntu1~nmt1~jaunty18:03
asace.g. if its a debian revision, append ubuntu1 rather than bump18:04
asacotherwise the 1ubuntu1 upload that would follow as a deviation would be lower18:04
asacat least for an ubuntu bot ;)18:04
asacnevermind the oh i mean18:05
asacthe version package revision thing i suggested still holds18:05
ftathe bot is supposed to be dist agnostic18:08
asacyes, but its wrong18:08
asacyou can say -1bot118:08
asacif you want to have it distro agnostic ;)18:08
asaccurrently its debian only as you move ahead of what would be the next ubuntu upload18:09
asacor rather than saying: "bump + ~nmt1..."18:10
asacyou can just say "+ .nmt118:10
asacdoes that work?18:10
asacso in this case it would be 0.3-1.nmt1~jaunty18:10
asacif you do18:10
asacthen it might even be nice to non-maintainer debian upload versions18:11
asacthat would go for 1.118:11
ftai mean, i want to keep the option to do a debian only package, or an ubuntu only package, without specifying anything in the conf. your case is special18:11
ftaso i can add a knob to force the bot to always produce an ubuntu version18:12
asacdpkg --compare-versions 0.3-1ubuntu1 gt 0.3-1.0nmt || echo false18:12
asacso debian and ubuntu are not really unconnected18:13
asacpackages that are debian come down to ubuntu18:13
asacand get modified there18:13
asaci hope there is a way to do it in a way thats good for everything ;)18:13
asacanyway. not important18:14
asaccorner case18:14
asacmaybe some thinking gives us a better idea18:14
asacppa builders are really swamped18:17
asaci guess my final build for -stable doesnt make it soon :-P18:17
asaci386  3   601 jobs (33 hours)18:17
asacprobably NEWing on monday will happen before that ;)18:18
nasamWhy is the package firefox-3.5 at version 3.6?18:18
asacthats a transitional package18:18
asacits empty18:18
asacjust ensuring that firefox-3.5 users get upgraded to 3.618:19
asacnasam: you can remove it after the upgrade18:19
asacotherwise update-manager will probably remove it at some point18:19
asacbdrung_: so we have a new SOL for the firefox package ;)18:20
nasamOk, but still I can't have firefox 3.5 (from ubuntu) next to firefox 3.6 (from this daily)18:20
asacbecause firefox 3.6 will take over evertything18:20
asacin ubuntu as well18:20
asacjust a matter of time18:21
asacdaily just projects what will happen18:21
nasamYeah, but not in Karmic?18:21
asacin karmic it will eventually happen too. yes.18:21
asacwe are moving to a new approach. the versions are not scalable enough for what we want18:22
asacnasam: so by using it you help getting best stuff. if you dont want dailies, we will have a firefox-stable ppa soon18:22
asacwhere you have the final 3.6 versions18:23
nasamHm, that will be nice :p18:23
asacthats it18:23
asaci am currently building the bits in a secret ppa18:23
asacand when they look good push them over18:23
asacprobably not in the next 24 hours though18:23
asacbuilders are swamped18:23
asacso takes a bit to build them18:23
bdrung_asac: new SOL?18:30
asacbdrung_: yes, starting with firefox-3.6 the main package will be firefox again18:33
asacfor the stable release channel18:33
asacnot sure what to do about the versioning ;)18:33
asacjust wanted to warn you :)18:33
bdrung_i am not sure, if i like the new mozilla policy18:34
asacyou mean mozillas policy or our?18:34
asacproblem is that there is no real policy yet18:35
asacat least not a fully fleshed out one18:36
asaccauses sleepless nights on my side ;)18:36
asacok .... have to run. night life18:36
mbanaasac: hi, just wondering if u've tried it urself18:48
mahfouzI can complain as much as I want, firefox will not start anymore :(19:57
mahfouzswitched to 3.7 now19:58
mahfouzcan you tell me which line I shld add to the profile?19:58
mahfouzthe apparmor profile I mean19:58
ftadmesg | grep firefox | pastebinit19:59
ftaand see the topic19:59
mahfouzi did the complain in the topic20:07
mahfouzdidn't help20:07
mahfouzit says "Skipping profile in /etc/apparmor.d/disable: usr.bin.firefox" in the update from 1min ago20:11
mahfouzbut still doesn't work20:11
mahfouzcouldn't it be something other than apparmor?20:17
jdstrandmahfouz: the apparmor profile should not be affecting it based on the 'Skipping profile...'20:18
jdstrandmahfouz: you can be sure by running 'sudo aa-status'20:18
jdstrandmahfouz: you are using 3.7?20:20
mahfouzyou mean I shld close 3.720:20
jdstrandmahfouz: there is no profile loaded for 3.720:20
mahfouzshld there be?20:20
jdstrandmahfouz: not by default20:20
jdstrandmahfouz: if you are having trouble with 3.7, it is not apparmor20:21
mahfouzI used 3,7 for a while now20:21
mahfouzno I have trouble with 3,620:21
mahfouzwhich is now "firefox" = 3.620:21
* jdstrand nods20:21
mahfouzI can start 3.7 but not 3.620:21
mahfouzever since "firefox" became 3.620:21
jdstrandok, then that might be apparmor20:22
jdstrandmahfouz: do you have the latest daily?20:22
mahfouzjust updated 5min ago20:23
jdstrandmahfouz: please perform the following commands:20:23
jdstrandsudo apparmor_parser -R /etc/apparmor.d/usr.bin.firefox20:23
mahfouzno output20:24
jdstrandmahfouz: can you paste the output of 'sudo aa-status'20:24
mahfouzthe complaint is gone20:25
jdstrandmahfouz: can you paste the output of 'ls /etc/apparmor.d'?20:27
jdstrandmahfouz: please run the following commands:20:28
jdstrandsudo apparmor_parser -R /etc/apparmor.d/usr.bin.firefox-3.620:28
jdstrandmahfouz: then paste the output of 'sudo aa-status'20:29
mahfouzok, now 3.6 is not in enforce mode anymore20:29
jdstrandmahfouz: ok good-- let's now clean up a little:20:30
jdstrandsudo rm /etc/apparmor.d/usr.bin.firefox-3.6 /etc/apparmor.d/usr.bin.firefox-3.6~20:30
mahfouzok, they're gone20:31
mahfouznote that 3.5 profile is also obsolete20:31
jdstrandmahfouz: do you want to have the apparmor profile for 3.6 disable on boot?20:31
mahfouzwhatever the standard is20:31
jdstrandmahfouz: the default is disabled (there was a bug a while ago that caused dailies to be enabled)20:32
jdstrandmahfouz: to disable on boot, please perform the following command:20:32
mahfouzyes, it works now20:32
mahfouzI can start "firefox"20:32
jdstrandsudo ln -s /etc/apparmor.d/usr.bin.firefox /etc/apparmor.d/disable/usr.bin.firefox20:33
mahfouzln: creating symbolic link `/etc/apparmor.d/disable/usr.bin.firefox': File exists20:34
jdstrandmahfouz: can you give the output of this command:20:34
jdstrandls -l /etc/apparmor.d/disable/usr.bin.firefox20:35
mahfouzlrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 31 2010-01-21 19:22 /etc/apparmor.d/disable/usr.bin.firefox -> /etc/apparmor.d/usr.bin.firefox20:35
mahfouzit's root20:35
jdstrandok good20:35
jdstrandto verify it will not be loaded on boot, please perform:20:36
jdstrandsudo apparmor_parser -r /etc/apparmor.d/usr.bin.firefox20:36
jdstrandsudo aa-status20:36
jdstrandmahfouz: you should see a 'Skipping' line and aa-status should not list firefox in its output20:36
mahfouzskipping line on the first command yes20:37
mahfouzthen 3.6 now longer shows up in aa-status20:37
jdstrandok, then you are back to defaults20:37
mahfouzso what was the problem?20:37
mahfouzdid I catch a wrong upgrade?20:38
jdstrandmahfouz: I can't say for sure, but it sounds like a long time ago the profile got enabled (due to that bug I mentioned), then the name transition from firefox-3.6 -> firefox got you before we had a chance to fix the profile20:38
mahfouzok, thx20:39
mahfouzI'll let you know if it shows up again20:39
jdstrandasac: apparmor_parser '-W -T' is new in karmic (for binary caching of the profiles). 9.04 and lower can leave that out20:41
jdstrandasac: technically, -W -T should not be needed in lucid either (there was a bug in karmic that required it)20:42
ftahm, it seems the new vdpau survives sdl now, great23:02

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