
TakyojiYou know, I have to admit it would be quite interesting/useful if deviantART served also as an OpenID provider00:06
TakyojiI would love if there was a reseller that would simply resell any hardware that works perfectly fine under Linux00:47
Takyojiand pretty much anyone could start that.00:47
tonyyarussoanyone want to buy a desktop that needs a new power supply?05:11
h00kI have one that needs a new power supply and mobo already :(05:12
Alpha_Clusteri have an extra graphics card... that is all though lol05:25
* tonyyarusso pouts at computer not POSTing06:05
Alpha_Clustertonyyarusso, PSU's are cheap06:24
tonyyarussoAlpha_Cluster: Yeah, but replacing them constantly isn't06:25
Alpha_Clusteroh have you been going through them faster then normal?06:25
tonyyarussoon this box  yeah06:25
tonyyarussoI'm WAY overloading it, so...this one only lasted a few months really06:26
Alpha_Clusteris it maybe the line going into the box or the box is drawing more power then PSUs u have been using?06:26
Alpha_Clusterthat would be your problem06:26
Alpha_Clusterdo you knwo how many watts your drawing?06:27
tonyyarussoNo, but some online caluclator thingies estimate 250, give or take.06:27
Alpha_Clusterthen you shouldnt be "overloading"  it do much unless you are only using a 350Watt PSU06:28
Alpha_Cluster... they make those?06:29
tonyyarussoIn 2004 they did.06:29
Alpha_Clusterwell you can get a solid antec one for $45-55 on newegg that wouldnt brake06:31
Alpha_Clusterif your curious06:32
tonyyarusso1)  Learn how to spell break.06:34
tonyyarusso2)  Wrong form factor.06:34
tonyyarussouh huh06:35
Alpha_Clusterwhat type of case is it?06:35
Alpha_ClusterATX is the standard desktop size06:36
tonyyarussoPSU measures 97mm high, 89mm wide, and 214mm long.06:37
Alpha_Clusteronly 89mm wide?06:39
Alpha_Clusterive never heard of soemthing so skiny06:41
tonyyarussoPrecisely.  It's odd.06:42
Alpha_Clusteryeah >.<06:43
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