[00:00] nulled, I would ask the upstream maintainers in Debian. I'm not sure. I know the system is getting better through use of hacks, such as compressing the package lists etc, but not too much in the way of changing the protocol [00:01] nulled, the repo is over HTTP, so I think a change to the protocol would be needed as well. I would not count on it in the near future, but heck, it's still faster then YUM, eh? [00:01] question: is there any functionality that checksums the current installed packages (files) to verify their integrity? [00:01] tcpip4000, Yes :) -- it even tracks that stuff on upgrade as well. Some of the older hackers might recall an apt-get upgrade asking about their menu.lst [00:02] It will verify on install to make sure nothing was corrupted, and it will also track going forward [00:02] it won't kludge old stuff :) [00:02] I know we are a bit over-time here, just waiting for some stuff to get lined up. I'll be taking questions :) [00:02] Okie..... [00:02] I think we may be ready [00:03] Thank you paultag [00:03] OK, cool [00:03] sure thanks guys :) [00:03] We have a little change in plans... [00:03] One of our instructors has been unable to make it.. [00:03] So starcraftman has volunteered to teach this next course on the fly [00:04] If anyone ever finds starcraftman in person (although I still think he is a bot) please buy him a beer for me! === cjohnston changed the topic of #ubuntu-classroom to: Ubuntu Classroom || Ubuntu User Days | Current Session: Package Management Basics ~~ Presented by starcraftman || Please ask questions in #ubuntu-classroom-chat || Ubuntu User Days Survey: http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/WQWHJQY [00:04] Hi people, it is I again. [00:05] I don't have this prewritten, well... not parcelled out in an IRC format to copy paste. [00:05] So it'll be slower. And more manageable, it is a favourite topic of mine talking about package management though. An important topic. [00:06] Everyone say thank you starcraftman ! [00:06] Unlike last class I don't mind if you ask questions during this session, but I'd probably prefer if you waited till I finished a particular section. [00:08] Same format for them. Now hmmm. I've already written a fairly long guide on installing, since it covers pretty much all this stuff and saves me some typing I'm going to link you to it. I'll still be writing of course, but you can read along my more verbose explanations. It's a little old but is still completely relevant. [00:09] http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=500020 [00:09] So starting with basics. [00:10] package mangement is the means Ubuntu (and linux in general) uses to install software. Linux uses a client server model as with most other things. Your computer is the client, and it requests information on packages from the Ubuntu servers. [00:11] The server contains a whole assortment of packages in a variety of categories, it can tell when your's are out of date for instance and what has changed since you last checked in. [00:12] The server itself stores deb packages, which you can think of like exes. They are precompiled binaries ready to be installed on any system that requests to download and install them. [00:13] The way your local machine tracks what servers to request the information from is called the sources file. It basically simply lists the addresses of the servers and what sections of packages to retreive. [00:15] So, apt an be thought of as a backend. It handles the request and you can use it to install and manage packages quite simply. apt-get and aptitude aren't so different, just two ways to get at the server/packages. [00:15] We should probably move to hands on, makes it clearer. [00:16] Ok, there's two ways to see your sources file, by graphical interface or text editor. [00:16] First open System > Admin > Software Sources. [00:17] k, so now that folks done that... I'll go through this list so people understand. As I said before packages are seperated by category. [00:18] On the first tab, Ubuntu Software, you can find several of the most important. Conical-supported open Source Software (main) is like it says. All core packages to Ubuntu are stored here, never uncheck this. [00:19] (universe) holds projects are are mostly maintained by the community at large. Most software that isn't installed by defualt but maintained by community is here. [00:19] restricted holds restricted drivers as you'd imagine. There was a session earlier on that. [00:19] multiverse is more of a catch all for things not falling above and that may be restricted. [00:20] You should go ahead and tick all of these. Good to have. [00:20] Source code is optional, it lets you download the uncompiled source. It's not for installation. Unless your a programmer, don't check it. [00:20] download from allows you to pick a better server to fetch packages from, I always change from default. [00:21] If you select other from drop down you can select a close geographic server or push pick best. [00:21] Next move to Updates. [00:21] Tab that is. [00:22] These are mostly self-explanitory, security and recommended updates are as they say for security and general bugs (not related to security). [00:23] pre-release includes updates that haven't been fully tested (like the bleeding edge). Unsupported is more of a backporting thing. It's nothing to be afraid of means that software is pushed backwards from newer releases into yours. This isn't officially supported though, odd times it can break things. [00:24] Whether you want to tick the last two is up to you, productions machines where stability important I'd say no. [00:25] Last theory part to cover quick is keys. [00:26] These are just used for authentication. Paultags explanation and mhall should have explained why encryption and trusted software are important. [00:26] Now you can push close on the software sources tell it not to reload sources. We'll do that in a moment. [00:27] Open a terminal please, Applications > Accessories > Terminal. [00:27] now I assume you already got some basics on commands, so copy what's in quotes from now on to terminal and push enter. [00:27] "sudo apt-get update" [00:29] This refreshes your local cache of the packages on the server. You do this to know when server has got new updates (though as you noticed, it will automatically update you daily if your forget or at least prompt). [00:29] "sudo apt-get upgrade" [00:29] if you do that you'll find a list of possible upgrades to common software already installed on your machine. [00:29] It lists packages to be upgraded/removed/installed. [00:30] You have to push yes or no. At this time, push no. [00:30] It would take a while and tie you up. [00:31] Now, let's install some package. [00:32] starcraftman: wanna take some questions? [00:32] pleia2: first I'd like to install a package. After O [00:32] i'll take a few before continuing. [00:33] so lets see, hellow had pi listed for install, works for me. [00:33] The standard command to install a package is "sudo apt-get install package package2 package3" [00:33] where you replace package with whatever you want to install. [00:33] try "sudo apt-get install pi" [00:33] push yes when it asks for confirm. [00:34] It pulls down the package from server and then installs locally to your root. [00:34] (pi package is used to compute a more precise pi btw) [00:35] now if I wanted to remove I could do "sudo apt-get remove pi" [00:35] or "sudo apt-get purge pi" [00:35] The latter will remove configuration files for the program as well as the cached package on your system. [00:35] Remove just uninstalls it. [00:36] Ok, lil question break now. I covered the bulk of this, will get to adding repositories and gui after. [00:37] pleia2: poke, you gonna paste them in? [00:37] < AndreMorro[BR]> QUESTION - starcraftman if I change my repos, shouldn't I first do the 'apt-get update' before 'upgrade' ?? [00:39] AndreMorro[BR]: Yes, always. When you modify the sources list in any way, your changing what apt needs to monitor. You need to update before it will be aware of these changes. [00:39] < Out_Cold> QUESTION how do you find info about a package you want to install via apt? [00:39] Out_Cold: This is a good question. You can easily from terminal. "aptitude show packagename" [00:40] This will provide a large amount of information. [00:40] < AndreMorro[BR]> QUESTION you recommend apt-get or aptitude [00:40] < AndreMorro[BR]> or depends on the situation? [00:41] Out_Cold: oh and you can also do it with "apt-cache showpkg packagename". Another way. [00:42] and related... < jazz_> Question what is the difference between aptitude and apt-get? [00:44] AndreMorro[BR]: ah good question. You know even after all this time I'm not perfect on the minutia separating. In general, they can be used interchangeably. They have a few minor differences. I think apt-get in general is preferred. One clear difference is using the search command. "aptitude search" will do a live search against a repository server where "apt-cache search package" will do a local search. [00:44] In general, I stick to apt-get. [00:44] < stevesmith1983> QUESTION if you apt-get remove, is there any way to the purge in the future, without reinstalling the package first? [00:45] stevesmith1983: yes, if you haven't, you can do a purge command on something you know has traces left on a system. [00:46] I should probably get to adding sources section now. [00:46] please do [00:46] It is pretty easy. Please run: [00:46] "sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list [00:46] " [00:47] this opens your sources file. Nothing scary. here you can see how it's formatted. This is the file we modified with the gui earlier. [00:47] deb lines are for actual packages, deb-src indicate sections just for source files. [00:47] The ## are commented out lines. [00:48] This prevents apt from parsing these lines as servers. [00:48] for a test add I think we will add the lernid ppa. [00:49] https://edge.launchpad.net/~jonobacon/+archive/ppa [00:50] Push technical details please. Then copy the first line with deb to the end of the file. [00:50] Make sure its for your version of ubuntu. [00:50] Save and close the file after. [00:51] Now, we need to import the key. I usually do this by command, it combines downloading and adding the keys. [00:52] the generic command is: wget -q http:addresstokey.com -O- | sudo apt-key add - [00:52] first half downloads the key, then adds it to your keys. [00:53] click on the signing key on the technical drop down. [00:53] here your taken to a direct link to the key's hosting, you use this address. [00:54] so the command would be: "wget -q CBDC2730 -O- | sudo apt-key add [00:55] Hope that works, the end is all required, it's the public ID for the key. [00:55] now you have key, you can update and then do a search for lernid. [00:55] It should now be a package avialable to install. [00:56] you don't need to install it, but this is an example of how to do so. Be careful where you get software from. As paultag covered. [00:56] Last we'll just have a look at the software centre quick. [00:57] pleia2: can you tell where it is in menu? I'm on my kde box. [00:57] I think it's under applications, where add/remove used to be [00:57] Its on applications > Software Center [00:58] It's a nice GUI, much friendlier than synaptic. Here you can navigate by categories, read descriptions and install software. [00:58] Search is in top right, under edit you can get to sources, and view lets you switch between all and just canonical software (Ubuntu and sattellites rather than uni/multiverse) [00:59] installed software section lets you remove installed. [00:59] it's pretty easy. [00:59] Hmmm, I think that about does it, covered the basics and how to use GUI. And I seem almost out of time. [00:59] thanks starcraftman! === cjohnston changed the topic of #ubuntu-classroom to: Ubuntu Classroom || Ubuntu User Days | Current Session: Using Ubuntu One ~~ Presented by shrini || Please ask questions in #ubuntu-classroom-chat || Ubuntu User Days Survey: http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/WQWHJQY [01:00] http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=500020 < Lemme just post that again. Good guide. [01:00] Should clarify any lingering questions, I'll hang around chat to answer. [01:00] Up next is shrini [01:01] Shrinivasan, is a open source lover, who lives in Chennai, India. He talks about open source philosophies in local colleges and schools. [01:01] Currently he is giving technical support to subversion and TeamForge at CollabNet. He runs a weekly newsletter "FossNews" and a blog for Foss Jobs. [01:01] hello friends [01:01] thanks for giving this wonderful opportunity to hang out with you all [01:02] "Ubuntu One" [01:02] is a very interesting project [01:02] that comes with the latest ubuntu release 9.10 [01:03] I wondered on the first sight. [01:03] Ubuntu One is a personal cloud [01:04] you have 2 GB of space [01:04] to store files, notes, contacts [01:04] Storing, syncing and sharing files, contacts, notes, and bookmarks [01:04] is the service given by Ubuntu One [01:05] Let us discuss here about installation [01:05] web and GUI clients [01:05] syncing files,notes,contacts [01:06] future plans and getting support [01:06] Intro - As I told already [01:06] Ubuntu One is a storage service [01:07] you can think here as this is equivalent to "DropBox" [01:07] we can store 2 GB of data for free [01:07] If we need more space, we can buy [01:08] canonical provides commercial space [01:08] shrini: want us to paste questions as they come, or wait until you pause to ask for them? [01:08] pleia2: good. paste as soon as get [01:08] < scunizi> QUESTION is kubuntu setup to use the same service in the same way as ubuntu? [01:09] yes. you can use the same client in kubuntu too. but requires to install gnome libraries. [01:09] < Out_Cold> Question We were discussing the differences between dropbox and one. how does one stack up on various OSs? [01:09] good. currently Ubuntu One supports only ubuntu [01:10] the support to various distros are future plans [01:10] you can buy a 50 GB space for the cost of 10$/month [01:10] ubuntu one supports partial downloads [01:11] it resumes the downloads automatically [01:11] < scunizi> QUESTION if I can install the same client in kubuntu, will it also auto sync contacts in Kontact like it does in Evolution? [01:11] if a file is changed, it is re-synced with entire file. [01:11] no support for kontact now [01:12] but, ubuntu one api is simple and anyone can develop kontact sync [01:12] < IdleOne> QUESTION: are there any limitations on file types that can be stored on Ubuntu One? [01:13] all the files are stored in amazon S3 servers in USA [01:13] no limits on file types [01:13] you can store any file [01:13] < scunizi> QUESTION are files encrypted? [01:13] No. files are not encrypted. [01:14] encryption may give issues on sharing [01:14] Let me goto Installation [01:14] If you have ubuntu 9.10, Wow. you have already in your wallet [01:14] It can be installed in ubuntu 9.04 too [01:15] but not in other lower ubuntu versions [01:15] https://one.ubuntu.com/support/installation/ [01:15] see this like for installing in ubuntu 9.04 [01:16] Once Installed, you can access via [01:16] Applications->Internet->Ubuntu One [01:17] To use this, we need a Launchpad account [01:18] you can go to http://one.ubuntu.com [01:18] and login using launchpad account [01:19] then you can choose a subscription [01:19] free 2 GB or paid 50 GB [01:19] < IdleOne> QUESTION: What do I do if I get OpenID login failed? [01:19] sometime, this may happen [01:20] we need to check why login failed. [01:20] It failed for me too saying like "invalid timezone error" [01:20] I changed my timezone settings in launchpad and it worked :-) [01:20] #ubuntu helped me on this [01:21] after subscribing, you can access the "Ubuntu One" gnome client [01:21] This will take you to a page, [01:21] where you have to add your computer to "Ubuntu One" cloud [01:22] this is essential for the server to recognize your personal computer [01:22] once added, you are done. [01:22] now, you are ready to get thrilled [01:23] your home folder has a special folder called "Ubunt One" [01:24] this is where the magics happens [01:24] After running the ubuntu one client, you can see a icon in top panel [01:25] click the panel and click "connect" to connect with the server [01:25] you can right click it. select "properties" [01:25] to select the visibility options for the icon and to change the bandwidth settings [01:26] Once connected, you are ready [01:26] Now access the "Ubuntu One" folder via Places->Ubuntu One [01:26] It looks like any other normal folder. [01:27] but has hidden magician [01:27] create a folder inside [01:28] and paste a file from any other folder [01:28] wow [01:28] see the notification area. [01:29] It is saying "Updating files" [01:29] after a little time, it says that [01:29] "updating Finished" [01:29] Thats all. this is called syncing [01:30] Any files or folders placed inside "~/Ubuntu One" will be synced to the server [01:30] you can create, modify, move,delete the files [01:30] as you do in any other folders [01:31] but, all your actions will be reflected in the server too [01:31] normally the sync happens once in 10 min [01:31] there is another interesting thing is here. [01:32] you can share your folders to other ubuntuone users [01:32] right click any folder inside "~/Ubuntu One" [01:32] choose "Share on Ubuntu One" [01:33] you can give a users email address [01:33] for example, if you want to share any folder with me, give my email address there [01:34] you can even give me rights to modify your files [01:34] by selecting "Allow Modifications" checkbox [01:34] then click "share" [01:34] this will send me a email [01:35] saying that [name] wants to share a folder with you [01:35] I have to accept a this by clicking a link provided in the email [01:36] My "~/Ubuntu One" folder has a sub folder called "Shared With Me" [01:36] this is the folder, where I get all the folders which are shared with me by other ubuntu one users [01:37] < Endomancer> Question with contacts I can see how to add people one at a time, but how do I sync it with empathy to add all my contacts? [01:38] you can sync evlution contcacts [01:38] not with empathy contacts [01:39] want to share photos? albums? letters? documents? [01:39] with your family and friends? [01:39] Just place in ~/Ubuntu One [01:39] and share by giving their email id [01:40] you reach many people in a easy path [01:40] < IdleOne> QUESTION: My sister uses Windows. Can I share files with her via Ubuntu One? [01:41] Not possible now. [01:41] you can login to one.ubuntu.com via browser and see all the files [01:41] browser is another way of managing the ubuntu one folder [01:42] https://one.ubuntu.com/files/ [01:42] here, a web based file browser helps us. [01:42] we can create folder, delete folder [01:43] click a folder and "sharing" to share with others [01:43] same as we did with gnome client [01:43] you can upload files too [01:43] currently one file at one time is possible [01:43] bulk upload options are yet to be developed [01:45] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOne/Tutorials/FileSharing [01:45] this link explains about file sharing in details [01:45] 15 minutes left [01:45] next, let is see on syncing tomboy notes [01:46] tomboy is a perfect note taking application [01:46] we can use it to take all kind of notes, todo list, reminders [01:47] in Tomboy preferences [01:47] select Synchronization tab [01:47] select ubuntu one [01:48] by service as "Tomboy Web" [01:48] thats all [01:48] all your notes will be synced [01:48] you can get them in browser via "notes" tab [01:49] you can create, edit, delete in browser too [01:49] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOne/Tutorials/Notes [01:49] read for further info [01:49] you can sync, evolution contacts [01:50] < starcraftman> Question: I asked earlier, I get a lot of .u1onflict markers on my folders. I'm constantly updating between my labtop/workstation and sometimes don't sync up before modifying, is there any good way to resolve these? Some of my folders seem to have stopped syncing becuse of it. [01:50] well. sometimes, conflict too happen [01:51] https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntuone-client/+question/77902 [01:51] this page says that [01:51] you have to choose which version of file to keep [01:51] and remove all the file except the required one [01:51] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOne/Tutorials/Contacts [01:51] < mhall119> Question: Can you share notes like you can share files? [01:52] see this link for syncing evolution contacts [01:52] currently, we can share files ony [01:52] there are many future plans [01:52] like [01:52] syncing files outsude ubuntu one folder [01:53] indication remaining time/bytes on sync [01:53] clients for other distros [01:53] screen sharing [01:53] high capacity storage [01:53] mobile clients, console clients [01:53] encrypted file storage [01:54] sharing notes,contacts [01:54] public accessible shared folders via a single URL [01:55] login is secured via ssl and oauth [01:55] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOne/Security [01:55] ubuntu one community gives awesome support [01:55] Forum - http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=367 [01:55] FAQ - https://answers.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntuone/+faqs [01:55] LP answers - https://answers.launchpad.net/~ubuntuone-users [01:55] LP project page - https://launchpad.net/~ubuntuone-users [01:55] acount asst - https://one.ubuntu.com/support/account-assistance/ [01:56] you are welcome to report bugs here. Bugs - https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntuone-client [01:56] "Sharing is Caring" [01:56] share you with the world [01:57] Forget to say, #ubuntuone is the excellent place to hang out [01:57] you can sync your own applications too with ubuntu one api [01:58] contact the helpful developers in maling list/irc [01:59] Thanks all [01:59] Hope I have done [01:59] thanks shrini! [01:59] thanks again for this wonderful opportunity [01:59] so happy to be with you all [02:00] Our next session is going to be a bit delayed. In the mean time we'd like to remind you of a few things. [02:01] Please take the feedback survey at http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/WQWHJQY [02:01] please do! so far we only have 4 completed surveys and we know there are more of you out there! [02:01] In the meantime, if you'd like to give live feed back now, we'll take it in -chat. [02:01] <_marx_> This will be very helpful for planning future User Days. [02:02] Are there any topics you'd like to see us take? [02:02] What frequency do you want these to run. Remember it takes an awful lot of planning to get volunteers to lead sessions. [02:04] IdleOne, wifi is a very complicated issue dependent on hardware, but we'll think about it [02:05] mhall119 - Is there an official user day hashtag? [02:05] not yet, feel free to suggest one [02:08] If you want to tweet/tent, use the either the #uud (short but vague) or #ubuntuuserday (long but clearer) hashtags (thanks mhall119 ) [02:12] okay folks, sorry about confusion with hashtag. Our offical hashtags will be #UUDJan10 or #UUD === nigel_nb changed the topic of #ubuntu-classroom to: Ubuntu Classroom || Ubuntu User Days | Current Session: Using Using IRC ~~ Presented by nhandler || Please ask questions in #ubuntu-classroom-chat || Ubuntu User Days Survey: http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/WQWHJQY [02:22] okay, a big cheer to our next instructor nhandler [02:22] Hello everyone [02:22] Nathan Handler, an up-and-coming Chicago native, is a member of many respected teams in the Ubuntu community. [02:22] He is also currently serving as a member of the Ubuntu Beginners Team Council and MOTU Council. [02:22] In addition to being a freenode staff member, he has recently been chosen to serve on the Ubuntu IRC Council. [02:22] * _marx_ hands nhaines 10 demerits for being tardy [02:22] Nathan will be sharing some of his knowledge with us as he teaches us about using IRC. [02:23] Alright, so I'll start with something simple. What is IRC? [02:24] IRC is a way for many people from all over the world to communicate in real time [02:24] It has several advantages over email and IM [02:25] As it is in real time, it is perfect for discussions and meetings since it does not have the delay that email causes [02:26] It also allows anyone to create a channel to chat in, so teams can all have their own channel for discussion and meetings [02:26] This is one way we use IRC in the Ubuntu community [02:27] Almost all Ubuntu teams have their own channel in the #ubuntu (or #kubuntu or #xubuntu) namespace [02:27] A list of these channels is available on the wiki: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat [02:28] Some channels serve special purposes. For instance, #ubuntu-meeting is used by many Ubuntu teams to hold their meetings, #ubuntu-classroom for educational sessions, #ubuntu is a support channel, etc. [02:29] Any questions so far? [02:30] In that case, I'll continue with the session [02:30] < IdleOne> QUESTION: are all channels with ubuntu in the name "official" ubuntu channels? [02:31] That depends on what you consider "official". #ubuntu channels fall under the Ubuntu name space, so they are governed by the IRC Council, Ubuntu's IRC guidelines, and the Code of Conduct. [02:31] ##ubuntu channels are slightly different (see freenode's channel naming policy http://freenode.net/policy.shtml#channelnaming ) [02:32] < BatSteve> QUESTION: Do all IRC chat rooms have to start with # ? [02:32] On freenode, all channels start with a #. Other networks use a different symbol [02:33] IdleOne: The IRCC tries to monitor the various #ubuntu channels that are created, but we are not always aware of all of them. [02:33] Any more questions? [02:34] Just like in real life, there is a certain etiquette that should be followed while on IRC [02:34] < rww> QUESTION: Do all channels in the Ubuntu namespace have to follow the IRC Guidelines, or is it at the option of the channel's operators? === tow is now known as Guest30061 [02:36] Channels in the Ubuntu name space should generally follow the guidelines. However, they are mainly designed for the core Ubuntu channels (for instance, not all channels have a ! ops trigger or a bot) [02:37] However, they should follow the Code of Conduct [02:37] Keep in mind, the IRC Guidelines are "guidelines". Not all of the points always apply (LoCos often speak in their native language). You need to just use some common sense when making that decision [02:38] Going back to etiquette, when this etiquette is followed, it greatly improves the IRC experience [02:39] For example, if you are talking to someone in a channel (or replying to a question), include the name of the person you are talking to in your message. [02:39] Doing so will cause their IRC client (usually) to hilight them, which helps make them aware of the message [02:40] If you do not do this, it is very possible that your message will get lost (especially in busy channels like #ubuntu) [02:41] If you ever go in search of support, you will frequently be asked to show someone the contents of a file on your computer [02:41] Never paste the file directly into a channel [02:42] Instead, there are sites such as paste.ubuntu.com which you can use to make your file available to other people [02:42] This avoids flooding the channel with your file [02:43] The IRC Guidelines cover a lot of common etiquette: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . They are definitely worth reading [02:43] One thing I would like to add is to remember which channel you are in [02:44] When you are in multiple channels, it is very easy to forget where you are and begin to carry on a completely off-topic conversation in a channel. [02:45] Are there any questions about this? I don't want to spend too much time (since most of this stuff is in the guidelines) if nobody has any questions about it [02:45] < IdleOne> QUESTION: where can a user get help with a abusive user on freenode? [02:46] IdleOne: This would depend on the abuse. If a user is being abusive in a certain #ubuntu channel, you can notify the Ubuntu OPs to the user using ! ops (no space). They should be able to deal with the user [02:47] If the user is being abusive to you only in PMs, I would suggest utilizing your client's /ignore feature [02:47] If the user it being abusive in many channels and violating freenode policy, you can notify freenode staff in #freenode (or PM a staffer) [02:48] As I mentioned earlier, most Ubuntu teams have their own IRC channel [02:48] These channels all have channel operators to help keep them running smoothly [02:49] If you ever find yourself serving as an OP in a channel, there are certain tips/tricks that are useful to know which will make your life a lot easier [02:49] For anyone who uses irssi + screen for IRC, there is a script called autobleh.pl [02:50] This script creates aliases for common OP tasks. For instance, I can kick ban a user with /abk [02:51] However, my favorite feature without a doubt of this script is the temporary quiet. This quiets a user for a couple of minutes and then automatically unquiets them when the time is up. [02:52] autobleh.pl makes being an OP a lot easier [02:52] < rww> QUESTION: Is autobleh.pl compatible with ircd-seven? [02:54] rww: That depends. Some of the features of autobleh will work fine on ircd-seven regardless of the version you have. For instance, I believe /op should work just fine [02:55] Some other commands, might not work due to some changes in how ircd-seven handles bans and quiets. See http://freenode.net/seven-for-hyperion-users.html for details on those changes [02:56] However, there are versions of autobleh.pl online that are fully compatible with ircd-seven [02:56] There is also a script similar to autobleh for xchat for those of you who might be interested: http://www.kaarsemaker.net/static/downloads/code/chanserv.py [02:57] One other commonly forgotten tip is that logs are your friend [02:57] Most IRC clients support logging. If you run something like irssi + screen, you can produce logs 24/7 [02:58] These logs can then be searched using grep (or another tool) when troublesome users show up. This is an easy way to see what they might have done in other channels you are in, or review a certain conversation you had with them on a previous date [02:59] < BatSteve> QUESTION: (caution - involves topic change) -- I want to have a private chat with a few other users without distractions. [02:59] Is there a way to limit a room to only certain users? [03:00] There are a few channel modes that can help you do this. One method is to make a channel invite only (+i) and /invite the users who you wish to participate in the conversation. Another option is to password protect the channel. A third option is to simply join a random channel (i.e. ##randomsecretchannel243453259032452) and invite the other members [03:00] Information on the different channel modes is available here: http://freenode.net/using_the_network.shtml [03:02] I have mentioned bans and quiets a few times already. However, these are not the only (or best) way to deal with troublesome users [03:03] freenode believes in catalyzing and trying to talk to troublesome users (http://freenode.net/catalysts.shtml) [03:03] Sometimes, you will find that a user was not attempting to cause a problem, they were just confused. By talking to them, you can sometimes clear this up. [03:04] If you do need to ban or quiet someone, do not just set and forget [03:05] Make a note somewhere of who you are banning, why you are banning them, and how long they should be banned. Then, once their ban is over, make sure you (or another OP) actually removes it [03:06] Many OPs get in the habbit of banning someone and then forgetting to remove the ban [03:06] < ddecator> QUESTION (you might plan to address this later): What are some common IRC commands and do they depend on your client or are they universal? [03:06] ddecator: Most IRC commands work in all clients. For instance, you generally have /join, /msg, /part, /quit, /ctcp, etc. [03:07] However, each client also includes its own commands [03:07] /ignore works differently depending on the client, /hilight, /me, and any commands provided by scripts (such as autobleh) depend on the client [03:08] < duanedesign> QUESTION - what can we do to reuce the spread of the recent spam? Are there any user modes or commands we can set to [03:08] reduce getting spam messages [03:09] There is a freenode blog post on this topic: http://blog.freenode.net/2010/01/javascript-spam/ [03:09] You can set +r or +R on a channel to help prevent the spam (since it comes from unregistered accounts) [03:09] The most important thing to remember is to NOT click on the links. [03:10] On the topic of setting and forgetting bans, it is also worth mentioning that bans should be set as narrowly as possible. For instance, you should not ban an entire state to deal with one troublesome user. [03:11] Being aware of channel modes that are available can also hep with this. For instance, we have +m set in here right now. This works a lot better than trying to set a quiet on everyone ;) [03:12] < ddecator> QUESTION: How exactly do you set a channel mode? [03:12] If you are an OP in a channel, you can do: /mode #channel +X (where X is the mode) [03:13] So to make a channel moderated, you would do: /mode #channel +m [03:13] One other thing I would like to mention is irclogs.ubuntu.com. This site is great for people who might not be online 24/7 and wish to see logs for a meeting or discussion that occurred while they were away [03:14] The site has logs for many of the #ubuntu channels (including #ubuntu-meeting and #ubuntu-classroom). So you could find all of today's User Day logs here: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2010/01/23/%23ubuntu-classroom.html [03:14] This is very useful for both OPs and regular users [03:14] Any questions? [03:16] < BatSteve> QUESTION: What if I want to leave a channel that I've created, but I want to retain my operator privileges when I come back? [03:17] BatSteve: You should register the channel. Once you do that, you should be able to rejoin and have ChanServ OP you [03:17] Lots of good information about setting up a channel on freenode can be found here: http://blog.freenode.net/?p=78 [03:18] < ddecator> nhandler, what are the best IRC clients? XChat is the only one I know, but are there others that are better in various ways? [03:19] As I have hinted at a few times, I am a fan of irssi + screen. This allows me to keep it running 24/7 and access it from any computer over ssh. There are also many scripts and themes to custimize it [03:19] If you need a temporary IRC client or are not on your own computer, webchat.freenode.net is a web-based IRC client that you can use [03:20] 10 minutes left [03:20] Some people like using IM clients that offer IRC functionality [03:20] I personally have never been a fan of these, and they tend to not work that well as IRC clients (often lacking many feautres) [03:21] yofel: Thank you. I almost forgot about quassel, which is also gaining popularity [03:21] I haven't actually used it though, so I can't really say much about it. [03:21] There is also weechat, which is similar to irssi in many ways [03:22] Any more questions? [03:23] One more thing worth noting is that freenode will be moving to ircd-seven at the end of the month. This will cause several changes: http://freenode.net/seven-for-hyperion-users.html . More details on the switch can be found here: http://announce.freenode.net/ [03:23] < IdleOne> QUESTION: can you talk about DCC and it's dangers pleas [03:23] < IdleOne> QUESTION: can you talk about DCC and it's dangers please [03:25] DCC is a way to transfer files. It really isn't used much in the Ubuntu community, and many people attempt to exploit it ( https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixDCCExploit ) . [03:25] This is one reason you will often see a lot of DCC spam in your server window [03:27] We are almost out of time. Do not forget, the Ubuntu wiki and the freenode website are both filled with lots of great information about IRC. [03:28] Feel free to ask in #freenode, PM me, or ask in one of the Ubuntu channels (depending on the type of issue) if you need more help [03:29] thanks nhandler! [03:29] umm.. I guess I am supposed to say something now.. or atleast that is what I am being told. [03:29] * pleia2 grins [03:30] Please, please please, take the survey! It is the best way for us to know what you want.. We really do want to make this for the user, but we need your input for this! [03:30] You can find the survey: http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/WQWHJQY [03:31] Thank you everyone for coming! We've hope you've enjoyed yoruselves and learned a lot! [03:31] I would like to thank all of the instructors who presented today.. And a big thanks to duanedesign and starcraftman... duanedesign had about 4 hours to prepair for his course, and startcraft man had about four minutes to prepare fore his second course. [03:32] A big thank you to pleia2 Pendulum _marx_ and nigel... I couldn't have done this without all of your help.. [03:32] I hope everyone had a really good day... I know I did.. [03:32] umm.. anyone else have anything? [03:33] thanks everyone! [03:33] <_marx_> Thanks everyone for that participated! [03:33] Any last minute questions about the day? (not course specific) [03:33] <_marx_> except the spammers [03:33] +1 _marx_ [03:34] I guess that's it.. I look forward to seeing everyone at the next User Day.. Maybe some of you can even present a course! === pleia2 changed the topic of #ubuntu-classroom to: Ubuntu Classroom || Support in #ubuntu || https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Classroom || https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Packaging/Training || Upcoming: Mon 25 Jan - Fri 29 Jan 2010: Ubuntu Developer Week || Run 'date -u' in a terminal to find out the UTC time [03:34] Keep an eye out on http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UserDays !! [03:34] Good (enter whatever time of day is appropriate here)!