
erUSULpuszy: probably you want the cpufreq applet. right click on a panel choose add to panel search for the cpu freq monitor00:01
=== spydon_ is now known as spydon
erUSULpuszy: if you click on it you can choose the cpu governor00:04
erUSULpuszy: ondemand (default) powersave; performances etc ...00:04
erUSULpuszy: really ondemand should just work in all situations00:04
puszyerror :P smthg like "You cannot change freq of cpu"00:05
erUSULpuszy: :/00:05
erUSULpuszy: are you sure the cpu can scale and that thwe option is enabled in BIOS ?00:06
puszyit works at 100% so it's fine xD00:06
puszydunno, on WIndows that worked00:06
puszybut power mode was good for university00:07
porter1Does anyone know of a good resource to look in detail at how upstart works? There isn't as much information about upstart as there is for the traditional init system.00:08
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Ben90hello :)00:10
ubottuUpstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/00:10
erUSULpuszy: then i dunno00:10
puszyanyway thx :)00:10
Ben90hello? :P00:10
SmartSsadoes the 'powernowd' package need to be installed for that to work?  It's been a while since I've messed with cpu scaling.00:10
h2g2bobBen90: hello00:11
Ben90can i ask something?00:11
natexBen90: no00:11
natexBen90: :)00:11
Ben90hey :P00:11
h2g2bobBen90: go ahead00:11
puszykurwa! today they start to censore internet in my country o.O00:12
Ben90is there a low-latency kernel package?00:12
Ben90for intrepid ibex00:12
erUSULBen90: yes the -rt one00:12
Ben90how do i get it?00:12
d0cis it a common problem to get the Errno 5 Input/output error?00:12
d0ctried on two PCS now with 2 different discs00:13
daftykinsBen90: sudo apt-get install linux-image-rt ?00:13
d0cboth same error at 65%00:13
Ben90ok brb00:13
d0cubuntu just wont install00:13
Flanneld0c: Did you verify the integrity of the CDs?00:13
d0chow would i do that?00:14
d0c(and no, i didnt)00:14
Flanneld0c: There's a "Check CD for defects" (or some verbage like that) on the boot menu of the CDs (second from the bottom maybe?)00:14
totoprhi , one question, I have ubuntu 9.04 and modules ehci_hcd uhci_hcd seems not loaded00:14
=== tato is now known as tato_42
h2g2bobd0c: a quick check on ubuntuforums suggests it might happen for some hardware configs http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=60012600:17
totoprusb transfer rate after some seconds go down to 2 MB/sec00:17
totopron usb 2.000:17
falkI am trying to hunt down where middle mouse button is binded too. Does anyone know of a method to find what is using it? Its not a compiz plugin....00:18
soreaufalk: Have you tried disabling compiz to make sure?00:18
h2g2bobtotopr: you could load it with modprobe, i guess?00:18
NiktyHi, what's the name of default cursor theme in Ubuntu?00:19
falkgone through all of the gconf, searching for button2 and stuff00:19
soreaufalk: What makes you think middle click is bound to something?00:19
falki know mmb on the titlebar lowers the window00:19
chalcedonyis there anywhere i should ask besides here for help getting skype to work with voice? i have ubuntu 9.0400:19
falkprograms/option that use the mmb only work for a split second.00:19
falkfor example, i can't rotate in blender. it only works for a split second00:19
falksame with xmind00:20
totopr<h2g2bob> both modules are not present in  /lib/modules/2.6.28-17-generic/kernel/drivers/usb/host00:20
falkand the window resize alt-mmb does work either, it just lowers the window00:20
d0cthanks. reading now00:20
_wast3lanDim having troubles with ubuntu server 9.10: i went to 'make' something and i get an error saying something like: "gcc not found"00:22
_wast3lanDhelp me!00:22
uninvertedFor some reason, the default on my box is to have the right alt key as something other than alt. What line can I _add_ to my xorg.conf to restore it to normal? (I can't just delete the XkbOptions line, since I can't find it)00:22
_wast3lanDalso, no internet (the thing im trying to make is the wireless card driver)00:22
AtlanteanI've installed ubuntu 9.10 on my laptop and doesn't connect to my wifi and ethernet, anyone knows why?00:23
blakkheim_wast3lanD: if you can't figure out the problem there, you shouldn't be using a server00:24
chalcedonyblakkheim, people do learn by doing00:24
Dr_Willisuninverted:  check the keyboard perferances yet under 'layout options' thers lots of settings in there00:25
timahvo1hi guys00:25
WipsterI have managed to build a new kernel for a basic live cd and installed a module, is there a way I can revert the packages in the chroot back to the basic system, because alot was installed during the kernel recompile, the basic like 190mb atm I'm at 2.2gig00:25
jibberiah2g2bob: fyi, i asked somebody to flip a coin, and it came up with "REBOOT" and grub loaded and booted normally. then i came. now i'm going to run away from this dell as fast as i can.00:26
timahvo1running jaunty trying to install firefox-3.6 from a ppa but keep getting Could not find compatible GRE between version 1.9.2pre and 1.9.2pre.00:26
timahvo1any help ?00:26
Craig_DemYou need 1.9.2pre or something?00:26
h2g2bobjibberia: phew!00:27
jibberiayeah thanks for the advice00:27
timahvo1I have xulrunner-1.92 installed00:27
zomfgcrazyWhere would I set default boot OS for a dualboot Ubuntu/WinXP hdd?00:27
uninvertedDr_Willis: I'm using a funky tiling WM and have just about none of gnome installed00:27
timahvo1tried xulrunner-1.9.2 --register-global00:27
timahvo1still nothing00:28
jibberiah2g2bob: it was either spend an evening trying to restore that machine *somehow* or not cancel a date. now i get to go get my flirt on. gotta remember not to mention linux, at all, ever, ever. ;)00:28
h2g2bobjibberia: good luck :) much more fun i hope00:29
jibberiasometimes there are better things than making your mom's linux laptop work, indeed00:29
jibberiabest of nights, everybody00:29
brianhermanYour mom's cool if she has linux on her laptop00:30
timahvo1anyone else have similar problem wih jaunty ?00:30
brianhermantimahvo1 whats ur problemo?00:31
timahvo1rying to start firefox-3.6 from cmd line installedfrom ppa on jaunty00:31
timahvo1get Could not find compatible GRE between version 1.9.2pre and 1.9.2pre.00:31
j-3-r-g_wats up00:32
j-3-r-g_anyone familiar with LMMS00:33
kradj-3-r-g_, sure, whatcha need00:33
timahvo1fyi GRE= Gecko Runtime Env00:33
j-3-r-g_well krad i need to get sound out of it currently it has the ALSA driver selected but doesn't seem to work00:33
timahvo1 I think :-/00:33
j-3-r-g_i want to know how can i go about debuging exactly wat is the issue00:34
j-3-r-g_im not familiar with sound settings in linux00:34
dominik{true}Hello World?00:35
timahvo1brianherman: any ideas ?00:35
dominik{true}Cool, it works00:35
mikobuntuj-3-r-g_,  i am a bit00:36
bobinohi guys, is there anyone out here using evolution for its gmail account?00:36
wolterhow can i reset my xorg.conf file?00:36
Jazzcan anyone help me please im having trouble with x chat00:36
wolterxorg is taking up 20% proc use00:36
bobinoi followed a howto but missing info00:37
xXxLORDxXxalguien save español xD00:37
bobinowolter: just mv it to another name it will generate a default one00:37
xXxLORDxXxnadie weyes00:37
DARKGuyhey wtf, anybody knows why my numeric keypad isn't working in X, but it works outside X and other OSes?!00:37
ugarithow do I restore grub after windows 7 took over the mbr?00:37
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bobinougarit: liveCD and reinstall grub or chroot and grub-install00:38
bobinoguys, no one here using evolution with gmail?  and evolution with HTC phone?00:38
DARKGuyoh hey it's fixed00:38
DARKGuyhow come "control the mouse using the keypad" was enabled? I never enabled it before :/00:38
timahvo1anyone successfully install ff-3.6 on jaunty ?00:38
timahvo1am in trouble here00:38
timahvo1Could not find compatible GRE between version 1.9.2pre and 1.9.2pre.00:39
daftykinsDARKGuy: apparently there's a keypress for it, to enable it, check out accessibility or something maybe you accidentally turned it on00:39
david16Anyone get vlc to recognize there upnp servers in Karmic?00:39
DARKGuydaftykins: I'm checking, and all the checkboxes in Accessibility are off00:40
david16I have twonky running and can't use a application to access it...00:40
daftykinsDARKGuy: yeah now, what about before? :)00:40
=== tato is now known as tato42
DARKGuydaftykins: same state :P the Mouse tab had the "control the mouse using the keypad" option enabled, but I never enabled it before00:41
daftykinswell just bear it in mind.00:41
DARKGuydaftykins: in fact I never touched the keyboard settings today, all I was doing was programming when suddenly the "/" key stopped working :(00:41
timahvo1anyone ?00:41
sprithi all00:42
daftykinstimahvo1: you trying to instal latest firefox from mozilla?00:42
spritI need help with a digital camera00:42
shane2peruwhy is it that on Linux the print option never gives you a paper choice (card stock, photo paper, plain paper etc.)???00:42
daftykins!ask | sprit00:42
ubottusprit: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)00:42
timahvo1daftykins: yes00:42
spritI cannot see it00:42
timahvo1daftykins: from ppa00:42
daftykinssprit: are you plugging in a card via a card reader or a camera directly via USB?00:42
spritdirectly via USB00:42
daftykinstimahvo1: what PPA?00:43
bobinono one using gmail and evolution mail?00:43
daftykinssprit: do you see anything other than your hard disk using "sudo fdisk -l" in terminal?00:43
spritit's a KodakM107300:43
ugaritbobino thanks00:43
shane2perubobino, yes, they work great together00:43
spritlet me see00:43
daftykinssprit: and i take it the camera's on?00:43
Wipsteris there a way I can strip out the packages I have used to compile a kernel once its done? trying to make a livecd modification but I'm still hovering around 2gig. I have removed the main packages the kernel install needed but it hasn't got rid of their deps00:43
timahvo1daftykins: deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/ubuntu-mozilla-daily/ppa/ubuntu jaunty main00:43
spritcamera is on00:43
shane2peruwhy is it that on Linux the print option never gives you a paper choice (card stock, photo paper, plain paper etc.)???00:44
bobinoshane2peru: how did you manage it?00:44
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daftykins!repeat | shane2peru00:44
ubottushane2peru: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.00:44
spritdaftykins I only see my hard disk00:44
shane2perubobino, been quite a while ago, I think I just followed the google instructions, I did imapi00:44
daftykinssprit: ok try unplugging the camera, doing "lsusb" then plug it back in, see if anything changes00:44
daftykins(with lsusb)00:45
oberonI have this keyboard problem: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=43741500:45
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats00:45
daftykinstimahvo1: ok sorry no experience with that00:45
shane2perubobino, here is a guide:  http://tuxicity.wordpress.com/2007/03/08/howto-set-up-gmail-in-evolution-gnomes-mail-client-and-organizer/00:45
timahvo1daftykins: still using 3.5 ?00:45
shane2perubobino, ahh, here is the Ubuntu one: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingGmailWithEvolution00:46
daftykinstimahvo1: not running ubuntu with X00:46
spritdaftykins... nothing00:46
bobinoshane2peru: well, i don t get the google instructions for evolution, and in google settings, there s something weird cause they do not mention in Imap and POP forwarding the name of the email adress00:46
timahvo1daftykins: gotta love elinks ;)00:46
shane2perubobino, the ubuntu one would be the best to follow00:46
daftykinsoberon: i only have experience with Xen on ubuntu 8.04 LTS, i'd recommend trying there. an earlier release is a waste of time imo00:46
daftykinstimahvo1: elinks?00:47
shane2perubobino, It is pretty simple once you get the few tricks they show in those guides00:47
newbuntui need help00:47
daftykins!ask | newbuntu00:47
newbuntui cant connect00:47
ubottunewbuntu: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)00:47
zenlunatic_wast3lanD: why are you using wireless on a server?00:47
spritdaftykins... nothing00:47
shane2perudaftykins, is quick on the draw with the bot tonight!00:47
timahvo1daftykins: text based browser00:47
_wast3lanDzenlunatic: server is on a laptop00:47
oberondaftykins, I have the problem on a 2.28.2 (recent) gnome installation00:47
timahvo1like w3m00:47
newbuntuI can`t connect to Internet because jews are playing with my cable,how i can fix this?00:47
daftykinstimahvo1: oic :)00:47
daftykinsshane2peru: ja too much experience idling here ;)00:48
_wast3lanDzenlunatic: i have it wired to teh router right now, so its working... but i dont want it there long term.00:48
daftykinsoberon: yeah but on dapper? :P00:48
bobinoshane2peru: thanks! i m on it00:48
newbuntunigga u gay00:48
newbuntucrank dat ku klux klan00:48
daftykinssprit: to be honest i'd use a card reader if it has a memory card00:48
shane2perubobino, no prob, if you get hung up, let us know00:49
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!00:49
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datacrusherhello everyone, im trying to use some services as twitcam, livestream.. whem the popup asks me to allow flash to use my webcam, i cant use the button to confirm... how do i force flash to be able to do that?00:49
datacrusheris that a bug?00:49
detrixanyone know how to get an ASUS Eee netbook to access the bios or how do I get it to boot off of a usb memory stick?00:49
shane2peruwhy is it that on Linux the print option never gives you a paper choice (card stock, photo paper, plain paper etc.)???00:49
LinuX2halfWill I able to burn a disc that supports 16x speed while my driver only support at maximum 8x?00:49
shane2perudetrix, hmm, I just did that not to long ago, it was quite tricky00:50
shane2perudetrix, it is buried in the bios somewhere, I think you have to hit tab to get the bios00:50
shane2perudetrix, the splash screen should tell you what to hit, I can't remember now, may have been F200:50
detrixshane2peru: thats the thing, I am not getting a splash screen.00:51
Rafaelhello, if ubuntu shows a connection as available but i can't connect to it, is it a problem wit00:51
shane2perudetrix, really?  is it hidden with an asus splash screen?00:51
mikihi people... i cant get sound to work anymore.00:51
shane2perudetrix, what asus is it?00:51
daftykinsdetrix: a lot of the Eee's use a feature which prevents the BIOS being easily accessible. what i recommend you do is shutdown, turn off the laptop, remove the battery, disconnect mains power, then plug it back in. then start up with the power button and try F2/delete/etc to try and get in00:51
detrixshane2peru: the F2 worked.00:52
Rafael hello, if ubuntu shows a connection as available but i can't connect to it, is it a problem with my 3g modem(nokia cs-10) or the way the connection is configured?00:52
mikiyesterday I had all the options like HDA.. and all these other sound drivers but now theres only 2 and they wont work'00:52
DexterP17I don't know if I did this irc right can anyone help me?00:52
Equsdetrix try esc. that is what it is on my EEE 70100:52
mikihow can i reinstall my sound drivers00:52
detrixI am in, thanks00:52
daftykinsDexterP17: ask away00:52
shane2perudetrix, ok, glad you got it, the bios is a little confusing, so poke around till you find booting off the usb00:52
* shane2peru thinks asus should always check usb boot first, 00:52
daftykinsdetrix: it's usually pretty vague like "external device boot"00:53
tato42detrix u need to hit f2 and enter setup and then enable f12 to choose boot options00:53
daftykinsshane2peru: hmm, not really, kinda security issue00:53
tonygok so I need some help how do I find a desent tutoral for learn ubuntu 9.1000:53
DexterP17I tried to register an account with irc on empathy but it said that it could not register with nickserv and i am real confused00:53
shane2perudaftykins, ok, granted good point there, but it is so buried and obscured in there it is a real pain00:53
shane2perudaftykins, most people here wouldn't know how to boot off a usb even anyway,00:54
daftykinsshane2peru: yeah agree with you there, BIOS interfaces need redesigning00:54
bobinoshane2peru: thanks, i ve done it. just hae to check now.00:54
bobinoshane2peru: another one: do you use synce or similar to sync your PDA phone and evolution?00:54
shane2perubobino, glad you got it, you did it, not me, ;)00:54
shane2perubobino, Palm is the way to go00:55
daftykinsDexterP17: please join #freenode for network help00:55
jake614hi everyone! i would really appreciate some help, all my usb ports stopped working00:55
DexterP17how do i do that?00:55
joh6nni'm having some serious slowdown with my wireless connection, compared to the speeds that i had in both Hardy and Jaunty.  I've tried disabling ipv6 and a few other things, but nothing seems to help00:55
daftykinsjake614: shutdown your computer, remove the mains cable, then wait a few seconds, then plug it back on and switch on. if you're on a laptop, remove mains and the battery00:55
shane2perubobino, what phone do you have?00:55
daftykinsjake614: this will cause USB to reset and all should work again00:55
bobinoshane2peru: HTC touch diamond00:55
jake614alright, shall try that, how long should i wait?00:56
shane2perubobino, hmm, don't know nothing about that. :)  I have always used palm00:56
daftykinsjake614: only about 30 seconds00:56
siveljoh6nn: try installing the backport modules00:56
daftykinsDexterP17: er, does typing "/j #freenode" do anything? sorry i have no experience with empathy as an IRC client00:56
joh6nnsivel: i did; so far, no change00:56
joh6nnalso tried switching to wicd00:56
bobinoshane2peru: no worries, i ll have a look and also  I ll check the gmail account00:56
jake614just so you know, this is a laptop and i did shut down and leave it shut for hours, and still didnt work00:56
jake614i did not remove the battery though, will that do anything?00:57
shane2perusebsebseb, what was that other channel?  is it gone?00:57
DexterP17where do i type all this stuff at do i use a terminal or what00:57
miki!sound driver00:57
bobinoshane2peru: this worked! coooool00:57
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto00:57
bobinoi guess i can do same with hotmail?00:57
BlackFlag20im having problems installing wine on my computer anyone wanna help?00:57
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP300:58
blakkheimBlackFlag20: whats the problem00:58
daftykinsDexterP17: just in the chat window00:58
shane2perubobino, I'm not sure, I thought hotmail did away with their pop access?00:58
daftykinshotmail only has paid POP afaik00:58
shane2perudaftykins, that is what I thought00:58
bobinoshane2peru: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingHotmailWithEvolution00:58
BlackFlag20whenever i try to download wine from the ubuntu software center i get a message that has the title PACKAGE DEPENDENCIES CANNOT BE RESOLVED and this message"This error could be caused by required additional software packages which are missing or not installable. Futhermore there could be a conflict between software packages which are not allowed to be installed at the same time."00:59
blakkheimBlackFlag20: sudo aptitude install wine00:59
shane2perubobino, I'm pretty sure hotmail locked their pop mail to only paying users00:59
shane2perubobino, so if you are a paying user, you should be fine01:00
shane2peruBlackFlag20, also you can open up System -> Administration -> Synaptic  and try with that01:00
zomfgcrazyWhat are 'sda1' and 'sda2'?  Why can't all of the partitions be in the same 'sd'?01:01
BlackFlag20if you type $ winecfg into your terminal are you supposed to show one or two versions of wine?01:01
shane2peruzomfgcrazy, how many hard drives do you have?01:01
bobinoshane2peru: i m not so you mean it s useless to go forward with the guide?01:01
DexterP17register mack72676 DexterP17@gmailc.com01:01
blakkheimnice one bro01:01
zomfgcrazyshane2peru: only working with one at the moment.01:01
ChogyDandecoder: time to get a new password01:01
ChogyDanDexterP17: time to get a new password01:02
DexterP17register mack72676 DexterP17@gmail.com01:02
Billiardzomfgcrazy: sda1 and sda2 are partitions 1 and 2 on your first drive01:02
shane2perubobino, I'm not 100% sure, but I would double check before going through the setup01:02
BlackFlag20cause when i type $ winecfg it shows wine and wine 1.201:02
daftykinszomfgcrazy: yes "sd" is a hard disk, then "a" is the first hard disk01:02
bobinoshane2peru: i ve done it. you think i will have to pay then?01:03
zomfgcrazyhow come ubuntu install (and ubuntuswap) appear /within/ sda2 (inGparted) but sda1 is /itself/ the windows partition?01:03
Wipsteris there a way to remove the packages which where installed to satisfy the dependancy of something else once I remove it?01:03
DexterP17register <mack72676> <DexterP17@gmail.com>01:03
bobinoor will it just not work?01:03
Dr_Williszomfgcrazy:  pastebinit the output of 'sudo fdisk -l' and let the channel take a look01:03
andrukDexterP17: you want to type something like /msg NickServer register mack72676 DexterP17@gmail.com01:03
daftykinszomfgcrazy: because of the MBR specification. bootable partitions must be one of four maximum, and these are sda1 through sda4. then logical drives are numbered from sda5 ->01:03
Billiardzomfgcrazy: because that is how it set it up? windows on first partition, linux on 2nd?01:03
shane2perubobino, I really don't know much about hotmail01:03
Dr_Williszomfgcrazy:  if sda2 is a extended partiion - its holding logical partions.01:03
bobinono worries i ll figure it out and let you know01:04
rwwDexterP17: switch to a server window and do /msg nickserv register putpasswordhere putemailhere01:04
andrukDexterP17: except, now that everybody has seen your password, you should not use that one...01:04
zomfgcrazyDr_Willis, it is not on this computer.01:04
rwwDexterP17: and use a different password from the one you just messaged to the whole channel twice.01:04
ubottuA list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines01:04
bobinoshane2peru: WOW it works but i had to cancel it cause it was retreiving 712 messages... i just wanted from now on..01:04
zomfgcrazyCurrently I have unallocated space within sda2.  I would like to install Ubuntu in that space.  Must I delete sda2 first, or can I install Ubuntu within that space?..01:06
daftykinszomfgcrazy: can you upload an image of gparted or whatever partitioning utility you're looking at?01:07
daftykinsi think said picture would tell a thousand partitions...01:07
yoyonedzomfgcrazy: how much space01:07
Billiardzomfgcrazy: if sda2 is an extended partiton, and you arent going to have more than 4 partitions, i would delete it and just use primary partitions01:07
yoyonedzomfgcrazy: does  sda2 contain data,01:07
zomfgcrazydaftykins, unfortunately it's on a seperate computer with no net connection currently booted on an install cd01:08
daftykinszomfgcrazy: you not got a flash drive to transfer?01:08
zomfgcrazyyoyoned, sda2 contains "unallocated space"01:08
zomfgcrazydaftykins, one moment.01:08
=== tato is now known as tato_
yoyonedzomfgcrazy: are there any partitions higher than 2 or do you just have sda1 and sda201:09
daftykinsyoyoned: please just wait for a pic so it's easier for everyone (:01:09
daftykinsbetter to know than guess01:09
yoyoneddaftykins: he's posting a pic somewhere?01:10
jake614hi everyone! i would appreciate any help, my usb ports are not working01:10
zomfgcrazyyoyoned, just 2.01:10
daftykinsjake614: battery and mains out didn't make any difference?01:11
daftykinshmm :/01:11
Matthew11Hello! I have a problem. I trying to set up my ubuntu for packet writing, but the pktcdvd module is missing. Where can I found it?01:11
zomfgcrazy(-> http://i45.tinypic.com/316aqvo.png <-)01:11
jake614i think this must be a software issue01:11
daftykinsjake614: which ubuntu and what changed last between now and when it didn't work?01:11
ardchoilleHow do I get "Encrypt" and "Sign" options in the nautilus right click menu? Which package do I need to install? I already have seahorse and gnupg01:11
rwwardchoille: seahorse-plugins01:11
daftykinszomfgcrazy: ah yeah that's fine, delete the sda2 then install \o/01:12
yoyonedzomfgcrazy: you can install there01:12
songerwhy audio disappears after a while on firefox01:12
mikicould someone help me with my sound, all the drivers are messed up01:12
Billiardzomfgcrazy: i would delete sda2 and just use primary partitions if you arent going to have more than 4 total01:12
zomfgcrazyBilliard, I don't think I understand the difference between primary and logical01:12
SqueeseFresh ubuntu user, having slight problems with right click - Right click always ends up selecting the first option on the menu, I have "untitled folder" everywhere :P01:13
jake614just so you know, this toshiba laptop came with vista, i switched to ubuntu jaunty in may 09 and everything worked perfectly, then switched to karmic when it was released, and again everything was working just fine (except the sound), while on karmic, usb devices stopped working after an update (after two months of working fine), then downgraded to jaunty again, got sound back, but no usb01:13
daftykinszomfgcrazy: on an MBR (normal) hard disk, you can only have 4 primary partitions (only primary are bootable) then logical ones come after. it's an old term from sorta DOS era01:13
jake614i have a webcam, a mouse and a usb flash, none work in any port, i have 401:13
daftykinsjake614: have you tried a livecd?01:14
greatendCome check out new proxy :D http://legit-source.com/01:14
daftykinsto rule out the installed OS01:14
zomfgcrazyso.. what is the point of a logical partition?01:14
rwwzomfgcrazy: the partition table format you're using supports a maximum of four partitions. Windows and Ubuntu get around this by making the fourth partition an "extended partition" with more pretend-partitions (that look and act just like regular ones) crammed inside it.01:14
ardchoillerww: do I need to enable those plugins somehow? They aren't showing in the nautilus menu01:14
rwwzomfgcrazy: the pretend partitions are called "logical" oens01:14
rwwardchoille: restart GNOME, perhaps01:14
daftykinszomfgcrazy: to have more than the primary ones (:01:15
zomfgcrazyahh.. so that's why the ubuntu one looked like it was 'inside' the blue box, graphically, while the windows one 'was'a blue box.01:15
jake614no, i havent01:15
rwwzomfgcrazy: yes :)01:15
daftykinsyep :)01:15
jake614do i need to reboot again to try?01:15
zomfgcrazySo do I want to delete sda2 and install ubuntu over that space as a primary partition?01:15
daftykinsjake614: ah i'd give that a whirl yeah. i'd reboot to boot off a CD ye01:15
ardchoillerww: That worked, thank you01:15
jake614ok, shall do... thanks again, ill be back to let you know01:16
jake614which one should i try? jaunty or karmic?01:16
mikianyone help me with my sound?01:16
Matthew11Can anybody help pls? I trying to set up my ubuntu (Karimc) to write a dvd+rw with packet writing, but the pktsetup needs the pktcdvd module, and it's missing. Where it can be found?01:16
jake614i'm most likely to keep jaunty the time being, since sound will not work on karmic01:16
Matthew11there is a patch for sound01:17
Matthew11it makes the things better01:17
daftykinsMatthew11: "udftools" package. to find that out i just ran "apt-cache search pktcdvd"01:18
Matthew11yes, i installed it, but the module is still missing01:18
Matthew11For the sound problem: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/alsa-plugins/+bug/48548801:19
daftykinshe's gone01:19
detrixI am still having problems getting an ASUS Eee netbook to boot off of a usb memory stick ( a SanDisk Cruzer), and the 1st partition is bootable.  I set the bios 1st device to removable media, 2nd device to San Cruzer, and 3rd the internal Drive.  Its seems to be trying to boot off of it, but I still get windows.  Any ideas?01:20
bankixGood eavening01:20
daftykinsdetrix: what did you make it bootable with?01:21
ascheelWindows has the false 3.75 GB RAM limit, is Linux the same or does it give a darn about it?01:21
bankixdetrix: Did you ever boot from usb stick? Did it work?01:21
detrixI used cfdisk01:21
daftykinsascheel: you have to run a 64-bit OS.01:21
ascheeldaftykins: run a 64-bit OS for what?01:21
daftykinsto get 4GB RAM+ to be usable.01:21
joh6nnascheel: to bypass the 3.5G limit01:21
bankixdetrix: Booting from USB stick is completely different than booting an internal harddrive.01:22
daftykinsno it's different on different computers01:22
joh6nntomato, tomatoh01:22
daftykinssometimes it's 3.5, sometimes it's 3.75, depends on your graphics card etc01:22
rwwIt's 4GB total, including all forms of memory in your computer, so it generally shows up as 3.something.01:22
detrixMy wife has an Acer netbook, and it boots off of this memory stick....01:22
rwwalso, I believe Ubuntu does PAE now, but I'm not sure.01:23
bankixdetrix: use the usb-creator or UNetbootin (available for windows) for writing an ubuntu iso image to your usb stick.01:23
mikiwhats a command to automaticly install sound drivers?01:23
bankixdetrix: Both programms take care of making the stick bootable.01:23
Matthew11miki: You shuld add the PPA that contains the upgrade01:23
bankixdetrix: The rest is to your BIOS -- different BIOSes use different methods, most work, but some fail.01:24
mikiWhat's the PPA?01:24
wolterhow do i reset my xorg.conf?01:24
Zezurashould i dual boot ubuntu with my windows 7? or do u guys think i'll ever use it01:24
DexterP17I finally go the irc to work thank you to the people that helped me01:24
woltermiki, personal repository on launchpad (personal package archive)01:24
woltermiki, whose ppa are you looking for?01:24
wolteroh i see01:24
woltermiki, depends on your sound card01:25
mikiI wouldner know wolter01:25
mikiim just trying to re-install my sound drivers01:25
woltermiki, what sound card do you have?01:25
mikian ATI01:25
detrixbankix: thanks.  I have a normal install onto an 8gig stick, not the install image.01:25
woltersound card ati?01:25
=== AdamSmith is now known as MFriedman
mikiI had a link with all the specs, shall I send it to you?01:25
bankixdetrix: The normal grub installer won't boot your usb-drive installed ubuntu, sorry.01:26
joh6nni'm having some serious slowdown with my wireless connection, compared to the speeds that i had in both Hardy and Jaunty.  I've tried disabling ipv6 and a few other things, but nothing seems to help01:26
kradstfu people01:26
kradyou're very annoying01:26
Matthew11miki: lspci | grep media01:26
bankixdetrix: grub installer / grub bootloader01:26
detrixbankix: correct.  the usb stick has its own grub boot.01:26
mikilspci | grep media - what's meant to happen?01:27
bankixdetrix: yes, but installing grub to the MBR of your usb-disk won't help due it will never be used by the BIOS.01:27
wolterhow do i reset my xorg.conf file?01:28
Matthew11miki: it isn't important now01:28
bankixdetrix: I fear you only chance is to install grub somewhere on your harddisk so it gets started.01:28
wolterdpkg reconfigure xserver-xorg didn't work01:28
detrixbankix: I install it with my hard drives physically disconnected so the usb's mbr would be set up01:28
rwwwolter: which version of Ubuntu are you using?01:28
wolterrww, karmic01:28
DexterP17does anyone know if it is true that Ubuntu is getting a music store?01:28
bankixdetrix: To be more verbose: When the BIOS boots an USB drive, it won't load the bootloader from the MBR.01:29
Billiardwolter: you can run without an xorg.conf then01:29
rwwwolter: There isn't an xorg.conf by default, Xorg just uses autodetection. To get back to defaults, you'd just remove /etc/X11/xorg.conf01:29
andrukDexterP17: i doubt it01:29
rwwDexterP17: ask in #ubuntu-offtopic01:29
mikiso what now?01:29
teachprintProblem with keyboard -- I'm using a ibm thinkpad t41 laptop, after recent upgrade my keyboard uses the numloc characters instead of regular characters, can anyone help?01:29
wolterI don't know if that will solve my problem, Billiard / rww, I came up with it because Xorg is taking too much processor every time i wake up from suspend01:30
wolterBilliard, but well, I will trust you and remove it01:30
wolterbackup it in case anything happens01:30
rwwwolter: You probably should have asked about that, rather than how to reset xorg.conf, then ;P01:30
bankixdetrix: A solution is to install grub and the grub files in the MBR of your internal harddisk and on a partition on this disk (the filessystem doesn't matter much).01:30
wolterrww, well I have done that for 3 days and nobody answers, so I began to pioneer :)01:31
bankixdetrix: Then grub could boot the system installed on your usb-disk without a fuss.01:31
David-Twell, there is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Specs/LucidUbuntuOneMusicStore01:31
Matthew11miki: I don't know :( The link what i was given  is a solution for the cracking noise01:31
wolterrww, Billiard, I will relog to see what happens.. or should I just start and stop gdm?01:31
mikiOhh, the noise is irritating lol.01:31
kradstfu miki01:31
aliendude3500Hey guys -- could you help me figure out how to play a DVD I bought on my computer? The DVD is Terminator Salvation. It won't play.01:31
Billiardwolter: i would logout and restart gdm01:31
aliendude3500I think it has DRM on it.01:32
kradcuz i said so.01:32
Dr_Willisaliendude3500:  do other dvd's play?01:32
bankixBut I have a question myself, folks.01:32
Matthew11miki: Is you soundcard recognised at all?01:32
zenlunaticZezura: that is really a personal decision you have to make01:32
aliendude3500Dr_Willis, yeah, some do, some don't.01:32
mikikrad go fuck yourself01:32
=== MFriedman is now known as AdamSmith
aliendude3500Dr_Willis, I can *see* all the files on the DVD.01:32
rwwwolter: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Troubleshooting/HighCPU might be useful, but I'm not particularly good at diagnosing Xorg problems myself01:32
aliendude3500Dr_Willis, It's a BRAND NEW DVD.01:32
aliendude3500It's not scratched or anything...01:33
rwwubottu: language | krad, miki01:33
ubottukrad, miki: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.01:33
JohnTeddyOn Ubuntu 9.10, is there any unofficial developer run repository for getting the latest stable kernel. so instead of 2.6.31, I can use 2.6.32?01:33
mikirww.... kid a moron. what do u expect01:33
jellow!grub | jellow01:33
ubottujellow, please see my private message01:33
JohnTeddywithout compiling, using all the same ubuntu tweaks and so on, a deb repo01:33
brophatI put UNR on my usb stick. Will the U3 thing on it get in the way of booting with the stick?01:34
aliendude3500I expect DVDs to "just work" under Linux... :(01:34
rwwmiki: follow the channel rules anyway, thanks :)01:34
mikiMy sound was working yesterday... but my mic wasnt i attempted to fix it now my HDA sound drivers have gone and I get some ALSA crap that doesnt work01:34
bankixI'm trying to boot ubuntu 9.10 on an Acer Extensa 5235 notebook. The screen blanks out when the display switches to graphics mode for the splash (or during boot when using nosplash). When booting Ubuntu 9.04, the screen is fine -- but 9.04 lacks several drivers for that notebook.01:34
Dr_Willisaliendude3500:  for legal reasons thats not going to happen.01:34
jellowI need to edit /boot/grub/menu.lst01:34
jellowthough i can't find it01:34
mikirww ok01:34
aliendude3500Dr_Willis, I'm not _stealing_ the DVD. I PAID for it... :/01:35
Dr_Willisaliendude3500:  so some comercial dvd's do work.. but some do not.01:35
blakkheimjellow: if you're using grub2, you dont havve a menu.lst01:35
Dr_Willisaliendude3500:  tell it to the courts.. it dosent matter abiouyt the dvd.. its about the encruption/protection.01:35
bankixThe notebook uses an Intel ICH9 chipset with onboard graphics. Any hints what I can try?01:35
jellowblakkheim: but i need to add a boot option01:35
brophatwill U3 prevent booting UNR on flash drive?01:35
aliendude3500Dr_Willis, how can I remove the protection?01:35
rwwjellow: gksudo gedit /etc/default/grub ; I think there's a line in there for boot options01:36
Dr_Willisbrophat:  ive had all sorts of issues with U3 stuff. i just remove it.01:36
david16Doesn't libdvdcss solve the encryption issue?01:36
rwwjellow: (and then do sudo update-grub when you've added it)01:36
Dr_Willisaliendude3500:  try vlc and pointing it at the files you can see on teh disk.01:36
blakkheims/gksudo gediit/sudo vi01:36
feedmecerealCan anyone tell how I can get my computer to beep when I get a new email in my Gmail account?01:36
Matthew11Any ide for my problem (pktcdvd module)01:36
rwwdavid16: some DVDs are horribly incompatible, even with libdvdcss installed01:36
Dr_Willisaliendude3500:  or copy the files from dvd to a folder on the pc and tell vlc to play the folder01:36
bankixaliendude: Your problem is the copy protection of your DVD.01:36
aliendude3500Dr_Willis, "File reading failed:01:36
aliendude3500VLC could not read the file.01:36
brophatDr_Willis i can't even find it on flash01:36
rwwblakkheim: telling new users to use vim ends with lots and lots of "how do I close this stupid editor" questions ;P01:36
david16I guess I am lucky... My dvds play so far01:37
Dr_Willisbrophat:  i reopartiobn my flash drives and delete the u3 stuff01:37
blakkheimrww: at least i didn't say ed01:37
rwwblakkheim: hehe :)01:37
bankixaliendude: You could buy the LinDVD player software, this will play your video DVDs. Costs around 30 Euros.01:37
brophatok I am on a mac i guess i use disk utility?01:37
* Dr_Willis wonders if LinDVD would even do it.01:37
Dr_Willisbrophat:  no idea. My Mac is a large doorstop01:37
Matthew11feedmecereal: search some gamil checker in the software center01:37
brophatyeah bwahahaa01:38
aliendude3500I don't know why I should _need_ to pay for software if I have a DVD drive... this is BS. :(01:38
joh6nni'm having some serious slowdown with my wireless connection, compared to the speeds that i had in both Hardy and Jaunty.  I've tried disabling ipv6 and a few other things, but nothing seems to help01:38
bankixaliendude: There are possibillities to break the copy protection, but this is prohbited in most countries.01:38
feedmecerealMattell: I think I tried them all but none of them seem to have a beep option.01:38
karialiendude3500: try https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DVD::Rip01:38
bankixaliendude3500: Thank the film studios, they're the problem.01:38
bankixaliendude3500: They encrypt the contents using CSS.01:39
bankixaliendude3500: So you need a DVD playing software which is capable of decrypting.01:39
aliendude3500Installing DVD::Rip right now...01:39
darthanubisallenwhat is the problem, trying tol play an encrytped dvd?01:39
david16aliendude3500, people are worried about being sued or arrested....  You'll probably only get "hints"01:39
Dr_Willisaliendude3500:  do a total boycott of dvd/movies/music - that will show them!01:39
bankixaliendude3500: The only legal way to do this is to buy LinDVD, from Intervideo (they do also WinDVD)01:39
feedmecerealI tried to get some to execute the command echo -e "\a" on a new email but they don't seem to do that for some reason. Anyone have any idea why?01:40
* Dr_Willis wonders how come 'some' dvds work and others dont. perhaps some have extra tracks of content/pc content goofing things up01:40
jellowrww: Could you have a look at this to see if i got it right after #ADDED http://pastebin.com/m70e18aee01:40
Akkernighton ubuntu, when I hold alt and press right click, the desktop properties show or something, the problem is that this also happens in applications like Blender, how do I disable it?01:40
darthanubisaliendude3500, I can help you01:40
bankixaliendude3500: BTW: It's all the same with Windows. Without a DVD player software you can't play the DVDs under windows as well.01:40
Dr_Willisfeedmecereal:  thats supposed to make a 'beep' noise?01:40
darthanubisaliendude3500, PM me01:40
feedmecerealDr_Willis: It does for me, try in the terminal.01:40
rwwjellow: nope. put it all on one line, something like GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="quiet splash noapic nolapic" etc.01:40
Matthew11feedmecereal: If you vant to build a beep in your script, use the "beep" command (install it, if it isn't installed yet)01:41
Billiardfeedmecereal: you could try the beep command in the beep package i think01:41
bankixDr_Willis: Because some DVDs aren't encrypted. E.g. "Das fünfte Element" (Fifth Element) is not.01:41
Dr_Willisfeedmecereal:  like the others said. use the beep command.  its more relieable01:41
teachprintProblem with keyboard -- I'm using a ibm thinkpad t41 laptop, after recent update my keyboard began using  numloc characters instead of regular characters, can anyone help?01:41
feedmecerealThanks to both of you, I'll try that.01:41
karialiendude3500: you need to lrn2google01:41
karialiendude3500: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/PlayingDVDs01:41
Dr_Willisbankix:  hes saying that come comercial encrypted dvd's do work.. and some comercial encrypted ones dont.01:41
Dr_Willisat least i think thats what he said01:42
rwwubottu: google | kari01:42
ubottukari: While Google is useful for helpers, many newer users don't have the google-fu yet. Please don't tell people to "google it" when they ask a question.01:42
karii didn't01:42
karii told him to do it next time, and then linked him01:43
bankixDr_Willis: How did he find out the disk was encrypted? However, if one encrypted disk works, others will do as well.01:43
kario wait, am i arguing with a bot?01:43
Matthew11Hm. I formated a dvd+rw in my desktop computer, and now, my laptop even cant't recognise the disc XD01:43
bankixkari: Yes, you are ;-)01:43
Dr_Willisbankix:  ask him.  I dont use dvd's any more01:43
jake614hi, everyone! id be so thankful if someone could help me, my usb ports are not working01:44
joh6nni'm having some serious slowdown with my wireless connection, compared to the speeds that i had in both Hardy and Jaunty.  I've tried disabling ipv6 and a few other things, but nothing seems to help01:44
bankixDr_Willis: Same with me. I said everything I could legally.01:44
mikidoes anyone have a resoultion?01:44
* Dr_Willis guesses that most comercial movie dvd's you buy in the stores are encrypted.01:44
bankixDr_Willis: In Germany, it's even prohibited to tell people how to bypass those content protections...01:44
rwwMost commercial DVDs will work fine with libdvdcss. A small minority will not.01:44
karion windows, DVD43 is my choise, but i don't know what works on ubuntu01:44
Dr_Willisbankix:  you bypass them by using a dvd player..  are those legal to sell? :)01:45
jake614can anyone help me with my usb ports?01:45
Matthew11jake614: What device what you are trying to connect?01:45
jake614i have a webcam, a usb flash disk and a mouse01:45
jellowrww: Like this then http://pastebin.com/m5389d560 , Not sure should add to GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="" or the *_DEFAULT one01:45
Matthew11and they are neither work?01:46
jake614i already tried removing the battery and tried to run from a live cd01:46
jake614none of them are working now, but i know these devices should work01:46
bankixDr_Willis: Hmmm, interesting point, but I don't want to be the one trying out if this way is legal :-)01:46
Matthew11what is the dmesg last few lines after connecting a device?01:46
feedmecerealHi again. I just tried using the beep command with cGmail and that doesn't seem to work. I do have the package beep installed and it does work in the terminal. Any ideas?01:46
jake614let me do that right away01:47
Billiardfeedmecereal: could try specifing the full path to beep for cGmail maybe?  do any commands run by cGmail work?01:47
Gran_GerHi there! Using Karmic as Live CD, the monitor starts blinking at the login, but not into graphics mode, but in text mode01:48
rwwjellow: GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX propagates to all linux lines in Grub. GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX doesn't propagate to recovery lines.01:48
Gran_GerI have the same issue at two computers01:48
jake614Matthew11 it won't let me copy paste01:48
feedmecerealBilliard: I'll try that, hold on.01:48
rwwjellow: sorry, second one should be GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT01:48
bankixGran_Ger: Which graphics cards?01:48
=== Bwaah is now known as SkinnyWeeabo
jake614Matthew11 here i got01:48
jake614[  355.592069] usb 2-3: new full speed USB device using ohci_hcd and address 401:48
jake614[  356.000098] usb 2-3: device not accepting address 4, error -6201:48
jake614[  356.176075] usb 2-3: new full speed USB device using ohci_hcd and address 501:48
jake614[  356.584738] usb 2-3: device not accepting address 5, error -6201:48
jake614[  356.584807] hub 2-0:1.0: unable to enumerate USB device on port 301:48
Gran_Gerthe first one, nvidia GEForce 650001:48
FloodBot4jake614: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:48
Gran_Gerthe second one I don't know, I have to recheck01:49
jake614sorry for flooding01:49
rwwjellow: so yes, that pastebin you just did would work, assuming you don't want those options to be used in recovery mode.01:49
bankixGran_Ger: Hm, GeForce 6500 should work for all I know.01:49
Staatsfeindlibstdc++.so.5: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory but the lib is installed. should i do this: http://www.joewein.de/sw/swnotes002.htm01:49
Matthew11jake614: try another usb port01:49
Staatsfeindi am on karmic01:49
jellowrww: thanks, so second one is good as if i mess up i won't have options at boot01:50
jake614i have tried all 4 of them01:50
rwwjellow: indeed01:50
Gran_GerThat's true, I was working fine with that computer until 9.04 version01:50
bankixGran_Ger:  Is it the same monitor for both computers?01:50
Gran_GerNo, It's diferent01:50
rwwjellow: so yes, when you have it like you want it, sudo update-grub to apply.01:50
benkillinso by default the ubuntu 9.04  box I was admining had /bin/sh as a default shell for accounts that should not be logged into like www-data and service acounts like that, so I changed them all to /bin/false. why was it set as default to be a valid shell to login as? even though there was no password set (* was in the passwd hash field) ?01:50
jellowrww: Many thanks for your help! xD01:50
Gran_GerAnd is the AMD-64 version01:50
feedmecerealBilliard: no commands work with cGmail and specifying the full path doesn't seem to work either. I guess I'll try another program. Thanks.01:50
bankixGran_Ger: I hoped for an easy solution :-)01:50
DexterP17How can i get facebook to appear on empathy01:50
Matthew11jake614: is the usb worked before?01:50
jake614just so you know, i had jaunty installed after it was released and everything worked smoothly, then updated to karmic and still everything was working just fine01:51
jake614like a month ago, after an update they stopped working01:51
cornbreadly_i dont think facebook can work with empathy01:51
Dr_Willisbankix:  it seems LEGAL copies of that movie (blueray) have problems playing in legal players. :) isetn that nice...01:51
jake614then i downgraded to jaunty again b/c of sound issues01:51
adubzzzhow can i find the ntp servers of a given network01:51
jake614yes, everything worked just fine before01:52
bankixGran_Ger: Have a look at /var/log/Xorg.0.log at the command line. The last lines should tell you what's going wrong with the graphic mode.01:52
bankixGran_Ger: Oh, you do see the splash animation during the boot?01:52
Matthew11jake614: Is there any operating system installed, that can handle the devices?01:52
jake614i only have jaunty installed01:53
bankixDr_Willis: Really nice! So nice, that I'll not risk my money facing those problems -- and just ignore everything "blu" :-)01:53
Gran_GerOk. For the AMD-64 computer with the GE-Force card, at live cd works fine01:53
Gran_Gerthe instalation was the problem01:53
detrixbankix: Hey, I got the full install mem stick to boot.  thanks for your help.01:53
jake614i dont think its the devices though, all of them worked before and none is working now, and ive tried in all ports01:53
Matthew11jake614: Have you got any other liveCD?01:54
bankixdetrix: Ŵhat was the problem if I may ask?01:54
jake614the mouse will even blink01:54
JohnTeddyHow can I tell what version of alsa I'm running right now?01:54
zeta-Is it possible to replicate my Karmic installation onto a new partition I've created on a 2nd drive?01:54
zeta-Just copy preserving permissions? I can alter the boot menu myself.01:54
JohnTeddymeaning currently running in my kernel, not installed package01:54
bankixGran_Ger: Ah, if you use the live system, everything is fine, but if you boot your installed system, the graphics mode won't come up?01:54
jake614Matthew11 no, i dont... is there something else i can try?01:54
Staatsfeindnobody an idea?01:54
detrixbankix: pretty much a bios setting.  there is a boot priority, and then a setting for which drive is the first drive.01:55
Matthew11jake614: My soundcard also deffected by one moment to the secound. So i want to sure if it isn't a hardware problem01:55
Staatsfeindlibstdc++.so.5: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory what shall i do if the lib IS installed01:55
bankixdetrix: That easy? Great!01:55
detrixbankix: it was the latter option that was needed. to set the san cruzer to be the 1st drive01:55
rwwStaatsfeind: are you using 32-bit or 64-bit Ubuntu?01:55
toastedmilkI'm trying to connect  to the internet on a different computer, but sudo lshw -C netowrk is saying that wlan0 is disabled.  How can I fix this?01:55
rwwStaatsfeind: is the program you're trying to run 32-bit?01:56
Gran_Gerthat's true into that computer.01:56
jake614Matthew11 everything worked perfectly on this laptop out of the box when i installed jaunty... lost sound with karmic, but usb was still working fine01:56
Gran_GerI had to make the installation without the live mode01:56
bankixGran_Ger: OK. And you did install the proprietary Nvidia driver, right?01:56
Staatsfeindrww i am not 100% sure. PTC.PRO.ENGINEER.WILDFIRE.v3.0.M080.LINUX01:56
Gran_Gerbut directly to the Installation opcion01:56
detrixbankix:  and that the removable media had higher priority.  ;)01:56
jake614Matthew11: sound is back now i put jaunty back, but usb is not01:56
teachprint Problem with keyboard -- I'm using an ibm thinkpad t41 laptop, after recent update my keyboard began using  numloc characters instead of regular characters, can anyone help?01:56
Gran_GerYep bankix01:56
rwwStaatsfeind: if it is, you probably need to install the "ia32-libs" package01:57
Gran_GerNow, that computer is working, but sometimes freezes01:57
bankixGran_Ger: Let me guess, there was a kernel update before your problems?01:57
Gran_Gernop, bankix01:57
Staatsfeindrww: i have already installed this for poweriso01:57
Talon_I was here a couple days ago, asking about ram usage inside ubuntu 9.10, I had 1gb and tried running a virtual machine (windows xp) with virtual box. 83% of my memory was used.01:57
bankixGran_Ger: OK, check with "lsmod" if the nvidia module is loaded.01:57
Matthew11jake614: Try the karmic again (as a live cd). If it works, there is an unoffical upgrade that makes the sound much better01:57
bankixGran_Ger: If not, try to load it manually.01:58
Staatsfeindrww: should i do this: http://www.joewein.de/sw/swnotes002.htm01:58
Staatsfeindrww: dont know what was meant with linux 701:58
bankixGran_Ger: Via "modprobe nvidia".01:58
Matthew11jake614: you experienced a cracking noise dont you?01:58
opoksa polacy ?01:58
toastedmilkI'm trying to connect  to the internet on a different computer, but sudo lshw -C netowrk is saying that wlan0 is disabled.  How can I fix this?01:58
Talon_using system monitor and my new machine I built to accomidate this, I now have 8gb of ram, and it's still using it ALL! gnomes system monitor shows 16% used by programs and 83% as cache01:58
jake614Matthew11: no, sound was completely gone01:58
Gran_Gerbankix, with that computer, the only problem I have, and never did before It's the freeze01:59
blakkheimTalon_: i don't think you understand how ram works in linux01:59
karpusdeluge 1.2 on ubuntu 9.10 is using up to 80-90% of my cpu while downloading torrents, is there any way to fix that? :\01:59
jake614Matthew11: i'd rather keep jaunty, sound is not an issue anymore, but i'd like to make usb devices work01:59
Matthew11jake614: Well i don't have any further idea right now02:00
blakkheimTalon_: free -m | grep buffers02:00
Talon_so does cache matter? 16+83 = 99, i assumed 99% of my ram is in use02:00
Matthew11Maybe someone else can help you02:00
Dr_WillisTalon_:  so its used as cache.. that how its supposed to work02:00
jake614Matthew11:  okay, thanks for your time!02:00
bankixGran_Ger: Hm? When does the computer freeze? I think it's blinking some times?02:00
Matthew11your welcome02:00
cornbreadly_anyone know offhand how I can pause music in banshee, to listen to some sound from a youtube video in chrome? 9.10?02:01
jake614can anyone else help with usb ports?02:01
Gran_Gerthe blinking problem was after the installation, But I fix it making a Direct installation, and making at the end the activation of the drivers02:01
joh6nni'm having some serious slowdown with my wireless connection, compared to the speeds that i had in both Hardy and Jaunty.  I've tried disabling ipv6 and a few other things, but nothing seems to help02:01
cornbreadly_what ius the usb issue?02:01
Talon_blakkheim: free -m | grep buffers shows used: 1332, Free: 667102:01
Gran_GerThe freezes, that is the actual problem is trying to see some videos02:02
blakkheimTalon_: so there's your actual usage02:02
jake614cornbreadly_: my usb devices will not work02:02
bankixGran_Ger: Sorry, I'm puzzeled now. What is your problem?02:02
rwwStaatsfeind: hmm, weird, I can't find that specific .so in the repositories. I'm out of ideas, sorry :(02:02
Gran_Gerthe freezes for that computer, the blinking for the another computer02:02
cornbreadly_ok  have you run lsusb?02:02
jake614cornbreadly_: ive tried removing the laptop battery and also tried running them from a livecd, to no avail02:02
Staatsfeindrww: ok, ty02:02
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bankixGran_Ger: When exactly does the computer freeze? Is it reproducable?02:03
Gran_Gerbankix, let me see.02:03
jake614cornbreadly_: i just did, what should i look for?02:03
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cornbreadly_does it look like anything you have plugged in is showing?02:03
Talon_so what is "cached" then in the system monitor?02:03
zhuzhixinhello all, quick question. I just now download a fiction with stk extension, but i don't know howto open it. Can someone give me a suggestion.02:04
cornbreadly_here is an example02:04
kuja605can anyone point me to the Ubuntu room for general chat?02:04
jake614thank you02:04
bankixTalon_: Nothing is cached in the system monitor, your RAM is used as disk cache. That's all.02:04
boss_mckuja605: #ubuntu-ot02:04
rwwkuja605, boss_mc: #ubuntu-offtopic, not -ot02:05
kuja605brilliant, cheers :D02:05
jake614Bus 003 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub02:05
jake614this is what i get02:05
boss_mckuja605: apologies, i was confused by !ot02:05
zeta-Staatsfeind: do you get the error during boot? could be that /usr is not mounted at that point (if you have separate partitions)02:05
bankixjake614: Remove the device in question. Call "lsusb". Then connect the device, run "lsusb" again. Find the new line and post this.02:05
adubzzzhow can i find the ntp server of a given network02:05
Talon_so i shouldnt lose any performance if say i started a game?02:06
adubzzzthat i am currenlty on02:06
Talon_the "cached" ram gets written to disc to accomidate the program that needs ram?02:06
kuja605oh and could anyone point me to somewhere that easily explains the linux filesystem for someone whos pretty new to it?02:06
bankixTalon_: The cache will _improve_ your system performance. Nothing to worry about.02:06
bankixTalon_: Most is _read_ cache, not write cache, so the content gets just freed and overwritten when needed.02:07
jake614bankix: just did that, the lines are the exactly the same02:07
bankixjake: So, regardless if the usb device is connected or not, lsusb shows the same?02:07
Dr_Willisadubzzz:  you could nmap scan the network02:08
bankixjake614: Just to get this point sure.02:08
jake614bankix: yes thats right02:08
bankixjake614: Are there other devices listed than "Linux Foundation" root hubs?02:09
jake614bankix: no, i got two linux foundation 1.1 and one 2.002:09
Talon_so what is swap space then, it's never used, least it hasnt been since system monitor's been monitoring it02:09
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adubzzzwhat is the linux command to display current date and time02:10
bankixjake614: Not good. This means your USB device doesn't communicate as it should. Which kind of device is it?02:10
adubzzznvm its date02:11
rwwadubzzz: date02:11
jake614bankix: right now i have a webcam plugged in, but my mouse, usb flash, and cellphone dont respond either02:11
jake614and all of them worked in the past02:11
bankixTalon_: Swap space is disk space (usually a partition on your disk) used as RAM extension, for the case you have more data than physical RAM. Of course darn slow, so normally unused.02:11
bankixjake: Hm. Maybe the USB stack is stuck. At least keyboard, camera, etc. should show up via lsusb when they're connected.02:12
jake614bankix: my mouse will blink sometimes, but it wont work, my usb flash does not blink anymore02:12
MauritianGuyelo people02:12
jake614i have tried all my ports, i have 402:13
bankixjake614: OK, does that machine have PS/2 ports for keyboard/mouse and you have a ps/2 mouse/keyboard somewhere in your trashbin?02:13
MauritianGuyi got a lil issue prior to trying to install a beta driver i got further than before but now its telling me that i need to quit X server and someting like that i got a log file with the three errors02:13
zeta-Talon_: you have 8GB ram! try loading a few large databases if you want it to swap out to disk.02:13
jake614bankix: no02:14
bankixjake614: Hm, how did you enter "lsusb" then? Or is your USB keyboard working?02:14
jake614bankix: my keyboard is built in, this is a laptop02:15
Droll_Trollersono/ s0n1c800m02:15
bankixjake: Ah. Okay.02:15
s0n1c800m\o Droll_Trollerson02:15
Real_UbotIf I move a file from one directory to another, will the digits on my hard drive be moved too or will only some kind of index be updated?02:15
ralphv2o/ Droll_Trollerson02:15
bankixjake614: I would suggest to reboot with _all_ USB devices disconnected first.02:15
Droll_Trollerson\o ralphv202:16
aboydhi everyone, I have a bit of a problem, and if anyone can help, that would be great. So, I have ubuntu installed on an external hard drive, and my  cousin unplugged it while it was running. I fixed the install and it now loads again, but when I click on any of the folders to access the file system, it shows that it is opening, but it never loads. ANy thoughts?02:16
Dr_WillisReal_Ubot:  from what i gather just a  few bits get changed. :)  so they appear in teh other place02:16
bankixjake614: Then connect the external keyboard and check if it shows up in "lsusb".02:16
jake614bankix: i have tried that several times02:16
Droll_Trollersonaboyd: First, kill your cousin.02:16
jake614bankix: and i dont have an external keyboard, what i have is an external mouse02:16
aboydhaha i wish I could02:16
Droll_Trollersonaboyd:  You /can!/02:17
bankixjake614: Okay, then start with the  mouse.02:17
MauritianGuyi was also wondering if you guys could help me modify the permission so i can edit a log file in etc//file.log so that i can use an application as my default user02:17
jake614bankix: ok, shall try02:17
Droll_Trollersonaboyd:  Set your mind to it.02:17
ralphv2I'm the only one here using Xircon02:17
bankixjake614: When connected solely, it should really show up in your lsusb list.02:17
zenlunaticMauritianGuy: why did you want to edit log files?02:17
Dr_WillisMauritianGuy:  log files in /etc/ ? thats odd.. normally they are in /var/log/*02:17
Real_UbotDr_Willis: I mean if I have a file containging like "secret" data and moves it to another folder. Then I remove it using shred or wipe. Will it still be able to get the data from the place the file once was located?02:17
grkblood13how do you allow remote desktop access from the cli?02:18
bankixjake614: If it doesn't, there is either a hardware problem with the mouse or some relly weired problem with the USB/mainboard chipset.02:18
aboyddroll_trollerson: no then I would be killed... anyway...02:18
Dr_WillisReal_Ubot:  shred/wipe overwrite the file several times    copy it.. then shred it. i guess.02:18
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bankixGran_Ger: Still there?02:18
zenlunaticgrkblood13: usually usnig ssh02:18
Gran_Geryep bankix. I'm tryin to duplicate the freeze, but not lucky02:19
Dr_Willisgrkblood13:  local lan? over teh internet? or how exactly? You can ssh in , and start a vncserver session and get a 'new' desktop  you can connect to02:19
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grkblood13local Dr_Willis02:19
bankixGran_Ger: Did you remember the last freeze, when it happended? Could you describe the circumstances a bit?02:19
Dr_Willisgrkblood13:  vnc can do more then 'share the current' desktop. Its a very flexiable tool02:19
FiReSTaRTGuys, I'm trying to get my media box set up, and it's mostly working. Now these instructions indicate that I have to have my xbmc session "auth'd properly" to be able to suspend/resume with the remote.. What does that mean and how do i do it?02:19
FiReSTaRTAs of 9.11 alpha 2, XBMC uses ConsoleKit in the Karmic packages so you need to make sure your session gets auth’d properly or you’ll end up with permission denied messages in the xbmc logs when it tries to suspend.02:19
s0n1c800maboyd: you wouldn't have to worry about the hd, tho02:19
MauritianGuyDr_Willis and Zenlunatic i am trying to run an application but when i went to the website its telling me to edit a file so that i can use it otherwise i will have to run it as sudo02:19
FloodBot4FiReSTaRT: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.02:19
grkblood13so i have to install vncserver?02:19
zenlunaticMauritianGuy: you02:20
MauritianGuybut i tried to run the file as sudo but i am still getting errory guess02:20
zenlunaticMauritianGuy: you arent making sense02:20
Droll_TrollersonDr_Willis:  huh? You jump the good ship Puppy Linux?02:20
Dr_WillisMauritianGuy:   i doubt if it wants you to edit a LOG file.. what file is it wanting you to mess with?   You can just alter the file with root permissions ionce and be done with it i imagine02:20
MauritianGuycan i pm u zenlunatic02:20
zenlunaticyea sure02:20
Dr_WillisDroll_Trollerson:  puppy sort of sunk for me.  I only used it in special cases anyway02:20
Droll_TrollersonDr_Willis:  Ah. To each his/her own, I guess.02:21
aboyds0n1c800m: true, but I prefer him alive... he can come in handy... anyway, any real help to fix this stupid thing would be great...02:21
Dr_WillisDroll_Trollerson:  its more of a rubber dingy with lots of patches/glue/stikytaps.02:21
ralphv2I like puppy, still, despite usually being in arch02:21
zeta-Real_Ubot: move will leave the file in the same location on disk unless you move between partitions.02:21
MauritianGuyDr_Willis,  I am not sure i know how to edit the file as root02:21
Droll_TrollersonDr_Willis:  No lie there.02:21
karpusCache Size (16 KiB blocks) in Deluge, what would a good value be for it? in windows and utorrent I used 2048 mb as my cache size (got 6 gb ram), but I don't even know in what unit Deluge's cache size should be in (kb?)02:21
jazzgrr sorry  i cant get this to open lol02:21
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ralphv2run sudo geany or sudo some other editor02:22
Droll_TrollersonDr_Willis:  Of course talking like that in #puppylinux will earn you a PERMA-IGGY02:22
Dr_WillisMauritianGuy:  sudo EDITOR /path/to/file    if you dont even know thse linux basics.. it might be a good idea to spend an hr reading some linux/ubuntu guides befor messing with programs/docs that tell you to alter some system files that you have no idea what they do.02:22
Johnny1how to I install star wars empire at war forces of corruption on ubuntu 9.10?02:22
jazz /join #ubuntu-classroom02:22
MauritianGuy# User to setid to (should be your normal user)02:22
jazzanyone got the link?02:22
jazzfor user day?02:23
MauritianGuyi am suppose to edit that line02:23
Dr_WillisDroll_Trollerson:  they all know its just scripts with exceptions for special cases coded in on top of scripts and other band aid fix's.. :)02:23
MauritianGuybut i can only view the file02:23
zenlunaticsudo -s02:23
Johnny1how to I install star wars empire at war forces of corruption on ubuntu 9.10?02:23
Dr_WillisMauritianGuy:  'sudo EDITORYOULIKE /path/to/file'02:23
BilliardJohnny1: using wine02:23
Droll_TrollersonDr_Willis:  YEA, BUTT ITZ IN TEH TOP TEN ON DISTOWACH!02:23
Dr_Willis!appdb | Johnny102:23
ubottuJohnny1: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help02:23
MauritianGuythanks Dr_Willis  and zenlunatic02:24
GrayGnomeDoes Karmic have a package for Python Yardis bindings?02:24
MauritianGuycan you goys help me with my driver issue as well i paste a pastebin link before02:24
MauritianGuyi'll paste it again02:24
Droll_TrollersonAs in "goyum?"02:25
bankixDroll_Trollerson: s/o/a/g :-D02:25
rwwDroll_Trollerson: I'm assuming as in "I can't spell guys" ;P02:25
MauritianGuyi tried to install 190.53 and it got stuck with an error i checked the file based on the error etc..02:25
macbuntu11Hey guys, i'm running ubuntu 9.10 on my macbook 2,1 and the graphics on my GMA 950  are terrible compared to when I use it in mac or windows. (i tri-boot) is there any way to update the driver?02:26
jazzjoin #ununtu-classroom02:26
Droll_TrollersonMan, I sure wish we had 1,224 users logged in on #puppylinux.02:26
Jeeves_Mosshey guys, I killed my GRUB after installing Windows.  How do I recover it?02:26
rwwjazz: you're missing a slash and misspelled "ubuntu"02:26
joh6nni'm having some serious slowdown with my wireless connection, compared to the speeds that i had in both Hardy and Jaunty.  I've tried disabling ipv6 and a few other things, but nothing seems to help02:27
Droll_TrollersonI wish some of you...say 100 or so, would join #puppylinux just to drive the userlist off the rails.02:27
joh6nnJeeves_Moss: do you know if it was Grub, or Grub2?02:27
Dr_WillisDroll_Trollerson:  why? they would just be asking the same 5 questions over and ober and over..02:27
* AllYourBases are belong to puppylinux?02:27
bankixJeeves_Moss: With a live ubuntu cd/usb-stick02:27
rwwubottu: ot02:27
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!02:27
Droll_TrollersonDr_Willis:  They'd get the same canned answer: Have you bothered to RTFM?02:27
rwwjazz: there you go :)02:27
BilliardMauritianGuy: any reason you dont use the nvidia drivers from the package manager?02:27
jake614bankix, you around?02:27
Jeeves_Mossjoh6nn:  I'm not sure,  it's from Ubuntu 9.10, so I'm guessing GRUB 2.  I follwed the steps to "recover" it, and they went through, but when I reboot, I get stuck @ the grubmenu with a prompt02:28
bankixjake614: Jepp02:28
brophatwhy doesn't my mac allow me to earse the U# sytem on my flash drive?02:28
Dr_WillisDroll_Trollerson:  yep.. the docs that often vanish.. or are 4+ yrs old..   or are for puppy 2.0 ... Ill pass.02:28
bankixjake614: Waiting for your input :-)02:28
uninvertedAnybody know how to downgrade xorg? The latest version borked my driver.02:28
MauritianGuyBilliard,  its not working02:28
joh6nnJeeves_Moss: ah, then yeah, it's grub 2.  in which case, i don't know enough to be of any help, unfortunately :(02:28
jake614hhehe thanks... but nope, still not listed02:28
jake614im running on a livecd again and nothing02:28
Billiard!ot | brophat02:28
ubottubrophat: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!02:28
Droll_TrollersonDr_Willis:  heh...amen! I bailed for Arch Linux in August 2008.02:28
Jeeves_Mossjoh6nn:  is that common for GRUB2?02:28
Dr_Willisuninverted:   You might want to try upgrading xorg depending on what dirvers you are messing with02:29
MauritianGuywhen i try to use 3D software or games for example its crashing02:29
bankixjake614: "nothing"?02:29
brophatubottu this is an ubuntu topic because i want to put UNR on my flash drive get it?02:29
Billiard!doesntwork | MauritianGuy02:29
ubottuMauritianGuy: Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.02:29
ralphv2Jeeves_Moss.  Install ubuntu 9.04 to get the old grub.  Then install 9.10 without installing grub02:29
zomfgcrazyokay so I had a working dualboot of WinXP and Ubuntu goin, but the ubuntu install was a logical partition, so i deleted sda2 (the partition it was inside, i guess?) and now I rebooted and i get an error GRUB loading.  Error: no such partition grub rescue> _...  ..i never touched the windows install.. any ideas why it doesn't just boot into windows now and/or how i can fix it? if i boot from the ubuntu live cd it shows the wind02:29
uninvertedDr_Willis: The newest version doesn't work with it (the nvidia driver)02:29
Dr_Willisbrophat:  dont argue with the bot.. it just annoys the bot. :)02:29
macobrophat: ubottu is a bot02:29
jake614bankix: i still get the same lines02:29
brophatoh ok hahaha02:29
bankixjake614: Ah. Which device did you try to connect?02:30
jake614bankix: my mouse02:30
Billiardbrophat: use a ubuntu live cd to format your flash drive maybe?02:30
bankixjake614: Ok, try a USB stick then (because it doesn't need much power).02:30
bankixjake614: Does this show up using lsusb?02:31
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jake614bankix: nope, nothing shows up, usb flash is not working either02:31
brophatyeah just weird how the M *** C can't do it02:31
PeterTwow, channel has quite a few people02:31
MauritianGuywell simple desktop 3D effects is basically not loading and i have to choose normal basic desktop effect02:32
bankixjake614: Very strange. And you did try not only one of your ports, but all? One on the right, one on the left, one at the back of the notebook (if there are any)?02:32
BilliardMauritianGuy: this is when the drivers are installed and enabled?02:32
Talon_how do I share my wireless internet (wlan0) with computers on a wired network (eth0)02:32
bankixjake614: Just to prevent a dead usb socket.02:32
MauritianGuyi got a XFX 9800 GTX which should handle this sort of #D graphic very well02:32
jake614bankix: yes, i did try, i have 4, apparently one of them is actually dead, but yes, i did02:33
daftykinsTalon_: bridge-utils package will be your starting point02:33
Real_Ubotzeta-: Ok, then only some kind of index willl be changed?02:33
Talon_so find that in synaptic package manager?02:33
MauritianGuyso ur telling me the driver was working well then02:33
bankixjake614: Hm. Did you try windows or another linux live CD? Does USB work there?02:33
ahabmanNvidia question - Can I programatically replicate the Nvidia X Server Settings' "Apply" button? I have 2 xorg.conf files that I want to swap out, in order to add a 2nd screen - but Not Log Out.02:33
Billiard!who | MauritianGuy02:33
ubottuMauritianGuy: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)02:33
MauritianGuythere are 2 drivers one is 173 one is 18502:34
Talon_daftykins, downloaded and installed02:34
ubottuYou can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.02:34
BilliardMauritianGuy: did you try the 185 driver? and how did you install it?02:34
FiReSTaRTguys if a part of the instructions says to make sure that my session gets "auth'd properly" so a certain package can suspend/resume the comp, how do i go about it?02:34
MauritianGuyBilliard,  i uninstall reboot and instell 185, id did the same for 17302:35
jake614bankix: i dont have windows anymore02:35
daftykinsTalon_: yeah the rest i don't know myself ;) hit up google for a bridge-utils guide.02:35
BilliardMauritianGuy: how did you install 185?02:35
daftykinsBilliard: sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx-18502:35
lucascastro /?02:35
zeta-Real_Ubot: yes, just the directory that points to the file02:35
Billiarddaftykins: that doesnt enable the driver02:35
bankixjake614: And a different live linux somewhere? I would check if it's a general problem or only related to ubuntu/your ubuntu version.02:35
daftykinsBilliard: then after run "sudo nvidia-xconfig"02:35
Billiarddaftykins: is that what MauritianGuy did?02:36
daftykinsBilliard: i dunno sorry, i just assumed you were asking how to use it.02:36
bankixjake614: Did you check the BIOS settings if you did disable something related to USB perhaps? Just guessing...02:36
Billiarddaftykins: no i was asking which method he used02:36
daftykinsah ok sorry.02:36
MauritianGuyi uses systems>administration>Hardware Drivers and shoose 18502:36
MauritianGuyBilliard,  i uses systems>administration>Hardware Drivers and shoose 18502:37
jake614bankix: my guess is this related to this version since it previously worked on jaunty, karmic, and windows vista... as for bios, how do i do that?02:37
lucascastro /help02:37
BilliardMauritianGuy: ok, and hardware drivers had shown the driver as enabled?02:37
oasisno sound in ubuntu help?02:37
Trek!help | lucascastro02:37
ubottulucascastro: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)02:37
joh6nni'm having some serious slowdown with my wireless connection, compared to the speeds that i had in both Hardy and Jaunty.  I've tried disabling ipv6 and a few other things, but nothing seems to help02:37
bankixjake614: Ah, that's new information. It did work before.02:37
zomfgcrazyI had a working dualboot of WinXP and Ubuntu goin, but the ubuntu install was a logical partition, so i deleted sda2 (the partition it was inside, i guess?) and now I rebooted and i get an error GRUB loading.  Error: no such partition grub rescue> _...  ..i never touched the windows install.. any ideas why it doesn't just boot into windows now and/or how i can fix it? if i boot from the ubuntu live cd it shows the windows inst02:37
jake614bankix: i'm sorry, i didnt mention? plz excuse me02:38
bankixjake: When booting Jaunty live, does the usb stick work?02:38
arastoowhen i wnat to boot sys i cant boot and i see grub error >> file not found and grub rescue how can i do02:38
BilliardMauritianGuy: i would run the appearance dialog from the terminal and look at the errors you get when you try to enable the special effects, after installing the 185 drivers02:38
Droll_TrollersonDr_Willis:  Stay well. Good seeing you again.02:38
Droll_TrollersonDr_Willis:  alienjeff here quasi-incognito02:38
joh6nnzomfgcrazy: it doesn't just boot to windows because there's some stuff that happens during install, that you didn't count on02:38
releaseanyone know why nickserv doesnt work in irssi ?02:39
MauritianGuyBilliard,  how would i do that02:39
blakkheimrelease: it does02:39
jake614bankix: no, not anymore...this laptop came with vista and everything worked (so to say, i really hated vista), then installed jaunty02:39
releaseI'm having trouble. I'm escaping nickserv with slash but get no command02:39
MauritianGuydo i have to remove the Xserver as well Billiard02:39
rwwrelease: /msg nickserv, not /nickserv02:39
bankixjake614: Sorry, you see me helpless...02:40
Likedcan anyone help me?02:40
BilliardMauritianGuy: no? idk what you mean02:40
Likedim trying to set up a VPS in ubuntu02:40
Likedim a begginer02:40
BilliardMauritianGuy: one sec, let me find the command for the appearance dialog02:40
Likedso i'm trying to start02:40
Talon_hah that was easy, i just did properties on eth0 in networkmanager applet.. i edited eth0 and in ipv4 settings i made it shared to other computers02:40
Likedcan anyone help?02:40
zomfgcrazyjoh6nn, could you please elaborate? =\02:40
bankixjake614: When usb devices don't show up at all, it's a very basic problem. I thought of not enough power as one reason, that's why I asked to disconnect everything and reconnect something with low power first.02:41
MauritianGuythanks Billiard02:41
jellowLiked: Look at ubuntu community Documentaion , And ask us if or when you hit any problems02:41
jellow!vps | Liked02:41
jellow!vpn | Liked02:41
ubottuLiked: From more information on vpn please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/VPN02:41
jake614bankix: that's ok, thank you for trying to help... apparently this is related to my hardware, someone else  kindly gave me this link just a sec ago: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-1004166.html02:42
jake614bankix: i do not now how to update tho02:42
bankixLemme have a look...02:43
BilliardMauritianGuy: you currently have 185 installed? if so, run "gnome-appearance-properties" from a terminal, and attempt to enable the visual effects, then pastebin the errors it gives you in the terminal02:43
MauritianGuyi just reactivated 18502:43
bankixjake614: You mean how to update your BIOS?02:44
paragonci have an iso i made on my mac - but when i mount it under ubuntu - i dont see any data02:44
daftykinsjake614: hmm says to update BIOS. i wouldn't really say to run into doing that, but could be worth looking up what BIOS your laptop has and what the latest is on your laptop make's website02:44
jake614bankix: yes02:44
jellowLiked: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VPNServer02:44
Billiardparagonc: how are you mounting it?02:44
jake614daftykins: how do i do that? looking up bios and the such?02:45
paragoncsudo mount -o loop -t iso9660 my.iso /media/windows02:45
bankixjake614: This is a dangerous procedure and for most laptops you'll need DOS or Windows to do the update.02:45
paragonctrying to get access to some old file data - and its driving me insane02:45
jake614bankix: i see.. is there a way to check on bios settings?02:46
bankixjake614: You'll have to ask your vendor how to do this for you laptop. You should find this informations where you'll find the new BIOS versions.02:46
Billiardparagonc: try removing the -t iso9660 part, and the /media/windows directory is empty after mounting you say?02:46
paragoncso sudo mount -o loop my.iso /media/windows02:46
Billiardparagonc: yeah02:46
bankixjake614: Just have a look at everything in your BIOS referencing "USB". USB should be enabled, USB 2.0 as well, and USB Legacy Support should be enabled.02:46
randy_any gamers here?02:46
MauritianGuyi will reboot and try the appearence properties Billiard02:47
BilliardMauritianGuy: ok02:47
Siria_CalvWhere can I get a free video converter capable of converting videos to .asf from .avi and .flv?02:47
jake614i do not now how to look at that though02:47
bankixjake614: Depending on your BIOS, you wiill see more or less USB related menu points. Difficult to point you the way more precise.02:47
Billiardrandy_: probably there are 12xx people here, just ask your question02:47
randy_i did02:47
jake614i'm sorry, i'm not that computer savvy02:47
jake614where is the bios menu?02:48
daftykinsjake614: look up the model on the manufacturer webby to start02:48
Billiardrandy_: i dont see it02:48
randy_any gamers here02:48
Billiardrandy_: yes02:48
jake614i mean, where do i " enable" usb options?02:48
blakkheimSiria_Calv: ffmpeg02:48
randy_well are there?02:48
paragoncthat did it02:48
Billiardrandy_: yes there are gamers here02:48
jolarenWhen pressing keys from my remote I get no response in irw! What can I do?02:49
randy_anybody have a thought about win 7?02:49
bankixjake614: when booting your computer, pressing DEL or F2 key will enter your BIOS setup.02:49
jake614oh, ok!02:49
ganymedeand out come the offtopic warnings02:49
Siria_Calvblakkheim: Where do I get the codec needed and how do I get it to show up in the ffmpeg frontend WinFF?02:49
jake614i shall try that now, thank you so much02:49
Billiardparagonc: np02:49
rwwrandy_: This channel is for Ubuntu support. For discussion of Windows, please /join ##windows02:49
blakkheimSiria_Calv: the codec is probably in ubuntu-restricted-extras, and just use ffmpeg from the commandline. the gui is unneeded02:50
randy_oh i thought it was computers in general sorry02:50
Aly-Necesito entral al canal de ubuntu en espanol02:50
rwwubottu: es | Aly-02:50
ubottuAly-: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.02:50
Aly-NO se puede, tienes que identificarte dice.02:51
zperteedoes anyone have any good advice on how to do seamless virtualization? want to virtualize xp on ubuntu 9.1002:51
hominghamsterzpertee: look at virtualbox02:52
randy_virtual box02:52
rwwubottu: register | Aly-02:52
ubottuAly-: Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available in #freenode02:52
randy_I use virtual box02:52
rwwAly-: I don't have this information in Spanish, apologies.02:52
zperteeits for kids to play computer games with?  is virtualbox fairly intuitive?02:52
=== hominghamster is now known as HomingHamster
randy_really easy02:53
randy_i use it just to play on line checkers02:53
zperteeok.  I'll take a look into it.  Thanks!02:53
randy_it is really good02:53
randy_easy to delete too02:54
lucascastrovirtualbox is so much fine02:54
matelotin CCSM (compiz) what does <Super>Button4 mean ? what is "Button4" ?02:54
JosephMgreetings... I am looking for a simple email server that is easy to configure, a gui for setup and admin would be nice.... anyone have any suggestions?02:54
defenceministerWhat is the service called that provides the login screen on xubuntu? And how do I disable it?02:54
macomatelot: i think it's the scrollwheel up02:54
daftykinsmatelot: fourth mouse button i think.02:54
HomingHamsterAm i getting through to #ubuntu?02:55
Gapppysuper buton = windows button02:55
macomatelot: 1 is left, 2 is right, 3 is middle click, 4 & 5 are scroll wheel02:55
macomatelot: i think02:55
deenaHi anyone can explain how nat works02:55
lucascastroyou have to take  from the sun repository cause that you download from ubuntu repository virtualbox-ose there's not so good02:55
Dr_WillisHomingHamster:  if we say no.. :) what would you do then?02:55
daftykinsdeena: rewriting source and destination IP packet headers02:55
HomingHamsterDr_Willis: be rather confused, i've been struggleing with my firewall and cgi-irc etc.02:55
Dr_Willisdeena:  there used to be a decent ip-masquerading howto.02:55
deenasee i installed virutal box and running opensolaris inside it..02:55
soreaumatelot: Super is the Windows key and Buttons4/5 are scroll up/down02:56
stan_I down loaded a video card driver file from Matrox.  It has a .run extension.  I don't know how to install it.02:56
fuzzy`anyone play qlive? :)02:57
deenawhen i check ip it is taking it is taking 10.x series02:57
matelotsoreau - so for the compiz binding "<super>button4" means hold down super while pushing the wheels ?02:57
fuzzy`awesome with linux :)02:57
deenabut my main pc is working 192.x. series02:57
lucascastro /J #ubuntu-server02:57
deenahow it works02:57
daftykinsdeena: can you ping your router? (if you use one)02:57
daftykinsfrom the VM i mean02:57
neil_dI have 2 sata drives rigged as a RAID 1 :)   but when I remove a HDD (for testing) initramfs doesn't start md0 correctly :(  it sets the only drive as a spare..  but I can manually stop and assemble the drive OK (degraded).. what is wrong?02:58
soreaumatelot: It means hold Super while scrolling the wheel (not clicking it)02:58
matelotsoreau, ok02:58
bankixdeena: You're using NAT in VirtualBox.02:59
deenahow it works thats my question is03:00
bankixdeena: So your guest system gets for default03:00
deenaglobal system is having 192.x.x.x03:00
deenahow it happens03:00
bankixdeena: And the VirtualBox is doing the translation. You can reach your serving system on IP
deenafrom global i am not able to ping03:01
deenaif i try
bankixdeena: VirtualBox acts as a normal router does, the only difference is that your gateway is and not .2.1 as usual.03:01
Dr_Willisdeena:  you may want to check the virtualbox docs on how it does the networking.  I normally set my vbox setups where they appear as a normal machine on the lan. (ip range 192.168.1.X)03:01
joh6nnzomfgcrazy: sorry, got called away for a moment03:01
bankixdeena: So if you want to log into your host system, you do a ssh to
allyourbasshaving some trouble with usb volumes not auto mounting03:02
allyourbassIO charset iso8859-1 not found03:02
deenai am able to ping from quest to global... but i am not from global to quest03:02
bankixdeena: deena: from inside of your guest system, of course03:02
allyourbassany takers?03:02
deenathat is why wondering how this nat is working03:02
Blue1deena: it's magic...03:02
bankixdeena: Yes, you can't reach your guest system from outside of VirtualBox because of the NAT.03:03
deenawhat i have to do if i want to ping from global to guest03:03
=== David is now known as Guest77373
daftykinsdeena: basically when a packet comes from a VM e.g. the router between your real network 192.168.0.x will rewrite the source IP as being itself, so then the real network will pass it to the router. then the router rewrites the packet header with the destination of the guest and so it arrives there03:03
bankixdeena: VirtualBox does not set up a corresponding network device with the host's IP, it's some kind of "embedded" networking device03:03
zomfgcrazyI had a working dualboot of WinXP and Ubuntu goin, but the ubuntu install was a logical partition, so i deleted sda2 (the partition it was inside, i guess?) and now I rebooted and i get an error GRUB loading.  Error: no such partition grub rescue> _...  ..i never touched the windows install.. any ideas why it doesn't just boot into windows now and/or how i can fix it? if i boot from the ubuntu live cd it shows the windows inst03:03
daftykinsdeena: it's probably default virtualbox firewall'ing blocking ping the other way03:03
bankixdeena: In fact, VirtualBox just seeds the packages directly into the networking layer.03:04
daftykinszomfgcrazy: is it XP?03:04
bankixdeena: So you can't ping, ssh or what ever your guest from outside of virtual box when using NAT03:04
bankixdeena: If you need access to your guest system, you'll have to use bridging instead of NAT.03:04
daftykinszomfgcrazy: boot the windows CD to recovery console and run "fixboot" then "fixmbr" then it'll be pure windows again. then install ubuntu03:04
zomfgcrazydaftykins, thank you. would it take more than a few lines to explain what happened so as to not do it again?03:05
deenain case of briding i have to configure same network range only am i right03:05
bankixdeena: Then your network card acts like a network switch and you connect both, your host system and your guest, to this switch -- both getting one exclusive IP through DHCP.03:05
allyourbassanyone else having troubles with usb media not mounting ?03:05
deenaexample 192.x.x.x from to guest to global same series03:05
daftykinszomfgcrazy: i'm afraid i've no idea why GRUB was already present if you dont have ubuntu installed. that partition before was just empty really03:05
zomfgcrazydaftykins, thank you.03:06
daftykinszomfgcrazy: np. this is another option too: http://www.arsgeek.com/2008/01/15/how-to-fix-your-windows-mbr-with-an-ubuntu-livecd/03:06
bankixdeena: No, using a different IP address for you guest won't help anything. If you need to connect to your guest system, your only chance is setting up network-bridging.03:06
=== goose[PC] is now known as goose_
allyourbasscan someone help with this ?? http://pastebin.com/m2b1143a03:08
FloodBot4tim: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.03:09
timMAC WINS03:09
timFUCK YOU03:09
goose_!ops | tim would appear to be a trollercopter03:09
ubottutim would appear to be a trollercopter: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!03:09
FloodBot4tim: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.03:09
goose_allyourbass: perhaps: sudo apt-get install locales; sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales03:10
wish^So i installed ubuntu using the Wubui, but i wanna make it a full install.. how do i go about that?03:11
goose_wish^: do you want to keep windows?03:11
mikiwho wants to keep windows?03:11
Dr_Williswish^:  not very easially from what i gather.. but ive heard it can be done.03:11
goose_it's not hard :303:12
allyourbassok goose i did that03:12
allyourbassstill no luck03:12
allyourbassthats what pops up when i plug the device in03:12
jolarenIf irw is not giving any outputs, is it doomed not to work?03:12
nvmei want to start an XBMC x-session side by side with gnome, at startup. anyone know how i can do that ?03:12
mikiDon't use enter as punchuation03:12
Dr_Williswish^:  this thread has some urls with info --> http://www.uluga.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=120496303:13
tcarteri am trying to run a bin file. so far i have ran  sudo chmod +X Savage2Install- it then turns green and i ran ./Savage2Install- it then says initial Lua setup faild can not continue....any ideas03:13
goose_wish^: if you want to keep windows, backup whatever ubuntu files you want to keep, then uninstall Ubuntu from windows. Then, put the Ubuntu CD in, and restart you computer, and boot from CD. When it asks you during install if you want to split your HD between windows and Ubuntu, then you choose what you want, and the installer does the rest!03:13
Dr_Williserr thats not really 'converting' a wubi install to a 'full' install. :) in my mind..03:14
unoptcarter, you probably needed to use sudo?03:14
Dr_Willisdo a normal install, mount the 'wubi' installed file/filesystem copy stuff over.. may work easier also.03:15
wish^not much03:15
tcarterunop:for the chmod or the ./filename.bin03:15
bleepbloophi, I am having almost exactly the same issue as is explained in this thread: http://user.services.openoffice.org/en/forum/viewtopic.php?f=16&t=25457  , but I don't really understand the solution03:15
wish^i dont wanna keep windows03:15
bleepbloopor how to go about implementing it in my case03:15
wish^atm i have a 30gb intallation of ubuntu03:15
wish^which is embedded into my vista install03:16
wish^i wanna make it a proper installation. without having the cd03:16
neil_dI have a RAID1 setup.. if I turn the computer off, remove a HDD.. should it still boot correctly?03:16
bankixneil_d: If the raid1 is set up properly, yes03:16
bleepbloopapparently I have a problem with my cell ranges in an open office speadsheet that's preventing me from saving the spreadsheet03:17
tcarterunop: i get the same message regardless of sudo03:17
bleepbloopbut I'm not quite sure how to fix the cell ranges03:17
JosephMgreetings, I am in need of a mail server, and looking for one that is simple, easy to configure, and a gui to setup and admin would be a plus.... any ideas03:17
neil_dbankix: I thought so.. mine doesn't.  initramfs isn't setting up md0 correctly :(03:18
Dr_Williswish^:  i would suggst you backup everything you got on wubi to some safe place as step 1 - in any case.03:18
Dr_Williswish^:   You can go the 'backup/clean install/restore stuff' route.. or some how try to 'convert' the wubi  to a normal install..  that may be much harder03:18
=== greguniverse is now known as greg_universe
bankixneil_d: Sure it's the initrd?03:19
neil_dbankix: well it drops into the initramfs prompt... and the md0 has the only drive listed as a spare.. but I can "mdadm --stop /dev/md0" and then do a "mdadm --assemble --scan" and it restarts it correctly.03:21
=== homer is now known as Guest71562
Likelolz with guns03:22
neil_dbankix: can I get it to continue booting after I get the initramfs prompt?03:22
=== xgenesis is now known as Guest71761
johnny1243I just got a dell studio 15 and I am having a screen problem with ubuntu it boots up on the live cd but gives a blank screen but it works with a monitor03:24
johnny1243does anyone know of this problem03:24
darkfunerali need a gui to enter in hierarchial data03:24
marcosRzguys I'm making a video tutorial, whats the correct pronunciation of .ini files and -?03:25
coz_johnny1243,   mm let me see if I understand this...if you connect a monitor it shows  but doesnt on the laptop screen?03:25
marcosRzdot I N I ? - , hypen hifen?03:25
johnny1243coz, yes03:25
coz_johnny1243,  mm that's odd... are you sure the laptop screen works properly?03:26
johnny1243coz, it works with win 703:26
johnny1243coz, a few other people have had this problem but no answer03:27
wish^hmm, Dr_willis do you know of it being done?03:27
neil_dcoz_: johnny1243: could it be a dual monitor type thing.. defaulting to the wrong monitor?03:27
coz_johnny1243,  ok  then we know it works..  if you unplug the monitor the laptop screen still refuses to work?03:27
Dr_Williswish^:  nope. I avoide wubi as if it was the plague..  (a also missed the last 5 min or so of chat in here)03:27
zealiodwhat command line program can i use to grab the urls that people are loading through my proxy?03:27
johnny1243coz, let me try03:27
wish^not much has been said willis03:28
wish^thing is, i just wanted to try the new distro03:28
wish^and it seemed to be a nice option so now i wanna swap over to it permanently03:28
Dr_Williswish^:  try the tools.. or just do a clean install..03:28
jellowLiked: Did you sort out your error?03:28
LizardK|ngzealiod, wget03:28
johnny1243coz, yes03:28
Likedjellow: nah ill just use debian03:29
coz_johnny1243,  so it works now?03:29
wish^well, i can do a clean install but i dont have the install disc03:29
johnny1243coz, no03:29
coz_johnny1243,   ok   are you now on the liv03:29
Dr_Williswish^:  you can make a bootabel usb flash  if you wanted to03:29
wish^so i guess i gotta download and burn that first then03:29
zomfgcrazywhen installing ubuntu with an ubuntu livecd how do i make sure it installs ubuntu as a primary partition and not logical?03:29
johnny1243coz, still just the monitor03:29
jellowLiked: you try apt-get -f install ?03:29
coz_johnny1243,  are you now on the live cd03:29
darkfuneralis there a linux tool for entering in hierarchial data?03:29
=== deus is now known as Guest77306
johnny1243coz, no but the laptop is next to me03:29
johnny1243coz, and on the live cd03:30
Dr_Williszomfgcrazy:  iuse the partion manager tool in the installer to lay out my HD's exactly how i want and tell it where to mount / and /home  - i alwyas use primariy partions03:30
coz_johnny1243,   ok if you can get to the live cd  open a terminal and type   lspci | grep -i vga03:30
zomfgcrazyDr_Willis, Gparted?03:30
Dr_Williszomfgcrazy:  the installer has  a partionign section you use to tell it where to mount what locations where.  You could use gparted first.. then use the custome install settings in the installer03:31
zealiodLizardK|ng: no, i meant sniff what urls are being loaded...03:32
coz_johnny1243,  any luck with that command?03:32
johnny1243coz, output 00:02.0 vga vompatible controller: intel corporation mobile 4 series chipset integrated graphics controller (rev 07)03:32
coz_johnny1243,  ok now this command     glxinfo -l |grep MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE03:33
joh6nni'm having some serious slowdown with my wireless connection, compared to the speeds that i had in both Hardy and Jaunty.  I've tried disabling ipv6 and a few other things, but nothing seems to help03:33
johnny1243coz, sorry what a sec i need to try them all out03:33
zomfgcrazyDr_Willis, when creating a new partition, next to "Use As:" what do I select for a bootable Ubuntu partition?03:33
Dr_Williszomfgcrazy:  if you want sda1 to be / = you tell it to use sda1 with the mountpoint of /03:34
Dr_Willisset the filessytem to be ext3/4 or whatever you want03:34
johnny1243coz, GL_MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE = 409603:34
=== ThipThip_ is now known as jMyles
hoinkproblem: Deleted files return after reboot. (Jaunty) Happens with Gnome and shell (rm).  Saw a post on launchpad (?) but can't find it.03:35
coz_johnny1243,  ok and what is the resolution of the laptop screen and the monitor you have attached?03:35
zomfgcrazyDr_Willis, / = ?03:35
johnny1243coz, let me check03:35
Dr_Williszomfgcrazy:  linux basics / = the root partition03:36
Dr_Willis  / is called 'root' not the same as /root/03:36
tympvv3trying to get graphics drivers working for x3100 graphics card on an inspiron1525, shell says i have direct rendering but crashes when I try to launch games like SuperTux, or through Wine.03:36
k3rni insterted a script into runlevels 2-5. i have some echo messages in it, i would like to see them on bootup and shutdown.03:36
Siria_CalvI need a video convert that can convert .avi and .flv to .asf. Yes I know I´ve asked before and been told to use ffmpeg, but ffmpeg doesn´t convert to the .asf format. It´ll convert to that extension, but not that format. I need that format specifically because my portable media player is having problems rewinding/fast-forwarding videos of the other supported formats.03:37
Dr_Willisk3rn:  use the 'nosplash' and remove the 'quiet' option from the kernel boot lines - perhaps. to see all messages03:37
k3rncan i define that in grubs menu.lst - or may i uninstall usplash? will those echo msgs show anyhow?03:37
zomfgcrazyDr_Willis, I don't know if i want it to be /.  i don't understand what that would mean.03:37
Dr_Williszomfgcrazy:  you always have a / partition . its the core of the linux filesystem03:37
Sememmonis there an issue w/ the latest karmic & wifi speed? I'm noticing very poor performance.. but seemed to be fine yesterday.03:38
johnny1243coz, 1024 by 768 for monitor laptop is ~1400 by ~1200 if I think03:38
Dr_Williszomfgcrazy:  normal partion layout ==>  (sda1 /) (sda2 /home) (sda3 Swap)03:38
zomfgcrazyDr_Willis, If I set it to / would that affect the winxp partition?03:38
Sememmoncoz_: =]03:38
coz_Sememmon, :)03:38
Dr_Williszomfgcrazy:  you make a partition and mount it as / - thats where linux installs to. Nothign to do with windows at all.03:38
zomfgcrazyDr_Willis: okay. so Ext4 or Ext3? Is there any noticeable difference for a novice such as myself?03:39
Dr_Williszomfgcrazy:  stick with ext4 then03:39
Siria_CalvSememmon, have you left your computer and its wifi antenna on since it worked yesterday? I have experiance sometimes that a wifi antenna that has been left on will have trouble connecting eventually after being left on too long.03:39
Dr_Williszomfgcrazy:  if you dont know linux basics. why are you even worrying about all this> the normal install should do fine for you03:40
Jeeveshow can I fix my GRUB2 install?  I had to repair XP, then I had to reinstall windows 7, and now I can't get GRUB to work03:40
zomfgcrazyDr_Willis: Understood.  At this point I would like WinXP to stay as the default boot partition (so if I don't touch anything it boots to windows).  Would I set that here or later?03:40
SememmonSiria_Calv: I've restarted. Also restarted the wap just to make sure. I'm getting better wifi performance on my cell phone =P03:40
Sememmontried downgrading to an older kernel .. seems to be a bit better.03:40
zomfgcrazyDr_Willis: I would like to dual-boot and i've been told primary is the way to go for <= 4 partitions, and i'll be using <= 4.03:41
Jeeveshow can I fix my GRUB2 install?  I had to repair XP, then I had to reinstall windows 7, and now I can't get GRUB to work03:41
neil_dA mdadm raid1 doesn't seem to work on this motherboard!!  if I was to plug the drives into a cheap PCI raid card, could I boot of that raid card?03:41
Dr_Williszomfgcrazy:  You repartiioon/resize your drive to haev a section of it be 'unallocated' and you just tell the ubuntu installer to use the unallocated space..  thats about all there is to it.03:41
k3rnDr_Willis: wehn i use nosplash i see the bootup outputs but i can't see any of my script.03:41
coz_johnny1243,  hey guy   did you try to unplug the monitor and then reboot into the live cd?03:41
Dr_Williszomfgcrazy:   its not really going to matter if its primary or not.03:41
coz_johnny1243,   both monitors attached are going to exceed the MAX_TEXTURE size  hardware limitation03:41
Dr_Williszomfgcrazy:  or  resize windows - make unallocated space.. partiton the unallocated space to make a / /home and swap partition then tell the installer to use them03:42
coz_johnny1243,  once installed you can set the resolutions for both monitors so that it doesnt exceed the MAX_Texture in any one direction03:42
zomfgcrazyDr_Willis: Okay.  Well, extra knowledge is never (rarely?) a bad thing. ^.^  Would I set WinXP to be default boot in GRUB here or later?03:42
Dr_Williszomfgcrazy:  somthing like -->  (sda1 Windows) (sda2 /) (sda3 /home) (sda4 swap)03:42
Dr_Williszomfgcrazy:  you tweak grub later.03:42
Jeeveshow can I fix my GRUB2 install?  I had to repair XP, then I had to reinstall windows 7, and now I can't get GRUB to work03:43
Dr_Willis!grub2 | Jeeves03:44
ubottuJeeves: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub203:44
johnny1243coz_, so I should set the resolution lower and install03:44
Jeevesubottu:  you suck03:44
Jeevesand for the reccord, I know it's a bot03:44
zomfgcrazyDr_Willis: I have decided to go back and tell it to just use 'largest contiguous free space' so I don't have to set up a swap.  Where would I tweak grub to change the list of boot options?03:45
rwwJeeves: have you tried https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub2#Recover%20Grub%202%20via%20LiveCD on the page it linked to?03:45
Dr_Williszomfgcrazy:  you are confused.. it will STILL use/make a swap partition.03:45
johnny1243coz_, also about installing i wanted to have a separate , /boot, /, /home partition I have done it before and I cannot resize this huge partition in gpart03:46
coz_johnny1243,  first I would reboot with just the laptop screen into the live cd03:46
Dr_Williszomfgcrazy:  grub2 is confuigured by the /etc/default/grub and /etc/grub.d/* files03:46
SememmonI've been told that others are also having recent wifi speed issues03:46
johnny1243coz_, I think I would get a blank screen03:46
johnny1243coz_,  but I will try03:46
coz_johnny1243,  ok I may not be the best person to talk with about partitioning03:46
reroreroreroHello. Is there a way to prevent Samba from scanning the LAN?03:46
Dr_Williszomfgcrazy:  that option i think will resize your windows partitions and then use the free space. (i think)03:46
zomfgcrazyDr_Willis: I am very confused. But thank you for trying. ^.^03:46
coz_johnny1243,  I would try that first just to test it  make sure the monitor is unplugged03:46
johnny1243coz_,  the screen stuff was help full03:46
johnny1243coz_,  let me reboot then03:47
coz_johnny1243,  the max texture size is unfortunately a hardware limitiation  that cannot be changed to my knowledge03:47
reroreroreroI don't trust some people on my LAN and I would like to shut off the LAN users or stop trying to ping them or whatever.03:47
reroreroreroIs it possible?03:47
Dr_Willisrerorerorero:  proberly  if you give more details about what you are trying to do exactly and your setup03:48
neil_dA mdadm raid1 doesn't seem to work on this motherboard!!  if I was to plug the drives into a cheap PCI raid card, could I boot of that raid card?03:48
Dr_WillisProtecting your pc from the rest of the LAN? or  protecting the network from idiot users? :)03:48
johnny1243coz_,  how do I change it03:49
tucemiuxanyone knows how I can specify the classpath for java?03:49
coz_johnny1243,  max texture size?? you cant unless you get a higher end video card03:49
ArmandoI wanna go to spanish chanel03:50
Staatsfeinderror while loading shared libraries: libtiff.so.3: wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS64 what can i do?03:50
johnny1243coz_,  no like lower my monitor to the correct one but I just thought of how display in settings right03:50
Dr_Willis!es | Armando03:50
ubottuArmando: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.03:50
rerorerorerodr_willis: Rest of the LAN would do, but it's mostly idiot users, the reason.03:51
coz_johnny1243,  right03:51
Armandothank you03:51
johnny1243coz_,  what should I lower it to03:51
Ademanis there any comprehensive list of default compose-key combinations anywhere?03:51
Dr_Willisrerorerorero:  by default theres no services on ubuntu - so i doubt if they are going to get to your machine and do anything.03:51
johnny1243coz_, this is not cool thought this laptop does 1920 by 1200 screen res and it is old really old03:52
Dr_Willisrerorerorero:  if you wanted to be truely paranoid install the variouys firewall tools/setup a firewall and logwatch to watch for access attempts03:52
FlotonocWould it be smarter to run the 32-Bit Ubuntu OS on a 64-Bit processor or just go with the 64-Bit version?03:52
reroreroreroI keep getting netbios and smb traffic to their computers. And although I have nothing shared I fear someone would do like "hey he's there let's try something"03:52
Dr_WillisFlotonoc:  if i can use 64bit - i use 64bit03:52
joh6nni'm having some serious slowdown with my wireless connection, compared to the speeds that i had in both Hardy and Jaunty.  I've tried disabling ipv6 and a few other things, but nothing seems to help03:52
termitor:p , who what to test with me, a hi res webcam ?03:52
johnny1243coz_, thanks for the help03:52
AdemanFlotonoc: In my opinion 64 bit problems outweigh any advantages03:53
coz_johnny1243,  well the live cd should pick up the correct resolution  even if it is safe graphics mode you use03:53
termitorwho whan03:53
neil_dIf I was to get a cheap PCI RAID card (e.g. http://www.mwave.com.au/newAU/mwaveAU/productdetail.asp?SKU=22080353&utm_source=getprice&utm_medium=cpc) could I boot from it?03:53
FlotonocWhat do you mean?03:53
semitonesFlotonoc: it depends on what you want to use it fore03:53
Dr_WillisI cant even recall any problems ive had with 64bit in the last year+03:53
FlotonocIt outweighs?03:53
FlotonocI see.03:53
johnny1243coz_, pick it with the install or when booting up03:53
semitonesFlotonoc: it doesn't03:53
semitonesFlotonoc: I'm using it right now03:53
cvdAdeman,  only if you use linux03:53
FlotonocI heard that there are no performance changes when you go with 32-Bit over 64-Bit.03:53
Dr_WillisFlotonoc:  for normal home users.. it proberly wont matter much - unless you got 4+gb of ram.03:53
coz_johnny1243,  when booting the live cd   there should be a safe graphics mode03:53
Dr_WillisFlotonoc:  there are some gains in some cases.03:53
albechmy 64bit works flawless03:53
mickster04can i get ssh help here?03:54
johnny1243coz_, ok let me try that03:54
albechmickster04, yes, if you ask the question03:54
FlotonocSo you only see differences with 4 GB or more memory?03:54
semitonesFlotonoc: if you have more than 4GB ram, you'll have performance gains. And there are some smaller gains for 64 bit programs as well03:54
Dr_WillisOnly issue i knotive of with 64 vs 32bit - is that zsnes is 32bit only. :()03:54
One``Does Ubuntu have any kind of problems with ZIP files on a fresh install? I downloaded a torrent with about 4,500 ZIP files using Transmission and half of them are coming up as being corrupt despite no one else having this problem03:54
Siria_CalvI don´t think this is the right channel, but does anyone know of a reliable secure proxy server I can use for my web-enable programs such as my bit-torrent client and my web browser?03:54
coz_johnny1243,   but let me say that I dont use laptops  at all so my experience with video issues on them is severely limited03:54
semitonesFlotonoc: if you03:54
Ademan*but then again 64 bit binaries are twice as big and you get twice as many cache misses*03:55
Dr_WillisOne``:  ive never had any issues with zip files.03:55
Cpudan80One``: ubuntu supports zip files -- with the unzip command03:55
Dr_WillisOne``:  try using winzip or winrar in wine to access them perhaps03:55
Cpudan80One``: or with ark (kde) or file roller (gnome)03:55
One``Good idea, then I can see if they are actually corrupt03:55
mickster04well i am trying to create an ssh keyfile between a linux server (ubuntu) and a windows machine using putty. however i always get "server refused our key" no matter where i create it (puttygen) or ssh-keygen -t rsa any clues?03:55
albechSiria_Calv, squid?03:55
semitonesFlotonoc: if you're intending to install a lot of third party programs not in synaptic, you might want 32 bit for better compatibility, but other than that, might as well make full use of your hardware03:55
Cpudan80One``: the torrent might be corrupt03:55
hiexpogood evening all03:55
* Dr_Willis isent sure that 64bit bianries are 2x as large as 32bit.. is true..03:56
johnny1243coz_, well the help is appreciated03:56
mdghiexpo: hello03:56
hiexpomdg how it goes03:56
One``It's a.. I dunno what you would call it, but the torrent isn't the problem here. Something has gone wrong when it was being downloaded03:56
rwwDr_Willis: it's not03:56
coz_johnny1243,  no problem  I hope you get this resolved03:56
FlotonocI was wondering because computers I find may be less than 64-Bit.03:56
Siria_Calvalbech, can you give me the url to their home page?03:56
mdghiexpo: it goes !  yay!03:56
Dr_Willisrww:  yea. thats what i was thinking >) but i was googling for some benchmarks..03:56
johnny1243coz_, thanks03:57
albechSiria_Calv, try google squid ;)03:57
Dr_WillisFlotonoc:  theres very few issues ive seen in this channel about 64 vs 32bit ubuntu. So use what you want. If you got 4+gb ram DEFINATLy go 64bit03:57
rwwI've used 64-bit for several years now. For normal user tasks, there is no appreciable performance difference between 64-bit and 32-bit.03:57
hiexpoyah i am so tired here i lost my hard drive so been up all night fixing and reinstalling03:57
bankixOK, I'm off then. I solved my problem myself. Greetings..03:57
mdghiexpo: how did it happen?03:57
rww(except for the whole RAM thing)03:57
Dr_WillisIve notived video reencoding/converting seems a little faster for me on 64bit.. but that could also be encoder tweaks/differances also03:57
albechmickster04, and you copied the key generated on your client into ~.ssh/authorized_keys on the server?03:58
albechmickster04, and you have set the right privileges on that directory/file?03:58
cvdso there is 64bits for nothing?03:58
mickster04albech yeah the public one03:58
mythrilwhich graphical cd burners have a verify burned cd feature?03:58
hiexpoi had a lot of programs03:58
rwwDr_Willis: that's possible. Things like BOINC can be a lot faster with the right binaries too. But for email-checking, IM, etc., not so much.03:58
reroreroreroUhmm...not sure about hardware but in coding terms 64bits doesn't only mean bigger-capacity numerical storage?03:58
mdghiexpo: were you dual booting?03:58
haitiankid4lyfhello all03:58
termitorwho whan03:59
One``Downloaded WinRAR and the ZIP files open fine under WINE, but in whatever Ubuntu comes with it is saying it is corrupt.03:59
mythrilwhich graphical cd burners have a verify burned cd feature? (sorry forgot to mention Ubuntu 8.10)03:59
termitor:p , who whan test with me, a hi res webcam ?03:59
mickster04albech i ran ssh-keygen to make sure the priveledges where predone.what should they be just in case?03:59
albechmickster04, chmod 600 the file?03:59
haitiankid4lyfmy wifi suddenly stopped working03:59
reroreroreroIf so I can see how it makes video encoding run faster but barely noticeable in regular stuff.03:59
FlotonocHow would a person convert a 32-Bit OS to 64-Bit? 0.o03:59
FlotonocOr vice versa?03:59
reroreroreroBut I might be stupidly wrong of course.03:59
hiexpoya but wasnt really using it cause my dual was backtrack and i used my dvd most of the time03:59
albechmickster04, the .ssh should be 70003:59
blakkheimFlotonoc: you cant03:59
FlotonocSo when they made 32-Bit Windows Vista...04:00
haitiankid4lyfFlotonoc: if you have a 64bit system you can download some 32bit libs that help with some programs04:00
mdghiexpo: I seem to learn a lot of things the hard way :(04:00
FlotonocThey completely remade a 64-Bit version from scratch?04:00
One``Ohnoes, errors. Unexpected end of archive!04:00
mickster04albech: i dont need to restart ssh to notice the difference right?04:00
hiexpolol yep no more dual boot for me04:00
albechmickster04, it will never hurt04:00
albechmickster04, but i dont believe so04:00
reroreroreroI actually have a 64bit processor but I prefer to save myself the headache of having to use compatibility layers and whining about 64bit binaries like everyone does.04:00
mickster04albech: well that hasnt changed anything it seems04:01
hiexpoi know better to cause all these distros will run off dvd /cd04:01
albechmickster04, what does your log file say?04:01
albechmickster04, thats always a good place to start ;)04:01
Dr_WillisFlotonoc:  ive had more issues with 64 vs 32bit winjdows.. then i have 32 vs 64bit linux :)04:01
hiexpoand if they dont youcan make em to04:01
neil_dIf I was to get a cheap PCI RAID card (e.g. http://www.mwave.com.au/newAU/mwaveAU/productdetail.asp?SKU=22080353&utm_source=getprice&utm_medium=cpc) could I boot from it?04:01
mdghiexpo: actually I meant installing04:01
mickster04albech: which one?04:02
hiexpoinstalling ya i have installed a lot of programs myself04:02
hiexpoi started with dos04:02
albechmickster04, 2 sec let me fire up a ubuntu.. i believe its is /var/log/auth on ubuntu as well04:02
cvdapt-get or aptitude?04:02
mickster04albech: sorry but it isnt:/ at least u have a reason to start up ubuntu:p04:03
mdghiexpo: how long you been with ubuntu/linux?04:03
mickster04cd /var/log04:03
hydrozenHi, I am installing Ubuntu 9.10 server and setting up LVM manually, but I'm not sure I understand how I can do encrypted LVM manually?04:03
albechmickster04, try messages04:04
domi007hey everyone04:04
domi007i googled a lot, but couldn't find anything04:04
domi007ubutntu 9.1004:04
cvddetecting CAPS04:04
domi007unable to load ucode=-2204:04
domi007(dmesg says that)04:05
hiexpoi was with linux about ten years ago and dot lazy than went to windows and just restarted about 6 months ago with bnacktrack and ubuntu04:05
=== dcrews is now known as Crewsr32
hiexpomdg, - i got tired of paying for internet04:05
reroreroreroLinux 10 years ago was horrible.04:05
albechmickster04, i dont use ubuntu on my servers, but the principle is the same04:05
cvdand still04:05
albechrerorerorero, not horrible just harder04:05
reroreroreroalbech: Back then dependency hell was still alive.04:05
mdghiexpo: ...you use just free wifi now?04:05
hiexpomdg, - and wep is so easy04:06
albechrerorerorero, it still is in some cases04:06
cvdwho care about OS is the software04:06
Siria_Calvalbech, the site for squid only provides a program to start a proxy server, it does not actually provide a proxy server. Since albech couldn´t help me, will someone else please do so?04:06
hiexpoya i live in motelso its free04:06
[ka]killeri have a pretty old install of ubuntu (7.04) and i know its not really supported but i have an issue with the shared folders04:06
mdghiexpo: where's motelso?04:06
reroreroreroalbech: It is but it's always fixable, not that hard. Maybe a no-go for a newcomer but definitely manageable with some calm.04:06
[ka]killerwhen i share a folder and try to get to it from my mac it asks for a user name and password and none of the accounts i know are good work04:06
cvdjumper, ?04:07
reroreroreroNote I mention "calm" instead of "skill"04:07
Fudgehow do i tell what version ubuntu im using in termainl, it was built feb 0804:07
albechrerorerorero, think that is a discussion for #ubuntu-chat ;)04:07
hiexpomdg, - it only takes me about 2 minutes to crack wep04:07
rwwubottu: version | Fudge04:07
ubottuFudge: To find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell - To know the available version of a package, « apt-cache policy <package> »04:07
coz_Fudge,   lsb_release -a04:07
semitonesFudge: uname -a, I think04:07
reroreroreroalbech: True, my bad.04:07
Fudgei did that and got teh kernel04:08
mdghiexpo: that's not a very good habit to be in04:08
FudgeLinux nick-desktop 2.6.20-16-generic #2 SMP Tue Feb 12 05:41:34 UTC 2008 i686 goodnight04:08
cvdsemitones, thats for kernel04:08
semitonesFudge, did you try what cvd said?04:08
rwwFudge: lsb_release -a04:08
albechSiria_Calv, so you want a free proxy service that you can use on the internet?? and not an application?04:08
Siria_Calvalbech, correct04:08
cvdsemitones,  yes04:08
[ka]killeranyone know what to do?04:09
albechalbech, in that case you are right, this is not the place to ask that question ;)04:09
hiexpoi know  but i do it mostly to learn i get it free were i live i just do it to test my skills04:09
mickster04albech: nothing about authkey?04:09
Fudgek sec04:09
semitonescvd: learn something new every day :)04:09
zomfgcrazywhere in the /etc/default/grub file would I change the default boot partition? =\04:09
Siria_Calvalbech, more specifically one I can use with programs on my computer.04:09
[ka]killeri have a slight emergency with an external drive failing and this is the only place i can back it up to04:09
haitiankid4lyfhey my wlan has been working problem free, but now it seems to be non existent04:09
cvdia there any program to edit de boot-grub menu?04:09
mickster04albech: err attempting to add filename encryptionkey to user session keyring rc = [1]04:09
semitonescvd: grub2?04:10
Out_Coldhaitiankid4lyf, can you run sudo iwconfig in a terminal04:10
hiexpoand linux is a lot better now than it use to be not as hard now04:10
Fudgelsb_release -a04:10
howdeephow can i share files between two ubuntu machines?04:10
Out_ColdFudge, happens even to the best of us ;)04:10
Siria_Calvhaitiankid4lyf, If you´ve left it on non-stop for a long time you probably only need to reset or restart the wlan modem04:10
zomfgcrazyhowdeep: ubuntuone?04:10
Dr_Willis[ka]killer:  set a samba password for the user with 'sudo smbpasswd -a username'04:10
reroreroreroAnyone here is using KDE4.4 and noticed traffic to "bluemchen.kde.org"? I want to know what it is but the KDE channel is totally dead. Using the latest ppa release in Karmic (Ubuntu, not Kubuntu)04:10
albech!samba | howdeep04:10
ubottuhowdeep: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/9.10/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.04:10
Fudgecan i jsut dist-upgarde etc?04:10
Dr_Willis[ka]killer:  then try that username/samba password04:10
zomfgcrazycvd: i'm looking fo a answer to that question, too. =x04:10
Out_Coldhowdeep, ssh, ubuntu one, nfs, samba, ftp04:10
=== homer is now known as Guest71190
howdeepOut_Cold, isin't samba for sharing with windows?04:11
semitonescvd: if it's regular grub, you edit /boot/grub/menu.lst, but I think you know that! I don't know about grub 204:11
albechmickster04, 2 sec04:11
haitiankid4lyfOut_Cold: http://pastebin.org/8135104:11
Out_Coldhowdeep, yes but works for ubuntu also04:11
howdeepOut_Cold, both machines are linux04:11
haitiankid4lyfSiria_Calv: i rebooted computer many times04:12
outer_spaceanyone know whats up with name-services? the domain i had with them got domain-parked and their domain is also name-parked whats up with all this??04:12
brophatUNR has that upgrade feature?04:12
Siria_Calvhaitiankid4lyf, not your computer, your modem04:12
hiexpomdg, - i would never do anything wrong to hurt antone either04:12
albechmickster04, did you use ssh-copy-id?04:12
Out_Coldhaitiankid4lyf, how about lspci | grep Network04:12
Out_Coldhaitiankid4lyf, may need sudo04:12
neil_dcan you boot from a PCI raid card if it uses a "fake-raid" driver?04:12
rwwubottu: ot | outer_space04:13
ubottuouter_space: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!04:13
albechmickster04, i never got that working so i manually copied the public file and appended it to the authorized file04:13
haitiankid4lyfSiria_Calv: other comps connect to modem, the wifi manager seems non existent04:13
haitiankid4lyfOut_Cold: didnt get anything04:13
mdgDoes anyone here use a serial or USB modem?04:13
nvmeanyone know how to control what VT gdm starts on ?04:14
domi007hey again04:14
Siria_Calvhaitiankidlyf, maybe your wifi adapter requires a restricted driver. If so your problem might be it got dissabled. Try reinstalling the driver.04:14
Out_Coldhaitiankid4lyf, how about just lspci and look for your network card please04:14
albechmickster04, and you have 'RSAAuthentication yes' and 'PubkeyAuthentication yes' in your sshd.conf?04:14
void_pointermdg, I use my mobile phone through USB as a modem. I hope that doesn't anger you04:14
cvdany here use empathy?04:14
Out_Coldnvme, by default tty7 is for x display04:14
domi007so i try to use my ipw2200 but i got04:15
domi007an error04:15
domi007in dmesg04:15
Out_Colddunno if you can change it04:15
cvdhow to make empathy log in automatically when ubuntu starts?04:15
domi007like unable to load ucode -2204:15
Siria_Calvcvd, not me. and never will I use it04:15
domi007i looked it up04:15
mdgvoid_pointer: no it doesn't - just wondering how many people still use dial-up...04:15
nvmeOut_Cold, im trying to change it to vt504:15
MrUnixcvd, Add it to startup aps.04:15
mickster04albech just checking now04:15
domi007couldn't find anything04:15
Siria_Calvcvd, I use aMSN04:15
MauritianGuyhello i am back04:15
Dr_Willisit normally uses the next unallocated display.. why do you need to change it nvme ?04:15
domi007i need help04:15
rwwubottu: startup | cvd04:15
ubottucvd: To add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session go to System>Preferences>Sessions and use the Startup Programs tab. For more information, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup - See !boot for starting non-interactive programs at boot04:15
domi007anyone has ipw2200?04:15
MrUnix!hi | MauritianGuy04:15
ubottuMauritianGuy: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!04:15
MauritianGuythanks Billiard  its working Just fint with the 18504:15
MrUnix!ask | domi00704:16
ubottudomi007: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)04:16
cvdMrUnix,  i know but it open04:16
haitiankid4lyfOut_Cold: doesnt seem to be there http://pastebin.org/8135404:16
nvmeDr_Willis, well i dont really need to change it, I am trying to start an extra gnome xsession, but i want it on vt6 if possible04:16
MauritianGuythe Xserver is displaying all the proper driver details all good Billiard04:16
domi007ipw2200: unable to load ucode: -22 can i solve this somehow?04:16
cvdi want empathy start minimized04:16
haitiankid4lyfthing is it was working flawlessly earlier today and havent upgraded or anything04:16
MrUnixcvd, look in the settings?04:16
void_pointermdg, well it's not dialup in this case. I get 7.2Mbps theoretical, about 6Mbps actual. I hope that doesn't anger you.04:16
ubottucron is a way to schedule execution of software/scripts. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CronHowto  -  There is also a decent Howto at http://www.tech-geeks.org/contrib/mdrone/cron&crontab-howto.htm04:16
cvdMrUnix,  dont have that04:16
Dr_Willisnvme:  stop the consoles from starting on vt6 and X should use it. instead of 7 I thinkl04:16
MrUnixcvd, The settings for empathy?04:17
cvdMrUnix, yes04:17
mickster04albech i have both those to yes04:17
* MrUnix remembers when Ubuntu came standard with Pidgin04:17
domi007ipw2200: unable to load ucode: -22 can i solve this somehow? i used google, still nothing04:17
Dr_Willisnvme:  see /etc/init  - > rename tty6.conf to be tty6.conf_DONTRUN   or similer..04:17
nvmeDr_Willis, already did that but it doesnt, i even added the appropriate settings to /etc/gdm/custom.conf, but it keeps going to vt704:17
semitonesMrUnix: why did the switch to "emotion" or whatever it is now?04:17
Out_Coldhaitiankid4lyf, you are right, it's not there.. how about lshw?04:18
neil_dinitrd isn't seting up my mdadm raid1 properly.. is there anything I can do about it04:18
albechmickster04, its also a good idea to set LogLevel to DEBUG while working with stuff like this, but it requires that you can find the log file ;)04:18
joh6nni'm having some serious slowdown with my wireless connection, compared to the speeds that i had in both Hardy and Jaunty.  I've tried disabling ipv6 and a few other things, but nothing seems to help04:18
Out_Coldhaitiankid4lyf, may need sudo again04:18
Dr_Willisnvme:  used tobe settings in gdm.conf but  no idea with the gdm in 9.1004:18
void_pointermdg, I'm sorry if I've made you mad. It was not my intention.04:18
MrUnixsemitones, I am not sure, but I am of the understanding that the most popular packages are the ones included.04:18
mickster04albech: but the ssh id copy thing i dont know what that is?04:18
mdgvoid_pointer: ??? not mad  :)04:19
semitonesMrUnix: yeah, they're also cutting thegimp04:19
domi007i am using the latest ubuntu, but ipw2200 doesn't work, it says in dmesg: unable to load ucode: -22...all files are in the right folders04:19
kevin1093i have been trying to install Ubuntu and i sucessfully installed it but now my computer stops at verifying DMI pool data. can anyone help me?04:19
zomfgcrazyhow do i tell what version of grub i'm using?04:19
MrUnixsemitones, Are they?04:19
void_pointermdg,  ok04:19
howdeepJust installed ubuntu on a desktop with onboard audio device. i have no sound at all. where should i start?04:19
mickster04albech idi mv id_rsa.pub authorized_keys04:19
semitonesMrUnix: yeah, it won't be installed by default anymore, to save space on the cd04:19
MrUnixzomfgcrazy, grub04:19
albechmickster04, thats a utility copy the public key from the client to the server and append it to the authorized_keys04:19
mdghowdeep: double click the sound icon and check your settings04:19
nvmeDr_Willis, yeah i thin custom.conf is the same thing, i told it to make first vt5, but it still put gnome on vt704:19
Dr_Williszomfgcrazy:  did you do a clean install of 09.10?04:19
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albechmickster04, but if you did that manually it is fine04:20
MrUnixsemitones, I know a lot of people don't like GIMP. Oh well, not so hard to apt-get install <foo>04:20
Dr_Willisnvme:  they have changed the layout of gdm.conf so much. I havent even looked in to it much04:20
zomfgcrazyDr_Willis: i did! =D04:20
howdeepmdg, the output is set to 'dummy output' what does that mean?04:20
semitonesMrUnix: true. and people who need it will probably know about it04:20
Dr_Williszomfgcrazy:  then you are uwing grub204:20
jumperHOLA COMO ESTAS04:20
jumperCOMO ESTAN04:20
FloodBot1jumper: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:20
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.04:20
MrUnix!es | jumper04:20
semitonesMrUnix: I just liked how people new to foss would click on it, and think, hey this is cool04:20
ubottujumper: please see above04:20
cvdjumper,  vete a #ubuntu-es04:20
zomfgcrazyDr_Willis: thank you. when i type grub into console it says grub isn't installed.  is there some other official name for it?04:20
nvmeDr_Willis, also im trying to start a second X session at boot, but i want a delayed start on it, so would putting "startx -- :2" in rc.local work ?04:21
mdghowdeep: not sure... but I think you want master volume...04:21
mickster04albech so what is there left to check:(04:21
nwuDoes anyone know why Ubuntu would repeatedly log out for no apparent reason?04:21
cvdjumper,  y quita el jodio caps lock ese04:21
albechmickster04, the log files ;)04:21
domi007i have tried everything i have found with google, but still: unable to load ucode: -22 please, i need help, i use ubuntu 9.1004:21
MrUnixsemitones, Most people who do that end up here.04:21
semitonesMrUnix: with questions about it?04:21
howdeepmdg, its up04:21
kevin1093i have been trying to install Ubuntu and i sucessfully installed it but now my computer stops at verifying DMI pool data. can anyone help me?04:21
Dr_Williszomfgcrazy:  what are you trying to do exactkty>04:21
MrUnixsemitones, About all sorts04:21
mickster04albech: but they dont tell me anything how do i set the log level to debug?04:21
zomfgcrazyDr_Willis: set the grub boot so that it will default to windows xp.04:21
albechcan anyone verify that there is no /var/log/auth.log file on ubuntu?04:22
MrUnix!hi | okokl04:22
ubottuokokl: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!04:22
semitonesnwu: not sure, unless you're on a laptop that's unplugged, and set to shutdown automatically04:22
okoklhey anyone her have issues with tor running?04:22
haitiankid4lyfout_cold doesnt seem to be there either http://pastebin.org/8135504:22
MrUnixalbech, is there one in yours?04:22
MrUnix!ask | okokl04:22
ubottuokokl: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)04:22
jumperbuenas noches04:22
mdghowdeep: the only other thing I can suggest is make your way to the sound settings via preferences > sound04:22
MrUnix!es | jumper04:22
ubottujumper: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.04:22
cvdjumper,  que tu quires04:22
albechmickster04, change 'LogLevel INFO' to 'LogLevel DEBUG' in sshd.conf04:22
nwusemitones: no, the screen suddenly blacks out and then shows a black-and-white terminal for a moment before going back to the ubuntu login screen04:23
MrUnixokokl, Don't be sorry - just state your issue bud.04:23
mickster04albech i used 1024 bit encryption but my sshd_config gile say "serverkeybits 768" might that have sumat to do with it?04:23
domi007i need help, i need internet, i got an intel 2915abg card, but ipw2200 doesn't load: unable to load ucode:-22 HELP please!04:23
semitonesnwu: huh. I don't know if I can help you04:23
mickster04albech: oh no04:23
MrUnixdomi007, Wireless?04:23
Out_Coldhaitiankid4lyf, is ip= your lan?04:23
semitoneswhat are you doing when that happens?04:23
domi007yeah wireless04:23
okokli've installed vidali and it doesn't seem to work with privoxy.04:23
mickster04albech thats V104:23
haitiankid4lyfOut_Cold: yes04:23
MrUnixdomi007, lspci and paste me your wireless line04:24
albechmickster04, ?04:24
Out_Coldhaitiankid4lyf, a desktop? perhaps your card is bad?? or unplugged04:24
nwusemitones: ah, all right. :/04:24
nwuif it helps any, this seems to have started happening when I got a new monitor04:24
allyourbasshaving trouble getting usb volumes to mount i keep getting errors here http://pastebin.com/m2b1143a04:24
okoklis there anything special i need to do to it ? i know in windows it runs off the bat with privoxy04:24
Dr_Williszomfgcrazy:  read the grub2 wiki page/docs and edit the proper grub2 confuigs.. then rerun update-grub04:24
allyourbassive searched all over google and im not getting anywhere04:24
Dr_Willis!grub2 | zomfgcrazy04:24
ubottuzomfgcrazy: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub204:24
howdeepmdg, forgot that i had onboard audio disabled in the bios. my bad :(04:24
mickster04albech lifetime and size of ephemeral version 1 server key04:24
neil_dI need help bad!  I have a mdadm RAID1 setup, using 2 SATA drives.. when I remove a HDD (for testing) /dev/md0 isn't setup correctly... I need to get this working04:24
mdghowdeep: at least thats an easy fix :)04:25
domi007MrUnix: lspci says somehting like intel wireless 2915abg i remember this04:25
haitiankid4lyfOut_Cold: its a laptop plugged in, wlan suddenly stopped working it was working fine a few hours ago04:25
domi007i can't paste it04:25
domi007because i use another computer04:25
alucardromeroHello everybody! :)04:25
semitonesAre there any advantages to using GRUB2 > Grub?04:25
nwusemitones: it just logs out suddenly, often while I'm browsing or chatting04:25
haitiankid4lyfOut_Cold: i also tried previous kernels04:25
domi007but i know my card was in the lspci list04:25
zomfgcrazyDr_Willis: Thank you very much. ^.^04:25
blakkheimsemitones: no04:25
okoklno ideas =\04:25
MrUnixdomi007, And you're using ipw2200?04:25
cvdokokl,  que tu quires04:26
Dr_Willissemitones:  grub2 has many newer features. and  is going to be the standard in the near future i imagine04:26
domi007yes i am trin' to use ipw220004:26
alucardromeroAre hard drives supposed to be ordered by size?04:26
semitonesnwu: that's weird! you might want to keep asking here, or post a topic in the forum04:26
Dr_Willissemitones:  its also got many very nice features 'in the works'04:26
cvdalucardromero,  no04:26
Out_Coldhaitiankid4lyf, I have noticed occasionally a wifi card overheating and shutting down, this could be a possibility but not 100% positive. Unless I knew for sure what your card was or where it should be, I can only guess that it overheated or crapped out04:26
okoklcvd: i need to get vidalia working with provoxy04:26
albechmickster04, installing openssh to check04:26
semitonesDr_Willis: ok that makes sense. But how do you configure it? is it as easy as grub1?04:26
Out_Coldsorry bout the language04:26
mdghowdeep: enjoy the new install!  I gotta go - good night O/04:26
Dr_Willis!grub2 | semitones04:26
ubottusemitones: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub204:26
kevin1093i have been trying to install Ubuntu and i sucessfully installed it but now my computer stops at verifying DMI pool data. can anyone help me?04:27
Dr_Willissemitones:  via its config files.. then rerun update-gruvb04:27
haitiankid4lyfOut_Cold: np thanks though ill let it sleep overnight see what happens04:27
* MrUnix yawns and wonders who wants coffee...04:27
mickster04albech: cheers :D04:27
hiexpomdg, - isnt there a small task bar here on ubuntu?04:27
haitiankid4lyfOut_Cold: thanks for your help04:27
Fudgehow can i upgrade from 7.04 to 9.10 with apt-get?04:27
semitonesDr_Willis: alright, that shouldn't be too bad04:27
domi007ok MrUnix i send you virtual coffee :)04:27
nwusemitones: yeah, it's getting to be a really strange problem (happening a few times a day now). I posted it to the ubuntu forums, but no one knows why it's happening. :/04:27
Out_Coldnp, good luck. hopefully it reactivates04:27
alucardromeroFudge, sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade04:27
semitonesFudge: there are a series of steps.., I think04:28
MrUnixFudge, You need to go through each release up to 9.10. Easier just to fresh install.04:28
neil_dFudge: you got to it in steps... one upgrade at a time.04:28
BilliardFudge: i would do a fresh install04:28
Dr_Willissemitones:  one neat trick in grub2 - with the right disrto/iso file - you can set grub2 to boot ISO files  :)04:28
Fudgedist-upgrade didnt work04:28
MrUnixdomi007, You're using ipw2200?04:28
albechmickster04, i have a /var/log/auth.log after installing openssh04:28
MrUnixFudge, why not just fresh install?04:28
domi007MrUnix: yes i do04:28
okoklayúdeme por favor04:28
mickster04albech: im looking into that now04:28
Out_ColdFudge, agreed, back up and fresh install... too much can go wrong and IIRC you need to install 7.10>8.04>8.10>9.04>9.1004:28
kevin1093i have been trying to install Ubuntu and i sucessfully installed it but now my computer stops at verifying DMI pool data. can anyone help me?04:28
semitonesDr_Willis: so, if you have GRUB2 preinstalled, you could try out a live cd on an iso, nice04:28
Fudgefriends web server, was just going to freshen it up04:28
MrUnixdomi007, I think that's depreciated. Is the wireless card on? (Wireless light on/flashing?)04:28
neil_dFudge: I think you got to use the upgrade manager from the menus.04:29
semitonesDr_Willis: is it possible to run GRUB 2 from cd?04:29
MrUnixFudge, one moment and I'll PM the steps.04:29
hiexpoi suggest downloading the dvd and do a fresh install buts thats just my pref04:29
Fudgethank you04:29
ubottuEnd-Of-Life is the time when security updates for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades04:29
domi007MrUnix: lshw doesn't say anything aboiut "radio off" and in BIOS the card is on04:29
rwwsee second link04:29
Dr_Willissemitones:  i made a usb flash drive with 4+ different isos on it - i can boot fro,m :) and i got a special entry in my desktpps menus to boot ubuntu.iso as a 'failsafe' option as well04:29
alucardromerookokl: Ay otro chat para problemas en espanol.04:29
Dr_Willissemitones:  i think grub2 will eventually replace syslinux and isolinux on cd's04:29
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.04:29
MrUnixdomi007, How about your wireless light on the computer? Do you have one?04:29
wish^i got an wubi ubuntu install on a vista machine and now i wanna get rid of vista..can i do that without using a cd04:29
semitonesDr_Willis: that is pretty neat04:30
nwumaybe I'll ask again later04:30
neil_dI need help bad!  I have a mdadm RAID1 setup, using 2 SATA drives.. when I remove a HDD (for testing) /dev/md0 isn't setup correctly... I need to get this working04:30
joh6nni'm having some serious slowdown with my wireless connection, compared to the speeds that i had in both Hardy and Jaunty.  I've tried disabling ipv6 and a few other things, but nothing seems to help04:30
domi007MrUnix: i have one, but it doesn't work (i think it never ever has worked)04:30
semitonesnwu: lots of times people on the forums can help with more complicated problems. Good luck!04:30
jm2kevin: retry installing ubuntu ..04:30
MrUnixjoh6nn, DHCP or Static?04:30
nwusemitones: thanks04:30
joh6nnMrUnix: dhcp04:31
mickster04 Failed none for mike from port 1391 ssh204:31
kevin1093well when i put the hard driv into another computer it works fine04:31
MrUnixjoh6nn, Through a router?04:31
mickster04albech:  Failed none for mike from port 1391 ssh204:31
neil_dcan you boot from a PCI raid card that uses a fakeraid driver?04:31
atechzHi guys my xubuntu 9.10 sound is very low, I checked the settings already and no luck, any ideas. useing intel D631GL Essential, built in sound, no sound cards04:31
albechmickster04, just made it work on a ubuntu box here np04:31
nwuon another note, anyone know why pidgin might be crashing?04:31
joh6nnMrUnix: yes.  but other nodes on the lan have normal speeds04:31
wish^i got an wubi ubuntu install on a vista machine and now i wanna get rid of vista..can i do that without using a cd04:31
Out_Coldsemitones, the difference between there and here is that this chat has more immediate results where as the forums, you only have to paste your problem once ;)04:31
MrUnixdomi007, Hmmm (i'm looking)04:31
mickster04albech: with putty?04:31
nwusyslog shows this: Jan 23 15:33:55 neal-desktop pulseaudio[7535]: ratelimit.c: 88 events suppressed04:31
nwuJan 23 15:33:56 neal-desktop kernel: [20930.683431] __ratelimit: 3 callbacks suppressed04:31
nwuJan 23 15:33:56 neal-desktop kernel: [20930.683443] pidgin[7662]: segfault at a ip 00ccf0fc sp bff8b990 error 4 in libc-2.10.1.so[c64000+13e000]04:31
domi007MrUnix: thanks a lot04:31
albechmickster04, which user you logging in as?04:31
MrUnixjoh6nn, Wireless?04:31
joh6nnMrUnix: yes04:31
MrUnixI think you said that...04:31
MrUnix(my bad)04:31
jm2kevin1093: have you tried googling this error?04:32
semitonesOut_Cold: that, and people with the experience might not be on the chat right now :)04:32
MrUnixYou got ports/dmz/etc open?04:32
mickster04albech i am tryin to log on a "mike"04:32
Out_Coldsemitones, hence the repitition of asking04:32
Shazamis songbird in the 9.10 repositories?04:32
albechmickster04, make sure that the authorized_keys is in the ~/.ssh/authorized.keys04:32
zomfgcrazyDr_Willis: My /etc/default/grub is read-only.  how do i rectify this? i can't find it in the grub wiki04:32
albechmickster04, and not in root04:32
semitonesOut_Cold: and the frustration of getting ignored :)04:32
Out_Cold!info songbird04:32
okoklthink i got it =p04:32
ubottuPackage songbird does not exist in karmic04:32
joh6nnMrUnix: everything should be open.  i'm typing from the affected box04:32
mickster04/home/mike/.ssh/authorised_keys excists and has stuff in it04:33
Dr_Williszomfgcrazy:  its a system file.. (logical eh?) so you have to alter it as root. via sudo04:33
okoklI GOT IT04:33
Dr_Williszomfgcrazy:  back it up BEFOR you alter it.04:33
kevin1093Jm2 i have tried googleing the error and i have follwed everything but to no avail04:33
wish^i got an wubi ubuntu install on a vista machine and now i wanna get rid of vista..can i do that without using a cd04:33
albechmickster04, let me fire up a windows and try putty04:33
Out_Coldsemitones, i like getting ignored... means that no one has had the issues i have... almost like discovering a new land lol04:33
mickster04albech: cheers04:33
MrUnixjoh6nn, Try power cycling them, then checking your driver versions.04:34
zomfgcrazyDr_Willis: thank you.04:34
Dr_Williswish^:  dident try out that LVPM tool ?04:34
albechmickster04, did you find the log file?04:34
cvdwish^,  whana install w7?04:34
MrUnixdomi007, Did you try this? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=15693004:34
Out_Coldor its such an idiotic question that they are ignoring me because of sheer retardation on my part04:34
joh6nnMrUnix: power has been cycled, drivers are the most recent versions available from the backports repo04:34
mickster04albech: yeah04:34
albechmickster04, ok04:34
mickster04albech: it just says  Failed none for mike from port 1391 ssh204:34
zomfgcrazywhat is the 'open in gedit' command?04:34
cvdOut_Cold,  wana be my friend?04:34
mickster04albech: an some other stuff ubv.04:35
wish^I wanna keep ubuntu on04:35
Billiardzomfgcrazy: gedit filename04:35
zomfgcrazyBilliard: thank you.04:35
Dr_Williswish^:  http://lubi.sourceforge.net/lvpm.html04:35
MrUnixjoh6nn, lspci | pastebin and post the link.04:35
Out_Coldcvd, i usually have friends in the real world although I don't mind helping out in here every now and again04:35
lifestreamHmm.... isn't there a command that lets me print the ... say, last 5 lines of a file?  I thought it was 'cat', but I man-ned it, and it doesn't seem like it04:35
domi007MrUnix: ust a sec, i check my driver's version, but it is a fresh and updated 9.10 installation, they should be up to date, shouldn't they?04:35
Shazammusic jukebox preferences? Looking for something that can handle a lot of tracks well, and maybe a predictive reccomendation system04:35
mickster04albech: and Failed publickey for mike from port 1391 ssh204:35
Dr_Williszomfgcrazy:  you need to run the editor as root with gksudo to alter system files.. BACKUP THAT FILE first.. :)04:36
Billiardlifestream: tail04:36
semitoneszomfgcrazy: and if it's protected, gksudo gedit <filename>04:36
blakkheimor sudo vi04:36
lifestreamThanks Billiard ! *smacks forehead :)04:36
MrUnixdomi007, Depends on which versions got in before the freeze.04:36
albechmickster04, there we go04:36
cvdOut_Cold, in the real world?, what world is this?04:36
joh6nnMrUnix: http://paste.ubuntu.com/361731/04:36
MrUnixI went outside once. The graphics were terribad.04:36
domi007MrUnix: I got 1.2.2, latest package for karmic koala04:36
kevin1093 Jm2 i have tried googleing the error and i have follwed everything but to no avail04:36
mickster04albech: well i knew it failed! thats why it isnt working...i wanna know why? when i create fresh ones its the same problem04:37
semitoneslifestream: tail -f to follow, also04:37
Out_Coldcvd, this is the magical land of nix, where dragons fly out of nmap builds and no matter how hard you try, your system never really works 100%04:37
albechmickster04, 2 sec04:37
jm2kevin1093:  a old ubuntu thread suggested to check CMOS battery??04:37
lifestreamsemitones, to follow? You mean, to print as the file changes?04:37
albechmickster04, can you do it from command line?04:37
mickster04albech: can i do what?04:37
kevin1093so try a new battery?04:37
albechmickster04, try ssh -l mike localhost04:37
semitoneslifestream: yeah, like if you're using it on a log file that's being added to04:37
=== april_ is now known as ldbug
albechmickster04, from the server04:38
semitoneslifestream: -f keeps you updated with the latest changes04:38
mickster04albech: ssh: connect to host localhost port 22: Connection refused04:38
lifestreamsemitones, It's actually a conky TODO script, so that's pretty useful! Thanks :)04:38
NNxDhi people04:38
semitoneslifestream: glad to be of use :)04:38
albechmickster04, and you are on the server with sshd running?04:38
okoklhey what do you guys think is better Privoxy or polipo?04:38
NNxDI have a problem with my pc04:38
NNxDI know it's offtopic but...04:39
mickster04albech: i change theport to 2222 hang on04:39
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats04:39
wish^thanks willis04:39
albechmickster04, try ssh -l mike -p 2222 localhost04:39
domi007okay, MrUNix left, i need help from someone else04:39
zomfgcrazyDr_Willis: Backed up. ^.^04:39
wish^that seems to do the trick04:39
NNxDI was cleaning my PC and now my mobo doesn't start04:39
mickster04albech what do u wana see it worked....04:39
Eltume the company AVADirect http://www.avadirect.com/ sells linux preinstalled but it also mentions there is "no media, no support" for these linux distros. What do they mean by "no media"???04:39
domi007my intel 2915abg wifi card doesn't work, the ipw2200 says in dmesg: unable to load ucode: -2204:39
albechmickster04, and it didnt ask for a password?04:39
Dr_WillisEltume:  they dont include a cd/dvd i imagine04:39
scuniziNNxD: does it beep a lot?04:39
rwwEltume: I imagine it means they don't give you an install disc with the computer04:39
NNxDI know it's the mobo because I tested the other components04:40
NNxDscunizi: it doesn't beep04:40
mickster04albech: it asks if i want to continue connecting:/04:40
BilliardNNxD: this is offtopic, did you unplug any cables, power cables?04:40
NNxDBilliard: nope04:40
mickster04albech: it asks for a password04:40
neil_ddoes anyone know if you could boot from drives attached to this http://www.techbuy.com.au/p/73454/HARD_DISK_CONTROLLERS_SERIAL_ATA_RAID_CONTROLLERS/Adaptec/AAR1220SA-SGL.asp?04:40
scuniziNNxD: when you try to turn it on does it do anything? lights, clicks, etc?04:40
Eltumethat's all? I thought they mean't like the graphic card might not work.04:40
domi007my intel 2915abg wifi card doesn't work, the ipw2200 says in dmesg: unable to load ucode: -2204:40
NNxDit doesn't get to the POST04:41
mickster04albech: i am still allowing passwords so i can still access it:/04:41
albechmickster04, pm04:41
BilliardNNxD: does it show any signs of having power?04:41
jm2kevin1093: http://www.uluga.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1382577 check this link might help??04:41
cvdubuntu is in facebook?04:41
rwwEltume: that's how I interpret it. I imagine you should ask them ;)04:41
Eltumeman. why couldn't they just say no linux disc04:41
void_pointerNNxD, how exactly did you "clean" it04:41
NNxDyes, it's powered04:41
Eltumerww, don't worry i did04:41
scuniziNNxD: my first guess is that it isn't your motherboard but your power supply.. that's typically what goes out..04:41
domi007i rellay need help my intel 2915abg wifi card doesn't work, the ipw2200 says in dmesg: unable to load ucode: -2204:42
okoklwhats up crackheadjunky04:42
semitonesNNxD: best thing imo is open it back up and see if anything is not how it should be04:42
og01hey does ubuntu/gdm still use ~/.xsession?04:42
CRACKHEADJUNKYneed a little atheros help. since updating, my ubuntu 9.10 drops my wireless connection once in a while. suggestions?04:42
CRACKHEADJUNKYhey okokl04:42
CRACKHEADJUNKYokokl, hi04:42
wowoto can anyone tell me ,is there any channel just for chat ,chat for fun ,chat for daily live04:42
rwwwowoto: #ubuntu-offtopic, #defocus, probably more04:43
okoklyou know where i can cop a 5 ?04:43
domi007HELP, i need help my intel 2915abg wifi card doesn't work, the ipw2200 says in dmesg: unable to load ucode: -2204:43
wowotorww: thx04:43
NNxDthe hdd, the dvd recorder and all other hw runs04:43
BilliardNNxD: the power supply works with another machine?04:43
scuniziNNxD: have you tried to reset your bios back to "default"?04:43
okoklcome on bro don't hold out on me04:44
okokli know your holding04:44
CRACKHEADJUNKYokokl, a 5?04:44
og01hey for somereason my ~/.xsession isnt geting executed, anything i should know?04:44
NNxDvoid_pointer: with a toothbrush..04:44
domi007has anyone succeded using ipw2200 in 9.10 (karmic koala)?04:44
okoklwell lets make it a 2004:44
CRACKHEADJUNKYokokl, lol04:44
void_pointerOk. You cleaned your mobo with a toothbrush and now it doesn't work04:45
NNxDBilliard: I tested the power supply, memory and cpu. all works04:45
rwwubottu: ot | okokl04:45
ubottuokokl: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!04:45
joh6nnCRACKHEADJUNKY: what's your wifi card?04:45
okokla 20 piece04:45
NNxDscunizi: yep04:45
Dr_WillisEltume:  thers always a chanve that some ahrdware might not work properly/correctly with Linux. :) it depends on the hardware.04:45
NNxDscunizi: it doesn't work04:45
Dr_WillisEltume:  i imagine they slap linux on it and ship it...04:45
CRACKHEADJUNKY04:00.0 Network controller: Atheros Communications Inc. AR9285 Wireless Network Adapter (PCI-Express) (rev 01)04:45
scuniziNNxD: time for a new motherboard.. this time leave the toothbrush in the cup in the bathroom :)04:45
okokljoh6nn bro he pawned his wifi along time ago04:45
Billiardog01: im not positive, but maybe it needs to be executable04:45
og01Billiard: yeah tried that already :/04:46
okoklsold it for like 2 dollars04:46
NNxDscunizi: :(04:46
NNxDI wanna repair it04:46
joh6nnCRACKHEADJUNKY: i'm having wifi issues with 9.10 too04:46
CRACKHEADJUNKYokokl, lol04:46
MaT-dgis there a permanent fix for the flash left-click problem already?04:46
CRACKHEADJUNKYjoh6nn, its weird... all of a sudden it drops my connection.04:46
void_pointerNNxD, don't clean your mobo with a toothbrush next time. There are many things you could have done04:46
CRACKHEADJUNKYjoh6nn, it wont reconnect either without rebooting...04:47
void_pointerNNxD, however, it is very amusing. I thank you for that.04:47
Dr_WillisMaT-dg:  ive seen several forum posts and sites with fix's for it.04:47
Dr_WillisMaT-dg:  ive never had the issue.04:47
lucas_que buena cerveza que me mande la puta madre..04:47
joh6nnCRACKHEADJUNKY: it's got my connection speeds through the floor; last night, as i was trying to download some packages, it told me it was going to take at least an hour to download a 50 M package04:47
deenaHi my system is downloading something is there anyway to find out what is getting download?04:47
rww!pt | lucas_04:47
ubottulucas_: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.04:47
NNxDlucas_: ubuntu-es04:47
NNxDvoid_pointer: haha np04:48
lucas_ok no se calienten04:48
MaT-dgDr_Willis: only fix I found doesn't work04:48
lifestreamlucas_ needs a bannnnnnn04:48
rwwoh, yeah, Argentina is Spanish *facepalm*04:48
Dr_WillisMaT-dg:  ive seen sites that list at least 5 different fix's04:48
cvddeena,  updates?04:48
NNxDlucas_: sabes reparar mothers?04:48
domi007my intel 2915abg wifi card doesn't work, the ipw2200 says in dmesg: unable to load ucode: -22 :(04:48
Dr_WillisMaT-dg:  rangeing from disabling compiz, or spcific plugins.. to using some flash scripts...04:48
EltumeDr-Willis, lol. I think they should mention have a list of linux certified hardware like hp if they don't really want to support it.04:48
zomfgcrazyI set GRUB_DEFAULT=saved in /etc/default/grub via gksudo gedit /etc/default/grub, rebooted into winxp and upon restart it default booted back into Ubuntu.  Have I overlooked something?04:48
lucas_si que nececitas capo04:48
Billiarddeena: maybe `sudo lsof -i`04:49
NNxDwell, thanks people04:49
LucidGuyAnyone know how to jailbreak or unlock an iphone with a linux machine?04:49
rwwLucidGuy: Providing instructions for jailbreaking is of questionable legality and thus offtopic for Ubuntu channels.04:49
cvdLucidGuy,  is wine04:49
cvduse wine04:49
lucas_nww no me rompas la pc q es la unica q tengo04:49
NNxDthanks Billiard scunizi void_pointer04:50
void_pointerNNxD, haha np. I didn't help much04:50
rwwlucas_: This channel is English-only. For discussion in Spanish, please /join #ubuntu-es04:50
joh6nni'm having some serious slowdown with my wireless connection, compared to the speeds that i had in both Hardy and Jaunty.  I've tried disabling ipv6 and a few other things, but nothing seems to help04:51
domi007my intel 2915abg wifi card doesn't work, the ipw2200 says in dmesg: unable to load ucode: -2204:51
lucas_rww, ok04:51
cvdrww,  whats the problem, you dont understand? the dont talking with you04:51
rwwcvd: Excuse me?04:51
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Billiarddomi007: which ubuntu version?04:51
Dr_WillisEltume:  the term 'support' is rather broad and means different things to different companies/people04:52
domi007Billiard: 9.1004:52
lifestreamcvd, lucas_     #ubuntu is to help people.    #ubuntu is not for random chat04:52
Billiarddomi007: does it wokr on the live cd?04:52
domi007Billiard: latest, updated, fresh04:52
Dr_WillisEltume:  im not even sure how you 'certify' hardware for linux04:52
domi007Billiard: i am not sure, i used wubi04:52
ultraparadigmI'm really liking kvirc04:53
EltumeDr.Willis, "certified" hardware for linux is hardware that works out of the box especially 3d graphic cards and wifi cards04:53
=== SkinnyWeeabo is now known as Bwaah
Billiarddomi007: idk, i dont like wubi04:53
Dr_WillisEltume:  tahts your definition of the term..    certified by who exactly? its just sounds like more marketing buzzwords to me.04:53
domi007Billiard: okay, i see your point, but why would a livecd make a difference?04:54
Dr_WillisEltume:  theres people in here constantly with hardware that is supposed to work.. but has issues.. :)04:54
Out_ColdDr_Willis, Eltume, tried and tested is a better statement04:54
Billiarddomi007: i was just wondering if it worked on the live cd to see if somehow your install was the problem, i havent had any problems with intel wireless devices04:54
NotTooSmartis 500 a good permission for a dir contaiting other dir's containing music files I dont ever want deleted ?04:54
Eltumethat's what makes me want to buy open hardware instead04:55
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Dr_WillisEltume:  that site only seem to sell  redhat and suse04:55
domi007Billiard: i can't try out a livecd04:55
BilliardNotTooSmart: if you only want the owner to have read permission04:55
Billiarddomi007: ok04:55
Eltumedr.willis, AVADirect also offer Ubuntu in addition to redhat and suse04:56
Out_ColdEltume, not a bad idea if you are using linux only, but just use well supported hardware04:56
NotTooSmartBilliard: I think that would make sense since I connect using the same user in samba, and the same user via MPD04:56
Dr_WillisEltume:  well they dont have ubuntu boxed sets :) like they do redhat/suse.. but that may be because thre is not the same thing :)04:56
Eltumeout_cold, the only downside to open hardware is the limited choice04:56
ultraparadigmWell on this new laptop I decided to dual but Ubuntu and Win7 right off tha bat.  And sofar, as for ease of use, Ubuntu is winning04:56
Eltumeredhat and suse seem to be popular among companies04:57
TMKHi All.  I'm in great need of some new hardware and I'd like to get a little advice for an Ubuntu desktop.  I've been running it on an old Dell Inspiron, but would like to get something decent.04:57
BilliardNotTooSmart: you cant create new dirs/files in that directory then either04:57
semitonesultraparadigm: nice. what do you like about it especially04:57
Out_ColdEltume, agreed, but if thousands of users sent emails to manufacturers then maybe we'd have better choice04:57
ultraparadigmOther than games, that were made for windows, I have had 0 hassle in Ubuntu.  Everything works, even things that didn't work right in windows like my web cam and bluetooth04:57
NotTooSmartBilliard: my user can though yes?04:57
semitonesah, kk :)04:57
ultraparadigmMe = happy04:57
BilliardNotTooSmart: no04:58
NotTooSmartBilliard: what is a good bet between safety/security ?04:58
blakkheimTMK: build it04:58
Dr_WillisThat site charges $11 to install ubuntu. :)04:58
TMKI'd love to build it actually.  Got any recommendations for HW?04:58
NotTooSmartBilliard: 644?04:58
Vladimir_Hello everyone! I'm going to try Ubuntu and wanted to know how it performs as far as BitTorrent in concerned. Is Transmission a good, stable BT client/? Will I have problems with bandwidth/firewall limitations or issues?04:58
blakkheimTMK: avoid ati, that's about it for linux-related recommendations04:58
blakkheimVladimir_: i prefer rtorrent but transmission is ok too04:59
Dr_WillisVladimir_:  transmissions is a rather basic BT client.04:59
BilliardNotTooSmart: you want x on the directories04:59
TMKnvidia's better I take it?04:59
Dr_WillisVladimir_:  it depends on what extra features you need.04:59
blakkheimTMK: yes04:59
ultraparadigmVladimir, I don't use torrents, but give Ubuntu a try anyway.  It's worked out great for me so far04:59
Dr_WillisVladimir_:  ive been using qTorrent lately - it works very well for me04:59
semitonesVladimir_: transmission is pretty fast and works very well04:59
TMKok.  Thanks.04:59
domi007Billiard: any other idea?05:00
ultraparadigmI work for the cable company, and torrents are like cuse words. lol05:00
TanthrixIs there a clever way to view all installed packages listed by catagory in Synaptic?05:00
semitonesVladimir_: Transmission has the best GUI/features/speed combination, imo05:00
Vladimir_Thanks... will see how Transmission works out. I'm currently using uTorrent...05:00
TMKwhere's my DOCSIS 3.0? :)05:00
Billiarddomi007: i have no idea if wubi could cause issues like this, otherwise i have no idea05:00
ultraparadigmMy compay has it05:01
domi007Billiard: i reinsattled the ipw2200 package..no success05:01
ultraparadigmcompany* rather05:01
Vladimir_Will Ubuntu play Blu-ray movies? I have a Blu-ray drive?05:01
TMKi think mine has it...but it would be about 99 a month for the service.05:01
domi007Billiard: however when I frist booted in with the older kernel (i think it is 2.6.30-14) i had the card OK, but it didn't see any networks....could this indicate that i have a hardware problem?05:01
blakkheimVladimir_: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/BluRayAndHDDVD05:02
Billiarddomi007: well it could be, but that could be a driver issue too05:02
Vladimir_thanks for the link, blakkheim05:02
semitonesultraparadigm: why don't cable companies like them? Wouldn't they get ppl to buy more expensive plans? for more bandwidth?05:02
domi007Billiard: ok, i don't know....the laptop i am using is really weird..sometimes it starts ok when i press the power, sometimes it kinda hangs before the BIOS POST screen...i really don't know, and i don't have a screwdriver for it, so i can't even open it :(05:04
cvdwe pay for something that we can use all the bandwidth we pay05:04
ultraparadigmTorrents cause lag for everyone sharing the node of the user who is using them.  Because cable uses shared bandwidth, torrents can slow the whole nighboorhood05:04
Shazamhow do I get a partition to mount upon boot. I *believe* I have a correct fstab entry, but, well its not there when I boot. Is there anything else I would need to do?05:05
abu123hi on my I got "E: Type '“ndeb' is not known on line 60 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list" this errror05:05
ultraparadigmIt's just one of those things, we get a call "my internet is slow."  Sorry sir, it's because your nieghbor is using a zillian torrents. "I don't care, fix it!"  Puts us in an awkward position05:05
BilliardShazam: does the mountpoint exist?05:05
abu123how I repair this error05:05
semitonesultraparadigm: I'll take that, but what's the difference between dling torrents and watching netflix?05:05
BilliardShazam: run "sudo mount -a" check for errors05:05
ShazamBilliard: yes. in fact, when i mount it from terminal it works05:05
TeamColtrasemitones, nothing... although you probably have a smaller filesize from netflix05:06
semitonesultraparadigm: because it doesn't seem that fair to tell the torrent user, hey, ok you paid for this bandwidth, but please, don't use it...05:06
TeamColtraand honestly cable companies can suck it, they have enough bandwidth for everyone... they just say that so they can pump more money out of you05:06
TeamColtraHow can I do a math problem in terminal? I remember doing it before but i forget now05:06
iflemaabu123 gksu gedit in a terminal an look at the begigining of each line till ya find the one that says ndeb and remoive the n then save and do sudo apt-get update05:06
sage1Hi. Is it possible to use the keyboard volume controls to manage 2+ sound channels? I can't find anything about it.05:07
Dr_WillisTeamColtra:  try the 'bc' command05:07
semitonesultraparadigm: imo, people should be charged by how much they dl/up. that would be more fair05:07
blakkheimiflema: why gedit when he's already in a terminal? vi or nano :/05:07
TeamColtraFile 1+1 is unavailable.05:07
* iflema what ever...... novie = geedit05:07
allyourbasshello all, would anyone like to help me tackle a problem with my auto mounting of usb drives?05:07
blakkheimnovice you mean?05:08
* iflema yes05:08
allyourbasspretty please05:08
priyahi all05:08
Quan-Timeanyone know anythintg about installing madwifi drivers ? not in my repository..ideas / links ?05:09
* iflema one handed with mouth full talking looking left05:09
blakkheimQuan-Time: i use madwifi :)05:09
=== Guest27750 is now known as Charly575
Billiardallyourbass: what is the prob?05:09
domi007good bye everyone05:09
allyourbasswell ive got a fresh install of 9.1005:09
Dr_Willisallyourbass:  every so often the automounting 'breaks' for me - untill i logout, or reboot..05:09
Dr_Willisallyourbass:  not sure why it does it05:09
ShazamBilliard: so, in fact your intuition was correct. error says, mount point does exist. should my mountpoint be an empty directory? what permissions do I need05:10
allyourbasswhen i plug my device in05:10
ultraparadigmGood question.  People who really abuse the heck out ot torrents can suck up alot more bandwidth than netflix, and at a constant rate, where as netflix is not going to be constant and over night and all day long.05:10
Quan-Timeblakkheim: how you do it ?05:10
cvdwhy the ubuntu cd dont have a boot repair option?05:10
cvdlike the others OS05:10
blakkheimQuan-Time: dl the source, compile, install, set module to autoload, blacklist ath5k05:10
BilliardShazam: you mean "mount point doesnt exist" ?05:10
FezzlerIn Update Manager, I have a file/package shown but faded out - I can't select it or delete it that I know of?  How do I "clear" it?05:10
semitonescvd: what would it do?05:10
allyourbassi get this http://pastebin.com/m2b1143a05:10
zomfgcrazyhow does one access the menu/window where one modifies 3d box rotation settings etc.?05:10
BilliardShazam: yea an empty directory, permissions shouldnt matter05:10
Quan-Timeblakkheim: ath9k in my setup.. ok.. see what i can do05:10
cvdsemitones, repair the boot?05:11
TeamColtra<ultraparadigm> Good question.  People who really abuse the heck out ot torrents can suck up alot more bandwidth than netflix, and at a constant rate <-- I am pretty sure that its not "abusing" and its actually "using them correctly"05:11
semitonescvd: specifics?05:11
allyourbassi cant get it to automount for the life of me05:11
allyourbassbut i can get it to go manually05:11
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.05:12
cvdsemitones,  are you kiding?05:12
FezzlerThe package is "glade-gnome05:12
semitonesno, that's a broad problem that could mean a lot of things05:12
Quan-Timeblakkheim: hmm.. wheres the madwifi source ?05:12
sage1Hi. Does anyone know if it's possible to control multiple sound tracks like Master, LFE, and PCM properly in 9.10?05:12
zig_Strange.. aptitude install tor doesn't seem to work.05:12
blakkheimQuan-Time: i can upload the source i use, i forgot where i originally got the snapshot :/05:13
EastDallasTeamColtra: for math in a terminal try: 3+3 | bc05:14
semitonesis there a way to make GNOME more lightweight?05:14
martinovich_I have a mystery to solve05:14
Quan-Timeblakkheim: yer.. ive seen like 4 different guides all showing 4 different things.. and  cant get any source05:15
TeamColtrash: 3+3: not found05:15
Dr_Williscvd:  actually thats been discussed as a feature for the next release05:15
martinovich_my wifi connexion on the net book works but the pages are not loading or very very slow05:15
EastDallasTeamColtra: you are entering the command just like this: 305:15
BilliardTeamColtra: echo 3+3 | bc05:16
Dr_Williscvd:  how about a 'magically fix everuything option' also :)05:16
EastDallasTeamColtra: 3+3 | bc05:16
semitonesDr_Willis: is that real? like a troubleshooter?05:16
TeamColtrash: 3+3: not found05:16
FezzlerDo I clear and uninstallable package in Update Manager via Synaptic?05:16
TeamColtra:D YAY05:16
Dr_Willissemitones:  i recall the 'bullet proof X' thing they tired a few releases back.. notice its not around any more that ive seen05:16
EastDallasTeamColtra: Billiard is right.  I left out the echo 'echo 3+3 | bc'05:16
abu123thank you I flema05:17
semitonesDr_Willis: never heard of it, but I get the idea :P05:17
TeamColtraEastDallas, you have failed me for the last time05:17
* TeamColtra force choaks05:17
* iflema vi = 605:17
Dr_Willissemitones:  yea - it caused more issues whtn it fixed i think05:17
cvdDr_Willis, always late05:17
abu123I flema: Thank you soo much05:17
semitonesDr_Willis: cvd: the whole live-cd is basically an everything-fixer05:18
iflemaabu123 no worries... sorry for the typos and lake of direction....05:18
Dr_Willissemitones:  yep. - i rember when a live-cd was a Fancy new fangled feature. :)05:18
JohninLExhow do you check a HD copy that you have done dd if=/dev/sdb of=/dev/sda05:18
semitonesDr_Willis: when you had to decide between an install cd and a live cd :)05:19
Dr_Willissemitones:  i recall when there was NO live cd to even decide btween05:19
sage1Is it possible to control multiple volume channels using the keyboard volume controls? I haven't found anything in the past hour and a half :|05:19
semitonesDr_Willis: lol -- didn't dapper have a live cd?05:19
boumahello im having some feature shock with the transition from 9.04 to 9.10 and was wondering if someone could have me configure it so that the way im used to having things setup will work???05:19
JohninLExhow do you check a HD copy that you have done with dd if=/dev/sdb of=/dev/sda05:19
grayhanemy motherboard will take SATA or IDE hard drives, if I install one of each, can I select which one is the master ?05:20
Dr_Willisjonathan3:  you could md5 sum both of them.05:20
bouma1st why is the workspace switcher sooooo short.. ie not tall05:20
Dr_Willisbouma:  you mean why is it wide. :)05:20
boumaif you put it on a panel with more room is stays tiny... like several pixels high05:21
boumano i want to to use up more vertical space05:21
Out_Coldi was looking in the man pages, how would you use apt-get build-dep on source that you have downloaded from packages.ubuntu?05:21
Dr_Willisbouma:  you just want it bigger.. niot showing more desktops..05:21
BilliardOut_Cold: i beleive you do apt-get build-dep packagename05:21
boumaDr_willis: yes, i always just have 3x3 desktops.. but iwont use more vertical space than about 16px the 9.04 version was different it could be square05:22
Out_Coldnot sure why i didn't think of that. thanks Billiard05:22
Out_Coldi would ./configure one by one until now :o/05:23
boumaDr_Willis, and you cant use the mouse wheel to cycle through the desktops05:23
cjoneswhats a good ap to convert strip audio out of a flv convert it in to wav05:24
allyourbassthis automount crab is starting to piss me off05:24
Billiardcjones: ffmpeg05:24
Dr_Willisbouma:  i got 2 wide screen monitors now - I dont use many desktops any more05:24
Out_Coldbouma, you have to click the background with the mouse wheel, then drag left or right05:24
boumaDr_Willis, the new workspace switcher is useless05:24
* Dr_Willis rembers when external media dident 'auto mount' at all. :)05:24
* Dr_Willis is old05:24
=== semitones is now known as ubuntu
* ubuntu is old05:25
git__i get confused using more than 1 desktop05:25
boumaOut_Cold, what does that help me with? to move it on the panel, or to resize it ?05:25
Out_Coldbouma, i also think that ctrl + alt and mouse scroll changes windows05:25
=== ubuntu is now known as semitones
git__my computer is not powerful enough05:25
ultraparadigmI love my 4 desktops.  Sometimes I just relax and watch them spin around!05:25
Dr_WillisHmm. if i make my Panel 45 pixles tall. the workspace switcher grows to fill up all 45 pixles05:25
boumaOut_Cold, no ctr-al + wheel does not05:26
Out_Coldbouma, if you have compiz settings configured, you grab the desktop with the middle mouse and rotate your cube.05:26
cjonesfilliard whats the frontend for that05:26
Out_Coldbouma, you may have to set it to do so in compiz-config05:26
sage1So no one knows anything about controlling the volume in 9.10?05:26
cjonesbilliard whats the frontend for that05:26
Dr_Williscompiz Does do the virutaldesktop  differently then metacity does.05:26
Billiardcjones: idk i dont use one just do something like "ffmpeg -i file.flv -vn out.wav" faster easier than a frontend05:27
JohninLExhow do you check a HD copy that you have done dd  if=/dev/sdb of=/dev/sda05:27
cvdsage1, like windows 7 do?05:27
semitonessage1: works as expected, I guess05:27
cjonesbilliard thanks so much05:27
Billiardcjones: np05:27
ultraparadigmSage,1, you have a volume question?05:27
boumaOut_cold, Dr_willis, ok ive fixed both issues, by turning "visual effects" to none. but imho i should be able to have visual effects on "some" and still have a non buggy desktop switcher app.. so this is definately a BUG05:27
cvdultraparadigm,  a mixer volume05:28
BilliardJohninLEx: you could use cmp, i beleive the command is called05:28
Dr_Willisbouma:  using NONE =  You are now using metacituy not compiz.05:28
FezzlerI have an update in my Update Manager but I can't do anything with it.  It is "grayed out".  How do I get ride of it?05:28
Out_Coldbouma, ati card?05:28
sage1My laptop has Master, LFE, and PCM tracks. I need a way to control multiple channels.05:28
ultraparadigmMy lappy has a touchresponsive volume slider, I just drag my finger across and it shows on the screen.05:28
ultraparadigmI see05:28
ultraparadigmYes I need to get an ad vanced mixer too05:28
semitonessage1: right click on the icon?05:28
sage1In Arch I could edit a setting in gconf-editor and I could control multiple channels.05:28
boumaDr_willis: ok differetnt window manager, but the taskswitcher is _completely_ differernt under the two settings05:29
JohninLExBilliard: yea that did not work thanks anyone else please05:29
ultraparadigmI downloaded a mixer but haven't tried it yet.  I want something with reverb effects for my Karaoke05:29
BilliardJohninLEx: didnt work? what was the error?05:29
Dr_Willisbouma:  yes.. you even (well ised to) use CCSM to set the # of deskjtops when using compiz.. or the gnome settings to set it with using metacity.05:29
MHz128Is it possible to run MS Office 07 using Wine in a 64bit Ubuntu install?05:29
boumaD_willis, and imho under the "some" setting, the task switcher is unusable, with a tiny hight, that cannot be increased and you cant cycle with the wheel... making it _useless_.05:29
Dr_Willis!appdb | MHz12805:29
ubottuMHz128: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help05:29
semitonessage1: please keep messages in the channel, but it gives me different sliders for PCM and stuff, do you not get that?05:30
JohninLExmissing operand after 'cmp' Billiard05:30
BilliardJohninLEx: what was the command you tried?05:30
Dr_Willisbouma:  it enlarged to fill the panel here for me. and im using compiz.. (i think)05:30
BilliardJohninLEx: you need to specify the partitions05:30
sage1Sorry. All it gives me is one slider. I cannot find anywhere to enable more05:30
JohninLExduh lol Billiard05:30
Dr_Willisbouma:  what is it doing exactly? I got 4x1 row of desktops and they elarge properly05:31
semitonessage1: hmm, that's odd. Maybe a screenshot would help the channel05:31
boumaDr_Willis, ok there is definately a bug tho. this is a virgin install, 1st boot, at first the default is desktop switcher wont grow vertically, then you switch visual to "none" and it grows, and you can switch back and it stays "grown".. but ... BUG05:32
sage1Alright. Let me take a screenshot real quick.05:32
boumaDr_Willis, perhaps i'll search to make sure its marked , it could already be patched05:32
Dr_Willisbouma:  if its a new install.. you may want to update/upgrade.. it may be fixed05:32
JohninLExthanks Billiard  that was the trick have a great night, morning, afternoon.05:32
BilliardJohninLEx: np05:32
iflemaFezzler unmet dependencies / or package conflict.... most likely unmet deps... you must have added external repos and that requires the dependencies05:33
Dr_Willisbouma:  using a 3x3 desktops and the switcher works properly for me as i enlarge the panel05:33
dude_hello everyone05:33
h0rnmanHello everyone, and good morning/afternoon/evening05:33
weitingh0rnman, good afternoon~05:33
Dr_Willisbouma:  at least now the  switcher settings work in compiz and meta city now. :)05:33
semitonesh0rnman: good morning :005:34
Fezzleriflema: SO how do I "clear" it05:35
sage1Well pulseaudio stopped working right :|05:35
sage1Let me relogin and I'll show you a screenshot of it.05:36
boumaDr_willis, in case you wondered, i have had this personal desktop setup which im really used to and love since like.. using lfs before gentoo existed.. where i have a non expanding autohiding panel with only a desktop switcher on the middle right, and the window selector in the upper right, and i get rid of all bars at the bottom.. many many advantages. your eyes track down as you read leaving more realestate and content to the edge. + fl05:37
boumaing the mouse to upper right and wheel to cycle tasks, and middle left +wheel to cycle desktops ... its nirvana for me05:37
iflemaFezzler in a terminal try try to install the greyed out app(s) and itll list whats required then...05:37
bouma^^s/middle right/middle left05:37
boumamy theory is that the cursor stays near the upper left quadrant large%, so it involves alot less effort and its a "zero" click interfacec05:39
Out_Coldanyone have luck locking down the udp/tcp status ports for nfs?? I can't find a good solution for this05:39
boumathe wheel is mans greatest invention05:39
Fezzleriflema: seems to be working05:39
Fezzleriflema: u r genuis, that did it.  was bugging me for like 5 month05:40
iflemaFezzler i did nothing... im here waiting to give next instruction.... anyways :)05:41
allyourbassi need some help with my automount of usb volumes05:42
iflemaFezzler some times time is all thats needed... if ya can wait05:42
allyourbasswho wants to tackle this train wreck05:42
sage1Here is a screenshot of the preferences from right clicking on the volume control icon. http://img268.imageshack.us/img268/9342/soundh.png05:42
sage1I can't find anywhere to enable the controls for the extra channels.05:43
allyourbasssage1, have you tried alsamixer05:43
sage1In alsamixer I can control the channels, but that's definitely not an easy way to chance the volume.05:44
bullgardUsing the "Ubuntu 9.10 Desktop Edition" CD, Ubuntu 9.10 installed a special directory ~/Templates. What is the function of this special directory?05:44
lifestreamWhy does my gnome-panel not show my background-image on the notification-are? I tried dragging it there, restarting gnome-panel....05:44
Fezzleriflema: what's the best beginners tool to build a script.  I record my guitar and midi keyboard a lot with Ardour.  Each time I have to start my audio interface, then Jack, then Ardour.  One click would be nicer05:44
sage1What I've been trying to accomplish is changing the volume on multiple tracks just by using the keyboard volume buttons.05:45
weitinghello, could any one here tell me :how to check the harddisk after an unexpected poweroff ?05:45
Fezzleriflema: been learning Ruby, maybe I'll use that05:45
Dr_Willisbullgard:  put 'templates' for files you make lots of copies of. like a 'blank letter.txt' and so on05:46
iflemaFezzler the www..... i luv guitars...05:47
bullgardDr_Willis: Thank you for your help.05:47
Dr_Willisbullgard:  i always delete the templates dir. :) i never use it05:48
h0rnmanout of curiosity, has anyone here tried the glass windows (aka Aero Effect) effect installation on Jaunty?05:49
bullgardDr_Willis: OK.05:50
dude_i want do update the ubuntu. what can i do?05:50
hdonhi all. in my Sound Preferences "Hardware" tab there is a drop-down list of profiles. where is this generated from? is it a config file somewhere?05:50
blakkheimdude_: sudo aptitude update; sudo aptitude dist-upgrade05:51
dude_two command?05:51
blakkheimdude_: you can use that on one line and it will execute the two commands in order05:51
iflemadude_ the is update and theres upgade (new version)05:52
dude_anyone version to 9.10?05:52
allyourbassjust installed 9.10 and its pissing me off05:53
allyourbassanyone else having trouble with usb drives not mounting ??05:54
Blue1allyourbass: did you do the updates?05:54
allyourbassall updates05:54
Blue1allyourbass: that fixed a lot of my issues05:55
sage1I'm on 9.10 and my USB automounts are working. I updated all the way.05:55
* iflema thinks they just keep getting better......05:55
allyourbassother than this problem this is the best install of any linux ive ever had05:55
sage1This one I've had some trouble with. I've installed two older versions before and they never had any problems. Some reason this I've had some issues.05:56
allyourbassdmesg tells me this05:57
allyourbassFAT: IO charset ISO-8859-1 not found05:57
Blue1allyourbass no clue05:57
allyourbassa little more info there05:57
Dr_Willisive had automounting issues all during beta - and it still has quirks for me.05:57
Fezzleriflema: u use Ardour?05:58
Blue1allyourbass: my guess is that (and this is only a guess) maybe the volume label has something odd?05:59
Out_Colddoes anyone with 9.10 have a working /etc/init.d/nfs-common script?05:59
allyourbassi can mount it manually though05:59
iflemaFezzler negative. oh actually not for a long time.... maybe i should check out current version.....05:59
Fezzleriflema: ProTools?  Do you record your playing?05:59
Dr_WillisOut_Cold:  i dont see one here06:00
Dr_Willis!find nfs-common06:00
lao5why do i always got some rubbish message from pidgin? am i hacked?.06:00
ubottuFound: nfs-common06:00
Blue1lao5: like?06:00
Fezzleriflema: I do but need to upgrade gear.. But Ubuntu and Jack and Ardour pretty good06:00
lao5Blue:i forgot06:00
huggybeershow do I make 9.04 see my modem06:00
lao5Blue1: i forgot.06:01
Out_ColdDr_Willis, I think after like 4dozen links of searching i may have found the answer i needed... http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=249889&page=3706:01
kostkonlao5, Tools → Privacy in pidgin06:01
iflemaFezzler no and no..... ive 17 years worth of stealing/playing others work06:02
Dr_WillisOut_Cold:  great.. err. what was the question anyway?06:02
lao5kostkon: trying, thanks06:02
Fezzleriflema: thanks for help06:03
Out_ColdDr_Willis, the original, original, original question was "how do I lock down my nfs 'status' port?"06:03
Out_Coldfor iptable rules06:03
Out_Coldin that time i've learned how to do mild iptables rules, how to do nat, how to lock down almost every other dynamic port and also benefits of kerobos and much more... all because I wanted to nfs over the net :o/06:06
NotTooSmartall my memory is in the cached section in free -m 871 out of 1000mb...  986 used 14 free on a server install, what could be causing this?06:06
Blue1Out_Cold: I cheat and use webmin06:06
Blue1NotTooSmart: linux tends to use all the memory it can find...that's normal06:07
NotTooSmartBlue1: um, no I run free -m all the time and it has never done this06:07
NotTooSmartBlue1: usually its @ about 100mb06:07
Out_ColdBlue1, eventually i want a script to run at start-up to associate wifi, then mount for media server06:07
Blue1NotTooSmart: here's what mine looks like:  Mem:   1925932k total,  1795236k used,   130696k free,    62192k buffers06:07
huggybeersI'll try later06:08
NotTooSmartBlue1: ill reboot and look, but i dont think so06:08
Blue1NotTooSmart: dunno that's been my experience06:08
NotTooSmartBlue1: ps aux doesnt show me whats using the mem either06:08
Blue1NotTooSmart: have you tried top?06:09
Blue1this eats a lot of memory:  13855 nwayno    20   0  731m 143m  28m S    1  7.6   7:27.12 firefox06:10
hari_i have this problem06:11
hari_Mostrar forma romanizada06:11
hari_my printer does not print when I try to print cups you see this message "Stopping Because the job scheduler could not execute a filter"06:11
NotTooSmartBlue1: top doesn't show either06:11
hari_anyone can help me06:11
Blue1NotTooSmart: well it shows what's using the memory space - so I dunno works for me06:12
NotTooSmartBlue1: now on reboot.... Mem:          1000        121        879          0         11         6406:12
NotTooSmartsory, now its 879 free06:12
Blue1NotTooSmart: linux is designed to use all the memory it finds...06:13
hari_help! help me06:13
Blue1NotTooSmart: I'm not too worried that out of 2G I have 130k free06:13
iflemaNotTooSmart do you think it will eventually grind to halt... or is it super responsive regardless?06:13
NotTooSmartiflema: good point...06:13
NotTooSmartBlue1: iflema but what im saying is, it doesnt start "caching" all the memory for some time06:14
Blue1NotTooSmart: no it doesn't it takes a while06:14
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NotTooSmartBlue1: ok, thats what I was not understanding06:14
Blue1NotTooSmart: I've been up for 2 days.  Homer         up    2+00:43,     0 users,  load 2.82, 3.10, 3.1206:15
Blue1NotTooSmart: yeah memory useage is normal06:15
jazonknightwhat yall been doing?06:15
NotTooSmartBlue1: i was wondering for awhile if ushare was really using ~750mb of ram06:15
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jazonknightwhat version of ubuntu everyone running?06:16
Dr_WillisUbuntu XP Home Basiuc premoim ultra express06:16
Blue1jazonknight: ubuntu 9.10 (64 bit) and suse 11.X (32 bit) and ubuntu 9.10 netbook remix06:16
jazonknightall in muilti boot formats06:17
Dr_Williswhat no Minix ?06:17
Blue1jazonknight: no suse and ubuntu on seperate machines - but my 64 bit ubuntu dual boots with mmmVista06:17
roopeshvcan someone help me with a problem, whenever i update my kernel, ubuntu kernel panics or skips the grub menu, and goes to grub shell.06:18
jazonknightguys isnt thier a boot option u can run from grub?06:18
Blue1not the grub guru - it just works for me...06:19
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »06:19
Blue1!grub | roopeshv06:20
ubotturoopeshv: grub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.06:20
roopeshvi currently use ubuntu through wubi, and using kubuntu 9.10, but same problem occured when i used ubuntu 9.1006:20
NotTooSmartBlue1: thanks for the info mate ;-P06:20
Blue1roopeshv: I've never played with wubi --06:20
Blue1NotTooSmart: any time...06:20
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub206:20
roopeshvthe problem is not with the grub, but with the problem happens after updating to a newer kernel, so problem must be with update changing something06:21
NotTooSmartBlue1: I guess I never checked it in the middle, so all I ever so was the beginning with most free, and then the end with most used for what seemed like no reason06:21
iflemaroopeshv.... why not make some room and do a native install... ive a better idea....06:21
Blue1NotTooSmart: yeah its designed to do that...06:21
roopeshvi can, but will lose warranty, so have to wait for warranty to be void, anyway it is not like i am new to ubuntu, using ubuntu since 5.1006:22
Blue1NotTooSmart: but trust me, the memory will be there if you run oo or some other memory gobbling app06:22
jazonknightthiers no restore option yet in ubuntu is thier?06:22
NotTooSmartBlue1: its a server06:22
NotTooSmartBlue1: mpd or ushare is the most mem using prog I run06:22
CVirusjazonknight: what do you need a restore for ?06:22
Blue1NotTooSmart: ahh I have only run server once - to see if I could get it to install on a 1 gig usb flash drive - for run - and yes I did make it!06:23
jazonknighti was curious is thier option like windows that undos chnages to a time if u can problems?06:23
Blue1jazonknight: like the windows system/restore function?06:24
blakkheimjazonknight: no06:24
iflemaroopeshv fair enough.....06:25
NotTooSmartBlue1: that machine is a 2.40ghz celeron w/ 1gb im probably gonna install server on a 450 mhz pIII with 390mb ram I pulled out of the garbage :-P06:25
roopeshviflema: so any idea on solving the problem?06:25
* iflema is thinking GO.... and wipeout winblows while ya @ it.....06:25
iflemaroopeshv no....06:25
Blue1jazonknight: I'm not aware of anything like that -- like they say - the great thing about linux is that you're your own sysadmin - the bad thing about linux is -- you're your own sysadmin -- usually if you can get console, you can unmuck it06:25
roopeshvso any one who can tell me what to do if kernel panics or i am in grub shell, and have no access to grub menu?06:26
Blue1roopeshv: dunno - beyond my knowledge level - sorry06:26
iflemaroopeshv mention wubi.. maybe wubi?!?06:27
roopeshvBlue1: no problem, this is my first time in 4 years of ubuntu, that i came across kernel panic, so i have no clue either06:27
Dr_Willissounds like some hardware issues to me really roopeshv .06:28
=== lewis is now known as Lewix
Dr_Willisroopeshv:  somthing just seems.. odd...06:28
* Dr_Willis has to wonder what 'warrenty' says you cant reinstall...06:28
Blue1roopeshv: can you look at the system log or boot log?  there might be clues there.06:29
roopeshvDr_Willis: but it works, as soon as i install ubuntu, and stops working, as soon as i update my kernel, so i hardly think it is hardware06:29
h0rnmanroopeshv: last time I saw a kernel panic after grub was on a botched upgrade from 8.04 to 8.10...maybe I missed it, but have you done anything that would qualify as "this could really hose things if it went wrong?"06:29
Blue1oh yeah never upgrade - backup /etc/ and /home/ and do a fresh install06:29
h0rnmanyeah...live and learn, I guess  :)06:30
Dr_Willisroopeshv:  id let memtest run a bit to verify..   it would seem very odd that  the last dozen or so kernel updates would all ahve the same issue..06:30
roopeshvh0rnman: i usually do normal web dev and desktop dev on this comp, so nothing to mess with drivers or kernel06:30
Blue1ibm's 2 rules to guarenteed success with computers:  rule 1:  always have a path back to the way it was, before you messed it up.  Rule 2:  always follow rule 106:30
h0rnmanok...then this is going to sound silly, but what was the last thing you were working on before this started?06:31
Lewixwhat's the command to see the list of my partitions06:31
Blue1okay nearly pumpkin time for me - night folks06:31
LewixI tried fdisk -l06:31
Out_Coldfdisk -l06:31
roopeshvhmm, i was doing plone dev, and django development06:31
Lewixit did not work06:31
Out_Coldsudo fdisk -l06:32
jazonknighti was googleing booting kernal from grub06:32
Lewixright- didn't think of sudo06:32
quentinhi all. I need help with a disk mount06:32
h0rnman'hmmm' indeed06:32
quentinI followed instructions online and get an error with mount -a06:33
LewixOut_Cold: how do I see the space occupied by the different partitions. Also, what's sda06:33
h0rnmanare you using the default ubuntu kernel or did you roll your own?06:33
=== SportChick is now known as essy
jazonknightsda usally means its a scsi/sata harddrive06:33
wikkedfinhow do i install libssl-dev on ubuntu server 9.10?06:33
roopeshvh0rnman: i use everything form the repos, nothing compiled by me and installed06:34
Out_ColdLewix, if you want a visual, use gparted. sda is the hard drive, sda1 is equiv to c:/ sda2 = d:/06:34
quentini did the mount before on intrepid and now I'm on karmic and it's not working06:35
iflemaroopeshv id be running a persistent live usb environment until that warranty runs out.... but i may be off-topic ;)06:36
h0rnmanroopeshv: can you get to the drive in a liveCD environment and read your /boot/grub/menu.lst file?06:36
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h0rnmanthat may provide some clues as to what grub is trying to do06:36
roopeshvactually, i reinstalled kubuntu, so i lost all the things, but wanted to be ready if i have to come across the problem again06:37
roopeshvso can't06:37
h0rnmanah...that's unfortunate :)06:37
quentinjust let me know if you can help me with the disk mount on karmic and I can wait for you to help06:37
bullgardquentin: Please put a specific question in this channel. Nobody wants to answer using a long-winded speech.06:38
Lewixhow do i find out how much space ive already used06:38
roopeshvdf -h06:38
Dr_WillisLewix:  df -h, normlluy06:38
roopeshvtry that command leweix06:38
GhostWolfhey can anyone help me? i trying to install gnome-ppp and i get a error message something about c++ and tells me to look in the config.log file if anyone can please help i got the config.log file in pastebin06:38
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Dr_WillisGhostWolf:  you mean you are trying to COMPILE gnome-ppp? or what exactluy?06:39
quentinbullgard: how do I get a mount to work and stop presenting this errormount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sdb,06:39
quentin       missing codepage or helper program, or other error06:39
quentin       In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try       dmesg | tail  or so06:39
Dr_Willisquentin:  what are you trying to mount?06:39
quentina sata internal06:40
Out_Coldquentin, and how?06:40
brophatdoes UNR have an auto updater like ubuntu has?06:40
edbianquentin, choose the actual partition and not the entire hard drive (e.g. /dev/sdb1)  ;)06:40
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iflemaquentin why mount -a?06:40
Dr_Willisquentin:  i think /dev/sdb is not corerect.. /dev/sdb1 might be qwhat you need06:40
Out_Coldbrophat, yes06:40
GhostWolfif anyone is able to help me with gnome-ppp please let me know so i can paste the pastebin info06:40
LewixOut_Cold: thank you06:40
jazonknightwhat u trying to mount?06:40
brophatOut_Cold so if I install UNR 9.04 I would be able to imediatley upgrade to 9.10 ?06:41
Lewixnow, i would like to enlarge my linux partition. how do I go about it06:41
Out_Coldbrophat, yes but i would just install 9.10 as it would take 2 times longer to do other way06:41
brophatOut_Cold I mean using the auto upgrader06:41
iflemaquentin fstab?06:41
brophatOut_Cold long story, but I gotta put UNR on mem stick using mac06:42
quentinDr_Willis, edbian: that worked! thanks so much06:42
Dr_Willisquentin:  it helps to mount the righht filesystem :)06:42
brophatand with mac only way to do that is with 9.04 which came in img file06:42
quentinyes. silly me06:42
jazonknight9.04 fully support macbook pro?06:43
brophatjazonknight no dun think so. i am using mac to make the bootable usb stick with unr on it06:43
Out_Coldbrophat, i am pretty sure its possible. the update app is there. as long as you enable through synaptics options06:43
Dr_Willisuse a live linux cd on the mac. :) uise the usb-creator tool.06:44
brophatyeaj well i guess i will let you know06:44
brophatwell the usb stick is already made06:45
Dr_Willisactually isent there vitualbox for the mac?06:45
jazonknightbrophat: hmmm i could get it installed just last time i had issues with sound if not the sound the wifi i can never win lol06:45
AlienDKHello. I need to transfer files from my Ubuntu box to a Windows box. They're both on the same wifi network. So... any ideas? :)06:46
GhostWolffor anyone who is able to help me with the problem with gnome-ppp i got some error when i was installing, i had to download the file from another computer cause i don't have internet to connect on my ubuntu 9.10 machine, and this is the pastebin info with the config.log file.. again if anyone is willing to help me it be appreciated.. http://pastebin.com/m1e48853906:47
jazonknightor unless u have ssh client from ssh hehe06:47
jazonknightfor windows06:47
Dr_WillisAlienDK:  several ways to do it. easy for a few files is ssh on linux and winscp to connect/copy over06:47
Dr_WillisAlienDK:  it wont be real fast however.. but it is easy to do06:47
jazonknightDr_Willis: winscp prone to fail on large files06:48
Dr_Willisjazonknight:  cant say taht ive ever had it fail.06:48
Dr_Willisone mans large. is anothers common size. :)06:48
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jazonknightDr_Willis: i am talking like vmdk file transfers just saying06:49
AlienDKWinscp looks like a FTP/SFTP client :S06:49
Dr_WillisAlienDK:  so?06:49
AlienDKIt would require some server software on the Ubuntu box06:50
Dr_Willisit can do ftp  :)06:50
Dr_WillisAlienDK:  install ssh on the server.. yes...06:50
jazonknightAlienDK: thiers A client called ssh from a company actually called ssh which rocks06:50
AlienDKsudo apt-get install ssh?06:50
GhostWolfcan anyone please help me?06:50
Out_ColdGhostWolf, have you built before? that seems kinda normal to me06:50
edbianGhostWolf, That depends.  You have to ask a question first! :)06:51
jazonknightAlienDK: unfornatally its the windows one06:51
GhostWolfedbian i already asked my question twice06:51
GhostWolfOut_Cold built what before what are you talking about?06:51
AlienDK<GhostWolf> for anyone who is able to help me with the problem with gnome-ppp i got some error when i was installing, i had to download the file from another computer cause i don't have internet to connect on my ubuntu 9.10 machine, and this is the pastebin info with the config.log file.. again if anyone is willing to help me it be appreciated.. http://pastebin.com/m1e48853906:51
Out_ColdGhostWolf, have you tried make06:51
h0rnman|recompilhere I go...recompiling nautilus....wish me luck :D06:51
priyahi all  im trying to creat a  launcher file it wont run for me when i click on the lauch file i have created the terminal windos shuts down right away06:52
AlienDKDr_Willis: sudo apt-get install ssh?06:52
Dr_Willispackage manager has a search feature AlienDK  :)06:52
ubottuSSH is the Secure SHell protocol, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto for client usage. PuTTY is an SSH client for Windows; see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for it's homepage. See also !scp (Secure CoPy) and !sshd (Secure SHell Daemon)06:52
edbianpriya, I think I can help.  You're trying to create a launcher?  is that right?06:52
Dr_WillisI think its open-sshd or somthing06:52
Out_ColdGhostWolf, after make completes, then you sudo make install06:53
edbianDr_Willis, openssh-server06:53
jazonknightubottu a bot?06:53
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)06:53
GhostWolfOut_Cold if you're talking about the install of gnome-ppp i've followed the instructions to install i've done the first part and get an error and told me to check the config.log file which is why i pasted the pastebin link06:53
edbianpriya, Please being your posts with my name like I'm doing for you06:53
Dr_Willisapt-cache search ssh   :)06:53
edbianpriya, What command are you trying to run with this launcher?06:53
edbianpriya, Is it graphical or terminal based?06:53
Out_ColdGhostWolf, i misread that file, why are you pasting the ./configure file? what is the error you receive exactly?06:54
priyaedbian, im new to linux client.x8606:54
priyaedbian ,the command is client.x8606:55
AlienDKOkay, I have installed OpenSSH server on my ubuntu box06:55
AlienDKWhat now? :S06:55
AlienDKSorry for being noob:(06:55
edbianpriya, :)  What do you want the launcher to do?06:55
GhostWolfi don't know Out_Cold it has something to do with the c++ i did it lastnight and i don't understand anything the config.log file reason i posted the pastebin info is from the config.log file...06:55
jazonknightAlienDK: try to connect from windows?06:55
Dr_Willis client.x86 - what a  descriptive name... :)06:55
AlienDKwith winscp?06:56
Dr_WillisAlienDK:  see if you can connect  'ssh localhost'06:56
edbianpriya, If you ran that in a terminal what would happen?06:56
Dr_WillisAlienDK:  then run winscp and give it the ip of the linux box and user name/pass and see if it sees stuff06:56
darkfuneralanyone know a tool like hidam (hierarchical data editor)?06:56
priyaedbian, i want the launcher to launch this executable in terminal window06:56
iflemaGhostWolf all you need is built in allready... has been for years.... its just not a gui... but it should get u online to install gnome-ppp from the repos.as far as i understand.06:56
AlienDKwhere do I do ssh localhost? terminal?06:57
edbianpriya, Then in the launcher menu choose "launch in terminal"  That should keep the terminal window open.  I'm not familiar with that particular command.06:57
Dr_WillisAlienDK:  err.. whee else could you do it at? ;)06:57
jazonknightcould be magic06:57
Out_ColdGhostWolf, run the command again and try to get the exact error. It may be that you need to install build-essentials. Is this the first time you have tried compiling from source?06:57
darkfunerali didn't know you could ssh localhost, says port 22 close on my end06:57
Dr_WillisAlienDK:  yes.. termianl. :)06:57
AlienDKcmd in windows? sorry, as I said before, Imma noob :(06:57
Dr_Willisdarkfuneral:  thats odd.06:57
edbianpriya, Is that helpful?06:57
priyaedbian,it run fine when i go into termianl and go into my cd were the file is and enter the ./ client.x86    it runs fine than06:57
FloodBot1AlienDK: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.06:58
GhostWolfiflema its not built in on ubuntu 9.10 i can't install it without an internet connection im on dial up so i had to download the file on a windows computer which im using now06:58
Dr_Willisthe ssh localhost is a ;'test' to be sure it worked. :) if ya can connect.. then winscp should be able to.06:58
edbianpriya, Oooo, ic06:58
priyai have tried that but the terminal window shuts down right away06:58
iflemaGhostWolf gnome-ppp is not built in there are terminal apps/scripts that connect dialup modems06:59
edbianpriya, the launcher starts in your home directory.  You're skipping the steps of navigating the launcher to the cd drive.06:59
GhostWolfOut_Cold its first time installing gnome-ppp as i mentioned i had to download the gnome-ppp file from this windows computer i have i rather use my nix box and only connection i have is dial up06:59
edbianpriya, I suggest putting that executable in /usr/local/bin/  Anything in there can be run no matter where the terminal is using just the name of the file.  Does that make sense?06:59
Out_ColdGhostWolf, what about compiling anything?? you need gcc which is found in build-essentials if you have never built source before07:00
edbianpriya, Then you can run the program without the CD!07:00
GhostWolfiflema well im maibnly trying to get my modem to be enabled i can't do anything until i get gnome-ppp as i found in few documents online07:00
priyaedbian ,oh help out how do i do  copy into thier07:00
iflemaGhostWolf pon and poff or similar... /etc/ppp/peers /etc/ooptions /etc/pap-secrets... its been a while but i can help if that dosent07:00
GhostWolfOut_Cold im not building anything07:00
AlienDK"Network error: Connection refused."07:01
Out_ColdGhostWolf, the file you pasted is a configure file??07:01
jazonknightAlienDK: from ssh localhost or winscp?07:01
Out_ColdGhostWolf, Invocation command line was07:01
Out_Cold  $ ./configure07:01
priyaedbian, this is were this fodler with this file is right now /home/desktop/Desktop/RQC07:02
iflemaGhostWolf external modem?07:02
GhostWolfOut_Cold no its the log file from when i typed ./configure and it gave me the error message that has something to do with c++ which told me to look in the config.log file07:02
jazonknightAlienDK: do u know root user name and password?07:02
GhostWolfiflema no its not an external modem07:02
iflemaGhostWolf ooo07:02
AlienDKYes, but nvm. I am too dumb to do stuff.07:02
nomad111hi all does anyone here use phpMyAdmin07:02
Out_ColdGhostWolf, that configure file is used to build a make file from source code. you need a compiler such as gcc to produce it07:03
jazonknightAlienDK: i waas going to suggest try logging in with root07:03
Dr_Willisactually with ssh its possible that direct logging in as root is disabled.07:03
AlienDKI did07:03
iflemaGhostWolf seriously but... all you need is ready to go... no downloads... but configuring that internal mode is another issue...07:03
AlienDKbut nvm07:03
iflemaGhostWolf modem07:03
AlienDKI'll try to find another way to do this07:04
Dr_WillisAlienDK:  its possible the windows firewall is blocking things..  this is on a local lan?07:04
jazonknightAlienDK: thiers always usb key07:04
AlienDKUSB keys sucks07:04
AlienDKYes this is a local network07:04
* Dr_Willis points out that SSH is worth learning.07:04
jazonknightAlienDK: it is turn it off to test07:04
Dr_WillisAlienDK:  so 'ssh localhost' did work?  should get you back to just a terminal/prompt.07:05
Out_Coldssh is godly XD07:05
priyaedbian , how  do i go about moving it into that folder07:05
GhostWolfiflema im not configuring my modem im getting it to get it enabled i've searched on how to get dial up to work in ubuntu and i found 2 documents well 1 and someone gave me another one saying i need to enable the modem07:05
AlienDKjust a sec07:06
zomfgcrazy*yawns* i am going to bed, now.  goodnight, #ubuntu.07:06
Out_ColdGhostWolf, you probably need a specific driver and the gnome-ppp c++ issues is something you shouldn't worry about07:06
AlienDKThis is what I get when I do 'ssh localhost' in terminal. http://pastebin.com/m17449b1507:06
GhostWolfOut_Cold all i know is when i did the ./configure in the folder it told me something about c++ not gcc just a sec and i can tell you exactly what the outcome is when i did the ./configure07:06
Out_ColdGhostWolf, gcc compiles c++ code.. trust me on that07:07
iflemaGhostWolf m8 good luck... that may be a new approach but sounds wrong to me... whats the modem model/manu?07:07
GhostWolfiflema i don't know i just know the chipset says conexant or however its spelled07:07
iflemaGhostWolf could be worse.... give me a min....07:08
Out_ColdAlienDK, if you type exit, you should logout of ssh07:08
AlienDKConnection to localhost closed.07:08
priyaedbian , u thier07:08
GhostWolfiflema on a site that gives a list of modems it shows conexant is one of them i can use07:08
Out_ColdGhostWolf, can you lshw in linux?07:08
iflemaGhostWolf laptop or tower?07:09
GhostWolfOut_Cold i don't know but im going to copy the outcome from the ./configure if you just give me a moment07:09
GhostWolfdesktop/tower iflema07:09
AlienDKbut nevermind07:10
Out_ColdAlienDK, that was an ssh login ;)07:10
iflemaGhostWolf you get ya hands on an external (no cheap these days by the way) youll be on i 2sec flat07:10
Out_ColdGhostWolf, i think you should go the way of iflema on a driver search. but if you want to learn how to properly build source I would love to give a lesson ;)07:11
h0rnman|recompilcan anyone help me with this error - generated when trying to recompile nautilus from source:07:11
h0rnman|recompiltrying to overwrite `/usr/bin/nautilus-connect-server', which is also in package nautilus07:11
h0rnman|recompildpkg-deb: subprocess paste killed by signal (Broken pipe)07:11
GhostWolfiflema sorry but i don't have money to do a external modem i bought this modem from a shop for a buck sorry but im not fan of external stuff atm07:11
iflemaOut_Cold sorry m807:11
iflemaGhostWolf its just external dialup modemsdont need drivers07:12
GhostWolfOut_Cold i downloaded and installed scaModem and already showed the drivers are up to date for the modem to be honest i don't think i need  to find one07:12
iflemaGhostWolf https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto/Conexant07:13
GhostWolfiflema i understand that but i don't mind if it needs drivers but i believe it doesn't need the drivers07:13
h4ro_Is this a help room?07:13
Out_ColdGhostWolf, possibly then, but we can't tell with out more info from your ubuntu box. if you would like instructions to complete your ./configure i can give you a list07:13
jazonknighth4ro_:  online support07:13
h4ro_Cool, I have a problem with my graphics card drivers. :[07:13
iflemaGhostWolf if that true... and its ready.... youve been wasting time.07:13
jazonknighth4ro_:  k whats wrong?07:14
sumodunofor my conky how do i remove the frames around the graphs (i.e the CPU chart)?07:14
GhostWolfiflema my main problem is getting my modem to Enable.. i don't have a way to do it and i don't have a network settings or ubuntu 9.10 doesn't have it and i have even been told by someone here lastnight i'd most likely need to have gnome-ppp installed07:15
h4ro_I have kind of an obscure graphics card. It's an ATI Mobility HD 4650.07:15
Slartsumoduno: there's nothing in the manual?07:15
h4ro_jazonknight: I've been googling the correct way to install the drivers, and I've had no luck.07:15
jazonknighth4ro_: have u done updates?07:16
sumoduno<Slart> manual?07:16
GhostWolfOut_Cold as i said if you please can just give me a minute i only have one monitor and able to switch back n forth to my windows computer to my ubuntu computer if you can just hold up one more minute i will give you the pastebin of the outcome when i did the ./configure for gnome-ppp.. sorry but please be patient with me here07:16
Slartsumoduno: http://conky.sourceforge.net and then there's probably a man page or two.. "man conky" might be a good start07:16
Out_ColdGhostWolf, another issue i can think of is that when you go to ./compile that, you will be missing lots of dependency packages that you will also need to install and possibly compile07:16
jazonknighth4ro_:  thiers a update manager which usally contain drivers from ati/nvidia u need to get07:17
h4ro_jazonknight: Just finished, yeah. I believe I'm up to date. I'm not sure to check versions and such though.07:17
Out_ColdGhostWolf, it's ok. i know what the error is and why it is07:17
jazonknighth4ro_:  what options do u get in system tab then administration then hardware drivers?07:17
jazonknighth4ro_:  do u see option to activate ati drivers?07:18
GhostWolfOut_Cold how do you know what the error is? i didn't show you what the outcome is yet, just let me show you first and then you can further help me07:18
Slartsumoduno: you can also try #conky07:18
h4ro_jazonknight: It's searching07:18
h4ro_jazonknight: AMD proprietary FGLRX graphics driver. When I tried that before, It had an error07:19
jazonknightbefore u updated??07:19
iflemaGhostWolf take a look @ /etc/ppp/peers/provider07:19
h4ro_Jazonknight: Yeah, but it is still erroring. It says /etc/X11/xorg.conf is invalid.07:19
neil_dwhy does a raid1 on sata drives never boot when there is only one drive?07:20
iflemaGhostWolf man pppd07:20
Out_Coldgood find iflema07:21
priyacan some one explain how we  can move a file into  usr/bin07:21
iflemaOut_Cold found long ago and yes many tears :)07:21
Out_Coldpriya, typically "sudo cp /path/to/your/file /usr/bin/07:22
jazonknighth4ro_:  not sure what esle to tell you that as far as i usally get unless thiers more updates07:22
Slartpriya: sudo mv somefile /usr/bin     should work07:22
h4ro_I can doublecheck.07:22
h4ro_I know I'm not on 10.04.07:22
Out_Coldpriya, yes mv deletes old version07:22
jazonknight10.04 is out now?07:22
priyai will try that07:22
Slart!lucid | jazonknight07:22
ubottujazonknight: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+107:22
h4ro_jazonknight: Oh, I see.07:23
jazonknightnot stable is ur problem h4ro_07:23
jazonknightmy opinion07:23
h4ro_jazonknight: I'm on 9 still.07:23
Out_Coldjazonknight, a hint is that the numbers are coded to the year and month. 10.04 = april 201007:23
jeffmrcan someone help me test some sharing?07:24
jazonknighth4ro_: idk07:24
h4ro_jazonknight: Hmm...07:24
Out_Coldjeffmr, share what and how?07:24
GhostWolfiflema did you get my message? i sent a private message to you07:24
priyai get error  No such file or directory07:25
Out_Coldpriya, bad syntax.. what is the file you are trying to move?07:25
jazonknighth4ro_:  what video card model again?07:25
h4ro_jazonknight: ATI Mobility Radeon HD 465007:26
Out_Coldpriya, can you run locate client.x8607:26
priyaim new to linux what is the command07:26
jazonknighth4ro_:  i was checking ubuntu support site about ati drivers07:27
Out_Coldlocate client.x8607:27
drazakHello there, I'm running 9.10 with linux-server on a 32bit machine and have 4 gig of memory installed, PAE and HIGHMEM64G are definitely on, any idea why I still cannot access the last gig of memory?07:27
h4ro_I'm googling the error.07:27
drazakI see all 4gig of memory in the bios07:28
h4ro_jazonknight: xorg.conf is blank.07:28
jazonknighth4ro_:  it seems like s generic error try this link to support site https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RadeonDriver#Will%20It%20Work%20On%20Your%20Card?07:28
jazonknighth4ro_:  vi it07:28
h4ro_jazonknight: vi?07:29
nomad77drazak: afaik 32bit has a 3gb mem limit,reqs 64bit for > 3gb ram07:29
Dr_Willisdrazak:  some of the memory is resergved for the hardware to use - if i recall corrctly.07:29
Dr_Williseven with PAE and highmem64g enabled. theres still some reserved07:29
jazonknighth4ro_:  in terminal vi the locaton of ur xorg.conf see ifs has text in it07:29
priyawhat is the terminal command to locate file07:29
Out_Coldpriya, it's "locate"07:29
Out_Coldpriya, "locate client.x86"07:30
jazonknightOut_Cold: wow i never knew that lol07:30
drazakDr_Willis: that's rediculous, even with the 128 for video there should be another 894 meg floating around07:30
jazonknightthxs btw07:30
drazakDr_Willis: that's a hell of a lot to go missing07:30
h4ro_jazonknight: It does.07:30
drazakor you know, some odd ammount like that07:31
jazonknighth4ro_:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI check this site about that driver07:31
Dr_Willisdrazak:  ive read up on this topic befor. so im not sure where it all goes.. but SOME is defaintly taken/reserved for hardware07:32
=== Ferris- is now known as Ferris`away
drazakDr_Willis: so have I, and I have a machine in the other room where I have 3.75gb07:32
Out_Coldpriya, do you get more than a few lines??07:32
priyai tried that i get nothing in return i even tried the folder its in it wont even locate the folder07:32
Dr_Willisdrazak:  all ic an say is that it could be due to bios's not being set up to allow for the larger ram07:32
Out_Coldpriya, where is this folder? where is the file you want to move?07:33
drazakDr_Willis: I checked around in there, didn't see anything07:33
jazonknightOut_Cold:  how can i locate within a specfically dir or does it do that automatically?07:33
Dr_Willisdrazak:  ive seen lots of articals on it. but it also depends on the different OS's .  heres one mentining windows that enabled 3gb of 'user mode memory'  but ive no idea on how pae/highmem affects things.07:34
priyafolder is here /home/desktop/Desktop i want to move the file in this folder to usr/bin07:34
Out_Coldjazonknight, i usually pipe through grep ie: locate firefox | grep /bin/07:34
Dr_Willisdrazak:  i did see some benchmakrs on 64bit vs 32bit + PAE and so on.. i think their summary was 'use 64bit' at the end07:34
xiambaxusually your best bet. 6407:35
Dr_WillisUbuntu 32-bit, 32-bit PAE, 64-bit Kernel Benchmarks07:35
Out_Coldpriya, can you please then type this? ls /home/desktop/Desktop07:35
xiambaxdownside is you have less package support for 64 bit07:35
drazakDr_Willis: except I can't use a 64 bit kernel with 32bit hardware, I assume07:35
Dr_WillisI can only think of a few packages ive seen that dont come in 64bit07:35
jazonknight64bit run 32bit apps slower sometimes only down fall i c or they wont work in 64bit07:35
tonyyarussoxiambax: that's hardly true these days07:35
xiambaxWell i mean for small projects07:36
jazonknightcisco vpn.... doesnt07:36
h0rnman|recompildoes anyone have an idea as to why a .deb package generated by checkinstall would have problems overwriting an Icon (.png) file?07:36
xiambaxthat dont have lots of devs and what not07:36
tonyyarussoxiambax: such as?07:36
Out_Coldh0rnman|recompil, permissions issues?07:36
Dr_Willisdrazak:  this 'part of the 4gb reserved; i think is why a few yrs back many windows machines did not bother with 4gb but stopped at 3gb. there was to much just getting lost.07:36
xiambaxtonyyarusso, until recently boxee had no support07:36
xiambaxmt-daap was the most recent one i tried that had no 64bit support07:36
xiambaxmt-daapd i mean07:37
h0rnman|recompilshouldn't be...I've tried running the whole process as root and get the same issues07:37
CVirusHow can I run a python script everytime I login into my gnome session ?07:37
priyaOut_Cold, ok i did that07:37
Out_Coldh0rnman|recompil, not sure then07:37
drazakDr_Willis: so then the question is, can I run a 64bit kernel on 32bit hardware07:37
Dr_Willisdrazak:  proberly not07:37
Myrttih0rnman|recompil: because that's what the software developer of the app you've packaged wanted to? perhaps it has the icon in it...07:38
jazonknightdrazak: it may be 32bit hardware but most likely have 64bit support07:38
Out_Coldpriya, can you paste the output in pvt or pastebin?07:38
eueuHello, is it possible to modify an image in a PDF file, as it is possible to extract it with pdfimages? Is there any tool that can put it back after I modified it without affecting its size?07:38
Dr_Willisdrazak:  whats your exct cpu?07:38
Rahimi use jaunty and was checking sources.lst file and i found this 'deb http://in.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ intrepid-backports main restricted universe multiverse07:38
Rahim' as backports repo. SHouldnt it be jaunty-backports?07:38
tonyyarussoxiambax: mt-daapd has a 64-bit package in the repos.07:38
Dr_Williseven my old box's are 64bit thse days07:38
xiambaxI couldnt find any07:38
drazakDr_Willis: Intel Core 2 T560007:38
xiambaxEither way. I got it working07:38
Dr_Willisdrazak: Hmm.. you SURE thats not a 64bit cpu?07:39
Brokenhello all, is anyone familiar with iFuse?07:39
drazakit does support 64bit07:39
liouyshow to install php and sqlite07:39
xiambaxI just used the daap pluggin for rhythmbox07:39
jazonknightdrazak:  make sure 64bit is enabled in bios sometimes can be an issue07:39
priyai have never used Xchat  u want me to paste right in here were i type07:39
tonyyarussoxiambax: http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=mt-daapd&searchon=names&suite=karmic&section=all07:39
xiambaxwhich finally got patched07:39
drazakjazonknight: I didn't see it in there07:39
Dr_Willisdrazak:  i was about to ask how old that thing is..  even my 4 yr old box is 64bit07:39
Rahimshouldnt backports for jaunty be from karmic and not intrepid?07:39
blakkheimjazonknight: lol.. i don't think that's how it works07:39
drazakjazonknight: is there anyway to do a change over without getting another iso?07:39
xx12racexxhey whats up guys?07:39
MyrttiRahim: no, they should be from jaunty07:39
jazonknightdrazak:  thier are 2 seprate installs for 32bit and 64biy07:39
RahimMyrtti: so in that kink it should be jaunty-backports, right?07:40
drazakjazonknight: I know, is there anyway to switch without completely reinstalling?07:40
Theresahi can someone help me?07:40
Out_Coldpriya, it's not really welcomed in the main to paste lots of lines... you can double click my name i think and paste there07:40
Dr_Willisdrazak:  quote from the artical url i posted --> the Ubuntu 64-bit kernel that often ended up being leaps and bounds better than the 32-bit kernel.07:40
xiambaxTheresa, be more specific07:40
sebsebseb!ask |  Theresa07:40
ubottuTheresa: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)07:40
jazonknightdrazak: non that i know of07:40
Dr_WillisUnless you have technical or business reasons for not migrating to 64-bit Linux with compatible hardware, there is no reason to stick around with a 32-bit kernel and worrying about physical address extension.07:41
Out_Coldpriya, just /msg Out_Cold <your paste>07:41
drazakDr_Willis: I'm going to switch to 64 bit07:41
drazakDr_Willis: I'm just wondering if there's a way to do it without burning another cd07:41
xiambaxWhen the next release rollout for ubuntu?07:41
MyrttiRahim: yes. I guess you've upgraded from intrepid to jaunty? the upgrade process always disables extra repos07:41
xiambaxDidnt karmic just come out a few months back?07:42
jazonknightxiambax: apirl07:42
Dr_Willisxiambax:  the version #'s aee the dates..07:42
Myrttixiambax: april07:42
tonyyarusso!lucid | xiambax07:42
ubottuxiambax: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+107:42
h0rnman|recompilMyrtti:  I don't think so, but you have given me an idea...07:42
jazonknighti win07:42
sebsebsebxiambax: End of April07:42
Dr_Willis10.04 = April 201007:42
MyrttiDr_Willis: you need a new cd.07:42
RahimMyrtti: thank you07:42
Brokenhello all, is anyone familiar with iFuse?07:42
Dr_WillisMyrtti:  i do? :)07:42
Theresai am trying to install 9.10 and the disk runs but when i try to install it stops on the wallpaper and freezes... i have tried running in various run modes to no avail07:42
RahimmyloX: any offline dictionary for linux?07:42
tonyyarussodrazak: you could use usb instead of a cd too07:42
drazaktonyyarusso: still need to download it07:43
RahimMyrtti: any offline dictionary for linux?07:43
tonyyarussodrazak: correct07:43
MyrttiRahim: i wouldn't know.07:43
sebsebsebTheresa: Ubuntu ISO's can be checked to make sure the download itself is fine,   Then there's also a disk check on the psyical CD that will check if the psyical disk is ok or not.07:43
Rahim!ask artha07:43
tonyyarussoTheresa: also, if it's a graphics problem you could try the !alternate cd as well07:44
Theresai ran those checks as well as a memory test and everything appears to be fine07:44
sebsebsebTheresa: and  if your ISO is ok, you can try burning the contents slower to another CD07:44
Theresai downloaded the iso, so i am unsure what the alternate is07:44
sebsebsebTheresa: still got the ISO?07:44
tonyyarusso!alternate | Theresa07:45
ubottuTheresa: The Alternate CD is a classic text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD.  Look for the link on the Ubuntu download page - See also !minimal07:45
sebsebsebTheresa: if so check it07:45
ubottuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows07:45
Theresayes i have the iso07:45
drazakI'll install 64bit in the morning07:45
g0susup guys07:45
g0suanyone feel like talking a noob through installing linux based games on ubuntu?07:46
sebsebsebg0su: not exactly, but  there is quite a lot in the repo, that you can install easilly07:46
Out_Coldg0su, use the software installer07:46
g0sunot windows games via wine07:46
ubottuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!07:46
sebsebsebg0su: your on 9.10?   if so have a look in software centre,  if on a earlier version  look in add/remove.   and then for even more stuff,  look through Synaptic07:47
Out_Coldg0su, in the default install, use the software centre or use synaptics and enable multiverse/universe repositories from menus07:47
sebsebsebOut_Cold: I think those are enabled already in 9.1007:48
g0suoh, i'll have alook07:48
g0surocking Kubuntu07:48
g0sui'm not talking about the crappy default games though07:49
sebsebsebg0su: oh your on Kubuntu?   hrm  well  the graphical programs mentioend,  you probably don't have those, but will have something similar07:49
Out_Coldg0su, lots of first persons, rpgs, and others07:49
g0suiu want to try some of the high performance ga,es07:49
g0subased on linux kernel etc07:49
sebsebseb!games |  g0su07:49
g0sunot windows games07:49
ubottug0su: Information about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php07:49
Out_Coldg0su, they are all there in the software center07:50
g0suyeah i wanted to check this channel out as well07:50
g0suget to know some peeps07:50
sebsebsebg0su: and if your on Kubuntu you don't have the software centre I think,   by the way #kubuntu exists07:50
DexterLBcan I make windows that match certain rules to be without a close button, etc, without compiz?07:51
jamiehid3, how can I change the applications menu icon?07:51
Theresawhere can i download the alternate cd iso?07:51
sebsebsebg0su: this is a support channel, if you want to try and get to know some people on IRC who use Ubuntu, try #ubuntu-offtopic07:51
DexterLBthe only way I seem to be able to do it is with the compiz rules plugin, but I hate compiz.07:51
g0sui know it's a support channel07:51
sebsebsebTheresa: http://releases.ubuntu.com/9.1007:52
Theresathank you07:52
sebsebsebTheresa:  in that list of files is also the md5sum and sha1sum codes, for the ISO checking07:52
sebsebsebTheresa: your ISO needs to have the same code, for it to be a good download07:52
Theresahow do  i check that?07:52
sebsebsebTheresa: already gave you the bot thing for that, but ok here it is again07:53
sebsebseb!md5sum |  Theresa07:53
ubottuTheresa: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows07:53
Theresasorry =/07:53
Myrttisebsebseb: remember you can use > too for the bot commands ;-)07:54
petsoundsDexterLB, you can use gconf-editor07:54
jamieHow do I change the start button icon? The one next to applications, I don't want a whole new icon set. I want to change it manually.07:54
sebsebsebMyrtti: that's true, and sometimes that's better really07:54
ardchoillejamie: I wrote a tutorial on that.. hold on..07:54
DexterLBpetsounds: and?07:54
jamieOKay ardchoille, thanks.07:54
Dr_Willisjamie:  the tool 'ubuntu-tweak' lets you change it with just a few clicks.07:54
jamieHahha, hello again Dr willis.07:55
ardchoillejamie: http://ardchoille42.blogspot.com/2009/09/how-to-change-menu-icon-in-ubuntu-904.html07:55
petsoundsDexterLB, go to apps>metacity>general>button layout07:55
jamieI tried it, it never did anything.07:55
Dr_Willisjamie:  it worked for me last night,07:55
Dr_Willisjamie:   if you change icon themes.. it will change back i recall07:55
ardchoillejames: Dr_Willis has good advice, ubuntu-tweak is probably better than my tutorial07:55
dude_anyone version to 9.10??07:55
DexterLBpetsounds: but that would change it for all windows, no?07:56
Dr_Willisdude_:  Huh?07:56
jamieI already tried it though, it restarted the panel, and nothing ever happened. it was the same icon.07:56
jamieProbably something on my part, what do you think I could have done wrong?07:56
Myrttiardchoille: and ubuntu-tweak is a 3rd party tool...07:56
Dr_Willisjamie:  i did not have to restart the panel i think.. let me try it07:56
petsoundsDexterLB, all windows07:56
ardchoilleMyrtti: Ah, yes07:56
ardchoillejamie: Give my tutorial a go07:56
DexterLBpetsounds: and what if I want for specific window?07:56
jamiekkszysiu, WIll do.07:56
petsoundsDexterLB, idk, sorry. but keep asking somebody will know the answer07:58
sebsebsebdude_: Do you want to upgrade from 9.04 to 9.10?07:58
Dr_Willisjamie:  odd.. i changed the icon on my netbook.. but cant get it to change on the desktop box. :)08:00
ardchoillejamie: The method I used for changing the panel icon is the same method used in ubuntu tweak, and it doesn't work for all icon themes for some reason08:00
Dr_Willisardchoille:  that may be my issue then08:00
Dr_WillisI got so many other themes and stuff installed.. its scary08:01
ardchoilleI'm thinking that not all icon themes check ~/.icons08:01
Dr_Willisardchoille:  so that may be why i saw it 'revert' when i changed themes..08:01
DexterLBpetsounds: http://blogs.gnome.org/metacity/2008/11/02/window-matching/08:01
xjolynnxIs there a way I can broadcast my webcam on a flash website with ubuntu?08:02
xiambaxxjalynnx, www.justin.tv08:02
ardchoilleDr_Willis: The only other method, while quite messy, does work for all icon themes.. change the images in /usr/share/themes/$THEME08:02
xiambaxand stickam.com08:02
xiambaxsorry. live.yahoo.com i mean08:03
Ferrissokay guys. I just tried to upgrade from jaunty to karmic, my install wont start (i closed out of a little box after having left for ten hours, waited five minutes, didnt see a change in the OS so i restarted)08:03
jamieHmm, arch I tried your tutorial, created the folder "jamie" in the .icons place, but its not showing up when I click appearance < theme < customize < icons. It's just not there08:03
ardchoilleDr_Willis: /usr/share/icons/$THEME  even08:03
xjolynnxthat's not what i asked08:03
sebsebsebFerriss: ok and now what happens?08:03
xjolynnxwith linux, broadcasting on flash sites doesn't work for some reason. how can i make it work?08:03
Dr_Willisardchoille:  that seems to be the issue.. i reverted to the gnome default icon themne.  then used ubuntu-tweak and it changed the icon.08:03
sebsebsebwon't start right, but08:03
sebsebsebwhat does it do exactly08:03
Dr_Willisardchoille:  when i changed icon themes it does seem to reset howeer. had to rerun ubuntu-tweak08:04
ardchoilleDr_Willis: yeah, still don't understand why it happens08:04
Ferrissit gives me the error mountall:symbol lookup error: mountall: undefined symbol: udev_monitor_filter_add_match_subsystem_devtype08:04
sebsebsebFerriss: well doesn't matter that much,  your probably going to have to re install really,  plus if you do that,  not that important, but Ext4 by default and Grub 208:04
jamieDid you guys find a fix for it too work through ubuntu-tweak?08:04
sebsebsebFerriss: quite a lot of people had issues after upgrading 9.04  to 9.1008:04
Ferrissugh. Well i have a disc that's lower than 9.04 even, so im kinda screwed eternally arent i08:04
Ferrissand i have a shit time trying to get atheros drivers to work08:05
ardchoilleDr_Willis: If you find a fix for that, lemme know so I can possiblyupdate my tut08:05
sebsebsebFerriss: uhmm  which disc do you have?08:05
Ferrissand i cant very well download anything 'cause ive got 30kbps connection X| gosh.08:05
soreauDexterLB: What is the problem with using compiz?08:05
xjolynnxhow can i make my browser compatible with adobe flash player? i need this in order to broadcast my webcam on linux.08:05
sebsebsebFerriss: 9.04 is fine really for now, even intrepid08:05
sebsebsebFerriss: intrepid is on the verge of running out of support though :(   anyway you can use that CD and access  your partition and get data08:05
DexterLBsoreau: it's slow even on my intel dual core 2.8MHz processor, it crashes, it's problematic with dual-screen setups08:06
Leoneofhi, how to share internet connection from Laptop to PC, like this: http://img138.imageshack.us/img138/3613/ics.png08:06
Ferrissima have a horrible time installing it. haha. does ubuntu keep its installed packages somewhere? so i can install things without having to move the screenless laptop downstairs ;_;08:06
soreauDexterLB: Which version of ubuntu are you using?08:06
Ferrissmy lord.08:06
DexterLBsoreau: karmic08:06
soreauDexterLB: Which model card do you have?08:06
Ferrissi shouldnt have restarted. one more night of computer use wouldnt have been too bad.08:06
Dr_Willisardchoille:  yea. i got about 50 icon themes installed. :)08:07
nomad111hey all, im trying to configure apache2 to use a new site (Document Root), i created the new site in the sites-available folder as many sites instructed. When i browse to the site i get permission denied?08:07
sebsebsebFerriss: I know what you mean08:07
ardchoilleDr_Willis: hehe, that sounds about right for you08:07
nomad111googling this comes up with many reasons08:07
DexterLBsoreau: NVidia GF 950008:07
nomad111im not sure what to do08:07
Dr_Willisardchoille:  definatly depends on the icon theme it seems08:07
Ferrissthanks, sebsebseb. have you a good amount of experience in this? would there be any chance someone else would know what to do with the livecd to save it?08:08
sebsebsebFerriss: ,but even if you hadn't re started it,  the chance of the upgrading going wrong,   is quite high it seems, from  reading about other people's experiences.   normalley upgrades go fine, it's just 9.04 to 9.10 quite a lot of people had problems.08:08
jamieAha, I manually did it myself wooot!08:08
nomad111has anyone got this to work?08:08
soreauDexterLB: If you have any recent version of the nvidia driver it shouldn't be slow. However, nvidia drivers are buggy and problematic08:09
sebsebsebFerriss: it's just stick in the Live CD access the partition get data, and put it some where else,  got an external hard disk or something to put it on?   as for programs  well what have  you installed?  re installing stuff from the repo isn't a big deal08:09
Dr_Willisjamie:  if it work or not seems to depend on what icon theme you are using08:09
DexterLBsoreau: yes, and compiz needs those drivers08:09
DexterLBsoreau: :(08:09
=== sebi_` is now known as sebi`
Ferrisssebsebseb: i have an atheros onboard, it's hell to get the drivers working08:10
jamieDr_willis: I just simply went to home/jamie/.icons then to the current icon theme I was using and went to 24x24, and then places and replaced start-here.png with my own icon.08:10
soreauDexterLB: For nvidia, the only option so far is their proprietary drivers. Nouveau is in the making and reportedly are capable of running compiz. Which version of the drivers are you using?08:10
Ferrisswell sometimes. updating to the latest official stuff seemed to work last time. im not sure what did it, but updating everything and installing madwifi and ndiswrapper all at the same time seems to do it : p08:10
Leoneofhi, how to share internet connection from Laptop to PC, like this: http://img138.imageshack.us/img138/3613/ics.png08:11
sebsebsebFerriss: yeah wireless issues :(  luckily  only once I tried to sort something out myself,  a few years ago  before Ubuntu another distro.   so I am nice and etherneted :)  and have been for a few years now.   So you don't have the 9.04 CD?  Also if you were to put a clean install of 9.10 on it seems you wil probaby have to set up wireless in that one as well.08:11
Ferrissa 'fix the current install' option on the livecd wouldnt be too bad >_>08:11
Theresawhat does it mean to 'run the following in a terminal', the cmd prompt or... what?08:12
laughzillahi :) anyone know why my speakers would just suddenly stop working on my ubuntu 9.04 box?  all they make is a crackling sound when i test them or try to pass any sound thru them.08:12
nixjris there .rar file support in linux?08:12
sebsebsebFerriss: sadly there is no such option, maybe in the future their will be08:12
Ferrissi dont have 9.10 though. i have an intrepid cd. i dont know if that's 9.04.08:12
Dr_Willis!rar | nixjr08:12
ubottunixjr: rar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free08:12
Dr_Willisnixjr:  yes08:12
sebsebsebFerriss: no intrepid is 8.1008:12
Ferrisshaha. I have 8.10 then. a full digit behind up to date08:13
nixjrthanks dr_willis08:13
sebsebsebFerriss: you put intrepid on from that CD?  upgraded to jaunty/9.04 and then tried to upgrade to karmic/9.10 ?08:13
ardchoilleDr_Willis: PM?08:13
Ferrisswould 8.10 to 9.10 work better? heh.08:14
Ferrissi could do that overnight08:14
ogmious09Hello hello08:14
sebsebsebFerriss: 8.10 can't be directly upgraded to 9.10 have to go through 9.04 first08:14
Ferrissahdang. i cant go through 9.04 either. haha. is there a different path i could use to getting to 9.10?08:15
sebsebsebFerriss: 8.10 is my favourite release over all since 8.04, oh yes it's still good.   thing is it's going to run out of support in April or around then,  but then  10.04 comes out anyway which is the next Long Term Support relase.08:15
sebsebsebFerriss: 9.10 offers little proper advantage from 8.10, same for 9.04.   unless people need it to say fix a hardware issue08:16
Fantom__what is default root pass on fresh installed Ubuntu?08:16
Theresawhat is a terminal?08:16
sebsebseb!terminal | Theresa08:16
ubottuTheresa: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal08:16
Dr_WillisFantom__:  there is no root password08:16
Dr_WillisFantom__:  use your user and their password is the 'sudo' password to get root access08:16
LMJMy PC (certainly after an upgrade) started to have strange behavior : it won't boot correctly anymore : I need 4/5 mins to get the login screen. I've seen it's stuck 2min at "Checking battery state..." It also doesn't stop by itself. What could the issue? Is it a new acpi bug or so?08:16
Ferrissoh okay. I just figured i'd try to be up to date as much as i could so when i got lazy i wouldnt get ridiculously out of date.08:16
ardchoille!root | Fantom__08:16
ubottuFantom__: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo08:16
sebsebsebFerriss: I see, well I  know what I would do if I was you08:17
Theresaok, um im still trying to check my iso to the MD5SUMS08:17
nixjris there a command to move all the files from a series of sub-directories, into their parent directory?08:17
Ferrisswhat's that? just stay on intrepid? i think i'll do that ._. in the morning, perhaps08:18
ardchoillenixjr: do they all have the same file extension?08:18
Ferrissor just trash my pos laptop08:18
sebsebsebFerriss: either just buy some CD's and sort out a 9.10 CD and put it on.   or just put 8.10 on stay on 8.10 for now or upgrade to 9.04, and then do a clean install make a new CD of 10.04 when that comes out.  instead of  trying to upgrade from 9.04 to 9.10 again with it possibily going wrong.08:18
swiftarrownixjr: mv *.* ./../*08:18
swiftarrownixjr, try at own risk08:18
Ferrisshahaha. okay. Thanks for your help, sebsebseb : )08:18
SmartSsanixjr, while in the parent : mv /subdir/* .08:18
Ferrissyou're easily the most helpful person i've ever spoken to in here.08:19
sebsebsebFerriss: you got untill October with 9.04 by the way, when it comes to support08:19
pat|nGcan anyone tell me where i can download a full ubuntu dvd with gnome?08:19
swiftarrowpat|nG ubuntu.com08:19
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP308:19
nixjrSmartSsa, there are multiple subdir, would this also work? mv /subdir*/* . ?08:20
ogmious09anyone got experience with NX and Ubuntu?08:20
swiftarrowpat|nG, it's only a CD.  If you want more features, I personally suggest you download the SuperOS DVD.  It's the same as Ubuntu, but has more programs pre-loaded.08:20
swiftarrowpat|nG, hacktolive.com/SuperOS08:20
Fantom__Dr_Willis: is there available console, or it is only X ?08:20
swiftarrowpat|nG, or something like that08:20
Fantom__on ubuntu08:20
SmartSsanixjr, as long as you can match the subdir's with a wildcard, yes it should work.08:21
pat|nGi see08:21
sebsebsebFerriss: however eventaully your going to want to put on  Ubuntu 10.04  on (or 10.10 if you stayed on 9.04 untill it ran out of support,  or another distro of course)    CD R's are good to have.  Makes re installing and so on easier.   Well there are ot her ways to install such as USB sticks, but I never done that.08:21
pat|nGcan u give me the link bro?08:21
PacketCollisionDoes anyone have any ideas on how to completely disable graphical terminal in 9.10? The server I'm working on just shows a blank screen when it boots up (ubuntu-server netboot install).08:21
ardchoillenixjr: you could try this from the parent dir:  find . -type f -exec mv /path {}\;   <== but change /path08:21
Dr_WillisFantom__:  what?08:21
PacketCollisionI edited /etc/default/grub and enabled GRUB_TERMINAL=console08:22
swiftarrowpat|nG, http://www.lmgtfy.com/?q=SuperOS+Download08:22
=== oclock_inferno is now known as linux
=== linux is now known as linux_inferno
Dr_WillisPacketCollision:  disabel the gdm service.  if it exists..   but you are using the server edition?08:22
nixjrardchoille, swiftarrow SmartSsa, thanks for the suggestions, i think ill make some dummy files to test them on first08:22
Fantom__Dr_Willis: i don't whant gnome/kde i want console?08:22
=== matthew is now known as Guest89768
swiftarrownixjr, good idea08:23
Dr_WillisFantom__:  then disable GDM to make it boot to the console if you want08:23
PacketCollisionDr_Willis: gdm isn't installed08:23
Dr_WillisPacketCollision:  thats odd then.08:23
SmartSsacontrolled experiments are always good.08:23
Dr_WillisFantom__:  on 9.10 -> $ sudo mv /etc/init/gdm.conf   /etc/init.d/gdm.conf.DISABLED08:24
Fantom__Dr_Willis i know a tool for disabling services...08:24
Fantom__i can't remember the name08:24
ardchoilleFantom__: sysv-rc-conf ?08:25
linux_infernoHello All08:25
Dr_WillisFantom__:  9.10 uses Upstart now. many of those 'tools' dont work08:25
Fantom__aa yes08:25
Dr_WillisFantom__:  that may or mauy not work..08:25
ardchoilleFantom__: may not work on 9.1008:25
maverickattempting to open mplayer gives me this error: mplayer: error while loading shared libraries: libx264.so.67: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory...no solutions from google...any help?08:25
Fantom__ardchoille :)08:25
ubottuUpstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/08:25
PacketCollisionDr_Willis: I disabled "quiet" in grub, and it shows the stuff that quiet hides at the start of the boot process, but then the screen goes blank, even with recovery mode08:25
pat|nGi download ubuntu 9.10 and i chose 64bit and it is amd64 is it awkie while i'm running intel chipset on my laptop?08:25
pat|nGi download ubuntu 9.10 and i chose 64bit and it is amd64 is it awkie while i'm running intel chipset on my laptop?08:25
Dr_WillisPacketCollision:  perhaps use verbose, and nosplash, and nofb as options...08:25
Dr_Willispat|nG:  intel has 64bit cpus also08:26
maverickpat|ng: i think its ok as long as ur cpu is 64-bit08:26
Dr_Willispat|nG:  amd64 reelase is for them as well08:26
ardchoillePacketCollision: you have to disable splash and quiet08:26
drazakI just don't understand08:26
PacketCollisionDr_Willis: good idea with nofb08:26
PacketCollisionardchoille: I did that already08:26
Theresawhat do i do if the MD5SUMS are different?08:26
drazakinstalled amd64, and still only have 3gb of memory showing08:26
Dr_WillisPacketCollision:  im not even sure if fb is the default any more08:26
Dr_WillisTheresa:  redownload.08:26
ernesto_jamand der deutsch spricht hir08:26
drazakit shows all 4gb in the bios08:26
=== elitedev is now known as elitedev-afk
MyrttiTheresa: try torrent download08:27
Dr_Willisdrazak:  bios/hardware/reserved from what i gather.. sadly.   and yes ive seen others in here over the last few months with same issues.08:27
SmartSsaTheresa, redownload from a different mirror. if you used a torrent, the torrent should be able to pickup the 'broken' bits.08:27
Theresaim currently DL alternative is this acceptable?08:28
nomad77!de | ernesto_08:28
ubottuernesto_: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.08:28
maverickattempting to open mplayer gives me this error: mplayer: error while loading shared libraries: libx264.so.67: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory...no solutions from google...any help?08:28
Dr_Willisstart a torrent.. stop the torrent.. move file over.. tell torrent to reverify when you start torrent back up again. :)08:28
Dr_Willisit MIGHT fix it.08:28
jazonknightrunning 8.04 on m1330 and it only sees 3.5 which is ok08:28
PacketCollisionI agree with Dr_Willis on this one08:28
Dr_Willisof course last time i downlaoded the ubuntu iso via torrent.. it took like.. 10 min.08:28
Dr_Willislagged out the rest of the network. :)08:29
SmartSsais there a karma bot in this place? because i'd like to ++ Dr_Willis ;)08:29
Dr_WillisSmartSsa:  not thazt ive seen.. i will take cash...08:29
sebsebsebSmartSsa: no, but you can do !cookie Dr_Willis08:29
SmartSsayeah, you just earned another.08:29
* Dr_Willis just made an apple pie.08:29
linux_infernoPROBLEM:: running headless ubuntu server. Trying to render a frame with maya. I get " error while loading shared libraries: libGL.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory08:29
sebsebseb!cookie |  Dr_Willis08:30
ubottuDr_Willis: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!08:30
linux_inferno!cookie | linux_inferno08:30
ubottulinux_inferno, please see my private message08:30
=== orion is now known as Guest83456
darkfuneralare there any xml editors that can  give you the values of hte variables associate with the parents of a leaf, when you call to view the leaf?08:30
Theresaso is 'alternativeCD' a good download?08:30
actionparsnipYo yo yo08:30
SmartSsahaha. cookies are fun.08:30
sebsebsebTheresa: only if desktop CD doesn't work properly08:30
Dr_WillisTheresa:  thats one with a text based installer.08:30
sebsebsebTheresa: then yes alternate  is worth a try08:30
linux_infernoI want a cookie =(08:31
actionparsnipTheresa: it installs faster too as it uses text based installer08:31
sebsebsebTheresa: first you need to ISO check your ISo for desktop, and do that CD check on the CD, if both are fine,  and still problems, you can try the alternate08:31
actionparsnip!cookie | linux_inferno08:31
ubottulinux_inferno: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!08:31
sebsebsebTheresa: most users will use the Desktop CD08:31
PacketCollisionTheresa: I prefer it because it's faster, but it's less friendly because it's text08:31
linux_infernoYAY! actionparsnip <308:31
Theresahow difficult is the text based?08:31
* actionparsnip uses minimal iso08:31
sebsebseb!cookie |  actionparsnip08:31
ubottuactionparsnip: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!08:31
actionparsnipTy sebsebseb08:32
sebsebsebTheresa: not that difficult, but it's useually better to use the Desktop CD really08:32
Theresaand how would i go about running the install process?08:32
* PacketCollision actually netboots the text-installer from a tftp server, but the idea is the same08:32
sebsebseb!cookie |  sebsebseb08:32
ubottusebsebseb, please see my private message08:32
actionparsnipTheresa: there's a desktop icon08:32
linux_infernoCan anyone help me with my st00pid problem?08:32
sebsebsebyeah yeah I know I am, anyway enough of that now08:32
actionparsnipLinux_inferno: wassup?08:33
linux_infernoI Get - ""error while loading shared libraries: libGL.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory08:33
actionparsnipLinux_inferno: are you running a 32bit app on 64bit ubuntu?08:33
actionparsnipLinux_inferno: is the file in /usr/lib ?08:34
sebsebseblinux_inferno: The bot pm's us when we do it to ourself :(08:34
linux_infernoNope. Maya2009 is only 64bit for linux. and I have ubuntu64 server08:34
SmartSsalinux_inferno, if it can't find the library, you should verify that it's installed. if you can't figure out which package that particular file exists in you can search on http://packages.ubuntu.com/ and search for the file specified (libGL.so.1)08:34
sebsebsebTheresa: if the md5sums are not the same08:35
linux_infernoIts not in the folder actionparsnip08:35
actionparsnipLinux_inferno: if /usr/lib/libGl.so exists and libGl.so.1 doesn't, create a symlink to keep it happy08:35
sebsebsebTheresa: you have a bad ISO same thing for if sha1sum codes aren't the same08:35
eghmSmartSsa: thats that a good url to have08:35
PacketCollisionDr_Willis: none of those options worked, but I know that the last thing that shows up is fsck, then a flash of what I think is setting console fonts08:35
sebsebseb!es |  mili08:35
ubottumili: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.08:35
PacketCollisiongonna disable console init08:35
linux_infernoactionparsnip ls libG* returns none08:35
SmartSsaeghm, yup, it's a good one. very handy :)08:36
actionparsnipLinux_inferno: you can use apt-file to see what package contains that file, then install it08:36
Theresashaisum what is that?08:36
actionparsnip!md5sum | theresa08:37
ubottutheresa: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows08:37
eghmSmartSsa: ya... wish i would have know about it earlier, when i tried to install ImageMagick from source08:37
linux_infernoactionparsnip like "apt-file libGL.so.1"?08:37
actionparsnipTheresa: its a way to check the file is good before using it08:37
actionparsnipLinux_inferno: you will need to install it then run: sudo apt-file update08:38
actionparsnipLinux_it will take a long while08:38
SmartSsaeghm, that sucks :(08:38
actionparsnipLinux_inferno: you can then use: sudo apt-file search libGl.so.108:38
ardchoilleactionparsnip: is sudo needed for apt-file?08:39
sebsebsebardchoille: sudo apt-get08:39
kaellI'm having trouble running ut2004... it used to work fine (a few weeks ago).  Now it says:  WARNING: ALC_EXT_capture is subject to change!      Couldn't set video mode: Could not create GL context08:39
eghmya, managed to messup the current version in the process, so reinstalled ubuntu again, got some strange gnome login loop, so hoping thrid time is a chram.08:39
linux_infernoactionparsnip ok Ill get started08:39
actionparsnipArdchoille: I know it is for updating, not sure on the search but I covered my ass08:39
sebsebsebardchoille: sudo apt-get install packagename08:39
actionparsnipLinux_inferno: while it updates you could websearch08:40
jaysernneed some sysadmin advice. when i manually run a python script it works all the way, but if i let cron run it, it only runs it half the way.08:40
jaysernanyone knows why ?08:40
actionparsnipJaysern: does it need admin rights ever?08:41
jayserndon't think so08:41
jaysernit works fine if i manually invoke it08:41
linux_infernoactionparsnip i get08:41
linux_infernocurl: (22) The requested URL returned error: 40408:41
linux_infernoDownload of http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/jaunty-security/Contents-amd64.diff/Index failed08:41
SmartSsaoops ;)08:41
actionparsnipLinux_inferno: watch your flooding ;)08:42
linux_infernoactionparsnip sorry i didnt know it was going to put it on 3 lines08:42
actionparsnipLinux_inferno: looks like the repo is being maintained or down08:42
SmartSsait's about that time where security gets updated.08:45
PacketCollisionanyone have other ideas on how to get a totally plain text console on 9.10?08:46
Dr_WillisPacketCollision:  what video card is in that thing?08:46
Theresaok im back to bother you guys08:46
SmartSsasebsebseb, sudo is not required for an apt-file search.08:46
hidensofthi every one08:46
ardchoillePacketCollision: you mean in grub?08:46
hidensofti'm new in ubuntu08:46
Theresawhat do i use to see if the alternative is correct?08:47
hidensofti want install eclipse08:47
PacketCollisionardchoille: I already told grub to not load graphics08:47
DNS777http://petition.stopsoftwarepatents.eu/ :)08:47
hidensoftplease help me08:47
Theresai used the MD5 but it said it was different again08:47
SmartSsaPacketCollision, install the 'server' version?08:47
PacketCollisionDr_Willis: Intel Corporation Pineview Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 0208:47
ardchoillePacketCollision: I have total text grub, here is my grub file: http://ardchoille42.pastebin.com/m302fea5c08:48
Dr_Willis!info eclipse08:48
ubottueclipse (source: eclipse): Extensible Tool Platform and Java IDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.5.1+repack~1-0ubuntu3 (karmic), package size 7 kB, installed size 72 kB08:48
sebsebsebSmartSsa: ok well uhmm  I got mixed up or whatever, thought whatever apt-file was, was just a mistake, and you wanted apt-get08:48
PacketCollisionSmartSsa: I did.  netboot install using text-installer, installed server version08:48
SmartSsasebsebseb, fair enough.08:48
Dr_WillisPacketCollision:  Hmm. other then nofb, nosplash, noquiet, verbose, im out of ideas... and disable gdm of course. but theres no gdm on a server install08:48
ubottuSee https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuHashes for the md5sums of Ubuntu discs.08:49
PacketCollisionthanks for your ideas Dr_Willis08:49
sebsebsebTheresa: you understand about that yet?08:49
Theresahaha no08:49
SmartSsaPacketCollision, that's strange.  The server version does not install a gui by default.08:49
sebsebsebTheresa: Ok that's what I thought,  get a program if on Windows, check ISO, make sure codes are the same as what Ubuntu provides08:50
sebsebsebTheresa: if you have the same code, your ISO is fine, if not it's a bad download08:50
Theresaok i did that and they are not the same... what now?08:50
sebsebsebTheresa: yes re download08:50
PacketCollisionSmartSsa: It's not that it has a gui, it's that it is setting some monitor modes that make the screen blank08:51
Theresak awesome08:51
sebsebsebTheresa: you sure it's not the same kind, I mean  the one I use for those codes, have for all the CD's in the same text, so you might have looked at for another CD08:51
PacketCollisionI'm assuming it's enabling framebuffer or something08:51
SmartSsaPacketCollision, yeah. sounds like it. Hmm..08:51
DNS777!info blender08:51
ubottublender (source: blender): Very fast and versatile 3D modeller/renderer. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.49a+dfsg-0ubuntu2 (karmic), package size 10688 kB, installed size 28072 kB08:51
sebsebsebTheresa: kind why did  I put kind above hrm, that wasn't meant to be there08:51
Theresashould i keep the old ISO? im sorry i didnt understand that..08:52
PacketCollisionardchoille: your grub file has the same problem mine did08:52
sebsebsebTheresa: 1. make sure it's a good ISO.  2.  burn contents to CD  3.  do the pysical disk check to make sure it passes.  4.  should be able to  install Ubuntu and that the  CD should be fine then08:52
=== britney is now known as illovae
Imtiazanyone for ubuntu support08:52
PacketCollisionscreen goes blank right after fsck message08:52
wiehanI cannot take this anymore, my ubuntu 9.04 has been freezing > 5 times a day. This is my last syslog for today (where it froze twice in a period of 5 minutes). Please help me diagnose this so that I can fix this, I need to do work today on my PC. http://pastebin.org/8142808:52
sebsebsebTheresa: where it showed you the code, does it show with for other CD's as well?08:53
sebsebsebTheresa: make sure your  using the code for your CD, not for another CD, and then if they don't match, well yes re download08:53
Theresano i tested it seperately08:53
ardchoillePacketCollision: It doesn't have any problems here and it doesn't go blank. I'm thinking something else is causing your prob08:53
PacketCollision!questions Imtiaz08:53
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)08:53
SmartSsaTheresa, if the ISO is failing the md5 check (which it is) you can a) re-download it fully. or b) download a torrent and hope it fixes the broken bits of the file.08:53
sebsebsebTheresa: have you got a program to  check ISO in that will give you md5sum code?08:54
Dr_WillisPacketCollision:  can you still ssh into the server?08:54
PacketCollisionDr_Willis: yes, ssh works fine08:54
Theresanot the code but it will tell me if they are the same or not08:54
sebsebsebTheresa: whatever your doing might not be good enough, so do it the proper way, where you get a code to compare08:54
Dr_WillisPacketCollision:  check what modules are loading..  (just a guess)08:54
xorllame, easynews mirror is 403 forbidden :(08:55
Dr_WillisPacketCollision:  also try commenting that line you uncomented perhaps?08:55
_waseemHi, I am using Ubuntu 9.04. I want to install a tiling window manager on my machine. What do you suggest which one will be easy to install?08:55
wiehanTheresa, maybe this helps: in terminal md5sum --help08:55
sebsebsebwiehan: no Theresa  is on Windows I think08:55
Dr_Willis_waseem:  easy to install is one thing.. easy to learn/figureout/use.. is the harder part.08:55
wiehansebsebseb: Oh, is she on windows. Cause you can to that on any linux distro.08:56
Theresathe program was DLed from nullriver, a link i found on ubuntu wiki08:56
_waseemDr_Willis: So which one do you suggest?08:56
Dr_Willis_waseem:  no idea. i hate tileing window managers. :)08:56
Dr_Willis_waseem:  its all subjective08:56
wiehanCan somone please look at this: http://pastebin.org/81428 what is my PCs problem.08:56
_waseemDr_Willis: I once tried to install Xmonad. But it was so painful installing that I gave up.08:56
PacketCollisionardchoille: yeah, I don't think grub is the issue, I'm leaning toward fb issues08:56
xorl_waseem: i love xmonad :D08:56
sebsebsebTheresa: your on Windows yes, if so  download a program to check ISO, such as the one mentioned in the Ubuntu md5sum pages sure.  Then that hash link or http://releases.ubuntu.com/9.10 md5sums in the list.08:56
xorlUse it on my laptop exclusively08:56
PacketCollisiongoing to try blacklisting the fb modules08:57
Dr_Willis_waseem:  its in the repos.. should be trivial to install08:57
_waseemDr_Willis: ok let me try again.08:57
Dr_WillisI played with xmonad and xmobar and dzen2 once.. when i was very very bored08:57
_waseemDr_Willis: did you get it working?08:58
sebsebsebTheresa: then you have the code your ISO is meant to be,  as well as codes for other CD's, so just make sure your  comparing the code you get to the one your meant to be.   If they aren't the same re download the ISO.  Then do this check again.08:58
Dr_Willis_waseem:  i dont rcall any problems with it..08:58
darkfuneraldoes XML allow you to fetch the properties of the folders that a leaf is in when you call the leaf?08:58
_waseemxorl: Yes that is one good WM.08:58
_waseemOk see you guys later.08:58
maverickumm...how do i install a .diff patch?08:58
sebsebsebTheresa: also if you download  Ubuntu from the torrent, and then verify the torrent  in the torrents program, and it passes, then the ISO should be fine08:58
Dr_Williswow - installing xmonad instgalled a lot of extra things.09:00
Dr_Williswee haskell! :0 heh09:00
xorlcant wait for some of the new evolution builds to reach ubuntu :(09:01
* ultraparadigm wonders if anyone plays C&C Renegade anymore09:02
Dr_Willisultraparadigm:  that C&C FPS :) i played it and recll a lot of mods for it.. years ago.09:02
Dr_Willisultraparadigm:  it was one of my faves.09:02
ultraparadigmYes, that is my favorite game ever09:03
wiehanPLEASE can someone with linux knowledge just look at this and tell me why my PC is freezing: http://pastebin.org/81428 In windows at least I used to know what was the cause.09:03
ultraparadigmI'm so sad that westwood went out of business09:03
Dr_Willisultraparadigm:  yea. ya ahve to wonder HOW they managed that..09:03
TeamColtraI don't care that they went out of business09:03
PacketCollisionblacklisting everything related to the graphics drivers worked09:04
TeamColtraMind you, I don't know who they are :D09:04
PacketCollisionthanks for your help Dr_Willis, SmartSsa and ardchoille09:04
sebsebsebTheresa: http://releases.ubuntu.com/9.10/MD5SUMS09:04
Dr_Williswiehan:  i dont even see any mention of a crash in there.09:04
ultraparadigmI'm reinstalling it now, but I don't have the data disk anymore or the reg-code.  Thank god for astalavista, lol09:04
GhostWolfOut_Cold are you still around?09:05
PacketCollisionwiehan: looking at it now, but like Dr_Willis I don't see a crash09:05
wiehanDr_Willis, It just froze completely...09:05
Out_ColdGhostWolf, yes09:05
GhostWolfcan i pm you Out_Cold?09:05
deostrollhi can u search the manual for a particular command in the shell09:05
wiehanPacketCollision: bad_page+0xd4/0x130 - what is this?09:05
Dr_Williswiehan:  that dosent tell us much .. does it crash if you just let it sit at the GDM login? does it crash with different apps?09:05
Imtiazany one for support?09:05
midhileshi have a doubt for ubuntu canu help me09:05
Dr_Willismidhilesh:  Huh?09:06
Out_Coldplease do GhostWolf09:06
wiehanDr_Willis: PacketCollision: It crashed at Banshee, at OpenOffice, in Firefox..09:06
Dr_Williswiehan:  does it crash if you just let it sit?09:06
PacketCollision!question | Imtiaz09:06
ubottuImtiaz: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)09:06
midhileshhow can i install cannon mf4355 printer in ubuntu09:07
deostrollhow do u search man page entries...for e.g. you are looking for a particular command...09:07
wiehanDr_Willis no, usually in an app.09:07
Dr_Williswiehan:  try a live cd - see if it crashes then also?   Starting with broad tests to try to narrow things down09:07
Dr_Williswiehan:  this a laptop of desktop?09:07
Imtiazliveradio.dodear.com and chat.dodear.com09:07
Imtiazliveradio.dodear.com and chat.dodear.com09:07
Imtiazliveradio.dodear.com and chat.dodear.com09:07
FloodBot1Imtiaz: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.09:07
Myrttideostroll: /searchword09:07
wiehanDr_Willis, desktop. Oh, no, I just need to get some work done today..09:07
SmartSsai thought that guy's pastebin was spammy.09:08
Dr_Williswiehan:  could be overheating, could be bad ram, could be flakey hd.. if its on a LAN see if you can ssh in - nexct time it crashes.09:08
midhileshcan u help me wiehan ,please i can install that printer for an office09:08
meganerdwiehan: at the very beginning is a bad page error, you may wish to check your RAM09:08
Imtiazi want support09:08
Imtiazi want support09:08
meganerdwiehan: memtest is what you want09:08
deostrollmyrtti: whts tht...?09:08
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!09:08
Dr_Williswiehan:  if it is just X crashing that would point ot a driver/video issue09:08
Dr_Williswiehan:  memtest from teh boot menu is a must try out test also09:09
BlouBlouImtiaz: stop please09:09
MyrttiImtiaz: behave09:09
midhileshhello .....09:09
midhileshenybody help me09:09
Imtiazmyritti can u help me plz09:09
PacketCollision!question | midhilesh09:09
ubottumidhilesh: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)09:09
wiehanDr_Willis, Ok I will, dang, did that a couple of weeks ago when it started with this rubbish, and it was clean then09:09
Dr_Williswiehan:  also check the case/fans/wires for dust/junk. overheating can be an annouyance09:10
* PacketCollision should make a shortcut for that09:10
midhileshplease help me09:10
ultraparadigmwiehan, I believe all that "page" information is refering to memory swapping.  In windows there is a "page file" for it, but linux uses a "swap" partition.  Did you create a swap partition, and how big is it?  Your swap partition should be 2X the amount of your physical ram.09:10
=== HoodedRat is now known as Linux
Dr_Willismidhilesh:  give a clear concice quiestion. for printers normally I check cups.org to see how well a given printer is supported.09:10
midhileshany body expert in ubuntu09:10
midhileshplz answer my qustion09:10
meganerdultraparadigm: he has 4 GiB of RAM, 2 GiB of swap is probably not required09:10
Dr_Willismidhilesh:  asking for experts and so forth - is pointless.09:10
wiehanultraparadigm: I think my swap space is 3gb and my Ram is 4gb. Has laso roughly been like that ratio and never had a problem09:11
Myrtti!pm > Imtiaz09:11
ubottuImtiaz, please see my private message09:11
paolodoes anyone know why OSS is not supported in ubuntu?09:11
Out_Coldwhat is wrong with this script?? #!/bin/bash   sh /path/to/script09:12
midhileshany expert is ther09:12
meganerdpaolo: what do you mean OSS is not supported?09:12
Dr_Willismidhilesh:    dont pm me.. and stat the question to the channel in clear/concise terms.09:12
Imtiazwhere can i get packages for ubuntu 9. sumthing09:12
uwiyes yes bego09:12
Myrtti!pm | midhilesh09:12
ubottumidhilesh: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.09:12
Dr_Willismidhilesh:  all ive seen isyou asking  for help and no real info on the actual problem09:12
Slartpaolo: probably because of the effort required to make sure both sound architectures work for all apps09:12
uwicupu lo bego tlol09:12
paolomeganerd: there is no official package of oss in the ubuntu repository09:12
Dr_WillisImtiaz:  and your problem is?09:12
deostrollhi when u hit apropos in the shell followed by ur search term...wht r those things inside the brackets...09:12
Imtiazi work in an isp and i want packages for pptp dialers which work for ubuntu 9.0.109:12
midhileshmy qustion is how can install canon mf4355 printer in ubuntu8.1009:13
FrameFeverI want to install grub gfx, is there a nice tutorial?09:13
paoloSlart: it would be nice to have a choice09:13
meganerdpaolo: ALSA has OSS emulation so there is no point in duplicating it09:13
Dr_Willismidhilesh:  for starters go to cups.org and see IF the thing has any support at all.09:13
SmartSsaOut_Cold, dunno, what's the error?09:13
Dr_Willismidhilesh:  many canon printers have very little support.09:13
Imtiazmy question is i work in an isp and i want packages for pptp dialers which work for ubuntu 9.0.109:13
Imtiazmy question is i work in an isp and i want packages for pptp dialers which work for ubuntu 9.0.109:13
Imtiazmy question is i work in an isp and i want packages for pptp dialers which work for ubuntu 9.0.109:13
FloodBot1Imtiaz: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.09:13
Slartmeganerd: I think he means support for newer OSS versions09:13
paolomeganerd: alsa has a lot of problems on my pc so I had to switch to oss09:13
Out_Cold 1: Syntax error: "(" unexpected09:13
Myrtti!repeat | Imtiaz09:13
ubottuImtiaz: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.09:13
meganerdSlart: he did not say that09:14
Dr_WillisI dont use pptp - dont even know what it is...09:14
Out_ColdSmartSsa,  1: Syntax error: "(" unexpected09:14
midhileshif any support link to cannon cups09:14
SlartImtiaz: wow.. you work with networks for a living and still you spam like this in a support channel? please let us know who you work for se we can avoid them09:14
meganerdDr_Willis: it is a VPN protocol09:14
Dr_Willismidhilesh:  cups.org09:14
SmartSsaOut_Cold, check the second script that's being run.09:14
paolomeganerd: i am talking about oss4, but anyway that is not the point.. i would like to be able to choose within oss and alsa  so that I can see which one works better09:14
Imtiazi acctualy dont work for them09:14
midhileshi can search ther,but not geting solution09:14
Imtiazi just want packages for pptp dialer09:15
Out_ColdSmartSsa, it runs well by it's self but we can't seem to /usr/bin it or create a script to run it.09:15
ranjanhello every body09:15
Imtiazif someone can help me i will be very thankful09:15
meganerdImtiaz: it is in the repository, just search in the Ubuntu Software Center09:15
ranjani am having an issue with sharing09:15
meganerdmidhilesh: http://www.linuxfoundation.org/collaborate/workgroups/openprinting/database/databaseintro09:15
ranjancan any body on this network can help me09:15
Imtiazthanx for this type of help09:16
midhileshwht is that link09:16
ultraparadigmwhat is pp2p?  I'm not familiar with that protocal.  Is that point to point protocol, or a peer 2 peer thinggy?09:16
meganerdultraparadigm: VPN09:16
SmartSsaultraparadigm, point to point tunneling. VPN.09:16
ultraparadigmAh thanks09:16
meganerdultraparadigm: it is an old protocol supported in Linux, it is also supported by Windows out of the box09:16
Dr_Willishttp://gutenprint.sourceforge.net/p_Supported_Printers.php   has a list of some canon printers09:17
midhileshis their any other compactable driver for cannon mf4355 printer for ubuntu 8.1009:17
Noianoguys I see the package "firefox-3.6" is present in repositories but it has no installation candidate...will it be fixed in your opinion? (ubuntu 9.10)09:17
SmartSsaOut_Cold, that's strange. If you can run it directly, it should work from another script  without issue.09:17
Out_ColdSmartSsa, now you see the issue :o/09:18
meganerdpaolo: did you even google oss4 and ubuntu?09:18
meganerdpaolo: ever I mean09:18
MyrttiNoiano: you've got something broken. ff 3.6 will not officially be in 9.10.09:18
NoianoMyrtti, what a pity09:19
PacketCollisionDr_Willis, SmartSsa ardchoille: adding "blacklist i915" to /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf is enough to fix the blank screen problem09:19
Dr_WillisPacketCollision:  so my 'module' suggestion helped? :)09:19
SmartSsaOut_Cold, yes yes I do. And when something like that happens it's usually something ridiculously simple and when you find out what it is you'll face-palm yourself. ;)09:19
ardchoillePacketCollision: Nice to know, I'll have to make note of that :)09:19
Dr_Willispoor intel.. really needs  some love..09:19
SmartSsaPacketCollision, good to know. Thanks.09:19
ardchoilleDr_Willis: "love" is not what comes to my mind09:20
Out_ColdSmartSsa, only problem is it's priya's script and her comp :o/09:20
Dr_WillisIntel, Nvidia, ATI - its like haveing 3 mother inlaws - that you cant get rid of..09:20
paolomeganerd: why?09:20
PaschuHey guys, im not able to mount the other partition on my netbook. it says "Unable to mount the volume". how to fix it?09:21
meganerdDr_Willis: at least Intel's drivers are upstream... and the latest ATI as well09:21
priyaher is he  priya is my daughters name09:21
meganerdpaolo: googling ubuntu and oss4 returns some promising links09:21
midhileshany body there for solve my problem09:21
PacketCollisionnow to integrate that into my preseed file, and I'm good to go!09:21
PacketCollisionYay for completely automated installs09:22
meganerdpaolo: I was wondering what you have tried09:22
paolowell like this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OpenSound which says that it is not possible... but it is hard to believe09:22
PaschuHey guys, im not able to mount the other partition on my netbook. it says "Unable to mount the volume". how to fix it?09:22
hak5fanPaschu: Which file system does it use?09:23
om26erPaschu, trying to mount from nautilus? or cli09:23
Out_ColdSmartSsa, we made a script file in a local directory named rqc. the script runs the other script located in the same directory... and all is softlinked to /usr/bin/rqc09:23
Paschuhak5fan: its my windows partition09:23
Paschuom26er: With the normal file browser09:23
midhileshhow can open wd passport hdd by using live cd09:23
meganerdpaolo: that link tells you *how* to do it09:23
ranjanPaschu: is it fat or ntfs09:23
hak5fanPaschu: So it's ntfs then... are you trying to mount it with nautilus or the cli?09:23
om26erPaschu, in terminal type sudo fdisk -l and pastbin the result09:23
Paschuranjan: ntfs09:24
om26er!pastebin | Paschu09:24
ubottuPaschu: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://ubuntu.pastebin.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic09:24
paolomeganerd: you haven't understood my question09:24
meganerdI have not bothered with with OSS4 since they do not support two of my machines with RME HDSP cards09:24
ranjanPaschu: have you tried after installing  ntfs 3g09:24
meganerdpaolo: I can believe that09:24
Paschuom26er: It cant find the command09:25
meganerdpaolo: what exactly is your question?09:25
paolomeganerd: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=138919609:25
om26erPaschu, sudo fdisk -l09:25
om26ertry again09:25
Paschuom26er: sudo: fdisk: command not found09:26
meganerdpaolo: AFAIK ALSA and OSS do not co-exist09:27
midhilesh4wd mypassport open with live cd09:27
meganerdmidhilesh4: plug it in09:27
meganerdmidhilesh4: I have one of those drives and it worked out of the box for me09:28
om26erPaschu, how many partitions your hardrive have?09:28
midhilesh4pls give me09:28
Paschuom26er: 2 i guess09:28
Dr_Willismidhilesh4:  if its ntfs/vfat install/run ntfs-config (as root) and enable the allowing of users to access the devices perhaps.09:28
om26erPaschu, sudo mkdir /media/test;sudo mount /dev/sda2 /media/test09:28
meganerdPaschu: Dr_Willis: use ntfs-3g, it should be installed by default on both 9.04 and 9.1009:29
Dr_Willismeganerd:  it is.. and ntfs-config tweaks it to allow users to mount ntfs/vfat on removeable media.09:29
Paschuom26er: Uhm, something strange happened09:29
om26erPaschu, what?09:30
meganerdDr_Willis: on 9.10 that works out of the box for me, no need to tweak09:30
Dr_Willis!info ntfs-config09:30
ubottuntfs-config (source: ntfs-config): Enable/disable write support for any NTFS devices. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.5.5-0ubuntu5 (karmic), package size 40 kB, installed size 432 kB09:30
Dr_Willismeganerd:  ive had it work for some.. and not for others.. Not sure why09:30
Dr_Willismeganerd:  had some be read only09:30
Paschuom26er: A folder opened which contains Lost&found and all the other ones09:30
meganerdDr_Willis: I usually install ntfsprogs so that I can run ntfsfix on volumes that were not cleanly unmounted09:30
Dr_Willismeganerd:  ive heard thats not totally safe.. but  whatever works. :)09:31
darkfunerali just want my leafs to inherit properties of the categories they are in, what XML front-end or hierarchical editor is there?09:31
midhilesh4how can install wd passport driver09:31
Paschuom26er: and boot and root and so on09:31
meganerdWindows 7 betas did not cleanly unmount ntfs removeable drives09:31
Dr_Willismidhilesh4:  plug it in.. try to mounbt it manually with  the ntfs-3g or mount command.. try the ntfs-config tool..09:31
meganerdDr_Willis: I have been using it for a couple of years without issue09:31
Dr_Willismidhilesh4:  if its ntfs that is..09:31
Nz17How do use wodim to make a rewritable (floppy-like) DVD?09:31
Dr_WillisNz17:  im not sure it can.09:32
om26erPaschu, can you please open disk-utility and send its screen shot09:32
midhilesh4its ntfs ,which command use for mount09:32
meganerdDr_Willis: I usually just format the drives ext3 now, ext2 for flash devices09:32
Dr_Willismidhilesh4:  mount or ntfs-3g command.09:32
om26erPaschu, system>administration>disk utility09:32
Nz17DR_Willis: Ah, so wodim maybe only does write-clear, write-clear, not write-add-add?09:32
midhilesh4willis just type that cmd ntfs-3g09:33
Dr_WillisNz17:  the whole 'use a cd as a big floppy' i think uses some special features of UDF filesystems.. ive only tried it under windows.. and it worked poorly there. Im dont ever recall seeing the feature on any linux disrto.09:33
Dr_Willis!ntfs-3g | midhilesh409:33
ubottumidhilesh4: ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions09:33
Dr_Willismidhilesh4:  if a ntfs filesystem is not properly closed by windows.. then linux WONT auto mount it..09:34
Dr_Willismidhilesh4:  as a 'safty' feature09:34
Nz17Dr_Willis: Thanks for the info.  I guess I'll just use high capacity USB Flash drives instead. :-)09:34
Dr_WillisNz17:  yea. tghe whole - cd as a floppy - is somting ive seen doazens of people in windows try.. and lose data,,,09:35
ranjani am wondering with one issue ... and i am not able to find any proper answer is there any way to add more drive space in home directory ....  afterwards ...09:35
Nz17LOL@Dr_Willis :D09:35
Dr_Willisranjan:  you can take/use a new filesystem on some other drive and move /home to it.. or move some users /home/username to it.09:35
midhilesh4dr willis can tell ur maile id09:35
Dr_Willisranjan:  a directory dosent have 'drive space' - filesystems do. :)09:35
meganerdranjan: it depends, is there any more space on the disk?  You could always move /home (or any other directory) to a second disk if you like09:35
ectospasmranjan: you could always mount /hom on an LVM volume09:36
Nz17In everyone's opinion, is now the time to move from ReiserFS to Ext4?09:36
Dr_WillisNz17:  ive never seen much need to use resiserfs09:36
ectospasmTHen you can add or remove space, almost on the fly.  I dunno, can ext4 be resized while it's mounted?  reiserfs3 could...09:37
Dr_WillisNz17:  may as well  move.09:37
meganerdNz17: I have not used reiser in quite some time09:37
tonyyarussoNz17: probably a reasonable idea.09:37
meganerdNz17: now is the time to switch to ext309:37
Nz17I've been using ReiserFS for /home for a few years now, but I think I'll go to Ext4 in the future.09:37
Dr_Willisext1 !09:37
iflemaNz17 women basher... ext4 all good here... been using for months no dramas... that ive noticed anyway09:37
Nz17OK thanks you all, have a nice time.09:38
meganerdNz17: I use ext3 in production, ext4 on my laptop and personal machines, xfs on large volumes or ones that I share with samba09:38
ffffffhey guys, how do i disable a card im not using in alsa?09:38
midhilesh4hello willis after install ntfs driver wht i do09:39
meganerdNz17: xfs is what I put on LVMs09:39
Dr_Willismidhilesh4:  use the ntfs-3g command to mount the filesystem in question09:39
Dr_WillisExample: ntfs-3g /dev/sda1 /mnt/windows09:40
Dr_WillisExample: sudo ntfs-3g /dev/sdb1 /media/windows09:40
sabgentonwhat is a good way to boot an install iso over the nettwork09:41
* Dr_Willis is done pasteing from the 'ntfs-3g --help' docs. :)09:41
Dr_Willissabgenton:  not sure thats even doable..09:41
Dr_Willissabgenton:  grub2 can boot a iso file locally.. but iover the network. Hmm09:41
ubottuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate09:41
midhilesh4ok if cant open using that cmd .if here any othr option09:42
Dr_Willismidhilesh4:  if ntfs-3g cant moint it.. it should give an error09:43
sabgentonDr_Willis:hmm grub2  and isos09:43
=== HoodedRat is now known as Linux
Dr_Willissabgenton:  its a handy feature09:44
midhilesh4wich error09:44
Dr_Willismidhilesh4:  err.. try the command ... and see09:44
midhilesh4sir help me to open09:45
bannickhi some help with bazaar welcome09:45
Dr_Willishave you even tried the example commands?09:45
bannickhow can i push updates to peers (bazaar) without a central server?09:45
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sabgentonDr_Willis, amazed haven't seen this googling09:46
=== napster_ is now known as napster
ravenwhat is the ssh command to start a graphical app on the server?09:46
Dr_Willissabgenton:  you havent looked very hard then. :) i got a dozen links on the topic at http://delicious.com/dr_willis under my grub2 tags09:46
=== Last_Exile is now known as Guard1an
elviosraven: you have to have the -X extension on, i think09:47
ravenright that*s it09:47
sabgentonDr_Willis:asking the wrong questiosn though09:47
hoth_join #django-dev09:48
Myrttibannick: #bzr might know09:50
ranjanthat is great09:50
=== crunchbang is now known as Guest81050
Guest81050YEAH GO GO IRC09:53
* iflema he killed her.. admitted it...09:56
* Dr_Willis waits for a lagged !ot09:56
ectospasmOK, just upgraded from 9.04 to 9.10, time to reboot!09:57
meganerdsabgenton: pxe09:58
giampieroHello I've got a problem making copies of dvds with Ubuntu software can anybody please help?10:01
sabgentonmeganerd: grub2's ablitly to boot iso's looks potentialy easyer10:01
sabgentonand cool10:01
ectospasmthat was a lot less painless than I expected.  At least, thus far...  I'm impressed!10:02
homebrewciderHi guys, my auto login doesn't work and I have to try at least 5 times logging in manually for it to work, how can I find out the cause of the problem?10:03
giampieroHello I've got a problem making copies of dvds with Ubuntu software can anybody please help?10:04
theodorehello there10:04
theodoreI need assistance concerning komport...10:04
theodoreI do ./configure and I get  configure: error: Qt (>= Qt 3.0.3) (headers and libraries) not found. Please check your installation!10:05
Seveas!compiling | theodore10:07
ubottutheodore: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)10:07
theodoreubottu:yes is called komport...I'll give a look to that10:07
Seveas!bot | theodore10:08
ubottutheodore: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots10:08
Sagacican i sign the Ubuntu code of conduct on a windows machine10:10
Dr_WillisSagaci:  i dont se why not. :)10:10
SeveasSagaci, yes yu can, if you install pgp. It's easier on Ubuntu though as it comes with gpg preinstalled :)10:11
=== someone is now known as Guest13980
BlouBlouhow can I change resolution of tty?10:12
ugliefrogwill there be a wubi install forwindows7...unfortunaletley i have to keep a windoes box10:12
midnighthackeris there someone knows how to install pyqt410:13
Dr_Willisugliefrog:  you could use it in virtualbox..10:13
skunkie_blowhi all10:14
Dr_Willisugliefrog:  or resize the windows partitions and do a normal install10:14
midnighthackeri face a problem to install pyqt410:14
Padhuare you tried 'apt-get'?10:16
ardchoillemidnighthacker: apt-cache search python-qt410:17
jellow!et | jellow10:18
ubottujellow, please see my private message10:18
BlouBlouwhere is menu.lst in grub2?10:18
sebsebsebBlouBlou: there isn't one10:18
sebsebsebBlouBlou: instead there's some other file that is similar10:18
sebsebseb!grub2  | BlouBlou10:19
ubottuBlouBlou: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub210:19
ardchoille!grub2 | BlouBlou there isn't one10:19
ubottuBlouBlou there isn't one: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub210:19
BlouBlouplay. thanks10:19
BlouBlouokay thanks10:19
midnighthackeri download pygtk410:19
midnighthackerthen i install sip10:19
ardchoillemidnighthacker: pygtk4? Where did you find that?10:19
blue-pearlany one got ubuntu one client on 9.04??10:20
Dr_Willisblue-pearl:  im not sure there is one.  the #ubuntuone channel would know i imagine10:20
sebsebsebDr_Willis: blue-pearl  pretty sure there is one, but  doesn't really matter to me, since I don't want to use Ubuntu One10:20
ardchoilleDr_Willis: ubuntuone is being ported to Windows, btw10:21
sebsebsebardchoille: is it?  oh  good idea10:21
hidensofti trying to install subversion10:22
hidensoftsudo apt-get install subversion10:22
hidensofti got this10:22
sebsebsebardchoille: I have thought about this before, how really maybe it should have a Windows and Mac OS X version as well.10:22
midnighthackerthis is the error Make sure you have a working Qt v4 qmake on your PATH or use the -q4 argument to explicitly specify a working Qt v4 qmake10:22
hidensoftE: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'sudo dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.10:22
Gabriel001hello all10:22
hidensoftwhat is problem ?10:22
erUSULhidensoft: the error clearly states --> you must manually run 'sudo dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem10:23
Seveashidensoft, the problem is that dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'sudo dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.10:23
=== sleeping`dragon is now known as error404notfound
ardchoillehidensoft: it tells you what the problem was10:23
ardchoillesebsebseb: I agree10:23
hidensoftplease tell me how i can install subversion10:23
sebsebsebardchoille: and not just so Ubuntu users can access their files on there, but so  Windows and Mac OS X users can also use the service10:24
Seveashidensoft, sudo dpkg --configure -a && sudo apt-get install subversion10:24
sebsebsebardchoille: whilst not having to use Ubuntu,  plus it should be ported to some other distros,  anwyay off topic now10:24
ravenis possible to select several files for the same change in UNISON???10:24
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Gabriel001hello all, I'm an IT manager who wants to start living better with linux.10:25
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!10:26
* iflema !et should cover wine10:27
Gabriel001what is the equivalent  to IPCONFIG in linux?10:27
erUSULGabriel001: ifconfig or ip10:28
cretsiahifconfig -a will give u the full lot10:28
Gabriel001thanks erUSUL10:28
first-keeperhay guys i want to use my ipod touch on unbuntu can any one help10:28
erUSUL!ipod > first-keeper10:28
ubottufirst-keeper, please see my private message10:28
ravenhow to skip thousands of files from process in UNISON?10:28
midnighthackerand to see who are connecting with you us this "netstat -telnap"10:29
Seveasmidnighthacker, using -l and -a together is just wrong :)10:30
CharlesDaymidnighthacker, using -l and -a together is just wrong :)10:30
SeveasI see we have a copycat10:30
erUSULin stereo where aviable10:30
Seveashello CharlesDay, please try and be original :)10:30
CharlesDayI see we have a copycat10:30
ardchoilleSeveas: looks like a copy bot10:30
CharlesDayhow many copycats do you see around here/10:30
SeveasCharlesDay, you're the only one so far :)10:31
midnighthackerwell whats wrong with it10:31
CharlesDayso then i am original10:31
CharlesDaywell whats wrong with it10:31
ravenhow to skip thousands of files with change in "props" from process in UNISON?10:31
CharlesDayhow to skip thousands of files with change in "props" from process in UNISON?10:31
Seveasmidnighthacker, -a means all, -l means only listening. -l is ignored of you use -a as well :)10:31
CharlesDaymidnighthacker, -a means all, -l means only listening. -l is ignored of you use -a as well :)10:31
Seveas!ops | CharlesDay10:31
ubottuCharlesDay: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!10:31
ardchoille!ops | CharlesDay possibly a copy bot10:31
ubottuCharlesDay possibly a copy bot: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!10:31
iceroot!ops | CharlesDay10:32
CharlesDay! no10:32
Seveaswoah :)10:32
ubottuHvis du vil diskutere på Norsk, vennligst gå til #ubuntu-no. Takk!10:32
SeveasCharlesDay, you're being annoying. Leave.10:32
erUSULraven: your better of trying yo find an unison related channel. /msg alis list *unison*10:32
midnighthackeri always use it to get the IP of my contacts10:32
Myrtticalm down, people10:32
* erUSUL is ice cold 10:33
MyrttiCharlesDay: hm?10:33
SeveaserUSUL, try a blanket :-)10:33
midnighthackeris there someone can help me to install pyqt 410:34
ardchoillemidnighthacker: sudo apt-get install python-qt410:34
Seveasmidnighthacker, sudo apt-get install python-qt410:34
midnighthackerok thanks10:34
Seveasardchoille, darn you to heck! :)10:34
xinshouhi everyone!10:34
ardchoilleSeveas: :)10:34
Seveashi xinshou10:34
ravenerUSUL, nothing10:35
ravenwho knows about UNISON?10:35
CharlesDayhi i have aids10:35
xinshouhow to setup l2tp+ipsec VPN under linux ? i need to connect to one, but it's a windows server10:35
erUSULraven: :/ i doubt many people here uses unison.10:35
Seveasraven, judging by the lack of replies to your questions: nobody who is currently active.10:35
erUSULxinshou: tried with NM ? it has a few plugins to connect to vpn...10:35
SeveaserUSUL, that doesn't do ipsec or l2tp10:36
xinshounm has openvpn, pptp... but i didn't found anything related to l2tp10:36
Seveasxinshou, ipsec (ah/ike) can be set up with racoon-tool10:36
erUSULSeveas: ok; ty for the info10:36
xinshoul2tp+ipsec is the configuration i used under winxp10:37
xinshouSeveas: but how do i get the "certificate file"? the vpn i'm using only provide a windows setup.exe10:37
Seveasxinshou, xl2tpd and l2tpns seem related to l2tp10:38
Seveasxinshou, the .exe probably installs the certificate somewhere on the windows system. Alternatively, ask your network administrator10:38
xinshouSeveas: thx 4 ur advice10:40
thomas82Hi, is there any way to install ubuntu on fake raid? Installation looks fine, but i'm unable to boot after :/10:40
ubottuTips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto10:41
Dr_Williscan /boot/ be on a raid? or fake raid? that used to be a limition wasent it?10:42
kasperSomebody got xwinwrap working on 9.10 ?10:43
thomas82thanks erUSUL,10:43
erUSULthomas82: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto#Finish the Install <<< see how to install grub... but frnkly that page looks scary enough10:43
* Dr_Willis wonders what xwinwrap is10:44
erUSULthomas82: are you really forced to use fakeraid ?10:44
Seveas!info xwinwrap10:44
ubottuPackage xwinwrap does not exist in karmic10:44
kasperDr_Willis: xwinwrap lets you wrap windows as your desktop background. Its used to have screensavers as background.10:44
thomas82erUSUL: unfortunatelly yes :( I must have a Win on second partition..10:45
BelseruskHi. Do you say 'Linux' or do you say 'GNU/Linux'? Please reply with GNU/Linux or Linux10:46
ubottuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.10:46
MyrttiBelserusk: this isn't a place for polls or non-support discussions10:46
papulplease help. http://papul.pastebin.com/m5c847fb510:47
howlymowlyhey you...  native english speakers:  i got a short question do you rather say.  "I have a preference IN doing something" or "FOR doing something"?10:47
howlymowlythx for the answers!10:47
Dr_Willis'I perfer to do somthing'10:48
Gabriel001can anyone please explain to me where exactly is my IP address when I type "ifconfig"10:48
Gabriel001eth0      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:0a:e4:db:83:8610:48
Gabriel001          UP BROADCAST MULTICAST  MTU:1500  Metric:110:48
Gabriel001          RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:010:48
Gabriel001          TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:010:48
Gabriel001          collisions:0 txqueuelen:100010:48
FloodBot1Gabriel001: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.10:48
oCean_howlymowly: have you even read the topic of this channel?10:49
zirodaypapul: what are you trying to compile?10:49
Dr_Williseth0      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:1b:b9:8a:b6:d010:49
erUSULGabriel001: currently none10:49
Dr_Willis          inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
Dr_Willisright where it says inet addr:10:49
papulziroday: midori10:50
howlymowlythx dr willis  thats what I was looking for...   ahhww sorry oCean i did not pay attention to what channel I was logged in10:50
Gabriel001thanks Dr_Willis10:50
zirodaypapul: you are aware that midori is in the repositories right?10:50
papulziroday: yes10:50
zirodaypapul: any reason you aren't using that version?10:50
papulziroday: ????10:51
papulziroday: i want to compile10:51
zirodaypapul: okay, but why?10:51
papulziroday: my wish. :P will you help?10:51
papulwhats my problem?10:51
kcj1993Is there any way to undo the last set of updates applied? I added the xorg-edgers ppa and then updated and it messed up my system.  :(10:51
papuli cant install the dependencies10:52
eremitepapul, you dont need to compile it yourself, you can just download it from the repos10:52
papuleremite: i know10:52
zirodaypapul: sure, okay well you haven't installed the dependencies for that package. You can install the dependencies by doing sudo apt-get build-dep midori as midori is already in the repository10:52
papuli just want to compile10:52
ubottuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)10:52
zirodaypapul: do you understand?10:52
Dr_Willisinstall build-essential install the deps for that package ti compile it. since its in the repos that makes it eeasier.10:53
maveasI'm having some problems with my wireless card. It wont connect to my AP. Haven't got any problems before. I'm running 9.10 (2.6.31-18)10:53
Dr_Willissudo apt-get build-dep packagename  (i think) will pull them all in10:53
TanthrixAnyone know what I do with a .deb file to activate some 3rd party repository?10:53
papulziroday: thanks10:53
zirodayDr_Willis: I've just explained that to papul :)10:53
maveasPassword etc. IS correct.10:53
zirodayTanthrix: which third party repository?10:54
papulziroday: didnt knew the command apt-get build-dep existed10:54
Dr_WillisTanthrix:  the one ive seen add the proper entry to /etc/apt/surces.list.d  i recall10:54
Tanthrixziroday: http://www.mythbuntu.org/auto-builds10:54
mataksi just update to the newest kernel, now how to remove the old kernels on my boot list?10:54
deltamaveas: MAC-filter?10:54
papulit will solve many of my compiling problems. thanks ziroday10:54
maveasdelta: Absolutely not..10:54
zirodayTanthrix: FYI there is a #mythbuntu :)10:54
delanhi, i'm new to #ubuntu and i'd just like to ask a quick question; i use network-manager-applet to configure my wlan connection, but how do i get a wlan connection when not running x?10:54
Dr_Willismataks:  unless you have a lot of kernels taking up space... id just leave them there.. juzt in case.10:54
maveasWPA w/ AES10:54
zirodayTanthrix: AFAICT just download and install the .deb (double click on it)10:55
maveasKey is correct etc. as I wrote :)10:55
Tanthrixziroday: I'll give it a go, thanks.10:55
zirodayTanthrix: have fun!10:55
mataksDr_Willis,  i want to remove the old kernels, im won't use them anymore. do you know what's the commadn to fully remove old kernels?10:55
maveasThe other laptops (Running XP and Vista) in the house is connection fine10:55
zirodaymataks: you can find the old kernels as linux-image-kernel-version-number10:56
erUSULmaveas: it is easier to it from synaptic. just search linux-image and mark them to be removed. aply at the end10:56
maveasWrong nick ;)10:56
delani use network-manager-applet to configure my wlan connection, but how do i get a wlan connection when not running x?10:57
kcj1993Can someone please help me?10:57
zirodaymaveas: my instinct say's a restart or reloading of the wireless module might fix the issue, but that is just pure guesswork10:58
maveasziroday: I've tried10:58
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)10:58
zirodaymaveas: ah, but this connection has worked before?10:58
kcj1993I'm not asking to ask10:59
maveasziroday: It sure has10:59
maveasziroday: Like always :)10:59
zirodaymaveas: how odd10:59
zirodaymaveas: what wireless card?10:59
qbmaniachey guys, I have a bit of a problem, I have only 1 partition but /home/ is full (10:59
sakthivelhow to install lamp in ubuntu 9.1 .. any single command for terminal or any easy method?10:59
maveasziroday: Uhm.. The chipset is RA6110:59
qbmaniacive emptied trash)10:59
qbmaniacany ideas?10:59
kcj1993looks like I have to repeat myself10:59
maveassakthivel: sudo tasksel10:59
kcj1993Is there any way to undo the last set of updates applied? I added the xorg-edgers ppa and then updated and it messed up my system.  :(11:00
ziroday!lamp > sakthivel11:00
ubottusakthivel, please see my private message11:00
Dr_Willisqbmaniac:  and how big is your / partition ? (df -h)11:00
eremiteqbmaniac, delete files or get a new HD?11:00
maveassakthivel: from there you can choose the LAMP11:00
qbmaniacmy partition is not full11:00
qbmaniacbut home directory is11:00
qbmaniacI was installing win7 on virtualbox and the size of my home directory ran out11:00
Dr_Willisqbmaniac:     home is under / - so somtjhing is not making sence11:00
zirodaymaveas: does it appear in ifconfig -a?11:00
qbmaniacabsolutely it is not making sense, hard drive has 50gb free11:00
Dr_Willisqbmaniac:  check 'mount' command perhaps.11:00
hidensoftdebconf: DbDriver "config": /var/cache/debconf/config.dat is locked by another process11:01
qbmaniacbut when i go to properties in /home/ it says 50kb free11:01
hidensofthow i can unlock this11:01
maveasziroday: it does11:01
=== linucks is now known as linucks[afk]
zirodaymaveas: can you pastebin the output of lspci, and see if dmesg outputs anything interesting when you attempt to connect to the network11:01
oCean_!afk > linucks[afk]11:01
ubottulinucks[afk], please see my private message11:01
qbmaniacoh damn, Dr_Willis11:02
qbmaniacit appears I've got : /dev/sda5 on /home type ext4 (rw)11:02
qbmaniacI guess I established /home as another partition11:02
maveasziroday: I'll try11:02
qbmaniacis there any easy way to expand sda5 and contract sda4 without restarting?11:02
qbmaniacI was at the middle of a win7 install in virtualbox11:02
zirodaymaveas: sure, feel free to ask if you're not sure about anything11:02
Dr_Willisqbmaniac:  make a /sparehome   and chown/mode it to be owned by the user.. and move stuff to it :)11:02
zirodayqbmaniac: no, you can't resize the partition whilst you are running on it11:02
ectospasmqbmaniac: that depends, are they on LVM logical volumes?11:03
zirodayqbmaniac: but I would try emptying your trash11:03
Dr_Willisqbmaniac:  but err.. normally virtualbox drives go in /var/SOMTING not in the users home.11:03
qbmaniacsda4 and sda5 are both on one hard drive11:03
qbmaniacDr_Willis, the .hda (hard drive) file goes in /home11:03
ectospasmqbmaniac: you can't normally resize partitions on the fly11:03
qbmaniacby default11:03
qbmaniacziroday, I had emptied trash already ;D11:04
Dr_WillisHmm.. i dont recall seeing those here. but i only  use little ones anyway for live cd testing11:04
qbmaniacDr_Willis, I was unaware of /sparehome,11:04
qbmaniacI mean11:04
qbmaniacthe idea11:04
FloodBot1qbmaniac: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.11:04
eremiteI've got a spare partition and I want to dual boot another linux distro.  Does anyopne have a suggestion for a distro that contrasts Ubuntu? Something very different yet usable?11:04
Dr_Willisqbmaniac:   just a directrouy owned by a user they can use.. not a fancy idea at all. :)11:04
oCean_Dr_Willis: think default is ~/.Virtualbox/HardDisks (mine do after fresh vbox install)11:04
maveasziroday: the lspci says "RaLink RT2561/RT61 802.11g11:04
zirodaymaveas: okay11:04
ectospasmeremite: Slackware11:04
ectospasmeremite: or Gentoo11:04
maveasziroday: can I do some grep on dmesg?11:04
blue-pearlhello no one is in #ubuntuone can some one here help me with ubuntuone client?11:05
eremiteblue-pearl, ask11:05
oCean_blue-pearl: just ask, and see if someone here can help11:05
maveasziroday: It's weird. If I try to use the "Connect to a hidden network.." the network itself is there but I'm not able to hit "Connect"11:05
zirodaymaveas: err I would just look at the last 10 or so lines for anything related to networking or wireless when you try to connect to your network11:05
the_real_daveHi, I want to upgrade to the latest ntfs-3g instead of using the one from the repos. I removed the old version, installed the new one, and once I changed the option of ntfs to ntfs-3g in my fstab it worked fine. However, mounting a USB drive via the Places menu mounts it as a read only file system, the same as if I leave the option for my internal drive as just ntfs. My question is, how can I change the Gnome Place11:05
blue-pearli installed ubuntu one client on 9.04.....but its not in the menu.11:06
Dr_Willisguess mine are in   /home/11:06
Dr_Willisall 3gb of them :)11:06
Dr_Willisblue-pearl:  run it from command line then?11:06
Dr_Willisthe_real_dave:  install/run the ntfs-config tool perhaps?11:06
sakthivelhow do  i get all ubuntu terminal commads>?11:06
blue-pearlDr_Willis: what command should i type?11:06
zirodaymaveas: honestly I'm not really sure, its all just guesswork from here hoping something googleble turns up :)11:07
Dr_Willisblue-pearl:  just a guess.. but 'ubuntuone' or 'ubuntuone<tab>'11:07
maveasziroday: well.. thank you for your time then :)11:07
zirodaymaveas: yeah, sorry :)11:07
Dr_Willisblue-pearl:  #ubuntuone may know exactly11:07
maveasziroday: it's okay - dont worry :)11:07
Dr_Williswillis@cow:~$ ubun11:08
erUSULsakthivel: press tab twice :)11:08
Dr_Willisubun-student                  ubuntu-bug                    ubuntuone-client-applet       ubuntuone-client-preferences  ubuntu-tweak11:08
blue-pearlDr_Willis: no one in #ubuntuone11:08
ubottuYou can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.11:08
the_real_daveDr_Willis: thanks for the reply but that doesn't help, wont't allow me to change the options, and reverts back to the old one. The weird thing is, I removed every ntfs thing I could find, rebooted, plugged in my USB and it mounted read only :S So is there a way of me removing ntfs in the kernel?11:08
sakthivelwhere which window ?11:08
Dr_Willisthe_real_dave:  no idea. ive never seen anything in the 'latest' ntfs-3g' that ijust Had to have....11:09
Dr_Willis!terminal | sakthivel11:09
ubottusakthivel: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal11:09
blue-pearlDr_Willis: this commands r not working..."command not found"11:09
jackhornerIs there any way to reduce my disk speed from 7200rpm to, dont know, 4000rpm?11:09
Dr_Willisblue-pearl:   try 'ubu<tab>' ? what command did you try exactly?11:09
Dr_Willisjackhorner:  im not sure thats possible.11:10
erUSULjackhorner: no11:10
the_real_daveDr_Willis: well, using the one from the repos takes 4 hours to copy 15Gb to my USB drive, the speed is terrible :(11:10
sakthivelok thanks11:10
Guard1anthe_real_dave, that's about right11:10
Dr_Willisthe_real_dave:  it could bne you arehaving some issues with USB druives that ive seen mentioned in here befor.. and not ntfs-3g issues.11:10
erUSULjackhorner: you can force it to slower dma modes or even pio. but why would you want to do that?11:10
blue-pearlDr_Willis,  tried the commands which u gave11:10
sakthivelbut i wnat to know commands and its usage?11:10
Dr_Willisblue-pearl:  what command EXACTLY did you use?11:10
erUSUL!cli | sakthivel11:11
ubottusakthivel: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal11:11
sakthivelterminal shows only commands?11:11
Guard1anusb devices have varying speeds anyway11:11
oCean_!lamp | sakthivel11:11
ubottusakthivel: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)11:11
blue-pearlDr_Willis, tried all the commands which u gave11:11
the_real_daveDr_Willis: No, when I manually mount it with ntfs-3g it flies, and gets the proper speed for my drive ~12MB/s as opposed to <1Mb/s11:11
jackhornererUSUL, im moving some storage from my PC to a nas, i dont care about speed but heat and noise are very important, so i need to make my 7200rpm disk quieter and with less energy cosumption11:11
Dr_Willisthe_real_dave:  thats even weirder...  or you found some gvfs bug.11:12
the_real_daveDr_Willis: ya. If I could just tell Gnome to use ntfs-3g instead of ntfs :( Anyway, Ill be back in a sec, gonna reboot and try something11:13
the_real_daveDr_Willis: thanks for your help :)11:13
jack5463I'm using ubuntu live cd. How do i run adobe flash player or swfdec SWF player?11:13
erUSULjackhorner: really not possible afaik11:13
erUSULjackhorner: install it. sudo aptitude install flashplugin-nonfree11:14
babyjuthe ultimate = ubuntu + zfs dedupe.11:14
erUSULjack5463: install it. sudo aptitude install flashplugin-nonfree11:14
Dr_Willisjack5463:   you can install the packages for flash.. but it will go the ram disk to save. so it will not survive a reboot I think11:14
erUSULjackhorner: sorry that last bit was not for you11:14
jack5463I won't install11:14
jack5463it says it installed but won't run11:15
eremitejack5463, I have that problem with several apps from the repos on a fresh install.11:15
jackhornererUSUL, anyway ive found a doc on the net which explains why technically is not possible (the hd head would crash on the platter if you change the speed of a 7200rpm to 5200)... I need a 5200rpm disk i think...11:15
Dr_Willisjack5463:  what wont run exactly?11:15
erUSULjackhorner: ok11:16
cretsiaho/ Dr_Willis11:16
blue-pearlDr_Willis: any more suggestions ?11:16
Dr_Willisdisk heads float on a air cushion11:16
Dr_Willisblue-pearl:  check the package see what binaries it installed.. or try  ubun<tab> and see whats in the path.11:16
JJRhi all11:16
papul!hi | JJR11:17
ubottuJJR: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!11:17
djugglerIf I already have apache installed and installed zend server will I be making a mistake?11:18
blue-pearlDr_Willis,; cant see the path..tell me what command to type.11:18
jack5463Dr Willis, flash player. When i'm on a internet site i get the you need to install plugins but they won't install. I used synaptic package manager and searched flash and installed all the programs that applied but i get the same message that i need to install them.11:18
eremiteOK, I need some help.  I just installed "ubuntustudio-desktop" via apt-get in terminal, and everything installed according to my terminal.  But, there isnt any of the apps in my menu.  Where were they installed?11:18
Dr_Willisblue-pearl:  you type 'ubun' then hit the tab key.. it will show ALL commands that begin with 'ubunu'11:19
Dr_Willisjack5463:  you did restart firefox after installing flash?11:19
oCean_blue-pearl: do "dpkg -l |grep ubuntuone" -> should list "ubuntuone-client" then do "dpkg -L ubuntuone-client-gnome | grep bin" -> should list the executables (like /usr/bin/ubuntuone-client-preferences)11:19
cretsiaheremite,  you will probably have to restart window manager or x server11:20
eremitecretsiah, I just logged out and back in, but still no apps/.11:20
cretsiahrestart x? and or window manager?11:20
eremiteThe onl visible difference is that it took 3 of my already installed apps and moved them into a sub-folder11:21
eremitelogging out does restart X11:21
JJRgot a little problem here w/ my intel 4500m card and display configuration....anyone willing to give me a hand on that...............?11:21
sabgentonfdisk -l keeps telling me I have mulitple partions11:21
Dr_Willissabgenton:  and this is supriseing because why?11:21
sabgentonI zeroed it the formated in windows11:21
sabgentoni came up as one partion11:22
sabgentonbut not in ubuntu11:22
sabgentonwill have to try it when I get home on my other nix boxes11:22
oCean_sabgenton: what is your goal for /dev/sdc disk? Make one partition?11:22
cretsiahsorry eremite  im used to the old way, in order to restartx  would mean typing a command or rebooting the comp depending on ur preference11:23
sabgentonDr_Willis, does the pastebin look like a table for a harddrive formarted in windows after a zero fill11:23
Dr_Willishmm pastebin.ca is slow. i cant see it11:23
sabgentonoCean_, yeah11:23
iflemaeremite https://help.ubuntu.com/community/What%20Is%20Ubuntu%20Studio11:23
zetherooJJR: you have Intel graphics and are having display issues?11:23
sabgentonI'm not convinced I'm seeing a false reading11:23
sabgentonI'm not seeing11:24
eremiteiflema, what am I supposed to read there?  Where is the info I need on that page?  I know the differnce betwen the two, I just want to know why I cant find the apps from the ubuntustudio-desktop repo that I just installed.11:24
blue-pearlDr_Willis, got it working...thanx :)11:24
oCean_sabgenton: I have absolutely no idea what windows format does. In linux it would be a simple fdisk, then delete (d) partition 1,2,3 and 4, create (n) new partition and write (w) it's new config out11:24
iflemaeremite thats it...11:24
iflemaeremite https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuStudio11:25
JJRzethero: yes11:25
Dr_Willispastebin.ca aint loading here.. sorry cant help11:25
sabgentonoCean_, yeah ok11:25
eremiteiflema, are you not understanding the question?  I DONT NEED TO READ THAT.  I wat to know why the apps are not showing.  Completely different.11:25
sabgentonI dd ed it with zeros a thousand times11:25
sabgentonI thought that would be enough11:25
iflemaeremite they are11:25
zetherooJJR: you running Karmic?11:26
Dr_Willissabgenton:  once you dd its erased.. when windows partions/formats it.. it makes partitions..  so err.. ive missed the problem.11:26
sabgentonoCean_, I've seen what windows does before I recokn its ubuntu11:26
oCean_sabgenton: is it in ubuntu at the moment?11:26
sabgentonok I'll step thru11:26
sabgentonin ubuntu I did a dd zero11:26
nastashi all11:27
sabgentontook it out put it in windows11:27
sabgentonformated it11:27
mkas12h @ nastas11:27
sabgentonwhich put one partion on it11:27
sabgentondisk management confirmed this11:27
sabgenton(a windows tool)11:27
oCean_sabgenton: try to keep description in single line please11:27
sabgentonI rebooted ubuntu11:28
sabgentonfor good mesaser11:28
sabgentonput the usb stick in11:28
sabgentonfdisk -l still says it has all this11:28
wish^can you link me that lvbpm site from yesterday?11:28
blue-pearlthanx everyone....got ubuntuone client working11:29
Dr_Willisblue-pearl:  and the proper command was what exactly?11:29
=== Callum_ is now known as Callum|Sleep
sabgentonoCean_, sorry11:29
porkiI created an empty file with right click option now how to make it a *.RTF file ?11:29
Dr_Willisporki:  rename it to whatever.rtf if ya want.11:29
llutzpastebin.ca -> Phishing Site Blocked  by opendns, whats going on here?11:30
sabgentonubutu is netbook edtion runing on a netbook11:30
Dr_Willisllutz:  pastebin.ca is not even responding here.. perhaps its under attack. :)11:30
porkibut isnt that the linux doesnt have to do anything with extension11:30
Willy_Wallacepardon, anyone could help me?11:30
Dr_Willisporki:  what about it?  You wanted a .rtf file.. so make it a .rtf file.11:30
sabgentonI reckon netbook ed is doing something strange11:30
Dr_Willisporki:  what extensioon SHOULD an 'empty' file have?11:30
Salva1Can I set another theme for one application?11:31
Dr_Willisporki:  you are just making an empty file that will launch whatever the default is for .rtf basically11:31
llutzDr_Willis: loads fine from on of my vps, odd11:31
Dr_WillisSalva1:  not really11:31
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)11:31
zetherooSalva1: what application?11:31
Windopaini have win7 installed on disk0 and i want to install ubuntu on disk1 for dual-boot.  do i need to specifiy anything special w/ the boot loader or can i just say "use entire disk" and select disk1 in the partitioner?11:31
Dr_WillisSalva1:  with the  sawfish window manager you sort of can. :)11:32
porkibut i read that linux doesnt concern about extension11:32
Dr_Willisporki:  so?   what does that have to do with it..11:32
Dr_Willisporki:  the applications  often do.11:32
JJRwhen  open "configure display" menu is epty11:32
JJRzethero: and i thing there is something wrong w/ my x11.conf file11:32
nastasWilly_Wallace: just ask11:32
JJRzetheroo: under section "device" --->identifier it says" Configured Video Device"11:32
JJRwell no couse it gives me black scree  on boot11:32
zetherooJJR: so the login screen is black?11:33
blue-pearlDr_Willis,  ubuntuone-client-applet11:33
Dr_Willisporki:  the .rtf is juist an extension because thats what we call it.. In windows files actually have a name AND a seperate extension11:33
flowrHi. What's the difference between authorized_keys and the authorized_keys2 file?11:33
Dr_Willisblue-pearl:  err.. i pasted that command earlier...11:33
JJRyes but im not using kamic now11:34
JJRthe problem is that i cant configure my display11:34
eremiteJJR, what are your symptoms?11:34
JJRand if i kill x and the start it again the resoution is 800x60011:34
zetherooJJR: so does your screen look ok?11:34
blue-pearlDr_Willis: yes...but i think i had some problem with installation...i reinstalled it11:34
eremiteI can help you11:34
zetherooJJR: ok I see11:35
ortsvorsteherflowr: the one is for ssh type 1 and the second is for ssh2 keys.11:35
eremiteJRR, give me a minute, I have a fix for that.  Its not a perfect fix, but it works11:35
nastasWilly_Wallace: so? what is yout issue?11:35
JJRand if i try to change it back to 1366x768 i got black screen11:35
zetherooJJR: that is a weird resolutions11:35
eremiteHow do you change it back, maually in terminal or with the Display Manager?11:35
zetherooJJR: what release of Ubuntu are you using?11:36
JJRwell mu screen is 15.6"11:36
iflemaeremite sorry ubuntustudio-desktop is not ubuntu studio and those links did not specify this apologises11:36
oCean_ortsvorsteher: flowr, not exactly. Since openssh 3.0 release, authorized_keys2 is deprecated; Merge any keys in the authorized_keys2 file into authorized_keys, unless still running an ancient OpenSSH version.11:36
junkY_Sanhey, is there a special channel for lucid?11:36
eremiteiflema, of course.  I told you that 3 times.11:36
Myrtti!lucid | junkY_San11:36
ubottujunkY_San: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+111:36
oCean_junkY_San: #ubuntu+111:36
zetherooJJR: what is the machine? and what release of Ubuntu is it?11:36
porkiDr.Willis i just created an empty file with right click and edit its extension as .doc but it is still opening in gedit11:37
linkidduguys whats the path of python ?11:37
JJRacer aspire 5738z11:37
linkiddu/usr/bin/env ?11:37
Willy_WallaceI've just solved nastas. I had issue with the nickname regsitration11:37
Dr_Willisporki:  what do you want it to open in?11:37
erUSULlinkiddu: which python11:37
zetherooJJR: and release of Ubuntu?11:37
eremiteJJR,  please follow the instructions at the end of this post  http://chvnx.com/post/280205781/change-screen-resolution-in-linux-ubuntu11:37
Hetor`linkiddu: which python11:37
iflemaeremite yeah but no ubuntustudio-desktop is not ubuntu studio.11:37
porkiin openoffice11:37
linkiddupython 3.111:37
Dr_Willisporki:  use the open with ... menu item perhaps11:37
erUSULlinkiddu: no; type that on terminal hit enter11:38
eremiteiflema, please make sense.  I told you several times that ubuntustudio-desktop was not the same as Ubuntu Studio.11:38
erUSULlinkiddu: which is a command11:38
Dr_Willisporki:  or set its properties to defauklt to open office11:38
linkidduI want to execute a python script..11:38
porkibut the other doc files created by option of openoffice are opening directly in openoffice11:38
linkidduit says ..not path of python found11:38
erUSULlinkiddu: python script.py11:38
Dr_Willisporki:  no idea.. those actually have some REAL data in them.. so could be its seting its empty11:38
oCean_porki: linux does not work using file extensions. It rather works with file type types. For example do "file empty.doc" and "file realdoc.doc"11:38
linkidduok..let me try :)11:39
teagewhat is the difference between this command ssh -L 5900:localhost:5900 xxx.xxx.x.xxx and this onessh teage@xxx.xxx.x.xxx ?11:39
iflemaeremite it was like you where shocked... thats all11:39
zetherooJJR: you there?11:39
erUSULlinkiddu: what does « head -1 script.py » returns ?11:39
teagethey appear to do the same dern thing11:39
eremiteiflema, what do you mean, "like I was shocked"?  What the hell are you talking about?11:39
Dr_Willisporki:  if you want to make blank.doc files.. make one in OO and save it in your templates directory11:39
JJRyep steel reading the link that u gave me11:39
zetherooJJR: I gave you a link?11:40
linkiddu#! /usr/bin/env python3.111:40
Dr_Willisporki:  try removing the .doc exctensoon from a real ooo .doc file and see what it opens with...11:40
erUSULlinkiddu: probably there is no python 3.1 in your system11:40
erUSULlinkiddu: what version of ubuntu ?11:40
linkidduubuntu 9.1011:40
porkiyes its still opening in openoffice11:41
zetherooJJR: hey a lot of people are saying that Karmic fixed this issue for them ...11:41
linkidduI have tried sudo apt-get install python11:41
Dr_Willisporki:  extensions seem to be for our benifit. :)11:41
erUSULlinkiddu: you have to install it if you want to use it11:41
eremitezetheroo, nope.  I still have the problem and so does everyone that had it before, from my understanding,.11:41
zetherooJJR: you should get karmic and run the live session and test it out that way ...11:41
erUSULlinkiddu: sudo apt-get install python3.111:41
erUSULlinkiddu: sudo apt-get install python install the default version that is 2.611:41
porkibut i cant see the contents in that files after removing the extension11:41
zetherooeremite: I just read two forums where people were saying that Karmic solved it for them11:41
Dr_Willisporki:  Huh?11:42
linkidduerUSUL: thanks..11:42
Windopainhas anyone here used xvidcap or recordmydesktop?  wondering what you think of them.11:42
linkiddutrying it now11:42
Dr_Willisporki:  then leave it there i guess... have fun11:42
JJRzetheroo:ups not u sorry11:42
JJReremite: any way this is not exactly what i need11:42
zetherooeremite: not all, but there is a good chance ..11:42
porkiyes the file is opening as blank file11:42
cybernoutrecordmydesktop works fine11:42
eremiteWindopain, recordmydesktop is the best screencapturing app for free.  Period.11:42
cybernoutinstall it with synaptic or apt get11:42
zetherooJJR: do you have Karmic?11:42
Windopaineremite, cybernout, thanks.11:42
wlvHi, what should I do to join to this server / channel with xchat irc client?11:43
Windopaini'll be installing it just as soon as ubuntu finishes installing :)11:43
cybernoutrecordmy desktop also records sound if you like11:43
wlvanyone can help me?11:43
eremiteYou can easily make HD videos with it, Windopain.11:43
ubottuwlv: A list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines11:43
Dr_Williswlv:  connedt to any of the freenode servers11:43
Windopainnice.  are there zoom/pan/text title page options ?11:43
NewbieI am running Kubuntu on a netbook. How do I make KDE adjust the window hight so I can see the entire window?11:43
cybernoutit saves in ogg theora video, you can convert it with ffmpeg or so11:43
JJRzetheroo: in x11.conf under section "device" it says "Configured Video Device" ....i thing it should say intel 4500m like my card or something like this.... am i right...?11:43
wlvI will see11:43
zetherooeremite: have you found a solution for your machine?11:43
papulhi i asked this in #fluxbox but got no response till now.11:44
zetherooJJR: its fine ... mine says the same ...11:44
papulhow to install thems in fluxbox?11:44
cybernoutis there any news on an open office impress viewer ?11:44
eremitezetheroo, which problem?  The sound problem, resolution problem or onbe of the many other problems?11:44
cybernoutwould be so helpfull to have11:44
JJRzetheroo :also for  "monitor", "diplay" "screen" all of them are default11:44
MyrttiNewbie: have you asked in #kubuntu?11:44
Dr_Willispapul:  you did check the fluxbox homepage/docs? they get put in .flux(somthing) i recall11:44
zetherooeremite: the only problem I was talking with you and you with me about .. :)11:44
Newbieyes I have11:44
zetherooeremite: screen res11:44
NewbieThey couldn't help me11:45
eremiteJJR, if you follow the instructions in that link I have you, you can see how to write a script to auto-fix your resolution with one click after restarting X.  I have a launcher in my panel that I click, wait 5 seconds and then my resolution is huge again.11:45
Nokia_E75I am using XChat on Ubuntu 9.1011:45
jellowpapul: /home/Username/.fluxbox/themes11:45
JJRzetheroo: hmm ok i thought it should say what i have in the box11:45
eremitezetheroo, yeah http://chvnx.com/post/280205781/change-screen-resolution-in-linux-ubuntu11:45
zetherooJJR: do you have a Karmic CD? if so give it a shot ...11:45
papuljellow, what to do there>11:45
Nokia_E75how to detect my nokia e75 on ubuntu 9.1011:45
papulextract the theme? jellow11:46
jellowpapul: move your theme to that directory11:46
linkidduI have changed my default browser to Chrome..how can I change it back to firefox ?11:46
Nemesishi all, does anyone maybe know how i can get teamspeak 3 to work with my mic from audigy2zs?11:46
Nemesisubuntu 9.1011:46
iflemaeremite you want to know how to convert or are you sorted?11:47
papuljellow, as an archive or do i have to extract it?11:47
zetherooeremite: how is that supposed to help his issue?11:47
jellowpapul: extract it11:47
eremiteiflema, convert what?  What the hell are you talking about?11:47
linkiddu@eremite : thanks mate :)11:47
jellowpapul: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fluxbox11:47
mamat99hi may i know where temporary download file exist11:47
JJRi tried it a couple of times and boot ok till some point then screen goes black and computer dead, i can only start it again if a turn the power compleatly and then turn it on again11:47
eremitezetheroo, his problem is that his resolution switches to 600x800 upon restarting X.11:47
=== mathias is now known as Guest66779
iflemaeremite DO YOU WANT UBUNTU STUDIO ubuntustudio-desktop is not ubuntu studio...11:48
eremiteJJR, you need to set the resolution before chosing it.  Follow the instuctions I gave you and let em know if it works11:48
mamat99hi may i know where temporary download file take place11:48
zetherooeremite: its a completely unrelated issue ...11:48
linkidduI have removed apache2 many times..using apt-get remove apache211:48
linkiddubut still it comes :(11:48
zetherooeremite: this is his problem http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=123787311:49
eremiteiflema, are you retarded?  I've stated this many times.  Please just forget about it because you obviously dont speak English as a first language and I no longer need assistence.11:49
icerootlinkiddu: what comes?11:49
eremitethats anyway11:49
linkidduapache wont be removed..and port 80 is still binded11:49
linkidduby apache211:49
iflemaeremite just do it sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install ubuntustudio-desktop ubuntustudio-audio ubuntustudio-audio-plugins ubuntustudio-graphics ubuntustudio-video linux-rt11:49
icerootlinkiddu: sudo apt-get remove --purge apache211:49
|ns|nR8linkiddu, try autoremove11:50
suigenerislinkiddu try purge instead of remove11:50
eremitezetheroo,  it doesnt matter because what I gave him shows how to manually set ANY resolution.  It should work.11:50
suigenerisand stop apache before doing that11:50
icerootlinkiddu: and then   ps aux | grep apache11:50
eremiteiflema, please stop.  I dont need your help, you have no idea what I was talking about and what I asked for.  I asled a very specific question that you obviously cant read.11:50
linkidduok... will that remove all ports used by apache ?11:50
zetherooeremite: ok ... so he should take your script and change it to suit his res ... ?11:50
eremitezetheroo, the end of the post teaches you how to write one for your desired resolution, yes.11:51
iflemaeremite ok11:51
zetherooeremite: what about if he is using vesa instead of intel?11:51
Nemesisanyone here that can help with getting teamspeak to see my mic?11:51
Windopainhow can i get a searchable menu that updates as a type in Gnome just what the k-menu has in kde?11:51
eremitezetheroo, I see why it would make any difference11:51
eremitezetheroo, I DONT see why it would make any difference11:52
zetherooeremite: ummm ... wrong driver ... things are screwed up ...11:52
zetherooeremite: probably more than just res problems11:52
eremitethe script does not specify a driver...?11:52
linkidduguys how can I add a user to a root group ?11:52
zetherooeremite: I am reading about people with that video chipset and they have res and video playback issues ...11:53
Guard1anlinkiddu, visudo11:53
eremitezetheroo, if you try to set your screen to a res that is not native to yoru machine it will usually go black screened11:53
dehackerzvi sudo?11:53
eremitein my experience, anyway11:53
dehackerznot man sudo?11:53
linkidduwill nano work ?11:53
suigenerisno, visudo11:53
Guard1andehackerz, has to be visudo11:53
zetherooeremite: native? isn't it the device driver that says what is "native"?11:54
suigenerisdehackerz gpasswd works imo11:54
dehackerzi updated my ubuntu 2 week ago..11:54
suigenerislinkiddu ^^11:54
dehackerzand when i boot11:54
JJRwhy when im traing to execute "deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/ubuntu-x-swat/x-updates/ubuntu intrepid main #X-Updates PPA11:54
dehackerzi have 2 kernel11:54
eremitezetheroo, yes, and if you dont set the driver manually (like my script writing instructions explain) to have that resolution, you can then set it to that resolution.11:55
JJR" i 've got "bash: deb: command not found"11:55
linkiddu@sugeneris ..whats up ?11:55
dehackerz.16 and .1411:55
zetherooJJR: so your using Intrepid ... gah ...11:55
oCean_JJR: that is not a command11:55
Guard1anJJR sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list11:55
linkiddulol vi sudo will open a blank file called sudo11:55
linkiddueven I tried nano sudo11:55
Guard1anlinkiddu, no, visudo11:56
Guard1anall one word11:56
sayanrijulinkiddu, try sudo visudo11:56
linkidduand should the user who executes it be root ?11:56
sayanrijulinkiddu,yes, that's why you should prepend a sudo to visudo11:57
Guard1anlinkiddu, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sudoers11:57
Viperhello, is there someone who could help me please?11:57
zetherooJJR: here is an extensive thread on Intel graphics in Ubuntu http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=113058211:57
oCean_Viper: just ask the question in the channel. Try to keep description in one single line11:57
Viperthe problem is with vmware bridged connection11:57
sayanriju!ask | Viper11:57
ubottuViper: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)11:57
zetherooJJR: over 100 pages ...11:57
linkidduGuard1an, the link is useful..thanks11:58
eremitezetheroo, the biggest problem for intel users is gaming.11:58
zetherooeremite: who games with intel graphics? :P11:58
eremiteJanuty's intel drivers were horrid for gaming11:58
Viperright, the case: XP host, Ubuntu guest, NAT works, and Bridged is working on WIN guest, but not on ubuntu, what to du?11:58
JJRzetheroo:that is what im reading and doing in the moment but in not using jauntry11:58
JJRim on backtrack it is ubuntu based...11:59
sayanrijuViper, which virtualization solution?11:59
Windopainso i guess what i want is a search in the menu for gnome.. is that even possible?  it is one thing that always has me crawling back to KDE11:59
dayohow do i undo the rules i've added to iptables from this tutorial and then restart iptables? http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/linux-setup-transparent-proxy-squid-howto.html11:59
zetherooJJR: any reason why your not able to use Karmic?11:59
ViperWorkstation 711:59
sayanrijuWindopain, mintmenu11:59
hidensoftdebconf: DbDriver "config": /var/cache/debconf/config.dat is locked by another process: Resource temporarily unavailable12:01
hidensofthow i can unlock this file ?12:01
ubottuIf an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »12:01
JJRcouse it gives me black screen during boot and my computer goe dead12:01
JJRGuardian: hot to save after i made the changes ....?12:02
ubottuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)12:02
cybernoutJJR try some cheat codes on boot, i believe its under the F6 or so..12:02
Windopainany ideas on how i might get ubuntu to recognize my audio input?12:02
dehackerzwindopain < me too12:03
cybernoutat boot12:03
hidensoftwhat is this !12:03
Guard1anJJR mmm Press Esc then :wq!12:03
hidensofterUSUL, please see this http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/m1dd33f8712:03
JJRcybernout: yep im on that too12:03
Bruce_Loc'est l'fun12:03
Windopaindehackerz: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=418396 maybe that'll work ?12:04
hidensofti'm new in ubuntu12:04
hidensoftplease help me12:04
papulwhat the name of the system update12:04
cybernoutJJR, what video card does it have?12:04
papuli want to run it from terminal12:04
JJRintel 4500m12:05
Guard1anJJR what's the issue with 4500?12:05
=== bartek is now known as maniaks
erUSULhidensoft: ls -alsh /var/cache/debconf/config.dat*12:06
papulwhat is the name of the system updater tool?12:06
cybernoutJJR, some talk about your card on this forum tread http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=123787312:06
JJRdont know really cant boot carmic black screen and computer goes dead ...im steel reading on this12:07
slide23What is the location of the scripts that run every so often, not in crontab though12:07
Guard1anshouldn't be happening.  I'm running karmic with a 4500m12:07
papulwhat is the name of the system updater tool?12:07
Viperanyone familiar with ubuntu guest by vmware workstation 712:07
JJRim here right now http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1130582 :)12:07
hidensoft40K -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 38K 2010-01-24 13:03 /var/cache/debconf/config.dat12:08
hidensoft40K -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 38K 2010-01-24 13:03 /var/cache/debconf/config.dat-old12:08
hidensoftbut i got this error again !12:08
hidensofti do install phpmyadmin12:08
dayohow do i restart iptables in ubuntu? `/etc/init.d/iptables restart` doesn't work.12:09
sayanrijupapul, update-manager12:09
evilsherpahey all, so i have 2 ubuntu machines that share a nas, i did a clean format reinstall and i cant get nas access, like i am just not asking google the right questions, on the laptop, i did and upgrade and I have happy read write access all the way, using cifs, but i cant figure out how to get this cifs credentials bit to work12:09
hid3Anyone using Cacti to graph system performance? I need a little help with extending my graphs up to 3 years period... #cacti seems to be sleepy...12:09
evilsherpaany ideas would be loved12:09
erUSULhidensoft: sudo fuser -vki /var/cache/debconf/config.dat12:09
papulsayanriju, yes its running now. thanks :)12:09
Windopaingreat.  free screencapping but i can't record audio with it lol .12:10
arvind_khadrihi, which flash is stable the nonfree one or the restricted-extras one?12:12
Windopainoh, maybe, just maybe...12:12
dayohow do i restart iptables in ubuntu? `/etc/init.d/iptables restart` doesn't work.12:12
Windopaindehackerz: mic working yet?12:13
=== ce_wek is now known as don_cry
dehackerzi mean my audio sound12:13
Windopaini had to fiddle with the audio settings under system > pref > sound12:14
papuli ahve 68 mb to update but don't have time and bandwith12:14
fabiohi there12:14
fabioi need to know what "MigrationEuristic" really is,..12:15
Darkcloud^can u run emulater son ps3 ubuntu ?12:15
himanshu_y audio not working??12:15
himanshu_sb help me12:15
cybernouthimashu , are you new to ubuntu12:16
sakthivelpls help to connect webhosting  through filezilla  for zymic.com12:16
himanshu_i have been using it since 3 months12:16
cybernouthimashu , can you start an gnome terminal?12:16
linkiddusakthivel do you want to use ftp ?12:17
himanshu_i have started it12:17
DrNick_you can use the normal file manager12:17
himanshu_now     ..12:17
sakthivel530 Login authentication failed12:17
cybernoutdo an lspci | grep audio12:17
Windopainrecordmydesktop prompts for "device" for sound... doesn't give me a list, just "device"... where can i get a list of the devices available?12:17
linkiddusakthivel : go to places > connect to server12:18
linkidduor better install filezilla12:18
cybernouthimashu , or just lspci12:18
sakthivelhow to connect12:18
arvind_khadrihi, which flash is stable the nonfree one or the restricted-extras one?12:18
cybernouthimashu , now there you have an list, audio should be mentioned , is it?12:18
sayanrijusakthivel, recheck login info your provide12:18
hudy bash.org.pl12:19
linkiddusakthivel : you should have got the details  ftp host , user , pass12:19
Windopaini was hoping typing "mic" into device would do the trick, but nope12:19
himanshu_yes ..i i get a long list12:19
sakthivelyes i have.12:19
icerootarvind_khadri: they are the same12:19
sakthivelbefore i had used web hosting12:19
sakthivelnow i had reinstalled// ubuntu12:19
icerootarvind_khadri: precompiled from adobe12:19
ManDayIs there a game close to SOKOBAN in the repos?12:19
ManDay(PUshing crates)12:19
arvind_khadriiceroot, ok, are there two flash packages??12:19
cybernouthimashu , what does it say for audio device?12:19
linkidduftp Host will be ftp://ftp.zymic.com or just the ip adress of the server12:20
LjLManDay: "apt-cache search sokoban" will tell you12:20
icerootManDay: apt-cache search sokoban12:20
arvind_khadriiceroot, i have a 64bit machine, and flash aint stable, pause sometimes doesnt work12:20
himanshu_00:00.0 Host bridge: ATI Technologies Inc Unknown device 5a31 (rev 01)12:20
himanshu_00:01.0 PCI bridge: ATI Technologies Inc RS480 PCI Bridge12:20
himanshu_00:04.0 PCI bridge: ATI Technologies Inc RS480 PCI Bridge12:20
himanshu_00:05.0 PCI bridge: ATI Technologies Inc RS480 PCI Bridge12:20
himanshu_00:06.0 PCI bridge: ATI Technologies Inc RS480 PCI Bridge12:20
FloodBot1himanshu_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.12:20
himanshu_00:07.0 PCI bridge: ATI Technologies Inc RS480 PCI Bridge12:20
ManDayiceroot i didnt find it in aptitude12:21
ManDaythats why im asking12:21
ManDaydoes it exist?12:21
icerootarvind_khadri: the flash from the repos is 32bit with a 64bit wrapper. on adobes website there is adobe 64bit. imo there was a installer script in the repos for the 64bit version12:21
icerootManDay: i found 10 examples using apt-cache search sokoban12:21
sayanrijuManDay, xsok, ksokoban12:21
ManDaywhats the best one then? =D12:22
arvind_khadriiceroot, so using it from the site is better right?12:22
icerootManDay: try them, there is no best12:22
ManDayi hate that kinda comment :P12:22
himanshu_audio device:  ATI Technologies Inc SBx00 Azalia12:22
Viperanyone familiar with ubuntu guest on vmware?12:22
arvind_khadriiceroot, yeah flashplugin-installer12:22
iceroot!best | ManDay12:22
ubottuManDay: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.12:22
ManDayeven worse12:22
icerootarvind_khadri: yes, that was it12:22
himanshu_@cyberout ??12:23
icerootManDay: but the correct answer :) just try them and see what you like most12:23
=== pradeep is now known as oprdp
arvind_khadriiceroot, is it better if i use flash directly from the site?12:23
himanshu_@cybernout ??12:23
jribManDay: and read ubottu's last sentence...12:23
sayanrijuManDay, xsok...but that's my personal view, don't cry if you don't like it! ;=)12:23
icerootarvind_khadri: no, because you dont get updates automaticly through the repo12:23
Windopainany ideas why i could try typing in "device" for sound input on recordmydesktop?  the docs say something about hw0,0 is what default sets it to... i tried hw0,1 and a few others but no luck yet..12:23
ManDayok but i still dont understand why aptitude doesnt find anything but xsok12:24
ManDaythanks sayanriju , you will hear from my lawyer if it doesnt appeal :D12:24
jonalvI am running 8.04 how do I upgrade to 9.10? 'sudo do-release-upgrade' say: 'No new release found'... :(12:25
himanshu_my audio device : Audio device: ATI Technologies Inc SBx00 Azalia12:25
Windopainwooo hw:1,0 worked but i couldn't make out the audio.. it's all garbled...12:25
himanshu_why is it not working12:25
jrib!upgrade | jonalv12:25
ubottujonalv: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading12:25
ectospasmYAY!  GRUB2 installed, and WORKS, on this POS Dell!12:25
jribjonalv: make sure you tell update-manage that you are ok with upgrading to a non-LTS release12:25
ectospasmGRUB1 never would boot, I always had to use LILO12:25
himanshu_though it starts working if i restart my laptop12:25
jonalvjrib: ah and how do I do that?12:26
cybernouthimashu, is that an apple laptop?12:26
himanshu_its hcl12:26
jribjonalv: see ubottu I hope (it's an option in the gui)12:26
evilsherpahey all, mk = make?12:27
himanshu_often , i have noticed that , when i go the site youtube ..., the audio of music player goes out12:27
cybernouthimashu, hcl , what type number?12:27
evilsherpalike if i want to make a dir in home would i sudo mk /home/dirname12:27
himanshu_hcl notebook p21 pdc12:28
jonalvjrib: what the heck is ubottu? 'bash: ubottu: command not found'12:28
cybernouthimashu, trying to find some inof on your problem...if any one else knows , please jump in and help..12:28
jribjonalv: ubottu is the bot in this channel that sent you a link earlier12:28
jrib!ubottu | jonalv12:28
ubottujonalv: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots12:28
jonalvjrib: ah I thoight you where talking about gui..12:29
Windopainsweet.. plughw:1,0 worked!  though i was going to need to install this "jack" application for a minute there.12:29
ManDaysayanriju, xsok is fine :)12:30
sayanrijuManDay, nice to hear that! :=)12:30
jonalvI am trying to upgrade my 8.04 installation. How hard should that be? Can anyone help me? The only thing I find is: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/KarmicUpgrades/Kubuntu/8.04 but I am not running kubuntu...12:31
cybernouthimashu, its only the audio that does not work, right?12:31
NerveClaspHI! why can't I ping an IP of a computer under windows?12:31
andry_gyacth can install in ubuntu 9.10 ?12:32
Windopainis there a way to do the "present all" feature on Gnome/Ubuntu where all active windows are shown on the screen (reduced in size) ?12:32
jribWindopain: yeah, ask #compiz12:33
cybernouthimashu, are you still around?12:33
NerveClasphow can I ping a computer that is a member of his local network and uses some sort of a server to go out in the internet???12:33
andry_help why modem E220 sometime dc ubuntu 9.10?12:34
jonalvWhy doesn't my Update Manager say that I can install a new dist? Why does it not show the upgrade button? I am running 8.04...12:34
NobleHow do I get grub to pause so i can select fallback kernel?12:34
Nobleit just boots right into the first one12:34
jribjonalv: did you do what I said?12:34
jonalvjrib: yea that page only say that I should klick the upgrade button in the Update Manager12:35
the_real_davejonalv: you probably have to enable the updates. Go to System > Administration > Software Sources12:35
jribjonalv: no, it doesn't.  Read "Before you start": https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IntrepidUpgrades12:35
Noblegod fuckign damn grub 212:35
NobleHOW DO I EDIT IT12:35
FloodBot1Noble: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.12:35
jrib!language | Noble12:35
ubottuNoble: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.12:35
jrib!grub2 > Noble12:35
ubottuNoble, please see my private message12:35
KarolloCan U tell me one thing:) I've got Linuc Ubuntu 9.10 Karmic Koala and when i put my headphones to the jack pot , my computer doesn't read them ? what should I do ? Please help me:)12:36
cybernouthimashu_  ?12:36
jonalvjrib: ah that page was a bit more helpful12:37
jribjonalv: it's the page that ubottu's link gives you12:37
evilsherpahmm, no love, anyone mounted a nas successfully?12:38
jonalvjrib: if so then I don't understand how to open links from xchat because I am pretty sure I checked the links that bot gave me... :)12:38
jribjonalv: ubottu, gave 2 links, the first being: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes12:38
jonalvjrib: anyways now it's running. thanks. I guess I will be back later when nothing works... :)12:38
KarolloCan U tell me one thing:) I've got Linuc Ubuntu 9.10 Karmic Koala and when i put my headphones to the jack pot , my computer doesn't read them ? what should I do ? Please help me:)12:38
jribjonalv: no problem, glad it's working :)12:39
jrib!repeat | Karollo12:39
ubottuKarollo: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.12:39
Karollook, thanks :)12:39
cybernoutKarollo , and normal speakers work?12:39
jaysernwhen I manually invoke my .py file, it runs all the way. but when cron invokes it, it only executes up to a third of the way, then quits. I've been debugging for half a day straight12:39
jaysernanyone has any ideas ?12:40
aciidb0mb3rrwhen i enter this command12:40
jribjaysern: quits with no mail from cron?12:40
aciidb0mb3rr iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o eth0 -j MASQUERADE12:40
ubottuHere I am, brain the size of a planet and you expect me to respond to a ping? How depressing.12:40
aciidb0mb3rrFATAL: Could not load /lib/modules/2.6.18-164.2.1.el5.028stab066.10/modules.dep: No such file or directory12:40
Karolloyes and when I put my headphones I've sound in normal speakers and in headphones12:40
aciidb0mb3rriptables v1.4.2: can't initialize iptables table `nat': Table does not exist (do you need to insmod?)12:40
aciidb0mb3rrPerhaps iptables or your kernel needs to be upgraded.12:40
jaysernwell cron runs, just not all the way12:40
aciidb0mb3rranybody help?12:40
jrib!who | jaysern12:40
ubottujaysern: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)12:40
jaysernmy shell doesnt tell me that i have new mail12:40
jribjaysern: ubuntu doesn't have an MTA by default.  What does your script do/12:41
jaysernjrib: poll's twitter's API and do various stuff with it12:41
jaysernthere's a python wrapper around twitter's api12:41
jaysernjrib: and i poll it every 1 min12:42
NerveClaspCan I ping computers? computers of simple users? I fail to od so/.. my zenmap sais that the host is down, while my friend is comunicating with me from that IP12:42
cybernoutKarollo , your question was,  when i put my headphones to the jack pot , the computer does not read, but you say, speakers work and so do headphones, ?12:42
frogzoojaysern: man bash "MAIL   If this parameter is set to a file name and the MAILPATH variable is not set, bash informs the user of the arrival of mail in the specified file."12:42
jribjaysern: why do you need it in cron?  When does it end?12:42
dasgNew hack tools Exploits,vulnerabilities,videos,shellcode www.team3d.3xforum.ro12:43
jribdasg: not here.12:43
jaysernthe cronjob runs every 1 min, the job itself ends in less than 1 min.12:43
mearsi want to add another partition to my machine, im already dual booting windows and linux on it so i am a bit afraid to muck this up. what i want to know is, using gparted is it safer to add the partition after the windows partion but before the linux stuff, or after everything? or will those mess up the pc?12:43
jribjaysern: I see.  Thought you were doing the loop inside the script12:43
jaysernfrogzoo: what do i do check for mail env variable ?12:44
p3t3rhi.. i've a problem.. i've been trying lucid lynx with vmware fusion on my macBookPro but i can't turn on visual effects..12:44
|ns|nR8mears, id put the new partition after the rest...it might still mess up grub, but that can be fixed12:44
jaysernfrogzoo:  MAIL=/var/mail/jaysern12:44
Karolloyes but I've got sound in my speakers and in my headphones, I tried to pull down my speakers but when I'm doing this sound in my headphones is pulling down too :(12:44
p3t3ris there anyone who can help me?12:44
jribjaysern: I'd start by checking the mail (I think you need to install an MTA for that, or at least it's the only way I know)12:44
jaysernjrib: well i have loops in the script .. but the point is that it works jsut fine when i invoke it manually, cron invokes it, but it only runs partially12:45
NerveClaspHEY, STOP IGNORING ME!))12:45
cybernoutmears , alway's make backups first of important files...12:45
jaysernjrib: an MTA like sendmail?12:45
dasgNew hack tools Exploits,vulnerabilities,videos,shellcode www.team3d.3xforum.ro12:45
dasgNew hack tools Exploits,vulnerabilities,videos,shellcode www.team3d.3xforum.ro12:45
FloodBot1dasg: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.12:45
clonezthat crashes ubuntu.12:45
NerveClaspdasg: - needs to be banned!12:45
jaysernhow do i find out if I have an MTA installed already?12:46
jaysernim using ubuntu server12:46
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Guest86619comment installer lampp sur backtrack12:46
cybernoutroot_ dont be root when going on the net...:P12:47
Guest86619comment installer lmapp sur backtrack 412:47
KarolloThanks for your help :) I know what to do now:) I must go, bye:)12:47
cybernoutKarollo, i wonder if you have got the right connector..12:47
cybernoutgood luck12:47
frogzoosome people are so generous they just want to share their root around12:48
clonezthis chan is like a zoo.12:48
cybernoutor like a clone ....z12:48
clonezpardon me, im just here to point and laugh12:48
cybernouthimashu_ whats up with your sound,,,12:49
frogzooI'm pretty sure pointing & laughing is against chan policy12:50
Guest86619haw to install lampp in backtrack 412:50
jribGuest86619: this is #ubuntu, for ubuntu support12:50
clonezwhy dont you go on freenode and ask.12:50
jribclonez: please stay on topic here12:50
cybernoutsudo apt get install lampp?12:50
* iflema theres a better one.....12:50
clonezthat was on topic jrib.12:51
jribclonez: the topic of this channel is ubuntu support.  Thanks.12:51
clonezprecisley, and he is asking about backtrackl; which is not ubuntu.12:51
jribclonez: I was speaking about your earlier comments12:52
osotogariHi, does anyone have ubuntu 9.10 working with a12:52
osotogariHi, does anyone have ubuntu 9.10 working with a Samsung N510?12:52
clonezfair enough sir.12:53
cybernoutosotogari there are some that have ubuntu installed on it yes12:55
Windopaincan anyone recommend video editing tools for Ubuntu?12:55
cybernoutosotogari though some things do not work, would you like to read the webpage with info on the topic?12:56
cybernoutvideo editing for advanced users?12:56
osotogari@ cybernout : Well I have installed 9.10 but i can seem to find a way to enable the function keys but it is still useable. That web page would be great.12:56
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Windopaini'd rather start with novice :)12:56
cybernoutosotogari there are some links on there too12:56
cybernoutgood luck12:56
Windopaini'd just like to be able to truncate video files, cut out portions... keep the audio synched properly of course12:57
osotogaricybernout, thanks for the info12:57
zetherooWindopain: Avidemux ?12:57
zetherooWindopain: PiTiVi ... Kino ...12:58
cybernoutwindopain, you could try openshot , then there is cinelerra12:58
frogzoowhat ever happened to Jahshaka?12:59
zetheroocybernout: he said he wanted to start with novice ;)12:59
cybernoutopenshot, is novice right?12:59
zetheroocybernout: cinelerra is hardly an app for a novice ...12:59
zetheroocybernout: openshot is ok12:59
Windopainwell, it's good to know about the more advanced apps too :)13:00
Windopainany idea how i can router my audio out from speakers to headphones plugged into usb?13:00
zetherooWindopain: absolutely ... good luck ...13:00
zetherooWindopain: have you googled for a solution to your headphone question?13:01
Windopainthank you!13:01
clonezusing kmix windopain?13:01
cybernoutits also true that cinelarra is not in the apt get resources...13:01
Windopaini googled a bit, tried a few things with alsa, rather confused.13:01
cybernoutfor kde there is http://www.kdenlive.org/13:01
zetheroocybernout: really ... ? ... huh13:02
Windopaini don't think i've used kmix...13:02
clonezalsa or oss, what soundcard?13:02
clonezrun kmix from konsole13:02
zetherooWindopain: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=871341913:03
zetherooWindopain: people are removing pulseaudio to get it to work13:03
clonezdont bother13:04
balachmarInstead of openshot you could also try pitivi13:04
zetherooWindopain: but it seems like that only makes it work through one ear13:04
AlexandraSomeone has some experience with the Creative Sound Blaster X-Fi Xtreme Audio Card PCI Express13:05
zetheroobalachmar: already mentioned that :) ... I REALLY wish PiTiVi had filters though13:05
AlexandraWill it work under Linux?13:05
clonezzetheroo, what soundcard are you using? lol13:05
frogzooxfi has linux drivers now?13:05
Alexandraalsa wiki just mentions Sound Blaster X-Fi13:05
zetherooclonez: why are you asking me about my sound card?13:05
clonezbecause of ill informed advice?13:05
Windopainnot sure on the difference in also vs. oss, sound card is integrated on an asus mb.. i think it's realtek.. i'll try kmix and removing pulseaudio for starters13:05
Alexandrazetheroo: So it works?13:05
zetherooclonez: huh? I never said I had a problem ...13:06
zetherooclonez: or that I sorted it out ... ha ...13:06
Alexandrahttp://www.alsa-project.org/main/index.php/Matrix:Vendor-Creative_Labs just lists the Sound Blaster X-Fi13:06
osotogarianyone know why I wouldn't have this file in my installation of 9.10 ? /usr/share/hal/fdi/information/10freedesktop/30-keymap-misc.fdi13:06
AlexandraBut not the Xtreme Audio Card13:07
zetherooclonez: I gave a link to a thread where people were trying to sort this USB headphones thing ... maybe open it and read?13:07
clonezwhy bother. i have delta 10/44 working13:07
clonezmaybe knowing how to blacklist stuff correctly helps ;/13:08
clonezand not playing with alsa over oss13:08
cybernoutalexandra  , is suggest you use the live cd to try13:08
clonezbut hey, what do i know13:08
zetherooclonez: delta 10/44 ...  yeah ... I see those all the time ... practically hanging off of trees ... means nothing to me13:08
balachmarzetheroo: What kind of filters do you mean?13:08
zetherooclonez: well if you get it all sorted good on ya .. good luck further ;)13:08
Alexandracybernout: Well I first need to buy the card. And before I buy, I ask ;)13:09
clonezim not the one asking for help sir.13:09
zetherooclonez: I never said you were asking for help! I simply gave inpt on what I read in a thread ... savvy?13:09
clonezsaavy. ;]13:09
cybernoutAlexandra, okey i see, i did some googling on the card, there seems to be some issue's on it not being detected13:09
zetheroobalachmar: I meant plugins ... :)13:10
cybernoutalexandra  , here is some read : https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/6335213:10
zer0_moodHELP! i cant access my router !13:10
zer0_moodi did a hard reset still nothing13:11
clonezhttp to it13:11
cybernoutalexandra  , and you could also go to http://www.ubuntuhcl.org/browse/search?worksoutofthebox=on&category=2713:11
zer0_moodhow ? Im using firefox ?13:11
cybernoutand try to see in the list what is working and what not13:11
clonezdepends on the model.13:11
zer0_moodwhat list ?13:11
clonezwhat model router.13:12
zer0_moodtp link13:12
Alexandracybernout: You're right, thanks for that quick help. The card is not that reliable. Thanks!13:12
zer0_moodi found the reset methods in their site but still nothing13:12
madcat1990I have a terminal question, really simple, how do I make ping stop if the target website doesn't respond within 100ms?13:12
zer0_moodclonez, when i connect the router to the pc it says: wired is now disconnected13:13
clonezhttp to
iflemamadcat1990 ctrl+c13:13
Windopainis there a way to 'rollback' a the last package manager action ?13:13
geronimo_hello everybody13:13
zer0_moodclonez,  this is what i try it says: unable to connect13:13
madcat1990@iflema : I need it in a command... I know ctrl+c13:13
geronimo_quick question, where does gnome save the icons the user installs?13:13
cybernoutzer0_mood , what brand is the router?13:13
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zer0_moodtp link13:13
madcat1990for example, I can limit the ammount of "pings" it does, using "ping -c 1 google.pt"13:13
cybernouttype number13:13
iflemamadcat1990 that work just gotta be fsat13:13
madcat1990isn't there a way to alter the timeout?13:13
Blue-Archبه امید دیدار - خدانگهدار13:14
clonez192.168.1.1 is the admin panel.13:14
unopmadcat1990,  sure - look in the ping manpage13:14
zer0_moodI know but i cant access it13:14
g0athi everybody13:14
clonezyou get no connectivity?13:14
madcat1990@unop man ping?13:14
unopmadcat1990, yes13:14
newton_what is the command to install gnome desktop enviroment?13:14
oCean_!jp | Blue-Arch13:14
ubottuBlue-Arch: 日本語の場合は #ubuntu-jp または #kubuntu-jp を参照して下さい13:14
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unopnewton_, sudo aptitude install ubuntu-desktop13:15
geronimo_quick question, where does gnome save the icons the user installs?13:15
icerootnewton_: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop   to get the default gnome, ubuntu is using13:15
newton_is there also a way to install gnome but without the extra packages?13:15
jribnewton_: what does "extra" mean to you?13:16
icerootnewton_: sudo apt-get install gnome13:16
madcat1990@unop : Found it, thanks!13:16
madcat1990its -w seconds13:16
zer0_moodcybernout, any ideas ?13:16
cybernoutzer0_mood , you did try 192.168.1 ?13:16
newton_I do not want the games and the lot13:16
madcat1990sorry for the bother *leaves*13:16
newton_I just want the gnome environment13:16
zer0_moodno I tried but i will try this as well13:16
zer0_moodstandby pls13:17
icerootzer0_mood: 192.168.1 is not a vlid adress13:17
ManDayfirefox is a bloody CPU time eater13:17
clonezyou are on the lan, zer0mood. zenmap it then13:17
dawid98ej no kto tutaj polak grr13:17
oCean_!pl | dawid9813:17
ubottudawid98: Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.13:17
cybernoutzer0_mood , also give  a try13:17
clonezjust nmap the network.cybernout.13:18
newton_Also is there a way to keep the K-menu layout in gnome?13:18
cybernoutclonez, i thought the question was to acces the router?13:18
clonezit is.13:18
cloneznmap will find the router, rather than guessing ip addys13:19
user67hi all13:19
cybernoutclonez, please take over if you know, i dont , not yet that is, just trying to get some answers..13:19
cybernoutclonez, i am just following the manual of that thing http://www.volia.com/user/files/routers/User_guide_TL_Link_TLWR340G_en.pdf13:20
user67is this the right channel to resolve qemu related issues?13:20
zer0_moodstill nothing :(13:20
willembgreetings.  can anyone tell me why thunderbird2 is displaying rather than decondig my mail attachemnts?13:20
zer0_moodso is it normal when I plug the cable for the router to get "wired network disconnected" ?13:21
cybernoutzer0_mood, its not an ubuntu issue, but you know that i think?13:21
cybernoutzer0_mood , you have dual boot?13:22
zer0_moodonly ubu 9.1013:22
cybernoutlets track back, you have ubuntu installed and the network worked before you had the router?13:22
zer0_moodi did set w/o problems the 1st time, then after i reinstalled ubuntu I couldnt access the tp link13:22
zer0_moodi just dont get it ...13:23
clonezissue is not the router then.13:23
clonezits connectivity13:23
zer0_moodI can connect to my LAN internet via cable13:23
zer0_moodso how do i fix this ??13:23
cybernoutso its the wireless that does not connect?13:24
cybernoutafter reinstall...13:24
oCean_!prefix | cybernout zer0_mood13:24
ubottucybernout zer0_mood: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)13:24
drjaffaHi, could someone please walk me through the steps to check my wireless card and hopefully get wireless working?13:24
clonezare you using networkmanager, or wicd?13:24
zer0_moodclonez, network manager13:25
clonez<ubottu>, good point. sorry13:25
* cybernout background...13:25
siebichhi and bye ;-)13:26
arvind_khadri!wifi | drjaffa13:26
ubottudrjaffa: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs13:26
haffeHi. Are any of you guys running epiphany 2.28? I am trying to find out if it's possible to use mouse button 5 and 6 as back and forward in this browser.13:26
zer0_moodclonez, wifi is ok - i need to configure the router so i clone the lan card IP on the router13:26
clonezzer0mood, and you issued /etc/init.d/networking start prior to bringing up xserver?13:26
willemb!thunderbird | drjaffa13:26
ubottudrjaffa: Thunderbird is a free email client, capable of close cooperation with Firefox (both by the Mozilla Foundation). To make Thunderbird links open in Firefox, see http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=6042713:26
zer0_moodclonez,  Im not sure :( how can I check this ?13:27
clonezthen you didn't. but13:27
clonezyour issue is router configuration. and the only way to alter router settings is to login via the admin panel.13:27
zer0_moodyes I know - thats the problem  I cant access the router13:28
clonezand change them.13:28
clonezthe issue is you cannot find the router.13:28
ukwizI have just installed 9.10 desktop, and I would like to find out how to get to various system admin tasks - such as setting samba workgroups, firewall, etc . Is there a system config tool13:28
clonezbut you are connected to the network.13:29
Windopaincrap.  plughw:1,0 is no longer working for me in recordmydesktop.. wonder if i screwed that up by removing the pulse stuff13:29
clonezfind its ip address. this is very simple using nmap or zenmap13:29
zer0_moodclonez,  well i unplug the lan cable so i can connect to the router so what network do u mean ?13:29
oCean_zer0_mood: when cable is plugged, you have internet access, right? At that point, run "route -n" command. Line starting with holds your router address13:30
clonezwhy would you unplug a cable. lol13:30
iflemaukwiz you could puch ya inquiries in here https://help.ubuntu.com/community or in this #room13:32
usmanasim_Hey guys, I am trying to install inadyn on my Ubuntu 9.10, but I just got only the source code. How do I go about compiling it ?13:33
rogerioHey all, I would like to install ssh. Someone can help me?13:34
oCean_ukwiz: also, have a look at the ubuntupocketguide. It might be getting a little bit outdated, but it'll still walk you through basic setup options. Get free download at: http://www.ubuntupocketguide.com/index_main.html13:34
evilsherpahey all, i have created a user on my nas, and im not sure where to create the user13:34
oCean_rogerio: "sudo apt-get install openssh-server" for installing sshd13:35
rogerioThank you!13:37
rogerioIt worked well.13:37
oCean_rogerio: Great. Now you're good to go: See https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/serverguide/C/openssh-server.html for some further instructions13:37
ukwizrephrase my questions a bit... how can I configure my samba client (in the gui)13:38
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usmanasim_Ok. I'll just modify my question a bit. How do I go about installing an IP updating service like an alternative DNS-O-Matic ?13:39
usmanasim_I found one called inadyn but only the source files where I have no idea to go. :P13:39
midnighthackerj #linuxac13:39
midnighthackercan u help me13:41
trismusmanasim_: no idea what inadyn is, but it is in the repos (sudo apt-get install inadyn;)13:41
clonezcompile it.13:41
midnighthacker~$ python l.py13:41
midnighthackerTraceback (most recent call last):13:41
midnighthacker  File "l.py", line 6, in <module>13:41
midnighthacker    from PyQt4 import QtGui13:41
midnighthackerRuntimeError: the sip module implements API v7.0 but the PyQt4.QtGui module requires API v6.013:41
FloodBot1midnighthacker: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.13:41
midnighthackeri got this error13:41
oCean_midnighthacker: ask in #python?13:42
clonezare you trying to control the crash and get eip? lol.13:42
usmanasim_trism: Thanks, I didn't know that.13:43
midnighthackerok thanks13:43
clonezusmansim_; check this also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DynamicDNS13:43
Windopaini think i'm going to end up reinstalling ubuntu in order to get my sound back, sigh.13:45
Windopainer, mic, that is.13:45
clonezwindowpain, reset soundsystem to oss.13:46
cloneznothing is going to change by reinstalling kernel13:46
Windopainit worked a few hours ago, i'm guessing it'll work again if i put the system back to how it was then :)   but i'm up for other ideas too13:47
ukwizwhere is the firewall configured?13:47
clonezrun kmix13:47
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Windopainwhen i click restart my ubuntu doesn't restart13:48
usmanasim_clonez: Thanks to you too.13:48
bullgardWhat is the Function of my module snd_intel8x0? http://pastebin.com/f6e42bb3e13:48
oCean_ukwiz: in /etc/ufw you'll find iptables rules. By default ufw (the uncomplicated firewall) is not active13:48
Windopainsudo shutdown -r 0 works tho!13:48
Windopainclonez: i had tried to run kmix earlier and had an error but i'll try again as soon as the reboot is done13:49
sixtilaIn which folder are the desktop backgrounds located? esp. the slide show one13:49
oCean_sixtila: /usr/share/backgrounds13:49
sixtilathanks oCean_13:49
balachmarAny people here that want to work on an Open Source Android Podcatcher?13:50
oCean_balachmar: this is not the channel for such topic. Ask in #ubuntu-offtopic13:50
oasisno sound on ubuntu13:50
derknechti have a encrypted ubuntu 9.10 installed, and had problems with grub2, i am now using grub1 (from my gentoo installation)  and want to know how the kernel line in menu.lst should look like for booting a encrypted root file system (installed with alternate cd). Thanks a lot.13:50
flowrwhat's the deal with host keys in ssh? all a hacker has to do to spoof a host key is to walk right into that host at the front door and retreive the key13:51
usmanasim_I'm actually trying to setup an SSH server on my laptop, so I'm done installing the SSH server and also configured my DNS service to point to my Dynamic IP. Is there something else that I need to do ?13:51
clonezvery observant flowr13:51
Windopaingreat.. now when i try to login i get a quick ubuntu screen and then kicked back out to the login prompt in the gui...13:52
Windopainall i did was remove everything that came up with i typed pulseaudio into synaptic13:52
frogzooflowr: present time & other stuff gets encrypted by the private key...so no13:53
ukwizoCean_, so, a newly installed ubuntu has no firewall protection?13:53
oasis#ubuntu :You need to be a channel operator to do that13:53
frogzooukwiz: why would it need it?13:53
clonezwhen i originally said i was just here to point and laugh i wasn't being serious.13:54
Windopainthis is like install #4 this weekend13:54
oasiswhat is going on here13:54
clonez^ this.13:55
AhoxHi, I have problems with customs modelines using the radeon driver. How do I do that?13:55
AhoxIt used to work with the fglrx13:55
oCean_ukwiz: Indeed. There is hardly any need for that, since you'll start your system without network services started (that is, not listening for incoming connections) Besides that, chances are, desktop users are behind routers/firewalls etc13:55
oasismy lord!!!??13:55
oCean_oasis: this is ubuntu technical support, not chat13:55
pale_1hello!!! i am traying to open port for vuze, port number is 46450, i purged all ufw , then add rules to iptables for specify port but when doing test it failed. when i try to run  netstat -an | grep "LISTEN " i see LISTENING on port 46450, any help please13:56
clonezocean. no offense meant; but why are these people using linux13:56
allieHi folks. How well does NFS work for mounting linux shares in windows in comparisson to Samba. I know I need to install extra software in windows, to do this but how does performance compare?13:56
* Windopain uses linux to spice things up13:57
oCean_clonez: which users?13:57
Windopainlets me know how half the people i work with feel when they're trying to get something done on a computer too.  humbling in that sense.13:57
clonezthe ones with all these simple problems that you have 1200 people in a tech support channel.13:58
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pale_1and one more thing when doing netstat -an | grep "LISTEN " i see :::46450, on every open port above i see before port number, maybe this is problem13:58
ubuntu51how to configure my setting in video card13:59
ubuntu51i cant enable to 1024x13:59
clonezits ubuntu, how much easier could you guys make it?13:59
ubuntu51the default 800x60013:59
Windopainyou know, if it wasn't for hardware, this os would be damn easy.13:59
ubuntu51i can't save to 1024x76814:00
ubuntu51to my x window14:00
ubuntu51please help to configure14:00
ukwizIf I have a static ip - - where are the config files that show this? I looked at /etc/network/interfaces, but it only has an lo interface14:00
ubuntu51any idea14:00
iflemaukwiz ifconfig14:01
iflemaubuntu51 nvidia?14:01
oCean_clonez: most of 'em are idling here. It's like 10 or 20% having issues. They want to run linux because it's free, and because there is a certain appeal to the community (like the help that is only an xchat away) Further discussion should go in #ubuntu-offtopic though14:01
ubuntu51im using nvidia14:01
iflemaubuntu51 and nvidia control panel will not savesettings?14:01
Windopainall these people programming for nothing, they need a team of hardware designers designing hardware for nothing too14:01
ubuntu51if i save my x14:01
clonezfair enough sir.  so ocean, what do you really run?14:02
clonez :D14:02
ubuntu51the message will apper14:02
iflemaubuntu51 message?14:02
ubuntu51failed to parse existing x cofnfig file14:02
ubuntu51Failed to parse existing X config file '/etc/X11/xorg.conf'!14:02
LjLclonez: note "Further discussion should go in #ubuntu-offtopic though"14:02
ubuntu51please help me to resolve14:03
iflemaUbuntu51 too easy gksu nvidia-settings set then save.... no merge14:03
Windopaini do appreciate the help you guys offer... w/o this channel i wouldn't stand a chance getting anything done in Ubuntu.14:03
ubuntu51i wan't to save the config to 1024x76814:03
iflemaUbuntu51 in a terminal that is14:03
evilsherpahey all, gid=users , how do i add a user to that group? for accessing an SMB share on my nas?14:03
ubuntu51what can i do14:03
ubuntu51Failed to parse existing X config file '/etc/X11/xorg.conf'!14:04
clonezljl, joined channel sir. :)14:04
iflemaUbuntu51 in a terminal type gksu nvidia-settings set then save.... no merge14:04
balachmarevilsherpa: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddUsersHowto14:04
ubuntu51the default setting is 800x60014:04
evilsherpabalachmar, thanks14:04
iflemaubuntu51 in a terminal type gksu nvidia-settings set then save.... no merge14:04
cxoI got two screens. The  desktop is now scaled across both. I'd like each screen to be a separate desktop. Usually, you'd do this with display-config-gtk, but that doesnt exist anymore in 9.10. What do i do?14:05
ubuntu51(gksu:2501): Gtk-WARNING **: Unable to locate theme engine in module_path: "ubuntulooks",14:05
ubuntu51(gksu:2501): Gtk-WARNING **: Unable to locate theme engine in module_path: "ubuntulooks",14:05
iflemaubuntu51 what are you up to?14:06
clonezinstall backtrack. it doesn't suck?14:06
ubuntu51by the im using karmic14:06
ubuntu51im using karmic ubun tu14:07
evilsherpabalachmar, thats info on how to add another user to my machine, im trying to access my nas, and i have my old fstab file, which has the line //\040DISK\0401 /media/200gig cifs auto,iocharset=utf8,uid=evilsherpa,gid=users,credentials=/root/.cifscredentials,file_mode=0775,dir_mode=0775 0 014:07
ukwizwhere do I find samba client configuration?14:07
iflemaukwiz /etc/samba/smb.conf14:07
jakiwhi, can i somehow stop/delete all running servers. I want to start my xampp, but it doesnt work because another one is running. I think that is because I earlier tried to install typo3 and it installed some mysql-server that now is running. How can I delete it so I can start my Xampp?14:08
Windopainwooo installation complete14:08
balachmarevilsherpa: scroll all the way to the bottom: sudo usermod -G <groupname> <username>14:08
evilsherpabalachmar, and its that uid and gid=users taht im trying to sort14:08
* Windopain makes vow never to use synaptic again14:08
ubuntu51Failed to parse existing X config file '/etc/X11/xorg.conf'!14:08
=== tjibba is now known as Tjibba
clonezmade a vow never to use ubuntu again along time ago. i14:09
balachmarevilsherpa: isn't sudo usermod -G <groupname> <username> what you need?14:09
ubuntu51how can change my config in xorg.conf14:09
jakiwhi, can i somehow stop/delete all running servers. I want to start my xampp, but it doesnt work because another one is running. I think that is because I earlier tried to install typo3 and it installed some mysql-server that now is running. How can I delete it so I can start my Xampp?14:09
ubuntu51to change my display 1024x768 ang save it14:09
iflemaUbuntu51 in a terminal type gksu nvidia-settings14:09
nomnexKarmic is broken and cannot boot suddenly can someone help?14:10
ubuntu51the problem i can't save it14:10
petsoundsubuntu51, did you create nvidia-xconfig?14:10
ubuntu51my display 1024x76814:10
jakiwhi, can i somehow stop/delete all running servers. I want to start my xampp, but it doesnt work because another one is running. I think that is because I earlier tried to install typo3 and it installed some mysql-server that now is running. How can I delete it so I can start my Xampp? I am using Ubuntu 9.10.14:10
ubuntu51yes of course14:10
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jakiwhow do i stop running mysql-servers?14:11
ubuntu51my default display is 800x60014:11
ubuntu51i want to change my display 1024x768, but i can't save into x14:11
ukwiziflema, it sounds as though every system config is command line  - no gui interface for system configuration. Having come from a suse framework, I find it strange that what is billed as an easy system is in fact anything but14:12
paolo_bongiorno a tutti14:12
LjL!it | paolo_14:12
ubottupaolo_: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)14:12
frogzoojakiw: /etc/init.d/mysql-server stop14:12
ubottuNederlandstalige ondersteuning voor Ubuntu (en vers gezette koffie) is te vinden in #ubuntu-nl14:12
iflemaukwiz its linux man14:12
petsoundsubuntu51, sudo nvidia-xconfig       then    gksu nvidia-settings14:12
ubuntu51it works14:14
iflemaukwiz samba is to share with winblows... away with it i say..... firewall not required... if you doing something that requires it youll know what to14:14
jakiwfrogzoo: it says no such file or directory. I think i installed the MySQL-Server together with typo314:14
=== JDempster is now known as Guest52658
jackhighdoes anybody know is one can create a virtual disk inside my ext4 partition in ubuntu that i could format to wbfs ?14:14
NFischeris it possible to add disk space of a new HDD to /home ?14:15
evilsherpamount error(13): Permission denied14:15
NFischer/home/user that is14:15
ukwiziflema,  yes, I understand it is linux, but it seems that ubuntu variant is stuck in the old days, whereas other distros have moved into the 21st century.14:15
jackhighNFischer: you could mount it in a subfolder or create an lvm i think14:15
* iflema and over all this is not windows14:16
jakiwhi, can i somehow stop/delete all running servers. I want to start my xampp, but it doesnt work because another one is running. I think that is because I earlier tried to install typo3 and it installed some mysql-server that now is running. How can I delete it so I can start my Xampp? I am using Ubuntu 9.10.14:16
ubuntu51how i can backup14:16
iflemaukwiz so14:16
ikoniajakiw: open up the package manager, search for the packages and mark them for removal14:16
jackhighNFischer: i have never creates an lvm with an existing install only at install time im not sure how you would do it14:16
ikoniaubuntu51: backup what ?14:17
nomnexerror message: One or more of the mounts listed in /etc/fstab cannot yet be mounted - help please14:17
jakiwdid it14:17
jakiwhow do i stop running apache server??14:17
ikonianomnex: check your mount points14:17
NFischerjackhigh, k thx14:17
ikoniajakiw: removing it will stop it14:17
jakiwikonia: i removed all packages with typo3 (3 packages) in it, but it didnt help14:17
ikonianomnex: look at the file /etc/fstab and walk through the mounts, see which one won't mount14:18
nomnexikonia, http://pastebin.com/m504d53a3 it is a known bug14:18
nomnexikonia, I don't know how to do it.14:18
jakiwso how do i stop running apache servers14:18
ikonianomnex: if that's a known bug - why are you asking for help ?14:18
ukwiziflema, back to opensuse I guess.14:18
ikoniajakiw: open the package manager, search for apache2 and remove it, as you intitially wanted to14:19
nomnexikonia, some peole fixed it14:19
ikoniajakiw: if you had removed the packages you said you had, it wouldn't be running14:19
ikonianomnex: who ? how do you know ?14:19
Astreal9 s vas w woke14:19
ikonianomnex: show me where it is marked as a known bug14:19
jakiwikonia: i didnt remove apache, sry, i think i mussunderstood u14:19
ikoniajakiw: ok - so remove the packages you don't need14:19
nomnexOne or more of the mounts listed in /etc/fstab cannot yet be mounted - google, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mountall/+bug/45985914:19
chris|NFischer, if your new hard drive is large enough to take up the contents of your current home, create an lvm drive on the new hdd, move your files, and expand the lvm over the existing home14:19
ikoniajakiw: it will only cause you problems with xammp down the line (although why you don't use lamp that is fully supported I don't know)14:20
chilli0Ive tryed using mplayer , the default movie player and vlc. But when ever i stream a video over LAN it stalls and i gotta pasue it and wait. Its weird it doesn't buffer the whole video thoe. I waited 30mins for it to stream but it paused like 5mins later14:20
MacIxhow do i get back that mail icon on the top panel row, where i deleted it before?14:20
nomnexikona, okay?14:20
MacIxwhere empathy and evolution are inside :X14:20
jakiwikonia xampp for linux is lampp, i am using lampp!14:20
nastasMacIx: just right click on the panel, then add14:21
MacIxand which one do i add?14:21
nomnexmore? http://old.nabble.com/URGENT:-Problem-with-mounting-td26125463.html14:21
jackhighso does anyone know if its possible to have a virtual hard disk inside ubuntus ext4 file system ?14:21
iflemaMaclx right click on taskbar and add applet called Indicator Applet14:21
NFischerchris|, thx14:21
ikonianomnex: the bug shows it as still not fixed14:21
jackhighi dont need a vm or anything i just need the disk i can mount read and write to etc14:22
ikonianomnex: a fixed was released but doesn't appear to have resolved it, boot into single user mode and remove the line in /etc/fstab that's causing the problem, then mount it manually as a work around14:22
jakiwikonia i removed 2 packages with apache2 in the name (apache2 itself wasnt even installed)...the server is still running! i think i installed it when i tried to install a CMS called typo 3 via synaptic and it just got its own server....14:22
nastasMacIx: application launcher then select an application from the menu14:22
chris|NFischer, remember to always do backups before messing with the file system ;)14:22
nomnexikonia, can you assist me?14:22
rocket16Hello all!14:22
lory80why each time the PC. printer does not connect - it disappears? I always CUPS server error14:22
rocket16I am from India, and use Kubuntu!14:22
ikonianomnex: with what ?14:23
rusibla_hi, does anyone have a cached version of the poulsbo_ppa.sh script, because the download server gma500re.altervista.org is ofline due to traffic14:23
NFischerchris|, yeah, im gonna stick with mounting it to a subdictory, its cleaner14:23
nomnexI have edited the fstab with nano14:23
ikoniajakiw: so if you have removed the packages and reboot you'll find myourself in a clean state14:23
ikonianomnex: ok, and ?14:23
rocket16Kubuntu is the best.14:23
chilli0Ive tryed using mplayer , the default movie player and vlc. But when ever i stream a video over LAN it stalls and i gotta pasue it and wait. Its weird it doesn't buffer the whole video thoe. I waited 30mins for it to stream but it paused like 5mins later14:23
nastasiflema: you're right. my bad. i thought Maclx wanted to add evolution launcher14:23
nomnexcan you check the message http://pastebin.com/m504d53a3, does that give the information as what to edit?14:23
BlouBlourocket16: kubuntu are ubuntu are the same, the difference is only kde14:24
ikoniachilli0: I suspect you're using a cheap switch / router14:24
jakiwikonia lol, sry i made a stupid mistake... i didnt reload it just showed me the cache14:24
ikoniachilli0: mplayer and vlc can both buffer14:24
ikoniajakiw: please stop that14:24
ikoniajakiw: sorry - not you14:24
ikoniajackhigh: please stop that14:24
rocket16BlouBlou, thanks for the reply14:24
stanman246hi, i've captured dv with kino and have seperate avi's. But when I open them in kdenlive, the audio is really bad. Playing with Totem is ok14:24
rocket16But KDE has more applications than Ubuntu14:24
rocket16I mean GNOME14:24
rocket16So, isn't KDE better than GNOME?14:25
BlouBlourocket16: We can continue this in #ubuntu-offtopic :)14:25
chris|NFischer, actually, lvm is pretty slick, if I had a say in it, I'd make it default for Ubuntu14:25
ikoniarocket16: you're entitled to your own opionion, this channel is for support though14:25
pale_1hello!!! i am traying to open port for vuze, port number is 46450, i purged all ufw , then add rules to iptables for specify port but when doing test it failed. when i try to run  netstat -an | grep "LISTEN " i see LISTENING on port 46450, any help please14:25
rocket16Sorry BlouBlou, for my mistake. PPlease excuse me all,14:25
pale_1and one more thing when doing netstat -an | grep "LISTEN " i see :::46450, on every open port above i see before port number, maybe this is problem14:25
chilli0ikonia, Its not a bad router. But if it does buffer. Whyd doesnt it? ( I leaved it for 30mins came back and still paused as if i just started the video)14:25
ikoniapale_1: try disabling all firewalls first of all14:25
rocket16May be I should find the offtopic channel14:25
pale_1i only now for ufw apparmor and iptables14:26
ikoniachilli0: I've seen it with poor quality switches14:26
rocket16Bye everyone14:26
ikoniapale_1: disable ufw/iptables and test it14:26
chilli0ikonia,  oh and its mounted like a harddrive. So vlc doesn't know its networked14:26
pale_1ikonia, how to disable iptables14:26
chilli0ikonia,  It takes me under 30secs to send a gig movie to the server from here.14:27
ikoniapale_1: use iptables -F or the init script to stop it14:27
ikoniachilli0: have you got enough ram to buffer ?14:27
chilli0ikonia, 4gigs and 4swap14:27
nomnexsomebody to help me modifying my fstab and mount manually /home? don't know how to do it but I can follow the instructions14:27
chilli04gig swap *14:27
ikonianomnex: ahh if it's /home you may not want to disable that14:27
albechdoes anyone else have problems with getting their address book from ubuntu one?14:28
ikoniachilli0: it should be buffering better than that, never the full movie but at least a good chunk14:28
elliotsaganHi all!14:28
pale_1ikonia, same14:29
ikoniachilli0: not on a desktop here so I can't check, but is there options within mplayer thos is buffer options, I think there is14:29
nomnexikonia, it is a bit above me, the error message upon boot says /home. when I run the command blkid, the home partition does not appear, only the swap and /system14:29
chilli0ikonia,  I think its because vlc doesnt know its a server. Ive mounted it like a usb or external harddrive.14:29
EuSer1hi all.14:29
BlouBlouelliotsagan: hi14:29
ikoniapale_1: then it's not a firewall problem, your application is not working14:29
chilli0ikonia,  I changed the buffer on vlc to 20gigs14:29
=== EuSer1 is now known as ilker
ikoniachilli0: that really shouldn't be a problem, but to be honest, if your playing a film from a mounted network drive and it's stalling your networking appears to be a problem14:29
jakiwso now apache starts but still some other mysql server is running?14:29
=== ilker is now known as legend
pale_1how that can be , i tray to test it through some web testers for specified port but is the same14:29
elliotsaganplease, anybody to helpme how to install Avira (it comes as .tar.bz)?14:29
ikoniachilli0: 20gig is a stupid buffer, do you have 20 gig of ram ???14:30
pale_1ikonia, how that can be , i tray to test it through some web testers for specified port but is the same14:30
=== legend is now known as tisotso
ikoniapale_1: if you've dropped your firewall, and it's still not responding, then the application isn't running/listening properly14:30
tekknoelliotsagan, its linux, you are already virus free ;)14:30
jakiwikonia: so now apache starts but still some other mysql server is running?14:30
linuxmanei pessoal estou vendo algumas questoes de concurso referente a linux e me respondam uma coisa14:30
hamzaatova1how do i bakcup the contacts in evulution?????????14:30
chilli0ikonia,  I was just testing to see if it was the buffer that was to low.14:30
BlouBlou!english | linuxman14:30
ubottulinuxman: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat14:30
elliotsaganreally? am I?14:31
ikoniajakiw: remove your mysql server14:31
ikonia!es | linuxman14:31
ubottulinuxman: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.14:31
ikoniachilli0: 20gig is crazy though, use real life values14:31
BlouBlouikonia: that's not spanish :)14:31
jackhighim sorry about that i went for a smoke and it was my 2 yo som pressing buttons :S14:31
chilli0ikonia,  Does a vlc buffer if you play a file of the hard drive ?14:31
ikoniaBlouBlou: thank you14:31
linuxmanscuse-me guys14:31
ikoniachilli0: errr...not %100 sure, I'd expect a very short buffer14:31
linuxmanchanel wrong14:31
chilli0ikonia, I think it may not , but i dont know.14:32
iflemahamzaatova1 click file in the menu bar and selectbackup settings14:32
scunizi Scunizi14:33
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hamzaatova1iflema, ok--14:33
iflemahamzaatova1 notethe restore option14:34
ikoniachilli0: it should have a small read-ahead on it14:34
jakiwikonia, thx u helped me alot14:34
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ikoniajakiw: no problem14:35
scunizigood moring ikonia14:36
erUSUL!aptlock > erUSUL14:36
ubottuerUSUL, please see my private message14:36
chilli0ikonia, Mmm. Well. How could possably not load after 30mins14:37
=== binarylooks_ is now known as binarylooks
elliotsagananybody to tell me the correct MSN server to get connectec with Empathy? TIA14:37
ikoniachilli0: a very good question14:38
chilli0ikonia, Its also only about 120mbs ( a tv show )14:39
krzysztofale pustki :(14:39
chilli0Running ethernet14:39
novato_brwhat is wrong? I want to install ubuntu under partition layout ==> http://images.cjb.net/3d5ce.png14:40
novato_brand I can't14:40
novato_brI can't do that14:40
ikoniachilli0: if you copy it locally and run it does it play ok ?14:40
chilli0ikonia,  Yes.14:40
=== tisotso is now known as iori
chilli0But when doing same with big movies and what not. it gets long.14:40
novato_brvagas me ajudem14:40
novato_brwhat is wrong?14:40
novato_brdoesn't ubuntu recognize there are parititions on disk?14:41
ikoniachilli0: where is the disk mounted from, a windows box over samba, another linux box on NFS etc14:41
ahayzen@novato_br what version of ubuntu are you running?14:41
chilli0ikonia,  The other box is running ubuntu 8.0414:41
novato_brI want to install this version on system pre-configurated14:41
ikoniachilli0: how are you mounting it ?14:42
chilli0ikonia,  Just using the share file option.14:42
novato_brlayout partition system14:42
rusibla_hi, does anyone has experience with the gma500 chipset (some atom processors)14:42
scunizinovato_br: should be able to. but you've got some unusual setup there... root \ should be 15 gigs max unless you're really doing something unusual.  File system should be ext3 or 4 typically .. not 214:42
beachbrakeI have an acer extensa, and ubuntu 9.04 installed on it. It creates a series of short sharp tapping noise everytime any audio file is played. I tried to reinstall it, it went off, but came back again when I installed audacity. I failed to understand the problem. Can anyone help?14:42
chilli0ikonia, //  /media/media_server cifs  credentials=/etc/samba/user,noexec  0 014:42
novato_brok, scunizi14:43
ikoniachilli0: try sharing it out over nfs - see if that makes a difference, it may be the actual sharing techniqiue rather than the file14:43
beachbrakeCan I get any help herE?14:43
novato_brI'll try to do that14:43
elliotsagan@novato_br: pre configurated system?14:43
jolarenHow do I edit grub? I want to change the boot device order so that It chooses win7 by default14:43
tekknobeachbrake, i dont think you will find someone with the same problem. cause audacity doesn change something on the core audio system (pulseaudio). Try to update to the latest ubuntu, thats always the best try14:43
ahayzen@Jolaren: What version of grub are you using?14:43
jolarenahayzen; I guess the regular grub.. not 2.014:43
novato_brelliotsagan, i want to keep layout disk partitions14:44
beachbraketekkno, precisely whey i shifted from ubuntu 8.0414:44
novato_brdid you get it?14:44
beachbrakeI suspect there is a bug somewhere.14:44
Squeese_Hey, need some tips on "thin clients?" - Im in need of 4-5 "work stations" for work, they only need to run a ruby script and a browser, so I'd like the machines to run ubuntu. Im going to update the ruby stuff alot as we develop - what kind of system do you guys recomend I set up? Small EE-boxes that I boot from HDD or maybe CD's I burn? Or maybe network boot? Usb boot?14:44
tekknobeachbrake, there is a new audio system (pulseaudio), which may is the source of your problems.14:44
ahayzen@Jolaren: ok goto /boot/grub/menu.lst for the boot orders and settings, but be careful14:44
ikoniaSqueese_: they all are valid options and have positives and negatives to them14:45
=== erle64- is now known as erle-
beachbraketekkno, :) yes.14:45
tekknoyou can try do deinstall it, but dont expect everthing to run better after that ;)14:45
elliotsagan@novato_br: but, are you trying to get up from a Windows system? that's it?14:45
beachbraketekkno, why does pulseaudio have problems?14:45
novato_brI've created the paritition but the ubuntu doesn't install14:45
novato_brno, elliotsagan14:45
tekknobeachbrake, because it uses a huge amount of overhead instead of the core alsa interface14:45
tekknoit emulates a "fake" alsa device14:45
beachbraketekkno, I tried installing ubuntu studio.14:45
novato_brI want to make partition on disk and I want to use one partition to install linux14:46
tekknofor legacy application which cant work with pulseaudio directly14:46
novato_brbut it doesn't work14:46
ahayzen@Jolaren: if you Sudo the file it lets you edit it14:46
jolarenahayzen; Thank you14:46
elliotsagan@novato_br: ok. linux want's a space on the first disk14:46
IdleOnenovato_br: when you get to the partitioning part of the install, you need to chose advanced and tell the installer where to put / and /home.14:47
beachbraketekkno, fake?14:47
Squeese_ikonia: Im a relative new linux user (from the mac world) - wich solution do you think is easiest one to adapt at start?14:47
Squeese_maybe its a to deep question ><14:47
novato_brwhere Do I see these options?14:47
novato_brI've made partitions correctly14:48
novato_brthe ubuntu just need to recognize them14:48
tekknobeachbrake, fake = emulation. make old application think that they talk to alsa directly (which is not true, cause its first goes to the pulseaudio backend)14:48
novato_brand it has to install correctly14:48
beachbraketekkno, :) ah! are you an ubuntu dev?14:48
ikoniaSqueese_: I think a netboot may suit you overall, but a bit of a setup overhead, if you can be bothered, I think that would work best for you from the little you've said14:49
tekknobeachbrake, nope, just someone how does more with music, and so i know the problems of pulseaudio ;)14:49
gui_i don't get any sound when using the flash player in firefox, i've got ubuntu 9.10 - i've tried searchign the forums, but the info is all outdated14:49
marcosRzcan anyome recomends me a video editor THAT WORKs? KDenlive is horrible14:49
IdleOnenovato_br: select /dev/hda1 and click Edit. in the window it will have a little box for "mount as" select / and click the box to format.14:49
novato_brI've tried, IdleOne14:50
beachbraketekkno, pm14:50
marcosRzcan anyome recomends me a video editor THAT WORKs? KDenlive is horrible14:50
Squeese_ikonia: thx, will look into it :)14:50
=== DeMarco is now known as Guest17060
elliotsagan@novato_br: I'm new to ubuntu, but I can tell you that installing version 9.10 was very easy.... just CD booting14:50
IdleOnemarcosRz: look for OpenShot14:50
tekknomarcosRz, http://cinelerra.org/14:50
IdleOnenovato_br: what error do you get?14:50
novato_brI put /dev/sda1 as /14:50
gui_anyone know how to get the sound on youtube working in 9.10?14:51
marcosRzcinelerrra is horrible too14:51
marcosRzopenshot idem14:51
marcosRzi want one that works14:51
novato_brcan I put /dev/sda5 as fat partition?14:51
IdleOnenovato_br: why would you want a fat partition ?14:51
marcosRzkdenlive is so horrible14:51
duffydackIs there a fix or workaround for switching desktops when you have more than 1 vertically high14:51
Guest17060on Polish edition of Ubuntu sound works. Dunno if that depends on sound card or flash player14:52
novato_brIdleOne, because notebook will exchange data with windows14:52
elliotsagan@novato_br: let Ubuntu decide where it wants to get installed14:53
IdleOnewindows can read ext314:53
novato_brelliotsagan, ubunut is dumb14:53
novato_brit wont do what I want14:53
IdleOnenovato_br: is windows installed on that machine?14:53
fogravenI need help with my AWN dock14:54
fogravenIt was working14:54
ajd2k9hi i seem to have a problem just recently changed from my gfx card to onboard HDMI port so i could get audio through my tv .. it works with my music but not with mozilla or vlc .. works in amarok perfectly fine its just when theres video involved .. any suggestions peeps ... thanks14:54
marcosRzcan recommend me a decent video editing app?14:54
marcosRza DECENT one14:54
novato_brno, IdleOne14:54
IdleOnemarcosRz: what is decent?14:54
marcosRzthe one that actually works correctly?14:55
novato_brthe machine will have a partition windows14:55
IdleOnemarcosRz: we recommened 3 you don't like them14:55
elliotsagan@novato_br: if you want to do what you want... I'm guessing that you are going the wrong track with first time in linux14:55
marcosRzCinelerra, kdenlive all sucks14:55
elliotsagan 14:55
marcosRzit seems the is not a decent video editing app on linux14:55
marcosRzIt seems the best one is the one that the vlc guys are doing14:55
novato_brdon't worry, elliotsagan14:55
marcosRzbut it's not funcional right know14:55
novato_brI made that before14:55
chilli0ikonia,  Oh and. This may be the reason. The source of the files is on a external hard drive ( usb 2.0 )14:55
IdleOnemarcosRz: what is wrong with Cinelerra or OpenShot?14:55
marcosRzit sucks not being able toe dit videos14:55
marcosRzIdahoEv, they both sucks?14:56
marcosRzthey look like 10 years ago apps for editing14:56
novato_brI am not familiarized with this ubuntu version14:56
marcosRzdon 't even compare to adobe premiere14:56
oCean_marcosRz: please calm down14:56
marcosRzor even windows movie maker14:56
marcosRzboth are beter14:56
novato_brI have 160GB14:56
marcosRzOpenshot lasted 30secs on my ubuntu14:56
marcosRzits horrible14:56
novato_brI want ubuntu use just 50GB14:57
tekknomarcosRz, windows movie maker sucks too and Kino is quite close to that14:57
fogravensays I don't have the required drivers?14:57
marcosRztehbaut, actually at least wmm works14:57
marcosRzand it works good14:57
erUSUL!ot | marcosRz no ranting is not on topic14:57
ubottumarcosRz no ranting is not on topic: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!14:57
gui_does amarok usually take ver long/become unresponsive when scanning large music collections?14:57
tekknomarcosRz, but there is no premiere on linux, true. you can try wine to emulated if you want the same14:57
marcosRzbest bet14:58
IdleOnemarcosRz: both projects have Donate buttons. Takes time and money to put in the type of work you are expecting for free. Now had you spent $400 on one of these free alternatives I could see you complaining but compairing them to proprietary software is not a fair comparison14:58
chilli0marcosRz, Well then stop complaining. Install windows in a vm and there you go. I run sony vegus 9 on it fine14:58
marcosRzIdleOne, Windows Movie Maker is "free"14:58
gui_can anyone help me with getting sound to work on youtube?14:58
IdleOneWindows isn't!14:58
marcosRzI'm almost installing windows on a vm14:58
oCean_marcosRz: stop. This is not contributing to this channel in any way.14:58
marcosRzjust because it has decent apps14:58
IdleOnetrust me you paid for Win Movie maker14:58
tekknomarcosRz, nope ;) you just buy it with windows14:58
ajd2k9_gui : are you having trouble with just video sound?14:58
marcosRzi know thats why I putted ""14:58
marcosRzso at least it works -_-14:59
gui_ajd2k9, yes, sound in rhytmbox, amarok, etc works fine14:59
novato_brearlier It was so easy to do that14:59
tekknothe other apps work too ;)14:59
tekknoand they are freee14:59
ahayzenAren't we getting PiTiVi with 10.04 which is like movie maker???14:59
novato_brtoday it's hard to do that14:59
novato_brI don't know14:59
elliotsaganIs there an application for easily install .tar.bz packets?14:59
tekknoso if you dont like the look -> get some coding skills and change the look and feel ;)14:59
tekknoopensource baby ;)14:59
ajd2k9_have you tried a video in vlc ..14:59
chilli0marcosRz, It really doesn't work that great. Try saving the video. It will take 5h for a 10min long video14:59
gui_ajd2k9, yes, it worked14:59
pfred1hello where can I report a bug?15:00
marcosRzopenshot doesnt even have custom profiles15:00
oCean_!bug | pfred115:00
ubottupfred1: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs - Bugs in/wishes for the IRC bots (not Ubuntu) can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots15:00
scunizi marcosRz have you tried "Smile" .. getdeb.net15:00
gui_ajd2k9, all the guides in the forum are either outdated or just band-aids15:00
ajd2k9_ahh right .. cant help sorry bud iv got same problem just no sound when it comes to videos15:00
marcosRzscunizi, no, I'll try it later15:00
marcosRzI'll isntall right know windows on a vm so I can get a decent app15:00
marcosRzfor video editing15:00
gui_how come such a good distro like ubuntu doesn't have good documentation on playing flash sound....15:00
IdleOnemarcosRz: it does have a bug reporting system and a wish list system. openshot.org15:01
pfred1oCean_ it was a bug in a non free package should I report it to the same place I gotthe package through synaptic though15:01
ajd2k9_you chewdked all your audio output settings?15:01
marcosRzi would rather pay for a decent one IdleOne  :315:02
scuniziI kinda liked chewdked :)15:02
oCean_pfred1: i guess you should indeed.15:02
Cabrobrahow can i install Age 2 in Ubuntu 8.04?15:02
IdleOnemarcosRz: that is fine also :) your choice.15:02
ajd2k9_yeah looks awesome just makes no sense15:02
marcosRzIdleOne, but it doesnt have one I can pay for15:02
marcosRzAll the availabels one are free in beer and freedom15:02
marcosRzand they all suck :(15:02
oCean_marcosRz: stop this now!15:02
pfred1oCean_ now i have ot do the unthinkable and install something without the package manager wish me luck!15:02
ahayzen@Cabrobar: age 2 what?15:03
BodsdaHi, I have a VPS running 9.04. It currently has about 6 apache2 processes running, should there be this many? Is it worth stopping the service, clearing the processes and restarting the service?15:03
ajd2k9_hi i seem to have a problem just recently changed from my gfx card to onboard HDMI port so i could get audio through my tv .. it works with my music but not with mozilla or vlc .. works in amarok perfectly fine its just when theres video involved .. any suggestions peeps ... thanks???15:03
scunizimarcosRz: yea.. we got it.. you're not happy with video editors available in linux.. let it go.. you're fast becoming a troll15:03
chilli0marcosRz, Do you know how hard it is to create a video edited app? And worst of all there is no reason for people to. because there not genning payed to do it.15:04
Cabrobrathe game.. Age of Empires II15:04
ikoniachilli0: still shouldn't cause that much of ap problem on a usb driv15:04
ravenafter sync with UNISON both system passwords not accepted - what to do?15:04
marcosRzscunizi, ok I'm glad to go away and do my sutff right know15:04
* marcosRz installing windows on vm15:04
oCean_chilli0: don't start again on this topic. Or take it to #ubuntu-offtopic15:04
ahayzen@Cabrobra: you could try through WINE15:04
chilli0ikonia, Oh ok.15:04
chilli0oCean_,  Sorry my mistake.15:04
Cabrobrai have to install Wine? Iḿ new with linux15:05
ahayzen@Cabrobra:  or use Virtualbox to run windows15:05
chilli0ikonia, Ill try what you said in a min. Need to install ssh on the server =P15:05
ahayzen@Cabrobra: What version of ubuntu are you running15:05
chilli0marcosRz, tryed this ? http://www.getdeb.net/software/LiVES15:06
ikoniachilli0: no problem, it hopefully at least will show where the problem is15:06
Cabrobraahayzen: 8.0415:06
marcosRzthanks chilli0 I've found a solution15:06
ravenmassively password problems - need help please15:06
BodsdaIf I have a VPS and one IP address for it, can I have one domain name going to ###.###.###.###/site1 and the other going to ###.###.###.###/site2 ?15:06
chilli0ikonia,  Yep. Thanks.15:06
=== orion is now known as Guest113
huggybeershow do I get ubuntu 9.04 to see my serial port modem15:06
novato_brelliotsagan, should I chose EXT3 with journaling?}15:06
gui_http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1193567&highlight=FOT004 -- that worked for me15:06
gaelfxso I installed the gnome sensors-applet, but it only shows me the GPU temp, I can't seem to get any info about my CPU out of it, is this likely a hardware problem or what?15:06
ikoniaBodsda: that's name based hosting you need to look at for apache15:07
novato_brelliotsagan, should I chose EXT3 with journaling to system file?15:07
ravenmassively password problems - need help please15:07
pfred1I don't feel like setting up an account to report this bug can anyone here with an established account confirm the bug and report it?15:07
IdleOne!ask | raven15:07
erUSULhuggybeers: if it is a serial por modem there is nothing to "see" just point the dialing program to /dev/ttyS0 (or S1 depending on what serial port is attached to)15:07
ubotturaven: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)15:07
ravenafter sync with UNISON both system passwords not accepted - what to do?15:08
ikoniapfred1: please setup the account to report your bug yourself15:08
HalabundHi,  I have a video the sound of which doesn't play.  How do I figure out what to install to make it work?15:08
=== raven is now known as Guest41103
ahayzenGo under Applications at the bottom do you have an Application install or add/remove option if so click on it.15:08
Bodsdaikonia: its an apache config issue then? I dont need to go buying an additional IP address or anythign like that?15:08
erUSULpfred1: what would we do if they ask for more info or to test a patch ?15:08
pfred1ikonia its not that big a deal15:08
ikoniapfred1: please report your own bugs15:08
=== Guest41103 is now known as _raven
ikoniaBodsda: yeah, name based virtual hosting, don't need multiple ip's15:08
pfred1ikonia hey its not my bug all I did was select the move tool and the app crashed!15:08
scunizihuggybeers: is it usb?15:08
altairaHi! What's the right way to unistall kde and install gnome from kubuntu karmic?15:09
ikoniapfred1: please either report it yourself, or don't, but don't ask others to report it for you15:09
ikoniaaltaira: install the ubuntu-desktop package, and remove the kde packages15:09
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pfred1ikonia whats wrong with a little confirmation? I could have faulty memory on my system or something who knows?15:09
scunizialtaira: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop .. after install follow the link ubottu gives you.15:09
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erUSUL!puregenome | altaira15:09
scunizi!puregnome | altaira15:09
ubottualtaira: If you want to remove all !KDE packages, type « sudo apt-get --purge remove kdelibs4c2a kdelibs5-data && sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop » into a !terminal15:09
ikoniapfred1: you can search bugs without needing an account to get confirmation, please don't ask others to log bugs for you15:10
kickarhey guys i have 2 virtual desktops now .. how do i make them into four?15:10
maniakswhat is the best player for listen radio?15:10
_ravenafter sync with UNISON both system passwords not accepted - what to do?15:10
erUSULkickar: right click on the switcher in the panel choose Preferences15:10
IdleOnekickar: right click, chose prefs.....15:10
oCean_kickar: right-click workspace switcher > preferences15:10
Cabrobrawich is the best wine to Ubuntu 8.0?15:10
IdleOneCabrobra: the one in the repositories15:11
altairaThat was fast! Thanks a lot everyone!15:11
kickaroCean_,  where is workspace switcher?15:11
IdleOnebottom right next to trash15:11
oCean_kickar: the little applet in (one of your) panel(s) ?15:11
oCean_kickar: if it's not there, then right-click the panel and choose "add to panel"  then choose the "workspace switcher"15:12
unpersonIf I have one CD drive and I boot from the live CD, is it possible for me to take the liveCD out somehow so that I can access something a different the CD?  I know this is possible with Damn Small Linux because it's small enough to easily load entirely into RAM.  I'm not sure if about doing it with the Ubuntu live CD.15:12
kickaroCean_,  IdleOne  thanks guys i am good now15:12
CabrobraIdleOne: thanks15:12
kickaroCean_,  how do i make it ... compiz i mean .. to averlap desktops  ? like in kde ?15:13
huggybeersthanks for the  help.15:13
oCean_kickar: not using compiz, sorry - don't know15:13
ranjan_hello every body i am having an issue with samba share can any body on this network can help me on this ...15:13
icerootranjan_: no, not without details15:15
IdleOnehello masingerz15:16
_ravencannot login as root any more - how to solve15:16
LjL!root | _raven15:16
ubottu_raven: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo15:16
usmanasimI am trying to run this sudo ./image_to_usb.sh --from=~/chromiumos/src/build/images/SUBDIR --to=/dev/USBKEYDEV , but I get the following error about "sudo: ./image_to_usb.sh: command not found"15:16
usmanasimWhere am I going wrong ?15:17
masingerzim getting ready to install ubuntu on a 60gb partition that is currently ntfs and part of a bigger disk15:17
masingerzi need help with the partitioning15:17
_ravenLjL, the problem started after syncing with unison - NO sudo possible any more on BOTH systems15:18
ranjan_ya i understand :: i am not being able to b rouse my network place from nautilus  it is giving an error message of Failed to retrieve share list from server15:18
scunizimasingerz: with 60 gigs make root 10, swap 2 and the rest home .. unless it's a laptop. If that's the case make swap 2x of your ram15:18
pfred1_raven use sudo -i15:18
Switch10masingerz: the install process will take care of the partitioning15:18
LjL_raven: uhm, the reasons why sudo might not work could be 1) that your user is not in the group "admin" anymore, 2) that /etc/sudoers has become bad 3) that /usr/bin/sudo is not setuid root. you can check for these things from recovery mode, i think15:19
masingerzswwitch10 no sir15:19
LjLpfred1: if sudo doesn't work, sudo -i won't work.15:19
Switch10masingerz: yes15:19
=== ranjan_ is now known as ranjan
scunizimasingerz: or do as Switch10 suggests and just let ubuntu do it's thing on install15:19
ranjani am not being able to b rouse my network place from nautilus  it is giving an error message of Failed to retrieve share list from server   any help would be of great help15:19
marcosRzoh well15:19
_ravenLjL i am able to login on this pc with the password, on the second one i cannot even login and on this system sudo is not possible any more15:19
Switch10masingerz: choose the manual option15:19
marcosRzI'm feel sick :(15:20
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marcosRzthis channel has a offtopic channel?15:20
IdleOnemarcosRz: Got a virus?15:20
pfred1LjL sounds like a job for init 1 to me then15:20
IdleOnemarcosRz: #ubuntu-offtopic15:20
LjL!ot | marcosRz15:20
ubottumarcosRz: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!15:20
_ravenLjL, no idea what's going on here - i ignored any systems file from synching and not this15:20
Blue-Archبه امید دیدار - خدانگهدار15:20
marcosRzno IdleOne I tried again openshot and I got glibc free errors (LOL) + stack overflow15:20
LjL!arabic | Blue-Arch15:20
ubottuBlue-Arch: For Arabic language support, please : /join #ubuntu-arabic : للحصول على الدعم باللغة العربية15:20
_ravenpfred1 no sudo possible15:20
pfred1_raven init 1 is forced root access15:21
LjL_raven: well, i have no idea either, but you should be able to obtain a shell at least by editing your kernel line from the GRUB menu and putting "init=/bin/bash"15:21
pfred1_raven only root access!15:21
LjLpfred1: "init" is not a command that you can run if you aren't root *in the first place*15:21
usmanasimI am trying to run this sudo ./image_to_usb.sh --from=~/chromiumos/src/build/images/SUBDIR --to=/dev/USBKEYDEV , but I get the following error about "sudo: ./image_to_usb.sh: command not found"15:22
usmanasimWhere am I going wrong ?15:22
pfred1LjL you can boot up in it15:22
_ravenpfred1 could you tell me what exactly to do?15:22
masingerzSwitch10 scunizi i go into manual andi view the 60 gb partitino, then what?15:22
steffanusmanasim: image_to_usb.sh is not in the working directory that you're currently in15:22
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icerootusmanasim: run that command at the location from the script15:22
usmanasimHow do I find that ?15:23
pfred1_raven your best bet might be to try using the install CD in recovery mode because booting in single mode can be a pain15:23
scunizimasingerz: depends .. how many other partitions on this drive?15:23
Switch10usmanasim: pwd15:23
ajd2k9_hi i seem to have a problem just recently changed from my gfx card to onboard HDMI port so i could get audio through my tv .. it works with my music but not with mozilla or vlc .. works in amarok perfectly fine its just when theres video involved .. any suggestions peeps ... thanks???15:23
masingerzscunizi 4 parititions on the drive15:24
pfred1_raven I mean theres a million ways to fix your problem some are harder to do than others though15:24
pfred1_raven the best solutions are always the easiest15:25
masingerzbut the space i want to use to install ubuntu is on the 60gb15:25
DimoutlookHi All15:25
_ravenpfred1 what is the best solution15:25
masingerzi have an asus 1000he netbok15:25
usmanasimsteffan: the file is in the working directory i just checked but why is it still not working15:25
hidensofthi all15:25
pfred1_raven the easiest which is probably just dropping in your install CD and booting off of it15:25
scunizimasingerz: then you have another issue.. you need to delete one partiiton (the 60 gig one you want to install ubuntu into) .. then create an extended partition.. inside the extended partition you can install ubuntu.. you might even be able to use "guided" partitioning .. just point it at the partition and let it do it's thing.15:25
masingerzandi would like to dual boot15:25
hidensofti can't using mode_rewrite15:25
steffanusmanasim: 'ls' shows that the file is in the current directory?15:25
hidensoftplease help me15:25
usmanasimsteffan: yep15:26
steffanusmanasim: see if 'bash image_to_usb.sh' works instead15:26
DimoutlookWhat is the best way to erase a dvd-rw from the CL brasereo keeps corrupting the disk15:26
_ravenpfred1 when booting from the live-system - which files do i have to edit manually?15:27
NativeAngelsdoes anyone here know about shoutcast ?15:27
pfred1_raven honestly it isn't a problem I've had to deal with though i have had to blank out root passwords in the passwd file15:27
steffan!ask | NativeAngels15:27
ubottuNativeAngels: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)15:27
hidensoftany idea ?15:27
bomberim trying to reinsall grub... my system has a sata and 2 ide drives and im not having any luck getting grub back on here15:28
usmanasimsteffan: again it says no file or directory but ls shows the file15:28
usmanasimis there15:28
chilli0ikonia,  its weird. Its streaming so well now.15:28
pfred1_raven when I forget what it is15:28
Shaan7bomber: ubuntu version?15:28
chilli0ikonia,  Not with NFS lol15:28
NativeAngelswould like to know why when i do ./sc_serv sc_serv.conf am i getting no such file or directory when both files are there ?15:29
bomberkubuntu 9.10n15:29
steffanusmanasim: pastebin the output of 'ls' and the error output of the command and I'll take a look15:29
steffanNativeAngels: check that sc_serv is in the current working directory15:29
_ravenpfred1 could you tell me the way a bit?15:29
NativeAngelshow do i do that steffan15:29
Shaan7bomber: you know on which partition kubuntu is installed ? (/dev/sdX)15:30
pfred1_raven I'm sort of hoping Ubuntu has nice system revocery utilities because the ways I've done it aren't very nice15:30
electroque pasa tois15:30
steffanNativeAngels: 'ls' will show if that file is in your current working directory or not15:30
sebsebseb!pt |  electro15:30
macman_hey all question .. are most wireless cards support out of the box with linux15:30
ubottuelectro: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.15:30
bomberwell its on the 2nd partition of the sata diskn15:31
pfred1_raven I've evne overinstalled Linux distros over hashed existing ones and that works suprisingly well15:31
sebsebsebmacman_: no15:31
Switch10macman_: all mine have been.15:31
pfred1_raven just don't format anything!15:31
macman_Switch10: what gfx cards any intel ones ?15:31
ablysssteffan: that would be correct if you said ls -A15:31
sebsebsebmacman_:  Switch10  wireless is a common issue15:31
_ravenpfred1 which files are needed to edit/blank the password?15:31
sebsebsebmacman_: Intel graphics should be fine on 9.10, it was an issue on 9.04,  not all of them though when it came to 9.0415:32
pfred1_raven I've used vi on /etc/passwd15:32
Switch10macman_: ya I just bought a sparkle nvidia card. It worked great15:32
macman_Switch10: i need a laptop15:32
macman_this one i have is cool but i don't like it anymore lol .. plus the battery is gone15:32
macman_i always have to be plugged in15:32
Shaan7bomber: basically what you've to do is - 1. Boot from a 9.10 LiveCD 2. Mount the partition which has ubuntu installed to /mnt (say) 3. sudo grub-install --root-directory=/mnt --recheck /dev/sda15:32
steffanablyss: i said that 'ls' will show all files in the current directory which is correct. -A hides hidden files15:33
steffanablyss: which we don't want to do :)15:33
NativeAngelsim in the right folder steffan15:33
Shaan7bomber: to find which partition it is, do 'sudo parted --list' and check for a ext formatted partition.15:33
Shaan7bomber: then mount it using, 'sudo mount /dev/sdXn /mnt' for me its sudo mount /dev/sda7 /mnt15:33
Switch10macman_: you should be ok. If the card doesn't work go buy one of those USB wireless adapters. I have one of those as well. It works great15:33
sebsebseb!hardware |  macman_15:34
ubottumacman_: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection15:34
ablysssteffan: i guess when you say all files, you mean just the ones you can see. :)15:34
gigasoftwhere can i see processor's working frequency?15:34
Shaan7bomber: hope you got it :)15:35
Switch10gigasoft: cat /proc/cpuinfo15:35
gigasoftWwitch10: thanks :)15:35
steffanablyss: -A _hides_ hidden files. 'ls' doesn't15:36
sebsebsebmacman_: Switch10  a lot of USB wireless's won't just work as far as I know15:36
bomberi wrote it down... now i'll try... im in puppy live cd right now but i'll boot to the kubuntu cd and try that15:36
Switch10sebsebseb: agai15:36
bomberthanks a lot15:36
sebsebsebSwitch10: what?15:36
Switch10sebsebseb: I bought some random cheap one and it worked awesome15:36
sebsebsebSwitch10: ok, but wireless is a main problem area for Ubuntu15:37
ablysssteffan: what on earth r u talking about15:37
Shaan7bomber: np, all the best15:37
steffanablyss: you said that -A will show all files including hidden files. -A hides hidden files from the output meaning that a plain 'ls' will show hidden files too15:37
Switch10sebsebseb: I guess I have just been lucky then. I never have had to many problems with about 10 different cards15:38
sebsebsebSwitch10: yeah I guess you were lucky or something like that15:38
pfred1steffan are you sure your ls isn't aliased or something?15:38
sebsebsebguest: hi15:39
ablysssteffan: maybe ls -a would be more of what i meant15:40
scunizisteffan: sounds like something on your system has changed.. ls by itself will not show hidden files.. ls -a *will* show hidden files. if your's is functioning opposite then someone changed something.15:40
steffanaparently that is what has happened. the manpage for ls shows -A as 'List all entries except for . and ...' meaning that -A will hide . and ... files?15:41
steffanor is it just worded wrong?15:41
trismsteffan: no, that is correct, but that is also the default behavior15:42
ablyssi think its worded wrong, the man page for ls -A makes no sense15:42
steffanablyss: that is what was causing the confusion between me and you, it is worded wrong15:42
trismsteffan: no I take it back, -A just hides . and .., not the rest of the hidden files15:43
steffanas i rarely use another other than a plain 'ls' i looked at the manpage and assumed that would be correct15:43
steffan!caps | guest15:43
ubottuguest: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.15:43
ablysssteffan: well, i should have said ls -a, not ls -A but im not sure what the difference is myself lol15:43
Switch10guest: no15:44
scuniziguest: depends on your hardware.. nobody can answer that question15:44
guest Switch10  no WHY?15:44
ikoniaguest: please stop using caps lock and talking in captials15:44
guestsorry ok15:45
IdleOneguest best thing would be to download the livecd and test it15:45
arghh2d2ls -a lists .dotfiles and ls -A is just like ls without the . and .. directory switchers15:45
guestthanx to all15:46
ablyssah, so ls -A does not ignore files with dots just foldes15:46
ablyssi wonder about symlinks,15:47
arvind_khadriablyss, arghh2d2 the files starting with . are hidden files15:47
trismablyss: no, ls -A and ls -a are identical except that ls -A doesn't list the current directory (.) and the parent directory (..)15:48
ablyssno wonder the man page made no sense.. its totally nuts15:48
arghh2d2ablyss: ls -A doesnt "ignore" .hiddendotfiles anymore than a regular ls...theyre just hidden15:48
scuniziablyss: try "man ls" in a terminal for more info.15:48
arghh2d2no, man page good15:49
arghh2d2your nuts15:49
ablyssfork u15:49
scuniziablyss: also http://ss64.com/bash/15:49
alokitoany good P2P client in the main ubuntu repo?15:49
arghh2d2trism: you're wrong too15:49
arghh2d2oh, n/m15:50
arghh2d2i stand corrected15:50
arghh2d2i was wrong about all this15:50
arghh2d2fork me15:50
scunizi!p2p | alokito15:50
ubottualokito: Peer-to-peer filesharing clients are available for several networks/protocols, including !BitTorrent, !Gnutella, !eDonkey, !DirectConnect, !SoulSeek - Multi-protocol engines include !MLDonkey and !giFT - See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/P2PFileSharing for general information15:50
lifestreamUmm... I'm trying to copy a folder .gedit  to another user's home folder, but instead of over wrtitting the existing files, it's justt naming them "copy of ...."... *scratches head really slowly* ....  why won't it overwrite? (of course, i have permissions)15:51
alokitoscunizi yah I know that, I just need a quick recommendation on what'll work best in ubuntu15:51
OnceUponcould someone give me the link to the bulgarian chat?15:51
alokitoI've used frostwire but it's a Limewire clone15:51
sebsebseb!bg |  OnceUpon15:51
ubottuOnceUpon: опитайте #ubuntu-bg за български потребители . try #ubuntu-bg for bulgarian users, and please idle there patiently15:51
simpsoni28hi all15:51
simpsoni28i'm looking for some help regarding my sony vaio cw laptop running ubuntu 9.10 not wanting to detect an external monitor (32" samsung tv) through either VGA or HDMI15:51
OnceUponthank you all15:51
sebsebsebOnceUpon: np15:52
=== Kalki is now known as Kalki720
NativeAngelshow do you make a file executable ?15:52
scunizialokito: invoking the "best" question typically results in another bot response.. the choice is yours.. lots of programs available take your pick15:52
lifestreamNativeAngels,  chmod +x  THenameOfYourFile15:52
arvind_khadriNativeAngels, chmod +x <filename>15:52
Switch10simpsoni28: what kind of graphics card?15:52
alokitoI'm gonna try KMLDonkey15:52
simpsoni28Switch10: its a Nvidia GT230M 512mb, I have the propriatary 185 drivers installed15:53
Switch10simpsoni28: you have tried in system>settings>display to set it up?15:54
jareddhi :)15:54
macman_sebsebseb: those laptops are old15:54
ablyssNativeAngels: a script can be executed also by invoking bash e.g., bash script.sh15:55
sebsebsebmacman_: which? uh?15:55
simpsoni28Switch10: when I do that it brings up a box saying the graphics driver does not support this extension tool, and then directs me to the nvidia X settings tool15:55
duffydackIs there a fix or workaround for switching desktops when you have more than 1 vertically high15:55
NativeAngelsok ablyss15:55
Switch10simpsoni28: ok.  And it just won't work with nvidias tool?15:55
NativeAngelsive follow the instrucions in a tutorial but all i get when i start it is -bash: ./sc_serv: No such file or directory15:56
eremiteI cant hear my mic though my speakers.  How do I hear my mic through the speakers?  It records audio just fine, but I cant hear audio coming from the speakers when I use the mic.  I should.  I need to.15:56
NativeAngelsthats what i get ablyss15:56
simpsoni28Switch10: nope, it detects the laptops display but when I plug in the cable (either VGA or HDMi) and click detect nothing is detected15:56
macman_sebsebseb: im just looking for at least a 17' wireless working / graphics working / sound working and between $800 and $900 dollars15:56
sebsebsebmacman_: oh the hardware link I gave?15:57
macman_sebsebseb: yea those are so old15:57
sebsebsebmacman_: well got the bot  to give you,  thought that's what you probably meant15:57
sebsebseb!laptop |  macman_15:57
ubottumacman_: Laptop support information can be found on http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportMachinesLaptops - http://www.linux-laptop.net/ - http://wiki.ubuntu.com/LaptopTestingTeam - http://tuxmobil.org15:57
sebsebsebmacman_: Anyway pre installed Ubuntu lap tops can be bought these days even from Dell15:57
Switch10simpsoni28: hmm. I had to restart with the monitor plugged in to get mine detected. Have you tried that?15:57
grkblood13how do i edit the diectory path of a torrent in transmission?15:57
simpsoni28Switch10: I've tried that multiple times and nothing is detected.15:58
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ablyssNativeAngels: that error means the file or folder is not in your current path15:58
Switch10simpsoni28: I have no idea then. Sorry15:58
eremiteCan any of you actually hear audio comicng from yoru speakers when you speak into your mic, or does Ubuntu hate you too?15:58
NativeAngelsbut im in the directory ablyss15:58
sebsebseb!hate | eremite15:58
ubottueremite: hate is a thing we don't encourage - why waste your energy15:58
eremiteGood for you sebsebseb15:59
macman_ok yea sebsebseb i did a search for it and i see a lot of stuff15:59
sebsebseberemite: not exactly the right factoid, anyway  uhmm  probably some pulseaudio issue or something, what you have15:59
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eremiteMake sense sebsebseb15:59
sebsebseberemite: sound isn't really my area, but pulseaudio deals with Ubuntu's sound by default, and that's probably what your computer has an issue with.16:00
DeepDarKhi everone16:00
eremiteCan anyone tell me if this is on my end?  Just plug your mic into your mic jack, speak into it and turn up your speakers.  Can you hear yourself?  Probably not, right?16:00
DeepDarKanybody speak turkish16:00
sebsebseb!tr | eremite16:00
ubottueremite: Turk ubuntu kullanıcıları, Türkçe yardım ya da geyik için #ubuntu-tr hizmetinizde.16:00
sebsebseberemite: whoops16:00
sebsebsebDeepDarK: ^16:00
ablyssNativeAngels: another situation is when you have a broken symlink.  it appears a regular file but is really a zombie and bash will spit out that error16:01
NativeAngelshow do i fix it16:01
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Switch10eremite: if you recorded it you would hear it while it's being played back.16:01
grekhy this is corect menu.lst16:01
trismeremite: this may be a solution http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=8672035 (though perhaps not a great one)16:02
eremiteSwitch10, im not talking about listening to audio, im talking about hearing my mic via my speakers.  I know the mic input works because recording works, but THERE IS NO SOUND IN FROM MY SPEAKERS WILE RECORDING.16:02
ablyssNativeAngels: you need to know where the file was suppose to be symlinked. if you can then ls -s16:02
eremiteWhy wount this work, natively?16:02
ablysser, ln -s16:02
coiax3I have Python2.7 installed, is there a way I can add it to the list of installed version of python so installed modules are byte-compiled for it?16:03
ubottuTo reset the panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »16:03
om26er_how to identify with nick server16:04
eremiteWow, this must be some sort of cruel joke.  You cant hear the mic via speakers in Ubuntu.  Seriously, a cruel joke.16:04
steffanom26er_: /msg nickserv identify password16:04
maro_im new how does this work??16:04
om26er_steffan, thanx16:05
sebsebseberemite: that  depends on your hardware, if it just works or not,  you see  there's quite a lot of lack of manufacture support at the moment.  Most hardware support has actsaully been reverse enginered, and that's a rather difficult proggramming task.16:05
Switch10eremite: you want to "monitor" your recording it sounds like. Ardour will let you do that16:05
steffan!new | maro_16:06
ubottumaro_: documentation is to be found at http://help.ubuntu.com and http://wiki.ubuntu.com - General linux documentation: http://www.tldp.org - http://rute.2038bug.com16:06
eremitesebsebseb, it worked on windows, same machine.  This is unbelieveable.16:06
eremiteSwitch10, I want to hear audio coming from the mic.  Its that simple.16:06
Switch10eremite: so use windows16:06
eremiteThis should work, out of the box.16:06
sebsebseberemite: no you don't understand, just, because it works in Windows, does not mean it will on Ubuntu16:07
eremiteJust to hear a mic?  Get real, Switch1016:07
Switch10eremite: use windows16:07
maro_thanx steffan16:07
eremiteSwitch10, buy it for me.16:07
sebsebseberemite: you can probably configure your microphone to get it working properly on Ubuntu, if you find out what to do16:07
Switch10eremite: you already have it. Your mic works on it16:07
zagabarANyone knows why my mail service programs like squirrelmail and ability to connect with thunderbird to check my mail starts to fail when I add the following rule? sudo iptables -A POSTROUTING -t nat -j MASQUERADE16:07
trismeremite: did you try the solution in the third post of the thread I linked?16:07
eremiteI dont understand WHY it wont work.  If you guys dont know anything about sound in Ubuntu then please stop telling me what to do.16:07
ZoraelIf someone with an Nvidia card installs the nvidia-glx virtual package, will it autodetect which real one you need or will they have to guess between -71, -96, -173, -177, -180 and -185?16:08
eremitetrism, no because the people who used it are complainging about latency.16:08
sebsebseberemite: sound, wireless,  whatever the hardware, this applys to it all,  not all hardware just works in Ubuntu, that will on Windows on that same computer.  Altough a hard disk and motherboard and proccesor should just work  on Ubuntu as well.16:08
sebsebseberemite: most hardware that doesn't just work properly, can be configured to work properly in Ubuntu16:09
sillyCEOWhen I switch off my WIFI router, ubuntu throws up a dialog ("Authentication require by wireless network"). I'm leaving this unsupervised, so I want NO dialog... just want it to keep trying to hop back on. Any ideas? :)16:09
eremitesebsebseb, thanks for the useless lecture about thinsg I already know about.  Im asking why such a simple and seemingly manditory feature that is not available.  How the hell do you record anything if you cant hear what you're recording?  Its useless if you cant hear what you're recording.16:10
macman_sebsebseb: so hard to choose ..16:10
sebsebsebmacman_: you want to buy a lap top that is supported properly by Ubuntu?16:10
eremiteFYI: I didnt have this audio problem in Jaunty16:11
Switch10eremite: dude If you don't like ubuntu get your money back and stop crying16:11
macman_yes .. sebsebseb but that website only has like 1 jaunty test16:11
eremiteSwitch10, how about you go fuck yourself?16:11
xanguamacman_: dell¿¿16:11
sebsebseberemite: oh right I see ok,  yeah that's something else,  certain things that worked fine in  jaunty don't in karmic16:11
xangua!languaje | eremite16:11
Shaan7ugh why don't people mind their keyboard :P16:11
sillyCEOeremite: relax dude- its a computer.16:11
macman_xangua: just got for the dell ones ?16:11
Switch10eremite: how about you leave16:11
macman_xangua: any dell ?16:11
sebsebsebsillyCEO: he's gone now16:11
sebsebsebsillyCEO: since kicked16:11
grkblood13are their any tax programs for ubuntu?16:12
grkblood13stuff at walmart like H&R block says you need windows or mac16:12
scunizieremite: right mouse click the speaker icon and choose properties. depending on the setup you should be able to find a function that will add more slider controls.. including mic controls.. for playback mute on/off (on the mic) .. perhaps the "Capture" slider needs to be set.. all these are dependant on your audio card16:13
steffan!software | grkblood1316:13
ubottugrkblood13: A general introduction to the ways software can be installed, removed and managed in Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoftwareManagement - See also !Packages, !Equivalents16:13
sillyCEOsebsebseb: thx.16:13
Switch10grkblood13: I use the turbo tax browser version16:13
ikoniasillyCEO: he's gone16:13
sebsebsebmacman_: ok that webpage is a bit useless really,  your lucky in a way, since you live in USA,  which means  you also have system76 as an option if you want to buy pre installed Ubuntu lap top.   http://www.dell.com/ubuntu  http://www.system76.com http://www.zareason.com16:13
ikoniasillyCEO: sorry16:13
ikoniascunizi: he's gone16:13
sillyCEOikonia: no worries!16:13
sillyCEOWhen I switch off my WIFI router, ubuntu throws up a dialog ("Authentication require by wireless network"). I'm leaving this unsupervised, so I want NO dialog... just want it to keep trying to hop back on. Any ideas? :)16:13
grkblood13Steffan, that has absolutely nothing to do with what i asked16:14
ikoniagrkblood13: please don't use caps, it's pointless16:14
steffangrkblood13: most software is open source and thus free of charge on ubuntu, you want to search using whatever package manager you're using and stop looking for ubuntu software in WalMart16:15
steffangrkblood13: the link i gave you will have more information on searching for software for ubuntu16:15
arvind_khadrigrkblood13, i guess you would like to check out, kwallet , not sure though, there are billing softwares16:15
jaydawgthey sell good software for ubuntu in walmart?16:15
grkblood13no, the link you gave me is described as software management16:15
Slartgrkblood13: you asked for tax software.. that factoid from ubuntu explains how to search for software, descriptions etc..16:15
grkblood13i didnt ask anythign about software management16:16
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ikoniagrkblood13: yes, software managment will allow you to search for software for your needsw16:16
icerootgrkblood13: apt-cache search tax16:16
Jancsyg'day. :)16:16
ikoniagrkblood13: check out the link and it will help you with not only this software requirment but your others, as there is very little comercial software for linux16:16
grkblood13like what iceroot said16:16
KettlenI'm trying to build a home NAS - can Ubuntu server go into suspend mode, or only Ubuntu desktop?16:16
steffangrkblood13: that link provides all the information that is required to search for software, which is what you initially asked for16:16
grkblood13thats actually useful16:16
scunizigrkblood13: you want something for personal finance? kmymoney, gnucash and others16:16
Slartgrkblood13: apt-cache search tax accounting   would give you a list of some software where the description includeds those two words.. you can also use synaptic to search for packages with certain words.. is this not useful?16:16
ikoniaKettlen: you can suspend ubuntu server, however why not use the desktop, it makes a great server OS16:17
icerootgrkblood13: its the same ubottu told you but which a gui instead of cli16:17
macman_question you guys xangua or sebsebseb ... according to the laptoptestingteam .. a dell stuiod 15 works fine .. im looking at t dell studio xps from best buy ..do you think that will be good ?16:17
ikoniamacman_: most dells are well supported16:18
Kettlenikonia: I suppose. I don't know a lot about Ubuntu, trying to figure out how to do it all! I'll be using a 4gb USB as OS-drive and 2x1TB drives in software RAID, serving files on the network, making backups and downloading torrents16:18
macman_ikonia: out of box ?16:18
macman_yea this dell im on now is a dell precision m90 .. everything works :P16:18
ikoniaKettlen: the desktop OS will be fine, I assure you, plus it will be easier for you to learn while you set it up16:18
ikoniamacman_: yes, out of the box16:18
ikoniaKettlen: putting your OS on a USB disk may not be the best move, try to use an internal bus drive16:19
RoastedHow dirty of a job would it be to take my existing Ubuntu install on my laptop (1 partition) and separate root from home?16:19
gui7what would i add to my crontab to have a particular script run every 30 minutes?16:19
sebsebsebmacman_: Apparantly bestuby aren't that good to buy from,  probably better to just buy online from one of those sites I gave you16:19
gui7instead of at time X, just every 30mins16:19
ikoniaRoasted: have you got spare disk space ?16:19
Kettlenikonia: thanks for the tip! why not a USB drive, by the way?16:19
ikoniaKettlen: slower interface16:19
sillyCEOAnyone? Bueller?16:19
ikoniaKettlen: so your core OS would be on the slowest interface16:19
Roastedikonia, yes. My boss (work laptop) gave me a 250gb drive - upgraded from 160. I installed Ubuntu without thinking and I have 1 partition. I ALWAYS manually edit root and home separate. I failed this time. :(16:19
SlartRoasted: if you've got the space it isn't to hard.. copying the files over will use up most of the time spent16:20
ikoniasillyCEO: saying anyone is pointless, if they know the answer they will respond, if they don't "anyone" won't make them know, if they didn't see the question "anyone" doesn't expalin it16:20
icerootgui7: */30 * * * * script16:20
jaydawgshould i trust all the software in the Ubuntu Software Center? All of it is open source right meaning someone looked at the code and think its safe16:20
Kettlenikonia: well, I'll be using 2 S-ATA drives for the backup and file sharing, which is the essential part. Would that be affected by the USB performance (if the OS is on USB drive)?16:20
RoastedSlart, it's really an almost brand new install. Theres not much there. I was just going to install a VM of win7 (calls for 20gb, ouch) and I decided this is where I should split them before I get too involved on this install.16:20
steffangui7: */30 * * * *16:20
ikoniaRoasted: is all the disk allocated ? (not in use but allocated)16:20
sillyCEOikonia: Excellent point. Sorry.16:20
steffaniceroot: sorry!16:20
gui7iceroot, i understand - thanks! :D16:20
ikoniaKettlen: yes16:20
sebsebsebsanskumar: with?16:20
Kettlenoh ok I'll have to get a solid state drive then (want silence)16:21
sillyCEOikonia: what's the etiquette for how often to ask?16:21
sanskumari have installed new xchat irc on my laptop16:21
ikoniaKettlen: there are many VERY quiet drives on the market, you don't need solid state16:21
sanskumarwen i try to connect to freenode16:21
sanskumarit says16:21
Roastedikonia, Im booted to gparted right now. My partitions are - 30gb NTFS, 1gb swap, 11gb root, 125gb /images (for imaging, work purposes), and 65gb unallocated. So I'm trying to squeeze in about 60gb to /home...16:21
ikoniasillyCEO: common sense really, 5 - 10 minutes16:21
sanskumarconnection failed16:21
ikoniasillyCEO: if tons of new people join, it's also worth asking16:21
icerootsanskumar: #freenode16:21
sanskumarhow to register for freenode ?16:21
SlartRoasted: use gparted to create the new partition where your home will be (shrink, move, do whatever you have to in gparted), copy the files over from the current home folder to the new partition.. edit fstab and include your new home drive... reboot.. make sure everything works16:21
icerootsanskumar: ask in #freenode16:22
Kettlenikonia: actually I realize now that the MB I bought only has 2 S-ATA. Would it be stupid to put the OS on my mirrored 2x1TB disks?16:22
Slart!register | sanskumar16:22
sillyCEOikonia: k, thx.16:22
ubottusanskumar: Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available in #freenode16:22
zacktuHow can I get the "Save As" dialog not to show hidden files?16:22
RoastedSlart, what should my setting in fstab be? Should I just match them to what root is? Like the defaults - 0 2, or whatever?16:22
ikoniaRoasted: that is pefect, create a partition on your 65 gig unallocated, put a file system on it, mount it on /mnt, copy the contents of /home to /mnt, unmount /mnt, put an entry in /etc/fstab for /home to be on your new partition, reboot, and your done16:22
jaydawganyone know if its ok to trust password managers on ubuntu software center? open source on the repository means its been looked at and safe right?16:22
duffydackzacktu, ctrl H16:22
ikoniaKettlen: that would be fine, and very resillient, good idea16:22
sebsebsebsanskumar: ok I don't use Xchat,  I use Konversation instead which is a pretty nice one, but KDE app, so if you were to put that on in Ubuntu/Gnome it would want to put on quite a bit of KDE stuff on as well, if you haven't installed KDE stuff before.   Anyway someone else can probably help here with Xchat or join #freenode and ask about it16:22
Roastedikonia, can I do all of this within gparted itself? Does it have a file manager to do this?16:22
SlartRoasted: yes.. change / to /home  and the uuid's.. that should do it16:22
ikoniaRoasted: because you're not altering a partition thats in use, yes.16:23
Kettlenikonia: In that case though, would I need to have hardware RAID, or could it be done via Ubuntu somehow? I don't think my motherboard has RAID built in16:23
Roastedslart, ikonia, awesome - thanks guys. I'll give this a whirl now.16:23
macman_ikonia: xxploit sebsebseb what do you think about this one http://is.gd/6WoYj < ---16:23
ikoniaKettlen: software raid is very very good16:23
ikoniamacman_: it's a dell - you've been told dells are well supported16:23
Kettlenikonia: so I can install it on one of the drives first, and then have Ubuntu copy that disk to the other?16:24
ikoniamacman_: what more do you want ?16:24
macman_ikonia: oh nothing .. just want you to see the quality :D16:24
ikoniaKettlen: linux (ubuntu) comes with software raid, if you use the alternative install CD you can install to software raid (mirrored)16:24
ikoniaKettlen: it works very very well16:24
macman_6gigs ram :D16:24
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ikoniamacman_: so ?16:24
SlartRoasted: you might want to rename the old /home folder to something else  before rebooting... /oldhome or something like that16:24
Roastedslart, ikonia - would it be hard to swap my partitions around, so I see it as root/home/images instead of root/images/home? Or is it kind of useless?16:24
ikoniaRoasted: does it matter ?16:25
macman_ikonia: nvm .. just wanted you guys to do a once over .. im good16:25
SlartRoasted: there's no reason to do that.. perhaps a very small speed difference.. and lots of time wasted16:25
sebsebsebmacman_: i'll have a look hold on16:25
RoastedSlart -well my install is so minimal, I was just going to flash drive the contents of /home + hidden folders and mount it, reboot, and throw them back over.16:25
ikoniaRoasted: the order of the partitions means nothing16:25
Kettlenikonia: OK I see. If I put the OS on this mirrored set of drives - would they constantly have to be spinning? Or at least, spin up as soon as the OS needs to read to/from a file?16:25
SlartRoasted: ah.. that might work too.. don't forget all the hidden files though16:25
ikoniaKettlen: correct (I forgot you wanted to hibernate)16:26
Roastedslart, ikonia - that's all I was curious about, was whether or not there'd be a speed difference... but then again, having images being in the front may help since thats where I pull images off the drive and push them through the network for pxe boot imaging.16:26
ikoniaRoasted: it won't matter, I promise16:26
Roastedikonia, I guess the fact Im on a 7200rpm drive now instead of 5400rpm would be there I would see any speed difference.16:27
sebsebsebmacman_: oh it's on Bestbuy, probably better to buy directly from Dell16:27
ikoniaRoasted: you wouldn't anyway16:27
SlartRoasted: the speed difference is very very very small.. even if it would only take 60 seconds to switch them around I wouldn't do it.. it's not worth it16:27
Roastedslart - good deal man. That's all I was curious about.16:27
Roastedthanks slart, ikonia.16:27
SlartRoasted: you're welcome16:27
ikoniano problem16:27
sebsebsebmacman_: you want to buy pre installed Ubuntu16:27
sebsebsebmacman_: not  anything with Windows on it first,  to be sure it will work without any  problems16:28
scorpion_sa;iy a;;16:28
steffanwhat is the safest way to remove the sample media such as the videos and sounds that come with an ubuntu installation?16:28
ikoniasteffan: delete them16:28
macman_sebsebseb: no .. i now how to install ubuntu fine16:28
steffanikonia: individually, or by using something like 'sudo apt-get --purge remove ubuntu-sounds'16:28
sebsebsebmacman_: right, but all your hardware might not just work, wireless for example16:28
ikoniasteffan: ahh, if they are in a package, removing the package is great16:29
steffanikonia: in other words, is there a way to just purge all the samples in one go? :)16:29
ikoniasteffan: open the package manager and remove all the sound themes16:29
Slart!info example-content | steffan16:29
ubottusteffan: example-content (source: example-content): Ubuntu example content. In component main, is optional. Version 38 (karmic), package size 8545 kB, installed size 9364 kB16:29
sebsebsebmacman_: and if you want Windows as well on there,  I guess you can buy something similar to what they are selling pre installed with Ubuntu, and your probably ok.   http://www.dell.com/ubuntu16:30
steffanSlart: that package is the one containing all of the sample content?16:30
Slartsteffan: you could try removing that package.. or purging it.. make sure it doesn't bring the rest of your system with it16:30
steffanSlart: :)16:30
lifestreamI'm adding a CD to fstab (don't laugh xD) and I'm checking its info on Disk Utility.  The CD is mounted, and it says "Unparitioned Media"/ "Not Partitioned".  Then what do I put in fstab? :P16:31
macman_sebsebseb: yea you are right .. well the laptoptetingteam you gave me has a dell studio 15 that works fine .. im lookinat at a dell stuido 17 inch .. i think it should be the same16:31
macman_i need a 17 inch16:32
nomnexGnome question: Menu Places, over a few folders Jaunty grouped them in a sub-link, in Karmic all the folders are directly under Places (they don't compact to a sub-link) do you confirm the change?16:32
sebsebsebmacman_: well the screen isn't the issue, that should work fine with Ubuntu or Windows, or well loads of other OS's as well16:32
scunizimacman_: pay attention to the upgrades available.. nvidia card, wireless etc.. research and pick what works best on linux & ubuntu16:32
MrShadowudv all16:33
yadudocHi , An opensolaris installation screwed up my partition table, which I almost fixed using Testdisk, Now an fdisk -l prints out the partition layout but gparted shows my harddrive only as unallocated space... Does anyone know how to fix this ?16:33
marcociao a tutti16:33
sebsebsebmarco: yeah what scunizi put is good16:33
sebsebsebmarco: whoops16:33
sebsebsebmacman_: ^16:33
marcochi parla italiano16:34
sebsebseb!it | marco16:34
ubottumarco: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)16:34
pulse00hi all. i've a problem connecting from my ubuntu server via ssh to another server, i get a "connection refused" message. i can connect to my server without problems. anyone knows where i can check if the firewall blocks the outgoing conection?=16:35
jtajinomnex: looks like the limits been raised a bit16:36
macman_sebsebseb: if it is close on teh website i will just get it .. i won't be ugprading anytime soon16:36
sebsebsebmacman_: yeah not that sure what scunizi meant by upgrade actsaulley16:37
sebsebsebmacman_: I guess most Dell's will be good with Ubuntu though16:37
BlueSherpais there a good forum / mailing list for Ubuntu related questions?16:37
lolohola a tos16:37
sebsebseb!es | lolo16:37
ubottulolo: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.16:37
nomnexjtaji, thanks, I was wondering.16:38
sebsebsebmacman_: oh and it's nice to buy something with only Ubuntu pre installed.  support that a bit you know,  but at the end of the day, that's ok if you  want Windows and so get something pre installed with it16:38
scunizisebsebseb: macman_ when I got my Vostro 1400 I had a choice of sticking with the basics or changing video and wireless card .. I changed them.. I put nvidia in and Intel Pro/wireless 3945abg card.16:38
sebsebsebmacman_: that's something else,  I was thinking about earlier as well,  you can customize Dell's on the website16:39
jakeheath1987does anyone know how to install a Canon ip1500 on karmic? i've tried installing the printer drivers from canon and I've also tried using system ->admin->printer and going through the wizard but no luck16:39
sillyCEOWhen I switch off my WIFI router, ubuntu throws up a dialog ("Authentication require by wireless network"). I'm leaving this unsupervised, so I want NO dialog... just want it to keep trying to hop back on. Any ideas? :)16:39
sebsebsebmacman_: can you customize the Bestbuy Dell's as well?16:40
Ne0nHello, could someone help me? I have some problems with wireless, it doesn't work16:40
sebsebseb!wireless | Ne0n16:40
ubottuNe0n: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs16:40
sebsebsebjakeheath1987: I think canon aren't much good with Ubuntu, canon printers16:40
sebsebseb!cups | jakeheath198716:40
ubottujakeheath1987: Printing in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows16:40
catphishsillyCEO: i believe what you're describing only happens if you previously tried and failed to connect to someone else's encrypted wiki16:41
scunizimacman_: sebsebseb if you're looking at buying a laptop from dell.. go to their site.. look in the business section.. prices are better and all you have to do is tell them you're self imployed in some fashion.16:41
catphishsillyCEO: *wifi16:41
nomnexjakeheath1987, it works for me just fine on a i6500 with the i9500 driver or check here if your printer is supported (fee)16:41
catphishsillyCEO: because it adds their wifi to its list of APs to try and connect to, so when yours goes offline it tries theirs and pops up the dialog16:41
sebsebsebscunizi: that sounds like a little trick,  and  I guess that varys by countrey16:42
underfireis there anyone here16:42
catphishsillyCEO: i believe it can be removed using gconf-editor16:42
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Slartunderfire: yes, 1354 people besides yourself at the latest count16:42
jakeheath1987sebsebseb: and ubottu: thanks a lot for you help16:42
Tallkenhey, is it me or bug #423694 && #421347 are dups?16:42
sebsebsebjakeheath1987: good luck16:42
sebsebseb!thanks | jakeheath198716:43
ubottujakeheath1987: You're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)16:43
catphishcan someone tell me what packages are involved in automounting removable media in 9.10 - I uninstalled f-spot and my removable media stopped working16:43
Tallkenubottu, #42369416:43
ultraparadigmDomo Arigato Ubottu16:43
sillyCEOcatphish: Not sure what you mean by an 'encrypted wiki', but I see your point: maybe I delete all other WIFI networks in the list?16:44
pulse00anyone know how i can check if the firewall blocks outgoing ssh connections?16:44
jpdsTallken: ubottu doesn't report bugs here.16:44
underfiredoes anyone can tell me is ubuntu 9.14 is released or not16:44
jpdsTallken: Best ask in #ubuntu-bugs.16:44
jpdsunderfire: No.16:44
gui7i've got a folder with various wallpapers and i'd like them to rotate every 30 minutes - the scripts i've foudn are eitehr very complicated or don't work well, what's the best way of doing this?16:44
catphishsillyCEO@ encrypted WIFI i meant16:44
scunizicatphish: do you mean that usb doesn't automount anymore?16:44
Tallkenjpds, thanks :)16:44
jpdsunderfire: There never was a 9.14.16:44
sebsebsebcatphish: f-spot is a graphics viewer and basic editing program, that uses Mono.  so it doesn't really have anything much to do with  automounting, except I guess your camera?  will get mounted and then f-spot can access it?   however removing f-spot shoud be fine16:44
sillyCEOcatphish: I will check out gconfeditor. How do I do that? (noob, sorry)16:44
Ne0nWhat to do, if ubuntu don't find any network drivers?16:44
scuniziunderfire: there never was and never will be a 9.14.. the next one is 10.0416:44
underfirehow does it come16:44
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steffansillyCEO: clear the list apart from the one that you intentionally connected too, i'm assuming that this is caused by a previous failed connection which is now marking that network as one that you want to connect too16:44
Slartunderfire: first number is the year, second is the month of the release.. 10.04 is the next release.. due 2010, month 416:45
catphishsillyCEO: run gconf-editor - its like window registry editor, look around for wifi network lists16:45
underfiredell mini 1016:45
sillyCEOsteffan: good idea, thanx- will try now.16:45
sillyCEOcatphish: will do that too, thanks.16:45
jpds!releases | underfire16:45
ubottuunderfire: Ubuntu releases a new version every 6 months. Each version is supported for 18 months to 5 years. More info at http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/releases & http://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases16:45
underfireoh i understand now thank u16:45
sebsebseb!mount |  catphish16:45
ubottucatphish: mount is used to attach devices to directories. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount16:45
goose_what's the command to create a tarball from terminal? I want to tar a 3 GiB dir on my server so I can wget back it up onto my local machine16:46
=== MidnighToker is now known as M3ZYL
steffangoose_: tar -cf [name of tarball].tar [list of files or directories]16:46
catphishscunizi: sebsebseb: yes - usb mass storage and SD cards have both stopped automounting into gnome on all user accounts, i know f-spot isnt related, but it stopped working around the time i removed it, and when i removed it, a lot of dependant packages were also removed16:46
steffangoose_: and then to compress it with maximum compression use gzip -9 [file].tar16:47
catphishsebsebseb: i can manually mount the devices no problem, its just that gnome isnt automounting them16:47
goose_steffan: tar -cf web_stuff.tar /home/goose/www16:47
goose_steffan: I need to compress it twice?16:47
underfirei have another question is the next release will be in april16:47
underfireof that year16:47
=== mr is now known as Guest91737
Slartunderfire: yes16:48
jpdsunderfire: April, this year.16:48
sebsebsebcatphish: I thinkt here might be some sort of Karmic bug, if I remember correctly  the release notes maybe mentions something16:48
Slart!lucid | underfire16:48
sebsebseb!notes | catphish16:48
ubottuunderfire: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+116:48
ribotim trying to edit crontab, and my default editor is set to nano...yet when i run sudo crontab -e nano doesnt open16:48
ubottucatphish: Ubuntu 9.10 (Karmic Koala) release notes can be found here: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/91016:48
jpdsgoose_, steffan: Or just do: tar cvzf [name].tar.gz dir/ directly16:48
steffangoose_: a tarball is just a bunch of files inside one, who mentioned compressing it twice?16:48
ohirgoose_: tar -cf - /home/goose/www | gzip -9 > web_stuff.tar.gz16:48
jpdsohir: See my suggestion. :)16:48
=== SuspectZero_ is now known as SuspectZero
sebsebsebcatphish: then again your issue seems to of happended after using the install for a while.  probably nothing useful in those notes, but they are good to look at anyway16:49
ohirgoose_: or tar -jcf web_stuff.tbz /home/goose/www16:49
goose_jpds: tar -cvzf webstuff.tar.gz /home/goose/www16:49
ohirgoose_: what uses bzip2 compression, about 20% smaller than gzip one16:49
goose_or do I need the dir to be /home/goose/www/ (trailing /)16:49
jpdsgoose_: You can omit the - entirely.16:49
catphishribot: have you tried "select-editor"16:50
aropupuhi ppl, i have a fresh install of karmic and i would need to do some stuff which requires me to kill x, but it seems that i haven't got any tty:s at all16:50
aropupugoogle suggested broken /etc/init/tty?.conf-files but they seem to be okay16:50
jribaropupu: what stuff?16:50
aropupujrib: that's not the issue, the missing tty's are16:51
riboti have selected nano as default editor, yet when running sudo crontab -e nano isnt open..but something with a question mark is there16:51
=== sdf is now known as Aris
catphishso can anyone tell me what process is reponsible for automounting of inserted mass storage devices in 9.1016:51
steffansillyCEO: for future reference there is also a ton of documentation on WifiDocs at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/16:51
Slartaropupu: you get a blank screen when you press CTRL+ALT+F1?16:51
jribaropupu: I understand this.  Yet it may be related.16:51
aropupuSlart: yeah, black except for a blinking cursor16:51
erUSULcatphish: devicekit disks16:51
adacssh login (authentication) is very slow on my ubuntu server. Any ideas what might be wrong?16:51
aaron11Does anyone know how tochange the channelon aireplay-ng? I wrote the bssid and stuffon mon0 but the channel remains 1. I want to change it to 6, Thanks!16:51
Slartaropupu: hmm.. no errors in syslog ? nothing in dmesg?16:52
Ne0nwhen i do dmesg, i got that iwlagn.... mac is in deep sleep!16:52
greki have this menu.lst16:52
catphisherUSUL: does devicekit just send signals to something in gnome?16:52
Ne0nwhat to do?16:52
erUSULcatphish: probably; over dbus16:52
ribothow to open crontab with nano?16:52
seanp8088can I grep through multiple files in perl without looping over opening each file?16:52
aropupuSlart: what should i be looking for in there?16:53
=== ubuntu is now known as Setarcos
grekthis is correct ? - when i run ubuntu - i get cant monut selected partition16:53
streepMan aireplay-nh16:53
pat|nGhow can i change my kubuntu to plain ubuntu 9.10?16:53
aropupuSlart: at least, dmesg|grep tty just gives me [    0.001525] console [tty0] enabled16:53
Setarcoshow can i change my sudo pass?16:53
seanp8088oops, wrong channel :)16:53
Slartaropupu: well... hopefully something like "TTYS broken.. try running blablabla to fix" =)16:53
aropupuSlart: :D16:54
SeveasSetarcos, your sudo pass is your user pass, so change your user pass :)16:54
KrisKoany idea how to get ID from hardisk?16:54
sebsebsebSetarcos: boot into recovery mode, from Grub,   get the root prompt.  passwd username,  put in new password16:54
erUSULSetarcos: System>Preferences>About Me ; press the change password button16:54
Slart!uuid | KrisKo16:54
ubottuKrisKo: To see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell: « sudo blkid » (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID)16:54
sebsebsebSetarcos: or what erUSUL put16:54
scuniziKrisKo: uuid?  sudo blkid16:54
grekthis is blklist16:54
ribotok when i run crontab -e all that is says is 29....how to write in that mysterious editor?16:55
underfirei have another question their r a video in youtube adv to dell mini 10 their r a verison of ubuntu it totally differs than the version 9.4 or even version 8.4 i think its 10.416:55
KrisKothats it, thanks16:55
pat|nGhow can i change my kubuntu to plain ubuntu 9.10?16:55
greenlanternIs there any dvd for ubuntu ?16:55
aaron11Does anyone know how tochange the channelon aireplay-ng? I wrote the bssid and stuffon mon0 but the channel remains 1. I want to change it to 6, Thanks!16:55
scuniziunderfire: nope.. probably UNR .. Ubuntu Netbook Remix16:55
sebsebsebpat|nG: which did you install when you put on, Ubuntu or Kubuntu?  when  you put on from CD or however you installed it?16:56
KrisKopat|nG: you need to install gnome16:56
SetarcoserUSUL, i use xfce16:56
jtaji!puregnome | pat|nG16:56
ubottupat|nG: If you want to remove all !KDE packages, type « sudo apt-get --purge remove kdelibs4c2a kdelibs5-data && sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop » into a !terminal16:56
sebsebsebSetarcos: well my suggestion works, whatever desktop environment you use16:56
streepAaron probally -channel 6 look at man files16:57
greenlanterngeirha: Is there any dvd for ubuntu ?16:57
wasutton3I have a problem sharing a printer. i am trying to daisy chain a printer across a vpn and virtual machine, but when i try to do so, i get the message "Shared printers are not available to other people unless the 'Publish shared printers' option is enabled in the server settings." where is this switch/16:57
sebsebsebjtaji: I was going  to do that, but if pat|nG   he intalled Kubuntu, maybe woudn't work as well.   I guess it works as long as both are installed Kubuntu and Ubuntu16:57
erUSULSetarcos: then use "passwd" in a terminal16:57
macman_sebsebseb: you still there ?16:57
ribotok when i run crontab -e all that is says is 29....how to write in that mysterious editor?16:58
sebsebsebmacman_: yep16:58
jtajipat|nG: sebsebseb: with that command you would either want to have ubuntu-desktop installed already and logged into gnome, or do it from a console16:58
yadudocHi , An opensolaris installation screwed up my partition table, which I almost fixed using Testdisk, Now an fdisk -l prints out the partition layout but gparted shows my harddrive only as unallocated space... Does anyone know how to fix this ?16:58
erUSULribot: if it shows a ? is probably ed16:58
underfireis their any new verision for linex mine?16:58
sebsebsebjtaji: well puregnome command, when Gnome isn't running yeah16:58
Slartribot: what editor is it? try opening another terminal and run top, see if you see something like nano, vim16:58
steffanribot: change the default editor to something you're more comfortable with using 'sudo update-alternatives –config editor' and then 'crontab -e'16:58
Slartunderfire: Linux Mint?16:59
Slartunderfire: this channel is for Ubuntu, Linux Mint is another distro.. check their site16:59
macman_sebsebseb: sebsebseb im looking at http://is.gd/6WvOh < -- according to this there is no issues right .. but if you go down the jaunty list .. some things have yes to them if they work or not .. there is a wireless part that has no yes or no on it .. does that mean it dosen't work or not ?16:59
steffanribot: that should have been '-config editor' and not '?config editor'16:59
dafatthinghi there16:59
underfireoh okay16:59
ribotsteffan: nano is already set, but it doesnt run nano16:59
sebsebsebyadudoc: well I guess the partition is gone, if gparted only shows unalloacted space16:59
sebsebsebyadudoc: also testdisk seems to only work on deleted partitions16:59
joh6nni'm having some serious slowdown with my wireless connection, compared to the speeds that i had in both Hardy and Jaunty.  I've tried disabling ipv6 and a few other things, but nothing seems to help16:59
riboti dont know what editor it is, it is the editor that only writes '29'17:00
dafatthingkswapd is running with 100% cpu load17:00
sebsebsebyadudoc: well it can access  partitions that are there, but  it seems to show deleted files the partition has to be deleted from the  partition table17:00
tonyHi, 9.10 here, is the Kodak ESP-3 printer supported?17:00
steffanribot: vi maybe. try 'EDITOR=nano && crontab -e'17:00
dafatthingand 12kb of swap are used, out of 64gb17:00
sebsebsebtony: probably not,  Kodak seem to dislike desktop Linux, big time17:00
dafatthingdoes anyone have a tip how to stop/restart kswapd?17:01
yadudocsebsebseb, hmm... but i'm running ubuntu9.10 on the same disk :O Its only gparted which is having issues detecting the partition layout17:01
dafatthingother processes are running with 100% too, but i17:01
dafatthing'm guessing thats due to kswapd17:01
Slarttony: have a look at http://linuxprinting.org17:01
tonyslart: thanks17:01
anthonyso how do u use this chat17:02
ribotsteffan: -bash: EDITOR=nano && crontab-e: command not found17:02
anthonyim new17:02
yadudocsebsebseb, I fixed the partition table using testdisk... now fdisk has no issues listing out the partitions either... so it must be something with gparted right ?17:02
anthonywhats this chat about17:02
Slartribot: remove the   &&17:02
Slartribot: just    EDITOR=nano crontab -e17:03
sick_foxhello, can anybody help with ssh connection in ubuntu between 2 machines?17:03
dafatthingsearching for kswapd and high cpu load only returns a lot of forum threads with similar problems17:03
dafatthingbut not one solution17:03
Slart!details | sick_fox17:03
ubottusick_fox: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."17:03
steffan!anyone | sick_fox17:03
ubottusick_fox: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?17:03
sillyCEOsteffan: thanks for the link!17:03
steffansillyCEO: no problem17:03
Slartdafatthing: usually all you have to do it install the openssh-server package on the host17:03
Ne0nI really need help with my problem, Ubuntu doesn't find any wireless devices. what to do?17:04
claudiuI have problems sending files through pidgin, you have this problem?17:04
steffanribot: if that still doesn't work then check that you actually have nano installed on your system, and open up .bashrc and check if it is actually set as the default editor (for the future)17:04
erUSULNe0n: what is you wifi chip?17:04
d0cHow do i turn off the GNU GRUB options on startup?.. I want it to go straght into Ubuntu17:04
sebsebsebmacman_: wow that's not been updated for quite a while, see date at the bottom17:04
ribotit worked Slart , thanks17:04
sick_foxubottu Slart I ve got one nb connected via cable to router, one nb connected via wifi to router and router connected to switch and switch connected to ubiquti box to WAN17:04
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)17:04
Ne0nerusul: intel wifi link 510017:05
jorgenhow to change mac address17:05
ribotsteffan nano works and is installed..just it doesnt run by default, even so that it is selected as default17:05
sebsebsebmacman_: that page is not that useful17:05
bitplane2Hello, I think I have a bug to report, though I'm not sure about the details. How can I check to see if librsvg is compiled without "--with-svgz"? The reason is that .svgz files don't have thumbnails in nautilus, but if I rename a svg file to svgz it creates a thumbnail17:05
Slartsick_fox: can the computer reach each other using this network? try ping17:05
sebsebsebyadudoc: got more than one hard disk in there?17:06
jrib!source | bitplane217:06
=== grkblood13 is now known as grkblood
ubottubitplane2: You can easily fetch a package's source with apt-get. See: http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/apt-howto/ch-sourcehandling.en.html17:06
jribbitplane2: read debian/rules17:06
bitplane2thanks guys17:06
yadudocsebsebseb, well yes... i have an external drive as well ? that doesn't change the situation much does it ?17:06
Kettlenikonia: are you still around?17:06
sebsebsebyadudoc: gparted might be showing your external drive or something17:07
sebsebseb!hardware |  macman_17:07
ubottumacman_: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection17:07
yadudocsebsebseb, I know my harddisk :)17:07
sebsebsebmacman_: have a look at that one17:07
bitplane2oh, I mean thanks *jrib*, didn't read the bot's name (/slaps self)17:07
joh6nni'm having some serious slowdown with my wireless connection, compared to the speeds that i had in both Hardy and Jaunty.  I've tried disabling ipv6 and a few other things, but nothing seems to help17:08
yadudocsebsebseb, there is nothing wrong with the harddisk except that gparted doesn't see the layout( well that means somthings wrong, but not very serious i hope)17:08
sebsebsebyadudoc: what's on the disk?17:08
macman_i think i found my laptop17:09
mezquitaleanyone knows how to update punkbuster in enemy territory?17:09
sick_foxmy problem seems to be more complex I ll check it later17:09
bitplane2hmm.. it has the --with-svgz flag, I guess it must be the thumbnailer then :/17:09
sebsebsebjoh6nn: sounds like Karmic to me,  something that used to work fine in jaunty no longer does17:09
sebsebsebjoh6nn: is that an upgrade or a clean install?17:09
werdnaelliotthello, i'm new to ubuntu and was wondering if there was a way you can change how much the volume increases or decreases with every button push (on my laptop's external volume buttons)17:10
joh6nnsebsebseb: yeah, that's about where i am.17:10
sebsebsebJohnm: what?17:10
joh6nnsebsebseb: i always do clean installs; i've had bad luck with upgrades17:10
sebsebsebjoh6nn: what?17:10
sebsebseboh so this is a clean install hrm17:10
jribbitplane2: check gconf-editor, that's where thumbnail programs are defined for nautilus I believe.  I'm guessing it just doesn't list svgz.  You might want to check bugs.gnome.org and bugs.ubuntu.com too17:10
sebsebsebuseaully upgrades go well, just many people had issues jaunty to karmic17:11
sebsebsebjoh6nn: and wireless is a problem area17:11
bitplane2thanks jrib.. I've just come from bugs.gnome.org, I'll check the others :)17:11
sebsebsebjoh6nn: not my area as such, but this might help17:11
sebsebseb!wireless | joh6nn17:12
ubottujoh6nn: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs17:12
joh6nnsebsebseb: thanks, i'll give that a shot17:12
sebsebsebJohnm: no reply when I didn't high light you above to that, did you miss it?17:12
devonhello whats up17:13
sebsebsebjoh6nn: hrm quite a few joh  names here.  that's twice the auto complete messed up.  see above17:13
devonhow are you all doing17:13
jorgerosaHello all17:13
devonwhat is this17:13
sebsebseb!ubuntu | devon17:14
ubottudevon: Ubuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com17:14
Roastedslart, ikonia - still here?17:14
sebsebsebdevon: a channel for support with that17:14
SlartRoasted: yup17:14
devonooh thankyou17:14
Roastedslart - I think I might just nuke this install. I copied my home dir to a flash drive, mounted to fstab, and it is bombarding me with errors upon login17:14
sebsebsebdevon: np17:14
Roastedslart - I got some errors with certain files copying (perm denied) and I didtn want to change the perms in case I screwed it up. so I just took what would copy.17:15
BenBin the past, I have used the built-in VNC server in the Xorg server (enabled in xorg.conf: module "vnc", "usevnc" "on"). how do I do that in ubuntu 9.10, which doesn't have an xorg.conf17:15
joh6nnsebsebseb: not sure i follow; what are you asking?17:15
SlartRoasted: ouch.. never had that happen to me when I've done it.. but I never did it exactly that way17:15
sebsebsebjoh6nn: oh  nothing important, it just seemed when I didn't high light you, I never got a reply to what I put17:15
jorgerosaI´ve developed that free game: http://ffiles.com/flash/games/flaquiztv_2784.html?comments_to_show=50017:16
jorgerosaanyone knows how to make a deb file from .exe (projector) or from .swf file?17:16
jorgerosaIf it is possible, of course... the idea was to be firefox + flash independent (auto executable)17:16
Roastedslart - well its no big deal. Im a big backup freak, so I have my images backed up. It'd probably be easier and more practical to start from ground up.17:16
bitplane2jrib, I can't find "svg" or "svgz" in gconf-editor17:16
BenBjorgerosa: you can't, exe is a Windows application.17:16
bitplane2does that mean it's internal to nautilus?17:16
Roastedslart - I kind of expected something to backfire. There was something about taking an existing partition and essentially splitting it in half that made me nervous in terms of its stability afterwards.17:16
jorgerosaBenB: yep seems to be impossible this way... there is an FLA or flash editor to replace "FLASH PRO" in windows?17:17
joh6nnsebsebseb: ah, ok.17:17
BenBjorgerosa: and flash games are not particularly appreciated in Linux, because Flash is proprietary. if you want to hand it to Linux users nevertheless, give them the SWF file and tell them to run "flash yourfile.swf" or something.17:18
bitplane2jorgerosa, if it runs under gnash you could roll your own standalone app17:18
ribotdoes anybody know how to fix charset in webalizer? it looks weird17:18
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janosch1992hello friends17:18
BenBjorgerosa: in general, you should use a different technology (not Flash), if you want to make games which work well in Linux.17:18
BenBjorgerosa: it may or may not work under gnash, as bitplane2 said17:19
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »17:19
aropupuokay, some message board threads suggested that removing "splash" from kernel boot options should fix the missing tty's but it didn't work for me17:19
aropupuif anyone has _any_ ideas about what to do, i'm all ears17:19
sebsebsebjorgerosa: OpenGL for games that aren't website games17:20
aropupui've kinda run out of options here17:20
jribbitplane2: in gconf-editor, desktop/gnome/thumbnailers should list mime types17:20
janosch1992so what is this channel about?17:20
jorgerosaBenB, bitplane2: I've found a replace for flash (RED5 has a kind of flash non proprietary), but i think it act only as server :( anyways, i'll search for gnash (i dunno this one) Thx :)17:20
Host12345_About ubuntu support17:21
janosch1992is it only technical support or is it even a talking channel :D17:21
sebsebseb!ubuntu |  jorgerosa17:21
ubottujorgerosa: Ubuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com17:21
bitplane2jrib, I looked in there, couldn't see anything for svg (I searched for one that did exist, svg and svgz are not listed though)17:21
jribbitplane2: don't know then17:21
sebsebseb!ot | jorgerosa17:21
ubottujorgerosa: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!17:21
BluesKajjanosch1992, read the message of the day17:21
jribbitplane2: bump the bug in gnome if the issue persists and you are sure the library is compiled --with-svgz17:21
janosch1992ah okay thanks :D17:22
desktopgood morning all17:22
sebsebsebjorgerosa  wrong one,   janosch1992  see above17:22
masingerzhi im about to install ubuntu and i see "space unsusable"17:22
sebsebsebmasingerz: right, probably since there is no space at the moment for Ubuntu17:22
ribotdo you know how to set charset in webalizer? it looks weird17:23
jorgerosasebsebseb: so, the suggestion is to find out how to convert flash to a deb file in #flash chat?...17:23
bitplane2jrib, I can't be 100% sure that it's compiled with zlib.. I guess I could compile it myself and see what happens. I'll try that before reporting. Thanks again fo rthe support :)17:23
masingerzhow much space does ubuntu need?17:23
sebsebsebjorgerosa: you can't just convert Flash into a Deb file17:23
jazzhello all17:23
sebsebsebjorgerosa: if you want to make a proper game for Ubuntu and other Linux distributions,  OpenGL is the way to go17:23
masingerzsebsebseb: i thought it was cause of the 4 primary partition limit17:23
xanguamasingerz: how much are you giving it¿¿17:23
bitplane2masingerz, what will you use it for? I would say most people don't need more than 5GB, but if you're installing Windows games and all kinds of fun stuff then you may want loads more17:24
d0canyone here know if its possible to change the time the GNU GRUB bootloader displays the options... im building a HTPC and im trying to minimise boot time17:24
masingerz59 gigas17:24
Balsaqanyone running ubuntu wireless17:24
desktophi all can someone help me create a launcher icon for a executable program17:24
jorgerosasebsebseb: yep, seems so. :( maybe i can convert this to python or so... I have little experience, but i'll try. :)17:24
ribotd0c yes you can change it17:24
BenBjorgerosa: you could try to make your next game based on Mozilla / Firefox. you have JavaScript, SVG, HTML, XML, JPG, OGG Theora there available.17:24
sebsebsebjorgerosa: Flash is uhmm17:24
coolcatwhat command can I use to print my ip address?17:25
desktopbalsaq , i am17:25
sebsebsebjorgerosa: rather propritary and all that,  you can't just convert it into a proper proggramming langauge such as Python17:25
BenBcoolcat: ifconfig17:25
jazzi use a wireless usb to connect online17:25
d0cim trying to google how to do it but i dont think im asking the right questions17:25
bitplane2d0c, yeah you can set the time in seconds... can't find it right now but your keywords are: grub boot menu17:25
ribotd0c:  sudo nano /boot/grub/menu.lst17:26
masingerzi have sda 1, sda2 unusable sda3 sda417:26
BenBcoolcat: or /sbin/ifconfig17:26
jorgerosasebsebseb: oh!!! i remembered, there is also pyGame! i'll find out if it was what it takes... bbl. Thankyou all!17:26
d0cthanks, will try that now17:26
pat|nGhow can i change my kubuntu to plain ubuntu 9.10?17:26
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pat|nGi install kubuntu 9.10 and i would like to change it to ubuntu 9.1017:27
jazzis ifconfig also where i can turn docky into 3-d and turn off the "will shutdown in 60 seconds"17:27
sebsebsebpat|nG: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop17:27
jribjazz: I doubt it...17:27
pat|nGwat will happen to my kubuntu kde?17:27
pat|nGit will be erase?17:27
IdleOne!puregnome | pat|nG17:28
ubottupat|nG: If you want to remove all !KDE packages, type « sudo apt-get --purge remove kdelibs4c2a kdelibs5-data && sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop » into a !terminal17:28
sebsebsebpat|nG: it will still be available to you, unless you remove it17:28
sebsebsebIdleOne: well first he needs Ubuntu installed17:28
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IdleOnesebsebseb: you gave him that command already :)17:28
jazzi reinstalled  ubuntu 9.10 and forgot how to get the shutdown  timer removed17:28
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priyahi all can someone help me create a launcher icon for a executable program17:28
sebsebsebpat|nG: you can log into Ubuntu or Kubuntu one will be the default17:28
coolcatBenB, the inet addr or Bcast?17:28
jazzhey idleone, how are you?17:28
sebsebsebpat|nG: you can use most KDE apps inside  Ubuntu/Gnome as well17:28
priyahi all can someone help me create a launcher for a executable program17:29
BenBcoolcat: inet addr natürlich17:29
IdleOnejazz: good thank you17:29
jribpriya: right click -> create launcher ?17:29
BenBcoolcat: inet addr, of course17:29
sebsebsebpat|nG: if you don't want KDE stuff do that puregnome thing,  after you have Ubuntu installed17:29
bash39hi all17:29
IdleOnehello bash3917:29
priyai have done all that i wont launch in terminal  terminal shuts down right away17:29
bash39plz what's the name of the bugs channel?17:29
jazzgreat,  considering a long day yesterday17:29
jribpriya: so tell us what you did17:30
zagabarANyone knows why my mail service programs like squirrelmail and ability to connect with thunderbird to check my mail starts to fail when I add the following rule? sudo iptables -A POSTROUTING -t nat -j MASQUERADE17:30
priyaok hold on17:30
IdleOne!bug | bash3917:30
crystalbluewhen i try to connect to photobucket.com it shuts down my internet connection on karmic?17:30
ubottubash39: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs - Bugs in/wishes for the IRC bots (not Ubuntu) can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots17:30
IdleOnebash39: #ubuntu-bugs maybe. not sure about that one17:30
sebsebsebcrystalblue: not sure about that, but  if I remember correctly it's photobucket that don't support Linux properly anymore17:30
BenBthat's because your application quits immediately <priya> i have done all that i wont launch in terminal  terminal shuts down right away17:30
crystalblueah ok17:31
sebsebsebcrystalblue: well flickr and what not as alternatives17:31
XeroXer-Does anyone know why ddcprobe gives edidfail in 64 bit (ubuntu 9.10), worked great on 32 bit.17:31
crystalbluewill do17:31
sebsebsebcrystalblue: also maybe it's just at the moment you can't get on photobucket, but later on you can17:31
jazzoh and i have a question on gnome-do if any one can help?17:31
jribjazz: best to just ask the channel your actual question (on a single line)17:32
crystalbluei'll try again in a couple days then.17:32
crystalblueit works on my mac, just not on my linux machine17:32
BenBzagabar: please read "how to set up a firewall in linux" documents. you need much more than just one rule.17:32
sebsebsebcrystalblue: well that's a bit odd in a way17:32
KrisKohi, i've changed all fonts in appearance>fonts, but some apps like krusader are still using different font. Where can i set font for menu in krusader?17:32
sebsebsebcrystalblue: it should work on Linux as well, but photobucket might have done something so  Linux users can't just go on it anymore17:32
xanguajazz: i use do, but if i or all in the channel can't help you, you can try #gnome-do17:33
BenBzagabar: there might also be an "easy firewall" package in ubuntu.17:33
IdleheadKrisKo: you can change them with the qt config tools17:33
jazzi had installed gnome do and docky - now  i just have gnome-do17:33
crystalbluelike as soon as I log on seb, it shuts down my internet connection globally17:33
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crystalblueeven on my mac17:33
Monotokothere are simple ways to make your browser seem like its on windows ya know17:33
bash39Thanks IdleOne ubottu17:33
sebsebsebcrystalblue: so that you can't go on webistes at all?17:34
IdleOneWelcome bash3917:34
Monotokoediting the firefox headers...google it17:34
crystalbluelike if I am on my mac, and on my linux laptop, and I log on with my laptop, it kills my connection17:34
crystalbluenot if I visit that site17:34
Monotokoits a decent addon17:34
jazzthe preferences give a docky look but not all the options i had before.17:34
mpeggerHi .. in ubuntu there is any application that show active connections and bytes transfered like top for processes?17:34
sebsebsebcrystalblue: that's odd17:34
clonejojazz: docky and gnome-do are different applications17:34
KrisKoIdlehead: do you mean qtconfig or qtconfig-qt4? There are fonts set to 8, but krusader is still using 10.17:34
BenBin the past, I have used the built-in VNC server in the Xorg server (enabled in xorg.conf: module "vnc", "usevnc" "on"). how do I do that in ubuntu 9.10, which doesn't have an xorg.conf17:35
clockermpegger, you might check out lsof and options therein17:35
priyai Right click on desktop go to Create Launcher  browse to were my executable program is Type=Application in Terminal17:35
jazzi thought so but i cannot find where to get docky?17:35
sebsebsebclocker: here's an idea17:35
xanguajazz: launch do> preferences> plugins17:35
sebsebsebcrystalblue: here's an idea little test, still got the Ubuntu Live CD?17:35
IdleheadKrisKo: it depends on what version of qt is used by krusader. sometimes it works and sometimes. well. let's just say it doesn't.17:35
crystalblueyea of course17:35
grkbloodcan you cat vob files together without causing issues with remuxing down the road?17:36
sebsebsebcrystalblue: ok so boot up the LIve CD, and go on photobucket and find out, if  you get the problem or not with that as well17:36
erUSULmpegger: iftop17:36
crystalbluethats a really good idea17:36
crystalblueok, will do17:36
IdleheadKrisKo: that is why it is better to use gtk on gnome and qt on kde and don't mix stuff up17:36
sebsebsebcrystalblue: if not,  maybe something has gone bad with your actsaul install,  which might of happended, but not that likely17:36
crystalbluebrb, ill let you know17:36
priyai Right click on desktop go to Create Launcher  browse to were my executable program is Type=Application in Terminal17:36
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jazznothing in there for docky in all plugins17:36
Idleheadis there a way to install the moblin v2 interface on ubuntu 9.04?17:37
sebsebsebcrystalblue: ok17:37
Monotokocrystalblue, if thats the case use the modify headers firefox addon17:37
Idleheadcan't seem to find a decent hit in google17:37
xanguapriya: when you say 'executable' are you talking of a windows app¿¿ :S17:37
sebsebsebMonotoko: well sure ways round it probably, but it shoudn't happen in the first place17:37
crystalblueim not sure if I can do this because I dont have the restricted drivers on my wireless card on the live cd.17:38
crystalbluejust remember.17:38
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sebsebsebcrystalblue: oh wireless17:38
Monotokothats true sebsebseb...but some people just dont like linux -.-17:38
sebsebsebcrystalblue: you can set up wireless on the Live CD17:38
priyano its rq-echo-client.x86  linux file17:38
xanguaIdlehead: you can download ubuntu moblin, but i think is in alpha or something, there is also a 'mobli-desktop' package but i realy don't know if it is related17:38
sebsebsebMonotoko: yes  pretty sure I read that Photobucket don't support it properly anymore17:38
Alexandrei'm going to install ubuntu 9.10 and windows 7 on a notebook17:39
Alexandrewich should i install first?17:39
paissaddo you know a too like pastebinit, but for images ?17:39
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Idleheadxangua: i tried the ubuntu moblin remix thing, but it has really long response times and is not really well for a real life workstation17:39
hhlpGuest47660, first windows after ubuntu17:39
Idleheador does anyone know of a similar interface like moblin?17:39
MonotokoAlexandre....Windows 717:39
Monotokothen ubuntu17:40
xanguaIdlehead: ubuntu network remix¿¿ it is called that way¿¿17:40
sebsebsebGuest47660: Windows 7, then Ubuntu, yes17:40
xanguanetbook remix**17:40
Idleheadxangua: yes17:40
ravihow to run windows 7 from virtual manager ??17:41
Guest47660sebsebseb, hhlp, thanks17:41
sebsebsebGuest47660: np17:41
priyaxangua,  no its rq-echo-client.x86  linux file17:41
hhlpGuest47660, :)17:41
Idleheadah, nevermind. just found a sweet how to in the german wiki.ubuntuusers.de17:43
Idleheadthanks anyway :)17:43
dan__479hi can someone help me with my wifi17:43
priya no its rq-echo-client.x86  linux file17:43
sebsebseb!wireless | dan__47917:43
ubottudan__479: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs17:43
joh6nnsebsebseb: found a decent suggestion on that wifi page, rebooting to try it out.  wish me luck17:43
sebsebsebjoh6nn: gl17:43
dan__479!wireless | dan__47917:43
ubottudan__479, please see my private message17:43
ulf_I have a Gigabyte motherbord with Intel 4500 graphic onbord. Works fine i i connect to VGA but i would like to use HDMI an i cant get it to work. Any idea?17:44
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jazzi tried the do>preferences>plug ins i dont have anything for docky17:44
xanguajazz: you can set the 'docky' theme in 'apprearence' tab17:44
sebsebseb!pm > dan__47917:45
ubottudan__479, please see my private message17:45
dan__479sebsebse i have sent you a message17:45
jazzyes that what i was talking about i have a few options there, the docky i had let me put it on the side of the screen  etc...17:45
zomfgcrazyfae: hello17:45
dan__479sebsebseb i have sent you a message17:46
xanguajazz: that's docky 2, gnome do and docky separated17:46
sebsebsebdan__479: yeah and I got the bot to send you one, seen it?17:46
dan__479oh right yeah cheers17:46
d0cribot, i did what you suggested but my menu.list is empty17:47
d0cis that normal?17:47
juliohow can i run mozilla 3.6? i've added mozilla daily repos and "apt-get install firefox-3.6 firefox-3.6-gnome-support" but still launches 3.5.7....17:47
dan__479sorry about that17:47
jazzim new to irc and xchat....id like to check out the room you suggested? how do i ? ok where is docky 2? in synaptic?17:47
lmfromdesktophow do i assign a specific application to one of two available sound  cards with pulseaudio17:47
ribotd0c: you edited that file?17:47
xanguajulio: for using stable fx 3.6 try ubuntuzilla17:47
xangua!ubuntuzilla | julio17:47
d0cnothing to edit17:47
d0cit looked empty17:47
sebsebsebdan__479: reading the wireless link yet?17:47
dan__479yeah i have already tried that though17:48
dan__479i am really confused17:48
juliostable? i assumed it was stable as i read that has been oficialy released17:48
ribotd0c did you write sudo at the begining?17:48
juliowhat is ubuntuzilla?17:48
d0ci did17:48
jazzbrb going to look for it there ...i appreciate the help xangua17:48
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dan__479is it ok to pm??17:48
sebsebsebdan__479: ok well  wait for someone else, and ask again,  I don't  try and help with wireless useally,  except that bot link of course, since it's not really my area17:48
dsuchjulio: a nice tool for installing, for instance, SeaMonkey17:49
xanguajulio: as the word says it: mozzilla daily repo are daily builds17:49
dan__479oh right thanks though17:49
d0csudo nano /boot/grub/menu.lst17:49
d0cjust comes up blank17:49
FerrissIm trying to repeat something shown in http://swiss.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1284194 -- A failed upgrade from 9.04 to 9.10 rendered my install unbootable. I get a bunch of 'you dont have the rights to do that, yo!' messages17:49
Ferrissis there a way to obtain those rights? i sudoded, i chrooted, i tried to complete the apt-get dist-upgrade17:49
zvacetd0c:  witch version do  you run17:49
sebsebsebdan__479: as for if it's ok to pm,  some want to be asked first,  others such as myself, might find it a bit annoying, to be pm'd something that could have been said no problem in the channel17:50
julioxangua, isn't the same as adding the repo and installing the packages? i don't know ubuzilla :o17:50
dan__479sorry about that17:50
kellopeshello people... this is my last cry for help.. i am trying to start using linux (ubuntu).. but it is giving me more headaches than pleasure.. so.. can somebody here help me??17:51
d0cof Ubuntu?17:51
sebsebseb!details | kellopes17:51
steffankellopes: please ask your question17:51
dan__479kellopes what is the problem i may be able to help pm me17:51
ubottukellopes: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."17:51
Ferrisssebsebseb: , are you the one who helped me last night? ;o17:51
navinhey I have a question17:51
zvacet!grub2 | d0c17:51
ubottud0c: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub217:51
sebsebsebFerriss: don't know17:51
kellopesok.. i am having problems with my wireless card17:51
sebsebseb!pm |  dan__479  kellopes17:51
ubottudan__479  kellopes: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.17:51
kellopesit doesnt recognize..17:51
kellopesi have a AR500117:51
Halitechkellopes, internal card? laptop? USB?17:52
dan__479what is it the kernel17:52
DJonesjulio: If you've added the mozilla dailies repo, you might find that firefox 3.6 is listed as Namoroka Browser under the Applications->Internet menu17:52
steffankellopes: have you read through the wireless documentation to try and solve the problem?17:52
Ferrisshmm. your name looks familiar. Anyway... does anyone know how to get the permissions to write on an install on a disk from a livecd?17:52
sebsebsebFerriss: what you want help with anyway?17:52
navinHow can I do a video chat in Ubuntu 9.10?17:52
Ferrisssudo doesnt seem to do it17:52
jazzthanks guys.17:52
zvacet!kernel | dan__47917:52
ubottudan__479: The core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - See also: /msg ubottu stages17:52
kellopesthe last feww day.. the only thing i have been doing is reading discutions.. and docs..17:52
julioxangua, nope it is not there17:52
sebsebseb!permissions |  Ferriss17:53
ubottuFerriss: An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions17:53
Halitechkellopes, if you open a terminal and run lspci does it see it there?17:53
Ferrisssebsebseb: the 9.04 to 9.10 upgrade failure. It looks like some have solved it anyway. Ill try to fix it for a while before i reinstall17:53
kellopesi gotta go for lunch..17:53
kellopesi will be back later.. so i will ask for help again..17:53
sebsebsebFerriss: oh right the 9.04 to 9.10 failure, I guess it was me then17:53
navinHey can anyone help me?17:53
Halitech!help | navin17:53
ubottunavin: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)17:53
sebsebsebFerriss: you just want data off it now, so  this is ok really, but  useauly best to be careful with this,  gksudo nautilus17:54
d0cahh... i have to edit /etc/default/grub17:54
xgurunavin:  You can video chat with empathy, or skype17:54
d0cthanks zvacet17:54
sebsebsebFerriss: then you become sudo/root for the file manager, and can do pretty much  whatever you want17:54
navinI am unable to do that with empathy17:54
zvacetd0c:  np17:54
xgurunavin: what version of ubuntu and empathy17:54
Halitechnavin, do you have a working webcam?17:54
navinxguru: Ubuntu 9.1017:54
faeHey, everyone. I recently installed ubuntu on a laptop, and it was working fine, but now it is freezing and then turning off randomly. Anyone know why that might be?17:55
sebsebsebFerriss: just get the data and re install,  it's not  really worth trying to fix it this time17:55
Slartfae: have you run the memtester?17:55
xgurunavin: so  you have got images through your webcam while using 9.10?17:55
navinI am using my yahoo id to chat on empathy and the other person has connected his cam but I am unable to see his cam.17:55
ravihow to run windows 7 from virtual manager ??17:56
Ferrissdid i just whois myself? strange webclient, freenode. Is it too difficult, really? it looks like some people have fixed it ;\17:56
_march_i have a problem: the machine has frozen while doing an upgrade and now many packages are left in the iU and iF state. how can i fix this up?17:56
Ferrissin any case, i have nothing to do all day and would like to learn more about linux and its commands. haha. so ill waste my time a bit. Thank you for the advice, sir17:56
faeNo, but I will. I haven't had a chance to do anything with it yet.17:56
navinxguru what should i do now?17:57
Slartravi: usually you create a vm, then mount the install cd in the virtual CD and start the machine.. the install goes through as on a normal machine17:57
sebsebsebFerriss: well 9.10 is really one that is best as a clean install in the first place, hence why I don't recommend spending time trying to fix your messed up upgrade17:57
zealiodhas any one written any expressions for urlsnarf17:57
xgurunavin: are you getting a black screen from his feed....or just never accepts?17:57
zvacet_march_:  sudo apt-get -f install or sudo dpkg --configure -a17:57
navinI am not even getting any option to view the cam17:57
_march_zvacet: it does not work because the unpacked files are corrupt17:57
_march_zvacet: so i had to instruct to fully reunpack, reinstall, and reconfigure every package that got hurt17:58
Host12345_custodio: #Ubuntu-es17:58
xgurunavin: Are you the only person they are having trouble video chatting with?17:58
sebsebsebFerriss: most of them are fine to just upgrade to from the previous version,   but 9.10 has at least two reasons why it's better to clean install really17:58
I^llGetOverIthow to uninstall manually installed applicatons that does not appear in synaptic?17:58
navincoz I am on ubuntu17:58
navinand they are on windows17:59
xgurunavin: have you requested to view their camera?17:59
zvacet_march_ : I don´t know sorry maybe someone else will b e more helpful to you17:59
jazzis there a ppa for docky 2?17:59
xgurunavin: one second17:59
_march_yes i need someone with a clue!17:59
raviSlart: but when we try to install windowa 7 using virtual machine manager up to vista its listed but not windows 717:59
dan__479ok i have a wifi prolem can someone pm me to help18:00
scuniziI^llGetOverIt: if they were .deb files originally they will show in synaptic.. if not then it may be tough to do depending on the program and if it contained an uninstaller..18:00
_march_i cannot even google or anything because firefox also got corrupted18:00
Slartravi: I'm not sure if that's just a label or if it changes something about the actual machine.. try setting it to Microsoft Windows Vista18:01
_march_how can i instruct apt to reunpack a package?18:01
raviSlart: k let me try18:01
netbook-liveusbHi, I'm trying to create a liveusb to run fedora 12 on my netbook but I'm getting an error using the liveusb tool http://pastebin.com/m7da20f79   Any suggestions?18:02
zvacet_march_ : you can try to reinstall packages in synaptic18:02
raviSlart: one more question18:02
Slartravi: sure18:02
I^llGetOverItscunizi, it is not .deb i installed with sudo python setup.py install but the application does not work, so I find it in dep package but can not install it because uf old installation there is a conflict18:02
PurpleyHey guys I messed up my permissions for my sources.list file how do i change the permissions to allow ubuntu to update it and perodically check for updates without me having to type in a terminal sudo update-manager?18:02
ibuclawnetbook-liveusb, try unetbootin.18:03
xgurunavin: http://www.howzzit.com/blog/how-to-enable-audio-video-chat-on-empathy/18:03
ravislart: I have installed ubuntu and installed windows 7 also as dual os18:03
xgurunavin: make sure you have all the plugins and etc installed18:03
scuniziI^llGetOverIt: just start deleting files that belong to it then...18:03
sebsebseb!caps | dan__47918:03
ardchoillePurpley: what is the output of this command:  ls -lha /etc/apt/sources.list18:03
ubottudan__479: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.18:03
Purpleydan__479, USING CAPS DOSENT HELP18:03
netbook-liveusbibuclaw, thanks!18:03
sebsebseb!patience |  dan__47918:04
ubottudan__479: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.18:04
ravibut not sure how to configure the boot loader program to identify Windows n Linux18:04
Purpleyardchoille, -rw------- 1 root root 3.3K 2010-01-03 21:03 /etc/apt/sources.list18:04
sebsebsebdan__479: not really my area as I said, but I  know this, first of all it helps to know whic card you have18:04
ardchoillePurpley: sudo chmod a+r /etc/apt/sources.list18:04
_march_zvacet: it would tell me everything is corrupt, just as apt does18:04
ibuclawnetbook-liveusb, also, I wouldn't really consider that an error log. There should be a liveusb-creator.log file somewhere. Perhaps in /var/log.18:04
dan__479its a realtek 8187b18:04
sebsebsebdan__479: and even better what wireless chipset it  uses18:04
netbook-liveusbibuclaw, its pasted at the bottom18:04
dan__479what is the chipset?18:05
zvacetsee you later18:05
dan__479i think i know18:05
_march_please someone with a clue help me!18:05
Purpleyardchoille, Thanks a bunch18:05
ardchoillePurpley: you're welcome18:05
xanguajulio: is not what where'¿18:05
PurpleyAlso can someone tell me what these "proposed updates" are?18:05
dan__479or should i say how do i find that out18:05
ardchoillePurpley: As for auto-updating, I don't know.. I always do: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade18:06
jribPurpley: they're for people who want to test a proposed update (i.e. they may make your computer explode)18:06
ardchoille!chinese | wjt_18:06
ubottuwjt_: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk18:06
ibuclawnetbook-liveusb, oh, ok. =)18:06
netbook-liveusbibuclaw, :)18:06
sebsebsebdan__479: don't know,  patience and repeate your question, and someone else can probably help later18:06
Kettlenanyone here using a Compact Flash memory card as OS disk?18:06
PurpleySo I shouldn't enable them if I want a stable computer?18:06
jribPurpley: exactly18:06
julioxangua, namoroka under apps--internet. I find it weird since it only downloaded a few Kb's of data to install 3.6...18:06
sebsebsebdan__479: don't repeat every five minutes or so,  try like 15 minutes from now18:07
xgurunavin: http://live.gnome.org/Empathy/FAQ#Does_Empathy_support_audio_and_video_chat.3F   states that it doesn't work on yahoo's protocol yet :/18:07
PurpleyOh are they basically betas?18:07
ardchoillePurpley: I wouldn't enable proposed if you want a stable system18:07
rooisto47hello everybody18:07
jazzhow can i get my Ubuntu to automatically to translate different languages?18:07
ayseczy ktos wie jaki jest program do faktór ?18:07
ardchoillePurpley: also, please sue gksudo when launching a gui app for admin purposes, sudo is for command line apps only18:08
navinthen what should i do?18:08
ibuclawnetbook-liveusb, this is all that suggests: http://syslinux.zytor.com/archives/2007-March/008284.html18:08
rooisto47can I use live-helper from ubuntu to generate a debian live usb key ?18:08
ohir!pl | ayse18:08
ubottuayse: Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.18:08
xanguajulio: as i've said you use ubuntuzilla for latest stabel release18:08
ohir!polish | ayse18:08
Purpleyardchoille, whats the difference between gksudo and sue gksudo?18:08
xgurunavin:  supports.... msn/gtalk/xmpp/sip    I personally use skype and msn18:08
ardchoille!gksudo | Purpley18:08
ubottuPurpley: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)18:08
xangua(12:07:52) jazz: how can i get my Ubuntu to automatically to translate different languages? ¿¿18:08
netbook-liveusbibuclaw, thanks it would seem likely...unetbootin seems to be hanging on 64% at the moment18:09
navinooh k18:09
PurpleyOk thanks18:09
DiverdudeIs it possible to enhance the "arrow-up completion" in the terminal, so that instead of cycling through all previous commands when i press arrow up, i can enter e.g. ev and then press arrow up, and then all previous commands other than those starting with ev are filtered away. This means I could much easier find my way back through previous commands i have entered. Is that possible?18:09
ibuclawnetbook-liveusb, it will do that - as it is extracting the squashfs image18:09
jazzif i type in say german does the os translate the language live ?18:09
navinxguru do v have the option of video chat in skpye for other ids18:09
czeslawto jest mój pierwszy linukx18:10
ardchoilleDiverdude: you could try: history | grep ev18:10
netbook-liveusbibuclaw, ahh ok18:10
xgurunavin: not sure what your asking. .... But if you add someone to your skype list you can click on them and view their webcam18:10
Slartjazz: nope.. there are some translation tools available but the end result isn't very good.. kind of like google translate18:10
VCoolioDiverdude: ctrl+r and start typing18:10
Slart!pl | czeslaw18:11
ubottuczeslaw: Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.18:11
DiverdudeVCoolio, ohh nice18:11
DiverdudeVCoolio, thx18:11
jazzjust wondering about it. i have been trying to teach myself Japanese.....im still trying to look for docky 218:11
jazzis there a ppa?18:11
navinxguru I was asking in skype, you can only use the skpye id or any other id's like empathy.18:11
xanguajazz: yes18:12
ardchoillejazz: you can search for a PPA here: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas18:12
xgurunavin: only skype id18:12
ibuclawnetbook-liveusb, the squashfs is the entire filesystem packed up, if you weren't aware before hand... when you boot, it extracts it into memory via an immutable loopback mount. Then it is made mutable (yet volatile) because a series of Aufs file systems are overlayed ontop of it.18:12
scuniziDiverdude: when you look at history and see what you want, if it's identical then you can enter !<number next to command> and it will repeat that commnad.18:12
daleharveyok, I am having problems setting up a cron job18:12
Random832Diverdude; you might also be interested in the ctrl-r command to search through history18:13
zmjdroidHey, so I have a radeon 9200, and I'm trying to get s-video working with karmic18:13
julioxangua, it doesn't support 64 bit users :s18:13
daleharveymy script runs fine from the shell, I copied the output of env into crontab -e and the script itself, so it has all the same env18:13
netbook-liveusbibuclaw, i've heard of the file but wasnt aware what it was exactly...cheers for the info18:13
zmjdroidIt currently works until X starts18:13
zmjdroidThen it goes blank (on the tv)18:13
daleharveybut I cant execute one script in /usr/local/bin18:13
jazzagain thank youse all, I'm new to Linux.  does everyone here all use x-chat or is that just a programme to be in the chat room?18:13
zmjdroidAnyone have any suggestions?18:13
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xsssxhi, if i enter terminal mode via ctrl+alt+F1, how can i return to the desktop?18:14
Halitechxsssx, ALT + F7 should bring you back18:14
VCooliodaleharvey: use full paths and try with a line on top saying SHELL=/bin/bash18:14
zmjdroidXrandr detects s-video, but says it's disconnected18:14
daleharveyVCoolio, yeh the shebang is set, and it uses full paths to the executable18:15
zmjdroidIt works if I go into a tty18:15
daleharveywhereis tarsnap and file /usr/local/bin/tarsnap both work as normal18:15
zmjdroidSo it's an x problem18:15
VCooliodaleharvey: does the script need X or does it use relative paths?18:15
daleharveyits just when I execute it, I get no errors or output18:15
xsssxjazz, there are many programms, like the webclientat http://webchat.freenode.net18:15
priyahi all18:17
freerideguys please help, i need to setup mailserver on ubuntu karmic. what to do? a least a link please18:17
daleharveynope, I have copied all the vars from my typical env, as well18:17
jribfreeride: help.ubuntu.com server guide18:17
freeridejrib thanks18:18
OerHeksfreeride https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MailServer18:18
daleharveygetting somewhere now, all the commands (echo / cd / ls) work, but I cant seem to execute any of my own scripts, even with a full path18:18
freerideOerHeks thanks a lot!18:18
mrenoufdoes anyone know how to enable verbose debugging output for debian-installer? I'm trying to debug some problems.18:18
OerHekssame link as jrib  :-)18:18
LuciusMarehi, can i set ssh so you need a password to connect to one user but password authentication is disabled on the second user?18:18
sanguisdexI need to resize n extended partition, gparted won't do it. is there a better program?18:19
raviwhile trying to install windows thru virtual machine then it's throwing an error permission denied error..18:19
babbiohi guys...is there a way to split the shell terminal into multiple session like vim with the command "vertical split"????18:19
zmjdroidBabbio: try dvtm18:19
bobomomopopobobI need a script that will create  directory  called  $foo and move all files within the current dir with a name including  string $foo into that directory.18:19
ubuntu-gnomВсем привет18:20
jribbobomomopopobob: #bash18:20
OerHeksdaleharvey is your script +x eXecutable ? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FilePermissions18:20
guntbert!ru | ubuntu-gnom18:20
ubottuubuntu-gnom: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke18:20
babbiozmjdroid: thank u, dvtm seems to be what i'm looking for...18:21
zmjdroidHey, so I have a radeon 9200, and I'm trying to get s-video working with karmic18:21
jazzsweet, thanks once again18:21
sanguisdexbabbio: also man screen18:21
netbook-liveusbibuclaw, seems to have worked...just need to figure out how to get the netbook to boot from usb...thanks for the help!18:21
chiapagringoHello all.  I am having issues importing from Thunderbird to Evolution.  The dialogue box of Evolution is only allowing a .pst file to be selected as the file type to be imported, but I need to import a .mbox file.  Can anyone provide some insight here?  Thanks.18:22
evonis there a linux command equivalent to ipconfig realease/renew?18:22
enzotibevon: dhclient18:22
enzotibevon: or ifup/ifdown, with the proper configuration in /etc/network/interfaces18:22
raviwhile trying to install windows thru virtual machine then it's throwing an error permission denied error..18:23
sanguisdexevon: man ifconfig18:23
daleharveyok, got it down to a basic example18:23
raviany thoughts on how to fix that18:23
scuniziravi: what virtual machine? virtual box, vmware, other?18:23
skomanhello guys18:23
ralisiwtf, i cannot connect to open networks but wep or wpa works fine!?18:24
skomanhow do I uninstall application from the shell?18:24
sebsebseb!language | ralisi18:24
raviscunizi : virtual machine manager18:24
ubotturalisi: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.18:24
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Slartskoman: apt-get remove   or apt-get purge18:24
drew_apt-get remove18:24
skomanno I have used ./configure and make to compile it form source18:24
jrib!apt > skoman18:24
ubottuskoman, please see my private message18:24
jribskoman: read the documentation then.  Sometimes projects include an "uninstall" rule in the Makefile.  But sometimes they don't18:25
scuniziravi: sorry I don't know what that is.. might be a qemu manager or something.. you might consider using virtual box, you can run it headless, from cli and it has a decent gui client to manage it.18:25
skomanif there is no uninstall rule18:25
Slartskoman: sometimes you can use sudo make uninstall   .. if the program author created that function18:25
skomanthen what shold i do?18:25
jribskoman: then delete it yourself...18:25
skomani 'm not a root18:25
Slartskoman: go find all the files and delete them manually.. and promise yourself to not do the same mistake again18:26
jribskoman: then how did you install it?18:26
skomanso deltetion is ok18:26
Slart!checkinstall | skoman18:26
ubottuskoman: checkinstall is a wrapper to "make install", useful for installing programs you compiled. It will create a .deb package, which will be listed in the APT database and can be uninstalled like other packages. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CheckInstall - Read the warnings at the top and bottom of that web page, and DO NOT interrupt CheckInstall while it's running!18:26
ravihow to install that.. any tips .. :scunizi18:26
skomanwell I use ./appname to start it18:26
Halitechskoman, is it in your home folder?18:27
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scuniziravi: they have a .deb for ubuntu http://www.virtualbox.org/18:27
Halitechskoman, just delete the folder then18:27
skomanit is in my home folder18:27
=== acat is now known as aCat
daleharveydoes anyone have any idea why "anotherscript.sh" doesnt run? http://pastie.org/79245918:27
skomanso does that leave any information in the other parts of the system, like in windows in windows registry18:27
simion314hi, i have the folowing problem , i am trying to prin over 30 documents 3 page ong and i want to use both sides of the paper, i do this manualy open a document and print it first pages 1,3 then revers the paper and print the page 2, is there a way  to print all 30 documents (pages 1,3 first ) then turn the pages and print the rest?18:28
koryahi all18:28
sonikkunot really sure what the root cause is, but my mouse keeps "stalling", which I thought was my CPU being maxed out, but it turns out in the messages log file the device keeps being disconnected and reconnecting: http://pastebin.com/m2304ac95  Any ideas what might cause this?18:28
Slartdaleharvey: it's not marked as executable?18:28
riboti got some problems with my graphics.. when i alt-tab the screen flickers, and sometimes system crashes without me being able to do anything at all but hardware shut down18:29
scuniziribot: what kind of graphics card?18:30
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ribotim not sure, it's inside a laptop18:30
daleharveymost certainly is - http://pastie.org/792459 (I appended bash to the end)18:30
babbioi don't understand how dvtm works....somebody can help me please?18:31
NobleWhy does not grub make a fallback option anymore?18:31
scuniziribot: lspci in a terminal should tell you.. if not then sudo lshw will18:31
pppoe_dudehi. it seems that the live-CD for ubuntu and xubuntu for powerpc is too big to fit on a 700mb CD. any ideas on how to get around this?18:31
babbioin the man there are no SHORTKEY documentation.... ;(18:31
Purpleypppoe_dude, Use a USB drive18:31
lifestreamHi... is there a way to hide partitions from showing in the Places sidebar... using fstab?  I tried 'ignore', but they still show!18:32
Slartdaleharvey: hmm.. let me play around with it a bit...18:32
pppoe_dudepurpley i don't think my iMac G3 supports booting from USB18:32
OerHekspppoe_dude live cd too big for a cd  (canot be true )? or did you download the dvd ?18:32
PurpleySo whats the sudo command for programs outside of the terminal18:33
pppoe_dudeOerHeks, it is 705MB and when i try to burn it says it's too big even with overburn18:33
Jeruvypppoe_dude: which ones are you downloading?18:33
Purpleypppoe_dude, Try to get blank DVD18:33
ribot00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Mobile GM965/GL960 Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 0c)18:33
pppoe_dudeJeruvy, i tried live ubuntu cd and live xubuntu cd18:33
OerHekspppoe_dude check mdsum18:33
scunizipppoe_dude: are you burning it as data? or as an iso?18:33
pppoe_dudepuremichael, i only have a cd drive on the imac18:33
pppoe_dudescunizi, iso18:33
Jeruvypppoe_dude: no, which ones.  Do you have a link?  The ones I am seeing should have no issues fitting on a CD18:33
sanguisdexPurpley: sudo can't be run out side of the command18:33
pppoe_dudeJeruvy, last one i tried was http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ports/releases/9.10/release/ubuntu-9.10-desktop-powerpc.iso18:34
Purpleynvm I was thinking of gksudo18:34
puremichaelpppoe_dude, i think it was not me you're talking to ?18:34
sanguisdexI need to resize n extended partition, gparted won't do it. is there a better program?18:34
Purpleysanguisdex, Why not?18:34
blakkheimsanguisdex: what filesystem18:34
scunizipppoe_dude: just for the sake of arguement... I know you're trying to burn an iso.. however burning them isn't the same as using a normal burner and just putting the iso file on a cd.. the burner unpacks the image and burns the individual files18:35
Slartdaleharvey: it works if you run it from a regular terminal.. haven't tried putting it in a crontab yet18:35
pppoe_dudescunizi, i am not a newbie18:35
sanguisdexblakkheim: there is a swap and a ext3 mounted to home18:35
sanguisdexin it18:35
ribotscunizi: i suppose it is Intel Corporation Mobile GM965/GL960 Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 0c)18:35
scunizipppoe_dude: ok.. you just never know on the other end.. carry on18:35
daleharveyI know, thats the problem18:36
pppoe_dudejust seems that it is packaged to not fit on a 700mb cd, or maybe my particular brand of CDs doesn't allow for slightly more than 70018:36
navinif I have to do a video chat, what other options do I have?18:36
daleharveywhy am I not getting any stderr either?18:36
scuniziribot: intel it usually supported well right out of the box.  sorry but I don't know how to rememdy your issues with it.18:36
daleharveyI thought thats what 2>&1 did18:36
ribotmaybe i need an upgrade then18:37
ulbI need help with ubuntu install. I downloaded bootmyiso from pendrive linux and prepared a usb with ubuntu minimal. when I reboot themachine I get a grub4dos command line. Here is where I get confused. I can set root (fd0) but what to do from there?18:37
priyahi all18:37
navinHey Priya18:37
sanguisdexPurpley: there is a nautilus plug-in that will allow you to "open a file as root"18:37
priyacan anyone help out to make a launcher for  a client.x86 program18:38
priyanavin .hi18:38
ulbifI set i can then set kernel /grub.exe and it show [Linux-bzImage, setup=0x1e00, size=0x374c9]18:38
ulbwhat to do from here?18:38
sanguisdexPurpley: but when I need to orun aprogram as root is just run it from the command line (ie. sudo firefox)18:38
sanguisdexblakkheim: any ideas?18:39
NativeAngelscan anyone tell me what this means ? -bash: ./sc_serv: No such file or directory18:39
guntbert!gksudo | sanguisdex18:39
ubottusanguisdex: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)18:39
pppoe_dudethe alternate cd probably will burn because it's less than 700mb. but i wanted live . oh well18:39
navinpriya I dont have about that, I think some geeks can help u18:39
Slartdaleharvey: works as expected on my machine.. running through crontab.. I get "hello" and the date in the log file18:39
zomfgcrazyIs it possible for an infected external hard drive or windows xp partition on the same hard disk to cause negative effects in ubuntu (freezing/limited response)?18:40
joh6nnsebsebseb: well, i wouldn't say i've got a perfect solution, but it's a hell of a lot better than it was before!18:40
pppoe_dudeactually... would the powerpc+ps3 work on powerpc (g3)? or is it just meant for playstation?18:40
zomfgcrazysame hard disk as ubuntu install*18:40
scunizizomfgcrazy: nope18:40
ardchoilleNativeAngels: it means the file you tried to execute doesn't exist18:40
joh6nnmy transfer speeds have gone from being measured in 10s of Kb to 1Mb18:40
joh6nnso, thanks!18:40
zomfgcrazyscunizi: hm. okay.. thanks you.18:41
kolasishi i installed my nvidia driver from hardware drivers18:41
kolasis<kolasis> but it failed, i got an error on boot18:41
kolasis<kolasis> now i cant login18:41
kolasis<kolasis> to my user18:41
kolasis<kolasis> do i have to remove the driver or what?18:41
FloodBot1kolasis: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.18:41
daleharveySlart: yeh I had a typo in my example :( but it didnt give me any errors even though I was trying to execute a file that didnt exist18:41
sanguisdexguntbert: that explains a lot about what heppend after YOU upgraded thunderbird the otherday18:41
priyacan anyone help out to make a launcher for  a client.x86 program18:41
daleharveyfinding those errors would probably help my actual problem, I use 2>&1 >> log.log in the cron, I thought that would give me everything18:41
Slartdaleharvey: ah.. anotherscript.sh/anothertest.sh18:42
daleharveyheh yeh :P but if I had a nice "command not found" life might be easier18:43
zagabarANyone knows why my mail service programs like squirrelmail and ability to connect with thunderbird to check my mail starts to fail when I add the following rule? sudo iptables -A POSTROUTING -t nat -j MASQUERADE18:43
lifestreamHmm... How can I.. PREVENT a... "virtual" CD from showing up on the Places sidebar?18:44
MefachedI need to get bcm43xx onto a laptop without an Internet connection. How do I download just the package from apt?18:44
pppoe_dudeoh seems others have had this issue http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=131633718:44
kolasisI install my recommended video drivers from hardware drivers gui, and i got an error on boot regarding the nvidia driver. Now when i get to my login screen i cant login (i return to the same screen when i try). What to do18:44
danny__anyone good with bash shell scripting that could help me?18:45
Mefacheddanny__, we'll need to know your problem first.18:45
MefachedAlternatively, you could read a Bash guide online and learn to do it.18:45
babbiozjmdoid: do u use dvtm? can u explai to me how to use it please?18:45
lifestreamLet Me Google That For You?  :P18:46
DJones!id | jhijayz18:46
ubottujhijayz: join ke #ubuntu-id untuk membahas ubuntu dalam bahasa Indonesia18:46
zmjdroidBabbio: there's a manual18:46
babbioi know...i read it but i don't understand it18:47
jhijayzbaik lah tapi mau join kemana18:47
novatubuntucomo automonto un pendrive con permisos de rw para toda la red18:48
zmjdroidbabbio: your modifier key is ctrl-a18:48
lifestreamWhy is it so.... slow here?18:48
alessandro_ce qualkuno ke parla italiano?18:48
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)18:48
novatubuntuas a pendrive automount rw permit for the entire network18:49
tianshao你 好阿18:49
webcammanWhat other linux distrobutions are there other than ubuntu and mint can someone tell me18:49
Slartwebcamman: have a look at distrowatch.com   there are lots and lots18:50
tianshao靠 说 中文阿18:50
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pppoe_dudeok i might've solved theproblem using cdrecord/overburn from commandline18:50
Slartwebcamman: here are the major ones http://distrowatch.com/dwres.php?resource=major18:51
dsuchtianshao: is that Chinese?18:51
webcammanThank you i shall give that a check.18:51
Flannel!cn | tianshao18:51
ubottutianshao: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk18:51
tanquart\msg nickserv test18:51
zmjdroidWrong way18:52
ubuntinohow to automount a pendrive with rw permissions for the whole network?18:52
webcammanSlart thanks you helped me alot man :-).18:52
Slartwebcamman: you're welcome18:52
kolasiswhich driver to get for geforce nvidia 5200fx?18:53
sonikkuanyone? "not really sure what the root cause is, but my mouse keeps "stalling", which I thought was my CPU being maxed out, but it turns out in the messages log file the device keeps being disconnected and reconnecting: http://pastebin.com/m2304ac95  Any ideas what might cause this?"18:54
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edbianI'm trying to write a program in c that can re-arrange the files in the system file tree.  What is the API for working with the files on a linux system?  All I can find is file and fileInfo for windows.18:55
VCooliokolasis: 17318:55
kolasisVCoolio, i installed that and couldnt login to my user then18:55
kolasisi got an error on boot18:55
VCooliokolasis: sorry man, I have very same card, no issues; paste the error on pastebin18:56
VCooliokolasis: did you install manually or via hardware administration?18:56
convergehow to change gdm theme on ubuntu.. ? on gdm i dont have the option to enter the configurations, on gnome/adminstration/login screen i dont have nothing about gdm, some idea ?18:57
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kolasisVCoolio, via hardware18:57
kolasisVCoolio, i dont remember the error18:58
jMylesCan I see the length of a dhcp lease with ifconfig?  If not, how can I?18:58
ardchoilleconverge: the theming options in gdm aren't implemented yet18:58
CydeWhy doesn't Nautilus file copy give an error when you try to copy a >4 GiB file to a vfat volume?18:58
jazzhow do i find my favorite room?18:58
CydeInstead of getting 4 GiB in and then getting stuck?18:58
jpdsjazz: Err, what?18:58
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jazzsorry, i ment i was in a room and  i click add to favorite18:59
jazzhow do i go there again18:59
cblesliecyde:  bug report?18:59
VCooliokolasis: try install manually or edit xorg.conf (I use a customized xorg.conf, but I think Karmic comes without one by default)18:59
convergeardchoille, arent implemented yet ? i used it some years ago..18:59
payanI need help configuring Pulse. The volume control controls the wrong channel. I see no way of control the global volume. (5.1 channels)18:59
tianshaohi all18:59
kolasisVCoolio, ok18:59
ardchoilleconverge: thegdm in Karmic is new and some features are still being worked on18:59
jazzI feel slightly helpless being this new and can't find anything -19:00
XeroXer-using ubuntu 9.10, does anyone know what changes I need to make in gconf to "disable" a panel. I want some panels to only show after running certain scripts at bootup19:00
VCooliokolasis: try to make sense of the error if you see it again, or paste on google etc; I can't help you now; I'll paste my xorg.conf, maybe it can be of use19:00
convergeardchoille, hmm ok19:00
pppoe_dudehm. ok i managed to boot into the powerpc live cd, but it's telling me authentication failure right off the bat.19:00
pppoe_dudewhat's the username/pass for livecd?19:00
kolasisVCoolio, no thanks no problem19:00
ubuntinohow to automount a pendrive with rw permissions for the whole network?19:00
CRACKHEADJUNKYfyi, the drivers for atheros cards on 9.10 suck.19:00
pppoe_dudei guess i'm forgetting about google...19:01
danny__Hey Mefached were you able to view that script from the link I put out?19:01
Purpley1CRACKHEADJUNKY, I agree19:01
CRACKHEADJUNKYhad to revert last night to keep a decent connection. used karmics drivers...19:01
Purpley1CRACKHEADJUNKY, I just use my phones internet and tether it, its so much faster19:01
schiggyhi @all19:02
CRACKHEADJUNKYPurpley1, what atheros card do u have?19:02
VCooliokolasis: http://pastebin.com/f7c7b93f319:02
Purpley1Not sure19:02
kolasisVCoolio, k thanks19:02
Purpley1CRACKHEADJUNKY, Its identified as ath0 although I doubt that helps haha19:02
pppoe_dudeoh this might be a Y2K issue19:02
CRACKHEADJUNKYPurpley1, what does lspci say in terminal?19:02
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Purpley1CRACKHEADJUNKY, I'm not on my laptop right now either way I just use backtrack now on it, it has everything I need and is a lot less buggy19:03
danny__shell scripting help...http://pastebin.com/d37313ac219:04
lifestream /  /  /  Is it possible to stop showing un-mounted partitions on the nautilus sidebar?19:04
CRACKHEADJUNKYPurpley1, well my card is a new atheros card, and the drivers caused me to just randomly drop, and then i couldnt reconnect. it would require me to enter the wep key again each time, and still wouldnt connect. once i backed the drivers up, it worked like a champ19:04
Slartdanny__: do you have a question about that?19:04
inmanixwhats the command to retrieve my pw?19:05
inmanixfor nickserv19:05
schiggydoes anyhone knows if it posible to sort a list "ls -l"19:05
dan__922i need help with my wifi adapter on ubuntu 9.10 can someone help please19:05
Slartinmanix: try #freenode19:05
CRACKHEADJUNKYdan__922, i can try19:05
lifestreaminmanix, retrieve? Or change it? To change:  passwd <--19:05
Slartschiggy: ls -l | sort19:05
dan__922yes please19:05
dan__922can i pm you?>19:05
Purpley1I have the same exact problems except I have a old toshiba satellite, I rescued it from a dumpster19:05
Slartschiggy: there's probably some kind of switch for ls that might do it as well19:05
CRACKHEADJUNKYdan__922, what kind of wireless card is it?19:05
danny__ya I'm trying to figure out the command I'm missing...19:06
VCoolioschiggy: sort will sort alphabetically; also see ls --help, eg use --directories-first19:06
dan__922its a rtl 8187b19:06
schiggyi have 323 files in a directory and the names are: Blub2.png Blub03.png Blub005.png19:06
CRACKHEADJUNKYdan__922, yes you can pm me19:06
dan__922realtek made it19:06
schiggythe problem is, that ls -l | sort sorts only the first chars (i think so)19:07
Slartdanny__: and what is your script supposed to do? play tetris in the terminal? encode a movie? hack the pentagon?19:07
schiggythe numbers are always ignored19:07
rethushave xubuntu19:07
knittlwhere is the appropiate place to set the default locale for gdm/X?19:07
rethuswhich easy codeeditor can i use which have php syntax highlighting?19:07
simpsoni28hi, I have a small, annoying problem with ubuntu 9.10 64 bit. Sometimes, when I turn the laptop on or change resolution the shortcuts such as time and in use programs on the top panel move places even though they are locked to the taskbar. What is causing this?19:08
rethusthink xubuntu is gnome-based... and i only know the mousepad on xfce19:08
knittlit is correctly set in ttys (and also uxterm), but in most applictaons its wrong, it has no utf8 support19:08
ugurwhy is my fan always spinning more than windows on linux?19:08
tonsofpcsbecause you don't have acpi enabled?19:09
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rethusugur: have u detect your sensors?19:09
Slartugur: because linux doesn't know how to handle the powersaving features on your motherboard properly? or it's not configured correctly?19:09
danny__haha no, no, and no....Create a shell script that will create two files in the /tmp directory named gr.txt and other.txt.19:09
danny__The script should then read the file /Lab_Data/colors and, using a For loop and a Case statement, echo all colors starting with gr into the file gr.txt and all other colors into the other.txt file.19:09
inmanixlifestream: iv forgotten it, my nickserv pw19:09
CydeWell, I fired my bug ... https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nautilus/+bug/51202819:09
knittlhm, seems user-specific. it works in a guest session19:10
Slartdanny__: to be handed in to the teacher tomorrow?19:10
ugurSlart: I have an msi wind u100 and I guess it should be detected by kernel19:10
ubuntuhey what file system does swap , root and home ussualy have?19:10
lifestreaminmanix,  join #freenode, and ask for an OP to help you, that's what I did last time :)19:10
mdwrightBoth Karmic and Lucid boot into a blank screen when attempting to install. Is this a known issue for certain nVidia cards?19:10
danny__no tonight its due...I'm doing it on a Virtual Machine...19:10
rethusugur: try sudo sensors-detect and see whats goning on19:10
Slartubuntu: swap has its own fs type.. root is usually ext3 or ext4.. same for home19:10
knittlubuntu: swap has no filesystem. root and home usually some ext fs19:10
lifestream% % % Is there a way to make Ubuntu "pretend" partitions sdb1,2,3 and sdr1 don't "exist"? Those drives keep popping up on Nautilus sidebar, and I never use them.19:10
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simpsoni28hi, I have a small, annoying problem with ubuntu 9.10 64 bit. Sometimes, when I turn the laptop on or change resolution the shortcuts such as time and in use programs on the top panel move places even though they are locked to the taskbar. What is causing this and is there a way to stop them moving?19:11
einstein1969hi, i have a copy of my ubuntu in a image file, i have added a lupin-support for boot over loop. This image is on a NTFS partition. I want make this bootable by grub, but i fail in this step. how to for make this bootable? thanks19:11
ugurrethus: It says "Sorry, no sensors were detected". What can i do then?19:12
salathey... i got two computers connected with a lan cable. eth0 is set to , broadcast to and subnet i cant ping them. why?19:15
inmanixI have a question, I'm trying to run WoW from my linux partition, and this requires full read/write access to my xp partition19:17
inmanixDoes this happen auto with 9.10? or do i have to make it happen19:17
Slartsalat: shouldn't broadcast be I might be wrong about this though19:17
Slartsalat: you should check your routing table as well19:17
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cachedas long as its shared i would think ubuntu would read it.19:18
salatSlart: isnt it indifferent as long as they are the same?19:19
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cachedI would just creat a fat 32 part and copy your wow to that19:19
Slartsalat: I'm not sure.. broadcast address is one of those terms I've never quite understood..19:19
flo_Y'a du monde ici19:19
Slart!fr | flo_19:19
ubottuflo_: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr19:20
cachedthen use that part as a share19:20
koudelka_Hello, how can i remove the debug settings from 10.04 alpha?19:20
Slart!lucid | koudelka_19:20
ubottukoudelka_: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+119:20
CrazyBonzwhere does karmic keep it xorg.conf? does it have one? or some other conf file for X19:20
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SlartCrazyBonz: it doesn't have one, the information is autodetected when X starts19:21
inmanixI have a question, I'm trying to run WoW from my linux partition, and this requires full read/write access to my xp partition, how i get that done?19:21
sutabianyone know an application to download anything from the net for someone with a bad wireless connections? Everything is becoming corrupted when downloaded. Bittorrent works fine but nothing I want to download is on there, atleast with seeders.19:21
SlartCrazyBonz: you can create one and it will use the values from that file instead19:21
jazzhow do i join the florida loco room? i marked it as a favorite and i cant find it.19:21
CrazyBonzwow, that is pretty cool19:21
CrazyBonzon both counts19:21
cacheddud XP will not read anything on your linux PARTITION19:21
SlartCrazyBonz: it's pretty cool when it works.. which isn't all of the time =)19:21
inmanixim trying to read xp from my linux partition19:22
CrazyBonzthanks Slart19:22
CAPcapIs it possible to "upgrade" or whatever to Studio for regular Ubuntu?19:22
SlartCrazyBonz: you're welcome19:22
cachedMake a fat32 partition and tranfer your WOW files to it19:22
blakkheimCAPcap: that's like asking to upgrade from fedora to slackware19:22
blakkheimCAPcap: find out what applications the "studio" version comes with and just install those19:23
CAPcapblakkheim i was just wondering19:23
salatslart: well...set broadcast to but no effect...whats this thing with routing tables?19:23
skomanif I get no ssl found by copiling what should I downlaod19:23
CAPcapblakkheim I dont have 3D support I guess here and a friend of mine using studio thought i might have better luck with that. he says it recognizes and supports his hardware better.19:24
bigtom21485my flash plug in doesnt work19:24
bigtom21485i have ubuntu 9.10 x6419:24
Slartsalat: the routing table decides which network interface the computer should send packets to for them to reach a certain network.. there is a command to show it.. "route"19:25
shuaibHi guys, "df -h" shows that my root filesystem has 6gb free space (I deleted many things myself to empty space), but I keep getting this warning from Ubuntu that my filesystem has low storage space left, and different utilities seem not to be able to write the fs coz of it, any ideas what could be wrong?19:25
dopplecan someone help me.. i accidently deleted /usr/bin/getent19:25
nascentmindhi. Is it possible to enable kde effects in ati free drivers?19:25
flo_mkdir /usr/bin/getent19:25
Leoneofhi, how to restart iptables?19:25
blakkheimCAPcap: it supports HIS hardware better, not yours. it is the same system, just with different applications and settings19:25
doppleflo_: its not a dir its an executable19:25
koudwhat kind of registration do i need to do to join #ubuntu+1?? i am already identified19:26
salatslart: it says something about destination gateway * genmask Flags U Metric 0 ref 0 use 0 iface eth019:26
kolasishow can i install nouveau driver?19:26
salatwhat does this mean?19:26
CAPcapblakkheim I understand that. the applications wont run for me though. well blender wont. in errors out with a segmentation fault.19:27
dopplecan someone send me their /usr/bin/getent?19:27
d4n1hey guys, is there a way of getting the name of a process using its PID?19:27
flo_dopple: what's this executable ?19:27
salatslart: may i query you?19:27
Leoneofhi, how to restart iptables?19:27
doppleflo_ /usr/bin/getent19:27
Slartsalat: I'm not really good with this stuff..  these things are the same on most linux computers.. there has to be lots of info on the web.. or ask the channel again19:27
Slartsalat: sure19:27
flo_dopple: i got it19:27
infidi have a usb harddrive plugged in and it was being seen in /media, but then i rebooted and now it's not. how can i get ubuntu to try to read it again?19:27
doppleflo_: what is your arch? im 9.10 x8619:28
flo_dopple: same19:28
dopplecan you send me it please19:28
flo_dopple: x86 = 32 bits ?19:28
flo_How can i send you it ?19:28
doppleemail? i dont care19:29
flo_email, sure19:29
dopplei cant uninstall the package its in cause its a necessary system component19:29
flo_what's your email ?19:29
dopplei pm'd you my email19:30
erUSUL!caps | bigtom2148519:30
ubottubigtom21485: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.19:30
erUSULbigtom21485: install the flashplugin-nonfree package19:30
blakkheimkolasis: can you read19:31
kolasispropably you cant19:31
Slart!caps | kolasis19:31
ubottukolasis: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.19:31
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usicowDoes anyone know of a utility to suspend my laptop running ubuntu 9.10 at a specific time?19:32
salathow should the routing table look like if i got two computers connected with a lan cable and the ips set to resp., broadcast and netmask ?19:32
Slartusicow: if you know of a terminal command to suspend it you can use crontab19:32
infidusicow the power options?19:33
Slartusicow: take a look at the gnome-session command.. I know it's used to log out of gnome.. perhaps it can be used to suspend it19:33
NFischeris it possible to use: "mount UUID/Docs /home/docs"  ?19:33
kerdalis there a person who knows how to install WOW or a UB for dummies site I can go too.19:33
usicowok cool19:33
erUSUL!appdb | kerdal19:33
ubottukerdal: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help19:34
juliowhy if i'm using a 3g modem to access the internet and i plug an ethernet cable it won't surf anymore? i think it tries to go out on the eth...19:34
erUSULkolasis: nv for now. dunno in lucid19:34
usicowits just that I'd like it to be a one click solution.. on windows I've got a utility to suspend the laptop in 60 minutes (or whatever I pre-set it to)..19:34
salathow should the routing table look like if i got two computers connected with a lan cable and the ips set to resp., broadcast and netmask ?19:35
blakkheimusicow: a "one click solution" in linux lol19:35
usicowwith cron, I'd have to get the current time, and modify the job..19:35
usicowblakkheim: hehe19:35
macman_hey all19:35
kolasiscan i install nouveau drivers?19:35
macman_can you customize your right click ?? ie i want to put xkill at the top when i rigth click19:35
erUSULsalat: for just that (no conexion to other network incluidng internet) you only need one entry in the routing table19:36
salaterUSUL: and how does it look like?19:36
erUSULsalat: as per « ip route » --> mine looks like this dev wlan0  proto kernel  scope link  src  metric 219:37
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erUSULsalat: route -n -->   U     2      0        0 wlan019:38
c0d3dm1nd[14:37:36] Channel synchronized in 0.0 seconds19:38
c0d3dm1nd[14:37:36] <ams> serio19:38
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Myke1Quick Question... If i am running Ubuntu 9.10 in 64 bits, can I run Virtualbox 64bits with Windows xp in 32 bits as a guest?19:39
c0d3dm1ndhey guys... anybody knows if it is possible to do flash development on ubuntu??19:39
bofh80hi people my mate has an OCZ equaliser mouse. He has dist upgrade from 9.04 to 9.10 today. Now in his 3dgames, when he press fire his mouse looks down. Any Ideas ?? :)19:39
SlartMyke1: yes19:39
blakkheimc0d3dm1nd: why would you want to develope for a proprietary format19:39
ScoobyDooHow can I change the icon of a executable file, And make it stay that way when It's one someone else's computer?19:39
Myke1ah good, thank you Slart19:39
erUSULc0d3dm1nd: not easy; only the player is aviable and it is buggy as hell19:39
gioeleI just found out that my system has not /var/log/{syslog,messages,kern.log}. Possible causes? The rsyslog is on19:40
salaterUSUL: mine looks nearly the same. so what could be another reason why ping says destination host unreachable19:40
erUSULScoobyDoo: linux executables can not embed an icon19:40
kolasisi get this error on boot failed to load nvidia module, no drivers exist19:40
CAPcapI am having (I THINK) 3D support problems. My graphics card is a ATI Mobility Radeon 9000. My drivers are whatever installed default when I installed Ubuntu. Blender errors out with "Segmentation fault"19:40
ScoobyDooerUSUL: Damn, Ok thanks19:40
kolasisi uninstalled nvidia though19:40
erUSULsalat: dunno; what does nearly means ?19:41
erUSULsalat: maybe that subtle difference is the problem19:41
usicowhmm I see its possible to issue the command shutdown -h +30 to make it shutdown in 30 minutes.. wish there was something like that for suspend.19:41
c0d3dm1ndthanks guys.19:42
erUSULusicow: suspen to ram ?19:42
bofh80ok slight change, he restarted X and now his mouse will not function in any 3dgame at all, any clues where to look ?19:42
salaterUSUL: ip route says dev eth0 protp kernel scope lin src
usicowerUSUL: yep19:42
kolasishow can i solve this on boot error19:43
kolasisfailed to load nvidia module, no drivers exist19:43
erUSULusicow: try --> sudo sh -c 'sleep 1800 && s2ram'19:43
nfoxTcanyone know of a way to remove the last gnome pannel?19:44
Purpley1Hey how do19:44
erUSULkolasis: how did you installed the drivers ?19:44
Purpley1Hey how do I cd to the directory above the one im in?19:44
erUSULnfoxTc: right click on it; remove this panel19:44
erUSULPurpley1: cd ..19:44
erUSUL!cli | Purpley119:44
ubottuPurpley1: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal19:44
salaterUSUL: ip route says dev eth0 protp kernel scope lin src
nfoxTcerUSUL: you cant do that on the last panel19:45
Purpley1erUSUL, Oh my gosh I feel so stupid now haha I was using cd ~ and it was such a pain19:45
erUSULsalat: i read it but i do not see anything odd scept the lack of metric19:45
erUSULPurpley1: cd without any parameters is the same as cd ~19:46
erUSULnfoxTc: you want no panels at all ?19:46
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salaterUSUL: route -n says destination gateway genmask flags U Metric 0 ref 0 use 0 iface eth019:46
daleharveyok, I seem to have found an ubuntu with no crontab installed?19:47
Purpley1erUSUL, OH thanks for clearing that up im sort of a noob with bash19:47
nfoxTcim using AWN and I don't need the panel19:47
macman_powertool08: im assuming it works with trackpad correct ?19:47
daleharveyignore me, easy fix :P19:48
erUSUL!cron | daleharvey19:48
ubottudaleharvey: cron is a way to schedule execution of software/scripts. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CronHowto  -  There is also a decent Howto at http://www.tech-geeks.org/contrib/mdrone/cron&crontab-howto.htm19:48
jMylesAre there any iptables experts that can work with me one-on-one for a little while?19:48
mblueshi all, i am having an issue when attempting to install ubuntu on a asus laptop - the installer starts without issue until it tries to prepare partitions - then, it just hangs - ive tried manually creating them and letting the installer deciding, the same thing happens each time - it simply hangs without any disk activity19:48
erUSULsalat: really dunno maybe ask in #networking19:48
jMylesmblues: I had this very problem on an Asus laptop.  Using the alternate CD from a USB stick fixed it.19:49
ubottuFor information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent19:49
coz_hey guys...out of curiosity...on this clean install   there is no longer service gdm   rather /etc/init.d/gdm19:49
coz_anyone else have this?19:49
infidi have a usb harddrive plugged in and it was being seen in /media, but then i rebooted and now it's not. how can i get ubuntu to try to read it again?19:50
mbluesthank you, i don't think i have access to a flash drive.  would using another distro work?19:50
coz_infid,  did you unmount the drive before you did anything else?19:50
CAPcapI am having (I THINK) 3D support problems. My graphics card is a ATI Mobility Radeon 9000. My drivers are whatever installed default when I installed Ubuntu. Blender errors out with "Segmentation fault"19:51
infidcoz_ it's just a flakey drive that sometimes is read and sometimes isnt19:51
hoelksay, how do i write a simple script that just launches multiple applications?19:51
coz_infid,   so the drive itself is a bit bad then?19:51
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erUSULhoelk: just writte the app names one in each line19:52
infidcoz_ not sure, i mean even in windows it sometimes doesnt try get actrivated until windows has been running a while. it varies19:52
Slarthoelk: app1& app2& app3&     might work19:52
kolasishow can i upgrade to 9.10?19:52
Slart!upgrade | kolasis19:52
ubottukolasis: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading19:52
coz_infid,  ok then you sort of answered your question...the issue is with the drive itself most likely19:53
hoelkSlart, then it still waits for app1 to termine before launching ap219:53
Slarthoelk: nope.. it shouldn't19:53
infidcoz_ but is there a way to have ubuntu try to see if it's there so i dont have to reboot?19:53
kolasisSlart, is 9.10 out yet or not?19:53
infidcoz_ or should i just unplug it and plug it back in19:53
duffydackhow do I make a ram fs19:53
Slartkolasis: yes.. it was release in month 10 of year 2009.. hence 09.1019:53
coz_infid,  well  you can try to unplug it and plug it back in19:53
infidduffydack: for an encrypted one you could use truecrypt19:53
kolasisSlart, how can i verify this19:54
kolasisuname -a?19:54
duffydackinfid, "ram"19:54
Slartkolasis: verify what? that 9.10 is out?19:54
kolasisthat i use it19:54
Slartkolasis: run lsb_release -a19:54
kolasisi get the following error on boot19:55
kolasisnvidia module failed to load19:55
kolasisno drivers found19:55
kolasisruning on low graphics mode19:55
Slart!enter | kolasis19:55
ubottukolasis: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!19:55
stevenkimberhi guys19:56
stevenkimberdoes any one know how to get the graphics working correctly on an aspire one at 1633 x 76819:57
coolcathi, I have an http service running on port 80, will I be able to access the service from other machine if I provide the IP address?19:57
Slartcoolcat: yes19:58
Lyrahello everyone. I'm having an issue with sound drivers. when I try to run ./configure it returns bash: ./configure: /bin/sh: bad interpreter: Permission denied. I've already checked the permissions and they shouldn't be denied.19:58
jMylescoolcat: So long as no firewall is blocking it, the answer is probably yes.19:58
mbluesack - has anyone else ran into a hanging install when partitioning?  it has been suggested that i use a USB install but i dont have a flash drive handy19:58
inmanixiv uninstalled wine and reinstalled a new version, yet old deleted programs remain in my applications tab. anyone know how to remove the clutter?19:58
bigtom21485help my media player wont play dvd's19:58
Slartinmanix: edit the main menu..  go to system, preferences, main menu ... remove the old stuff19:58
bigtom21485ubunut 9.10 x6419:59
Slart!dvd | bigtom2148519:59
coolcatjMyles, any way to guess that from my local machine?19:59
ubottubigtom21485: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats19:59
Out_Coldcoolcat, most likely you will have a firewall blocking it19:59
mbluesive had so many problems with 9.1019:59
inmanixoh great, no sound20:00
bigtom21485lol been there inmanix20:00
* inmanix growls20:00
inmanixwhen i get sound in flash, i lose it in wine, when i get it in wine, i lose it in desktop20:01
wiggmpkDoes anyone know how to restore the suspend functionality in Karmic? Every time I do it, it will go through the motions and cut to a black screen with a cursor blinking and just hang there...20:01
bigtom21485i had to get pulseaudio jsut to make my sound card work20:01
inmanixwhat the hell do i do20:01
coolcatOut_Cold, you mean the internet provide do not allow  me to have a server and would charge me more money to let others access my machine?20:02
bigtom21485anyone wanna help me tell me why ubuntu 9.10 x64 won't play dvd's?20:02
infidi tried to scp a file and it told me stuff about 'tput: No value for $TERM and no -T specified' what's that about? TERM is set to 'xterm'20:02
icerootbigtom21485: libdvdcss2 installed?20:02
bigtom21485no where do i find that20:03
icerootbigtom21485: sudo apt-get install libdvdcss220:03
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iceroot!dvd | bigtom2148520:03
ubottubigtom21485: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats20:03
jMylescoolcat: You are running apache?20:03
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CAPcapI am having (I THINK) 3D support problems. My graphics card is a ATI Mobility Radeon 9000. My drivers are whatever installed default when I installed Ubuntu. Blender errors out with "Segmentation fault"20:04
coolcatjMyles, yes20:04
jMylescoolcat: And you can http to localhost?20:04
mbluesbeautiful - the OS can't instal itself, but it has no problem nuking my existing partition so i cant boot the machine =/20:04
coolcatjMyles, I get it right on http://localhost and
Out_Coldcoolcat, now, i mean if you have installed apache properly, you still have to set firewall rules on that machine to allow other to view it20:04
jMylescoolcat: OK cool, so now are you trying from some other computer on a LAN?20:05
FlotonocIs there any reason that the workspace changer doesn't work in Ubuntu? :P20:05
Out_Coldcoolcat, are you behind a router?20:05
iceroot!doesntwork | Flotonoc20:05
ubottuFlotonoc: Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.20:05
FlotonocIt doesn't function, then.20:06
FlotonocI can't switch between workspaces with it.20:06
Out_ColdFlotonoc, has it worked before?20:06
AwesomeGuyFlotonoc, do you mean clicking the squares on the bottom right?20:06
Out_Coldperhaps compiz is disabled/20:06
FlotonocJust recently it halted.20:06
coolcatjMyles, Out_Cold , I am in my home, not in a lan, I think i am not behind a router too20:06
FlotonocAnd yes.20:06
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FlotonocThe squares. :P20:06
AwesomeGuyDid you try a reboot20:06
FlotonocMany times.20:07
Out_Coldcoolcat.. what is your computer plugged into for internet?20:07
coolcatjMyles, I did not tried from any other computer, I do not have any20:07
jMylescoolcat: From where are you trying to connect?20:07
CAPcapWell this has been thoroughly useless tata20:07
AwesomeGuyWhat happens when you try to do it?20:07
FlotonocYou're talking to me? :P20:07
FlotonocIt simply does nothing.20:08
AwesomeGuyYes, you20:08
AwesomeGuytry /etc/init.d compiz -start20:08
AwesomeGuyI think that init.d thing does things like that20:08
AwesomeGuybut I really have no idea20:08
bigtom21485iceroot: yeah it still won't work any other ideas20:08
coolcatjMyles, Out_Cold, I am just pointing firefox to the localhost and to thats is what I am doing, is the output of ifconfig for my ip address20:08
lifestream${QUESTION} === How to hide partitions from the Places sidebar in the file browser?  More info: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=8717708#post871770820:09
Out_ColdAwesomeGuy, init.d is a script directory to run services like apache and compiz..20:09
FlotonocThat does nothing when entered into Terminal.20:09
lifestream!who | Flotonoc AwesomeGuy20:09
ubottuFlotonoc AwesomeGuy: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)20:09
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Robyrhow are you guys on this morning/afternoon/night?20:10
RunegGrrr... The CPU Frequency Selector keeps dropping down to the lowest speed after losing AC power (laptop)20:10
AwesomeGuynah, we're alright20:10
Cadetim currently at the command line, when i started the system wanted me to log in using a blackscreen, then went to the command line, and when i typed in startx, the fatal error screen that came up was "no screens found", the details are here: error insterting nvidei (/lib/modules/2.6.13-14-generic/updates/dkms/nvida.ko), so wut do i do to fix this?20:10
blakkheimRuneg: that is normal20:10
RobyrI have a very odd issue20:10
Robyrthings are randoml crashing20:11
Out_Coldcoolcat, i am running 2 tests please wait and i'll tell you what i discover20:11
Runegblakkheim, But it's still on 'performance', and after returning the power it doesn't change.20:11
Robyrheres an example of the error i get in dmesg20:11
payani can't control the 'master' volume. Ubuntu 9.10/5.1 Channels/PulseAudio. please, somebody save me20:12
Robyrrawr, of course i cant reproduce it when i need to20:12
Robyrbasically, its segfaulton lipango20:12
nvmeis there a way to print what refresh rates are supproted by your monitor ?20:12
coolcatOut_Cold, I will wait, thank you20:12
Robyrpidgin is a bad offender20:12
Out_Coldpayan, you can take control using 'alsamixer' from terminal20:12
Robyrbut firefox as well20:13
Robyrnot mention my keyboard sucks ;)20:13
jMylescoolcat: I'm not sure I understand what your question is.20:14
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Robyralso, i cant get the notebook to wake, it suspends fine, but black screen on wake up (Toshiba Satillite a135, normal phoenix bios)20:15
nvmeis there a way to print what refresh rates are supproted by your monitor ?20:15
Out_Coldcoolcat, nmap shows that you do have 80/tcp  filtered http but I am having issues connecting to the web page20:16
wiggmpkDoes anyone know how to restore the suspend functionality in Karmic? I am running 2.6.31-17-generic x64. Every time I do it, it will go through the motions and cut to a black screen with a cursor blinking and just hang there...20:16
RobLikesBrunchWhenever I change the volume using my Apple Keyboard, my open programs lock up for a few seconds while it's "changing the volume". Once the volume meter comes up and the volume actually changes, the programs unlock. Does anyone know why this is20:16
coolcatjMyles, I just want to access my pc from other machines on the internet. I am running drupal here and want to add some colaborators . I do not want to pay a web hosting service...20:16
AwesomeGuyFlotonoc's workspace manager stopped working when he tried to install a "cube thing"20:16
payanOut_cold, alsamixer master makes no change, PCM changes volume to just 2 speakers. Is there a place to remap the channels or something?20:17
coolcatOut_Cold, there must be a firewall in the middle so?20:17
AwesomeGuyAnd the Emerald Theme Manager20:17
AwesomeGuyAnd compiz20:17
mbluesyay - for anyone curious, i fixed it (ubuntu hanging during partitioning) by booting livecd and deleting the partitions (that were already rendered unbootable)20:17
Out_Coldpayan, possibly ;)20:17
jMylescoolcat: Are you connected directly to your cable modem?20:17
dan__hi can anyone help me i am haveing problems with my wifi on ubuntu 9.10 pleease20:17
duffydackpayan, ask crimsun in #ubuntu+1, he`s THE man for audio.20:17
Out_Coldcoolcat, what kind of interent connection do you have?? cable?20:18
evilsherpamount error(13): Permission denied hmm20:18
evilsherpafrom what i can see the password is correct20:18
coolcatjMyles, Out_Cold yes, cable.20:18
Out_Colddan__, start with pastebin'n iwconfig20:18
FlotonocAwesomeGuy just scored some awesome points. B-)20:18
evilsherpaand the username is the same username I set up on the nas20:18
fisthey, in which directory the "package manager" installs by default?20:18
evilsherpaany ideas?20:18
Out_Coldcoolcat, and from your cable modem DIRECTLY to your computer?20:18
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dan__no wireless extensions20:19
dan__on both20:19
erUSULfist:files in paqckges get scatterd in the filesystem20:19
erUSULfist: dpkg -L packagename20:19
Out_Colddan__, how about lspci please20:19
dan__no wifi modem just ethernet20:19
coolcatOut_Cold, yes, It is plugged in to eth1,20:19
onetinsoldierfist: where does the package manger itself get installed to? you mean dpkg?20:19
duffydackawesome, my media keys work, even next/prev track in rhythmbox :)20:20
Out_Coldcoolcat, and you are running windows on your computer?20:20
fistye you guys are right, found it20:20
coolcatOut_Cold, no, just ubuntu20:20
onetinsoldierfist never mind. i think erUSUL answered your question20:20
gigasoftis ubuntu any good ?20:20
onetinsoldiergigasoft: it rocks!20:20
gigasoftcool !!!!20:20
Out_Coldcoolcat, can you please pastebin the output of sudo iptables -l20:21
wish^ubuntu wont connect to my network20:21
wish^keeps asking for wpa20:21
Out_Coldgigasoft, it's not for whiny windows users who only know how to click their mouse button20:21
RobyrJan 24 01:06:58 phoebe kernel: [ 2029.002217] pidgin[2248]: segfault at 4 ip 00144769 sp (null) error 6 in libpango-1.0.so.0.2600.0[12a000+46000]20:21
Robyr^^^ thats what i get20:21
onetinsoldiergigasoft: you can see everything.. nothing is closed off. if i ever wonder what some program is doing on my system, i can see it20:21
Robyrmany apps crash in this manner20:21
dan__outcold it does not have the wireless modem just ethernet20:22
gigasofti know, i use kubuntu, just asking20:22
Out_Cold dan__ is this a laptop??20:22
Robyri have tried the fix i found on launchpad about downgrading glib to 2.22 but no deal20:22
Out_Colddan__, can you paste the output still please?20:22
dan__can i pm??20:22
aguitelhow install firefox 3.6 in ubuntu?20:23
Robyrdoes anyone have any ideas?20:23
coolcatOut_Cold, I think it needs more arguments this is the output "iptables v1.4.4: option `-l' requires an argument"20:23
blakkheimaguitel: compile it20:23
aguitelblakkheim, only way ?20:23
clonejoaguitel: you could use the mozilla-daily-ppa, but then you get updates every day20:23
blakkheimaguitel: the best way20:23
Slartcoolcat, Out_Cold: try a capital L instead.. iptables -L20:24
Out_Coldsorry coolcat it's -L20:24
marcociao chi parla italiano?20:24
Slart!it | marco20:24
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)20:24
ubottumarco: please see above20:24
aguitelclonejo, i use ppa repo20:24
coolcatOut_Cold, http://pastebin.com/m57f8509d20:25
* Callum_ WTFs20:25
ZykoticK9aguitel, i don't think the PPA is working for firefox-3.6 !  only way i got it working was download the tar ball from mozilla site save it somwhere in you home directory and create a menu shortcut to the executable20:27
Out_Coldcoolcat, well there is no rules blocking or allowing, so ideally it should work. but you could for ease install firestarter firewall from synaptics to allow for port 8020:27
aguitelclonejo, in ppa there is firefox 3.6.1 pre20:27
deanhi, I have a problem with dual monitor. The logon screen doesn't show on the screen that I wanted. Can anyone help me?20:27
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aguitelZykoticK9, ok20:28
deanI have Nvidia graphics card20:28
Robyrwhat are the rules here? i mean, I dont want to sound like an arse, but this libpango thing seems to bee a pretty big deal20:28
Robyrive tried all the upcoming and unsupported updates to fix it, and nothing is helping20:29
Callum_>_> I have a script that I need to use to append certain things to configuration files, and it requires elevated privileges, so I just configured it to use sudo, but even still I just get permission denied errors...20:29
ZykoticK9dean if you open nvidia-settings and change the primary display does it switch?20:30
deanno, the primary display is on the correct one20:30
kfizzAny blackberry users who have successfully synced their blackberries in Ubuntu?'20:30
coolcatOut_Cold, I've installed it and I am following instaltions instructions ...20:30
deaneverything is fine after logon20:30
Robyrkfizz: i have, long long ago20:30
Robyrusing Berry4All20:31
deanonly on the login screen it's switched20:31
SlartCallum_: you know that if you write things like     sudo somecommand > somefile    only the command is run as root.. not the redirection bit.. ie you can't add a line to a file owned by root in that way20:31
ZykoticK9Callum_, just FYI you can't use a regular append ">>" with sudo, research "tee"20:31
coolcatOut_Cold, *set up instructions20:31
nfoxTcanyway to keep the mounted drive icons off the desktop?20:31
deani didn't have this problem with 9.0420:31
Callum_oh, I see20:31
kfizzRobyr, thanks I'll check that out20:31
hamzaatova3cn you explain?????????/ “Mere colour, unspoiled by meaning, and unallied with definite form, can speak to the soul in a thousand different ways.”20:31
Robyrkfizz: noproblem. it worked well if not a little crashy when i tried it20:32
Slart!ot | hamzaatova320:32
ubottuhamzaatova3: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!20:32
hamzaatova3Slart, i cant post there20:32
kerdallooking for a "How to for Torchlight" on UB?20:32
Slarthamzaatova3: doesn't matter.. this isn't the right channel20:33
Out_Coldcan someone look and see if they find a wifi card in this lshw?? http://pastebin.com/m4e65ee7220:33
deanOption         "metamodes" "DFP-0: nvidia-auto-select +0+0, DFP-1: nvidia-auto-select +1440+0"20:33
deanwhat does it mean?20:33
deancan i use this line to make DFP-0 be primary?20:34
deanor it already is?20:34
ZykoticK9dean, that's the available resolutions for two different monitors, and the location for 2nd screen20:34
Otacon22why pulseaudio is so shitting?20:34
Robyragain, is anyone else having issues with libpango crashing apps at random times?20:34
jMylesAre there any iptables experts that can work with me one-on-one for a little while?20:34
Robyrlike, going from IM window to the contact list, *poof* pidgin gone20:35
ZykoticK9dean, aren't you using nvidia?  the gui has a checkbox for primary monitor20:35
Robyrsame with Firefox20:35
SlartOtacon22: did you have a real question? #ubuntu-offtopic is perfect for rants like that20:35
Otacon22it's the 10th audio application wich i'm using that crashes when started20:35
deanyeah, it's checked for the left monitor20:35
RobyrJan 24 01:06:58 phoebe kernel: [ 2029.002217] pidgin[2248]: segfault at 4 ip 00144769 sp (null) error 6 in libpango-1.0.so.0.2600.0[12a000+46000]20:35
deanbut, the problem is, everytime when i see the login screen, it's on the right20:35
coolcatOut_Cold, firestarter is already installed and set up.20:36
Out_Coldcoolcat, so now go to policy tab, and add new rule for inbound ports on 8020:36
Out_Coldcoolcat, make it for anyone20:36
Robyrdean: there is a way to use xrandr to set primary, and ill bet you you need that in the startup Xorg scripts20:36
deank, i will look into that20:37
Robyrdean: ill see if i can find you a link20:37
ZykoticK9dean, this is kinda old but seems to apply https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nvidia-graphics-drivers-180/+bug/39689420:39
deanoh thanks20:40
coolcatOut_Cold, Not sure how to do it, In the tab policy, the button add rule is not available(it is faded and a click on it does not work).20:40
deanthanks guys, i will check back later, i have to reboot now20:40
Out_Coldcoolcat, click in the white box, maybe right click20:40
Robyris there no channel for the libPango devs?20:41
RobyrI am farking tired of these crashes20:41
squid0hi people!20:41
Robyror am I just being ignored now?20:42
Out_ColdRobyr, perhaps no one has the answers you are looking for ;)20:42
Robyrbecause i gotta tell you, this is killing my ubuntu experience\20:42
jpdsRobyr: Probably not, email sounds like a better route to use.20:42
squid0for a while now, firefox has been running crazy slow on facebook and youtube. I have found that the problem is the flash plugin. I just uninstalled and then reinstalled the latest flash from the adobe site, but video on youtube still slows firefox to a crawl with close to 100% cpu usage20:43
zleapRobyr, what is the problem ?20:43
james__What's the problem?20:43
Robyrzleap: a whole lot of my apps segfault at random20:43
Out_Coldcoolcat, policy added?20:43
Robyrwith this output in dmesg20:43
squid0is there anything to be done about this? an alternative without this bug? I got these results using firefox in safe mode too...20:43
james__What version of firefox?20:43
Robyrsame with Firefox20:43
RobyrJan 24 01:06:58 phoebe kernel: [ 2029.002217] pidgin[2248]: segfault at 4 ip 00144769 sp (null) error 6 in libpango-1.0.so.0.2600.0[12a000+46000]20:43
coolcatOut_Cold, so, on the tab policy, I clicked on Restricted by default and on the white space bellow I added my ip address20:44
james__Which version of firefox is it?20:44
RobyrHeres what ive tried so far: I found a bug report that says it is glib's fault, and downgraded it to 2.22, no luck yet20:44
infidwhat's a really good pdf viewer?20:45
Out_Coldcoolcat, not quite what i think should be done... in the inbound traffic, you should allow port 80 to 'anyone'20:45
Trekinfid: built in document viewer20:45
james__Doesn't gnome come with one by default?20:45
james__Check the repos.20:45
infidtrek i dont like that one20:45
LinuxKitteni'm having issues with sound (KArmic Koala on Toshiba Satellite A105-S4004)20:45
Trekinfid: or Adobe Reader for Linux20:45
infidtrek i want something more customizable, like backgroudn colors20:45
RobyrLinuxKitten: me yoo20:45
RobyrI have a satillite A13520:45
Robyrwont wake from standby20:45
* LinuxKitten slaps toshiba20:46
Trekinfid: not sure if something like what you're looking for exists20:46
Robyrand wont output sounds20:46
james__Post on the forums, maybe someone can help.20:46
infidtrek does in windows, foxit reader20:46
LinuxKittensee mine USED to work on sound20:46
Trekinfid: then get package Wine and install foxit reader20:46
LinuxKittenthe update murdered it20:46
jadedrogin c++ is ';' is needed after () when assigning a value to a variable. ie. char name= entername() ?20:46
coolcatOut_Cold, ok, anyone is allowed on port 80 now.20:46
deani guess it's really a 9.10 issue20:46
RobyrLinuxKitten: same20:46
Trekinfid: or see if there's a windows version of foxit20:46
LinuxKitteni mean, even compiz works20:47
Trekinfid: otherwise, I don't think that something like what you're looking for exists *on linux*20:47
=== zmj|media is now known as zmjdroid
infid'sudo apt-get package wine' says no such package20:47
rmnhow can i make a menu shortcut to a CLI application?20:47
Trekinfid: sudo apt-get install wine20:47
LinuxKitteninstall not package20:47
RobyrLinuxKitten: theres all kinds of threads about adding such and such to the alsa-base config, but none have worked for me yet20:47
infidtrek i meant what you said20:47
LinuxKitteni don't understand why20:47
funkyHatOtacon22: which version of Ubuntu are you using?20:47
infidwine doesnt exist for me when i tab complete win[tab] nothing happens20:47
LinuxKitteneverything else is amazing20:48
Trekinfid: don't tab complete20:48
Trekinfid: type what I told you to type20:48
RobyrLinuxKitten: PM me, because i think you may be able to help me as well20:48
infidtrek i can usually tab complete, why doesnt it work for wine?20:48
funkyHatOtacon22: and is it an upgrade from a previous version, or a fresh install at 9.10?20:48
guntbert!pm | Robyr20:48
ubottuRobyr: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.20:48
coolcatOut_Cold, should I be able to connect now? Could you try again, please?20:48
Otacon22funkyHat, fresh install20:48
squid0hi folks. I got cut off. did anyone reply to my question about flash maxing cpu in firefox while I was gone?20:48
Trekinfid: i don't know why, just type what I said to type20:48
Trekinfid: i don't use tab-complete so thats why I dont know why20:48
Trekinfid: REGARDLESS, typing out 'sudo apt-get install wine' should work20:49
funkyHatOtacon22: which apps are you having trouble with? (needn't list all of them, just a couple)20:49
infidtrek yeah it works thanks20:49
Otacon22fujnky, amsynth for example crashes20:49
Otacon22rosegarden don't play audio20:50
Otacon22but also virtualkeyboard is mute.. and also zynaddsubfx20:50
Robyrpersonally, gth about the PM thing guys, we both have the same models and you arent all that helpful20:51
funkyHatOtacon22: those apps need jack support, do you have qjackctl installed?20:51
Robyrim sure we can manage on our own20:51
Otacon22lmms is working if i select pulseaudio for output but it has a lot of latency20:51
Out_Coldcoolcat, i am abusing my bandwidth right now.. but it still seems to stall on the web browser... just checking the nmap scan20:51
Otacon22maybe not.20:51
funkyHatOtacon22: it will be called "jack control" in the audio menu20:51
funkyHatOtacon22: sorry, sound and video menu20:51
Otacon22but is it so difficult to add it as dependency ?20:51
deanokay, guys, I have another problem, when I removed an old hard drive, the entry is still in "places" menu20:51
jazzany one know how to get into the florida loco room?20:51
deanhow do i get rid of it?20:51
funkyHatOtacon22: you would be better off using jack in any case for those apps20:51
txdoes anyone know why my second nvidia card doesn't show up in nvidia-settings?20:52
funkyHatEven if they can work without20:52
funkyHatOtacon22: check qjackctl is installed. Once you've got it installed run it and we'll see where we need to go from there20:52
Otacon22it is already installed20:52
=== james__ is now known as Crisis
Otacon22i've started it20:53
=== angela is now known as Guest71840
funkyHatOtacon22: ok, does it say started on the main window?20:53
funkyHatOtacon22: and if you click the start button?20:54
Otacon22Could not connect to JACK server as client. - Overall operation failed. - Unable to connect to server. Please check the messages window for more info.20:54
TomTHi.  I just installed a headless Ubuntu server.  I can ssh into it and admin from shell just fine.  I'd like to use remote X11 for a couple of things.  E.g., I installed Open-Xchange server, and would like to use its GUI admin stuff -- but on my desktop Ubuntu box over the LAN.20:54
TomT  What's the "minimum" X11-related install for the server that I need?  I don't think it has to be KDE/GNOME.  I'm not even sure it has to be a DesktopEvirment at all ... just don't know.20:54
funkyHatOtacon22: right click in the messages window and select all then copy, paste it to a pastebin20:54
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://ubuntu.pastebin.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic20:54
abois beagle the recommended desktop search tool for ubuntu (karma)?20:54
zleapRobyr, sorry i was distracted, the http://www.pango.org/ website has a mailing list for help if its due to bugs in libPango20:54
Out_Coldcoolcat, make sure that you apply the new policy we made20:55
Otacon22funkyHat, http://pastebin.com/m4fbaa120:55
Robyrzleap: youre fine, i was talking to the asshat that warned me on PMing20:55
IdleOne!language | Robyr20:56
funkyHatOtacon22: what is the output from the command uname -r ?20:56
ubottuRobyr: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.20:56
Otacon22funkyHat, 2.6.31-18-generic-pae20:56
coolcatOut_Cold, sorry, I did not apply it, but now I did.20:56
rmnhow can i create a launcher in the menu for a program in a terminal?20:56
funkyHatOtacon22: you need to be running a realtime kernel. The package linux-rt provides one. I'm not sure if it also provides PAE though, so you may be stuck there20:57
funkyHatOtacon22: how much ram do you have?20:57
Squeesecan I kill process' by name?20:57
Otacon22funkyHat, 8 Gb20:57
Slartrmn: try creating a shortcut to  "gnome-terminal -x <somecommand>"20:57
funkyHatSqueese: pkill20:57
Squeesecool, thx20:57
Slartrmn: it will run it in a gnome-terminal window which will close when you close the app20:57
guntbertrmn: edit the menu, "add" an entry - in the "command" box enter the app (best with full path), you can "browse" it too20:57
rmnSlart, i'll give that another try.20:57
funkyHatOtacon22: any reason why you're not using 64bit ubuntu?20:58
Trek!offtopic | funkyHat20:58
ubottufunkyHat: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!20:58
rmnguntbert, i have the path. it's a dictionary in my home directory20:58
Otacon22funkyHat, a lot of packages not supported ..20:58
guntbertrmn: it was only a hint :)20:58
Otacon22i prefer 32bit20:58
rmnguntbert, and thanks for it. :)20:58
onetinsoldierSqueese: 'killall' is another one20:59
SlartTrek: huh? offtopic? how?20:59
ShazbotMcNastyHe prefers 32bit20:59
guntbertrmn: :)20:59
funkyHatOtacon22: ok. It looks like there isn't a pre=built kernel that is both realtime and pae20:59
funkyHatOtacon22: you can try running jack in non-realtime mode20:59
funkyHatOtacon22: in the jack control window click setup, and on the settings tab untick the box next to realtime20:59
=== zmj|media is now known as zmjdroid
Otacon22ok funkyHat, now it is started21:00
LinuxKittenstill broken21:00
rmnSlart, in netbook remix i get the shaded "Opening terminal"-window, indicating that it starts something.  the first time i even got the outline of the terminal window.  but it doesn't stay.  The program normally waits for input21:00
Out_Coldcoolcat, i'm still not seeing your page, i think you need to double check the configuration on the policy tabs21:00
aeroponicsI am having issues setting OpenVPS server, I have followed the instructions per help.ubuntu/community page but I am getting an error when restarting openvpn saying there is no bridge21:01
Robyrnow MORE segfaults guys21:01
Robyr[ 3098.513825] compiz.real[1592]: segfault at 29024d5c ip 0806ef2a sp bfe73c60 error 4 in compiz.real[8048000+34000]21:01
Robyr[ 3248.793196] http[3001] general protection ip:429caa sp:bf842858 error:0 in libapt-pkg-libc6.10-6.so.4.8.1[3fc000+bd000]21:01
FloodBot1Robyr: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:01
Robyrthats while trying to apt-get21:01
Slartrmn: hmm.. not sure if the netbook remix is different somehow.. can you run something like "gnome-terminal -x top" ?21:01
Robyri am at my wits end21:01
Robyris it just a bad hdd? ram checks out21:01
rmnSlart, from alt+f2, or the launcher?21:02
funkyHatOtacon22: I'm using the amd64 version, the only thing I've had trouble with so far is getting either fst or the other win32 vst compatibility layer (the name of which escapes me) to compile, though admittedly I've not tried a huge number of things. I have no issues with flash though for instance, just installed the flashplugin-installer package21:02
Slartrmn: well.. try alt+f2 first.. if that works you can try the launcher21:02
funkyHatOtacon22: But I'll leave that up to you, if you're happy with non-realitme jack then fine ⡈). Are you having any more luck with the other apps now?21:03
rmnSlart, wors. both.21:03
RobyrIm just never going to get any sort of troubleshooting advice here, am i21:03
rmnSlart, *works. both alt+f2 and menu21:04
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Slartrmn: what application is it you're trying to start from the menu that doesn't work?21:04
aeroponicscan somebody help me out quickly with configuring interfaces for bridging openvpn21:04
=== Afrix2 is now known as Afrix
rmnit's called 'words'.  it's a native linux latin-english dictionary.21:04
coolcatOut_Cold, on the small box called "add new inbound rule" on the field "allow service" i chose Name: HTTP and port 80, and on the field "when the source is" check in everyone, and then apllied the policy.21:04
Otacon22fujnky, lmms and rosegarden are working. amsynth still crashes21:04
Slartrmn: and it works if you run it from Alt+f2? including the gnome-terminal bit21:05
VCooliowhat lightweight alternative is there for network browsing instead of nautilus?21:05
lunixAnyone here that can give me a good way how to put terminal window as a part of or transparent over my desktop wallpaper?  Last  time I tried I crashed my computer..21:05
coolcatOut_Cold, *checked "everyone"21:05
Out_Coldcoolcat, i'll scan again21:05
fujnkyOtacon22: it's funkyHat, not fujnky21:05
rmnSlart, it works if i do ./application in the terminal21:05
onetinsoldierVCoolio: opera?21:05
fujnkyOtacon22: no problem :D21:05
rmnSlart, but nothing with alt+f2.  sometimes i see the terminal outline for a split second21:05
Slartrmn: have you tried using the full path of the app?  ie    gnome-terminal -x /some/path/words21:06
Otacon22funkyHat, and flash player is not working with jack started.21:06
rmnSlart, yes.21:06
Otacon22it is muted21:06
funkyHatOtacon22: yes that will happen.21:06
VCoolioonetinsoldier: an internet browser, right, let me try that; but that copy / paste files is not possible21:06
Slartrmn: properly spelled? caSE sEnsITive21:06
Otacon22i need to use a midi keyboard with lmms while listening a video on flash.21:06
rmnSlart, yes, it should be. i'll give it one more try to be absolutely sure21:06
Otacon22and i can't21:06
Slartrmn: what happens if you run that gnome-terminal -x /some/path/words    from another terminal? do you get some kind of error?21:07
funkyHatOtacon22: I think in future pulseaudio will be able to switch to using jack as an output when jack starts, but at the moment pulseaudio just gives up the soundcard to jack21:07
rmnSlart, no - nothing.  just new line21:07
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funkyHatOtacon22: I might be wrong about that, it's possibly worth joining #ubuntustudio and asking there21:07
onetinsoldierVCoolio: oh, soory. i misunderstood what you wanted21:07
Slartrmn: but if you just run the  /some/path/words   it works?21:07
novemhi downloaded ubuntu now I gots no sound can anyone help?21:08
rmnSlart, actually it seems it only works if i'm in the directory.21:08
rmnSlart, so that explains the previous issue.21:08
Slartrmn: ah.. hang on.. I've got a cure for that21:08
rmnSlart, excellent!21:09
a2_guys, does anybody know how to add a sip account to ekiga?21:09
Slartrmn: try this    gnome-terminal --working-directory=/some/path -x ./words21:09
Slartrmn: or if that doesn't work try using the full path instead of ./words21:09
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rmnSlart, the first one worked like a charm from the terminal!21:10
rmnSlart, and it most likely will too from the launcher :D21:10
Slartrmn: try it from a launcher21:10
Lungan_Having som problem when running a .run file: /root/.setup8382: error while loading shared libraries: libgtk-1.2.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory21:11
valtershow can I use ubuntu remoite desktop on beckground21:12
jazzhello , where is the list of favorites21:12
a2_Lungan_: you don't have needed librarys - gtk+ 1.221:12
jazzrooms on xchat?21:12
Lungan_a2_ how do I fix that?21:12
onetinsoldierLungan_: libgtk1.2 is a pretty old version anymore. i'm pretty sure it's not installed by default21:12
coolcatOut`Of`Control, there must be something wrong now, my web broswer is offline now.21:12
Lungan_onetinsoldier, How do I install it? With apt-get?21:12
onetinsoldierLungan_: i'm looking to seee if it's even available21:13
jMylesI have some questions about iptables - can I send my iptables -L -v to somebody and ask some questions?21:13
IdleOnejazz: in the network list, select the server and then edit. there is a box for favorites add them. #channel,#channel1 and so on21:13
rmnSlart, success.  thank you very much.21:13
Lungan_onetinsoldier, okok, what should I do otherwise?21:14
Slartrmn: you're welcome21:14
guntbertjazz: there are thousands - you can search for a particular with /msg alis list *name*21:14
LinuxKitteni fixed it21:14
onetinsoldierLungan_: i'm not sure. i don't see it available. however, i must admit, i'm not running 9.1021:15
coolcatOut`Of`Control, I fixed it , i had checked outbound traffic as restricted21:15
funkyHatamsynth 2>&1 > amsynth.err     <Why isn't this command redirecting all of the terminal output to the file amsynth.err?21:16
Lungan_onetinsoldier, Okok, Is there any other package that I can install instead?21:16
Otacon22funkyHat, does not exist an application to use a midi keyboard wich uses pulseaudio correctly?21:16
a2_Lungan_: what software are you trying to run?21:16
Lungan_a2_, Unreal tournament , a game:P21:17
funkyHatOtacon22: pulseaudio doesn't deal with midi21:17
actionParsnipOtacon22: timidity maybe21:17
actionParsnip!info timidity21:17
ubottutimidity (source: timidity): Software sound renderer (MIDI sequencer, MOD player). In component universe, is optional. Version 2.13.2-36 (karmic), package size 605 kB, installed size 1540 kB21:17
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Otacon22actionParsnip, i need to play on a midi keyboard and listen in realtime on pc21:18
valtershow can I use ubuntu remote desktop like windows remote desktop, I connect as a specific user from windows machine and work in beckground?21:18
zleapsystem - preferences - remote desktop21:19
zleapi think21:19
onetinsoldierLunar_Lamp: in order to get that .run file to run? i don't know what to tell you at this point. someone else might now21:19
mono_thank god ubuntu has up-to -date ssl implemenation now :)21:19
FireAllianceNXhow do I check to see if fwcutter is installed?21:20
comicinkerhi there, I have problems mounting my ecryptfs-home-directory on an external machine. is there a how to somewhere for recent ubuntu versions?21:20
actionParsnipFireAllianceNX: dpkg -l | grep cutter21:20
lunixCan a ubuntu computer connect to a windows server through remote desktop???   That would be awesome21:20
comicinkerlunix: try ts-client21:20
funkyHatOtacon22: this is the amsynth bug: 49100321:21
Lopta1Hello I have one question, did you saw a web front end for locate, mlocate, slocate or rlocate or for any web search interface which could connect and search the mlocate.db21:21
funkyHatbug 49100321:21
guntbertcomicinker: http://www.linux-mag.com/cache/7568/1.html21:21
* funkyHat prods ubottu 21:21
actionParsnipcomicinker: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EncryptedPrivateDirectory21:21
guntbertlunix: the app is terminal-server-client21:22
actionParsnip!info ts-client21:22
ubottuPackage ts-client does not exist in karmic21:22
actionParsnip!info tsclient21:23
ubottutsclient (source: tsclient): front-end for viewing of remote desktops in GNOME. In component main, is optional. Version 0.150-2ubuntu2 (karmic), package size 305 kB, installed size 1128 kB21:23
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lunixok thanks a lot guys:)21:24
Lopta1Hello I have one question, did you saw a web front end for locate, mlocate, slocate or rlocate or for any web search interface which could connect and search the mlocate.db21:24
z0manCan anyone help me disable "PulseAudio"? so I can remove this fuzzy sounds in "Kdenlive"?21:26
actionParsnipz0man: killall pulseaudio21:26
z0manI'll try that21:27
comicinkerplease help: when I mount  my encrypted home director I receive "open: permission denied" right after ecryptfs-mount-private.21:28
whatshisnamethis was predicted by Jane Jettson21:28
yUraKeshii installed windows 7 and ubuntu 9.10, but the partition that i had create to data store is now "unlocated", how can i create a new partition from it?21:29
z0manawww, It's still fuzzy in parts21:29
Lopta1Hello I have one question, did you saw a web frontend/search interface for locate, mlocate, slocate or rlocate or any any web search interface which could connect and search the mlocate.db?21:30
z0manWell that commaned helpd with my "Linux MultiMedia Studio" at least21:30
mckennieanyone here?21:31
hiatusso, is there good speech recognition software for linux yet?21:31
guntbert!hi | mckennie21:32
ubottumckennie: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!21:32
yUraKeshii installed windows 7 and ubuntu 9.10, but the partition that i had create to data store is now "unlocated", how can i create a new partition from it?21:32
mckenniecan anyone help my dual boot ubuntu on my macbook?21:32
macman_question .. im about to get a new laptop in 3 days right .. i want to image this current ubuntu and throw it onto the new one .. how would i do this and would i need to install ubuntu first on the new laptop ?21:32
WindopainyUraKeshi: in win7 you can use the disk mgmt utility21:33
WindopainyUraKeshi: i usually just type "dsk" in the run menu and choose from there21:33
yUraKeshiWindopain, thanks, i will try it21:34
WindopainyUraKeshi: or use "diskmgmt.msc"21:35
Windopaini always forget the name.. in ubuntu i think fdisk or something is one of the partitioners... that's what you need to find is the "partitioning" application21:35
hlfshellI'm having a permissions problem of only being able to access my serial ports as sudo.21:37
hlfshellAnybody know how to make this open to all users?21:37
Windopainwhat is the recommended way to change default grub boot order now days?  i noticed that /boot/grub/grub.conf no longer exists (9.10)21:37
trismWindopain: messing with the order of items in the grub menu isn't exactly straightforward with the way they are probed in grub2, but you can easily set the default one to boot in /etc/default/grub and run sudo update-grub; (you can specify the entry by name so that it will always boot that one even when new items are added)21:39
CAPcapI have what i think is a 3D support problem. When I try to run blender and similar 3D rendering programs they dont load they close instantly with a Segmentation fault. My graphics card is an ATI Mobility 9000 and my drivers are whatever auto installed when i installed ubuntu21:39
hiexpohello everyone21:40
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RustyLockyerI need some advice on downloading drivers21:40
Windopaintrism: how can i get all the names?  they aren't listed in /etc/default/grub21:40
AwaDoVhello everybody21:41
twisted_hi all. i would like to know how to edit the font for icons21:41
AwaDoVhow to set up microsoft office throw wine .. Please ?21:41
AwaDoVhow to set up microsoft office throw wine .. Please ?21:41
Windopaincurrently all I see is GRUB_DEFAULT=0... i'm guessing changing that to 5 will do the trick for me but that's not OS by name, of course21:41
dopplecan someone help me in installing windows as a dualboot after ubuntu has alredy been installed21:42
trismWindopain: the names are listed in /boot/grub/grub.cfg (just copy the whole menuentry name in the quotes, for instance if I wanted windows xp to default on my system it would be GRUB_DEFAULT="Microsoft Windows XP Professional (on /dev/sda1)")21:42
RustyLockyerreigster/ nick Arsetickler21:42
twisted_hi all. i would like to know how to edit the font for icons21:42
CAPcapI have what i think is a 3D support problem. When I try to run blender and similar 3D rendering programs they dont load they close instantly with a Segmentation fault. My graphics card is an ATI Mobility 9000 and my drivers are whatever auto installed when i installed ubuntu21:43
trismWindopain: 5 will work too, but if a new kernel is added, 5 may point to the wrong entry, that's why I prefer to use names for anything that isn't entry 021:43
g00dwillJust installed 9.0 with an invidia 6600 bfg card. There are three available drivers, the latest and recommend version produces fuzzy text and degraded performance. Any suggestions out there?21:43
Windopaintrism: thanks; yes, I can see the advantage of using the name over the number.  good to know this method.21:43
dopplehow do i resize my ubuntu partition?/21:43
funkyHatOops, wrong channel, sorry21:43
twisted_dopple = use gparted21:44
funkyHatdopple: you need to use a live CD, you can't resize a partition while you're using it21:44
Windopaintwisted_: while I'm at it here, would it cause any problems if i change the menuentry name in /boot/grub?  I see that the file states NOT to edit it so I'm guessing that might screw things up?21:44
dopplefunkyHat: ok21:44
CAPcapfunkyHat that comic is brilliant21:44
twisted_windopain = Dont change that, i will mess up21:45
|NiNE|hey guys ! I got this nasty problem with my graphics card driver, i cant seem to install it, tried out all the tutorials possible, did anyone have any success in installing ATI Radeon x1300 driver on Ubuntu 9.10 karmic ?21:45
dopplefunkyHat: so i boot into livecd,  resize partition, install windows and then what/21:46
Windopaintwisted_: ok.21:46
Windopainwhat type of scripting is used in /boot/grub?  I like the formatting of the if statements:  if...fi  looks clean.21:46
trismWindopain: it will not mess anything up if you edit it (although it is read-only by default so you would need to chmod it), the only problem is, any kernel/grub update will wipe out your changes, so unless you want to change it every time, I wouldn't mess with it21:46
funkyHatdopple: then you need to use the live CD again to fix grub21:46
Windopaintrism: ahh, gotcha.21:46
jibadeehatrism, how do you change it otherwise so the changes you make don't get trashed on a kernel/grub update21:46
funkyHat!grub > dopple (Please see the private message from ubottu)21:46
dopplethats not fun21:46
Pasheksome that can help me with pol?21:46
|NiNE|so anyone?21:47
jibadeeha!grub jibadeeha21:47
funkyHatdopple: it's pretty straightforward, and if you're stuck someone in here will be able to help21:47
n00b9345hi, in Jaunty is it possibile to add lower resolutions to the available screen resolutions?21:47
twisted_dopple = google dual boot xp and linux with linux installed21:47
funkyHatdopple: the link PM from ubottu about restoring grub goes through the details21:47
NSsmilesi need help finding a dvd burner converter prog for ubuntu21:48
dopplefunkyHat yeah its a pain in the butt too21:48
funkyHat*link in the PM21:48
ron__Is there a boot log?21:48
trismjibadeeha: if there are any entries you really want to manually edit, copy them to /etc/grub.d/40_custom , then you can edit them all you want (this really only works well with the entries found by the os_prober, so you should probably disable that if you want to mess with them)21:48
funkyHatdopple: well depending on what you want Windows for, could you use a VM instead of a full installation?21:48
Windopainhow can i enable the 'present all' screen effect in ubuntu where all windows are shown when the mouse is moved to a certain corner?21:49
dopplefunkyHat: not with 512MB ram i cant VM it :(21:49
dopplei only need it for one game21:49
dopplethat wine wont render the colors correctly21:49
funkyHatdopple: ah, not likely to work for games at any rate21:49
|NiNE|hey guys ! I got this nasty problem with my graphics card driver, i cant seem to install it, tried out all the tutorials possible, did anyone have any success in installing ATI Radeon x1300 driver on Ubuntu 9.10 karmic ?21:49
twisted_hi all. i would like to know how to edit the font for icons21:49
dopplefunkyHat well the game is not resource intensive.. back in the day it used to run on a 486 lol21:50
dopplebut virtualizing with only 512mb ram is just not feasible21:50
funkyHatdopple: might be worth a try at least ⡈)21:50
jibadeehathanks trism, you've just solved a problem i have had for the past 6 months where i need to pass a certain kernel parameter but ubuntu overwrites grub.cfg on updates ... i think editing 40_custom will fix that, going to give it a try21:50
trismjibadeeha: hope it works for you21:51
dopplefunkyHat tried.. slows the system down beyond ability to run21:51
CAPcapI have what i think is a 3D support problem. When I try to run blender and similar 3D rendering programs they dont load they close instantly with a Segmentation fault. My graphics card is an ATI Mobility 9000 and my drivers are whatever auto installed when i installed ubuntu21:51
twisted_dopple = cant u use Wine to run your game?21:51
funkyHatdopple: well, looks like resizing is your only option. Unless you have a spare hard drive lying around21:51
doppletwisted_ it doesnt want to render colors correctly21:51
dopplefunkyHat yeah but how would i put another hd in a lap21:51
funkyHatdopple: ah ⡈). Well, looks like you'll be resizing then21:52
trismjibadeeha: if you want to add a kernel parameter to all the ubuntu kernels though, you can append it to GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash" in /etc/default/grub21:52
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twisted_hi all. i would like to know how to edit the font for icons21:52
funkyHatdopple: beware that although there are usually no problems, resizing can sometimes cause data loss, so you should make backups21:52
funkyHatdopple: of course you should make backups _anyway_, but still21:53
dopplefunkyHat nothing important to lose.. i only got this lappy a few days ago21:53
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jibadeehatrism, that is perfect .. just what i am after21:53
funkyHatdopple: fair enough21:53
soreauI see on packages.ubuntu.com there is dapper then it skips to hardy. Does this mean edgy, feisty and gutsy repos do not work anymore? ie. if I botted a live cd of any of those three and tried to download a package21:53
jpdssoreau: They're not supported anymore.21:53
doppleso maybe the easier way would be to wipe the drive, install windows and then install ubuntu.. seems to be a simpler process21:53
jibadeehatrism, thanks21:53
funkyHatdopple: in that case you would have a slightly easier time of it if you started from scratch with your windows install, then put Ubuntu on second21:53
soreaujpds: I know that, but do the repos still exist?21:53
ubottuUbuntu 6.10 (Edgy Eft) was the fifth release of Ubuntu. End Of Life: April 25th, 2008. See !eol for more details.21:53
blah569How can I see a list of processes that are all using port 21?21:54
jpdssoreau: No.21:54
Slart!eol | soreau21:54
ubottusoreau: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades21:54
soreauAh ok thanks21:54
jpdssoreau: Slighty lieing, but I suppose you could use old-releases.ubuntu.com - but, you'll get no security upgrades, etc.21:54
twisted_hi all. i would like to know how to edit the font for icons21:56
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)21:56
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »21:56
noise_how can i become a hacker :D :D21:56
Picizurico48: What are you looking for?21:57
Slartnoise_: start by finding a better channel for that question.. repeat until you achieve karme for any further questions21:57
Slartnoise_: ehm.. replace karme with hacker-nirvana or something similar.. so that sentence actually makes sense..21:57
wish^why does my wlan keep asking for wpa key when i wanna transfer something?21:59
NSsmilesdo any of you use a dvd burner22:00
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SlartNSsmiles: yes.. probably several of us22:00
NSsmileswhat prog do you use22:00
dopplefunkyHat is there a way to save a list of packages that i have installed so i can re-install them when i get ubuntu back on22:01
SlartNSsmiles: it depends22:01
zleapdopple, yeah there is a dpkg thing that does that22:01
noxiuzI need some help, i downloaded the latest version, burned it onto a DVD and when i try to run i get an IO error?22:01
th0rdopple: aptoncd22:01
zleapnot sure on the exact commadn though22:01
funkyHatdopple: sure, open up synaptic package manager, click on file > generate package download script22:01
DemoOn1can u help me with grub2? I cant set path to kernel22:01
NSsmilesI don't know what prog converts and burn with ubuntu22:01
blah569How could you go about seeing a list of prossesses using port 21?22:02
Guest85014can someone help me with a install, (new convert to linux here) in the readme it says - "./configure"    then it says  "make"     then it says "sudo make install" and when i do the last command i get install-data-am: command not found22:02
Guest85014matthew@matthew-desktop:~/Desktop/abgx360-1.0.2$ apt-get intall-data-am22:02
CAPcapok one last try22:02
ikoniaGuest85014:what are you trying to install22:02
CAPcapI have what i think is a 3D support problem. When I try to run blender and similar 3D rendering programs they dont load they close instantly with a Segmentation fault. My graphics card is an ATI Mobility 9000 and my drivers are whatever auto installed when i installed ubuntu22:02
SlartNSsmiles: look.. if you want to get a recommendation for something to burn dvd's with just say so... this whole, "does anyone"-exercise just wastes time =)22:02
DemoOn1boot is on sda1, swap is on sda2 and root is on sda3, which path need to be for kernel?22:02
dopplefunkyHat: thats that ubuntu software center, right?22:02
Guest85014i am trying to install abgx36022:02
funkyHatdopple: no, system > administration > synaptic package manager22:02
haven489hey ubuntu22:02
haven489have a small Q22:02
ikonia!info abgx36022:03
ubottuPackage abgx360 does not exist in karmic22:03
haven489how would i have a program start when i log in?22:03
DemoOn1help please22:03
relieve_yourselfshit turd22:03
relieve_yourselfbutt turd22:03
SlartNSsmiles: do you want to burn video, audio or data?22:03
haven489@lart relieve_yourself22:03
Guest85014any ideas?22:03
NSsmilesi asked when i came in , but no one answered22:03
relieve_yourselfbowel movement22:03
funkyHatdopple: hm, apparently that option doesn't do what I thought it did...22:03
dopplefunkyHat i did file -> generate script.. and all the script has is #!/bin/sh22:04
haven489so can anyone tell me this bit of info?22:04
funkyHatdopple: yeah I just tested it and found the same22:04
erghezii cant access to ttys(when i press Ctrl+Alt+F1-F6) ,  i just see a black screen!22:04
haven489i need to know how to get a program to open when i log in22:04
ubottuTo add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session go to System>Preferences>Sessions and use the Startup Programs tab. For more information, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup - See !boot for starting non-interactive programs at boot22:04
dopplei think it makes a script for whatever packages you selected22:04
Slarthaven489: seen ubottu answer above22:04
doppleso if i were to find all my installed packages and select them... maybe22:04
haven489ty Slart22:04
funkyHatdopple: ah, apparently it's "save markings"22:04
nigelcourtneyHas anyone ever set up custom resolutions using nvidias drivers on ubuntu 9.10 ?, upon booting I get 800 x 600 with no option  to change upwards.22:04
dopplesave markings does a blank file22:05
funkyHatdopple: and you need to tick the "save full state" option22:05
Slartnigelcourtney: you're using the nvidia binary driver?22:05
noxiuzI need some help, i downloaded the latest version, burned it onto a DVD and when i try to run i get an IO error?22:05
JimLovell777I use the PicKit2 Microchip with the Piklab software from the repos. I followed this guide http://mcuee.blogspot.com/2009/07/piklab-wiki-page-usb-port-permission.html that lets me use the programmer as a normal user and not root. This all worked flawlessly for months and now after a recent update a week or two ago I can only use the programmer if I start Piklab as root. I re-checked the files from the tutorial and everything is correct st22:05
CAPcapI have what i think is a 3D support problem. When I try to run blender and similar 3D rendering programs they dont load they close instantly with a Segmentation fault. My graphics card is an ATI Mobility 9000 and my drivers are whatever auto installed when i installed ubuntu22:05
Slartnoxiuz: there is a "check CD for defects" option in the boot up menu.. try that22:06
dopplenow to find an xp iso lol22:06
nigelcourtneySlart: yes I am using the drivers which ubuntu offers as an alternative to it's own.22:06
noxiuzSlart, i cant run that check. The IO error appears when i choose the language22:06
erghezii cant access to tty(when i press Ctrl+Alt+F1-F6) ,  i just see a black screen22:06
noxiuzi just destroyed the disc22:06
nigelcourtneySlart: Version 1.7622:06
dopplewhats a program to burn iso's?22:06
wolter!brazero | dopple22:07
Slartnigelcourtney: you can have a look at the file /var/log/Xorg.0.log  it lists what X detects about your graphics card, monitor, which resolutions it think it can use and so on.. it might be that it cant find out what your monitor can display22:07
nigelcourtneydopple: brasero?22:07
Slart!burniso | dopple22:07
ubottudopple: To burn an ISO image of a CD in Linux, Mac OS or Windows, read the howto at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto22:07
noxiuzI used nero in windows to burn the disc, will ultraISO on windows do any better?22:07
wolterdopple, yes, use brasero22:07
wolterits great22:07
naglehi: I am trying to delete a partition from ubuntu, and I can't see it via gparted or df -h. Any ideas for how to find it / delete it?22:07
Slartnoxiuz: any burning software should be able to do it..22:07
=== Alexandre is now known as Guest50606
NSsmilescould someone tell me what dvd converter /burner program works with linux?22:08
ikonianagle: if your partition is the one that contains ubuntu - you need to boot from a livecd or other os to remove it22:08
dopplewolter: funny thing is, system says its installed... but i cant find an icon for it22:08
ikonianagle: you can't remove it while it's in use22:08
Slartnagle: hmm.. gparted doesn't usually miss partitions... you sure it's not there? you've looked at the right hard drive?22:08
noxiuzits a brand new disc, however, ubuntu worked once and then the IO errors came up22:08
Slartnoxiuz: it might be something else.. but checking the cd is a good first step22:09
wolterdopple, how about Applications > Sound and Video > Brasero22:09
noxiuzits a dvd, got no CD's here22:09
wolterdopple, (Disc Burner)22:09
nigelcourtneySlart: Thanks I am looking now22:09
NSsmilesstart i want to burn a dl movie22:09
jibadeehatrism, just tested it and it worked - thanks again22:09
NSsmilesand convert it to play in play for tv22:09
SlartNSsmiles: try "devede"22:09
NSsmilesok thanks22:10
dopplenot gonna ask why it would be under sound and video :P22:10
nagleSlart: I'm sure. I made the partition in Windows XP -- I don't know if somehow that would be invisible to ubuntu?22:10
nagleikonia: No, this is my Windows partition that I want to delete.22:10
noxiuzis your MBR on it?22:10
JimLovell777I like using list view with nautilus folder but every time I open a folder the first column isn't wide enough to show most filenames which is very annoying. Can I set the width of columns manually and force them to always be that big? I see an option to make all column widths the same but nothing else. I'd let to set them where I like them and have them stay.22:10
CAPcapdopple its under sound and video because its a DVD and CD burner app so movies and music22:11
Slartnagle: I doubt it.. if you boot into windows can you see the partition there?22:11
Slartnagle: can you create a screenshot with the gparted window?22:11
Slart!pastebin |  nagle22:11
ubottunagle: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://ubuntu.pastebin.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic22:11
igogikoplease, any1 can sed this to get only the http part: /home/igogiko/Kuvat/scrots/.temp.png | http://omploader.org/vM2NmZQ22:12
igogikoi tried everything nothing working :(22:12
CAPcapI have what i think is a 3D support problem. When I try to run blender and similar 3D rendering programs they dont load they close instantly with a Segmentation fault. My graphics card is an ATI Mobility 9000 and my drivers are whatever auto installed when i installed ubuntu22:12
David664i want to install a program but it asks me for sun-java5-bin22:12
TemplerAnyone have any idea what could be causing CRC errors when there's a lot of data throughput on the sata bus ?22:12
nagleSlart: I can't boot into Windows anymore, hence wanting to delete it.22:12
David664so i downloaded it and it asks me for.....22:12
igogikoneeding sed help22:13
CAPcapDavid664 do you have java installed?22:13
PFAall of a sudden, apropros of nothing, 1. flash will not play in firefox; 2. if i close a tab with flash in it, firefox crashes. can anyone help explain/solve this22:13
David664i mean22:13
dopplei guess in retrospect i shouldnt have wiped windows to put on ubuntu... didnt think id actually want windows LOL22:13
Salva1I know of a daemon in UNR that maximizes and undecorate windows.22:14
David664both are asking for them selves22:14
Salva1Is there something like this but that center windows?22:14
=== flashkidd is now known as Guest18477
Michalxohello! Does anyone had problems with Firefox 3.6 and UGLY fonts? ff3.5 and 3.7 works great.. shiretoko did too, but namoroka not... making xml file .fonts.conf and reconfiguring fonts did not help.. Is tehre any other option?22:14
Dr_Willisdopple:  theres a reason Live cd's and tools like Wubi and Virtualbox exist. :)22:14
igogikoSERIOUSLY, how can i sed this to get only the http part /home/beep/beep/beep/.beep.png | http://beep.beep/beepbeepbeep22:14
Salva1II don 't want to use compiz for that.22:14
palomerhow do I reinitilize my ipod in ubuntu?22:15
doppleDr_Willis i cant run virtualbox :/22:15
doppleDr_Willis: but whats wubi?22:15
JimLovell777!repeat | igogiko22:15
igogikoSERIOUSLY, how can i sed this to get only the http part /home/beep/beep/beep/.beep.png | http://beep.beep/beepbeepbeep22:15
ubottuigogiko: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.22:15
Oasadopple : Wubi is22:15
DemoOnCAN someone help me with grub2 ???22:15
ubottuWubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php for troubleshooting. Please file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug.22:15
Oasawhats your problem demoon ?22:15
Dr_Willisdopple:  why cant you run virtualbox?22:15
Dr_Willisdopple:  wubi is a way to install ubuntu inside windows.. but i perfer virtualbox22:16
doppleDr_Willis: only have 512mb total ram... doesnt leave much to give to the VM22:16
igogikoSERIOUSLY, how can i sed this to get only the http part /home/beep/beep/beep/.beep.png | http://beep.beep/beepbeepbeepe22:16
cutiyarhow to add two other hard except filesysys. hard?22:16
igogikoSERIOUSLY, how can i sed this to get only the http part /home/beep/beep/beep/.beep.png | http://beep.beep/beepbeepbee22:16
igogikoSERIOUSLY, how can i sed this to get only the http part /home/beep/beep/beep/.beep.png | http://beep.beep/beepbeepb22:16
DemoOnOasa: it cant find kernel, ive /boot on seperated partition, but still cant, its on sda1, swap is on sda2 and root is on sda3, can u help me, what should it look like?22:16
cutiyari have gparted package22:16
manowar3igogiko, emm22:16
igogikoSERIOUSLY, how can i sed this to get only the http part /home/beep/beep/beep/.beep.png | http://beep.beep/beepbe22:16
Oasa!repeat igogiko22:16
FloodBot1igogiko: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.22:16
Oasa!repeat | igogiko22:16
ubottuigogiko: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.22:16
igogiko!repeat | 0asa22:17
ubottufirefox is the default web-browser on Ubuntu. To install the latest version, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxNewVersion Installing plugins: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxPlugins - See also !firefox-3.522:17
Dr_Willisigogiko:  sed is very well documented with examples.. have you looked them up ?22:17
ubottu0asa: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.22:17
Oasaigogiko what is your problem can you please say in simpler words ?22:17
doppleDr_Willis: if i give any more than between 64 and 128mb ram to the VM, the whole system slows down.. and obviously 128mb isnt enough for windows22:17
CAPcapI have what i think is a 3D support problem. When I try to run blender and similar 3D rendering programs they dont load they close instantly with a Segmentation fault. My graphics card is an ATI Mobility 9000 and my drivers are whatever auto installed when i installed ubuntu22:17
OasaDemoon : So grub starts and does nothing ?22:17
Dr_Willisigogiko:  you may want to use awk instead of sed.22:17
EastDallasigogiko: You're question doesn't make a lot of sense to me.22:17
Oasait shows some error code. and stands/22:17
igogikolol i try bye lol22:17
DemoOnOasa: nop, it doesnt load kernel, says error:you need to load kernel first22:17
gsteinerthey, im having sudo trouble. any time itry to use sudo, it prompts for the password, then locks up after I have entered it. the same thing happens when i try to log in to a tty (using my own account or root) and when i try to use su.  also, sometimes I can Ctrl-C out of it, sometimes i have to close the terminal window. and the problem is fixed on restart22:17
Dr_WillisI bet hes back in 3 min - unable to find awk docs.22:18
DemoOnOasa: when im choosing distro22:18
OasaDemoon : I dont get it. How can you run ubuntu without kernel :S ?22:18
nagleSlart: I'll try. I wanted to delete the windows partition cause I'm out of space on my ubuntu partition ... and it's tricky right now to make room! Should be able to figure this out, but it may be a few min.22:19
Alvarogood night22:19
DemoOnOasa: i can, i just cant run another distro :(22:19
Slartnagle: no worries22:19
Oasawhich distro ?22:19
Alvaroneed a help22:19
doppleDr_Willis: when you say wubi installs ubuntu under windows, you mean it runs in windows??22:19
DemoOnOasa: gentoo...22:19
Oasayes dopple22:19
CAPcapyes dopple22:20
CAPcapaw you beat me to it Oasa22:20
doppleso thats not a dualboot22:20
wish^why does my wlan keep asking for wpa key when i wanna transfer something?22:20
wish^why does my wlan keep asking for wpa key when i wanna transfer something?22:20
Dr_Willisdopple:  No. it just installs under windows in a single file.. but you would be better off doing a normal dual boot setup.22:20
OasaDemoon try #gentoo22:20
magn3tsSo there is a bug in the current version of isight-firmware-tools. It is apparently fixed in Lucid Lynx. Is there a way that I can get this package in Karmic? Im quite desperate.22:20
CAPcapno dopple it runs it like a program22:20
DemoOnOasa: i tried22:20
OasaIf ubuntu is working fine i cant help.22:20
CAPcapDANG ALL YOU people type faster than me22:20
DemoOnOasa: they dont know much about grub222:20
doppleok no i dont want that...obviously i cant run 2 OS's simultaneous i dont have the ram for that22:20
OasaAmong the distro listed #gentoo is listed ?22:20
CAPcapI have what i think is a 3D support problem. When I try to run blender and similar 3D rendering programs they dont load they close instantly with a Segmentation fault. My graphics card is an ATI Mobility 9000 and my drivers are whatever auto installed when i installed ubuntu22:21
Oasasorry about the # , gentoo is listed in the available os ?22:21
bob_I need help diagnosing segfaults:: console-kit-daemon[1060]: WARNING: Couldn't read /proc/1002/environ: Failed to open file '/proc/1002/environ': No such file or directory22:21
Alvarohow to install decoder text /html22:21
ikoniaCAPcap: I suggest you probably have a 3d support issue also, ATI is very bad at the moment with Xorg drivers22:21
ubottuDual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot22:22
DemoOnOasa: yes22:22
CAPcapikonia thats what i hear but my card is no longer supported by ATI22:22
ikoniaCAPcap: then it's game over22:22
bob_I need help diagnosing segfaults (part 2) npviewer.bin[6383]: segfault at 3c ip 00000000f61332ea sp 00000000ffeb8780 error 4 in libflashplayer.so[f5ee8000+993000]22:22
=== HiiiFUShaded is now known as Bwaah
ikoniabob_: you can't diagnose like that, what happened ? did you upgrade firefox ?22:22
Alvaroneed this help22:22
DemoOnOasa: when im choosing gentoo it says u need to load kernel first, so i think its somethiong with grub22:22
CAPcapikonia that sucks so hard. the firegl / radeon proprietary driver starts basically with the model card right after mine T_T22:23
bob_I did not upgrade firefox past the  current level in canonical22:23
OasaGrub can ofcourse load the kernel directly.22:23
ikoniabob_: has this ever work, or did something happen before it stopped working ?22:23
OasaDemoon : THe fact that i am using 8.04 LTS (GRUB) makes me quite ignorant about grub 222:23
Dr_Willisbob_:  thats flash player crashing.. sometimes it happens...22:23
Darks7arI have a downclocking problem i think22:23
DemoOnOasa: :(22:23
OasaDemoon : http://www.linuxselfhelp.com/gnu/grub/html_chapter/grub_4.html22:23
Darks7arcan u help22:24
ikoniaDarks7ar: downclocking ?22:24
DemoOnOasa: ok, ill check22:24
OasaYou can load kernel directly =D22:24
bob_ikonia: Flash comes and goes.22:24
TrekDarks7ar: what's down clocking?  never heard of it22:24
rizitisI have a small problem with my new istallation, the picture at my crt is not at the center , I am loozing 1cm from the left and half cm from the top. any ideas? ---> http://pastebin.com/d37eea08622:24
bob_Dr_Willis, thanks.  SHould flash cause an entire system crash though?22:24
gsteinerthey, im having sudo trouble. any time itry to use sudo, it prompts for the password, then locks up after I have entered it. the same thing happens when i try to log in to a tty (using my own account or root) and when i try to use su.  also, sometimes I can Ctrl-C out of it, sometimes i have to close the terminal window. and the problem is fixed on restart22:24
ikoniabob_: it may be worth checking the memory on your machine with memtest, unstable memory can cause application segfaults on occasion, but that is a random suggestion22:24
Darks7arwell i don't know if thats the exact statement but my pc runc better after a game for example was running22:25
bob_ikonia: thanks,  I'll run memtest on it tonight22:25
Darks7arthen after short period of time the pc just becomes slower22:25
ikoniabob_: it's a bit random, so sorry, but so many people have bad ram and don't know it, it's worth checking22:25
Darks7arits faster even if the game is running22:25
TrekDarks7ar: you sure that nothing's stealing your CPU's resources?22:25
DemoOnCAN someone pastebin its /boot/grub/grub.cfg who has boot on seperate partition and has grub2??22:26
Windopainmaybe i need to use kde in order to have certain things happen at the corners of the screens?  to me this is one of the main usability differences between win&ubuntu and i can't figure out how to get it to work22:26
ikoniaDemoOn: why ? what's your problem ?22:26
TrekDarks7ar, what makes you think its getting slower?22:26
DemoOnikonia: do u have /boot on sep[erated partition?22:26
Darks7armost PCs have that option in the bios22:26
ikoniaDemoOn: yes,22:26
DemoOnikonia: cant load kernel22:26
Darks7arTrek: everything is working faster22:26
DemoOnikonia: please pastebin your grub.cfg22:26
ikoniaDemoOn: ok - so what's the error22:27
ikoniaDemoOn: no, what's the error22:27
Darks7arand the difference is definately noticable22:27
DemoOnikonia: error:you need to load the kernel first22:27
TrekDarks7ar: everything's working faster when you're using your resources more?22:27
SlartDarks7ar: have you looked at cpu frequency scaling? ie power saving features?22:27
ikoniaDemoOn: show me your config22:27
TrekDarks7ar: you can just tell your CPUs to run at full speed if you want22:27
bob_ikonia, thanks. bye22:27
Darks7ari cant22:27
DemoOnikonia: http://pastebin.com/m780cd54122:27
TrekDarks7ar: i set that on my desktop box because it won't run Flash unless its at full speed22:28
Darks7arthats why im here22:28
TrekDarks7ar: we mean within ubuntu22:28
=== eggshells is now known as brlka
DemoOnikonia: i need that for gentoo22:28
TrekDarks7ar: there's an applet for CPU Frequency scaling.  It works, trust me.22:28
CAPcapikonia is there any alternative to the default drivers aside from the actual drivers from ATI?22:28
Gatewayhello everybody22:28
OasaDemoon : I know nothing about gentoo. But correct me if i am wrong. Are you trying to load kernel manually using grub. I wonder if gentoo cant load kernel by its own :S ?22:28
detrateis gnome-shell stable enough to use?22:28
vanocGateway, hi22:28
ikoniaCAPcap: the rubbish free opensource ones22:29
detrateand does it work with compiz?22:29
TrekDarks7ar: right click your menu bar at the top (in GNOME if thats what you use), and add a new thing to that panel22:29
GatewayI would like lunch a program via ssh ?22:29
Gatewayhow can I do that ?22:29
TrekDarks7ar: look through the list of things for CPU Frequency Scaling22:29
TrekDarks7ar: add it22:29
CAPcapikonia could they solve my problem?22:29
ikoniaDemoOn: you need to specify (hd,0)/kernel-gen-blah and the same for init22:29
edecaGateway: The same way you would if it was from a terminal22:29
ikoniaCAPcap: doubtful22:29
Darks7ari know that in older versions of kernel there was a module calle acpi_someting but its not present in the newer kernels and without that module that applet doesnt work22:29
Thwapphello all22:29
DemoOnOasa: im trying to set path to gentoo kernel in grub.cfg22:29
TrekDarks7ar: use it to set your frequency scaling to "Performance"22:29
palomerI just bought an ipod nano 5g, how do I get it to work?22:29
CAPcapikonia could they cause more?22:29
TrekDarks7ar: I do this on my desktop22:29
dopplegentoo is awesome cause you can customize the system to EXACTLY what you need.. but it sucks in that the installation process can take HOURS22:29
ikoniaCAPcap: don't know, they could22:29
Oasadopple : can you explicate ?22:30
Trekpalomer, you tried using Banshee?22:30
DemoOnikonia: so if gentoo kernel is on sda1 what should be there?22:30
doppleOasa: eh?22:30
Trekpalomer, you tried using Banshee Media player?22:30
netActionI googled hours without any result. Can anyone tell me where empathy saves the history/logfiles?22:30
Darks7arTrek: ou will not be able to modify the frequency of your machine.  Your machine may be misconfigured or not have hardware support for CPU frequency scaling.22:30
Oasaa direct comparsion with ubuntu ?22:30
palomerlemme try banshee...22:30
Gateway_sorry guys22:30
ikoniaDemoOn: that depends on what grub order your disks are in, eg: (hd0) should be sda if it's default, so (hd0,0)/boot/grub/gen-kernel-etc22:30
OasanetAction : check in var/22:30
TrekDarks7ar, then this is an issue with your system, most likely hardware22:30
CAPcapikonia thanks. i guess i'll just have to deal22:30
TrekDarks7ar, how old's your machine?22:31
ikoniaCAPcap: time to open the wallet, sorry22:31
TrekDarks7ar, who made it, model numbers, etc.?22:31
doppleOasa: gentoo - much more customized to your exact hardware, you compile EVERYTHING on your system, instead of ubuntu using binary packages...22:31
Darks7arbrand new acer extensa22:31
DemoOnikonia: its on first partition22:31
CAPcapikonia i would if u had anything in it22:31
dopplebut ubuntu was WAY simpler to get up and running22:31
ikoniaDemoOn: please don't talk nonsense, there is nothing custom about it22:31
Darks7arintel pentium dual core processor22:31
ikoniaDemoOn: (hd0,0) would be my guess, check your grub config22:31
DemoOnikonia: ive tried 0,0 it didnt help22:31
Gateway_so guys, how can I lunch a program via ssh ?22:32
ikoniaDemoOn: sorry - that nonsense comment wasn't for you22:32
SlartDarks7ar: look in synaptic.. search for "frequency scaling" or powernow.. you can try installing one of those packages22:32
ikoniaDemoOn: check your grub config then to see what disks are what22:32
ikoniaGateway_: ssh in, type the programs name, check out ssh -X and X11Forwarding22:32
doppleweird.. sudo: grub: command not found22:32
Darks7arnone of them is working for me22:32
SlartDarks7ar: there's also cpufrequtils22:32
Darks7arSlart:  neither it is22:32
ikoniaDemoOn: your grub entry says gentoo is on /dev/sda322:33
DemoOnikonia: http://pastebin.com/m5b3f492e22:33
SlartDarks7ar: hmm.. then I don't really know what to try.. it's a brand new laptop? brand new model as well?22:33
Gateway_ikonia: so I understand... sudo ssh in, gparted, check out ssh -X and X11Forwarding22:33
ikoniaDemoOn: that's nothing like what I said22:33
Oasayeah its on sda322:33
DemoOnikonia: gentoo is on sda3, boot is on sda122:33
TrekSlart Darks7ar: I don't think its super new, as its using a Pentium, unfortunately22:33
nagleSlart: http://imagebin.org/8168322:33
ikoniaDemoOn: you need kernel (hd0,0)/boot/kernel-genkernel-x86-blah, same for initrd22:34
=== mr is now known as Guest60198
netAction@oasa: /var$ sudo find | grep empathy -i  -- nothing found22:34
Darks7arSlart: Acer Extensa 5635ZG with 3gig ram and pentium dual core 2.1022:34
TrekDarks7ar: I'm not sure what to tell you, I've got a desktop box that is really old (system originally ran Win2000)22:34
Darks7arits with pentium because of its price22:34
TrekDarks7ar: and I can still change the CPU frequency control22:34
arandnetAction: What are you looking for?22:34
DemoOnikonia: this line "linux /boot/boot/kernel-genkernel-x86-2.6.31-gentoo-r6 root=/dev/ram0 real_root=/dev/sda3" need to be "kernel (hd0,0)/boot/kernel-genkernel-x86-blah" ?22:35
TrekDarks7ar: perhaps the Pentium processor can't handle the changing of the cpu speed?22:35
SlartTrek, Darks7ar: well.. I don't really know what to try then.. sorry22:35
Oasa@netAction : No idea22:35
netAction@arand logfile of empathy22:35
mrproperI am having a hard time playing DVD's in the latest Ubuntu.  Can someone help?22:35
netActionIRC logs22:35
ikoniaDemoOn: NO !22:35
ikoniaDemoOn: look at what you've pasted22:35
OasaUsually all logs are stored in /var/logs22:35
TrekDarks7ar: not sure what else to try, unfortunately.22:35
ikoniaDemoOn: kernel /boot/kernel-genkernel-x86-2.6.31-gentoo-r6 root=/dev/ram0 real_root=/dev/sda322:35
ikoniaDemoOn: needs to be kernel (hd0,0>/boot/kernel-blah !22:35
Slartnagle: ok.. so you've got one hard drive.. 37 GB? odd size... ntfs ... /boot /host? are you running wubi?22:35
Darks7arTrek: its really annoying22:36
Darks7arTrek: my old pc box ran better :(22:36
hullohello i have a directory with files streaming into it, how could i see the newly created file names printed to the screen as they are created22:36
nagleSlart: Is /boot, or /host? a question?22:36
DemoOnikonia: can u write that line please, i dont get you22:36
nagleSlart: I did install ubuntu via wubi from XP.22:36
Slarthullo: try "watch ls"22:36
Oasahullo : watch ls <dir>22:37
arandnetAction: I would assume irc logs would be stored in the home dir...22:37
ikoniaDemoOn: no - look at the line that begins with kernel, you need to tell it where /boot is - so (hd0,0)/boot/kernel-genkernel-blah22:37
Darks7arSlart: and do u know of some software to ran mac apps under linux22:37
Slartnagle: just me talking to myself =)  .. I have no idea how wubi does it's thing or if it's even possible to remove the windows partition that you used for the wubi install22:37
DemoOnikonia: ive tried to set this set root=(hd0,0)22:38
gigawatthello everyone i have a new drive i just installed in my computer running ubuntu and i wanted to know how i should set the drive up encryption wise, i will be used as a storage drive for music and movies and backups. Should i use truecrypt or LUKS, and if luks what is the best way to go about it22:38
ikoniaDemoOn: what part are you not listening to ?22:38
ikoniaDemoOn: the line that starts with KERNEL !!!!!22:38
SlartDarks7ar: mac apps? no idea22:38
nagleSlart: Ah! =). Mmm. Yeah ... strange it doesn't show up, eh?22:38
Lungan_Why doesn't my computer which run ubuntu shows up in the networksfolder, but all the window compuershows up?22:38
Darks7arSlart: thanks22:38
netActionarand + oasa: I have it! ~/.local/share/Empathy/logs$22:38
DemoOnikonia: kernel (hd0,0)/boot/kernel-genkernel-x86-2.6.31-gentoo-r6 root=/dev/ram0 real_root=/dev/sda3 ?22:38
ikoniaDemoOn: bang on, try that22:39
Slartnagle: I'm not sure how wubi does it's think but it looks like it's running in some kind of virtual space.. ie it doesn't see the real hardware22:39
DemoOnikonia: oki22:39
hullothat just shows the first files in the directory22:39
ikoniaDemoOn: look at the splashimage line for an example22:39
David664whats up tijuanense!22:39
Darks7ardo u know where can i find qualified help22:39
Tijuanensenothing much david66422:39
rizitisI have a small problem with my new istallation, the picture at my crt is not at the center , I am loozing 1cm from the left and half cm from the top. any ideas? ---> http://pastebin.com/d37eea08622:39
Tijuanenseseems like I am recognized around here22:39
arandnetAction: nicely hidden away I see :)22:39
David664naw im from tj too22:40
Lord-ReadmanHello, where can I buy some cool Ubuntu Stickers for my computers and laptops? any recommendations?22:40
David664refugio and mariano22:40
jeffreyfrizitis, the buttons on your monitor will bring up settings.....find RESET TO FACTORY DEFAULTS or similar...this should fix an offset monitor....22:40
xxCrowxxcheck the ubuntu store... they have loads of stuff22:40
=== matthew is now known as Guest11128
EastDallasDarks7ar: You can run OS X in linux using vmware.22:41
ikoniaEastDallas: no you can't - that's illegal22:41
Lord-ReadmanxxCrowxx,  checked they dont have small metalic ones22:41
ikoniaEastDallas: please don't suggest that22:41
OasaDarks7ar : Or install iATkos22:41
nagleSlart: Ah! wubi's faq says that ubuntu is installed within a file on windows.22:41
xxCrowxxah... not sure what to tell you then... that's the only place I know that sells ubuntu gear22:42
Slartnagle: yup.. that sounds like what I've heard22:42
OasaWubi installatuon nagle. Yes it is.22:42
OasaThe drives are virtualized.22:42
CAPcapnagle yeah, whats the issue with that?22:42
kadkoHello guys i have a stranger problem whit emerald , when i try to add a new theme it says Error Calling Tar, is there a specific channel for this program or anyone can help me :) (Note.- Tryed to reinstall and the same happens)22:42
OasaYou wont normally see the windows partition (atleast 6 below)22:42
Slartnagle: I can't really help you any further with this as I have to get to bed. Ask the channel again22:42
rizitisjeffreyf, the reset button do nothing, not respongf !22:43
jeffreyfIs that a CRT or LCD monitor?22:43
rizitisjeffreyf, * respond22:43
noxiuzI burned the disc again, the disc check says no errors were found. However, the PC just freezes when ubuntu was loaded22:43
EastDallassupposedly there's a little disk access lag with wubi, but fwiw I've been running a wubi install on my laptop and notice no real performance hit.22:43
jeffreyfrizitis, is that a crt or lcd22:43
noxiuzmemcheck gave no errors22:43
rizitisjeffreyf, lacier crt22:44
gsteinerthey, im having sudo trouble. any time itry to use sudo, it prompts for the password, then locks up after I have entered it. the same thing happens when i try to log in to a tty (using my own account or root) and when i try to use su.  also, sometimes I can Ctrl-C out of it, sometimes i have to close the terminal window. and the problem is fixed on restart22:44
novemhah I figured it out on my own and it only took twenty hours. Yay me! heh.22:44
theshadowI'm running a Dell Studio XPS with 9.10 when I woke up this morning the wireless was suddenly not working but I can't see anything in syslog to explain it. Anyone have a link on trouble shooting steps22:45
hulloSlart: Oasa: thanks for the hint for using watch.  I used a couple flags for ls -t to sort by creation time and -r to reverse the sort so the command was watch ls -t -r directory22:45
ikoniagsteinert: why are you trying to log in as root - you don't know the password22:45
rizitisjeffreyf, *LaCie crt22:45
mkquistLord-Readman: tried ebay?22:45
=== rascal999 is now known as rascal[afk]
Oasahullo : watch <cmd>22:46
ikoniaOasa:  ?22:46
jeffreyfrizitis, you may need to manually center then resize the image to fit.  This has been typical of CRTs as long as I can remember (almost 23 years now).  Typically, this happens when you change resolution and/or monitor frequency.22:46
Oasahullo: watch is for any command.22:46
Oasaikonia : yeah22:46
ikoniaOasa: what do you want to do ?22:46
gsteinertikonia: i set one some time in the past, i dont use it usually, just used it to test the extent of the problem, seems it affects more than just my account22:46
ikoniaOasa: what do you want to do ?22:46
EastDallasnagle: from what i can tell with my experience wubi creates a file and allows ubuntu to use that file as it's partition.  It's not a virtual environment under windows.  To the user it's just like any other dual boot.  You can move your virtual partition to a real partition if you decide to later on using lvpm.22:46
OasaI dont want to do anything. I am helping "hullo"22:46
chreekatI swap caps lock for control using xmodmap. Everytime I hibernate and come back, my changes to the keymap are gone. How can I make them permanent?22:46
ikoniagsteinert: changing the root password has bigger knock on effrts22:47
Dr_Willischreekat:  how are you swaping them>22:47
TijuanenseThe OBAMA NIGGER TIDE has been stopped in its tracks!  Now it is time for respectable people from all non-negroid races to beat back the smelly coons and mayates!  Join us at Chimpout Forum!  http://www.chimpout.com/forum  At Chimpout Forum we welcome all races except for niggers!22:47
Lord-Readmanmkquist, they charge £2.50 each on ebay22:47
mkquistcan we get him booted22:47
Lord-Readmanstores in the US charge $4 for 1022:47
noxiuzI burned the disc again, the disc check says no errors were found. However, the PC just freezes when ubuntu was loaded. Memcheck gave no errors22:48
rizitisjeffreyf, ok thanks, only at 800x600 resolution I have all the monitor in use but all the others ugly ... any way thanks :)22:48
jeffreyfthank you FloodBot122:48
mkquistyes ty22:48
EsyaHey everbody,22:48
chreekatDr_Willis: xmodmaprc and a few commands ('clear lock; add control = caps_lock')22:48
gsteinertikonia: i changed the root password not long after i installed kubuntu (sometime around this time last year i think) these problems have only presented in the last couple of weeks, and i use sudo a LOT =P22:48
EsyaDoes someone have a link to a good tutorial about setting up a smtp/imap server?22:48
nagleEastDallas: Can I do that within Ubuntu? My problem is my Windows boot got a virus and I can no longer boot into it.22:48
Dr_Willischreekat:  in 9.10 - the gnome keyboard settings has Options to switch those  I think. Perhaps thats the better way to set the setting.22:49
ikoniaEsya: ton's on help.ubuntu.com22:49
DemoOnikonia: tnx, that worked :)22:49
Esyaikonia: Hmmm I'm gonna check this out right now22:49
EastDallasnagle: can you move to a real partition under ubuntu?  Yes, install lvpm from repositories.22:49
ikoniaDemoOn: mega, well done22:49
ikoniaDemoOn: make sure you also set your initrd line the same22:49
jeffreyfrizitis, no problem...in my experience you need to adjust the monitor.  If the monitor has no adjustment, it may be time to upgrade...sorry22:49
ikoniaFanton: ? are you trying to join that channel22:50
chreekatDr_Willis: thanks, i'll use that22:50
OasaFanton type /join :S22:50
Oasatype /join <chatroom>22:50
EastDallasnagle: are you running ubuntu on a wubi install now?22:51
=== dl0c is now known as c0ld
kadkoHello guys i have a stranger problem whit emerald , when i try to add a new theme it says Error Calling Tar, tryed to google the problem but i dont find a functional solution :) (Note.- Tryed to reinstall and the same happens)22:52
ikoniakadko: is it one theme or all themes22:52
nagleEastDallas: Yes, that's right.22:52
EastDallasnagle: I've got a guide for moving your ubuntu virtual partition to a real partition...trying to find the link now...22:53
Dr_Williskadko:  emerald is basically a dead project. add the themes manually. or just give up on emerald. perhaps.22:53
forge_techwizrd, hi22:53
actionParsnipyo yo yo22:53
ubottuemerald is an obsolete window decorator for compiz. It's unsupported and unmaintained, making issues with it very hard to diagnose and fix. There are no known, supported alternatives.22:53
EastDallasnagle: http://lubi.sourceforge.net/lvpm.html22:53
kadkoikonia: All themes, actually i have installed the zgegblog-themes  and it doesnt shown as it need to do22:53
Dr_WillisI imagine emerald will vanish from the repos in the next release.22:54
ikoniakadko: have you tried manually untaring the them files22:54
actionParsnip!info emerald lucid22:54
RicketIs there a way, from the live part of the Ubuntu disc, to test hard drive speed? I'm about to install Ubuntu but I want to know which of my two drives is faster.22:54
ubottuemerald (source: emerald): Decorator for compiz-fusion. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.7.2-0ubuntu2 (lucid), package size 255 kB, installed size 1380 kB22:54
actionParsnipricket: sudo hdparm -Tt22:54
Oasanagle : Use live CD.22:54
actionParsnipricket: sudo sorry: sudo hdparm -tT /dev/sda22:54
actionParsnipricket: or whatever disk you wanna test22:55
kadkoyes, and addes manually and nothing, it shows one ugly theme but no the one i;ve selected22:55
RicketactionParsnip: thanks! i'll give it a try22:55
techwizrdforge_: hi22:56
ubottuBrowsers available for Ubuntu: Firefox (GTK, Gecko engine), Konqueror (KDE/Qt, KHTML engine), Epiphany (GTK, Gecko engine), Dillo (GTK), w3m (terminal-based), Links2 (terminal-based or graphical, see !man page), edbrowse (command-line), Opera (Qt, proprietary)22:56
theshadowCan anyone help me trouble shoot why my wireless suddenly stopped working?22:56
Oasa!GTK | Oasa22:56
ubottuOasa, please see my private message22:56
kadkoikonia: in 9.04 emerald was working excellent but i've installed .10 and this happends22:57
actionParsniptheshadow: get it working again (reboot if necessary) when it drops run: dmesg | tail22:57
Dr_Williskadko:  the emerald theme repos have closed down - and who knows what else.  Doubt if you are going to get much help with it.22:57
actionParsniptheshadow: it will help diagnose22:58
ikoniakadko: it is a dying project unfortunalty22:58
Dr_Williskadko:  its not too hard to make a custome emerald theme if you play with the emerald themer tool22:58
kadkoikonia: Well tnx for the info22:59
RicketactionParsnip: thanks, the hdparm did the trick and one of my drives was indeed about 30-40% faster than the other, so I'm glad I checked :)22:59
theshadowactionParsnip: how can I tell which device is my wireless?22:59
kadkoDr_Willis Let's play with the theme tool and see what happends :) Tnx all ^^22:59
jazzhello, does ay one know how to set ktorrent as the default torrent for Ubuntu? i kinda don't like transmission and it isn't downloading anything anyways23:00
hiexpoDr_Willis: - howdy23:00
MarupaHas anyone here had experience mounting a raided NTFS partition under linux?23:00
Dr_Williskadko:  i was able to import some themes here just now.23:00
Dr_Williskadko:  whatever.emerald files i got from http://compiz-themes.org/content/download.php?content=101121&id=1&tan=834592823:00
VCooliojazz: right click a .torrent file, properties, open with, set ktorrent23:00
hiexpoMarupa: - yes one sec23:01
VCooliojazz: for opening from firefox or another browser see browser settings23:01
jazzone sec,23:01
Boohbahjazz: have you installed ktorrent?23:01
jazzbrowser settings within fire fox?23:01
kadkoDr_Willis I was too but i got kernel panic and had to reinstall again from 0 my ubuntu, and now doesnt work's as before23:01
Boohbahjazz: depends on your desktop environment23:02
EastDallasjazz: edit>Preferences>Applications.   Look for .torrent. and change the default action23:02
h_………………„-^*'' : : „'' : : : : *-„23:02
h_…………..„-* : : :„„--/ : : : : : : : '\23:02
h_…………./ : : „-* . .| : : : : : : : : '|23:02
FloodBot1h_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.23:02
jazzyeah, i used it for  pb stuff, but the file i want is healthiest on toerrentdownloads and its not in the ktorrent searches'23:03
Dr_Willisjazz:  you can customize what sites the ktorrent searches search.. personally i use qTorrent these days23:03
nagleEastDallas: thanks! I think that should work.23:03
EastDallasnagle: np23:04
jazzi tried qtorrent but the files for some reason were extreamly slow23:04
EastDallasnagle: fyi: it takes a LONG time23:04
jazzktorrent hasnt faild me yet in on ubuntu though not kubuntu23:04
* EastDallas loves torrentflux!23:05
skataHi, I have some problems with my sound, could someone help me?23:05
jazzwhere in the browser settings do i change where torrents  are set?23:05
EastDallas!sound | skata23:05
ubottuskata: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP323:05
hiexpoMarupa: - sudo fdisk -l23:05
EastDallasjazz: what do you mean by 'where torrents are set'?23:05
hiexposorry bout that  iwas busy with a thing23:05
wish^why does my wlan keep asking for wpa key when i wanna transfer something?23:06
wish^why does my wlan keep asking for wpa key when i wanna transfer something?23:06
jazzubotu lol my volume  randomly mutes and lowers23:06
wish^why does my wlan keep asking for wpa key when i wanna transfer something?23:06
Marupahiexpo: two of the four drives show two partitions, but none of the right size.  The other two drives show no partitions.23:06
EastDallas!repeat | wish^23:06
ubottuwish^: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.23:06
jazzwhen i download a torrent it used to open with ktorrent by default, now its transmission23:06
theshadowok I've determined that my wireless adaptor is being assigned to eth1 here is the dump from /var/log/syslog I can't figure out why the device won't even allow me to enable it http://pastebin.com/m629c62f023:06
hiexpook one sec let me see23:07
theshadownothing that this just happened this morning23:07
Dr_Williswish^:  sure you are not confused and its wanting the users password to connect to the share on the other box? Is wireless working at all>23:07
theshadowerr noting*23:07
EastDallasjazz: Edit>Preferences>Applications>find .torrent in the list, and change the default action.  YOu might have to change it to 'ask' and then choose 'do this every time for files of this type' the next time you download a torrent.23:07
hiexpohers an examp;le for you ok23:08
EastDallasjazz: you also might have to manually enter the path to ktorrent.  I believe it's /usr/bin/ktorrent.23:08
gigasofthow to turn off compiz config23:08
jazzlet me try that....23:08
infidsometimes my screensaver doesnt go off until i go to touch my keyboard/mouse after being idle for 30 min plus, why is that? kinda defeats the purpose of a screensaver23:09
wish^willis: no it says wpa personal.. i type it in and it still doesnt connect23:09
wish^its been fine before23:09
EastDallasgigasoft: system>preferences>appearance>Visual Effects tab then choose 'none'.23:09
hiexpoMarupa: - i m gonna make something for you to read in pastebin ill send ya the link here in just a sec gotta paste it23:09
gigasoft<EastDallas> thanks :)23:10
EastDallasgigasoft: np23:10
gigasoftbut under kubuntu23:10
Gatewayguys, is there a way to know the public ip in terminal ?23:10
EastDallas!kubuntu | gigasoft23:10
infidgateway yeah using dig23:11
ubottugigasoft: kubuntu is Ubuntu with the KDE Software Compilation instead of !Gnome. See http://kubuntu.org for more information - For support join #kubuntu - See also !kde23:11
theshadowhow can I get ubuntu 9.10 to generate the ifupdown configuration?23:11
Gatewayinfid, dig what ?23:11
infidGateway: dig +short myip.opendns.com @resolver1.opendns.com23:12
james__quit ()23:12
jazzok with /usr/bi/ktorrent i found it what do i do then? the edit>pref>aplication> didnt get me anything23:13
Gatewayinfid, thanks ;)23:13
infidyou might wanna alias it to 'myexternalip' or something easy23:13
wish^willis: no it says wpa personal.. i type it in and it still doesnt connect23:14
wish^its been fine before23:14
jazzhmm ill figure it out in a few, dinner time now  lol  thanks. least  i know where the file is  never knew where it was b4 now23:15
Dr_Willis!tab | wish^23:15
ubottuwish^: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.23:15
hiexpoMarupa: http://pastebin.com/m1c4889ce23:15
=== jesse is now known as Guest23907
Guest23907so uhm do i just ask something?23:15
anthonydoes any body know how to use ircd-irc2 ?23:15
infidGuest23907: yes23:15
Marupahiexpo: problem: fdisk -l does NOT show my partition.23:15
JR_wJust added Ubunty to my hard drive and it will not boot properly my PCLinuxOS which requires nonfb boot.  Can I adapt menu.lst to boot Ubuntu?  Or must it be some sort of grub2 thing?23:15
wish^Dr_Willis: what you think?23:15
arandMarupa: does it show some or none at all?23:16
EastDallasjazz: that's exactly where you set it, I don't know what else to tell you.  Type torrent in the search box.23:16
arandMarupa: is this from a liveCD yes?23:16
Dr_Williswish^:  sounds like you need to check the wireless trouble shooting. you could try an older kernel in the boot menus to see if that makes it work.23:16
Guest23907ok can uppl tell me how to get fire fox 3.6?23:16
Dr_WillisMarupa:  you are using 'sudo fdisk -l' ?23:16
james__There's a thread on it in the community cafe on the forum.23:16
dl0ccan anyone recommend a good IR remote that will work with ubuntu?23:16
Marupaarand: it shows one on sdb and sdc.  This is a raid setup, software (fake) raid set up by the motherboard utility.23:16
Dr_WillisGuest23907:  theres PPA's for 3.6 you can use.23:16
super_jamescome on!23:17
Guest23907what r PPS's?23:17
james__You can find it on launchpad.23:17
Dr_Willis!ppa | Guest2390723:17
ubottuGuest23907: With Launchpad's Personal Package Archives (PPA), you can build and publish binary Ubuntu packages for multiple architectures simply by uploading an Ubuntu source package to Launchpad. See https://help.launchpad.net/PPAQuickStart.23:17
Dr_Willisdl0c:  the people in #mythbuntu may have good suggestions.23:17
arandMarupa: I know the liveCD has had some wonkyness with raid and partition detection...23:17
Dr_Willisdl0c:  been looking for one myself.23:17
JR_wCan I adapt menu.lst to boot into the Ubuntu?????23:18
dl0cjust found that23:18
james__Any other tiling wm users here?23:18
Marupaarand: dang.  And now I have to leave, so hopefully I can figure this out when I get back.23:18
dl0cthe IMON VFD looks great23:18
james__awesome/dwm/wmii/scrotwm etc?23:18
Dr_WillisJR_w:  ubuntu 9.10 uses grub2 - You could always  customize the other disrtos menu.lst to boot ubuntu if you wanted23:18
EastDallasdl0c: snapstream firefly23:19
Guest23907ubuntu really needs an ezyer way to update firefox...23:19
Guest23907thax again23:19
oneinchanyone in here use peercast?23:19
ownerwhere would I find the config file that sets the default resolution for a particular user's session?23:19
JR_wDr_Willis Thanks.  I will check into it!  some sort of chainloader thing, i guess?23:19
james__Ubuntu only updates packages for security updates.23:19
Dr_WillisJR_w:  or you just edit the menu.lst to boot it directly23:20
james__If you want the latest and greatest firefox, add the ppa and you'll get updates when they're available.23:20
=== james__ is now known as Crisis
dl0cthanks EastDallas, was ideally looking for a 3.5" drive bay reciever... but that looks nice too23:20
EastDallasdl0c: one thing, I think it's rf and not ir....could be wrong...23:21
JR_wDr_Willis: OK, just need to look up the specific lines I need to boot into sda923:21
dl0cRF is good too23:21
dl0ci can put the reciever inside the case23:21
ShizuoWhy does NetworkManager suck so much?23:22
radioman-ltmanagers allways suck ;D23:22
EastDallasShizuo: try WiCD23:23
ShizuoYes, it rocks23:23
liam_anyone need help?23:23
YamagizI have an old dell laptop that can't lplay video, anyone care to take a crack at it?23:23
ShizuoTake a crack?23:23
drenyxI have a problem with any terminal or console....it doesn't interpret escape sequences or something23:23
magn3tsHow do I install KDE alongside GNOME?23:24
Crisissudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop23:24
magn3tsCrisis, alongside, I dont want GDM replaced and the boot splash changed.23:24
CrisisIt won't be.23:24
magn3tsCrisis, It was the last time I installed kubuntu-desktop on an ubuntu install23:25
EastDallas!info kubuntu23:25
ShizuoI love you all23:25
CrisisHang on.23:25
ubottuPackage kubuntu does not exist in karmic23:25
EastDallas!info kubuntu-desktio23:25
ubottuPackage kubuntu-desktio does not exist in karmic23:25
EastDallas!info kubuntu-desktop23:25
ubottukubuntu-desktop (source: kubuntu-meta): Kubuntu desktop system. In component main, is optional. Version 1.154 (karmic), package size 23 kB, installed size 52 kB23:25
kickar!info awn23:25
ubottuPackage awn does not exist in karmic23:25
kickar!info smplayer23:25
ubottusmplayer (source: smplayer): complete front-end for MPlayer. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 0.6.7-1 (karmic), package size 1080 kB, installed size 2468 kB23:25
Yamagiz!info kde-core23:25
ubottuPackage kde-core does not exist in karmic23:25
Yamagiz!info gnome-core23:25
ubottugnome-core (source: meta-gnome2): The GNOME Desktop Environment -- essential components. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:2.22.2~4ubuntu8 (karmic), package size 14 kB, installed size 44 kB23:25
Yamagiz"Love is in the air..."23:26
CrisisTry installing the kdebase package.23:26
CrisisThat should work.23:26
YamagizAnyways, I need help with my neomagic card.23:27
drenyxI need help with:      �24;5H�H�24;5H�H�24;5H�H�24;5H�H�24;5H�H�0m�24;5Hl�24;6H�H�0m�24;5H �24;5H�H�0m�24;5Hs�24;6H�H�0m�24;6Hl�24;7H�H�0m�24;5H  �24;5H�H�0m�24;5He�24;6H�H�0m�2423:27
EastDallasmagn3ts: If I remember correctly, it will prompt you on what login you want to use.  If it doesn't all you have to do is reinstall gdm and you'll get it back23:27
magn3tsCrisis, is the KDE stuff in the ubuntu repos all 4.0+ these days?23:27
tucemiuxi am attempting to grant a user access to a partition using sshfs using public key, the user can log in to the server using ssh fine but the user gets this error when attempting to mount the drive using sshfs: read: Connection reset by peer23:27
CrisisYes sir.23:27
drenyxthe terminal windows or consoles don't interpret things correctly23:27
magn3tsCrisis, fantastic. thanks.23:27
YamagizI really just want a verdict on whether or not this card can play any kind of video.23:28
magn3tsEastDallas, Saw something like that when I was googling. I think kdebase will work for now. thanks23:28
CrisisNo problem, good luck.23:28
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* liam_ confused23:28
Yamagizdrenyx: What kind of keyboard are you using?23:28
drenyxyou mean physical or the layout selected?23:28
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drenyxit's a laptop keyboard with the standard USA layout23:29
theshadowOk I still can't figure out why my wireless devices can't be activated. I plugged in a USB network device and it also can't be enabled. this is the dump from the syslog http://pastebin.com/m629c62f023:29
Crisistheshadow, try posting on the forums.23:30
liam_ubuntu has its own irc channel yet no irc client installed by default23:30
Yamagizdrenyx: is ti a dell?23:30
Yamagizliam_: Empathy or Pidgin23:30
Dr_Willisliam_:  Hmm.. I recall the IM clients can do IRC23:30
drenyxYam: hell no :>23:30
YamagizThey both have IRC support23:30
liam_yes but they arn't deicated applacations23:31
Dr_Willisliam_:  so?23:31
YamagizActually they are.23:31
CrisisTry irssi if you want a dedicated app, it's cli though.23:31
YamagizThey are dedicated to supporting as many reasonable messaging protocols as possible.23:31
Yamagizirssi works very well23:31
fdmananajust plugged in a usb hard drive (with two ext3 partitions), but it didn't get auto monted, however in /var/log/messages I get:  "Jan 25 00:27:43 core2duo kernel: [12894.330016] usb 2-3: new high speed USB device using ehci_hcd and address 4"23:32
liam_i use xchat23:32
fdmananabut no info on which device it is mapped to23:32
fdmananahow can I find it?23:32
cirodiazvelezhello, someone knows how to configure the intelGMA 500 ? i haved try everithng and i cat mak it work23:32
* Dr_Willis likes weechat 0.3.023:32
Yamagizliam_: Then what are you trying to get at?23:32
CrisisIt should work out of the box :S23:32
theshadowhow can I trigger ubuntu 9.10 to regenerate all the network config files like when you first install?23:32
cirodiazvelezi cant get my optimal screen resolution and everithing looks giant23:32
CrisisHave you tried manually setting the resolution?23:33
cirodiazvelezyes, t says uknow display and it doesnt allow me to change the display23:33
=== DMJC-L is now known as DMJC
CrisisYou're using 9.10?23:33
cirodiazvelezyes, 9.10, i just updated it23:34
cirodiazvelezi have 1 month trying to fix this23:34
liam_Yamagiz, i just don't think the empathy (for irc) lays options out easy enough23:34
CrisisUpgraded from 9.04?23:34
Yamagizget pigdin23:34
cirodiazvelezclean install23:34
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CrisisWas it working before you updated it?23:34
Yamagizliam_: As I understand it is being worked on for 10.423:34
cirodiazvelezno it never works.....23:35
cirodiazvelezm driving myself crazy,,,23:35
CrisisI'm not sure to be honest, try posting on the forums.23:35
CrisisA lot more people will be available to help.23:35
liam_Yamagiz, any word on weba23:35
liam_Yamagiz, any word on webcam support in empathy for the msn protocal23:36
deltafunction007hi guys!   HAve you ever seen such a problem:  "Wireless connection connects with DHCP - IP and gateway is set up properly. I can access the internet for about 5 seconds then there is no internet"23:36
wrektjethey i just installed a new hdd and formatted it as ext3 can someone give me a quick howto on setting up the mkdir so that i have space coneccted to my home folder?23:36
Yamagizliam_: No idea, all I have is a laptop that can't play videos, and I use pidgin.23:36
deltafunction007Wireless connection connects with DHCP - IP and gateway is set up properly. I can access the internet for about 5 seconds then there is no internet23:36
cirodiazvelezthanks anyway =)23:36
YamagizTry looking for the empathy developers23:37
erUSULwrektjet: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/separatehome23:37
Yamagizdeltafunction007: What happens after five seconds?23:37
hyperstreamlibstdc++.so.5: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory (how can i resolve this? i installed libstdc++ but it installed libstdc++.so.6 files etc23:37
erUSUL!find libstdc++.so.523:37
ubottuPackage/file libstdc++.so.5 does not exist in karmic23:37
twisted_hi need some help with netbook remix this the rite place?23:37
liam_Yamagiz, u tried playing a file23:38
hyperstream!find libstdc++523:38
ubottuPackage/file libstdc++5 does not exist in karmic23:38
wrektjeterUSUL, i have my data in /home as i have the OS in / . id like the new hdd to be an extension to /home is that possible?23:38
hyperstream!find libstdc++623:38
ubottuFile libstdc++6 found in gcc-snapshot, libstdc++6, libstdc++6-4.1-dbg, libstdc++6-4.1-dev, libstdc++6-4.1-doc (and 13 others)23:38
liam_Yamagiz, anything happen23:38
YamagizIts the card itself, it has no hardware acceleration and it has like 4MB vram23:38
Yamagizliam_: It plays video at around .5FPS23:38
erUSULwrektjet: so you already have home in a separate partition ?23:38
hyperstreamerUSUL, is there anyway to resolve this ? how can i install an older libstdcc++ ?23:39
manevrawhat is the command to edit a pppoe connection ? pppoe-setup ?23:39
HCDemonsomething in my install has been borked, all windows in gnome have no border (title bar, min, max, and close buttons) any suggestions?23:39
YamagizI get to watch the frame get drawn across my screen23:39
erUSULmanevra: pppoeconfig23:39
Joke_hey guys23:39
ejvHCDemon: panic23:39
erUSULhyperstream: dunno; sorry23:39
wrektjeterUSUL, yes on my original hdd. i am trying to figure out where to mount the enw one23:39
manevraerUSUL: thanks , than i will just enter my username and password and that how i start it ?23:39
Joke_my current ubuntu system loads up and just shows a small picture of ubuntu23:39
ejvHCDemon: just kidding ;)23:39
liam_ugh nice23:39
twisted_cool .. i just login the my netbook and my launcher is missing the one on the right hand side23:39
Yamagiz!info xfce-base23:39
ubottuPackage xfce-base does not exist in karmic23:39
actionParsniphyperstream: you can symlink the new name to the old name, making the file appear to exist but its just a linked file23:39
Yamagiz!info xfcebase23:39
ubottuPackage xfcebase does not exist in karmic23:39
twisted_how do i get it back..23:39
Yamagiz!info xfce23:40
ubottuPackage xfce does not exist in karmic23:40
deltafunction007can someone figure this out: I am able to ping gateway for about 20 seconds after connection and after that "destination unreachable"23:40
Joke_i put in my ubuntu cd an im going to backup and reinstall... how can i saveall my FF bookmarks etc..23:40
erUSULwrektjet: i would just mount it in /media/data  and use it for media (music photo video) storage for example.23:40
actionParsnipyamagix: for a minimal xfce desktop, install xfce423:40
YamagizactionParsnip: thanks23:40
erUSULwrektjet: maybe set up links to my home folder if needed23:40
HCDemonejv, yea, panic came first, lol, now im just more annoyed that i cant figure out how to fix it23:40
YamagizI alreasdy have Xubuntu23:40
actionParsnipJoke_: backup ~/.mozilla23:40
hyperstreamactionParsnip, sorry to ask, how would i go about that?23:40
YamagizI was checking for the command to help HCD23:40
actionParsnipJoke_: you should have it backed up anyway if the data is important to you23:40
twisted_cool .. i just login the my netbook and my launcher is missing the one on the right hand side23:40
twisted_cool .. i just login the my netbook and my launcher is missing the one on the right hand side23:40
twisted_how do i get it back..23:40
liam_were can i get a linux based email?23:41
FloodBot1twisted_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.23:41
Joke_i also have skipper, how can i backup my passwords?23:41
HCDemonYamagiz, ok cool, thx23:41
=== Bwaah is now known as Bwaah|PopTarts
actionParsnip!email | liam_23:41
owen1how to find a maintainer of a specific driver?23:41
YamagizHCDemon: That's a different DE23:41
actionParsnipliam_: do you mean a linux based email client, or an email server?23:41
Yamagizafter it installs log out and just the drop box at bottom of screen to select xfce-session23:42
YamagizThen I say removing and reinstalling gnome23:42
twisted_how do i get my netbook launcher back.23:42
Joke_actionparsnip, will this backup my live cd FF, or my other ubuntu? and the command failed for me anyway23:42
actionParsnipJoke_: you'll have to check the skipper docs on where it stores stuff23:42
liam_actionParsnip, looking to replace my hotmail address23:42
HCDemonhave to install xfce first, which its doing now23:43
actionParsnipJoke_: you will need to mount the internal partition and backup the folder. why don't you have a backup regime if the data is preciious to you?23:43
YamagizHCDemon: I know that XFCE devides those the desktop into different pieces but I think Gnome is all in one23:43
Joke_i just have some doc's I need23:43
actionParsnipliam_: that kind of tning is offtopic here23:43
Joke_and my FF23:43
Joke_thats it23:43
deltafunction007can someone help me with the internet connection question?23:43
Yamagizdeltafunction007: Is it wireless/23:44
actionParsnipJoke_: you should still have a backup23:44
deltafunction007yes wireless on Intel PRO 2200BG23:44
cirodiazvelezif someone knows how to configure the intel GMA500 please help me @_ciro_23:44
twisted_how do i get my netbook launcher back.23:44
Joke_and mount the internal partition? i have no idea how to... is there a way I can acces the desktop of the ubuntu partiton?23:44
deltafunction007it appears connected and even can access internet and ping gateway for about 20 seconds23:44
Yamagizdeltafunction007: What prototcol?23:44
Joke_I clicked on ubuntu repair -> graphic repair... now the splash image just freezes.23:45
liam_actionParsnip, where is not?23:45
actionParsnipJoke_: i don't know where skipper keeps its stuff, mozilla stores ts stuff in ~/.mozilla23:45
actionParsnipliam_: this channel23:45
deltafunction007but then connection no longer works, though it appears as "connected"23:45
Joke_maybe I could try repair it from the live CD.23:45
actionParsnipJoke_: you may want to delete the browser cache to make it smaller23:45
npc1Hey could someone help me with grub2?23:45
Yamagizdeltafunction007: did you make multiple entries for it by accident?23:45
actionParsnipdeltafunction007: can you ping your router?23:46
lihoboi wannt to know23:46
Joke_Ok.. Could you help me fix the startup issue.23:46
drenyxso, my weird console/terminal thing, I've tried all manner of terminal programs for gnome, tried the terminal without gnome, tried booting recovery mode...23:46
lihobohow i can reset ubntu to defult23:46
YamagizJoke_: what is it?23:46
drenyxnothing lets me run the program locally or remotely23:46
deltafunction007I deleted all wireless connections and then accepted one auto wireless (from available networks in Ubuntu bbar)23:46
lihoboany one know23:46
Yamagizlihobo: What do you want? Default settings?23:46
drenyxthe colors and positioning are not interpreted23:46
Joke_When i startup ubuntu 9.04, after the screens loads it goes all distoreted and just freezes.23:47
actionParsniplihobo: you can delete the .gnome .gconf .gnome2 folders in a recovery root console then reboot, you will get defauly gnome settings23:47
deltafunction007ifconfig shows: eth0, eth1, lo  and only eth1 RUNNING   -  which is the wireless23:47
npc1anyone know how to get things done in grub 2? I know you can't edit it like grub legacy anymore...23:47
actionParsniplihobo: you can see the gnome gconf folders, delete or rename them all23:47
meganerddeltafunction007: what does iwcofig by itself return?23:48
erUSUL!grub2 | npc123:48
ubottunpc1: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub223:48
deltafunction007when I run "route"  I get 3 entries.    first 2 come quick, and third one is delayed and returns in about 15 seconds23:48
npc1yea I've been there23:48
Gatewaydeltafunction007, did you try iwconfig ?23:48
meganerddeltafunction007: you are probably going to need pastebin to show us23:48
npc1it just seems kind of confusing23:48
drenyxdelta use route -n23:48
Joke_Yamagiz, do u get me?23:48
npc1I just want to edit this one line23:48
npc1and I don't know how23:48
drenyxit will stop dns from trying to interpret the IP23:48
actionParsnipnpc1: what do you want to edit?23:48
YamagizI think so23:48
meganerddeltafunction007: in the future use "ip route". route and ifconfig will go away eventually23:49
Yamagizdo you have compiz enabled or any special effects?23:49
npc1there this line in grub where it looks for a device and prevents ubuntu from booting23:49
deltafunction007ok 1 sec23:49
Joke_No i dont23:49
npc1when  I go to the grub menu adn hit "edit" I can get rid of it and boot just fine23:49
actionParsnipnpc1: the factoid tells you the files to edit to achieve what you want23:49
actionParsnipnpc1: when ubottu said stuff23:50
Joke_I just clicked on repair graphics and it came up.23:50
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub223:50
actionParsnipnpc1: thats a factoid23:50
ami_can anyone help me configure apache2 for php 4.4.9?23:50
npc1I'll look at it again and coem back with the launchpad bug repoort23:51
actionParsnipami_: tried #apache23:51
ami_i did23:51
HCDemonYamagiz, how would i remove/reinstall gnome now that im in xfce? apt-get remove ubuntu-desktop ? and install to get it back?23:51
ubottuIf you want to remove all !Gnome packages and have a default !Kubuntu system follow the instructions here « https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PureKDE »23:51
meganerdami_: why php4?23:52
ami_legacy app23:52
YamagizHCDemon: no don't do that23:52
Yamagizlet me think23:52
ami_won't work with 523:52
Yamagiz!info gnome23:52
ubottugnome (source: meta-gnome2): The GNOME Desktop Environment, with extra components. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:2.22.2~4ubuntu8 (karmic), package size 1 kB, installed size 44 kB23:52
actionParsnipHCDemon: that uide will help dude23:52
Yamagiz!info gnome223:52
ubottuPackage gnome2 does not exist in karmic23:52
drenyx;5H �24;5H�H�0m�24;5H#�24;6H�H�0m�24;6Hc�24;7H�H�0m�24;7Hl�24;8H�H�0m�24;8Ho�24;9H�H�0m�24;9Hs�24;10H�H�0m�24;10He�24;11H�H�0;44;30m�1;22H  <-- this stuff is all i get when I run a program that uses ncurses + ansi or otherwise colored text, it works on other linux distros, but on ubuntu it does it locally through any number of terminal programs or on a remote server via ssh,23:52
wrektjeti mounted a new hdd but i must have done something wrong i have no permission to access it23:52
wrektjeti cant unmount for example or create a folder within it23:53
Joke_was the let me think to me?23:53
YamagizJoke_: you can try sudo apt-get remove gnome23:53
Yamagizwait no23:53
YamagizThis is on the edge of my mind23:53
* Yamagiz needs to be at a gnome computer23:54
actionParsnipdrenyx: does it happen as all users?23:54
Joke_i cant get into terminal btw..23:54
Joke_im on the live CD atm.23:54
drenyxI haven't tried other users yet, fresh install as of yesterday23:54
Yamagizoh duh23:54
actionParsnipdrenyx: create a new user and test23:54
meganerddrenyx: what use locale are you using?23:55
YamagizJoke_: I say you just use XFCE4 or KDE23:55
deltafunction007do I need to copy paste the results of pastebin here?23:55
daftykinsdrenyx: "sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales" sometimes fixes crazy stuff like that for some23:55
YamagizI don't know how to properly remove and reinstall gnome without harming something23:55
Joke_how do i install KDE23:55
Yamagizgo into a recover boot23:55
meganerddrenyx: it looks like you don't have utf8 support installed and are trying to use non-latin characters23:55
drenyxit's not non-latin chars23:56
Yamagizyou have to login using your account name and password23:56
drenyxit's an ncurses program23:56
Yamagizif the computer is already setup with net23:56
Yamagizsudo apt-get install should work23:56
Joke_but I can't acces my desktop23:56
wrektjetcan anyone assist me with setting the correct permissions for a hdd? the line in my fstab reads like this: /dev/sdb1    /media/data   ext3    defaults     0        223:56
Yamagizthe recovery menu is a terminal window23:57
Yamagizno GUI23:57
wrektjeti assume defaults is wrong23:57
Yamagizyou can't do it from live cd23:57
drenyxmeganerd:   en_US.UTF-8... up-to-date23:57
YamagizDo you know how to select a different option in grub?23:57
EastDallasHCDemon: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purexfce23:57
Joke_so sudo apt-get install gnome23:57
Joke_or kde?23:57
Joke_sorry -.-23:57
ubottuKDE (http://kde.org) is the !desktop environment used natively in !Kubuntu. To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop », or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE . See http://kubuntu.org for more information. For more information on KDE 4, see !kde423:58
Yamagizsudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop23:58
ubottuKDE 4.3 is the latest major release of the KDE Software Compilation. Packages can be found at http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.3.4 - KDE SC 4.4 Beta1 packages for !karmic are available here http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-sc-4.4-beta-1 - Support in #kubuntu23:58
EastDallasJoke_: I just came in on the tail end of this, but the standard packages are kubuntu-desktop and ubuntu-desktop23:58
ubottuUbuntu 9.10 (Karmic Koala) is the current release of Ubuntu. Download: http://releases.ubuntu.com/9.10/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/91023:58
Joke_now to acces command libe23:58
erUSUL!cli | Joke_23:58
ubottuJoke_: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal23:58
Joke_thats fine23:58
Yamagizyou have to log in first23:59
deltafunction007results of iwconfig:   http://paste.ubuntu.com/362258/23:59
Joke_so long as  i can backup23:59
=== Bwaah|PopTarts is now known as Bwaah
challmanhey, can anyone help me with a new install and video problems? I've got an older system with an ATI Radeon 9000 & DVI attached LCD. when it boots after install, I do see things on the screen right up to before the logon screen but the LCD shows out of range23:59

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