
=== \vish is now known as vish
* persia peers about09:56
elkyoh, right.09:56
elkypersia, did we miss it?09:56
persiaI don't think so.  I think it starts in 3 minutes.09:57
elkyoh ok09:57
persiaDid the government there decide to have a special clock-changing ceremony for Australia Day?09:57
elkydunno. i've just spend a week in another time zone, so i'm slightly lost09:58
persiaAh, that would be it then.  You're absolutely sure it's a later than it is :)09:58
elkyi'm absolutely sure i don't want to go back to work tomorrow10:00
om26eris it 10:00 UTC?10:01
persiaom26er: a bit past, really.10:01
persiaelky: You just need to start a national movement to abolish contract labor, and build enough support within the next 10 hours to have them not expect you :)10:02
elkylifeless: freeflying?10:03
elkywoohoo, fearless leader has arrived10:03
amachuelky: Hmm..10:04
lifelesselky: am in france; somwhat here will do my best10:04
* om26er don't know what to say10:04
elkyom26er, what do you need to say?10:04
om26erI applied for ubuntu members10:05
persiaIn that case, as soon as we're organised, we'll ask you to introduce yourself, and lots of questions.10:06
persiaFor now, just wait a bit.10:06
amachupersia: duluu isn't present & om26er is presenting?10:06
elkyom26er, oh ok. so you did :)10:06
persiawe're still missing two (or four) people, depending how one counts.10:06
lifelessbut don't block on me: its work-and-sprinting time here10:06
amachupersia: elky: lifeless: we are four right?10:07
persiaSo we are.10:07
elkywe do hold quorum, so we should take the time we have with lifeless as precious i suspect10:07
persiaLet's go then :)10:08
amachupersia: ok10:08
elkywe can deal with duluu when he arrives10:08
amachuelky: yep10:08
* elky pouts10:08
elkyi fail at mootbot :(10:08
amachuelky: am yet get to get used to it10:09
elkyum. its absence may be somethign to do with that.10:09
persiaMeeting started at 10*09 UTC10:09
* persia fails at emulation, but tries10:09
amachufine, om26er: your turn to present your contributions and why you would like to become a Ubuntu Member10:10
om26eramachu, its the way that I can tell others that I am a member of ubuntu community10:11
amachuom26er: tell about yourself10:11
amachu& your contributions10:12
om26erI live in pakistan, I am 1910:12
om26eri spend all my time at launchpad and #ubuntu10:12
om26erI started with triaging ubuntu moblin remix bugs then I moved to empathy10:13
om26ernow I am a papercutter10:13
om26erI have been reporting/triaging bugs for empathy,indicator-applet rhythmbox and gwibber10:14
om26erI have been using Lucid for 2months for testing and reporting10:15
om26erin the past 4 months I have made almost 10 new ubuntu users10:16
amachufreeflying: there?10:17
amachuom26er: how long have you been reporting bugs & anwers?10:18
om26ermore than 5months10:18
om26erI have also applied for bug control10:18
persiaom26er: You don't appear to have any testimonials on your wiki page.  Have you brought anyone to cheer for you?10:20
AlanBellI will cheer for om26er, just dropping by, but he has helped push upstream a bug I raised10:21
persiaAlanBell: Could you share why you think om26er would be a great Ubuntu Member?10:22
AlanBellpersia: to be honest I haven't had that much interaction with om26er, but I was flipping past the meeting channel and saw the nick and recognised it as the person who was helping me yesterday, and previously on the same bug10:24
elkyom26er, can you tell us what you do for #ubuntu?10:25
om26erelky, help people and solve their problems where I am able to10:25
elkyon average how much per week?10:26
om26erfor the last two weeks I have been triaging more than support but before that weekends were like 4-5 hours and an hour or so on week days10:27
amachuom26er: anyone from Pakistan Loco to cheer you?10:28
om26eramachu, well I just applied for that team and got accepted. well that room is quite empty 3-4 people with no activity10:29
lifelessom26er: is it school holidays for ou at the oment? or mid term?10:30
lifelessYou started around october I think (doing Ubuntu support and bug manaement)10:30
om26eractually my papers are next week10:30
lifelessSo I'm curious if this is just a help-out-in-holidays thing, or if it is fitting in with your normal academic workload10:31
amachuom26er: shall that be taken as, you are on the internet more, who is yet to get into the Pakistan LoCo?10:32
om26ermy last holidays were summer holidays and 10 holidays for winter10:32
elkylifeless, from reading my logs, mid to late august is when mobin was discovered by him. is that correct om26er?10:32
freeflyingamachu: elky sorry, I'm late, just back home10:33
lifelesselky: thanks10:33
amachufreeflying: hey! great.. om26er is presenting his contributions & here is his page https://wiki.ubuntu.com/om26er10:34
freeflyingamachu: reading back scroll, thanks10:34
elkythe giving:getting ratio of help appears to balance out a bit in late September, so he definitely does do some help giving.10:35
amachushall we take voting? freeflying: if you have questions, we shall wait10:37
freeflyingamachu: no for me, please go ahead with voting10:38
elkyamachu, 0 from me. good start, but neither significant or sustained unfortunately. i'm sure in a few months things will be better.10:39
elkyduluu, hi there. we're just finishing with om26er now, we'll see to you after :)10:40
persiaI'm disinclined to give much credit for bug work until membership in Bug Control is achieved, although I feel that it's a great start.  The support stuff looks good, but I have trouble seeing it well.10:40
elkypersia, would a quick glance at my grep help?10:40
persiaSo +0 for me: I think it's close, but I'd like either membership in Bug Control (as indication of support by our bug triage team) or more testimonials.10:40
amachuwould like to see a bit more before giving a +1, from my end too.. +0 here10:41
amachulifeless: and you?10:41
persiaelky: I've glanced at logs: I just think that it's hard to effectively measure that sort of support just from logs.  I don't beleive in a relation between volume and effectiveness.  That said, what I've seen looks good, but it's not enough to push me into deciding alone.10:42
lifelessI am +1: reasonably sustained (5 months)10:42
lifelessso, duluu next yes?10:43
persiaWell, let's get freeflying's vote first :)10:43
amachuom26er: keep up the good work, shape the wiki better so that we get a clear impression..10:44
freeflying+1, a lot of answer tracker as well on lp10:44
amachupersia: elky: raising from +010:45
elkynot from me at this point10:45
persiaNor I.10:45
amachume too holding on +0.10:45
* om26er triaged almost 30 bugs in last 2weeks10:46
elkyom26er, sorry :(. however, your bug quality is good and you do seem to be learning really really fast, which means in a few months, you'll be a true asset. please do persist for bug control and so forth though10:46
amachuom26er: so keep up the good work.. would like to see you soon..10:46
om26erthank you all.10:47
amachuduluu: you turn..10:47
amachuduluu: your turn10:47
amachuduluu: are you here?10:48
elkyduluu, ping?10:48
amachuok, any other issues to be raised?10:52
amachulifeless: elky: persia: freeflying ?10:52
persiaMost of our memberships run out in three months.10:53
persiaDoes anyone know what is happening about new elections?10:53
persia(or appointments, or whatever)?10:53
lifelesso/ people knowing stuff10:53
elkywe should probably initiate in short order10:53
freeflyingamachu: no fon me10:53
amachunew elections to?10:53
persiaThis board.10:54
amachupersia: I am not getting what you are referring to..10:54
amachunew members to board?10:54
elkypersia, could you contact the Community Council about it?10:54
persiaI'm not likely to be able to stay up until council meeting tonight.10:54
persiaOr, no they are staggered10:55
* persia is confused.10:55
elkyit doesn't have to be right now.10:55
amachupersia: may be we shall take it up in next meeting10:55
persiaLet's do that.10:55
persiaAnd one of us (maybe me) can contact CC and figure things out.10:55
lifelessyou could send a mail :)10:55
elkyyou're the one who noted the pending expiries, and hence you're the one most versed on it by default :)10:55
persiaI believe pleia2 is currently preparing some best practice guidelines for elections/appointments anyway.10:55
amachuamachu: ok10:56
amachupersia: ok10:56
amachupersia: would you be taking this up or should I & when? next CC meeting?10:58
persiaamachu: Let's discuss next RMB meeting, and take it to the CC after that.10:58
persiaeither you or I can take it.  I don't care.10:58
elkydiscuss it next meeting now that we have a week to think about it10:58
amachupersia: elky ok10:58
persiaI just wanted to make sure we all knew.10:59
elkyit is 3 months, but i do advise, based on past experience, in getting in early.10:59
persia(as another council in which I participate recently ran into issues from procrastination)10:59
amachupersia: yep.. thanks for that10:59
elkypersia, thanks, and ditto.10:59
amachuduluu: turn out then for our next meeting..11:00
amachuelky: persia: freeflying: lifeless: thanks for joining, leaving now..11:01
* asac waves ... and gets some coffee (bbi2)12:58
NCommanderno bot13:00
popeymootbot is dead apparently13:00
dyfetthe point is moot then13:00
* ogra appears13:01
NCommanderdyfet, ow, that pun hurt.13:01
* NCommander just needs a moment13:01
NCommanderWho's awake this morning?13:01
plarsmootbot was arrested for violating one of the three laws of robotics13:02
JamieBennettme (but its 1pm here ;))13:02
NCommanderplars, which one did it violate?13:02
ogradid it hurt humans ?13:02
GrueMasterMaybe he's the smart one and is still asleep.13:02
asacgetting started?13:03
* NCommander nods13:03
NCommanderAction Item Review13:03
NCommanderJamieBennett to complete imx51 backportng documentation on boot-speed13:03
JamieBennettLast week was swallowed up by something else so no progress on that13:04
NCommandercooloney to investigate lucid kernel patches that may need back-porting13:04
asac[ACTION] JamieBennett to complete imx51 backportng documentation on boot-speed13:04
ograBug 512321 has a fix and shoves off 2 seconds :)13:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 512321 in linux-fsl-imx51 "please backport devtmpfs to the lucid linux-imx51 kernel tree" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/51232113:04
asaccooloney cant attend today, so we should move his item forward13:04
asac[ACTION] cooloney to investigate lucid kernel patches that may need back-porting13:04
ogramy imx51 install is booting incredibly fast atm :)13:04
ograNCommander, make sure thats enabled in dove too ^^^13:05
davidmG'day NCommander13:05
NCommanderhey DavidLevin13:05
NCommandertab complete failure13:05
NCommanderhey davidm13:05
davidmbummber about mootbot13:05
NCommander * ericm and NCommander to investigate what causes the gnome-panel crash/restart cycle13:05
asac[ACTION] NCommander to ensure that dove gets devtmpfs lucid bits backported too13:05
* persia has begun the process of poking appropriate people13:06
* NCommander takes actions13:06
ograasac, no need to backport, just enabling13:06
ogradevtmpfs is in .3213:06
asacNCommander: so the gnome-panel crashes are gone?13:06
asacplars: ?13:06
plarsno, I saw a gnome panel crash yesterday13:06
NCommanderasac, unfortunately no. Last week was a wash for me due to sickness so I didn't look into it13:06
plarsthat was on imx5113:06
asacplars: a crash ... or constant crashing?13:06
NCommanderSeems to be unrelated to our general hanging issue on Dove13:07
asacNCommander: no problem13:07
ograplars, uuh13:07
* ogra hasnt seen any yet13:07
plarserr, on dove actually13:07
plarson imx51 it was one of the few things that was fine13:07
* ogra swipes sweat off forehead13:07
plarsI think the root of most of my imx51 trouble yesterday was with the usb bug though13:07
NCommanderogra, bah, you should try having some Thumb2 issues. They're a load of fun13:07
ograwhich still isnt clear to me its USB though13:08
ograsince the issues obviously affected the livefs on the SD too13:08
asacplars: do we have a bug for gnome-panel crashes?13:08
NCommanderericm_, anything else to add13:08
plarsasac: I didn't get a chance yesterday, was going to go looking and make sure it's in today, but I thought there was one for it already13:08
GrueMasterasac bug 51251513:09
asac[ACTION] plars to file a bug on gnome-panel crashes13:09
ubottuBug 512515 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/512515 is private13:09
plarsor possibly 458109... not sure if it's the same problem though13:09
asacGrueMaster: apport hasnt kicked in yet?13:09
asaccan you open it?13:09
plarsbug 45810913:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 458109 in gnome-panel "gnome-panel crashed with SIGSEGV in free()" [Medium,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/45810913:09
ograwhy cant i see 512515 ?13:09
persia512515 is *very* private.13:09
ograisnt ubuntu.armel subbed ?13:09
plarsnor can I13:10
NCommanderasac, apport on ARM been somewhat twichy. The retracer crashed while I was out sick, and I haven't kicked it hard enough yet13:10
asacogra: i assume its a crash report and apport didnt came a round yet13:10
ograasac, still the reported needs to sub -armel13:10
persiaAh, that explains the *very* private-ness.13:10
asacright. so if you report crashes from a test install you can definitly open them up13:10
NCommander[ACTION] NCommander to raise apport-retracer for armel from the dead13:10
persiaWell, depends on what one did with the test install :)13:10
asacheh. you get the point ;)13:11
NCommander** asac, ericm, and NCommander to talk about Thumb2 issues after the meeting and report back.13:11
ograwhat was the outcome ?13:11
asacthe outcome is that we have three knobs to tune:13:12
asaca) user space apps (try to workaround)13:12
asacb) kernel/toolchain (try to eliminate bad instructions)13:12
NCommandera is bust13:12
ograa) would affect all of wrmel, no ?13:12
asacc) hardware (fix hardware)13:12
* ogra votes for b13:12
asacogra: well. so atm dove images start again13:12
asacthe hangups were caused by python13:13
asacthe new python and recreating the .pyc's fixed it13:13
NCommanderb is semi-difficult to do. I'm tempted to go with c unless we *really* want Dove Y series hardware to work13:13
asacso a) is kind of done, but flaky13:13
ograwell, c means we need to replace the world13:13
asacNCommander is working on b) with ericm (thats my understanding) ... and we are investigating hardware (but that probably takes a bit)13:13
ograwhich we'll surely do over time anyway13:13
ograbut that requires speed13:14
asacogra: a relatively small world though ;)13:14
asace.g. just our boards13:14
ograstill takes shipping time etc13:14
ograand throws us back even more13:14
asacNCommander: i thought you had an idea how to do that13:14
asacwhat happened to it?13:14
NCommanderasac, on a or b?13:15
ograsemi indicates it easy for 50% ;)13:15
NCommanderb is still fermenting, but I'm not sure we can handle the busted vldr instructions13:15
NCommanderWe could change the toolchain to not use vldr, but that requires rebuilding the world13:15
ograi thought you discussed a solution with dmart yesterday13:16
asacright. what was the outcome?13:16
NCommanderasac, ogra, just bounced ideas around. I don't think we came to a definate plan13:16
ograhmm, k13:16
asacok. lets try to keep a) going for now13:17
ograand c13:17
asaci will talk to dmart and ericm about b)13:17
asacand c) is ongoing anyway13:17
dmartFrom my pov, if vldr can't be worked around, the only other options are to change the toolchain, or build in ARM13:17
asacNCommander: so you are off the hook and can do other things until further notice ;)13:17
dmartNCommander, wasn't there an erratum patch for the vldr problems, or does it not work even with the patch.13:18
NCommanderdmart, the patch requires that the instruction is excuted and then faults13:18
ogradmart, build in ARM means we lose all improvements on imx51 too, no ?13:18
asacyes ogra13:18
NCommanderdmart, its my understanding that our board hangs just executing the vldr instruction will cause the hang. (think Intel style f00f bug)13:18
ograthats what i feared13:18
dmartogra, well, yes, probably :/13:18
dmartNCommander, I see. Important to clarify the situation on newer hardware then...13:19
* NCommander has been doing research into the f00f bug13:19
NCommanderI'm curious if we can use a similar technique to work around the issue, but most of the proposed fixes abuses things on Intel processors that don't exist on ARM13:19
asacok. anything else on this that shouldnt be discussed offline?13:20
* NCommander has nothing13:20
NCommander ** NCommander to investigate ericm's xorg naming bug.13:21
* NCommander can't even remember what the naming bug was ...13:21
ograyou skipped two items13:21
asacguess thats a carry forward ;)13:21
asac[ACTION] * NCommander to investigate ericm's xorg naming bug.13:21
asachuh? he says he cant even remember ;)13:22
ograi thought you mean the skipped ones13:22
NCommanderogra, i skipped cooloney's ones since he's not here13:22
ogradoesnt matter13:22
ograi can comment on both13:22
NCommanderogra, oh, :-)13:22
JamieBennettxorg was wrongly named no?13:22
NCommanderIn that case13:22
NCommander ** cooloney to ping fsl for more reliable chip rev checking method.13:22
ograthe method is reliable, the bootloaders werent13:23
asac[ACTION] * cooloney to ping fsl for more reliable chip rev checking method.13:23
asachasnt that happened?13:23
asacright. i thought we have the fix for uboot even13:23
ograwe have bugfixes for uboot but will likely stay with redboot anyway13:23
ograso that item is gone13:23
JamieBennettboo ;)13:23
asacsure ... but that item is done in any case13:23
asacscratch that action ;)13:23
ograsame for the next one13:23
ograsuspend/resume works reliable on imx51 now13:23
NCommander ** persia, asac, Gruemaster to discuss meeting rotation schedule and report back.13:24
ograall fixed :)13:24
asacwe decided that we discuss that during sprint13:24
persiaGrueMaster and I discussed it briefly about 12 hours ago.13:24
persia(but asac was asleep)13:24
ograevil you !13:24
persiaWe decided all times were bad for someone.13:24
persiaBut I'll get into that more in my Current Items item.13:25
NCommander* Current Items13:25
NCommander**  Readjustment of the meeting schedule to better fit current participants -- persia13:25
NCommanderpersia, ok, now you can go :-)13:25
* ogra has no concerns about bad times but we need to make sure to match a proper frequency13:25
persiaSo, basically no matter what time is selected, it's going to be bad for some folk.13:25
asacright ... i would say, persia should send out suggestions13:25
ograi.e. i wouldnt change the time in the middle of y release cycle13:25
asacand then we discuss that during sprint13:26
persiaAs a result, we need a weighted analysis of attendees and times, to make it least bad for the smallest number of folk.13:26
persiaSo, I'll volunteer to send something to ubuntu-mobile@ asking for timezones and availability of people who want to commit to attend the meeting, and collect the responses privately.13:26
asacright. so i see two things are to be decided:13:26
ograbut please regard my above comment too13:27
asac1. what meeting time to use next13:27
persiaI'll send out an a summarised mail (no identities) with the weighted analysis, and good times.13:27
asac2. how often do we want to change the meeting time (hint: not too often, to help community)13:27
ogra2 ++13:27
persiaI think rotation is worse than non-rotation.13:27
* ogra proposes with a release13:27
persiaEven if a meeting time is bad for someone, they can probably rearrange things.13:27
persiaRotation makes for lots of rearragement.13:27
ograwell, if it stays for 6 months it shouldnt be to hard to do though13:28
asacbut having 9/10 regular atttendeed suffer isnt that great13:28
persiaPersonally, I'm up for reviewing the time anytime there are significant complaints.13:28
persiaThat doesn't mean it will change, but as we get new participants, and drop old ones, the weighted analysis may suggest better fits.13:28
asac[ACTION] persia to suggest and coordinate discussion on meeting schedule13:29
persiaSo, shall I proceed with this plan?13:29
asacmoving on ...13:30
asacNCommander: ?13:30
NCommander** Standing Items13:30
NCommander**  * http://macaroni.ubuntu.com/~pitti/workitems/canonical-mobile.html13:30
NCommander** Kernel Status (cooloney, ericm)13:30
ogralooks good13:31
ograpretty close to trend13:31
JamieBennettand some are bug linked which will go away soon13:31
asacthat url should be using people.canonical.com now13:32
asac[LINK] http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/workitems/canonical-mobile.html13:32
ograsomeone didnt update the wiki :)13:32
asac[LINK] http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/workitems/canonical-mobile-lucid-alpha-3.html13:33
* NCommander fixes the wiki13:33
NCommanderericm_, how's the Dove kernel ATM?13:33
asacso the itesm start to lack behind13:34
asaci will elminate a bunch of the firefox items this week and also get the webservice-email spec on track13:34
ograwhat do we do about the uboot spec ?13:35
ograwe had one for redboot taht was swapped for it13:35
ogrado we swap back ? do we just drop it ?13:35
ogradavidm, asac ?13:35
asacogra: we should set the status to blocked13:36
asacand communicate the deficiencies to fsl13:36
ograwell, i dont see a way that gets unblocked ever13:36
asacif things get fixed early enough then thats ok13:36
ograat least for the speed issues13:36
ograthese are uboot design issues13:36
asacotherwise thats the reason we dont switch to uboot and we can postpone the items13:36
asacogra: uboot works for dove13:36
ograok, so no swapping back of the redboot spec then13:37
asaci think we would be fine if we get the same feature set13:37
ograuboot works for dove but we dont have any alternative :)13:37
asacogra: lets discuss that after meeting13:37
plarsis it the mac address bug that is killing it?13:37
asac[ACTION] asac and ogra to decide what to do with bootloader specs13:37
ogranor did anyone ever research speed on dove wrt different bootloaders13:37
ograplars, 23 sec vs 11 sec initiaslization speed and the issue that we still need to pull the kernel off SD13:37
asacogra: i am 98% sure that thats a mmc driver bug13:38
ograwhich would turn image creation into a horrible thing13:38
ograasac, no, did you read my mail ?13:38
persiaI'm entirely certain it's a driver bug.13:38
asacogra: the loading speed?13:38
ogradid you read my analysis ?13:38
persiaI know that there exist i.MX51 implementations that can boot from NVRAM/NVROM13:38
ograthe leoading isnt slow13:38
asacogra: i read your mail (if it was the mail i think)13:38
asacogra: the unpacking?13:39
ograthe one i sent today13:39
ograunpacking, initalizing of HW etc13:39
asaci will double check. i think the mail i read was from yesterday night13:39
ograthese are the steps that slow down13:39
ograi mailed one this morning13:39
asacogra: for me mmc load alone is slow13:39
asacbut lets discuss that after i read you mail13:39
ograsubject: "uboot pro/con list, follow up measuring"13:40
asaclets move on.13:40
asacanything on specs=?13:40
asac[topic] Kernel Status (cooloney, ericm)13:40
asacso cooloney isnt here ... ericm?13:40
ograimx51 looks very good apart from the issues plars sees though13:41
ogra(but that could as well be bootloader induced)13:41
plarsplanning to retry with sata today, hopefully things will look much better13:41
ograi'll upload a fresh redboot today, we still use the karmic binary13:41
ogra(since i focused on uboot)13:42
asaclets move on13:44
asac[topic] QA Status (GrueMaster, plars)13:44
* ogra thinks ericm_ fell asleep13:44
plarsstarted working on trying to do pairwise testing13:44
plarsbut the first one I started with was the thing I ran into problems with yesterday13:44
asacdid you create a wiki to track that run?13:44
plarsso not much progress there yet13:44
plarsbut keep in mind this is only a temporary location13:45
asacplars: that means we already discovered a new bug because of this? that sounds too optimal ;)13:45
plarsthe tests are already on iso.qa.ubuntu.com13:45
plarsbut are not visible until after hardy .4 testing13:45
asacvery good13:45
plarsbut anyone should feel free to contribute if you have some spare cycles to try an install13:45
plarspoke me if you have questions13:46
asacGrueMaster: any overview/status on daily testing for last week?13:46
GrueMasterLast week I spent too much time trying to get dove to a working point.13:46
GrueMasterNot much went on with IMX51.13:47
* GrueMaster is gathering a bug list.13:47
GrueMasterI filed a bug on keytool, which is part of the openjava packages.  It segfaults on dove, but not on imx51.13:48
asacright. i remember that13:49
ograubiquity doesnt work on imx5113:49
GrueMasterBug 51095413:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 510954 in openjdk-6 "keytool segfaults on dove but not on imx51" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/51095413:49
ograat least it didnt for me on sunday13:49
ograi didnt research it though13:49
plarsogra: it worked for me yesterday - up until flash-kernel died13:49
GrueMasterI got ubiquity to install yesterday on IMX51 after doing an apt-get update on the live image.13:50
ograso it was probably a one time issue with the friday image i had13:50
GrueMasterThe issue was a missing package.13:50
ograplymouth was fixed today btw13:50
asacok so ubiquity is fixed.13:50
asacwas there a bug open?13:50
asac(for any)13:50
ograbut if both are fixed, no need to bother13:51
asacok ... lets move on ... not much time left ;)13:52
asac[ACTION] ARM Application status (JamieBennett, dyfet)13:52
JamieBennettNothing major to report13:52
asaci guess not much happend there last week.13:52
dyfetSome of the more ambitious ideas were not realizable in this cycle.  I proposed a much smaller subset of seed changes for Jamie to consider.13:52
JamieBennettdyfet: this is the canola spec right?13:52
dyfetAt least I assumed so ;)13:53
asacyes, so i recall that we discussed to not go for canola by default this cycle, but rather just ensure its in the archive13:53
JamieBennettSo canola isn't possible for this cycle but it could be a reality for lucid+113:53
JamieBennettand we are definately interested in that13:53
asacok thanks. sorry, time is running out ...13:53
asac[TOPIC] ARM Porting/FTBFS status (NCommander, dyfet)13:53
asaci think that looks quite ok on the ftbfs list13:53
asaci failed to assign the issues identified in the thumb2 review13:54
ograwhats the number of the bug you filed for likewise NCommander ?13:54
asacso ...13:54
NCommanderI've done some porting of likewise to armel, but it was movre involved than I expected. Should have an initial build done soon.13:54
NCommanderogra, no bug yet, that slipped my mind13:54
asac[ACTION] asac to open bugs and assign for issues identified in thumb2review13:54
ogragnome-power-manager and squd need some attention13:54
asac[LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM/Thumb2PackageReviewList13:54
ograand there is still libv4l13:54
dmartasac, did you want to continue with the review of the universe packages in the Thumb2 list at some point?  I did a few, but not very many.13:55
ograNCommander, please file it :)13:55
asacdmart: yes, we can do another sprint later this week i guess13:55
NCommanderogra, will do13:55
dmartasac, good plan, please suggest a time.13:55
asac[ACTION] asac and dmart to finish thumb2 review for universe13:56
asaclets discuss time after meeting13:56
asac... ok hurrying ;)13:56
asac[TOPIC] ARM Image Status (ogra, persia)13:56
ograalready covered for imx51 above13:56
persiaThings are finally looking really nice.13:56
ograall fine ...13:56
asacthats what we want to hear ;)13:56
ograno idea about dove though13:56
ograsince i didnt test that myself13:57
persiaThe issues are almost entirely details of image construction (previously covered), and the application stacks are mostly just working.13:57
asacafaik, dove images start and work ... thats more than we thought would happen last week13:57
asacthanks to plars for tracking it down to pythong and pybootchart13:57
asacand thanks to doko for getting new python in ;)13:57
GrueMasterNone of the alt. images are building atm.13:57
ograbtw, JamieBennett do you still beed bootchart on the images13:57
ograthe apport popup is annoying on imx51 :)13:57
asaci think we should keep it there for now ... might be interesting after the debconf fixes went it13:58
persiaGrueMaster: Hrm.  I missed that.  I'll see if I can't sort it.13:58
JamieBennettogra: no13:58
ograand it doesnt seem anyone makes efforts to fix it13:58
ograso lets unseed it13:58
plarsI would like to keep bootchart if possible13:58
ogrameh, k13:58
plarsnot critical, but nice to have13:58
persiaplars: Can't you install with image modification if you need it?13:58
ograplars, when can we remove it ?13:58
JamieBennettplars: it's helpful I agree13:58
ograwell, we need to remove it anyway at some point13:58
persiaOr can we stick it in the pool, so it's available for install?13:58
ograthat should be possible13:58
* persia can provide preseeding hints to help get it installed at install-time13:58
ograa job for StevenK :)13:59
JamieBennettpersia: I'm using it in the live-cd ;)13:59
asacyes, its for live images13:59
persiaJamieBennett: But you said you didn't need it, so I'm ignoring your use case :)13:59
JamieBennettbut I have my investigations done :)13:59
asacdo we capture results from it in a daily fashion?13:59
ograit was only used for the livefs bootspeed issues (yet)14:00
asac[ACTION] JamieBennett, plars and asac to decide what to do wrt bootchartgui seeding14:00
asac[TOPIC] Ubuntu Liquid14:00
asacpersia: rbelem?14:00
rbelemasac, persia and are working on plasma-mobile and kdm-mobile14:01
rbelemasac, plasma-mobile is already in revu14:01
asacright. i saw that.14:01
rbelemand some minor fixes are needed14:01
asacso you are making good progress on those two.14:01
asacwhat will come after that?14:01
rbelemwe will work on kdebase-workspace14:01
persiaWe still have a kwin module to get in, and then we should be able to push a base -meta and -default-settings14:02
persiaThere's stuff not exposed in the monolithic KDE libraries that we need to investigate more.14:02
rbelemto expose some kcontrol libs14:02
asacok. i assume thats coordinated with riddell?14:02
rbelemkdm-mobile depens on it14:02
rbelemwe will make the changes and send to him14:03
persiaWell, kinda.  Until we finish the investigation we don't have a lot to propose, but we're definitely working with #kubuntu-devel14:03
rbelemafter that we should work to trim kdm14:03
asacok. what milestone is liquid aiming for? I assume the kdebase-workspace changes are somewhat bound to the alpha-3 milestone as kubuntu is going for LTS?14:04
rbelemour milestone is alpha314:04
persiaFor all the KDE stuff.  We might end up with some tweaks all the way to FF to get other stuff clean.14:05
asacok. so try to align your priorities so that things that need to be changed in software that is shipped by others is done around alpha-314:05
asacif liquid-only things come a later its not a big deal imo14:05
persiaWell, we want to get at least -meta and -default-settings in by FF.14:05
persiaBut they might not be 100% feature-complete at that point.14:05
persia(package add being more invasive than bugfix stuff, even large bugfix, if nobody else installs the things)14:06
asacsure. but if you have to decide what to do first, i would suggest to do the changes that have impact on kubuntu first ;)14:06
persiaAbsolutely.  kdm/kwin are the big things now, because they need to build against stuff that we might need to expose from kdebase-workspace (as above)14:06
asacwell. not if those packages have no impact on other products imo ... but yes, FF should be the goal14:06
asacok. but feels its on track14:07
asacif anything is needed just shout ;)14:07
persiaWe will.14:07
asacsorry, to cut off but we are overdue ;)14:07
asac[TOPIC] AOB14:07
ogradoesnt include beer :)14:07
ograor does it ? :)14:07
* NCommander thanks asac for taking over14:07
asacNCommander: np14:07
asacone thing from me: lets try to add our acitivites to the wiki _before_ the meeting ;)14:08
* asac slaps himself14:08
* ogra totally forgot about it ... 14:09
ograi'm missing JamieBennett'S nice remonders14:09
asacthougth we had one ping14:09
asacguess jamie was too busy last week  to do that on friday14:09
asacalso i think i failed to send out the meeting minutes last week ... is that correct?14:10
JamieBennettI'll start them back up on fridays14:10
JamieBennettasac: yes14:10
* asac hides14:10
JamieBennettI wrote them on the wiki though14:10
ograthere are always the logs14:10
asacJamieBennett: will you send both? or want me to still send last weeks minutes?14:10
JamieBennettasac: I can do both14:10
persialogs generally hit the TLDR barrier.  Minutes are better.14:11
asacthanks. /me owe's JamieBennett a cookie ;)14:11
asacyes, minutes are much bettter14:11
asacespecially if they are so well prepared as ours14:11
asacon the wiki ;)14:11
asacok thaks all14:11
rbelemthanks asac, persia :-)14:12
asacthanks rbelem14:12
* GrueMaster reenters hibernate mode.14:12
asacGrueMaster: 'night ;)14:12
ograsuspend suspend !14:12
asacright. hibernate is not supported ;)14:12
* JamieBennett grabs more coffee14:12
cjwatsonhi folks15:01
cjwatsonKeybuk's on holiday today, so somebody else will need to chair15:01
* kees goes looking for the agenda15:01
keeswho else is here?15:01
cjwatsonthere's a strategic planning offsite thing this week, so I'm guessing that mdz and sabdfl are both unavailable15:02
keeseven if we had pitti, that'd be 3.15:02
mdzcjwatson, correct15:03
keescjwatson: so, lacking quorum, postpone?15:05
cjwatsondo we know where pitti is?15:05
cjwatsonmdz: thanks15:05
kees3 isn't quorum though, right? don't we need 4?15:05
cjwatsonI believe we've normally gone for 315:06
kees3 have three.  :)15:07
keeser, s/3/we15:07
keeshm, no mootbot15:07
kees[topic] action review15:08
kees* kees to follow up with Debian TC on units policy15:09
keesI did this, still waiting to hear back from Debian TC, but bdale said he forwarded the details to them15:09
kees* cjwatson to follow up with mythbuntu-dev to get ubuntu-core-dev added15:09
kees* ScottK to update Kubuntu/UpdatesPolicy based on Kubuntu15:11
kees    * upstream feedback15:11
ScottKStill waiting on upstream feedback.15:11
keesokay, cool15:11
kees* sabdfl to propose to CC that the TB is a CC delegate, and clarify his role15:11
keesI haven't watched the CC mailing list.15:12
keesI don't see anything on their agenda15:12
keeswe'll skip this for now15:13
keesI don't see any explicit actions in the rest of the 2010-01-12 meeting, is that correct?15:13
keesmoving on..15:14
kees[topic] Archive reorganisation (cjwatson)15:14
keeswhat's new in this arena?  :)15:14
persiaUm, I have something.15:15
keesgo for it15:15
persiaI believe that the TODO "Update Ubuntu developer and process documentation to reflect changes" was completed (inadvertantly) by me as a result of the 12-22 DMB meeting.15:15
persia(from AR/Permissions15:15
persiaI'm unsure if my changes complete that action entirely, but they may have done.15:16
cjwatsonthat does seem likely, I think that's basically done15:16
persiaIf not, I'll take an action to finish it if anyone can point me to stuff I missed.15:16
kees[action] persia to finish updating Ubuntu developer and process documentation for any missed items15:17
* persia will need hints, having tried to hit everything already15:17
keespersia: if nothing comes up between now and the next TB meeting, I think we can assume this task is done.  :)15:18
keeskubuntu updates was covered already15:18
keesunit policy wrt Debian covered already15:18
persiaSounds good.15:18
kees[topic] community bugs15:18
keesunchanged, bug 485559 still open15:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 485559 in ubuntu-community "Mark Shuttleworth has no expiration date set in the tech-board LP team" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/48555915:19
kees[topic] other topics15:19
keesanything else to cover?15:19
keesokay, thanks everyone!15:20
kees(oh, Keybuk is chair for next time...)15:22
cjwatsonkees: thanks15:24
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sconklingit branch -a16:58
* smb is already there 17:00
chasedouglashello everyone! I thought I'd do some lurking...17:00
bjfRoll Call17:00
bjfchasedouglas, lurk all you want :-)17:01
sconklinHi chasedouglas17:01
=== jjohansen is now known as waves
* apw zones in ...17:01
* ogasawara high fives17:01
=== waves is now known as jjohansen
smbchasedouglas, Lurkers usually have to pay in beer if we meet them in person17:01
* jjohansen waves17:01
bjfchasedouglas, you can even join in if the feeling hits you17:01
smbchasedouglas, Hi and welcome btw :)17:01
apwcking, is here but can't write currently17:02
bjfis that everyone? don't seen manjo, tgardner or pgraner17:02
apwpgraner, is out17:02
bjf[LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/Meeting17:02
bjf[LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/ReleaseStatus/Lucid17:02
bjfhmm, where is mootbot?17:03
bjfguess we'll live with out it17:03
bjfNOTE: '..' indicates that you are finished with your input.17:03
bjf[TOPIC] Lucid Release Status: Bugs (Release Meeting Bugs / RC Milestoned Bugs / Release Targeted Bugs17:03
JFoRelease Meeting Bugs (5 bugs, 5 blueprints)17:04
JFoAlpha 3 Milestoned Bugs (23 bugs)17:04
JFo * 3 linux kernel bugs17:04
JFo * 1 linux-fsl-imx51 bugs17:04
JFo * 0 linux-ec2 bug17:04
JFo * 2 linux-mvl-dove bugs17:04
JFoRelease Targeted Bugs (97 bugs)17:04
JFo * 11 linux kernel bugs17:04
JFo * 2 linux-fsl-imx51 bugs17:04
JFo * 1 linux-ec2 bug17:04
JFo * 2 linux-mvl-dove bug17:04
JFoMilestoned Features -17:04
JFo * 0 blueprint17:04
JFothe full breakdown is available (and the links to the data) on the Meeting/ page17:04
* apw likes the more condenced format17:04
* ogasawara too17:05
smb+1 apw, Are we aware of the 11 release targeted things17:05
apwsmb, probabally not17:05
ogasawarawe should go over them maybe in our call monday17:05
apwi'll get with jfo to understand that later17:05
* JFo makes a note17:05
JFoapw, ok17:05
smbogasawara, We wont call then, but we can battle directly17:05
apwogasawara, plan17:05
apwheh yeah17:06
bjf[TOPIC] Lucid Release Status: New metric (apw, ogasawara)17:06
* ogasawara hands off to JFo (bugs with patches)17:06
apwthats bugs with patches17:06
JFoBugs with Patches Attached:12517:06
bjf[TOPIC] Blueprints: kernel-lucid-bug-handling (ogasawara)17:07
bjf[LINK] https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/kernel-lucid-bug-handling17:07
ogasawaragoing to pass some action items to JFo this week (today even).17:07
apwbjf can we rename 'New Metric' to bugs with patches please17:08
bjfapw, ack17:08
bjfis that all for this topic?17:09
JFooh, my apologies17:09
ogasawarabjf: yes, that's it17:09
bjf[TOPIC] Blueprints: kernel-lucid-review-of-ubuntu-delta (apw)17:09
bjf[LINK] https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/kernel-lucid-review-of-ubuntu-delta17:09
apwWe have added the new DEVTMPFS device to the ubuntu delta for Lucid 2.6.31 based kernels.  Otherwise nothing else to report.17:09
apwbjf, ?17:11
bjf[TOPIC] Blueprints: kernel-lucid-kernel-config-review (apw)17:11
bjf[LINK] https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/kernel-lucid-kernel-config-review17:11
bjf[TOPIC] Blueprints: kernel-lucid-kernel-config-review (apw)17:11
bjf[LINK] https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/kernel-lucid-kernel-config-review17:11
apwReview of built-in sub-systems planned for the distro sprint.  Otherwise nothing else to report.17:11
bjf[TOPIC] Blueprints: kernel-lucid-kms (sconklin)17:11
bjf[LINK] https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/kernel-lucid-kms17:11
apwNouveau from 2.6.33-rc4 pulled into LBM and LBM generally prepared for Lucid.  Currently available from my PPA for testing.  Seems you need to manually installl -nouveau X-server components to get this working.  X team is going to do some testing before the distro sprint, with a view to making a decision on Nouveau support and how to deliver it there.17:12
sconklinnothing new except anything apw has on nouveau17:12
ogasawaraapw: I assume Lucid LBM as the usual comapat-wireless and alsa foo17:12
bjfapw, do we have instructions on how to install the nouveau X-server components or should I talk to bryce?17:12
apwogasawara, yes thats correct17:13
apwits not yet upladed officially17:13
apwbjf, we do not yet have instructions, if you see bryce that'd be handy17:13
bjf[TOPIC] Blueprints: kernel-lucid-suspend-resume (manjo)17:13
bjf[LINK] https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/kernel-lucid-suspend-resume17:13
bjfdoesn't look like we have a manjo17:14
JFomanjo is headed to the airport17:14
bjf[TOPIC] Blueprints: kernel-lucid-apparmor-development (jjohansen)17:14
bjf[LINK] https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/kernel-lucid-apparmor-development17:14
jjohansendfa optimization is done17:14
jjohansenthere is a bug in table compression improvements so I backed that out for the moment17:15
jjohansenI am aware of 3 regressions in current upstream code base and am looking into them17:15
apwso those we have in lucid i assume17:15
jjohansenthey are minor regressions in corner cases17:16
apwmight be appropriate to link those to the blueprint if they are a few days work17:16
jjohansenbut 2 of them may be coming from LSM tweaks17:16
apw(the launchpad bugs)17:16
jjohansenapw: okay17:16
jjohansenI haven't looked into them enough yet to be sure, will update17:17
apwjjohansen, ack ..17:17
bjf[TOPIC] Blueprints: kernel-lucid-boot-performance (apw, csurbhi)17:17
bjf[LINK] https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/kernel-lucid-boot-performance17:17
apwThe regression in filesystem mount time remains, that is planned for discussion at the Platform sprint.  We had regressions caused by the late battery update changes (which gave us .3s during boot).  A revised patch moving the update async appears to resolve the issue and retain the gains.17:17
bjf[TOPIC] Other Release Tasks: Lucid Audio Support (bjf)17:18
bjfNothing major to report. The alsa c-o-d is busted right now and I'm working to17:18
bjfget it fixed.17:18
bjf[TOPIC] Other Release Tasks: EC2 Lucid Kernel Status (jjohansen)17:18
apwbjf we likely need something to track all of those and report failures17:18
jjohansenEC2 patch update is slow, going17:19
bjfapw, ack17:19
jjohansenI have had 1 kernel off of slightly older patchset not boot17:19
jjohansenI have rebased and pulled in the latest patches from today, and redoing17:19
jjohansenI am dropping all the conflicts in drivers that I can17:20
bjf[TOPIC] Status: Lucid (apw)17:20
apwThe main kernel is now pulled up to pulled in and ready to upload.   ARM Marvell Dove just updated to 2.6.32 and so we should expect some breakage there.  ARM Freescale IMX51 is now on the Freescale BSP and we receieved some 30 additional patches which are applied; upload is pending security updates on the main tree.17:20
apwWe have a lot of work outstanding still for Lucid.  With only 19 of 57 tasks closed or deferred.  We need to review our alpha-3 deliverables and concentrate on those.17:20
bjf[TOPIC] Security & bugfix kernels - Karmic/Jaunty/Intrepid/Hardy/Others (gnarl/smb)17:21
smbDapper:     2.6.15-55.81 (security)17:21
smbHardy:      2.6.24-26.64 (security)17:21
smbIntrepid:   2.6.27-16.44 (security)17:21
smbJaunty:     2.6.28-17.58 (security)17:21
smbKarmic:     2.6.31-18.55 (proposed)[18]  4/12 verifications done17:21
smb-LBM:       2.6.31-18-20 (proposed)[18]  0/ 2 verifications done17:22
smbSecurity still getting finalized. We are including all the topic branches17:22
smbinto the update this time. So this adds to the effort.17:22
smbKarmic-proposed needs to be updated before uploading as there has been one17:22
smbregression detected in the update17:22
bjf[TOPIC] Incoming Bugs: Regressions (JFo)17:22
JFoIncoming Bugs17:22
JFo101 Lucid Bugs (up 14)17:22
JFoCurrent regression stats (broken down by release):17:22
JFo== regression-potential (up 4) ==17:22
JFo35 lucid bugs17:22
JFo== regression-update (no change)==17:22
JFo9 karmic bugs17:22
JFo5 jaunty bugs17:22
JFo2 intrepid bugs17:22
JFo1 hardy bug17:22
JFo== regression-release (no change)==17:22
JFo60 karmic bugs17:22
JFo22 jaunty bugs17:22
JFo12 intrepid bugs17:22
JFo4 hardy bugs17:22
JFo== regression-proposed (no change)==17:22
JFo1 karmic bug17:22
JFoThe detailed information (and links to the data) are available on the Meetings/ page17:22
bjf[TOPIC] Incoming Bugs: Bug day report (JFo)17:23
JFoStats from last week can be seen at http://qa.ubuntu.com/reports/ogasawara/kernel-bugday/20100119.html17:23
JFoThe next bug day is scheduled for next tues but we'll be sprinting, I'll send email that we'll postpone it to Tues Feb 917:23
bjf[TOPIC] Open Discussion or Questions: Anyone have anything?17:24
bjfWelcome Chase Douglas!17:24
JFohi chasedouglas17:24
apwyay ... welcome17:24
ogasawarawelcome aboard chase!17:24
chasedouglasI'm going to have to get used to irc meetings :)17:24
apwjfo these bug stats seem off as there is a lot of down arrow and no up arrow17:25
apwchasedouglas, heh yeah you will17:25
smbchasedouglas, again welcome. you will get used to it17:25
JFoapw, I was told that the bug number is fromm all packages, not just kernel17:25
JFoI can investigate a bit17:25
JFosorry, the total bug number17:26
apwi'd just expect the number of v to match the number of ^17:26
apwas all states are represented17:26
JFoapw, I see what you mean17:26
JFoogasawara, any insight?17:26
apwwe can take that offline ...17:27
bjfthanks everyone17:27
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