
foxbuntutgm4883, libvdpau1 is not a wrapper it is the correct package going forward with the 190+ nvidia drivers00:00
tgm4883foxbuntu, ok, thats what I thought, but I wasn't sure00:00
foxbuntutgm4883, however if you are going to use libvdpau1 an the nvidia 195 drivers you need to use the myth in the ppa built against libvdpau100:01
foxbuntualright tgm488300:13
foxbuntufix it00:13
hipitihopwhich log should I check to see why mythgallery plugin fails to install via control centre. It doesn't give an error and appears to go through the motions but when complete, the gallery plugging is left unticked in control center00:21
foxbuntuhipitihop, /var/log/dpkg.log00:22
mrandhipitihop: I'm leaving my desk right now, but perhaps try running MCC from the command line.00:23
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hipitihopfoxbuntu, nope, nothing in there00:30
hipitihopfoxbuntu, last entry 21 Jan00:31
hipitihopmrand, done that via ssh, no difference.00:37
hipitihopmrand, trying manually via apt-get install mythgallery00:39
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ripperdahmm, interesting. playing a movie (Alien) back via iso scales to fit the full screen, whereas playing back an encoded mp4 plays back as letterboxed07:53
hipitihopmrand, btw, manual install worked. hmm09:36
mrandtgm4883: adsense doesn't look like it is showing up anywhere on the site12:23
DavieyHi JamieBennett!13:16
JamieBennettHi Daviey !13:18
DavieyJamieBennett: I wasn't aware you were running mythtv..  How is it treating you?13:19
JamieBennettI was, took a break from it and now I'll be getting a lot more involved :)13:19
Davieysuper \o/13:20
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tgm4883`mrand, wrong channel15:59
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javatexanfor some reason, when I updated from 8.10 to 9.10, my vnc server seems to be updating very slowly, am I missing some sort of configuration?17:15
javatexani can see that x11vnc is running at terminal17:16
javatexanwhere do I find the config for that?17:17
javatexanall I can find is ~/.vnc/passwd17:18
mrandjavatexan: I don't know if many of the people that hang out here use vnc.  I use NX.    http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1097683 or searching the forum for x11vnc slow refresh or update might turn up other things... or you could try asking on #ubuntu17:20
Zinn[ubuntuforums.org] [ubuntu] Why is X11VNC incredibly slow on a gigabit lan? - Ubuntu Forums17:20
javatexanI just installed it via the mythbuntu control panel, so I thought it might be widely used...sorry, my bad17:22
mrandNo problem at all... if you find something that be improved in that regard, be sure to open a ticket with launchpad.17:23
javatexanis nx part of ubuntu?17:24
javatexanor can you get it via software sources?17:25
mrandjavatexan:  ubuntu has some packages.  Or you can use the free (but closed) version from NX company17:25
javatexank...thanks...wow, didn't know that existed... ;)  Learn something new everyday17:26
mrandgoogle has a free server.17:27
mrandlunch time bbl17:27
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Zinn[ubuntuforums.org] Transcode (Errored: Thu Jan 8, 2009, 01:13 AM) exit status 139, job status was "Runni - Ubuntu Forums21:50
darthanubisI have the same problem with a recording.21:50
darthanubisI've seen this before but it has been so long ago, I don't remember what I did to resolve the issue.21:51
florin_sudo dpkg-reconfigure mythtv-database22:11
florin_Failed to create or modify database (incorrect admin username/password?)22:12
florin_but I just get that error again. suggestions?22:13
florin_I tried to remove the mysql root password. did not help22:14
florin_tried to mess with /var/cache/debconf/passwords.dat. did not help22:14
florin_whatever mythtv-database is doing while it's "configured", how can I just do that manually?22:15
tgm4883`!mysql | florin_22:22
Zinnflorin_: If you are having problems connecting to your mysql database, you can perform the following to reconfigure it: 1. sudo dpkg-reconfigure mysql-server-5.0 (pay attention to the root password you set, you will need it for the next step) 2. sudo dpkg-reconfigure mythtv-database 3. sudo dpkg-reconfigure mythtv-common22:22
florin_mysql-server-5.0 is already installed and in use by other apps and it works well. dpkg-reconfigure never asks for a password22:23
florin_what was step #1 again?22:23
florin_it looks like you did a copy/paste but the first part of step #1 was lost22:24
tgm4883`florin_, there was no c&p22:24
tgm4883`i'd have to look up the original doc that came from22:25
florin_nevermind, my xchat is having a dumb day. sorry. now I see the message22:25
tgm4883`florin_, what is the problem?22:25
florin_lemme try that.22:25
florin_same error on step #222:26
florin_Failed to create or modify database (incorrect admin username/password?)22:26
tgm4883`what user are you doing for the admin user?22:27
florin_dpkg-reconfigure mysql-server-5.0 only asks me for the mysql root password22:28
florin_/etc/mysql/debian.cnf says something about user "debian-sys-maint" and there's a password noted in that file.22:29
florin_I'm confused, as I don't know what happens when I do dpkg-reconfigure mythtv-database22:30
tgm4883`florin_, i'm at work right now, but i can look it up later22:30
tgm4883`you could take a look in the source at debian/rules22:30
florin_I'm opening a thread on the mythbuntu forum22:30
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