
Sarvattone day i'll learn mesa master builds are broken after 7.7 branch merges almost every time... always end up packaging mesa right after it happens03:04
bryyceSarvatt, heya03:10
Sarvattmight be a good time to update ati soon, quite alot of bug fixes in the past 2 months on master like signifigant speedups for r600 2D, low memory EXA fixes (and fixing NoAccel to work with KMS), a ton of dpms/incorrect resolution fixes, and a fix for a VT problem I've seen people having03:16
Sarvattheyo bryyce03:16
bryyceupdate just the -ati ddx ?03:17
Sarvatthad a question for ya, with this new archive restructuring thing, is X going to have a team or is it going to be part of desktop (or core-dev still)?03:17
bryyceok I'll todo getting -ati updated either this week or next03:18
bryyce(next week is the developer sprint so I may not get much done)03:18
bryycere: restructuring03:18
bryycewell there's certainly advantages either way03:19
bryyceI think I'd like to see Ubuntu-X be its own team  separate from the desktop03:19
Sarvattnoone really wants to work on X stuff, really strange03:19
bryyceSarvatt, I don't know, I guess I don't have a strong feel either way.  What do you think?03:20
bryyceit seems like "X stuff" is distinct enough from "Gtk application stuff" that it splits off easily03:21
bryyceon the other hand, if having it be two teams means that there's an extra barrier of entry to people who might get involved, that'd be bad...03:21
bryyceI suppose the thing to look at would be if the desktop team is set up to include both gnome and kde; if not, and if there are separate teams for each, then having X be a separate team may make sense03:23
bryyceif gnome and kde are both included in the desktop team, then there's less reason to have X separate03:24
Sarvattprobably not enough people to even make it worth splitting off, I was just reading the ubuntu-motu logs earlier and was confused where X packages would fall with the new changes since one day down the line when I have enough experience with it i'd be interested in helping out there and dont know which team or whatever I should look into joining. have to dig up the wiki pages again, was reading on my phone :)03:24
Sarvattlike is there still going to be a core-dev team and the desktop team has a subset of upload permissions of that? I'm not really interested in stuff outside of X components so I've been on the fence about MOTU and it seems like thats dissolving or something03:27
* bryyce nods03:30
bryycethat's another reason favoring a stand-alone X team... there may be people who are *only* interested in X, and joining the full Desktop team just to get access to X stuff might seem a bit too broad for them03:31
Sarvattoh nice, didn't know -ati disabled EXA pixmaps for cards with <=32MB vram under KMS now, that should fix up those problem cards that needed XAA under UMS back in the day now that KMS is on by default03:57
Sarvattwonder why they didnt branch intel 2.10, post 2.10 is in even worse state right now than 2.10 was for me, compositing is all messed up here04:03
superm1bryyce, does that mean you're gonna hire more people to work on X? =]04:12
bryycesuperm1, you can bet on it04:27
superm1that's great! you can never have too much love hacking on X stuff04:27
=== \vish is now known as vish
Sarvattyay for blindly reverting random batchbuffer related commits in -intel 2.10 around when it started to try to find the problem since I cant bisect it :D05:21
Sarvatt-intel master was unusable from 11-11 to 12-10 on 945 here05:23
Sarvatthmm theres a few commits that change things for just <965, maybe that'd be a better place to start05:29
Sarvatthmm, -joystick has some issues05:46
Sarvatttook over the mouse05:46
Sarvattah I had my weirdo udev rule I was experimenting with still installed05:47
Sarvattcant move the mouse away from the top gnome-panel bar with a controller plugged in05:48
Sarvattgot it, adding ENV{x11_options.MapAxis1}="disable-mouse", \ to /lib/udev/rules.d/67-xorg-joystick.rules worked06:00
Sarvatthmm that cant be right, thats a MapButton option, it probably disabled that axis or something. should have read the man better06:02
bryyceyeah every so often I have to go through doing a full reinstall in order to clear out all the experimental crap I'd been playing with :-)06:19
bryycewhich has made me be quite strict about not doing any testing on my main desktop06:19
Sarvatti've had this install since intrepid and used devel releases the day they opened since jaunty,  probably really due a reinstall here sometime06:24
Sarvattext3 converted to ext4 didn't help fsck times at all, my 40gb ext4 native partition fscks in seconds vs a minute or two for the 10gb / so I'm due a reinstall there for that too06:25
Sarvatthmm havent seen this one http://cvs.fedoraproject.org/viewvc/devel/xorg-x11-server/xserver-1.7.1-gamma-kdm-fix.patch?view=markup06:25
=== seb128_ is now known as seb128
Ngugh there's that segfault on USB plug again12:58
Ngand that wasn't even crazy confused USB afaict, that was just me unplugging my hub and plugging it back in12:58
Ngdid I ask last time I was talking about this why apport doesn't catch Xorg server crashes?12:59
seb128Ng, because the xorg change to allow that was crashy13:01
seb128Ng, it's on the todolist for sprint to rewrite it13:01
Ngah ok :)13:02
NgI'd really like to be able to give a good quality bug report for this segfault other than "erm, I just kinda plug/unplug USB a bit and it crashes" :)13:02
tjaaltonNg: log in remotely and run gdb?13:15
tjaaltonif it's the server crashing13:15
Ngtjaalton: I can't reliably reproduce it though13:15
Ngit's just sometimes USB insertions seem to make X segfault. weirdly it doesn't get restarted, so I'm left looking at the last state of the framebuffer and think the machine has wedged hard, but I can still ssh in13:16
tjaaltonNg: ok13:19
SarvattDuke`_: if you want something to try -- https://edge.launchpad.net/~sarvatt/+archive/ppa15:17
Sarvatt(use it on top of edgers)15:17
jcristauNg: there's a related bug that got fixed upstream recently iirc15:18
Duke`_Sarvatt, do I have to add it to my source.list (periodic updates) or just download it once now?15:19
Sarvattjust download it once15:19
Ngjcristau: ooh :)15:20
Duke`_what did you add in it?15:20
Sarvatti'm just blindly trying to find what broke it but its better than doing nothing for 2 more months :D15:20
SarvattRevert "uxa: Don't treat prepare_access as a flush synchronisation point."15:20
Sarvatt      Commit 637f003b047e426901cab6b1fe3a0924bcb9a38a15:20
Duke`_is it compatible amd64? I'm running X86_6415:21
Sarvatt 10:21:05 up 10:40,  3 users,  load average: 0.02, 0.05, 0.1515:21
Duke`_ah, build finished.15:21
Sarvattyeah whenever it builds, i just uploaded it15:21
Sarvattmozilla must be on a break :D15:22
jcristauNg: http://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=2564015:22
ubottuFreedesktop bug 25640 in Server/general "Reattaching USB keyboard causes double free" [Critical,Assigned]15:22
Ngah, that was pointed out to me last time I mentioned this. The one key difference is that theirs was really reliably reproducible15:23
Sarvatthmm i thought that was fixed a month ago15:23
Ngmine really isn't15:23
NgI plug in to a USB hub at least 5 times a week and it doesn't even crash once a week atm15:24
jcristauSarvatt: the patch is 2 weeks old, but not pushed, i think15:24
Sarvattah thats a totally different issue now that i'm looking at it, it was Xi: reset device properties to NULL after deleting them. (#25374) that I was remembering15:28
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johanbrhmmm... suspend does not seem to work anymore with nouveau16:39
johanbrsuspending with nvidia on the same kernel works (but gives graphical artifacts on resume)16:39
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apwbryyce, hey ... how did that testing go?18:37
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bryyceapw, sorry, got sidetracked on another issue.  It's on the todo list for today.19:07
apwbryyce, np19:08
keesjcristau: say, can this bug get some love? I'd like to figure out what next-steps are: https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=920919:57
ubottuFreedesktop bug 9209 in Server/general "Xlib: Maximum number of clients reached" [Normal,New]19:57
jcristautalk to ajax, i guess19:58
keeshm, ok19:58
* kees when is he usually online?19:58
keesoh, he is, just not in here19:58
jcristauhe's at RH in boston, so daytime there19:59
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AssertFalseanyone to help me configuring my display settings with Dell Latitude E5400 / Ubuntu here ?22:13
jbarnesAssertFalse: also see /topic :)22:15
jbarneslots of good links there22:15
AssertFalsehave tryied many many thing involving xrandr, modeline, xorg.conf but I can't get my resolution above 1024x800 ; which (i guess) is not the max I can get22:17
jcristauwhat resolution you can get depends mostly on the monitor..22:18
AssertFalse(and the /topic is mysteriously not visible with irssi)22:18
jbarnesthat's /topic22:18
AssertFalsexrandr says "Screen 0: minimum 320 x 200, current 1280 x 800, maximum 8192 x 8192", am I misunderstanding that i can get 8192 x 8192 resolution ?22:19
jcristauprobably not22:19
jcristauit's the max size of the framebuffer.  but your monitors won't display that much22:20
AssertFalsei guess22:20
strycoreI've set a wrong resolution on my laptop , how do i reset it to default in a TTY ?22:23
strycoreX has detected wrong refresh rates, i'm getting a black screen on lower resolutions22:24
johanbrstrycore, try "DISPLAY=:0 xrandr --output <OUTPUT NAME> --mode <MODE NAME>"22:29
johanbrwhere you get the output and mode names from "DISPLAY=:0 xrandr"22:29
strycorearrh , I get a X Error of failed request: Badmatch (invalid parameters or attributes)22:32
strycoreMajor opcode : 148 (RANDR) , Minor: 7 (RRSetScreenSize)22:33
strycoreif that makes any sense22:33
RAOFWhen you run “DISPLAY=:0 xrandr”?22:38
strycorei got the wrong resolution with gnome-display-properties22:40
strycoreRAOF, no with the output and name22:40
strycoreDISPLAY=:0 xrandr --output LVDS --mode 1280x80022:40
RAOFAnd “DISPLAY=:0 xrandr” had LVDS as an output and 1280x800 as a possible mode?22:41
strycoreyes that's the native resolution22:41
RAOFCan you pastebin the output of “DISPLAY=:0 xrandr -q”?22:41
strycoreI'm afraid i can't , I would need a command line version of pastebin ;)22:42
RAOFsudo aptitude install pastebinit.22:42
RAOFThe worlds finest remote debugging tool.22:42
strycoreah ok :)22:43
RAOFThen you'd run “DISPLAY=:0 xrandr -q | pasetbinit”22:43
strycorehmm, I would need network-manager now :(22:44
strycoreoh wait, xterm session works22:44
RAOFOh.  You don't have your wireless set up as a system-wide thing?  That's a good thing to do :)22:45
strycoreI know but I haven't configured my laptop that much since i installed lucid22:46
RAOFHeh.  Setting my home's wireless to system-wide is one of the first things I do - for pretty much this reason :)22:48
strycorewell , I'm trying to figure out in gnome-display-properties' source code where it saves its settings22:49
RAOFIn ~/.config/gnome-something-or-other/monitors.xml22:51
strycorei typed Alt+F2 and typed xrandr -s 0 blindly , it worked :)22:53
strycorehow does xrandr "guesses" the resolutions and refresh rate ?22:54
strycore1360x768 , that pretty new to me ! 22:55
RAOFBy asking your monitor for the resolutions and refresh rates it supports.22:55
RAOFIE: X grabs the EDID via DDC.22:56
RAOFWhoops!  Phoronix is wrong about xserver-xorg-video-nouveau.22:57
RAOFAlso, yay for the kernel team!22:57
strycore_1280x800 and 1024x768 works , that's all22:58
RAOFNone of the other ones do?22:59
RAOFI'm surprised by that output, though.23:00
strycore_nope, black screen23:00
RAOFYou might want to submit a bug against your video driver; it would appear to be returning invalid modes (which probably means that your monitor has a broken EDID).23:00
strycore_I'm pretty sure there's something wrong with the monitor23:01
RAOFAnd filing a bug with the EDID attached means we (or, rather, upstream) can add a work-around.23:02
strycore_I had a really hard time to get it working on gutsy and dapper (back when fglrx supported my chipset)23:02
RAOFhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Troubleshooting/Resolution is the page of wonder.23:05
ubottuUbuntu bug 513011 in xorg "Wrong refresh rates on low resolutions with HP NX 7000 on Lucid" [Undecided,New]23:13

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