
blueyedjust in case you have not noticed yet: firefox-qt: http://browser.garage.maemo.org/news/10/00:35
Riddell6th time lucky?00:40
blueyedold news, popped up on reddit.. http://reddit.com/r/linux/comments/atuyp/mozilla_qt_port_is_available_for_testing/00:40
jeponghello.. im using KDE SC 4.4 RC2  just want to confirm if you also cant add the battery and device widget to the system tray01:09
Lex79jepong: plasma crash?01:10
jepongi think so... i did it so many times this morning and nothing happens01:11
jepongworks fine with RC101:11
Lex79it's a known issue, I think we have to wait RC301:11
Lex79to fix that01:12
jepongi see... is there a launchpad link i can subscribe to?01:12
Lex79jepong: no for what I know, you can search here maybe https://bugs.kde.org/01:13
Lex79no problem01:13
jjesse_argh plasma-desktop crashed again and now i don't know the progress of the file copy i'm running01:35
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nixternaljjesse: that's because we incorporated the element of surprise, kubuntu_03_element_of_surprise.diff01:41
jjessenixternal: that's awesome thanks for doing so01:41
jjessei get so many stinkin plamsa-desktop crashes it isn't funny01:41
jjessethinkin about reloading back to base 9.10 + updates, none of this kde beta/rc stuff01:42
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: latest kubuntu-firefox-installer depends on an unreleased version of kdesudo :s01:45
RiddellJontheEchidna: I uploaded that01:46
Riddellalthough I didn't change that bit01:46
JontheEchidnahum, not showing up @ lp yet01:46
Lex79ryanakca: bug 51304901:54
ubottuLaunchpad bug 513049 in bangarang "Invalid desktop file" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/51304901:54
JontheEchidnaOooo... They're showing the season 5 finale of Lost tonight...01:54
JontheEchidnaI might go watch that in a bit...01:55
JontheEchidnaSeason 6 starts next week :)01:55
Lex79same here, season 5 finale tonight and 10 February season 601:56
Lex79in US 2 February I think01:56
* JontheEchidna goes off to watch TV01:58
shtylmanRiddell: k. I will take a look03:35
shtylmanScottK, Riddell: im gonna change my kdm theme to use the new wallpaper... and then post that to the kubuntu-devel list.. think there is a chance we will use that as default? I would like to avoid using the current one with the old air wallpaper and weird center piece :)03:40
shtylmanJontheEchidna: ^03:40
JontheEchidnashtylman: upstream changed the default to the new Ethias paper, but I think I liked the screenshots of yours you posted04:05
shtylmanthe screenshots of the kdm center part?04:06
shtylmanI will rework it with the new wallpaper04:07
shtylmanand post that04:07
JontheEchidnaI don't see anything stopping it from being default for Kubuntu, especially since upstream would have accepted it aside from artwork freeze04:07
JontheEchidnathat's just my opinion, but I think the others would agree04:07
shtylmanthe pacakge with the splash screen is broken... it doesn't have the right wallpapers for the different resolutions04:47
ScottKshtylman: We definitely need something other than what we have now, so I think the field is open.04:53
maryellencan someone help me with a Thunderbird problem05:29
ScottKmaryellen: This isn't a support channel.  #ubuntu is probably the best channel for that.05:29
maryellenok, tks..05:30
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QuintasanJontheEchidna: I'm going to change license and upload and if we have space I will request a MIR, is that okay?09:54
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pgquiles__will qt 4.6.1 be availabe from kubuntu-ppa in the near future? :-? (sorry if this is duplicated, I think I was disconnected when I sent this before but I might have been on-line as well)11:01
Riddellpgquiles__: we hope so, we're waiting on an update to phonon11:02
pgquiles__Riddell: what do you mean? you still need to adapt sandsmark's patch? or you are waiting for Nokia to update phonon? (if the former, I've already done it)11:03
pgquiles__although not tested yet11:03
tseliotRiddell: is pykde ready or shall I wait?11:11
tseliot(I'm not complaining, just asking)11:11
Riddelltseliot: it's in New, let me kick it out11:12
RiddellNightrose: have they slipped anything defaming into this? http://jasmine.19inch.net/~jr/tmp/interview-riddell-2.linmag.text11:17
NightroseRiddell: hehe i'll have a look11:17
ryanakcaLex79: Thanks, I'll take a look at it when I get back from my exam11:28
NightroseRiddell: looks good to me11:30
pgquiles__Riddell: http://www.elpauer.org/tmp/kubuntu_07_phonon_4.3.80.diff - updated for 4.6.1 but untested yet (I'm building my packages for 4.6.1 now, packaging adapted and updated from 4.6.0-1ubuntu6)11:40
RiddellNightrose: yay, thanks11:48
RiddellLex79: ^^11:48
NCommanderRiddell, I'm going to bring sip4, python-qt* up to date (sorry I've been kinda slacking on this point), and merge all the Ubuntu changes into Debian11:51
RiddellNCommander: up to date where?  they are up to date in ubuntu (except for build failure on arm)11:55
NCommanderRiddell, in Debian so we can sync the packages11:55
* NCommander is a co-maintainer11:55
Riddellright, lovely11:55
RiddellNCommander: the question is what to do with python-qt311:56
Riddellthe new sip/pyqt4 gets rid of the need for the old configure patches which made builddir!=srcdir work11:56
Riddellbut pyqt3 hasn't been updated by upstream11:56
Riddellso it needs its configure script rewritten for the new SIP way of doing builddir!=srcdir, or we just scrap the builddir!=srcdir, or we just scrap pyqt311:59
Riddellbut apparantly we need it for mnemosyne11:59
NCommanderRiddell, :-/12:02
jussi01oooh, mnemosyne, that was one of the first packages I packaged! :D12:07
jussi01Although I think it got overwritten by a debian one the release after...12:07
JontheEchidnaQuintasan: yeah, that'll be fine12:20
JontheEchidnasee y'all later12:21
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Riddellapachelogger: kubuntu-firefox-installer needs this new option you added to kdesudo?  can you remember if kdesudo is ready for release/upload ?14:13
marcosRzI was thinking about is it hard to make a qt version of synaptic?14:44
marcosRzIf its hard14:46
marcosRzI mean synaptic is so complete14:46
NCommanderRiddell, how different is the SIP4 build system now that we can drop the old multibuild hack14:46
RiddellNCommander: not completely different but method and variable names aren't the same as our patch14:48
NCommanderRiddell, but why do we need to change python-qt3?14:49
* NCommander feels a bit lost14:49
NCommanderI know we need to upload it to build against the new sip4 API14:49
daskreechmarcosRz: Hard isn't impossible so if you want to shoot at it please go ahead14:51
RiddellNCommander: we patched python-qt3 to make it build with builddir!=srcdir.  now SIP is able to do builddir!=srcdir but using different variables and function than we had.  so the configure file needs to be rewritten for the new builddir!=srcdir stuff14:52
NCommanderRiddell, but thats just SIP's build system, python-qt3 shouldn't care at all about that functionality14:53
RiddellNCommander: python-qt3's configure script uses sipconfig.py14:53
NCommanderNow I see the problem14:54
* NCommander shivers14:54
NCommanderRiddell, I'll fix it14:54
RiddellNCommander: well remember that we don't care about python-qt3 much and it might be easier just to drop the builddir!=srcdir idea and just build it in place14:54
NCommanderRiddell, you can't safely do that due to the ABI issues building against different versions of python14:56
Riddellwe only build for one version of python14:57
NCommanderRiddell, in Ubuntu.14:57
yuriy_work:O does this yahoo! thing apply to kubuntu?15:12
jussi01yuriy_work: I was about to ask same thing...15:21
jussi01also, anyone know the last time an image was installable for lucid? seems oversized atm (amd64) and has been for the last few days. do I need to grab alpha2 or is there more recent?15:22
apacheloggerRiddell: I asked Tonio_ to pull a release right after I introduced the function15:49
apacheloggeractually, didn't I already upload that beast?15:49
apacheloggeror maybe I postponed the kfi upload because of the missing kdesudo upload15:50
apacheloggerdantti: lol, don't question my sh skills :P15:53
aleitehello guys, just compiled kde trunk on ubuntu karmic.. but there is no sound.. any clues?15:53
Tonio_apachelogger: looks like there was misscomprehension :)15:53
Tonio_apachelogger: I though you'd do it15:53
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danttiapachelogger: ?15:53
apacheloggerTonio_: well, I can do the ubuntu part, but I can't do new upstream releases ;)15:53
danttiapachelogger: ah that was about the patch?15:54
Tonio_apachelogger: kk let's do it :)15:54
apacheloggerdantti: re: <dantti> apachelogger: hmm reviewing that patch seems that there is on open IF and no FI to close it...15:54
danttiyup I said nevermind :P15:54
aleitefound pulseaudio-server but.. no sound.. strange15:54
apacheloggerRiddell: might I mention that my staging PPA holds a networkmanager package that actually works and should be published somewhere? ...for karmic that is15:55
apacheloggermade it some time ago based upon what was in suse at the time15:55
apacheloggerdantti: yeah, and now I tell you to never ever question my shelling again :P15:55
apacheloggerryanakca: got a fix for that bangarang desktop file issue yet?15:56
Quintasanhmmm, printer applet is now broken :/15:59
apacheloggerthat is what we get for writing stuff in scripting languages :P16:02
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Tonio_apachelogger: http://kde-apps.org/content/show.php?content=7210616:06
Tonio_apachelogger: sorry for the delay16:06
Tonio_apachelogger: want me to upload the package too or will you do it ?16:06
apacheloggerTonio_: can do in a bit16:07
Tonio_apachelogger: I can do now :) doing it16:07
apacheloggerTonio_: thanks :)16:07
apacheloggeromg, where is scott?16:07
apacheloggerNCommander: bug 513329 pretty please16:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 513329 in karmic-backports "Please backport kmess 2.0.2" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/51332916:08
NCommanderapachelogger, will do16:08
apacheloggerNCommander: thanks :)16:10
Tonio_apachelogger: uploaded16:10
apacheloggerRiddell: ^16:10
* apachelogger hands Tonio_ a cookie :)16:10
Tonio_apachelogger: you should slap me instead :) I should have done that a month and a half ago !16:11
apacheloggerTonio_: doesnt really make a difference, other than that feature is super hot and awesome and people where not able to use it for 1.5m ;)16:12
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Tonio_apachelogger: ;)16:13
daskreechnixternal: lol at your Bing comments16:14
apacheloggerscary UI16:22
_Groo_hi/2 all16:22
_Groo_apachelogger: hey apachelogger :)16:22
_Groo_guys what is the proper channel for networkmanager bugs?16:22
_Groo_btw i compiled kdebindings for 4.4 rc2 and its working fine, BUT the printer applet is still broken :(16:23
Lex79and printer config in system settings works?16:28
Riddellprinter-applet works fine here, it's the config which needs some love16:29
Lex79Riddell: btw, we don't need a refreshed patch for Phonon, but we need an updated patch. Sandsmark done, but we have still problem to build kdebase-runtime against that.16:30
Lex79since Phonon headers include in qt 4.6.1 is changed16:31
Lex79we are working on that, hope is ready for RC316:31
Riddellwhy do phonon headers change with every single release16:32
Riddelldon't these Qt people know about API compatibility?16:32
Lex79Riddell: from changes-4.6.1 in the tarball http://pastebin.ca/176813116:33
_Groo_Riddell: i was talking about the systemsettings printer config :)16:33
Lex79thiago mailed about that btw16:33
_Groo_ok, what is the channel of the networkmanager guys?16:34
Lex79Riddell: retry this https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdepim/4:4.3.5-0ubuntu1~karmic116:40
Quintasanapachelogger: why horrible? try using qtemu -_-16:41
apacheloggerQuintasan: I did16:42
apacheloggerscary UI16:42
apacheloggerthey all have them scary UIs16:42
apacheloggeragateau should offer training courses on sensible UI design :P16:42
* agateau is flattered :)16:43
QuintasanRiddell: I did find -iname *.cpp -exec grep DefaultInputMethod {} \; in Qt source and -> http://pastebin.com/f25c5c3e8 which line it would be?16:44
RiddellQuintasan: all of them I'd guess16:48
QuintasanRiddell: but only one contains XIM :P16:49
Quintasannow how to find the file with this line :S16:49
apacheloggerQuintasan: why not grep only?17:08
apacheloggerif in doubt you could use ack-grep, that beast should also be able to only grep cpp files17:09
Quintasanapachelogger: qt source has shitload of sub dirs, it would be a pita to manually go through all of them :P17:10
apacheloggergrep 'foo' ./*?17:11
apacheloggercan is able to do recursive search IIRC17:11
apacheloggerat least ack-grep is :P17:11
Quintasanhurr durr17:18
apacheloggerfreeflying: konsole uses utf8 by default?!18:17
Riddellkonsole uses your system locale, which is utf8 for anything installed this millenium (so not my IRC client)18:20
\shRiddell: you use ircII? ;)18:23
Riddelldid used to, irssi adds pretty colours though18:23
\shoh well, old ircII times...remarkable ;)18:24
vikram_join #ubuntu-hardened18:34
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shadeslayerapachelogger: ping19:15
Riddellnew packagekit seems to work19:57
Riddellhugs to dantti19:57
Riddellalthough that install dialogue is still horribly busy19:58
danttiRiddell: what was the problem?19:58
Riddelldantti: with packagekit?  just that nobody had packaged it yet19:58
danttiah :P19:58
danttiwhich version?19:58
Riddell0.5.6 packagekit, 0.5.4 kpackagekit19:59
danttihmm nice :)19:59
danttihopefully 0.6 will have debconf support19:59
danttiactually I can add it in 0.5 right now but I'm too lazy :P I'll wait for the upstream solution..20:00
Riddellupstream knows best20:00
danttiRiddell: btw I'm working on a new printer monitor (as seems you haven't touched too much the code lately) and I can't code  python..20:00
danttiIt already monitors the printing jobs20:01
Riddelldantti: oh?  what's needing done that isn't in the current one?20:01
Riddell(I can think of a few things)20:01
danttiRiddell: well first it doesnt work on debian (right now)20:01
danttithen on a kubuntu pc of a fellow of mine it doesn't show active jobs20:02
Riddelldifferent cups version?20:02
danttino kcm crash20:02
Riddelloh that's system-config-printer-kde then, not the monitor20:03
danttiyep, I can't see a monitor..20:03
Riddellprinter-applet ?20:03
danttiif that's the executable name I don't have it20:04
Riddellit's in kdeutils20:04
dhillon-v10Riddell: hi there :) I am trying to write a patch for this pretty easy bug (as you suggested, I should start with bugzilla) are there any coding guidelines that i should follow? can you link to it, thanks.20:05
danttiRiddell: I'll take a look but I really don't get why copying the gnome code is good since it's so easy to use libcups directly...20:07
danttiRiddell: when I get something working (better than now) I'll show you, maybe you decide py is evil :P just kidding20:08
Riddellit's not ideal for printer-applet, adds to startup time20:09
Riddelldhillon-v10: http://qt.gitorious.org/qt/pages/QtCodingStyle20:10
danttiRiddell: hmm so you might like what I'm writing...20:10
danttiit will load a small kded at startup, and when a job is detected it starts the systray icon (pretty much what KPk does), this part is done, now I'm working on the systray icon..20:11
dhillon-v10Riddell: thanks for the link20:12
dhillon-v10Riddell: I'll get back to you when I have a patch written down, and then you can review it :)20:13
neversfeldemhh, seems that the koffice package for Karmic was not updated in the Backports PPA?20:17
neversfeldedo we want 2.1.1 for Karmic?20:17
Riddellwe don't have it for lucid yet20:18
neversfeldeRiddell: a backport would be difficult, because we would have to add *-kde4 again. So why not updating the existing package in the PPA?20:19
Riddellyes that's probably the best way20:20
neversfeldeI#ll build it and upload to staging, so we can decide what to do after it is in lucid20:20
Riddelldantti: new {k,gnome,}packagekit uploaded, here's the patches we apply to kpackagekit http://people.canonical.com/~jriddell/tmp/kpackagekit/20:28
Riddelljust for your information, although I think kubuntu_04_tray_icon.patch should go upstream20:29
Lex79I fixed l10n-sr in staging with new tar20:41
Riddellthanks Lex7920:45
RiddellLex79: ready for me to copy over?20:45
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ryanakcaapachelogger: Yes, I have a fix, see bug 51348821:54
ubottuLaunchpad bug 513488 in bangarang "Please sync bangarang 1.0-1 from Debian unstable" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/51348821:54
Lex79Riddell: retry this: https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdeaccessibility/4:4.3.5-0ubuntu1~karmic1/+build/146957021:58
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gremuhi guys :)22:07
gremuI have a problem with phonon in Kubuntu 9.10. Its like this:22:26
gremuI can go to the media settings in systemsettings and configure phonon as usually22:26
gremuEvery device is found an displayed, but if i try to play the test-sound for my prefered sound device I can hear no sound.22:27
gremuSound in general works (like playing sound with VLC or aplay) but everything which uses phonon does not work22:28
gremu(like system sounds or amarok)22:28
neversfeldegremu: this is not really a support channel, probably best to ask in #kubuntu22:28
gremuI'm using XINE backend with KDE 4.4 RC 222:28
gremuhm, ah ok ... amarok guys pointed me here22:28
gremuHm, I think it has nothing todo with configuration ... maybe its a bug and someone already knows about it or not.22:33
gremuBecause XINE does not work (plays no sound but also displays no error message) but Gstreamer backend works22:34
gremu(sound works for any kde application)22:34
apacheloggerryanakca: sweet22:50
Mamarokgremu: who pointed you here? I certainly didn't22:51
gremuMamarok: markey22:56
gremuat 15:08 (UTC)22:56
Mamarokmarkey: you shouldn't point people here for support, support is in #kubuntu23:01
gremuSorry… I don't want to blame anyone23:03
Mamarokgremu: just so he knows :)23:03
Mamarokno need to be sorry23:03
gremuOk .. then I will try in #kubuntu later :)23:04
gremuThanks anyway23:04
Lex79Riddell: python-kde4-dbg is dropped from the new version of kdebindings?23:07
RiddellLex79: should be in kdebindings-dbg23:08
Riddelltried Shaman, it crashes, and needs UI polish23:09
* Riddell wonders why scottk is in #ubuntu-women but not in here23:10
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gorgonizerHello, I have KDE 4.4 RC2 installed, yet my system wants to install kdebase-4.3.5.. is this correct, or is the kdebase metapackage missing for 4.3.95?23:47
gorgonizer(I do realise that this is not a support channel)23:50
neversfeldeplease show the whole error message23:51
neversfeldeand yes, would be better to ask in #kubuntu23:51
gorgonizerneversfelde: there is no error message technically, I just did an update, and the kdebase metapakage wanted to update to 4.3.5, ye tthe system is running 4.3.95.  I am assuming that kdebase metapackage (which was preesent in RC1) hasn't been made for 4.3.9523:54
gorgonizer(if that makes sense), though will ask in the main support channel..23:54

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