
mazda01crimsun, well, how can unmonopolize the sound card. im telling you, it's that "system testing" within the system, admin menu00:03
mazda01anyone know why the system testing menu item within system, admin, takes over my sound card and then changes the sound preferences out put to dummy output? there isn't even a hardware device within the sound hardware tab?00:14
mazda01here's alsa-info.sh: http://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=f4a710fd8bb4adbfedb28890c28849058104b3f500:14
SpreadsheetI can switch viewports using ctrl-alt-arrow, but I can't close windows using the X00:42
SpreadsheetOr click on windows00:42
SpreadsheetI can type into them00:42
SpreadsheetI killed some processes, gcalctool and firefox that I had open00:43
SpreadsheetI could temporarily move the windows, but then it "froze" again00:43
SpreadsheetAny help?00:45
onetinsoldierwow. hmmm, i don't know right offhand00:47
SpreadsheetHas anyone else experienced this?00:47
SpreadsheetI think this is really weird. I almost never get crashes or freezes00:47
SpreadsheetI can also start applications using Alt-f200:48
onetinsoldierthis is in just regular, plain-jane, lucid?00:48
SpreadsheetGNOME, haven't done much modifications to it00:48
onetinsoldierdid you just upgrade to lucid just now? or?00:48
SpreadsheetKeys work (I can make a new tab in a terminal)00:48
onetinsoldierdid you install lucid fresh?00:49
SpreadsheetFresh install00:49
onetinsoldierusing the Alpha2 CD? or a daily-build?00:49
SpreadsheetAlso, I tried killing another application, leafpad, thinking it would give me some time to move windows, but it didn't00:49
SpreadsheetHow do I find out?00:49
SpreadsheetI think I am using alpha 100:49
onetinsoldieri installed using the Alpha2 CD just a couple of hours after it was released, which was like, about a week ago00:50
SpreadsheetI remember you can use a keyboard key to "grab" a window and move it00:50
SpreadsheetWhat is that, so I can try it?00:50
onetinsoldieri haven't had many problems myself00:50
Spreadsheetalso, I can't click the menus or taskbar00:51
onetinsoldieri downloaded it from Softpedia00:51
onetinsoldieri think. maybe not. that was where i saw the news that Alpha2 had just come out00:51
onetinsoldierSpreadsheet: the 'alt' key?00:52
onetinsoldierto grab a window?00:52
SpreadsheetNope, can't grab it00:52
SpreadsheetHow do I use apport?00:52
SpreadsheetDo I just run apport-something from the terminal? Will it automatically file a bug?00:53
onetinsoldierdon't know. i've never used. i think it comes up automatically if it detects a crash though00:53
onetinsoldieran appcrash00:53
onetinsoldiertry 'man apport'00:53
onetinsoldieror 'apropos apport'00:54
Spreadsheetapport isn't a single command00:54
onetinsoldierahh, roger00:54
onetinsoldieri did --> apropos apport00:54
onetinsoldierand i'd say... try the 'ubuntu-bug' command00:55
onetinsoldierhowever. it'd be interesting to solve it. but i'm not sure what's wrong. are you all upgraded to the lastest?00:55
SpreadsheetI can't specify a package00:55
onetinsoldierare you sure you are fully upgraded?00:56
SpreadsheetI'm not upgraded, I don't like upgrades00:56
onetinsoldierif you installed the Alpha1, you should definitely upgrade to the latest packages that are available00:56
onetinsoldierthe latest Lucid00:57
SpreadsheetThen I will need to restart00:57
onetinsoldieryes. after updating to the latest, you'd probably need to restart00:58
SpreadsheetI mean to get it working00:58
SpreadsheetBeing able to move windows around00:58
onetinsoldieri see00:58
SpreadsheetI have a screen session, so I will stay her00:58
SpreadsheetI will shutdown and then reboot00:58
onetinsoldiergood luck00:59
SpreadsheetI had to do something01:08
Spreadsheetonetinsoldier: hello?01:09
SpreadsheetIt says I can only do a partial update01:10
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onetinsoldierSpreadsheet: oh?01:16
onetinsoldierSpreadsheet: can i see the full message?01:17
onetinsoldierare you using a graphical package manager? or, what command did you use?01:17
SpreadsheetNot all updates can be installed: Run a partial upgrade, to install as many updates as possible01:18
onetinsoldierhow about i give you a few 'aptitude' commands to run?01:18
onetinsoldieractually, just one01:18
onetinsoldiertry 'aptitude safe-upgrade'01:19
SpreadsheetI want to remove all unnecessary stuff01:19
onetinsoldiersudo aptitude autoremove?01:20
onetinsoldierwhat's wrong?01:20
SpreadsheetThese packagers don't know what they are doing01:21
SpreadsheetTo remove smbclient, I also have to remove ubuntu-desktop01:21
onetinsoldierwell, ubuntu-desktop depends on smbclient01:21
onetinsoldiererr, think i have that backawards01:22
onetinsoldieranyway... having any luck yet?01:23
SpreadsheetStill 149mb01:23
SpreadsheetI don't want to download that much01:23
SpreadsheetUpdates aren't causing the problem01:23
onetinsoldierafter this is all done. go into aptitude, or maybe synaptic will work to, and the options is a place to uncheck to 'install recommends'01:24
onetinsoldierstill downloading Spreadsheet?01:29
SpreadsheetI'm not upgrading01:30
DanaGweird... compared to win7, Ubuntu on my netbook gets only about 80% of the battery life.01:36
DanaGI wonder what they're doing to make the difference in win7.01:36
robin0800DanaG: http://www.microsoft.com/Windows/windows-7/features/power-management.aspx01:39
robin0800DanaG: on second thoughts http://blogs.msdn.com/e7/archive/2009/01/06/windows-7-energy-efficiency.aspx01:46
mazda01_my lucid alpha 2 is freaking out. it's in a never ending loop trying to start file manager. i also can't start nautilus myself. it never opens. it's litterally freaking out!01:50
mazda01_all i did was add cairo-dock -o to the start up apps and also installed dropbox, it told me to reboot to finish install dropbox, and then when i rebooted it's in the never ending loop. i am guessing it's dropbox causing this freakout01:51
DanaGAlso weird: resuming from suspend on battery gives missing C-states.01:53
simba_is java working for you in ff3.6?01:56
mazda01_if only people could see my cursor, it keeps blinking back and forth between arrow and progress wheel when ubuntu is thinking. can anyone help?01:57
mazda01_also, I have no desktop icons01:57
mazda01_just wish I could stop it so that I don't have to do another fresh lucid install. i want to help work out the bugs01:58
nomasteryodaanyone know the answer to repairing the boot sequence for Lucid? Mine just hangs up while Karmic boots flawlessly on the same system02:01
mazda01_nomasteryoda, you're using grub2?02:04
simba_nomasteryoda, try booting the 2.6.32-10 kernel02:06
nomasteryodaya ok02:06
simba_hold shift down when entering grub202:06
nomasteryodalet me look to see what its calling02:06
nomasteryodai have updated using chroot02:06
nomasteryodasince I could not get into it to update02:07
simba_the install cd booted ok?02:07
nomasteryodaits fine.02:10
nomasteryodai used it to repair grub once before after a reinstall of windows 702:11
simba_finalely java working again02:24
mazda01_just wish I could stop it so that I don't have to do another fresh lucid install. i want to help work out the bugs02:26
mazda01_if only people could see my cursor, it keeps blinking back and forth between arrow and progress wheel when ubuntu is thinking. can anyone help?02:26
mazda01_also, I have no desktop icons02:26
=== KB1JWQ_ is now known as KB1JWQ
un214anybody know how to really turn off KMS?04:40
bjsniderno one wants to turn off kms04:52
un214Look I'm serious I want KMS gone04:59
un214trying to blacklist fbcon.ko didn't work04:59
RAOFYou'd be after modeset=0.04:59
un214so add modeset=0 to /boot/grub/menu.lst?04:59
RAOFIt depends on the actual driver; you'd be after $DRIVERNAME.modeset=0 (so i915.modeset=0 or nouveau.modeset=0, etc)05:00
RAOFNote that this won't actually work for nouveau soon; the UMS code has been removed from the nouveau driver.05:00
RAOFAnd the same will happen soon to the Intel driver.05:01
un214unfortunately KMS is incompatible w/ my hardware05:01
RAOFIn what way “incompatible”?05:01
un214the alignment is wrong05:01
un214and my hardware does a better job of scaling text mode than the KMS driver does anyway05:02
RAOFWell, the kms code can probably be set to use the GPU scaling too.05:03
un214a KMS console cuts off the right 3 characters so I have a usable 77/2505:03
RAOFIs this an LCD or CRT monitor?05:03
RAOFSo, firstly you should file a bug; the ability to turn off KMS will be going away in the near future.05:04
un214I will compile my own kernel if I have to05:05
RAOFYou won't be able to; the X drivers will just not be able to work without KMS.05:05
RAOFAs I say - the nouveau driver already doesn't work without KMS.  It doesn't have any modesetting code.05:05
un214look the only driver that actually works on this hardware is the VESA driver anyway05:06
RAOFMoar bugs!05:06
RAOFWhat hardware is it?05:06
un214weird old nvidia05:06
RAOFSo, you don't have KMS enabled anyway.05:06
un214oh yes I do05:06
RAOFYou've installed the nouveau driver?05:07
un214it scans as if it were a supported driver and doesn't quite work05:07
RAOFThen you don't have KMS.05:07
un214I show a driver "nvidia" loaded05:07
bjsniderthat's the bob05:07
RAOFThe binary nvidia driver doesn't do KMS.05:07
un214that's worse then05:07
bjsniderso actually the blob is causing your problems05:07
bjsniderwhich blob is it?05:08
un214not sure05:08
un214know what the command is to purge all nvidia blobs?05:09
bjsnidertry checking jockey05:09
un214you see all I saw is somethign was switching to graphics mode rather than text mode with the newest kernel and it came out wrong. Somebody else told me kms was doing it.05:09
bjsniderif you're using one of the two blobs for old hardware you can expect numerous showstoppers05:10
bjsniderold graphics hardware should probably switch to vesa, or nv or nouveau05:10
bjsnideryou can change this in the /etc/X11/xorg.conf file05:11
un214/etc/X11/xorg.conf nonexistant05:11
RAOFbjsnider: I don't think what you're suggesting will help; it sounds like they're already using VESA, and their VTs are broken anyway.05:11
RAOFun214: Have your VTs worked with previous versions of Ubuntu?05:12
un214just fine05:12
un214I can boot the karmic kernel (still on the disk) and they work again05:12
RAOFAnd if you disable splash?05:12
RAOF(ie: remove “splash” from the kernel command line)05:13
bjsniderRAOF, i thought he said he had hte nvidia blob loaded05:13
un214It was loaded05:13
un214well let's see what unloading it does05:13
RAOFbjsnider: But the nvidia blob won't do anything to the VTs.  At least, before X starts.05:14
RAOFWell... the nvidia blob *shouldn't* do anything to the VTs before X starts :)05:15
bjsnideri thought he was having real problems05:16
RAOFVTs are pretty useful.05:17
bjsniderare they now05:17
bjsniderthey're useful if your system is completely borked05:21
un214unloaded & purged nvidia driver05:23
un214problem still here05:23
bjsnideris your screen resolution normal outside of the vt?05:23
un214Screen resolution correct through early boot sequence05:24
un214goes hayware just before kjournald starting05:24
un214I'm curious, let's see what rinit=/bin/sh does05:26
NafaiHas the bug regarding the nvidia drivers mentioned in the Alpha 2 release notes been fixed?05:31
un214ok so I don't know how to pass kernel parameters in grub05:35
un214I noticed this line: Console: switching to colour frame buffer device 80x3005:35
un214I patched into /boot/initramfs.img to determine what step is causing it06:14
un214load udev -- boom06:14
un214it looks very much like the fbcon driver is the faulting driver here06:15
un214Finally got it fixed. Anybody want to take a guess as to what worked?06:27
un214mv fbcon.ko fbcon.ko.disabled && update-initramfs -c && shutdown -r now  and my console works again06:28
onetinsoldierun214: congrats! nice work06:48
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alkisgSince about 3-4 weeks I have a blank icon in the systray for switching the keyboard layout. Is it supposed to be blank? Are some layout flags missing?07:48
wzssyqai am using nautilus 2.29.2   i remembered that there is a pen at location entry,to switch from the two mode,now,i cannot find it08:42
=== chris|| is now known as chris|
rtgzHi, all, I have googled for the answer but could not find one - it is not possible to enable menu icons in Lucid Lynx via GNOME appearance settings. Is it by design?10:09
rtgzKarmik Koala had the icons disabled but there was a tab in Appearance settings; this tab is now gone. I suspect that the corresponding gconf entry still exists, but.. are there any design guidelines for this?10:12
Ian_Cornertgz: wondering the same10:12
rtgzthe ability to customize toolbar labels is also gone10:16
rtgzI mean, I know what the icon means, i don't need big icons and text beside them...10:17
rtgzIt is like... mmm.. how the people like to say..10:17
rtgz"I am not switching to Lucid Lynx because there are no icons in the menu!"10:18
yofelrtgz: you can use KDE :P10:34
rtgzyofel, erm... my wife IS using KDE... I don't think I can convert from GNOME to KDE :)10:35
kklimondanot bad - under 25 seconds boot time on my laptop11:52
=== BUGabundo_remote is now known as BUGabundo_lunch
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afd_hi guys! Is there a guide on how to make a broadcom wireless guide working on Lynx?13:05
yofelafd_: "Is there a guide on how to make a broadcom wireless guide working" huh? do you mean "broadcom wireless card"?13:21
afd_yofel: yes13:22
yofelcould be, I don't know one, what card do you have?13:22
afd_looking for a guide on making my wireless broadcom card working on my laptop. I'm using Lucid Lynx updated to latest13:22
afd_I'm reading this at the moment, trying to install the STA drivers : http://www.broadcom.com/docs/linux_sta/README.txt13:23
yofelthat card should be covered by the 'bcmwl-kernel-source' package13:24
afd_I have it installed... what GUI can I use to set the network?13:24
yofelwell, the network manager applet should show the networks, do you have wireless enabled? Is the kernel module loaded?13:26
afd_actually, looking in jockey-gtk, I have installed Broadcom STA too. I guess I'm looking for a way to configure the network13:26
afd_yofel: I don't think I have the applet installed, what is its name? This is a Kubuntu install with Gnome on it13:27
afd_maybe I didn't install all the gnome packages13:27
afd_network-admin doesn't have wifi related stuff13:28
yofeloh, kde, is 'knetworkmanager' running?13:28
afd_ah, I need network-manager-gnome13:29
yofelif you use kde, use knetworkmanager, for gnome nm-applet would be better, yes13:29
afd_with nm-applet I can see the networks13:30
Volkodavis FF 3,6 and TB-3,0 added to the repos yet ?13:30
afd_I'll disconnect the cable, to see if it works13:30
yofelVolkodav: FFX 3.6, yes (as 'firefox'). Thunderbird not yet afaik13:31
Volkodavso I may disable daily builds and install firefox I guess13:32
afd__yofel: it works, thanks!13:36
onetinsoldierHello BluesKaj14:16
=== BUGabundo_lunch is now known as BUGabundo_work
BUGabundo_workanyone still using pidgin ?14:20
BluesKajhi onetinsoldier14:21
vega_BUGabundo_work: yes because empathy does not support XMPP14:23
BUGabundo_workdoesn't support XMPP???14:25
BluesKajhey BUGabundo_work14:25
BUGabundo_workwhen did that happen vega_?14:25
BUGabundo_workhey Kaj14:25
BUGabundo_workProgram received signal SIGPIPE, Broken pipe.14:25
BUGabundo_work0x00007ffff798fd4c in __libc_send (fd=26, buf=<value optimized out>, n=<value optimized out>, flags=<value optimized out>) at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/send.c:3314:25
BUGabundo_work33../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/send.c: No such file or directory.14:25
BUGabundo_workin ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/send.c14:25
BUGabundo_workanyone else seeing this in pidgin ?14:25
* BUGabundo_work checks for broken plugins14:26
vega_dunno, didn't find xmpp in protocol settings14:26
vega_maybe it's hidden behind some other name don't know, didn't have time to find out14:26
BUGabundo_worktried GTalk ?14:28
BUGabundo_workok disabled a few plugins14:30
BUGabundo_worklets see if this keeps up14:30
vega_actually now when i started empathy and it imported settings from pidgin it works14:34
simba_in gnome terminal i use green on black colors, but it seem to change by it self to green on white some times, so i have to close and reopen to get black back. anyone else have this?14:34
vega_seems jabber == xmpp in empathy14:34
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onetinsoldiersimba_: yes... i'm getting that sometimes. the black becomes like it's washed out looking14:50
A_I_did someone test bacula on Lucid/amd64 .?15:55
A_I_because it doesn't seem to work15:55
BluesKajwhat's bacula ?15:56
A_I_backup software15:56
PiciIs there an error?15:57
A_I_I already talked about with people from bacula15:57
A_I_and I just wanted to know if someone had succeeded in using bacula on Lucid15:57
PiciHave you checked for bug reports in Launchpad?15:58
A_I_because the problem has appeared with bacula 3.0 and previous version of ubuntu has bacula 2.X15:58
A_I_no I didn't15:58
A_I_I'll do it right now15:58
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BluesKajI installed nautilus because dolphin and konqueror both die upon launch , except for /home/usr16:05
BluesKajanything that requires permissions16:06
BluesKajkde 4.4 is broken to some degree, i'm afraid16:06
onetinsoldieri'm not totally surprised. isn't kde-4.4 still a beta?16:08
onetinsoldierif so, you've got a beta kde running in a beta version of ubuntu ;-)16:09
yofelonetinsoldier: kde is rc2 actually, but they broke a few things since rc1 it seems16:11
yofelBluesKaj: they don't die here...16:12
BluesKajyofel, i keep getting "the process for the file ptotocol died unexpectedly"16:13
BluesKajerr protocol16:13
yofelwait, I know that line...16:15
BluesKajyofel, I made a small bash script and had to cp it to the /etc/init.d file16:15
yofelI don't remember from where though -.-16:15
onetinsoldieryofel: sorry.. had to go afk a bit there. but i hear ya16:16
BluesKaj /etc/init.d for example dies16:17
BluesKajinteresting tho, nautilus opens the file using: gksudo nautilus /etc/init.d/  in the command box16:22
=== repete is now known as repete-afk
_Groo_hi/2 all16:39
_Groo_networkmanager got a serious regression, its not updating nm-applet 3g modem list when i plug one16:39
BUGabundo_workhey _Groo_16:39
_Groo_BUGabundo_work: hey :)16:39
BUGabundo_work_Groo_: from what version?16:40
_Groo_BUGabundo_work: latest from lucid , 0.8 rc216:40
BUGabundo_workcause it stop working even before 9.10 RC16:40
BUGabundo_work_Groo_: ask asac in #ubuntu-mozillateam16:40
BUGabundo_workits his handy work16:40
_Groo_BUGabundo_work: really? cause for me its intermittent, in 0.8git it worked, then in rc1/rc2 stopped working16:40
_Groo_BUGabundo_work: why mozillateam? :D16:41
BUGabundo_workthere's where asac (who also work in FF) hangs16:41
pasjrhas anyone one else lost use of plugins on firefox?16:55
BUGabundo_workbut is it the same profile17:01
BUGabundo_workor a new one, after 3.6 upgrade pasjr?17:02
BUGabundo_workbah he left17:02
onetinsoldieri thought he was still here too!17:03
bitsfritzHello all,17:58
bitsfritzrecently I discussed xmodmap problems. Look here: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2010/01/25/%23ubuntu+1.html#t13:3517:58
bitsfritzNow I've setup a bug in launchpad: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xmodmap/+bug/51262217:59
ubottuUbuntu bug 512622 in xmodmap "xmodmap maps keyboard unusable" [Undecided,New]17:59
bitsfritzanyone who can reproduce this, is encouraged to play with the "me too" button ;o))18:01
FabioTheApereproduce what?18:02
bitsfritzxmodmap mapping keyboard, hmmm, funny :o)) Follow the steps mentioned in the bug description and You might see.18:05
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Viper550http://www.neowin.net/news/ubtuntu-making-yahoo-default-search-engine Why.18:35
charlie-tcaSo canonical can start making money?18:37
charlie-tcaI would think at some point, hiring more developers/workers without a profit becomes a bad business practice18:38
simba_lol...engadget went down during the coverage op ipadrelease18:46
screen-xsimba_: they stayed up longer than ars19:00
myrradinyou and your 'money'19:01
simba_screen-x, was 112000 viewers on ustream earlyer, now only 90000. Hope there will be an ebook store like that for ubuntu soon.19:06
screen-xsimba_: I dont use ebooks yet, but there must be a good reader for ubuntu already, and some stores that sell books in epub format?19:07
simba_screen-x, there are many formats, some has epub, but something that is gluing it all together is missing.19:09
PiciPlease use #ubuntu-offtopic for non Lucid chat.  There are already a lot of people there discussing the ipad19:09
screen-xPici: sorry...19:09
myrradinunless you manage to install lucid on the ipad19:10
lukehasnonameI'm looking to request a package be updated in Lucid19:11
lukehasnonameIt's in Main, I'm wondering who I'd discuss this with or where to file a request19:12
lukehasnonameHow often does the Lucid snapshot sync with Debian testing, until DIF?19:19
Picilukehasnoname: Yes.19:19
lukehasnonamePici: At what intervals? There is a package in Debian testing at version Y, while Lucid's (according to packages.ubuntu.com) has been at version X for a week19:21
Picilukehasnoname: Which package?19:21
lukehasnonameit is in main, is that a reason?19:22
Picilukehasnoname: Looks like there are ubuntu changes on that package, so it may need to be touched my a dev.  #ubuntu-devel should know better though.19:23
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=== gnomefreak76 is now known as gnomefreak
johanbris anyone else with an nvidia card getting "(EE) Jan 27 14:32:03 NVIDIA(0): Failed to initialize the GLX module" ?21:02
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geniijohanbr: I was getting other GLX error msgs originally but am on the nvidia-vdpau ppa now21:43
johanbrgenii, alright, I'll give that a try21:44
johanbrthank you21:44
Nghrm, why is jackd being pulled in21:50
Nggstreamer0.10-plugins-bad is doing it21:53
Ngor is trying to :D21:53
johanbrgenii, that just seems to be for media playback, though22:06
johanbrthe error I pasted is from the X log file22:07
hyperstreamRaliuga, in the topic is the link :)22:07
Raliugaoh ok, i will go to Windows and download it cuz with 2kbps... it will take like 1 week xD22:07
hyperstreamlol :)22:08
bjsnidergenii, you can't use hte ppa anymore because i removed the lucid drivers22:11
geniibjsnider: Perhaps thats why jockey is telling me "NVIDIA accelerated graphics driver (version current) [Recommended]"22:13
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | The ATI and nVidia binary drivers may not be currently installable at the moment22:15
yofelgenii: that's the correct one from the repos, but it doesn't work with jockey yet afaik22:16
BluesKajyofel, jockey isn't working correctly , it's recommending the wrong driver choice in a lot of cases22:33
=== RAOF is now known as RAOF_
=== RAOF_ is now known as RAOF
hyperstreamIm getting a warning about only being able to do a partial upgrade, what should i do ?22:51
BUGabundoanyone not seing alerts for power loss?22:51
BUGabundoI got 2 power loss cases this week, for not getting alerts of low power22:51
yofelBluesKaj: well yeah, I'm just telling people that want to install the nvidia driver that jockey is broken right now22:56
BluesKajyofel, right22:56
=== emma_ is now known as emma
charlie-tcahyperstream: You should not do a partial upgrade23:11
hyperstreamcharlie-tca, how can i make it do a full update *23:11
hyperstreamcharlie-tca, via the update-manager23:11
onetinsoldierhyperstream: sudo aptitude full-upgrade23:11
hyperstreamsays: Not all updates can be installed, do a partial upgrade to install as many updates as possible, grab a new cd and reinstall ?23:12
charlie-tcaseems dangerous, though. If update manager says it can only do a partial upgrade, forcing it usually breaks things23:13
hyperstreamyeah ive had that issue before hand23:13
onetinsoldiernot all updates can be installed? hmmm23:13
onetinsoldierwhat version of ubuntu are you upgrading from?23:13
charlie-tcaIf you want to be safe, you wait for the rest of the upgrades to be added.23:14
hyperstreamim running lucid trying to use the update manager23:14
onetinsoldierhyperstream: roger23:14
onetinsoldierhyperstream: then try.... sudo aptitude safe-upgrade23:14
hyperstreamcharlie-tca, been like this for a few weeks, thought along the same lines as your previous post23:15
hyperstreamIs there anyway i can find out which packages wont install etc?23:16
onetinsoldierno luck with --> sudo aptitude safe-upgrade?23:16
prefrontalafter upgrading to lucid i don't get dns name resolution unless i do ifdown eth0 && ifup eth023:17
prefrontalthen everything works perfectly23:17
hyperstreamonetinsoldier, scared to try it lol23:18
charlie-tcaYou can use sudo apt-get dist-upgrade, read the packages it says won't install, then hit "n" to not do anything23:18
onetinsoldierhyperstream: it will show you what it's going to do first23:18
hyperstreamok ill give both a shot, will get back to you guys shortly23:18
onetinsoldierhyperstream: does that command show that it's going to upgrade a lot of packages?23:19
charlie-tcahyperstream: if aptitude safe upgrade will tell the packages, use it23:19
hyperstreamok, there is alot with safe-upgrade:23:20
hyperstream385 packages upgraded, 25 newly installed, 5 to remove and 1 not upgraded.23:20
hyperstreamNeed to get 300MB of archives. After unpacking 159MB will be used.23:20
onetinsoldierif you haven't been able to update in a long time and safe-upgrade shows a lot that it will update, then i think you should go for it :-)23:20
onetinsoldierif you haven't been able to update in a long time and safe-upgrade shows a lot that it will update *a lot of packages*, then i think you should go for it :-)23:20
prefrontali just finished a dist-upgrade, stable enough for my use23:20
hyperstreamdist-upgrade has the following:23:21
hyperstream386 packages upgraded, 28 newly installed, 6 to remove and 0 not upgraded.23:21
hyperstreamNeed to get 303MB of archives. After unpacking 165MB will be used.23:21
hyperstreampretty close if you ask me :)23:21
charlie-tcaWhat is the package the safe-upgrade won't install?23:22
hyperstreamcharlie-tca, both say this: The following packages are RECOMMENDED but will NOT be installed:23:22
hyperstream  ttf-lyx23:22
charlie-tcaonetinsoldier: run the safe-upgrade???23:23
onetinsoldierhyperstream: you can ignore that 'recommends' package23:23
charlie-tcaIt has 3 less new packages, which might be the ones on hold23:23
onetinsoldieri'd run the safe-upgrade and restart... then see what full-upgrade would do23:23
charlie-tcaI have to agree with that. At least that brings the package list down to something you can see easier.23:24
hyperstreamHeh, just found out im capped, wont be doing anything till the 7th of next month >< FML, Australia FTL23:24
onetinsoldierjust to see what it would do.. i wouldn't necessarily run the full-upgrade. but, it will only be a few packages to see out of curiosity after the safe-upgrade23:24
onetinsoldierhyperstream: awww, bummer :(23:25
hyperstreamThanks tho guys, ill definatly do a safe-upgrade23:25
onetinsoldierroger. good luck23:25
hyperstreamonetinsoldier, 30Gig's $130 a month..23:25
hyperstreamGone lol23:25
charlie-tcaWell, by that time, the issues could resolve and everything will update23:25
hyperstreamcharlie-tca, that is true :)23:26
onetinsoldierhyperstream: i hear ya. pretty expensive23:26
onetinsoldiersort of. 30 gigs is quite bit!23:26
onetinsoldier1 gig a day keeps the doctor away23:26
hyperstreamthing is with aussie is the 24month contracts.... there are isp's out now that have 80-90gigs for $80 a month23:26
onetinsoldierroger. we're getting into off-topic now. but i hear ya23:27
hyperstreamOpps, my bad :) anyways, thanks guys23:27
onetinsoldiercheers :-)23:28

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