
* vish sigh09:56
wedderburnwhats up?09:56
vishdamn lp locked me out just when i was about to update breather branding > https://launchpad.net/breathe-icon-set09:56
wedderburnnot fun :\09:57
wedderburnvish: so is breath the defacto alternative icon set for ubuntu?10:10
vishwedderburn: nope10:10
vishwedderburn: its just a community icon set which can be installed from repos10:11
wedderburnah my bad, thought it was included as a alternative theme10:11
vishmat_t: hi... Upstream wants a response regarding the ad-hoc icon in the network manager menu10:22
mat_tvish: k, what is the question exactly?10:22
vishmat_t: https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=50482210:23
ubottuGnome bug 504822 in nm-applet "Get better icons (larger, better styled, etc)" [Enhancement,New]10:23
mat_tthx, looking10:23
vishoops wrong bug10:23
mat_tok, not looking :)10:23
vishmat_t: https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=60757710:24
ubottuGnome bug 607577 in nm-applet "[enh] better adhoc icon" [Enhancement,Needinfo]10:24
mat_tthx :)10:25
vishnp.. :)10:25
=== chaotic_ is now known as chaotic
thorwiltroy_s: hi! what happened to whatever you wanted to try based on my title page SVG?17:30
troy_sthorwil: I was just looking at something.17:31
thorwiltroy_s: something strange happened. our proposal to continue with a team and a process working from goals over audience, tone, message towards actual design got accepted17:32
troy_sthorwil: That's terrific. Now the hard work starts - you have an obligation to _prove_ that the execution / output quality will yield better dividends than had that decision not been made.17:33
troy_sthorwil: I sincerely hope you guys can accomplish it.17:34
troy_sthorwil: And women maybe?17:34
troy_sthorwil: Made a really crap assumption there... sorry.17:34
thorwiltroy_s: no. David Nel (made the footprint and laptop proposals) didn't reply. so the team is vish, wolter and yours truly17:36
thorwiltroy_s: plus the guy responsible for LaTeX17:36
troy_sthorwil: ???17:37
troy_sthorwil: LaTeX? The guy generating the actual document output?17:37
thorwiltroy_s: who already told me that its's very hard to impossible to realize grid alignment with latex (the default seems to be to work with flexible whitespace spread across the page)17:38
thorwiltroy_s: yes, he's responsible for implementing the layout, font choices, typesetting17:38
troy_sthorwil: I can't comment. I do know that there are some _extremely_ high end typesetters that discuss the merits of LaTeX. I can't imagine for a second that you can't design something as critical as a grid with it. But again, I _cannot_ comment with any shred of authority.17:39
troy_sthorwil: I'd bet "grid latex" generates a few hits.17:40
thorwiltroy_s: i intend to have word regarding page margins, but otherwise leave the field to him, basically17:40
troy_sthorwil: Just avoid opinion and use Bringhurst.17:40
thorwiltroy_s: yes. discussions about it being hard to impossible ;)17:40
troy_sthorwil: The easiest choice is to concede to someone that knows far more about typesetting than anyone around these parts. ;)17:41
troy_sthorwil: And _anyone_ that questions that authority should probably give their heads a shake. Which is why it is a _deadly_ easy 'recipe'17:41
troy_sthorwil: Not the _only_ recipe, but it is hard to argue against Bringhurst with the experience level of the culture.17:41
thorwilyeah, though i'd like to avoid an argument from authority17:42
troy_sthorwil: That's the point. It is impossible to get into one.17:42
troy_sthorwil: It's like arguing with Dali about surrealism.17:42
troy_sthorwil: You _could_ but anyone with at least two braincells would easily spot how foolish you would look doing so.17:43
troy_sthorwil: The points are pretty clear: 1) Yes there are options. 2) Yes there are other presentations. 3) Yes there are no absolutist rules. 4) Knowing (1), (2), and (3) and guessing at the ability / experience of just about everyone this side of Tschichold, it is _damn_ hard to argue that Bringhurst's outlines / blueprints will deliver something _awful_.17:44
troy_sthorwil: It probably doesn't mean anything radical in practical terms anyways.17:45
troy_sthorwil: In fact, just the opposite.17:45
troy_sthorwil: The upside of LaTeX is that it _will_ allow you fine grained control over point size and leading.17:46
troy_sthorwil: Which many apps don't (helloooooo Inkscrape)17:46
thorwilyes, it has some very nice characteristics. just never was a complete solution for my own needs17:46
* thorwil got into layout learning quarkxpress17:47
troy_sthorwil: Needs refine. Anyways, I _really_ hope the output goes smoothly.17:47
troy_sthorwil: You three _really_ need to aim for the fences and not strike out.17:47
troy_sthorwil: It is no easy task to not suck. Lol.17:48
troy_sthorwil: Start with the type. The typefaces on _all_ of those covers is simply nasty.17:52
troy_sthorwil: That is perhaps the biggest glaring 'Yikes'.17:52
troy_sthorwil: This might interest you - http://projects.blender.org/tracker/?func=detail&atid=498&aid=20773&group_id=917:56
troy_sthorwil: Tested it and it _works_. Simply _awesome_.17:56
thorwiltroy_s: that link wants a login. tell me what to search for, instead17:57
troy_sthorwil: The projects site is logon only. It's a bug report.17:57
troy_sthorwil: Can't explain it... uh... let me render something very very quickly.17:58
thorwiltroy_s: dinner time, back in 30 to 40 minutes17:58
troy_sthorwil: http://s3.amazonaws.com/GZips/thorwil0001_0096.dvd18:06
thorwiltroy_s: what am i looking at, camera orientation dependent motion blur?18:35
troy_sthorwil: That is strictly in the 2D compositor18:35
troy_sthorwil: The origin of the directional blur off of a simple avi is animated along the x axis.18:36
troy_sthorwil: You can now animate _any_ variable.18:36
troy_sthorwil: Might be hard to wrap your head around. It is _extremely_ powerful.18:36
thorwiltroy_s: yeah, 2.5 has to be awesome18:37
thorwilinkscape folks already talk about gsoc 201018:40
troy_sthorwil: It's mind numbing.18:40
troy_sthorwil: Strictly for 2D animation18:40
troy_sthorwil: Blender slays.18:41
troy_sthorwil: The compositor is worth its weight in gold.18:41
troy_sthorwil: Or even static 2D imaging.18:41
troy_sthorwil: It really destroys every other tool we have.18:41
thorwiltroy_s: how do you do lighting-independent 2d with gradients in blender?18:43
troy_sthorwil: Sorry... rephrase.18:44
troy_sthorwil: As in avoid the 3D?18:44
thorwiltroy_s: yes, if you use blender for 2d animation, how to handle color fills?18:45
troy_sthorwil: Well technically you can still define shapes (ala Inkscape) via the 3D interface - just lock yourself into 2D.18:45
troy_sthorwil: If you use an orthagonal camera, everything behaves as expected. Materials just set to 'emit' as opposed to using a light.18:45
thorwilthat part is clear18:45
troy_sthorwil: Make sense?18:45
thorwilstill open how one would do a gradient fill on a 2d surface18:46
troy_sthorwil: Oh you mean a literal fill on a surface. Haven't tried. Not sure you can specify it. That is the domain of a deep colour image editor... Oh wait... we don't have any. Krita maybe?18:48
thorwillast time i tried krita i dropped it because it wouldn't give me a gradient fill without creating a preset :)18:50
thorwilso things i want regarding bitmap editing are spread across gimp, krita and mypaint, currently.18:52
troy_sthorwil: Not really18:54
troy_sthorwil: Remember, you can't get say, deep colour and use any other tool that doesn't support it.18:54
troy_sthorwil: So GIMP is crippled, Inkscape is crippled etc.18:55
troy_sthorwil: It is a one way path of loss... like going to MP3.18:55
troy_sthorwil: Not relevant for those that don't do any manipulation as you are always trapped in the 24 bit domain regardless for output... but for manipulations it is devastating.18:55

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