
geserdid you update it to -0ppa2? if not, it gets rejected00:01
cyphermoxMTecknology, geser, there is a special cgi proxy thing somewhere on debian.org that translates calls to sf.net.. it was broken for a while this summer00:11
MTecknologygeser: ya, I did00:45
OrgulloCachanill  Forum welcomes anybody who hates niggers and isn't a nigger.      Asian?  No Problem!  Jewish?  We have Jewish mods!  Mexican?  Bienvenido amigo!  No matter what race you are, join us if you hate niggers!00:45
sebnerfar too quick for an op :(00:46
MTecknologyhurray spam00:46
MTecknologysebner: ya, but staff got them instead :P00:48
sebnerfar too late already .. gn800:50
MTecknologygeser: is there any chance you could check over that package for errors?00:53
MTecknologyIt builds fine, installs correctly now, and lintain sees no issues - just the way I did everything..00:54
MTecknologySo when I have something I want to push to Debian, what should the version number look like?03:55
MTecknologyin the changelog..03:56
persiaMTecknology: Is it maintained by Debian QA or someone else?03:56
MTecknologypersia: I'll probably be the one maintaining the package, somebody else manages the code03:57
persiaOh, a new package.03:57
persiaGenerally one uses a revision number of 1 for a new package, so something like 1.2.3-103:57
MTecknologyok, thanks :)03:57
MTecknologyI didn't know if I wanted anything like ubuntu0 at all03:58
persiaThe reason I ask is that I believe it to be poor manners to attach changelog changes to a patch one is submitting to a Debian maintainer not oneself, except in certain special cases.03:58
MTecknologydoes that get attached on import from there?03:58
MTecknologyI like to think I have good manners - I want to do that :P03:59
MTecknologyI wonder if this is what I want for the watch... http://projects.l3ib.org/lal/files/ lal-(.*)\.tar\.gz debian debian/orig-tar.sh03:59
MTecknologylooks good     => remote site does not even have current version04:01
MTecknology1.1 will get released tomorrow, it'll just be a small Makefile change04:02
persiaDoes the watch file work?  You can test with `uscan --report-status` and `uscan --force-download`04:03
MTecknologypersia: so when a new tarball gets published and it gets scanned, what happens?04:03
persiaNothing, unless someone decides to update.04:03
persiaIt might show up in UEHS and DEHS reports.04:04
MTecknologywhere's that?04:04
persiahttp://qa.ubuntuwire.org/uehs/ and http://dehs.alioth.debian.org/04:05
persia(It's at times like these that search engines are handy)04:05
MTecknologyso once I get this latest version packaged; I upload it to debian.mentors.net; then something happens there; then it gets sync'ed into 10.04?04:08
persiaWell, you'll want to contact the debian mentors to get it uploaded, but ideally.04:09
MTecknologyhyperair: ya, that one :P04:09
hyperairyou upload it to mentors.debian.net, you get the RFS template and mail it to the debian-mentors mailing list, you wait for a sponsor to get back to you, and once the sopnsor has uploaded, it'll get synced.04:09
MTecknologycool :)04:10
hyperairbut unlike revu, it's actually very difficult to get a sponsor for new packages in debian-mentors.04:10
hyperairyou can wait for months on end04:10
persiahyperair: You clearly haven't looked at REVU recently :)04:11
hyperairpersia: er. i guess not.04:11
persiaI think the latency is about the same: in both cases some stuff moves very quickly, and some stuff sits there for months.04:11
hyperairpersia: i haven't attempted to get anything into ubuntu via revu for a long while.04:11
MTecknologyvia revu means it's in ubuntu only?04:12
hyperairMTecknology: yes.04:12
hyperairMTecknology: rather, ubuntu and its derivatives.04:12
ajmitchboth debian & ubuntu suffer from the problem of reviewing & sponsoring not being much fun :)04:12
MTecknologyI have something I want to pckage later that will be Ubuntu specific04:12
hyperairMTecknology: submitting to debian would mean it'll get into debian and its derivatives, and since ubuntu is a debian derivative, that has a wider reach.04:12
hyperairajmitch: but stuff i've attempted to get into ubuntu via revu entered much faster than through mentors.debian.net04:13
ajmitchhyperair: it depends on how persistent you are, and responsive with making requested changes04:14
persiahyperair: Mostly that's a function of timing.  Sometimes REVU gets lots of attention.  Sometimes mentors.  When things are especially fast is when both sets of sponsors are competing, but that doesn't happen often.04:14
hyperairajmitch: i've been quite responsive with revu imo, but with mentors.debian.net, it's kinda hard to be responsive when you don't even get a reply to begin with.04:14
persiaWell, some things on REVU haven't been reviewed in months as well.04:15
MTecknologyI like to think I'm extremely responsive..04:15
persiaYou may just be better at advertising your stuff on REVU.04:15
MTecknologyI'm reading the intro on m.d.n04:15
hyperaircodelite entered ubuntu in a few weeks.04:16
hyperairit's been many months since then04:16
hyperairand codelite is still sitting in mentors.debian.net04:16
hyperairi just gave up trying to get it in04:16
cyphermoxhyperair, with an email on the ML too?04:16
hyperairthe only response i got was "isn't it just like code::blocks? we don't need another editor"04:16
hyperaircyphermox: weekly mails, which is the maximum allowed frequency for RFS's04:16
hyperairit's easier to get stuff into debian if you can find a team with a DD, or otherwise find a DD who's interested.04:17
hyperairdebian developer04:18
hyperairpeople with upload privileges04:18
MTecknologyI want to be able to call myself an Ubuntu developer someday04:18
RAOFOr there's an interested team; the cli-{apps,libs} team is responsive.04:18
persiaThe same is true with Ubuntu.  Packages of interest to Ubuntu Developers tend to pass through REVU faster.04:18
hyperairMTecknology: so would i. =)04:18
cyphermoxtwo fairly specialized packages I've uploaded through mentors finally, got almost immediate attention, compared to revu with few comments after weeks.04:18
cyphermoxgetting the input from the two sides was very interesting and useful though04:19
hyperairi guess the size of the package also matters. codelite is a behemoth.04:19
persiaDefinitely.  It's much easier to review small stuff.04:20
hyperairon top of that, upstream insists on including the windows specific files (especially the binaries) in the tarballs, so i have to get those repacked out.04:20
MTecknologythe actual code in this is about 300 lines04:20
cyphermoxpersia, even small packages can get complicated :)04:20
hyperairthat's tiny.04:20
MTecknologybut dang this thing is awesome04:20
MTecknologyI figured it's the perfect point to learn04:21
persiacyphermox: Yes, but they tend to take less time to download, less time to build, and less time to read.04:21
MTecknologyI learned .. a lot .. in the last two days04:21
MTecknologyIntro page - "Besides from not being able to upload the package directly into Debian you are treated as a full member of the community."04:23
MTecknologyheh.. most debian folke I know aren't friendly enough to call anyone but the few l33t part of their community04:23
persiaThen you're not looking in the right places.  Several Debian folk have previously contributed to this very conversation in the past hour.04:25
cyphermoxMTecknology, I think when it's apparent that you do a good job or that you are eager to learn, you're taken seriously04:25
MTecknologypersia: I meant when I popped into #debian04:25
cyphermoxE.g. my first emails with my regular sponsor seemed a little cold... which was really just a perceived thing on my end it seems, because he's been extremely nice and useful.04:26
MTecknologyI only have experience asking for support in the main channel04:27
MTecknologypersia: you're probably right..04:28
MTecknologyThanks for all the help everyone - I appreciate it :)04:38
MTecknologypersia: are debian channels mostly on freenode or oftc?04:38
persiaAlthough I find that Debian is largely mail-driven, rather than IRC-drvien.04:39
MTecknologythat could also be part of my experience..04:39
dholbachgood morning07:00
Omar87dholbach: good morning. :-)07:00
dholbachhi Omar87 :)07:00
stochasticOn an upgrade request bug what's the best way to attach a patch?  In the form of a debdiff from the previous version, or as a .dsc file for the new package?07:05
randomactionstochastic: attach diff.gz and live a link to source tarball07:07
stochasticokay, thanks07:07
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hakaishiHello everyone! Anyone up to advocate/review qt-shutdown-p? - There are no lintian warnings or other errors. http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/qt-shutdown-p09:14
aboganiHi All, Little questions: if the source of a don't-yet-packaged software don't contains automated build procedures (autotools, Makefile, ant etc etc) what I should do for packaging it in the right way? Thanks in advance!10:15
mok0abogani: it really doesn't matter how you build the software.10:17
mok0abogani: just compile it and install it in the debian/tmp tree10:18
aboganimok0: Can I insert gcc command into debian/rules?10:18
mok0abogani: sure10:18
mok0abogani: although it might be more maintainable to write a Makefile10:19
aboganimok0: Ok. Thanks a lot! :-)10:32
xteejxHow do I apply a debdiff to a downloaded source?10:47
xteejxI've made a debdiff for emacs-chess FTBFS, but I removed the source and the things I changed, can I reapply the debdiff to redo what I deleted?10:48
mok0xteejx: yes, that's how the sponsor would do it10:49
randomactionxteejx: typically you go to source directory and "patch -p1 </PATH/TO/DEBDIFF"10:49
xteejxNo...how do I do it, I need to change a couple of other things10:49
xteejxrandomaction: Thanks. Will that make the changes I made in debian/ folder appear again, or do I need to unpack or anything?10:50
randomactionto go to source directory, you need to unpack the package10:50
xteejxapt-get source already did that10:51
xteejxand I have my debdiff10:51
randomactiongood for you :)10:51
xteejxSo just the patch -p1 and that's it? That's handy :)10:51
randomactionthat's why people ask for debdiffs10:52
xteejxI see now, it saves a lot of messing about :)10:52
mok0old package + debdiff = new package10:52
xteejxI suppose that's also the reason why we aren't supposed to mess around with the actual source code, only make patches, right?10:52
randomactionno, reason for this is that you have a handy patches directory an can at any time review any changes you have made10:53
mok0xteejx: exactly10:54
xteejxI see, it all makes a lot more sense now.10:54
xteejxIs the patch -p1 command meant to take any more than a few seconds?10:54
mok0there's a bunch of tools that can analyze diffs as well. lsdiff is one of my favourites10:54
randomactionxteejx: did you miss the "<" symbol?10:54
mok0xteejx: you need to read from stdin10:54
xteejxoops :P10:55
mok0Unless you enjoy typing diffs :-)10:55
xteejxread form stdin?10:55
mok0xteejx: yes, with a redirect (<)10:55
mok0patch < file10:56
xteejxI don't know what the techincal thing is for that, but yeah I missed the < ;)10:56
xteejxI'll just call it greater than :P10:56
randomactionxteejx: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Redirection_%28computing%2910:56
mok0xteejx: that a different context thoug10:56
xteejxI see10:57
xteejxSo it means "do this to that"10:57
mok0xteejx: huh? It means "instead of reading from stdin, read from file"11:00
xteejxOk, I'm consued in the space of 2 minutes then, don't worry I'll pick it up eventually ;)11:00
mok0xteejx: good11:01
mok0because redirects and pipes are among the most amazing useful features ever invented11:01
hyperairmok0: hear hear!11:02
mok0 cat  /etc/dictionaries-common/words |rev|sort|rev|less11:05
hyperairmok0: why reverse it twice?11:06
mok0hyperair: to regenerate the words... it's a rhyme dictionary11:06
hyperairi see11:07
hyperairthat's interesting.11:07
mok0cool huh :-)11:07
mok0Ooops gotta go, see you later11:07
hyperairyeah cool11:07
angelabadHi, can anyone review pidgin-embeddedvideo? Embedded video is a GTK+ plugin for pidgin. http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/pidgin-embeddedvideo11:55
ScottL_persia:  last night I ran "lintian -iIv" and "lintian --pedantic" against my zynjacku.source.changes file and only received "bad distritibtuion type"12:53
ScottL_persia: which was expected as this is for lucid - thank you again for your help12:54
xteejxhttps://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/zshdb/0.03+git20090920-1/+build/1341562 shows failed to build on i386 but I don't see any obvious errors in the build log...am I missing something?13:14
geser"19 of 19 tests failed" but I can't tell you why13:15
xteejxoh i see that13:16
gesersee also Debian bug #56066513:16
ubottuDebian bug 560665 in src:zshdb "zshdb: FTBFS: tests failed" [Serious,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/56066513:16
xteejxIn the rules/debian it says $(MAKE) - my question is, where is $(MAKE) defined, or does it just go through the Makefile in that directory?13:33
xteejxdebian/rules even13:34
geser$(MAKE) gets defined by make itself13:34
xteejxso it's just the command 'make' alone13:34
xteejxAlso, if there is a Makefile.am and Makefile.in which is the one that is read? Am I right in thinking the .am is used my automake to make Makefile.in ?13:35
geseryes, and configure usually turns Makefile.in into Makefile which gets used in the end13:36
xteejxI see13:36
xteejxi don't see any striaght Makefile... I suppose configure is called somewhere in the rules?13:37
xteejxduh! I can see it, why am I asking : ./configure --prefix=/usr --with-zsh=/bin/zsh --disable-maintainer-mode --with-lispdir=/usr/share/emacs/site-lisp/zshdb13:37
xteejxthx geser :)13:38
geserre $(MAKE) see http://www.gnu.org/software/make/manual/make.html#MAKE-Variable13:38
xteejxI get it... so $(MAKE) just calls make to make... lol instead of typing /usr/bin/make which could be wrong on other systems13:40
xteejxI think the error is just after : /usr/bin/make  check-TESTS13:42
xteejxHow do I search the directory for files containing "TESTS"?13:43
xteejxgrep something13:43
kklimondahow can I get bzr branch for debian package uploaded to sid?14:03
kklimondahow often is it updated?14:05
geserI don't know and it also depends if the package import into the branch works (there are several packages where this fails)14:06
kklimondaor a more direct question - why is the last transmission version 1.77 when 1.82 was uploaded few days ago? can I check it somewhere?14:07
kklimondaor maybe it's a broken upload.. hmm..14:07
geserhttp://package-import.ubuntu.com/transmission: AssertionError: Can't handle non gz tarballs yet14:08
kklimondaach, thanks14:08
kklimondait doesn't make any sense but I have a new link to play with :)14:10
kklimondaach, orig is in bz214:11
jpdskklimonda: Not according to https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/transmission/1.80~b5-0ubuntu114:12
geserjpds: but according to http://ftp.debian.org/debian/pool/main/t/transmission/transmission_1.82-1.dsc14:13
kklimondajpds, I guess debian maintainer have changed it recently to not repack original .tar.bz2 to .tar.gz14:13
sebnerdebsrc3.0 ftw!14:14
ari-tczewI'm learning to use bzr, I got a problem :-/14:14
kklimondaI was hoping to play with the new bzr merges but it looks like I just should do that in the old fashion way :/14:14
geserari-tczew: what problem?14:14
geserkklimonda: or pick an other package to merge :)14:15
ari-tczewI used: bzr launchpad-login ari-tczew then I've asked about key, I give YES, then OK. Now I put: bzr branch lp:~ari-tczew/+junk/gambas2 and it fails14:15
ari-tczewbzr branch lp:~ari-tczew/+junk/gambas214:16
ari-tczewPermission denied (publickey).14:16
ari-tczewbzr: ERROR: Connection closed: Unexpected end of message. Please check connectivity and permissions, and report a bug if problems persist.14:16
geseryou use the same SSH key as listed on your LP page?14:18
ari-tczewI don't know14:19
ari-tczewif no, how can I sync key with LP?14:19
geserjust add it like you did with your first SSH key14:20
geseruse the link besides "SSH keys" on your LP page14:21
ari-tczewI don't understand14:23
ari-tczew_now_ what I have to change?14:24
ari-tczewany thing on my pc? or any thing on LP?14:24
ari-tczewfu*king keys...14:24
geserhave you an SSH key on the PC you try to push from?14:25
ari-tczewyes, I created ssh key on my PC and succefly imported to LP14:26
geserand it doesn't work? -> try #launchpad then14:26
ari-tczewI lost inclination, another time14:30
kklimondahmm, could anyone check if mozilla-noscript from repository actually works with seamonkey in karmic?14:42
xteejxHey guys, I have 3 files, the orig.tar.gz, the -1ubuntu1.diff.gz and the .dsc... how do I extract the source from that, i.e. not the original, the Ubuntu-edited one, as it's in a PPA without any debdiff ??14:50
sistpoty|workxteejx: dpkg-source -x *dsc14:51
xteejxCool thanks :)14:52
xteejxAlso, what is the correct Ubuntu version if the PPA version is 0.6.4-1~name1? Is it 0.6.4-1-0ubuntu1?14:55
ari-tczewppa is unofficial, personal repositories14:57
xteejxOh... :)14:58
hyperairanyone from motu-release here? i'd like to request for clearance to get the new banshee into lucid during the featurefreeze (banshee upstream has now committed to a schedule and will release 1.6.0 on march 31st)14:58
sistpoty|workhyperair: /me looks14:59
hyperairsistpoty|work: http://banshee-project.org/about/calendar/14:59
hyperairxteejx: you generally add stuff to the version number that your package is based on15:00
xteejxhyperair: Well I was thinking about repacking some PPA stuff into debian policy standards, don't know if that's possible15:01
hyperairxteejx: and don't add another "-", it's usage is strictly restricted to separating upstream from debian revisions15:01
xteejxohh i see15:01
sistpoty|workhyperair: hm, that's (only) two weeks away from final freeze...15:01
sistpoty|workhyperair: do you plan to track the release closely?15:01
hyperairsistpoty|work: yes15:02
* sistpoty|work shrugs15:02
hyperairsistpoty|work: as usual, banshee will get a bucketload of bugfixes per release -- generally an amount large enough that it's not practical to backport all15:02
hyperairsistpoty|work: not to mention that the current banshee in ubuntu, 1.5.1 is labelled as "1.6.0 beta 2"15:03
sistpoty|workhyperair: I think I'm generally in favor of it, but can you please also mail to ubuntu-motu@luc to reach other motu-release members as well?15:03
hyperairsistpoty|work: okay, will do. thanks.15:03
sistpoty|workoops, keyboard shortcut accident :)15:04
sistpoty|workthanks hyperair15:04
xteejxAre there any guides on packaging python games for Ubuntu?15:16
randomactionxteejx: today will be a UDW session on python application packaging15:18
xteejxrandomaction: Oh cool :) Is it on lernid?15:19
randomactionxteejx: don't know, check 20:00 UTC15:20
xteejxyeah it's at 8PM. I'll try to be there, thanks randomaction :)15:20
strycoreI'm filling a bug against inkscape because it suggests ttf-bitstream-vera and this package was removed since Karmic , I'd like to find out why this package was removed15:21
strycoreit's still in debian15:21
randomactionstrycore: check https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ttf-bitstream-vera/+changelog15:22
aciculawhere is the python packaging demo, in ubuntu-classroom?15:22
strycoreok thanks15:22
strycorethat was useful , I'll replace the suggestion by ttf-dejavu instead of removing it15:24
xteejxWhat happens with the copyright/licensing if the website states it is GPL licensed, but there are no obvious authors and no provided license files in the source? I mean, how is the debian/copyright written in that case?15:24
randomactionacicula: yes15:26
strycoredebian/control: Replaced ttf-bitstream-vera suggestion with ttf-dejavu15:27
strycoreis that ok for a changelog entry ?15:27
acicularandomaction: thnx15:27
bddebianHeya gang15:31
sistpoty|workhi bddebian15:32
directhe`it's the ever-sexy bddebian!15:33
bddebianHeh, heya sistpoty|work, directhe`15:33
randomactionxteejx: you should beat upstream with a stick and tell them to include AUTHORS and COPYING files in the source15:36
xteejxhmmm .... not a bad idea heheh15:36
xteejxHi bdebian :)15:36
dholbachhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDeveloperWeek Day 3 starting in #ubuntu-classroom (on irc.freenode.net) in 16 minutes15:44
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randomactionjdong: ping, looking for an SRU ack for bug 42424916:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 424249 in gscan2pdf "locks when trying to save as PDF" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42424916:41
jdongrandomaction: you're ACKed :)16:44
randomactionjdong: thanks, uploading then16:45
zookostatik: http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=56714517:24
ubottuDebian bug 567145 in python-foolscap "please upgrade python-foolscap to v0.5.0" [Normal,Open]17:24
statikzooko, thanks!17:54
=== directhe` is now known as directhex
jariqHow often are advocated packages from revu processed by archive admin ?18:07
geserif a package on revu gets two "advocated" it should get uploaded by the 2nd dev advocating it to the archive where the archive admin process it (review it from the NEW queue)18:09
jariqgeser: is there any way I can check if it was uploaded ?18:10
randomactionjariq: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/lucid/+queue18:13
jariqI cannot find package ipwatchd in queue at https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/lucid/+queue Does it mean it was not uploaded yet ?18:17
persiajariq: Better to check https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ipwatchd if you're looking for a specific package.18:18
persiajariq: You might want to check with iulian to see if it was uploaded, or if it waits on the requested minor modifications.18:19
jariqpersia: thx18:20
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xteejxHey guys21:36
RAOFGood morning.21:37
xteejxA source is trying to install to /usr/local/bin/ I've tried adding DESTDIR=$(CURDIR)/debian just above the %: of my rules file (template from rules.tiny) what am I doing wrong?21:37
xteejxGood evening RAOF ;)21:37
RAOFYou need to work out what part of the upstream buildsystem you need to fix - is there a Makefile that you call to install?  If you pass that Makefile DESTDIR=foo, does it install into foo?21:40
xteejxrules http://paste.ubuntu.com/364139/ Makefile http://paste.ubuntu.com/364138/  .... I *think* it may be that I need to add --PREFIX=/usr/ or something...21:40
xteejxand no, it doesn't21:41
xteejxI'm very new to this as you probably know :)21:41
RAOFYeah :)21:41
RAOFOk, so what you want to do is to override their PREFIX variable.21:41
xteejxto just /usr/ ?21:42
RAOFYou can do that by passing PREFIX=/usr to the make call.21:42
RAOFBecause you're using dh7 which is all kinds of awesome, you can do this by adding a override_dh_autobuild: target.  Like so:21:42
xteejxI'm not sure how to do that :( Is it something like dh_install --PREFIX=/usr/21:43
xteejxSo I don't need that DESTDIR bit then?21:44
RAOFSorry: that should be override_dh_auto_build and dh_auto_build.21:44
xteejxIs there any space between the -- and PREFIX=/usr i.e. -- PREFIX or --PREFIX?21:46
RAOFxteejx: Right.  That makefile doesn't use a DESTDIR variable, so whatever you set it to it won't make any difference.21:46
RAOFYes, there is a space - the “--” tells dh_auto_build that we've finished giving options to dh_auto_build, and the rest of the command line should be passed as arguments to the makefile.21:47
xteejxOhhh I see :)21:47
xteejxIt acts as a kind of separator21:47
RAOFSo, that's telling dh_auto_build to pass PREFIX=/usr (acually, we want PREFIX=$(CURDIR)/debian/tmp).21:48
RAOFExactly.  It's a separator to tell dh_auto_build that we've finished passing arguments to *it*.21:48
xteejxI see :)21:48
xteejxDoes it matter that it wants to do it directly to /usr/bin or /usr/share  or should it be building in a temporary directory?21:49
xteejxIts not building with debuild -us -uc21:49
geserbe careful with setting PREFIX to something other than /usr/ for this package21:50
geseras CFLAGS include a define that uses PREFIX (via SHAREDIR) it might get included into the binary (needs checking) so the final binary looks for its files in the wrong place21:51
RAOFIf PREFIX gets encoded into any part of the binaries, then yeah.   That's certanily something to look for.21:51
xteejxWell, it's not building because it wants root access, I guess I want to do it in a temporary directory and then copy it to /usr/whatever at the end21:51
RAOFIt looks like you'll need to patch that makefile, actually.21:52
xteejxI did think I may need to rewrite it :(21:52
RAOFNo, not rewrite it.21:53
RAOFIt'll be pretty easy.21:53
xteejxIt installs fine btw21:53
xteejxI meant rewrite it in a patch :)21:53
xteejxWell I'm guessing the two things I would need to do would be fix that PREFIX bit and the install: section to copy it to root / when built - correct me if I'm wrong21:54
RAOFhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/364148/ would make “make install” it respect DESTDIR.21:54
xteejxThe install: section? I see21:56
RAOFxteejx: You need to ensure that the code has the right DATADIR - somewhere in the code it will (presumably) be referencing that define, so that will need to be set to where it'll end up on the user's system.21:56
RAOFYou also need to, during the build process, install the stuff into a subdir of debian/21:57
xteejxI'm confused... this change allows the rules file to make the Makefile install to *current directory*/debian right?21:58
RAOFYes.  With that Makefile, you'd pass “dh_auto_install -- PREFIX=/usr DESTDIR=$(CURDIR)/debian/tmp”.21:59
xteejxI thought I couldn't change the source files? Or is that the idea of the patch?21:59
RAOFThat's the idea of the patch.22:00
RAOFWe quite often need to touch the source; we use patches to do that so that (among other reasons) it's obvious what's from upstream and what changes we've made.22:00
xteejxWhat happens then after it's built? Will it copy itself to / to install itself?22:00
RAOFI think you'll need to clarify what you mean by “it” in that sentence.22:01
RAOFYou want upstream's build system to install to debian/$SOMEDIRECTORY (where $SOMEDIRECTORY can quite happily be tmp), while at the same time knowing that it will end up in /usr.22:04
xteejxthe result of the install: section ... I assume this builds the executables to run to play the game, so .... actually hang on.... I need a bigger patch don't I because game executables get installed in /usr/games and the media in /usr/share/games/foo/ right?22:05
RAOFThen in the process of building the binary deb those files will be copied into the deb; when the deb is unpacked, they all end up in the dpkg root prefix (which is only ever /, really; it passing other roots to dpkg doesn't really work)22:05
MTecknologyI thought I had this working perfect - but now it's not.. any ideas why I'm getting this error? http://paste.ubuntu.com/364155/22:05
xteejxRAOF: Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I see now!!22:05
xteejxRAOF: Because of gdebi or synaptic or whatever that installs it as root, it'll go in / ahhhhhh :)22:06
RAOFMTecknology: Your upstream's “make install” is trying to install the man page in /usr/local; that isn't going to work.22:07
xteejxDidn't realise there was a man page22:07
MTecknologyRAOF: oh... what should I do?22:07
RAOFMTecknology: That'll depend on your upsream's build system.  Scrollback where xteejx & I are discussing almost exactly this problem might be helpful :)22:08
xteejxMTecknology: Hey again :)22:08
MTecknologyxteejx: hi22:09
xteejxMore problems?22:09
geserMTecknology: packages get installed into a staging dir (debian/packagename) from where the deb gets build. And dpkg installs them later relative to / so the paths are correct after installation22:10
geserthis also means you can't (and shouldn't) install outside the package directory (you want to install the file into the package and not into the host system (buildd))22:11
MTecknologyThis is the Makefile - http://paste.ubuntu.com/364158/22:11
MTecknologyRAOF: exact same thing?22:12
xteejxRAOF: If I edit the Makefile to how I want it (as a draft example) can I paste it to have a look at please?22:12
geserfirst make install respect $(DESTDIR) and make the installation prefix configurable (packages shouldn't install in /usr/local, that's directory is reserved for the local admin)22:13
RAOFxteejx: Certainly.22:13
xteejxThanks guys22:13
RAOFxteejx: Where by “paste”, you mean “pastebin” :)22:13
xteejxOf course ;)22:13
MTecknologygeser: so I need to correct the Makefile install section?22:14
MTecknologysounds like fun22:14
MTecknologyIs there any idiots guide to make files?22:15
RAOFThe GNU documentation is quite readable.22:17
xteejxThink I got it22:19
xteejxrules: http://paste.ubuntu.com/364164/ Makefile (to be patched like this): http://paste.ubuntu.com/364165/22:20
xteejxactually I think it should change to SHAREDIR=$(PREFIX)/share/doc/XorCurses22:22
xteejxas well22:22
geserwhat's inside this dir? if it needed during runtime it shouldn't be inside /usr/share/doc22:23
xteejxthe maps for the game and documentation, but I thought docs had to be split22:24
xteejxSHAREDIR=$(PREFIX)share/XorCurses/  but MAPDIR=$(SHAREDIR)maps   PREFIX=/usr/22:24
xteejxbut then again... under install: install -t $(SHAREDIR) help*.txt22:25
geserare the help files needed during the game? e.g. for an in-game help system22:26
xteejxI'm not sure I'll check22:26
xteejxNo they're not22:27
geserthen either patch the Makefile to support the installation of the documentation to an other directory or don't install them with the Makefile but use dh_installdocs for it22:29
xteejxI think I got it :)22:29
geser"Packages must not require the existence of any files in /usr/share/doc/ in order to function" (from Debian Policy)22:29
geser(the admin is allowed to removed /usr/share/doc)22:30
geserso you can't install the map files there22:30
xteejxgeser: So any txt files that were called within the game would need to be with the game itself?22:30
xteejxthe maps go in /usr/share/xorcurses/maps/22:30
geseryes, those help files should go to /usr/share/package/22:31
xteejxOk I think I got it now :) How do I make a patch to patch the Makefile?22:32
geserlike any other patch, the Makefile is not special22:33
xteejxI don't know how to do that22:33
=== RAOF is now known as RAOF_
geserdo you use a patch system?22:33
MTecknologyRAOF_: thanks for thaat link22:33
xteejxI haven't told control to use one, no.22:34
geserdo you want to use a patch system?22:34
xteejxIf it makes it easier to fix the Makefile, yes22:34
geserthe "easiest" way is to use no patch system and simply edit the files (all changes will appear in the .diff.gz)22:35
=== RAOF_ is now known as RAOF
geserthe downside is that with many changes you don't know anymore what changes belong together22:35
MTecknologyxteejx: In my case I can make about any patch I want and the maintainer will apply it :)22:36
xteejxOk I understand, I'd rather go with a patch system then22:36
MTecknologytime to get my hair cut :)22:36
randomactionbest patch system is debsrc3 :)22:36
xteejxWhat's the easiest one for a beginner?22:36
xteejxI only need to patch 1 file, I've seen one with a 00 list thing that looked ok22:37
angelabadHi, can anyone review pidgin-embeddedvideo? Embedded video is a GTK+ plugin for pidgin. http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/pidgin-embeddedvideo22:43
micahgxteejx: quilt is pretty easy22:48
xteejxI'll look into it thanks micahg :)22:48
xteejxI'm now getting this error: "install: cannot create regular file `/home/teej/build/xorcurses-0.1.2/debian/xorcurses/usr/bin/games': No such file or directory"22:50
xteejxCan I tell the Makefile to mkdir $CURRENT/debian/xorcurses/usr/bin/games ?22:51
* ajmitch was about to answer that question, too...22:55
Nahseihei guys23:08
NahseiI'm having some problems here23:09
=== emma_ is now known as emma
Nahsei(nobody says anything... I will assume someone is waiting for me to say something more...)23:11
NahseiI've tried to follow this recipe   https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/Recipes/Debdiff23:11
NahseiI was able to create the diff... but then when i tried to patch a new source code i had this error:23:12
NahseiHunk #1 FAILED at 2.23:13
Nahsei1 out of 1 hunk FAILED -- saving rejects to file debian/control.rej23:13
Nahseipatching file debian/changelog23:13
NahseiHunk #1 FAILED at 1.23:13
Nahsei1 out of 1 hunk FAILED -- saving rejects to file debian/changelog.rej23:13
Nahseican someone help me please?23:13
geserthat's because the context for the patch changed, so patch can't apply it anymore23:18
geseryou need to apply this changes by hand (look at the .rej files what couldn't be applied)23:19
Nahseiwhat do you mean by context? what changed, besides the working directory?23:20
geserthe constant lines around the changed ones for a chunk of the patch23:22
geserpatch uses 3 lines at the beginning and 3 lines at the end to determine the place where to do the changes23:22
geserif those lines changes between the versions, patch won't find where the patch should get applied23:23
Nahseihmmm.... I see23:24
Nahseiso... what is the solution for this?23:25
geserapply the changes manually (you are smarter than patch :) so you figure the correct place for the changes)23:26
Nahseiyes... of course... but then there wouldn't be a meaning for doing patches right?... I would like to do it automaticaly23:27
geserif the files you try to patch don't change between new version (or in parts you don't touch) then you can use a patch for several versions23:29
Nahseifrom the begining..... I tried to patch and I got that error... what should I do?23:32
geseropen debian/changelog, look into changelog.rej what couldn't get applied (probably the new changelog entry as the version who got patched isn't the topmost one anymore) and apply the changes (put the Ubuntu changelog entry into the correct position)23:34
Nahseiok... i'll try that. thanks23:36
Nahseiwell ... in the top of changelog there is a version 2-3   and in the bottom of changelog.rej the version is 2-2... maybe that's why23:40
Nahseipatch could not see the correct line, saying that the version was 2-2 ... it saw 2-3 and rejected the modification23:41
Nahseiis this correct?23:41
Nahseiok :) now i understand thanks23:46
Nahseibut then the tutorial is not up to date... or was made this way, on purpose, for people to understand better what is behind patching...23:47
Nahseianyway... I know now.. that's what matters23:48

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