
* sebner hopes asac is not working anymore :P00:44
sebnerrickspencer3: thx for the talk, I'll catch you next week then :)00:45
sebnergn8 :)00:50
[reed]however, Bing is a fine choice01:23
[reed]Bing is a good competitor to Google01:23
pace_t_zulubing... really?01:23
[reed]you do know that MSFT is buying Yahoo!'s search division, right?01:24
[reed]so, it's effectively bing -> yahoo -> ubuntu01:24
[reed]which is amusing01:24
[reed]makes fixing bug 1 even more interesting ;)01:25
ubottuhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/1 (Timeout)01:25
haba713hi! have you considered to add mozilla lightning/sunbird to ubuntu-mozilla-daily ppa?07:27
rippsSo I hear everybody is complaining about the yahoo switch in firefox, good thing I use chromium, and none of this concerns me07:38
=== ripps_ is now known as ripps
vishrickspencer3: while you guys are considering partnering with yahoo! , you should ask them to remove the warning "Of OS not supported"  , users get if they are using Yahoo!Mail in Ubuntu ;)09:10
vishwarning is rather > " The all-new Yahoo! Mail has not been tested with your operating system.09:12
vishYou can choose to continue anyway, or simply go to Yahoo! Mail Classic."09:12
asacso can i look at email?10:03
asace.g. is it still reasonably calm=?10:04
vishasac: are you asking about the yahoo!mail ? or the mailing list discussion?10:14
vishasac: ML , seems well behaved ;) however you might wanna look at this blog , > http://www.chuckfrain.net/blog/2010/01/26/forced-changes-in-my-browser/10:15
vishasac: yahoo!mail , works fine , i'v been using it for more than a year or ever since new yahoo came into use and havent had any problems10:16
asacthat title looks trollish10:17
vishyeah , the title could have been better ;)10:17
vishbut the suggestion in the blog isnt really too bad10:17
asac"forces changes in my browser" ;)10:17
vishmight calm down the chicken littles ;)10:17
asacheh yeah10:32
* asac checks whether chromium biuld on all three archs10:33
asacsitting in bin NEW for armel, i286 and amd6410:33
asacbug 51115110:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 511151 in sun-java6 "java are not reconize by firefox 3.6 " [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/51115110:38
BUGabundo_remoteasac: didn't micah said sun did not update for the new stuff  in 3.6?10:41
asacfta2: does chromium look in /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins ?10:41
fta2asac, it used to10:41
asacBUGabundo_remote: i dont know if they updated something ... what i know is that it should still work, but just is in the wrong location10:41
fta2so i'd say yes10:41
asacfta2: ok ;)10:42
fta2Conflicting tags:10:45
fta2    4.0.305.0~svn20100123r36929-0ubuntu110:45
fta2asac, did you touch the tag yesterday? i moved it after the 3rd try10:46
fta2fta@cube:/data/bot/chromium-browser.head $ bzr tags10:46
fta24.0.305.0~svn20100123r36929-0ubuntu1 47510:46
asacfta2: i ran debcommit -r10:46
asaci knew i had a release before10:47
asacthen checked with bzr tags10:47
asacand was amazed that i didnt see any10:47
asacso i was able to just tag the new upload without --delete first10:47
asacalso bzr didnt complain10:47
asace.g. so the tag probably was just on your side10:48
fta2i just committed a fix for the daily, lp was down10:48
fta2them, it started to complained about the tag for push & pull10:49
fta2maybe the tag needs to be updated manually on lp...10:49
asacfta2: what about ffmpeg package ... you think you can try to get that in the archive?10:55
asaci assume you should split it to not contain the non-free bits10:55
asacbut probably one needs to check if we can split to multiverse by just binary packages10:56
asacbut i think it needs separate sources10:56
fta2can you ask someone if it's possible? i think it is10:58
fta2but well, i don't know10:58
fta2libavcodec52 is in main10:58
fta2libavformat52 too10:58
fta2libavutil-extra-49 is in multiverse10:58
fta2asac, ^^11:01
fta2but we now ship a sumo of those11:01
asacfta2: what does "a sumo of those" mean?11:04
asacfta2: so i would like to move to dev channel for the follow up uploads of chromium11:52
asacis the packaging merged already there?11:52
=== BUGabundo_remote is now known as BUGabundo_lunch
fta2asac, yes, i want to use a channel too. did you read my comments about that to jcastro yesterday?13:15
fta2asac, the sumo lib is just a single .so containing all the objects that used to be in 3 different .so. we had to do that to avoid the LD_LIBRARY_PATH which was making the totem plugin crash13:16
asacbut nonfree sumo is still split from free?13:17
fta2no, it's a completely different .so13:17
fta2each codec deb provides a single sumo13:17
asac!info libevas-svn-05-engines-x lucid13:46
ubottulibevas-svn-05-engines-x (source: evas): Evas module providing the X11 engines. In component universe, is optional. Version (lucid), package size 54 kB, installed size 212 kB13:46
rickspencer3vish, I use Yahoo mail, and have been for like 10 years, never got "not supported"14:14
rickspencer3I wonder if it's because I don't use the the fancy dhtml interface14:14
mconnoryeah, it's the DHTML thing they browser sniff on14:15
mconnorand sniff badly, I might add14:15
=== BUGabundo_lunch is now known as BUGabundo_work
vishrickspencer3: you use the old yahoo!classic or the new yahoo!mail ? , i sent the screenshot btw [taken today] ;)14:20
rickspencer3old school14:21
rickspencer3vish, I'm following up right now, actually14:21
rickspencer3sending an email to the folks who know the folks at Yahoo!14:21
rickspencer3I'll try to get it straightened out14:21
rickspencer3vish, I assume it actually works fine, right?14:21
vishrickspencer3: yeah , it works fine[without any problems I can remember] but just this annoying message.. was/is pretty embarrassing when telling others to migrate to Ubuntu14:23
mconnorrickspencer3: they have some weird weird UA sniffing, we get that on nightly builds14:23
rickspencer3thanks vish14:23
rickspencer3thanks mconnor14:23
vishrickspencer3: thanks for looking into it :)14:23
mconnorrickspencer3: how's the wave of hatred hitting you today? ;)14:23
rickspencer3mconnor, quiet ...14:23
rickspencer3too quiet14:24
mconnoroh, that's even worse, yeah'14:24
rickspencer3I am pleasantly surprised by counterbalancing voices in the community14:24
mconnoryeah, that's a good sign, and it's good that there's a healthy debate14:24
rickspencer3the word "whore" was used maybe a bit more than I would like :/14:25
mconnorah, yes14:25
mconnorthat'll happen14:25
rickspencer3but I did want to ensure a good long time to have the discussion and get feedback before we made the change14:25
mconnoryeah, that's good if you can do it14:27
vishrickspencer3: slashdot had a nicer twist > "this would seem to mean that Microsoft will be paying people for using Ubuntu"  ;)14:27
rickspencer3I guess14:28
rickspencer3vish, tbh, it's hard to find companies that *haven't* partnered with Microsoft in some way14:28
rickspencer3they have deals with everyone, it seems14:28
* rickspencer3 checks slashdot14:28
mconnorMS isn't _nearly_ as evil as they used to be14:29
rickspencer3right, ever since I quit14:29
rickspencer3I lowered the Microsoft evil average, and raised the Canonical level ;)14:30
mconnorI mean, I know MS wants to make lots of money.  I'm cool with that.14:30
rickspencer3yeah, well, they don't make it like they used to14:30
rickspencer3I still have a few friends who work there, and it seems things have changed14:30
mconnorbut the license to print money thing was never going to last, it didn't for IBM either14:31
rickspencer3tbh, they are still pretty evil, I think14:31
rickspencer3in the sense that they would make things the way they used to be if they could14:31
mconnorsure, and google wants to know everything you do online14:31
BUGabundo_workdoes the new agreement with Yahoo, mean they will fix their pages to work with Ubuntu ?14:32
BUGabundo_workand any FLOSS browser?14:32
BUGabundo_workok, major14:32
mconnordoubtful, we've had agreements for years ;)14:32
BUGabundo_workmconnor: and you are ?14:32
BUGabundo_workfirefox dev?14:32
mconnorbut they really just need to fix their UA sniffing14:33
* BUGabundo_work confirms with /whois14:33
micahgasac: we can update the package hook to allow bugs to be filed15:04
asacmicahg: thanks. i think we already did that15:05
micahgasac: yeah, that's what pitti said, but it doesn't work :(15:05
asacmicahg: is that true for hardy?15:05
micahgit doesn't work on karmic15:06
micahgasac: it's not in the ff36 hook15:11
micahgand the ff36 hook isn't installed15:11
asacmicahg: we should merge it over for sure15:18
asacnow that we have a package to file bugs against15:18
micahgasac: it's in there, just the install is disabled15:18
asacguess we already renamed the source package to firefox?15:18
asacah ok15:18
asacthats easy enough15:18
asaclets see who first gets to it. would be good to have it in tomorrows dailes15:18
asac... ok15:19
* asac has to get lunch15:19
[reed]BUGabundo_work: mconnor is the module owner for Firefox15:27
[reed]rickspencer3: at least you get to live in our (Mozilla's) world for a while when we release some new feature ;)15:31
[reed]like take the awesomebar for example15:32
rickspencer3[reed], I remember when the awesome bar rolled out15:32
rickspencer3funny to think that people objected at the time15:32
[reed]people still object!15:32
[reed]it's hilarious15:32
[reed]especially because then every other browser copied us15:33
BUGabundo_workwell I LOVE IT15:33
BUGabundo_workI don't remember if I cried FAUL or not15:33
BUGabundo_workI miss it in chromium :(15:33
rickspencer3awesome bar is the awesomest15:33
BUGabundo_work+1 rickspencer315:33
rickspencer3[reed], one meme that worries me regarding the Yahoo! default change is that some folks are saying that we are screwing over Mozilla15:34
rickspencer3it's sad when people make up information, and that becomes the dominant point of discussion15:35
rickspencer3it's like American politics15:35
BUGabundo_workwell FWIR15:35
BUGabundo_workmozilla used to have a cut in hits done by google search15:36
[reed]"used to" for some definition of time and space ;)15:40
BUGabundo_work[reed]: I'm not sure if it ever ended and if so, when15:41
[reed]well, official Firefox builds still partner with Google in some parts of the world15:41
BUGabundo_work[reed]: but feel free to enlint me15:41
[reed]I thought you were talking about Ubuntu15:41
BUGabundo_workI have no idea of the limitations of Ubuntu/canonical builds15:42
mconnorin some parts of the world?15:42
[reed]but not all15:42
mconnorRussia, I guess?15:42
[reed]yeah, and I think there's some other place(s), too15:43
mconnornot that I recall15:43
[reed]been a while since I looked at kev bugs15:43
mconnorwe had a brief period with Yahoo in Asia15:43
[reed]thought we still had Yahoo! somewhere15:44
mconnorthere are partner builds thought15:44
mconnorrickspencer3: fwiw, it's not an awful concern, and tricky to dissuade without saying some stuff15:46
mconnorlike pointing out relative user bases...15:46
rickspencer3mconnor, sorry, not 100% certain what you are referring to :/15:47
mconnorrickspencer3: the "screwing over Mozilla" meme15:48
mconnorrickspencer3: I mean, it's amusing, in a way, that people are worried about us not making enough money, considering how often others rail at us for making too much ;)15:50
mconnorsome Debian guy actually accused us of being corrupted by money at FOSDEM last year15:52
rickspencer3I am about to go get corrupted by food15:54
rickspencer3(i.e. have some breakfast and use the energy from that to do more work ;) )15:54
mconnormmm, breakfast15:57
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
fta2asac, http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=3316316:19
fta2asac, nss related16:19
micahgrickspencer3: I think this line from the slashdot post is great:  Since Yahoo search is now powered by Microsoft's Bing, this would seem to mean that Microsoft will be paying people for using Ubuntu.16:27
_Groo_asac: hi asac16:41
BUGabundo_workwow double ping  ;)16:42
_Groo_asac: BUGabundo_work told me to ask you about the nm 0.8 regression (3g modems not showing up in nm-applet, altought they register correctly in the system)16:42
_Groo_asac: it only works if i boot with the 3g modem already in the usb port...16:42
_Groo_asac: is there a workaround for it? tried evetyhing i could think of.. restarting nm, nm-applet, removing options and usbserial, replugging, even restarting udev16:43
asacwhat modem is that _Groo_ ?16:43
asac_Groo_: have you tried the latest from our daily ppa?16:43
_Groo_asac: im using the lucid ones, whats the ppa? the modem is a onda16:44
_Groo_asac: Bus 002 Device 003: ID 19d2:0001 ONDA Communication S.p.A.16:44
_Groo_asac: this was working fine with 8.04 and up, till now...16:44
_Groo_asac: ok sometimes it got intermitent aka having to replug it, but never not showing up in nm-applet after the ttyUSB* are created16:45
_Groo_asac: can you paste the url for the ppa? ill be happy to test it16:45
asac_Groo_: the lucis ones should be up to date16:47
asac_Groo_: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingModemmanager16:47
asacplease do that16:47
_Groo_asac: gonna do that and ill get back to you16:50
micahgasac: does xul-1.9.2 need to have xul191 changelog merged in?16:51
asacmicahg: yeah. and we need to check if all the changes actually made it into that branch16:53
micahgasac: the only thing I know is missing is dh_xul which I'll add later tonight16:54
micahgbut I can do a diff of the packaging branches to see if anything else is missing16:54
asacmicahg: yes. that would be good.17:00
ftadebian 561927 :)19:00
ubottuDebian bug 561927 in iceweasel "iceweasel: Can Iceweasel pretend to be Firefox to services such as safebrowsing ?" [Serious,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/56192719:00
* [reed] rolls eyes19:06
[reed]he's completely wrong as usual19:06
ftaasac_, about the codecs, should i just upload and wait? or do you see something that needs to be improved 1st?20:20
asac_fta: is the license file correct?20:22
asac_dont have it in front of me20:22
asac_would have to check20:22
ftaasac_, it's mostly a copy of the ffmpeg one20:23
ftaneeds review for sure20:23
asac_ok. does the ffmpeg package do some stripping in get-orig-source or something?20:24
asac_e.g. is that dfsg?20:24
asac_if so we should check if we can strip the same20:25
bdrungasac_: do you have time in 30 mins to sponsor an ff extension (webfav)?20:34
asac_bdrung: what changes?20:35
bdrungasac_: rename to xul-ext-<foo>20:35
asac_is that in debian?20:35
asac_who is maintainer there?20:35
bdrungasac_: it's my rename all ubuntu only packages to xul-ext-<foo>20:36
bdrungasac_: we are the maintainer and it's only in ubuntu.20:36
asac_why are the source packages renamed?20:37
gnomefreakmicahg: are you around? i have a few questions20:37
asac_was there any real reason (dont want to question things again)20:37
bdrungasac_: binary packages (not source)20:37
asac_i thoght that was only for binary package names20:37
asac_bfiller: is the webfav extension free floating or is anyone from your team maintaining that?20:38
bdrungasac_: my only source change was showcase20:38
asac_bfiller: e.g. packaging wise20:38
asac_bdrung: i think we hsould wait for bfiller, but in general yes. i can sponsor that20:38
gnomefreaki thouhgt source name == rename and depends on bin name20:38
bdrunggnomefreak: ?20:39
asac_dont understand that either ;)20:39
asac_maybe rephrase20:39
=== gnomefreak76 is now known as gnomefreak
micahggnomefreak: yes20:40
gnomefreakmicahg: why was SM2 SM2.1 striped of the gnome-support and other binaries (off hand dont recall what was built with it outside of the gnome-*20:41
micahgshouldn't have been20:41
gnomefreakoh yeah *-browser and so on20:41
micahgI haven't looked at his package yet20:41
micahgprobably done wrong20:41
gnomefreakmicahg: his PPA doesnt have any of it20:42
micahgI take no responsibility for his package20:42
* gnomefreak just installed both 2.0 2.1 and no other binaries were with it20:42
micahgI haven't had time to review20:42
micahgnext week hopefully20:42
micahgthat's what I told him20:42
gnomefreakmicahg: i know that. just mentioning to ask him about it if im not here. but in no way is it close to ready20:43
micahgk, gnomefreak20:43
gnomefreakhe said he built off my branch but nothing is close to how i had it20:43
gnomefreakmicahg: thanks20:44
micahggnomefreak: BTW, we got the ok for the meeting, during/after 2nd week of feb20:44
gnomefreakok was it posted to the mailing list?20:44
micahggnomefreak: just need to find a time that you, me, asac, and fta are available20:44
micahgwith 2 weeks notice for the comminity20:45
gnomefreakother than the 8th it looks like im open for now20:45
micahgfta: when's a good meeting time for you?20:46
ftamicahg, i pass, don't wait for me20:47
asac__Groo_: did you get that mode info?20:47
micahgasac_: how does feb 11 around 16:00 UTC look?20:48
_Groo_asac_: sorry asac_ not yet , im gonna test it tonight or tomorrow at least20:48
asac_micahg: for meeting?20:51
micahgasac_: yes20:51
asac_micahg: looks good20:51
asac_so fta isnt coming ;)?20:52
micahggnomefreak76: Feb 11 16:00 UTC work?20:53
micahggnomefre1k76: Feb 11 16:00 UTC work?20:55
gnomefre1k76ok it is ~20:55 UTC right?20:56
gnomefre1k76give me a minute my brain is failing atm20:57
micahg11AM EST20:57
gnomefre1k76ah yes20:57
bdrungasac_: pushed to https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-dev/firefox-extensions/webfav.ubuntu20:57
gnomefre1k76the 11th sounds good20:57
gnomefre1k76micahg: asac_ ok ill add it to my calendar20:57
micahggnomefre1k76: do you want to write something up and I'll get it posted to the fridge20:57
gnomefre1k76we have an agenda wiki page but i will add the date and time we still need an agenda points20:58
bdrungasac_: should we rename ubufox, too?20:59
gnomefre1k76wtf is with the nane20:59
bdrunggnomefre1k76: ?20:59
bfillerasac_: no one is really maintaining it, but I could help if there is work needed20:59
bfillerasac_: for webfav that is20:59
micahggnomefre1k76: I see the agenda page and it's empty :)21:00
gnomefre1k76give me a minute to get my nick right :(21:00
gnomefre1k76micahg: it should be noone has aded anything to it21:00
bdrungbfiller: https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-dev/firefox-extensions/webfav.ubuntu/+merge/1816221:01
gnomefre1k76ill be back in a minute :(21:02
gnomefreakok feel better now21:02
gnomefreakoh this can only end badly :(21:05
gnomefreakthe link in topic that is21:05
bfillerbdrung: I'm fine with this change, just clear it with asac_21:08
gnomefreak76this is starting to piss me off now21:15
=== gnomefreak76 is now known as gnomefreak
gnomefreakok micahg can you please add the date/time/whatever else you want to be there. I seem to be haivng issues with network i keep losing connection21:16
micahggnomefreak: I'm not so sure about an agenda21:16
micahgI can add the time21:16
gnomefreakmicahg: ok we can discuss agenda later but mainly to get everyone on same page with Lucid Mozilla ect..21:17
gnomefreakat this rate ill never get to email21:18
bdrungasac_: your input is required: https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-dev/firefox-extensions/webfav.ubuntu/+merge/1816221:24
gnomefreakmicahg: also with SM* we need to set signon.startup.prompt to false by default. user will set that when they set up a master password21:54
micahggnomefreak: k21:54
gnomefreakits a bug (havent looked at the bug itself yet but it should not prompt you to give password before browser will open21:55
gnomefreakok really hate this theme bullshit bug :( im gone for the day im not having a good day at all21:56
mbanahow can i watch http://www.apple.com/ipad/ipad-video/#medium22:38
mbanaon linux22:38
micahgmbana: virtualbox22:39
micahgseems like apple is doing some checks instead of letting the browser do the right thing22:40
* micahg suggests writing apple22:40
gavinpretty sure that won't be very productive :)22:45
bdrungasac_: can you merge https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-dev/firefox-extensions/ubufox.ubuntu?23:05
ftambana, just open this in totem: http://movies.apple.com/media/us/ipad/2010/tours/apple-ipad-video-us-20100127_r480-9cie.mov23:05
asac_bdrung: why do you push that to ubuntu-dev?23:12
bdrungasac_: because i am not a core-dev, where should i push it instead?23:13
asac_as a topic branch ... aka merge request23:14
asac_that one is named like a release branch which its not23:14
asac_usually you push that to ~bdrung23:16
bdrungasac_: will rename it23:16
asac_no need to put stuff in ubnutu-dev namespace that is a merg23:16
bdrungasac_: moved to https://code.launchpad.net/~bdrung/firefox-extensions/rename-ubufox23:17
bdrungasac_: merge request does not work (This branch is not mergeable into lp:~ubuntu-core-dev/ubufox/ubuntu.)23:18
bdrungasac_: probably a bug23:18
asac_lets hope23:19
bdrungasac_: you should fix the patch system part of ubufox (quilt, but only direct changes)23:19
asac_i will think about it23:23
bdrungasac_: can you merge https://code.launchpad.net/~bdrung/firefox-extensions/rename-webfav and release it then?23:28
bdrungbfiller was fine with my changes23:29
asac_will not work today ;) ... upgrading my system then going to sleep early23:30
bdrungk, good night then23:31
asac_upgrade to lucid finished ;) ... lets hope23:33

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