
rwwHello. I just got Chimpout PM spam from OrgulloCachanill00:39
rwwLooks like the only channel we share is #ubuntu-offtopic.00:41
Some_Personsomeone please ban OrgulloCachanill00:42
Some_PersonHe PM spammed me00:42
ubottumc44 called the ops in #ubuntu-offtopic (OrgulloCachanill)00:43
ubotturww called the ops in #ubuntu-offtopic (OrgulloCachanill in-channel spam)00:44
ubottuThe operation succeeded.02:59
mneptokdinner time03:03
=== KB1JWQ_ is now known as KB1JWQ
ubottuFloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join)06:47
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join)06:47
ubottuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join)06:47
ubottuFloodBot4 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join)06:47
tsimpsonI knew that would happen06:47
FlannelWhat'd you break?06:48
tsimpsonnothing, #freenode is being attacked, and now #ubuntu06:49
tritiumGood evening.06:52
dholbachgood morning07:00
tritiumGood morning, dholbach.07:00
dholbachhey tritium07:00
ubottuFloodBot4 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)07:25
ubottuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)07:25
ubottuFloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)07:25
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)07:25
rumpsyi can't able to join in #ubuntu, its forwarding to another channel of ubuntu07:31
jussi01rumpsy: have you read the topic in that channel?07:32
rumpsyi'm in #ubuntu-read-topic07:33
jussi01rumpsy: well that would be a good start - especsially as the channel name is...07:33
jussi01is #ubuntu-read-topic07:33
rumpsyyes :)07:33
rumpsyokay, i'll read topic07:33
rumpsyit has a website link too07:33
rumpsyI'm in that website now07:34
MenZaMorning Myrtti :)08:11
Myrttimoin MenZa08:11
Myrttitrolls in the morning make me sad and grumpy08:12
MenZaAny time of the day for me.08:12
MenZaBut yes.08:12
* MenZa slides Myrtti a coffee.08:12
Myrttithe story of my life, but with the distant extremes removed http://www.phdcomics.com/comics.php?f=127208:13
Myrttiohai nixternal_ ♥08:13
MenZahihi nixternal_08:15
jussi01hrm, is it really that hard to follow some instructions to fix a buggy router that people feel the need to ban evade?08:18
=== nixternal_ is now known as nixternal
elkythe instructions provided in the /topic?08:19
Myrttijussi01: apparently so08:19
elkythat nobody reads...?08:19
Myrttielky: not even after being told here to read it08:19
jussi01elky: the guy came in here, asked, got told to read topic, reconnected a few times then changed nick...08:19
jussi01who feels like /msging him?08:20
Myrttiwhat we need is an automated function in the bot for rock paper scissors lizard Spock08:20
jussi01tsimpson: how about it? :D :D08:21
jussi01Myrtti: or a @random name1 name2 name308:22
jussi01and it spits out one of them08:22
Myrttijussi01: yeah, that would be brilliant08:22
jussi01that should be very easy to implement08:22
tsimpsonI'm pretty sure supybot does have a random plugin08:22
Myrttiyakshaving ♥08:22
tsimpsonsee the Games plugin08:23
Myrttiso, I say Spock.08:34
jussi01tsimpson: is a genius!08:39
* jussi01 waits a moment08:39
jussi01@random tsimpson jussi01 Myrtti08:40
jussi01Myrtti: you are up :)08:40
Myrttithis can't end well08:44
jussi01Myrtti: ?08:45
Myrttithe pm with him08:45
MyrttiI'm not on my rosiest moods08:46
* jussi01 hugs Myrtti08:46
ikoniamore attacks ?08:55
Myrttithe bots don't like that at all08:58
Myrttiikonia: btw hows the script going?08:58
* Myrtti facepalms09:01
Myrttithe bots are totally out of it09:02
Myrttitold you so09:12
jussi01Myrtti: I see you were successful, well done!09:13
Myrttiwould've been easier without the netsplit...09:13
ikoniaMyrtti: borkage09:17
ikonianot given it the attention it deserved due to work commitments09:18
Myrttimeh. now he wants half-ops or voice.09:21
ikoniawho ?09:22
ikoniawhat ?09:22
ikoniacan't read the topic........but wants more control ?09:23
Myrttipeople have their aspirations09:23
ikonianothing wrong with that09:23
MyrttiI need more coffee09:24
mneptoki need sleep09:24
Myrtti(done talking to him)09:24
ikoniasleep Myrtti09:24
Myrttimneptok: sounds like a good idea09:24
mneptokMyrtti: you can have the guest bedroom.09:26
* mneptok checks09:26
mneptokyup! clean sheets!09:26
mneptoki was fairly sure i washed those after our last guests left.09:27
Myrtti[11:36] < MetaBot> package question from cmmenke on #ubuntu: am i allowed to  ask evil questions? like thus of what would seem to be  malicious intent?09:37
Myrttihave I mentioned how much I love #ubuntu-meta?09:37
Tm_Thi kids09:55
Myrttioh *sigh*09:59
ubottuIn ubottu, teilnehmer said: !amarok is the default audio player in Kubuntu.10:32
jussi01!amarok is <alias>players10:42
ubottuBut amarok already means something else!10:42
jussi01!unforget amarok10:42
ubottuI suddenly remember amarok again, jussi0110:42
ubottuAmarok is an audio player for Linux with an intuitive interface. The latest version is 1.4.8 (1.4.3 for Dapper LTS). Packages are available for Kubuntu at www.kubuntu.org See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Amarok10:42
jussi01!no, amarok is <alias>players10:42
ubottuI'll remember that jussi0110:42
ubottuAudio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS2 (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs10:42
Myrtti*sigh* stupidity about in #ubuntu11:09
bazhangpeke is usuario as well12:43
bazhangand he's back12:50
Myrttiand gone12:50
Myrtti!away > rtg|away|z12:55
* Pici waves12:55
PiciThings look busy12:56
jussi01hi Pici12:56
MyrttiI'm becoming paranoid12:57
jpds_Myrtti: ...and complicated.12:58
Myrttidid "/lastlog daan" in #ubuntu, and now I'm suspecting that someone is building a botnet :-<12:59
PiciMyrtti: Thats all the same person though.12:59
bazhangthat's emperor15, just did an unmute on him earlier (daan)13:10
PiciI don't like these: "I want to upgrade": "No you don't, wait for 10.04" or "Always do a clean install"13:21
Myrttime neither.13:21
Myrttiproper release >-|13:23
Myrttithere's something brewing on #ubuntu, but I don't know what13:27
ballsacballsac here13:48
elkyfor any particular purpose?13:49
ubottubullgard called the ops in #ubuntu ()13:49
ubottuonetinsoldier called the ops in #ubuntu ()13:49
jussi01hiya ballsac, something you need fromus?13:51
ballsacjussi01 hello13:52
ballsacyes, i do13:52
ballsacI just downloaded a new version of ubuntu, it's a FULL VERSION plus working keygen.13:52
ballsacIt's clean, I checked it with norton. But there's a problem. the .iso does not burn well on a CD13:53
ballsacdoes ubuntu usually give this problem?13:53
ikoniaballsac: stop wasting time and just leave if this is the best you've got to converse with13:53
ballsacikonia: your name is interesting. could you make your msgs interesting too?13:53
ikoniaballsac: do you need anything from the operator team ?13:54
ballsacanyways, does ubuntu .iso's generally have this problem? or is the the version that's on rapidshare13:54
ballsacikonia: yes, I would like a glass of apple juice, please.13:54
ikoniaballsac: you know very well you don't need a keygen13:54
ballsacmake mine a double.13:54
ikoniaok - enough13:54
ikoniaballsac: please leave the channel13:54
ballsacballsac here13:54
jpds_What an interesting bloke.13:55
lolsaclolsac here13:55
lolsacstop being rude to me13:55
PiciThats why I have my alias setup to ban after kicking.13:55
Myrttioh *sigh*13:56
Myrttilag 41...13:56
* Myrtti looks around and touches the water with toe13:57
ubottusebsebseb called the ops in #ubuntu (thom_)14:13
Myrttithis is getting a bit boring14:14
ikoniamassive lag14:14
ikoniawhat's going on at the moment?14:14
ikoniawhat's kicked all this off ?14:15
LeviaJust fyi - the thom_ person who just got kickbanned from #ubuntu, last words were 'STUPID BABY BROTHER' he said it in dutch.14:15
ikoniaLevia: no problem, thats14:15
Myrttiwhat nuthouse is this?14:39
geniiArkham Asylum.. ?14:39
* ikonia hands Myrtti flowers14:40
=== dholbach_ is now known as dholbach
ubottuerUSUL called the ops in #ubuntu (Riverthief fork bomb)14:42
ikoniaMyrtti: easy there14:45
Myrttiis it really full moon?14:46
MyrttiI feel like it is14:46
Myrttihas to be14:47
ikoniait has been an odd day or two,14:48
nikoif +R in launchpad already needed ?14:54
Myrttiwhere should we direct the trolls to discuss the Firefox-Yahoo thing?14:55
Myrttithis is seriously unfunny14:58
ikonia-ot ?14:58
Myrttiyeah, tried that now14:59
ikoniaMyrtti: you're on good form today15:17
MyrttiI'm surprised about that15:19
Myrttiin general I've been in a quite murderous mood15:19
* genii hides all the dangerous pointy-stabby things15:23
Myrttiis there a set ip range for spain?15:24
* Myrtti feels tempted15:24
* ikonia mises hobbsee's pink fluffy pointer of doom15:46
Myrttiwhat on earth is going on again17:10
PiciI have +d on Usario*estandar*de*guadalinex, but somone with that realname was able to get in17:14
DominianPici: If you want it to trip on any occurrence.. probably wrap the entire thing in * so: *Usario*estandar*de*guadalinex*17:26
Dominianshould catch just about everything17:26
PiciDominian: I'll try, thanks.17:30
ubottuonetinsoldier called the ops in #ubuntu (Imtiaz)17:44
geniieagles0513875 Will likely be in here soon ban-appealing ( from what he's saying in #k-ot ). Just some fore-warning.19:27
Picity :)19:28
PiciWhere was he banned?19:28
eagles0513875hi guys i would like to have my ban reconsiderd. this happened 5 yrs ago19:40
jussi01eagles0513875: lying doesnt help19:42
eagles0513875jussi01: im not lying19:42
jussi01eagles0513875: 5 years?19:42
eagles0513875ya i started using kubuntu with edgy in 0519:42
eagles0513875when i started college19:42
eagles0513875alot has changed since then19:42
jussi01But thats not when you were banned. and thats also 4 years ago ;)19:43
jussi01or less19:43
eagles0513875any chance on getting that reviewed and removed19:43
eagles0513875there is no chance on getting it reviewed?19:44
jussi01eagles0513875: In all honesty, I can review it, but while you come here and give me untruths, my hands are somewhat tied.19:44
eagles0513875u honestly expect me to remember how long its been since i was banned? all i remember was it happened when i was first started using kubuntu19:45
eagles0513875it was prior to gutsy release for sure19:46
jussi01eagles0513875: no, but I do expect you to be honest with me19:46
jussi01eagles0513875: I have 3 bans in 2008 and one in 200919:46
eagles0513875im talking about the ban in motu channel which is older19:46
eagles0513875can you tell me what these bans are19:46
jussi01[21:45:23] <ubottu> Match: eagles0513*!*@* by Hobbsee in #ubuntu-motu on Oct 06 2008 01:03:58 (ID: 5218)19:47
eagles0513875jussi01: i honestly dont remember what the 2 from 08 09 were for :(19:47
eagles0513875lately i have been quite well behaved in the channels19:47
eagles0513875kubuntu i dont even talk ubuntu+1 i dont mozilla team i dont unless i have questions and im helping them out19:47
eagles0513875only channel im quite active in is offtopic19:48
eagles0513875i would like to become a productive contributor to the community and i can be if im given the chance19:48
jussi01eagles0513875: ok, Im going to let you think about it some, you can come back in 2 weeks and have a talk about it. please don't lie to me - if you cant remember, then say that, dont make up figures.19:49
Priceyjussi01: Could I stop you one moment please?19:49
Priceyjussi01: 2 years is ridiculously long time.19:49
jussi01eagles0513875: lets pause a moment19:49
Priceyjussi01: I'm not surprised that after that length of time, eagles cannot remember.19:49
jussi01Pricey: Im well aware of that19:49
PriceyWhat is the point in this ban?19:50
PriceyHas it been reviewed recently?19:50
PriceyHas anyone spoken to Eagles about it recently?19:50
jussi01Pricey: yes, and yes19:50
eagles0513875when was the last time i was in here asking about it?19:50
Priceyeagles0513875: PM also counts, if you have been approached by operators there?19:51
eagles0513875ok maybe i might have talked to ikonia about it but thats it but that was a few months ago19:51
jussi01ikonia: has spoken to eagles0513875 multiple times.19:51
PriceySo what's the plan?19:51
eagles0513875btw i think i remember the ban in 0819:52
eagles0513875hobbsee and i had made an agreement if i went into motu or any of the devel channels i wasnt allowed to talk in them19:52
jussi01Pricey: all Im asking is that eagles0513875 comes by in 2 weeks, having thought about how to approach asking for a review.19:52
eagles0513875one day i accidentally said somethign and bam instant ban but then again i admit that was my fault cuz i forgot our agreement19:53
Priceyjussi01: I think his join and request was perfectly acceptable.19:53
jussi01Pricey: well I disagree. eagles0513875, Ill see you in 2 weeks.19:54
PriceyHe's forgotten how long it was? Yeah, he exagerated, on purpose or not. He was polite, he 'requested' rather than demanded.19:54
PriceyHe's stated his reason, his aim.19:54
Priceytime does not cure all19:55
eagles0513875and not to mention another thing that i think woudl send the ubuntu line to the forefront would be my idea i have for my thesis19:55
eagles0513875i shall vacate this channel as im guessing a verdict has been reached19:56
PriceyI guess I'll see you in two weeks eagles0513875. Have fun.19:56
PriceySo what are we looking for jussi01?19:57
PiciHrm. He said he had to leave.19:57
PriceyPici: hmm?19:58
mneptokPricey: got a mo' for a PM?19:58
ikoniaPricey: ping20:21
Priceyikonia: pong20:25
ikoniaPricey: may I give you a short pm just to give you a little context on something that hopefully may make a few things fit a bit easier for you20:26
Priceyno need to ask permission20:27
PiciDoes anyone happen to remember the irc clients that we had join #ubuntu by default?20:28
ikoniaPici: xchat for sure20:28
ikonia(xchat-gnome too)20:28
geniiKonversation would go to #k unless you did the kubuntu-desktop install from Ubuntu then it liked #u as well20:30
MyrttiPici: I don't know if they've changed the start page of their Firefox, IIRC the Ubuntu one has a irc://freenode/ubuntu on it?20:38
PiciMyrtti: I'll make a note of it.20:38
PiciMyrtti: Working on your email to the ircc now :)20:38
MyrttiPici: figured as much ;-)20:39
Priceyjussi01: howdy. I think i assumed a little too much earlier on and didn't realise we were speaking solely about the devel & motu channels. Are we really the best people to deal with this...?20:39
=== gnomefreak76 is now known as gnomefreak
PiciI'd like to reach out to the person who originally set the ban Hobbsee and discuss with her at least a probationary period for eagles.20:41
PiciOr have someone who is more knowledgable about to situation to discuss that.20:41
PriceyThat sounds like a much better plan of action, i wouldn't be nearly so gung-ho with the devel channels as I may have appeared to be earlier on.20:42
Picifor the record, I had no intention of clearing the bans without talking to her or another dev before doing so.20:42
Myrttithoughts of alteregoa?20:46
ikoniahello BigDaddyCool21:12
BigDaddyCoolsry, was just wondering what the chan is about21:13
ikoniaBigDaddyCool: how can we help you today ?21:13
ikoniaahhh, check the /topic but it's the channel for discussing issues with the running or people in the #ubuntu core channels21:13
BigDaddyCoolokay thanks21:14
ikoniano problem21:14
=== gnomefreak76 is now known as gnomefreak
ubottuIn ubottu, steffan said: XChat is a X Window System-based IRC client. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XChatHowto for help.21:54

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