
TakyojiSo since MPEG4 is also supposedly patented and so forth; would that imply that royalties has to be paid for encoding anything in that format as well?00:36
_diabloTakyoji, yes.00:36
_diabloIf it's a commercial or distributed media00:37
_diabloalthough it's questionable if it'll be enforced in all but the largest cases00:37
kermitTakyoji: you can patent a file format?00:56
_diablomp3 is patented.00:57
_diabloa lot of them are00:57
kermithmm IANAL but it looks like what's patented is encoding and decoding methods00:59
kermiton mp3 and mpeg401:00
_diablokermit, you're right that the format is not patented, but it's definitely trademarked and copywritten01:01
_diablobecause you can't patent a format01:01
_diabloyou can copyright it.01:01
kermiti thought copyrights applied to content not containers01:02
_diablouhhh, lemme check. I remember listening to an episode of the software freedom law show that talked about this01:05
_diabloI'm probably mostly wrong though01:05
* _diablo has a bad memory01:05
tonyyarusso_diablo: You can patent the software to encode and decode a format.01:05
tonyyarussoand all of the pieces therein, such that a free one can't be built.  See, MP3.01:06
tonyyarussokermit, _diablo: Copyright applies to everything.01:06
tonyyarussoThe container is written, both in specification and in software to create it.  Writings have copyright.01:06
_diablokermit, the encoding/decoding is definitely patented though. http://wiki.audacityteam.org/index.php?title=Lame_Installation#Legal_issues01:07
_diablotonyyarusso, ah. good to have someone here that knows these things :)01:08
kermitheh mp3 encoding binaries violate the patent, but not the source? wild01:09
kermitwhat about intermediate byte streams like java01:09
_diablonot sure, sorry01:11
TakyojiWhat would be a reasonable RSP/DAAP player?01:16
Takyojiapparently Songbird doesn't seem to have support01:16
_diabloTakyoji, or do you want a music manager?01:19
_diabloTakyoji, banshee also does it.01:20
_diabloamarok does it.01:20
_diabloTakyoji, songbird does do it.01:20
TakyojiSupposedly for an outdated version of Songbird though01:21
Takyojithus it denies to install01:21
_diabloTakyoji, you're on SB 1.3?01:23
Takyoji"Songbird Daap Client 0.2.7+dev could not be installed because it is not compatible with Songbird 1.4.3"01:23
_diabloIf you don't have a problem with C# and Mono, I'd run Banshee01:24
_diabloWTF? Ubuntu is ditching Google in lieu of Yahoo! as the default search engine?02:14
tonyyarusso_diablo: correct02:14
tonyyarussoYahoo!'s paying them; Google's not.02:14
_diabloyeah. still. weird.02:15
_diabloLinux is already weird enough for people. But I could always point at Ubuntu and tell them "you use firefox for 95% of your tasks. Firefox will be the exact same here"02:15
_diabloNow I can't.02:15
tonyyarussoWeird, yes.  Understandable, also yes.02:15
TakyojiAnd considering Bing is supposedly going to be the replacement to Yahoo search (in disguise)02:16
tonyyarussoeh, it's not like they can't change it.  Click logo, click the big G, done.02:16
tonyyarussoTakyoji: Which means that Microsoft is paying the salaries of Ubuntu developers, which is hilarious.02:16
TakyojiDid hell freeze over? :o02:17
tonyyarussoNo, didn't you see Sunday's game results?02:17
_diabloTakyoji, tonyyarusso: this post argues pretty much everything I'm thinking: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2010/01/yahoo-new-default-search-engine-for.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed:+d0od+(Omg!+Ubuntu!)&utm_content=Google+Reader#comment-3144714202:31
TakyojiMakes sense02:34
_diablobbiab, heading home02:34
Takyojiinteresting view: "It seems a little odd to me that the distro has free reign to override Mozilla's deal with Google. If Microsoft were to include Firefox in Windows, would they be free to default it to Bing?"04:22
_diabloTakyoji, yes. they would.04:23
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mr_stevequestion for discussion: When doing an Ubuntu Hour at a coffeeshop somewhere, would it be prudent to talk to the management ahead of time?17:49
h00kI don't see the need to, if you're a patron and drinking their coffee/tea17:50
_diablomr_steve, I think it's basically essential. We want to put up a sign or something17:50
_diabloh00k, We're not just going to sit there though, we want to talk to people and open discussion17:50
_diabloso we'll either be opening discussion or alerting people to our presence somehow17:51
h00kIt definitely couldn't hurt, yeah.17:51
h00kI'm sure they'd welcome it, after all, it's more business for them!17:51
mr_steveyeah, I figure it depends on how active/passive we are about things. If we're actively offering people CDs or literature, we'd probably want approval17:51
_diabloh00k, I wouldn't be so sure. I think small ones wouldn't mind, but something like *bucks might be scared of perception17:52
mr_steveEh, fsck starbucks. I'm definitely thinking about the small locally-owned places17:52
_diablothank god.17:52
h00kif I were to do one in Superior, here, I'd do it at a local shop17:52
mr_steveIt takes an act of congress to get starbucks to let you do anything but sit and drink their overpriced coffee17:53
mr_steveI still don't have an exact location in mind but I'm definitely thinking one of the small quiet places near MCTC, there's gotta be a dozen of 'em17:53
_diablomr_steve, lol17:53
_diablomr_steve, are they close to the 16 (bus line)?17:54
mr_steveGood question, I think so, but I'll have to get back to you on that17:54
_diablomr_steve, okay, it would be tough for me to do it with classes and such if it's not17:55

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