
Cyber-KunDamn it.00:39
=== bryyce is now known as bwh
bwho_O ?  The following packages have unmet dependencies:01:12
bwh  xserver-xorg-video-nouveau: Depends: xserver-xorg-core (>= 2:1.6.2) but it is not going to be installed01:12
LLStarksbryce. you're never around when i need you.01:34
LLStarksanyone here?01:34
=== bwh is now known as bryceh
LLStarksbryceh, sup.02:04
* bryceh waves02:14
LLStarksbryceh, did you get my pm about vbe blanking and unblanking?02:14
ubottuUbuntu bug 496842 in gnome-power-manager "gpm lacks proper vbetool blanking and unblanking" [Undecided,Confirmed]02:15
LLStarksthis problem was present in karmic and is still present in lucid.02:15
brycehdo you have a patch?02:16
LLStarkswith the semester starting, this bug will piss me off continually.02:16
LLStarksif i close my lid, i have to reboot.02:17
LLStarksit's a system-crippling bug.02:17
LLStarksunless you can access a terminal and do a manual vbetool unblank without a working display02:17
LLStarksbryceh, what i would like to know is if there is any additional information that bug report might need that would aid in it getting fixed.02:21
LLStarksi'd be happy to provide.02:21
brycehwell one problem is you've stated a solution rather than a problem02:27
LLStarksi question it's viability as a solution.02:27
LLStarksunblanking is still spotty with that code snippet02:28
brycehI don't think you care whether gpm has vbetool blanking, if there was some other fix that solved your issue you'd be happy with that02:28
brycehso first fix the title02:28
brycehsecondly, you've filed it against gpm but who knows if it's actually a bug in gpm.  could be (likely) a kernel bug02:28
LLStarks"Ubuntu lacks proper vbetool blanking and unblanking"?02:28
brycehI am guessing since you are here in the X channel you also wonder if X might be involved (maybe, although most blanking bugs end up needing kernel fixes in my experience).  Anyway, whenever you think X may be involved, attach all the usual X debug files02:29
LLStarksXorg.0.log and what else?02:30
brycehLLStarks, you're thinking too much there - state the nature of the problem.  "Inspiron 640m won't unblank after a lid close unless dpms is turned off02:31
brycehLLStarks, wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Reporting02:31
brycehLLStarks, or use apport02:31
bryceh(man apport)02:31
LLStarksheh. i can do x collection.02:31
LLStarkshow convenient02:32
brycehprobably you should talk to ogasawara or one of the kernel team people, they're the ones with expertise on debugging lid close bugs02:32
bryceh-> #ubuntu-kernel02:32
brycehand you should at least test with a lucid livecd; few developers will bother looking at your bug until they know it also exists on lucid, since that's what they're working on.02:32
LLStarksi have confirmed it on a fresh alpha 202:36
LLStarkslive environment included02:36
LLStarksalso afflicts lucid with latest packages or with xorg-edgers02:37
=== jldugger is now known as pwnguin
RaiN88Hi everyone, I had thist problem: 07:27
RaiN88When I click restart, then my laptop process to restart and flikering lines appears (Flikering Lines also appears when I Shut Down before it's totally Turn Off.), but when it should be restarted it just stay's there with Blank black screen, ready to reboot but it wont.Then I have to actually hold the power button in to shut it off and boot it again. It is so very annoying. Laptop : Asus X80n, 1GB RAM, 160GB HDD, Nvidia Geforce 700m = 256mb, Ubuntu 9.10 fu07:27
RaiN88lly updated. I hope you can able to help me solve this problem. Kind regards, and thanks in advance,07:27
=== ripps_ is now known as ripps
vishhmm , if anyone wants to have a look at the aboe problem the user wrongly filed the bug in irc bots >  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots/+bug/51305608:01
ubottuUbuntu bug 513056 in ubuntu-bots "Won't Restart" [Undecided,Invalid]08:01
knittldo i have to blacklist any modules to make standby work with nvidia cards?09:57
knittli tried nvagp in xorg conf and blacklisted agpgart and amd64_agp, but my pc still won't wake up properly09:57
RAOFknittl: What driver are you using?09:59
knittlwhen waking up i only see colorful squares on my screen10:00
knittlmy laptop stays responsive, i can even kill x with ctrl-alt-x10:01
knittlbut that's not a real solution …10:01
knittl* ctrl-alt-backspace10:01
RAOFHm.  I dunno.10:04
knittli'm also willing to troubleshoot, if i only knew how10:04
RAOFIf it were nv I'd be able to say “yes, that's expected”, but it's pretty easy to tell if you're not using the binary blob - you don't get 3d :)10:05
knittlno, it's nvidia-current10:05
RAOFHas this worked on any prior Ubuntu release?10:09
knittli'm talking about lucid here10:10
knittlthe problem exists since i upgraded to lucid10:10
RAOFYeah, I could tell - you're using nvidia-current, which only exists in Lucid :)10:10
knittlthought i'd mention it anyway, in case you didn't notice ;)10:10
RAOFI don't think I know of anyone else having this problem; it might be a bug in the new nvidia driver?10:11
knittli searched for the problem, and didn't find any similar reports for lucid yet10:12
knittlso yes, it might only be me …10:12
RAOFThe binary drivers are always a bit... fun.10:12
RAOFFine when they work... :)10:13
knittlyup :D10:13
knittlmy "only" problem is, that the screen doesn't come back after standby10:13
knittleverything else works10:13
knittlso maybe it's a problem with re-initializing?10:13
RAOFWhy don't you pastebin the output of lsmod; maybe I'll see something obviously wrong.10:13
RAOFThat would seem to be the obvious candidate for problems, yeah.10:14
knittlagpgart and amd64_agp are blacklisted, nvagp is set to 1 in xorg10:14
RAOFYou know, I wonder if vga16fb could have anything to do with this.10:15
RAOFFeel like trying a little experiment?  Move the vga16fb module out of /lib/modules/$KERNEL and rebuild your initramfs; then reboot.10:17
knittlwhy not blacklist it?10:17
knittland yes, i feel like experimenting :)10:17
knittlgotta go home now from university, bb in a few minutes, then i'll try and tell the results10:18
RAOFknittl: You could blacklist it, but I'm not sure if the blacklist makes it into the initramfs; the framebuffer is loaded pretty early.10:18
knittlok, i'll move it then10:19
knittlRAOF: i can't see the file in /lib/modules10:31
knittli did a find -name '*vba16fb*' and no results10:32
jcristauvga, not vba10:32
knittlok, rebooting10:36
knittlno wait10:36
knittlwhat about nvagp and blacklisted modules?10:36
knittlagpgart and amd64_agp respectively10:36
RAOFIf you didn't blacklist them before Lucid, don't worry about them.10:40
RAOFIIRC, loading vga16fb is something new in Lucid (to support plymouth, I think).10:40
knittlok, then i'll remove the blacklist stuff10:43
* knittl reboots10:43
RAOFIt won't hurt t ohave them blacklisted (although given that you've got intel_agp loaded, blacklisting amd64_agp probably won't do anything :))10:44
tseliotRAOF: right that's exactly why we have vga16fb10:52
knittli can resume from standby10:53
knittlbut it does not work 100 %10:53
knittli have to turn the screen on with one of the fn-keys (crt/lcd or widescreen/4:3)10:53
knittland my desktop wallpaper is cyan, instead of a beautiful red flower10:54
fmarlknittl, do the same thing to vgastate.ko11:02
fmarlI'm doing this while testing the nouveau driver.11:03
knittlthen rebooting another time :)11:06
RAOFfmarl: Nouveau isn't providing its own framebuffer driver for you?11:07
RAOFWe'll be getting 2.6.33's nouveau kernel stack in linux-backport-modules soon; it's time for me to update the DDX & make noises about nouveau-firmware.11:09
fmarlRAOF, nouveau provide its nice framebuffer but these two drivers break nouveau badly11:13
jcristaudoes vgastate get autoloaded?  i'd expect it to only get loaded as a dependency for another module11:14
fmarljcristau, yep, vga16fb load vgastate (?)11:15
jcristauright so blacklisting vga16fb should be enough11:18
RAOFWhy is vga16fb getting loaded?11:20
RAOFIt doesn't for me.11:20
RAOFWhere are you getting nouveau from?11:22
* RAOF is fairly sure that the xorg-egders nouveau should be adding an initramfs hook that'll get nouveau up and running before it attempts to load vga16fb11:22
fmarlRAOF, I'm not using the packages, compiling from source.11:26
knittlstill no luck11:29
knittlremoving both modules seem to work the least11:29
knittlwith only vga16fb disabled my cpu goes crazy when fading the screen out before the screensaver activates11:32
RAOFfmarl: Ah.  Ensuring nouveau.ko is in your initramfs should make vga16fb go away.11:32
* hyperair wonders if those strange GPU-switching notebooks are supported on linux.11:37
RAOFI seem to recall mjg poking at the ACPI tables required to switch.11:42
hyperairbut does X support such a thing?11:43
RAOFMaybe not.11:44
RAOFI dunno; I'd guess the macbook nvidia/nvidia switch could fly.11:44
RAOFThat's probably easier than the intel/nvidia combos some laptops have.11:49
tseliotno, X doesn't support that yet11:51
vish... i'm noticing this repeat error in the gdm log files> http://paste.ubuntu.com/363843/ there are two files now nearly 2.7GB in size with those errors.. 12:59
vishseems to have started somewhere around the 19/20th , probably with updates xserver-xorg-core (2: to 2: ???13:00
=== ara_ is now known as ara
vishxorg logs show nothing of the sort :s13:03
tseliotvish: it looks more like radeon issue to me i.e. xserver-xorg-video-ati13:44
vishtseliot: hmm , but last xserver-xorg-video-ati update was around 12th.. this seems to be since somewhere around the 19/20... earlier gdm logs are clean13:46
jcristaudid you restart X in the mean time?  and used Xv?13:47
vishX has been running for 6days .. just now restarted the system13:48
tseliotvish: I can't reproduce the problem here (but I'm using r600 instead of r500). Does the X log say anything interesting?14:10
* vish checks14:12
vishtseliot: i dont think there is any mention  ,  Xorg.log>  http://paste.ubuntu.com/363891/ , Xorg.1.log> http://paste.ubuntu.com/363889/14:18
vishit maybe something from the time i used , gnome-shell? [i think i was using it during that time]14:19
tseliot(EE) RADEON(0): Kernel modesetting setup failed14:19
tseliotthe other file looks good though14:20
tseliotvish: maybe dmesg can help^14:20
vishtseliot: dmesg.0.log >  http://paste.ubuntu.com/363897/  , not sure if it is the same time frame though14:25
tseliotthere's nothing wrong in it14:29
* vish digs into older dmesg14:29
vishtseliot: what should i be looking out for in the dmesg? [things got a little dizzy here :s]14:40
tseliotvish: errors ;) ?14:40
tseliotvish: BTW in what log did you find those weird errors about textured video?14:41
vishtseliot: gdm logs > /var/log/gdm/:0.log [was 2gb, just deleted right now] , /var/log/gdm/:0.log.314:42
tseliotvish: so it was the X log. Weird...14:44
vishyeah.. i'v restarted the session , log seems quiet .. will check if it kicks in again14:45
vishtseliot: hmm , i also was earlier having this gdm related X error > Bug #506510  where X kept crashing... anyways , will try to notice when it starts again14:52
ubottuLaunchpad bug 506510 in xorg-server "Xorg crashed with SIGSEGV in FatalError() when using guest session" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/50651014:52
* vish hasnt tried guest session for a couple of days due to those errors 14:52
tseliotvish: maybe try booting without the "splash" parameter14:53
vishok.. will do that in a few14:54
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
Sarvattwhere is this nouveau kernel at? whats the versioning on it? want a xserver-xorg-video-nouveau with nouveau-kernel-source | linux-image-2.6.32-x dependency? libdrm needs a few commits past 2.4.17 to work with the current ddx also. was just nouveau added or did they pull in all of drm-core-next that'll mess with radeon as well (r600+ wont work without additional firmware if so)?19:34
brycehhi sarvatt19:36
brycehSarvatt, apw made me a backports module thingee for us19:37
brycehI'm using the -nouveau &tc. from edgers19:37
brycehalthough I booted and the screen's scrambled so something's still not right19:38
apwbryceh, whats with the rotating nicks?19:38
Sarvattthat ddx brings nouveau-kernel-source in with it and overwrites the other though19:38
apwbryceh, hows the testing with that ?19:38
Sarvatt(just something to watch out for)19:38
brycehapw, eh, I lost 'bryce' over the holidays so am trying out a new nick19:38
brycehSarvatt, yeah that's what I suspect19:39
apwlost it?  someone else stole it?  annoying19:39
jbarnesbryceh: why don't you register with nickserv?19:39
brycehapw, do I need to do anything special to get your backport nouveau module loaded?19:39
brycehjbarnes, actually I did19:39
brycehjbarnes, so I'm not sure why the nick got taken.  very frustrating.19:39
jbarnesbryceh: lame19:40
tseliotbryceh: you can recover your username then19:40
apwthose who have the h/w have said they had to blacklist nv19:40
brycehapw, ah19:40
Sarvattpurge all the nouveau stuff, grab the xserver-xorg-video-nouveau source, install libdrm from edgers, change the nouveau-kernel-source dep to whatever the backport thingy is called from the ddx and rebuild and reinstall the backport would work19:40
tseliotbryceh: http://docs.dal.net/docs/nickserv.html#4.219:41
Sarvattbackports isnt installed by default though, what does it gain doing it that way over just keeping nouveau-kernel-source?19:41
brycehtseliot, doesn't appear to work19:43
brycehtseliot, just get "invalid command"19:43
brycehSarvatt, btw here's apw's ppa with the nouveau stuff https://edge.launchpad.net/~apw/+archive/blue/+packages19:44
tseliotbryceh: try with "/msg NickServ" command19:45
tseliotinstead of "/nickserv" command19:45
brycehtseliot, same thing19:46
brycehI like 'bryyce' but got no end of questions about it.  bwh seems logical but no one would guess that to be me (not sure yet if that's a pro or a con). 19:50
tseliotbryceh: this is what freenode says: "if you don't sign onto the network for at least 60 days, or you don't identify to nickserv for at least 60 days, the nick is considered expired"19:51
jcristaubwh is one of the debian kernel guys on oftc :)19:51
brycehjcristau, great...19:51
tseliotbryceh: and I don't think I've ever seen you far from irc for so long19:51
tseliotbryceh: therefore maybe you simply have to use the "ghost" command?19:52
tselioti.e. "/nickserv ghost nickname [password]"19:52
tseliotand then just identify as usual19:53
tseliot(after changing your nick)19:53
=== bryceh is now known as bryce
tseliotbryce: was it the ghost command?19:54
=== bryce is now known as bryceh
brycehwhat's annoying is that you can't change your password back if you're logged into registered channels.19:56
brycehfeh, anyway, freenode is annoying.19:57
RAOFapw: Thanks for the nouveau kernel PPA.21:31
RAOFSarvatt: l-b-m means we get to build the package, rather than have it built locally.  That bypasses a bunch of possible bugs.21:32
Sarvattoh good point, didn't think about that. what to do about the firmware is the next question then21:38
RAOFI'm not really sure what to do about it, really.21:40
RAOFWe've (implicitly) had that firmware in the repository for a couple of releases, now.21:44
Sarvattanother pro for lucid+1, firmware wouldnt be needed by then most likely :D22:00
RAOFIf we really wanted to we could not need firmware for < geforce9 cards.22:02
Sarvattya mean < geforce 8xxx?22:12
RAOFNo; the 2.6.33 code already has voodoo generators for < geforce8; if we wanted to, we could pull in the ctxprog generators for geforce8 and a bunch of nvAx cards that (mostly?) work :)22:13
brycehheya RAOF22:20
RAOFHowdie bryceh.22:20
RAOFSexy “h” you've got there ;)22:20
brycehlike it better than my yy's?22:21
RAOFyys have a certain charm, too.22:22
brycehanyway, so what's our next step for nouveau?  are there changes needed to the xorg-edgers ddx bits to get them to load on top of apw's kernel bits?22:22
RAOFThere are, yes.  We basically need to not depend on nouveau-kernel-source anymore.22:23
RAOFI'll prepare an update to the DDX in the archives & upload that to the xorg-edgers PPA.22:23
RAOFWe also need to work out what to do about the ctxprogs/ctxvals firmware-like stuff.22:24
RAOFWriting the debian/copyright for that package will be... interesting.22:24
brycehRAOF, ok I stand ready to test.  Are there other things I can do to help you right now?22:26
jcristau'this stuff is copyright nvidia.  we may have the right to distribute it.  or not.  maybe.'22:27
jcristauarchive admins would love it22:27
brycehwhat's the license on it?  is it at least distributable?22:27
RAOFjcristau: We're not even sure if it actually _is_ copyright nvidia; it's not necessarily copyrightable.22:27
RAOFbryceh: There is no licence on it; it's been extracted from mmio traces of how the binary driver prods the cards.22:28
brycehkees, thoughts on the last ~10 lines in the backlog?22:30
RAOFIt's also possible to programatically generate the voodoo; 2.6.33 includes a generator for nv4x cards, and there's a guy who's got a mostly-working generator for nv5x+.22:31
brycehthat sounds like more the way to go22:32
brycehI've added a todo to doublecheck on the licensing22:32
RAOFAbsolutely.  That's the way it is going, but I don't know if it'll be ready for Lucid.22:33
=== RAOF is now known as RAOF_
brycehok, I've noted to bring it up as an issue when I meet with the kernel team next week22:34
keesbryceh: where does the firmware exist normally?  on the chip?22:35
keesbryceh: or do windows drivers load it?22:35
keeswhy do we need to ship firmware, I guess is my question?22:35
=== RAOF_ is now known as RAOF
brycehkees, I assume it's loaded from the hw.  RAOF?22:36
bryceh<kees> bryceh: where does the firmware exist normally?  on the chip?22:36
bryceh bryceh: or do windows drivers load it?22:36
bryceh<kees> why do we need to ship firmware, I guess is my question?22:36
brycehRAOF ^22:36
RAOFIt's actually a program to make hardware context switching work.22:36
RAOFWithout the context switching you lose all acceleration, but nouveau will work.22:36
keesso where did it come from originally?22:37
RAOFFrom watching what the binary driver does to the card when it brings it up.22:37
brycehkees, reverse engineered from the -nvidia driver using a capture tool22:37
RAOFIt's lifted from the mmio traces of the binary driver initialising the card.22:37
RAOFWe *can* ship without it, and we'll still get KMS out of nouveau, but a totally unaccelerated driver is hella slow.22:39
keesokay, so the code representing the firmware lives in the proprietary driver?22:40
keesthen it should have the same redistribution rules as the driver itself.22:40
kees(in the worst case)22:40
RAOFActually, we think that the code represeting the firmware *generator* lives in the proprietary driver, but apart from that, yeah.22:41
bjsniderRAOF, you talkin' about the nouveau microcode?22:42
bjsnideri thought they wrote new microcode22:43
RAOFI haven't checked their git logs in the last week or so, but last I checked they didn't have a voodoo generator that'd drive cards newer than geforce822:44
RAOFYeah.  Unless they've sneaked it in under a strange commit log message there still isn't a ctxprog generator for nv5x+ in their kernel tree.22:48
bjsnidermy thinking is that if it's pushed out and enough people use it, nvidia couldn't really do anything to stop it22:49
RAOFWhatever give you that idea?22:49
bjsniderafter some period of time the cat would be out of the bag22:49
RAOFAs I understand it, copyright isn't like trademarks - you don't lose it because you haven't sued the pants of infringers yet.22:50
RAOFThey could quite happily stop us from distributing it.22:50
bjsniderbut who would you take legal action against, and how much would it cost, and how long would it take to win,a nd what would be the aftereffects of winning, ie. bad realtionship with redhat, linus, linux community etc.22:51
RAOFYou'd take legal action against Canonical; after all, they'd be distributing your stuff without a license.  But we don't distribute things that we don't have a license to distribute.22:53
bjsniderfedora is22:53
bjsniderwhich is red hat22:53
bjsniderdoes nvidia really want a contentious relationship with red hat?22:53
RAOFYou're right that nvidia probably doesn't care (now).  Still, we don't ship things because we don't think we'll get sued over them; we ship things that we've got a clear license to ship.22:57
bjsniderwell, red hat obviously has more confidence that nvidia won't bother them about it22:58
RAOFWe're more strict about licensing than RH :)22:59
jcristauor they have confidence that they can remove stuff from fedora easily if nvidia asks22:59
jcristauit's not like they're shipping that stuff in rhel22:59
bjsniderno, but they're responsible for fedora22:59
bjsniderhasn't anybody asked nvidia about this?23:00
jcristaupretty sure a c&d from nvidia is all it would take for fedora to drop that stuff23:00
brycehdo you guys want me to approach nvidia about it?23:00
bjsnideryeah but hasn't somebody already approached them?23:01
bjsniderthis is what airlie and the rest of them said was blocking it from going into the kernel23:01
RAOFA statement from nvidia would make the status of the firmware-ish stuff clearer.23:01
jcristauit involves lawyers, which usually means it takes some time23:02
RAOFIf it's easy to ask, sure.23:02
brycehalright, I'll add this to my todo list as well, but will wait to do it until after I've spoken with the kernel team23:02
bjsnidercould someone approach adobe about distributing the amd64 flash alpha? or tell me who to talk to?23:03
brycehbjsnider, kees might be able to answer that one23:03
brycehRAOF, ok, so leaving aside the blob licensing, anything else I can help with?23:04
RAOFbryceh: I don't think so, until it comes time to move stuff to main.23:05
RAOFbryceh: If I run into something I'll give you a ping.23:05
brycehRAOF, okie great23:05
keesbjsnider: you need to convince asac23:10
bjsniderconvince him to what?23:11
bjsnidertalk to adobe?23:11
keesuse the 64bit flash23:11
bjsniderno, you misunderstand23:11
keesah, sorry.  what did you mean?23:11
bjsnideri just need approval to distribute it as a package in a ppa, not in the main archive23:12
bjsnideri need to know that adobe isn't going to send goons after me23:12
keesavoid it by downloading it from adobe; that's what I do with my flashplugin-nonfree in my PPA that uses the 64bit flash plugin.23:13
bjsnideryou mean it's 100% ok to distribute it as long as the package downloads the plugin from adobe's website?23:14
jcristauif the package downloads stuff from adobe, you're not distributing the plugin23:14
bjsniderkees, how does yours work? i suspect it's practically the same as mine23:17
brycehbjsnider, I've been running his on my 64-bit system and it works acceptably well23:17
brycehI think it gets tripped up by pulseaudio sometimes, but restarting firefox seems to be enough to make it sane again23:18
brycehalso, frequently after doing a system upgrade I have to reinstall kees' package.  Probably don't have it pinned right or something.23:18
keesbjsnider: https://edge.launchpad.net/~kees/+archive/ppa/+packages23:19
bjsnideri found it earlier23:20
bjsniderbut i designed one myself awhile back23:20
bjsniderit cuts out nspluginwrapper and uses the alpha23:20
bjsniderso i wondered if that's what you've done here23:20
keesyeah, I really don't like nspluginwrapper23:22

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