
redwoodsoundhello all im having a problem with ubuntu studio 9.10  about half of the times i put the computer to sleep/suspend/hibernate/screensaver it freezes when i wake it or move the mouse hit keyboard etc.  Then i have to actually hold the power button in to shut it off02:52
holsteinlaptop i assume?02:56
holsteini guess not hibernating and disableing the screen saver is not an option?02:56
redwoodsoundno desktop02:56
redwoodsoundwell i like those feature02:57
holsteini dont sleep on my desktop02:57
holsteinso i dont know if i can be much help02:57
holsteinhave you tried other kernels?02:57
redwoodsoundi dont want to have to shut my computer off everythime im done with it and i dont want it running full blast when im not using it02:57
holsteinare you using an RT kernel?02:58
redwoodsoundhow do i tell?02:58
holsteinrun uname -a02:58
holsteinif you did an ubuntu studio install02:59
holsteinyou probably have an RT kernel by default02:59
holsteinif your not doing any audio stuff on there, or anything with jack much03:00
holsteinyou probably could get by using a generic kernel03:00
holsteinjust fine03:00
redwoodsoundone min03:00
holsteineither way, i think it would be a good test to try either running a non-real-time kernel03:00
holsteinor boot up into a differnet one03:01
holsteinsee if you get the same behavior03:01
redwoodsound2.6.31-9-rt x86_6403:02
redwoodsoundi dont know how to do that03:02
holsteinthats got my vote03:02
holsteini bet the RT kernel is keeping you from sleeping and all that03:02
holsteinBUT, im not sure03:02
redwoodsoundso what is my game plan?03:02
holsteinwell, you could wait, or ask around a bit more03:03
holsteinsee if anyone has experience03:03
holsteinjust try to install linux-generic03:03
holsteinand boot into that kernel03:03
redwoodsoundso do i have to uninstall the kernel i have?03:03
holsteinnot at all03:04
holsteinyou do want to check out grub 2 settings though03:04
holsteinubottu: grub203:04
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub203:04
redwoodsoundi dont have much hdd space right now03:04
holsteinnot much space needed really03:04
holsteinyou just need to make sure grub is not hiding from you when you boot03:05
holsteinand you can tell grub to give you more time to choose a kernel/os03:05
redwoodsoundmore time would be sweet03:05
holsteinyou do sudo apt-get install linux-generic03:05
holsteinand after you restart03:05
redwoodsoundor even waiting till i explicity tell it what to boot03:06
holsteinyou'll see *probably* 4 or 5 lines03:06
holstein2 generic kernels03:06
holsteinand 2 RT kernels03:06
holsteinand memtest03:06
holsteinsomething like that03:06
redwoodsoundwill that new kernel be able to use all the programs i have installed or will that create conflicts?03:06
holsteinwith one of each other the kernel entries being recovery03:06
holsteinwell, i can't say for sure03:07
redwoodsoundso what it the difference between and rt kernel and generic?03:07
holsteinBUT usually its the RT kernels that cause conflicts03:07
holsteinthe difference is that the RT kernel allows jack and other software to access the hardware03:07
holsteinat lower latencies03:07
holsteinwithout being interupted03:07
redwoodsoundi want to run 64bit  could that be the problem too? and if i go to generic kernel im assuming thats gonna be 32 bit?03:08
holsteinbasically giving audio apps the highest priority03:08
redwoodsoundwell im trying to produce music with this computer03:08
holsteinthat could defintely be it03:08
Blank__i'd go 32 bit just for compatibility reasons03:09
holsteini could be way off base here03:09
holsteinBUT, that RT-64 could be keeping the sleep and everything from happening03:09
holsteinif i were you, i would take the path of least resistance03:09
redwoodsoundwell   it happens, but when i wake the computer it freezes03:09
holsteindisable the screen saver03:09
holsteinshutdown, and restart :)03:09
holsteinthats how i roll :)03:10
redwoodsoundalso   if i dont logout first and then shut down the computer freezes,    just remembered that03:10
holsteinit wont hurt anything to try the generic kernel03:10
Blank__hmm, could be an ACPI problem?03:10
Blank__or perhaps something not halting properly03:10
redwoodsoundi got a 1 gig video card03:10
redwoodsoundread somewhere it could be the propriatry drivers doing it but have no way of knowing but havnt been able to fine much more on it03:11
holsteinwell, thats plausible too03:11
holsteinespecially on the 64 bit version03:12
holsteinfrom what ive read03:12
holsteineven though, 64bit support is getting better all the time03:12
redwoodsoundbut no one is answering me in the #ati or  #ubuntu room03:12
holsteinwhere are you?03:12
redwoodsoundlike location?03:12
holsteinyou could look for a loco ubuntu channel03:12
holsteinor -uk*03:13
holsteinthose are usually small and friendlier03:13
redwoodsoundloco?  i dont understand?03:13
holsteinlocal teams03:14
holsteinusually state by state in the US03:14
holsteinthere is an #ubuntu-uk03:14
redwoodsoundahh  ic03:14
holsteinwhat graphics card is it redwoodsound?03:15
holsteini suppose you could try forceing vesa03:15
holsteinuse the vesa driver03:15
holsteinfor the graphics03:15
redwoodsoundati 467003:16
holsteinand see if you can sleep and resume03:16
redwoodsoundvesa?   is that xorg driver?03:16
holsteini think that would remove the proprietary graphics driver from the equasion03:16
holsteinyou could do that from a live CD03:16
holsteini think you do F4 at the live CD promt screen03:17
holsteinand pick safe graphics03:17
holsteinyou could try sleep from that03:17
holsteinyou could try the 32 and 64 bit live CD's that way03:17
redwoodsoundwell hmm   i dont think ubuntu studio has a live version on it03:17
holsteinthat will eliminate the RT kernel from the equasion too though :)03:18
redwoodsounddont recall seeing one03:18
redwoodsounddo i should download it  and try03:18
holsteinand you wont have to do anything to your system at all03:18
holsteinthat would be pretty easy03:18
holsteinyou could get the 64 and 32 bit live CD's03:18
holsteinboot them normally03:19
holsteinthat will tell you if its the kernel03:19
holsteinthen, if its still F'd03:19
holsteinyou can do that safe graphics thing03:19
holsteinand that will tell you if its the ati driver03:19
holsteinnot too bad03:19
holsteinyou wont have to sudo apt-anything03:19
redwoodsoundyeah   i really want to use the features of the 64 bit and graphics card so   i guesss that would be the easiet way of narrowing it down03:21
redwoodsoundthanks for the help03:22
holsteingood luck03:22
holsteinlet us know how it goes03:23
redwoodsoundfo sho03:23
redwoodsoundviva!  open source03:25
redwoodsoundkatch ya later holstein thanx again03:25
tomkatdoes anybody run SB Audigy 4 soundcard?05:22
tomkati'm having all sorts of trouble with my software..often i cant hear any audio, and often the programs close suddenly05:24
tomkatis my audigy 4 to blame?05:24
=== skrzat is now known as Kosmita
orl_I'm trying to install UbuntuStudio on a Mac Intel, but it ain't working.09:23
orl_It just doesn't boot.09:23
orl_I've managed installing a Debian squeeze on it without any problem.09:23
orl_But I cannot get UbuntuStudio working.09:23
orl_Using the very same procedure (with lilo, gptsync, and so on).09:23
orl_Any help appreciated.09:23
marsilainenorl_: have you tried installing standard ubuntu on that machine?09:37
marsilainenorl_: I would expect ubuntu to behave the same as ubuntu studio for that (probably)09:37
marsilainenorl_: have you looked at this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=104656809:38
marsilainenorl_: I would imagine that info should also be applicable to ubuntu studio09:39
orl_marsilainen: for Ubuntu vs. ubuntu Studio, it should the very same thing.09:44
orl_I'm looking at your link09:44
orl_OK, it's not exactly that: I installed, but Ubuntu won't boot / says "no bootable devices" / has a blinking cursor!09:45
orl_But could come from there.09:45
marsilainenorl_: it sounds like maybe an issue with grub then09:46
marsilainenbut I'm not certain09:46
orl_No I use Lilo.09:46
orl_Grub didn't work, but it was quite predicable.09:46
marsilainenok, then, maybe with that09:46
orl_So, I turned to Lilo.09:46
orl_after running gptsync.09:46
orl_See here:http://wiki.debian.org/MacBook09:47
marsilainenI've never had a mac, so I don't really know09:47
orl_Yeah, it's quite new to me too.09:47
marsilainenyou could try asking in #ubuntu, there will be more people there who understand about getting ubuntu working on mac hardware09:47
orl_i'm currently trying!09:47
orl_nobody seems to know.09:48
marsilainenorl_: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=76767709:49
marsilainenorl_: that link seems to describe your problem and how to work around it I think?09:50
orl_I actually was reading it.09:53
orl_Not sure it does.09:53
orl_Actually, I can't use grub (it fails)09:53
orl_But I'm going to check further09:53
orl_Not the same... Argh09:54
marsilainenwell, the symptoms sounded remarkably similar, so I wouldn't be surprised if it's the same root cause09:56
marsilainenand so I'd say it's still worth trying the steps it suggests there09:56
orl_Yes, symptoms are similar, and I think the cause is the same.09:57
orl_but, as I can get grub working on that machine (grub 2 I mean)09:57
orl_I just try to transpose this for lilo !09:57
marsilainensure, try powering down and booting a few times09:58
marsilainenand if that doesn't work, then try to reinstall lilo09:58
marsilainenmaybe it works09:58
orl_Gooing to check.10:00
orl_it looks like the very saùme10:00
orl_the way it freezes is not the same each time!10:00
orl_Rebooting several times doesn't seem to work.10:03
orl_Got to check with Lilo reinstall.10:03
orl_not sure it works though.10:03
orl_There's something weird diefferent from Debian to Ubuntu:10:04
orl_When running gtpsync (tool to scynchronize GPT and MBR)10:05
orl_with Debian gtpsync finds something to change10:05
orl_With ubuntu it doesn't.10:05
orl_not easy....10:14
orl_Cannot get it working.10:19
orl_I guess I'm going to get back to Debian.10:19
marsilainenorl_: I'm sure it can be made to work...10:20
marsilainenperhaps post your problems on the ubuntu forums?10:20
orl_(actually I'm much more a Debianist than a Ubuntu-user,but it's for someone else, and I found it more easy)10:20
marsilainenyeah, ubuntu is definitely easier to use10:21
orl_not to use, I would say10:21
marsilainenand for music production etc, ubuntu studio is great10:21
orl_to setup and update, yes, probably10:21
marsilainenI think that there is 'studio64' right? I think that's a debian based music distro10:22
marsilainenif you wanted to try that10:22
orl_It's nto ery uptodate.10:23
marsilainenah, I see10:23
orl_I usually prefer using Debian squeeze and patching kernel myself.10:23
marsilainenit's years since I tried studio6410:23
orl_But the Nvidia card in the Mac Intel (9400) is not supported by the free driver10:24
marsilainenI see10:24
orl_I'm trying to fix this using Mond Recovery!10:24
orl_not sure I will get anything, but....10:24
orl_OK, no keyboard detected!10:25
orl_back to Debian!10:26
marsilainenorl_: to be honest, if I wanted to install ubuntu on that machine I would install from the normal ubuntu live cd10:26
marsilainenand then follow the instructions to install the various ubuntu studio packages10:26
marsilainenso you end up with the same system in the end10:26
marsilainenbut you'll be following a more usual path for installing ubuntu on the mac10:27
marsilainenorl_: so, in other words, I would install vanilla ubuntu and then use instructions from this page: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Ubuntu%20Studio%20Upgrade%20from%20Ubuntu10:28
orl_yes, that's waht I was thinking.10:30
orl_But, actually, this problem seems to be an ubuntu one!10:31
orl_OK, I'm going to try, though.10:31
=== skrzat is now known as Kosmita
=== skrzat is now known as Kosmitek
mediaprodigyThese configuration are required for access to raw1394 without being root. This may cause some security problems if you are using IEEE1394 for other than hard disk, camera or sound card connections, e.g. networking.16:38
mediaprodigycan someone explain this ^^^^^16:38
holsteinhey mediaprodigy16:42
holsteinyou got a firewire audio device?16:43
holsteinyou dont need to worry about it then16:43
mediaprodigyholstein: i do not have any devices right now16:43
holsteini have a presonus firepod16:43
mediaprodigyholstein: what does it mean?16:43
holsteini usually run sudo qjackctl16:43
holsteinat some point in my diagnastics16:44
holsteinso check for such problems16:44
holsteinand daignose them, so that i dont need to sudo run anything16:44
mediaprodigyI am very very new to ubuntu much less ubuntustudio... why do you run that?16:44
holsteinwell, jack audio connection kit..16:45
holsteinneeds to access my firewire audio device16:45
holsteinto do its thing routing signals in and out16:45
holsteinAND, in order to get jack sorted out16:45
mediaprodigymy concern is the security issues16:45
holsteinat first i run sudo to check for permissions16:46
holsteinthere could be security issues16:46
holsteini forget what they are16:46
holsteinwith firewire devices getting access or allowing access16:46
holsteinto sensitivedata16:47
mediaprodigyhow can i stay on top of this?16:47
holsteinyou dont have a firewire device16:47
holsteinso you havent side stepped any defaults16:47
holsteinyou dont need to worry about it until you get a firewire audio device16:48
mediaprodigyno i had ubuntu and installed ubuntustudio.16:48
holsteinthen you can decide16:48
mediaprodigyI am not going through the following16:48
holsteinits still not set up unless you changed permissions16:48
holsteineven then, i wouldnt worry about it16:48
mediaprodigythat wording is mentioned before making changes in video configs16:49
holsteinim pretty sure..16:49
holsteinif you have a firewire netorking scenario16:49
holsteinthat is when it gets to be an issue16:49
holsteinand that why its not set up 'open' by default16:50
mediaprodigyhow do you handle security issues..16:50
mediaprodigyand how do you know that they are prevalent..16:50
mediaprodigyis there an app for that?16:50
holsteindo you have a firewire network device?16:50
marsilainenmediaprodigy: you don't need to make those settings changes if you don't have a firewire audio device16:51
marsilainenmediaprodigy: so therefore there are no security issues16:51
holsteinmediaprodigy: do you have any firewire devices?16:51
mediaprodigyi have a firewire external harddrive16:51
mediaprodigywhat kind of security issues are we talking about?16:51
holsteinso like marsilainen says, your fine16:51
holsteinwe are talking about a firewire network device getting elevated 'root' privalages16:52
mediaprodigywell that is good to know.. althought I still feel somewhat lost on this issue16:52
holsteinroot acces to your machine16:52
holsteinthat would be a concern16:52
mediaprodigywhy would that be bad.. can you give a scenario16:52
mediaprodigyi understand the basic concept but we are talking about a music device having admin rights right16:53
mediaprodigyhaving access to root16:53
holsteinyour sharing information on a network16:53
holsteinand a net attached device accessing your machine via the firewire network device16:53
holsteinrequests to change, edit, or view something it shouldnt16:54
holsteinsince the device has root access16:54
holsteinthat can happen16:54
mediaprodigyit is another method for someone to gain access to your information or change something on your system16:54
holsteinin this example, nothing malicious is intended16:54
holsteinthis could be your Ustuiod box, and a windows box16:55
holsteinsomehting like that16:55
mediaprodigyhow do you maintain current on any security issues that are there.. is there an app, a command.. I am making all the changes for ubuntu studio that are in this page  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Ubuntu%20Studio%20Upgrade%20from%20Ubuntu?action=fullsearch&context=180&value=linkto%3A%22Ubuntu+Studio+Upgrade+from+Ubuntu%2216:56
holsteinnot sure i understand the question16:57
holsteinpretty much...16:57
holsteinunless you have elevated the privalages to accomodate a firewire device16:57
holsteinwhile using...16:57
mediaprodigyI am making all the changes in that page, I am concerned that I do not understand the complexity (yet) of my changes.. what tools are available to keep track of security issues on an ubuntustudio installation16:58
holsteinanother firewire device with networking, you have nothing to worry about16:58
mediaprodigywould a firewire harddrive fall into this catagory?16:58
holsteinis you firewire HD networked somehow?16:58
holsteinhardwired to your network16:58
mediaprodigyno just connected to my box16:59
holsteinand your firewire port somehow?16:59
holsteinthen your fine16:59
mediaprodigywell not yet.. but it might be in the future16:59
mediaprodigyi see...16:59
mediaprodigyholstein: marsilainen: thanks16:59
holsteinalso, #opensourcemusicians17:00
mediaprodigyHelp: I do not know what ubuntustudio installs but my machine is freezing every few minutes17:12
mediaprodigyi have not had this issue since i had ubuntu restricted extras..17:13
mediaprodigyand adobe flash installed.. any thoughts17:13
mediaprodigyits horrible..17:15
holsteincan you open a terminal and type uname -a17:15
mediaprodigyLinux ubuntu-desktop 2.6.31-17-generic #54-Ubuntu SMP Thu Dec 10 16:20:31 UTC 2009 i686 GNU/Linux17:16
holsteini assume this is after a restart?17:18
holsteinit just starts freezing right off?17:18
mediaprodigyi just restarted17:18
holsteinor is it after running something?17:18
mediaprodigyterminal firefox chatzilla17:19
mediaprodigyevolution mail17:19
mediaprodigybut i noticed that flash is working in firefox..17:19
mediaprodigyso i am thinking restricted extras has been installed17:19
holsteinthat should be fine though17:19
holsteini would suggest trying to find what is triggering it17:21
holsteini hate to say restart17:21
holsteinBUT, if you would restart17:21
mediaprodigyand run one app at a time...17:22
holsteinthen, open say firefox17:22
holsteinand see if that is causing it17:22
holsteinyou can open a terminal and run firefox17:22
holsteinand usually you get messages in there17:22
holsteinif something is going on17:22
mediaprodigyhumm... i did not know this17:22
mediaprodigycan you send the command17:22
holsteinjust firefox17:22
holsteinif you just start typing firefox, say fir, and hit tab17:23
holsteinthe command will be auto-completed17:23
holsteinif you just type f and hit tab17:23
holsteinyou will be given all the commands that can be ran that start with 'f'17:24
holsteinthat might help you pinpoint what app is causing the trouble17:25
mediaprodigyso i do nto getit17:25
mediaprodigyi type in firefox and firefox opens17:25
holsteini would say its firefox or evolution17:25
holsteinno, in the terminal17:25
mediaprodigythen i surf firefox and any errors show up in the terminal17:25
mediaprodigyi opened the terminal typed fir hit tab17:26
mediaprodigyit autofilled with firefox hit enter17:26
holsteinin theory17:26
mediaprodigyand the browser opened.. but i did not see any errors17:26
mediaprodigyor extra command17:26
holsteinthat should help you troubleshoot17:26
holsteinsame deal with evolution17:26
holsteinits hard to find the trigger17:27
holsteinand it could be something with gnome17:27
holsteinwho knows17:27
holsteini have read that the gnome network manager or applet can cause issues17:28
holsteinalthough, it does not for me17:28
mediaprodigywell i appreciate teh help17:28
holsteinlet me know how it goes :)17:28
holsteini'll do what i can17:29
marsilainenmediaprodigy: if your machine is hanging, then I would have a look in your /var/log/messages and /var/log/syslog17:43
marsilainensee if there is anything of interest there17:44
marsilainenyou can use something like:    tail -200 /var/log/messages     to get it to show the last 200 lines of that file17:45
holsteineven better marsilainen :)17:45
marsilainenwhen it hangs, do you see anything like the hard disk light on constantly or anything like that?17:46
marsilainenhe tried to paste me the contents of one of those files in privmsg17:48
marsilainenmediaprodigy: don't just paste output like that :p17:48
marsilainenfreenode threw you off because of it :p17:48
mediaprodigyoh sorry17:48
marsilainenif you have lots of output to show us, then put it on http://www.pastebin.com17:49
marsilainenand then give us a link to that17:49
mediaprodigyill brb17:51
* holstein never installs that ubuntu-desktop package17:51
holsteini only get the audio apps and the RT kernel17:52
marsilainenyeah, me too17:52
holsteini might be jumping to a conclusion, but i think i would run sudo apt-get autoremove ubuntu-desktop17:53
marsilainenmediaprodigy: sorry, nothing looking unusual in that output to me17:53
mediaprodigyi will get this output next time it happens before i open anything17:57
mediaprodigyand save it.17:57
mediaprodigywhat was the command again17:57
mediaprodigytail -200 /var/log/messages17:57
mediaprodigyis that right17:57
marsilainen'tail' outputs the lines at the end of a file, '-200' tells it how many lines at the end to output18:05
marsilainenbecause /var/log/messages can get very big18:05
marsilainenmediaprodigy: if it happens again, try to take notice of whether the hard disk light is on, or network lights or anything like that18:06
marsilainenif a machine hangs up a lot I often find that it's related to IO of some sort18:06
mediaprodigyi will..18:35

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