
mase_wkcan upstart be used to monitor a file event ( like a file being modified) ?00:54
ionmase_wk: Not yet, but that’s in TODO.01:02
mase_wkion: thanks 01:03
wasabi_So. I just had a problem where I booted up my server, and init stopped starting proceses before I had a usable console.05:15
wasabi_Looks like it got hung up trying to contact dbus.05:15
wasabi_single mode was in a similar shape. break=mount got me in, and I just removed dbus05:16
wasabi_And now it boots.05:16
wasabi_Guess if I install dbus while the system is running, init will get -USR1 and attempt to connect... and maybe freeze in the same way05:16
wasabi_But I should still have a system usable enough to debug it. ;)05:16
wasabi_init: Unable to connect to the system bus: Connection ":1.0" is not allowed to own the service "com.ubuntu.Upstart" due to security policies in the configuration file05:23
wasabi_imaginging there is supposed to be some sort of system.d/upstart.conf05:25
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echahi there22:13
echai'd like to add a job in my ubuntu 9.10 startup to run an ethtool setting22:13
echais there a new way to do this?22:13
mtdcan/should I use upstart to communicate between non-root processes (source daemon fires event IM_HOME, which causes upstart to start a few daemons, for example), or is that better a D-Bus thing?22:14
echain debian i guess i would make a init.d script22:14
mtdecha: sure, make an /etc/event.d script that runs on runlevels 2-522:15
mtdecha: echo -e "start on stopped rcS\nconsole output\n/run/my/job/here" > /etc/event.d/my-startup-job-config22:19
* mtd supposed rcS is a bit more precisely "startup"22:20
JanCupstart in Ubuntu 9.10 doesn't use /etc/event.d/22:23
JanCit uses /etc/init/22:28
JanCread the manpages  ;)22:28
echaso i just use /etc/init.d/myscript and link to it in rc5.d/?22:31
echathat's the old way to do it22:32
echai thought upstart had changed all that, i'm confused22:32
ion/etc/init ≠ /etc/init.d22:32
echaok, i see, so why are there still init.d scripts - is it just that not everthing has been migrated22:35
ionBasically, yes. Also, everything doesn’t *need* to be migrated. There are benefits from migration, of course, but $randomsoftware that used to work with sysvinit will not be broken by upstart.22:37
echaand i still don't know where to put my ethtool script. i'd like to know where to put the setting22:37
ionWhat does the script to?22:38
echaethtool -s eth0 wol g22:38
echajust enables wake on lan for my ethernet adaptor22:38
ionSomething like22:39
ionstart on net-device-added INTERFACE=eth022:39
ionexec ethtool -s "$INTERFACE" wol g22:39
ionin /etc/init/ethtool-wol.conf22:39
ionMy personal preference would be /etc/init/local/ethtool-wol.conf for easy access to my personal jobs.22:40
echakeep them separate22:40
echawhere can i find a reference for the device triggers?22:41
ionupstart-udev-bridge listens to udev events and emits upstart events with the format $SUBSYSTEM-device-{added,removed}22:41
echaoh i see22:41
ionIts documentation could use some help.22:41
echai'll try22:44
mtdJanC: thanks, I was reading the Fedora manpages since I didn't have non-google access to the ubuntu ones (yeah I know echa asked about ubuntu...)22:52
JanCwhat do you mean by non-google access ?22:53
mtdJanC: presumably the ubuntu man pages are indexed by google a few times.22:54
JanCthey are at http://manpages.ubuntu.com/22:54
* mtd nods.22:55

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