
sbalneavIs it just me, or has Firefox quit working in lucid? :(01:00
stgraberwell, that's called firefox 3.601:00
stgraberI'm running google chrome at the moment so it's not disturbing me that much though01:00
sbalneavSo, it's a known issue?01:01
sbalneavso, if I rm -rf mozilla, it comes up01:02
sbalneavthen if I quit, and re-start, it won't come up until I rm -rf mozilla again01:03
sbalneavthat's.... pretty broken01:03
sbalneavurg.  Veeeeery frustrating01:26
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vmlintujoerg: I'm working on the script08:07
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joergvmlintu, cool....give me the link when it is finished....thx :)13:14
alkisg!info libnss3-1d jaunty14:23
ubottulibnss3-1d (source: nss): Network Security Service libraries. In component main, is optional. Version (jaunty), package size 1053 kB, installed size 2736 kB14:23
sbalneavMorning all15:18
Ahmuckcan we get an idf of edubuntu events?16:47
Ahmucksunbird calander subscribe to16:49
Ahmuckids ?16:49
Ahmucksorry, an ical16:49
highvoltageAhmuck: the fridge covers most of it, we have our meetings on there too16:50
highvoltageAhmuck: it's a google calendar but I think it can be exported to ical16:50
Ahmuckdoes the fridge have an ical that i can subscribe to?16:50
stgraberhighvoltage: yep, works fine with ical, I use it in zimbra16:51
Ahmuckis there a ical link on the edubuntu webpage?16:51
highvoltageAhmuck:we link to the calendar from teh meetings wiki page16:53
Ahmuckhurrya for veli-matti !17:13
joerg_sbalneav, hey.....are u there? could you give me a starting point for the spec thing? like where to put it (edubuntu wiki?), how to structure it, etc.?18:21
joerg_vmlintu, hey.....great work :) btw. is it your father, brother or son on the photo at opinsys.fi? :)18:56
=== joerg_ is now known as joerg
joergvery quiet here today22:46
Lnsbye all =)23:10
highvolt1gejoerg: stgraber and I have been busy with https://www.ltsp-cluster.org/ :)23:27
joerghighvolt1ge, that's nice :) and why do u tell me that? ;)23:28
highvolt1gejoerg: because you mentioned how quiet it is here today!23:29
joerghighvolt1ge, btw. got a phone call from a collegue who takes care about the regional computer stuff from the pedagogic point of view :)23:30
joerghighvolt1ge, hey jörg, I checked out usb stick linux distros today and found moblin which looks so goood so much nicer than the windows stuff, we need to give it to the primary schools, the kiddies will love it :D23:31
highvolt1gejoerg: I played with moblin last week23:31
joerghighvolt1ge, ah, okay....but anyway, you don't need to tell me what reason you have for being quiet :)23:31
joergI never played with moblin.23:32
highvolt1gejoerg: I'm thinking of running it on my netbook, it's really slick23:32
highvolt1geI took some screenshots, thought of blogging about it23:32
joergI am just happy that he as a complete linux NOOOB seems to be excited without me telling him how nice everything is with linux :)23:32
highvolt1gebut screenshots alone doesn't do it justice23:32
highvolt1geI'll have to take a video23:32
highvolt1geyes that's great :)23:33
joerghow's ltsp performing when it comes to multimedia things?23:34
joerglike watching videos or whatever?23:34
joerge.g. ten people running firefox and watching some youtube stuff on the machine over a 100mbit ethernet?23:35
highvolt1geworks quite well. especially when you run your media player as a local app23:35
joergah, okay....haven't checked out ltsp for ages....23:35
highvolt1geyep, that will work just fine.23:36
joergand never did anything with local apps23:36
highvolt1geyes the current implementation of it is quite new23:36
joergwe once had 486 machines as ltsp thin clients *LOL*23:36
joergthat was when kde 2 was the current new kde release I think.23:36
highvolt1geyes I've seen one lab before with 486 clients. you'll definitely not be able to stream youtube videos with those :)23:36
highvolt1geyep, same with the lab I saw23:37
highvolt1geMandrake with KDE 223:37
joergwell, we throw them away I think23:37
highvolt1geand some real old LTSP version23:37
joergor they are lying around somewhere23:37
highvolt1geI think it was still 3.x23:37
joergas I know the admins, they don't throw away anything :D23:37
joergI think it was 2.x here :)23:38
joergI think we moved to ltsp 3 then which had heaps of new features like sound support....23:38
joergit is not based on xdmcp anymore, right?23:39
joergusing freenx now?23:39
highvolt1geit can use freenx, but it uses ssh by default23:39
stgraberusing regular X export over SSH, so a lot more secure than XDMCP and still let's you do whatever X suppports (not like with FreeNX)23:39
joergoh and I even remember that some freaks here were using ltsp to start rdesktop to connect to a win2k3 terminalserver :D23:40
stgraberNX would be great for the bandwidth but you'd loose sound, video, compiz, ...23:40
highvolt1gejoerg: you'd be suprised at how common a usecase that is23:40
joergthought it was doing at least sound23:40
joergor does only the nomachine nx do sound?23:40
joergor not at all? :)23:40
stgraberit does but with ESD which is deprecated and doesn't work anymore23:41
joergbtw. can anybody help me getting started with that portal server project?23:41
joergI never really did some open source project with specs and everything23:41
joergI mostly have small stuff23:41
joergthat I develop on my own, have my svn repo at sourceforge and share it...23:42
joergbut as the portal project is a bit bigger, I'd like to do it in a more collaborative way....23:42
joergbut dunno where to start. e.g. how to structure a spec in a usable way, where to publish it, how to attract people / recruit other developers etc. :)23:43
joergany ideas or docs that could help me get going?23:44
highvolt1gejoerg: you posted about it to the list before right?23:46
joerghighvolt1ge, yes, some days ago with a very rough idea.23:51
joerghighvolt1ge, scott (sbalneaves) wants to help me but he's very busy at the moment....well, and I am not, so I'd like to start doing sth asap :)23:52
joergbtw. what is the recommended way to mount user homedirs on an ltsp server? back in the "old times" we used nfs + nis, but that's not state of the art anymore I guess :)23:54
highvolt1gejoerg: I kept it marked as unread because I want to give it some proper attention at some point, haven't had time to read and think about it properly yet, but it seems like a good idea23:59

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