
EdwinGrubbsrockstar: it looks like it is oopsing still. about 50% of the time.00:01
rockstarEdwinGrubbs, got it to OOPS, and I have nfi what's going on.  That's really odd.00:02
rockstarEdwinGrubbs, looks like a problem with the librarian.00:03
kfogelwho wants to do an _absolutely trivial_ merge proposal review?06:03
kfogelbarry: ayt?06:03
kfogelthumper: (see above -- trivial review invite :-) )06:04
cody-somervillekfogel, I reviewed it for you. ;)06:18
adiroibanjtv: Hi. Looks like the branch from bug 359180 was release, even thou the tag was qa-bad06:21
mupBug #359180: Missing keyboard shortcut for navigation <qa-bad> <trivial> <ui> <Launchpad Translations:Fix Released by adiroiban> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/359180>06:21
jtvadiroiban: ah, I now realize I neglected to update you on this: it was too late to do anything about it in the original rollout, so we've arranged for the fix to go out with a re-roll.06:21
adiroibanjtv: np. I just wanted to make sure everything is ok06:22
jtvadiroiban: it's a shame we found out about the problems so late, but no disasters.  It does illustrate how far we've come in terms of quality—a few years back we'd have worse things than this all the time.06:23
jtvadiroiban: I think the main culprit in this case is the confusion at PQM close...  it was known well in advance that something needed fixing, but not that PQM would close in that state—after the bad branch landed but before the one that fixed it.06:26
adiroibanjtv: yes. there is no test for loading a +translate page for a language with no plural forms06:26
jtvWell, not for the single-message view—which is where the oopses happened.06:27
* jtv looks for any pagetests for this case06:29
jtvadiroiban: looks like you dug up a hidden body there.  The _browser code_ is well-tested for this case, but we don't have the integration-testing we'd get from a story.06:33
adiroibanI have not looked for pagetests... but I assume since we had one it would fail as a simple HTTP get is enought to  triger the OOps06:35
jtvadiroiban: a valid assumption in theory, but the problem with improving practices all the time is you're always carrying around code from back when practices weren't as good.  I've filed bug 513625.06:39
mupBug #513625: Pagetest for translations without plural-forms information <Launchpad Translations:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/513625>06:39
adiroibanjtv: ok. I was planning to write this test togheter with the fix for bug 359180.06:41
mupBug #359180: Missing keyboard shortcut for navigation <qa-bad> <trivial> <ui> <Launchpad Translations:Fix Released by adiroiban> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/359180>06:41
jtvadiroiban: <hug>06:41
adiroibannew bug assigned to me :)06:41
jtvhi noodles77507:46
jtvwgrant: can you point me to the branch that implements SourcePackageRecipeBuild.build?07:47
jtvwgrant: it's not the one I looked at, out of the myriad you have lying around.  :)07:47
noodles775I obviously missed the start of this conversation, but SourcePackageRecipeBuild *is a* build (inheriting BuildBase), why would it have a build attribute?07:56
noodles775(hi jtv :) ).07:56
jtvnoodles775: ah sorry, I copy-pasted.  I meant SourcePackageRecipeBuild itself, which would be referred to as something the lines of SourcePackageRecipeBuildJob.build.07:58
noodles775jtv: and it is? (looking at db-devel, SPRBJob.build exists?07:59
jtvnoodles775: gah, I was grep'ing devel.  Silly me.  Thanks.07:59
jtvhenninge: we got an assertion failure, as far as I can make out because someone tried to post translations while we were in read-only.08:04
jtvhenninge: I'm filing a bug about it now, unless you already had.08:05
henningejtv: hm, how could they have done it?08:05
henningejtv: no, I have not08:05
jtvhenninge: load the page before RO mode, submit after.08:05
jtvActually I think that's probably a generic problem.08:05
henningeAh, I see.08:05
jtvMaybe LaunchpadFormView should check for that as part of standard validation.08:06
jtvgoedemorgen jelmer!08:06
jelmermogguh :-)08:06
jtvjelmer: I looked at the Tuesday LCA schedule the other day and found that _all_ the presentations I had really wanted to see in other rooms overlapped with mine!08:07
jtvstub, question about read-only mode: do we have any kind of generic check in form validations to deal with submissions during RO spells?08:11
stubany post generates a 'you can't do that at the moment' error page. Any page that tries to write to the db generates the same page. Any page requiring anything but read permission generates the same page.08:13
stubSo you shouldn't be able to get to the form as it should be protected with Edit or similar permission, and if you do, you can't submit it since we use POST for our forms, and if you could, it couldn't make any database changes.08:14
stubAs far as I can recall anyway :) Rules are in lib/canonical/launchpad/webapp/publisher.py I think.08:15
adeuringgood morning08:17
jtvstub: thanks...  it does make this oops I'm looking at a bit of a mystery though  :)08:26
jtvhi adeuring08:26
adeuringhi jtv!08:27
jtvstub: oh, I see read-only state seems to be signaled outside of the db... in which case it may appear after validation and during processing of the request.08:30
stubWhich raises an exception, that it rendered as a pretty Try Again Later error page.08:31
jtvWhich is fine, except it shows up as an oops.08:32
jtvI think we shouldn't be failing this assertion just because we went into read-only mode.08:38
jmlgood morning launchpadders08:40
jtvgood morning jml08:45
jmlnoodles775, I've just looked over the BuildBranchToArchiveUI page -- good stuff! when would you like to talk about it?09:02
noodles775jml: now?09:03
noodles775jml: or in 5mins?09:03
jmlnoodles775, 10 minutes :)09:03
stubYay segfault trying to activate the Firebug console09:04
jmlmrevell, hello.09:15
mrevellHi there jml09:15
jmlnoodles775, what's your skype id?09:16
jmlnoodles775, http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-branches/ubuntu/lucid/firefox-3.5/lucid/files09:32
jmlnoodles775, http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-branches/ubuntu/lucid/python-launchpadlib/lucid/files09:32
jmlnoodles775, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/364454/09:38
noodles775jml: https://edge.launchpad.net/~michael.nelson/+archive/pocketsphinx/+builds?build_text=&build_state=all09:51
jmlmrevell, hi10:03
mrevellhey there jml, same number as yesterday?10:03
jmlmrevell, yes please10:03
jtvwgrant: something I don't get about Build._handleStatus_OK: if any of that long, complex method fails, it never gets to buildqueue_record.builder.cleanSlave() or buildqueue_record.destroySelf().  Doesn't that leave garbage?10:06
jtv...did we just get spammed?10:08
gmbjtv: Heh. That seems to be the case, yes.10:27
jtvI wonder if we have a way of getting it out of our IRC logs?10:28
gmbjtv: No idea. The logs live on canonical servers, though, so I guess IS would be able to help.10:33
* jtv trundles in that general direction10:35
jtvelmo suggests: "consider making launchpad-dev +r or +R"... anyone who understands that as something else than a chmod option?10:46
jmlbut I need chanop to do anything about it10:47
jmloh look10:48
jmlThat might well have worked.10:51
wgrantjtv: If it fails, the status will not be set, so it will just be reprocessed.10:55
=== matsubara-afk is now known as matsubara
deryckMorning, all.11:01
jmlderyck, good morning.11:03
adiroibandanilos: Hi, can I continue with bug 340664 ? or you think we should wait to fix the +template timeouts ?11:07
stubSo I'm generating reports from the zope logs for performance analysis. I'm now confused where things should live.11:19
stubShould the script live in scripts or utilities (I think scripts, but I've confused myself).11:20
stubAnd that script imports the bulk from a module in lib/lp/scripts/foo.py or lib/lp/scripts/???/foo.py or what?11:20
jmlstub, I had thought that scripts was for actual scripts executed as part of Launchpad's normal operations11:32
jmlstub, and that utilities is for stuff that developers & admins use.11:32
jmlbut, tbh, until someone writes an actual guide... meh.11:32
stubjml: I think I'm confused because I don't know if this is mainly adhoc or going to be automated ;)11:42
jmlstub, ahh ok.11:49
jmlstub, put it in utilities and move it when you automate it?11:49
* stub shrugs. Its more admin related anyway so it can probably stay in utils11:50
jmlsounds good to me.11:56
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kfogeljml: want to do an utterly trivial code review?  https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~kfogel/launchpad/cc-script-2010-01-28-updates/+merge/1818314:12
kfogelintellectronica, beuno: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~kfogel/launchpad/506018-patch-report/+merge/18181  when you have time (I'm not blocked on it landing).14:13
beunokfogel, I have the tab open, I will get to it within the next few hours14:13
kfogelbeuno: awesome, thanks14:13
intellectronicakfogel: cool. i'll review this latest after standup14:17
kfogelintellectronica: that'd be great, thank you.  Note it doesn't have your windmill tests yet, because I want to look at them / grok them / maybe extend them first.  So I'll include them in another branch.14:19
kfogeljml: please ignore above, cody somerville reviewed it14:20
intellectronicakfogel: sure. and 'my windmill tests' are nothing but a stub, as i left them on the last day of the sprint. they still need heaps of work14:21
jmlkfogel, ok. I missed it anyway14:21
kfogelintellectronica: *nod*14:22
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intellectronicaanyone remembers the trick to make storm spit out the sql it's running?15:03
intellectronicaah, the answer is in https://dev.launchpad.net/Debugging#Tracing SQL statements through STORM :)15:09
intellectronicaand now i can't run lp. i get the following error: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/364635/15:37
intellectronicaany idea what's going on and how to fix>15:37
intellectronicabarry: maybe you know? ^^^15:37
* barry looks15:37
barryintellectronica: do a 'make clean' then 'make'15:38
barryintellectronica: it looks like your master-qrunner.pid file got corrupted perhaps15:38
barryintellectronica: do a 'make clean' then 'make'15:42
intellectronicabarry: yes, you're right, the pid file is empty!15:42
intellectronicathe gnomes ate my pid15:42
sinzuigary_poster: I can now speculate with some certainty why closing bugs while making a release passed on staging, but not in production15:44
gary_postersinzui: really, I'm definitely curious15:44
sinzuigary_poster: I was able to use the feature to create releases for all the launchpad projects yesterday because some developers closed the bugs...reducing the number of bugs that needed updating...15:45
sinzuigary_poster: staging's data is more than two weeks old, so it has fewer bugs in the fix committed state.15:45
gary_postersinzui: ah-ha.  So that's another data update issue to some degree, though it's also indication of the fact that QA at a given point in time is never entirely indicative of actual performance at another point in time15:47
intellectronicabarry: strangely, after running make clean and make i get: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/364646/15:49
intellectronicawhat's supposed to start it?15:49
barryintellectronica: make run_all15:50
barryintellectronica: but that may be misleading output.  look higher up (might need SHHH= ) for some other error15:50
intellectronicait looks like it's unhappy about something called qrunner not running15:51
barryintellectronica: what it's really saying is that something else went wrong and when killservice tried to kill mailman, it wasn't started.  that is normal output in that case (i.e. trying to shutdown mailman when it hasn't been started)15:52
=== matsubara-lunch is now known as matsubara
matsubaraChex, rockstar bigjools danilo sinzui allenap: LP production meeting in 3 min @ #launchpad-meeting15:57
al-maisanmatsubara: bigjools is sick15:57
al-maisanI'll stand in for him15:58
matsubarathanks al-maisan15:58
al-maisanyou are welcome :)15:58
barryintellectronica: ping me by nick if you have more information.  i'm minimizing my irc window16:06
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jmlflacoste, hi18:31
=== beuno-lunch is now known as beuno
EdwinGrubbsbeuno: ping19:20
beunoEdwinGrubbs, hi19:22
EdwinGrubbsbeuno: nm, I think I answered my own question. I couldn't find individual images matching sprites, but that is probably just due to images being re-used for multiple css classes.19:24
EdwinGrubbsbeuno: Is there any existing template that generates the css, or do you just add them by hand based on the existing sprite file?19:24
bacbarry: ping19:26
kangarooohttps://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/297239 maybe this can be solved?19:26
kangaroooups sory- its now reported as done19:27
beunoEdwinGrubbs, by hand, yes19:27
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beunoanyone from the bugs team around?20:02
beunogmb, intellectronica, allenap?20:02
beunoI have questions  :)20:02
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EdwinGrubbsbeuno: do you know anything about the bzr-favicon or person-tabs css classes. Those are the only two that don't have matching files, and they don't appear to be used anywhere.20:19
beunoEdwinGrubbs, they sounds like left over cruft20:19
EdwinGrubbsI'll add them to the garage sale20:20
beunono bug heat in sample data?20:23
beunosinzui, I admire how well you handle the blueprints situation20:51
beunolaying out the plan like that is really helpful20:51
beunoshows the genuine willingness to help out20:52
wgrantI agree -- comments like that one are very useful and encouraging.20:53
sinzuibeuno: I think I gave the same comment to statik20:55
sinzuiThe work is daunting20:55
beunogood to hear Canonical has so many great people  ;)20:55
sinzuibeuno: Does the u1 web team need private blueprints?20:56
sinzuior public API?20:56
beunosinzui, I can't say for sure, but the requests came from U1 hackers20:57
sinzuibeuno: Those two issues (and structural subscriptions) do not have a lot of bug heat, but thoses are the 3 most requested blueprint features. Users ask me on sprints, irc, and private email for them20:58
beunosinzui, get them to me-too them!20:59
beunosoon, it will be up there with wikis20:59
sinzuiNo it wont. We need to invent something sexier than wikis. We seem to have missed the google wave21:00
beunowiki wave?21:01
jmlblueprints situation?21:03
* jml is interested21:03
sinzuibeuno: Whether you are editing in some annoying markup syntax or a gui, wikis are just bug chunks of pages in a tree. I do not like them because they take a lot of maintenance. I have pondered if these pages would be more useful if they were composed of smaller piese that could be reused (edit it section, not this page) and I could tag them to build alternate views hierarchies. Or even construct a page from a section with 21:05
beunosinzui, yes, I've heard your theory around chunks of data, and I think it has a lot of potential21:05
* ajmitch sees the word blueprints & hides21:05
beunosmart man, ajmitch21:06
ajmitchwell I saw him mention API stuff & blueprints in the same sentence & am interested to know what people really want there21:07
sinzuijml: we were discussing blueprint bug 208539. This lead to other pondering21:07
sinzuiajmitch: Launchpad's reporting and search of blueprints is very poor, and the notifications are very poor too. Users want API access to build better reports and notifications21:08
ajmitchok, since I have a branch for bug 146389 which is pretty basic & I promised jml that I'd submit it21:09
sinzuiajmitch: tags would help search, but reports are more complex. Many users want to see the bugs and the branch work in the same report21:10
jmlsinzui, I'm thinking of proposing something to get us using blueprints more.21:10
ajmitchI looked at tags the other day & was worried at how tied to bugs they are21:10
wgrantI still do not see a compelling reason for Bugs and Blueprint to be separate.21:10
ajmitchmaking tags available across launchpad will be a little more work, I think21:10
sinzuiajmitch: right, I would make bugtags generic first, instead of copying the implementation21:11
sinzuiwgrant: I still agree with you. I think a single good implementation would provide 90% of what bug or blueprints needs. Their differentiation is small I think.21:12
ajmitchthe few unique things about blueprints are to do with sprints at the moment21:13
wgrantAnd the reviewer vs drafter vs assignee, and dependencies.21:13
ajmitchdependencies are something I'd love to have in bugs21:14
wgrantParticularly the latter is needed on bugs as well.21:14
thumperbug dependancies would be good21:14
wgrantThey were promised at UDS Jaunty...21:14
sinzuiajmitch: yes. Very few sprints are held to work on bugs, but sprints/meetings/conferences are certainly used by teams for other purposes that working on blueprints21:14
jmlwgrant: by whom?!21:14
sinzuiblueprints roles and statues are too complex. They prevent them from being widely adopted.21:15
wgrantjml: I don't remember. But it was presented as being one of the big things that would most probably be coming in 3.0.21:15
sinzuiwgrant: that is an extraordinary promise given that blueprints has not had dedicated developers since 200721:16
wgrantsinzui: Bug dependencies -- little to do with Blueprints.21:17
jmlwgrant: it's always been a controversial feature, I have never heard anyone even close to promising it being delivered.21:17
sinzuiwgrant: sorry, lost my concentration21:17
ajmitchjml: almost as controversial as having version information for bugs on packages as metadata, rather than text?21:19
sinzuiyet we hack dependencies every 6 months using the tags, blueprint-to-bug-links, and BjornT_'s progress grid21:19
jmlajmitch, I've never heard of that one.21:19
jmlajmitch, wgrant: there's a bug in malone about dependencies21:19
intellectronicabeuno: still have a question?21:20
ajmitchjml: that's surprising, the bug version information is something that debian has21:20
wgrantversion information is very useful.21:20
ajmitchI'll look up a bug # for it, I'm sure it's in there :)21:20
wgrantIt's one thing that debbugs has over Launchpad that makes Launchpad look pretty pathetic.21:20
jmlajmitch, it's surprising I haven't already heard of every single major feature request for Launchpad :)21:21
ajmitchjml: given that complaints that roll in, sure ;)21:21
ajmitchbug 42421:21
ajmitchso really early :)21:22
beunointellectronica, hey!  yes, how do I see bug heat on launchpad.dev?21:22
beunoI bring up trunk and get no flames!21:23
beunoI wanted to take a crack at making a lighter icon and such21:23
intellectronicabeuno: you wait until db-devel gets merged back in?21:23
intellectronica(or branch from db-devel)21:23
intellectronicabeuno: let me guess, you're creating better icons for us? :)21:24
beunointellectronica, that was my intention, lets see how much past that it goes21:24
beunoI also sent an email about the feature as a whole21:24
intellectronicabeuno: fountains of beer await you21:25
* beuno stores away his drivers license, won't use it for sure this trip21:25
wgrantWhat happened to the post-3.0 notifications focus?22:13
wgrantIs that still happening at some point, but just pushed back by the upstream linkage work?22:14
=== mbarnett changed the topic of #launchpad-dev to: Launchpad Development Channel | Week 4 of 10.01 | 10.01 is releasing Wednesday 27th Jan at 0900 UTC | PQM is open | gary_poster is release manager, with flacoste for the actual release | https://dev.launchpad.net/ | Get the code: https://dev.launchpad.net/Getting | On-call review in irc://irc.freenode.net/#launchpad-reviews | Use http://paste.ubuntu.com/ for pastes | Channel logs: http://irclogs.ubu

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