
rddoes any one know where there is some instructions on how to install ubuntu arm on n800?00:41
=== bjf is now known as bjf-afk
neureis asm("bkpt"); a good way to cause breakpoint in code?08:31
=== ogra_ is now known as ogra
=== asac_ is now known as asac
asaccant believe that my auto joining works again ;)10:59
asaceven on +R channels10:59
asacseems i sent "ident" to nickserv which it doesnt like anymore10:59
ograwell, dont reconnect in a way that you get an underscore on your nick11:05
ograthats overly annoying11:05
asacattached filtered debdiff for gvfs update (re bug 512959)12:07
ubot4Launchpad bug 512959 in gvfs "nautilus assert failure: *** stack smashing detected ***: nautilus terminated" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/51295912:07
dmartasac: Hi there; unfortunately I had an overrunning meeting, but I'm available now.12:19
asacdmart: hi12:19
asacso i started to file bugs ;)12:19
asacfor main12:19
asacadded the numbers to the status col12:19
asaci am done to gmp12:20
dmartLooks good12:20
* asac wonders if there is a shorthand syntax for lp bugs in the wiki12:20
asaci didnt subscribe you to those bugs as you are member of ubuntu-armel i figured12:20
ograasac, i think there is, but i cant remember the syntax, i know persia usually does :)12:22
asacuniverse are so many packages :(12:23
dmartdunno... I shoved it though sed... refresh the page12:23
asacanyway. getting the logs now12:23
dmartI was seeing a lot of false-positives, so it may be relatively quick12:23
asacok got the logs ... (thx wiki) ... now geting a new coffee and then we can lift off ;)12:25
asacok after not visiting that page lets get started ;)12:31
asacneeds a check (by doko)12:32
dmartYes.  I'm not sure why this appears separately from cacao-source; I guess it's basically the same issues12:33
asacuses atomics and mov in various places12:33
asacwonders what that is12:36
asacguess needs to be checked12:36
asacvarious hits ... not obvious what is used where and how12:36
asachmm. where is that?12:36
asaci cant even find the source12:36
asac!info cell-binutils12:36
ograthats for PS312:37
ubot4asac: Package cell-binutils does not exist in karmic12:37
ogranothing for arm anyway12:37
asac!source cell-binutils12:37
ubot4asac: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)12:37
asacogra: there are files name "arm" in the source at least12:37
asacbut ok12:37
asacif you say its ps3 then its ok12:37
ograwell, its for the cell CPU, but i bet derived from nowmal binutils12:37
asaci guess same is true for other cell-*12:38
asaclike cell-gcc cell-gdb etc.12:38
asacogra: ?12:38
asac"info cell-gcc12:38
asac!info cell-gcc12:38
ubot4asac: Package cell-gcc does not exist in karmic12:38
asac!source cell-gcc12:38
ubot4Factoid 'source cell-gcc' not found12:38
asacdamn bot ;)12:38
ograi think the bot only knows x86 anyway12:38
asac!apt cell-gcc12:38
ubot4Factoid 'apt cell-gcc' not found12:38
ogra!info uboot-imx12:38
ubot4ogra: Package uboot-imx does not exist in karmic12:38
asac!madison cell-gcc12:38
ubot4asac: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)12:38
ograoh, karmic12:38
ogra!info redboot-imx12:39
ubot4ogra: Package redboot-imx does not exist in karmic12:39
asac!info uboot-imx lucid12:39
ograright, there you go12:39
ubot4asac: Package uboot-imx does not exist in lucid12:39
asacisnt there a version=12:39
asacin the binary?12:39
asaci think it just knows binaries12:39
ogranot for the source package12:39
asac!info uboot-imx51-to312:39
asac!info uboot-imx51-to3 lucid12:39
ubot4asac: Package uboot-imx51-to3 does not exist in karmic12:39
ubot4asac: Package uboot-imx51-to3 does not exist in lucid12:39
asacubot4: please tell your owner to improve you. thx12:39
ubot4asac: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)12:39
asacok marked those as PS312:40
asac!info cpqarrayd12:40
ubot4asac: cpqarrayd (source: cpqarrayd): monitoring tool for HP (Compaq) SmartArray controllers. In component universe, is extra. Version 2.3-1 (karmic), package size 17 kB, installed size 124 kB12:40
asachmm. that one has parts of the kernel tree in the debian/ directory :(12:41
ogracool !12:41
ograwe should that more often !12:41
asacis that normal?12:42
ogradefinately not12:42
dmart... sorry, distracted ...12:42
ografor that specific package probably ...12:42
asacno problem ;) ... we did some bot training ;)12:42
ograit might need headers that the kernel doesnt ship by default or some such12:42
asacthats why all the .S files are in there?12:43
dmartI'm pretty sure cell-{gcc,binutils,etc.} will be Cell arch specific tools packages; punt those to doko?12:43
ograif he even cares12:43
asacgrep cpqarrayd * | pastebinit12:43
ogranot sure the sell port is still alive12:43
asacdmart: i marked those as PS3 only for now12:43
asacthats what ogra said12:43
asacaka nothing to do12:43
ograwow, thats ugly12:44
asacok saying that cpqarrayd needs to be checked ... has kernel tree in debian/12:44
asac!info ctypes12:44
ubot4asac: Package ctypes does not exist in karmic12:44
asacgrep ctypes * | pastebinit12:44
asacneeds investigation i would say ...12:45
asacuses call_reg macro so might be good for mov12:45
asacdmart: the ldr parts are a false-+ for that?12:46
asacsee paste above12:47
asacok next ...12:47
asacgrep cxxtools * | pastebinit12:47
asacseems to use atomics12:48
dmartctypes - that looks like x87 assembler, so probaby not relevant.  The mov pc, lr stuff seems to be in an embedded libffi, so can we link those two up?12:48
asacdmart: so i will comment that hits are probably libffi dupes12:49
asacok dd is false-+12:49
dmartcxxtools - I agree12:49
dmartddd - agreed12:50
asacdeal.ii seems to be atomics again12:50
dmartdeal.ii - agreed12:50
asachmm. disassembler12:50
asacmigt be right.12:50
dmartweird, guess we don't care about that12:51
dmartdesmume - Nintendo DS emulator, apparently12:51
dmartdietlibc - generally looks like it needs some porting (atomics, low-level asm)12:52
asacamiga ;)12:53
dmartsurely false-+... checking...12:53
asacdisasm again12:53
asacgreat package name ;)12:54
asacgrep e3- * | pastebinit12:54
dmartwhat's this package?12:54
suihkulokkidmart: some arm eabi support was added to dietlibc but I still didnt manage to get it to compile12:54
asac!info r312:54
ubot4asac: Package r3 does not exist in karmic12:54
asac!info e312:54
ubot4asac: e3 (source: e3): A very small editor. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:2.71-1 (karmic), package size 37 kB, installed size 120 kB (Only available for i386 kfreebsd-i386 amd64 kfreebsd-amd64)12:54
asachmm ... seems not relevant12:55
asac(not supported arch)12:55
dmartWeird that there is ARM code in there... it looks like someone tried to support it...12:55
asacdupe of libatomic-ops i guess12:56
asacbut given what the bot said, the debian maintainer has explicitly marked it for just that arch?12:56
asacthose archs12:56
asac               available for i386 kfreebsd-i386 amd64 kfreebsd-amd64)12:56
asacokadded to comment that arm code exists12:57
asacand someone might want to finish ;)12:57
dmartsuihkulokki: ftbfs just for lucid, or generally?12:57
dmartasac: ok12:57
asacso ok ... i said that ecl depends on libatomic-ops (which we have in main i think)12:57
asachmm ... and gmp ;)12:58
dmartYes, those both look like dupes, can we link them?12:58
dmartI expect we can dismiss the emacs packages (emacs23 in main was false-+)12:59
asacwell. i added that as comment12:59
asacso i can add a task to the other bugs12:59
suihkulokkidmart: debian :)12:59
dmartsuihkulokki: so we can judge dietlibc as not Ubuntu-ready then? (Ubuntu is EABI)13:00
asac!info etherboot13:00
ubot4asac: etherboot (source: etherboot): Bootstrapping for various network adapters. In component universe, is optional. Version 5.4.3+dfsg-0.2ubuntu2 (karmic), package size 20515 kB, installed size 30644 kB13:00
NCommanderdmart, yeah, dietlibc is dead for ARM. There are patches to make it EABI complient, but upstream was stalled last I checked.13:00
dmartNCommander, suihkulokki: I guess we don't have specific concerns for Thumb-2 right now then13:01
dmartetherboot - bootloader, so we can probably ignore this one13:01
asacok ... i add acomment13:01
suihkulokkidmart: unless you want to work on it..13:01
asac(to dietlibc)13:01
asac!info falconpl13:02
ubot4asac: falconpl (source: falconpl): The Falcon P. L. - command line tools. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.4-0ubuntu1 (karmic), package size 93 kB, installed size 252 kB13:02
dmartsuihkulokki: I'll see whether anyone else on my side knows about it :)13:02
asac!info faumachine13:02
ubot4asac: faumachine (source: faumachine): Virtual machine running in user mode. In component universe, is optional. Version 20090512-1ubuntu1 (karmic), package size 1204 kB, installed size 4368 kB13:02
asacfalse positive too13:02
asac!info ffcall13:03
ubot4asac: Package ffcall does not exist in karmic13:03
dmartfaumachine - the match appears to be part of a comment, so OK13:03
asacneeds to be checked for mov's i guess13:03
dmartYes; doesn't look T2-compatible right now13:04
asacffmpeg-php -> false-+13:04
asacmov and swp13:04
dmart!info fpc13:04
ubot4dmart: fpc (source: fpc): Free Pascal Compiler - Meta Package. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.2.4-3 (karmic), package size 10 kB, installed size 40 kB (Only available for all i386 powerpc sparc amd64 arm)13:04
dmartHmmm, I guess that needs looking at13:05
asacyes. noted as mov and swp porting )13:05
dmart!info freesci13:05
ubot4dmart: freesci (source: freesci): a portable interpreter for SCI games like Space Quest 3. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.6.4-3 (karmic), package size 595 kB, installed size 1312 kB13:05
NCommanderasac, fpc is going to be painful to port13:06
* NCommander did some looking at it13:06
asacfreesci needs to be looked at13:06
asacnot sure if that applies13:06
suihkulokkiNCommander: looked into fpc 2.4 too ?13:06
dmartfreesci - agreed13:06
asacNCommander: right. its universe, so it comes last :)13:06
asacfte -> false-13:06
NCommandersuihkulokki, nope13:07
asacfalse-+, not arm asm13:07
dmartgamera - false-+ (x86 asm)13:07
dmartgauche-c-wrapper - embedded libffi?  (same implications as ctypes)13:08
asachas macro ... might be safe13:08
dmartgcc-4.x -> doko (do we know which ones are actually in use to build stuff in universe?)13:08
asacok gcc stuff is already dealt elsewhere ... yes13:09
asacgcj is next that doesnt have a comment13:09
asacguess its doko too13:09
dmartgauche-c-wrapper - yes, looks like a simple review13:09
dmartgcj is gcc13:09
dmartso doko again13:09
asacmarked gcj for doko13:09
ubot4Factoid 'gcl' not found13:09
asac!info gcl13:09
ubot4asac: gcl (source: gcl): GNU Common Lisp compiler. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.6.7-45ubuntu1 (karmic), package size 45862 kB, installed size 152848 kB13:09
NCommandergcl is evil in several ways13:10
NCommanderIt has an embedded copy of binutils and gcc :-/13:10
asachmm. plenty of stuff i guess13:10
asacok so13:10
asacgrep gcl- * | grep -v binutils13:10
asacsearch-arm-mov.filt: ./gcl-2.6.7/gmp3/mpn/arm/invert_limb.asm:addr2, pc, #invtab-.-813:10
dmartgcl - just embedded binutils, or is there anything else?13:10
asacsearch-arm-mov.filt: ./gcl-2.6.7/gmp3/mpn/arm/udiv.asm:movpc, lr13:10
asacthe rest should be covered by binutils13:11
dmartembedded gmp3 might be the same as gmp?13:11
dmartProbably, looking at our previous review13:11
NCommanderasac, I recommend you check the size of gcl's diff.gz if you want to see why I think gcl is crack13:11
dmart!info gcl13:12
ubot4dmart: gcl (source: gcl): GNU Common Lisp compiler. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.6.7-45ubuntu1 (karmic), package size 45862 kB, installed size 152848 kB13:12
asac!info gclcvs13:12
ubot4asac: gclcvs (source: gclcvs): GNU Common Lisp compiler, CVS snapshot. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.7.0-64 (karmic), package size 48061 kB, installed size 175136 kB13:12
dmartanyway, it looks to me like the hits are in imported packages13:12
asacNCommander: i didnt say that gcl isnt crack ;) ... i dont know the code13:12
asacbinutils again etc.13:13
asacsame as gcl13:13
asac!info gdal13:13
ubot4asac: Package gdal does not exist in karmic13:13
dmartok, needs a look in principle, but the problems are probably answered by addressing gmp and binutils (binutils may already be done anyway, depending on the age of the snapshot)13:13
asacx86 assembbler13:13
dmartFor tools packages in general, we should try to find out if they're used to build anything13:14
asachmm. good point13:14
dmartCan we tag such packages with a magic word, or collect them somewhere?  Sounds like someone could do a 1-pass review for build-deps later13:16
asacnot sure ... added that as a comment13:17
asacwe can decide when filing that bug13:17
dmartgdal - "Geospatial Data Abstraction Library"13:17
asacthats x86 asm13:17
ubot4Factoid 'gdb-avr' not found13:17
asachmm. some disasm13:18
dmartgdal - agreed13:18
asacguess is related to gdb13:18
asacwill put that on doko plate13:18
dmartI guess it's gdb for the avr arch13:18
dmartgdm-m68blah similarly13:18
asacthere is arm code inside the -avr13:19
asacnot sure its because its a full copy of something13:19
asacok lets treat that as arch dependent13:19
dmartThat's probably just be a binutils dump13:19
asac!info geshi13:19
ubot4asac: Package geshi does not exist in karmic13:19
asacphp code13:19
dmart"generic syntax highlighter"13:20
asac!info ghdl13:20
ubot4asac: ghdl (source: ghdl): VHDL compiler/simulator using GCC technology. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.27+svn110+gcc4.3.3+dfsg-1 (karmic), package size 11429 kB, installed size 32804 kB13:20
asachmm. gcc copy13:20
asacneeds to be checked i guess13:20
asacesp. because its 4.3.313:20
asaclets say its doko ... yes. marked13:21
ubot4Factoid 'gimp-gap' not found13:21
asac!info gimp-gap13:21
ubot4asac: gimp-gap (source: gimp-gap): The GIMP Animation Package. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.4.0-2ubuntu1 (karmic), package size 2526 kB, installed size 7896 kB13:21
asac!info gnat-4.313:21
ubot4asac: gnat-4.3 (source: gnat-4.3): The GNU Ada compiler. In component universe, is optional. Version 4.3.4-1ubuntu1 (karmic), package size 12284 kB, installed size 55668 kB13:21
dmartgnat-3.4 -> doko13:21
asaci think we already have gnat13:21
dmartI think it comes out of the GCC tree anyway13:22
asac!info gnu-smalltalk13:22
ubot4asac: gnu-smalltalk (source: gnu-smalltalk): GNU Smalltalk interpreter and image. In component universe, is extra. Version 3.0.3-2 (karmic), package size 641 kB, installed size 2208 kB13:22
asacuses call_reg macro13:22
dmartlibffi dupe again13:22
asacprobably ok but needs verified13:22
asac!info gnuplot13:22
ubot4asac: gnuplot (source: gnuplot): A command-line driven interactive plotting program. In component universe, is optional. Version 4.2.5-2 (karmic), package size 1 kB, installed size 20 kB13:22
asacos2 ;)13:23
asac!info google-perftools13:23
ubot4asac: Package google-perftools does not exist in karmic13:23
asachmm linux syscall13:23
dmartmight need a look13:24
dmartmy guess is that it may not be critical13:24
asac!info gromacs13:25
ubot4asac: gromacs (source: gromacs): Molecular dynamics simulator, with building and analysis tools. In component universe, is extra. Version 4.0.5-4 (karmic), package size 3684 kB, installed size 13188 kB13:25
asacok guess gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg is dealt by ffmpeg13:25
dmartprobably... is that a separate source package?13:25
asachmm. maybe not13:25
asacseems so13:26
ograsuihkulokki, i get a lot of "unsupported syscall 335" in recent qemu-arm-static, that appears to be utrace, any idea about an existing fix ?13:26
dmartembedded ffmpeg - someone should check it.  It may be one of those cases where the upstream project embeds a lib but we use the installed one (ie from the ffmpeg source package)13:26
dmartgxemul - emulator - false-+13:27
dmarthelix-player - a mov pc, lr; and some swp which might need porting13:28
asachelix-player -> uses atomics13:28
asac!info hol8813:28
ubot4asac: hol88 (source: hol88): Higher Order Logic, system image. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.02.19940316-8 (karmic), package size 9530 kB, installed size 44532 kB13:28
asac!info ht13:28
ubot4asac: ht (source: ht): Viewer/editor/analyser (mostly) for executables. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.0.17-1 (karmic), package size 619 kB, installed size 1668 kB13:28
dmartlooks like a disassembler13:29
asacseems to not apply13:29
dmarthurd - also scary :P  has this been ported to arm at all?13:29
asac!info hurd13:29
ubot4asac: Package hurd does not exist in karmic13:29
asacthats out13:30
asacdoesnt apply ;)13:30
asac!info imview13:30
ubot4asac: imview (source: imview): Image viewing and analysis application. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.1.9c-4ubuntu2 (karmic), package size 608 kB, installed size 1560 kB13:30
dmarthurd - guess not (or someone else's problem)13:30
asac!info insight13:31
ubot4asac: insight (source: insight): Graphical debugger based on GDB. In component universe, is optional. Version 6.7.1.dfsg.1-10.1ubuntu2 (karmic), package size 1804 kB, installed size 5284 kB13:31
asacsmells like something was copied ;)13:31
asaci saw the sim/testsuite at least ;)13:31
asacalso ./insight-6.7.1.dfsg.1/bfd/elf32-arm.c:13:32
asacthats some toolchain stuff?13:32
dmartembedded gdb, bfd and stuff ... yeah, bfd comes from binutils13:32
suihkulokkiogra: thats pselect6, feel free to implement :)13:32
dmartone for doko?  I don't know what the /sim/ stuff is or how must we care13:32
dmartsuihkulokki, ogra: was pselect6 implemented for arm yet?13:33
dmartasac: insighttoolkit - false-+ (x86 asm)13:34
dmartironpython - false-+13:34
dmartjamvm - swp-based atomics and native calls with mov pc, lr13:35
* dmart grabs a sandwich13:36
* asac too13:36
ograi doubt pselect was implemented13:37
ograwell pselect613:37
asacok did a checkpoint save on wiki13:38
asacgetting some bread too13:38
* NCommander grumbles13:39
asacok seems we did a big chunk ;)13:45
asacstill only half way through :(13:45
* ogra doesnt get why he still sees qemu: Unsupported syscall: 24213:46
asacogra: i dont get why it doesnt work at all for me ;)13:46
asaci am on lucid and plain lucid kerenel13:46
ograaccording to linux-user/arm/syscall_nr.h thats supported now13:46
asacstill get the binfmt problem :(13:46
ograworks flawless here13:46
ograeven after the upgrade13:46
ogracan you try to run build-arm-choort standalone ?13:47
asaci will try to just use qemu-arm-static chroot manually13:47
asacright. thats the idea13:47
ograthats what i just did here13:47
ograto find out if mono started to behave13:47
ograbut apparently its not13:47
suihkulokkiogra: that doesn't list supported syscalls. it lists syscall numbers.13:48
ograoh, i thought they are only added there when someone implemented it actually13:48
suihkulokkiread linux-user/syscall.c to find what is really supported13:48
ograok, that expleins it then13:48
dmartasac: did you get my comments up to jamwm?13:49
ograi know there exists a patch for pselect and ppoll somewhere13:49
asacdmart: i thought i saved that alradcy13:49
ograbut no idea if that was ever applied13:49
asacso lets continue13:49
asackaya and kino ;)13:49
dmartI didn't read the scrollback very carefully...13:50
asackaya false-+13:50
dmartjocaml - some assembler with mov pc stuff, probably needs a look13:51
asacthats what is already in there13:51
asacskipped it13:51
dmartoh yes13:51
suihkulokkiand no, getaffinity will not help you get mono work in qemu linux-user if that is why you are after 24213:51
asackino seems armv4l13:51
asacshould be checked13:51
dmartcross-ref kino to ffmpeg - it's a embedded ffmpeg (may not be a problem if the system ffmpeg libs are used)13:52
asachmm seems to be fffmpeg13:52
asackompozer -> is a mess13:53
asacreally old mozilla code13:53
asacdont think we can port that13:53
asacmaybe it should finally get removed from archive13:53
dmart!info kompozer13:53
ubot4dmart: kompozer (source: kompozer): complete Web Authoring System. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:0.8~alpha4+dfsg+svn163-2 (karmic), package size 7328 kB, installed size 19580 kB13:53
dmarthmmm, maybe make a note, but otherwise not too important I guess13:53
asac!info kvirc13:54
ubot4asac: kvirc (source: kvirc): KDE based next generation IRC client with module support. In component universe, is optional. Version 4:4.0.0~svn3240-1 (karmic), package size 2976 kB, installed size 9276 kB13:54
dmartkvirc - false-+13:54
asac!info libgd-gd2-noxpm-perl13:55
ubot4asac: libgd-gd2-noxpm-perl (source: libgd-gd2-noxpm-perl): Perl module wrapper for libgd - gd2 variant without XPM support. In component universe, is extra. Version 1:2.39-2 (karmic), package size 216 kB, installed size 644 kB13:55
asac!info libgii13:55
ubot4asac: Package libgii does not exist in karmic13:55
asac!info libnet-dri-perl13:55
ubot4asac: Package libnet-dri-perl does not exist in karmic13:55
dmartyes, may need a look13:55
asac!info libopenspc13:56
ubot4asac: Package libopenspc does not exist in karmic13:56
asacother arch it seems13:56
asac!info libtk-img13:56
ubot4asac: libtk-img (source: libtk-img): Extended image format support for Tcl/Tk (runtime). In component universe, is optional. Version 1:1.3-release-8 (karmic), package size 118 kB, installed size 464 kB13:56
dmartlibopenspc - might be a snes music chip emulator lib iirc13:56
asacalso other arch false-+13:56
asacyes, last two are other arch afaics13:57
asac!info libv8 ?13:57
ubot4asac: '?' is not a valid distribution: hardy, intrepid, jaunty, karmic, lucid13:57
asac!info libv813:57
ubot4asac: Package libv8 does not exist in karmic13:57
asachow did that get in that list? isnt libv8 the v8 js engine of chromium?13:57
asacafaik thats only packaged outside of archive13:57
asacanyway, needs a check ... generates arm code with mov13:58
asac!info lifelines13:59
ubot4asac: lifelines (source: lifelines): text-based genealogy software. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.0.61-1 (karmic), package size 967 kB, installed size 2392 kB13:59
* dmart acks recent packages13:59
asac!info lightning-sunbird13:59
ubot4asac: Package lightning-sunbird does not exist in karmic13:59
asacok that one is mozilla code base13:59
asacwe will move to something based on 1.9.2 branch13:59
asacso should be ok once we have the thumb patch landed14:00
asac(otherwise we have the patch)14:00
asacso: needs bump to 1.9.2 codebase + thumb2 patch14:00
dmartI guess we should keep track of all these x has embedded y somehow14:00
dmartlinux-rt  - linux snapshow14:01
asacwell. we open bugs and since we do it from top down we can add new tasks to the other bug14:01
asacyes, linux-rt -> dealt elsewhere?14:01
asac not sure where ;)14:01
asacwe can assign a bug to cooloney or someone to ack that14:01
asac!info llvm-gcc-4.214:02
ubot4asac: llvm-gcc-4.2 (source: llvm-gcc-4.2): C/C++ front end for LLVM compiler. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.6~pre1-0ubuntu1 (karmic), package size 23726 kB, installed size 107388 kB14:02
asacdoko gcc14:02
dmartI think this is llvm, not gcc; for main we just said to review; we can probably link those together14:02
asac!info ltp14:03
ubot4asac: ltp (source: ltp): The Linux Test Project test suite. In component universe, is optional. Version 20090531+dfsg-4ubuntu1 (karmic), package size 51 kB, installed size 360 kB14:03
asac!info lwp14:03
ubot4asac: Package lwp does not exist in karmic14:03
asacneedes a check14:03
dmartltp - agreed14:03
dmartlwp - agreed (dunno what this is)14:04
asac!info lyx14:04
ubot4asac: lyx (source: lyx): Document Processor. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.6.4-1ubuntu1 (karmic), package size 3093 kB, installed size 7924 kB14:04
asacatomics check14:04
asacesems to be boost14:04
ograsuihkulokki, hmm, there seems to be anold suse patch for 242 http://paste.ubuntu.com/364585/14:04
ogra*an old14:04
dmartasac: lyx - agreed14:05
asac!info mapivi14:05
ubot4asac: mapivi (source: mapivi): Photo viewer and organizer with emphasis on IPTC fields. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.7-1 (karmic), package size 426 kB, installed size 1676 kB14:05
asac!info mapserver14:05
ubot4asac: Package mapserver does not exist in karmic14:05
asacas well14:05
asac!info metacity-themes14:05
ubot4asac: metacity-themes (source: metacity-themes): Themes for the Gtk2 metacity window manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.11 (karmic), package size 384 kB, installed size 1956 kB14:05
dmartmapserver, metachtiy-themes - agreed14:06
* asac fighting with wiki ;)14:06
asac!info mit-scheme14:07
ubot4asac: mit-scheme (source: mit-scheme): MIT/GNU Scheme development environment. In component universe, is optional. Version 7.7.90+20090107-1ubuntu1 (karmic), package size 6662 kB, installed size 18380 kB (Only available for i386)14:07
dmartmit-scheme - x86 asm for scheme compiler... false-+14:07
asac!info mlton14:07
ubot4asac: mlton (source: mlton): Optimizing compiler for Standard ML. In component universe, is optional. Version 20070826-1 (karmic), package size 10647 kB, installed size 47156 kB (Only available for amd64 hppa i386 powerpc sparc)14:07
dmartlooks like it14:07
asac!info mupen64plus14:07
ubot4asac: mupen64plus (source: mupen64plus): plugin-based Nintendo 64 emulator. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.5+dfsg1-7 (karmic), package size 1308 kB, installed size 4288 kB14:07
asachope thats too ;)14:07
asac!info mysql-dfsg-5.014:08
ubot4asac: Package mysql-dfsg-5.0 does not exist in karmic14:08
dmartmupen64plus - yes14:08
asacatomics ... do we already have a mysql one in main?14:08
dmarthmmm, I can't find it14:08
dmartguess that may need a look14:09
dmart!info netsurf14:09
ubot4dmart: netsurf (source: netsurf): Small portable web browser with CSS and Unicode support. In component universe, is extra. Version 1.2-1build1 (karmic), package size 416 kB, installed size 1232 kB14:09
dmart...but the matches are in /riscos/, so I don't expect it applies for us14:09
dmartopenbios-ppc - surely not relevant14:10
asacok netsurf is false+ then with riscos14:11
asac!info openocd14:11
ubot4asac: openocd (source: openocd): Open on-chip JTAG debug solution for ARM and MIPS systems. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.0+r2403-1 (karmic), package size 1882 kB, installed size 4960 kB (Only available for alpha amd64 arm armel armeb hppa hurd-i386 i386 ia64 kfreebsd-amd64 kfreebsd-i386 m32r m68k mips mipsel netbsd-alpha netbsd-i386 powerpc sh sparc)14:11
suihkulokkiogra: which is buggy. and as I said, wont help with mono.14:11
dmartopenocd - some kind of embedded hardware debugger?  Probably not relevant for us.14:11
asacguess that needs a check14:11
dmartmaybe take a quick look, but my guess is that the asm doesn't run on the host14:12
asaci dont know how that is run. guess in worst case it can be built with -marm?14:12
asachmm code be14:12
dmartHmmm, yes, I guess the code will get built by something.  Maybe you're expected to install cross tools packages or something.14:12
asac!info openser14:13
ubot4asac: openser (source: openser): very fast and configurable SIP proxy. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.3.2-3 (karmic), package size 1357 kB, installed size 3856 kB14:13
asaci like those "very, very" software ;)14:13
asacatomics candidate14:13
asac!info oprofile14:13
ubot4asac: oprofile (source: oprofile): system-wide profiler for Linux systems. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.4+cvs20090629-2.1ubuntu2 (karmic), package size 1365 kB, installed size 5152 kB (Only available for i386 ia64 alpha hppa powerpc sparc amd64 arm armel mips mipsel s390 lpia)14:13
dmartopenocd - Depends: libc6 (>= 2.8), libftdi1 (>= 0.17), libgcc1 (>= 1:4.4.0), libusb-0.1-4 (>= 2:0.1.12), dpkg (>= 1.15.4) | install-info (not very informative)14:13
dmartoprofile seems to work (-ish) on lucid, though I do have to unload and reinitialise it between profiling runs.14:14
asacdmart: yeah. i marked openocd  package for manual review14:14
asacyeah. but there is no real code in the filter logs14:14
asacso i think its false-positive for this list14:15
asac!info osiris14:15
ubot4asac: osiris (source: osiris): network-wide system integrity monitor control interface. In component universe, is optional. Version 4.2.3-3 (karmic), package size 392 kB, installed size 916 kB14:15
dmartoprofile - agreed14:15
asacatomics ... db4.2 copy14:15
asac dupe14:15
asac!info palbart14:15
ubot4asac: palbart (source: palbart): An enhanced version of the PAL PDP8 assembler. In component universe, is extra. Version 2.4-5 (karmic), package size 17 kB, installed size 80 kB14:15
asac!info paraview14:16
dmarthmmm, 60-70% of the way through the list14:16
ubot4asac: paraview (source: paraview): Parallel Visualization Application. In component universe, is extra. Version 3.4.0-4ubuntu4 (karmic), package size 43766 kB, installed size 154432 kB14:16
asacyes. we can stop soon ;=)14:16
asacparaview -> x8614:16
dmartpalbart - agreed14:16
asac!info parrot14:16
ubot4asac: parrot (source: parrot): A virtual machine for dynamic languages. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.4.0-1ubuntu1 (karmic), package size 205 kB, installed size 728 kB14:16
dmartparaview - agreed14:16
asachas a mov pc, ip14:17
dmartAlso in /jit/... guess it needs a look14:17
asac!info pdl14:17
ubot4asac: pdl (source: pdl): perl data language: Perl extensions for numerics. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:2.4.3-8ubuntu1 (karmic), package size 4781 kB, installed size 15648 kB14:17
asac!info perl-tk14:17
ubot4asac: perl-tk (source: perl-tk): Perl module providing the Tk graphics library. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:804.028-5 (karmic), package size 2455 kB, installed size 8596 kB14:17
dmartpdl - agreed14:17
dmartperl-tk - agreed14:18
asac!info petsc14:18
ubot4asac: Package petsc does not exist in karmic14:18
asacalse false-+14:18
asac!info php-apc14:18
ubot4asac: php-apc (source: php-apc): APC (Alternative PHP Cache) module for PHP 5. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.0.19-2 (karmic), package size 56 kB, installed size 172 kB14:18
dmartswp-based spinlock14:18
dmartneeds a look14:18
asac!info plt-scheme14:18
ubot4asac: plt-scheme (source: plt-scheme): PLT Scheme Programming Environment. In component universe, is optional. Version 4.1.5-1 (karmic), package size 32256 kB, installed size 147924 kB14:18
asacand mzscheme14:19
asacnever heard of that14:19
asacok comment is: "libffi call_reg + mzscheme swp/atomics"14:19
asacwell ;)  the source file is:14:19
asacno clue if that is a third party14:20
asac!info postgresql-8.314:20
ubot4asac: postgresql-8.3 (source: postgresql-8.3): object-relational SQL database, version 8.3 server. In component universe, is optional. Version 8.3.8-1 (karmic), package size 5011 kB, installed size 14132 kB14:20
dmartyeah, dunno14:20
asacguess that needs atomics14:20
asacright... same fix we have for 8.414:20
dmart ./postgresql-8.4-8.4.1/src/include/storage/s_lock.h:           "       swpb    %0, %0, [%2]    \n"14:20
dmartyes, link it to that14:20
asac!info ptop14:20
ubot4asac: ptop (source: ptop): PostgreSQL performance monitoring tool akin to top. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.6.2-1 (karmic), package size 43 kB, installed size 144 kB14:20
dmartpython* -> doko?14:21
asacpython is doko14:21
asac!info r-cran-eco14:21
ubot4asac: r-cran-eco (source: r-cran-eco): GNU R routines for Bayesian ecological inference. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.1-4-1 (karmic), package size 248 kB, installed size 744 kB14:21
dmartr-cran-* - looks like false-+14:21
dmart!info radare14:21
ubot4dmart: radare (source: radare): free advanced command line hexadecimal editor. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:1.4-1 (karmic), package size 596 kB, installed size 1332 kB14:21
asac!info radare14:21
ubot4asac: radare (source: radare): free advanced command line hexadecimal editor. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:1.4-1 (karmic), package size 596 kB, installed size 1332 kB14:21
asacguess can be ignored14:22
dmarta hex editor with an arm disassembler in it?14:22
dmartsounds like emacs ;)14:22
asacmaybe i should try that :)14:22
asac!info rlplot14:22
ubot4asac: rlplot (source: rlplot): Generate publication quality graphs. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.4-1 (karmic), package size 955 kB, installed size 2440 kB14:22
dmartcan see how that might be useful14:22
asac!info root-system14:23
ubot4asac: root-system (source: root-system): Meta package to install all ROOT packages. In component universe, is optional. Version 5.18.00-2.3ubuntu2.1 (karmic), package size 26 kB, installed size 72 kB14:23
dmartroot-system - x86 asm false-+14:23
asac!info rtai14:23
ubot4asac: rtai (source: rtai): Real Time Application Interface. In component universe, is extra. Version 3.6.1-1 (karmic), package size 34 kB, installed size 68 kB14:23
dmartsome arm asm in there... probably needs a look14:23
asacwhats that? with imx patches?14:23
dmart(atomics, pc arith)14:24
dmartunless this is a bare-metal thing?14:24
dmartProbably imx < imx5114:24
asac!info scummvm14:24
ubot4asac: scummvm (source: scummvm): free implementation of LucasArts' SCUMM interpreter. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.0~rc1-1-1 (karmic), package size 3465 kB, installed size 9152 kB14:24
dmart(there are some earlier architectures)14:24
asacseems it has mov14:24
asacsearch-arm-mov.filt: ./scummvm-1.0.0~rc1-1/backends/platform/ds/arm9/source/interrupt.s:movpc,lr14:25
asacor isnt arm9 what we are doing?14:25
asachmm .. .gues snot14:25
asacneeds to be checked ;)14:25
dmartmight need a look... it might be in sound chip cmulation code or something though14:25
dmarthave to have scummvm working on netbooks though :)14:25
asac!info sdparm14:25
ubot4asac: sdparm (source: sdparm): Output and modify SCSI device parameters. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.02-1 (karmic), package size 113 kB, installed size 372 kB14:25
asacok seamonkey is mozilla gain14:26
asacneeds 1.9.214:26
dmartsee - false-+14:26
asac!info skyeye14:26
ubot4asac: skyeye (source: skyeye): Embedded Hardware Simulation. In component universe, is extra. Version 1.2.5-2ubuntu1 (karmic), package size 239 kB, installed size 700 kB14:26
dmartDid we alreay have ser?14:26
asacoh skipped ;)14:27
asac!info ser14:27
ubot4asac: ser (source: ser): high-performance SIP server. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.0.0-2 (karmic), package size 1488 kB, installed size 3876 kB14:27
dmartsome atomics, it does use lrdex/strex but we need to check that is actually used on v7, and that it's smp-safe14:27
dmartskyeye - a emulator of embedded arm platforms, guess it doesn't apply14:28
* dmart scrolls again14:29
dmartI can see the end of the table now14:29
dmartsm - looks like false-+14:29
dmart!info softgun14:30
ubot4dmart: softgun (source: softgun): ARM system emulator. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.16-2ubuntu1 (karmic), package size 372 kB, installed size 1096 kB14:30
dmartsoftgun - false-+ (arm instruction decode emulation...)14:30
asacsorry got pulled out ;) ... back now14:30
dmartI think we had skyeye, softgun since14:31
dmartPlus ser if you didn't note that yet14:31
dmartspu-newlib - code looks similar / the same as newlib from main.  I guess we can link the two.14:32
dmart!info survex14:32
ubot4dmart: survex (source: survex): cave surveying and mapping software. In component universe, is extra. Version (karmic), package size 656 kB, installed size 1700 kB14:32
dmartsome asm code in /riscos/ ... probably doesn't apply14:32
asacsoftgun, yes.14:33
dmartsynopsis - embedded libatomic_ops14:34
dmart(or very similar code anyway).  Link those?14:35
dmart!info systemtap14:36
ubot4dmart: systemtap (source: systemtap): instrumentation system for Linux 2.6. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.0.20090613-1 (karmic), package size 851 kB, installed size 3440 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 ia64 s390 powerpc arm armel armeb all)14:36
dmartI guess it needs a look... sub <reg>, pc, 414:36
dmartWhat does ubot mean by (Only available for [...] all)?14:36
asacuboot-imx -> skip14:36
dmartuboot-imx - yes14:37
asacno clue14:37
asacthats a bug14:37
dmartWell, I guess it's logically true ;)14:37
armin76!info asac14:37
ubot4armin76: Package asac does not exist in karmic14:37
asacwe are really almost done14:38
asaclike 12 to go ;)14:38
asac!info uclmmbase14:38
ubot4asac: Package uclmmbase does not exist in karmic14:38
dmartlooks like false-+ to me14:38
dmartvirtualbox-ose - what's this doing with embedded mozilla code?14:39
asacdont ask me :(14:39
asacneeds to be check14:39
asac!info visualboyadvance14:40
ubot4asac: visualboyadvance (source: visualboyadvance): full featured Game Boy Advance emulator. In component universe, is extra. Version 1.8.0-5 (karmic), package size 308 kB, installed size 1360 kB14:40
dmartvisualboy advance - emulator, not relevant I guess14:40
asac!info vtk14:40
ubot4asac: Package vtk does not exist in karmic14:40
dmartseems to be some x86 asm14:41
ograasac, did your test with build-arm-chroot work ?14:41
asacogra: failed the same way :(14:41
asacI: Extracting sysvinit-utils...14:41
asacI: Extracting tar...14:41
asacI: Extracting tzdata...14:41
asacI: Extracting upstart...14:41
asacI: Extracting util-linux...14:41
asacI: Extracting zlib1g...14:41
asacchroot: cannot run command `debootstrap/debootstrap': Exec format error14:41
asacwebsvn -> false-+14:41
ogratry to reinstall qemu-arm-static14:41
dmartwrong arch?14:41
asac!info wine14:41
ubot4asac: wine (source: wine): Microsoft Windows Compatibility Layer (Binary Emulator and Library). In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.1-0ubuntu8 (karmic), package size 7359 kB, installed size 54436 kB14:41
asacogra: will do. does that compile something on install?14:41
asacfalse positive (wine)14:42
ograit sets the sysctl stuff for procps14:42
dmartI don't expect wine works on arm?14:42
asacsame for wine1.214:42
ograand dumps the binfmt hgandler in place14:42
asacwould be funny if it did ;)14:42
dmartwireshark -+14:42
asacogra: let me finish this ;) ...14:42
ograprobably wine-ce :)14:42
asacalmost dying ;)14:42
dmartwxwidgets* -+ (same x86 code as vtk)14:42
asac!info wireshark14:42
ubot4asac: wireshark (source: wireshark): network traffic analyzer - GTK+ version. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.2.2-2 (karmic), package size 716 kB, installed size 1824 kB14:42
dmart(only 6 more)14:42
ograasac, yeah, i see W :)14:43
asacyeah thats fals-+14:43
asacand the ex thing too14:43
dmart!info xenomai14:43
ubot4dmart: Package xenomai does not exist in karmic14:43
asac!info xemacs21-packages14:43
ubot4asac: Package xemacs21-packages does not exist in karmic14:43
asacguess emacs is covered14:43
dmartxenomai has swp-based atomics and other asm14:43
dmartprobably needs a look14:44
asacyeah. lots of stuff in there14:44
asac!info xindy14:44
ubot4asac: xindy (source: xindy): index generator for structured documents like LaTeX or SGML. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.3-2 (karmic), package size 2245 kB, installed size 3656 kB14:44
dmartI predict -+14:44
asacit has mov etc.14:44
asacthat looks familliar14:45
asacis that a code copy again?14:45
dmartI don't think so (can't find it anyway)14:45
asac!info xmp14:46
ubot4asac: xmp (source: xmp): A module player supporting AWE32, GUS, and software-mixing. In component universe, is extra. Version 2.7.0-0ubuntu1 (karmic), package size 235 kB, installed size 560 kB14:46
dmartsome embedded lisp interpreter anyway14:46
asac!info xulrunner14:46
ubot4asac: xulrunner (source: xulrunner): XUL + XPCOM application runner. In component universe, is optional. Version (karmic), package size 279 kB, installed size 1020 kB14:46
asac-> covered by xul 1.9.2 + patch14:46
asacstill needed (so a bug)14:46
asac!info yabause14:46
ubot4asac: yabause (source: yabause): beautiful and under-rated Saturn emulator. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.10-1 (karmic), package size 16 kB, installed size 52 kB14:46
asac(LAST ONE)14:46
asacx86 false +14:47
dmart-+ yes14:47
ograwhats a saturn emulator14:47
dmartThe author is modest in the description ;)14:47
dmartsega saturn?14:47
asacok saving14:47
asaci think i need a break14:47
ograah, sega14:47
ograi was wondering about something kosmic :)14:48
dmartmain() { while(1) be big and round; }14:48
asacdmart: did you move the false-positives out to a separte table for main?14:48
asaci guess we should do tha tbefore starting to file bugs ;)14:49
dmartI made a heading with "Disregarded packages (no further action required)" - the junk is under there.  We can maybe move all that stuff to the end of the page14:49
asacor to a separte wiki page even14:50
dmartFor universe, I already made [DISREGARDED], though it is not a proper wiki heading14:50
asacto make that page less huge14:50
dmartYes, a separate page would be good14:50
asacwe should surely add a ToC14:50
dmartHow do you do that in the Ubuntu wiki?14:50
asacone second there are examples14:50
asaclike on this page: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MozillaTeam14:51
asacso ||<tablestyle="float:right; font-size: 0.9em; width:30%; background:#F1F1ED; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position:  98% 0.5ex; margin: 0 0 1em 1em; padding: 0.5em;"><<TableOfContents>>||14:51
asacguess just <<TableOfContents>> wrks14:51
asacbut looks bad14:51
asaclet me add it14:51
asacok its on there14:52
asac a bit huge ;)14:52
dmartit works14:52
asachmm. let me remove the width constraint14:52
asacthats bad14:52
asacok saved14:53
asacits better now14:53
asacdont think we need a new page with that14:53
asacjust so that the not so releva nt stuff gets to the bottom or osmething14:53
dmartI should write a wiki page with an overview of what sort of action is needed to fix the different kinds of matches, then we can link to if from the bugs raised14:54
asacdmart: yes, if you can do that it would be great15:46
asacwe could also port a few different cases, and then point to the patches as examples15:46
asacif thats easier15:46
dmartYes, that would be good.15:46
dmartI'm writing some stuff for the wiki now...15:47
dmartThe "mov pc" type cases, and cases where "swp" is causing ftbfs, are the highest priority things for luci, since these may break function calls.15:48
dmartThe swp and smp-safety stuff is more for future-proofing and some performance aspects (though we should work through these, time allowing).15:49
dmartI'll try to explain this on the wiki...15:49
asac17:13 < seb128> asac, can somebody maybe get a stracktrace?16:14
ograhmm, so sqid fails reliably at the same line with a segfault16:14
asacplars: ^^16:14
asacthats on nautilus crash16:14
asacplars: we are looking at the diff atm.16:15
plarsasac: this is on the gvfs thing?16:15
asacplars: yes16:15
plarsasac: sure, let me see what I can do16:15
asacogra: we want the -save-temps .ii ... then give that doko16:15
asacguess needs a local build ;)16:15
asacogra: doko probably will probably want a .ii file for the source that causes the gcc crash16:16
asacso build with -save-temps16:16
asacin CFLAGS16:16
ograoh, ok16:16
asacdmart: thanks.16:17
asaci will try to adjust priority for the bugs i file accordingly16:17
asacmaking the mov pc and swp with ftbfs release critical16:17
asacogra: so what do you want from binfmt?16:17
ograi ?16:17
ograyou want something from binfmt :)16:17
ogracheck if /usr/share/binfmts/arm exists16:17
asacfind /sys/  | grep binfmt | pastebinit16:17
ograand also check for /etc/sysctl.d/qemu-arm-static.sysctl.conf16:18
ograthese are the two files that enable qemu-arm-static16:18
asaci have /usr/share/binfmts/arm16:18
asaccat /etc/sysctl.d/qemu-arm-static.sysctl.conf16:18
asacvm.vdso_enabled = 016:18
asacvm.mmap_min_addr = 409716:18
asacnow reinstalling the quem-arm-static16:19
asacone second16:19
ograwell, thats all looking good16:19
ogrado you have /etc/rc2.d/S90binfmt-support ?16:19
loolasac: It's in /proc16:19
lool/proc/sys/fs/binfmt_misc/arm usually16:19
asacogra: yes.16:20
asaccat /proc/sys/fs/binfmt_misc/arm16:20
asacinterpreter /usr/bin/qemu-arm-static16:20
asacoffset 016:20
asacmagic 7f454c460101010000000000000000000200280016:20
asacmask ffffffffffffff00fffffffffffffffffeffffff16:20
asaclooks good too i guess :(16:20
ogralool, last time we checked his machine didnt even have binfmt_misc loaded16:20
loolasac: Try running /usr/bin/qemu-arm-static16:20
asacyeah. thats loaded now16:20
asac(i force it in modules)16:20
ograasac, by running the initscript ?16:20
ograthats wrong16:20
asacogra: no in /etc/modules16:20
ograthe initscript wraps a lot of other stuff around it16:20
asacguess i need some arm binary16:21
ogracheck if you have /etc/rc2.d/S90binfmt-support in place16:21
asacto test /usr/bin/qemu-arm-static16:21
asacwhat would be a good one?16:21
ograjust run build-arm-chroot16:21
asacogra: i have /etc/rc2.d/S90binfmt-support16:21
ograsecond stage execs in qemu-arm-static16:21
asacogra: well. thats what i ran before ;)16:21
asacit failed the same way16:21
ograthen i dont get why you have to forcefully load the module16:21
asacand since i didnt even change anything i would think it still fails16:22
ograif the initscript runs it should load it16:22
asacanyway. i reinstalled the package16:22
asaclet me try again16:22
* asac runs16:22
ograi suspect its rather binfmt-support16:22
asacbuild-arm-chroot lucid lucid116:22
ograthan qemu-arm-static16:22
ogra+you should really use a local package proxy :)16:22
asacwhat does /usr/sbin/update-binfmts do?16:23
asacworth running?16:23
ograit enables the arm binfmt handler16:23
ograit runs from the postinst of qemu-arm-static16:23
asacok reinstalling the -support package16:23
asacupdate-binfmts: warning: current package is openjdk-6, but binary format16:23
asacalready installed by sun-java6  * Enabling additional executable binary formats binfmt-support16:23
asacguess thats not a prob16:24
asaclets wait if the chroot fails again16:24
ograi dont get why your binfmt module isnt loaded though16:24
asacogra: its loaded atm16:25
asachavent checked if it still doesnt get loaded16:25
ograno, i mean by the initscript16:25
asacwill reboot after the chroot fails16:25
asacyeah. i will double check ... maybe its fixed now somehow ;)16:25
plarsasac: wasn't having much luck getting a backtrace with symbols yesterday, but I'm not seeing any -dbg packages for gvfs stuff16:25
asacplars: we have -dbgsym16:25
ograand -dbg packages should additionally be on LP16:26
asacthere are the apt lines you need to get -dbgsym for packages that dont have -dbg16:26
asacnot for all packages16:26
ograusually for all gnome ones16:26
asacogra: none for gvfscommon16:28
asacplars: so yeah. grab the -dbgsym ... also for glib i guess and gio or whatever is involved16:28
asacand libc-dbg16:28
asacbut guess you just lacked the ddeb trick16:28
asacI: Configuring libselinux1...16:29
asacI: Configuring libstdc++6...16:29
asacI: Configuring coreutils...16:29
asacI: Configuring makedev...16:29
asacthat looks good, right?16:29
* asac thinks it didnt get that far last time16:29
asacso reinstall one of the two packages helped16:29
asacso seems something with triggers isnt right16:29
asacbad packaging ;)16:29
ograi suspect binfmt-support16:29
asacguess it doesnt ship any triggers16:30
asacbut should16:30
ograsince the module was missing16:30
asactoo bad i reinstalled both ;)16:30
asacotherwise we would have known it now16:30
ograor its just that lool broke qemu-arm-static with all his repackaging :P16:30
* ogra hides16:30
asacdid anything happen on that front at all?16:31
asacthought its still the same somewhat16:31
ograno, we dropped the spec16:31
ograit works, why break it16:31
ograi'D love to see mono support16:31
ograthen rootstock wouldnt need a vm16:31
ograbut given that this seems close to impossible to fix (its very old and many people tried before) i wont waste my time on it16:32
asacok now for rootstock16:38
Devils0411Âñåì äîáðûé âå÷åð16:38
Devils0411åñòü ðóññêèå?16:38
ograDevils0411, english please :)16:38
ogralool, did you get anywhere with the versatile kernel ?16:40
Devils0411Offtopic. Who knows, what OS in this device http://www.promise.com/product/product_detail_eng.asp?segment=undefined&product_id=21116:40
plarsasac: still not having much luck16:46
asacplars: how does the backtrace look like?16:46
plarsasac: http://paste.ubuntu.com/364678/16:47
=== bjf-afk is now known as _bjf
asacplars: post that to the bug and say thats best you can get16:48
asacwhat is signal 6 ?16:48
plarsasac: sigabrt16:49
ograthats not gvfs16:49
asacogra: the downgrade of libgvfscommon fixes it16:49
ogracant you somehow get a gvfs BT16:49
asaccould be that its nautilus, but for now it feels its gvfs ... especially since that has a recent update16:50
ograno, i meant the backtrace16:50
asacwell. nautilus links against libgvfs?16:50
ograi wonder if there is a way to rather get something more diectly from gvfs16:50
asacfor that we need to find someting else that crashes i guess16:51
Devils0411That's what I found! / bin / uname-a16:52
Devils0411Eval command:! / bin / uname-a16:52
Devils0411Linux nas_storage # 30 PREEMPT Fri Apr 10 12:06:05 CST 2009 i686 unknown16:52
Devils0411but what exactly is OS?16:52
GrueMasterDevils0411: It could be in-house.  Either way, it isn't arm based.16:52
ograasac, well, apt-cache rdepends gvfs gets quite a bunch of binaries that depend on it16:53
Devils0411How to determine?16:54
asacplars: do you see crashes in any of those?16:55
asacguess you need to open something throw gvfs16:55
ograi guess deb-gview would be an easy candidate to test from cmdline16:55
plarsasac: will have to try remotely, as the nautilus issue keeps me from getting into X successfully16:55
ograseems a small thing16:55
asacplars: cant you comment it out in gnome-session?16:55
plarsasac: then I just get a blank desktop, no gnome, just a cursor16:56
asacso gnome-panel also dies?16:56
plarsevince works16:56
ograsee the reverse deps :)16:56
plarsdoes not crash16:56
ograyeah, here too16:56
plarsinstalling ekiga16:57
ograi guess until you open something16:57
ograusing a gvfs path16:57
asacplars: did you open something from a gvfs location?16:57
asaclike ssh?16:57
asacor just with gvfs path, yeah16:57
asacnot sure about the syntax though16:57
ograi wonder what gcalctool does with gvfs16:59
asacplars: maybe using evince file:///path/to/file.pdf ... would trigger gvfs code paths16:59
ograit doesnt even have a file dialog16:59
asaco gcalctool17:00
ograno, gcalctool17:00
asacyea. i think its clutter17:00
plarsevince still working fine, even with file:// path17:02
ograhmm, opening a file in evince complains a lot about gconfd not running17:02
asacogra: opening with file:// ?17:02
ograor with the file dialog17:02
asacso i have to get the code ;)17:02
asacthe patch alone hasnt enough context17:02
ograbrasero works fine as well17:04
ograi can add files etc17:04
ograso its likely the way nautilus uses gvfs17:04
ograand i can fire off nautilus --no-desktop through ssh17:05
ograso its nautilus in interaction with something that actually causes the crash17:06
GrueMasterAre these problems the reason we don't have daily builds?17:07
ogragnome uploads arent finished17:08
ograthere are out of sync packages17:08
ogra(the logs should tell)17:08
GrueMasterAny eta?17:08
ograno idea17:08
ograits a development release :)17:08
ograpeople upload stuff17:08
ograGrueMaster, seems the breaking dove keeps imx51 from building, i manually triggered an imx51 build now17:23
asac_plars: so you say just gvfscommon fixes it?17:23
plarsdowngrading by one level fixes17:24
asac_plars: all other gvfs packages are up to date? e.g. gvfs-backends?17:26
plarsasac: yes17:26
asac_and have the same versoin as the crasjing common package i guess?17:26
plarsasac: yes, all of them at 1.5.2-0ubuntu117:27
=== asac_ is now known as asac
ograok, all gstreamer bits (including totem) are gone from the ftbfs list17:30
* ogra wishes the page would be updated more frequently than once a day17:31
asacogra: do you know who owns that?17:40
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asacogra: what was the url i had to use for the lucid kernel?20:51
ograasac, which one ? for qemu ?20:57
asacogra: http://paste.ubuntu.com/364787/20:59
ograoh, yeah, thats the jaunty one20:59
ograyou try to build lucid, right ?21:00

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