
=== zniavre_ is now known as zniavre
Burgundaviakwwii: you around?19:22
kwwiiBurgundavia: hey19:41
Burgundaviakwwii: I was wondering about the artwork for lucid, when it will freeze. I wondered if I can start shooting screenshots for teh official book or if I should wait20:10
kwwiiBurgundavia: wait, trust me20:13
kwwiiBurgundavia: next week is the platform sprint, sometime shortly after that I will know more about when the freeze will be20:14
kwwiiI assume that by the last alpha we will freeze this time20:14
Burgundaviakwwii: ok, thanks very much20:15
kwwiiBurgundavia: no problem, hope the info helps, sorry that I said no :P20:16
Burgundaviakwwii: it is ok, having a time makes it easier to plan20:17

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