
NafaiHello from Lucid!00:03
NafaiIt boots way fast, great job guys00:04
Sarvattbootup times are just getting worse and worse here, 42 seconds on 1-21 and steadily rising to 1 minute 11 seconds today. guess I need to buy a SSD for this netbook :D00:05
seb128do you have a bootchart of your boot?00:06
AmaranthSarvatt: you have to reboot twice after an upgrade :)00:08
seb128hey Amaranth00:08
seb128it has been a while00:08
seb128how are you?00:08
AmaranthI've been going to bed at a proper time and thus missing you :)00:09
Amaranthgood, doing some contract work on top of my day job, crazy busy00:09
rickspencer3welcome back00:09
rickspencer3Nafai sweet00:09
Amaranthone part of the contract work: make compiz start faster00:09
seb128Sarvatt, try booting again, it was profiling on this one00:09
Amaranthhandy, that00:09
seb128Amaranth, who contracted you for that?00:09
seb128Amaranth, speaking of which do you still plan to work on cleaning things to install by default?00:10
Amaranthhmm, don't really want to say right now00:10
Amaranthseb128: dunno if I'll have time for it any time soon00:10
seb128I planned to look at that with mvo next week since you didn't reply to my pings from some weeks ago00:10
AmaranthIt's easy enough, just split the packaging into stuff we use + cube/rotate and stuff we don't00:10
Amaranthoh, and wobbly, need to keep wobbly in the default install00:11
Sarvattthat might explain it, i dont think i've ever rebooted without having upgraded something inbetween unless I crashed..00:11
seb128it's just that I didn't want to go through every .xml and .so to figure which ones are used00:11
AmaranthI spent all my time on it making separate packages for everything00:11
seb128especially if you did that already00:11
seb128is there an easy way to list those used?00:11
Amaranth$ gconftool-2 --get /apps/compiz/general/allscreens/options/active_plugins00:12
seb128the file matches the gconf list?00:12
seb128and there is no depends system or anything to take in consideration?00:12
Amaranthyeah, fade plugin has libfade.so and fade.xml files, etc00:12
Amaranthif there are dependencies we have those plugins loaded too so if you're just splitting it in half you don't need to care about those00:13
Amaranths/half/two packages/00:13
seb128ok good00:13
seb128I want a least to delete the not used one there to see what difference it makes on boot00:13
seb128not used ones rather00:14
seb128I expect there is several of those ;-)00:14
Amaranthyou can do that without doing any packaging work then, just remove all the lib*.so and *.xml files that aren't in that list and reboot a couple times :)00:14
Amaranthprobably gain you 0.5s00:14
seb128yeah, I will do that00:14
seb128ok, almost nothing then00:15
seb128I'm wondering where those 10 seconds of cpu use go00:15
Amaranthhighest I could see would be 1 second00:15
Amaranthprobably plugins interacting with all these windows loading00:15
Amaranthhack gnome-session to make compiz load last, see what happens00:15
seb128we sort of do that now, well we don't load it first00:16
seb128we load it as a standard application00:16
seb128but I will try to delay it00:16
Amaranthreally it needs to load (and be done loading) right before xsplash goes away00:16
AmaranthI was talking about that with keybuk00:16
AmaranthIf we have xsplash we can hide the fact that things are ugly while compiz is loading by making them talk00:17
seb128well officially we don't need to speed compiz since it's too slow anyway and we changed targets00:17
seb128but still would be nice to have faster desktop boot00:17
Amaranthchanged targets?00:17
seb128boot target is une now00:17
Sarvattthere we go, a little better that time. http://sarvatt.com/downloads/asuka-lucid-20100127-2.png   i think that solar plymouth theme is a little too nice for this atom cpu :D00:18
seb128'night everybody00:29
seb128robert_ancell, I've accepted your ubuntu-desktop post and added you to the whitelist00:34
seb128robert_ancell, quicker to reply there than by email ;-)00:35
djsiegelTheMuso: did you find anything about about webkit accessibility?00:36
robert_ancellseb128, thanks!00:38
seb128really off to bed this time ;-)00:38
chrisccoulsonhey robert_ancell00:50
robert_ancellchrisccoulson, hi00:52
chrisccoulsonhow are you?00:52
hyperairdpkg-deb: building package `gnome-power-manager' in `../gnome-power-manager_2.28.1-0ubuntu1.3_amd64.deb'00:53
hyperairpitti: ^^00:53
chrisccoulsonanother gpm update? it's taking up all my bandwidth this week ;)00:54
hyperairchrisccoulson: ;-) this is the final one.00:54
hyperairchrisccoulson: final one for the double suspend issue.00:54
hyperairchrisccoulson: would you prefer i just paste the patch here or upload it to launchpad?00:55
chrisccoulsoni think it would be better in launchpad00:55
hyperairokay then00:55
* hyperair reluctantly lets the huge bug page load00:55
Nafaiyay, lucid fixed one of my major complaints about the ubuntu desktop01:23
LLStarksArneGoetje, would package should i file that antialiasing issue against, fontconfig?01:32
hyperairchrisccoulson: the patch is attached.01:53
chrisccoulsonhyperair - thanks01:53
chrisccoulsoni'm going to go to bed in a minute anyway, so i will look at it in the morning01:53
ArneGoetjeLLStarks: if it's a general issue, yes. If it's only with some fonts, it might be a configuration issue in the font package.02:01
ArneGoetjeLLStarks: please also consider the application to play a role there. Please do test if it only affects one application or multiple or all.02:02
LLStarksArneGoetje, i'm a bit curious as to what ubuntu falls back on in firefox when tahoma fonts are called and ttf-tahoma-replacement is not installed.02:15
ArneGoetjeLLStarks: depends on which other fonts are installed on the system02:22
kenvandineTheMuso, ping04:23
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didrocksgood morning08:02
seb128hey there08:47
didrockssalut seb12808:49
didrocksça va ?08:49
seb128lut didrocks08:49
seb128ouais, et toi ?08:49
didrocksça va bien, couché tôt ;)08:50
seb128didrocks, lucky you ;-)08:52
seb128hey slomo08:52
slomohi seb12808:53
seb128slomo, did you read my comments about totem-pl-parser yesterday?08:53
didrocksseb128: heh, I saw that you were still active at 01:40 ;)08:53
slomoseb128: sorry for choosing a different package name than ubuntu, i wasn't expecting this to be in ubuntu already (i mean, i updated the package yesterday morning very few hours after the release)08:53
seb128didrocks, yeah, I was out in the evening and did read bug emails to make sure I didn't break anything when coming back08:54
didrocksok :)08:54
seb128slomo, we update some minutes after the tarballs if those are duing work hours ;-)08:54
seb128slomo, no problem, it's just that the name you picked don't match the debian gir policy08:54
seb128slomo, ie you didn't use the gir version there for example08:54
pittiGood morning08:55
didrocks(and upstream gir version is incorrect, we have a patch for this release which has been integrated upstream)08:55
didrockshey pitti08:55
seb128hello pitti!08:55
pitticrimsun: if we need to keep it, nevermind; I'll just try to trim it a little then08:55
* pitti waves bonjour to the French mafia08:56
slomoseb128: the gir has no version... the only thing that was wrong was the '-' unless i misunderstood the policy08:56
slomoseb128: which version did you add in ubuntu?08:56
seb128slomo, the "no version" is an upstream bug that didrocks fixed in ubuntu and upstream git08:56
seb128slomo, http://git.gnome.org/browse/totem-pl-parser/commit/?id=2d51c9ad64a0b4b6504d99e2f29716701bcf0c6b08:57
seb128slomo, or https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=60817608:57
ubottuGnome bug 608176 in General "Gir file aren't properly generated" [Normal,Resolved: fixed]08:57
seb128slomo, btw http://launchpadlibrarian.net/38478987/buildlog_ubuntu-lucid-i386.gstreamer0.10_0.10.25.2-2_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz09:00
seb128slomo, known issue?09:01
seb128pitti, any special change in that one?09:02
slomoseb128: no, thanks09:02
pittiseb128: just the daily; but I wanted to look at g-panel09:02
pittiwith yesterday's change09:02
seb128pitti, doesn't seem to make a real difference09:03
seb128still 7 seconds of desktop loading09:04
seb128almost twice the budget09:04
chrisccoulsongood morning everyone09:04
pittiI'll try the new kernel09:04
pittihey chrisccoulson09:04
seb128rather 8 seconds09:04
seb128hey chrisccoulson09:04
chrisccoulsonhey pitti - i've got something for you to try this morning. we discussed yesterday about starting gconfd from Xsession.d, so I hosted the work I initially did at http://people.ubuntu.com/~chrisccoulson/desktop-startup-speed/crack/09:05
chrisccoulsonhey seb128, how are you?09:05
seb128chrisccoulson, a bit tired but good otherwise thanks09:05
seb128chrisccoulson, you?09:05
chrisccoulsonpitti - it's not packaged in any way at all, and the helper needs compiling09:05
chrisccoulsonseb128 - i'm quite tired too this morning. we have a sick baby, so i didn't get much sleep last night09:06
seb128oh :-(09:06
pittichrisccoulson: nice! will do09:07
chrisccoulsonpitti - cool, thanks!09:08
seb128pitti, seems we won 1 seconds compared to yesterday though09:08
seb128pitti, do you know what boot speed changes landed yesterday?09:08
seb128out of the gnome-panel one09:08
pittiseb128: not using gnome-wm any more09:09
pittithat made a big difference09:09
seb128pitti, that should was 2 days ago though no?09:10
seb128pitti, it should have been in yesterday's chart of yours?09:10
pittihm, could be09:10
pittiright, it was09:11
pittiseb128: the new wncksync perhaps09:11
seb128I'm just wondering if after all the gnome-panel did win some 0.1 seconds09:11
pittiah, no, that landed Tuesday evening, and was on yesterday's09:11
seb128bootchart is not reliable enough to be affirmative on such differences09:11
seb128so next win is the background caching09:13
seb128I still need to investigate the nm-applet today09:13
seb128and chrisccoulson's gconf change09:13
seb128pitti, the "sh" process is not on today's daily btw09:14
pittiseb128: it sometimes disappears in the noise09:14
pittigosh, is g-s-d still calling xkbcomp?09:18
seb128pitti, it should not, why?09:20
seb128pitti, it's probably coming from libxklavier09:26
chrisccoulsonit is09:28
chrisccoulsonoh, actually, that's not public09:29
chrisccoulsonit's xkl_xkb_activate_config_rec09:29
seb128chrisccoulson, that one is not used in libgnomekbd or g-s-d though...09:30
pittihm, no difference with 2.6.32-1209:30
seb128I've been trying to find which call lead to that without luck though09:30
pittiold: http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/bootcharts/daniel-lucid-20100128-1-2.6.32-12.png10:08
pittiwith your hack: http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/bootcharts/daniel-lucid-20100128-gconf-xsession.d.png10:08
seb128no win10:09
pittiit increased the latency for the apps a tad (could also be noise, though), and there's still a slight CPU drop10:09
pittistructually it worked, though10:09
pittiI'll check what the difference is to drop sanity-check10:09
pittichrisccoulson: any chance we could sqeeze it before ssh-agent?10:19
pittithis ^ already looks better10:21
seb128seems to win 0.1 second?10:22
* pitti tries 91x11-gconfd-helper10:22
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pittino real difference10:27
=== Kermiac_ is now known as Kermiac
didrocksseb128, pitti: wallpaper caching seems to work well, I'll do additional test this afternoon10:30
* didrocks gets in Paris to meet lool10:30
pittididrocks: wow!10:30
pittididrocks: where are you doing this? postinst magic? or at runtime?10:30
didrockspitti: runtime10:30
* didrocks back in a couple of hours10:31
pittididrocks: let's look over this when you are back; there are some gotchas that come to my mind10:32
pittieww, gst-plugins-bad now pulls in jack10:37
pittiis that intended?10:38
chrisccoulsonpitti - just checking the scrollback10:52
chrisccoulson(sorry, i was away from my desk)10:52
chrisccoulsonpitti - is this with my build of gconf too?10:53
pittichrisccoulson: no, stock lucid otherwise10:54
pittichrisccoulson: shall I reinstall your other packages again?10:54
chrisccoulsoni think i need to hack gnome-session to comment out the gconf_init bit, to stop it from spawning gconf-sanity-check10:54
pittiI just chmodded that to 010:54
chrisccoulsonalso, gconfd has to be loaded with a working session bus, so it can't load before ssh-agent unfortunately10:54
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seb128_so compiz is much less busy when delayed10:55
pittichrisccoulson: I thought it just needs to be dbus-launch gconfhelper ssh-agent gnome-session ?10:55
seb128_(just checking delay desktop boot on the mini to see how that changed)10:56
chrisccoulsonpitti, yeah, we could do it that way. i think it is currently ssh-agent dbus-launch gcond-helper gnome-session isn't it?10:56
seb128_seems quite some compiz work is due to things moving on screen10:56
pittichrisccoulson: I moved the gconfhelper to 91, that should have done it; no real difference in the chart, thuogh10:56
pittiseb128_: ah, due to re-rendering?10:56
seb128_pitti, that's what amaranth suggested10:56
seb128_the compiz bar is also twice less busy when using a sleep 5 to start it10:57
seb128_it takes less than 5 second then10:57
vuntzpitti, chrisccoulson: may I ask why you still put ssh-agent everywhere? :-)10:57
seb128_rather than some 9 seconds10:57
chrisccoulsonvuntz - good question ;)10:57
pittifor the non-GNOME sessions and for people who prefer the openssh agent10:57
seb128_vuntz, we don't, the script check if ssh-agent should be used or not10:57
vuntz(not that it'd be a huge win, but well)10:57
pittiseb128_: well, that was the plan, but I gave up on it10:58
vuntzseb128_: ah, ok10:58
seb128_vuntz, also the openssh maintainer argue than ssh-agent is robust compared to gnome-keyring10:58
seb128_vuntz, so that we should make hard to opt gnome-keyring out10:58
pittisince asking gconf whether gnome-keyring will have ssh agent support is more expensive than just starting it10:58
vuntzpitti: so, if you're using GNOME, it's not possible to use the ssh-agent launched in the startup scripts10:58
seb128_vuntz, not to mention features gnome-keyring lacks10:58
pittivuntz: if it was so easy..10:58
vuntzah, yes, unless you look at the gconf key10:58
pittivuntz: in reality, it's "if you are using gnome _and_ yuo did not disable the g-keyring gconf key"10:59
seb128_vuntz, we were considering using ssh-agent instead of gnome-keyring as an agant10:59
vuntzpitti: indeed, I forgot about the gconf key10:59
pittivuntz: and since ssh-agent has to start before g-keyring, it becomes a game of looking into the future10:59
vuntzon the other hand...11:00
vuntza workaround would be to have ssh-agent started by gnome-session in the initialization phase, and set the env var via the gnome-session dbus method11:00
vuntz(using a wrapper app, I guess)11:00
vuntzbut then, might not be worth the 0.05s win11:01
vuntzor whatever it is11:01
seb128_we still need it to be started out of GNOME though11:01
vuntzseb128_: why?11:01
pittiXFCE and the like11:01
vuntzah, I misunderstood. Yes, of course11:02
pittialthough we could just package this script separately11:02
pittiand pull it in with XFCE, etc.11:02
pittibut not in UNE11:02
seb128_would help those boxes with several desktops installed11:02
seb128_like une session on ubuntu desktop11:02
vuntzbut yeah, in the end, it's probably not worth it, so just discard what I said for now ;-)11:02
pittiby and large I think the "package separately" idea will work best11:03
seb128_the easier would be to disable gnome-keyring agent and just use the ssh one everybody11:03
seb128_one *for* everybody11:03
pittior that11:03
pittibut you loose a lot of nice integration with that11:03
seb128_I'm not sure how much the agent is "integrated"11:03
pittiopenssh's doesn't cache passphrases by default11:03
pittiand you have no way to put it into your normal keyring, of course11:04
chrisccoulsonpitti - sorry, i didn't see the 3rd chart there when you dropped gconf-sanity-check11:04
chrisccoulsoni just saw it now11:04
pittifrom my POV, g-keyring is so much nicer than the openssh one11:04
chrisccoulsonpitti - how are you measuring the improvement on the bootchart?11:05
* pitti reduces the gconf loading time by 10% with some silly seddery trick and wonders if it's worth it11:05
seb128_what did you sed out?11:05
chrisccoulsonthe red line doesnt seem to move, but g-s-d starts quite a bit earlier11:05
pittichrisccoulson: first, looking at the latency of the general app stage, and second looking at the time between the long gnome-session start line and the red "end" line11:06
pittiseb128_: tabs, empty string default values, and mtime11:06
chrisccoulsonpitti - what about comments?11:06
pittiwhat annoys me much more is that this has millions of locale specific defaults11:07
seb128_I would have though that space, etc would win so much11:07
pittiwhich would be handled much more elegantly with gettext11:07
pittiseb128_: well, that alone reduces it from 2.2 to 1.8 MB11:07
pittichrisccoulson: it doesn't have any11:07
chrisccoulsonpitti - there's no short and long descriptions in the defaults?11:08
pittithere are11:08
chrisccoulsondo we need them?11:08
pittihah, another such thing: %s/short_desc=""//g11:08
pittichrisccoulson: unfortunately yes11:08
pittiI think the biggest potential win would be to throw out locale specific defualts and get them through gettext11:09
seb128_then you would get the "load the mo files to get the value"..11:09
seb128_which I'm not sure would turn to be a win11:09
pittithat could be done on the client side only, though11:09
pittisimilar to the translated descriptiosn11:09
seb128_well I though you didn't do it for the values to avoid the mo reading?11:10
pittiI just didn't consider teh values at all back then11:10
seb128_are you sure?11:10
pittiI thought they were for real localized default values11:10
seb128_I though we discussed that11:10
pittinot for translated text strings11:10
pittiseb128_: I'm not sure, no11:10
pitti<entry name="description"11:11
pitti<stringvalue>CD 수준의11:11
pittithis is pure abuse of gconf11:11
pittihaving a gconf value being used as a three-line text value which is human visible11:11
seb128_well usually translation of default are for specific usecases...11:11
seb128_like gedit has a key with default encodings11:11
pittiyeah, it does make sense for those11:11
seb128_the one you describe seems a bug11:12
seb128_do we have many of those?11:12
pittibut gnome-media is really abusing it11:12
pittithat's plain crazy11:13
seb128_urg, yes11:14
=== seb128_ is now known as seb128
pittiseb128: moving away /usr/share/gconf/schemas/gnome-audio-profiles.schemas alone already saves 10%11:17
pittiand reduces file size from 2.3 to 2.0 MB11:17
pittithis might be worth fixing in the package itself11:19
seb128what do you call "fix"?11:20
pittidrop the audio profile descriptions from gconf11:20
seb128to put it where?11:20
pittiusing gettext on the value in the app itself perhaps?11:21
seb128pitti, well those profiles are used in different apps11:21
seb128ie rhythmbox let you choose the profile to use on cd copies11:21
pittiwell, it was just an idea11:22
pittibut this is not "configuration", it's a huge translation database11:22
pittianyway,just looking at the hogs here11:22
seb128right, wrong use in any case, but I can understand why they do that11:22
pittiwith the easy seddery we already win 10%, so that might be worth doing11:22
seb128should rather be a file on disk11:22
seb128how much are we speaking about btw?11:22
seb128gconf is 0.5s?11:23
pittiwith a libgnome-media API around11:23
seb128so 10% is 50ms?11:23
pittisomethign like this11:23
pittilittle effort, little gain kind of thing11:23
seb128right, I was rather thinking about either it's worth breaking the profiles thing if that requires apps updates11:23
seb128I'm trying to check if they use the libgnome-media lib to get those11:24
seb128or if things get the gconf values directly11:24
pittithe three compiz-*schemas are huge as well11:24
pittil -Sr /usr/share/gconf/schemas/11:25
pittils -lSr /usr/share/gconf/schemas/11:25
* pitti checks if compiz is installed by default11:25
seb128tomboy too11:25
pittioh, I purged it from my laptop, so I don't see it11:26
* pitti does on the mini11:26
seb128pitti, the tomboy schemas seems to not be stripped from translations11:27
seb128what build component does that again? cdbs11:27
seb128tomboy doesn't use cdbs11:27
pittiGETTEXT_DOMAIN="$$DOMAIN" perl /usr/lib/cdbs/strip-schema.pl $$d > $$d.new; mv $$d.new $$d11:28
pittiindeed, tomboy should be fixed11:28
seb128they use dh711:29
pittiseb128: you could just add the strip-schema.pl call to debian/rules manually?11:29
seb128I will do that11:29
seb128the .desktop doesn't have the gettext domain either11:30
seb128we should make those cdbs magics work on dh7 too one day11:30
pittiwhy does libcompizconfig0 depend on compiz-core?11:30
pittiah, nevermind; can be purgd along11:31
* pitti unseeds compiz from netbook then11:33
pitti$ bzr commit -m 'drop compiz, we use mutter now'11:33
pittithat was an easy one :-)11:33
seb128does it make any difference on boot?11:34
pittitwiddling thumnbs, waiting on bootchart11:34
seb128we didn't want to have a GNOME session on UNE install?11:34
pittiyou can install it (apt-get install ubuntu-desktop)11:34
seb128right, I meant by default11:35
pittididrocks: ^11:35
pittiI don't konw11:35
seb128I didn't use the une a lot before this cycle11:35
seb128but they use to have a desktop switcher11:35
seb128I know rick says he uses the GNOME mode to hack usually11:35
seb128and the une mode for other things11:35
seb128use -> used11:35
pittiwell, but structurally the "netbook" seed should stop pulling in compiz11:36
seb128pitti, didrocks is not around I think, let him reply later11:36
pittiif we want to add GNOME to the UNE build, it should be pulled in through the desktop seed11:36
seb128he's having lunch with lool today iirc11:36
pittiso I'm not actually sure whether that really dropped compiz11:36
pittibut we didn't drop compiz from the netbook seed when changing from netbook-launcher to the mutter plugin11:37
seb128still worth doing a chart without compiz11:37
kklimondapitti, is mutter going to replace both compiz and nautilus in lucid?11:38
pittiseb128: nice one; gconf reduced to 60% after purging tomboy and compiz11:39
pittikklimonda: no, nautilus stays around as a file browser; it just won't render the desktop (as in previous UNEs)11:39
kklimondaerm, I was thinking about metacity..11:40
kklimondamy bad11:40
pittikklimonda: yes, mutter is a composite-enabled fork of metacity11:40
pittiseb128: hmm11:51
pittiseb128: WDYT about removing the locale defaults for locales which aren't actually available on the system?11:51
pittiseb128: I thought about writing a "gconf-trim-defaults" script (via dpkg trigger) which removes the tabs, empty defaults, etc.; this could also filter out those localized default values which we don't need11:52
pittiI'll write such a thing and see what difference it'll make11:54
pitti... after lunch11:54
chrisccoulsonpitti - could that not be added to whatever registers the schemas?11:54
chrisccoulsonrather than adding another script?11:54
pittichrisccoulson: could, yes11:54
pittigconf-schemas is python, but it calls gconftool11:55
pittiand there it becomes hairy and requries touching C11:55
pittiI'll see whether this will be easier, though11:55
pittiit would be more elegant for sure11:55
seb128pitti, sorry i was away for lunch12:26
seb128pitti, could we split the .xml by locale as upstream is doing?12:27
seb128pitti, would be even better than have several locales and having to rebuild the file on new locales install...12:27
seb128you would read one .xml matching your locale only12:28
pittiseb128: we already have per-locale files today12:38
pittihm, indeed that would be even better12:38
pittifor me it parses /var/lib/gconf/defaults/%gconf-tree.xml first, then /var/lib/gconf/defaults/%gconf-tree-de.xml12:39
seb128pitti, shouldn't all those translations be stripped from the default one?12:41
seb128I would expect that one to be C locale...12:41
pittiit is C, yes12:41
seb128but it has defaults for all locales?12:42
pittiseb128: the only stripping that we do during build right now is localized descriptions (since we can use gettext on them)12:42
seb128but it has defaults for all locales?12:42
seb128(sorry focus)12:42
pittiI don't know why the locale defaults end up in the C file12:42
pittiI'll investigate this12:42
seb128pitti, right but upstream does do those by locale xml?12:42
seb128it would be sense to have the defaults in the corresponding xml12:43
seb128ie the -de.xml for the german defaults12:43
seb128and not on the C one12:43
pitti(process:19416): GConf-CRITICAL **: Failed to load file "/var/lib/gconf/defaults/%gconf-tree-de.xml": Line 162 character 1: Element <default> is not allowed below <local_schema>12:51
pittiseems the %gconf-tree-locale.xml file is only for descriptions??12:52
seb128vuntz, ^ do you know?12:52
pittiparse_local_schema_child_element() does have a case for <default>, though12:53
pittiand ./backends/markup-tree.c only writes <default> tags if (!is_locale_file ...)12:55
seb128pitti, oh, I just found an apport bug13:24
seb128pitti, oh, I just found an apport bug but I'm not sure how you want to fix it13:25
seb128pitti, the .desktop has no gettext domain or translations stripped13:25
seb128pitti, that's because the langpack magic looks for GETTEXT_PACKAGE in po/Makefile13:26
seb128which you don't have13:26
seb128either create one with "GETTEXT_PACKAGE="apport""13:26
pittihm, that .desktop is just for the mimetype link, though; does it need to be translated at all?13:26
seb128or add debian/rules lines to do the change13:26
seb128pitti, it's listed in nautilus context menu when right clicking on a .crash13:27
seb128open with "name"13:27
pittiah, I see13:27
seb128do you want a bug about that?13:27
pittiseb128: I'll just manually add it to the desktop file in the ubuntu branch13:27
seb128it's a minor issue13:27
seb128but I was checking what .desktop miss the gettext domain and stripping13:27
seb128I've some 18 of those there13:28
seb128I will fix some like tomboy and file some bugs13:28
seb128firefox and openoffice are buggy too13:28
dpmseb128, here are some more that the translations team has been collecting -> https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu-translations/+bugs?field.tag=needs-desktop-entry-i18n13:28
dpmyeah, ff and oo are in there, too13:29
seb128I see you have the firefox and openoffice ones13:29
seb128any reason scim is still in main? I though we used ibus now...13:29
pittiseb128: committed, thanks for spotting13:29
seb128pitti, thanks!13:30
seb128pitti, ArneGoetje: ^ scim should go in universe?13:32
pittiseb128: ideally yes13:32
seb128but in practice there is an issue?13:32
pittiperhaps we kept it in main for karmic for the transition13:32
pittiseb128: deferring to ArneGoetje  about that13:33
seb128dpm, btw you want to open tasks on the corresponding ubuntu packages if you want somebody in the distribution to ever read those...13:36
seb128dpm, I did that now for you13:36
seb128I assigned the firefox and openoffice ones to our team too13:37
dpmthanks seb128!13:37
seb128pitti, should we move ekiga to universe?13:38
pittiseb128: fine for me; not really maintained anyway, and it won't disappear either way13:38
dpmseb128, on the ones I filed, I wasn't quite sure which was the correct package to open the bug task against - I'll open them on the ubuntu pkgs from now on, thanks for the heads up!13:39
seb128dpm, you're welcome13:39
seb128pitti, right but it might be easier to find a motu to work on it13:39
pittiseb128: so, please go ahead and unseed then13:40
seb128didrocks, back from lunch?13:42
pitti-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 2302656 2010-01-28 14:51 %gconf-tree.xml13:51
pitti-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1486799 2010-01-28 14:51 %gconf-tree.xml.new13:51
pittinow, not too bad for such a gross hack13:51
didrocksseb128: right, finishing to backlog :)13:51
pittihey didrocks, enjoyed an elaborate Parisian lunch?13:51
didrockspitti: italian food in fact :)13:52
didrocksbut it was good ;)13:52
seb128didrocks, after a 3 hours lunch time for a nap now right? ;-)13:52
seb128didrocks, could you push the work you did on tomboy the other day? I've other changes to do on it13:53
seb128didrocks, I think you said you started on the version update13:53
didrocksseb128: not really :-) the longest part was to go to Paris and to come back (and also, to take some dollars in La Poste)13:53
seb128another of those people taking money before leaving! ;-)13:53
didrocksseb128: didn't have the time to work on the update. It was failing and I delayed it (huats was supposed to tackle it)13:53
didrocksseb128: right :)13:53
seb128didrocks, ok, it's not failing there, so doing it, thanks13:54
didrockspitti: seb128: concerning your question about GNOME desktop session in UNE13:54
didrocksseb128: oh? really? perfect so… strange, maybe a bad lib :/13:54
seb128didrocks, you probably didn't update the build-depends for the mono changes13:54
seb128they put the .pc in new binaries13:54
didrocksseb128: I guess something related to that, right13:54
Laneyyou should look at what we did to tomboy in debian13:54
didrocksso, there will be a GNOME session available (gnome.desktop is shipped by gdm package)13:55
didrocksbut it won't have all ubuntu-dekstop seed package (and so, no more compiz if we drop it from UNE seed)13:55
didrockspeople will have to install ubuntu-desktop to get those back13:55
seb128Laney, I'm looking at that and fixing it too, the switch from cdbs to dh7 broke all the translations magics be have13:55
seb128be -> we13:56
seb128Laney, some for f-spot13:56
didrocksmaybe, we can notify the first time the user "you don't have all apps from ubuntu-desktop full experience, do you want to install them?"13:56
Laneyseb128: didn't we add that in debian?13:56
seb128Laney, you added the template update13:56
seb128Laney, not the "add the ubuntu gettext domain" not the "strip translations from the desktop entry"13:57
seb128Laney, not the "clean the schemas"13:57
Laneyok well if you have not-too-intrusive patches then we can take them13:57
seb128I doubt you want to add ubuntu gettext domains in debian...13:57
seb128I'm pondering switching it back to cdbs in ubuntu13:57
Laneythose are handled transparently by cdbs?13:57
Laneywell i would wonder if the same cannot be done for dh13:58
seb128it can probably13:58
seb128but until somebody steps for that...13:58
Laneyit would probably be less long term work13:58
Laneythan merging all the time13:59
seb128we don't need to merge13:59
seb128we usually have newer version than debian anyway13:59
seb128but well, would be nice in any case yes13:59
czajkowskiCould anyone explain - why does Software Centre present a "different version" than apt-get or an actual package GUI ?14:00
czajkowskito me ?14:00
seb128czajkowski, hi, what version of ubuntu and do you have a specific example?14:00
pittinice, that script shrinks %gconf-tree.xml from 1.7 MB to 910 kB14:00
seb128pitti, waouh14:01
czajkowskiseb128: Karmic fresh install14:01
pittiseb128: I added the trimming to gconf-schemas now14:01
pittiseb128: it just means that I need to add a --register-all call to locale-gen when adding a new locale14:02
seb128pitti, did you measure how much speed win that makes?14:02
seb128pitti, do you still get the correct default?14:02
pittiseb128: getting to that now14:02
pitti$ gconftool -g  /desktop/gnome/keybindings/onscreenkeyboard/name14:10
pittithat's a good test case14:10
pittiit has localized defaults14:10
seb128I get an english screen there14:10
pitti"Bildschirmtastatur ein- oder ausschalten" for me14:11
pittiperhaps there's no French translation for that one14:11
seb128the media profiles you listed before work too for testing14:11
seb128bah, strip-schema.pl is in cdbs14:12
pittiok, so current stripping on my laptop reduces parsing from 0.107137 to 0.0709558 s14:12
seb128I'm pondering adding a cdbs build-depends to tomboy14:12
seb128or doing a local copy14:12
seb128I think I will go with the build-depends14:12
pittibut on the netbook the cpu is slower14:12
* pitti tries another change14:12
seb128that's hot cache right?14:13
pittipure CPU14:13
seb128is there a way to empty cpu cache without disk cache?14:14
pitti"cpu cache"?14:14
pittiok, removing all the \n just reduces it to 0.069560814:14
pittinot really worth it14:14
seb128well cpu have caching too14:14
pittiwell, but I restart the process14:15
pittiI don't think CPU caches are that good14:15
pittiso, confirmed to work, off to doing a bootchart14:15
seb128I think they are quite useful14:16
seb128hot cache benchmarks are far from first run ones14:16
seb128ie gnome-panel starts in 0.6 seconds there14:16
seb128and it takes over 3 seconds of cpu use on boot14:16
pittiisn't that more because it shares the CPU with a bazillion other processes?14:17
seb128I made a session entry which runs gnome-panel and not gnome-session14:17
seb128so there is only it in the session14:18
chrisccoulsongood afternoon everyone14:24
czajkowskiseb128: any thoughts ?14:24
pittichrisccoulson: wb14:24
chrisccoulsonhey pitti14:24
seb128czajkowski, no, you didn't reply to my questions though14:25
czajkowskiI did14:25
seb128chrisccoulson, hey again14:25
czajkowski14:01 < czajkowski> seb128: Karmic fresh install14:25
seb128czajkowski, what about the "do you have a specific example"?14:25
czajkowskididn't see that. I don't it was someone who asked me who's just installed it on a dell machine and I don't have clean install to see. just wondered did anyone know off hand.14:26
czajkowskiseb128: sorry.14:26
seb128I don't know then but maybe mvo does14:26
* pitti grins at http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/bootcharts/daniel-lucid-20100128-optimized-gconf-defaults.png14:27
pittichrisccoulson, seb128 ^14:27
pittimuch better14:27
chrisccoulsonpitti - what did you change?14:27
mvoczajkowski: that sounds like a bug, what version number are there?14:27
seb128pitti, seems another 0.3 seconds win14:28
seb128so we are down to 7 seconds login14:28
czajkowskimvo: I can try and find out14:28
seb128Laney, did you send your tomboy .pc change upstream btw?14:30
Laneyno, I mentioned it in IRC afaik but didn't file a report yet14:32
seb128could you do that?14:32
Laneyits on the stack14:32
Laneyi should make that into a queue one day...14:32
seb128Laney, thanks14:33
pittichrisccoulson: trimmed %gconf-tree.xml14:39
* pitti packages the stuff now14:40
rickspencer3kenvandine, working with Gwibber via desktopcouch is incredibly easy14:40
rickspencer3last night I was easily able to pull all the images in the streams in14:40
chrisccoulsonpitti - awesome. so, you didn't need to make any actual changes to gconf itself?14:41
rickspencer3tonight I will use the protocol settings to go up to facebook and pull down albums and such14:41
pittichrisccoulson: no; I'm very hesitant to doing that, since it will immediately also apply to user's gconf, etc.14:41
pittichrisccoulson: and I don't want the locale sorting there14:41
pittilike calling locale -a, etc.14:41
pittior suppressing them14:41
pittichrisccoulson: it's not a very clean solution, but then again gconf is an evolutionary dead-end anyway14:42
kenvandinerickspencer3, awesome!14:42
pittiso hacking it is bearable, I think14:42
kenvandinerickspencer3, desktopcouch really makes things far simpler14:42
chrisccoulsonthats good anyway, that's the one thing that was delaying the whole session from loading14:42
pittichrisccoulson: do you think it's worth doing another chart with your patched gconf/gsd _and_ the early start of gconf?14:45
pitti(recent chart reverted both of that, for better comparability)14:45
tseliotpitti: shall I merge all the things from jockey trunk or only my commit with the ubuntu branch?14:55
pittitseliot: are there so many more? yes, a general merge is easier14:56
tseliotpitti: a few kde and test related things14:56
chrisccoulsonpitti - it would be worth doing it with the patched gconf and gconf early start stuff14:59
pittiseb128, chrisccoulson: AFAICS that's about as much as we can do with an adequate amount of effort, so I close the WI for now14:59
pittiwe can revisit it again later on if necessary14:59
seb128pitti, on gconf you mean?14:59
pittichrisccoulson: ack14:59
seb128pitti, or on boot sequence out of optimizing code now?14:59
pittiseb128: yes; I don't know what else to take out, and I'm not yet despearate enough to write a new gconf backend just yet14:59
pittiseb128: with a different file format we'll still need some CPU time to load everything15:00
pittichrisccoulson: will do now15:00
pittichrisccoulson: that will introduce the hardcoded gnome-wm file again, won't it? or should I just try with the updated gconf package and leave g-s-d alone?15:01
chrisccoulsonpitti - yeah, i'd forget about gnome-session and g-s-d for now, as I don't think they'll give that much win with the gconf changes15:02
chrisccoulsonit would be good to see if starting gconfd earlier helps though (and not calling gconf-sanity-check)15:02
pittig-sanity-check is still disabled here15:02
pittido we really need to run it?15:02
pittii. e. does it keep the user from running a session if something is damaged, etc.?15:03
chrisccoulsonpitti - all it does is pop up an error dialog if the configuration sources are broken or it can't do file locking etc15:04
chrisccoulsonit doesn't block the session from loading, and the error message isn't useful anyway15:04
pittihm, I guess we should continue to install it15:04
pittiand then perhaps just not call it from g-s15:05
pittiso that you at least can run it manually for debugging?15:05
chrisccoulsonpitti - it only runs properly before gconfd is started (ie, it doesn't do a lot when it's already running)15:05
chrisccoulsonso, once gconfd is started, it's no use really15:06
pittiso with the 56gconf Xsession.d script it's just a waste either way?15:06
chrisccoulsonpitti - yeah, it is15:06
seb128I'm wondering what buildds are so busy with today15:08
seb128uploads on i386 get over 10 hours delay now15:08
seb128before starting build15:08
pittiopenjdk, linux15:08
pittiand now OO.o15:09
chrisccoulsonthere was an openoffice upload 21 hours ago too15:09
pittiit was blocked by a MIR15:09
chrisccoulsonoh yeah, openoffice is currently building15:09
pittiI promoted that package some 4 hours ago15:09
pittichrisccoulson: http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/bootcharts/daniel-lucid-20100128-optimized-gconf-defaults.png15:13
pitti^ old15:14
pitti^ with your hacked gconf and early gconf loading15:14
chrisccoulsonhmmm, it seems to make it slower15:14
pittiit doesn't really seem to help indeed15:15
pittiand it doesn't help to fill in the empty CPU slot either :(15:15
pittiwe just get a new I/O wait spike15:15
pittiI wonder why15:15
pittiin gnome-session15:15
* lool is finally home15:15
rickspencer3hi lool, welcome home!15:16
pittichrisccoulson: want me to include your gconf patch in my upload?15:16
pittichrisccoulson: that by itself shouldn't make a big difference, since gconfd is triggered on first use anyway15:17
loolasac: So didrocks has the board + a SATA 2.5" hard disk + a SATA cable; packed in a marvell box with foam15:17
chrisccoulsonpitti - i don't think it's worth including it yet until i understand why it's not making any difference15:17
pittichrisccoulson: but it doesn't hurt either15:17
pittichrisccoulson: ok15:17
pittithen I'll just upload the %gconf-tree.xml deflating for now15:17
loolasac: The hard disk probably has an installed system; feel free to wipe it15:17
pittichrisccoulson: thanks a lot so far! (don't worry, we'll crack this nut)15:17
chrisccoulsonpitti - i'm still confused what the 0.5 second gap is where gnome-sesion appears to be doing nothing15:18
chrisccoulsonthe gap wasn't shown on the profiling work i did, and i'm convinced it's actually not really gnome-session yet at that point (that bar becomes gnome-session at some point, but doesn't start life as that)15:19
asaclool: you rock!!!15:19
seb128pitti, useful hint from rickspencer3, you can change the mini fn keys behaviour in the bios to do fn directly15:19
pittichrisccoulson: the gnome-session bar starts out as ssh-agent; couln't it be that?15:19
seb128without to use the fn key15:19
chrisccoulsonpitti - yeah, i'm fairly sure what happens, but didn't you already profile ssh-agent?15:19
pittichrisccoulson: gnome-session starts right at the time when the ssh-agent process starts on the chart15:20
pittissh-agent initializes, forks, and execs g-s in the parent15:21
chrisccoulsonpitti - yeah, that seems to be the case15:21
pittiso it seems g-s is having its small CPU blip right at the start15:21
chrisccoulson(although, it's actually ssh-agent -> dbus-launch -> gnome-session)15:21
chrisccoulsonbut dbus-launch fork's and exec's so quickly that it doesnt have any effect15:21
pittiah, right15:21
pittiI'm off for some 30 minutes for some fresh air and buying new printer toner15:22
chrisccoulsonpitti - the small CPU blip is expected as it loads the autostart files15:22
pittichrisccoulson: yes, and a program which doesn't even do such a small blip is probably not worth having in the first place :)15:22
chrisccoulsonpitti - yeah, definately :)15:23
chrisccoulsonssh-agent isn't taking 0.5 seconds to fork is it?15:23
pittiit's not that much15:23
chrisccoulsonso, that bar must be starting life as something else15:23
pittiI did a comparison without it yesterday, and it's impact is below the noise level15:23
chrisccoulsonperhaps something gdm related?15:23
pittiI don't truly understand why we have the ssh-agent offset, but g-s-d doesn't start any earlier when removing ssh-agent15:24
chrisccoulsonyeah, so i think we're looking at the wrong thing then15:24
chrisccoulsonthat process must start life as something other than ssh-agent15:25
pitti90consolekit should be intert15:25
pittithere's dbus-launch15:25
pittichrisccoulson: perhaps it's just the general shellery from Xsession.d/* ?15:26
pittithat calls some programs as well15:26
pittitests, stats, readlink, etc.15:26
pittichrisccoulson: I'll try removing xsession.d/* and check its impact when I'm back home15:27
* pitti -> really out now15:27
chrisccoulsonpitti - so, that bar actually starts out as gdm-session-worker15:40
chrisccoulsonthe delay could be there15:40
chrisccoulsonasac - did you have a look through the GVFS diff you attached to bug 512959?15:56
ubottuLaunchpad bug 512959 in gvfs "nautilus assert failure: *** stack smashing detected ***: nautilus terminated" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/51295915:56
chrisccoulsonasac - this looks wrong to me: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/364651/16:01
chrisccoulson"current" isn't an array of strings16:01
chrisccoulsonoh, hang on16:03
chrisccoulsonit is16:03
chrisccoulsonthe diff is confusing though without looking at the whole file16:03
asacchrisccoulson: i just made the diff16:04
asacthat looked suspicious to me on a quick glance too16:04
chrisccoulsoni don't think that's the issue though16:04
=== robbiew_ is now known as robbiew
asacwhat does  meta_tree_lookup_string do ?16:04
chrisccoulson"current" is defined twice in the same file, not very far apart (once as a string, and then again as a string array a bit further down), but i don't think that's the issue16:05
seb128not easy to say what the issue is without a correct stacktrace16:06
seb128the bug stacktrace has only 3 ?? in libc...16:07
didrockspitti: wallpaper cache is now ready and warning cleaned :) You talked about some gotchas to think about, what are they?16:09
seb128didrocks, do you need patch review?16:10
seb128or did pitti do that already for you?16:10
didrocksseb128: he didn't yet, if you want, let me make a final test before pastebinit somewhere16:10
seb128didrocks, what gotchas are you talking about?16:11
didrocksseb128: don't know, just backlogged and see "pitti | didrocks: let's look over this when you are back; there are some gotchas that come to my mind"16:11
asacchrisccoulson: i think i need to get the full code to understand what might be problematic16:12
asacchrisccoulson: what is in gvfs-common?16:12
asacmaybe we can narrow it down a bit like that16:13
asaclibgvfscommon i think16:13
seb128asac, can somebody maybe get a stracktrace?16:13
asacof a stack smack? thats probably a bad one16:14
asacbut sure16:14
* asac forwards16:14
seb128well valgrind log would be useful16:14
seb128but apparently you don't have valgrind there16:14
seb128not sure what we can get from a stacktrace but worth looking16:15
chrisccoulsonthe changes in libgvfscommon are minimal16:15
chrisccoulsonin that delta16:15
rickspencer3desktoppers ... hey ... if you are attending the sprint next week, please add goals to the wiki16:17
rickspencer3it's looking a bit slim atm16:17
rickspencer3ArneGoetje, bryceh, ccheney, didrocks, kenvandine, pitti, seb128 ^16:18
rickspencer3who did I orget?16:18
rickspencer3Riddell, ^16:18
rickspencer3tseliot, ^16:18
didrocksseb128: http://paste.ubuntu.com/364665/16:20
didrocksrickspencer3: ok, will do16:21
seb128didrocks, you can use g_build_filename rather there16:22
didrocksseb128: ok, changing that16:23
Nafaiwhere are you guys sprinting?16:28
rickspencer3Nafai Portland, OR16:32
seb128didrocks, one issue is that we don't do clean caches there16:33
didrocksseb128: right, I was targetting that one second attempt, as I don't think that we'll have too many file from user16:34
seb128one other issue is that not every api customer might want that16:34
didrocksseb128: another issue is that we cache thumbnails too16:34
seb128should probably require a new api or adding a parameter16:34
didrockshum, a switch?16:35
seb128though adding a switch would mean breaking abi...16:35
seb128I start wondering if that's specific enough to the wallpaper case to be on the g-s-d side16:35
seb128could be nice to check maybe with vuntz what he thinks as upstream there16:36
seb128vuntz, ^ any opinion if background image caching should be done in gnome-bg?16:36
huatsdoes anyone running karmic on amd64 experience firefox crashes after a few minutes ?16:36
seb128not me16:37
qensenot here as well16:37
hyperairnot me either16:37
huatspfff I don't understand then16:37
hyperairbut then i'm using the daily firefox.16:37
huatsthanks everyone16:37
om26erI have seen many empathy bugs assigned to ubuntu-desktop even if they are upstream. so when triaging an empathy bug should I assign them to ubuntu desktop?16:37
seb128huats, well I'm neither using karmic nor amd64 so I can't confirm either way16:38
huatsseb128, and btw I am ready for some updates16:38
huatsI'll have a look at the page16:38
seb128huats, you can do gnome-menus if you want16:38
huatsok I am it then16:38
seb128huats, how are you btw? is everybody doing fine?16:39
huatsseb128, everyone is great !16:39
huatsI am just back home :)16:39
huatsthanks !16:39
seb128good to know ;-)16:40
huatsyep :D16:40
seb128don't feel forced to work on updates16:40
seb128you probably have plenty to do out of computer work atm16:40
didrocksseb128: new version available at http://paste.ubuntu.com/364677/ using g_build_filename and fixing a memleak16:41
pittiseb128, didrocks: gotchas> like, if you generate the cache as part of g-s-d, you'll have two effects:16:41
pitti1) you won't benefit from ureadahead (since that will read the big file, not the small cached one)16:42
seb128pitti, wb16:42
huatsseb128, actually I do have a lot to do, but I am really happy to find some little time to do some updates...16:42
pitti2) every use needs its own cache file16:42
chrisccoulsonhuats - you have a baby now?16:42
pitti3) it clutters the home dir (but that's the least of my concerns)16:42
huatsYES !16:42
seb128huats, ok ;-)16:42
huatschrisccoulson, a lille guy16:42
chrisccoulsonhuats - congratulations :)16:42
Tm_Thuats: noooooooo!16:42
pittihuats: oh, congratulations!16:42
didrockspitti: right, it's currently at ~/.cache/wallpaper for every users16:42
huatstheo is born last week exactly :)16:43
seb128pitti, about 2) the change is to gnome-desktop gnome-bg api16:43
Tm_Thuats: congrats (:16:43
seb128pitti, but as said before I think we need to add a flag for cache use rather than make every client do caching automatically16:43
huatsthanks everyone16:43
Tm_Thuats: I have little over 1-year old daughter here and have to say this baby ate my productivity16:44
pittiso my original idea was to ship a pre-generated 1024x600 image (since you need to do clipping etc. as well), and introduce a new gconf lookup for that (backgrounds/<resolution>/{path,size,...}16:45
pittididrocks: could we modify your patch to first look for $FILENAME_1024x600.png first before looking for $FILENAME ?16:45
seb128pitti, I don't like that much16:46
pittididrocks: this would avoid my three points, could be done in postinst, and probably won't change your code much16:46
seb128pitti, the pre-generated image will work for one screen config and one image16:46
pittiand it doesn't need to be done at runtime16:46
seb128pitti, ie it's purely for benchmark but not much for real world benefit16:46
pittiseb128: well, but without ureadahead you reintroduce I/O again16:46
seb128doesn't that include user datas?16:47
seb128like gconf dir, etc?16:47
pittiseb128: the postinst could look up the current resolution and generate the image for that one?16:47
pittiseb128: probably; but you generate it too late16:47
pittiseb128: when ureadahead collector runs first, then you don't have a cache yet16:47
seb128pitti, do you know many users using the default pre-installed background?16:47
pittiyou are just building it16:47
=== bjf-afk is now known as _bjf
pittiseb128: I don't know, no16:47
seb128I don't think I know anybody not changing the background16:48
seb128not just on ubuntu16:48
pittiseb128: but what's wrong with additionally looking for /usr/share/filename_resolution.png and using it if it exists?16:48
pittiseb128: it doesn't preclude looking for it in ~/.cache as well16:48
seb128but it's something people tend to set to something personal or something they like16:48
seb128it justs seems to me a waste of CD space to put a special case image there16:48
pittiit's 30 KB..16:49
seb128still we will get people asking to get a <their_screen_setting> one there too16:49
pittibut well, we can certainly avoid shipping it16:49
seb128because why only x60016:49
seb128why not 1028x76816:49
didrocks(also, we should take the transformation effect in the filename)16:50
pittihm, so how can we trigger an ureadahead update then..16:51
vuntzseb128: I'm really not the right person for the GnomeBG stuff. You should ask halfline16:52
seb128vuntz, ok16:52
seb128to avoid the user dir cluttering we could save one filename only16:54
seb128ie caching only the current wallpaper16:54
didrocksseb128: doesn't work for slideshow16:55
seb128I would argue that slideshow are a special case and it's fine if they are not cached16:55
pittidon't worry about slideshow16:55
didrocksok, so, removing everything but the last one?16:56
seb128I would rather have .cache/wallpaper.jpg16:56
seb128or .cache/wallpaper as the image16:57
seb128and cache whatever is in gconf key there16:57
seb128and make g-s-d read it16:57
pittilike .cache/warty-final-ubuntu_1024x600.png ?16:57
pitti(you need to remember file and resolution, in case you change it)16:57
didrockspitti: it's already the case16:57
didrockspitti: filename + resolution + transformation type16:57
pittididrocks: nice16:57
seb128hum right16:58
didrocksbut need to remove previous one when updating16:58
didrocks(and also, fix the thumbnails caching)16:58
seb128starts sounding complicated17:00
pittididrocks: so you already implemented that now?17:02
didrockspitti: right, http://paste.ubuntu.com/364677/17:03
pittididrocks: so, looks correct to me (apart from the indentation problem in get_wallpaper_cache_filename()17:10
didrockspitti: oh right17:10
pittiI'm still unsure how to solve the ureadahead integration17:11
didrocksbut still, this clutter .cache/wallpaper17:11
seb128I'm a bit concerned by the lack of flag to turn that on though17:11
seb128not sure if that api has other "customers"17:11
seb128and if they want their datas to be cached17:11
seb128it should be an opt-in by the client maybe?17:11
=== MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|lunch
pittithis should perhaps be added to an upstream bug and discussed there first?17:12
pittiintroducing the concept of different resolutions into the API does seem to make sense to me17:14
seb128didrocks, or maybe try #gnome-hackers, halfline is there usually17:14
pittiit's not that easy to have a bg image which suits a netbook as well as a 1920x1600 screen17:14
seb128pitti, I was suggesting a flag for turning caching on or not17:15
didrocksseb128: ok, I will, just fix that tab stuff first17:15
pittididrocks: merci for working on this!17:17
didrockspitti: you're welcome :)17:17
didrocksok, tabs fixed17:18
mvoseb128: does the recent gstreamer upload require a rebuild or upload of some of the plugins as well ? it appears that the upgrade currently wants to remove sound-juicer for some gstreamer dependencies17:24
seb128mvo, it conflicts on gst-plugins-base not current yes17:25
seb128mvo, it conflicts on gst-plugins-base not current yes17:25
mvook, if its a known issue, no problem17:26
seb128mvo, and the buildd got DoSed meanwhile by 2 openoffice + 1 openjdk builds17:26
mvoheh :)17:26
seb128and we only have 3 i386 buildds17:26
mvoso its waiting in the queue?17:26
seb128it should be building now17:26
seb128openoffice failed to build after 6 hours17:26
mvocool, thanks17:26
seb128mvo, you're welcome17:26
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rickspencer3is Amaranth_ around?17:59
Amaranth_sort of17:59
=== Amaranth_ is now known as Amaranth
rickspencer3wondering if we should close out the bug task on bug https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/flashplugin-nonfree/+bug/41040717:59
ubottuUbuntu bug 410407 in flashplugin-nonfree "Clicking on items in Flash player does nothing [READ DESCRIPTION]" [High,Confirmed]17:59
Amaranthiz gtk boog :)18:00
Amaranthor flash, dunno18:00
Amaranthmozilla is having the same problem now  that they do out of process plugins18:00
rickspencer3it's got lots of "gravity"18:00
AmaranthGDK_NATIVE_WINDOWS fixes it18:00
rickspencer3Amaranth, is it possible to fix in the distro?18:00
Amaranthsure, if you patch everything that uses flash to use GDK_NATIVE_WINDOWS either for the whole app or for the flash part (if they run it out of process)18:01
rickspencer3that sounds technically possible, but not too feasible18:02
AmaranthOtherwise since we don't have the source to flash it's rather hard to figure out why gtk's client side windows break it18:02
Amaranthchrome/chromium already use GDK_NATIVE_WINDOWS when loading flash so you just have to do nspluginwrapper, firefox, epiphany, etc :)18:03
Amaranthyou may only have to do nspluginwrapper and firefox 3.6, actually18:03
Amarantherr, no, 3.6 doesn't do plugins that way18:04
Amaranthso hopefully just nspluginwrapper18:04
rickspencer3seems to be marked Invalid on all packages in any case18:05
rickspencer3except flash-plugin-nonfree, of course18:05
seb128it's technically a flash bug18:05
Amaranthand gtk and flash18:05
rickspencer3 thanks Amaranth18:06
seb128Amaranth, hey18:06
rickspencer3ah yes18:06
seb128Amaranth, so you were right, delaying compiz from some seconds make it much less busy18:07
Amaranththought so18:07
seb128Amaranth, cleaning the .xml and .so makes no difference18:07
Amaranthhrm, that sucks18:07
seb128Amaranth, still it's quite slow, almost 5 seconds delayed after everything else18:07
Amaranthguess protobuf is very efficient18:07
seb128but that's better than the 9 seconds otherwise18:07
pittiseb128: delaying by how much?18:12
pittii. e. does it literally end at the same time if you delay it by 4 s?18:12
pittijust has a more compact CPU usage?18:13
seb128between 3 and 5 seconds I tried18:13
pittiseb128: FYI, deferring g-screensaver buys .1 to .2 s, will do tomorrow18:13
seb1283 seconds is a bit too early18:13
seb1285 seconds is after other busy things but doesn't change the boot mark then18:13
seb128pitti, ok18:13
pittithat's only for the mini platform, though18:13
pittiwould be interesting to see how that performs on my slow disk (the other extreme)18:14
pittiseb128: did you just add a sh -c and sleep to the .desktop?18:14
seb128no, to the gnome-wm command18:14
pittiah, good idea18:14
* pitti -> dinner, bbl18:15
* seb128 sport and dinner18:15
seb128bbl too18:15
rickspencer3pedro_, hi18:17
rickspencer3seems this bug has lots of gravity:18:18
ubottuUbuntu bug 404351 in ubuntuone-client "nautilus crashed with SIGSEGV in exit()" [Undecided,Invalid]18:18
rickspencer3anything we can do to help it along?18:18
chrisccoulsonpitti - i see you're deferring gnome-screensaver18:19
chrisccoulsonyou just going to use a sleep for now?18:19
chrisccoulsonah, you've disappeared already18:19
pedro_rickspencer3, well there's no clear way on how to reproduce the issue, we thought it was an ubuntuone-client issue but it wasn't18:19
pedro_rickspencer3, seems to only affect karmic though18:20
pedro_rickspencer3, and we don't have a new report about it since 2009-12-1018:20
rickspencer3pedro_, should we close the bug then?18:20
pedro_rickspencer3, i can ask again to the reporters if they are able to reproduce it with latest packages, maybe it's fixed now18:20
pedro_rickspencer3, let's ask first, i'll do that18:20
rickspencer3if it's not going to get fixed we should mark it as such18:21
rickspencer3if it's not an issue anymore, we should definately mark it as such ;)18:21
pedro_totally agreed ;-)18:21
pittichrisccoulson: I thought about adding a --delay option, and call nice(10) in it18:37
pittichrisccoulson: to avoid having yet another shell/sleep invocation18:37
pittichrisccoulson: I'll disappear for dinner in a bit again, so far it was just prep; but it's in the oven now :)18:38
chrisccoulsonpitti - i think for now you should probably go with the sleep, and i will implement a proper X-GNOME-Autostartdelay option for the autostart files18:38
chrisccoulsonsometime over the weekend18:38
pittichrisccoulson: so, external sleep and patch it to nice?18:38
chrisccoulsonpitti - yeah, can do18:39
pittiok, I'll go with that then18:39
pittichrisccoulson: but it's not that urgent, I can as well wait for your X-GNOME-AutostartDelay to land18:39
chrisccoulsoni'll work on implementing a proper key for autostart delay, so we can mass-convert all of our autostart apps which have a delay to use the new key, rather than spawning a shell18:39
* pitti hugs chrisccoulson18:39
* chrisccoulson hugs pitti18:40
pittikenvandine: do you know whether there was some investigation about why indicator-{messages,applet,applet-session} burning so much CPU?18:42
kenvandinepitti, at start time?18:42
kenvandinetedg was going to add some instrumentation code18:42
kenvandinenot sure if he has though18:42
jcastroqense: hey, jono and I were thinking a hack day for app indicators would be a good idea, interested?18:55
qensejcastro: Sure, sounds neat. HackDay!18:55
jcastronext week we'll figure out a day, etc.18:56
qenseMaybe we should collect a list of applications that still need support on the beforehand.18:56
qensejcastro: ok18:57
jcastroqense: we used source.debian.net to find things using GtkStatusIcon, but it seems to be down right now18:57
qenseyep, times out here18:58
qenseWhat about sending a mail to the devel-discuss maillist with a request for suggestions?18:59
Burgundaviaanybody around to talk about artwork in Lucid? is for the official book19:16
jcastroqense: I'm going to grep through the archive first19:19
jcastroqense: we'll do a call for help as a last resort19:19
Burgundaviawin 319:21
qensejcastro: sounds good19:21
chrisccoulsonvuntz - there?19:47
vuntzchrisccoulson: yep19:53
chrisccoulsonvuntz - do you remember reviewing a patch I wrote for gnome-session a while ago, to lazy-initialize dk-power?19:54
chrisccoulsonthis patch: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-desktop/gnome-session/ubuntu/annotate/head%3A/debian/patches/21_dkp_start_on_demand.patch19:54
chrisccoulsoni seem to remember that you had some concerns with it19:54
vuntzI remember it19:55
vuntzbut I don't remember what I thought of it :-)19:55
chrisccoulsoni think you were concerned that it's too easy to forget to call manager_ensure_dkp_client19:56
vuntzchrisccoulson: yep19:57
vuntzthat's it19:57
chrisccoulsonvuntz - i'd like to try and tidy it up, but i'm not sure how to address that concern, short of creating a new class for fetching information from dk-power (eg, a GsmDkpower class, or something similar)19:58
chrisccoulsonbut that seems a bit overkill19:59
vuntzchrisccoulson: was wondering about a new class too19:59
chrisccoulsonuntz - i don't mind doing that then19:59
vuntzchrisccoulson: maybe talk to hughsie to see what he thinks19:59
chrisccoulsonyeah, i can do20:00
vuntzchrisccoulson: maybe he'll be willing to make the DkpClient object more flexible20:00
chrisccoulsonyeah, that might be a better idea20:00
chrisccoulsonie, only fetch the properties from the daemon when you first try to get them20:00
pittigood night everyone20:36
didrocksgood night pitti!20:37
seb128good night pitti20:39
didrockswell, time to go to bed :)21:15
didrockshave a good night everyone21:16
seb128'night didrocks21:25
chrisccoulsonhey seb12822:03
seb128hello chrisccoulson22:03
seb128how are you?22:03
chrisccoulsonyeah, good thanks22:03
chrisccoulsonand you?22:04
seb128good too22:04
seb128good night everybody23:11
Nafaijcastro: btw, I'm not sure what apt-daemon is that jono mentioned in his e-mail.  I can't find a package of that name or anything in any package by that name (using apt-file)23:25
chrisccoulsonNafai - aptdaemon?23:38
chrisccoulson!info aptdaemon23:38
ubottuaptdaemon (source: aptdaemon): transaction based package management service. In component main, is extra. Version 0.10+bzr264-0ubuntu1 (karmic), package size 5 kB, installed size 320 kB23:38
Nafaijono included a - in the name and I didn't think to try without the - :)23:44
jonoNafai, hehe23:51
jonoyou getting the hang of things?23:51
Nafaigetting there23:51
jonoNafai, what have you been working on?23:52
Nafaiunfortunately, not a ton this week (luckily, I don't start paid work until next week)...mainly getting my dev environment set up and such23:52
Nafaiupgraded to lucid and such23:52
jonono worries!23:52
Nafaifollowing the developer week stuff23:52
jonoI am not expecting you to work this week :)23:52
jonocool :)23:53
Nafaibtw, I loved dholbach and jcastro's tag team this morning23:53
jonoNafai, awesome :)23:57

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