
=== Ddorda1 is now known as Ddorda
DJonesJust a heads up, CTCP versions & http spam have reappeared in ubuntu-ukm only one so far, but possibly a sign of more to come09:53
jpdsDJones: The cat is on fire.10:07
markie-i'm here to discuss a ban made against me concerning -women, and would like to see it lifted14:32
erUSULmarkie-: you will have to contact some women op14:34
erUSULmarkie-: dunno if it has a ops channel if not try contactin via query14:35
Myrttithat would be hypa7ia14:35
Tm_Twould -ops be good place for discussion?14:35
erUSULTm_T: ops is only for #ubuntu afaik14:36
Tm_TerUSUL: not true14:36
Tm_Tit's for core channels14:36
Tm_Twhich is a bit more than just #u (:14:36
erUSULis #ubuntu-women a core channel?14:37
Tm_TI am not sure, that's why I'm asking14:37
markie-how can i get in touch with hypa7ia?14:37
erUSUL!seen hypa7ia14:37
ubottuI have no seen command14:37
uBOTu-frerUSUL: I have not seen hypa7ia.14:37
Picione moment.14:38
Tm_Twhy uBOTu-fr is here?14:38
PiciTm_T: all the bots are here14:38
Tm_Toh, then it shouldn't talk the same time with ubottu, I'd say (:14:38
PiciTm_T: Many of them use -irc as their relay channel for ! ops messages.14:39
Tm_TI have no issues those being here, just not multiple bots answering same call14:39
Myrttipleia2: do you happen to be awake/present/available?14:40
pleia2markie-: there have been several complaints that you made people uncomfortable there, and reports that you ban evaded to get around the ban14:40
Myrtti♥ ♥ ♥14:40
* hypa7ia is here too, and supports keeping the ban14:40
pleia2I am not comfortable removing it at this time14:40
markie-do you know when you will be comfortable about removing it?14:41
hypa7iawhen you show any indication of doing useful work to get women involved in the ubuntu project, rather than just being a troll.14:42
pleia2markie-: you've been banned and kicked from multiple channels *recently* - perhaps when you learn to behave in a manner that is more acceptable to the wider ubuntu community we can give you a chance in #ubuntu-women again too14:42
hypa7iaseems reasonable to me, pleia214:43
Picihypa7ia, pleia2: thanks for looking at this :)14:48
pleia2welcome :)14:48
hypa7iano problemo, Pici :)14:48
markie-i have helped women to get involved in the ubuntu community14:48
ubot2Tm_T called the ops in #ubuntu-locoteams ()14:49
Tm_Tmarkie-: that doesn't matter if you don't behave in IRC-channels14:49
markie-pleia2: are you a op too?14:50
Myrttiheads up, there's spambots doing a round again14:51
pleia2markie-: I'm the channel founder14:51
erUSULMyrtti: ty14:51
markie-and pici is?14:52
Tm_Tmarkie-: I wonder why you ask this14:53
Picimarkie-: Pici is an Ubuntu operator and I have a seat on the IRC Council.14:53
markie-alright, yea that's fine, i just get confused with which op i have to speak to thesedays14:54
Picimarkie-: I'm not involved in this matter (yet), just was trying to get the people who were involved to take a look.14:55
markie-would it help if i bring a woman in to tell you how i help her with ubuntu all the time?14:55
Tm_Tmarkie-: no, as long as you cannot behave in IRC-channels14:56
markie-Tm_T: who are you again?14:56
PiciTm_T: pm?14:56
Tm_TPici: sure14:56
pleia2markie-: the ubuntu women project is about encouraging women in general to contribute, you have shown thus far to make many of the members of our channel uncomfortable14:56
pleia2one woman saying you helped her won't change this14:56
pleia2my comment stands14:57
markie-what if i bring two in?14:57
pleia2I am not going to play this game with you, please stop14:57
markie-it's not a game, i do actaully help people, despite the fact i have a fairly bad rep14:58
markie-which i'm _trying_ to clean up, hence me being here14:58
pleia2the problem is your "fairly bad rep" - it hurts our channel, makes us uncomfortable and causes women to leave14:58
pleia2if you do learn to clean up, you're welcome to come back and ask again, but I see no evidence of this in the past week14:59
markie-it's been quite awhile since that ban14:59
pleia2and it's been only a few days since the latest report of your poor behavior in the community14:59
markie-yea but there are different types of poor bahavior, some of which are not related15:00
* hypa7ia is rapidly locing interest in this discussion15:01
pleia2yeah, I've said what I'm going to say15:01
pleia2markie-: I do hope you learn to improve your behavior, for yourself and the community15:01
markie-true, me too. and that's what i've set out to do15:02
markie-well, over the past few days15:02
markie-making a clean start, trying to clean up the image of -cym aswell15:02
hypa7iamarkie-: why don't you work on that for a while and then ask again in say two months?15:03
hypa7iaas a show of good faith, don't bother us until then.15:03
markie-two months, really? what about one?15:04
markie-and yes i'm actually serious about this15:04
hypa7iamarkie-: two months. it's going to take some time to undo the harm you've done.15:04
markie-two months it is then15:05
hypa7iamuch appreciated.  we'll touch base then, ok?15:06
markie-it was nice speaking to you all, have a very wonderful day15:07
hypa7iagood stuff, you too.15:07
hypa7iait goes pretty much unsaid that bans elsewhere reset that 2 month marker15:09
hypa7iai think15:09
Tm_Twho knows (:15:10
hypa7iaanywhoo, back to vegging out :)15:10
=== dholbach_ is now known as dholbach
nealmcbso what is the deal with these repeated CTCP VERSION messages in a bunch of channels.  Pigeon give me annoying popups for them "no such nick or channel".    Is it just spam?  probing for security vulnerabilities?  Anything I should worry about (I'm on hardy, should be patched up-to-date)  Are folks that do that quickly automatically booted by freenode? By the channel?15:39
Myrttispam, they are booted, currently several channels are either +r, +R or both15:39
jpdsnealmcb: http://blog.freenode.net/2010/01/javascript-spam/15:39
nealmcbMyrtti, jpds - Thanks!15:43
MyrttiFYI, #mer got just hit16:15
ubot2nixternal called the ops in #ubuntu-locoteams ()17:08
jpdsm4v, erUSUL: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/guadalinex/+bug/51391519:40
ubottuUbuntu bug 513915 in guadalinex "IRC Clients join Ubuntu channels by default" [Undecided,New]19:40
jpdsm4v, erUSUL: "This bug affects me too".19:40
erUSULto be fair it affects #ubuntu channels. #ubuntu ops are more affected then me ;)19:43
erUSULanyway; +1 from me19:43
m4verUSUL: We do get some users in #ubuntu-es asking for support, I wonder how different is that distro from Ubuntu22:11
m4vshould we try to help them, or just plainly direct them to #guadalinex?22:13
topylim4v, what does #guadalinex look like? are there enough helpers, or would it be full of newbies if you directed everyone there?22:49
topylineed to consider the support too. some basic things are probably similar enough22:50
topyliideally they should have a sustainable support channel of course, but who knows22:50
m4vtheir channel seems empty22:59
m4vand maybe abandoned, freenode-staff is the founder..23:01
m4vif guadalinex is just a rebranded Ubuntu then I wouldn't mind getting them in #ubuntu-es, maybe we can even win a regular helper23:06
topyliwell if we're lucky, it's not that different23:10
topylii don't know guadalinex very well, but i'm inclined to assume that it just has a slightly different default set of applications, and localization23:11
topylii might be horribly wrong just as well23:11
topylialso, not all of them are likely to be newbies at all23:15

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