
_marx_just a quick thought on UUD...if we do pull off a 24 hour schedule I believe that would be a first00:36
Pendulum_marx_: #ubuntu-classroom-backstage00:37
_marx_Pendulum, roger that00:37
doctormopleia2: Upoading FINALLY my video on ground control00:59
pleia2doctormo: yay!00:59
doctormopleia2: It's going to take 3 hours to upload :-D00:59
pleia2how long is it?01:00
doctormopleia2: 9:4201:03
doctormoIt's gone down now to 35 mins to upload01:03
pleia2so, I'm going to take one of your sysadmin classes and put it into moodle01:04
pleia2any recommendations as to which?01:04
doctormoI do stammer and statter my way through the entire thing though, and nautilus does crash (I paused the recording and plowed on through though) but otherwise it's a half decent look at what it does.01:04
doctormoNow I need testers01:04
doctormoTo install it and try it out, do videos themselves etc etc01:04
doctormopleia2: The command line class should work, although I thought you were going to put on class into bzr first.01:05
pleia2we still don't have finished docs for that01:05
pleia2moodle is something I can do nowish01:05
doctormopleia2: What could be good is if you use the pdf export of the odf and then link that into the moodle course, that way all the extras that are required by moodle will get done and there won't be much duplication.01:08
pleia2hmm, maybe pdf to html?01:08
doctormoAny rewriting can go back into the odf and then hopefully we won't have diverging versions.01:08
pleia2I know moodle is very happy with html01:09
doctormopleia2: I thought moodle would just eat up a pdf? any format that it needs, yes.01:09
pleia2well, I think the preferred format for it is html01:09
pleia2so we get the stuff into html, then we dump it into moodle01:09
doctormopleia2: The odf should export to html, so long as it's the odf that gets the changes, unless you want to commit the html into bzr.01:12
pleia2oh ok01:12
pleia2no html in bzr, I just need to get html from the asciidoc somehow01:12
doctormopleia2: It does that already, you just run the compile.01:13
pleia2ooh it still does, neat01:13
doctormopleia2: Would you like me to get the command line section into asciidoc as a priority so you can html it?01:15
pleia2doctormo: maybe I should do that01:15
pleia2then I will feel the whole process01:15
doctormoI only wish dinda was still around so she could give ground control a go.01:18
doctormoWho else had problems with the cli for the commit workflow?01:18
pleia2I don't know that anyone was really trying it :)01:21
IdleOneoh just a suggestion. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Learning/UbuntuDesktopTopics could use a section on the diffrent Desktops ( Gnome,KDE,XFCE,LXDE )01:26
pleia2IdleOne: feel free to go ahead and add it :)01:26
doctormopleia2: http://blip.tv/file/get/Doctormo-GroundControlDemonstrationV106400.ogv <- can you see that?01:27
pleia2yay it's doctormo in his hat! :)01:27
IdleOnepleia2: added01:29
pleia2thanks IdleOne!01:30
* pleia2 watches01:30
pleia2yay that's me!01:32
pleia2watching doctormo's video about ground control01:32
IdleOneLove the hat01:33
IdleOneI have a big head, hats look wierd on me lol01:33
pleia2hrm, the video kinda dies for me at 8:1201:38
doctormopleia2: Testing now01:38
pleia2it freezes01:39
pleia2and it's like that to the end01:39
doctormoMaybe the FLV will be better01:40
IdleOnefroze for me around 4:1001:43
pleia2maybe we can just blame flash sucking01:46
IdleOnefine with me01:46
IdleOnebtw 3:14 is when it froze01:47
doctormopleia2: It's not flash is it, it's ogv01:47
doctormohttp://blip.tv/file/3141629 <- play it now from the flash player01:48
pleia2oh, right01:48
* pleia2 can see the end now01:52
doctormopleia2: So what do you think?01:55
pleia2I'm excited! ground control looks great :)01:57
pleia2might even make the trek over to my desktop to install it and give it a spin01:57
doctormopleia2: That sounds great01:59
* pleia2 does so02:00
* pleia2 makes a mess02:16
pleia2my brain still needs help with DVCS workflow02:17
pleia2doctormo: have a couple minutes?02:18
doctormopleia2: sure02:18
pleia2ok, so once upon a time back in 2009, I created my branch02:18
pleia2which is horrible and outdated now - how do I... um, "svn up" to make it grab all the changes from the trunk?02:19
doctormopleia2: create a new branch, delete the old one... I don't have a good solution for merging back into another branch yet.02:20
doctormopleia2: Possibly a good candidate for a bug report02:20
pleia2ok, but what about in general?02:20
pleia2even from the command line is fine02:20
pleia2nigel and I are hacking away at a course together, he merges his changes, I want to pull them into my branch so I can edit a typo02:21
pleia2pointing me to documentation on this is an acceptable response :)02:21
* pleia2 wanders around some bzr documentation02:25
doctormopleia2: Ah sorry02:25
doctormopleia2: bzr merge lp:foo/blah/d02:25
doctormopleia2: Although the best way is to pull his branch, fix the error and merge request back to him... althought he overhead is quite high for a spelling error.02:26
pleia2ERROR: Branches have no common ancestor02:26
* pleia2 chuckles02:26
pleia2well, mine IS quite old!02:26
pleia2ok, maybe my old one dies tonight and I just back up the odt files elsewhere02:27
pleia2what is this "name" of the branch supposed to represent?02:29
doctormopleia2: It's a unique name which gets used for the directory name and the push location name.02:38
doctormopleia2: Your the only person so far to have given it a try though, not a peep out of anyone else.02:39
=== doctormo is now known as h
=== h is now known as Guest91976
=== Guest91976 is now known as doctormo
pleia2ok, another stupid question02:41
pleia2nevermind, I figured this one out :)02:42
pleia2it's great how writing out a question sometimes makes your brain start working02:42
pleia2is there a way to make groundcontrol/nautilus forget your lp credentials?02:46
pleia2I think I have a bug, but I'd rather make sure I can duplicate it before submitting :)02:46
doctormopleia2: Sure, go to Applications > Accessories > Launchpad Account Configuration02:48
pleia2logoff! excellent02:48
pleia2yep, it freezes at "looking up secure shell keys"02:49
pleia2so I never get to see my pretty face02:49
pleia2but it does actually log me in02:50
pleia2there you go doctormo, two bug reports :)03:06
pleia2do I get a cookie?03:06
* doctormo gives pleia2 one of his chinese fortune cookies he just got03:40
doctormoCan you run the program via the command line and see what happens?03:41
doctormopleia2: `nautilus --quit; nautilus --no-desktop`03:41
pleia2doctormo_: http://princessleia.com/temp/gc.txt04:11
pleia2that's what pops up when I do the login04:13
doctormo_pleia2: Could you check for the existance of bzr.svg ?04:18
paultagdoctormo_, watching Ground Control demo now. Looks nifty04:19
pleia2doctormo_: on my system?04:20
doctormo_pleia2: yes, it seems to be saying that bzr.svg exists, but that it's a 0 length file (I think)04:20
pleia2doctormo_: no, but I did have a bzr directory!04:22
pleia2if you have a ~/bzr this is what happens, oops :)04:23
doctormo_pleia2: Oh, how interesting, that's the real bug then I guess.04:23
pleia2bzr is something I created04:24
* pleia2 has ~/git ~/svn etc for revision control04:25
doctormo_I've commited a fix04:30
DiegoTcpleia2, got a question about https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Learning/AdvocateTopics05:16
DiegoTcI remember Saj007 had that idea for the education FG in Beginners05:17
DiegoTcbut was only the idea05:17
DiegoTcI propose to him that i was offering to help05:18
DiegoTcbut also, i was going to help in making the translation05:18
DiegoTcmeaning that if spanish people enter the channel to ask for help05:18
pleia2oh, great05:18
DiegoTcthere was going to be some link to go on spansih05:18
DiegoTcbut it was just the idea05:18
pleia2I think it's a good one05:19
pleia2eventually we do want to better support translations05:19
DiegoTcand i am reading it right now and wondering05:19
DiegoTcwith who i have that for that05:19
DiegoTci have a little more experience with loco that with other topic in ubuntu community05:20
pleia2so currently our process for "claiming" a topic is simply editing the wiki and putting your name next to it05:20
DiegoTcwell i was this name Organizer: Martin Owens Drafter: None05:21
pleia2so if you wanted to write the, say, "Organising Events" class, you edit the wiki page and put your nick next to it, saying you're working on writing it05:21
pleia2I'm talking about down in the "Classroom Topics" part of the page05:21
DiegoTcyes i am seeing it right now05:22
pleia2so if you look at: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Learning/UbuntuDesktopTopics05:22
pleia2you will see: Ubuntu Desktop Introduction -- Log of this course outline from doctormo, pleia2 developing05:22
DiegoTcdoing it rught now05:24
DiegoTci should add my name to the team also05:24
pleia2be sure to link to your wiki page or something, so if someone wants to help they can contact you :)05:24
DiegoTcIf you are interested, simply introduce yourself on our IRC channel (#ubuntu-learning on irc.freenode.net) or Mailing List and one of the administrators will add you to the team!05:25
DiegoTci supposed you are one of the administrator05:25
pleia2what's your lp name again?05:26
DiegoTcso no need to send email :p05:26
* pleia2 could look it up, but is lazy05:26
pleia2added :)05:26
pleia2so when developing courses we leverage existing documentation heavily05:27
pleia2so be sure to use the existing wiki documentation lots (and contribute back to it if you can!)05:28
pleia2oh and this is how our courses are divided: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Learning/CourseLayout05:28
pleia2eek, I need to get some sleep05:29
DiegoTcpleia2, i know english but don't know the meaning of this phrase  we leverage existing documentation heavily05:29
pleia2sorry, we use a lot of existing documentation05:29
DiegoTcnp, I learn a new word :D05:29
DiegoTcwell i add my name https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Learning/AdvocateTopics05:30
DiegoTcI know there is a lot of documentation on how to form the Loco Team05:31
DiegoTcso I should work with it on english05:31
DiegoTcand went i have a chance i will make the translation05:31
pleia2yes, if can :)05:32
DiegoTcwell I am leaving05:32
pleia2me too, need sleep05:32
DiegoTchave to study calculus and wake up early to go to work05:32
pleia2ah fun :)05:33
DiegoTcsometimes i feel i am old05:33
DiegoTcand only have 18 :p05:33
* pleia2 is a decade older05:33
pleia2thanks for making me feel REALLLY old ;)05:34
DiegoTchaha sorry05:34
pleia2ok, bedtime!05:34
pleia2night :)05:34
DiegoTcGood Night :D05:34
nigel_nbdoctormo, ping15:45
IdleOneaqui no puedes hablar espaƱol. ve a #ubuntu-es. escribe " /j #ubuntu-es " sin las comillas y dale a enter15:47
piratamy name is paul15:50
pirataa you15:50
IdleOneWelcome Paul, I am IdleOne :)15:50
pleia2nigel_nb: did you see doctormo's groundcontrol video? :)15:51
pirataI live in cordoba15:51
nigel_nbpleia2, yep15:52
nigel_nbNow I guess I have to rewrite ;)15:52
pleia2I'd keep both15:52
pleia2give bzr instructions, and introduce ground control15:53
nigel_nbpleia2, ok.  I need to talk to doctormo about it anyway soon :)15:53
pirataI have 12 years15:53
nigel_nblater folks, work calls :)15:54
nigel_nbpleia2, ....^^15:56
pleia2pirata: stop15:56
nigel_nbah :)15:56
pleia2later nigel_nb :)15:56
dindamaybe their cat was walking on the kb ;)15:56
nigel_nbdoctormo, will you be around 2nite?15:56
nigel_nbdoctormo, need your help with integrating ground control with my course :)15:57
nigel_nbdinda, oh yeah, with one paw at enter key ? ;)15:57
doctormonigel_nb: sure15:57
dindanigel_nb: heh - my cat manages to do all sorts of magic on my kb15:58
nigel_nbdoctormo, okay, we'll get that course done by first week of feb (determined)15:58
nigel_nbdinda, hehe15:58
dindashe somehow managed to turn my brigtness down to 0 while I stepped away15:58
dindathought my machine was dead when I returned!15:58
nigel_nbresourceful cat15:58
pleia2when my boyfriend was visiting he kept leaving his old, dying macbook open15:59
doctormohey dinda! just the person I wanted to see15:59
pleia2my siamese decided it was her favorite place to nap, and each time he'd come back it would be off15:59
pleia2(probably overheated)15:59
* pleia2 said "stop leaving it open!"16:00
dindamy had a 'cat butt proof' macbook cover made for hers to keep her kitty from sleeping there16:00
dindathat is my friend16:00
doctormoOur cat "Barnaby" loves the laptops as beds16:00
* dinda goes to look for photo of said 'cat butt proof' item16:00
dindaacryllic kb cover - was kind of neat16:01
doctormodinda and nigel_nb: http://doctormo.wordpress.com/2010/01/27/ground-control-demonstration/16:01
nigel_nbdoctormo, already saw it yday nite16:01
nigel_nbright when you posted it :)16:01
nigel_nbum, rather 2day morning16:02
nigel_nband bug squad got a mail about it too! everyone loves it :)16:02
dindadoctormo: nice!  how did you make the video?16:03
doctormodinda: gtk-recordmydesktop + cheese16:03
doctormodinda: But I figured you should see the fruit of your gripe with getting involved with lp+bzr16:04
dindadoctormo: MagicFab was giving you props for this project :)16:04
dindadoctormo: :)  schweet - always good to see griping helps make the world better in some cases16:04
dindadoctormo: can you fix the weather now, please?16:05
doctormodinda: Hopefully I'll get you to test it.16:05
dindadoctormo: if you can magically add about 10 hours to each day, then yeah I'll have time in 2011 - maybe ;)16:06
pleia2controlling the time and the weather? dinda is hard to please!16:06
dindabtw- I have an intern working with on just community learning projects!16:06
pleia2wow, that's great16:06
doctormodinda: Maybe we can get your community learning minion to play with it.16:07
dindashe's not associated with canonical so I'm doing it all on my own time and we decided to help with this team16:07
dindashe'll be showing up next week16:07
dindaher nick is: pwsquare16:07
dindashe has 20+ years in training development and has been running ubuntu for a few weeks now16:08
pleia2doctormo: have time to take a look at a blog entry I'm playing with for -learning?16:08
doctormopleia2: sure16:08
dindashe's also taking  Moodle course as part of her Master's degree so that will really be helpful16:09
pleia2doctormo: link in pm16:09
pleia2doctormo: I'll also add a bit about ground control now...16:10
pleia2I also want to document how we're currently assigning/people signing up for doing sections, since I explain it in irc a couple times a week16:10
doctormodinda: That will be useful, part two of this development push is to get moodle intergration etc.16:11
pleia2cprofitt! have you seen groundcontrol?16:56
cprofitterr.. that a person or an application?17:00
cprofittI have heard of ground control as an app... but not seen it.17:00
pleia2the application17:03
cprofittthe one I heard of is similar to cacti from my understanding17:04
cprofittso this appears to be same name - different thing17:04
pleia2I think you're thinking of groundwork17:05
cprofittI just started playing with cacti17:05
pleia2ground control is a naultilus interface for bzr :)17:05
pleia2handles checkouts, commits, merge requests17:05
pleia2all using your launchpad account17:05
cprofittyeah, doc talked about that17:06
pleia2it's in testing now, looking good17:06
mhall119|workground control looks really cool17:35
pleia2yeah, I'm excited! :)17:35
pleia2DiegoTc: you rock! thanks for linking the resources :)18:19
DiegoTcpleia2: you won me18:20
DiegoTci was going to said you that18:20
DiegoTcright now18:20
DiegoTcpleia2: but i have a question18:20
DiegoTcwhich is the real objective of the How to spread Ubuntu (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Learning/AdvocateTopics)]18:21
DiegoTcon the wiki there is a lot of info about the topic18:22
DiegoTcbut what i should write about it?18:22
* DiegoTc wonders if pleia2 understood DiegoTc 18:23
pleia2what you write is the course itself, so it can be taught by a teacher in a classroom18:23
DiegoTci understand now18:23
pleia2this is the layout: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Learning/CourseLayout18:24
pleia2so, for example....18:24
pleia2you want to write "Forming a LoCo group"18:24
pleia2in the "Overview" section you describe what a loco is18:24
DiegoTcpleia2: is there any course finish to get an idea18:24
pleia2in the "Demonstration" section you give the students a tour of what an existing loco looks like18:25
pleia2in the "Practical" section you tell the students to pretend they are setting up a loco, or something18:26
DiegoTcI understand now18:26
pleia2it's a bit tricky with advocate topics18:26
pleia2we're focused on tech stuff for now, it's easy to do practical stuff with tech stuff :)18:26
pleia2https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Learning/SystemAdminTopics links to some of doctormo's completed classes18:26
pleia2so like: http://doctormo.wordpress.com/2009/07/15/ubuntu-system-admin-class-command-line-basics/18:26
DiegoTci will write about the topic next week18:29
DiegoTchad to finish exams at college first18:29
pleia2great :)18:30
pleia2let us know if you have any questions, once you have a draft I can look it over for you18:30
pleia2IdleOne: stop getting me in trouble21:14
IdleOneerrr, umm, what did I do?21:17
cjohnstonuh oh21:17
IdleOneShe doesn't scare me, she talks tough is all :P21:18
IdleOneok fine I'm lying21:18
IdleOneShe scares the bejeezus out of me :/21:18
cjohnstonme too21:20
pleia2I just assume it's your survey which says I forced you to join UUD21:20
cjohnstonwhat did you do that21:20
IdleOneI knew I shouldn't of mentioned the channel21:21
cjohnstontwo people actually mention pleia2 in their responses21:21
IdleOnejust can't help tease pleia2, she handles it so well21:22
cjohnstonyour not in the other channel we are in together IdleOne21:22
IdleOnenot kissing up or anything but you seem to have the ability to read people better then most on irc.21:23
pleia2that's because I've been on irc for like 12 years :(21:23
IdleOne11 here21:23
* pleia2 is a bit of a junkie21:24
IdleOnejust think in 20 years there are going to be kids twittering about IRC and we can tweet back yeah I was there when it was cool :P21:24
pleia2I don't think it was ever cool :\21:24
PendulumIRC is always cool ;)21:24
IdleOneyeah but they won't kow that lol21:24
cjohnstonholy crap this is a long email21:25
IdleOnecjohnston: is there another channel I can join where I can tease pleia2 more?21:26
IdleOne#ubuntu-classroom-backstage-chat #ubuntu-classroom-backstage-chat-offtopic #ubuntu-classroom-backstage-chat-offtopic-logged...WHAT'S NEXT!?21:27
IdleOneI used to have 1 network 2 channels21:27
pleia2#ubuntu-classroom-backstage is in window number 7021:27
cjohnstonyou have 70 pleia2 ?21:28
cjohnstoni have 56 right now21:28
pleia2well, if you don't count the status window...21:28
pleia2it's not a problem until you reach 10021:28
IdleOneI got 12. small potatoes21:28
cjohnston45 if I dont count status21:28
IdleOnesee you people are just crazy21:28
IdleOneyou don't even like 75% of the people in those channels21:29
* cjohnston goes to look at what other channels he can bug pleia2 in21:29
pleia2several networks21:29
Pendulumat home I think I have 18 channels (I'm at work so I specific to what I think are most important for me to be in during the day ;) )21:29
pleia2but I am in a whole bunch on freenode21:29
* cjohnston likes, "you dont even like 75% of the people"21:30
Pendulumdoes that mean she doesn't like us? :(21:35
cjohnstonPendulum: thats how i took it21:35
IdleOnewe like her enough to compensate21:35
IdleOnethat survey, that was anonymous right?21:40
cjohnstonnope.. i know exactly who you are21:53
PendulumIdleOne: don't worry he also knows where you are and what you had for lunch. he's psychic, that's all ;)21:54
IdleOneI can send a picture of myself21:55
IdleOnecjohnston: dont bother sending me your home address.21:56
* IdleOne is psycho also21:56
IdleOneoh, psychic, hehe never mind21:56
nigel_nbpaultag: ping22:13

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