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coolbhaviIs the MC meeting today scheduled to be here?16:56
cyphermoxcoolbhavi, I believe so :)16:57
nixternalcoolbhavi: don't know if there is quorum, and right now it looks like I am the only MC member around, and my membership expires in a few hours :/16:57
statiknixternal, don't die before processing my application please :)16:58
nixternaldholbach said he wasn't going to be around, nhandler can't make it, and soren and geser expired yesterday16:58
cyphermoxnixternal, in a few hours?!16:58
nixternalstatik: I am not going anywhere16:58
daviIs Ubuntu hiring?16:58
daviHow to be a Ubuntu worker?16:58
nixternalcyphermox: yeah, my MC membership expires at 00:00:01 today16:58
coolbhavinixternal, bad news16:58
macodavi: most people working on ubuntu are volunteers16:58
macodavi: if you're looking for a job with canonical, http://canonical.com and click careers at the bottom16:58
macook then16:59
nixternalvolunteerism rocks, been volunteering around here for 5 years now :)16:59
* maco blinks16:59
macoa gnu cloak?16:59
macoand leaves as soon as volunteering is mentioned?16:59
JFonixternal, you rock ;-)17:00
nixternalwhy thanks17:00
nixternalmaco: I think anyone can get the gnu cloak17:00
czajkowskiJFo: aloha :)17:00
* coolbhavi prays God to get our application processed 17:00
JFohiya czajkowski :)17:01
nixternalit seems I have been left out to dry on this one...none of the other MC peeps are around...go figure, I make a meeting and nobody else does17:01
coolbhavicyphermox, what now mate?17:04
* coolbhavi is worried17:04
cyphermoxwaiting, to see if others show up, otherwise it will be next time, before the DMB17:04
cyphermox(I think)17:04
nixternallucky you, I am on the DMB as well, so I can deny you there too :p17:05
* nixternal thinks a DMB meeting is coming up as well17:05
cyphermoxawesome! thank you so much nixternal ;)17:05
coolbhavicyphermox, mate I have my project coming up and i ll be busy at univ so17:06
kamalmostafaHello folks.  I'm curious -- what is "MC"?17:06
nixternallooks like Feb 2 is the DMB meeting at 15:00 UTC according to the Fridge17:06
cyphermoxcoolbhavi, I'm in my lunch hour17:06
nixternalkamalmostafa: MOTU Council17:06
kamalmostafanixternal: thank you17:07
statiknixternal, so quorum is 4 and there is only you left? I rearranged my work schedule because persia told me it was important to be at this meeting and that no applications had been processed by email for months.  should I keep waiting and see if anyone else shows up?17:15
statiknixternal: maybe i could answer any questions you have here, and you could cast a vote by email before your membership expires?17:16
nixternalI was thinking the same thing statik17:17
* nixternal looks through the agenda17:17
statiki answered persia's questions here: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/motu-council/2010-January/002371.html17:17
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nixternalI am still around, checking on somethings17:30
nixternalstatik: as I found out, we wouldn't have quorum on any apps either today or by the end of the day when 2 more expire unfortunately....the only thing I can do is poing you to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DeveloperMembershipBoard#Application process :( I am sorry dude, I have been trying17:52
statiknixternal, thats ok. thanks for your efforts. so i should re-apply to the DMB then?17:53
nixternaldholbach had to leave promptly earlier for reasons unknown17:53
statikit's probably tough this overlapping with developerweek17:53
nixternalstatik: from what I can make of it, yes :(17:53
nixternalit shouldn't have been tough I don't think17:53
nixternalFebruary 2 is the next DMB meeting at 15:00 UTC17:54
coolbhavinixternal, do we have to again reapply on mailing list?17:54
nixternalcoolbhavi: just send what you sent to the mc list and you will be fine17:55
nixternalI really do appologize it had to happen like this, I was really hoping that my last MC meeting would be eventful :(17:55
coolbhavinixternal, okay thanks see you again on feb 217:56
cyphermoxnixternal, it was to be expected, with future meetings already cancelled for the same reasons :)17:56
statiknixternal, thanks for all your hard work, see you on the DMB then :)17:57
nixternalthanks everyone, can't wait to hammer you with questions next week :)17:58
cyphermoxahaha ;)17:58
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coolbhavinixternal, sure m ready :)17:59
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PythonGood evening21:17
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