
ubottublakkheim called the ops in #ubuntu (Stefan91)03:32
MenZaubottu: tell eltume about o4o04:12
FlannelMenZa: I don't see how that's inappropriate04:14
MenZaFlannel: well, borderline04:15
FlannelMenZa: It was effectively a factual question04:16
MenZaTrue, I suppose04:17
FlannelJust as if I had asked "In what verse does Falstaff claim to be the cause of wit in men" or something similar.04:17
MenZaAye, I guess.04:20
tritiumGood evening, Flannel, MenZa.04:21
FlannelHOwdy tritium04:21
MenZamorning tritium!04:21
ubottuFloodBotK3 called the ops in #kubuntu-ops-monitor (CTCP/NOTICE)05:12
ubottuFloodBotK2 called the ops in #kubuntu-ops-monitor (CTCP/NOTICE)05:12
ubottuFloodBotK1 called the ops in #kubuntu-ops-monitor (CTCP/NOTICE)05:12
ubottuFloodBotK2 called the ops in #kubuntu-ops-monitor (CTCP/NOTICE)05:14
ubottuFloodBotK3 called the ops in #kubuntu-ops-monitor (CTCP/NOTICE)05:17
ubottuFloodBotK2 called the ops in #kubuntu-ops-monitor (CTCP/NOTICE)05:17
ubottuFloodBotK1 called the ops in #kubuntu-ops-monitor (CTCP/NOTICE)05:17
MenZaFlannel: I suggest +R-r with a message in /topic.05:18
MenZaI'm not sure if CTCP requests to /channel/ are still sent to individual users, though05:18
MenZaIn which case, +r is also a good idea.05:19
MenZaSeems like +R is fine05:19
Flannelyeah, that's why I was pondering them to begin with05:19
MenZaI'd rather have genuine unidentified users be met with "Hi, please identify" than being locked out.05:21
MenZa@ Flannel ^05:21
tsimpsonwhen they attempt to send a message to a channel the server does send them a message05:21
MenZatsimpson: so if I ctcp a channel with something, it is sent to the individual users?05:21
FlannelMenZa: They get the same thing when they attempt to j... yeah05:21
MenZaif I'm -e05:22
tsimpsonMenZa: if you ctcp a channel, it gets sent to everyone in the channel, it's just a PRIVMSG05:22
tsimpsonsame as any other message to a channel, all in there can see it05:22
MenZabut PRIVMSGs are blocked if the channel is +R05:22
MenZaWhat I'm curious about is if the channel is +R if it just PRIVMSGs every individual user05:22
tsimpsonif it's the http post exploit, then it won't05:23
tsimpsonand most simple script won't either05:23
MenZathis seems to have dodged it05:23
MenZathey join, sit for a bit, then part.05:23
tsimpson+R does not stop them joining05:24
tsimpsonthat's +r05:24
MenZaI am aware05:24
MenZaBut it's not really a problem for them to join05:24
MenZaAs long as they don't CTCP spam.05:25
tsimpsonit's only an issue for those who are already there, trying to send messages05:25
MenZatsimpson: if they're unidentified, the message is blocked, so what does it matter?05:26
tsimpsonI mean for real uses, not attackers05:27
MenZaoh, aye05:27
ubottublakkheim called the ops in #ubuntu ()05:37
ubottumobi-sheep called the ops in #ubuntu (Electa)05:41
Myrttilots of excesss flood by same people05:55
tsimpsondue to the CTCPs05:57
Myrttianyone? im on my  n800 so limited resources05:57
tsimpsonthe attacks are in other channels, so not much we can do05:58
naliothwe're trying to keep up :/05:58
Myrttiapart from forwarding to another channel?05:58
FlannelThey should settle down soon05:59
naliothjust keep the two "R"s close at hand06:02
Myrttiaptitude full-upgrade?06:03
Myrttinever heard06:03
tsimpsonit's the new name for dist-upgrade I think06:03
ubottuFloodBotK3 called the ops in #kubuntu-ops-monitor (CTCP/NOTICE)06:05
ubottuFloodBotK2 called the ops in #kubuntu-ops-monitor (CTCP/NOTICE)06:05
ubottuFloodBotK1 called the ops in #kubuntu-ops-monitor (CTCP/NOTICE)06:05
elkyplease tell me dist-upgrade remains a valid alias...06:05
tsimpsonit does, for now at lease06:05
Flanneljust use apt-get!06:05
* Flannel hides.06:05
elkyi'm more thinking about finger memory and so forth06:07
ubottuFloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)06:54
ubottuFloodBot4 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)06:54
ubottuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)06:54
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)06:54
dholbachgood morning07:27
ubottumobi-sheep called the ops in #ubuntu (terje)08:18
Myrttihow boring08:43
MenZaMyrtti: ahum?09:08
MyrttiI set the channel +R in lack of better solutions09:08
MenZaAh, CTCP flood?09:08
Myrttino, "Install Gentoo"09:08
MenZaI wasn't following.09:08
MenZaMyrtti: Set it +Rr then; unregistered users will be forwarded to -unregged instead09:09
gordfreenode is rapidly becoming a registered only world it seems09:11
MyrttiI just love when I'm told how to do my ops business after being one for 10 years09:14
Myrttiit just makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside09:18
Myrttiif anyone else wants to look at the discussion at #ubuntu right now, since I can't think of any way of making it go all support issues again, I'd appreciate09:19
MenZaubottu: tell Zosimos about guidelines09:24
MenZaubottu: tell Zosimos about coc09:24
MyrttiTm_T: could you have a word with Knubbel the next time you see him online? I agree that his bans should probably stay put, but he joined #xubuntu to ask kubuntu questions.09:42
MyrttiI'm still a bit sceptic on his explanation that his reason for cursing on the channels is tourettes...09:42
Garydid zosimos get any more pm's than those two above?09:42
Myrttidoes anyone confess making the bot send him any more pms?09:43
MyrttiI didn't09:43
Garyno worries, the user is probably just in the mood for a moan09:45
MamarokMyrtti: that is a lame excuse, Tourette is speaking, certainly *not* writing09:59
Mamarokseems he has no Tourette at all09:59
MyrttiMamarok: I know, I date a tourettean ;-) (with physical, not audible ticks)10:00
MamarokOK :)10:00
tsimpsonthe bot will always give the nick of who requested it to /msg someone, so it's always traceable10:10
* Myrtti facepalms10:42
* Myrtti goes to get the mail and more coffee and cookies10:44
Myrttihow tedious10:47
jpdsniko: Can I have a +R in -locoteams please?10:56
Tm_Tyes, please10:56
Tm_TMyrtti: Knubbel? hmm, if I see him, sure, though I doubt it would be of any use10:56
nalioth a +r is all that is needed next time11:16
naliothjust kick'em out11:17
Tm_Tin general, would it make any sense to have localised -unregged channel in the future?11:23
nikoTm_T: we have one for #ubuntu-fr* channels11:24
Tm_Ttopyli: Myrtti: ^11:25
Tm_Twe need staff in #plasma11:25
topylitm_T, it does make sense11:26
Tm_Ttopyli: mind to set one up? (:11:27
Tm_Tniko: mind to give +r in #plasma until the only op there is awake?11:28
topylitm_T, that means work! :)11:28
topylicould do it after this other work11:28
Tm_Ttopyli: thanks, I most likely cannot get enough time to do it very soon11:29
topyliit's a good idea especially since afaik all -fi channels are now +r11:30
nikoTm_T the founder is opped on #plasma11:31
Tm_Tniko: but doesn't answer, so is not active11:31
Tm_Tniko: been idle for, err, 12 hours (:11:31
Tm_Tniko: so should we wait him to wake up?11:33
nikofor the moment, i see no spam on #plasma11:35
Tm_Tyup, did stop when I asked you here, for now11:35
Tm_Tbut have been several times in last few hours already11:35
Tm_Tactually, 8 rounds in last 2 hours (:11:37
Tm_Tniko: also #ubuntu-locoteams has those again (:11:39
ubottuTm_T called the ops in #ubuntu-women ()11:39
Tm_Tand ^11:39
Tm_Tand plenty of other channels, but those can be left11:42
Myrttitopyli, Tm_T: have you done the channel yet?11:43
Tm_Tnot me11:43
topyliMyrtti, no11:43
topyliwe're dreamers11:43
Tm_TR. is in her "destruct everything" mode here11:43
Tm_TMyrtti: ok to me11:44
topylii'm having a heated email discussion with colleagues who think jabber would make things even harder, not easier11:44
topyliMyrtti, you're creating it?11:45
topyligood good11:45
elkywait, colleagues. does that mean you have like a real job now?11:45
topyliof course not11:46
Tm_Toh what Bac is talking about?!11:46
topylijust some researchers i'm supposed to work with11:46
Myrttichannel registered, work interferes11:47
Tm_TMyrtti: no hurry, and big thanks11:47
* Tm_T huggles Myrtti11:47
elkytopyli, i thought your research ran out of funds or something though :-/11:49
topylielky, it did. i'm eating savings and looking for a job11:50
topylino harm writing papers for conferences and looking at grants as well11:50
elkyof course not11:51
topyliand my dissertation is not *quite* there yet, although it's getting close. writing gets harder as the details get more boring11:53
Myrttido I need some magic skillz to set a channel +f #channel2?12:30
nikono, if you are opped12:31
elkyi think nal set it so we only need to +r it now12:31
Myrtti!calkins.freenode.net #ubuntu-fi has no forward channel12:32
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)12:32
Myrttiit maek no sense12:32
kloeri_/mode #channel +f #otherchannel and #otherchannel needs to be -Q12:33
kloeri_and it only forwards users blocked by +i, +r og +j join throttling12:33
* Myrtti blinks12:34
kloeri_Myrtti: which channel are you trying to forward? and where to?12:37
Myrtti#ubuntu-fi to #ubuntu-fi-rekisteroidy with +r12:39
kloeri_if you're +o in #ubuntu-fi you should be able to /mode #ubuntu-fi +f #ubuntu-fi-rekisteroidy12:40
Myrttioh the irony13:00
Myrttithere's complaints about the +r from a person that is registered and identified13:01
Tm_TMyrtti: iron-y13:01
kloeri_heh, he prefers the spam?13:03
Tm_Tkloeri_: yes13:04
Tm_The is13:06
Myrttiapparently would be better to let some spam in and let bots do banning than force people to register13:06
kloeri_it's a balance but for many channels I think the choice would have obviously fallen out in favour of +R/+r lately imo13:07
Myrttikloeri_: yeah, well, most channels do not have bots that would do kicking13:08
kloeri_and the constant kicking would itself be fairly noisy so not all that helpful13:09
Tm_Tkloeri_: and new users having K-lined because their ip spams...13:10
kloeri_fortunately we haven't hit that many real users compared to the amount of spam bots we've klined13:11
Tm_Tkloeri_: true13:11
kloeri_and we've worked hard to remove those klines quickly13:11
Tm_Tstill, better to encourage registering than having them K-lined13:11
kloeri_and to be brutally honest - those users *were* part of the problem as it doesn't really matter if the channel is massively spammed by a vicious bot or clueless user13:12
kloeri_yeah, I'm all for people registering13:12
Myrttiis there still attacks going on?13:38
Tm_TMyrtti: not that I know13:38
Tm_Tapparently no, no complaints in #f either13:48
PiciNothing in any of my channels lately.13:48
Myrttianyone protest if I -r #ubuntu and -ot13:48
Tm_Tnot me13:48
kloeri_yeah, looks fairly calm now13:49
MyrttiI was feeling hopeful13:59
Tm_TMyrtti: yes?13:59
* Pici finishes writing bug report13:59
Myrtti*sigh* spanish flooders13:59
Myrttican i put +R on again :-<14:03
* Myrtti facepalms14:06
Tm_TMyrtti: time for tea, I'd say14:07
Picibleh. lp is oopsing when I try to file this bug14:13
PiciEr. I don't get Emanon's joke.14:19
Tm_Tmaybe he meant #|14:20
Myrttithe quality of the channel was so much higher with +Rr14:41
Tm_TMyrtti: was there any support questions then? (;14:42
Myrtti!away > ghis|away14:50
=== dholbach_ is now known as dholbach
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (repeated abuse from Stefan91)15:32
Myrttiit's almost whack-a-mole with the guadalinex users15:45
Tm_TMyrtti: just not the fun part, hammer15:51
Myrttiheads up, #mer just got hit16:13
Tm_Tnice drama around IRCnet, some people threats taking over channels, apparently have done too16:28
Mamarokoh no, now my BNC account is running wilde, even if I don't use it...16:38
Picimaybe that will work17:05
Myrttilull before war17:08
Tm_TMyrtti: btw what's the situation with new aliases?17:28
MyrttiTm_T: I've not had time, neither has ikonia17:29
Myrttifeel free to do your own digging17:29
Piciirssi aliases? or a specific script?17:29
Myrttiirssi aliases is what I've been doing. Ikonia was planning to do the scripts, and I was planning to look from that how to do stuff.17:30
Tm_TMyrtti: roger, I hope I will have some time soon, as my todo is piling up ):17:31
macouh why does !sysrq say Alt+PrintScreen??17:55
macoit's Alt+SysRq!17:55
Myrttisomeone who's updated that factoid has had a similar keyboard to mine17:56
macoand a rather different one from mine17:57
topylimy sysrq key doesn't say sysrq, just "print screen"17:58
macomine says "Del" in normal text and "SysRq" in the please-hold-down-Fn-with-me text17:58
macoPrtSc is on the key next to it, also in please-hold-down-Fn-with-me text17:59
maco(thats the Ins key normally)17:59
=== Amaranth_ is now known as Amaranth
topyliwell, obvously your keyboard is wrong and mine is correct! :)17:59
macoi would think keyboards that properly label the SysRq key are the ones that are correct18:00
macomy mum's keyboard doesnt have a SysRq key at all. i tried all the usual weird ones they put it on18:01
macoand apparently new Thinkpads won't have a SysRq key at all either :(18:01
topyliyep, i read about that18:01
gordmy keyboard here has sysrq on the del key too18:02
topylione thing i've never figured out is the pause/break key18:02
topylii vaguely remember there being some use for it in dos18:02
gordits for pausing the internet so you can take a break, obviously18:03
macopausing games too18:05
Tm_TI prefer pausing the internets18:07
topylii have no games to pause18:07
topylia pause key for -ot would be nice sometimes18:07
Tm_Ttopyli: Life's a game?18:07
Tm_Tactually, Life's a long song18:08
macois there a way to redirect an entire channel other than: /mode +b *!*@*!#newchannel ?18:13
MyrttiI think18:14
Picimaco: /mode +if #newchannel18:14
macokjcole needs to know as we are renaming our loco channel18:14
macoPici: thanks18:15
macokjcole: test?18:15
MyrttiI was just cheating and looking from the freenode manual :-(18:15
Picimaco: From what to what?18:15
maco#ubuntu-dc to #ubuntu-us-dc since popey said the us teams are supposed to be uniform18:16
PiciOkay, sounds good18:16
Tm_Tnot only popey18:16
Tm_TI would say the same18:16
MyrttiTm_T: I'm planning to -Rr on -fi again18:16
PiciTm_T: Well, as long as its okay by you ;)18:17
Tm_TMyrtti: sounds good to me18:17
Tm_TPici: indeed18:17
Tm_TI have spoken, now go and do18:17
* Tm_T hides18:17
tsimpsonI'm not sure +if works without GUARD set18:17
Myrttiwill      not        kill18:23
* Tm_T huggles Myrtti18:24
Tm_Tif nothing else, keeping your hand away from that kill switch18:24
ubottuFloodBotK1 called the ops in #kubuntu-ops-monitor (repeated abuse from marcosRz)18:55
geniiWhoa. Just sat down here, and see highlights... bleh.19:09
* genii feeds tsimpson more cookies19:09
Picitsimpson: interesting, if cryptic, answer19:09
tsimpsonI asked him to join here to discuss it, so he joined #k-devel ...19:10
tsimpsonnow he's attempting to evade with webchat19:12
Picitsk tsk19:12
geniiI wonder if he's the guy running the hola-bots19:14
Picigenii: ah.19:17
Tm_Ttsimpson: nice, I had my finger on enter key... (:19:20
tsimpsonI was just looking up a password :)19:21
jpdsPici: Did you file the Guadalinux bug in the end?19:33
Picibug 51391519:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 513915 in guadalinex "IRC Clients join Ubuntu channels by default" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/51391519:33
Picijpds: After fighting with lp OOPS,  I did.19:33
genii"wontfix" ?19:34
jpdsPici: I think some IRC channels do join loco changes by default.19:34
jpds(All the installations with XChat I've done which are set to location = UK, join #ubuntu-uk by default).19:35
Picijpds: really?19:35
jpdsQUICK, EVERYONE, mark that bug as affecting you!19:36
jpdsThat would be an awesome troll.19:36
topylii just did :)19:36
Pici!away > _Ovidiu19:38
tsimpsonmarcosRz likes proxies, so I've disabled proxy access to #kubuntu for now19:55
MenZaPici: Call me silly, but shouldn't it be the responsibility of the Guadalinux developers to remove #ubuntu from autojoin?20:06
PiciMenZa: You're silly, that bug is filed agains't Guadalinex20:07
MenZaAffects me!20:08
tsimpson!staff | omfgBBQ is marcosRz ban evading in #kubuntu, please help20:12
ubottuomfgBBQ is marcosRz ban evading in #kubuntu, please help: Hey nalioth, jenda, rob, SportChick, seanw, Dave2, Christel, tomaw, Gary, PriceChild, niko or stew, I could use a bit of your time :)20:12
Tm_Ttsimpson: staff isn't interested apparently (:)20:31
tsimpsonI noticed :(20:32
nikotsimpson: marcosRz this is the good place i think21:05
marcosRzI won't bother you guys anymore, since I don't have freedom to say that something is good or bad.21:06
tsimpsonmarcosRz: you were asked to stop21:06
marcosRzI got frustated and got excited, (not sure if those are the corrected words)21:07
tsimpsonand you decided to evade the ban, several times21:07
tsimpsondo you see why I have a somewhat negative image of you?21:08
marcosRzSorry I tried using proxies to be hearded but it seems that this doesnt go anywhere :(, anyway I've stopped21:08
marcosRzdropping all proxys :321:08
tsimpsonif you find issues in our software you should file bug reports, rather than ranting and being negative in the channel21:09
tsimpsonthe first has a chance of getting the issue fixed, the second doesn't21:10
marcosRzi'm a dev also btw @_@ I just fell frustated21:11
tsimpsonplease give our guidelines a read21:11
ubottuThe guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines21:11
marcosRzI'm even considering getting kpackagekit and making some tweaks :321:11
marcosRzI'll Seeker`21:11
marcosRztsimpson: I'll21:12
marcosRzI'm sorry If i have caused any troubles21:13
tsimpsononce you look over the rules, I'll remove the ban(s) on you21:13
tsimpsonmarcosRz: have you read them yet?21:18
marcosRzalmost done21:18
tsimpsonok, did you look over the code of conduct too?21:19
marcosRzWhen we disagree, we consult others21:21
tsimpsonok, the bans are removed21:21
topylipop quiz!21:21
marcosRzok thanks tsimpson21:21
topylikidding :)21:21
tsimpsonplease keep in mind what you have read then when in our channels21:21
marcosRzbut on the channel where /how I do that21:21
marcosRzWhen we disagree, we consult others21:21
marcosRzwho do I consult?21:21
marcosRzthey talk about the ubuntu board, which seems more discussion about software inclusion/standarization21:22
tsimpsonthe code of conduct is geared more towards developers21:22
tsimpsonit generally means we don't rant at each other, we talk with each other with respect21:22
tsimpsonmarcosRz: if there's nothing else, you can leave this channel21:26
marcosRzthanks for the time21:26

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