=== jtechidna is now known as JontheEchidna === IdleOne_ is now known as IdleOne [00:40] so, other than whites lines on either side of my screen as though the desktop is framed everything looks good [00:41] my desktop shutdown instantly once while trying to install ntp from the system menu for time update but that it about it [00:41] uptime 20mins [00:41] upgrading all my packages atm [00:42] the lines only came up after i changed the theme [00:42] nvidia card current driver [00:42] darthanubis: is this a fresh alpha2? [00:42] yes [00:42] I used to have those white lines, but they are gone now [00:43] cool [00:45] upgrades done [00:45] brb [01:44] hola [01:47] adeus [01:47] * macman_ really speaks english [01:48] Hello everyone [01:51] someone know, When the translations will be open for lucid? [01:53] IngForigua: maybe March 25, the DocumentationStringFreeze [01:53] March 25 ok thanks [01:57] excuse me, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule it says >>>> February 4th Translations are open in LP [01:58] IngForigua: oops, sorry [01:59] ok thanks, i like help to translate yo spanish :D [01:59] with mi local team [02:04] is the 64bit flashinstaller real 64bit this time ;) [02:05] I've already added sevenmachines ppa and have it but jsut wondering if the default one was after the fact [03:33] running great [03:33] but changing the theme will place a white frame around the workspace [03:33] until you log out and back in [03:38] how to enable java applets again? [03:41] darthanubis, no. if you want to change that, go find asac and convince him. [03:41] and why would I ever think samba would work properly I'll never know [03:42] I can't hold down the direction keys in gnome-terminal to move instead of having to keep pressing the key [03:42] that will get old fast [03:42] samba is worse in karmic than in jaunty [03:43] I know [03:43] and it looks like it has gotten worse yet again [03:43] it is amazing [03:43] it won't accept my auth to browse my own network [03:43] there's a really annoying bug where shares don't show up unless you refresh after 5+ seconds [03:44] it keeps asking for my login info [03:44] thre is no damn login info [03:57] ok that's bad [03:57] I managed to fix things so hibernate doesn't work [04:17] hi youtube videos wont play, nore redtube, nor iplayer whats wrong with java for firefox? [04:18] * switchgirl pokes the channel [04:21] DanaG, hi [04:22] hmm, anyone know how to trigger gdm-guest-session? [04:23] DanaG, youtube videos wont play, nore redtube, nor iplayer whats wrong with flash for firefox? [04:23] why're you asking me, by name specifically? [04:23] cus your the only person in here alive [04:24] the others are dead/busy or busy/dead [04:33] switchgirl: Why are you on Lucid? [04:33] are you using it as an actsual install? [04:33] instead of Karmic? [04:34] yea duel booting [04:35] switchgirl: with Windows? which version, altough not that relivant [04:35] sebsebseb, i want to help, duel booting karmic and lucid [04:35] 10gb lucid 140gb karmic [04:36] switchgirl: I have done it myself before about uhmm three times, or something like that, used development version of Ubuntu, as an actsual install for my useual computer useage, before the beta, but this shoudn't really be done, since bugs etc [04:36] why do you want to dual boot both? [04:37] sebsebseb, i duel boot em... have done since day 1 [04:37] switchgirl: ok, but you just put you wanted help dual booting them [04:37] ? [04:37] no [04:37] flash wont work [04:38] i have the plugin from the repos [04:38] switchgirl: Flash is a common issue with Firefox in Ubuntu [04:38] firefox cant play youtube, and i have never had this issue before [04:38] one way to solve it useually is to try another browser that uses Flash from the repo, such as Epiphany (sudo apt-get install epiphany-browser) or Galeon [04:39] Flash is a common issue with EVERYTHING. [04:39] =þ [04:39] Flash... bleh. [04:39] EVRYTHAAANG. [04:39] =þ [04:39] switchgirl: by the way regarding your partitions uhmm 140GB for Karmic seems like well way more than is needed, what's your actsaul partition set up? [04:40] In other woreds... I hate Flash. [04:40] I keep my media on my windows partition. [04:41] DanaG: right and HTML 5