
cjwatsonev: is bug 512592 what you fixed?01:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 512592 in debian-installer "[Lucid] console-setup-udeb succeeded but requested to be left unconfigured" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/51259201:19
cjwatsonand if so can you deal with the bug metadata? :)01:19
CIA-3tzsetup: evand * r511 tzsetup/ (debian/changelog tzsetup):10:32
CIA-3tzsetup: * Set the geoip question to a higher priorty so it gets asked by10:32
CIA-3tzsetup:  default.10:32
CIA-3tzsetup: * Properly go to the full list if the user says no to the geoip10:32
CIA-3tzsetup:  question.10:32
CIA-3tzsetup: evand * r512 tzsetup/debian/changelog: releasing version 1:0.26ubuntu410:36
evhuh, the version of console-setup-udeb built on LP doesn't have translated strings in kbdnames.gz; instead, it has C strings for each language code.11:06
evhowever, my local copy built with the correct data11:06
* ev digs11:06
markis it possible to install 9.10 server with grub1 instead of grub2?13:53
evmark: SET grub-installer/grub2_instead_of_grub_legacy false13:55
markthanks :)13:55
evsure thing13:55
cjwatsonthough we'd like to know why14:12
exltcjwatson: I'm doing the same wrt grub legacy - 2 raid controllers: LSI_1068E and 3Ware_9650SE; LSI_1068E is a RAID1 for OS; 3Ware_9650SE is a RAID10 for data - 3Ware is seen as sda, LSI as sdb - using grub2 box does not boot15:32
exltdoing the same with squeeze, too, so it's a not specific to ubuntu15:49
exlthw, kernel, grub2 thing..15:50
cjwatsonev: is bug 512592 what you fixed?16:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 512592 in debian-installer "[Lucid] console-setup-udeb succeeded but requested to be left unconfigured" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/51259216:07
* ev checks16:09
evyup, marked as fixed, thanks16:10
evstill working out why console-setup isn't including the translations when built from a buildd/pbuilder, complicated by the fact that it's taking at least two hours to build16:11
evbut it completes just fine16:13
evthere's no visible difference to the user16:14
* exlt pulled 20081029ubuntu81 to check it out :)16:29
cjwatsonthe interesting difference is in console-setup rather than debian-installer16:30
cjwatsond-i is just the build system16:30
exltno main menu on netboot install :)  thank you, ev16:58
evsure thing17:05

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