
wgrantI recall seeing it a couple of years ago, so it has been around for a while.00:05
keithyany progress on nested trees00:43
keithywhy is this site here http://whybzrisbetterthanx.github.com/05:59
NfNitLoopbecause the people who run .github.com think git is better?06:09
pynonoirHi. Is there a way to do a fast-export | filter | fast-import of a bzr branch to a bzr branch without modifying internal revisions ids (to keep to possibility to do merges) ?09:06
thumperpynonoir: can I ask why you want to?09:46
lifelesstime to fly09:51
* lifeless flap flap flaps09:51
pynonoirthumper: I'm trying to import a svn repo since last week. Thanks to mzz, I found a solution involving "bzr svn-import"09:56
pynonoirthumper: but commiter names are still svn login names09:56
thumperah, yes09:56
pynonoirand I would like to replace them by real e-mail adresses09:56
thumperright, that I don't know09:57
thumperyou probably want to poke jelmer09:57
thumperthere may be some magic you could feed into bzr-svn to provide that info09:57
pynonoiryes I wrote an "answer" question on launchpad09:58
pynonoirthe other possibility would have been to export the branches, rewrite the commiter name, and then export it back to bzr09:58
pynonoirbut then I think it will make the different branches somewhat incompatible09:59
thumperpynonoir: yeah, you don't want to revisions with the same id pointing to different data09:59
thumperpynonoir: best to get the info in when the revisions are being created10:00
pynonoirthumper, sure, I will wait either jelmer or for an answer on launchpad10:00
thumperok, cool10:01
mzzheh, he's giving me way more credit than I deserve, all I did was wave vaguely in the direction of bzr-svn10:06
pynonoirmzz, I tried for more than a week with svn2bzr. Then I began to read and modify the source code of fast-export-from-svn. So ni, you saved me a lot of time10:11
napsterHow to list all files tracked by bzr?13:11
Pengnapster: bzr inventory13:12
Pengnapster: Also probably some permutation of "bzr ls"13:12
napsterPeng tnx :)13:12
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MattCampbellIs there an RPM package of bzr 2.0 for RHEL/CentOS 5?15:26
mkanatMattCampbell: Not that I know of, but you can rebuild the Fedora one.15:44
mkanatMattCampbell: That's what I do.15:44
mkanatMattCampbell: Oh actually, wait, nevermind, I think it's in rpmforge now.15:44
MattCampbellI think I'd rather build from source than mix RPM repositories (am already using EPEL).15:52
MattCampbellthough really, I'd rather run Ubuntu on these servers.15:52
mkanatMattCampbell: You could use yum-priorities.15:52
MattCampbellalready got the SRPM, running mock now15:53
mkanatYou might have to do "rpm -i --nomd5" on the srpm if it doesn't work.15:57
pynonoirjelmer: Hi. Can svn-import replace subversion login names by e-mails during svn-import ?16:30
Pengbzr-fastimport certainly can...16:35
pynonoirPeng: from what I tested fast-export-from-svn cannot export branches16:36
pynonoirmaybe I'm wrong16:37
jelmerpynonoir, hi16:59
jelmerpynonoir, no, replacing authors is not supported (and cannot be supported)17:00
jelmerit would break referential integrity17:00
jelmerthe only way to support that would be to support changing committers in bzr revisions17:00
pynonoirthen why bzr-fastimport can ?17:01
jelmerpynonoir, it doesn't do generate deterministic revisions17:01
pynonoirjelmer, I have modified bzr-svn to do this and imported my old svn repo. The result looks fine. What are the risks ?17:04
pynonoirI thought it was an option that I was not able to find. So I looked at "committer:" in the source files and replaced the commiter by a new string17:06
jelmerpynonoir: The risk is repository corruption17:06
jelmerBazaar assumes that revisions that are referred to by the same revision id have the same contents17:07
jelmerplease do not distribute any revisions created by your modified bzr-svn17:07
pynonoirI wasn't going to distribute that ugly hack17:07
KilrooWhat's the hack do?17:08
KilrooOh, something to do with committer strings. Ok.17:08
pynonoirKilroo, it replaces svn commiters logins by e-mails for bzr17:08
KilrooI need to figure out the best way to watch for progress on the out of memory issue...17:09
zubin71hi i am currently attempting a bzr pull and i am behind a proxy server; how do i do it? it shows "connection timed out" when i try17:17
zubin71please help17:17
jelmerpynonoir: ideally bazaar should support a way to annotate a commit with a new committer or commit message17:18
pynonoirjelmer: ok so until this is possible the only thing to do now is to import my branches, keep the old svn logins and continue from that ?17:20
jelmerpynonoir: yes, unfortunately. When support for updating the committer and commit message is added to Bazaar you should be able to update the existing revisions.17:22
pynonoirjelmer: ok, thanks for the advices. Importing branches was my top priority and that part is solved. Changing commiter strings was just a cosmetic issue.17:30
mgedminso, can I see the history of two related branches at once with bzr viz?17:37
unic0rni'm using bzr 2.0.4 and i have a small issue with my branch sitting on vfat partition18:00
unic0rni've just moved back to linux, and if i'll copy whole branch directory to my home dir, it works fine18:00
unic0rnbut if i'll create symlink to that directory in my homedir, bzr status displays all files as modified, and i cannot commit18:01
unic0rnany ideas?18:01
unic0rnbzr: ERROR: [Errno 1] Operation not permitted: '/fll/sda4/devel/as3/projects/tiramisu/.bzr/repository/upload/a0y830g7imodklgnfkpm.pack18:02
unic0rnthat's what i'm getting18:02
pynonoirdoes vfat support symlink ?18:03
unic0rnno, but that's a symlink on ext2 partition mounted from loop18:04
unic0rnpointing to a directory on vfat partition18:04
unic0rnwhich i have write access to18:04
unic0rnfile from the error message gets created, but it has zero length18:04
pynonoirthen you need an answer from one of the bzr expert here :)18:05
unic0rni think it somehow gets confused by the fact that it's inside /home/uni/tiramisu but some system call probably returns full path to vfat partition as /fll/sda4/...18:06
unic0rnbecause bzr info returns parent branch as being /home/uni/eris when i'll copy whole directory18:06
unic0rnbut when i'm inside symlinked /home/uni/tiramisu, parent branch is being returned as /fll/sda4/...18:07
unic0rnlemme check something18:07
unic0rnsame error if i'll cd /fll/sda4/... and try to commit there.18:08
pynonoiri was going to ask this...18:08
unic0rnthe only difference i can see are +x flags on all files on vfat18:08
unic0rnperhaps that's an issue18:08
unic0rnno idea18:08
unic0rnit shouldn't matter i think18:09
pynonoirso it is a linux bzr branch (don't know if branches structures are system dependant, I guess they are not)18:10
pynonoiryou moved it on a vfat external hard drive18:10
pynonoirand then you cannot work directly on it18:10
unic0rnnope. it's a branch created under windows18:10
unic0rnand now i've switched OS to linux but i'm still keeping my data on vfat partition, as a matter of fact, linux boots from image files on vfat as well18:11
unic0rnthat's why i would prefer to use files there directly rather than to copy them to my homedir on ext2, which resides inside image file18:12
unic0rnand when i copy that branch created under windows to my homedir, it works18:12
unic0rnbut from within vfat partition mounted under linux, it doesn't18:12
unic0rnit's not actually symlink issue, because after entering that directory directly, it's same error18:12
pynonoirmaybe a problem of locking file access18:14
unic0rnbut why it displays all files as modified?18:16
unic0rnand when i copy that dir to my home, it's all fine18:16
unic0rnit returns crap only from within vfat partition18:16
pynonoirwell, i'm not a bzr expert. This may be a bug, or not...18:20
pynonoiranyway you know a workaround (not using vfat)18:20
unic0rnyeah, but that workaround isn't the best option. i may format 2gb partition to ext3 and use it to store sources there, but i would prefer them to be accessible from windows, just in case.18:26
unic0rnand yes, i know there are ext2/3 drivers for windows, but that's just another workaround to workaround that shouldn't be neccessary in the first place18:27
pynonoirmaybe (just maybe), the bzr status tries to perform a lock on the directory just in case you decide to modify files during the check18:27
unic0rni think i've found it. need to check18:33
unic0rnit's some access issue. it works under root, unfortunately i was unable to find a solution for it. changing uid and gid won't work with remount, so i would have to rebuild initrd to change those options19:12
unic0rnso i'll probably copy sources to ext219:12
timClicksI've received a conflict on a massive locale file, is there a bzr command that says 'cross fingers & use the most recent commit and overwrite the old'20:00
timClicksi don't speak french, so i have no idea which version is correct20:01
jelmertimClicks, hi20:18
timClicksjelmer: hello :)20:19
jelmertimClicks: filename.OTHER will contain the version that the other side had20:19
timClicksoh, so a simple mv & bzr resolve will work20:19
jelmertimClicks: just overwrite the original file with that20:19
jelmertimClicks: yep, exactly20:19
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