
skull23hey guys i need some help with my ubuntu internet00:00
skull23the wired connection isn't working, and i think reseting the network manager might work but i don't remember the terminal command00:01
dhillon-v10HedgeMage: ping04:45
dhillon-v10highvoltage: ping regarding edubuntu website bugs04:55
kazperhey, can i install edubuntu via CD too? My computer doesn't have DVD drive, it have CD drive. I want to get CD installer14:15
kazperAnd i don't want to use Educational Addon14:16
alkisgNo, edubuntu doesn't fit on CDs anymore14:17
kazperthat's bad job -.-14:18
kazperokey, anyway thanks14:18
alkisgYou can install via network14:18
alkisgYou can boot another PC nearby with the edubuntu DVD, run a small script, and serve the live DVD over the network14:19
alkisgDo you have another PC nearby which you could put the live DVD in?14:19
alkisgOK, let me get you the link...14:19
alkisgHere's the page with the "theory", but you don't need any of this: https://wiki.edubuntu.org/LiveCDNetboot14:20
alkisgYou only need the part about the "automation script"14:20
alkisgSo, you boot the other PC, and run this command on it:14:21
alkisgwget 'http://users.sch.gr/alkisg/tosteki/index.php?action=dlattach;topic=2525.0;attach=1421' -O /tmp/livecd-netboot && sudo sh /tmp/livecd-netboot14:21
alkisgThis sets up a proxydhcp server and shares the live dvd over nfs14:21
alkisgThen you just select "boot from network" from your target computer...14:21
alkisgIf the target computer doesn't have a "boot from network" ability, you can add it with software (gpxe - http://rom-o-matic.net/gpxe/gpxe-git/gpxe.git/contrib/rom-o-matic/)14:22
alkisgYou're welcome14:22
GabrieSOEhi all, I'm from israel, and working with redhat 5 at work, can someone please explain to me what sets redhat and ubuntu apart?16:28
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