
vishthorwil: hmm.. any Ubuntu ML you are _not_ subscribed to ? ;)09:04
thorwilvish: sure, 1 or 2 :)09:05
thorwilvish: but what about you? ;)09:05
vishlol.. yeah..09:05
thorwilnew mypaint release: http://mypaint.intilinux.com/?p=30210:22
MaximLevitskyWhat do you use to create icons?11:37
thorwilMaximLevitsky: yes, inkscape is the usual choice12:59
MaximLevitskythorwil, yep, wonderful program13:00
=== MDC is now known as Guest71614
thorwilugh. the wiki should be cleverer about file types, but is it too much to ask that people use extensions such as .jpg? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/Incoming/Lucid/ShelfExplorer18:52
* thorwil sends message to user and moves page https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/Incoming/Concepts18:58
=== elky is now known as Guest19067

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