
=== IdleOne_ is now known as IdleOne
SpinachHeadHi if I want to run the latest build to do development, is vmware server okay? Or the player? or do I need the GSx?04:14
nhaines_SpinachHead: VMware Server or Player is perfectly fine, as is VirtualBox.04:15
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SpinachHeadoh, I didn't know about virtualbox, maybe that looks better04:18
daskreechAnd it's open code :)04:18
SpinachHeadyeah, and I found packages in synaptic04:19
jmarsdenI did a talk about virtualbox for a local Linux user Group recently, and yes, it's easy for beginners to use.  Slides at http://crosswire.org/~jmarsden/taks/virtualbox/virtualbox.html04:19
nhainesI always like to mention Virtualbox.  :)04:20
SpinachHeadthx, the link is off though04:20
SpinachHeadoh, it was just missing the l in taks for talks instead. Works now04:20
jmarsdenThat'll teach me to type in a link that long by hand :)04:21
SpinachHeadHi, one more question for development do I want the dailybuild or an alpha 204:42
nhandlerSpinachHead: You might want to read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/UsingDevelopmentReleases04:43
nhainesAlpha 2 is more guaranteed to install, and of course Update Manager will bring you up to the daily build, but you may want to grab the daily and test to see if it installs so you can file bugs.  :)04:44
SpinachHeadokay, thanks that helped clarify it for me04:45
nhainesSpinachHead: Also, don't be afraid to read the link that nhandler gave.  With a name like Nathan he can't be too wrong.  ;)04:46
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!06:11
JFolooks like we need a +R again06:11
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nhainesOoh, I didn't know Flannel was an op in here.06:21
JFonhaines, yeah where we only allow registered nicks06:27
JFokeeps the junk like above from happening06:35
JFoand on the downside keeps those with unregistered nicks out06:36
JFothere is no good solution06:36
Myrttino they can still join06:36
JFohmmm, what am I thinking of then06:36
Myrttithey justt cant send messages06:37
JFodo they have voice Myrtti?06:37
JFoah, that was it06:37
JFosaw that in action earlier today06:37
Myrttithats what you're thinking06:37
JFo<-mind is awash with useless information in no order :)06:37
JFothank you :)06:37
JFoit is a wonder I am effective at work06:38
nhainesHey, wasn't there some sort of upgrade that was supposed to happen an hour ago?08:31
nhainesOh, heh, nevermind.  Happening soon.08:32
issyl0nhaines: happening as we speak - global notices tell all :)08:33
nhainesHehe.  :)08:40
nhainesLooks like they're just bringing everyone over now.08:40
nhainesGlad to know it worked, hehe.08:40
nhainesHehe, I'll bet #ubuntu was spectacular.08:41
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wolferihy all18:25
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=== maxb is now known as Guest41877
=== Guest67063 is now known as maco

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